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Student Name: Thomas

Student ID: GBC160391

Contact Number: 0424392408

Email: [email protected]

Trainer / Assessor Name: HASAN

Qualification: BSB60915 Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)

Unit of Competency: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

Written Questions
Assessment: Project

Due Date: 23/07/2020 Date Submitted: 24/07/2020

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confirmation of extension received from yourassessor.

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THOMAS 24/07/2020

Name (please print) Signature Date

Written Questions

(a) What does cost-benefit analysis mean?(50 words)

Cost–benefit analysis is a systematic approach to estimating the strengths and weaknesses of

alternatives used to determine options which provide the best approach to achieving benefits
while preserving savings (for example, in transactions, activities, and functional business
requirements). A CBA may be used to compare completed or potential courses of actions, or to
estimate (or evaluate) the value against the cost of a decision, project, or policy. It is commonly
used in commercial transactions, business or policy decisions (particularly public policy), and
project investments.
(b) List the steps involved in conducting a cost-benefit analysis.

-Set the framework for the analysis

Specify the program or policy change and the current status quo, or the state of the world before
implementation compared to after.

-Decide whose costs benefits should be recognized

You need to determine the geographic scope of the analysis in order to limit the groups impacted by
the policy.

-Identity and categorize costs and benefits

 It is important to label costs and benefits as direct (intended costs/benefits)/indirect (unintended
costs/benefits), tangible (easy to measure and quantify)/intangible (hard to identify and measure),
and real (anything that contributes to the bottom line net-benefits)/transfer (money changing
hands) in order to ensure that you understand the effects of each cost and benefit.

-Project costs and benefits over the life of the program

 Assess how costs and benefits will change each year. It is important to do this even before you begin
to place numbers on things.

-Monetize costs

 Make sure to place all costs in the same unit.

-Monetize benefits

 Make sure to place all benefits in the same unit.

-Discount costs and benefits to obtain present values

 This means converting future costs and benefits into present value. This is also known as the social
discount rate, or the rate at which society makes tradeoffs over time.

(c) What methods and strategies would you use to do a successful cost-benefit analysis of a
proposed innovation in a business?List three (3)


Information is the first thing that we should consider and put in our list method, have as much
information we could to know what are the cost to spend and improve for our business.

Analysis for our business for all section, that we need is feedback and responses from all staff that
related to the business. Feedback always make the business know where we need to improve, keep
going and add more strategy.
Big business always need a good team and good mission to achieve the goal. Meeting is one of the
best method to analysis all strategy and get many idea from different staff with all their best skill.

(a) What are the advantages of having an environment at work that encourages creativity and
innovation? List three (3).

1.Solve problem
Good and bigger business that we can see from the staff and from their mission and vision to
achieve goal. For all of that, good team always we need for the business. Diversity and different skill
could make the environment of the business great and stronger. The best advantages is fast solve
problem and easy to fix all issue that appear from the business because we have a good team and
many solution from the team.
Hard work and good worker always one of the best thing for the business. Business will growth and
develop if their respect and always reward the staff that have good performance to motivate them
all the time. Reward could make new innovation and many creativity that can improve the business.
3.Happy culture
As a good manager, we should create nice and friendly environment for all staff. Support each other,
respect and motivate them are the great strategy to develop the business intern.
The most important thing is happy culture for the business. When all staff work with happy feeling,
the business will growth and run long term with all good staff inside the businesss.

(b) What activities could you use in a business to implement this? List at least six(6)
1.Training : Training is one of the best method to make sure all staff work with good skill and show
all the best for the business. Training every month or two weeks needed for all staff to improve their
skills and develop the business work team.

2.Meeting : Complain and issue for some business will always we face every time. To solve the
problem, we need meeting with all staff and find the solution. Meeting is one of the activities that
we need in our business agenda.
3.Presentation : To develop our business we need innovation and creativity from all the team work.
Everyone could create new idea and presentation for all staff in the meeting to make sure everyone
clear and understand about the strategy and motivation for the business.
4.Discussion group : Diversity always create different idea, skills and solution, that is way every
business need a group discussion to make sure everyone happy and one voice for all the strategy
that they doing to develop for the business.
5.Interview : Before we recruit new staff, we need to make sure all the staff that we hire is good
candidate and meet the required for the business. Interview is one of the method to know all the
new staff before we take them to the business.
6.Networking : all business need networking and relationship to improve and growth. Create good
networking with all business partner can make our business develop and wide faster.

Anna thought of an idea to introduce staggered starting times at work, in order to accommodate
people who had to travel long distances to work, or drop off children. She also thought it would
advantage people who liked to start the day early. She raised the idea at the weekly staff meeting
and immediately people objected saying it would be difficult to communicate with each other if not
everyone was there at the same time.
What might have been some of the reasons for the negative reaction? List six (6) reasons.
-Hard to adaption for changing

Sometimes is very hard to accept changing when everything going good and stay stabile. But to
develop and improve we need changing and try different method.

As a leader, we need to show for all the staff good example and hard work. To get that respect we
need high discipline and high motivation. If the staff do not respect the leader it will very hard to
improve and develop the business.
Rule and work ethic always we need in our work place. To make sure everyone work and run in the
right and same way.
-Diversity fear
Diversity always create a problem and crush if no one there can fix and control them. Different
culture, skills could make a good business and fast develop in all different section. Quick problem
solve, great idea are the best thing appear from diversity.
-lack of trust
In a good team and great business, we need a leader that we can trust, so the business will run
properly and under control. If the leader change everything without proper plan and without
discussion with the team, all staff team will have lack of trust with each other.
-Bad communication
Good business need good communication to run the business. As a leader, we need to make sure for
all problem and any planning have to be clear for discuss and meeting team.

There are various quality management and continuous improvement theories. One popular one is
Total Quality Management (TQM). Use the internet and research what is involved in TQM and what
are the advantages of it. (Approximately 200 words) List your sources.
Cost Reduction and Increased Profitability : TQM helps in reducing total quality costs. It is based

on the principle of preventing defective products/services rather than being at an expense of

quality failure cost. So basically, it aims to manufacture zero defect products/services.

Consequently, this brings in cost reduction and thus increased profitability.

Facilitates Productivity : Cost reduction is a means of increased productivity. Productivity implies

maximum output with optimum utilization of resources. Thus, the superior quality of resources

and infrastructure, high-end technology and competent employees enhance productivity.

Reduces Redundant Activities: TQM applies a systematic approach by assigning quality

improvement teams so as to reduce unessential tasks, waste of resources, thus, bringing in

efficiency. This also saves time and duplication of tasks.

Promotes Innovation Process: TQM enables the organizations to conduct research on any

undergoing challenges/ problems so as to come up with solutions for the same. Thus,

organizations escalate their research and bring in innovation marketing decisions. The

implemented innovative approach to the core and peripheral services attracts the customers.

