Plant Disease Management

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Plant Disease Management

Plant diseases are to be managed in order to prevent them from the pests or pathogens and also to
protect the market value of the economically important crops. Control measures may be divided
into two main groups
1. Prophylaxis
2. Immunization or disease resistantce.
Similarly, the plant disease control methods can be broadly classified into three types namely
1. Physical control
2. Chemical control
3. Biological control
Prophylaxis includes the protection of the host from exposure to the pathogen, from infection or
from the environmental factors favourable to disease development. It can be classified into (a)
Exclusion (b) Eradication (c) Direct Protection (Elimination)
Immunization or Disease resistance
Immuniation or disease resistance implies the improvement of resistance of the host to infection
and to disease development. This method is generally used as a means of control by the
development of strains through hybridization and/or selection, that are more resistant to one or
more pathogens.
1. Exclusion
The prevention of pathogens entering new regions is known as exclusion, and is achieved by
quarantine or by treating propagating material (elimination) before its introduction. If an
outbreak of a disease occurs in a new area, efforts are made to eradicate the pathogen from that
area. These measures include – Quarantine, Inspection and Certification
(i) Quarantine
Quarantine is a legal procedure followed by most of the countries in order to prevent the entry of
pathogenic organisms intentionally or accidentally. Under quarantine legislation, the certificate
of freedom from disease or from certain specified diseases are being issued by a competent
authority acceptable to the importing country.
The quarantine service determines whether the threat posed by a proposed import is
an acceptable risk; that is, the risk is small enough to be manageable. In India, “ Destructive
insects and Pests Act” was passed by the legislature in 1914, and it has been amended from time
to time. Potato tubers are not allowed into India, unless it is certified by the Ministry of
Agriculture of the exporting country that the tubers are free from wart disease caused by
Synchytrium endobioticum and there was no wart disease within a radius of five miles.

(ii) Inspection and Certification
Certification is being done in several agriculturally advanced countries. The certificates must
contain that the living plants were thoroughly examined on a date which must be not more than
fourteen days prior to shipment and were found to be healthy. There is provision for inspection
of any consignment and for its treatment or destruction.
Compulsory inspection and certification are useful measures to prevent the introduction of
diseases from a foreign country or from one part of the country to another. Since a large number
of disease are carried on vegetative propagation stocks, a system of inspection and certification is
being adopted in many countries.
2. Eradication
Eradication refers to the process of removing all infected plant material in an area, usually
involving the destruction of large numbers of plants in infested areas. The time between
introduction and identification of a disease in a new area can allow inoculum to accumulate to a
point where eradication or even containment is impossible.
Eradication of the pathogen can be done in several ways such as sanitation, crop rotation,
removal of infected parts, elimination of alternate host, destruction of wild hosts and
weeds, rogueing and improved cultural practises.
(i) Sanitation
Sanitation involves all procedures that prevent the spread of disease to new plants, plant
products, and new areas, or to reduce the amount of inoculum in an already affected area. It
includes thorough washing or chemical treatment of machinery, tools, potting equipment, shoes
and hands that will come in contact with multiple plants, washing produce and its containers and
storage areas, protecting soil used for propagation from contamination. Removing and disposing
of infected leaves and other plant material is also crucial for reducing the amount of inoculum
available to cause new infections.
(ii) Crop Rotation
Most of the parasitic fungi cannot multiply in the absence of the host plant. The spores may
persist in the soil for some time, but if the proper host plants are absent, their number may
diminish and they may disappear in due course of time. So crop rotation by a period of 3 or 4
years may eliminate the pathogen completely.
(iii) Removal of infected parts
The destruction of diseased parts of plants in the field removes the main foci of infection and
thus breaks the chain. Citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas citri can be effectively controlled
by the removal of affected plant parts.
(iv) Elimination of alternate hosts
Elimination of alternate hosts is a possible means of control in the destructive
diseases in which long-cycled, heteroecious rust fungi are concerned. The barberry

