Design of A Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment

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Design of a Foundation Under

Vibrating Equipment
The analysis and design of foundations and structures subjected to
dynamic loads for vibrating rotating machines is considered a very com-
plex problem because of the interaction of structural engineering,
geotechnical engineering, and the theory of vibration.
The structure design of machine foundation depends mainly on the
information provided by the machine manufacturer and the geotechnical
investigation report from the geotechnical consultant. Before starting the
geotechnical investigation, the geotechnical consultant should refer to the
plot plan to find the location of the machine’s foundation, in order to
define any building near to it to find out which required soil investigation
data should be included in the report. During the design phase, however,
it is necessary to adjust the dimensions of the foundation to meet the
design criteria or to avoid interface or clash with other fixed facilities
such as the pipelines, other foundations, or the neighboring buildings.
The category of the foundation will be either a shallow foundation or
a deep foundation; the most famous type is the pile, which is used in case
of weak soil. The other structure configuration of the foundation will be:
1. A block-type foundation, which consists of a thick slab of concrete
directly fixed to the machine and other fixed auxiliary equipment.
This type is the most traditional in oil and gas process plants and
petrochemical plants.
2. An elevated pedestal foundation, consisting of a base-slab and vertical
columns supporting a grid of beams at the top in which rest skid
mounted machinery; this type of support is most traditionally in
electrical power station projects.


There are two large groups of machines, which are the centrifugal or
reciprocating machines.
Onshore Structural Design Calculations. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
DOI: All rights reserved. 317
318 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

In order to design the foundation under a machine, it is

essential to know the machine technical data that shall be available by the
The required machine data, properties, and parameters include the
following items that should be considered as a checklist for the required data:
• Outline drawings of machine assembly
• Function of the machine
• Weight of the machine and the weight of the rotor
• Location of the center of gravity in the space: x, y, and z
• Speed ranges of the machine or free frequency of unbalanced primary
and secondary forces
• Magnitude and direction of unbalanced forces both vertically and
horizontally, and their points of application
• Limits imposed on the foundation with respect to differential deflec-
tion between points on the plan area of foundation
• Foundation requirements from the soil investigation report
The magnitude and direction of the unbalanced forces are often not
available from the machine manufacturer. Their justification is that their
centrifugal machines are perfectly balanced. For reciprocating machines,
the unbalanced forces, which are generally of considerable magnitude, are
provided by the machine manufacturer.
The machines should be connected by pipes; therefore, the settlement
should have a limit to avoid any damage to the pipes. Limits of differential
settlement in case of high pressure gas 50,000 psi piping should be less
than 0.0025 mm (0.0001 in.).


The main physical concept in designing the foundation under the vibrating
equipment is based on the logic that a lightweight body cannot vibrate a
heavyweight body. In other words, no body can vibrate another body
heavier than itself. So the main concept is to choose a machine foundation
that has a weight higher than the weight of the machine. The design guide
here details how you can design the foundation by selecting a foundation
weight higher than the machine weight, with reasonable dimensions.
The following guidelines are from Ary et al. (1984), which is very
useful to choose the dimensions of the foundation and then check with
the analysis, which in most cases will be acceptable.
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 319

• A rigid block type foundation resting on soil should have a weight of

two to three times the weight of the machine for centrifugal type.
• For a reciprocating machine type, the foundation weight should be
from five to seven times the weight of the machine.
• The top of the foundation is usually 300 mm above the finished floor
or pavement elevation to avoid damage from surface water runoff in
case of rain or a cleaning of the facilities.
• The depth of the foundation is governed by the length of the anchor
bolt, plus a minimum of 100 mm. The depth of the foundation should
not be less than 600 mm under any condition. By defining the concrete
depth you can calculate the foundation weight.
• The foundation should be wide to increase damping in rocking mode.
Therefore, the width should be at least 1 to 1.5 times the vertical
dimension from the machine centerline to the foundation base.
• After knowing the physical dimension of the machine from the ven-
dor we can define the foundation length and width by adding clear-
ance for about 300 mm from the machine edges to the foundation
edge for maintenance purposes.
• The length and width of the foundation should be adjusted to verify
that the center of gravity of the machine plus the equipment coincides
with the center of gravity of the foundation.
In case of a block foundation resting on piles the following precaution
should be considered:
• The pile cap weight should be 1.5 to 2.5 times the machine weight
for centrifugal machines and from 2.5 to 4 times for reciprocating
• Arrange the pile to ensure that the centroid of the pile group coin-
cides with the center of gravity of the combined structure and
machine load (Table 7.1).
Fig. 7.1 presents a diesel generator package, which is considered to be
a type of reciprocating machine.
Most industries use a centrifugal machine in different applications,
such as for a compressor, a pump, or as shown in Fig. 7.2, which presents
the gas turbine generator package.
For the gas turbine generator, the vibration is usually low compared
to applications. Fig. 7.3 presents a photo of a gas turbine with a centrifu-
gal gas compressor package. Fig. 7.4 shows that there are two bolts; one
of them is the anchor bolt, and the other bolt will have a steel plate
underneath which is fixed during the pouring of the concrete. So when
320 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

