Supplemental Document On The RPMS SY 2020-2021 in The Time of COVID-19
Supplemental Document On The RPMS SY 2020-2021 in The Time of COVID-19
Supplemental Document On The RPMS SY 2020-2021 in The Time of COVID-19
Organizational Development
The demand for teaching and learning has changed for the School Year 2020-2021 as
a result of the impact of COVID-19. Education institutions, including the Department of
Education (DepEd), shifted focus to delivering education remotely through various distance
learning delivery modalities (DLDMs). The current efforts of the Department, its schools and
workforce, are towards developing learning resources and upskilling and retooling teachers to
support the DLDMs adopted by schools. As the learning delivery changes, so do the duties of
teachers to their learners and the performance expected of them. The expectations of teachers
must be captured in their performance assessment through a more contextualized Results-
based Performance Management System (RPMS).
The modifications in RPMS, its tools, processes, and protocols, for SY 2020-2021
captures the DepEd current system that governs teachers’ functions. The selected RPMS
objectives aim to assist teachers to adapt and/or respond more quickly and effectively to
emerging circumstances associated with the challenges brought by the pandemic.
July 2021
Year-round (coaching &
mentoring); March 2021
(mid-year review)
The timeline for each phase of the RPMS Cycle (Figure 1) is adjusted in consideration
of (i) the school calendar for SY 2020-2021 which begins on October 5, 2020 and ends on
June 5, 2021 (DepEd Order No. 30, s. 2020) and (ii) the adjustments of teachers in compliance
with the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) for the school year.
Phases of RPMS
Task/Activity Person(s) Responsible Schedule
PHASE II Monitoring and Coaching School Head/Raters January 2021 – June 2021
Monitoring and Mid-Year Review* with
School Head/Raters/Ratees March 2021
Coaching Development Planning
Performance Raters, Ratees, and A week after scheduled
Year-end Review**
Review and Approving Authorities graduation
There are 11 priority indicators from the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST) chosen as RPMS objectives for this school year. These priority indicators
were selected based on being more responsive and appropriate to the current context of the
teachers, learners, and the learning environment.
There are 7 classroom observable objectives for both Proficient and Highly Proficient
teachers. The performance indicators of these objectives are identified for Quality, except for
Objective 6 which has Quality and Timeliness.
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Organizational Development
There are 4 non-classroom observable objectives for both Proficient and Highly
Proficient teachers. The performance indicators are identified for Quality in Objective 8 and
Quality and Efficiency in Objectives 9 to 11. Plus Factor is Objective 12.
Table 2. MOV per indicator for the Proficient Teachers for RPMS SY 2020-2021
the ratee with achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are
aligned with the learning competencies as shown in any of the following:
• Lecture/discussion
• Activity/activity sheet
• Performance task
• Rubric for assessing performance using criteria that appropriately
describe the target output
9. Built relationships with parents/ 1. Proof of participation in any activity for improved access to education
guardians and the wider school such as, but not limited to the ff. activities
community to facilitate • Distribution of learning materials to learners/parents (e.g., receipt
involvement in the educative form/monitoring form during distribution of learning materials, etc.)
process • Brigada Eskwela (e.g., commitment form to stakeholders,
developed advocacy materials, certificate of participation that
involves parents’/stakeholders’ engagement signed by the school
head, etc.)
• Home visitation (e.g., home visitation form, etc.)
• Others (please specify and provide annotations)
2. Parent-teacher log or proof of other stakeholders meeting (e.g., one-
on-one parent-teacher-learner conference log; attendance sheet with
minutes of online or face-to-face meeting; proof of involvement in the
learners’/parents’ orientation, etc.)
