Appendix 1 Per-Unit Notation: Al.L Transformers

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Appendix 1

Per-unit notation


In the analysis of electrical power circuits, the existence of transformers, or even

transformer action between coupled coils raises the question of impedance
values referred to one side or the other, related by the square of the turns ratio.
In power system analysis particularly, this can be a tedious computational
problem. The concepts of 'per-unit' values were introduced so that turns-ratio
effects could be largely eliminated in routine calculations. The definitions are as
follows (p.u. = per unit):
Rated phase voltage = 1.0 p.u.

Rated phase current = 1.0 p.u.

- rated phase voltage vph

Rated unit impedance Zph
- rated phase current I ph

This gives the value in ohms which is to be taken as 1.0 per unit impedance.
Plant impedance Z (Q) expressed in per-unit terms, is therefore

plant impedance zph (!l)

unit impedance zph (Q)

Since the unit impedance Zph involves rated voltage and rated current it
is expressed with respect to the V A rating of the plant. Impedance values
expressed with respect to the primary or secondary si~e of a transformer will be
the same fraction of the corresponding value of Zph on that side. The p.u.
impedance is therefore the same on either side-as the following simple
calculation shows.

Example 1

A 3 kV A 50 Hz single-phase 100/50 V transformer has leakage reactance 0.5 n

on the primary side and 0.15 non the secondary side. What are these values per-
unit? Calculate the short-circuit current in both sides when rated voltage is
applied to the primary side and the secondary terminals are short-circuited.


Turns ratio k = 100/50 = 2

k2 = 4

3000 A .
Rated current= 100 = 30 pnmary

= 50 = 60 A secondary

Reactance referred to primary side = 0.5 + 0.15 X 4 = 1.1 n

Reactance referred to secondary side= 0.15 +0.5 (1/4) = 0.275 n
Primary short-circuit current = 100/1.1 = 90.9 A
Secondary short-circuit current = 50/0.275 = 181.8 A
Primary input short-circuit kVA = 100 X 90.9 X 10- 3 = 9.09 kV A.

In per-unit terms

1.0 per-unit reactance on primary side = 100/30 = 3.333 n

1.0 per-unit reactance on secondary side = 50/60 = 0.833 3 n
Transformer reactance p.u. referred to primary side = 1.1/3.333 = 0.33 p.u.
Transformer reactance p.u. referred to secondary side = 0.275/0.833 3
= 0.33 p.u.
Thus the transformer has the same total reactance p.u., referred to either side.
. . . p.u. voltage 1.0
Pnmary short-ctrcmt current p.u. = = - - = 3.03 p.u.
p.u. reactance 0.33
= 3.03 x rated current
This applies to either side.
Primary short-circuit current = 3.03 x 30 = 90.9 A
Secondary short-circuit = 3.03 x 60 = 181.8 A
Short-circuit kV A = p.u. volts x p.u. current on short circuit
= 1.0 x 3.03 = 3.03 p.u.
= 3.03 X 3 kV A= 9.09 kV A
. . rated kV A 3
Short-cucmt kV A= = - = 9.09 kV A
p.u. reactance 0.33


When impedance values occur in series or parallel, they must all be referred to
the same V A rating. This is a direct proportionality and any V A rating can be
taken as a common base.

Example 2

A 200 MV A 16.5 kV star-connected 3-phase alternator has synchronous

reactance 1.5 p.u. Express this value in ohms.


Line voltage= 16.5 kV

Phase voltage = 16.5/ -J3 = 9.526 kV
200 X 10 3
Rated current= = 6998 A
-.)3 X 16.5
Base (1.0 p.u.) reactance = 9 526/6 998 = 1.36 !l
Thus machine reactance in ohms = 1.5 x 1.36 = 2.04 !l

. . phase voltage 9 526
3-phase short-ctrcmt current = h = - - = 4 669.6 A
p ase reactance 2.04

Short-circuit MV A= /3 x 16.5 x 4.669 6 = 133.3 MV A


Short-circuit current = l.O x base current = l.O x 6 998 = 4 669 A

1.5 1.5
. . base MV A 200
Short-ctrcutt MV A = = - = 133.3 MV A
p.u. reactance 1.5

Example 3

A 10 MV A 6.6 kV 3-phase star-connected alternator, transient reactance

0.1 p.u., feeds a load through two cables in parallel. One cable is rated to carry
1000 A and has reactance 0.05 p.u. at its rated MV A. The other cable is rated
1500 A and has reactance per phase 0.2 n. Calculate the short-circuit current in
each line at a three-phase fault near the load.


