Margaretha Danbolt Simons - Keep Talking Norwegian - 2013

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The document provides an overview of a book that teaches Norwegian language and culture through conversations and expressions.

The book teaches Norwegian language and culture through conversations and expressions to help build confidence speaking the language.

The book includes numbers, days of the week, common nouns, verbs and other useful everyday expressions to have basic conversations in Norwegian.

KEEP Talking

NORWEGIAN Audio course

Danbolt Simons

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Margaretha Danbolt Simons has been teaching Norwegian, translation and

interpreting at the University of Surrey for the last twenty years. She is a native
Norwegian speaker.

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First published in Great Britain in 2013 by Hodder & Stoughton. An Hachette UK company.
First published in US in 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
This edition published 2013
Based on some original conversations from Teach Yourself: Norwegian Conversation and
Speak Norwegian with Confidence.
Copyright © 2013 Margaretha Danbolt Simons
The right of Margaretha Danbolt Simons to be identified as the Author of the Work has
been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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CC English words c  Norwegian words
one en
two to
three tre
four fire
five fem
six seks
seven sju
eight åtte
nine ni
ten ti
eleven elleve
twelve tolv
thirteen tretten
fourteen fjorten
fifteen femten
sixteen seksten
seventeen sytten
eighteen atten
nineteen nitten
twenty tjue
twenty-one tjueen
twenty-two tjueto
twenty-three tjuetre
twenty-four tjuefire
twenty-five tjuefem
twenty-six tjueseks
twenty-seven tjuesju
twenty-eight tjueåtte
twenty-nine tjueni
thirty tretti
forty førti
fifty femti
sixty seksti
seventy sytti
eighty åtti
ninety nitti
one hundred hundre
one hundred and fifty hundreogfemti
two hundred tohundre
four hundred and sixty-two firehundreog sekstito
a thousand tusen

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Days of the week
CC English words c  Norwegian words
Sunday søndag
Monday mandag
Tuesday tirsdag
Wednesday onsdag
Thursday torsdag
Friday fredag
Saturday lørdag

Months of the year

CC English words c  Norwegian words
January januar
February februar
March mars
April april
May mai
June juni
July juli
August august
September september
October oktober
November november
December desember

Survival phrases
CC English words c  Norwegian words
Can you repeat it, please? Unnskyld, vil du gjenta det?
Once more, please. En gang til.
Speak slower, please. Snakk saktere.
Do you understand? Forstår du?
I understand. Jeg forstår.
I don’t understand. Jeg forstår ikke.
I don’t know. Jeg vet ikke.
Is that right? Er det riktig?
That’s right. Det er riktig.
Do you speak English? / Do you speak Norwegian? Snakker du engelsk? / Snakker du norsk?
I speak Norwegian, but not very well. Jeg snakker norsk, men ikke godt.
How much does it cost? Hva koster det?
Where is … ? Hvor er … ?
I’m sorry. Unnskyld.
What time is it? Hva er klokken?

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An encounter
1 on a plane
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCstart talking to somebody while travelling.

CCsay where you come from.
CCsay what you do.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you will hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 3 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

Are you travelling to Bergen? Skal du reise til Bergen?
It’s a nice/pleasant town. Det er en hyggelig by.
Where do you come from? Hvor kommer du fra?
I come from Oslo, but I live in Tromsø. Jeg kommer fra Oslo, men jeg bor i Tromsø.
Do you have a job in Tromsø? Har du jobb i Tromsø?
Yes, I work at the hospital. Ja, jeg jobber på sykehuset.
What do you do? Hva gjør du?
I’m a journalist. Jeg er journalist.
Why are you travelling to Bergen? Hvorfor reiser du til Bergen?
I’m going on holiday. Jeg skal på ferie.
Alone? Alene?
No. I’m meeting my husband in Bergen. Nei. Jeg skal treffe min mann i Bergen.

Part 2
Olav, a journalist, starts talking to a girl on a plane to Bergen. Listen to the conversation. Then answer these
Track 4 questions:
1. Does Olav live in Bergen?

2. Is the girl a journalist?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it later:
Track 5
1. Why is the girl going to Bergen?

2. Whom is she meeting there?

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Part 4
Listen to the conversation again. Afterwards you will be asked some
Track 6 questions about the meanings of certain words. Then, practise using
the expressions: Language tip!
1. What does the word hvor mean? In Norwegian one doesn’t use the
verb to do when asking questions:
2. What does the word hva mean? What do you do? in English is Hva
3. What is the Norwegian for why? gjør du? in Norwegian. You really
say What do you?
4. What does the word ferie mean?

Part 5
In this section, we’ll get to grips with more phrases for greetings. We’ll also add some more that could
Track 7 come in handy when meeting people for the first time.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

Hi. (informal) Hei.
Good day. (formal) God dag.
Where do you live? Hvor bor du?
I live in ... Jeg bor i ...
Where do you come from? Hvor kommer du fra?
I come from ... Jeg kommer fra ...
What do you do? Hva gjør du?
You remember that Olav is a journalist. We’ll get to grips with more expressions for occupations.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I’m a nurse. Jeg er sykepleier.
I’m a secretary. Jeg er sekretær.
I’m an architect. Jeg er arkitekt.
I’m a (bus/train) conductor. Jeg er konduktør.
Now pretend you work in one of these occupations. Use the new words you just learned.
Olav: Hva gjør du?

Learning plus! Language tip!

The Norwegian modal verbs have more
Modal verbs uses than their English counterparts.
The most used modal verbs are:
Track 8
CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions
shall skal
will vil
can kan

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I am going on holiday. Jeg skal på ferie.
I am going to Bergen. Jeg skal til Bergen.

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Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Olav Hei! Olav Hi!

Girl Hei. Girl Hi.
Olav Skal du reise til Bergen? Olav Are you travelling to Bergen?
Girl Ja, jeg skal til Bergen. Girl Yes, I’m travelling to Bergen.
Olav Jeg bor i Bergen. Det er en hyggelig by. Olav I live in Bergen. It is a pleasant city.
Girl Jeg liker også Bergen. Girl I like Bergen as well.
Olav Hvor kommer du fra? Olav Where do you come from?
Girl Jeg kommer fra Oslo, men jeg bor i Girl I come from Oslo, but I live in Tromsø.
Olav Har du jobb i Tromsø? Olav Do you have a job in Tromsø?
Girl Ja, jeg jobber på sykehuset. Girl Yes, I work at the hospital.
Hva gjør du? What do you do?
Olav Jeg er journalist. Hvorfor reiser du til Olav I am a journalist. Why are you travelling
Bergen? to Bergen?
Girl Jeg skal på ferie. Girl I’m going on holiday.
Olav Alene? Olav Alone?
Girl Nei. Jeg skal treffe min mann i Bergen. Girl No. I’m meeting my husband in Bergen.