3. Any form of communication to parents/stakeholders (e.g., notice of
meeting; screenshot of chat/text message/communication with
parent/guardian [name or any identifier removed]; digital/ printed copy
of Learner Enrollment Survey Form signed by the ICT
Coordinator/Focal person and School Head)
10. Participated in professional • Certificate of completion in a course/training
networks to share knowledge and • Certificate of participation in a webinar, retooling, upskilling, and other
to enhance practice training/ seminar/ workshop with proof of implementation
• Certificate of recognition/ speakership in a webinar, retooling,
upskilling, and other training/ seminar/ workshop
• Any proof of participation to a benchmarking activity
• Any proof of participation in school LAC sessions (online/face-to-face)
certified by the LAC Coordinator
• Others (please specify and provide annotations)
11. Developed a personal Main MOV
improvement plan based on • Individual Performance and Commitment Review Form-
reflection of one’s practice and Development Plan (IPCRF-DP)
ongoing professional learning Supporting MOV
• Reflection of one’s practice during on LAC sessions with proof of
• Reflection/Personal Notes on Coaching and Mentoring and/or Mid-
year Review
• Personal notes journal on division/school-led INSET with proof of
• Certificate of enrolment/ registration form/class card in
graduate/post-graduate school/online courses
• Any learning material highlighting the improvement done based on
accomplished “reflection” section
• Others (please specify and provide annotations)
12. Performed various related Proof of:
works/activities that contribute to • committee involvement
the teaching-learning process • advisorship of co-curricular activities
(Plus Factor) • involvement as module/learning material writer
• involvement as module/learning material validator
• participation in the RO/SDO/school-initiated TV-/radio-based
• book or journal authorship/ contributorship
• coordinatorship/ chairpersonship
• coaching and mentoring learners in competitions
• mentoring pre-service teachers
• participation in demonstration teaching
• participation as research presenter in a forum/conference
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Organizational Development
Table 3. MOV per indicator for the Highly Proficient Teachers for RPMS SY 2020-2021
9. Guided colleagues to strengthen 1. School letter approved by the school/department/grade level head
relationships with parents/ (e.g., communication with the barangay to use a government vehicle
guardians and the wider school to transport modules)
community to maximize their 2. Approved action plan/project proposal/activity proposal involving the
involvement in the educative stakeholders
process 3. Accomplishment/ narrative report of an approved activity
10. Contributed actively to • Approved activity/project proposal for a webinar, retooling, upskilling,
professional networks within and and other training/ seminar/ workshop with accomplishment report
between schools to improve • Approved activity/project proposal for benchmarking or innovation
knowledge and to enhance with accomplishment report
practice • Certificate as contributor to LRMDS
• Certificate of completion in a course/training
• Certificate of recognition/ speakership in a webinar, retooling,
upskilling, and other training/ seminar/ workshop
• Any proof of participation in school LAC sessions (online/face-to-
face) certified by the LAC Coordinator
• Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
11. Initiated professional Main MOV
reflections and promote learning • Synthesis of Individual Performance and Commitment Review
opportunities with colleagues to Form-Development Plan (IPCRF-DP) of colleague/s
improve practice Supporting MOV
• Certificate of recognition as resource speaker/ training committee
• Training matrix of LAC sessions highlighting teacher’s role
• Minutes of LAC session highlighting teacher’s role
• Sample personal notes/ reflection of colleagues on regional/
division/ school-led INSETs and/or other trainings supervised/
conducted by teacher
• Summary of evaluation/ quality assurance report on the conducted
regional/division/school-led INSETs and/or other trainings
• Others (please specify and provide annotations)
12. Performed various related Proof that the teacher:
works/activities that contribute to • served as OIC in the absence of the principal
the teaching-learning process • represented the principal in meetings and conference
(Plus Factor) • observed teaching performance of Teachers I-III
• assisted the school selection committee in the evaluation of
credentials when hiring or promoting teachers
• served in a committee
• served as adviser to co-curricular activities
• served as coordinator/chairperson
• authored/contributed to a book or journal
• participated in the RO/SDO/school-initiated TV-/radio-based
• served as module/learning material writer
• served as module/learning material validator
• coached and mentored learners in competitions
• mentored pre-service/ in-service teachers
• others (please specify and provide annotations)
See Appendix 1 and 2 for the RPMS Tool for Proficient Teachers for SY 2020-2021 and
RPMS Tool for Highly Proficient Teachers for SY 2020-2021. A glossary is provided in each
tool to set the operational definition of concepts from the indicators and of certain MOV.
