Dpb10023-Problem Scenario Pom

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SESSION: 2022/2023







1. Write the evaluation and testing in the selection process that are suitable for new

- Evaluation and testing in the selection process that are suitable for new candidates is
the candidate may be required to sit for tests such as personality test, written test or
practical test to evaluate his ability to perform the tasks required of the position.
Evaluation and testing in the selection process depends on the aim of the organization
and the requirements of the position. Some of the commonly used tests that have been
shown to be valid predictors (Brown, 1985) are such as IQ test or knowledge tests,
Personality and psychology tests, Skills and achievement tests, AIDS and drugs tests,
Tests on the interest to perform duties, and Assessment centres.

2. Based on the statement in the article:

“It is the first company for her career. Therefore, she did not have any hands-on
experience or skills in this field.”
Apply the skills that should be covered in the training program.

- The skills that should be covered in the training program is interpersonal skills and
problem - solving skills. The interpersonal skills are the people skills and good
interpersonal skills help an employee to get along with others to get the job done
smoothly. Interpersonal skills include communication and listening skills, attitude and
deportment. While problem - solving skills refers to the ability to solve problems
effectively and efficiently. It means being able to identify and define the problem,
generating alternative solutions, evaluating and selecting the best alternative, and
implementing the selected solution.
3. The statement mentioned in the above article that “It is important for Human
Resources department to ensure their employees know how to do the tasks and
retain staffs in MOON Company.”
Write suitable methods that can be used by MOON Company to retain their staff.

- Good Communication:
An organization will operate more efficiently if employees have no barriers to
communicating with each other. Communication problems usually occur as a result of
differences of opinion with colleagues or poor relations between managers and
employees. Working together, discussing, exchanging opinions, ready to accept
criticism and respect are examples of good communication practices. As an employer,
you need to build a healthy relationship with employees and not just issue
instructions. Give your employees the opportunity to express their views, opinions
and creative ideas. One of the smart steps to encourage employees to channel opinions
and ideas is to set up a suggestion box in your office space.

- Belief:
It is not easy to create mutual trust among employees. One way is to increase team
building programs. This kind of program can instill a sense of belonging in
employees, further improving the ability of employees to work as a group and
increase their willingness to help each other.

- Training and Education:

Most employees join an organization not just to get a salary but also to build a career.
Therefore, as an employer, you should provide training programs and educational
opportunities for employees who wish to improve their personal performance both in
terms of career and their educational level. One way to create loyalty among
employees is to offer educational funding or scholarships. This initiative will provide
opportunities for employees who want to progress personally in addition to showing
the employer's support for its employees to continue to succeed.
- Reward or Appreciation

Giving rewards or appreciation to employees who perform well can further increase
their motivation to work harder and more enthusiastically. The reward given is not
necessarily in the form of money only. An excellent staff award or lunch is a reward
that is greatly appreciated by employees in addition to promotions for those who
deserve it. The appreciation received indirectly encourages and increases employee
loyalty. So, as an employer, you must value and care for the welfare of employees
because they are the most valuable assets that guarantee the future of the organization.
Provide appropriate support and encouragement to your employees. After all,
employees are just human beings. Take care of their emotions, they will take care of

4. Based on article, there are two types of decisions suffered by Encik Ahmad as a Sales
Manager. Acquire the types of decisions made by Encik Ahmad and his Chief
Executive Officer or Managing Director with the suitable problems given in the

- Steps that can be taken by the manager is to establish a department by bringing

together similar activities in one department such as finance, sales, production and so
on. This is to be able to cooperate in the department, carry out work efficiently, make
effective decisions. In addition, coordinate work. Mr. Ahmad was appointed as a sales
manager and was authorized to delegate the activity department to his subordinates.
Mr. Ahmad had to divide the tasks among his subordinates. With this, he could create
cooperation with each other. In addition, he was able to make the best decisions
because he got the approval of the public. Next able to open minds for having
differences of opinion with each other.
5. By referring to the above article state that “Encik Ahmad needs approaches to
improve group decision making to discuss about customer trends and ideas to
increase the sales.” Allocate the ways to improve group decision making to increase
sales of the frozen foods produce by MOON Company.