Audio track information

Track 3 Conversation 1, Part 1
Track 4 Conversation 1, Part 2
Track 5 Conversation 1, Part 3
Track 6 Conversation 1, Part 4
Track 7 Conversation 1, Part 5
Track 8 Conversation 1, Learning plus!

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2 to meet
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCarrange where to meet.

CCarrange when to meet.
CCdecide what to do.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you will hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 9 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

Hello, Odd here. Hallo, Odd her.
I would like to meet you. Jeg vil gjerne treffe deg.
Shall we go for a beer? Skal vi ta en øl sammen?
Gladly. / Yes, please. Gjerne.
There’s a new English pub in town. Det er en ny engelsk pub i byen.
They have good beer. De har godt øl.
Fine. Where is the pub? Fint. Hvor er puben?
By the Fish Market. Like ved Fiskebryggen.
It’ll be good to see you. Det skal bli hyggelig å se deg.
Where shall I meet you? Hvor skal jeg treffe deg?
When shall I meet you? Når skal jeg treffe deg?
See you at … På gjensyn …

Part 2
Olav is now back in Bergen. He phones an old friend named Odd, and they plan to meet. Listen to the
Track 10 conversation. Then answer these questions:
1. Where are they planning to meet up?

2. What time are they meeting?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it later:
Track 11
1. Where is the pub located?

2. What reason does Odd give for wanting to go to the English pub?

3. What information does Olav repeat with his goodbye?

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Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. We’ll ask some questions
Track 12 about some of the phrases used in the conversation. Then practise
Language tip!
using them:
The phrase Jeg vil gjerne … meaning
1. What does the word hyggelig mean? I would like to … is used in so many
2. What does the word når mean? situations. You should try your best to
remember it!
3. When would you use this phrase Ha det bra?

Part 5
Now it’s time to learn some other words and phrases for when arranging to meet somebody. Listen to the English
Track 13 words and repeat the Norwegian expressions.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I would like to meet you on Thursday. Jeg vil gjerne treffe deg på torsdag.
I would like to meet you on Sunday. Jeg vil gjerne treffe deg på søndag.
I would like to meet you on Monday at 4 o’clock. Jeg vil gjerne treffe deg på mandag klokken fire.
I shall meet you on Tuesday at 5 o’clock. Jeg skal treffe deg på mandag klokken fem.
You shall meet me. Du skal treffe meg.
I shall meet you. Jeg skal treffe deg.
You shall meet me on Monday? Du skal treffe meg på mandag?
When shall I meet you? Når skal jeg treffe deg?
You shall meet me on Wednesday at five o’clock. Du skal treffe meg på onsdag klokken fem.
Olav: Når skal jeg treffe deg?

Learning plus!
Personal pronouns
Now it’s time to learn more personal pronouns. Listen to the English words and repeat the Norwegian
Track 14 expressions.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I jeg
you du
he han
she hun
it den/det
we vi
you (plural) dere
they de

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Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Odd Hallo, Odd her. Odd Hello, Odd here.

Olav Det er Olav. Olav Hi, Odd. It’s Olav.
Odd Hei Olav! Odd Hi, Olav!
Olav Jeg vil gjerne treffe deg. Skal vi ta en øl Olav I would lie to meet you. Shall we have a
sammen? beer?
Odd Gjerne. Det er en ny engelsk pub i byen. Odd Yes, please. There is a new English pub in
De har godt øl. town. They have good beer.
Olav Fint! Hvor er puben? Olav Fine! Where is the pub?
Odd Like ved Fiskebryggen. Odd By the Fish Market.
Olav Ja. Det skal bli hyggelig å se deg, Odd. Olav Yes. It’ll be good to see you, Odd.
Hvor skal jeg treffe deg? Where shall I meet you?
Odd Ved Mariakirken. Odd By the Maria Church.
Olav Når skal jeg treffe deg? Olav When shall I meet you?
Odd Klokken halv tre. Odd At 2.30.
Olav OK. Ha det bra! Olav OK. Bye bye!
Odd På gjensyn klokken halv tre. Odd See you at 2.30.

Audio track information

Track 9 Conversation 2, Part 1
Track 10 Conversation 2, Part 2
Track 11 Conversation 2, Part 3
Track 12 Conversation 2, Part 4
Track 13 Conversation 2, Part 5
Track 14 Conversation 2, Learning plus!

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At the
3 chemist’s
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCmention allergies.
CCtalk about illness.
CCexpress ‘get well’ wishes.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you will hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 15 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

Yes, I am ill. Ja, jeg er syk.
I have a cold. Jeg er forkjølet.
Do you have a headache? Har du hodepine?
I have a sore throat. Jeg har vondt i halsen.
I cough and sneeze all the time. Jeg hoster og nyser hele tiden.
Do you think you have a temperature? Tror du at du har feber?
Do you have allergies? Er du allergisk?
some tablets noen tabletter
cough medicine hostesaft
How much does it cost? Hvor mye koster det?

Part 2
Astrid, a girl from northern Norway, wakes up with a sore throat and a cold. She goes to the chemist’s. Listen
Track 16 carefully to the conversation between Astrid and the chemist. Then answer these questions:
1. Has Astrid got a headache?

2. Does she have any allergies?

3. How much does the medicine cost?

Part 3
Listen to the conversation again. You should be able to understand it a bit more this time. You will be asked
Track 17 these questions about it later:
1. What kind of sickness does Astrid say she has at first?

2. Does Astrid think she has a temperature?

3. When Astrid says yes to having a headache, what else does she mention?

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Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. There will be more questions for you and you will be able to practise some
Track 18 more of the phrases used in the conversation afterwards:
1. What does the word hodepine mean?

2. How does Astrid say I am ill?

3. What does the word hoster mean?

Part 5
Now it’s time to learn some other words and phrases for when somebody is ill.
Track 19
CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions
toothache tannpine
She has a headache. Hun har hodepine.
He has a toothache. Han har tannpine.
the stomach magen
the back ryggen
the arm armen
the leg benet
I have a pain in the leg. Jeg har vondt i benet.
I have a pain in the arm. Jeg har vondt i armen.
I have a pain in the stomach. Jeg har vondt i magen.
Do you have a headache? Har du hodepine?
I don’t have a headache. Jeg har ikke hodepine.
I don’t have a pain in the stomach. Han har ikke vondt i magen.
He doesn’t have a pain in the arm. Han har ikke vondt i armen.
She has a pain in the stomach. Hun har vondt i magen.
Poor you! Stakkars deg!
Get well soon. God bedring.
Let’s practise some of the phrases:
1. How do you say I have a pain in the leg?