eradication campaign in the control of black rust of wheat in United states is a good
example for this.
(v) Destruction of wild hosts and weeds
A large number of diseases, particularly viral diseases, are harboured in wild hosts and weeds.
Removal of such wild hosts is a good method of control. The yellow vein mosaic of bhendi
persists on a wild host (Hibiscus tetraphylus) in nature and the systematic removal of this wild
host has proved successful in combating the disease.
(vi) Rogueing
The removal and destruction of diseased plants, or rogues, from the fields at an early stage by
removing foci of infection and preventing wide dissemination of the pathogen. This makes one
of the routine methods of control of viral diseases in plants. The control of yellow mosaic of
bhendi has been obtained through these practices.
(vii) Improved Cultural Practises
Cultural disease management practices are the measures undertaken by humans to prevent and
control disease by manipulating plants.
(a) Intercropping
The practice of planting more than one crop in alternating rows, or intercropping, can reduce
disease by increasing the distance between plants of the same species, and creating a physical
barrier between plants of the same species. Intercropping is more labour intensive the more crops
there are, but it is usually beneficial.
(b) Flooding
Flooding can be used as a form of disease management, as in the example of growing rice in
paddy fields. Its primary purpose is to reduce weeds, but it can also reduce the number of fungal
propagules, insects and nematodes in the soil.
(c) Mulching and soil amendments
Mulches are used to conserve moisture and organic matter and reduce erosion in the soil. They
are usually some kind of organic matter, such as straw, sawdust, manure or aquatic plants. Some
manufactured products, such as plastics, asphalt paper and paper are also used. Mulch or crop
residues can also influence disease incidence by altering the immediate environment. The
addition of organic amendments to the soil can also reduce disease influence by increasing the
activity of competing or predatory micro-organisms in the soil.
(d) Change in Planting season
Sowing practices, such as changing time, depth and direction of sowing, and changing the
density of the crop can protect plants from pathogens to which they are susceptible only at
certain stages of their development. Changing the time of sowing can exploit weather conditions
that are unfavourable to the pathogen, thus reducing crop losses.

(e) Strip farming
Strip farming is a similar practice to intercropping, where areas of one crop are separated from
each other with strips of another crop, the rationale being that the two different crops are unlikely
to share the same pathogens, thus reducing the rate of spread. The main disadvantage of strip
farming is the fact that it is relatively labour intensive.
3. Direct Protection
The application to the surface of the host plant of substances that prevent the germination of
spores or kill the germ tubes before they can enter the tissues is one of the most important means
of attack on plant pathogens.
Chemical control
Chemical disease control employs the use of chemicals that are either generally toxic and used as
disinfectants or fumigants or chemicals that target specific kinds of pathogens, like fungicides,
bactericides (or antibiotics) and nematicides.
(a) Fungicides
Fungicides are chemicals used in the control of fungal diseases. They are often classified as
either protectant or systemic. Protectant fungicides are usually effective against a broad range
of fungi and protect the plant against infection on the surfaces of the plant to which they are
applied. Systemic fungicides can be absorbed by the plant without harming it, and transported to
other tissues where they are toxic to fungi. These compounds can control and eradicate
established infections, but they are also vulnerable to fungi developing resistance, as they
generally only target one step in a biosynthetic pathway to kill the fungus.
Copper Compounds
The discovery of Bordeaux mixture by Millardet in France during the 19 th century , has gained
much attention to the mode of action of the fungicide on the pathogen. Bordeaux mixture is the
combination of Copper sulphate, Quick lime and water in different ratios such as 4:4: 50 (or)
5:5:50 or 2:2: 50. Bordeaux mixture is utilized for the control of leaf rust of coffee, fruit rot of
areca, leaf-fall of rubber etc.
Insoluble copper They include compounds like tribasic copper sulphate, copper oxychloride,
cuprous oxide, copper phosphate, etc. They are utilized as dusts or miscible spray formulations.
Copper oxy chloride Substitute for Bordeaux mixture. Effective against Blister blight of tea,
rust of coffee, downy mildew of vines, late blight of potatoes, leaf spot of bananas and tobacco.
Sulphur Compounds
Pure sulphur and sulphur compounds (lime sulphur) have been utilized for the treatment of
powdery mildews and rusts next to the copper compounds. Sulphur dust is unique among
fungicides as it need not come into actural contact with the pathogen to exert its fungitoxic
effect. Widely used for dusting crops against rust and powdery mildews and for seed treatment
of sorghum against grain smut.