Take (say) 10 MV A base.

Cable A: 1000 A rating, reactance 0.05 p.u.
Rating = -.)3 x 6.6 x 1000 x 10- 3 = 11.43 MV A
Thus at 10 MV A base the per-unit reactance of this cable becomes
0.05 x 10/11.43 = 0.0437 p.u.
Cable B: 1500 A, reactance 0.2 n
Rating= -.)3 x 6.6 x 1500 x 10- 3 = 17.15 MV A
We now calculate the reactance of the cable per-unit at this MV A rating, as
. . phase voltage 3 810
Umt reactance at this ratmg = h =- = 2.54 Q
p ase current 1 500
Thus the cable reactance p.u., is
0.2/2.54 = 0.0787 p.u. at 17.15 MV A.
Therefore at 10 MV A, cable B reactance is
0.078 7
17.15 x 10 = 0.045 9 p.u.

The cable reactances can now be paralleled in the usual way

0.043 7 X 0.045 9
0.043 7 + 0.045 9 = 0·022 4 p.u.
This adds directly to the p.u. reactance of the generator, to give a total reactance
p.u., at 10 MV A rating,
0.1 + 0.022 4 = 0.122 4 p.u.
Short-circuit MV A = 10/0.122 4 = 81.7 MV A
81 700
Short-circuit current = = 7147 A
-.}3 X 6.6

At 10 MV A base, rated current = 10 000 = 874.77 A

.J3 X 6.6

3 810
1.0 p.u. reactance at 10 MV A= 874 .77 = 4.355 n

Reactance of generator in ohms= 4.355 X 0.1 = 0.435 5 n

Reactance of cables in parallel (0.022 4 p.u) = 4.355 X 0.224 = 0.097 56 n
Total reactance = 0.435 5 + 0.097 56 = 0.533 n

Short-circuit current = ~.~~~ = 7147 A

Short-circuit MV A= .J3 X 6.6 X 7 147 X 10- 3 = 81.7 MV A


When only d.c. machines are being investigated it is not usually necessary to use
the per-unit notation. In multi-machine systems, however, the parameters of d.c.
machines can also be written in per-unit form, referred to a selected kV A base.
This may be, for example, the rating of an induction motor, driving a d.c.


The application of the per-unit system to an alternator is straightforward,

except where the field values are concerned. The main complication here lies in
the concept of an acceptable turns ratio. The flux set up by balanced three-phase
current in the armature winding has a value which is constant in magnitude and
rotates at constant angular velocity. As shown in section 2.12 this is 3/2 times the
maximum value of the flux set up by the alternating current in each phase. Using
this factor, Rankin [Rankin, A. W., 'Per-Unit Impedances of Synchronous
Machines, Parts I and II', T AI EE, 64, 569 and 839 (1945)] derived expressions
for the per-unit resistance and reactance of the field winding referred to the
armature, as follows

. 3 Rc ( ic ) 2
Resistance (Rr)p.u. = l Z ~· (A1.2)
base 2la

Reactance (Xr)p.u. = l X r ( ~·ic ) 2 (Al.3)
base 2la

Here the current i. is the rated armature current and iris the field current which
will set up rated phase voltage in the stator winding on open-circuit. Typical
values for the parameters of a large 3-phase turbo-alternator are given below,
Rating 200 MV A, generated voltage 16.5 kV.
xd = 1.6 p.u. R. = 0.002 p.u.
xq = 1.6 p.u. R r = 0.001 p.u.
X r = 1.6 p.u. Rkd = 0.009 p.u.
xmd = 1.45 p.u. Rkq = 0.009 p.u.
xmq = 1.45 p.u. Inertia constant H = 3.0 MW s/MV A
X kd = 1.51 p.u.
Xkq = 1.51 p.u.