2. How do you say I have a headache?

Learning plus!
Genders and articles
The a for ‘common gender’ nouns is en.
Track 20 The a for ‘neuter’ nouns is et.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

a stomach en mage
the stomach magen
a leg et ben
the leg benet
a medicine en medisin
the medicine medisinen
a hospital et sykehus
the hospital sykehuset

A back is en rygg. Can you work out what the back is?

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Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Chemist Hei! Kan jeg hjelpe deg? Chemist Hi! Can I help you?
Astrid Ja, jeg er syk. Jeg er forkjølet. Astrid Yes, I am ill. I have a cold.
Chemist Stakkars deg! Har du hodepine? Chemist Poor you! Do you have a headache?
Astrid Ja, og jeg har vondt i halsen. Astrid Yes, and I have a sore throat.
Chemist Hoster du? Chemist Are you coughing?
Astrid Ja, jeg hoster og nyser hele tiden. Astrid Yes, I cough and sneeze all the time.
Chemist Tror du at du har feber? Chemist Do you think you have a temperature?
Astrid Nei, jeg tror ikke det. Astrid No, I don’t think so.
Chemist Er du allergisk? Chemist Do you have allergies?
Astrid Nei, jeg har ingen allergier. Astrid No, I have no allergies.
Chemist Her er noen tabletter for hodepinen Chemist Here are some tablets for your sore head
og halsen. Ta to hver dag. Og her er en and throat. Take two a day. And here is a
hostesaft. cough medicine.
Astrid Takk. Hvor mye koster det? Astrid Thanks. How much does it cost?
Chemist Hundre og femti kroner. God bedring! Chemist 150 kroner. Get well soon!

Audio track information

Track 15 Conversation 3, Part 1
Track 16 Conversation 3, Part 2
Track 17 Conversation 3, Part 3
Track 18 Conversation 3, Part 4
Track 19 Conversation 3, Part 5
Track 20 Conversation 3, Learning plus!

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4 the family
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCintroduce family members.

CCtalk about family members.
CCuse pleasant phrases.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases that you will hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 21 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

Welcome to our house! Velkommen til oss!
This is my wife. Dette er min kone.
She is a teacher. Hun er lærer.
And this is our daughter, Ingrid. Og dette er vår datter, Ingrid.
She is six years old. Hun er seks år.
Our son is over there. Vår sønn er der borte.
A boy and a girl. En gutt og en pike.
I would like to meet Sverre. Jeg vil hjerne møte Sverre.

Part 2
Olav has been invited to the house of a colleague, Martin, and is introduced to his family. Listen to the
Track 22 conversation. You will then be asked these questions:
1. What is Martin’s wife called?

2. How old is the daughter?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it:
Track 23
1. What is the son’s name?

2. What is the name of the daughter?

3. What phrase does Martin use to greet Olav?

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Then we’ll go over some questions and practice some of the phrases used
Track 24 in the conversation:
1. What does the word snakke mean?

2. What do the words gutt and pike mean?

3. What do the words sønn and datter mean?

4. What does the word lærer mean?

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Part 5
Now it’s time to learn some more polite phrases. Listen to the English words and repeat the Norwegian
Track 25 expressions.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

Thank you. Takk.
Many thanks. Mange takk.
A thousand thanks. Tusen takk.
Thank you for the food. Takk for maten.
The last one is very important in Norway. Everybody says Takk for maten when they leave the table.
Personal pronouns in the object form:

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

me meg
you deg
him ham
her henne
1. How would you say I would like to talk to him?

2. How would you say He would like to talk to her?

Learning plus!
Norwegian verbs Language tip!
verbs in the infinitive verbs in the present tense In Norwegian the verb is always in
Track 26 to talk å snakke the infinitive after a modal verb. As
I/you talk jeg/du snakker infinitive and present tenses are the
he/she talks han/hun snakker same in English, this is best illustrated
to be å være by using the only English verb where
I am jeg er the infinitive and the present tenses
you are du er are different, and that’s to be.
he is / she is han er / hun er Infinitive: I shall be here tomorrow.
we are vi er Jeg skal være her i morgen.
you are dere er Present tense: I am here.
they are de er Jeg er her.

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Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Martin Hei Olav! Velkommen til oss! Martin Hi, Olav! Welcome to our house!
Olav Hei! Fint å se deg. Olav Hi! Nice to see you.
Martin Dette er min kone, Marit. Hun er lærer. Martin This is my wife, Marit. She is a teacher.
Olav Hei Marit! Olav Hi, Marit!
Martin Og dette er vår datter, Ingrid. Martin And this is our daughter, Ingrid.
Hun er seks år. She is six years old.
Olav Fint å se deg, Ingrid! Olav Nice to see you, Ingrid!
Martin Vår sønn er der borte. Han er tretten år. Martin Our son is over there. He is thirteen
years old.
Olav En gutt og en pike. Det er en fin familie. Olav A boy and a girl. That is a fine family.
Martin Ingrid er lik meg, men Sverre er lik Marit. Martin Ingrid is like me, but Sverre is like Marit.
Olav Jeg vil gjerne møte Sverre. Jeg vil gjerne Olav I would like to meet Sverre. I would like
snakke med ham. to talk to him.

Audio track information

Track 21 Conversation 4, Part 1
Track 22 Conversation 4, Part 2
Track 23 Conversation 4, Part 3
Track 24 Conversation 4, Part 4
Track 25 Conversation 4, Part 5
Track 26 Conversation 4, Learning plus!

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5 in Oslo
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCrecognize some Oslo landmarks.

CCshow interest in what you see.
CCtalk about things you’d like to do.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases that you will hear in the conversation. Language tip!
Track 27 Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the Norwegian words Did you notice that the English
and phrases and repeat what you hear. word sightseeing was used in the
Norwegian phrase En god dag for
CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions sightseeing?
There you see the Palace. Der ser du Slottet. Many English words have found their
A fine building, don’t you think? En fin bygning, ikke sant? way into Norwegian.
Is the king there now? Er kongen der nå?
I would like to see Frogner Park. Jeg vil gjerne se Frognerparken.
the sculptures skulpturene
Is the strange building over there the Er den rare bygningen der
 Norwegian Parliament?   borte Stortinget?
Have you never been to Oslo? Har du aldri vært i Oslo?
But I know about Aker Brygge. Men jeg vet om Aker Brygge.
I am very hungry. Jeg er veldig sulten!
A good day for sightseeing! En god dag for sightseeing!
Sunshine and blue sky! Sol og blå himmel!

Part 2
Astrid has recovered from her cold and met a young man named Tom on the Internet. She lives in a remote part
Track 28 of Norway and is now in Oslo for the first time. She has got to know Tom, and he is taking her out to see the
sights there. Listen to the conversation. Then answer these questions:
1. Does Tom think that the Palace is a fine building?

