ndj-5s Viscometer Manual

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Operating Instructions for

NDJ and SNB Series Digital Viscometer

Brief Introduction:

NDJ Series and SNB Series Viscometer are used in checking the viscous resistance and
dynamical viscosity of liquid. It is widely used in measuring the viscosity of various liquid
such as grease, painting, foodstuff, dope, paper making, cosmetics, chemical industry,
capsule stickiness agent and medicines.

NDJ Series viscometer is a digital display viscometer by adopting the high accuracy
driven step-motor and 16 bit micro-computer control processor with a LCD night visual
display. The said meter is stable and accurate in motion, definitude in key demonstration,
programmable in design, easy for operation. The display directly demonstrates the viscosity,
rotating speed, rotor number and the maximum viscosity measured for the rotor selected for
the current rotating speed. The main controlling board, subsection driven board are all
manufactured by adopting the Surface Mount Technology (SMT). The circuit is adopted by
the microprocessor that is most advance at present, with compact and reasonable structure.
The RS232 is provided. The space for printing can be set up by the user. The full range and
linearity at points are adjusted by PC interface. Its performance and functions have reached
to the advanced level compared with the similar product in other countries.

SNB Series Viscometer is an updated product based on NDJ Series Viscometer .In
addition to the performance and features of the NDJ Series Viscometer, SNB Series
Viscometer is measured in a wide range because its rotating speed has changed into full
stepless shift gear and the data can be collected automatically through PC port. By choosing
the options RS232 serial interface and data collecting software, the automatic operation,
saving data, data contrast and statistical analysis can be done by connecting to the computer.

1. Models and Main Technical Parameters
Model NDJ-5S NDJ-8S SNB-1 SNB-2 SNB-3

Measuring Range
20~100K 20~2M 20~600K 12~6M 160~80M

0.3, 0.6, 1~60

Rotating Speed 6, 12, 0.1~99.9
1.5,3,6 Stepless
(RPM) 30, 60 Stepless Gear
12, 30, 60 Gear
Spindles (Code 1,2,3,4) are equipped with the product
Number of Spindles
Spindle (Code 0) is an option
Accuracy ±1% full scale range in use

Repeatability ±0.5% full scale range in use

Power Power adapter ( input: 100-240V,50/60Hz)


2. Basic Structure and Operation Principle

As shown in the picture, The pointer of the load cell driven by the high subsection driven
step-motor is driving the spindle to go round and round through the hairspring and rotating axis. If
the spindle is not resisted by the liquid, the pointer of the hairspring load cell is in the same
position with the pointer of the load cell for the step-motor. On contrary, if the spindle is being
resisted by viscous liquid, the hairspring produces the wresting square and repel and balance with
the viscous resistance for reaching the balance at large. At this moment, by transmitting the output
signal by the photoelectrical load cell to 16 bit micro processor for data processing, the viscous
value (mPa·s) will be displayed on LCD screen with the night visual function.

16 bitm icro processor LCD display

step-m otor



gossam er
m ark ofliquid surface

liquid to be m easured


3. Apparatus Composition

Apparatus to be equipped
3.1 digital viscosity meter 1 pce
3.2 ascending and falling rack 1 set
3.3 protective frame of spindle 1 pce
3.4 power adapter 1 pce
3.5 spanner 1 pce
3.6 seat and leveling feet 1 set
3.7 standard spindle (equipped according to the model) 1 set
3.8 file 1 set

3.9 Extreme low viscometer adapter (with one spindle L0)
3.10 Small sample adapter (with spindle 21, 27, 28 and 29 each)
3.11Temperature-controlled heater (with spindle 21, 27, 28 and 29 each)
3.12 RTD temperature probe (Measuring temperature range:0-100℃,±0.1℃,SNB standard
3.13 VSoft-Viscometer Data Collection, Analysis and Graphing Software(Only for the selection
of SNB series)
3.14 Specially used printer