Organo-mercury compounds
The organo-mercurials used as fungicides are ethyl mercury compounds. They are used as dusts
or water miscible formulations containing a very low percentage of the active ingredient.
After World War I, several organo-mercury compounds came into use especially for seed
treatment. Uspulum and germisan were among the earliest of these from Germany. Ceresan,
agrosan are other protectants available in the market. The drawback is these are highly
poisonous to the human beings.
Organic fungicides
Several organic fungicides have been popular in the market. They belong to the group of
cabamates, quinines, phenols etc. Phygon and Spergon are used for the seed treatment. Captan
and dithane are used for field applications. Nabam and zineb were introduced for the control of
late blight of potato.
(a) Thiram Common name for tetramethylthiuram disulphide, the first developed organic
fungicide. This has been developed mainly for seed dressing prior to planting, to control
damping off of seedling and seed rot pathogens.
(b) Agallol A mercurial fungicide and disinfectant from Bayer. This is a red coloured
compound used in treating sugarcane setts before planting to prevent attack from disease-
carrying organisms such as Colletotrichum falcatum (Red rot of Sugarcane)
(c) Mercurized copper oxychloride (MCO) Finely divided powder possessing strong
eradicant and protectant fungicidal properties. It is used primarily for control of potato
blight, tomato blight (Phytophthora infestans); downy mildew of grapes (Plasmopara
viticola); leaf rust of coffee (Hemileia vastatrix).
(d) Chloropicrin This is an organic fumigant liquid that has been used to effectively control
pathogenic fungi living in the soil.
(e) Phaltan Common name for N-trichloromethylthiophthalimide. It is used for controlling
powdery mildews and other foliage infection. 10 % dust and a 50% wettable powder are

(b) Antibiotics
Antibiotics are chemical produced by micro-organisms, which destroy or injure other micro
organisms, in particular, bacteria. Streptomycin is effective against a few fruit pathogens, such
as blights and cankers, and cyclohexamine can be used to control some fungal pathogens of
crops, particularly powdery mildews and rusts.
Most of the antibiotics are products of Actinomycetes and some fungi. Ex: Penicillium. Some
of the popular antibiotics are blasticidin, pimaricin, nystatin, rimocidin, filipin, phytoactin,
polymyxin, erythromycin and puromycin. Blasticidin is effective against the rice blast disease
caused by Pyricularia oryzae.

(c) Nematicides
The use of nematicides is confined largely to high-return horticultural crops, because they are
expensive. Additionally, they are all highly toxic, and alternative measures for controlling
nematodes are being investigated. 
(d) Fumigants
Chloropicrin This is an organic fumigant liquid that has been used effectively to control
pathogenic fungi which live in the soil.
Carbon disulphide This is a poisonous and inflammable organic liquid which has been used as
a soil fumigant to control Armillaria root rot.
Chlorobromopropene This is a soil fumigant. It is generally sold as a liquid containing 65
percent of the active material. This material is most effective when the soil temperature is
between 50° F and 70° F
Biological Control
Biological control of disease employs natural enemies of pests or pathogens to regulate or
control their population. This can involve the introduction of exotic species, or it can be a
matter of harnessing whatever form of biological control exists naturally in the ecosystem in
question. The induction of plant resistance using non-pathogenic or incompatible micro-
organisms is also a form of biological control. Some diseases that can be successfully controlled
using biological agents are pathogens of pruning wounds and other cut surfaces, crown gall,
diseases of leaves and flowers, such as powdery mildew, diseases of fruits and vegetables, such
asBotrytis, and fungal pathogens in the soil (disease suppressive soils).
The most common mechanisms for microbial antagonism of plant pathogens are parasitism,
predation, competition, induced resistance and the production of antimicrobial substances.
Often, several mechanisms act together.
Competition exists between organisms that require the same resource for growth and survival.
The antagonist may compete with the pathogens for nutrients and space. Use of the
resource by one organism reduces its availability for the other organism. Competition for space
or nutrients usually takes place between closely related species. Therefore, it can be effective to
treat plants or seeds with a non-pathogenic strain of a related species that can out-compete the
pathogenic organism. For example, bacteria and yeasts can reduce fungal spore germination
by competing with the spores for nutrients on the surface of leaves.
In Parasitism,  the antagonist may completely degrade the pathogen for its survival. It is
affected by environmental factors, including nutrient availability. Formulations of some parasitic
species of fungi are available commercially for the control of fungal plant pathogens in the soil
and on the plant surface. The hyphae of parasitic fungi penetrate their victim, sometimes with the