A definition of ‘Organizational learning’ is the process of creating, retaining, and transferring
knowledge within an organization. An organization improves over time as it gains experience. From
this experience, it is able to create knowledge. This knowledge is broad, covering any topic that
could better an organization.
(a) Describe the benefits of organisational learning (50 words)

 Maintaining levels of innovation and remaining competitive

 Improved efficiency
 Having the knowledge to better link resources to customer needs
 Improving quality of outputs at all levels
 Improving corporate image by becoming more people oriented
 Increasing the pace of change within the organization
 Strengthening sense of community in the organization

(b) Research on the internet and for each of the following organisational learning principles, provide
a brief explanation. Refer to

Principle Meaning
Shared vision Discuss and sharing n respect each other in the group or team. Work
together to achieve the goal.
Mental model Respect them and build good relation with the team also create and
build good attitude with everyone.

Personal mastery Listen, capability, know yourself, know your value skills and create a
same goal with the team.

Team learning Build capacity in the team, and learn each other also share all the
skill to achieve mission with good strategy and team work.

systems thinking Understand and develop ability to manage and see bigger picture
from organization. Maintain and learn how to control and work in
the team.

(c) Describe three (3) practical things a business can do to develop a learning organisation.


Work as a team, we always have to respect and understand each other, learn from some expert and
develop our skill from the practicing with everyone. Discussion is one of them learning from
organization to develop our skill personal and work together with our team. Sharing and exchange
information to improve ourself.

Meeting always good and needed in the business. From meeting we can know what are the issues
that we face and how to solve the problem. We can improve and develop our skill to listening and
sharing with the expert.
Marketing sales
Team marketing always need to work together to improve and sharing information. Discuss and help
each other can increase the sales for the business.

Why is it important to conduct risk management when introducing new ideas and concepts? (50

Risk management is recognised as an integral component of good management and governance. It

is an iterative process consisting of steps, which, when undertaken in sequence, enable continual
improvement in decision making. Risk management is the term applied to a logical and systematic
method of establishing the context, identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and
communicating risks associated with any activity, function or process in a way that will enable
organisations to minimise losses and maximize opportunities also much about identifying
opportunities as avoiding or mitigating losses.
What may happen if a company fails to undertake a proper, structured risk management prior to
introducing a new product or service? Give three (3) possible outcomes.

Design different : new product identity always look from the design and price. Marketing have to
be carefully introduce to the market and push to the right target. If the company fail on this, that
will make the company need to change the design and packaging.

Price change : when we launching new product, we should make a proper plain to push the
product and make sure right attract to the customers. Price and design have to be meet the
customer need. The risk if we fail in this section that will effect to the price and image company.
Reputation bad : Good service and price competitive could bring up the business. But if we fail and
provide the bad customers service, it will impact to our business reputation as well.

Give four (4) reasons why companies should monitor sustainability.

Be brand company : A great business always impact from a good team and good product. Be a
brand company from unique product that will make the business wider and famous in the market.

Be good product : to improve the business, we need good product, good service and good
strategy. Quality of product always main priority to make sure our company can develop and
Reduce waste : Nowdays, for the good business is that business can help and create a good
environment for the society. Reduce waste and improve efficiency of the product are the main
part to support our planet.
Reduce cost : Profitable business always know how to organize in and out cost for the company.
Create a good financial, and maintain a quality product with the right cost and right target in the

What is an Environmental Management System?
Control waste energy : Good business always can organize and control all energy that they using.
Reduce waste energy and maximal good energy to use also maintain how to save energy.

Monitoring management : Management can run properly if the leader good and know how to
monitor them. trust the team, respect and help each other. Make sure everything run properly
and efficient using for the energy and company expend.
Have policy : To make sure all the staff work properly, management run in the right track,
company need a policy to monitor all of thing. The policy should be fair and equal for everyone.
Implementation plain : Company always need a make good plain and organize the management to
run the planning. Plain everything, do research, and implement in the right time can increase and
improve the business.

You work in a fast food outlet. For each of the stages in the Waste Management Hierarchy, give
examples of what you can do to reduce waste.

Waste Management
Avoidance and Simple package : use simple bag and recycle material for the product
Minimize plastic : reduce plastic stuff and material for all product and
use the paper bag instead

Reuse Bamboo material : improve using bamboo for cutlery and some of the
product stuff.
Bag recycle : provide recycle bag for every item that customers buy.

Recycle Paper bag : all product packaging made by paper bag.

Woods stuff: provide cutlery stuff or different stuff made by wood so
that can recycle anytime.

Recovery Use energy that recoverable and friendly for the environment

Disposal Packaging with disposal can reduce damage for planet and our

What specialists could be consulted to advise on and identify new information technology? List at
least three (3)

Computer system analyst : This analyst could help us for computer analyst need and organization.
Design, and upgrade are those thing we need from computer system analyst expert.
Marketing Analyst : To make sure our marketing go to right target and increase, we need
Marketing analyst to help us identified the market.
Advertisement expert : we need analyst from advertisement expert to help us get idea and right
system to promote all our product.

(a) Why is it important to accept failure of an idea during trialing and recognise, celebrate and
embed success into systems. Give two (2) reasons for each.

Accepting failure: Failure is a part of success process. If we make a failure and we learn, so that
will be path process to get our success. Learn and improve from the mistake could make the
company bigger and strong. Failure also can create a new and better idea for staff and business to
achieve a big goal.

Celebrating and embedding success: The leader of the company could make acceptance of failure
stronger by celebrating project and idea which do not meet expectation or out of target.

(b) What are at least three (3) ideas for celebrating success of an idea or innovation?

Financial reward : bonuses and great tips for staff who achieve the target and work hard also
something good from company to reward the staff.
Promoting : all the staff who work harder, loyal and have a good personal also work with great
skill always deserve a good position and promoting. This kind of reward can motivated team to
work and give the best for the company.
No complain : Tried and never give up are the key to be success in all aspect business. Create great
idea, great innovation without any complain when meet failue and of course keep trying and learn
the lesson of mistake.

GBC 160391
Executive summaries
Alfred Carlton Gilbert was an inventor and a toy manufacturer who invented the Erector engineering
set. His original company, The Mysto Manufacturing Company, was founded in 1909 to manufacture
the Erector set. In 1916, Mysto became the A. C. Gilbert Company and gained a reputation for
producing quality toys.

By the 1950s, A. C. Gilbert was one of the leading toymakers in the United States, with annual sales
regularly topping $17 million. This was an outstanding achievement for a relatively small company.

As a small, traditional company, A. C. Gilbert was slow to react to these changes. It may have been
that they were not aware of the changes or were overly confident that their good name and
reputation were sufficient to continue trading as before. The consequences of this short-sightedness
soon became apparent. In 1961, A. C. Gilbert, Senior, died, leaving the company in the hands of his
son, A. C. Junior. At the time A. C. Junior took over the firm, the company was established as a
traditional, reliable and profitable manufacturer of educational toys.