2. Are there any sculptures in Frogner Park?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it afterwards:
Track 29
1. Where are the king and queen at this time?

2. How does Tom know that Astrid is hungry?

3. What is the weather like?

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Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meaning of certain words. Then practise
Track 30 using them.
1. What does the word aldri mean?

2. How do you say But I know about Aker Brygge in Norwegian?

3. What does the word rare mean?

Part 5
You may like to express your feelings about what you see when sightseeing. Listen to the English words and
Track 31 repeat the Norwegian expressions.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I like Frogner Park. Jeg liker Frognerparken.
I don’t like Frogner Park. Jeg liker ikke Frognerparken.
I would rather see the Viking ships. Jeg vil heller se vikingskipene.
I would like to see the midnight sun. Jeg vil gjerne se midnattsolen.
I would like to see the Northern Lights. Jeg vil gjerne se nordlys.
It’s fine weather with sunshine and blue sky. Det er fint vær med sol og blå himmel.
It’s raining. Det regner.
How do you say It’s not good weather?

Learning plus!
Telling the time
Remember that, when telling the time in Norwegian, half something means half to and not half past.
Track 32
CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions
The time is six o’clock. Klokken er seks.
The time is ten past six. Klokken er ti over seks.
It’s a quarter past six. Den er kvart over seks.
Half past six. Halv sju.
ten to six ti på seks
five to six fem på seks
twenty to six ti over halv sju
25 to six fem over halv seks
25 past six fem på halv sju
It’s a quarter to six. Den er kvart på sju.
The time is five to six. Klokken er fem på sju.
How would you say ten to four?

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Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Tom Der ser du Slottet. En fin bygning, Tom There you see the Palace. A fine building,
ikke sant? don’t you think?
Astrid Er kongen der nå? Astrid Is the king there now?
Tom Nei, kongen og dronningen er i London. Tom No, the king and queen are in London.
Astrid Jeg vil gjerne se Frognerparken med alle Astrid I would like to see Frogner Park with all
skulpturene. the sculptures.
Tom Ja, Frognerparken er berømt. Vi kan gå Tom Yes, Frogner Park is famous. We’ll go
dit senere. there later.
Astrid Er den rare bygningen Stortinget? Astrid Is that strange building the Norwegian
Tom Ja. Har du aldri vært i Oslo? Tom Yes. Have you never been to Oslo?
Astrid Nei. Men jeg vet om Aker Brygge. Astrid No. But I know about Aker Brygge.
Tom Vi kan gå til Aker Brygge og spise lunsj. Tom We’ll go to Aker Brygge and have lunch.
Astrid Fint! Jeg er veldig sulten! Astrid Good. I am very hungry!
Tom Vi skal gå forbi Rådhuset også. Tom We’ll go past the City Hall, too.
Astrid En god dag for sightseeing! Sol og blå Astrid A good day for sightseeing! Sunshine
himmel! and blue sky!

Audio track information

Track 27 Conversation 5, Part 1
Track 28 Conversation 5, Part 2
Track 29 Conversation 5, Part 3
Track 30 Conversation 5, Part 4
Track 31 Conversation 5, Part 5
Track 32 Conversation 5, Learning plus!

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6 clothes
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCask about prices.

CCask about colours and sizes.
CCdecide what you like.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases that you will hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 33 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

I like this skirt. Jeg liker dette skjørtet.
This skirt costs 870 kroner. Dette skjørtet koster åtte hundre og sytti kroner.
It comes from Italy. Det kommer fra Italia.
Is it my size? Er det min størrelse?
You can try both. Du kan prøve begge.
I would like to see some jerseys as well. Jeg vil gjerne se noen gensere også.
What about a red jersey? Hva med en rød genser?
Here is a black jersey. Her er en svart genser.

Part 2
Olav is now in Oslo and has invited his friend Kari out for a meal. She wants something new to wear and goes to
Track 34 a boutique. Listen to the conversation between Kari and the assistant. Then answer the questions:
1. Where does the ‘pretty’ skirt come from?

2. How much does it cost?

3. Does Kari like the red jersey?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it:
Track 35
1. How does Kari ask Is that my size?

2. Apart from the skirt, what else is Kari looking for?

3. What is the colour of the second item she agrees to try?

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Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Answer the questions about the meaning of certain words. Then, practise
Track 36 using the expressions.
1. What does the word størrelse mean?

2. Which colour is svart?

3. What does the word begge mean?

Part 5
You may now want to buy the clothes you have selected.
Track 37
CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions
I would like to buy the skirt. Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe skjørtet.
The skirt costs 300 kroner. Skjørtet koster tre hundre kroner.
an expensive jersey en dyr genser
an expensive skirt et dyrt skjørt
The jersey is too expensive. Genseren er for dyr.
yellow gul
green grønn
brown brun
white hvit
I don’t like red trousers. Jeg liker ikke røde bukser.

Learning plus!
This, that, these and those
The demonstratives in Norwegian are:
Track 38
CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions
this denne/dette
these disse
that den/det
those de
Denne is used with common gender nouns.
Dette is used with neuter nouns.
Disse is used for plurals.
Den is used with common gender nouns.
Det is used with neuter nouns.
De is used for plurals.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I like this jersey. Jeg liker denne genseren.
I would like to buy this skirt. Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe dette skjørtet.
I like these trousers. Jeg liker disse buksene.
That jersey is red. Den genseren er rød.
That skirt comes from Italy. Det skjørtet kommer fra Italia.
Those trousers are not my size. De buksene er ikke min størrelse.

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Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Kari Jeg liker dette skjørtet. Hvor mye koster Kari I like this skirt. How much does it cost?
Assistant Dette skjørtet koster åtte hundre og sytti Assistant This skirt costs 870 kroner.
Kari Og det skjørtet der? Kari And that skirt there?
Assistant Det koster ni hundre og sekstifem kroner. Assistant It costs 965 kroner. It comes from Italy.
Det kommer fra Italia.
Kari Det er pen. Er det min størrelse? Kari It is pretty. Is it my size?
Assistant Du kan prøve begge. Assistant You can try both.
Kari Jeg vil gjerne se noen gensere også. Kari I would like to see some jerseys as well.
Assistant Hva med en rød genser? Denne er pen. Assistant What about a red jersey? This one is
Kari Nei, jeg liker den ikke. Kari No, I don’t like it.
Assistant Her er en svart genser. Jeg tror det er Assistant Here is a black jersey. I think it is the
riktig størrelse. right size.
Kari Fint. Jeg vil prøve denne genseren. Kari Fine! I will try this jersey.

Audio track information

Track 33 Conversation 6, Part 1
Track 34 Conversation 6, Part 2
Track 35 Conversation 6, Part 3
Track 36 Conversation 6, Part 4
Track 37 Conversation 6, Part 5
Track 38 Conversation 6, Learning plus!

