Colloquial Chinese - Textbook

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Accompanying cassette available


Ping-cheng Tung
D. E. Pollard

First published in 1982
by Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd
Reprinted 1987, 1988

Reprinted 1989 by Routledge

11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE
29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001
Set in Times, 9 on llpt. by Input Typesetting Ltd, London

Printed and bound in Great Britain by

Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading, Berks

© Ping-cheng Tung and D. E. Pollard 1982

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now
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ISBN 0-415-01860-9 (Pbk)

ISBN 0-415-01855-2 (cassette)
ISBN 0-415-00075-0 (book and cassette course)







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The national language of China is known to English speakers as
Mandarin, which corresponds to the old term guanhua, 'language
of officials'. In the Republican period (1912-49) it was called guoyu,
'national language', a term still in use in some Chinese communities
outside the mainland. In the People's Republic the name for it is
putonghua, 'common language'. It is based on the speech of Peking
(Beijing), but incorporates such elements from the dialects of other
parts of the country as have been accepted into the national modern
written language. These dialects are not our concern, but it might
be said that the linguistically more remote among them are as
mutually unintelligible as, say, English and German. Fortunately,
Chinese children all over the country learn putonghua at school,
and it is heard everywhere on radio and television and in the
cinema. But though learnt virtually as a second language by speak-
ers of other dialects, the average person's pronunciation of Man-
darin in the provinces often favours a local standard, rather than
that of Peking: regional accents can be a problem.

Many different systems of transcribing Chinese into Latin script
have been devised. That which has been adopted almost universally
now, by news agencies as well as educational institutions, is known
as piny in. We use it here. Piny in was officially endorsed in China
in 1958, and it is employed there in elementary schools and wher-
ever there is a need to indicate pronunciation. The day is still very
far off, however, when it or any other form of romanization will
replace characters as the normal medium for reading and writing.

The Chinese 'word' may be monosyllabic or polysyllabic. Polysyl-
labicwords are easily broken down into their constituent parts
(morphemes) by virtue of the fact that each such part has its own
graph (character) when written, which makes its meaning immedi-
ately apparent. The single-syllable morpheme is thus the basic
building block of the Chinese language. As several morphemes
may share the same sound, two of a similar meaning are often
joined together to make
word recognizable to the ear, like for
example qiguai, 'strange', made up of qi, 'unusual', and guai,
'odd'. Otherwise, polysyllabic words are formed by a process of
accretion, like xidnddihud, 'modernization', literally 'present age
Most Chinese still think of their language as consisting of char-
acters rather than words, and indeed there are advantages to this
view, the chief one being ease of recognition of the same morpheme
when employed in different combinations. The character text of
these lessons would help in this respect of understanding word
formation, as each character (corresponding to a syllable in pinyin)
is introduced separately with its own range of meanings. In this
text we have space only to deal with whole words.
The finer points of writing pinyin, to do with what constitutes
units of speech that should be written together, have yet to be
settled. Inour practice we have been less concerned with good
form than with revealing the mechanisms of the language, for
example using hyphens to join 'moving parts' to stable elements,
and on the other hand keeping apart elements that others join
together where we think that might help appreciation of their wider


As well as having its distinct meaning, each syllable has a given
tone. As the incidence of homophones is relatively high, tone plays
a vital role in identifying the spoken word, even though the same
sound and the same tone still do not guarantee unambiguity. Man-
darin has four tones. All fall within the natural pitch range: the

voice is not strained to produce especially high or especially low

sounds. They are:
1st (marked "): pitched high (upper third of the range); level; even
in volume; held onto slightly longer than average.
2nd (marked '): rising from about the middle of the range to peak
at the end slightly above the first tone; volume progressively louder;
fairly short in duration.
3rd (marked low and dipping to nearly the bottom of the range,

turning up abruptly at the end; volume decreasing to the bottom

of the curve, then picking up for the final up-turn; much longer
than average.
4th (marked ): starts high and loud; falls sharply, the volume
diminishing with the downward curve; very short in duration.
Some word elements that have only a grammatical function ('par-
ticles') are always toneless (or 'neutral' in tone). The second syl-

lable in compound words may also be toneless. Though a 'neutral

tone' is unstressed it cannot be entirely without pitch; this is takes

from the preceding stressed syllable, compensating for high pitch

by being relatively low, and vice versa.
It is very difficult to say two third tones one after the other

without interrupting the flow of one's speech. For this reason, the
first of them changes to second tone, e.g. hin hdo is said hen

hdo. When three third tones are said together in the same breath,
the first two change to second: wd hen hdo is said wo hen hdo.
Before any other tone, the third tone does not rise at the end of
its downward curve. In effect, then, it is only before a pause that
the third tone completes its full contour. In some words, a third
tone that has been 'neutered', so to speak, still occasions a change
in a proceding third tone: the two elements oixidojie, for example,
are separately xido and jie; jie has lost its tone, but still converts
xido to xido. In such cases we mark the third-tone change, other-
wise we do not.
The fourth tone is also modified when followed by another fourth
tone: its pitch does not fall to its full extent.
In actual speech individual syllables are rarely given their full
tonal value, unless they are isolated for emphasis, and key words
in any given construction get more phonetic attention than lesser
words, as might be expected. In effect, the sequence of sounds
does not follow a step pattern, which would result from each having

quotation form, but rather a wave pattern, in which each syllable

approximates to the ideal within the limits of an overall rising, or
This curve is determined partly by the intonation
falling, curve.
given to the sentence, which may at one extreme be even and
low-keyed, and at the other emotional and high-pitched. But in-

tonation only modifies tones, it does not obliterate them. To de-

scribe the relationship between tone and intonation is indeed
complex and difficult; in practice, when one speaks Chinese as if
one meant it, intonation takes care of itself. The message is, always
give a word the tone(s) you learn for it; as fluency increases you
will find yourself making the necessary modifications unconsciously.
Tonal values are naturally influenced by speed of delivery; as
this cannot be anticipated, our marking of tones must be somewhat
some places we have left tones unmarked to discourage
arbitrary. In
undue emphasis, in others we have marked for identification pur-
poses. The recording should serve as a practical guide.

In English, at least in spontaneous utterances, the tendency is to
make one's comment and then say what one is talking about:

'Very nice, this cake.' In Chinese the reverse is the case: one first
'tees up' the topic and then delivers one's comment - the comment
being of more moment: 'This cake, very nice.' A similar pheno-
menon can be observed with limiting phrases and clauses: in
Chinese the conditions or particulars are set out before the main
business is come to, so you get formulations like this: 'Next week
can go'; 'You not want go, not need go'; T finish this then go'. In
English, by contrast, the natural word order is for the time phrase,
the conditional clause, and temporal clause to follow the main verb:
T can go next week'; 'You needn't go if you don't want to'; Til go
after I've finished this'. It is in fact a cardinal rule of Chinese syntax
that subordinate elements come before principal elements in a
sentence. It would help to embark on this course anticipating this.

It is necessary to have a general idea of the make-up of characters
to understand what is being talked about in Lesson 13. The com-

monest means of classifying characters is by 'radicals', i.e. the

element which, ideally speaking, marks the order of things to which
a particular character belongs: trees, for example, have a 'wood'
radical; lesser plants have a 'grass' radical; liquids, a 'water' radical.
Usually the radical is on the left or at the top of the character. The
other part, known as the 'phonetic', gives a clue to the pronunci-
have in many cases opened
ation. Shifts in pronunciation over time
up a wide gap between the independent sound value of the phonetic
and the sound of the character in which it appears as a constituent
part. The character for 'cup', for instance, has 'wood' as its radical
(as that is what cups were once made of) and a phonetic which
when written independently is pronounced bu; yet the character as

a whole is read bei.

The radical and phonetic principle is only one among several

underlying the construction of characters, but this is not the place
to go into the others.
A separate publication, Character Text for Colloquial Chinese,
is available as a companion to the present volume from Mr P. C.
T'ung, Department of the Far East, School of Oriental and African
Studies, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HP.


The standard pattern for the lessons follows a seven-fold division:

I Presentation, which introduces the topic of the lesson or sets

the scene.
II Dialogue, directly related to the Presentation.
III Sketches, which are brief dialogues that have their own topics,
but rehearse the vocabulary and syntax introduced in the
IV Vocabulary; this is arranged according to word classes for the
first four lessons, but thereafter following the order of appear-
ance of new words in the lesson. Normally only meanings
relevant to present context are given.
V Grammar. This section is expected to be read as a whole, after
acquaintance with the new matter has been made. Mostly the
notes refer to practices that are illustrated in more than one
place in the text, but where an isolated point has to be ex-

plained the number of the pertinent note is given where the

point arises. Sometimes examples of incorrect usage are cited;
these are marked with an asterisk.
VI Speech Patterns, which illustrate in a more methodical way the
new syntax of the lesson, drawing on all the vocabulary learned
to date. The question and answer form is favoured, in order
to provide as much context as possible.
VII Exercises.

In addition, the first nine lessons have Expansion Drills; repeating

these should give confidence in building up longer and longer sen-
tences, and increase fluency at the same time.
Matching English translations are given for the first three sec-
tions. The 'Presentation' passage for the first six lessons has a
pidgin English translation to enable the Chinese to be followed
more closely. Thereafter the translation of the Presentation is still

less idiomatic than that of the dialogues.

All dialogues, presentations and vocabulary recorded on the cassette
are marked with a in the margin at the appropriate place.

Though all the Chinese in this book and can readily be
is 'sayable',
turned to use in conversation, the focus for the student will be on
those sequential passages devised as dialogues. These are well
worth memorizing. Though they take their own direction, they are
for the most part the everyday stuff of social intercourse. At the
same time, the trends of the dialogues have been determined by
the need to introduce various constructions and usages in the order
in which we think they will be most assimilable. All the basic syntax
of modern spoken Chinese is contained in these pages.
One complication we could have done without arises from the
gap that has opened up between 'mainland Chinese' and other
kinds of Chinese, principally that spoken in Taiwan. This makes
itself felt immediately in the difference in terms of address ('com-

rade' versus 'Mr, Mrs, Miss'). It cannot be denied that speech

habits do now diverge, but they are relatively insignificant at the
elementary level. A more important factor is that the backdrop of
daily life is not the same. Our own scene switches in and out of the

People's Republic without the setting being announced, but it

should always be recognizable.
The grammar notes have been difficult to write, as Chinese is a
language notoriously resistant to generalizations. When we are
incautious enough to say 'always' we mean 'nearly always', and
when we say 'never' we mean Though we hope the
'hardly ever'.
notes will help the student to understand what is going on, a more
reliable guide to practice are the Pattern Sentences, to which they
mostly correspond. The Pattern Sentences should resolve, by force
of example, any questions the notes fail to.

It should perhaps be stressed that Chinese words have different

axes from the English words we use to translate them, and fall into
different patterns. would therefore be imprudent to make up

your own Chinese; you are safe only with the words that are put
together for you. However, given the resources of this book, that
should not cramp your style too much.
We would be glad to receive suggestions for improvement, or
plain complaints.
Some of the sounds of Mandarin (represented here in their pinyin
spelling) are so similar to English sounds that they will present no
difficulty to the learner. Others are less similar to sounds in English
but have a close enough resemblance, and a third group of sounds
does not occur in English at all. The IPA (International Phonetic
Alphabet) symbols are given below for consonants of this sort.


f, l,m,n,s,y,w are all roughly the same as in English.

b, d, g are similar to their English counterparts, but
they are not voiced (i.e. the vocal chords do
not vibrate when these sounds are produced),
p, t, k are similar to their English counterparts but are
much more heavily aspirated,
h a voiceless velar fricative, as in loch [x]

an unaspirated voiceless palatal affricate, [te]
similar to gesture

q an aspirated voiceless palatal africate, [tc ]

similar to c/ieap
x a voiceless palatal fricative [fi], between ship
and sip
z an unaspirated voiceless dental silibant affricate
[ts], similar to cads
c an aspirated voiceless dental silibant affricate
[ts ], similar to cats
zh an unaspirated voiceless retroflex affricate [ts],

similar to large
ch an aspirated voiceless retroflex affricate [ts'],

similar to larch
sh a voiceless retroflex fricative [s], similar to

r a voiced retroflex fricative fa], as in read

a as in father
o as in more
e as in her
e as in there (this e occurs by itself, and in ie, ue)
i as in machme (in isolation i is written as yi)
u as in rule (in isolation u is written as wu)
u like German ti (i rounded to u\ in isolation it

is written as yu)
er like err (American accent)

Where two or more finals follow each other, as in ai, ia, etc., they
each preserve their original sound value, except in the case of ian,
where an is pronounced more like en. In zhi, chi, shi, ri the letter
i represents a sound like ir in American 'sir'. In zi, ci, si the vowel
is pronounced rather like the first syllable of 'wpon'.

The -r suffix, a feature of the Peking dialect, is simply added to

some finals, e.g. zhe - zher, suo - suor, but 'absorbs' other finals,
e.g. wan - war, hai - har, zhun - zhuer. However, the spelling
practice - which aids recognition - is to add r in all cases, hence
wanr, hair, zhunr.

jii, qii, xii are spelt ju, qu, xu.
As complete syllables, ue, uan, tin are written as yue, yuan, yun.

y replaces / at the beginning of syllables (yao, not iao).

w replaces u at the beginning of syllables (wan, not uan).
uei is written as ui in finals (dui, not duei).
iou is written as iu in finals (qiu, not qiou).
uen is written as un in finals (dun, not duen).

Apostrophes are used to mark syllable boundaries where necess-

ary: pingan might, for instance, be ping+an or pin+gan; to show
it is the former it is written ping' an.

In diphthongs the tone mark is put over the dominant vowel

sound: jia, dui, Idu, luo, mai.

Tianqi hen hao!

Weather very good!

Leng ma? Bu leng.

Cold (P) ? Not cold.

Re ma? Bu re.

Hot (P)? Not hot.

Jintian zhen leng!

Today really cold!

W6 hen leng, nl leng bu leng?

I very cold, you cold not cold?

W6 ye hen leng.
I too very cold.

Nimen bu mang ma?

You not busy (P)?

Jintian bu mang, zu6tian hen mang," 8 nimen ne?

Today not busy, yesterday very busy, you (P)?

Wdmen jintian y6 bu m^ng.

We today also not busy.


A: Zao a! Morning!
B: Zao! Tianqi zhen hao. Morning! The weather's really
A: Zhen hao, bu 16ng bu re. Really nice, neither cold nor
B: NImen dou hao ma? Are you all well?
A: Dou hao. QIng zu6, qlng (We're) all well. Please sit

zuo. down.
B: Hao, hao! All right, fine.

A: Hao a! Hello!
B: Ni hao! Hello to you!
A: Tianqi zhen 16ng! The weather's really cold!
B: Zhen ISng. NImen mang Really cold. Are you busy?
bu mang?
A: W6men dou hfcn m&ng. We're all quite busy. What
NImen ne? about you?
B: Wdmen y€ dou h6n mang. We're also all quite busy.
Zaijian. Goodbye.
A: Zaijian, zaijian. Goodbye, goodbye.