Table 7.1 Summary of derived expressions for a single-degree-of-freedom system

Expression Constant force excitation, Rotating mass type
Fo constant excitation, Fo 5 m eω2
Magnification 1 r2
M 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi M 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
factor ð12r 2 Þ2 1 ð2DrÞ2 ð12r 2 Þ2 1 ð2DrÞ2
Amplitude at Y 5 M(Fo/k) Y 5 Mr (m1e/m)
frequency, f pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Resonant fmr 5 fn 1 2 2D2 fn
fmr 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
frequency, fmr 1 2 2D2
Amplitude at ðFo =kÞ ðm1 e=mÞ
resonant Ymnr 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ymnr 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2D 1 2 D2 2D 1 2 D2
frequency, fr pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Transmissibility 1 1 ð2DrÞ2 r 2 1 1 ð2DrÞ2
factor T 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi T 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ð12r 2 Þ2 1 ð2DrÞ2 ð12r 2 Þ2 1 ð2DrÞ2
r 5 ω/ωn,
ωn (undamped natural circular frequency) 5 k/m0.5,
D (damping ratio) 5 C/Cc,
Cc (critical damping) 5 2(km)0.5,
Tr 5 force transmitted/Fo,
Tr 5 force transmitted/m1eωn2.

Figure 7.1 Diesel generator.

Figure 7.2 Gas turbine generator.

Figure 7.3 Gas compressor package.

Figure 7.4 Fixing the skid to concrete.

322 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

rotate the bolt which is resting on this steel plate and from the moving of
these bolts can adjust the machine leveling during installation.

7.3.1 Foundation Dynamic Analysis

Machinery foundations shall be designed based on the equipment manu-
facturer’s recommendations, and published design procedures and criteria
for dynamic analysis.
If equipment manufacturer’s vibration criteria are not available, the
maximum velocity of movement during normal steady-state operation
shall be limited to 0.12 in. (3.0 mm) per second for centrifugal machines
and to 0.15 in. (3.8 mm) per second for reciprocating machines.
Any support structures or foundations for centrifugal machinery
greater than 500 horsepower shall be designed for the expected dynamic
forces using dynamic analysis procedures.
For centrifugal machinery less than 500 horsepower, in the absence of
a detailed dynamic analysis, the foundation weight shall be designed to be
at least three times the total machinery weight, unless specified otherwise
by the equipment manufacturer.
In case of using reciprocating machinery less than 200 horsepower, in
the absence of a detailed dynamic analysis, the foundation weight shall be
designed to be at least five times the total machinery weight, unless
specified otherwise by the manufacturer.

7.3.2 Soil Parameter

The allowable soil-bearing or allowable pile capacity for foundations for
equipment designed for dynamic loads shall be a maximum of half of the
normal allowable for static loads. Noting that, the allowable soil bearing
will be provided from the geotechnical consultant office, which will
perform a soil investigation test.
The maximum eccentricity between the center of gravity of the
combined weight of the foundation and machinery and the bearing
surface shall be 5% in each direction.
Structures and foundations that support vibrating equipment shall
have a natural frequency that is outside the range of 0.80 to 1.20 times
the exciting frequency.
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 323

For this type of foundation, there are some soil parameters that are
required in case of vibrating equipment.
• The allowable bearing capacity
• The soil density: ρ
• The shear modulus: G
• The shear wave velocity shall be calculated from the following formula:
Vs 5

• Dynamic coefficient of subgrade reaction for vertical vibration (Kz).

For a rigid rectangular footing of plan area A on a semi-infinite
elastic half-space (Barkan, 1962; Richart et al., 1970):
Bz G
Kz 5 pffiffiffiffi
A ð1 2 νÞ
V 5 Poisson’s ratio and equal to 0.3 as a typical value for the sand,
G 5 shear modulus,
Bz 5 the ratio of the length to breadth of footing of about 1.40.
Barkan suggests that for allowable static bearing capacity of about
0.15 N/mm2, Kz should not be less than 0.03 N/mm3.
• Coefficient of subgrade reaction for horizontal vibrations: Kx

Kx 5 0:5 Kz

• Coefficient of subgrade reaction for rocking vibrations: Kφ

Kφ 5 2 Kz

• Coefficient of subgrade reaction for torsion vibrations: Kθ

Kθ 5 0:75 Kz

Table 7.2 provides the equations to calculate the effective radius of

footing in case of horizontal rocking, vertical rocking, and torsional
vibration (Table 7.3).
324 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

Table 7.2 Embedment coefficient for spring

Mode of vibration Effective radius Embedment coefficient
of footing, ro
Horizontal vibration BL=π ηx 5 1 1 0.6(1 2 ν)(h/ro)
Vertical vibration BL=π ηz 5 1 1 0.55(2 2 ν)(h/ro)
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Rocking 4
ðBL 3 Þ=3π ηφ 5 1 1 1.2(1 2 ν)(h/ro)
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 0.2(2 2 ν)(h/ro)3
4 BLðB 1 L Þ
Torsional 2 2 

B and L are the width and length of the foundation, respectively. h is the foundation depth
embedment below the grade.