As a result of the falling profits and share price, the company became attractive to an opportunistic
businessman, Jack Wrather. Jack Wrather was an independent television producer who had made
his money producing the popular programs ‘Lassie’ and ‘The Lone Ranger’. Jack Wrather wanted to
purchase a successful business and felt that in. A. C. Gilbert, he had the opportunity to use his
knowledge of popular entertainment and apply it to the production of toys. He purchased 52% of A.
C. Gilbert for $4 million and immediately set about making his mark on the company. A. C. Junior
stayed on as Chairman but his influence was minimal.

Table of content
Executive summaries.............................................................................................................................2
Key system and processes used by A.C GILBERT....................................................................................6
Keys system and processes and develop strategy.................................................................................7
Performance and sustainability of two key system and processes........................................................8
Financial performance review processes...............................................................................................9
Sample service level agreement..........................................................................................................10
Performance monitoring.....................................................................................................................11
Analyse variance for KRA’s..................................................................................................................12
Trend that A.C Gilbert fail to identify..................................................................................................14
Action plan..........................................................................................................................................15
Part B: Develop options for continuous improvement....................................................................18
Performance Improvement Strategy...............................................................................................18
Briefing and Consultation Session.......................................................................................................19
Revised Performance Improvement Strategy......................................................................................22
Risk Analysis........................................................................................................................................23
Cost-Benefit Analysis...........................................................................................................................25
Part C: Implement innovative processes.........................................................................................26
Action Plan.......................................................................................................................................26
Communication Plan.......................................................................................................................26
Contingency Plans............................................................................................................................27
Report on Costs and Benefits of Improvements..................................................................................30
Evaluation and continuous improvement schedule............................................................................31

A.C. Gilbert was a small company. The following model demonstrates the systems and processes in
place. A. C. Gilbert produced train sets, but their most popular lines were chemistry sets,
microscopes and their best seller, the Meccano-like Erector engineering sets that had been popular
with children for more than 50 years. A. C. Gilbert toys were not cheap. They were high quality,
solidly crafted and made to endure. Parts and packaging were designed to last for many years, with
the Erector set packaged in long-lasting metal boxes. The focus was on educational toys, primarily
aimed at boys rather than girls. The company had a limited range, but what they did manufacture
was top-quality and highly regarded. By the 1950s, A. C. Gilbert was one of the leading toymakers in
the United States, with annual sales regularly topping $17 million. This was an outstanding
achievement for a relatively small company.

In 1961, A. C. Gilbert, Senior, died, leaving the company in the hands of his son, A. C. Junior. At the
time A. C. Junior took over the firm, the company was established as a traditional, reliable and
profitable manufacturer of educational toys.
The Mysto Manufacturing Company, was founded in 1909 to manufacture the Erector set. In 1916,
Mysto became the A. C. Gilbert Company and gained a reputation for producing quality toys.

By the 1950s, A. C. Gilbert was one of the leading toymakers in the United States, with annual sales
regularly topping $17 million. This was an outstanding achievement for a relatively small company.
In 1961, A. C. Gilbert, Senior, died, leaving the company in the hands of his son, A. C. Junior. A. C.
Gilbert toys were not cheap. They were high quality, solidly crafted and made to endure. Parts and
packaging were designed to last for many years, with the Erector set packaged in long-lasting metal
boxes. The focus was on educational toys, primarily aimed at boys rather than girls. The company
had a limited range, but what they did manufacture was top-quality and highly regarded. As the
1950s moved into the 1960s, there were huge cultural changes across the world. The fifties were a
very traditional era of family values and morals, conservative and staid. Then came the ‘swinging
sixties’. The sixties were a time of rapid change both technologically and culturally. Old-fashioned
values gave way to new moral freedoms. Cultural changes had a huge impact in western toy
markets. Barbie and Action Man became ‘must have’ toys. Girls moved away from baby dolls and
cots and wanted dolls that were more grown up, modern and trendy. They wanted dolls they could
dress in the latest fashions and who had exciting ‘careers’, boyfriends and cars of their own. Boys
were moving away from the traditional train sets and towards exciting new slot-car racing sets and
action figures from popular movies and television shows. Traditionally, toy advertising had been
done via magazine promotions, but the sixties brought in a new phenomenon: television advertising.
A hugely powerful medium, TV advertising became increasingly ‘hard sell’, with toys heavily
promoted, especially in the lead up to Christmas. Children wanted the latest and greatest toys that
they saw in these advertisements.
Key system and processes used by A.C GILBERT


Engineers: all engineers need to organise and make sure all program and set up work properly with
all system that they plain already also always talk and keep in touch with the mangers to make sure
everything going well and ready to adjust if everything need to be change.

Production staff: Production staff need to be more active and innovative to create more innovative
product and create more idea to increase sales and new quality product for the company. All staff
need train very well and maintaining supply with manufacturing process to make everything going
well and well organise.

Manufacturing staff: all manufacturing staff should get train well and experience in manufacture
process about packaging and producing stuff. They need make sure all producing and package stuff
with highly method and efficiency process.

Sales personnel: sales personnel really effected how the sales going and how the product it will be in
the future for the market. They need do research for the market and bring all good idea to increase
the sales and make sure achieve goal and target that will make the company growth and develop
every year.

Human resources: HR have responsible to hire good staff and create a good team in the company
with qualified staff member and skill experienced. Good team with highly experience will bring big
impact for company to growth and develop in next view years.


Marketing consultant: very important to make sure have consultation with the expert before put our
product into the market. Before we introduce our product, we need at least consult with marketing
expert and make sure the product good to go and we know where the product will suit and going in
the market.

Advertising expert: good product will not booming without good advertising and right marketing.
Advertising very important in the retail business to make sure market know about our new product.
Consult with advertising expert can make the company know and understand what we need to make
sure our product in the right market and right advertised can catch good market that will increase
our sales and marketing.

Designer: good product always have good package and interesting design that make customers
interest to buy and have it. Designer need to talk and keep in touch with production staff to make
sure they have a matching idea for the product. Unique design can increase the sales and always be
the icon in the market.

IT consultant: big company need good system and good management to operate. Manager always
need to keep in touch with IT consultant to make sure system that we apply work properly.
Keys system and processes and develop strategy
Alfred Carlton Gilbert was an inventor and a toy manufacturer who invented the Erector engineering
set. His original company, The Mysto Manufacturing Company, was founded in 1909 to manufacture
the Erector set. In 1916, Mysto became the A. C. Gilbert Company and gained a reputation for
producing quality toys. A. C. Gilbert produced train sets, but their most popular lines were chemistry
sets, microscopes and their best seller, the Meccano-like Erector engineering sets that had been
popular with children for more than 50 years. A. C. Gilbert toys were not cheap. They were high
quality, solidly crafted and made to endure. Parts and packaging were designed to last for many
years, with the Erector set packaged in long-lasting metal boxes. The focus was on educational toys,
primarily aimed at boys rather than girls. The company had a limited range, but what they did
manufacture was top-quality and highly regarded.