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Lunch at a
7 restaurant
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCsay what you like to eat.

CCsay what you don’t want.
CCdecide what to order.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases that you will hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 39 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

We would like to see the menu. Vi vil gjerne se menyen.
Would you like a starter? Vil du ha en forrett?
I would rather have pudding. Jeg vil heller ha dessert.
I would like to have bacalao. Jeg vil gjerne ha bacalao.
  (a dish made with stockfish or salted cod)
Good Norwegian food! God norsk mat!
I don’t like stockfish. Jeg liker ikke klippfisk.
I would rather have fried cod and salad. Jeg vil heller ha stekt torsk og salat.
Would you like a glass of wine? Vil du ha et glass vin?
Now we can order. Nå kan vi bestille.

Part 2
Kari has bought a pretty Italian skirt and a black jersey, and now she is with Olav at a restaurant. The waiter
Track 40 gives them the menus and leaves them to discuss what they will have. Listen to the conversation. Then answer
these questions:
1. Does Kari want a starter?

2. Is Olav having wine?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it later:
Track 41
1. Does Kari like stockfish?

2. Does she order fish or meat?

3. What does Olav choose?

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Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. There will be some questions for you to answer and then we’ll practice
Track 42 some of the phrases used in the conversation:
1. What does the word klippfisk mean?

2. What does the word menyen mean?

3. How does Olav say I would rather have a glass of beer?

Part 5
Now it’s time to learn more phrases and words used when ordering a meal. Listen to the English words and
Track 43 repeat the Norwegian expressions.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I would like to order … Jeg vil gjerne bestille …
I would like to have … Jeg vil gjerne ha …
May I have … Kan jeg få …
meat kjøtt
steak biff
potato potet
a baked potato en bakt potet
May I have a steak and a baked potato? Kan jeg få en biff og en bakt potet?
cake kake
apple cake eplekake
cream krem
ice cream is/iskrem
The three vowels at the end of the Norwegian alphabet are:
Æ, æ (as the a in cat)
Ø, ø (as the i in bird)
Å, å (as the aw in awful)

Learning plus!
Personal and object pronouns
Subject form
Track 44 Singular
jeg  I meg  me
du  you deg  you
han he ham  him
hun  she henne  her
den/det it den/det  it
Object form
vi  we oss  us
dere you dere you
de  they dem  them
1. How would you say He would like to see her in Norwegian?

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Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Olav Vi vil gjerne se menyen. Olav We would like to see the menu.
Servitør Jeg skal komme tilbake. Waiter I shall come back.
Olav Hva vil du ha? Olav What will you have?
Kari Jeg vil gjerne ha fisk. Kari I would like to have fish.
Olav Vil du ha en forrett? Olav Would you like to have a starter?
Kari Nei, jeg vil heller ha dessert. Kari No, I would rather have pudding.
Olav Jeg vil gjerne ha bacalao. God norsk Olav I would like to have bacalao. Good
mat! Norwegian food!
Kari Jeg liker ikke klippfisk. Jeg vil heller ha Kari I don’t like stockfish. I would rather have
stekt torsk og salat. fried cod and salad.
Olav Vil du ha et glass vin? Olav Would you like a glass of wine?
Kari Ja takk. Hvitvin. Kari Yes, please. White wine.
Olav Jeg vil heller ha et glass øl. Nå kan vi Olav I would rather have a glass of beer. Now
bestille. we can order.

Audio track information

Track 39 Conversation 7, Part 1
Track 40 Conversation 7, Part 2
Track 41 Conversation 7, Part 3
Track 42 Conversation 7, Part 4
Track 43 Conversation 7, Part 5
Track 44 Conversation 7, Learning plus!

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184150_KT_Norwegian_CB_i-36.indd 23 5/17/13 10:33 AM

Asking for
8 directions
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCsay you’re sorry.

CCask for directions.
CCunderstand directions.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases that you will hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 45 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

Excuse me, can you help me? Unnskyld, kan du hjelpe meg?
Can you tell me where the tram to Grefsen stops? Kan du si meg hvor trikken til Grefsen stopper?
Which number is it? Hvilket nummer er det?
I don’t know. Jeg vet ikke.
Why are you going to Grefsen? Hvorfor skal du til Grefsen?
I shall visit a girlfriend. Jeg skal besøke en venninne.
Where is a telephone booth? Hvor er en telefonkiosk?
I don’t have a mobile phone. Jeg har ikke mobil.
Go straight ahead to the traffic lights. Gå rett frem til trafikklysene.
To the left you see a telephone booth. Til venstre ser du en telefonkiosk.

Part 2
Olav has a lovely friend called Eva. Like Astrid, Eva comes from somewhere in Northern Norway and doesn’t know
Track 46 Oslo at all. She is going to stay with a girlfriend in Oslo, but now she is lost. She asks a passer-by for help. Listen
to the conversation. Then answer these questions:
1. What is the word for the tram in Norwegian?

2. Does Eva know the tram’s number?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it:
Track 47
1. What phrase does Eva use before she asks for help?

2. How does she say I don’t know in Norwegian?

3. Whom is she going to visit?

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. Then we’ll practice some of the phrases used in the conversation, and there
Track 48 will be questions for you to answer:
1. What does the word telefonkiosk mean?

2. What does the word høyre mean?

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3. How do you say go straight ahead in Norwegian?

4. What is the term for the trams in Norwegian?

Part 5
Now it’s time to practise saying sorry. Listen to the English words and repeat the Norwegian expressions.
Track 49
CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions
Sorry. Unnskyld.
Excuse me. Unnskyld meg.
Forgive me Tilgi meg.
Can you forgive me? Kan du tilgi meg?
I am sorry. Jeg er lei meg.
I am sorry you are ill. Jeg er lei meg for at du er syk.
I am sorry it isn’t sunny. Jeg er lei meg for at det ikke er sol.
I am sorry the coffee is bad. Jeg er lei meg for at kaffen er dårlig.