aid of wall-degrading enzymes. Bacteria on the plant surface and in the soil are also known to
parasitise plant pathogens, such as other bacteria and fungal spores.
Predation of plant pathogens by invertebrates can also contribute to general biological control.
Bacterial feeding nematodes consume large numbers of bacteria in the soil and some amoebae
are known to attack yeasts, small spores and fungal hyphae, although these organisms are
generally non-specific predators and their relative importance in biological control is not well
Antibiosis and Antibiotic-mediated suppression
Micro-organisms can produce secondary metabolites that have anti-microbial properties when
grown in culture, these chemicals are rarely detected in natural environments. The antagonist
may secrete metabolites (antibiotics) harmful to the pathogens. Therefore, antibiotics would
need to be produced in culture and then applied. However, antibiotics are easily lost to the
atmosphere and are commonly broken down by organisms that are insensitive to them, and so
they are not ideal biological agents against plant pathogens.
Antibiotics are microbial toxins that can, at low concentrations, poison or kill other
microorganisms. Most microbes produce and secrete one or more compounds with antibiotic
activity. In some instances, antibiotics produced by microorganisms have been shown to be
particularly effective at suppressing plant pathogens and the diseases they cause. Some examples
of antibiotics reported to be involved in plant pathogen suppression are listed below

Antibiotic Source Target pathogen Disease

2, 4-diacetyl- Pseudomonas
Pythium spp. Damping off
phloroglucinol fluorescens F113

Agrocin 84 Agrobacterium radiobacter Agrobacterium tumefaciens Crown gall

Bacillomycin D Bacillus subtilisAU195 Aspergillus flavus

Bacillomycin, Bacillus Fusarium

fengycin amyloliquefaciensFZB42 oxysporum

Lysobacter sp. strain SB- Aphanomyces

Xanthobaccin A Damping off
K88 cochlioides

Gliotoxin Rhizoctonia solani Root rots

Herbicolin Pantoea agglomerans C9-1 Erwinia amylovora Fire blight

Iturin A B. subtilisQST713 Botrytis cinerea andR. solani Damping off

Mycosubtilin B. subtilisBBG100 Damping off

P. fluorescens 2-79 and 30- Gaeumannomyces

Phenazines Take-all
84 graminis var. tritici

P. fluorescensPf-5 Pythium ultimumand R. solani Damping off

Pyrrolnitrin,  Damping off and

Burkholderia cepacia R. solani andPyricularia oryzae
pseudane rice blast

Zwittermicin A Bacillus cereusUW85 medicaginis and P. Damping off

Phyllosphere is the immediate vicinity of leaf surface. Nutrients stimulatory for micro organism
on phyllosphere and phylloplane regions consist of pollen grains, old petals or insect excreta etc.
The antagonistic activities of some phylloplane fungi of mustard and barley, against Alternaria
brassicae and Drechslera graminea. The antagonists are Aurebasidium pullulans, Epicoccum
purpurescents, Cladosporium cladosprioides and Alternaria alternata. The significant effects
were noticed when the spores of leaf surface fungi or their metabolites were sprayed on leaves
prior to inoculation of the pathogens.
The Rhizosphere is the zone of immediate vicinity of roots, where microbial communities are
constantly in dynamic state due to exogenous and endogenous sources of nutrients. The
increase in microbial number and their activity are referred as ‘rhizosphere effect’.
Nowadays, several methods have been developed that bring about artificial manipulation of
rhizosphere, phyllosphere and soil environment. This can be done by