Table 7.3 Effect of depth of embedment on damping ratio

Mode of vibration Damping ratio embedment factor
Vertical 1 1 1:9ð1 2 vÞðh=γ 0 Þ
αε 5 pffiffiffiffiffi
Horizontal 1 1 1:9ð2 2 vÞðh=γ 0 Þ
αγ 5 pffiffiffiffiffi
Rocking 1 1 0:7ð1 2 vÞðh=r0 Þ 1 0:6ð2 2 vÞðh=r0 Þ3
αφ 5 pffiffiffiffiffi

Source: Ary et al., 1984.

ηs 5 1 1 0:6ð1 2 vÞ
ηx 5 1 1 0:55ð2 2 vÞ
h h
ηφ 5 1 1 1:2ð1 2 vÞ 1 0:2ð2 2 vÞ
r0 r0

Table 7.4 provides a summary of the calculation of the mass ratio, the
damping ratio, the spring constant, and the natural frequency for different
modes of vibration based on the foundation dimensions and the geo-
technical data from the soil investigation tests.

7.3.3 Modes of Motion

There are different modes of motion for the machine which is presented
in Fig. 7.5.
There will be a combination between two modes of oscillation
presented in Fig. 7.6.
Table 7.4 Main parameters
Vibration mode Mass ratio (B) Damping parameters Damping ratio Spring constant (K) Natural frequency, fn
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi
Vertical ð1 2 νÞm 3:4ro ρG 0:425 4Gro 1 kz
Bz 5 cz 5 Dz 5 pffiffiffiffiffi kz 5 fnz 5
4ρro3 12ν Bz 12ν 2π m
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi
Horizontal ð7 2 8νÞm 18:4ð1 2 νÞ ρG 0:288 32ð1 2 νÞGro 1 kx
Bx 5 cx 5 Dx 5 pffiffiffiffiffi kx 5 fnx 5
32ð1 2 νÞρro3 7 2 8ν Bz 7 2 8υ 2π m
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffi
Rocking 3ð1 2 νÞm 0:8ro4 ρG 0:15 8Gro3
Bψ 5 cψ 5 Dψ 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffi kψ 5 1 kψ
8ρro3 ð1 2 νÞð1 1 Bψ Þ ð1 1 Bψ Þ Bψ 3ð1 2 νÞ fnψ 5
2π Iψ
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi
Torsional Iθ 4 Bθ ρG 0:50 16 3 1 kθ
Bθ 5 cθ 5 Dθ 5 kθ 5 Gr fnθ 5
ρro5 1 1 2Bθ 1 1 2Bθ 3 o 2π Iθ
326 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

7.3.4 Mass Moment of Inertia

(b) (a)

(c) (d)
Figure 7.5 Modes of excitation: (a) horizontal excitation, (b) vertical excitation,
(c) torsional excitation, and (d) rocking excitation.

Translation Rocking

Figure 7.6 Combination mode of oscillation.

The mass moment of inertia for a prism can be calculated from the
following equation as shown in Fig. 7.7:
Ix 5 mða2 1 b2 Þ
Iy 5 mða2 1 L 2 Þ
Iz 5 mðb2 1 L 2 Þ
Iz0 5 Iz 1 mL 2 =4
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 327



Figure 7.7 Moment of inertia calculation in three directions.

Table 7.5 Design eccentricity for centrifugal machines

Operating speed (rpm) Eccentricity (mm)
750 0.3560.812
1500 0.203
3000 0.051

Example 1: Centrifugal machine

The machine data will be as follows:
1. Machine data
Weight (Wc) 5 35,270 Ibs 5 16 ton
Rotor weight (Wr) 5 2100 Ibs 5 0.952 ton
Operating speed (ω) 5 6949 rpm
( f ) 5 727.7 rad/s
Critical speed (ωc) 5 3400 rpm and at 9000 rpm
Eccentricity of unbalanced mass: (e0 ) 5 0.0015 in (0.0381 mm).
This value is provided by the manufacturer for the static condition.
The value of eccentricity due to an imbalance of mass is usually
not available from the manufacturer. There were, however, some stud-
ies performed in 1962 which presented some values that can assist us
in predicting this value as shown in Table 7.5.
The following is the equation delivered by API for centrifugal
e(mil) 5 α (12,000/ω)0.5 , 1.0 mil,
where α 5 0.5 at installation time
5 1.0 after several years of operation
328 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

1 mil 5 0.001 in. 5 0.0254 mm

The dynamic eccentricity (e) 5 e0 /(1 2 (ω/ωc)2) 5 0.000472 in.
5 0.0118 mm
Centrifugal force Fo 5 (Wr/g)ef 2 5 0.616 ton
Turbine data:
Weight (Wt) 5 7.26 ton
Rotor weight (Wr) 5 0.247 ton
Operating speed (ω) 5 6949 rpm
Critical speed ωc at 2000 and 9000 rpm
Dynamic eccentricity at operating speed:
e 5 0.0381/[1 2 (6949/2000)2] 5 0.00343 mm
Centrifugal force Fo 5 0.0458 ton
Total centrifugal force 5 0.616 1 0.0458 5 0.662 ton
Skid weight (Ws) 5 2.27 ton
Total machine weight5Wc 1Wt 1Ws 51617.26 12.27525.53 ton.
2. Soil data
Soil density (γ) 5 20 kN/m3
Shear modulus (G) 5 44.82 N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio (v) 5 0.45
Soil internal damping ratio (D) 5 0.05
Static allowable bearing capacity (q) 5 72 kN/m2
3. Selection of foundation criteria
The foundation trial data are as shown in Fig. 7.8.

