English7 - Q2 - M1 - Listening Strategies - Version 3

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Quarter 2 Module 1

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

English – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Second Quarter – Module 1: Using Listening Strategies Based on Purpose
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Region 10

Regional Director: Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Assistant Regional Director: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Development Team of the Module
Author/s: Harigene Galia -.Beloy
Jocelyn B. Sumabat
Rosalyn L. Suerte
Reviewers: Juliet S. Lapiz, Arcita E. Balcita, Crystalyn S. Ledesma
and Layout Artist: Markleen L. Guimbao

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Second Quarter – Module 2
Using Listening Strategies Based
on Purpose

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by

educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education – Region
10 at [email protected]

Your feedback and recommendations are highly valued.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Introductory Message

For the learner:

Welcome to the English 7 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Using

Listening Strategies Based on Purpose!

In our everyday lives, one of the many skills that we use is listening. Upon
waking up in the morning, we listen to the sounds of the things around us and to the
songs that we like. We do listen to understand the message of the source but
sometimes, listening difficulties can also cause misunderstanding. Have you
experienced having trouble understanding the message of the person you are talking
to? How about when you listen to some news in the radio or
Listening comprehension can be the
basis for your speaking and writing. You can
be able to write and speak properly, if you
have good listening comprehension. To be
able to listen properly, you need to
learn different strategies to develop
your listening skill and use it
depending on the purpose and the level of difficulty of the material. Are you ready to
become better by learning new set of listening strategies?

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be able to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.
What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to
check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this
What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link
the current lesson with the previous one.
What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be
introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.
What is It This section provides a brief discussion of
the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.
What’s More This comprises activities for independent
practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.
Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given to
you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.
Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use your English notebook in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. You may keep the CD tape that contains all the listening materials in this
7. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Introductory Message …………………………………..... 1- 3

What I Need to Know ………......................................... 4

What I Know ………......................................... 5

What’s in, what’s new, what is it ………………………………. 6-8

What’s More ………......................................... 11

What I Have Learned ………......................................... 13

What Can I Do ………......................................... 13

Assessment ………......................................... 14

Additional Activities ………......................................... 15

Answer Key ………......................................... 16

References ………......................................... 17 - 18
What I Need to know

Listening occupies about 45 percent of the time that adults

spend in communication. It is also one of the most challenging skills that learners
need to develop as it is probably the least explicit among other skills. Listening
should be given significance and much attention more than speaking and reading.
These skills are both important but sometimes listening activities are not given the
same attention compared to speaking and reading. Listening plays a very important
role in learning and understanding. If you failed to listen correctly and properly,
misunderstanding may occur. Therefore, one should be able to develop strategies in
However, several difficulties may occur while listening to other people who are
talking, conversing or speaking in public. Several factors such as the speaker, the
listener and, the environment can contribute to these difficulties.
Specifically, some of the factors that contribute to these challenges are: the
speed and manner of which the speaker uses; the noise in the environment; the
listener’s poor background or knowledge of the topic; and poor vocabulary.
In this module, you are going to learn how to use listening strategies based on
purpose, familiarity with the topic and levels of difficulty of short texts listened to
(EN7LC-II-a6). Specifically, you should be able to:

1. draw out the message of the song listened to;

2. predict content of the selection listened to base on skimming the
questions first;
3. determine the purpose of your listening;
4. get the gist of a short video on a particular scene that caught your
interest; and,
5. share experiences related to the material listened to.

In going through the module, remind yourself to be patient in doing the activities
while developing your listening skill. Make sure that you are guided with the
instructions and directions in each activity. If you are experiencing difficulties, take a
deep breath, relax and look into what you have not understood. Enjoy completing all
the tasks and give your best.

What I Know

Before starting your journey in this module on becoming a better listener, let
us see what you already know about the lesson.

Instruction: Read the statements carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and write FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answers in your English notebook.

1. We always understand what we listen to.

2. When we listen, we listen to every word that the speaker is saying.
3. We can predict or guess the topic that the speaker is sharing based on the
words that he or she uses.
4. We use our prior knowledge when we try to understand the message of
the speaker or the material we listen to.
5. It is important to listen to the whole material to get the message of the
6. We only listen when we want to.
7. When we are listening to something and we do not understand it, we
should not listen to it anymore.
8. Listening to the material once is enough to understand its content.
9. We should take note when we listen.
10. Listening is very important in good communication.
11. We listen to understand.
12. We should prepare ourselves before listening to something or someone.
13. We should ignore words that are less important when we are listening.
14. When we listen to conversations, the words that people use help us to
infer the type of relationship they have with one another.
15. We will not experience problems when we listen.
Using Listening Strategies Based on Purpose

What’s In

Before we proceed to our lesson, give me a list of things that made listening
difficult based on your experiences?

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________

What’s New
Activity 1: Let the Music Play
Songs play different roles in our lives. Sometimes, it allows us to express
what we feel. It can also help us to reminisce our childhood memories or other
remarkable experiences. Depending on how the song relates to what we feel at the
moment, we can have different interpretation on a same song.
For this activity, you are now going to listen to a song, read its lyrics, and may
choose to do any of the following:
1. Jot down the words that caught your attention;
2. Write vocabulary words which may represent the emotion that you feel as
you listen to the song;
3. Draw images which could represent the message of the song;
4. Enumerate as many feelings that the song may draw out from you; and,
5. Write your responses in your notebook.