Learning plus!
Using the phone
All telephone numbers in Norway have eight digits. There are no regional codes, but the two first digits will tell
Track 50 you which part of Norway the number belongs to. Oslo numbers, for example, will start with 22.
The eight digits of a phone number are coupled in twos when spoken, like this: 22 48 56 03: tjueto, førtiåtte,
femtiseks, null tre.
Try this: 36 14 99 67

Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Eva Unnskyld, kan du hjelpe meg? Eva Excuse me, can you help me?
Kari Jeg vil gjerne hjelpe deg, hvis jeg kan! Kari I would help you if I can!
Eva Kan du si meg hvor trikken til Grefsen Eva Can you tell me where the tram to
stopper? Grefsen stops?
Kari Hvilket nummer er det? Kari Which number is it?
Eva Nummer? Eva Number?
Kari Alle trikkene har et nummer. Trikken til Kari All the trams have a number. The tram
Grefsen har et nummer. to Grefsen has a number.
Eva Jeg vet ikke. Eva I don’t know.
Kari Bor du ikke her i Oslo? Kari Don’t you live here in Oslo?
Eva Nei, jeg er her på ferie. Eva No, I am here on holiday.
Kari Hvorfor skal du til Grefsen? Kari Why are you going to Grefsen?
Eva Jeg skal besøke en venninne. Eva I shall visit a girlfriend.
Kari Du må ringe til henne og spørre henne. Kari You must phone her and ask her.
Eva Hvor er en telefonkiosk? Jeg har ikke Eva Where is a telephone booth? I don’t
mobil. have a mobile phone.
Kari Gå til høyre. Gå rett frem til trafikklysene. Kari Go to the right here. Go straight ahead
Til venstre ser du en telefonkiosk. to the traffic lights. To the left you will
see a telephone booth.
Eva Takk for hjelpen. Eva Thank you for your help.

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Audio track information
Track 45 Conversation 8, Part 1
Track 46 Conversation 8, Part 2
Track 47 Conversation 8, Part 3
Track 48 Conversation 8, Part 4
Track 49 Conversation 8, Part 5
Track 50 Conversation 8, Learning plus!

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Buying a
9 rail ticket
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCbuy a rail ticket.

CCpay by credit card.
CCfind your train.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you’ll hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning first. Then, listen to the
Track 51 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

I would like to buy a ticket to Larvik. Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe en billett til Larvik.
Do you want a return ticket? Vil du ha returbillett?
I’ll pay by credit card. Jeg betaler med visakort.
When does the train leave? Når går toget?
The next train leaves at quarter past twelve. Det neste toget går kvart over tolv.
Where is platform 2? Hvor er platform to?
Go straight ahead to the escalator. Gå rett frem til rulletrappen.
You have plenty of time. Du har god tid.

Part 2
Olav has a short holiday and has gone to the seaside near the little town of Larvik. He and the rather clueless
Track 52 Eva have been getting on very well, and Olav has asked Eva to join him for a few days. Eva is buying her rail
ticket. Listen to the conversation between Eva and the person in the ticket office. Then answer these questions:
1. Does Eva want to buy a return ticket?

2. Is she paying cash for her ticket?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it:
Track 53
1. When does the next train leave?

2. Which platform does the train leave from?

3. Is Eva running late for her train?

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Part 4
Listen to the conversation again. Then there will be more questions for you and we’ll practice some of the
Track 54 phrases used in the conversation:
1. What does the word billett mean?

2. When would you use the phrase med visakort?

3. What is the Norwegian word for the escalator?

4. The ticket clerk says to Eva: Go straight ahead to the escalator. How would you say this in Norwegian?

Part 5
Now it’s time to learn the imperative. Listen to the English words and repeat the Norwegian expressions.
Track 55
infinitive present tense imperative
å sitte (to sit) jeg/du/han sitter sitt!
å stoppe (to stop) jeg/hun/de stopper stopp!
å holde munn (to shut up) han holder munn hold munn!
å komme (to come) jeg/vi/dere kommer kom!
Adverbs with two forms:
her, hit, both meaning here
der, dit, both meaning there

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

Come here! (with movement) Kom hit!
I am here. (without movement) Jeg er her.
I travel there. (with movement) Jeg reiser dit.
He sits there. (without movement) Han sitter der.

Learning plus!
Buying tickets and travelling around Norway
Here are some more words for buying tickets and travelling around Norway. Listen to the English words and
Track 56 repeat the Norwegian expressions.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

cash machine minibank
20 kroner tjue kroner
10 kroner ti kroner
5 kroner fem kroner
1 krone en krone
1,000 kroner tusen kroner
500 kroner fem hundre kroner
200 kroner to hundre kroner
100 kroner hundre kroner
50 kroner femti kroner
One driver and one passenger. En sjåfør og en passasjer.
Car with driver costs 120 kroner. Bil med sjåfør koster hundre og tjue kroner.
One passenger costs 40 kroner. En passasjer koster førti kroner.
That becomes 160 kroner. Det blir hundre og seksti kroner.

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Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation

Eva Hei! Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe en billett til Eva Hi! I would like to buy a ticket to Larvik.
Clerk OK. Vil du ha returbillett? Clerk OK. Do you want a return ticket?
Eva Nei. Eva No.
Clerk Billetten koster hundre og åtti kroner. Clerk The ticket costs 180 kroner.
Eva Jeg betaler med visakort. Eva I’ll pay by credit card.
Clerk Det er greit. Koden din. […] Takk. Clerk That’s fine. Your pin number? […] Thanks.
Her er billetten. Here is the ticket.
Eva Når går toget? Eva When does the train leave?
Clerk Neste tog går klokken kvart over tolv. Clerk The next train leaves at quarter past
Eva Hvilken platform? Eva Which platform?
Clerk Platform to. Clerk Platform 2.
Eva Hvor er platform to? Eva Where is Platform 2?
Clerk Gå til høyre. Gå rett frem til rulletrappen. Clerk Go to the right. Go straight ahead to
Gå ned rulletrappen. Platform to er til the escalator. Go down the escalator.
venstre. Platform 2 is to the left.
Eva Takk for hjelpen. Eva Thank you for your help.
Clerk Klokken er kvart på tolv. Du har god tid. Clerk The time is a quarter to twelve. You have
plenty of time.
Eva Fint! Hei hei! Eva Good! Bye bye!

Audio track information

Track 51 Conversation 9, Part 1
Track 52 Conversation 9, Part 2
Track 53 Conversation 9, Part 3
Track 54 Conversation 9, Part 4
Track 55 Conversation 9, Part 5
Track 56 Conversation 9, Learning plus!

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10 goodbye
In this conversation, you will learn how to:

CCarrange to meet up again.

CCexpress that you will miss somebody.
CCsay goodbye.

Part 1
Here are the key phrases you will hear in the conversation. Listen to the English meaning. Then, listen to the
Track 57 Norwegian words and phrases and repeat what you hear.

CC English expressions CC Norwegian expressions

How long a holiday do you have? Hvor lang ferie har du?
Will you come to Bergen on your holiday? Vil du komme til Bergen i ferien?
I am working tomorrow. Jeg skal jobbe i morgen.
Is it the airport bus? Er det flybussen?
Here is your rucksack. Her er ryggsekken din.
Yes, I have got everything. Ja, jeg har alt.
I shall miss you. Jeg skal savne deg.
It isn’t long until September. Det er ikke lenge til september.

