Q2 Module 2 Week 3

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Quarter 2 – Module 2:

Opinion Signal Words

Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the GRADE 8Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Opinion Signal Words!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators to

assist you. The teacher or facilitator will help the learners meet the standards set
by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them
to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and
assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the English 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Opinion Signal Words!

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often
used to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands, we may learn, create
and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a
learner is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant
competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in
your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an
active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of

the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled into process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity that will

help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is atask that aims to evaluate your level

of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned. This also tends retention
of learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module, you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.

2. Do not forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.

3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.

4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your

5. Finish the task before proceeding to the next.

6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know

This module is to help you learn English Language, considering your current
grade level. This module specifically focus on how to share ideas using signal
words. The scope of this module mainly allows you to use it in various learning
styles and situations.

In this lesson, you can freely express your opinions while being guided. As
you go along with the lesson, you need to come to a point where you can formulate
opinion statements independently. As the lessons were arranged to follow
standards, you are expected to understand the nature of opinionated statements
with the use of speech devices such as introductory words or phrases, transitions,
and opinion clues one-step at a time. ,

Here is the lesson in this module:

• Lesson 1 – Opinion Signal Words

After going through this module, learners are expected to:

1. State phrases and sentences with opinion-marking signals;
2. Recognize the opinion signal words among the different speech devices;
3. Identify the nature of opinionated statements and make use of them as a guide
to sentence construction;
4. Recall the appropriate words and phrases to be used in varied situation;
5. Relate and react to different pictures by expressing one’s opinion through the
use of the opinion signal words;
6. Examine related information from sentences when formulating opinion
7. Defend own opinion based on the given topic taken from a material viewed
(situational illustrations, pictures, or infographs).
What I Know

Read the questions below then choose the letter of the correct answer. Circle the
chosen letter.

1. Which statement best define the word, opinion?

a. A dictated statement you believed in
b. An expression of how a person feels or thinks
c. A true statement based on real life situation
d. A simple statement but has exaggerated reactions

2. Identify which statement is an expression of a mere opinion.

a. The weekly update about the number of COVID – 19 positive cases
was confirmed by the Department of Health.
b. According to the result of the tests, there were only five people who
came to be infected.
c. Scientists confirmed that the only cure to the deadly virus is to come
up with a vaccine.
d. Other doctors suspect that the spread of the virus started not from
the bats but from a laboratory.

3. From the statements below, identify which is NOTa definition of opinion.

a. anything that can be proven to be true
b. others may agree or disagree to something
c. relates to how someone feels about something
d. a personal belief which cannot be considered as fact

4. Identify which phrase or sentence is NOT an example of opinion.

a. I think he is cute.
b. Mia claimed that she is better than Ben.
c. Gerard passed the licensure examination.
d. The nurse argues that there is no other cure.

5. Which phrase shows an opinion signal?

a. The report confirms…
b. The doctor discovered…
c. The police officer’s view…
d. The witness demonstrated…
Opinion Signal Words
In this lesson, it is important to have the ability to distinguish between fact
and opinion before sharing some ideas with others. This will help you to enhance
your critical thinking skills. For an instance, there is a given information we
encountered via social media. The said information could be a fact and could be
just a mere opinion.

What’s In

Examine the flow of the brief conversation of a girl and a boy below.Analyze
the words used by the boy.

Observe the underlined phrases. What kind of expressions or words did the
boy in the conversation state?

Well,I think the

best way to avoid
I feel uncomfortable Based on what I
the virus is by
wearing a facemask. I know, for as
wearing a
can’t breathe well. long as you have
a mask, you can
never get the

How can you tell it is

the best?
What’s New

Opinion Signal Words

How to express your thoughts and ideas in English? Alternatively, an
opinion maybe?Learning how to express your opinion is crucial whether you are
speaking or writing. In this lesson, you need to look at the words and some phrases
that you can apply in sharing your point of view.

