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AND THE DOJ DID NOTHING ~ | INI World Report https://www.ini-world-report.



Memo warns Attorney General Jeff Sessions of VP Pence and Florida Attorney General Pam
Bondi after Minnesota court rules on international child trafficking evidence
Posted: December 20, 2017 in Uncategorized
Tags: #pedogate, #pizzagate, Casey Anthony, Charlie Crist, CIA child trafficking, Eric Holder,
fake adoptions, FBI, Florida, Gloria Allred, HaLeigh Cummings, James Comey, Jeff Sessions,
Jeffrey Epstein, Judge Tamara Yon, MEMO, Mike Pence, Minnesota court, Pam Bondi,
pedophile island, Robert Mueller, Scott Rothstein, Wayanne Kruger
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on December 20, 2017, 2:04 P.M. CST

The following letter was placed in the U.S. Mail today.

Timothy Charles Holmseth

320 17th Street N.W.
Unit #17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.773.1299 (land)
218.230.1597 (cell)
[email protected]

In Re: MEMO / Transnational Child Sex Trafficking / Mike Pence / Pam Bondi

December 20, 2017

Jeff Sessions
U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Attorney General Sessions,

I am contacting you regarding information that pertains to matters of National Security; public
safety; and through its nature may reveal a threat to President Donald Trump.

This information should be of interest to your office in light of President Trump’s Executive
Order filed under ‘National Security and Defense’ on February 9, 2017 – ‘Presidential
Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal
Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking.’

The information I possess and present herein is in regards to (but not limited to) Vice
President Michael Pence and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

I’ll explain.

I began assisting the FBI in the summer of 2009 with information I obtained as a journalist
regarding a child kidnapping that occurred in Florida. Records and secret emails that were
hidden by corrupt police in Minnesota (but later surfaced) show the FBI was using my
information in July, 2009. I was formally interviewed by Special Agent A.J. Eilermann,

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Minneapolis FBI in February, 2010.

I relayed information to the FBI regarding the kidnapping of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings,
5, who was reported missing from her Florida home on February 10, 2009. I also possessed
information regarding the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony (Casey Anthony trial) which was
directly related to the Cummings case.

Following my FBI interviews in 2010, I continued to be contacted and receive documents from
key figures in the aforementioned cases. The key figures were connected via emails,
statements, and other evidence, to former Fort Lauderdale attorney Scott W. Rothstein who
pled guilty to federal crimes after a RICO investigation revealed he ran the largest Ponzi
scheme in the history of the state of Florida. The Ponzi scheme involved convicted sex offender
Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein, of course, facilitated flights for elites to his notorious
‘Pedophile Island’.

The information I obtained also involved former Florida Governor Charlie Crist and a biofuel
scheme regarding Alternative Biofuel Technologies (ABT) he was running with Attorney Scott
Rothstein, Fort Lauderdale Attorney * * * * * * * * * * , her convicted felon husband Michael * *
* * * , and investors.

During recorded interviews, Wayanne Kruger, the protégé and professional associate of
Attorney Gloria Allred, provided me very specific details of an international baby sales and
child sex trafficking operation that was being operated by * * * * * and Michael * * * * * , with
the assistance of John Regan, a fake pastor that identified himself as FBI and CIA. The child
trafficking operation involved Florida Department of Children and Families, and moved
children in and out of the United State through U.S. Embassies using fake church dossiers and
medical records.

Beginning in 2009, and throughout the years following, I reported information regarding
evidence of transnational criminal organizations and child sex trafficking to the office of U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder, as well as the FBI under Robert S. Mueller III, and James B.

Eric Holder, James Comey, and Robert Mueller took absolutely no action regarding the
information I provided.

Rather, the targeting of me and my family that began as soon as I assisted the FBI in 2009,
intensified, to the degree of fraudulently obtained ‘domestic violence’ court orders being placed
against me (on behalf of Florida attorney * * * * * * * * * * who I never personally met – only
interviewed) and my publication through a Florida court to retroactively force-remove content
and evidence I obtained and published about child sex trafficking. I have received threats of
death, mutilation, sex assault, non-stop stalking and harassment, and threats to kidnap my

Secret emails revealed the trafficking operation was receiving assistance from CNN journalist
Art Harris who was conspiring through back door communications with law enforcement and
operatives in multiple states.