4. Installation (Please refer to the Main Installing Chart)

4.1 Take out the seat, ascending and failing rack, viscometer, spindle support and so on;
4.2 Screw down the ascending and failing rack into the hole of the socket and tighten the screw
with spanner.
4.3 By running the knob of the ascending and descending rack, check the agility and self-locking
capacity of the ascending and descending rack. If you find it too loosing or too tight, you can
adjust the bolt M4 on the back of the ascending and descending rack with the screw driver to
make sure that it can either ascend or descend. It is preferable to screw it down more
tightened so as to prevent the viscometer from going down after being installed.
4.4 Install the viscosity meter on the ascending and failing rack and make it tighten with the bolt.
The bolt that is unscrewed under the apparatus and remove and place the cap in yellow
properly for next use. The cap in yellow plays a role in preventing the joint screw. It should
cover the cap in yellow if it is not used for a longer time or being transported.
4.5 By adjusting 3 leveling feet to make sure that the bubble is in the middle position of the
viscosity meter on the top.
4.6 If RTD temperature probe is available, please connect it to the interface accordingly.
4.7 Connect the viscometer and the AC power socket with the power adapter(input:100 ~ 240V
50~60Hz) provided. And then turn on the switch of the viscometer.

5. Function of keys

Reset Reset the applied program

Printing/Timing function

Speed Selection of the motor rotating speed

Spindle Selection. The viscous value maximum measured under

the current rotating

Run Start to measure

→ Shift rightwards ← Shift leftwards

↑ The number goes up ↓ The number goes down

6. Content Description on screen (Take SNB-2 viscometer under certain

condition as an example)

It is displayed when switching on and resetting the apparatus

SNB-2:Model of the apparatus, it will be displayed after 3 seconds
24.5 ℃ 10.2 RPM 78.1%
4 5 9 4 3 mPa·S

24.5 ℃ stands for the temperature measured by RTD temperature probe at ℃

SP L4 stands for Spindle L4, L0 stands for spindle L0, The rest can be known in such
10.2 RPM stands for the current rotating speed at RPM
45943 mPa · s stands for the maximum viscous value measured under the current rotating
speed for the selected spindle at mPa·s
78.1 % stands for the mark of percentage meter, or called wresting square. The mark of the

percentage meter between 20% and 90% is regarded as normal figures. The viscosity meter will
alarm if it beyond this figures. As result, the user will change the rotating speed and spindle.

7.Operation Steps

7.1 Make sure that the set-up steps have been finished.
7.2 Install the guard leg of spindle on the viscometer (revolving clockwise for installing and
anticlockwise for uninstalling with top-view method)
7.3 Lift the motor shaft slightly with left hand and hold it firmly, then hold the upper part of the
spindle with right hand and screw clockwise (from a top view) the spindle and the motor shaft
to fix it.
7.4 Switch on the viscometer by pressing the button on the left side of the rear, then the screen
flashes, the mainframe is on standby and the step motor does not work.
7.5 Input the spindle code, the displayed spindle code will be changed once the “spindle” key is
pressed and the code is circulated among L1→L2→L3→L4→L0.The input is over when the
selected spindle code is displayed.
7.6 Selecting the rotating speed for NDJ Series: the displayed speed of the speed will be changed
once the “speed” key is pressed and it is circulated among the speed level specified (e.g. 6.0→
12.0→30.0→60.0). The selection of the rotating speed is over when the speed of the selected
speed is displayed.
Selecting the rotating speed for SNB Series: Once pressing the key for the speed, 60 or
60.0 will be displayed and “6” flickers if the speed is set at 60 in the previous operation. At
this time, you can press the key for number going up or going down to set the tens digit of the
rotating speed. And then press the key shifting rightwards to set the single digit and the tenth
digit. If the shift is needed in reverse direction, press the key shifting leftwards. In this way,
you can set the value of other digit. Press the key for confirmation when the setting is over.
7.7 By revolving the knob of the ascending and descending rack, the viscometer will go down
slowly and the spindle will be immersed into the liquid that will be measured until the mark of
the spindle is in the same level with the liquid. And then adjust the position of the viscometer
to the horizontal level.
7.8 By pressing the “Run” key, the step motor start to work , then you can Run the viscosity and
the torque of the spindle under the current rotating speed. If the liquid is non-newtonian, the
figures will change slowly.
7.9 In the course of measurement, if you need to change the spindle, you can press the “reset” key.
At this moment, the motor stops and the viscometer is on standby. After the spindle is changed,
you can continue to Run with the procedures from 7.5 to 7.8 mentioned above.
7.10 Pressing “Print/Timing” key to perform printing or timing measurement function.
Select the printing and timing measurement function: Switch on the power of the
viscometer, and then press “Print/Timing” key when the viscometer is not in measuring state.
Once “P:XX:XX” is displayed on the screen, the printing setting is selected. Press
“Print/Timing” key again, once “T:XX:XX” is displayed on the screen, the timing setting is
7.10.1 Setting the time interval for printing
Press the “Print /Timing” key until “P:00:05” displayed on the screen. For NDJ series,