Part 2
Olav and Eva have had a good time together. Olav is going back home and Eva is catching her plane. They are at
Track 58 the bus stop. Listen to their goodbye conversation. Then answer these questions:
1. When is Eva’s next holiday?

2. Where does Olav suggest she goes?

Part 3
Now listen to the conversation again. You will be asked these questions about it:
Track 59
1. Why is Olav going home that day?

2. What do you call the airport bus in Norwegian?

3. What sort of luggage does Eva carry?

Part 4
Now listen to the conversation again. There will be questions for you to answer, and we’ll practice some of the
Track 60 phrases used in the conversation:
1. What does the word alt mean?

2. How does Olav say that he’ll miss Eva?

3. Which word does Eva use when she says goodbye to Olav?

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Part 5
Now it’s time to learn some other words and phrases for saying goodbye. Listen to the English words and repeat
Track 61 the Norwegian expressions.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I shall miss you. Jeg skal savne deg.
I shall miss her. Jeg skal savne henne.
See you soon. Ser deg snart.
Auf Wiedersehen. / Au revoir. På gjensyn.
I would like to come back. Jeg vil gjerne komme tilbake.
Bye bye Ha det. / Ha det bra. / Hei hei.
Goodbye. Adjø.
I would like to come back to Norway. Jeg vil gjerne komme tilbake til Norge.
I won’t be coming back to Norway! Jeg vil ikke komme tilbake til Norge!
I don’t like Norway. Jeg liker ikke Norge.
I would rather travel to America. Jeg il heller reise til Amerika.

Learning plus! Language tip!

Word order in Norwegian Don’t use the verb to do in questions
In a normal sentence, the subject, like I or Olav, comes first, and negative statements!
then the verb, and then everything else. A sentence may sometimes Do you like fish? Liker du fisk?
Track 62
have just a subject and a verb, as in I work. I don’t like fish. Jeg liker ikke fisk.

CC English expressions c  Norwegian expressions

I work today. Jeg jobber i dag.
Today I work. I dag jobber jeg.
I live here. Jeg bor her.
Here I live. Her bor jeg.

Conversation script
CC Norwegian dialogue CC English translation
Olav Når har du ferie? Olav When do you have holiday?
Eva Jeg har ferie i september. Eva I have holiday in September.
Olav Hvor lang ferie har du? Olav How long holiday do you have?
Eva Jeg har en uke. Eva I have a week.
Olav Vil du komme til Bergen i ferien? Olav Will you come to Bergen on holiday?
Eva Ja, jeg vil gjerne komme til Bergen. Eva Yes, I would like to come to Bergen.
Olav Jeg reiser hjem til Bergen i dag. Jeg skal Olav I am going home to Bergen today. I am
jobbe i morgen. working tomorrow.
Eva Nå kommer en buss. Eva A bus is coming now.
Olav Er det flybussen? Olav Is it the airport bus?
Eva Ja, det er flybussen. Eva Yes, it is the airport bus.
Olav Her er ryggsekken din. Har du billetten til Olav Here is your rucksack. Do you have your
flyet? plane ticket?
Eva Ja, jeg har alt. Eva Yes, I have everything.
Olav Jeg skal savne deg. Olav I shall miss you.
Eva Det er ikke lenge til september! Eva It isn’t long until September!
Olav Jeg skal ringe til deg. Olav I shall phone you.
Eva Adjø, Olav! Ser deg snart! Eva Goodbye, Olav! See you soon!

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Audio track information
Track 57 Conversation 10, Part 1
Track 58 Conversation 10, Part 2
Track 59 Conversation 10, Part 3
Track 60 Conversation 10, Part 4
Track 61 Conversation 10, Part 5
Track 62 Conversation 10, Learning plus!

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Answer key
CC Conversation 1 2. Men jeg vet om Aker Brygge. 3. strange Part 5. Det er ikke fint vær
Leaning plus! ti på fire.
CC Part 2. 1. Yes, Olav lives in Bergen. 2. No, the girl works at the
hospital. Part 3. 1. She is going on holiday. 2. She is meeting her
husband. Part 4. 1. where 2. what 3. hvorfor 4. holiday Part 5. Model CC Conversation 6
answer: Jeg er sekretær. CC Part 2. 1. Italy 2. 965 kroner 3. no Part 3. 1. Er det min størrelse?
2. She is looking for some jerseys. 3. black Part 4. 1. size 2. black
CC Conversation 2 3. both.

CC Part 2. 1. by the Maria Church 2. at 2.30 Part 3. 1, by the Fish

Market 2. They have good beer. 3. He says that they will see each CC Conversation 7
other at 2.30. Part 4. 1. good/nice 2. when 3. when saying goodbye CC Part 2. 1. No. 2. No, he wants beer. Part 3. 1. No, she doesn’t like
Part 5 Model answer: Du skal treffe meg på fredag klokken fem. stockfish. 2. She would like fish. 3. bacalao Part 4. 1. stockfish (dried
fish) 2. the menu (a menu is en meny) 3. Jeg vil heller ha et glass øl.
CC Conversation 3 Learning plus! Han vil gjerne se henne.

CC Part 2. 1. Yes, she does. 2. No, she is not allergic. 3. 150 kroner.
Part 3. 1. She says she has a cold. 2. No, she doesn’t think she’s got CC Coversation 8
a temperature. 3. She has a sore throat. Part 4. 1. headache 2 Jeg er CC Part 2. 1. trikken 2. No, she doesn’t. Part 3. 1. unnskyld 2. Jeg vet
syk. 3. cough Part 5. Model answers: 1. Jeg har vondt i benet. 2. Jeg ikke. 3. a girlfriend Part 4. 1. telephone booth 2. right 3. Gå rett frem.
har hodepine. Leaning plus! ryggen 4. trikkene Learning plus! trettiseks, fjorten, nittini, sekstisju.

CC Conversation 4 CC Conversation 9
CC Part 2. 1. Martin’s wife is called Marit. 2. She is six years old. CC Part 2. 1. No, she doesn’t. 2. Yes – 180 kroner. Part 3. 1. kvart
Part 3. 1. Sverre 2. Ingrid 3. Velkommen til oss! (Welcome to our over tolv (a quarter past twelve) 2. Platform 2 3. No, she’s not.
house [literally: to us]!) Part 4. 1. to talk 2. boy, girl 3. son, daughter Part 4. 1. ticket 2. when paying by credit card 3. rulletrappen
4. teacher Part 5. Model answers: 1. Jeg vil gjerne snakke med ham. 4. Gå rett frem til rulletrappen.
2. Han vil gjerne snakke med henne.