 Artificial introduction of antagonists in soil or spraying these antagonists on the aerial

parts of the plants
 Modification of soil environment by organic amendments
 Green manuring, chaning soil pH, C:N ratios, temperature
 Adding the selected chemicals or heat treatment of plant tissues.
Microbial pesticides

Microbial pesticides contain a microorganism (bacterium,fungus, virus. Protozoon or algae) as

the active ingredient. They suppress pests by

• Producing a toxin specific to the pest;

• Causing a disease;

• Preventing establishment of other microorganisms through competition

An example of microbial pesticide is Bacillus thuringiensis ot Bt. Bacillus thuringiensis is a

naturally occurring soil bacteria that is toxic to the larvae of several species of insects but non-
toxic to non-target organisms. Bacillus thuringiensis can be applied to plant foliage or
incorporated in to the genetic material of crops eg. Bt cottons. Bacillus thuringiensis as
discovered is toxic to the caterpillars (larvae) of moths and butterflies. Several strains of Bt have
been developed and now strains are available that control fly larvae. These can be used in
controlling mosquitoes and black flies.
Microbial pesticides need to be continuously monitored to ensure they do not become capable of
harming non-target organisms, including humans. Other examples of microbial pesticides
include the following:

• Bacillus thuringensis against caterpillars of Heliothis, Earias, Spodoptera etc

• Pseudomonas fluoroscenes against Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia spp., Fusarium spp.
• Nematodes like Green commandoes and Soil commandoes against caterpillars & grubs
• Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus(NPV)
• Trichoderma viride against many common diseases of vegetables and spices
• Weevils Neochitina eichorniae & N. bruchi against water hyacinth
• Beetle Zygogramma biocolorata against Parthenium
(i) Trichoderma viride
Successful use of fungal horticultural crops. biocontrol agents like Trichoderma spp. for the
control of soil borne diseases caused by pathogens like, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium, spp. Fusarium,
Pythium, and Phytophthora. The major aspects of successful biological several crops have been
Bioagents like, T. viride, T harzianum and T.virens are being successfully used for the minimize
or replace the usage of harmful control of some of the dreaded diseases like rot of black pepper,
root rots of pulses, damping off, collar rots and Fusarium wilts of horticultural crops.
Mass production
Molasses Yeast (MY) medium is used for the mass production of T. viride. The fungal biomass
cultured in MY medium and broth are mixed with talc powder at 1: 2 ration. The mixture is then
mixed with carboxy methyl cellulose at 5 g/kg of the product. It is packed in polythene bags and
used within 4 months. The cost of the talc based formulation is Rs. 120/kg.
Seed Treatment
The talc based T. viride formulation is used as dry seed treatment (4 g/kg) and the treated seeds
can be sown immediately.

 Cheaper than chemical fungicides

 Non-toxic
 Compatible with other biofertilizers like Rhizobium and Azospirillum

 Increases the crop yield
(ii)Bacillus thuringiensis
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a natural occurring, soil-borne bacteria that has been used since the
1950s for natural insect control. It consists of a spore, which gives it persistence, and a protein
crystal within the spore, which is toxic. That toxin protein differs, depending on the subspecies
of Bt producing it, yielding a variance of Bt toxin to different insect species (or none at all).
Bacillus is used to control insects such as cabbage looper (Trichoplusia sp.), tobacco bud worm
(Heliothis virescens), tobacco horn worm (Manducta sexta) and several other forest pests.
When the bacteria is consumed by certain insects, the toxic crystal is released in the insects
highly alkaline gut, blocking the system which protects the pest’s stomach from its own digestive
juices. The stomach is penetrated, and the insect dies by poisoning from the stomach contents
and the spores themselves. This same mechanism is what makes Bt harmless to birds, fish and
mammals whose acidic gut conditions negate the bacteria’s affect.
Mass Production
Bt is produced in liquid fermentations after which it is concentrated and formulated into a variety
of liquid and powder forms to be used.
Seed treatment
BT preparations are available in the form of wettable powder, liquid etc. The seeds can be
mixed with the liquid or dusted with powder. It is also used as foliar spray and aerial spray for
the canopies.
Integrated plant protection management