If dynamical machine studies involve large changes in speed the general

equation is
Jwm =torque input- torque output
Jwm =torque differential (A1.4)
where rom is the mechanical angular velocity of the rotor in radian/second.
The concept of power differential is complicated by the fact that this also
involves the angular velocity which is now a variable, the dynamical power
equation being
wmJ (Om = power input- power output (A1.5)
However, in many synchronous machine studies, mechanical disturbances cause
variations in speed about the synchronous value, the machines remaining in
synchronism at constant mean speed. Here the rotor excursions will be in terms
of variations in the synchronous load angle lJ and the dynamical equation can be
J p 2 lJ = torque input- torque output (Al.6)
where lJ = 8 1 -8 2 , the synchronous angular position of the rotor structure with
respect to the rotating flux wave on the stator. The power equation is then
wm J p 2 lJ = power input -power output (Al.7)
In power system stability and control studies, the constant M is often given in
terms of another constant H, defined below. The advantage is that H does not
vary much over quite a wide range of sizes, for alternators of the same class,
namely turbo- or hydro-salient-pole. The relationships amongst the constants
are as follows.
Let J be the polar moment of inertia of the rotating mass, in kg m 2 •
Then the stored energy
If W = H G where G is the machine rating, then H is the stored energy in the
rotating mass per unit of VA (or MY A)
H= 2 G m p.u. of the machine rated
VA (Al.9)

2W 2HG
M=roml=-=-- (Al.lO)
rom rom
2H .
M = - p.u. machme rated VA (Al.ll)
In a.c. machines with n pairs of poles, the steady-state and transient electrical
equations in the general machine theory still apply when they are written in
terms of the electrical angular velocity ro. = 2nfelectrical radjs. However, since
the inertial power and torque effects are associated with mechanical angular
velocity, care is required in relating these to the generated electrical power and
Consider, for example, a machine wound for n pairs of poles, with the rotor
rotating at angular velocity rom rad/s and undergoing hunting excursions !10m.
We define the hunting frequency as a function of synchronous frequency by

h= rorotor hunting = roelect hunting osc. = 2nfhunting

rorotor angular vel. rosupply frequency 2nfsupply
In the case of a machine with n pole pairs,

n ro rotor hunting = ro elect. hunting osc.


n!i()mech. excursion = ,1()elect. excursion


The steady hunting equation can be written

!l.T= -h 2 w;,JMJm+(Ts+jhTde)!l.Om (Al.12)
The power, in watts, at angular velocity wm will be
!l.P = wm!l. T = - h 2 w~J !l.Om + (Ps + jhPde)!l.Om
= - h 2 w;,M!l.Om + (Ps + jhPde)!l.Om
= - h 2 M'!l.Om + (Ps + jhPd.)!l.Om (Al.13)

M(p.u.) = (wml)/G
The hunting inertia constant is
M' = w;,M
M'(p.u.) = w;,M(p.u.) (Al.14)
The hunting equations may be expressed throughout in terms of the electrical
supply frequency and the frequency of electrical hunting oscillation at the
machine terminals. In terms of the electrical angular velocity we and displace-
ment !l.O e in electrical radians, we write

!l.T hzw; !l.Oe "h !l.Oe (Al.15)

=- --;;-1----;;--+(Ts+J Tde)---;;--

To express the hunting torque in synchronous watts, we multiply by we giving,

h2 w 3 L10
/l.Psynch. W = we!l.T= -7J!l.Oe +we(T, +jhTde)~

= -
h2 w 3
_2_e J !l.Oe +
<P: + jhP~e)-~

where P~ and P~e are now in synchronous watts.

The hunting power at angular velocity wm is given by equation (Al.13), from
which we see, when comparing with equation (Al.16), that

!l.P = [ !l.P synch. wJ~ = [!l.Psynch. wJ :m


When the rotor undergoes periodic or transient displacement about the mean
constant synchronous speed, the computation of torque and power is simplified
if we use per-unit values. We can then write the following relationships for a
hunting alternator on infinite busbars.
Putting p = jhwm

Thus, equating real parts

h 2 w;,J = T, (N m/mech. rad) (Al.18)

M(p.u.) = wmJ/G
we see that
h 2 w;,M(p.u.) = P, [ (p.u.)jmech. rad]
rated power G
Now rated torque = ----
wm wm
---=m'----- = T [ (p.u.)jmech. rad]
rated torque '
hzwz J
__m_ = T [ (p.u.)/mech. rad]
G/wm s


h2w3 J
= T, [ (p.u.)jmech. rad]

h2 w;,M(p.u.) = T, [ (p.u.)jmech. rad]
= P, [ (p.u.)jmech. rad]
h2 M' (p.u.) = T, [ (p.u.)/mech. rad] (Al.19)
= P, [ (p.u.)jmech. rad] (Al.20)

where again
Thus we can now write, in terms of per-unit torque and power
tJ.T = [- M'h 2 + T, + jh Td.]MJ (Al.21)