The planning department translates the concepts into designs and determines resource
requirements, including raw materials. Planning also projects sales and develops production plans
for each product, timeframes for production runs and scheduling of production runs.

As a result of the falling profits and share price, the company became attractive to an opportunistic
businessman, Jack Wrather. Jack Wrather was an independent television producer who had made
his money producing the popular programs ‘Lassie’ and ‘The Lone Ranger’. Jack Wrather wanted to
purchase a successful business and felt that in
A. C. Gilbert, he had the opportunity to use his knowledge of popular entertainment and apply it to
the production of toys. He purchased 52% of A. C. Gilbert for $4 million and immediately set about
making his mark on the company. A. C. Junior stayed on as Chairman but his influence was minimal.

-Set a goal to achieve sales of $20 million in 1963.

-Replaced the top A. C. Gilbert executives with his own people.
-Initiated a massive advertising campaign.
-Increased sales staff by 50%.
-Instructed sales staff to adopt an aggressive sales approach.
-Introduced 50 new toy lines, raising the lines to 307.
-Changed the focus from traditional boys' toys to ranges for pre-school children,
-Spent $1 million on changing the packaging for all lines to brighter, more colourful boxes
Performance and sustainability of two key system and processes


-Do many researched and set up goals to achieve sales to $20 million

-increase sales staff by 50%

-instructed sales staff to adopt an aggressive sales approach


-introduce 50 news toys lines, raising the line to 307

- Changed the focus from traditional boys' toys to ranges for pre-school children,
and dolls and other toys aimed at girls between the ages of 6 and 14


-Anticipated drop in profits due to expansion and cost of establishing new lines.

-Sales fell short of expectations.

-Decline in quality of toys ( feedback indicate product poorly made)

-New range perceived by customers as poor quality and overprice


-Qualified and responsible manager to organise and check all manufactured processing.


-change the focus from traditional boys toys to ranges for pre-school children and dolls and other
toys aimed at girls between the ages of 6 and 14.

-Spent $1 million on changing the packaging for all lines to brighter and more colourful boxes.


-keep 100 staff in total and target $50.000 every 3 months each staff.

Marketing :- Push advertising and consult with the expert to develop the sales and spent $3 mlli
Financial performance review processes

Year Sales Difference from Profit/loss

previous year
1961 $11.5 million ($1.1 million) $20,011.00

1962 $10.9 million ($600,000.00) ($281,000.00)

1963 $10.7 million ($200.000.00) ($5.7 million)

1964 $11.4 million $700,000.00 ($2.6 million)

1965 $14.9 million $3.5 million ($2.9 million)

1966 $12.9 million ($2 million) ($12,872,000.00)

1967 A. C. Gilbert closed (1909–1967)

In 1961 sales make $11.5 million and went down in 1962 about $10.9 million. The company made a
little up sales in 1964 about $11.4 million and $14.9 million in 1965.

Service performance:

 Instructed sales staff to adopt an aggressive sales approach.

 Introduced 50 new toy lines, raising the lines to 307.
 Changed the focus from traditional boys' toys to ranges for pre-school children,
and dolls and other toys aimed at girls between the ages of 6 and 14.
 Spent $1 million on changing the packaging for all lines to brighter, more colorful boxes


 Sought to capitalise on popular crazes such as James Bond and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. by
introducing action figures for Christmas.
 Due to internal strife and staff cutbacks, the new lines were not delivered to the stores until
after Christmas.
 Operated on a skeleton workforce.
 Due to lack of staff, A. C. Gilbert was unable to implement changes or introduce new lines
quickly enough to capitalise on trends.

 Increased advertising spending to $3 million.

 Introduced point-of-purchase display products supplied to dealers free of charge.
 Borrowed $6.25 million, granted on the event that the company made a profit in 1996.
 Company made a loss of $12,872,000.00.
Sample service level agreement
This agreement is made on 05/06/2020 between the client CEO of THE MYSTO MANUFACTURING
CO/ THOMAS and service provider Marketing consultant/HASAN

Key terms of agreement

In consideration of matters describe above and of the mutual benefits obligation set forth in this
agreement. The receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledge, the client and
the consultant agree as follow:

Service provided:

1. The direct hereby agrees to be engaged the consultant to provide the client with the following
consulting service marketing analysis in age group, gender and purchasing price.
2. The service will also include any other consulting with the partner may agree on the consultant
hereby agrees to provide such service to the client.

Delivery of service

Service start date: 10/06/2020

Service end date: 10/06/2021

Price: $100.000 for the first year

General terms:

The term of the agreement with begin on the date of this agreement and will remain in full force and
effect until the completion of the service. Subject to earlier termination as provide in this

The term maybe extended will written concern of the parties.

In witness where of the parties have duty affixed their signature under hand on this 4/06/2020


Officer’s name_______

Hasan signature_______
Performance monitoring
Performance management monitoring is a process of ensuring that set of activities and outputs
meets an organization's goals in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can
focus on the performance of an organization, a department, an employee, or the processes in
place to manage particular tasks. Performance management standards are generally organized
and disseminated by senior leadership at an organization and by task owner, it can include
specifying tasks and outcomes of a job, providing timely feedback and coaching, comparing
employee's actual performance.

Manufacturing: we have 20 manufacturing teams and want to increase 50 lines, which have 200
peoples in each team. Aim to produce 2000 product per week each person. They also were spending
$1 million to change packaging into more colourful and interesting.

Production : the producer of production need to check the quality of the product before we send it
to market also check the quality of the raw material every month. We have to make sure purchase
solid and long lasting material in order to make best quality product.

Marketing: consult marketing expert and invest in advertising and spending $3 million in 1966.

Change market target to pre- school children and other toys focused on girls whose ages between 6
and 14.

Sales : sales goal annually $200.000 for each staff and set up a goal achieve sales to $20 million. The
sales had been going down from $11.5 million to $10.07 million in 1961 to 1963.

Suggest improvement:

As a big business and long term business, company need a good management to monitoring all
activities in all section. Rule and procedure have to be applied well and good for all staff to follow it.
Target sales and quality of the product have to be makes sense and already set up for long term to
achieve the goal. Material and team production need to be transparent to make sure all the product
long lasting and good to go into the market. Marketing consult need to discuss with expert to
increase the sales and support the business to develop and growth.
Analyse variance for KRA’s

Alfred Carlton Gilbert was an inventor and a toy manufacturer who invented the Erector engineering
set. His original company, The Mysto Manufacturing Company, was founded in 1909 to manufacture
the Erector set. In 1916, Mysto became the A. C. Gilbert Company and gained a reputation for
producing quality toys.

