Chapter 12 Sulphur

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Chapter 12: Sulphur:

Sulphur is a non metal element in group 6 of the periodic table. Sulphur

has many useful properties which make it widely used in the industry.

Sources of Sulphur:
Sulphur is found in many places in the world in different forms. It usually
exists in volcanic regions in USA, Mexico and Sicily. Sulphur could also be
obtained from some metal ores like Copper pyrites (CuFeS 2) and Blende

Properties of Sulphur:
In room temperature, sulphur is a yellow, brittle solid which doesn’t
conduct electricity as it is a non-metal. Sulphur is insoluble in water. It is
able to react with both metals and non-metals.

Sulphur Dioxide:
Sulphur dioxide is the product of combustion of sulphur or sulphur-
containing fuels. As you have studied in the previous chapter, it is an air
pollutant as it causes acid rain. However, SO2 has important uses too:
 Bleaching wood pulp for the manufacturing of paper
 It is used as a food preservative as it kills bacteria
 Manufacturing of Sulphuric acid

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Contact Process (Manufacturing of Sulphuric Acid):
Sulphuric acid is one of the most important chemicals in the industry
since it has a role in the manufacturing of almost every product.
Sulphuric acid is manufactured by a process called Contact Process and it
involves several steps:

 Sulphur is first burned in air producing sulphur dioxide:

S + O2 SO2

 The product of the previous step is them cleaned of any dirt or dust.
Then sulphur dioxide is burned in more air producing sulphur
trioxide. This is a reversible reaction and it has to be done in the
following conditions:
1. Catalyst: Vanadium (V) Oxide (V2O5)
2. Temperature: 450oC
3. Pressure: 2 atm
2SO2 + O2 2SO3

 Next, Sulphur trioxide is dioxide is dissolved in concentrated

sulphuric acid. The two substances react producing a third sulphur
compound called oleum.
H2SO4 + SO3 H2S2O7

 Lastly, the produced oleum is dissolved in water. It reacts with it

producing sulphuric acid:

H2S2O7 + H2O 2H2SO4

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The amount of sulphuric acid produced in this reaction is twice the
amount of concentrated sulphuric acid used in the 3 rd stage.

Long ago, they did the same approach but when they reached the third
stage they reacted sulphur trioxide with water instead of sulphuric acid.
This gave sulphuric acid directly, but the reaction was very violent and
produces a harmful acidic mist which hard to deal with. This is why the
other approach is preferred.

Properties & Uses of Sulphuric Acid:

Sulphuric acid is a very strong acid. It is a dibasic acid which means it
every molecule of it produces two hydrogen ions when it is dissolved in
water. Sulphuric acid has some other unique properties. For example, it
is a dehydrating agent. This means it eliminates water from compounds.
Concentrated H2SO4
E.g: CuSO4.5H2O CuSO4 + 5H2O
Concentrated H2SO4
E.g: C6H12O6 6C + 6H2O

It is also a drying agent. This means it removes water from mixtures.

Don’t confuse that dehydrating agent.
As an
electrolyte in
Uses of Manufacturing
car batteries
Sulphuric of fertilisers
Manufacturing of Paint
& Detergents

Kareem Mokhtar ©

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