A: Zuotian zhen re! Yesterday it was really hot!

B: Re?! Hot?!
A: Nin bu re a? You weren't hot?
B: W6 bu re. (No,) I wasn't hot.
A: Zhen bii re ma? Really not hot?
B: Zhen bu re! (No,) really not hot!

Noun (N)
tianqi weather

Time words (TW)


Idiomatic expressions (IE)

zao! good morning!

qing zuo please sit down, take a seat.
qing (will you) please
ni hao! How do you do? How are you?
zaijian goodbye (lit: 'again see')

1 The definite article

There is no equivalent in Chinese for 'the'. However, nouns at the

head of the sentence normally have definite reference, so they can
be understood as having an inbuilt 'the': hence 'Tidnqi .'is The . .

weather .'.
. .

2 Stative verbs (SV) (Speech Patterns 1, 2)

When adjectives form the predicate, i.e. when they say what the
subject is or is not, they function as verbs; there is no additional
word for 'to be'. We call them stative verbs. In the affirmative,
when no more substantial adverb is to be supplied, they need to be
supported by the unstressed adverb hen 'very, quite'. [If not so
supported, a contrast is intended.] You V,l that stative
will see in
verbs may also be the subject of a sentence, in which case they take
on the role of a gerund: Leng bu hao, 'Being/to be cold is not

3 Negation

The tone of bu, 'not* is fourth, except when the following word is

in the fourth tone, when it changes to second: bu leng, bu re.

4 Saving on words

In the same conversational sequence words once need not be said

repeated. This applies both to subjects and objects. These once
stated may in English be replaced by a pronoun; in Chinese even
this may be unnecessary, and pronouns referring to things are
scarcely ever used.

5 The particles 'ma', ne' and 'a'

A particle (P) is a part of speech without substantial meaning in

itself which gives a slant or aspect to an utterance.

Ma shows that what is said is in the nature of an enquiry (see
n. 6).

Ne means of cutting a question down to a topic. It

supplies the
shows that the same question as that raised previously is to
be asked of that new topic. Compare English 'And -?', 'What
A mayconvey a variety of tones of voice. Those relevant in this
lesson are a certain heartiness, in the greetings Hao a! and Zao a\,
and doubtful questioning, when one is asking whether one has got
something right, as in Ni bu re a?, 'You weren't hot?' - is that
what you are saying? Following a final u, ao, ou the particle a
acquires an initial w sound (wa), and it undergoes further changes
after other finals, but to assist in identification we spell it consist-
ently as V.

6 Question forms (Speech Patterns 3)

Questions may be formed by simply adding the query particle ma

to a statement, without introducing any change in the word order.
The overall intonation level of the question thus formed is higher
than that of the corresponding declarative sentence.
Another way of framing questions by offering alternatives from

which the other person is to pick one. Lenglbu ling thus offers a
choice between cold/not cold. Choice-type questions have the same
intonation pattern as the declarative sentence, a generally even
one, with a downward curve at the end. The negative alternative
receives less stress.
Third, a question may be formally unmarked but be identified
by high intonation and, where it consists of a number of words, by
a rising final curve. Rel\ has the intonation universally associated
with surprise.

7 Answers (Speech Patterns 3)

Questions are most plainly answered by fielding the key word in a


question and returning it to the questioner either affirmatively or

negatively, without any word for 'Yes' or 'No'.

8 Tense

The Chinese verb, being invariable, does not in itself show tense,
nor does tense exist at all in the sense that actions or states have
to be ascribed to a position in time (past, present, etc.). What
Chinese can show is aspect (completion, duration, etc.), but aspect
marking is not mechanical either. In the sentence Zudtidn women
bu mdng, 'Yesterday we (were) not busy', the time word zudtidn
provides the context and no refinements are needed.

9 Adverbs (A)

'True' adverbscome immediately before the verb and can only be

separated from it by another adverb. They cannot stand on their
own without a verb. Those occurring in this lesson are hen, yi,
bu, dou and zhen. When two or more such adverbs occur to-
gether, their order governed by the rule that the modifier is

applied directly to the expression to be modified. The sloppiness

of English practice with regard to 'all' and 'not' cannot be carried
over into Chinese. To say 'All of them aren't busy' would mean,
quite logically, to a Chinese speaker that none of them are busy;
what is usually intended is 'Not all of them are busy': Tdmen bu
dou mdng. Another distinction to be noted is that between bu
hen - and hen bu -; bu hen hdo, for instance, starts from the
proposition hen hdo and negates it: 'not very-good'; hen bu
hdo, by contrast, has as its basis bu hdo, resulting in 'very not-
good' i.e. very bad.

10 Time words (TW)

Time words may sometimes function as nouns, sometimes as

adverbs. As adverbs they must of course precede the verb (except
when they are tacked on as an afterthought), but they can come
before or after the subject: Women zudtidn hen mdng or Zuo-
tidn women hin mdng. The position at the head of the sentence
naturally accords the time word more prominence.

11 And
There is no word for 'and' as a conjunction for clauses (e.g. 'I
opened the window and looked out'), only for noun constructions
(e.g. 'One man and his dog'). There being no such clause conjunc-
tion, clauses just follow in sequence: Tianqi bu leng bit re '(The)
weather (is) not cold, (and) not hot'.

12 Number
The plural suffix - men is confined to personal pronouns and groups
of people.

1 Contrastive sentences with stative verbs

Pattern: Topic (neg) SV

Zuotian leng,
jintian re.

1. Leng bu hao, re hao.

2. Ta leng, wo bu leng.
3. Ni mang, wo mang, ta bu mang.

2 Stative verbs with adverbial modifiers

Pattern: Topic (A) (A) (A) SV

Tianqi zhen hao.
Tamen dou bu hen mang.

1. Jintian hen leng.

2. Tamen dou hen leng.
3. Women ye dou hen leng.
4. Tianqi hen bu hao.
5. Tamen bu dou hen mang.
Contrast: Tianqi bu hen hao. Tianqi hen bu hao.
Tamen bu dou mang. Tamen dou bu mang.

3 Three types of questions

(a) Questions with the interrogative particle ma

Pattern: Statement + P?
Tianqi hao ma?

1 Make these sentences negative:

1. Jintian tianqi hao.

2. Wdmen mang, tamen y6 mang.
3. Nimen mang ma?
4. Tamen leng ma?
2 Make these questions choice-type questions:

1. Jintian lengma?
2. Tianqi hao ma?
3. Nimen re ma?
4. Tamen zao ma?
3 Translate into Chinese:

1. Are you busy? Yes, we are quite busy.

2. Was the weather good? No, the weather was very bad.
3. Is he cold or not? No, he is not.

4. It's a nice day, neither cold nor hot.

5. None of them is very busy.

Zhe shi Zhang Hua t6ngzhi.

This is Zhang Hua comrade.
Ta shi Zhonggu6 r£n.
He is China person.

Wdmen dou jiao ta lao Zhang.

We all call him old Zhang.

Lao Zhang shi BSijmg ren.

Old Zhang is Peking person.

Ta airen Wang, mingzi

xing jiao YIngying.
He spouse surname Wang, given name call Yingying.

W6men dou jiao ta Wang.

We all call her young Wang.

Xiao W£ng shi Shanghai r6n.

Young Wang is Shanghai person.

Zhe shi Zhang xiaojie.

This is Zhang Miss.

Na shi W£ng xiansheng, W^ng taitai.

That is Wang Mr, Wang Mrs.

Tamen dou shi huaqiao.

They all are overseas Chinese.

Tamen shi nei guo huaqiao?

They are which country overseas Chinese?

Zhang xiaojie shi Yinggu6 huaqiao;

Zhang Miss is England overseas Chinese;

W6ng xiansheng, Wang taitai shi Meigu6 huaqiao.

Wang Mr, Wang Mrs are America overseas Chinese.


A: Qing wen, nin gui xing? Excuse me, what is your

B: W6 xing Wang, w6 jiao My surname is Wang (King),
Wang Tong. Nin shi my full name is Wang Tong

Zhang tongzhi ba? (Tom King). You are

comrade Zhang?
A: wo jiao Zhang Hua.
Shi, Yes, my name is Zhang Hua.
Wang xiansheng, nin shi Which country are you from,
n6i gu6 ren? Mr Wang?
B: W6 shi Yinggu6 ren, zhe I am English, this is my wife,
shi w6 taitai, ta shi she is American.
M6igu6 ren.
A: Wang furen, nin hao! How do you do, Mrs Wang.
C: Nin hao! Zhang tongzhi How do you do. Are you
shi bu shi Shanghai ren? from Shanghai, comrade
A: Bu shi, w6 shi BSijing No, I am from Peking. My
ren. W6 airen shi wife is from Shanghai.
Shanghai ren.

A: Ni shi Wang tongzhi ba? You are comrade Wang?

B: Bu shi, w6 xing Zhang. No, my name is Zhang.
A: O, Zhang tongzhi, ni shi Oh, comrade Zhang, is your
bu shi" 4 jiao Zhang Ying? (full) name Zhang Ying?

B: Bu shi, w6 mingzi n7 jiao No, my given name is Zhang

Zhang 'Jlng'. 'Jing'.
A: Tamen dou jiao ni xiao They all call you young
Zhang ba? Zhang (do they)?
B: Bu, tamen dou jiao w6 No, they all call me old
lao Zhang. Zhang.
A: Zhang t6ngzhi shi BSijing You are from Peking,
ren ba? comrade Zhang?
B: Bu shi, w6 shi Shanghai No, I am from Shanghai.
A: Ni airen y6 shi Shanghai Your wife is also from
ren ba? Shanghai?

B: Shenme?! W6 airen?! What?! My wife?! Who is my

Shei shi wd airen?! wife?!

Specifiers (SP)

zhe this
na that


lesson two 23

Shanghai Shanghai
Ylngguo England, UK
Meiguo America (USA)

Question words (QW)

shei who(m) (also pronounced shui)
shenme what
nei which


ba particle of suggestion or presumption

Interjection (I)

6/6 oh (I see)

Idiomatic expressions

qing jin come in ('please enter')

qing wen excuse me, (followed by a question)
gui xing what is your name? (polite: 'honourable surname')



1 Names

The family name (xing) as a rule consists of one character (Wang,

Zhang, Li, Liu, etc.).
The given name (mingzi) may consist of either one or two
characters. A single-character given name is hardly ever said in-
dependently of the surname, which leads to the odd formulation:
Wo mingzi jiao Zhang Jing, 'My given name is called Zhang


(surname) Jing (given name)'. Two-character given names are, for

that matter, usually stated together with the surname, too. Name
and title are introduced by ski; one cannot say *W6 jido Wang
Tong xiansheng.
Surnames come before given names in China, but Chinese abroad
often anticipate misunderstanding by following the Western order.

2 Titles

names: 'Mr Wang', 'Mrs Wang' and 'Miss Wang' are

Titles follow
Wang xiansheng, Wang taitai, and Wang xidojie respectively.
Under the People's Republic, the titles taitai and xidojie were
dropped, and xiansheng retained only for those who had earned
public respect. Otherwise everyone is called tongzhi, 'comrade'.
But foreigners and overseas Chinese who are not comrades are not
called tongzhi: for them 'Mr' is xiansheng and 'Miss' is xidojie,

as before, while 'Mrs' is now furen. 'Ms' is niishi.

Less formally, lao, and xido, 'young' are prefixed to sur-


names, for both sexes; whether one is Ido or xido depends on

relative age and seniority within one's working or social group.
Xiansheng and taitai also served as 'husband' and 'wife', and
still do outside the PRC, but within the PRC they have been

replaced by the single word airen, 'spouse'.

3 Classificatory verbs (CLV) (Speech Patterns 1, 2)

The verb shi, 'to between the subject and a

be' acts as a link
description of it - usually a way of identifying it: Td shi Zhongguo
ren, 'He is a Chinese'; but the two things linked by shi are not
always equated. Shi is normally unstressed except when alone. It

is regularly omitted in standard formulas giving place of origin,

age, price, etc.: Wo T (am a) Peking
Beijing ren, person'; but
it cannot be omitted where an adverb comes in, as true adverbs
cannot be divorced from verbs: Wo bu shi Beijing ren, 'I am
not a Peking person', Td ye shi Beijing ren, 'He is also a Peking

Xing, be surnamed' performs in the same way as shi: W6

xing Wang, T am surnamed Wang'. There is no sense of the

passive voice. A surname cannot stand by itself, so if asked for

your surname you cannot just reply 'Wang', you have to say (Wd)
xing Wang.
Jido may mean 'be called', when it introduces either the full or
the given name (never just the surname), or it may mean, transi-
tively, 'call', as in Tdmen jido wd Ido Wdng, 'They call me old

4 'Shi' and 'bu shi'

Apart from acting as a classificatory verb, shi is used without a

complement to mean 'to be so', 'to be the case'; as such it can
answer questions ending in particles (but not choice-type ques-
tions); Shi, 'It is so'; Bit shi, 'It is not so'. So shi and bu shi
overlap with, but are not commensurate with 'yes' and 'no'. Bu
shi may be shortened to simply bu. Accompanying another verb,
shi bu means 'is it the case that?' or 'is it so?', as in Ni shi
bu shi jido Zhang Ying?, 'Is it the case that you are called Zhang
Ying?' Alternatively, shi bu shi may come at the end of the sen-
tence: Ni jido Zhang Ying, shi bu shi? 'You are called Zhang
Ying, is that so?'

5 Place names

Names of countries, regions, cities, etc. may serve unchanged as

adjectives. Examples abound. Most place names are, grammatically
speaking, 'place words' (PW), which gives them certain properties
that ordinary nouns do not have.

6 Question words (QW) (Speech Patterns 3)

Question words (in this lesson shei, 'who'; shenme, 'what'; nii,
'which') dispense with the query particle at the end of the sentence.
Their use does not entail inversion of the word order, as in English:
Ni shi shei? 'You are who?' - 'Who are you?'; Ni jido shenme
mingzi? 'You are called what name?' (In other words, the question
word occupies the same slot as the information sought does in the
reply.) You have noticed, however, that shei may come before,
as well as after, the verb shi, but there is a distinction. If you want
to be told about a person, you ask in the normal (Chinese) way,

X shi knowing about a person

shei? If you are not interested in
and only want them pointed out, you would ask Shei shi X? Shei
shi ..? also tends to occur in rhetorical, and open, speculative

questions. The same applies to shenme.

7 Possessive pronouns

There is a specific form for the possessive pronoun - 'my', 'your',

etc. - but the plain form is preferred in the case of relationships,
hence simply wd diren, 'my husband/wife'. The plain form may
also be used of things that directly pertain to one - hence wd
., 'my name is
mingzi jido . . . .

8 The particle 'a'

A is further used: (1) to cushion a question which would otherwise

sound too peremptory; (2) in exclamations: shi ni a!, 'Oh, it's

you!' (3) to suggest mildly that something should be obvious: Wd

shi lao Wang a!, T am old Wang!' (as you could have told).