And then press the “Print /Timing” key , P:00:05 → P:00:10, … → P:05:00 will be
circulated.P:00:05 stands for printing every 5 seconds, P:00:10 stands for printing every 10
seconds, ……P:05:00stands for printing every 5 seconds. The rest result can be known by this
way.For SNB Series, press the “Print /Timing” key until “P:00:05” displayed on the screen.
And then press one of the four direction keys to set the time interval according to your need.
Using the direction keys <→> and <←> to move the cursor and the numerical increasing key
<↑> and decreasing key <↓> to set the time interval. And press the “Print /Timing” key for
final confirmation.
After the printer is connected, press the “Print /Timing” key to start the printing. “on”
will be printed out and the printing will be performed at the interval time set. To stop printing,
press the “Print /Timing” key again, “off” will printed out and the printing stops.
7.10.2 Setting timing measurement
Since the spindle, rotating speed and measurement time should be selected in measuring
the “non Newton liquid”. The operator can set different measurement time according to the
properties of the samples. The detailed procedure is given as follows:
Press the “Print /Timing” key before it comes into the measurement state. Do not release
the “Print /Timing” key until the LCD display has changed from “P:00:00” to “T:00:00”, and
then a cursor will be found flickering on the screen. For NDJ series, And then press the “Print
/Timing” key , T:00:00 → T:00:05, … → T:20:00 will be circulated. It should be noted that
“T:00:00” stands for no timing; “T:00:10” stands for ten-second measurement; “T:05:00”
stands for five-minute measurement and so on.For SNB Series, Using the direction keys <→>
and < ← > and the numerical increasing key < ↑ > and decreasing key < ↓ > to select the
measurement time. When the measurement time is displayed on the screen, press the “Print
/Timing” key once to exit the state of “edit”. Thus, the setting of timing measurement function
has been completed.
Since the timing measurement has been selected and set, when the measurement time
reaches a certain value for each measurement, the viscometer meter will stop measuring. And
the LCD screen will display the current viscosity and be locked as well. This function provides
the operators the convenience to record, compare and analyze the progress and result of the
“non Newton liquid” measurement.
In case that this function has to be cancelled, set the measurement time to “T:00:00” in
the same procedures above.

8. Cautions

8.1 Be careful in installing and uninstalling the spindle. When installed and uninstalled, you
should operate by uplifting the joint bolt slightly. Do not do it more forcibly. Do not make the
spindle receiving the force horizontally to prevent the spindle from being bended.
8.2 Do not put the viscosity meter that is already installed aside or lay it down;
8.3 Keep the connecting side of the joint bolt with the spindle and the screw thread itself clean.
Otherwise, it will effect the shacking degree of the spindle;
8.4 You should hold the ascending and failing rack in your hand when it is on raise and down to
prevent it from dropping due to its deadweight;
8.5 After changing the spindle, you should input the new number of the spindle. The spindle that is

used and changed should be cleaned first and then put on the rack of the spindle. Do not leave
the spindle on the meter and clean it.
8.6 When the liquid is changed, you should clean (wipe up) the spindle and the protective frame of
the spindle to avoid the error caused by the interblended liquid for measurement.
8.7 The viscosity meter is matched with the spindle. Do not interblend several viscosity meters
with the spindles
8.8 Do not dismantle and adjust the spare parts in the viscosity meter with liberty.
8.9 When the viscosity meter is moved and transported, the yellow cap should be on the joint
screw and the bolt should be screwed down and packed in the box.
8.10 After the spindle is installed, you do not circumrotate it for a longer in case of no liquid to
prevent it from being damaged.
8.11 The suspended and confused liquid, high polymer and the other more condensed liquid have a
lot of “ non Newton liquid”. Their viscous values are varied with the shear speed and the time.
Therefore, their checking results under the different spindles and rotating speed are different.
This is the normal case. It is not the error caused by the meter. Normally, you should regulate
the spindle ,rotating speed and time to measure the non Newton liquid.

