Casing Packer Setting Tool (SLB)
Casing Packer Setting Tool (SLB)
Casing Packer Setting Tool (SLB)
Features :
Principal of Operation :
The firing head fires the igniter, which initiates the burning of the Power Charge in the
burn chamber. The combustion of the power charge produces high pressure gas. This
gas acts upon the high side of the free-floating piston in the oil-filled power cylinder. The
down motion of the piston pushes the oil downward. The oil flows through an orifice in
the jack sub. The jack sub is ported so that the oil is directed to the space between the
intermediate head and the jack sub. When the force caused by the oil reaches 3,600lbs,
it breaks the shear pin and the jack cylinder, intermediate head and setting sleeve move
downward. The plug or packer begins to set. When fully set, the release stud in the
adapter kit will shear and free the CPST tool. The CPST tool, plus adapter kit, is retrieved
back to surface; and high pressure gas is bled off once the tool is at surface.
1. Before beginning assembly, ensure that all components are clean and undamaged.
Used components should be redressed.
2. All make-up threads and o-rings should be coated with Lubriplate. Also place a band
of Lubriplate in the bore behind the threads of the jack cylinder and the setting sleeve.
3. Do not place clamps or wrenches on the shaft of the tension mandrel, as this is a
sealing surface. Lightly lubricate the entire length of the shaft with Lubriplate prior to
4. Do not add oil to the tool until it is ready to be used. If the tool is filled and not used,
remove oil and flush with solvent prior to storage.
5. The o-rings and back-up rings on the jack sub and the tension release mandrel must
be assembled as shown below. Install the o-ring first and use it to position and hold
the back-up rings. NOTE : The curved face of the back-up ring is positioned adjacent
to the o-ring.
Back-up rings
1. Install 2 x B026325 o-rings in the intermediate head. NOTE : The internal o-ring
grooves are loacted in only one end (UPHOLE) of the intermediate head.
2. Install 4 x B026332 o-rings in the extrenal grooves on the intermediate head, and
place in vise.
3. Screw the jack sub cylinder onto the intermediate head with the internal o-rings at the
bottom and thighten securely. Make sure that the jack sub cylinder and the
intermediate head have been properly lubricated.
5. Slide the small end (lower) of the jack sub into the jack sub cylinder. HINT : The o-
rings will be tight to engage the seal on the jack sub cylinder, so the Orifice nut may
be remove (if fitted already) and the assy ‘bumped’ on wood to encorage the o-rings to
engage the seal bore. Similarly, the setting sleeve and tension mandrel could be made
up first and with the use of the re-cocking tool the o-rings would be encouraged to
engage their seal.
6. Align the holes in the jack sub with the holes in the jack sub cylinder and install 2 x
B015548 spirol pins. The pins should be flush with the outside surface. HINT : A
punch may be used to aid alignment.
8. Install the Orifice nut, making sure the orifice hole is clear of debris.
9. Install 2 x B026332 o-rings and 4 x B028715 back-up rings on the tension mandrel.
Lubricate the o-rings and back-up rings with Lubriplate.
Lightly lubricate the entire length of the tension mandrel shaft. Insert the small threaded
end of the mandrel through th intermediate head and into the bottom of the jack sub.
Rotate the mandrel clockwise until the thread is fully engaged. Hold a back-up on the jack
sub and torque the tension to 400ft-lbs (min). NOTE : The mandrel should be tight before
the setting sleeve is installed.
10. Ensure that the setting sleeve has been properly lubricated. Slide the female
threaded end of the sleeve over the mandrel and onto the intermediate head. Tighten
securely. NOTE : If all parts are assembled properly, the distance from the bottom of
the setting sleeve thread to the bottom of the tension mandrel thread should measure
13. Install 2 x B026332 o-rings on the male threaded end of the burn chamber and
lubricate threads and o-rings.
14. Set the properly lubricated power cylinder vertically (both ends are identical).
15. Install the piston in the power cylinder and use the male threaded end of the burn
chamber to push it into the seal bore of the cylinder. Screw the burn chamber into the
power chamber fully and tighten securely. NOTE : This will position the piston
correctly. Rotate this assembly so that the open end of the power cylinder is facing up.
Measure down to the piston, it should be 15 ½” (393mm).
15 ½” (393mm)
16. This completes the assembly procedure. Do not add oil until the tool is ready to be
2. Position the power cylinder withy the open end pointing upward. Ensure that the
piston is seated firmly against the burn chamber (check the measurement down to the
piston, it should be 15 ½” or 393mm).
3. Fill the power cylinder with SAE-30 oil (or Rotella 15-40), to the proper level using the
fill gauge.
4. With the power cylinder firmly supported in the vertical position, screw the jack sub
assembly (jack sub, jack cylinder, intemediate head, tension mandrel and setting
sleeve) into the power cylinder. NOTE : This operation requires two persons.
6. Screw the stud into the pressure vent lock from the rear, until the stud shoulders
against the rear of the nut. NOTE: This is the fully backed out or vent position.
7. Install the assembled nut (LEFT HAND THREAD) in the pressure vent port of the
firing head and tighten with B013591 2 inch x 3/16 in diameter x 1/8 in long adjustable
face spanner wrench. Use a ¼ inch hex wrench to tighten the bleed stud securely.
2. Insert igniter into firing head and make up onto firing head adapter.
(b) Coat the outside of the tube with DC-111, up to 2” from the top. This will
facilitate redressing of the burn chamber.
(c) Remove the plastic cap from the power charge and slide it into the burn
4. Screw the firing head (c/w adapter) into the burn chamber and tighten securely.
Re-Cocking Tool
To re-cock a used tool firstly screw on the re-cocking adapter onto the bottom of the
sliding sleeve. Then insert the threaded rod. The threaded rod incorporates a spring pin
that locates into one of the 4 holes at the bottom of the tension mandrel. Screw on the
wing nut onto the threaded rod and screw against the re-cocking adapter and continue
until the tool is re-set.
CPST-AA Procedures Page 9 of 12
Compiled by A. Morrison 15/3/03
CPST-AA Procedures Page 10 of 12
Compiled by A. Morrison 15/3/03
CPST-AA Procedures Page 11 of 12
Compiled by A. Morrison 15/3/03
CPST-AA Procedures Page 12 of 12
Compiled by A. Morrison 15/3/03