Axis of
C.G. of rotation
footing and (shaft)

1.0 m

6.0 m
1.0 m

3.8 m

Figure 7.8 Centrifugal machine foundation dimensions.

Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 329

Weight of the footing (Wf) 5 45.58 ton

Total static weight 5 machine weight 1 footing weight 5 25.53 1
45.58 5 71.11 ton
Actual soil pressure 5 71.11/3.8(6.0) 5 3.11 t/m2
, 0.5 qall OK
Wf/Wm 5 1.78 which is close to 2 OK
4. Dynamic analysis
The axis of rotation of the shaft is located 6 ft (1.8 m) above the
foundation bottom.
The dynamic force will excite the structure in three different
modes: vertical, horizontal, and rocking.
5. Static condition check
a. Static bearing capacity is 50% of the allowable bearing capacity.
b. Static settlement must be uniform therefore the Center of Gravity
(C.G.) of the footing and machine is coincide.
c. Bearing capacity for static plus dynamic loads will be less than 0.75
of the allowable bearing capacity.
d. The magnification factor should be less than 1.5.
Table 7.6 has the dynamic analysis parameter for three modes of failure.

7.3.5 Limiting Dynamic Condition

The area zones in Fig. 7.9 are classified as follows:
• Zone (E) is dangerous, so it needs to be shut down immediately.
• Zone (D) is near failure, and it needs 2 days maximum to perform the
correction before failure.
• Zone (C) is faulty, and it needs a correction within 10 days to save a
lot of money.
• Zone (B) is a minor fault, and a correction would be a waste of
• Zone (A) has no fault; it is like new equipment.
1. By knowing the vibration amplitude and operating frequency and from
Fig. 7.9 presents the allowable safe limit for the amplitude and the operat-
ing frequency (rpm) to define the location of the graph if it is safe within
the limits or not. In our case the vertical vibrating amplitude 5 0.000019
in at 6949 rpm. From the figure it is locate in safe limit.
2. The velocity 5 2πf (CPS) 3 displacement amplitude as calculated above.
Compare with the limiting value in Table 7.7 so the velocity is equal to
0.0138 in./s (0.345 mm/s) and this velocity falls in smooth operation.
Table 7.6 Dynamic analysis
Item Parameters Source Vertical Horizontal Rocking oscillation

1 ro Table 7.2 ro 5 2.71 m ro 5 2.71 m ro 5 2.44 m

2 Mass M 5 W/g 72.5 kN  s2/m 72.5 kN  s2/m Iψ 5 105,128 Ib  s2-ft
3 Mass ratio Table 7.3 0.24 0.35 0.166
4 Geometric damping ratio Table 7.3 0.868 0.494 0.361
5 Spring coefficient Table 7.3 2.15 0.95 0.46
6 Equivalent spring constant Table 7.3 8.4 kN/mm 595 kN/mm 3.32 3 106 kN  m/rad
7 ωn Table 7.3 1040.9 rpm 873.9 rpm 1449.8 rpm
8 Resonance frequency, fmr Table 7.1 Not possible 1221.4 rpm 1686.1
9 Magnification factor, M Table 7.1 0.022 0.016 0.045
10 Dynamic force 6.62 kN 6.62 kN 13 m  kN
11 Vibration amplitude Table 7.1 1.42 3 1025 mm 1.45 3 1025 mm 0.1611 3 1026 rad
12 Component of rocking 2.558 3 1025 mm Iψ  Rv 5 0.1611 3 1026 3 1.8
oscillation 2.47 3 1025 mm
13 Resultant vibration (0.000019 in.) (0.000018 in.)
amplitude 0.000483 mm (0.000457 mm)
14 Transmissibility factor, Tr 0.256 0.127 0.162
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 331


0.1 g
Acceleration = 1 g
Horizontal amplitude of vibrations for single bearing
25 mm/s

implitude in mm

Velocity = 2.5 mm/s


Velocity = 0.25 mm/s

100 1000 10,000
Frequency, cpm
Figure 7.9 Dynamic limits condition.