In this form of the hunting equations, the power and torque have equal per-unit
values. Reactance and inductance have equal values per-unit. In equations
(Al.21) and (Al.22), we still have
M' = w~M = w~JjG
where wm is in mechanical radians per second. The displacement angle f!..() is also
expressed in per-unit terms, as a fraction of the electrical or mechanical radian
f!..() (p.u.) = f!.(Jmjmech. rad = f!.(Jejelect. rad
f!..()e nf!..()m f!..()m
tl () ( p. u.) = -:----'---:-
elect. rad n(mech. rad) mech. rad
where n is the number of pole pairs.
Since torque Tand power P ( = w T) are equal in the per-unit system, there is
an implication that the synchronous speed may be taken as unity. However, as
equations (Al.12) to (Al.22) show, care is required in the use of angular velocity
in the inertia constants.
Appendix 2
Measurement of machine

There has sometimes been some confusion in generalised machine theory as to

the choice of direct and quadrature axes in multipolar machines-especially in
the cases of d.c. machines and salient-pole alternators. The usual method is to
select equivalent direct and quadrature axes at the terminals of a machine,
measure all of the parameters also from the terminals and express these along
the equivalent d and q axes.


The parameters of the induction motor can be measured by standard balanced

three-phase tests. In most of the machine analysis given in the text, the
inductances used are the full values of the self and mutual inductance of the
windings. Typically, the relationship between the self-inductance of coil (a) and
its leakage inductance with respect to coil (b) is L. = 1. +Lab where 1. is the
leakage inductances due to flux set up in coil (a) which does not link with coil (b)
and Lab is the mutual inductance due to flux set up in coil (a) which links both
coils. Two points must be made here.

(1) When electromagnetically coupled coils are energised, leakage flux is a

quantity which exists between pairs of coils. The concept of components of
leakage flux allocated in some proportion to each coil is simply a
convenience, as the reader will find if he tries to devise an experiment which
will 'correctly' divide the leakage flux between two or more coils. When total
leakage inductance is measured by a short-circuit test on a transformer, it

makes virtually no difference to calculated results whether this is associated

with one coil or another or divided equally amongst two or more coils
involved in the test-as long as all quantities are referred to the same coil by
the squares of the respective turns ratios.

(2) The full self-inductances of the windings of a transformer or induction

motor can be accurately measured under normal conditions of flux density,
if reasonable care is taken, by standard open-circuit tests described in most
text-books on machines. To obtain sufficiently accurate values of the mutual
inductances is more difficult. It is advisable to use values of leakage
inductance which have been accurately measured by short-circuit tests,
along with the measured values of self-inductance. The total leakage
inductance can safely be divided equally amongst the referred

Winding resistance can be measured using a light-current d.c. supply. To

allow for skin-effect at 50 Hz a multiplier of about 1.4 is usually necessary.
Resistance values must be adjusted for operating temperature rise. The
resistance of carbon brushes is, of course, nonlinear and should be measured at
the operating current density.
When the transformations given by Stanley (reference 7 Chapter 5) are used,
the measured parameters of the 3-phase induction motor per phase, give directly
the d and q axis quantities.


A wealth of literature has been published on the measurement of three-phase

synchronous machine parameters. The synchronous reactance can be measured
by direct tests at low power-factor. The familiar Potier test will yield values of
the armature reaction effect and the leakage reactance. The reactance in the
quadrature axis between the poles can be obtained by standard slip tests or flux
reversal tests if the machine is not too large. The inductance of the d.c. field coils
can be obtained by direct measurement of the electrical exponential decay time-
constant. Alternatively, the self and mutual inductances of most of the windings
(including perhaps amortisseur windings, mentioned in Appendix 3) can be
measured directly by flux-meter techniques-as described, for example in
reference 1, Chapter 2. Equivalent direct and quadrature axis quantities can then
be obtained by resolving the coupled phase quantities along these
The classical three-phase transient short-circuit test will give directly the
subtransient and transient reactances and time constants in the direct axis. The
parameters which can be obtained by straightforward measurement (and which
are usually quoted by manufacturers) are
Xd = direct axis synchronous reactance
X~ =direct axis transient reactance
X~ =direct axis subtransient reactance
Xq =quadrature axis synchronous reactance (=X~)