9 The particle 'ba' (Speech Patterns 4)

Ba accompanies suggestions. In this lesson it is used to form leading

questions, which ask for confirmation of a supposition: Ni shi
Zhang tdngzhi ba?, 'You are comrade Zhang (I suppose)?; 'You
would be comrade Zhang?'

1 Sentences with classificatory verbs

Pattern: Nominal Expression (neg) CLV Nominal Expression

Ta (bu) shi Yinggu6 ren.

1. Ta xing Wang, w6 bu xing Wang.

2. Ta shi YIngguo ren, ni y6 shi YInggu6 ren ma?
3. Ta xing Wang, mingzi jiao Huazhong.
4. Ta shi Wang Huazhong, Wang xiansheng.

2 Sentences with object and complement

Pattern: S (neg) V O Complement

Tamen (bu) jiao ta xiaoWang.

1. W6men bu jiao ta xiao Wang, w6men jiao ta lao Wang.

2. Nimen bu jiao ta Zhang xiaojie ma? Bu jiao, women jiao ta

Zhang tongzhi.
3. Ta shi Beijing ren, w6men dou jiao ta 'lao Beijing'.
4. Lao Wang zhen hao, w6men dou jiao ta haohao xiansheng.
('Mr Agreeable')

3 Sentences with question words

Pattern: Ta shi sheil Zhe shi shenme . Ta shi nii guo ren?

1. Ta xing shenme? Ta xing Wang.

2. Ta jiao shenme mingzi? Ta jiao Wang Huazhong.
3. Ta shenme difang ren? Ta Shanghai ren.
4. Zhang xiaojie shi nei guo ren? Ta shi Meiguo ren.
5. Ta jiao Zhang shenme? Ta jiao Zhang Mei.
6. Ta airen jiao Wang shenme-zhong? Ta jiao Wang Huazhong.
7. Nimen jiao ta shenme? W6men jiao ta lao Wang.

4 Sentences with the particle 'ba'

Pattern: Nin shi Zhongguo ren bal

1. Nimen dou hao ba? Dou hao, nimen ne?
2. Jintian bu mang ba? JTntian bu mang, zuotian hen mang.
3. Ta bu shi Meiguo ren ba? Bu shi, ta shi Yingguo ren.
4. Tamen dou shi huaqiao ba? Shi, tamen dou shi Yingguo

1 Ren.
Zhongguo ren.
Shi Zhongguo ren.
Ta shi Zhonggud ren.
Ni yd shi Zhongguo ren ma?

W6 yfc shi Zhonggu6 ren.

W6men dou shi Zhonggu6 ren, ta airen ne?
Ta airen yS shi Zhonggu6 r6n.

2 Yinghua\
Jiao YInghua\
Mfngzi jiao Yinghua\
Xing W&ng, mi'ngzi jiao YInghua\
Ta xing Warig, mfngzi jiao Yinghua\
Ta airen xing W6ng, mfngzi jiao Yinghua\

1 Answer the following questions as it suits you:

1. Nin gui xing?

2. Ni xing sh6nme?
3. Ni jiao shenme mingzi?
4. Ni shi n6i gu6 r6n?
5. Ni (shi) shenme difang ren?

2 Change these statements into negative questions with the particle


Example: Ta xing Zhang. -* Ta bu xing Zhang ba?

1. Ta jiao Zhang Hua\

2. Ta shi Zhonggu6 r6n.
3. Xiao W£ng shi huaqiao.
4. Zhe shi Shanghai.
5. Beijing h6n re.

3 Translate into Chinese:

1. How do you do, Mr Wang? You are Chinese, I take it?

2. He is an overseas Chinese. His name is Zhang Zhizhong.

3. Miss Wang's name is Haiying. We all call her young Wang.

4. This wouldn't be Shanghai, would it? No, it's not.
5. Is Mrs Zhang from Peking? Both Mr and Mrs Zhang are from

Wing xiansheng. Wing taitai shi Ylnggu6 huiqiio.
Wang Mr Wang Mrs are England overseas Chinese.

Wing xiansheng ai he kafei,

Wang Mr loves drink coffee,

Wing taitai bu ai he kafei,

Wang Mrs not love drink coffee,

ta zhi ai he Zhonggu6 chi.

she just love drink China tea.

Wing xiansheng ai kin diinshi,

Wang Mr loves look at television,

Wing taitai bu ai kin diinshi,

Wang Mrs not love look at television,

ta zhi ai kin Zhongwdn shu.

she just love look at Chinese books.

Wing xiansheng xlhuan chi waigu6 cai,

Wang Mr likes eat foreign food,

Wing tiitai bu xlhuan chi wiigu6 cai,

Wang Mrs not like eat foreign food,

ta zhi xlhuan chi Zhonggu6 cai.

she just like eat China food.

Wing xiansheng hSn xlhuan xu6 wiigu6 hui,

Wang Mr very like learn foreign speech,

YIngw6n, Fiw6n, D6w6n, ta dou hul.

English, French, German, he all knows.

Wang taitai bu xihuan xue waigu6 hua,

Wang Mrs not like learn foreign speech,

ta zhi hui shuo Zhonggu6 hua.

she just can speak China speech.

Ta ch£ng shuo:
She often says:

'Waigu6 ren chi waigu6 fan, yinggai shuo waigu6 hua;" 2

'Foreign people eat foreign food should say foreign speech;

Zhonggu6 ren chi Zhonggu6 fan, yinggai shuo

China people eat China food should say

Zhonggu6 hua!'
China speech!'

Wang: Jlntian kafei zhen hao, nl Today the coffee is really
yi he yidiinr ba! good, you have some too!
Tai: Bu he, w6 zhe ch^ h6n I won't have (any), this

hao. tea ofmine is very good.

Wang: Kan bu kan dianshi? Are you going to watch
Tai: Bu kan, wd xiang kan No, I feel like doing some
dianr shu. reading.
Wang: Shi Yingwen shu ma? Is it an English book?
Tai: Bu ZhongwSn shu,
shi, shi No, it's a Chinese book,
sh6i kan Yingwen shu?! who (would want to) read
an English book?!
Wang: Pengyou dou shuo ni (Our) friends all say you
yinggai xue dianr should learn some English.
Tai: W6 bu xue! n 5 'Waigub I'm not going to learn!
ren shuo waigu6 hua, 'Foreigners speak foreign
Zhonggu6 ren shuo languages, Chinese speak
Zhongguo hua' bu shi h6n Chinese', isn't (that) a
hao ma?! good thing?

Wang: Hao, hao, bu xue, bu xue. All right, (you're) not

Wanshang zuo dianr going to learn (any). What
Faguo cai hao bu hao? " 7 about cooking some
French food (this)
Tai: Shei zuo a? W6 bu hui Who going to cook (it)?

zuo Faguo cai, ni xiang chl I cook French food,

ni zuo ba! n 8
(if) you want to eat (it)

you cook (it)!


A: Lao Zhang, he bu he Old Zhang, are you going

cha? to havesome tea?
B: Bu he. No.
A: He dianr kafei ba! Have some coffee!
B: Bu he. No.
A: Shui ne? What about water?
B: Xiexie ni, ye bu he. Thank you, I won't have
(any) either.
A: Cha, kafei, shui, dou bu You won't drink tea,
he, ni xiang he shenme? coffee, or water, what do
you feel like drinking?
B: W6 xiang he dianr jiu. I feel like drinking
something strong.

A: Qing zuo, qing zuo! Sit down, sit down. It's

JIntian zhen leng, he really cold today, have

dianr cha ba! some tea!
B: Xiexie, xiexie. Zhe cha Thank you. This tea is

zhen hao, shi Zhongguo really good, would it be

cha ba? Chinese tea?
A: Shi, nin chang he Yes, do you often drink
Zhongguo cha ma? Chinese tea?
B: Chang he, w6 hen xihuan Yes, I like Chinese tea
he Zhongguo cha. very much.

A: Nin ye xihuan chi Do you also like to eat

Zhongguo cai ma? Chinese food?
B: Hen xihuan. Very much.
A: Hui zu6 bu hui? Can you cook (it)?
B: Zhi hui chi, bu hui zuo! (I) can only eat (it), I

can't cook (it)!

Verbs (V)


Zhongwen Chinese language

wen writing, written word; language
shu book
cai vegetables; food (not cereals); dish of food; cuisine
hua speech, spoken words
Yingwen English language
Fawen French language
D6wen German language
fan cooked rice or other cereals; meal
yidianr, dianr a little, some
pengyou (friend
shui water
wine, spirits, strong drink


zhl only
chang, changchang often, habitually

Place words

after the other without the connection being marked: Yingwen,

Fdwen, Dewen, td dou hui, 'English, French (and) German,
he knows (them) all'; Chd, kdfei, dou bu hin re, 'The tea
(and) coffee (are) both not very hot'. Dou, 'both, all', which
regularly accompanies such lists, resumes the series, it cannot an-
ticipate it; being a true adverb, it also has to come close before the
verb, hence the order of the sentence is fixed:

A, B, etc. (subject) dou predicate

The only alternative is to frame co-ordinate clauses: Td hui Ying-

wen, yi hui Fdwen, y# hui Diwin; Chd bu hin ri, kdfei yi

bu hin ri. See VI. 5.

2 Unmarked subordination
That one proposition depends on another may be conveyed simply
by the order in which they occur. In a series of clauses without any
connecting words the first is always subordinate: (given) X, (then)
Y. So Wdigud rin chi wdigud fan, yinggdi shuo wdigud
hud means '(Given that) foreigners eat foreign food (then they)
should speak foreign languages'. The unmarked subordinate clause
is often an 'if clause: Ni xidng chi, ni zud ba, '(If) you want to
eat (it), you cook (it)'.

3 Modal verbs (MV) (Speech Patterns 2)

Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs expressing volition, obligation,

capability, and so on. Those in this lesson are: di, 'love to, like
to'; xihuan, 'like to' (but not 'would like to'.); hui, 'know how
to'; xidng, 'want to, intend to, would like to'. Modal verbs can be
modified by hen, which then translates as 'very much'.

4 Verb-objects constructions (V-O)

Some forms of activity are expressed in Chinese not as simple verbs

but as verb-object (V-O) constructions. Thus the business of read-
ing is kdn-shu, 'look at books', speaking is shuo-hud, 'say words',
cooking is zud-fdn, 'do food', eating is chi-fdn, 'eat meal'. The
object may be particularized: shuo Zhonggud hud, 'say Chinese

words' - 'speak Chinese', or minimized: kan didnr shu, iook at

to a little degree books' - 'do a little reading', or both: kan didnr
Zhongwen shu, 'read a little Chinese'. Note that the amplification
takes the form of modification of the object, that is, it is contained
in the V-O framework; you cannot, for example, say *kan shu
didnr. Naturally, these verbs may take objects other than the
general ones.

5 Negation

Bu with an action verb, apart from simply meaning 'not' ('is not',
'do not', etc.) may also convey non-intention - 'not going to': Wo
bu xue, 'I'm not going to learn Bu xidng xue,
(it)'. 'Don't intend
to learn/Don't feel like learning' may leave room for argument;
Bu xue is a flat refusal.

6 Choice-type questions with objects (Speech Patterns 3)

When the verb takes an object (which in the case of a modal verb
may be another verb), the negative alternative in a choice-type
question may come either before or after the object: kdn/bu kan
dianshil, 'watch/not watch television?', or kan dianshilbu kan?
'watch television/not watch?'; (with a modal verb) Xidng/ bu xidng
kan dianshil 'intend/not intend watch television?' or xidng kan
dianshilbu xidng? 'intend watch television/not intend?'

7 'Hao bu hao?'

Hdo bu hdo used as an appendage to ask if a proposal is


acceptable: Wdmen shud Zhongguo hud, hdo bu hdo?, 'We'll

speak Chinese, is that all right?'

8 The particle 'ba' again

'Ba' may imply that the proposal it is appended to is one that one
would merely go along with, perhaps out of indifference or

1 Sentences with action verbs

Pattern: S (A) V O (P)

Ta kan Zhongwen shu.

1. Nimen he shenme? Ta he kafei, wo he cha.

2. Wanshang shei zuo-fan? Wo zuo, ni chl bu chT?
3. Ni bu kan dianshi ma? Bu kan, wo kan shu.
4. Ta he Faguo jiu, ni he nei guo jiu? Wo he Deguo jiu.
5. Ta airen changchang zuo Zhongguo cai ma? Bu chang zuo.

2 Sentences with modal verbs

Pattern: S (A) MV V O (P)

Ta hui shuo Zhongguo hua.

1. Ni ai he cha ma? Hen ai he.

2. Shei xiang xue Zhongwen? Ta xiang xue, w6 ye xiang xue.

3. W6 hen xihuan chl Beijing cai, ni ne? W6 zhi xihuan chi
Shanghai cai.

4. Nimen dou hui shuo waiguo hua ma? Bu dou hui.

5. W6men dou yinggai xue zuo-fan ma? Dou yinggai.

3 Choice-type questions with objects (or complements)

Pattern: S (MV) V O bu (MV) V ?

Ta kan dianshi bu kan? (= Ta kan bu kan dianshi?)

1. Ta shi Beijing ren bu shi? Bu shi, ta shi Shanghai ren.

2. Tamen he bu he? Bu he, tamen dou bu hui he.
3. Ni hui zuo Zhongguo cai bu hui? Bu hui (zuo).
4. Ta xiang xue Zhongwen bu xiang? Hen xiang (xue).
5. Ni xihuan kan Zhongwen shu bu xihuan? Hen bu xihuan (kan).

4 Sentences with co-ordinated subjects/topics in succession

Pattern: Ni, wo, ta, dou bu shi Zhongguo ren.

1. Cha, kafei, dou bu hen re.

2. Fawen, Dewen, ta dou hui shuo.

3. Zhonggu6 cai, Faguo cai, ta dou bu ai chi.

4. He Fagu6 jiu, chi Zhonggu6 cai, shei bu xlhuan?
5. Ta Zhongw6n shu, YingwSn shu, dou xiarig kan.

5 Co-ordinate clauses with different objects to the


1 Change these statements into choice-type questions, with the
object between the affirmative and negative forms of the verb
(or modal verb):

Example: Ta he jiu. -> Ta he jiu bu he?

1. Ta shi waigu6 ren.

2. Ta airen hui shuo Fa wen.
3. Ta chi Zhonggu6 cai.
4. Ta xiang kan dianshi.
5. Tamen bu yinggai he jiu.

2 Give affirmative replies, with yididnr to the following questions:

1. Ni hui shuo Zhongguo hua ma?

2. Ta xiang zuo Faguo cai ma?
3. W6 yinggai xue Dewen ma?
4. Nimen dou xiang he kafei ma?
3 Translate into Chinese:

1. Does she speak Chinese? Yes, she does.

2. I feel like some tea, how about you?

3. He is very keen on reading Chinese books.

4. She is French, she ought to know how to cook French dishes.
5. I only know a little German.
Wo y6u yi wei pengyou xing Wang,
I have a (M) friend named Wang,
shi Shanghai ren,
is Shanghai person,

w6men dou jiao ta xiaoWang,

we all call him young Wang.