Here is the lyrics of the song to guide you while listening.

I Don’t Want You to Go

(Music version: by Kyla; https://www.metrolyrics.com/i-dont-want-you-to-go-lyrics-kyla.html)
Somebody else
Here I am And love again
Alone and I don't understand
Exactly how it all began
And from the start
The dream just walked away
Maybe we were tryin' to hard
I'm holding on
It's crazy coz it's breakin' our hearts
When all but the passion's gone
Things can fall apart but I know
That I don't want you to go, no
And from the start
Maybe we were tryin' to hard
Maybe I was tryin' to hard
It's crazy coz it's breakin' our hearts
It's crazy coz it's breakin' my heart
Things can fall apart but I know
Things can fall apart but I know
That I don't want you to go
That I don't want you to go
Oh no, don't want you to go

And heroes die

When they ignore the cause inside
But they learn from what's left behind
And fight for something else
And so it goes
That we have both learned how to grow


Oh it's just too much

Takin' all the whole world all by myself
But it's not enough
Unless I stop trusting somebody else

Are you familiar with the song? _______________________________________ .
What is the message of the song? ____________________________________ .

Write TRUE if you agree with the statement and FALSE if you disagree.
________ 1. The speaker expresses the pain of letting go.
________ 2. The speaker has let go of the relationship.
________ 3. The speaker is aware of how things will go in the end.
________ 4. The speaker and the beloved have grown by letting go.
________ 5. The speaker is ready to love again.

Self-work. Do the following tasks.

1. Choose a line from the song that has a great impact on you.
2. Share a story or real-life experiences you encountered which you could relate
to the song.

What is it?

Listening Strategies Based on Purpose

In the previous lesson, you have learned the main styles in reading. You have
learned that as you read, you should know your purpose to identify the most
appropriate reading strategy to be used. While in listening, it is also important to
know several strategies so you can completely understand the entire message and
avoid misunderstanding.

Direction: Read the following questions and try to answer these questions. Write
your answer in your notebook. After the discussion, check if you were able to answer
the questions correctly.

1. What are the factors to consider when you listen?

2. What are the things to do when you listen?
3. Why do you listen to someone or something?
4. Why does a person need to listen?

Here are some of the reasons why you listen:


 to obtain information;
 to understand;
 to learn;
 to communicate;
 to enjoy;

Here are some of the things that you should do while you are listening:

Listening for the Main Idea

The purpose of listening is to grasp the main points or general information

presented by the speaker or from the audio/video you are listening to. When you
listen, there are times when you get stuck on a detail, on a word or on a phrase that
you do not understand. This can hinder you to see the bigger picture of the

When you are listening to get the main idea, you can possibly get the whole
picture by being able to identify one crucial difference. Information comes in a
sequence and in that sequence, there are content words like nouns, pronouns and
adjectives that can help you form the picture. Therefore, you need to listen more
carefully and attentively to capture the entire message.


Listening for Details

You listen to gather specific important details or information. When you listen
to get specific details like names, date, object or place, you do not need to put your
attention to the entire message of the selection that you are listening to. You can
ignore anything that does not sound relevant. This way, you can narrow down your
search and get the detail that you need. You can also select the materials that you
are going to listen when you need the specific details.


Predicting the Content

Your knowledge in the world helps you anticipate the kind of information you
are likely to hear. When you are listening to a news, you can often predict the kind of
words or language that will be used. Your stock knowledge or any stored information
in the brain can also help us predict the topic of a specific content.


Inferring the Meaning

When you listen, it is also important to infer the meaning presented by the
speaker using clues and your prior knowledge to work out the meaning of what you
hear. Similarly, you can infer relationship between people from the words they use.
People who have intimate relationships usually use informal language and those
who have work relationships usually use formal language. By using context clues,
you can identify what is being said, who is speaking, and what is taking place.


Suggestions for Improving Your Listening Skills

Before You Listen

1. Think about the topic of the text you are going to listen to. What do you
already know about it? What could be possibly the content of the text?
2. If you have to do a task on listening, check whether you have
understood the task correctly.
3. Think about what kind of text you are going to listen to.
4. Relax and make yourself ready to pay attention to the listening text.

While You Are Listening

1. It is not necessary to understand every single word. Try to ignore those words
that you think are less important anyway.
2. If there are words or issues that you don’t understand, use your general
10out the meaning.
knowledge as well as context to find
3. If you still don’t understand something, use a dictionary to look up the words
or ask someone else for help
4. Focus on keywords and facts.
5. Take notes to support your memory.
6. Intonation and stress of the speakers can help you understand what you hear.
7. Try to think ahead. What might happen next? What might the speakers say?
Which words might they use?