You may watch the discussion video to give you more information about
opinion-marking signals by using the links below:


Introductory Transitions Opinion Clues

I guess First/second/third Always/never
I think First of all sometimes
I suppose Next Awful/ wonderful
I feel After that Beautiful/ugly
In my opinion Additionally Worst/better/best
My favorite Equally important Delicious/disgusting
The best Consequentially definitely
I strongly believe besides enjoyable
From my point of view despite favorite
It is my belief Further/furthermore For/against
Based on what I know clearly Good / bad
I would say previously Horrible / terrible
I am convinced obviously Inferior / superior
Speaking for myself finally Oppose/support
I know you have to agree that In conclusion Unfair / fair
I am confident that For all these reasons worthwhile

Here are some other opinion signal words that show uncertainty:

• may, ought, could, might, probably, many people, etc.

1. I think touch screen cellphone is the best invention ever.

2. I am convinced that the fastest animal are the red foxes.

3. My favorite television show is a Korean Drama. The story is

the best among other dramas.
What Is It

How to express your opinion?

Here are the five ways to express an opinion. Make sure to use the
introductory words or phrases in your statements.

I. The use of Common phrases

There are many phrases suitable in our everyday conversation. You may
already have encountered some of these phrases:
I think…

I believe…

I feel…

In my opinion…

Situation #1

Let us say, you are with your friends sharing insights and experiences:

Friend 1: “I think the best place for a vacation is Boracay. There’s no question
about it.”
Friend 2: “I disagree! Have you forgotten that Coron, Palawan exists?”
Friend 3: “For me, there’s no best place after all since the pandemic started.”

Situation #2

Suppose you are in a restaurant with a friend to eat some food:

You: “I believe this is most expensive chicken

noodle soup. Good to know that this is
delicious too.”
Friend: “I don’t think so! I guess this is just
an average soup. The price doesn’t guarantee
the taste.”
In expressing your opinion, you may add strength, especially when you are
giving reasons and emphasizing your claim. Do you want to make your statements
stronger? You can simply add adverbs or adjectives. Here are some examples:

I really think…

I strongly believe…

I truly feel…

In my honest opinion…

II. The use of Formal phrases

This time, let us study some phrases that are usually used in formal
situations. You might have heard these in debates, conferences, classroom reports.

From my point of view…

From my perspective…

In my view…

It seems to me that…

Situation #3

Suppose you are in a meeting, discussing a plan and sharing some ideas:

You: “From my perspective, continuing

education despite the pandemic is the best
decision. Online classes should be considered
an option.”
Colleague: “In my view, it seems that you
have the point. I truly believe that conducting
online classes is safe than the face to face

III. The proper way of asking for opinions

Next, imagine that you were able to say what is in your head. However, what
about the opinion of other people? Most of the times, we suggest and we express
our opinion but we do not listen to others. It is also good to ask others of their
There are certain phrases that can show our interest to know the opinion of
other people. These phrases can also initiate good conversation and can even
exchange of ideas. In that way, you can learn and share new ideas at the same

Here are some of the phrases to show your desire of listening to the opinion of

What do you think of…?

What are your thoughts on…?

How do you feel about…?

What’s your opinion on…?

You can use these questions in many kinds of situations:

1. What is your opinion about distance learning?

2. How do you feel about the ongoing pandemic?

3. What are your thoughts on released music video?

IV. The proper way of agreeing and disagreeing

To express agreement, you can use short yet clear statements.


“I really believe that it is more fun in the Philippines!”

Responses of agreement:

So do I.
Me too.
I agree.
I couldn’t agree more.

To express disagreement with close friends or family, we can use informal,

direct phrases to say we disagree. Here are some common phrases:

I disagree…

I don’t think so…

I don’t agree…

Yeah, but…
To express disagreement, you may consider to be careful at times, especially
if you are in serious discussions or in professional situations. Your phrases can be
too direct.

Situation #4

For instance, people at work or school are sharing opinions about politics,
religious beliefs, or something that is quite sensitive. In that kind of situation,
watch your language and make sure to be more polite and with respect.

Officer 1: “From my perspective, the local

government should provide free internet
Officer 2: “I see what you’re saying but, in
my view, now is not the right time for that. It
needs planning and budget allocation.”

Here are some phrases showing disagreement:

I’m not sure I agree with you on…I’m afraid I disagree.