Xiao Wang hui shuo Shanghai hua,

Young Wang can speak Shanghai-speech,
ye hui shuo putonghua;
also can speak common-speech;

neng kan Zhongwen shu,

can read Chinese books,

ye neng kan Yingwen shu.

also can read English books.

Ta xue Yingwen mei y6u laoshi,

He learns English not have teacher,

zhi y6u liang b6n zidian:

only has two (M) dictionaries:

yi ben Ying-Han zidian,

one (M) English-Chinese dictionary,

yi b6n Han-YIng zidian.

one (M) Chinese-English dictionary.

Ta shuo zhei Hang b6n zidian

He says these two (M) dictionaries

jiushi liang wei laoshi.

indeed are two (M) teachers.

Xiao Wang jlnnidn sanshi'er sui,

Young Wang this year 32 years of age,

y6u si ge nu'6r, m€\ ydu 6rzi.

has four (M) daughters, not have sons.

Yinwei zhei si ge h£izi dou h6n xiio,

Because these four (M) children all very small,

sudyl ta zdngshi hen mang, hen lei.

therefore he always very busy, very tired.

Y6u n3 yi wei p£ngyou wen ta

There was a (M) friend asked him

weishenme yao sheng zheme duo" 7 haizi.

why want produce so many children.

Shi bu shi yinwei xiangyao ge 6rzi?

Is not is because like (M) son?

Xiao Wang shuo: 'W6 bu xiangyao drzi,

Young Wang said: 'I not like son,

keshi w6 fumu yfding yao ge sunzi!'

but my parents definitely like (M) grandson!'

A: Zhen zhen lei!
lei, I'm really tired, really tired!
B: He bei ch^ ba. Shi bu shi Have a cup of tea. Is it

yinwei tianqi tai re? because the weather is too

A: Bu shi, shi yinwei h&izi No, it's because (my)
tai duo. children are too many.
B: Nl yigbng ydu jl ge? How many have you
A: Si ge, dou shi nu'er. Four, all are daughters.
B: Weishenme yao sheng Why do you want to produce
name duo? Shi bu shi so many? Is it that you'd like
xiangyao ge 6rzi? a son?

A: Wdmen bu xiangyao erzi, We are not intent on a son,

kdshi w6 fumu yiding yao but my parents definitely
ge sunzi! want a grandson!
B: Zhei ge shi nl da nti'6r This is your eldest daughter,
ba? Jinnidn jl sui? I take it. How old is she this
C: W6 wu sui. I am five.

B: NI ydu jl ge meimei? How many younger sisters

have you?
Bu zhidao. Don't know.
Bu zhidao?! Weishenme? Don't know?! Why?
W6 ma ch£ngch&ng sheng My mum keeps on producing
meimei, w6 yS n8 bu younger sisters, I don't know
zhidao ta yigbng yao (either) how many she will
sheng jl ge. produce altogether.


A: Yigong y6u duoshao? H6n How many are there

duo ba? altogether? Plenty, I expect?
B: YI, er, san, si, wu, liu, qi One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven . . .

A: Y6u mei y6u sishi ge? Are there forty?

B: Bu zhidao. Ba, jiu, shi, Don't know. Eight, nine, ten,
shiyi, shi'er . . . eleven, twelve . . .

A: Wdmen yi ge r6n y6u ji How many each? (We each

ge? person have how many?)
B: NI neng bu neng bu shuo- Can you keep quiet?
hua? Shisan, shisi , shiwu Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
. . . yigbng ershiqi ge. . . . altogether twenty-seven.
A: Shenme?! ZhI y6u ershiqi What?! There are only
ge?! Zheme shao?! twenty-seven?! So few?!
B: Wdmen jiu ge r£n, san jiu We (are) nine people, three
ershiqi, yf ge r6n san ge. nines (are) 27, three each.
Bu dud y6 bu shao! Just right! (Not more nor

Ni zhldao nei li&ng ge ren Do you know who those two

shi shei ma? people are?
B N6i li&ng ge? Which two?
A Nei li&ng ge, ni kan! Those two, look! I mean
Jiushi nei li&ng ge waigu6 those two foreigners.
B 6, tamen a, yi wei shi Oh, them: one is our French
w6men Fawen l£oshi, yi teacher, the other is our
wei shi wdmen Dewen German teacher.
Tamen dou hui
li&ng wei Can they both speak
shuo Zhonggub hua ma? Chinese?
B Dou hui. Tamen zdngshi Yes, They always speak
shuo Zhonggu6 hua, h6n Chinese, very rarely French,
sh&o shuo Fawen, y€ h6n likewise very rarely German.
sh&o shuo Dewen.
A: Weishenme? Why?
B: Yinwei FSwen l&oshi bu Because the French teacher
hui shuo Dewen, Dewen can't speakGerman, and the
l&oshl yS bu hui shuo German teacher can't speak
F£wen. French.

Numbers" 2 (NU)

one (2nd tone before 4th, 4th tone before 1, 2, 3)

er two
li&ng two (used with measures), a couple of
san three
si four
wu five
liu six
qi seven > optionally 2nd tone
ba eight ) before 4th tone
jiu nine
shi ten

Measures" '

wei polite classifier for persons

ben classifier for books
nian year
sui year of age
ge general classifier
bei cup of, glass of
tian day



Movable adverbs (MA)


carry a classifier related to the class of the noun: shu, 'book', for
example, carries the classifier bin, 'volume': zhii bin shu, 'this

book'. Similar constructions in English are 'fifty head of cattle',

'two rounds of toast (or ammunition)'. There are over 50 such

common use in Chinese. However, the all-
special classifiers in
purpose classifier ge (4th tone, but usually unstressed) can double
for most of them. Standard measures of volume, weight, space,
time, etc., container measures (such as yi bei, 'a cup of), and
other kinds of measures share the property of combining with
numbers and demonstratives, so we bracket classifiers with them
as 'measures' (M). Once the noun has been identified, the measure
word can be used independently of it, again like 'fifty head', 'two
rounds': sdn bin, yi ge (not just *san or *y(). There are also a
few words that qualify as measures that do not normally have a
following noun; they include tidn, 'day'; nidn, 'year'; sui, 'year
of age': sdn tidn, yi sui.
Occasionally the measure is omitted between a demonstrative
and a noun: zhi chd hin hdo, 'this tea is very good'. In that
example it is the kind of tea that is meant, not any amount that
can be measured. However, in other cases a measure could well be
used, as with zhi rin, 'this person', instead of zhii ge rin. This
phenomenon is more common with topics, and seems particularly
called for when the comment is to be delivered with some feeling.
Another permitted omission is that of yi before the measure word,
in the interest of rapid flow. But yi is only omitted when it is used,
unstressed, in the sense of 'a', not when it means 'one': wd fumii
yiding ydo (yi) ge sunzi.
Orthodoxy maintains that the demonstrative adjectives should
be pronounced zhii and nii (zhii ge rin, nii wii xidnsheng),
and the pronouns should be pronounced zhi and nd (zhi shi
shii? nd shi wd miimei), but practice is not uniform.

2 Numbers (NU)

The number 1-10 are listed in the vocabulary. For 2 there are two
words: ir is in counting and compound numbers; lidng is
used for two of anything (similar to 'a couple of). In compound
numbers units are added to the tens, so 12 is shfer (10+2). For
multiples of ten, the multiplier precedes shi, 'ten'; 20 then is irshi

(2x10); 22 is trshi'er (2x10+2). Shi tends to lose its tone when


3 The verb 'ydu'

Ydu covers both possession and existence: 'to have' and 'there is/

are' (cf. French 'il a' and 'il y a'). Ydu is unique among Chinese
verbs in being negated by mei: always mei ydu, never *bu ydu.
An important function of ydu is to introduce a noun of indefinite
reference in the head position in a sentence: Ydu yi wei pengyou
wen td . . . '[There was] a friend (who) asked him . . .'; Ydu ren

shud . . ., '[There was] a person (who) said . . .'; Ydu yi tidn

. . ., 'One day . .

4 Pivotal constructions (Speech Patterns 4)

Consider these two sentences: ydu yi wei pengyou xing Wd

Wang, and Tamen qing wd chi Fdgud cai; making allowance
for the fact that Chinese verbs are invariable in form, they match
the English 'I have a friend named Wang' and 'They are inviting
me to eat French food'. As such, they present no difficulty to
English speakers. But the similarity may disguise the mechanism
at work. In the Chinese the pivotal function of pengyou and wd
can be discerned: pengyou is cast as the object of ydu in the first
half, then faces round to be the subject of xing; similarly, wd is

the object of qing but the subject of chi. English and Chinese part
company when English resorts to a relative clause: 'I have a friend
who has nine sons'; in Chinese the pivotal device still serves: Wd
ydu yi ge pengyou ydu jiu ge erzi. Compare also Mei ydu rin
bu xihuan chi Zhdnggud cai, 'There is not a person (who) does
not like to eat Chinese food'.

5 How many?
Both ji and dudshao mean 'how many?'. Ji applies to small
numbers (except in a few formulas) and dudshao applies where
the number is known or expected to be over 10. Grammatically
they differ in that ji always combines with a measure word, whereas

after dudshao the measure word may be omitted: ji ge rin?


duds ho (ge) ren? Ji and duoshao are question words; if the

sentence in which they occur ends with the query particle ma, it
does not relate to the question of how many. For instance, if the
question is asked, Ni zhidao tdmen ydu ji ge hdizi ma? then ,

ma makes a question of ni zhidao - 'do you know?' The alterna-

tive phrasing, Tdmen you ji ge hdizi, ni zhidao ma?, makes the
relationship clearer.

6 Indirect questions (Speech Patterns 3)

In indirect questions the clause carrying the question is inserted in

the outer frame, as if it were being quoted: Td wen wd 'shei
you zididn\ 'He asked me "who has a dictionary" - not that '

such punctuation is actually used. The direct quotation form is

modified when the construction is a pivotal one: Td wen wd ydo
bu ydo kdn didnshi, 'He asked me (if) I wanted or not to watch
television' - where wd doubles as the object of win and the
subject of ydo (as opposed to Td wen wo 'ni ydo bu ydo .'). . .

This sentence also illustrates the rule that the embedded question
has to be of the choice-type: it cannot be formed with ma. You can
also see that there is no equivalent in Chinese of 'if or 'whether'.
The overall intonation pattern of an indirect question is the falling
one of a statement, not pitched high as direct questions are.

7 'Duo' and 'shao'

Duo 'many' and shdo 'few' must themselves be modified when

they modify a noun, so never *duo ren or *shdo ren, but hen
dud/shdo ren, name dud/shdo ren, etc.

8 'Ye'

Yi, 'also', does no more than betoken recognition of something

in common; its use does not depend upon strict verbal parallels. In
the Dialogue when the little girl says Wd yi bu zhidao td ydo
sheng ji ge, she concedes that she shares her questioner's ignor-
ance, but she is not ignorant of precisely the same thing.

9 The part/whole relationship

When part and whole are mentioned together (e.g. 'two out of my
three teachers'), the whole figures as topic ('as to . . .') and the
part follows as the immediate subject of the predicate: Wd nii
san wii Idoshi, lidng wii hin Ido, yi wii bu tdi Ido,' (As
to, of) my three teachers, two are very old, one is not too old'.

10 Movable adverbs (MA)

MAs, unlike 'true' adverbs, need not come immediately before the
verb (or another adverb); they may come before the subject/topic.

ge: yi ge ren; Hang ge p£ngyou; san ge difang; si ge h£izi; wii ge
wei: liu wei pengyou; qf wei laoshi; b& wei huaqi&o; jiu wei t6ngzhi;
jl wei xidojie?
b6n: jiu b6n shu; shf b6n zidian
bei: Hang bei cha; yi bei kafei; san bei jiu
sui: qishi sui

ni£n: ershiwu ni^n

tian: shisi tian


1 Quantification of nouns

Pattern: Number Measure Noun

san ge ren

1. Ta y6u Hang ge Zhonggu6 p6ngyou, dou xing W^ng.

2. NI yao b6n zidian?
ji San bSn.
3. Tamen y6u jl ge haizi? Liang ge, yi ge qi sui, yi ge jiu sui.

4. Tamen yao duoshao bSn? Liushi b6n.

5. Wd xi&ng he bei cha\ QIng zud, qlng zud!
6. NImen y6u duoshao ren? Sishib& ge.
7. Yigong duoshao tian? Shiwu tian.

2 Specification of nouns

Patterns: SP NU M N
(a) zhe

3. Jintianwanshang tamen yao qing wo chl Deguo cai.

4. Y6u ren shuo ta you jiu ge erzi, bashiyi ge sunzi. Shei?
5. Ta chang shuo mei you ren bu xihuan chi Zhongguo cai, keshi
wo jiu bu xihuan.



5. Ta shuo nei ge hao. (nei)

6. NI bu yao Fa wen shu, w6 y£ bu yao Fa wen shu. (y6u)

3 Translate into Chinese:

1. She is going to treat me to a cup of tea.

2. None of these three people is English.
3. Of these five dictionaries, three are English-Chinese
and two are Chinese-English.
4. No one can drink six glasses of this wine.
5. How many Chinese books have you got? Fifty altogether,
I suppose.
6. Nobody knows who she is.

7. He asked me whether I was a teacher.

He asked me whether you were a teacher.
Lao Zhang jia jlntian w&nshang ydu keren.
Old Zhang family today evening have guests.

Tamen qlng sh6i? Tamen qlng lao LI jia.

They invite who? They invite old Li family.

Li jia yigbng y6u wu k6u(r) rdn:

Li family altogether has five (M) people:

lao LI, ta airen gen san ge ham.

old Li, his wife and three (M) children.

Lao Zhang gen lao LI shi lao t6ngxue\

Old Zhang and old Li are old fellow-students,

y6 h6n h&o
shi de n ^ngyou.
also are very good (K) friends.

Tamen li&ng jia de h£izi doushi hao p^ngyou.

They two families (K) children also all are good friends.

Lao Zhang de airen jlntian xiang mai y) zhi ji,

Old Zhang (K) wife today plans buy one (M) chicken,
yi ti£o yii, gen yidianr qingcai"
one (M) fish, and some greens.

Ta yao zud si ge cai,

She wants do four (M) dishes,

li^ng ge 16 ng de, Hang ge re de,

two (M)cold (K),two (M)hot (K),

h£i yao zu6 yi ge tang,

extra wants do one (M) soup.

Lao Zhang hen xlhuan he jiu,

Old Zhang very likes drink wine,

ta qlng ta airen mai liang ping,

he requests his wife buy two bottles,

ta airen shuo qian bu gdu, bu ken mai.

his wife says money not enough, not willing buy.

Lao Zhang shuo qlng r£n chi-fan m£i n 5

jiu bu xmg,
Old Zhang says invite people eat food not (have) wine not viable,

wen ta airenmai ban tiao yu,

asks his wife buy half (M) fish,

mai yi ping jiu, k£ bu keyl.

buy one bottle wine, can not can.

Ta airen shuo: 'Hao ba, w6 mai yi pfng,

His wife says: 'All right (P),I buy one bottle,

n 8
kfcshi wanshang nl bu zhun chi yu!'
but evening you not allowed eat fish!'