X~ =quadrature axis subtransient reactance

together with
T~ =transient short-circuit time constant
T~ = subtransient time constant
Tdo = open-circuit field time constant
We can perhaps appreciate the significance of these quantities by examining
the equivalent circuits for the alternator in the direct and quadrature axes,
shown in Figures A2.1 and A2.2. Here the values seen from the armature
terminals are the subtransient impedances, with reactances X~ and X~
respectively. In Figure A2.1
where xa is the armature leakage reactance, Xd is the direct axis synchronous
reactance, and Xmd is the direct axis field/armature mutual reactance.
Xr =X r-Xmd (A2.2)
where x r is the field-winding leakage reactance.
Similarly in the amortisseur-winding circuit,
xkd = X kd- X md (A2.3)

Figure A2.1

Figure A2.2

where xkd is the amortisseur-winding leakage reactance and X kd is the

amortisseur-winding self reactance.
Similar expressions can be written for the q axis circuit shown in Figure A2.2.
When the subtransient part of the normal three-phase short-circuit current
has died away, the equivalent transient circuits are as shown in Figures A2.3 and
A2.4. When the transient components have decayed, the circuits of Figures A2.4

z;,(p) Xmo(P)

Figure A2.3

Figure A2.4

and A2.5 give the synchronous impedances, with reactances Xd and will be
noticed that due to the absence of a field winding in the q axis, X~= Xq.
If we now neglect the resistance of the windings, we can write

X'= X + X md X r (A2.4)
d a Xm~~+xr

X d-x + Xmdx rXkd (A2.5)
a Xmdxr+Xmdxkd+XrXkd

X" =X + x_xkq (A2.6)

q a x_ +xkq
The subtransient and transient armature time constants can be written by
inspection of the circuits of Figures A2.6 and A2.7, with the armature input
terminals short-circuited as shown, giving



1 {
T"=--x+ x }
X mqa (A2.9)
q wRkq kq x_ + Xa


Figure A2.5

Figure A2.6


- r.,

Figure A2.7

The d axis open-circuit time constant of the field circuit is

Td =-- (A2.10)
o wRc
One further step is necessary in obtaining the required parameters for the
general analysis of synchronous machines. This is the accurate determination of
the resistance and reactance of the amortisseur winding shown in the equivalent
circuits. An iterative computer programme can be written to yield these from the
circuit, using the other known values. This is discussed briefly in Appendix 3.


The measurement of the parameters of d.c. machines presents no difficulties

where laboratory machines are concerned. Obviously, with very large machines
heavy-current equipment and massive cabling will be necessary in order to test
the machines under the working magnetic saturation conditions and current
The self and mutual inductances of the windings can be measured by transient
decay techniques or by flux-meter methods-Dr the equivalent of the latter, the
inductance bridge described by Jones (reference 1 Chapter 2). The rotational self
and mutual inductances L' and M' (equation 5.7) can be measured directly when
the machine is energised and running at normal speed.



These two important parameters are classed together here, since measurement
of one of them can be used in the determination of the other. The most reliable
method of determining the polar moment of inertia of the rotating mass is direct
measurement, by removing the rotor and suspending it as a bifilar pendulum.
The method is described in text-books on elementary mechanics. When the
polar moment of inertia is known, a speed retardation test will give the
rotational coefficient of friction RF since under these conditions
If a disc of known moment of inertia can be fixed to the shaft of the machine,
then there is no need to remove the rotor, since simultaneous equations can be
written which will yield both J and RF.
On the other hand RF can be measured by a modification of the Swinburne
test and then used in the retardation test to give J.


The measurement of speed of a machine is straightforward. The synchronous

load angle of an alternator or synchronous motor can be clearly observed
stroboscopically but accurate measurement of this angle and its derivatives
during transient or hunting excursions of the rotor is quite difficult. Clearly this
must be carried out by a speed comparator, with a synchronous speed signal as
reference. This usually means a small structural appendage on the shaft which
will give a pulse signal at a particular point during rotation, together with a fast
accurate timing device. Several reliable electronic devices are now available
which will give the load angle {) together with the rate of change pb and the
angular acceleration p 2 [J (see, for example, reference 2 Chapter 7).