A. C. Gilbert produced train sets, but their most popular lines were chemistry sets, microscopes and
their best seller, the Meccano-like Erector engineering sets that had been popular with children for
more than 50 years. A. C. Gilbert toys were not cheap. They were high quality, solidly crafted and
made to endure. Parts and packaging were designed to last for many years, with the Erector set
packaged in long-lasting metal boxes. The focus was on educational toys, primarily aimed at boys
rather than girls. The company had a limited range, but what they did manufacture was top-quality
and highly regarded. A. C. Gilbert produced train sets, but their most popular lines were chemistry
sets, microscopes and their best seller, the Meccano-like Erector engineering sets that had been
popular with children for more than 50 years.

Retailing of toys during this period reflected a shift in retailing in general. Small, specialty retailers
with experienced and knowledgeable staff were going out of business, replaced by large discount
stores catering for the mass market. The goal of this type of retailer was to turn over stock. Heavily
advertised lines were in demand, and that is what they would stock. Cheap was in, and giant
retailers were after a quick profit from easily saleable, inexpensive products. They weren’t interested
in catering to a niche market by stocking more expensive, harder to shift lines.

Packaging was bright and colourful in order to attract children growing up in a world of colour TV,
hypercolour clothing and visual stimulation provided by the swinging sixties.


As the 1950s moved into the 1960s, there were huge cultural changes across the world. The fifties
were a very traditional era of family values and morals, conservative and staid. Where the fifties
represented solidarity and familiarity, the sixties embraced change. Everything was bolder, brighter
and more daring. A new young president and rising social activism by youth saw changes in clothing,
music and interests. Young people rebelled against the values of their parents and embraced a more
fast-paced, exciting and riskier lifestyle.

Cultural changes had a huge impact in western toy markets. Barbie and Action Man became ‘must
have’ toys. Girls moved away from baby dolls and cots and wanted dolls that were more grown up,
modern and trendy. They wanted dolls they could dress in the latest fashions and who had exciting
‘careers’, boyfriends and cars of their own. Boys were moving away from the traditional train sets
and towards exciting new slot-car racing sets and action figures from popular movies and television

The sales had been going down in 1961 to 1963 about $11.5 million to $10.07 million. Eventually the
sales went up a little bit in 1965 about $14.9 million and low again in 1966.

Year Sales Difference from Profit/loss

previous year
1961 $11.5 million ($1.1 million) $20,011.00

1962 $10.9 million ($600,000.00) ($281,000.00)

1963 $10.7 million ($200.000.00) ($5.7 million)

1964 $11.4 million $700,000.00 ($2.6 million)

1965 $14.9 million $3.5 million ($2.9 million)

1966 $12.9 million ($2 million) ($12,872,000.00)

1967 A. C. Gilbert closed (1909–1967)

Business growth

As a small, traditional company, A. C. Gilbert was slow to react to these changes. It may have been
that they were not aware of the changes or were overly confident that their good name and
reputation were sufficient to continue trading as before. The consequences of this short-sightedness
soon became apparent.

As a result of the falling profits and share price, the company became attractive to an opportunistic
businessman, Jack Wrather. Jack Wrather was an independent television producer who had made
his money producing the popular programs ‘Lassie’ and ‘The Lone Ranger’. Jack Wrather wanted to
purchase a successful business and felt that in
A. C. Gilbert, he had the opportunity to use his knowledge of popular entertainment and apply it to
the production of toys. He purchased 52% of A. C. Gilbert for $4 million and immediately set about
making his mark on the company. A. C. Junior stayed on as Chairman but his influence was minimal.

Trend that A.C Gilbert fail to identify

-A.C Gilbert was a toy manufactory had been famous in America for ages and the employee have
been working long time with him as well.

-they have very stably product quality as well as understanding all employee and whole business.

-the MYSTO was a toy manufacture the invested a good quality and educational of engineering to
become popular. They also had good reputation and good brand image.

-the product was good quality and long lasting packaging for so many years.


As a small, traditional company, A. C. Gilbert was slow to react to these changes. It may have been
that they were not aware of the changes or were overly confident that their good name and
reputation were sufficient to continue trading as before. The consequences of this short-sightedness
soon became apparent.

As the 1950s moved into the 1960s, there were huge cultural changes across the world. The fifties
were a very traditional era of family values and morals, conservative and staid. Where the fifties
represented solidarity and familiarity, the sixties embraced change. Everything was bolder, brighter
and more daring. A new young president and rising social activism by youth saw changes in clothing,
music and interests. Young people rebelled against the values of their parents and embraced a more
fast-paced, exciting and riskier lifestyle.

In 1966 Increased advertising spending to $3 million, Introduced point-of-purchase display products

supplied to dealers free of charge also Borrowed $6.25 million, granted on the event that the
company made a profit in 1996 but Company made a loss of $12,872,000.00.

Missed opportunities of business performance

As small traditional business and successful business toys in America, A.C Gilbert missed change and
slow to reach to technology change. Technology change very fast and under control. Everything in
the business mostly rely on technology and marketing technology system. Material product also
packaging from opponent become more interesting with technology system and easy to sell in the
market for customers.

Action plan
Goal/action Responsible person Timeframe What resources are
Organise the employee Supervisor Every month Reward the staff who
the standard manager following the standard
procedure check the Check irregularly
rate regularly
Training and organise Trainer Every 3 months Meeting and
the staff about the Manager presentation meeting
safety issue supervisor that can make all
employee easy to
Program training extra Manager Every month Required training base
Expert trainer on duty and extra
program as multi
language or others
Reward program Manager Every month Individual
supervisor Best staff
Audio visual
The Mysto Manufacturing Company, was founded in 1909 to manufacture. Mysto became the A. C.
Gilbert Company and gained a reputation for producing quality toys. By the 1950s, A. C. Gilbert was
one of the leading toymakers in the United States, with annual sales regularly topping $17 million.
This was an outstanding achievement for a relatively small company.

As the 1950s moved into the 1960s, there were huge cultural changes across the world. The fifties
were a very traditional era of family values and morals, conservative and staid. Then came the
‘swinging sixties’. The sixties were a time of rapid change both technologically and culturally. Old-
fashioned values gave way to new moral freedoms. Where the fifties represented solidarity and
familiarity, the sixties embraced change. Everything was bolder, brighter and more daring. A new
young president and rising social activism by youth saw changes in clothing, music and interests.
Young people rebelled against the values of their parents and embraced a more fast-paced, exciting
and riskier lifestyle.