On December 13, 2107 Minnesota Assistant Chief Judge Tamara Yon, 9th Minnesota District,
GRANTED my MOTION TO VACATE, which I filed on July 24, 2017 under Court File Number
60-FA-13-468 after presenting the court with new evidence that was not available at the time
of trial.

The timeline of events that led up to the 2017 ruling reveal a shadow government operation
that targets witnesses and whistleblowers through a variety of means including corruption in
the judicial community.

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After my book about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case was released in 2011, the
Minnesota Family Court was improperly utilized to terrorize me and my children via false
claims regarding my young son in what was essentially a ‘best interest of the child’ extortion
scheme intended to discredit me and coerce me into silence about information I obtained
regarding child trafficking.

In 2013, the Minnesota court accepted and relied upon testimony from a shadow government
operative employed by State of Minnesota, Guardian ad Litem Matthew Petrovich, who
admitted he had been communicating with * * * * * * * * * * . The court ordered me to not say
the name “* * * * * * * * * * ” or “HaLeigh Cummings” in the presence of my child. I was then
required to see my son under supervision for approximately a year although no service
provider, doctor, therapist, social worker, teacher, or any other licensed professional, ever
documented a single concern about me, recorded, or even mentioned my son talking about
“HaLeigh Cummings” or “* * * * * * * * * * ”.

The basis for the supervision was, essentially, my investigative journalism was upsetting
somebody (i.e. child traffickers), and those persons were not going to stop pursuing me until I
stopped covering the story.

In 2017, I was able to expose the entire operation.

I’ll explain.

My 218 page MOTION TO VACATE and AFFIDAVIT with EXHIBITS was not filed until July
24, 2017 because evidence I acquired as a journalist regarding CIA/FBI international child
trafficking, child pornography, and fake adoptions had been effectively destroyed by the East
Grand Forks Police Department and Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Task Force after
they violently raided my home-office wearing bullet proof vests whereupon they seized my
computer and disabled the hard drive that contained evidence.

I was eventually able to resurrect the information regarding the CIA/FBI trafficking and fake
adoptions using back-ups I located, and an old computer tower that my parents gave me (the
police broke mine). I then spent hours and hours searching for the critical evidence because
the back-ups were not catalogued.

The Introduction of my July 24, 2017 MOTION reads:

PETITIONER brings this MOTION TO VACATE because NEW EVIDENCE that was not
available at the time of trial shows adverse parties within Minnesota law enforcement and the
larger interstate judicial community, criminally and civilly conspired with agents of a private
corporation that received support from the U.S. Military to strategically create life-threatening
conflict in the life of Parties’ minor child * * * * * U. Holmseth; conflict that would be used to
justify court actions against Plaintiff’s constitutional rights for the illegal purpose of protecting
a criminal enterprise of child sex trafficking and child pornography.

The 218 page MOTION and AFFIDAVIT with EXHIBITS that I filed on July 24, 2017 detailed
the organized criminal activities of a child trafficking apparatus that identified itself to me as
“The Deep State” during threatening voice changer calls warning I remove all of my websites
from the Web. The callers would unabashedly use the telephone numbers of high profile
government leaders and organizations including (but not limited to) Trump Organization,
Mar-A-Lago Resort, Doral Resort, Clinton Global, Turner Enterprises, Republican National
Committee, State of New Jersey, State of Florida, and most recently The White House. In one
of the many voice-changer calls I was warned to never again publish the names “Pam Bondi” or
“Marco Rubio”.

I submitted to the Minnesota court irrefutable exhibits that demonstrated an Indiana

corporation called Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc. was actively conspiring with

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shadow government operatives in Minnesota, Florida, and the U.S. Air Force to violate my
constitutional rights for the purpose of protecting members of transnational trafficking

In an Order dated December 13, 2017 Honorable Yon stated:

“Mr. Holmseth has presented a significant amount of evidence regarding his investigations.
Both parties and this Court acknowledge and agree that any order in this case which may
prohibit or restrict Mr. Holmseth from conducting said investigations are VACATED.”