Integrated plant protection management involves the biological control of pests using living
organisms such as plant pathogens, insects and mites, herbivorous fish, nematodes, other animals
and competitive plants to limit their infestation. The objectives of biological control are not
eradication, rather the reduction and, regulation of insect population.

The population of naturally occurring beneficial insects and other organisms which act as
biocontrol agents multiplies making natural control of pests possible when the system is free
from the indiscriminate use of chemicals.

Few examples are:

a) Manipulation of crop rotations, to minimize survival of crop specific
pests (in the form of, for example insect eggs, fungi) which can infest the next crop
b) Strip cropping, to moderate spreading of pests over large areas
c) Manipulation of the moisture level or pH level of the soil (in irrigated areas)
d) Manipulation of planting dates, to plant at a time most optimal for the crop, or least beneficial
for the pest
e) Adjustment of seeding rate, to achieve an optimal density given the need to check weeds or
avoid insects
f) Use of appropriate plant varieties for local conditions
g) Biological control methods, to encourage natural enemies of pests by providing habitat or by
breeding and releasing them in areas where they are required.


Biofence is an important component of the plant protection management. Many animals and
insects spend part of their time in field borders. Field borders, depending on how they are
managed, usually consist of annual plants. The natural complex of annual plants may provide the
habitat and resources needed by beneficial insects. Biofence is made by growing plants with
thorns or bitter taste or milky latex. For example: Plants like Leucas aspera, Lantana camera,
Datura metal, Jatropha curcas, Adathoda vasica can be grown as field border plants that protect
the animals and pests in entering the field.
Companion plants

The companion planting approach is based on the theory that various plants grown in close
proximity to the crop plant will repel or kill pest insects. Studies to date have not shown this
approach to be effective. Note that
companion planting is not the same as intercropping, which may be a valuable tool in attracting
beneficial insects.

Biocontrol agents

Herbal Pest Repellents

Different insects are repelled by different chemicals, so a more effective repellent if you combine
a few different insect-repelling natural oils. Mix the repellent so it's 5-10% essential oil, so mix 1
part essential oil with 10-20 parts carrier oil or alcohol. For a smaller batch use:
 10-25 drops (total) of essential oils
 2 tablespoons of a carrier oil or alcohol

The essential oils that work well against biting insects (mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas) are:

 cinnamon oil (mosquitoes)

 lemon eucalyptus or regular eucalyptus oil (mosquitoes, ticks, and lice)
 citronella oil (mosquitoes and biting flies)
 castor oil (mosquitoes)
 orange oil (fleas)
 rose geranium (ticks and lice)

Neem formulations

The pesticidal characteristics of neem is largely attributable to Azadirachtin found in the neem
extracts. Neem oil can also suffocate mites, whiteflies, aphids and other types of soft bodied
insects on contact. So it is clear that neem does not kill on contact, rather it inhibits feeding and
reproduction of the pests. These multiple modes of action make it unlikely that insects and plant
pathogens can develop resistance to neem. Also certain pest such as floral thrips, diamond back
moth and several leaf miners which develop resistance to the inorganic pesticides or that are
inherently difficult to control with conventional pesticides are effectively controlled or managed
with neem. Azadirachtin is non-volatile and an insect cannot prevent it by smell but has to taste
it, in order to respond to it.