The methods described in this appendix give very good approximate values of
the parameters of sufficient accuracy for most purposes. More rigorous
techniques will be found in Canay, I. M., 'Causes of Descrepancies on
Calculation of Rotor Quantities and Exact Equivalent Diagrams of the
Synchronous Machine', Trans. I.E.E.E., PAS 88, 1114--1120 (1969); Shackshaft,
G., 'New Approach to the Determination of Synchronous Machine Parameters
from Tests', Proc. I.E.E., 121, 1385 (1974); and Shackshaft, G., and Poray, A. T.,
'Implementation of a New Approach to Determination of Synchronous
Machine Parameters from Tests', Proc. I.E.E., 124, No. 12, Dec. (1977).
Appendix 3
Estimation of alternator
parameters using the
equivalent circuits
for direct and
quadrature axes

Standard tests give the machine subtransient and transient reactances and their
time constants, shown on the equivalent circuits. These values can be used to
give all of the parameters required in the generalised equations, for dynamical
For example, using equations (A2.4)-(A2.8), equation (A2.4) can be written
Xd x rxd-x~


Xr= Xr+Xmd

Knowing X~ we can calculate Xmd and thus x rand xa can be found. These latter
values can be checked using equation (A2.8). We can then calculate xkd and Rkd
using equations (A2.5) and (A2.4). When xa is known, Xmq is known from Xq.
Hence we can find xkq and X kd = xkd + X md and so on.
Iterative computer programmes can be designed to check all of the
parameters in this manner using both test and estimated values of reactances
and time constants and to converge to a self-consistent set.
In some hunting analyses flux penetration in the iron is significant. In these
cases, frequency-dependent operational inductances must be used [see Adkins,
B. and Sen, S. K., 'The Application of the Frequency-response Method to
Electrical Machines', Proc. I.E.E., 103, Part C, 378 (1956) and Walshaw, M. H.
and Lynn, J. W., 'A Hunting Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Alternator and a
Synchronous Motor', Proc. I.E.E., 108, Part C, 516 (1961)].

Active transformation, 135 Critical clearing angle, 111

d'Alembert, 14 Critical resistance, 39
Alternator, 104 Current
Analogue model, 93 magnetising, 102
Armature reaction, 36 short-circuit, 105
direct, 119, 288
forward and backward rotating, 255 D-partition techniques, 204
free, 252 Damping
Kron's, 9, 245, 256, 262 negative, 225, 245
non-oscillating reference, 252 positive, 223
orthogonal, 232 Dissipation coefficient, 267
Park's 149, 245, 256, 259 Dominant root, 215
quadrature, 119 Doubly excited coils, 71
slip-ring reference, 121 Dynamic equilibrium, 102

Back e.m.f., 36, 141 Eigenvalues, 83, 214

Bocher's formula, 208 Electrical degrees, 29
Busbar, infinite, 50 Energy, stored, 15
Equal-area criterion, 53, 111
Equilibrium, dynamic, 102
Circuits Equivalent circuit, 56
coupled, 20 Equivalent network, 255
equivalent, 56 Euler's method, 74
Clearing angle, critical, 111 Excitation, field, 48
Coil Exciter
doubly excited, 71 main, 158
pseudo-stationary, 119 pilot, 158
Commutation, 151
Commutator, 28
Connection matrix, 137, 139 Faraday-Lenz law, 61
Coupled coils, 65 Faraday's law, 9
Coupling coefficient, 23 Flux density, 10
Crawling, 103 Flux linkage, 9, 14, 106