As a result of the falling profits and share price, the company became attractive to an opportunistic
businessman, Jack Wrather. Jack Wrather was an independent television producer who had made
his money producing the popular programs ‘Lassie’ and ‘The Lone Ranger’. Jack Wrather wanted to
purchase a successful business. As small traditional business and successful business toys in America,
A.C Gilbert missed change and slow to reach to technology change. Technology change very fast and
under control. Everything in the business mostly rely on technology.
Part B: Develop options for continuous improvement

Performance Improvement Strategy

In the business, not only the owner who to develop the business and wide the business. Develop the
business, owner need a whole good team and good staff with skill and requirement to full fill in the
business. To make sure all team can work together and support each other, the company need to
provide good tool system and management to organise and drive them into strong team work and
achieve the business goal. Good company always provide good stuff and support the employee to
growth and wide the business that definitely will impact how the business growth and wide in the
market business. Meeting and training program to develop employee skill and extra program could
support the employee growth and show the good performance for company. Always consult with
expert is one of the best system to control and organise whole business going into right boat and
direction. Make a long term goal and good system to achieve for whole marketing sales and support
them every time that they need also are good program that company should make to develop the

There were massive cultural changes in 1950s to 1960s all over the world. 1950s was very traditional
and full of family values and conservative. 1960s was a rapid change both in technological and
cultural and it also embraced the changes. Everything became brighter and bolder, which means the
quality were not as good as A.C. Gilbert’s products. If they wanted to produce so many products in
short term, the quality would definitely a lot worse within budget. A. C. Gilbert has not catch up the
massive change quick enough to make more profits. What to adjust in the company is essential to
make it successful.
Focus on our company’s strategy rather than focus the whole market and Providing all customers
satisfaction. We have best quality products in the target market and good reputation. Keep our royal
customers’ satisfaction before and after purchasing our products will helps to achieve our goal in

Briefing and Consultation Session

Consultation and briefing is most important part in the business. From this part everyone can discuss
and find what is going on in the market, what is the good thing to improve and what is the weakness
that we face in the market and to improve our sales.

Meeting also very important for us to make sure everyone in the same board and know what the
company goal and strategy that company use to achieve everything for the business.

To achieve big goal in the company the business need a good team, and right strategy that everyone
in the team understand what they need to do and what they need to implement to achieve the
target for the business.

In the business we always need to catch up and keep in touch with all expert to consultation every
part in the business that we do not understand and we need expert to provide advice for the

Tax expert consultation:

For the business, we always need to consult and update for the tax and how we can claim the tax for
the business. Keep updating and follow the rule government tax is most important thing that can
keep the business in long term.

Marketing expert:

To achieve business goal and do the right strategy to develop and increase business sales we need to
consult with marketing expert and get the advice for the team sales.

Good company always have training program with the expert for all team sales to increase their skill
and motivated them achieve the target that they need to reach every month or every year.

Financial expert:

For the big company, they need financial expert to organise their financial businesses and provide
them good advice to make sure financial company can run healthy and have good money cash flow.

Consultation session may include briefing management, and the strategy for the team members.
This is including information providing, performance improving , marketing advice, and product
development process.

Briefing and consultation are strategy of the company that involve department exercise and provide
team members with enhance performance progress.
Unit Code: BSBMGT608Unit Name: Manage innovation and continuous improvement

Role Play Observation Checklist and Evaluation(online version)

Class Group: Adv Dip L & M Location: Online, George Brown College, Sydney

Assessor Name: Hasan AlamDate of Roleplay: ……../……16/07………../2020

Name of Participant Role Played Signature of Participants (Digital)

CFO (Chief financial
Thomas Manager 1

Rudy Manager 2

JanjiraSaenphet HRM Representative

Rupert Apron Logistics


Kristelle Lira Aclan Sales Representative

DudySoedrajat Employee 1

Employee 2

Employee 3

Employee 4

Checklist for Student (Do following actions in Roleplay and tick on the right) Tick 
Chat room Screenshot Attached? (Next page i.e. page number 2 (two). A full-page chat
room screenshot or photo)

How well was relationship established? What did the interviewer do to show s/he was 
Did she/he know the case? How was the background knowledge on the subject and his/her 

How was the technique of the interviewer using? (telling? asking questions and listening? I 
know best or interesting in listening to the interviewee?)

What was the balance between the interviewer and the interviewee?

What questions were asked? What type where they (closed/open ended)? 
How was feedback on performance given? How was it taken? 
Was feedback on support from manager asked for? Was it given? How was it taken? 
How far did they reach agreement on interviewee performance and contribution to results? 
What strengths were identified? Did they agree on how to further develop these strengths? 
What problems were identified? Were they agreed by both? 
What solutions and options were identified? Were they agreed and decided? 

Group screen shot


Revised Performance Improvement Strategy

In the business, not only the owner who to develop the business and wide the business. Develop the
business, owner need a whole good team and good staff with skill and requirement to full fill in the
business. To make sure all team can work together and support each other, the company need to
provide good tool system and management to organise and drive them into strong team work and
achieve the business goal. Good company always provide good stuff and support the employee to
growth and wide the business that definitely will impact how the business growth and wide in the
market business. Meeting and training program to develop employee skill and extra program could
support the employee growth and show the good performance for company. Always consult with
expert is one of the best system to control and organise whole business going into right boat and
direction. Make a long term goal and good system to achieve for whole marketing sales and support
them every time that they need also are good program that company should make to develop the

There were massive cultural changes in 1950s to 1960s all over the world. 1950s was very traditional
and full of family values and conservative. 1960s was a rapid change both in technological and
cultural and it also embraced the changes. Everything became brighter and bolder, which means the
quality were not as good as A.C. Gilbert’s products. If they wanted to produce so many products in
short term, the quality would definitely a lot worse within budget. A. C. Gilbert has not catch up the
massive change quick enough to make more profits. What to adjust in the company is essential to
make it successful.
Focus on our company’s strategy rather than focus the whole market and Providing all customers
satisfaction. We have best quality products in the target market and good reputation. Keep our royal
customers’ satisfaction before and after purchasing our products will helps to achieve our goal in