I’m sorry but I don’t agree. I see what you’re saying but…

I know where you’re coming from but…You have a point there but…

V. Formulating Final thoughts

In real life, especially in social media, people can easily express their
opinions without using an introductory or opening phrase like, I think, I believe,
etc., instead, they state it in a direct way.
Adobo is the
It is more fun in best Filipino
the Philippines! food!

Attending a concert
is the most exciting Davao City is
event you’ll ever such a perfect
experience! place!

There you go! Those are the five ways to express your opinion. You do not
have to memorize them, but at least familiarize them. Those ways serve as your
guide as you formulate your own statements to help you sound natural when
speaking and be effective in writing. Take time to practice them.
What’s More

Activity Part 1–Expressing a strong feeling

Now you try it! Pick appropriate introductory opinion signal phrases from the box
to complete sentences from below. Give one or two reasons for each opinion. Write
your sentences in the comments section.

I strongly believe…
I truly feel…
In my honest opinion…
I strongly agree…
I really think…

1. With tears on his cheeks, ____________ that he is sincere with his intentions.

2. ______________________ you should go back home with your family.

3. ___________________ that the government should extend the quarantine


4. Let us think positively. ____________ we can stop the spread of COVID-19.

5.____________________, when it comes to drama, Korean dramas are way better

than Mexican drama series.

Assessment Part - 1 Mix and Match the Phrases

Identify what kind of introductory phrases are presented. Choose the letter of your

Phrases Ways of Expressing

____ 1. BTS is the best group. A. common phrase

____ 2. I think… B. common phrase with strength
____ 3. Exactly… C. disagreeing
____ 4. I strongly believe… D. final thought
____ 5. Yeah, but… E. agreeing
F. asking for opinion
Activity Part - 2 Question and Answer Portion

Read each question then give answer by applying opinion signal words and
phrases. Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper.

• 1. In your opinion, what makes a good leader? What are your reasons?
• 2. Is there other way that you can suggest to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
If none, explain why.
• 3. As a student, how can you cope with the ‘new normal’in our country
brought about by COVID-19?


Assessment Part - 2 Complete the Phrases

Read the following introductory statements below. Express your own opinion by
supplying phrases to make complete sentences.

1. I truly believe in ___________________________________.

2. I see what you’re saying but ________________________.
3. From my perspective _______________________________.
4. How do you feel about ______________________________.
5. In my honest opinion _______________________________.
6. I am convinced _____________________________________.
7. From my point of view ______________________________.
8. I’m not sure I agree with you on _____________________.
9. Based on what I know ______________________________.
10. I know where you’re coming from but _______________.
What I Have Learned

Direction: Read the sentences and supply appropriate words to the blank/s
on each item.

1. An opinion is a mere _______ belief and a judgment of someone that could

not be proven right or wrong.

2. Expressing your _______ is crucial whether you are speaking or writing, that
is why knowing the different opinion signal words and phrases would be
better and effective.

3. There are the five ways to express an opinion:

1. The use of Common _________

2. The use of _________ phrases

3. The proper way of asking for __________

4. The proper way of __________ and disagreeing

5. Formulating Final or Direct ___________

4. In expressing your opinion, such as reasoning and claiming, it is possible to

add strength to the statements by simply adding __________ or adjectives.

5. Sharing of ideas include exchanging of thoughts and ________. Sharing is not

a one-sided process. We can show our interest to know the opinion of other
people by using the phrases that can initiate good conversation.

6. Part of expressing one’s opinion is ________ and __________. When agreeing,

we use short yet clear statements like, yes, I agree, so do I, definitely, etc.

7. In expressing disagreement, it could be _________ and ________. We use

informal with close friends or family. The informal statements are direct
phrases. On the other hand, when it comes to formal way of stating
disagreement, it has to be polite and with respect.

8. In stating final thoughts, they are simply ________. This means, there is no
need to use the introductory words or phrases.
What I Can Do

Practice Part– Study the pictures below and give your opinion using the
introductory signal words. Write two (2) sentences for each picture. Use a separate
sheet for this activity.

