Assignment 5 With Solution

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Assignment 5

1. A 2 MVA, 11 KV, 3-phase, star-connected alternator has a resistance of 0.3 ohm and
reactance of 5 ohm per phase. At rated terminal voltage, the machine delivers full-load
current with 0.8 power factor lagging. With the same excitation, compute the terminal
voltage to deliver same load current at 0.8 power factor leading.
Answer: 12.087 KV


Rated terminal voltage per phase = 11000/√3 = 6351 V.

Full-load current I = (2000 x 103)/(√3 x 11 x 103) = 105 A

At 0.8 pf lagging current, the open-circuit voltage per phase E0 = VI+ I(R + jXS)

Taking V1 as reference,

E0 = 6351 + 105(0.8-j0.6)(0.3+j5) = 6703.2 3.430

The excitation remains fixed, even if the current is 0.8 pf leading. Thereby,

E0 = V2 + 105(0.8+j0.6) (0.3+j5)

Solving this, V2 = 6798.6 V

Therefore, terminal voltage across lines = √3 x 6798.6 = 12087 V
2. The effective resistance of a 3-phase, star-connected, 50 Hz, 2.2 KV synchronous generator is
0.5 ohm per phase. On short-circuit condition of the armature terminal, a field current of 40
A is required to deliver the full-load current of 200 A. With the same excitation, at the open-
circuit condition, an e.m.f. (line-line) of 1.1 KV is induced in the armature coil. Determine
synchronous impedance of the alternator. Compute load angle, and voltage regulation at
full-load 0.8 power factor lagging.

Answer: 3.18 ohm, 14.40, 40.3%

Load angle is the angle between armature terminal voltage and induced e.m.f. in the
armature coil. It is also called the power angle.

Synchronous impedance Z s  where E0,line is the open-circuit line-to-line voltage and I
is the short-circuit current at the same excitation. So Zs = 1100/(√3 x 200) = 3.18 ohm.

Xs = Z s2  R 2  3.18 2  0.5 2  3.14 ohm.

Terminal voltage per phase V = 2200/√3 = 1270 V

Taking V as the reference phasor, at full-load 0.8 power factor lagging,

E0 = VI+ I(R + jXS) = 1270 + 200(0.8-j0.6)(0.5+j3.14) =1782 14.40

Hence, the power angle is 14.40

Voltage regulation = (1782-1270) x 100/1270 = 40.3%

3. Draw the phasor diagram of an alternator operating at rated condition with zero power
factor leading.

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