Content knowledge and Competencies that teachers are expected to master for them to teach efficiently
pedagogy and effectively (Department of Education 2017, 24)
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Creative thinking skills Involve exploring ideas, generating possibilities and looking for many right
answers rather than just one (Department of Education 2017, p. 24)
Critical thinking skills Refer to the many kinds of intellectual skills that (in its most basic expression)
occurs when students are analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, or synthesizing
information and applying creative thought to form an argument, solve a problem,
or reach a conclusion (Department of Education 2017, 24)
Daily Lesson Log (DLL) See Lesson Plan
Detailed Lesson Plan See Lesson Plan
Feedback Refers to essential and culturally-appropriate written and/or oral information about
learners’ performance/ output that can be used to raise awareness on their
strengths and weaknesses as bases for improvement (Department of Education
2019, 61)
Feedback, superficial Refer to feedback that is formulaic and lacks information on how to improve
learning (e.g., “correct”, “very good”, etc.)
Higher-order thinking Complex thinking processes which include logical and critical analysis, evaluation
skills and synthesis thinking that enable individuals to reflect, solve problems and create
products/solutions (Department of Education 2017, 25)
Home visitation An intervention strategy that involves the learner’s families and the community.
“Where possible, the teacher shall do home visits to learners needing remediation
or assistance” (Department of Education 2020b, 32). Interviews, consultation, and
dialogues with parents can be conducted to assess the student’s learning
progress (Department of Education 2015, 67).
Individual Learning “Utilized to monitor learner progress based on the given intervention strategies”
Monitoring Plan (Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction 2020,
Appendix D)
Information and Includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware and software, digital resources
Communications (e.g., books, journals, research reports, databases, scripts, etc. in digital form),
Technology (ICT) and digital information/media (e.g., digital images, video, audio, websites, web
pages, social media, etc.) that can be used for instruction (Department of
Education 2019a)
Learner-centered Refers to a set of attitudes, conventions and practices that place the learners at
culture the center of the learning process by using varied teaching modalities responsive
to learners’ diverse background and relevant to meaningful learning experience
(Department of Education – Teacher Education Council 2019)
Learners in difficult Refer to learners that are geographically isolated; chronically ill; displaced due to
circumstances armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters; child-abused and experienced
child labor practices (Department of Education 2017, 15); Also refer to persons
who suffer from hunger, thirst, dangerous jobs, prostitution, sexual abuse,
diseases, exclusion, harassment, problems with the law, imprisonment, destructive
drugs, domestic slavery, violence, among others (UNESCO 1999)
Learning Management An online platform that can be used for distance learning which includes the
System DepEd-LMS, DepEd Commons, DepEd Learning Resource (LR) Portal, and third-
party software such as Edmodo, Schoology, Google Classroom, and Microsoft
Teams (Department of Education 2020b, 31)
Lesson Plan Refers to the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) as part of
instructional planning (Department of Education 2016b). Other forms of lesson
plan are the Weekly Lesson Plan (WLP), Weekly Lesson Log (WLL), Weekly Home
Learning Plan (WHLP) and Lesson Exemplars (LE).
“During pandemic and other disruptive events, all public elementary and
secondary school teachers in the region shall prepare their lesson exemplars
instead of the usual Detailed Lesson Plan (DLPs) and/or Daily Learning Logs
(DLL) for MELCs and/or enabling competencies” (Department of Education -
CALABARZON 2020, 10).
Refer to the competencies from the K to 12 curriculum guides which are most
Most Essential Learning useful in many professions and in everyday life, thereby satisfying the so-called
Competencies (MELCs) endurance criterion. Anchored on the prescribed standards, these competencies
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Organizational Development
The alternative classroom observations for RPMS is considered only for SY 2020-2021
due to the absence of or limited capacity for face-to-face learning.