Table 7.7 General machinery vibration severity data

Horizontal peak velocity, in./s (mm/s) Machine operation
,0.005 (,0.127) Extremely smooth
0.0050.010 (0.1270.245) Very smooth
0.0100.020 (0.2540.508) Smooth
0.0200.040 (0.5081.016) Very good
0.040.080 (1.0162.032) Good
0.0800.160 (2.0324.064) Fair
0.1600.315 (4.0468.00) Slightly rough
0.3150.630 (8.0016.00) Rough
.0.630 ( . 16.00) Very rough
Source: After Baxter, R.L., Bernhard, D.L., 1967. Vibration Tolerances for industry. ASME paper
67-PEM-14, plant engineering and maintenance conference, Detroit, Michigan.
332 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

3. The magnification factor should be less than 1.5, which is applicable

in this example.
4. The machine frequency should have at least a difference of 620% of
the resonance frequency.
0.8ωmr $ ω $ 1.2ωmr
ω/ωmr 5 6949/1221.4 5 5.69 . 1.2 OK
A transmissibility factor is usually applied only to high-frequency
spring mounted machine. The transmissibility factor should normally
be less than 1 for spring mounted machines having an inertia block. In
the example, Tr is less than 1, indicating that dynamic forces are not
Example 2: Reciprocating machine
The following data are for the machine, and the auxiliary equipment
should be supplied by the machine vendor.
1. Machine data
Compressor 5 12.75 ton
Gas coolers 5 1.972 ton
Scrubbers 5 3.179 ton
Motor 5 8.164 ton
Rotor weight 5 2.721 ton (included in compressor weight)
Total machine load 5 26.07 ton
2. Dynamic forces
a. Compressor speed primary (operating): 585 rpm, secondary 5
1170 rpm
b. Vertical primary force: Fz 5 0.603 ton
c. Vertical secondary force: fz 5 0.251 ton
d. Horizontal primary force: Fx 5 0.329 ton
e. Rocking primary moment: Tψ 5 1.563 mt
f. Pitching primary moment: Tφ 5 4.70 mt
g. Pitching secondary moment: Tφ 5 1.71 mt
3. Soil and foundation parameters
Soil density: 18.7 kN/m3
Shear modulus: G 5 96.53 N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio: v 5 0.35
Soil internal damping ratio: D 5 0.05
Static allowable bearing capacity: qall 5 120 kN/m2
Permanent settlement of soil: 5 mm at 120 kN/m2
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 333

4. Trial sizing for the foundation
The footing trial size based on the previous trial as a guide, as
illustrated in Section 7.3 will be as shown in Fig. 7.10.
Weight of the footing, WF 5 147.35 ton
Total static load 5 machine weight 1 footing weight 5 173.41 ton
Footing weight/machine weight 5 5.65 . 5 OK
Actual soil pressure 5 173.41/8.5(4.8) 5 4.3 t/m2
Less than 0.5qall OK
This trial dimension is OK.
1. Mass and mass moment of inertia
M 5 Wg
Xn h i
mt 2
Iψ1ϕ 5 ða1 1 b21 Þ 1 m1 k21

Compressor forces
Axis of
C.G. of ftg. (shaft)

Motor forces

Axis of rocking,Ψ
1.0 m

8.5 m
1.5 m Axisofofpitching,
Axis pitching,φ

4.8 m

Figure 7.10 Sketch for reciprocating machine.

Vertical excitation Horizontal direction Rocking excitation Pitching excitation

(z-direction) (x-direction) (ψ-direction) (φ-direction)

m 5 173.41 kN  s2/m m 5 173.41 kN  s2/m Iψ (machine) 5 1399.51 Iφ (machine) 5 1.4

Iψ (footing) 5 10,513.4 Iφ (footing) 5 4.27
Total 5 11,912.91 kN  s2/m Total 5 5.67 kN  s2/m
334 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

2. Spring constant
These data will be calculated from the following table.
In the rock direction: L 5 8.5 m and B 5 4.8 m.
In the pitching direction: L 5 4.8 m and B 5 8.5 m.
Parameter Vertical Horizontal Rocking Pitching
excitation direction excitation excitation
(z-direction) (x-direction) (ψ-direction) (φ-direction)

Equivalent radius (ro) ro 5 3.58 m ro 5 3.58 m ro 5 4.16 m 3.15 m

Embedment factor (η) 1.1 1.232 1.175 1.235
Spring constant 2.15 0.95 0.58 0.45
coefficient (B)
Equivalent spring 227,167 t/m’ 197,302 t/m’ 3481 mt/rad 1626 mt/rad
constant (k)

3. Damping ratio

Parameter Vertical Horizontal Rocking Pitching

excitation direction excitation excitation
(z-direction) (x-direction) (ψ-direction) (φ-direction)

Embedment 1.254 1.623 1.024 1.041

factor (α)
Mass ratio (B) 0.328 0.408 0.115 0.222
Effective damping 1.6 1.58
Geometrical damping 0.931 0.732 0.302 0.195
ratio (D)
Internal damping (D) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Total damping 0.981 0.782 0.352 0.245

4. Natural frequency
60 k
fn 5
2π m

5. Machine parameter
Fzo(P) 5 0.603 ton
Fzo(S) 5 0.25 ton
Fxo(p) 5 0.329 ton
Tψo(P) 5 1.563 1 0.329 3 2.44 5 2.366 mt
Tφo(P) 5 4.7 mt
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 335

Tφo(S) 5 1.71 mt
Displacement response:
The displacement response will be calculated from the following
In vertical direction, z: Z 5 Σ MzFzo/Kz
In horizontal direction, x: X 5 Σ MxFxo/Kx
In rocking excitation: Ψ 5 Σ MψFψo/Kψ
In pitching excitation: φ 5 Σ MφFφo/Kφ
Total displacement in z-direction 5 Z 1 ψ L/2 1 φB/2.