Zhang: Qing ren chi-fan, bu neng (If we) invite people to eat,
mei jiu, mai Hang ping ba! we can't be without wine,
let's buy two bottles!
Wife: Jiu name gui, w6 de qian Wine is so expensive, I

bu gou. haven't got enough money.

Zhang: Qian bu gou?! Bu mai yu Not enough money?!
xing bu xing? Would it be all right not to
buy fish?
Wife: Liang jia de haizi dou ai The children of both
chi yu, mei yu bu xing. families love to eat fish, it

won't do not to have fish.

Zhang: Name, mai ban tiao yu, In that case, could (we)
mai yi ping jiu, k€ bu buy and one
half a fish
keyl? bottle of wine?
Wife: Hao ba, w6 mai yi ping, All right, I'll buy one
kSshi wanshang ni bu zhun bottle, but (this) evening
chi yu! you're not allowed to eat


A: Zenmeyang, mang ma? How are things, busy? Have

Chou zhi yan ba. W6 zhe a cigarette. This packet of
bao shi Faguo yan. mine is French.
B: Chou-yan?! Duibuqi, qing What, smoke?! Sorry, take a
ni kankan nei si ge da zi. look at those four big words.
A: Shenme?! 'Bu zhun chou- What?! 'Smoking is not
yan'! allowed'!
B: Dui! Zhei ge difang bu That's right! You're not
zhun chou-yan. Ni kankan allowed to smoke here. Why
shu ba. don't you read a book?
A: Nei ben shu shi shei de? Who does that book belong
W6 kankan k6yi ma? to? Would it be all right if I

read it?

B: N6i b6n? Shi zhei ben Which one? Is it this little

xiao shu ma? one (you mean)?
A: Bu shi, shi nei ben da de. No, I mean that big one.

B: Na shi lao Zhang de, ni That belongs to old Zhang,

xian wenwen ta ba. you'd better ask him first.
A: Zhei zhl bi shi ni de ba? This pen is yours? Is it all
Wo yongyong key! ma? right if I use it?

B: BI ye shi lao Zhang de. The pen is old Zhang's, too.

A: Zhei fen bao ye shi ta de Is this paper his as well?
B: Bao shi w6 de, ni kan ba! The paper is mine, go ahead
- Shi zuotian de. and read it! - It's yesterday's.

A: Li xiansheng, nei wei Mr Li, that gentleman is . . .

shi . . .

B: Nei wei a, ta shi wo That gentleman? He is my

pengyou Qian Han. friend, Qian Han.
A: O! Ta jiushi Qian Han a! Oh, he's QIAN HAN! You
Nlmen shi lao pengyou are old friends, I take it?

B: Shi a, women shi sanshi Certainly, we are old friends
nian de lao pengyou. of thirty years (standing).
A: Qian xiansheng z6ngshi Is Mr Qian always so busy?
name mang ma?
B: Ta zongshi name mang, Yes he is, so we all call him
su6yi wdmen dou jiao ta 'busy bee'.
da mang ren.
A: You ren shuo ta bu he People say he doesn't drink,
jiu, keshi ni kan . . . but look . . .

B: 6, ni bu zhidao a?! Ta bu Oh, don't you know? (The

he jiu shi bu ken he reason for) his not drinking is

putong de jiu. JIntian de (that) he's not willing to

jiuzheme hao, ta hai ken drink ordinary wine; (seeing
bu he ma? that) today's wine is so good,
would he still be prepared
not to drink?

jia (N) family; home
keren (N) guest

y6ng (V/CV) use; using, by means of, with

fen (M) copy (of newspaper)
bao (N) newspaper
(V) to report

1 Marked co-ordination

Though we have seen need not be marked, it is

that co-ordination
perfectly possible to use a 'conjunction' (C) like gen to join two
nominal constructions or complete a series of the same: Ldo Li
gen ldo Wdng, 'Old Li and old Wang'; yi zhl ji, yi tido yu
gen yididnr qingcdi, *a chicken, a fish, and some vegetables'.
The true meaning of gen, translated as 'and', is 'along with'; if that
is remembered, the temptation to use gen to join clauses will be

resisted. Though in this lesson gen appears only as a marker of

co-ordination, its chief function is that of a coverb (CV). Coverbs
assist the main verb of the predicate in the same way as prepositions

do in English. More about that later.

2 'De' as subordinating marker (K) (Speech Patterns 1(b), 2(b))

De word or phrase preceding it is subordinate to

indicates that the
the nominal construction that comes after it. The formula, then is:

X - de 4- nominal construction

in which 'X' describes or restricts the following noun. In hin hdo

de pingyou, 'very good friends', hin hdo is marked as descriptive
of pingyou; in wd de qidn, 'my money', qidn is marked as
restricted to wd (personal pronouns + de amount to possessive
pronouns). Adjectives (particularly monosyllabic ones) may 'fuse'
with nouns as compounds: hdo pingyou, 'good friends'; but when
the adjectives are in turn modified, de must link them to the noun:
hin hdo de pingyou, zhime hdo de pingyou (except for duo,
'many', and shdo, 'few', where the de is optional). In general, if
the modifier (which may range from one word to whole clauses) is
felt to be detachable from the noun modified, de comes in as a link


To recapitulate, de is not felt to be needed:

1. Where personal pronouns modify words denoting people in close

relationship to them.
2. Where the modifier is the name of a country, a language, or a
place of origin.
3. Where the modifier and the modified fuse together into one
concept or mental image: if one says da yu one is thinking of
a 'big-fish' as a form of life; if one says da de yu one is thinking

of a fish that in this instance is big.

Other distinctions may derive from the peculiarities of particular

words: jid, for example, has two meanings, 'family' and 'home';
in Ldo Zhang jid it means 'family', in Ldo Zhang de jid it can
only mean 'home'.
When one modifier that takes de is added to another modifier
that takes de, normally only the final de is retained (see VI, 1(b),
5 for an example).

3 Nominalization with 'de' (Speech Patterns 1(c), 2(c))

As well as marking subordination in a nominal construction, de

MAKES constructions nominal in the absence of a following noun:
leng de, 'cold one(s)'; re de, 'hot one(s)'; wo de, 'one(s) of me'
- 'mine'; shei de, 'one(s) of who?' - 'whose?'. In all these cases
the noun would be understood and it would be tedious to repeat
it, but a check can be made that one is on the right lines by

supplying it: td ydo zud si ge cdi, Hang ge leng de (cdi), Hang

ge re de (cdi); zhei fen bdo shi jintidn de (bdo), 'this paper is
today's (paper)' - see VI, 1(c). If the noun is not so readily to
hand, the expression ending in de may be used in the generalized
sense of 'things' or 'ones': gui de bit yiding hdo, 'dear things
are not necessarily good'.

4 'Yidianr'

Yididnr, 'a some' (often reduced to didnr, as we have


seen), plays a necessary part as a measure for things hard to quan-

tify, like yididnr qingcdi, 'some greens'. But out of politeness it

is also used rather freely as what might be called a 'mollifier' - to


indicate that people should only go to 'a little' trouble, 'a little'

expense, etc. So in II, Mr Zhang

dresses up his question, Jintian
xidng mdi shenme cai? 'What food do you intend to buy today?'

by adding didnr to shenme cai - 'a little of what food?'

5 Contractions (Speech Patterns 4)

Mei you 'not have' may be reduced to mei where an object

follows, hence mei jiu bu xing, 'not to have wine won't do', but
never simply, say, *wo mei.
Modal verbs of two syllables when repeated to make choice-type
questions may reserve the second syllable for the repeat: ni xihuan
bu xihuan he kdfei? 'do you like to drink coffee?' may be reduced
to ni xi bu xihuan he kdfei?; but in that case, xi bu xihuan
cannot be split by an object. This facility also extends to main verbs
of two syllables, but does not apply right across the board.

6 Tail-end questions

In English it is common enough to put forward a proposal and seek

a reactionby adding 'all right?', 'how's that?', and so on. In Chinese
the practiceis even more common, being less restricted as to tone

of voice. Favourite cues are hdo bu hdol, 'all right?'; xing bu

xing?, 'OK?'; kiyi bu kiyi?, 'can do?'; zinmeydng?, 'how's

7 Reduplication (Speech Patterns 3)

Reduplication (kdnkan, wenwen, etc.) confers upon a verb what

has been called the 'tentative aspect'. It tends to minimize the
action, hence used to refer modestly to one's own activities: wd

hin xidng xuexue, Td very much like to learn-learn' (have a go

at learning); and to prevail not too importunately upon another -
in other words form a mild imperative: ni wenwen Ido Zhang
ba, 'you ask-ask old Zhang'. There are circumstances where the
verb has to be reduplicated - where for instance the action involves
re-starts and repetition.
With monosyllabic verbs, yi 'one' can come between the verb
and its reduplicate: kdn-yi-kan, etc.

8 Voice

Verbs in Chinese are indeterminate as to voice, that is to say it

might only be context that decides whether an action is being done
by the subject or done to the subject. In this lesson bu zhun
occurs both in the sense of 'not allow' and 'not be allowed'.

1 Nouns modified by other nouns

(a) more often without de

Pattern: N N
W6 meimei bu xihuan zuo-fan.

1. Ta taitai zongshi shuo qian bu gou.

2. Lao Zhang jia yigong y6u ba kour ren.
3. Ta hui shuo Zhongguo hua, ye neng kan Zhongwen bao.
4. Shanghai ren dou ai chi yu ma?
5. Ta airen bu zhun ta he waiguo jiu, ye bu zhun ta chou waiguo
6. Jintian mei y6u ji tang, qlngcai tang xing bu xing? Qingcai
tang wo bu he.

(b) usually with de

Pattern: N de N
Wo meimei de airen hen xihan zuo-fan.

1. Lao Wang de taitai zongshi shuo qian bu gou.

2. Wo gen ta shi ershi nian de lao pengyou, keshi bu zhidao ta shi
shenme difang ren.
3. Zhe shi jintian de bao ba, w6 kankan keyi ma?
4. Na bu shi tamen jia de haizi, na shi tamen jia keren de haizi.

5a. Lao Zhang jia de nei liang ge haizi dou hen hao.
b. Lao Zhang jia nei liang ge haizi de mfngzi dou hen hao.

(c) where the modified noun is understood

Pattern: Zhei bei kafei shi shei de?


1. N6i bao shi nl de? Zhei bao shi w6 de, nei bao yd shi w6 de,
zhei liangbao dou shi w6 de.
2. Nei Hang zhi ji dou shi tamen de ma? Dou shi.

3. Zhei ban ping jiu bu shi nl de ba? Bu shi, shi w6 t6ngxu6 lao
W£ng de.
4. Zhei fen bao shi jintian de bu shi? Bu shi, shi zu6tian de.
5. Duibuqi, zhei ge shi w6 de. NT de? Shei shuo shi nl de?

2 Nouns modified by stative verbs

(a) more often without de

Pattern: SV N
Ta y6u yf ge xi^o dianshi.

1. Tamen 16ng tian he kafei, re tian he ch^.

2. Da yu chi xiao yu, xiio yu chl sh6nme?
3. Ta mei y6u h6n duo qian, kdshi h^i yao he hao jiu, chou hio
4. HSo ren h6n shao, hao shu y€ bu duo, zhe hua dui bu dui?
H6n dui.

(b) usually with de

Pattern: SV de N
Ta y6u yi ge hSn xiao de dianshi.

1. Zhe shi yi b£n h6n putong de shu, weishenme bu zhun w6 kan?

2. Weishenme tamen dou xiang chou name gui de yan?
3. W6 bu zhidao tamen liang ge r6n shi hdn hao de pengyou.
4. Ta xiang mai yi zhi bu tai gui de bi.

(c) where the modified noun is understood

Pattern: Da de shi w6 de, xiao de shi ta de.

1. Xiang he shenme? Ldng de yd y6u, re de y€ y6u. W6 xiang

xian he bei ch^.
2. H^o de bu hao de y€ shi ta de.
shi ta de,
3. Zhei ge shi gui de, gui de bu yiding hao.
4. Wang jia de liang ge nii'er, da de ba sui, xiio de liu sui.
5. Tamen jia lao de, xiao de, yig6ng shi'er k6ur ren.

3 Sentences with reduplicated verbs

1. Wanshang xiang zuo shenme? Xiang kankan dianshi.

2. Zhe shi shenme yu? W6 y6 bu zhldao, wenwen lao Zhang ba.
3. Duibuqi, w6 xiang wenwen nin, zhei ge Zhonggu6 hua jiao
shenme? Zhongguo hua jiao 'zidian'.
4. Ni hui zud Zhongguo cai ma? Bu hui, k^shi hSn xiang xuexue.
5. Ni weishenme yao qlng ta chi-fan? Ta ch^ngch^ng qlng w6,
w6 ye yinggai qingqing ta.

6. Ni qing w6 he jiu, w6 yinggai xidxie ni. Bu xie, bu xie.

4 Choice-type questions with two-syllable modal verbs

Patterns: a. W6 ke(yi) bu keyi chi yu?

b. W6 kfyi chi yu bu kiyH
1. Ni xi bu xihuan he kafei? H6n xihuan.
2. Ta ying bu yinggai he name duo jiu? HSn bu yinggai.
3. W6 ke bu k£yi kankan nin de bao? K6yi, kdyi.
4. W6 wen ta xi bu xihuan zhei ge difang, ta bu k6n shuo.


1 JI

Chi jl

Xiang chi jl

Ta xiang chi jl

Ta xiang chi ji zhi jl?

Ta xiang chi qi zhi jl

Wanshang ta xiang chi qi zhi jl

JIntian wanshang ta xiang chi qi zhi jl

Y6u yu.
Tamen y6u yu.
Tamen y6u bu shao yu.
Tamen y6u duoshao tiao yu?
Tamen shuo tamen y6u jiushijiu ti^o yu.
Tamen shuo tamen yigdng y6u jiushijiu tiao yu.

1 Into which of the gaps below should the marker 'de' go?

la. Zhongguo ( ) ren bu

he leng ( ) tang.

b. Zhongguo ( ) he bu re ( ) tang.
ren bu ai

2a. W6 ( ) pengyou xiang mai yi ben hao ( ) zidian.

b. W6 ( ) hao ( ) p6ngyou xiang mai yi b6n h6n hao ( )

3a. Ta ( ) meimei bu he re ( ) kafei.
b. Ta ( ) meimei ( ) airen bu he hen re ( ) kafei.
4a. Lao Wang ( ) airen yao zuo yi tiao da ( ) yu.
b. Lao Wang ( ) airen yao zuo yi tiao hen da ( ) yu.
5a. Ta ( ) hua bu shi putong ( ) ren ( ) putonghua.
b. Ta ( ) hua shi Shanghai ( ) ren ( ) putonghua.

2 Make up choice-type questions which might draw forth the

following answers:

Example: Ta bu xlhuan xue Yingwen.—>Ta xi bu xihuan xue


1. W6 hen xihuan he ji tang (chicken soup).

2. JIntianwanshang w6 keyi bu kan dianshi.
3. Ta yinggai xue dianr Zhongwen.
4. Zhei san ge ren key! ydng w6de zidian.
5. Tamen bu yinggai sheng name duo haizi.