Risk Analysis

Identified Risks Risk How you will mitigate them Priority

Safety rule requirement 24 -organise and make sure check the 1
If the company have regularly government safety rule
inspection for safety rule or -make sure apply the rule into company
government safety check, the and easy to adjust anytime
company manager have to be -staff training and understand safety rule
make sure all the staff that by all staff
understand the safety rule and
follow all the rule.
Budget 20 -always have back up budget for any extra 2
Regular training for all staff and issue or any change appear
make it in agenda company that -back up money always ready in behind to
will help all staff know about the support suddenly issue and enough for
budget and follow the rule that we production
put in into business.
Cost benefit 15 -backup plan if the first plan does not work 3
In order to re-training our staff -reduce cost and cut off all the product not
both in sales and customer really affective for the market to minimal
service, we have to have regular the production cost
training, as well as hiring extra -research first and calculate every target
staffs. Also, we plan to have 50 plain and product before we put into the
new lines to make $20 million market
profits. If the profit cannot meet
our expectation in the business, it
will be a debt and big stress in the
Time management 14 It is difficult to have all the staff in one 4
We plan to improve employees training program. However, it is
consistency at work as soon as we considerable that we can hold training
can. To hold training program to program for 2 hours before the store open.
help with the improvement of
consistency and customers
Human risks 9 -regular training program 5
No one can predict about human -standard rule for all staff
risk. Everyone can make a issue -program every month to consult with
and destroy every plain that the expert and training staff with all duty and
company make. Important to their responsible
make sure all staff understand and
responsible with all the plain and
target for the business

Cost-Benefit Analysis
cost benefit analysis is a systematic approach to estimating the strength and weaknesses of
alternative used to determine option which provide the best approach to achieving benefits while
preserving saving. It used to compare completed or potential courses of action, or to estimate the
value against the cost of a decision, project, or policy. It is commonly used in commercial
transaction, business and policy decision. It is important to label cost and benefits as direct cost or
indirect cost in order to make sure we understand the effects of each cost and benefits.

Process Item Cost Benefit

200 stores in total Increase sales staff by Estimate salary/staff Estimate profit
Each stores in total 50% $180/week $3/customer
15 staff/store $720/month 10 customers/day
Total_200 storesx15 $8.640/year $30/day/ sales staff
staff=3000 staff $129.600/year/store $210/week/sales staff
$25.920.000/year in $10.920/year/sales
200 stores staff
$32.760.000/year in
200 stores
50 new toy lines 5 new employee/new Estimate salary Estimate profit
lines $70/fortnight per $1,000/week each new
Total_50 linesx5 employee line
employee= 250 staff $140/month/employe $52,000/year each
e new line
$1680/year/employee $260,000/year in total
$420.000/year in total
Changing packaging New material for Estimate costs Estimate benefits
packaging $1,000/ line/ year $5,000/ line/ year
$50,000/ year in total $250,000/ year in total
50 lines
Part C: Implement innovative processes

Action Plan
Goals/ Action Responsible person Timeframe What resources are required?
Organise the Supervisors/ Manager Every month Reward the staff who following
employee the the standard
standard procedure Check irregularly and motivation
check the rate the staff
regularly maximum
5% error
Training and organise Supervisor/ Manager/ Monthly Meeting and presentation
the staff about the outside trainer/ team meeting that can make all
safety issue and members employee easy to understand
increasing the
standard to 45%
Program extra to build Supervisor/ managers Every month Training workshops to improve
skill and confident of skill levels.
the staff Rewards activities.
Training programs budget.

Communication Plan
Staffs The benefits we face to face Fax Mobile Email How Where to hold
can achieve communication phone/ often? the
landlin communication?
Lawyer Minimise waste, YES YE YES YES Every 3 office
check regular S months
government rule,
update with the
new regulations
Inspector Update regular YES YE YES YES monthly In the
safety rule, S productivity
determine lines
strength and
Internal If employees all YES YES YES monthly In the office
employees follow our Productivity line
procedure, it will
reduce the error
rate immediately.
Customers Reduce the YES YES YES monthly In the
complain and productivity line
increase sales and stores
Governmen Keep good YES YE YES YES Every 3 office
t officers relationship with S months
them can make
things easier if
any necessary


Contingency Plans
Risk Probability Preparation Response
Employees complain High -Have backup casual Meet and discuss with
for long shift and feel staff staff and find out what
too long and can’t -make it 2 shift in the is the problem that
handle with it future to cut the long they face and hire
hours more casual staff
Employee call sick Medium -noted and safe all staff Organise and let all
mobile in case we need staff know to confirm
them in urgent shift at least a day before if
they can’t work in their
Employee not High -Have re-training Schedule training
discipline and ignore programs regularly and programs for
all safety regular have inspection employees regularly.
regularly. Arrange inspection
-Have rewards for regularly to reduce
team members which error rates regularly.
have the lowest error Warning rule for the
rate regularly. staff who ignore all the
safety rule.
Employee not high Have back up or casual Contact other
responsible with the staff who ready all the employees and
shift and do not show time when needed request them to come.
up without any notice Change the staff who
un responsible with
the work shift.


Action Plans and Contingency Plans Amended

Action Plan (Revision)

Goals/ Action Responsible person Timeframe What resources are required?

Organise the Supervisors/ Manager Every month Reward the staff who following
employee the the standard
standard procedure Check irregularly and motivation
check the rate the staff
regularly maximum
5% error
Training and organise Supervisor/ Manager/ Monthly Meeting and presentation
the staff about the outside trainer/ team meeting that can make all
safety issue and members employee easy to understand
increasing the
standard to 45%
Program extra to build Supervisor/ managers Every month Training workshops to improve
skill and confident of skill levels.
the staff Rewards activities.
Training programs budget.
Contingency Plan (Revision)
Risk Probability Preparation Response
Employees complain High -Have backup casual Meet and discuss with
for long shift and feel staff staff and find out what
too long and can’t -make it 2 shift in the is the problem that
handle with it future to cut the long they face and hire
hours more casual staff
Employee call sick Medium -noted and safe all staff Organise and let all
mobile in case we need staff know to confirm
them in urgent shift at least a day before if
they can’t work in their
Employee not High -Have re-training Schedule training
discipline and ignore programs regularly and programs for
all safety regular have inspection employees regularly.
regularly. Arrange inspection
-Have rewards for regularly to reduce
team members which error rates regularly.
have the lowest error Warning rule for the
rate regularly. staff who ignore all the
safety rule.
Employee not high Have back up or casual Contact other
responsible with the staff who ready all the employees and
shift and do not show time when needed request them to come.
up without any notice Change the staff who
un responsible with
the work shift.