Parameter Vertical excitation Horizontal direction Rocking excitation Pitching excitation

(z-direction) (x-direction) (ψ-direction) (φ-direction)

Natural frequency 1082.8 1009.1 1677.6 1611.2

Resonance 2D2 . 1 2D2 . 1 fmψ 5 1934.3 fmφ 5 1717.6
Vibrating force Fzo(P) 5 0.603 ton Fxo(p) 5 0.329 ton Tψo(P) 5 2.366 mt Tφo(P) 5 4.7 mt
Fzo(S) 5 0.25 ton Tφo(S) 5 1.71 mt
Magnification Mz max not Mx max not My(P) 5 1.111@ Mf(P) 5 1.128@
factor possible possible 585RPM 585RPM
My(S) 5 1.454@ Mf(S) 5 1.690@
1170 RPM 1170 RPM
Displacement 0.10233 3 1022 in. 0.058308 3 1022 in. 0.8128 3 1026 rad 5.0369 3 1026 rad
response 0.0026 mm 0.0015 mm
Total displacement 0.717 3 1023 in. 0.4432 3 1023 in.

0.018 mm 0.011 mm

Zt 5 Z 1 ψRψ 1 φRφ
Zt 5 0.0026 1 0.828 3 1026 3 4200 1 5.6369 3 1026 3 2400
Parameter Vertical excitation Horizontal direction Rocking excitation Pitching excitation
(z-direction) (x-direction) (ψ-direction) (φ-direction)

Transmissibility Tr(P) 5 1.142 Tr(P) 5 1.201 Tr(P) 5 1.144 Tr(P) 5 1.146

factor Tr(S) 5 1.102 Tr(S) 5 1.620 Tr(S) 5 1.793
Transmitted force Pv 5 1.142 3 0.603 Ph 5 1.201 3 0.329 PTψ 5 1.144 3 2.366 PTφ 5 1.146 3 4.7
1 1.102 3 0.25 5 0.395 ton 1 1.620 3 0.2095 1 1.793 3 1.7
5 0.96 ton 5 3.05 mt 5 8.43 mt

Transmittal dynamic vertical force 5 0.96 ton

Transmittal moment Tψ 5 3.05 1 0.395 3 2.44 1 0.96 3 0.84 5 4.82 mt
Tφ 5 8.43 mt
qdyn 5 0.96/(8.5 3 4.8) 1 4.82 3 (6)/(4.8)(8.5)2 1 8.43 3 (6)/(8.5) 3
(4.8)2 5 0.37 t/m2
Total static plus dynamic bearing capacity 5 4.3 1 0.37 5 4.67 t/
m2 5 0.467 , 0.75 qall OK
336 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

Limiting the dynamic condition:

1. The maximum vibrations are 0.000717 in. (0.0182 mm) and
0.000443 in. (0.01125 mm) in the vertical and horizontal dimen-
sions, respectively.
Fig. 7.11 shows that it falls in the safe zone at the operating
frequency of 585 rpm.
2. The velocity is equal to 2πf/(cps) 3 displacement as calculated
above, then compared to the limiting values in Table 7.7.
3. Acceleration is calculated from the following equation: 4π2f 2/
(cps) 3 displacement.
This check will consider if the above checks are not satisfied
and compare acceleration with the same figure.
4. The magnification factor should be less than 1.5, which is accepted
in this example.
5. The acting frequency of the machine should have at least a differ-
ence of 620 with the resonance frequency. For horizontal and
vertical direction there is no resonance.
For rocking mode: 0.8fm 5 0.8 3 1934.4 5 1547.4 rpm
1.2fm 5 1.2 3 1934.4 5 2321.2 rpm

Danger to
Displacement amplitude Amax, in.

Limits for
0.01 machine and
to persons

0.001 to persons

noticeable to
100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10,000
Frequency, rpm
Figure 7.11 Frequency limits.
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 337

As the primary and secondary are 585 and 1170 rpm, it will be
safe, and no resonance will occur.
For pitching mode: 0.8fm 5 0.8 3 1717.6 5 1374.1 rpm
1.2fm 5 1.2 3 1717.6 5 2061.1 rpm
As the primary and secondary are 585 and 1170 rpm, it will be
safe, and no resonance will occur.
6. The transmissibility factor is usually considered for high frequency
machines mounted on springs. The transmissibility factor should
be less than 1.
Example 3: Design of Steel Structure Support Under
Machine Skid
Check steel frame support gas generator package with the follow-
ing data as shown in Fig. 7.12.
Dry weight 5 14.0 ton
Wet weight 5 15.5 ton
Skid dimension: 5.8 m 3 1.0 m
Machine has 1000 rpm
Beam section: W10 3 22 with steel ASTM A36 with Fy equal to
240 MPa
Figure 7.12 presents the structure system with the applied load.
Maximum beam design moment 5 4.07 mt
Maximum beam stress5 4.07/3.8 3 1024 5 10705.5 t/m2 5 105 MPa
Allowable beam stress 5 0.66 3 240 5 158 MPa

1.25 m
2.8 mm

0.5 m 0.5 m


1.6 t/m’

4.064 m

Figure 7.12 Structure system and loads.