3 Translate into Chinese:

1. Mrs Wang only drinks hot tea.

2. What is the name of Mr Wang's eldest son?
3. Who does this very expensive pen belong to? A friend of Mr
4. Which of these two dictionaries is yours? Mine is the little

one; the big one belongs to my younger sister.

5. As we are having guests this evening my wife is going to buy a
big fish.
n 2
Mingtian shi w6men jia lao er de shengri,
Tomorrow is our family old two (K) birthday,
n 2
w6men xiang mai ge dongxi g6i ta.

we plan buy (M) thing give him.

Lao er jlnni£n shiwu sui,

Old two this year 15 years-of-age,

mai dongxi g£i ta zhen bu r6ngyi:

buy thing give him truly not easy:

ta xlhuan de, wdmenbu xiang g^i;

he likes (K), we not plan give;

wdmen xiang g£i de, ta bu yiding xlhuan.

we plan give (K), he not necessarily like.

Jinnian w6 shuo sbng ta yi ge xiao shouyinji,

This year I say give him a (M) little radio,

k6yi tingting xlnwen, y6 k$yi tingting yinyue.

can listen-listen news, also can listen-listen music.

W6 taitai shuo shouyinji tai gui,

My wife says radio too dear,

xianzai tianqi zheme 16ng, ylnggai s6ng ta yi jian mdoyl.

now weather so cold, should give him a (M) sweater.
5 n I2
Shouyinji shi" h£n gui, d6i sanshi kuai qi^n,
Radio to be sure very dear, costs 30 pieces money,

kSshi maoyl y£ bu pianyi, hao de y£ n 8 yao ershi duo.

but sweater also not cheap, good (K) 'also' costs 20 plus.

W6men jia de shiqing, da de ting w6 de,

Our family (K) matters, big (K) heed me (K),

xiao de ting wd taitai de;

little (K) heed my wife (K);

mai ham de dongxi dangran shi xiao shi,

buy children (K) things of course is small matter,

taitaishuo m&i m£oyI jiu m&i m£oyi ba!

wife says buy sweater then buy sweater (P).

A: Mingtian lao er shengri, Tomorrow (is) Second Son's
ni shuo mai shenme gei birthday. What do you
ta? suggest we buy for him?
B: Mai dongxi gei ta zhen Buying something for him is

nan! a real headache!

A: Shi bu r6ngyi! Ta xlhuan (It's) not easy, right enough.
de, w6men bu xiang gei; What he likes we're not
w6men xiang gei de, ta inclined to give him; what
bu yiding xlhuan. we're inclined to give him he
won't necessarily like.
B: Mai ge xiSo shouyinji gei How would it be if we bought
ta zenmeyang? a little radio to give him?
A: Shouyinji tai gui, w6 Radios are too expensive, I

xiang dei sanshi kuai ba! think (they) must cost 30

B: Shouyinji shi bu pi£nyi, Radios aren't cheap,
keshi hen ydu-ydng: key! admitted, but (they) are very
ting xinw^n, ye keyl ting useful: (you) can listen to the
yinyue. news, and listen to music too.
A: Yaoshi ta tiantian ting Ifhe listened to music every
yinyue, ha^i y6u shijian day, would he still have time
nian-shu ma? to study?
B: Name ni shuo m&i shenme Then what do you suggest
ne? n.lO (we) buy?
A: MSi jian m^oyl ba. Let's buy a sweater.

B: W6men qunian gei ta de Wasn't it also a sweater we

bu ye shi maoyl ma? bought him last year?
A: Qunian shi qunian, Last year was last year, this
jlnnian shi jinnian. year is this year. The weather
Xianzai tianqi zheme is so cold now, is one sweater
leng, yi jian maoyi gou enough?
B: Dangran bii gou. Hao hao Of course it's not enough. All
hao, ni shuo mai maoyl right, all right, if you say
jiu mai maoyl ba! (we) should buy a sweater,
then let us buy a sweater!


A: Nin yao mai shenme? What do you want to buy?

B: Wo zhei Hang ge haizi, (Of) these two children of
lao da yao mai yi ben mine, the eldest wants to buy
Ying-Han zidi&n, ISo er an English-Chinese
yao m&i yi ben ditu. dictionary, the second son
wants to buy an atlas.

A: W6men ydu liang zhdng We have two kinds of

Ying-Han zidian: zhei English-Chinese dictionaries;
zh6ng xiao de qi kuai this small kind is IVi yuan,
ban, nei zh6ng da de that big kind is 12 yuan.
shfer kuai.
B: Kankan key! ma? Would it be all right to take a
A: Dangran kSyi. Of course it would.
B: Da de zi duo, jiu mai da The big one has more words.
de ba. Let's buy the big one then.
A: H^o. Nin hai yao mai Very You want to buy
ditu shi bu shi? Zhei ben an atlas as well, don't you?
zenmeyang? Zhi yao liu How about this one? It only
kuai san mao wu. costs six yuan thirty-five.
B: Lao er, ni kankan, xing Second son, have a look, will
bu xing? it do?

C: Xing, w6men laoshi yong Yes, the one our teacher uses
de jiushi zhei zhong. is just this kind.
B: Hao, jiu mai zhei bSn. All right, we'll buy this one
Yigdng duoshao qian? then. How much altogether?
A: Zidian shi'er kuai, ditu liu The dictionary is 12 yuan, the
kuai san mao wu, yigong atlas is 6 yuan 35, altogether
shiba kuai san mao wu. 18 yuan 35.
B: Yi wu, yi shi, shiwu, (One) five, (one) ten, fifteen,
ershi," gei ni ershi kuai. twenty, here's twenty yuan.
A: Xiexie, zhao nin yi kuai Thank you, here's one yuan
liu mao wu. 65 change, (lit: give-in-change
to you . .

A: Pinggu6 zenme mai? How are the apples sold?

B: Si mao wu yi jin, liang jln Forty-five cents a catty, two
ba mao. Nin yao ji jin? catties for 80. How many
catties do you want?
A: Yi jin y6u ji ge? How many to the catty? (One
catty has how many?)
B: Da de yi jin zhi y6u si ge, (As to) big ones, there are
xiao de y6u wu ge. only 4 to the catty, (as to)
small ones, there are 5.

A: W6 mai Hang jin ba, huai I'll buy two catties. I don't

de bu yao. want any bad ones.

B: W6men mai de shuigu6 (As to) the fruit we sell,
mei you huai de, geger there are no bad ones, every
dou hao. Liang jin er one is good. Would two
liang xing bu xing? catties two ounces be OK?
A: Xing. Duoshao qian? Yes. How much money?
B: Ba mao wu. Eighty-five cents.
A: W6 mei lingqian, gei ni yi I haven't any change. I'll give
zhang wu kuai de, xing you a five yuan one (i.e.

ma? note), all right?

B: Xing. Zhao nin si kuai yi OK. Four yuan fifteen
mao wu. Zaijian! change. Goodbye.
A: Zaijian! Goodbye.

mingtian (TW) tomorrow
shengri (N) birthday
dongxi (N) thing
gei (V) give
rongyi (SV) easy
song (V) give (as present); send, deliver
shouylnji (N) radio receiver
ting (V) listen to; heed
xinwen (N) news
ylnyue (N) music
xianzai (TW) now
jian(M) piece, item
maoyl (N) sweater, woolly
d6i (MV) must; need to
(V) cost (money); take (time)
kuai (M) unit of currency (wr. yuan); piece, lump
pianyi (SV) cheap
shiqing (N) matter
dangran (MA) of course
jiu (A) then (introduces a consequence or
nan (SV) difficult

y6u-yong (=SV) useful (lit: have use)

yaoshi (MA) if

tiantian (TW) day after day, everyday

shijian (N) time
nian (V) read (aloud); study an academic subject
nian-shu (V-O) study (read books)
qunian (TW) last year
ditu (N) map, atlas
zhong (M) kind, sort, type
mao (M) Vio of yuan (v/T.jido)
zhao (V) look for; give as change
pinggud (N) apple
zenme (QW) how? what?
mai (V) sell

jin (M) catty (500 gr.)


huai (SV) bad

shulgud (N) fruit
Hang (M) ounce (50 gr.)
ling (NU) zero, nil
lingqian (N) change, odd coins
zhang (M) sheet of
Renminbi (N) 'People's Currency'
r6nmin (N) the people
yuan (M) basic unit of currency
jiao (M) Vio of yuan (written)
fen (M) Vioo of yuan, cent

1 Verbal expressions in series

A sequence like wdmen xidng mdi ge dongxi gii td, 'we intend
buy a thing give him' should by now cause no alarm. Technically
speaking, mdi ge dongxi and gii td are known as 'verbal expres-
sions in series'. The relationship between verbal expressions that
are in series is not explicitly indicated; what is envisaged by the
speaker may simply be a sequence of events in the order in which
they occur - in this case the buying comes before the giving. Further
definition involves judgments which may be somewhat arbitrary.
However, it is reasonably clear that the logical relationship between
them is often one of purpose - the first action(s) being performed
in order to realize the second or last. Purpose appears to be up-

permost in the example given.

More examples of these series will be given in Lesson 9, Speech
Patterns 1.

2 Naming of children within the family

Sons and daughters are generally referred to by parents and those

of the parents' generation not by their givennames but by numer-
ical terms based on the order of their birth, all carrying the prefix
Ido. The oldest child is the exception, being called Ido da; the

rest follow regularly: Ido er, Ido sdn, and so on. Lao er is

identified in the text as male, but could equally be female.

3 The subordinating marker 'de' (contd) (Speech Patterns 6)

In Lesson 5 it was explained that de links descriptive (or restrictive)

expressions to nouns, or nominal constructions. The principle was
demonstrated by means of minimal phrases that would not appear
too out of place to English speakers. In this lesson we introduce
modifiers that consist of verbs, verbs with objects, and complete
clauses.The framework of modification in Chinese (X-de noun)
accommodates these more complex modifiers without change; it is
English that has to make shift, with relative clauses. Some exam-
ples: td xihuan de dongxi, 'he-likes-de things' - 'the things he
likes'; di he jiu de ren, 'fond-of-drinking-wine-de people' -
'people who are fond of wine'; women qunidn g$i td de dongxi,
'we-last-year-give-him-de thing' - 'the thing that we gave him last
year'.To sum up with a rule of thumb, that which answers the
question 'what kind of -?' comes before the relevant noun and is
linked to it by de.

4 Nominalization with 'de' (Speech Patterns 6(d))

Everyday terms for those who ply certain trades or belong to certain
groups are frequently made up of the verb and object denoting the
activity, plus de. It may be presumed that the 'missing noun' is

ren: 'person(s) who . .

.'. Mdi-bdo-de, for instance, is '(someone
who) sells papers' - a newsvendor.
A - de expression, amounting to an idiom, is
special case of a
ting (X) de, 'heed (someone's) (?views)' - 'be/do as someone says'.
Presumably it derives from the verb - object construction ting-
hud, 'heed words' - 'obey', but the object is left vague.

5 'Shi' with stative verbs

We have seen that stative verbs act as the main verb in the predi-
cate: shouyinji hen gui, 'radios are very dear'. If shi is added,
it is not as a superfluity. Shouyinji shi hen gui means 'radios,

it is the case, are very dear'. What shi does here is to stress the

fact of being dear (and incidentally it is pronounced with stress).

As such it commonly occurs where a point is granted, only for a
'but' to follow: shouyinji shi h£n gui, kishi mdoyi y€ bu
pidnyi, 'radios are, granted, very dear, but sweaters are not cheap

6 Money (Speech Patterns 1)

The basic unit of currency in China is the yuan (¥), referred to

colloquially as kudi 'piece, lump'. Correspondingly, 1/10 of a yuan
is formally jido and informally mdo. Fen for 1/100 of a yuan is
common to both registers. A detailed comparative table is set out
in VI, 1. In the spoken language, the last unit of currency in a
compound sum need not be particularized; when it is not, it is

assumed to be the next lower unit after the one that is mentioned.
For example, in Lidng kudi wu, 'two yuan five', the 'five' must
refer to mdo; in bd mdo wu, 'eight mao five', the 'five' must be
five fen. If there is no figure for an intermediate unit, its absence

is marked by ling, 'zero', e.g. bd kudi ling wu fen 'eight yuan,

zero (mao), five fen'; in these cases the last unit (here fen) must
be specified.
The word qidn (money) is customarily added after sums of a
single denomination, e.g. wu kudi qidn, san fen qidn. The word
'to cost', used in relation with sums of money, is variously d£i or
ydo, both meaning 'need', or mdi 'sell (for)'. For dii see n. 12

7 Over and odds (Speech Patterns 4)

'Over' a certain amount is expressed as the amount plus duo,

'(and) more'. The duo refers back to the preceding unit. Given
that numbers of things always take measures, that leaves two poss-
ible positions forduo: either number - measure - duo, when the
duo represents a fraction of the unit of measurement, e.g. lidng
sui duo, 'two years-of-age and more' - but less than three sui; or
number - duo - measure, when the number is a multiple of ten
and the duo represents a lesser full number, e.g. ershi duo kudi,
'20 and more yuan' - but less than 30. The unusual combination

ershi kudi duo would mean '20 yuan and more' - i.e. between 20
and 21. See VI. 4 (a).
Ban, 'half functions similarly to duo when it is an additional
fraction: qi kudi ban, '7 yuan (and a) half. But when it restricts
the measure, it comes, as it must, before it: ban ping jiu, 'half
a bottle of wine'. Yi ban, 'one half is, by contrast, a free word,
but whatever it is half of is stated in advance: Td de shit, yi ban
shi Yingwen de, '(Of) his books, one half are English ones' (see
note on part/whole relationship, Lesson 4).

8 'Ye' as 'still'

Apart from meaning 'also', ye can also mean 'still' when it serves
to offset a concession. In this usage it may combine with kishi,
'but', as in . . . kishi hdo de mdoyi yi ydo ershi duo, 'but
good sweaters still cost over 20'.

9 Reduplication of measure words (Speech Patterns 7)

Reduplication expands the reference of measure words from limited

to limitless numbers - to Hence tidntidn, 'day
all that there are.
after day', 'every day'; binbin, 'volumeupon volume', 'every
volume'. This facility is available only to measure words of one
syllable; and, as a further restriction, the reduplicated measure may
not stand at the end of a sentence; while you can say wo mdi yi
bin, you may not say *wd mdi binbin: the right order for the
latter is Wo binbin dou mdi. Notice that the second syllable
does not lose its tone in the case of reduplicated measure words;
it may also take an -r ending, according to choice.

10 The particle 'ne' in questions

Ne may be appended to already complete questions. It might con-

vey that the question takes into account what has gone before, in
which case it readily combines with name, 'then', or it might serve
more particularly to press a point.