9. The following points you should pay more attention for more accurate data

9.1 More precisely control the temperature of the liquid to be measured

9.2 Clean the spindles and protective frame before measurement, When spindle L1-L4, is used the
spindle protective frame must be installed;
9.3 When measured, the spindle is placed in the center of the vessel. Make the mark on the spindle
and liquid surface at the same level. Adjust the viscometer to be horizontal.
9.4 Putting the spindle into the liquid to be measured for an enough longer time and keep the same
temperature for both
9.5 You should turn off the apparatus at time when the measurement at high speed is changed into
the measurement at low speed at one or keep a less longer time at the low speed to overcome
the error that may be caused by the circumvolved inertia of the liquid.
9.6 When measuring the low viscosity, L1 of the spindle is chosen, and L4 of the spindle for the
high viscosity.
9.7 The measure time for the viscosity measured at low speed is relatively longer.
9.8 The viscosity meter can be replaced by revolving the ascending and failing rack when you
need to change the spindle and liquid to be measure in process of the measurement. Make sure
to adjust the viscometer to be horizontal.
9.9 Test the viscometer frequently with standard viscosity liquid to check the performance.

10. Sampling measurement for unknown viscosity

10.1 The General Principle for Measurement: For the sample with high viscosity, you should
choose the little dimensioned spindle ( L3, L4) and slow rotating speed. For the sample with
low viscosity, you should choose the large dimensioned spindle ( L1, L2) and fast rotating
speed. When measured ,the mark measured by the percentage meter between 20% and 90% is
the normal value. The viscous value measured within this range is the correct value.

10.2 You should estimate the viscous range of the sample to be measured first and
then choose the little dimensioned spindle and the slow rotating speed as per the
sample with high viscosity and choose the large dimensioned spindle as per the
sample with low viscosity. In most cases, you should choose the spindle and then
choose the approximate rotating speed. For example, when the spindle SP is
L1,the rotating speed 60RPM , the full capacity displayed on the screen
is100mPa.s. And when the rotating speed is changed into 6RPM,the full capacity
is 1000mPa.s。
10.3 When you can not estimate the viscosity of the sample to be measured, you
should decide on the rationality of the spindle and the rotating speed as per the
mark of the percentage meter (wresting square).The mark of the percentage meter
between 20%—90% (10%-90% for spindle L0) is the normal value. If the value
is not beyond this limit, the viscosity meter will alarm, reminding the user to
change the rotating speed and spindle. Never forget to change the spindle as per the principle
that the spindle is changed with changing the number of the spindle SP.

11. Simple troubleshooting

Facts Possible Reasons Solutions

The level bulb can NOT Put some rubber pieces under the
The slope of the working desk is large
be adjusted to the center seat to adjust the horizontal level
Protective frame is not installed See Item 9.2
The spindle used and the code displayed are not See the main installing chart and
coherent Items 7.5 and 8.5
The viscometer is not adjusted to horizontal
level; or the level is changed due to other See Items 7.7 and 9.8
the surface of liquid is under the liquid surface
The value is NOT See Item 9.3
mark of the spindle
accurate in measuring
the Newton liquid Spindle is not installed properly See Item 8.3
The spindle is not cleaned after last
See Item 8.6
The spindle does not match the viscometer See Item 8.7

The sample temperature varies in Measurement See Item 9.1 and Item 9.4
Mechanical parts of the viscometer is aging or
See Item 9.9
No display of temp RTD temperature probe is not equipped See Part 3

RTD temperature probe is damaged Change a new one

Display of temp is
abnormal The probe and the viscometer is not connected
Connect them again

Facts Possible Reasons Solutions
Measurement stops Measurement time of the timing function is
See Item 7.12
automatically activated.
Exceed the measurement range (Torque should
Viscometer alarm be within 20% and 90%. For spindle code L0, Change the speed or spindle
the range is from 10% to 90%.)
The sample measured is non Newton liquid See Item 7.10, 7.12 and Item 8.11
Value always varies in The sample temperature varies in Measurement See Item 9.1 and Item 9.4
Mechanical parts of the viscometer is aging or
See Item 9.9



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