Report on Costs and Benefits of Improvements


Evaluation and continuous improvement schedule

Goals/ Action Responsible Timeframe What resources are Evaluation and
person required? improvement schedule
Organise the -Supervisors Every month Reward the staff who -check regularly the
employee the --Manager following the error
standard standard -make it rule that can
procedure check Check irregularly and train the staff to
the rate regularly motivation the staff responsible and avoid
maximum 5% the error
Program extra to -Supervisor Monthly Training workshops -intense program
build skill and -Manager to improve skill -make it report the
confident of the -trainer levels. member staff and
staff Rewards activities. progress
Training programs -private coaching if
budget members have special
problem to improve
Retooling period manager Every 2 days Retooling plan before Add more time to
action. maintain everything
Retooling products going well.
Back up casual staff

Training and Supervisor Every month Meeting and -regular meeting

organise the staff managers presentation meeting -progress report
about the safety that can make all -skill training for
issue and employee easy to weakness part
increasing the understand
standard to 45%
Power point slide

-Alfred Carlton Gilbert was an inventor and a toy manufacturer who

invented the Erector engineering set. His original company
-The MYSTO Manufacturing Company, was founded in 1909 to
manufacture the Erector set. In 1916, MYSTO became the A. C. Gilbert
Company and gained a reputation for producing quality toys.
-In 1950s A. C. Gilbert was one of the leading toymakers in the United
States, with annual sales regularly topping $17 million. This was an
outstanding achievement for a relatively small company.
-As a small, traditional company, A. C. Gilbert was slow to react to these
-- As a result of the falling profits and share price, the company became
attractive to an opportunistic businessman, Jack Wrather. Jack Wrather
was an independent television producer who had made his money
producing the popular programs ‘Lassie’ and ‘The Lone Ranger’. Jack
Wrather wanted to purchase a successful business and felt that in
A.C. Gilbert was a small company. The following
model demonstrates the systems and processes in
place. A. C. Gilbert produced train sets, but their
most popular lines were chemistry sets,
microscopes and their best seller.
In 1950s moved into the 1960s, there were huge
cultural changes across the world. The fifties were
a very traditional era of family values and morals,
conservative and staid.
Where the fifties represented solidarity and
familiarity, the sixties embraced change.
Everything was bolder, brighter and more

Key system and processes used by A.C GILBERT

Engineers: all engineers need to organise and make sure all
program and set up work properly with all system that they plain
already also always talk and keep in touch with the mangers to
make sure everything going well and ready to adjust if everything
need to be change.
Production staff: Production staff need to be more active and
innovative to create more innovative product and create more
idea to increase sales and new quality product for the company.
Manufacturing staff: all manufacturing staff should get train well
and experience in manufacture process about packaging and
Producing staff: They need make sure all producing and package
stuff with highly method and efficiency process.
Marketing consultant: very important to make sure have
consultation with the expert before put our product into the
market. Before we introduce our product, we need at least
consult with marketing expert and make sure the product
good to go and we know where the product will suit and
going in the market.

Designer: good product always have good

package and interesting design that make
customers interest to buy and have it. Designer
need to talk and keep in touch with production
staff to make sure they have a matching idea for
the product. Unique design can increase the sales
and always be the icon in the market

In 1961 sales make $11.5 million and went

down in 1962 about $10.9 million.
The company made a little up sales in 1964
about $11.4 million and $14.9 million in
Year Sales Difference from Profit/loss
previous year

1961 $11.5 million ($1.1 million) $20,011.00

1962 $10.9 million ($600,000.00) ($281,000.00)

1963 $10.7 million ($200.000.00) ($5.7 million)

1964 $11.4 million $700,000.00 ($2.6 million)

1965 $14.9 million $3.5 million ($2.9 million)

1966 $12.9 million ($2 million) ($12,872,000.00)

1967 A. C. Gilbert closed (1909–1967)

Process Item Cost Benefit

200 stores in Increase sales Estimate Estimate profit
staff by 50% salary/staff $3/customer
total 10 customers/day
15 staff/store $180/week
Each stores $30/day/ sales
Total_200 $720/month staff
in total storesx15 $8.640/year $210/week/sales
staff=3000 $129.600/year staff
staff /store
s staff
in 200 stores
ch store
in 200 stores
Changing New Estimate Estimate
packaging material costs benefits
for $1,000/ $5,000/
packaging line/ year line/ year
$50,000/ $250,000/
year in year in
total total 50

50 new toy 5 new Estimate Estimate

lines employee/ne salary profit
w lines $70/fortnight $1,000/week
Total_50 per employee each new line
linesx5 $140/month/ $52,000/year
employee= employee each new line
250 staff $1680/year/e $260,000/yea
mployee r in total
r in total
Trend that A.C Gilbert fail to identify
-A.C Gilbert was a toy manufactory had been famous
in America for ages and the employee have been
working long time with him as well.
-they have very stably product quality as well as
understanding all employee and whole business.
-the MYSTO was a toy manufacture the invested a
good quality and educational of engineering to
become popular. They also had good reputation and
good brand image.
-the product was good quality and long lasting
packaging for so many years.

-As a small, traditional company, A. C. Gilbert was slow
to react to these changes. It may have been that they
were not aware of the changes or were overly confident
that their good name and reputation
-In 1966 Increased advertising spending to $3
million, Introduced point-of-purchase display
products supplied to dealers free of charge.
Borrowed $6.25 million, granted on the event
that the company made a profit in 1996 but
Company made a loss of $12,872,000.00.
Action plan
Goal/action Responsible Timeframe What resources are
person required
Organise the Supervisor Every month Reward the staff who
employee the manager following the
standard procedure standard
check the rate Check irregularly
Training and organise Trainer Every 3 months Meeting and
the staff about the Manager presentation meeting
safety issue supervisor that can make all
employee easy to
Program training Manager Every month Required training
extra Expert trainer base on duty and
extra program as
multi language or
others skill.
Reward program Manager Every month Individual
supervisor Best staff
Audio visual

PRODUCTION: We need purchase long lasting

materials and not harmful to environment in
order to get best quality product
MANUFACTURING: We need to have enough
production to make $20 million sales
MARKETING: Aim to have at least 30% market
share in 1963
Production: Qualified manager and supervisor
to check the quality of the raw material monthly
SALES: Keep 100 sales staff in total, instruct
each sales staff for $200.000 sales goal annually,
$50.000 every 3 month for each sales staff
Marketing : Consult marketing expert every 3
month and invest in advertising with spending
$3 million on it

A.C Gilbert had missed opportunity in

their business performance because the
high technology growing so fast and he
was slow to react with all the changing.
Everything become technological,
advertisement on TV instead of
traditional magazine also easily to catch
people’s eyes at anytime.
As the 1950s moved into the 1960s, there were huge
cultural changes across the world. The fifties were a
very traditional era of family values and morals,
conservative and staid. Then came the ‘swinging
sixties’. The sixties were a time of rapid change both
technologically and culturally. Old-fashioned values
gave way to new moral freedoms. Where the fifties
represented solidarity and familiarity, the sixties
embraced change. Everything was bolder, brighter
and more daring. A new young president and rising
social activism by youth saw changes in clothing,
music and interests. Young people rebelled against
the values of their parents and embraced a more
fast-paced, exciting and riskier lifestyle
Identified Risks Risk How you will mitigate them Priorit
ratin y

Safety rule requirement 24 -organise and make sure check the 1

If the company have regularly government safety rule
inspection for safety rule or -make sure apply the rule into company
government safety check, the and easy to adjust anytime
company manager have to be -staff training and understand safety
make sure all the staff that rule by all staff
understand the safety rule and
follow all the rule.

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