Homeostasis Lab (Developed by Kelly Perry) Introduction: Homeostasis (Greek For "Staying The Same") Is A Process by Which The Body Maintains

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The passage discusses how the body uses negative feedback mechanisms and the hypothalamus to maintain homeostasis and keep internal conditions like temperature and blood glucose levels stable.

Homeostasis is the process by which the body maintains stable internal conditions. The hypothalamus helps regulate many processes to keep homeostasis, like using negative feedback mechanisms where a change triggers a response that counteracts the initial change.

During exercise, the heart rate increases to supply more oxygenated blood to working muscles. It allows the body to get enough oxygen to functioning properly during activity.

Biology Catherine Jackson – Block 2 – 4/6/20


Homeostasis Lab (developed by Kelly Perry)

Introduction: Homeostasis (Greek for “staying the same”) is a process by which the body maintains
a stable internal environment. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that helps the body maintain
homeostasis. It is located in the brain just above the brainstem and is a group of neurons that forms
the primary link between the nervous system and the endocrine system. This small part of the brain is
responsible for regulating many key body processes including internal body temperature, hunger,
thirst, blood pressure, and daily (circadian) rhythms.

When the temperature of a room becomes too warm, the thermostat will switch on the air conditioning
and cool the room. When the room temperature reaches a set desired temperature, the system turns
off. Similarly, most body systems maintain homeostasis by using negative feedback mechanisms.
Negative feedback mechanisms produce a change that opposes the original stimulus. When the brain
receives messages from the body about an internal change in one of its systems, it works to restore
the system to its normal state by reversing the change. Negative feedback mechanisms are found in
the regulation of blood pressure, heart rate, and internal temperature controls. For example, the
normal internal temperature for the human body is approximately 98.6˚F. If the body temperature
rises because of exercise, the body will start to try and cool itself off. This happens through
coordination between the hypothalamus and the various body systems that are affected. Signals are
sent that allow blood vessels to return to the normal state, sweat to be produced, pores to be dilated,
and heart and breathing rate to normalize. This is very similar to the way a thermostat works.

Body systems work to maintain homeostasis in ways we are not even aware of. For example, the
body is constantly working to maintain a normal glucose level in your blood. When you eat something
that contains a lot of sugar, the glucose concentration in your body rises above normal. When
glucose levels are too high, the body releases a hormone called insulin which stimulates the
absorption of glucose by the pancreas to help return the blood sugar level to normal.

 Define homeostasis.  describes the relatively constant internal conditions that organisms
maintain despite changes in internal and external environments

 Define negative feedback  The process in which a stimulus produces a response that
opposes the original stimulus

 Provide one example of negative feedback, including the stimulus and the response  When
the temperature in a room drops below a certain degree, the thermostat senses a change in
temperature and turns the heating system on

 Timer

Procedure: (Can do by yourself or with a partner.)

1. After a sustained period (at least 5 minutes) of rest or inactivity, you and your partner should
take your pulse. To take your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and
the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist. When
you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds.
2. Multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute.
3. Record this information in the table below (0 minutes).
4. Dance, jog in place, jump rope, or due jumping jacks for 5 minutes.
5. Take your pulse again.
6. Record this information in the table below (5 minutes).
7. Remain at rest or inactive for the next 5 minutes.
8. Take your pulse again.
9. Record this information in the table below (10 minutes).
10. Create a graph showing the average pulse over time. Make sure to label your axes, include
units, add a legend if necessary, and provide a title.

Table 1: Measuring Beats Per Minute

Partner 1 Pulse Partner 1 Pulse Average Pulse

Time (minutes)
(Beats per minute) (Beats per minute) (Beats per minute)
0 (rest) 70 64 67

5 (activity) 112 108 110

10 (rest) 90 84 87

Title: Measuring Pulse Data

Discussion Questions: (Answer the following questions in complete sentences when appropriate.)

1. What is the function of the heart?  To pump blood throughout the body via the circulatory

2. Why do cells in the organs need a constant supply of blood?  Blood delivers oxygen and
food that the cells need to survive, blood also gets rid of the cells’ waste.
3. Use your data to describe how heart rate changed during exercise?  Your heart rate

4. Use your data to describe what happens to heart rate after exercise is finished?  Your heart
rate decreases, but not all the way to the resting amount.

5. Explain why heart rate changes during exercise.  To supply your muscles with enough
oxygenated blood to be able to function properly.

6. List at least one other change you observed during exercise.  You are breathing more

7. Describe how this change may relate to changes in heart rate.  Because the heart needs
oxygen to circulate blood around the body, so you need to intake more oxygen to keep up with
the amount of oxygen needed during exercise

8. How did the data you collected in this investigation suggested the body was able to maintain
homeostasis.  With the increase in heart rate, your heart was able to supply the rest of you
body with enough oxygenated blood to continue functioning.

9. Predict what would happen if your heart rate failed to increase during exercise and describe
why.  Your heart wouldn’t be able to produce the right amount of oxygen for your muscles
during exercise.

10. Evaluate what would happen if your body failed to return to normal after exercise and describe
why.  Your heart would be over worked, 321and it wouldn’t have a chance to rest because it
would be over producing.

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