- Group decision-making is a process where a group of individuals collectively make a

decision. As a sales manager, there are many decisions that can make on our own but
often, engaging the opinions and perspectives of others enhances the decision that is
made to increase sales of the frozen foods produce by MOON Company. The group
decision-making process can differ greatly from organization to organization because
each team is unique. Group decision-making techniques can offer some structure
when it comes to making effective decisions and finding alternative solutions. The
decision is usually reached through discussion and consensus. This type of decision-
making is often used in business settings, as it allows for multiple perspectives to be
considered before a final decision is made.
- There are several benefits of using the group decision-making process, including
allowing multiple voices to be heard, generating new ideas, and reaching a consensus.
There are also some challenges associated with group decision-making such as the
potential for conflict and the need for coordination. Despite these challenges, group
decision-making can be an effective way to reach a consensus amongst a group of
people. When used correctly, it can lead to better decision-making, improved
outcomes, and improved relations amongst group members.

- *Group Decision-Making Techniques *

There are a large variety of group decision-making techniques that can be used. The
most important part of using any technique is to ensure that all members of the group
are comfortable with the technique and that it is appropriate for the decision that
needs to be made. Some commonly used techniques include the nominal group
technique, the Delphi technique, and brainstorming. Listed below are a few
techniques that can assist managers in their efforts towards arranging a meeting for
the purpose of group decision making.
There are a few techniques of group decision making.
1. Nominal Group Technique
- The nominal group technique is a structured way of collecting ideas from a group of
people. As with other group decision-making techniques, it is often used when a
group needs to generate new ideas or when there is a need to reach a consensus on an
- The nominal group technique involves group members generating and submitting
their ideas in a written form, followed by a step of discussion and clarification, and
finally a vote. This technique can be beneficial as it allows all members of the group
to have their say without the pressure of speaking in front of others. It can also be
helpful in reducing conflict in case of situations where just a few individuals dominate
the discussion. The steps involved in the nominal group technique are as follows: The
facilitator explains the purpose of the meeting and the topic that will be discussed.
Each member of the group is given a set amount of time to generate ideas on the
topic. This can be done individually or in small groups. All of the ideas are then
written down. The ideas are then submitted and shared with the group. The group then
discusses each of the ideas and decides which ones should be further explored. The
group then secretly votes on the ideas that they believe are the most important. The
following is a brief example of this technique being used. Top executives at a
corporation are attempting to decide how much money to offer the owners of another
company to buy them out. To decide this, each individual executive writes down an
amount of money on a piece of paper. Then a brief discussion is had to debate the
strengths and weaknesses of the various offers. Then the final decision is made by
secret ballot. The offer that receives the most votes is the one that is ultimately made
to the owners of the company.

2. Delphi Technique

- The Delphi technique involves the use of surveys to collect information from a group
of experts. The experts are typically asked to provide their opinions on various
questions or an overall topic anonymously. These answers are then compiled and
shared with the group. After this, the process may be repeated with the experts being
asked to consider the answers that were given and revise their own opinions. This
process is repeated until there is a consensus amongst the experts.
- The Delphi technique can be an extremely effective group decision-making tool as it
allows for a large amount of information to be collected from experts without the need
for face-to-face discussion. This can be beneficial when the experts are located in
different parts of the world or when there is a need to collect confidential information.
The anonymity factor can also encourage experts to provide honest opinions without
the fear of negative repercussions. This technique is commonly used in business,
particularly in the development of new products. It can be especially effective at
creating large amounts of alternative solutions, developing new ideas, gathering large
amounts of expert opinions, and seeking additional information. An example of the
Delphi technique being used can be illustrated by the following scenario. A marketing
manager at a cellphone company has been trying to come up with new advertising
ideas for a new cellphone. The marketing manager has already sent the company's
advertising analysts two surveys about the advertising campaign and decides to use
the answers to create a third survey. The marketing manager then sends the third
survey to the analysts and uses their answers to arrive at a consensus about the best
advertisements to use.