11 Numbers again

The rule that two of anything is lidng rather than ir does not
apply in all cases. Lidng, 'ounce' attracts ir, presumably to avoid
same sound (indeed the same
repetition of the character). Some
other measure words tolerate either lidng or ir: it is possible, for
instance to say ir wii xidnsheng as well as lidng wii xidnsheng.
Lidng cannot be left suspended at the end of a multiple sum:
not *wu kudi lidng, but wukudi lidng mdo or wu kudi ir.
In studious enumeration, yi 'one' may be prefaced to single
digits. In this lesson money is counted out in notes of five yuan as
yi wu, 'one five', yi shi, 'one ten', but without yi thereafter:
shiwu, irshi, etc.

12 The MV 'dei'

Dii, 'must, have to' has as its negative bu ydng, 'need not' or
bu bound to' (not yet introduced). 'Must not' is variously
bi, 'not

expressed as bu zhun, bu kiyi, 'not permitted', bu neng,

'cannot', etc. Dii is used for 'cost' (money) and 'take' (time) only
if the expense is not easily afforded: compare Zhii zhdng shou-

yinji diiwushi kudi. 'This type of radio costs (as much as) ¥50'
with Zhii zhdng shouyinji zhi ydo wu kudi,' only costs . . .

¥5'. Dii does not stand on its own as a reply to a question: Ni

dii mdi ma? Dii mdi.

1 Units of currency

RMB Spoken Written


Basic unit
(yuan) kuai yuan
1/10 yuan m&o jiao
1/100 yu£n fen fen

RMB ¥ 0.05 wu fen (qian) wu fen

0.10 yi mao (qian) yi jiao
0.85 ba mao wu (fen) ba jiao wu fen
1.00 yi kuai (qian) yi yuan

1.20 yi kuai er (mao)/yi kuai yi yuan er jiao

liang mao
2.50 Hang kuai ban/liang er yuan wu jiao
kuai wu (mao)
4.73 si kuai ql mao san (fen) si yuan ql jiao san fen
10.06 shi kuai ling liu fen shi yuan ling liu fen
10.50 shi kuai ban/shi kuai wu shi yuan wu jiao
37.41 sanshiqi kuai si mao yi sanshiqi yuan si jiao yi
(fen) fen
90.05 jiushi kuai ling wu fen jiushi yuan ling wu fen

N.B. Spoken and written styles must not be married together, as

in e.g. *sdn yuan er mao.
STAMPS: 5 fen; 10 fen; 20 fen; 50 fen; 70 fen

2 Asking prices (Amount per unit)

(a) Zhei ben shu (mai/yao) duoshao qian?/ ji kuai qian?/ji mao
qian?/ji fen qian?
(b) Pinggu6 duoshao qian yi j!n?/Pinggu6 yi jln duoshao qian?/Yi
jin pfnggu6 duoshao qian?
(c) Zhei zh6ng yan duoshao qian yi bao?/Zhei zhong yan yi bao

duoshao qian?
(d) Pinggu6 zenme mai? 1. Yi jln si mao wu./Si mao wu yi jin.
2. Yi ge mao./Yi mao yi ge.

Jiu zenme mai? 1. Wu kuai ban yi ping./Yi ping wu kuai

2. Liang mao er yi bei./Yi bei liang mao
Yu zenme mai? 1. Yi tiao wu mao.AVu mao yi tiao.

2. Yi jin ba mao si./Ba mao si yi jln.


3 Goods at certain prices (noun constructions)

la. liang kuai qian de pingguo

b. liang kuai qian yi jin de pingguo
2a. ba kuai qian de jiu

b. ba kuai qian yi ping de jiu

3. yi kuai qian yi zhl de jl

4. yi mao qian yi bei de cha

5. qi mao wu yi bao de yan

4 'Duo' and 'ban'

(a) duo

1. NU -M- duo 2. NU - duo - M

(a) yi ge duo (pingguo) (a) ershi duo wei (keren)
(b) liang suiduo (b) sanshi duo jian (maoyi)
(c) san bei duo (jiu) (c) shi duo ben (ditu)
(d) si mao duo (qian) (d) bashi duo zhl (bi)
(e) wu kuai duo (qian)
(f) wushiwu kuai duo

(b) ban

1. ban - M 2. NU - M - ban
(a) ban ping jiu (a) san zhl ban (jl)
(b) ban tiao yu (b) si ge ban
(c) ban jin shuiguo (c) wu sui ban
(d) san ge ban-tiao yu (3 half- (d) liu jin ban (pingguo)
fishes) (e) qi kuai ban (qian)
(f) jiushiwu kuai ban

3. yi ban

(a) Ta de shu, yi ban shi Yingwen de.

(b) Chi-fan de qian, yi ren gei yi ban.
(c) Ta mai de nei wushi ge pingguo, yi ban bu neng chl.

5 Sentences with both direct and indirect objects

Pattern: S V indO dirO

W6 xiang sdng ta yidianr dongxi.

1. Ta zhi k6n g£i w6 Hang mao qian.

2. Ta mei you shouyinji, w6men sbng ta yi ge shouyinji
3. NI xiang bu xiang gei ta name duo ne? W6 zhi xiang gei ta yi
4. NI shuo s6ng ta shenme ne? Song ta liang bao yan ba.
5. Yaoshi ta bu gdi w6men dongxi, w6men jiu bu gei ta qian.

6 Modification of nouns by clauses with 'de'

(a) Pattern: S (MV) V de N

Ta xihuan de dongxi dou h£n gui.

1. NI zhidao de (shiqing) zhen duo.

2. W6 kan de zhei san ben shu dou shi lao Wang de.
3. Wdmen dou ai chl ta zuo de yu.
4. Ta yao zhao de (dongxi) bu shi zhei ge.
5. NI shuo de shi Zhongguo hua ma?
6. Ta shuo de nei zh6ng shi(qing) mei r6n ai ting.

(b) Pattern: (MV) V O de N

Hui shuo Zhonggu6 hua de Yinggu6 r6n duo bu duo?

1. Ai he jiu de ren yiding mei qian.

2. Kan bao de nei ge ren shi w6 pengyou.
3. Xihuan ting ylnyue de ren dou zhidao nei ge difang.
4. Mai shu de nei wei lao xiansheng zdngshi m€\ shijian zud ta
xihuan zud de shi.
5. Weishenme mai dongxi de ren zheme duo? Zhei ge difang de
dongxi pianyi.
6. Bu kan bao de ren dangran bu zhidao zhei tiao xlnwen.

(c) Pattern: S V (indirect) O de N

W6men qunian g6i ta de dongxi yd shi maoyl.

1. Ta bu tai xihuan chl w6men g6i ta de nei zhdng shulgu6.


2. Tamen song w6 de dongxi mei you hao de.

3. Zhe shi ta gei ni de qian ba? Ni zenme zhidao?
4. Ni zuotian wen wo de hua, w6 xianzai keyi wen ta ma?
Dangran keyi.
5. LaoshI gei women de shu jiu shi zhei ben.

(d) Clausal expressions which have become independent nouns

1. mai-bao-de (newsvendor)
2. song-bao-de (paperboy)
3. zud-fan-de (cook)
4. yao-fan-de (beggar)
5. mai-yu-de (fishmonger)
6. bao-xinwen-de (news announcer)

7 Reduplication of measure words

1. Ta tiantian wanshang dou yao he liang bei. (he Hang bei, 'have
a few drinks')
2. Wo mai de pingguo geger dou shi huai de.
3. Tamen niannianr dou yao song wo yi ping jiu.

4. Zhei ge difang jiajia dou y6u dianshi.

5. Lao Zhang nei wu ge haizi, geger hui zuo-fan.
6. Xue Zhongwen de ren tiantian wanshang dou dei nian-shu.


1 Pingguo.
Da pingguo.
Mai da pingguo.
Yao mai da pingguo.
Ta yao mai da pingguo.
Ta yao mai hen duo da pingguo.
Ta yao mai jiushijiu jln da pinggu6.
Ta yao mai jiushijiu jln jiu kuai qian yi jln de da pingguo.

2 Shi.
Putong shiqing.

Hen putong de shiqing.

Yi jian hen putong de shiqing.
Shi yi jian hen putong de shiqing.
Ta shuo de shi yi jian hen putong de shiqing.
Ta zuotian shuo de shi yi jian hen putong de shiqing.

1 Translate this table into connected speech:

Article qty ¥
e.g. maoyi 2 55.60
MaoyI Hang jian wushiwu kuai liii.

or Liang jian maoyi wushiwu kuai liu.

zidian 4

2 Incorporate the information given in sentence (a) into sentence

(b), using a modifying de clause

Example: a. Ta xiang kan nei ben shu. ) Ta xiang kan de nei

b. Nei b£n shu hen rongyi. » bdn shu h6n rdngyi.

1 a. Nei ge r6n ai chl shuigu6.

b. W6 zhidao nei ge ren shi shei.
2 a. Ta yao yong ben zidian.
b. Nei b6n zidian shi wdde.
3 a. Nei ge ren hui shuo Shanghai hua.
b. Ta hen ai chl Shanghai cai.
4 a. Tamen mai Zhongguo ditu.
b. Zhonggu6 ditu hdn gui.

5 a. Ta yao gei w6 yi ge shouylnjl.

b. Nei ge shouylnjl bu tai hao.
6 a. Nei zh6ng yu san mao wu yi jin.
b. W6 bu yao mai nei zh6ng yu.
7 a. Nei ge haizi tiantian song bao.
b. Ta y6u liang ge meimei.

3 Translate into Chinese:

1. We all love the chickens she cooks.

2. what you are reading difficult? No, it isn't.

3. CanI have a look at the radio you bought? Yes, of course.

4. How much altogether for these three books? Twelve yuan


5. The old gent who sells newspapers is very rich.

6. The atlas he wants to buy costs two yuan fifty.
7. What I want to know is whether he speaks German.
8. I'd like to read every book he has.
L&o Sun de pengyou xi&o Sun's friend Wang was
Wang yiqian hen pang, dajia formerly very fat, everybody
dou jiao ta pangzi. called him 'fatty'.

H6n duo ren zhi zhidao ta Lots of people just knew he

jiao pangzi,bu zhidao ta xing was called 'fatty', they didn't
shenme, jiao shenme. know his real name.

Xi&o W£ng yinwei tai pang Because Wang was too fat,

le, z6ngshi juede lei. he always felt tired.

M6i tian zhi xi£ng chl-fan Every day he just wanted to

shui-jiao, bu xi&ng zuo biede eat and sleep, he didn't want
shi. to do other things.

Houlai y6u wei pengyou jiao Later on a friend taught him

tada taijiquan, qfngxing jiu to do taijiquan, and the
wanqu&n bu yiyang le: situation became completely

ren y€ sh6u le, jingshen y£ his person got thin and his
h&o le. spirit good.

Yiqian bu xihuan gongzuo, Previously he did not like to

xianzai ta yi ge ren zu6 li&ng work, now on his own he
ge ren de shi; does two men's work;

yiqian mSi dun chi wu win before at each meal he ate

fan hai juede e, xianzai Hang five bowls of rice and still felt
n 5
win jiu b<k> le. hungry, now he's full with
two bowls.
L&o Sun sulr£n ren" bu Though Sun is not fat,

pang, y6 ch&ngch£ng juede he still often feels enervated.

jingshen bu h&o.

Ta bSnlai h£n xi&ng xuexue To begin with he was very

taijiquan, k£shi xianzai bu keen on having a go at
gan le. taijiquan, but now no longer

Xiao Wang wen ta Wang asked him why.


Ta shuo: 'Ni bSnlai hen pang, He said: 'You were fat to

dada taijiquan jiu shou le, begin with, through practising

dangran h6n hao; taijiquan you have got thin,
of course that is a good thing;

wo xianzai zhi y6u n 4 sishi duo I am now only 40-odd kilos;

gongjln, yaoshi zai shdu, if I get any thinner, I'm
kdngpa w6 zhei ge ren jiu afraid there won't be
mei y6u le!' anything left of me!'

Wang: Ei, lcio Sun, ni bu renshi Hey, Sun old man, don't
w6 le? W6 shi xiao Wang you recognize me
a! anymore? I am young
Sun: Shenme?! Pangzi xiao What? Young fatty Wang!
Wang! Ni z6nme . . . How come you . . .

Wang: Sh6u le, shi bu shi? I've got thin, isn't that so?
Sun: Shi a, ni yiqian bu shi h&n Indeed, weren't you very
pang ma? fat before?
Wang: Yiqian shi hen pang, y6u Before I was very fat, I

bashiwu gongjln, xianzai weighed 85 kilos, now I

tiantian da taijiquan, zhi practise taijiquan every

y6u liushi gongjln le. Ren day, and am only 60 kilos.
shou le, jlngshen ye hSo My figure is slimmer and I
le. feel better in spirit.
Sun: W6 ren suiran hen shou, Though I'm quite thin, I

keshi changchang juede often feel tired, and

lei,m€\ jlngshen. lacking in energy.
Wang. NI ye keyl dada taijiquan You too can have a go at
a! taijiquan!

Sun: W6 b6nlai h6n xiang I was keen to give it a try

xuexue, k£shi xianzai bu to begin with, but now I

gan le. don't dare.

Wang: Weishenme? Why?
Sun: Ni bSnlai hen pang, dada You were fat to begin
taijiquan jiu shou le, with, and practising
dangran h6n hao. W6 taijiquan has made you
xianzai zhi y6u sishi duo thinner, which is of course
gong j In, yaoshi zai shou, a good thing. I'm now
k6ngpa w6 zhei ge ren jiu only 40-odd kilos; if I get
mei y6u le! any thinner, I'm afraid
there won't be anything
left of me!


A: Zao a! Morning!
B: Zao! Tianqi lgng le. Morning! It's turned cold.
A: Shi a, mai dongxi de ren Very true, the shoppers are
y£ shao le. fewer as well.
B: Mai dongxi de r6n shao The fact that shoppers are
le, bu shi yinwei tianqi fewer wouldn't be because
leng ba? of the weather being cold
(would it)?

A: Na shi yinwei shenme? What would it be because

of then?
B: Kdngpa shi yinwei dongxi I'm afraid it's because
gui le. things have got dear.
A: Dongxi shi gul le. Qunian Things have gone up, it's

pinggu6 san mao er yi jln, true. Last year apples were

xianzai wu mao si le. 32 cents a catty, now
they're 54.
B: Zu6tian yu mai ba mao Yesterday fish was selling
wu yi jln, jlntian mai yi for 85 cents a catty, today
kuai le. it's selling for a yuan.
A: Dongxi gui le, kSshi Things have got dearer, but
w6men de qi^n haishi our money is still the same.

B: Sudyf xianzai mei dun w6 So now at every meal I can

zhi neng chi yi wan fan le! only eat one bowl of rice!