Neem Cake, the by-product obtained in the process of cold pressing of Neem fruits and kernels is
used as organic manure. It has adequate quantity of NPK in organic form for plant growth. Neem
cake typically contains about 6% neem oil and min. 4% nitrogen, 0.5 % phosphorus and 0.5%
potassium. Being totally botanical product it contains 100% natural NPK content and other
essential micro nutrients.
The Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) of neem
The emulsifiable concentrate (EC) of Neem prepared mostly from the Neem oil is used as the
pesticide of choice in organic agriculture. It belongs to the category of medium to broad
spectrum pesticides. Among the other known botanical pesticides such as Rotenone and
Pyrethrins, neem is found to be superior due to a number of reasons. It is also compatible with a
list of other synthetic pesticides, which enables its usage as a component of Integration pest
management (IPM). Below are the reasons to explain why neem seems to be best and non-
replacable component of IPM
o Neem pesticide is a natural product, absolutely non toxic, 100% biodegradable
and eco friendly.
o It is suited for mixing with other synthetic pesticide and in fact enhances their
o None or lesser quantity of synthetic pesticides needs to be used, thereby reducing
the environmental load.
o Several synthetic pesticides being single chemical compounds cause easy
development of resistant species of pests. Neem consists of several compounds
hence development of resistance is impossible.
o Neem does not destroy natural predators and parasites of pests thereby allowing
these natural enemies to keep a check on the pest population.
o Neem also has systemic action and seedlings can absorb and accumulate the neem
compounds to make the whole plant pest resistant.
o Neem has a broad spectrum of action active on more than 200 species of pests.
o Neem is harmless to non target and beneficial organisms like pollinators, honey
bees, mammals and other vertebrates.
o The formation of chitin (exoskeleton) is also inhibiteds by neem extract.
o Larvae and adults of insects are repelled or poisoned by neem.
o Adults are sterilized. Mating as well as sexual communication is disrupted.

Neem is effective against rots, mildews, rusts, scab, leaf spot and blights. Earthworm populations
have been showed to increase with the use of neem as a tonic. Nature neem oil  controls Broad
Spectrum Fungicide/Insecticide/ Miticide for Indoor/Outdoor use on Ornamental Flowering
Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Foliage, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and Home and Residential Landscapes.
And also it controls Fungal Diseases Including Black Spot, Mildews, Rusts, and Scab. Controls
Mites and Insects including Whiteflies, Aphids, and scales.


A bioherbicide is a plant pathogen used as a weed control agent through inundative and repeated
application of its inoculums or by augmentation of natural, seasonal disease levels through small
releases of inoculums. The bioherbicide can provide an effective, safe and viable method of
weed control A bioherbicide can often live in the environment and wait for the next growing
season when there will be more weeds to infects. This reduces the farmer’s cost of applying
herbicides year after year. A new range of bioherbicides may essentially allow farmers to replace
or reduce the expensive chemical herbicides that they now use. They also allow farmers to get
rid of weed that interfere with their crop’s productivity without threatening the environment.

Biopesticides also known as biological pesticides are certain types of pesticides dervived from
such materials as animals, bacteria, and certain minerals. These are an important group of
pesticides that can reduce pesticide risks.

Characteristics of Bio-pesticides

• Have a narrow target range and a very specific mode of action

• Are slow acting
• Have relatively critical application times
• Suppress, rather than eliminate, a pest population
• Have limited field persistence and short shelf life
• Are safer to humans and the environment than conventional pesticides
• Present no residue problems

Advantages of using bio-pesticides

• Biopesticides are inherently less harmful than conventional pesticides

• Biopesticides are designed to affect only one specific pest or, in some cases, a few
target organisms, in contrast to broad spectrum, conventional pesticides that may affect
organisms as different as birds, insects, and mammals
• Biopesticides often are effective in very small quantities and they decompose quickly
thereby resulting in lower exposures and largely avoiding the pollution problems
caused by conventional pesticides
• When used as a component of integrated pest Management (IPM) programs,
biopesticides can greatly decrease the use of conventional pesticides while crop
yields remain high


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