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

5. ______________________ 7. ______________________

6. ______________________ 8. ______________________

9. ______________________

10. ______________________

Part I – Identify the statements whether [it is] TRUE or FALSE.Choose the letter of
the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the space before each number.


_____ 1. An opinion is a way of telling what happened and can be proven true or
_____ 2. In expressing your opinion, you are presenting your claim and sometimes,
your reasons too.

_____ 3.To express strong idea, it is possible to add strength to your statements by
simply adding negative or positive words.

_____ 4. In expressing one’s opinion, you must not show any signs of agreement or

_____ 5. In expressing disagreement, it could be informal and formal depending on

the situation and environment.

Part II – Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
_________ 1. Which opinion signal phrase is an example of a common phrase?
a. I think…
b. Based on what I know…
c. In my honest point of view…
d. As far as my knowledge is concerned…

_________ 2. Which statement has an added strength to the expressed opinion?

a. I agree that he is now the new manager.
b. I believe he is an amazing politician.
c. I firmly believe that his intentions are not real.
d. I think he is the strongest person in the office.

_________ 3. From the responses below, which one shows agreement?

a. So do I.
b. I don’t think so.
c. Yeah, but…
d. I’m not sure.

_________ 4. From the responses below, which one does not show disagreement?
a. I disagree.
b. Definitely.
c. Yeah, but…
d. I don’t think so.
_________ 5. Which phrase shows an opinion signal?
a. The victim reports…
b. The doctor shows…
c. The reporter’s point of view…
d. The performer confirms…

_________ 6. Identify which statement is an expression of a mere opinion.

a. I discovered that I have a high blood pressure.
b. Ipatiently waited for the doctor for five hours straight.
c. I took a taxi because I was running late for school.
d. In my view, the hospital should add more facilities.

_________ 7.Identify which statement is NOT an expression of a mere opinion.

a. Based on what I know, staying at home is the safest.
b. Based on the result of the investigation, it is still not safe.
c. Based on the point of view of the doctor, not all home is safe.
d. Based on the perspective of the public servants, quarantine extension
is the best way to be safe.

_________8. Identify which sentence is an example of opinion.

a. The nurse confirmed that he she got a positive result.
b. Based on the report, there is a huge increase of cases.
c. Based on the perspective of the neighbors, the girl is positive.
d. Based on the investigation, the barangay has many positive cases.

_________ 9. Identify which sentence isNOT an example of opinion.

a. I discovered that their album hit the top chart.
b. I truly believe that their album will hit the top chart.
c. In my view, their album deserves to hit the top chart.
d. Based on my perspective, their album is the best.

_________ 10. Which statement shows an example of final thought opinion?

a. I truly think he is an intelligent writer.
b. Based on his beliefs, Duterte is the best President.
c. In his honest opinion, most workers are at risk.
Aglaua, C.M., Balarbar, C.V., Cusipag, M.N., Madrunio, M.R., Miciano, R.Z.,
Mojica, L.A., Shimamoto, R.L. (2006). Critical Thinking Through Reading and
Writing. Malate 1004, Manila: De La Salle University Press Inc.

Ocampo-Gonzalo, B., Gonzalo, G.O., (2006). Linking the World through English II
Second Edition. Legaspi Village, Makati: DIWA Learning Systems Inc.

Division of TAPAT Grade 8 English Teachers – Quarter 1 Module in English for

Grade VIII

A teacher's guide to fact and opinion. (n.d.). Retrieved June 18, 2020, from

English, V. (2019, January 24). How to Express Your Opinion in English. Retrieved
June 18, 2020, from https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/how-to-express-

GbR, L. (n.d.). Word List on Opinion and Statements. Retrieved June 19, 2020,
from https://www.ego4u.com/en/business-english/communication/opinion

Graphic Organizers for Opinion Writing. (2018, October 15). Retrieved June 19,
2020, from https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/blog-posts/genia-

Jim. (n.d.). COVID-19 News - Updated Daily. Retrieved June 19, 2020, from

Lesson: 1: Identifying Opinions with Signal Words. (n.d.). Retrieved June 19, 2020,
from https://betterlesson.com/community/lesson/1602/1-identifying-

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