3. Nominal Group Technique

- The nominal group technique typically involves the following steps:

Write ideas in private: After the problem at hand is understood, members silently
generate their ideas in writing. No discussion among members is permitted at this
point. Take turns reporting ideas: Members take turns reporting their ideas to the
group, one at a time, while a facilitator records them on a flip chart or blackboard.
Again, no group discussion occurs during this step. This round-robin listing continues
until each member has no more ideas to share. Discuss ideas: Next, group members
discuss the ideas that have been recorded. The main purpose of this discussion is to
clarify, criticize, or defend the stated ideas. Vote on ideas: Each member privately and
anonymously prioritizes the ideas. This nominal voting step may involve a rank-
ordering system, a weighted voting procedure, or some similar mechanism for
reporting preferences. Calculate the group decision: The group decision is calculated
mathematically, based on the vote described earlier. The final decision is the pooled
outcome of the individual votes.
Repeat if necessary: Some variations of the nominal group technique allow the
generation-discussion-vote cycle described previously to be repeated until an
appropriate decision is reached. The nominal group technique was developed to
overcome a number of decision-making roadblocks. The highly structured and task-
focused nature of this strategy is thought to encourage the efficient use of time by
reducing the propensity for nonproductive digressions and hostile arguments. The
nominal group technique likely decreases evaluation apprehension by having
members write their ideas privately and by separating the brainstorming phase from
the later idea evaluation phase. Requiring group members to brainstorm their ideas
independently and in writing also facilitates idea generation by reducing production
blocking. Taking turns reporting written ideas encourages balanced participation and
discourages domineering or high-status members from blocking others’ input.
Members may also experience an increased sense of accountability and a decreased
propensity for social loafing, because members are required to publicly state their
written ideas. Finally, the round-robin listing of ideas prevents groups from
prematurely evaluating solutions before all members have provided input or
exhausted their supply of suggestions.

4. Brainstorming

- Brainstorming is a technique that is often used to generate many new ideas quickly. It
can be used when a group needs to come up with an extensive list of ideas or when
there is a need to find a creative solution to a problem. Brainstorming can be an
effective tool as it allows all members of the group to share their ideas in an open and
non-judgmental setting. The rules of brainstorming are as follows: All members of the
group must participate. No idea should be rejected outright. The goal is centered
around the generation of the maximum number of ideas. All ideas should be written
down. No discussion or critiquing of ideas is allowed during the brainstorming
session. For example, the analysts at a marketing company are meeting to discuss
ideas for a new campaign for an important client. The facilitator leading the
discussion advises the analysts not to criticize any new ideas at this point and to allow
all members of the group to share their thoughts freely. After several minutes of
brainstorming, the group generates a large number of potential ideas for the campaign.
The group can then start to discuss and evaluate the ideas that have been generated.
5. Electroic meeting

- The most recent approach to group decision making blends the nominal group
technique with sophisticated computer technology. It's called the computer-assisted
group or electronic meeting. It is a meeting in which members interact by a computer,
allowing for anonymity of comments and aggregating of votes. Once the technology
is in place, the concept is simple. Issues are presented to the participants and they type
their responses into their computer screen. Individual comments, as well as aggregates
votes, are displayed on a projection screen. The major advantages of electronic
meetings are mystery, honesty, and speed. Participants can anonymously type any
message they want and it flashes on the screen for all to see at the push of a
participant's board key. It also allows people to be brutally honest without penalty.
And it's fast because chitchat is eliminated, discussions don't digress and many
participants can "talk at once without stepping on another's toes. The future of group
meetings undoubtedly will include extensive use of this technology. Team decision
making is a time-consuming process and before the team leader organizes the
participation of the full team; he/she must be sure that he/she has enough time and
resources for ^ decision-making process and choose a technique

- 4 steps involved;
• Computers are installed in the meeting room.
• 50 members will have a meeting through the computer network.
• Issues will be given to participants
• Individual comments aggregate voting will be projected on the screen in the
meeting room
- The problem is shared with the group online, and the members submit their responses
through votes. However, the vote signifies agreement or disagreement with the idea or

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