After Listening

1. Think about the text again. Did you understand the main point?
2. Remember the speculations you made before listening. Did it turn out to be
3. Review your notes.
4. Check whether you have completed your task correctly.
5. Did you have any problem while listening? Do you have any problem in
completing your task? Identify your problems and ask someone for help.
6. Listen again to difficult passages.


is What’s More

Activity 1. Self- Assessment

Let us check how good you are in extracting the important details in a selection
you are about to listen.

1. Find a news report from YouTube, radio, or television.

A. Cite the details of the news:
a. When was it aired? ________________________________
b. Name of the station. _______________________________

2. Write the important details from the news.

a. What is the event?

b. Who are the people involved?
c. When did it happen?
d. Where did it happen?
e. Why did it happen?
f. How did it happen?

Activity 2. Let’s do this!

Listen attentively to the recorded audio that can be found from this link
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjnxA2QvWbI&feature=youtu.be) or refer to the
CD tape given to you by your teacher. Answer the questions below in your notebook.

1. What is the selection about?


2. Can you recall a similar experience

with the character in the video? Write two – three sentences about it.


What I Have Learned

Using the graphic organizer below, show us your learning progress in

this module.




What I Can Do

Activity 3. Make a Call

Choose from your contacts a person whom you think is suitable for an
interview. He/she can be a barangay official, a professional or someone whom you
can consider successful. Let that person share to you his or her life story before
becoming a successful person. Here are your guide questions for interview:

1. What motivated you to become a ______ (state his/her profession, or

present work)?
2. What are your characteristics and skills that made you a successful
_______ (state his/her profession, or present work)??
3. What are the hardships that you have encountered?

(Note: You can add questions that you would like to ask.)


How is your journey through this module? Let us check what you have learned.
Listen to the news report from this link: https://www.youtu.be/gfoZlu9Ssys or refer
to the CD tape given to you by your teacher.
Answer the questions given below. While listening, apply the strategies that you
have learned. You can read the questions first before listening to the audio.

1. What does COVID - 19 stand for? What is this virus?

2. Who is the speaker of the topic “COVID 19 virus”?
3. What are the two other corona viruses that cause forms of common colds?
4. Is corona virus the worst virus compared to those that occurred before?
Explain your answer. 14
5. According to the speaker, should people panic with the occurrence of this
virus? Yes or No. Why?
6. What is the similarity between COVID - 19 and influenza?
7. What hampers the development of the vaccine for COVID -19?
8. What are used as models to test the developed vaccine?
9. What do we need to understand in the development of its vaccine?

Here is an outline on how your answers will look like in your English

1. _________________. ________________.
Additional Activities

Activity 4: Add and Compare

1. Listen to any news about COVID – 19 in your own locality. Identify the
important details from the news. (What, who, when, where, why and how)
2. Ask one of your family members about his/her idea about the current status of
your barangay regarding COVID- 19 situations. Ask if he/she knows if there
are existing cases in your area or if some are badly affected by the pandemic.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Module 1 of Quarter 2.

Please proceed to Module 2 and learn how to use search engines to conduct a
guided search on a given topic.
Answer Key

What I Know What I Can What’s More

Do Activity 1: Self-assessment
1. Answers vary.
2. FALSE 2.
3. TRUE Activity 3: One- (what)
on-one Interview (who)
5. TRUE (where)
6. FALSE 1. Answers (how)
7. FALSE vary. Activity 2: Let’s do this!
8. FALSE 2. Answers 1. The selection is about loving
vary. our family.
9. TRUE 2. Answers vary.
3. Answers
10. TRUE vary.
11. TRUE Assessment
1. COVID -19 stands for corona virus
12. TRUE
disease 2019. Corona viruses
13. TRUE represent a group of viruses that have
been discovered in the 1960s and
14. TRUE these viruses are said to affect both
15. FALSE human and animals.
2. The speaker of the topic COVID 19
is Dr. Amorsolo Suguitan, Jr., Internal
Medicine Physician and Former
What I Have What’s New Virologist.
3. a. SARS
Learned Activity 1: Let the
b. MERS covid
Music Play 5. No.
1. Answers vary.
1. T 6. Both of these viruses cause the
2. F patients to have fever, cough, short
17 breath, muscle ache.
3. F 7. what hampers the development of
4. T vaccine is how are we going to
demonstrate that it is safe and it is
5. T
Self-work 8. Animals are used as models in
1. Answers testing the vaccine.
9. It occurs in several phases and it
undergoes challenges.
2. Answers

English Learner’s Material 7. Department of Education – Bureau of Learning

Resources (DEPED-BLR), 1st Edition, 2017.


“Listening Comprehension: Listening Strategies - Learning ...” Accessed June 17,



“Listening Comprehension: Listening Strategies - Learning ...” Accessed June 17,



“Five Essential Listening Skills for English Learners ...” Accessed June 17, 2020.



“Listening with a Purpose: 7 Types of ESL Activities.” Accessed June 17, 2020.


“Kyla - I Don't Want You To Go Lyrics | MetroLyrics.” Accessed June 17, 2020.


“Free Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD Downloads | Freepik.” Accessed June 17, 2020.

“Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans | Teachers Pay Teachers.” Accessed June 17,

2020. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region 10

Zone 1, DepEd Building Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang

Cagayan de Oro City, 9000
Telefax: (088) 880 7072
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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