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Organizational Development
Alternative Classroom
1. Online observation • This applies to teachers who will adopt online synchronous
learning regardless of the number of classes and learners.
There should be 2 classroom observations for the entire school year. Hence, ratees
should submit 2 classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheets/inter-observer agreement
forms as MOV for objectives that require such (i.e., Objectives 1, 5, and 7). The alternative
classroom observations should follow this timeframe:
See Appendix 7 for the FAQs (frequently asked questions) on the alternative classroom
The alternative classroom observation processes are almost similar with the process
of classroom observation done face-to-face. The pre-observation, observation, and post-
observation are still followed with minimal modifications as shown in the table below.
Observation of a
Observation of a video demonstration teaching
Forms Online observation
lesson via Learning Action Cell
Observer/s Teacher Observer/s Teacher Observer/s Teacher
• Review the • Reviews • Review the • Reviews the • Review the • Reviews
rubric RPMS rubric rubric rubric RPMS
appropriate rubric appropriate appropriate appropriate rubric
to the appropriat to the to his/her to the appropriate
position of e to position of position. position of to his/her
the teacher his/her the teacher • Plans the the teacher position.
COT- to be position. to be lesson to be • Plans the
observed. • Plans the observed. based on observed. lesson
• Meet with lesson • Meet with the • Meet with based on
RUBRIC the teacher based on the teacher indicators. the teacher the
to discuss the to discuss • Delivers the to discuss indicators.
the indicators. the lesson using the
schedule schedule of a video schedule of
and the submission recording the LAC
online of the video device. session
platform to lesson. intended for
be used. demonstrati
on teaching.
• Access the • Delivers • View the • Submit the • Sit at any • Delivers
online the lesson video lesson video lesson available the lesson
platform at in the after to the seats* on the
the chosen submission* observer/s. • Record all agreed
2) Observation of a video lesson – (i) Give a copy of your video lesson to your colleague/s which they should
view. (ii) Have an attendance sheet signed afterwards. (Note: Observer/s must ensure that colleague/s
view the video lesson.)
3) Observation of a demonstration teaching via LAC – (i) Invite your colleague/s to observe your
demonstration teaching during a LAC session. (ii) Have an attendance sheet signed afterwards.
See Appendix 3-6 for the COT-RPMS and SAT-RPMS for Proficient Teachers and Highly
Proficient Teachers for SY 2020-2021.
DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, or the Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of
the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of
Education, establishes who the ratees are and their corresponding raters and approving
authorities. See table below as reference to the expanded version of ratee-rater matrix.
Assistant Superintendent
Large and Very Large Divisions
Teacher Principal/ School Head Superintendent
Small and Medium Divisions
Assistant Superintendent
Large and Very Large Divisions
Teacher Master Teacher/ Head Principal/ School Head
Teacher/ Assistant Principal
ALS Implementers Master Teacher/ Head Principal/ School Head
(school-based) Teacher/ Assistant Principal
ALS Implementers Education Program Chief of Curriculum
(community learning Specialist for ALS Implementation Division (CID)
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2020a. Guidelines on the Use of the Most Essential Learning
Competencies. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2020b. Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for
School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2019a. Classroom Observation Tool. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2019b. Results-based Performance Management System Updated
Manual. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2017. National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2016a. The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic Education Program
School-based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2016b. Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12
Basic Education Program. Pasig City.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2015. Guidelines on the Enhanced School Improvement Planning (SIP)
Process and the School Report Card (SRC). Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education – CALABARZON. 2019. PIVOT 4A Budget of Work in All Learning Areas
in Key Stage 1-4 (version 2.0). Cainta.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction. 2020. Policy Guidelines
on the Implementation of Learning Delivery Modalities for the Formal Education. Pasig City.
Government of the Philippines, Department of Education – Teacher Education Council. 2019. Philippine Professional Standards
for Teachers (PPST) Resource Package Module 17. Pasig City.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 1999. Programme for the Education of Children in Difficult
Circumstances: street children, working children...access to education, even for the most destitute.