CC Conversation 10
CC Conversation 5
CC Part 2. 1. in September 2. to Bergen Part 3. 1. because he is
CC Part 2. 1. Yes, he thinks it’s a fine building. 2. Yes, there are many. working the next day 2. Flybussen 3. en ryggsekk (a rucksack)
Part 3. 1. They are in London. 2. She says Jeg er veldig sulten! (I am Part 4. 1. all/everything 2. Jeg skal savne deg. 3. Adjø.
very hungry!) 3. There’s sunshine and blue sky. Part 4. 1. never

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English glossary
c indicates common gender der borte  over there først  first
n indicates neuter gender dere p  you (plural) fra  from
p indicates plural gender dessert c dessert fredag  Friday
det  it, that fri  free
Verbs are listed in the infinitive and dette  this frimerke n stamp
present tense. diare c diarrhoea frisk  well/healthy
din  yours frokost c  breakfast
adjø  adieu direkte  direct fugl c  bird
alene  alone disse p  these full, fullt, fulle  full
alle  all dobbeltrom n  double room
allergisk  allergic drikke, drikker  drink gammel, gammelt, gamle  old
andre  second, other dø, dør  die gå , går  go, walk
asparges c aspargus du  you gåav, går av  get off, retire
avis c newspaper dum  stupid gate c street
dusj c  shower genser c jersey
bacalao c  bacalao dyr, dyrt, dyre  expensive gjøre, gjør  do
bad n bathroom glad  glad, happy
bakt  baked en  a/an glass n glass
barn n child enda  still god, godt, gode  good
begge  both engelsk  English god bedring  speedy/good recovery
best  best er, å være  am, are, is gratis  free/nothing to pay
bestille, bestiller  order, book et  a/an greit  simple, easy
betale, betaler  pay etter  after grønn, grønt, grønne  green
bil c car etterpa° afterwards grønnsaker c pl vegetables
billett c ticket grå, grått, grå grey
billig  cheap få , få r  get, receive guide c guide
bli, blir  become familie c  family gutt c boy
blå , blå tt blå blue farge c colour
bo, bor  live farmasi  pharmacy ha, har  have
brød n bread farmasøyt c  pharmacist ha det bra  bye bye, ‘have it well’
brun, brunt, brune  brown feber c  temperature hage c  garden
brygge c  quay/pier ferie c holiday hallo  hello
bukser c/p trousers fin, fint, fine  fine halv  half
buss c bus fisk c  fish ham  him
fiskebrygge c fish harbour/quay han  he
da  then fjord c  fiord hei  hi!, hello!
datter c daughter flaske c bottle hei hei!  bye bye!
de  they fly n aeroplane henne  her
deg  you,(object form) flybuss c  airport bus her  here
dem  them flyselskap n  airline hete, heter  called
den  it føle, føler  feel hjelp c help
den  that, the for  for hjelpe, hjelper  help
der  there forrett c starter hjem n home

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hodepine n  headache kvart over  quarter past pris c pris
hotell n  hotel kveld c evening prøve, prøver  try
høyre  right (direction) prøverom n  changing room
hun  she lærer c teacher pub c pub
hus n  house leilighet c flat
hva  what lenge siden  long (time) since reinsdyr n reindeer
hva med  what about lik  like, look like reise, reiser  travel
hvis  if like, liker  like reke c prawn
hvit, hvitt, hvite  white like ved  just by rekecocktail c  prawn cocktail
hvitvin c  white wine liten  small, little remulade c  tartar sauce
hvor  where lørdag  Saturday restaurant c restaurant
hvordan  how lunsj c lunch rett frem  straight ahead
hvorfor  why lysestake c candlestick riktig  right, correct
hyggelig  nice, pleasant ringe, ringer  phone
må must rulletrapp c escalator
i  in mange  many rødvin c  red wine
i dag  today mann  man, husband røkelaks c  smoked salmon
igjen  again mat c  food rom n room
ikke  not med  with, by ryggsekk c rucksack
i morgen  tomorrow medisin c medicine
ingenting  nothing meg  me salat c salad
inkludert  included men  but sammen  together
interessant  interesting meny c menu så peopera c  soap opera
interessert  interested min  my, mine savne, savner  miss
mineralvann n  mineral water se, ser  see
ja  yes minutt n minute sekretær c secretary
jeg  (person) I mobil c  mobile phone sende, sender  send
jobb c  job, position møte, møter  meet sen, sent  late
jobbe, jobber  work senere  later
journalist c  journalist nå now siden  since
når  when sist  last
kaffe c  coffee Nationalgalleriet  the National skal  shall
kan  can Gallery skjørt n skirt
kanskje  perhaps natt c  night skole c school
karamellpudding c  creme caramel nei  no slott n palace
kart n  map norsk  Norwegian Slottet  The Palace
kaste opp, kaster opp  vomit nummer n  number smør n butter
katt c  cat ny, nytt, nye  new smørbrød n  open sandwich
kiosk c  kiosk små pl (liten)  small
kjedelig, kjedelig, kjedelige  boring og  and snakke, snakker  talk
kjøpe, kjøper  buy også  also, as well snart  soon
kjøtt n  meat om ( min)  in ( min) som  which, that
klippfisk c  stockfish omelett c omelette spørre, spør  ask
klokken  o’clock onkel c uncle sønn c son
kokt  boiled onsdag  Wednesday søster c sister
kollega c  colleague oss  us søt  sweet
kode c  pin code over  over, of sport  sport
komme, kommer  come, arrive stakkars  poor
kone c  wife på  on, at starte, starter  start
kontor n  office pakke inn, pakker inn  wrap up stoppe/stopper  stop
kopp c  cup pen  pretty, handsome stekt  fried
kort n  postcard person c person stor  big
koste, koster  cost pike c girl størrelse c size
kredittkort n  credit card plass c place Storting n parliament
krone n  krone, Norwegian money platform c platform studere, studerer  study
kvart på  quarter to potet c potato sulten  hungry

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suppe c soup treffe/møte, treffer/møter  meet venn c friend
svart  black trikk c tram venstre  left
syk  ill tro/tror  think/believe vi  we
sykehus n hospital TV c TV vil gjerne  would like to
takk  thank you typisk  typical vin c wine
tannpine c toothache vinkart n  wine list
te c tea unnskyld  sorry, excuse me vite, vet  know
telefonboks n  telephone booth utsikt c view
telefonnummer n telephone wienerbrød n  Danish pastry
number venninne c girlfriend
tidlig  early vinkart n  wine list å  to (infinitive marker)
til  to vær n weather åpen open
tilbake  back vær så god  please, here you are årn pl year
tirsdag  Tuesday vann n water
toalett n  toilet, lavatory vanskelig  difficult øl n  beer, lager
torsk n cod vår  our, ours øyeblikk n moment
tørst  thirsty veldig  very
trafikklys n  traffic light velkommen  welcome

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