VP Mike Pence

The sheer magnitude and nature of the incriminating evidence I possess regarding Specialized
Investigative Consultants Inc., is so utterly profound and disturbing it almost shocks the

It defies reality that former Indiana Governor Michael Pence could not have known what was
occurring in his State of Indiana.

I filed a formal complaint against Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative

Consultants Inc., to the State of Indiana and no action was taken. She then continued
operations against my family.

I also reported Tina church to the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota, and
Mishawaka Police Department in Indiana, after she claimed she was impersonated by another
person on a false police report she made to the police claiming I had HaLeigh Cummings in my
home. No action was taken by either State.

The following are only a few facts:

Wayanne Kruger suggested she had Tina Church on video with the family of missing child
HaLeigh Cummings shortly after the child vanished
Tina Church warned me that I have no idea who I am messing with
Tina Church is a documented associate of Attorney * * * * * * * * * * (who Wayanne Kruger
named as an international child trafficker for the CIA)
Tina Church told me during a recorded call that her son is a Lt. Colonel in the United States Air
Force who can walk across the street to the U.S. Department of Justice and obtain records any
time he wants
Tina Church told me during a recorded call that she works for federal judges
Tina Church told a witness in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case that she was involved in
the “JonBenet Ramsey” case
Tina Church told me during a recorded call that she was in un-documented communications
with the police in Minnesota regarding me – she said the police were calling her (calling her off
the record) to discuss me and my “obsession’ with HaLeigh Cummings (which was shadow
government code speak regarding the fact I had uncovered their child trafficking and kiddy
porn operation)
Tina Church warned me during a recorded call that she could have my children taken away
from me
Tina Church warned me during a recorded call that she telephoned and talked to Honorable
Tamara Yon about my court case (which she later admitted in another telephone call that she
did not do)
Tina Church warned me during a recorded call that she telephoned Polk County (Minnesota)
Attorney Greg Widseth and East Grand Forks City Attorney Ronald Galstad. She said she
warned Ronald Galstad that if the City of East Grand Forks, Minnesota did not involuntarily
commit Timothy Holmseth into a mental institution that she would sue the City using her

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high-powered attorney from Chicago


Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was a member of President Trump’s Transition Team.

William E. Staubs, Case Closed Inc., Florida, worked for Attorney * * * * * * * * * * and they
were deeply involved in the cases of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings and slain toddler
Caylee Anthony. William Staubs is the close friend, business partner, law client, and PI for
Attorney * * * * * * * * * * .

I submitted audio recordings to the Minnesota court created during a formal meeting of * * * *
* * * * * * ’s law office, which captures William Staubs saying that they (* * * * * * * * * * ,
William Staubs, and their team) found the body of Caylee Anthony (which was not the story
presented by the State of Florida at the Casey Anthony murder trial).

I also submitted explosively outrageous audio that captured * * * * * * * * * * and William

Staubs in the very act of conducting a shadow government judicial child abduction operation of
a kidnapping witness that was being extorted in advance of a false written statement against an
innocent person.

William Staubs told me he is an informant for Attorney General Pam Bondi and said he met
with her to discuss * * * * * * * * * * and other matters that involved murder.

I have submitted countless complaints and exhibits to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
and Florida Department of Law Enforcement regarding all of the aforementioned crimes
against children and no action has ever been taken.

I have set forth the facts regarding the CIA/FBI baby sales and child sex trafficking operation
in statements made under oath to the United States District Court in both Florida and

Our government is actively harvesting children and babies for sale to wealthy elites for the
purpose of sex, torture, cannibalism, and ritual sacrifice.


President Donald Trump would be well advised to proceed with an abundance of caution
regarding any trust he might place in Michael Pence and/or Pam Bondi.

An abundance of evidence shows both Michael Pence and Pam Bondi are in willful and
obnoxious defiance of President Trump’s Executive Order on February 9, 2017 – ‘Presidential
Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal
Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking.’

Very respectfully yours,

Timothy Charles Holmseth

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