338 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

Unity check ratio (UC) 5 105/158 5 0.66 , 1.0 OK

A local check has been performed to ensure no resonance will
occur due to seating the new gas generator package over the deck.
Pa2 b2
Beam stiffness (K) 5 P/Δ 5 3EIL/a2b2
5 3 3 20 3 107 3 0.00184 3 4.0/(2.8)2
5 1,261,710 kN/m
Mass (M) 5 W/g 5 15.5 kN  s2/m
Tn 5 2π 5 0:103 s 5 0:26 s
fn 5 1/Tn 5 3.84 Hz
ωn 5 2π fn 5 27.32 rad/s 5 1640 rpm
ωn 5 2π fn 5 24.13 rad/s 5 230.4 rpm
The new generator frequency: ω 5 900 rpm
The frequencies ratio is:
ω/ωn 5 1000/230.4 5 4.34 . 1.2 OK


Vibrating, rotating, reciprocating, and impacting equipment creates
machine-induced vibration and/or shock, which is transmitted into their
support systems. Rotating machines and equipment that are not properly
balanced produce centrifugal forces, creating steady state and random
Machines generating pulses or impacts, such as forging presses, injec-
tion molding, impact testers, hammers, centrifugal pumps, and compres-
sors are the most predominate sources of vibration and shock.
The inertia block or pad of isolation is an important factor in isolating
engine vibration from the surrounding structure. However, the proper
design of the foundation is not enough. There are several additional
techniques that can be used to isolate the vibration.

7.4.1 Isolating Liners

A liner can be fabricated and used to line the pit into which the concrete
inertia block is poured, as shown in Fig. 7.13. A number of suitable liners
are available commercially.
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 339

Figure 7.13 Liner isolation before concrete pouring.

It is important to consult the liner manufacturer for specific informa-

tion. The principle for all liners is the same; line the bottom and sides of
the pit and pour the concrete inertia block inside the isolator lining. The
engine and/or common mounting skid will still vibrate, but the vibration
is dampened and largely confined within the liner.
Be sure to construct the liner so that no liquid concrete can flow into
gaps between the liner slabs. If concrete seeps between the inertia block
and the pit, the vibration absorption value of the liner will be greatly
Other materials, such as sand or gravel, may be used as isolating
mediums. One foot of well-tamped, settled gravel under the inertia block
will be satisfactory.
Do not bridge the gap between the inertia block and the surrounding
floor with concrete or a similar solid material. If for reasons of neatness
or appearance it is necessary to close this gap, use an expansion joint or a
similar resilient material.

7.4.2 Spring and Rubber Mounts

Spring and rubber mounts of various sizes and resiliencies are available
for installation purposes. These mounts can be positioned between the
common skid and the inertia block or pad or between the inertia block
and bottom of the pit. As with the isolating liners, we recommend
contacting the manufacturer of the mounts for specific instructions.
340 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

Isolation systems have natural frequencies as low as 6.0 Hz and can

be designed to exhibit low or high internal damping. These solutions
are used under large concrete foundations supporting heavy machinery,
buildings, measuring machines, roller mills, and similar equipment.
Isolators are available in two types to suit a wide range of design
options when considering the formwork required to provide proper
support during the foundation construction process. Fig. 7.14 presents
a type of isolation made of a molded elastomer, which has been
compounded and designed to offer low-frequency isolation and high-
load capacity.
For units installed in basements or on ground floors (floors with no
other floors beneath), neoprene waffle-type pads which provide 50%
vibration reduction or sandwich type pads of rubber and cork which
provide 75% vibration reduction can be used.
Where engine-generator sets are to be installed above the ground
floor, the more critical type of isolators should be used. For units up to
200 kW, the type of isolator made of rubber bonded to metal can be used
and will provide about 90% isolation. Larger units should use spring type
vibration isolators that provide about 95% isolation. All percentages are
approximate, and exact information for your particular application should
be discussed with the machine manufacturer to ensure that the right type
of isolator is selected.

Figure 7.14 Isolations from mould elastomer under foundation.

Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 341

7.4.3 Inertia Block Bolt or Pad Mounting Bolt Installation

The bolt diameter will be determined by the hole diameter in the engine
mounting base or common skid frame. The bolts should be long enough
to provide a minimum embedded length of 30 times the bolt diameter
plus 34 in. (76102 mm) for a hook. (The bolt should have a “J” or
“L” shaped hook on the nonthreaded end to increase its holding power.)
Approximately 7 in. (178 mm) needs to protrude above the top surface of
the inertia block or pad. These 7 in. (178 mm) will provide the length
needed for:
• The grout (if used): 2 in. (51 mm)
• Sole plate (if used): 3/4 in. (19 mm)
• Chock: 1/2 in. (13 mm)
• Shims and engine base: 1-3/4 in. (44.5 mm)
• Washer, nut, and small variations in levelness: 7/8 in. (22 mm)
For a common skid-mounted engine, only 5-1/2 in. (140 mm) of bolt
need to protrude above the inertia block or pad surface.
Bolt placement in the inertia block or pad can be determined by
making a template from 1 3 6 in. (25 3 152 mm) boards. Suspend the
template over the inertia block or pad and hang bolts and sleeves through
the template holes. A total of 7 in. (178 mm) of bolt must extend from
the top surface of the inertia block or pad.
A sleeve of convoluted plastic tubing 23 in. (5176 mm) in diameter
should be placed around the bolts before they are embedded in the concrete.
This will allow the bolts to bend and conform to the dimensions of
the sole plate (if used) if the template was not exact. The sleeve may be
1012 in. (254305 mm) long. The top end of the sleeve should be
slightly above the top level of the inertia block or pad so that the concrete
will not spill into the sleeve and interfere with bolt adjustments.