Flux linkage equations, 124 Load characteristic, 38

Flux reversal tests, 288 Load-flow, 199
Force, magnetomotive, 11 Loss, frictional, 184
Free oscillations, 266
Friction coefficient, 292
Frictional loss coefficient, 184 compound-wound, 133
Frohlich equation, 150 crossfield, 120
Function generator, 187 d.c., 35
dual-excitation synchronous, 129, 257
generalised, 116, 266
Gauss-Seidel method, 199 primitive, 30, 116, 117
Generated voltage, 25, 35, 125
salient pole, 44
Generator synchronous, 43, 203, 245
compound, 40 Ward-Leonard, 231
compound-wound, 139 Magnetic hysteresis, 17
cumulative compound, 41 Magnetic intensity, 10
d.c., 38 Magnetic permeance, 12
differentially compounded, 41 Magnetic reluctance, 12
separately excited d.c., 38 Magnetic saturation, 15
series, 39 Magnetising current, 102
shunt, 38 Magnetism, residual, 39
motional impedance, 221
Hunting, 87, 199, 231 non-singular, 239
Hunting copper loss, 269 Matrix inversion, 212
Hunting frequency, 216 Matrix transformation, 117, 133, 232
Hunting networks Mechanical degrees, 29
in Kron's axes, 262 Microalternator, 229
in Park's axes, 259
Moment of inertia, polar, 292
Hysteresis, magnetic, 17 Motional impedance matrix, 221
compound, 42
Inductance double caged induction, 122
linkage, 21 induction, 34, 56, 98
magnetising, 21 reluctance, 47
mutual, 22 separately excited d.c., 88
operational, 165 series, 43
rotational, 184
shunt, 41
self, 9, 12, 22 synchronous, 35
transient, 165 Multi-machine systems, 157
Inductance bridge, 292
Inertia constant, 109, 282
Infinite busbar, 50 Networks
Interpoles, 122 equivalent, 255
hunting, 262
stationary, 256
Kirchhoff, 14 Nonlinearities, 184
Kron's axes, 9, 245, 256, 262 Nyquist criterion, 204

Lagrange's equation, 66 Observer, stationary, 27

Laplace operator, 208 Oscillations
Laplace transform, 90 free, 266
Load angle, 35, 175 self excited, 203
p-operator, 160 Sign conventions, 132
Parallel feeders, 198 Skin effect, 100
Parallel paths, 36 Slip frequency, 56
Park's axes, 149, 245, 256, 259 Slip-rings, 27
Park's equation, 132 Slip tests, 288
Passive transformation, 134 Space harmonics, 151
Permeance, magnetic, 12 Speed-torque curve, 43, 199
Per-unit, 217, 277 Spring constant, 223
Polar moment of inertia, 283 Stability, transient, 108
Potier test, 288 Stanley, 288
Power State variable form, 146, 207
electromechanical, 62 Stationary network, 256
reactive, 17, 51 Stiffness, 62
steady-state reactive, 265 Swinburne test, 293
Power-angle characteristic, 52 Swing-curve, 111
Power invariance, 137, 257 Symmetrical components, 257
Pseudo-stationary coil, 119 Synchronism, 110
Synchronous reactance, 50
Rankin factor, 281 System short-circuit, 198
amortisseur-winding leakage, 290
armature leakage, 258, 289 Taylor's series, 75, 83
direct axis field/armature mutual, 289 Time constant
direct axis subtransient, 289 electrical, 90
direct axis synchronous, 289 electromechanical, 90
direct axis transient, 289 open-circuit field, 289
field winding leakage, 258, 289 subtransient, 289
quadrature axis subtransient, 289 transient short-circuit, 289
quadrature axis synchronous, 289 Torque
quadrature axis transient, 289 inertia, 222
subtransient, 106, 288 input, 131
synchronous, 50 output, 131
transient, 107, 288 positive damping, 223
Reaction, armature, 36 reluctance, 65
Reactive power, steady-state, 265 Torque coefficients
Regulator, voltage, 55, 225 damping, 218
Reluctance, magnetic, 12 synchronising, 218
Residual magnetism, 39 Torque differential, 282
Resistance, critical, 39 Torque equation, 130
Root, dominant, 215 Trace, 209
Rotating field theory, 31 Transducer, electromechanical, 72
Rotor Transfer function, 226
deep bar, 100 Transformation
double cage, 100 active, 135
Routh-Hurwitz criterion, 83, 84, 204, 225 passive, 134
Runge-Kutta method, 75 Transformation matrix, 133, 232
Transformer voltage, 123
Saturation, magnetic, 15, 149 Turbine, water, 44
Self inductance, 9, 12, 22
current, 105 Voltage
MV A, 279 generated, 35, 125
system, 198 transformer, 123

Voltage dip, 197 Winding

Voltage fluctuations, 198 amortisseur, 47
Voltage regulator, 225 lap, 29
wave, 29
Ward-Leonard system, 177, 194

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