7.4.4 Grouting
Grouting can be done only after the installation of the inertia block or
pad has fully cured and the sole plates have been positioned and leveled.
On sole plate installations, grouting is important, as it anchors the sole
plates in place. Since the sole plates support the engine, it is important
that the grout be installed properly to hold the plates level.
Engines and common skids can be mounted directly to the grout
without the use of sole plates. When this is done, the engine must be
mounted and leveled before the grout is poured. After installing the
342 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

machine the mechanical department will install shims to adjust the level-
ing by doing alignment and balancing to the machine and after that the
civil department is responsible for pouring the grouting under the engine
skid to have a strong bond between skid and the foundation.
Grouting procedure is critical to follow under good supervision and a
competent applicator.
The first step is to make a form around the inertia block or pad. If possi-
ble, pour the grout from one point on the inertia block or pad only, and allow
the grout to flow under the machine skid. This pouring procedure will help
decrease the chances of air pockets being trapped between the engine and the
inertia block or pad. Air pockets will decrease the contact area between the
grouting and machine skid. Also, a metallic-based grout will expand into
these spaces and force the engine out of alignment. If the pour point on the
engine or common skid is slightly higher than the rest of the inertia block or
pad, the grout will flow more easily under the machine skid.
The best way to install a concrete, metallic-based grout is to form
wedge-shaped grout pads. These pads should run the length of the engine
or common skid. Slope the grout outward in a wedge shape towards the
inertia block or pad to provide better support. Sole plates can be embed-
ded in this run of grout, or the engine base can be installed directly on it.
The advantage of this grouting technique is that it will keep grout out
from under the engine. The grout will not be able to expand up into the
hollow area under the engine base and force the engine out of alignment.
Grouting should be worked into place using rods or chain lengths.
Work the material gently to avoid air entrapment.
When using sole plates, pour in enough grout to embed the plates
1/2 in. (13 mm) into the grout. When sole plates are not used, never
allow the grout to come up over the engine base or common skid, to
allow for future adjustments.
Follow the grout manufacturer’s instructions for applying the grout
and recommendations for curing times. Concrete grouts must be sealed
after curing. All metallic based grouts should be sealed to prevent rust
from destroying the grout.
If the grout is allowed to settle at a slight outward slope, oil and water
will be able to run off the inertia block or pad.
After the grout has cured, remove the leveling screws and remove any
accumulation from the common skid or engine base. Save enough grout to
pour into the inertia block bolt sleeves after the engine has been aligned.
Design of a Foundation Under Vibrating Equipment 343

Many epoxy grouts are also available, which provide superior perfor-
mance for these applications.


The checklist as presents in Table 7.8 is very important to follow if you
review the calculation for the foundation design under vibrating equip-
ment or you perform the design by yourself, so it will be your final step
of the checking process.

Table 7.8 Foundation under machines design checklist

Item Design condition Check point

1 Static bearing capacity 50% of the allowable soil pressure

2 Settlement The eccentricity of the machine
center of gravity and foundation
center of gravity is within 5% of
any linear dimension.
3 Static plus dynamic loads 75% of the allowable soil pressure
4 Settlement of static plus dynamic Satisfy 2 and in case of rocking
load motion, the axis of rocking should
coincide with the principal axis of
the footing.
5 Magnification factor (applied for The calculated values of M should be
machine-generating unbalanced less than 1.5 at resonance frequency.
6 Resonance The acting frequencies of the machine
should not be within 1 20% of the
resonance frequency.
7 Transmissibility factor Transmissibility factor should be less
than 3%.
8 Resonance of individual structure The resonance condition with the
component lowest natural frequency shall be
avoided by maintaining the
frequency ratio ,0.5 and .1.5.
344 Onshore Structural Design Calculations

API standard for centrifugal compressor, Section 2.18.4.
Ary, S.C., O’Neil, M.W., Pincus, G., 1984. Design of Structures and Foundation for
Vibrating Machine. Gulf of Publishing, USA.
Barkan, D.D., 1962. Dynamics of bases and foundation. McGrow Hill, NY.
Baxter, R.L., Bernhard, D.L., “Vibration Tolerances for industry”, ASME paper
67-PEM-14, plant engineering and maintenance conference, Detroit, Michigan,
April 1967.
FBREEKA, vibration and shock control manual, 2009.
Major, A., 1962. Vibration Analysis and Design of Foundation for Machines and
Yurbines. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Collet’s Holding Limited, London.
Richart, F.E., Hall, J.R., Woods, R.D., 1970. Vibrations of soils and Foundations.
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
Waukesha manual, installation of Waukesha engines and Eginator system, 2004.

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