A: Zenmeyang, nlmen dou Well then, are you all well?

hao ma?
B: Dou hao, nimen ne? Yes, and you?
A: Wdmen yt dou hao. Ni We're all well too. Is your
fuqin hai zuo-shi ma? father still working?
B: Ta xianzai tai lao le, bu He's too old now, he can't
neng gongzuo le. work any more.
A: Shi bu shi hai ai he liang Does he still enjoy a couple
bei? of drinks?
B: Jiu zheme gui, ta ye bu With drink being so
chang he le. expensive, he doesn't drink
much either.
A: Yan hai chou ba? He still smokes, I expect?
B: W6 ma bu zhun ta chou, My mam doesn't let him
ta y€ bu gan chou le. smoke, (so) he doesn't dare
tosmoke either.
A: NI muqin shenti hai name Your mother's health is still

hao ba? as good as ever?

B: Ta xianzai pa pang, bu She's afraid of putting on
gan chi dongxi, sudyi weight now, and doesn't dare
shenti bii name hao le. to eat, so her health is not so
good any more.
A: Ni meimei hai jiao-shu Does your younger sister still

ma? teach?
B: Ta bu jiao le. Ta shuo She's given up teaching. She
jiao-shu zhei zh6ng says the job of teaching is too
gongzuo tai lei le. fatiguing.

yiqian (TW) before, previously
pang (SV) fat (of persons)
dajia (N) everyone
pangzi (N) fat person

MP) modal particle indicating change of state


juede (V) to feel, sense

mei (SP) each, every
shui-jiao (V-O) sleep
bie(de) (SP) other, alternative
houlai (MA) afterwards, later on (refers to past
jiao (V) teach
jiao-shu (V-O) teach
da(V) hit; fight; play (cards, or some ball games)
taijiquan (N) a form of exercise remotely resembling
qingxing (N) situation, state of affairs
wanquan (SV/A) complete; completely
yiyang (SV/A) the same; equally
shou (SV) thin, slim
jmgshen (N/SV) spirit, vitality; spruce, smart, lively
gongzuo (N/V) work; to work
dun (M) meal; bout; spell
wan (N/M) bowl; bowl of
e(SV) be hungry
bao (SV) be full, replete
suiran(MA) although
benlai(MA) originally, in the first place
gan (MV) dare to
gongjln (M) kilo (gong, prefix for metric units)
zai (A) again; further, progressively
k6ngpa (MA) I'm afraid; perhaps
I, ei, ai (I) hey! oi!
renshi (V) recognize, know
na (MA) then, in that case (= name)
fuqin (N) father
zuo-shi (V-O) work (not limited to occupation)
muqin (N) mother
shenti (N) body; health
pa(V) fear, dread, be afraid of

The modal particle 'le' (Speech Patterns 1, 2)

The particle le at the end of a clause adds a degree of comment to

the reporting of events or the description of a state of affairs. As
it occurs in this lesson, something has gone to it indicates: (1) that
the extreme, that limits have been reached or passed; in this usage
it regularly combines with the adverb tdi, 'too'. (2) that there has

been a progression, either in the shape of a new situation arising

or of the speaker newly catching on to what is happening. The
word xianzai, 'now', pairs naturally with when it has
le this force,

but even when xianzai is absent, 'now' may be needed in English

to convey the sense; with negatives, 'no more', 'no longer' may be
called for. If the development is envisaged rather than actual, 'now'
would be replaced by 'then'. Used in conjunction with stative verbs,
le marks a change of state: td hin pang, 'he is fat'; td pang le,

'he has got fat'. Sometimes the inclination may be to use the
comparative form in English to mark the progression ('he is fatter'),
but there is no such mechanism at work in the Chinese. Notice that
le cancels the need for a supporting hin with stative verbs; if hen

is used, it is really meant.

2 Correlative conjunctions (Speech Patterns 3)

Chinese abounds with matching pairs of conjunctions for sealing

the relationship between clauses. Most have close parallels in En-
glish, like suirdn . . ., kishilyi . . ., 'although . . ., but/still

. . .'; yaoshi . . ., jiu . . ., 'if . . ., then . . .'; ylnwei . . ., sudyi

. . ., 'because
., therefore .
.'. Some need slight adjustment,
. . .

like yi yi 'also also .' = 'both

. .,
. . . .,
. . . . ., . . . . . . . . .

and .'. Others need considerable adjustment, like zhi

. . ., bu . .

. ., 'only/just
. ., not .', which translates as something posi-
. . . .

tive, followed by 'but not .', e.g. above: Hen duo ren zhi . .

zhidao td jiao pangzi, bu zhiddo td xing shenme jiao shenme,

'Lots of people (just) knew he was called "tubby", but not what
his surname or given name was'. If one of the pair of conjunctions
is dispensed with, in English it is more often the second; in Chinese

the one introducing the second, follow-up clause is more often

retained. Note that of these yi and jiu are true adverbs and

therefore come immediately before the verb, so after the subject,

if there is one, e.g. always Ydoshi . . ., wd jiu . . ., never
*Ydoshi . . ., jiu wd . . .

3 'ren'

Apart from standing independently as a word meaning 'person(s)',

ren is used in relationship to a given individual in the sense either
of physical person or of personality. Grammatically, this ren may
be detached from the reference to this individual; or the two may
be in apposition: wd zhei ge ren, 'I, this (physical) person' or 'the
kind of person that I am'; or it may be the subject of a predicate
that comments on the major sentence subject or topic. This last
construction, known as a subject-predicate predicate (S-P P), can
be illustrated with the sentence Lao Sun ren bu pang. Lao
Siin is the subject/topic of the major sentence: '(As to) old Sun';
ren bit pang '(his) person is not forms a comment on Lao

Siin, but as a unit is itself made up of a subject (ren) and a

predicate (bu pang). More example of the S-P P construction will
be given in Lesson 9, Speech Patterns 5.

4 'You' with measurements and quantities

Formulas giving age, weight, dimensions etc. may not include a

verb: ta si sui, 'he is four years old'; wo wushi gongjin, 'I am

50 kilos'. You, 'have' may be introduced into this formula, in
which case it may have the connotation 'as much as': Wd yiqidn
hen pang, you bashiwu gongjin, T previously was very fat,
(was) "as much as" 85 kilos'. At other times it does not seem to
add anything at all, it just 'announces' the figure. However, when
an adverb is present its use is obligatory: Wo mei you wushi
gongjin; ta zhi you si sui.

5 'Jiu' and minimal requirements

Following a number jiu implies that the number is small: Liang

wan jiu bdo le, '(Just) two bowls, then full'.

1 Sentences with modal particle 'le' indicating change of state

(a) Pattern: SV le

Ta yiqian hen shou, xianzai zenme zheme pang le?

1. Zhongwen hen nan ma? Wo xianzai juede bu tai nan le.

2. Wang jia y6u ji ge haizi? Liang ge. dou da le.

3. Pingguo huai le ma? Ta mai de shi gongjln pinggu6 dou huai


4. Hui shuo putonghua de ren duo bu duo? Yiqian hen shao,

xianzaiduo le.
5. Mai ge xiao shouyinjl dei duoshao qian? Xianzai pianyi le,

ershiwu kuai jiu gou le.

6. Xianzai ni hai e ma? Bu e le.

(b) Pattern: Neg V (O) le

Ta zenme bu xue Zhongwen le?

1. Zai chl yi Bu le, xiexie nin, w6 bu chl le.

kuai yu ba!
2. Ta bu pa ma? Yiqian hen pa, xianzai bu tai pa le.
ta fuqin
3. Nin hai y6u biede shi ma? Mei y6u le.
4. Ni de hao pengyou lao Zhang zenmeyang? Lao Zhang?! Ta
bu shi w6 de pengyou le.
5. Tamen you ba ge haizi, hai yao sheng ma? Tamen shuo bu
sheng le, shei zhidao!
6. Nimen chi-fan ba! Bu yao shuo-hua le! Hao, bu shuo le.

(c) Pattern: MV V (O) le

Ta bu gan xue taijiquan le.

1. Ni hui da taijiquan ma? Yiqian hui, xianzai bu hui le.

2. Ta xihuan ting ylnyue ma? Yiqian bu tai xihuan, xianzai hen
xihuan le.
3. Tamen jia de haizi dou ai kan dianshi ma? Xianzai da le, bu
name ai kan le.
4. Dianshi zheme gui, ni bu xiang mai le ba? Bu xiang mai le,

y6u ge shouyinjl jiu xing le.

5. Nimen dou hui shuo Zhongguo hua le ba? Dou hui shuo
yidianr le, keshi hai bu renshi Zhongguo zi.

6. Ni zenme bu he le? Wanshang dei jiao-shu, bu nengzai he le.

(d) The three above patterns illustrated by means of contrast:

la. Qingcai pidnyi, ji gen yu dou hen gui.

b. Tianqi re le, qingcai pidnyi le.

2a. Tamen zhi mai shu, bu mdi ditu.

b. Mai ditu de ren shao le, tamen bu mdi ditu le.
3a. Ta shi lao Li de pengyou, w6 bu renshi ta.
b. Xiao Wang xianzai zheme pang, w6 wanquan bu renshi ta

4a. Ta xiang xue xinwen, bu xidng xue yinyue. (xinwen here

means 'journalism')
b. Ta benlai xiang xue yinyue, xianzai bu xiang xue le.
Ta benlai xue yinyue, xianzai bu xidng xue le.
5a. Ta airen mei you gongzuo, tamen mei you qidn.
b. Tamen yiqian hen y6u qian, k^shi tiantian chi hao de, he hao
de, houlai jiu mei you qidn le.
6a. Ta fuqin shi pangzi, ta bu shi pdngzi.
b. Ta xianzai zhi y6u sishi gongjln le, bu shi pangzi le.

2 Modal particle ie J used to show 'excessiveness'

1. Xiao Zhang (y6u) bashiwu gongjln, tai pang le.

2. Zhei zhong shouyinji tai putong le, jiajia dou y6u.
3. Ta zuo de nei zhdng gongzuo tai rongyi le, wo ye hui zuo.
4. Duibuqi, wo tai lei le, wo xiang shui-jiao le.

5. Ta kan dianshi le, mei you yi tian wanshang bu kan.

tai ai

6. W6 tai xiang chi yu le, jintian neng bu neng mai yi tiao?

7. Ta yi ge ren zuo shi ge ren de shi, jingshen tai hao le.
8. Xiexie nin, w6 tai bao le, bu neng zai chi le!

3 Sentences with adverbs used as correlative conjunctions

(a) zhi . . ., bill mei . . .

1. Ta zhi hui shuo, bu hui zuo.

2. Zhei ge difang zhi you kafei mei you cha.
3. Tamen zhi mai yu, bu mai biede.
4. Zhi zhun ta da ren, bu zhun ren da ta.

(b) yi..yi
1. Dajia dou xiang xue YIngwen; wdmen ye xiang xue, tamen ye
xiang xue.
2. Ta xihuan chl waiguo cai; Faguo cai yt chl, Deguo cai ye chl.
3. Tianqi hao, wdmen ye gongzuo; tianqi bu hao, w6men ye
4. Zhei ge difang zhi you zhei zhdng shuiguo; ni chl ye keyi, bu
chl y€ keyi.

(c) suirdn . . ., kishi . . .

1. Sulran ta fumuqin dou shi Zhongguo ren, keshi ta bu hui shuo

Zhongguo hua.
2. Dongxi sulran hen gui, keshi hai you hen duo ren mai.
3. Gongzuo sulran hen mang, keshi dajia de jingshen dou hen hao.
4. Wo sulran mei tian kan bao, keshi bu kan zhei zh6ng xinwen.

(d) yaoshi . .
., jiu . . .

1. Yaoshi taken shuoshuo nei tian de qingxing, na jiu tai hao le.
2. Yaoshi ni bu zhun wo kan dianshi, w6 jiu bu zhun ni ting
3. Zheme zuo k6ngpa bu xing ba? Yaoshi ta shuo xing jiu xing.
4. Yaoshi ni mei lingqian, jiu gei w6 yi zhang shi kuaide ba.

(e) yinwei . . ., suoyi . . .

1. Yinwei ta you hen duo Zhongguo pengyou, sudyi xiang xue

2. Yinwei ta tai ai ting ylnyue le, suoyi mei shijian nian-shu.
3. Ta yinwei shenti bu hao, suoyi hen pa wanshang gongzuo.
4. Ta mai de shuiguo dou shi huai de, suoyi mei ren mai.


1 Bu zhldao.
Wanquan bu zhldao.
W6men wanquan bu zhldao.

W6men san ge ren wanquan bu zhidao.

Zhe qingxing, w6men san ge ren wanquan bu zhidao.
Ta de qingxing, w6men san ge ren wanquan bu zhidao.
Ta yiqian de qingxing, w6men san ge ren wanquan bu zhidao.

2 Hen hao.
JIngshen hem hao.
Ta de jlngshen hen hao.
Ta da quan, su6yi ta de jlngshen hen hao.
Ta da taijiquan, su6yi ta de jlngshen hen hao.
Ta mei tian da taijiquan, su6yi ta de jlngshen hen hao.
Ta mei tian wanshang da taijiquan, su6yi ta de jlngshen hen hao.
YInwei ta mei tian wanshang da taijiquan, su6yi ta de jlngshen hen

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. Weishenme lao Sun bu renshi xiao Wang le?

2. Weishenme yiqian dajiadou jiao xiao Wang pangzi?
3. Weishenme houlai xiao Wang de qingxing wanquan bu yiyang
4. Xiao Wang yiqian xihuan gongzuo ma? Xianzai ne?
5. Xiao Wang xianzai mei dun chl ji wan fan? Yiqian ne?
6. Lao Sun jlngshen bu hao, shi bu shi ylnwei tai pang le?
7. Lao Sun xianzai y6u duoshao gongjln?
8. Lao Sun weishenme bu gan xue taijiquan le?

2 Extend these sentences by adding clauses beginning with xian-

zai and ending with le to show that the situation has changed:

Example: W6 yiqian bu hui shuo Zhongguo hua. —

W6 yiqian bu hui shuo Zhongguo hua, xianzai hui shuo

1. Zhei jian shi w6 yiqian bu zhidao.

2. Lao Wang yiqian hen pang.
3. Yiqian ta tiantian da taijiquan.

4. Ta yiqian bu chang kan dianshi.

5. Xiao Zhang yiqian ai chi yu.
6. Yiqian tamen mai Zhongwen shu.
7. Ta yiqian y6u hen duo waiguo pengyou.
8. Yiqian ta chang chi qingcai, shenti h£n hao.

3 Make sentences using the following adverbs as correlative


1. zhi . . . bu . . .

2. yfc . . . yfc . . .

3. sulran . . . kSshi . . .

4. yaoshi . . . jiu . . .

5. yinwei . . . su6yi . . .

4 Translate into Chinese:

1. It's got very hot.

2. He no longer my English teacher.

3. Once I could do taijiquan, now I can't.

4. Everything has become expensive now.
5. I don't care to read the papers any more.

6. You can have it. I don't want it any more.

7. He has had enough of teaching Chinese.
8. This television set no longer belongs to me.
9. It's too cold for us to work any more.

10. The book he gave me was too difficult.

Nanshan Renmin Gongshe Nanshan People's Commune
yigong y6u wu ge altogether has five weather
qixiangzhan. stations.

Zui xiao de nei ge zai da The smallest one is in the

shan-li, zhi y6u yi ge mountains, it has only one
qixiangyuan jiao xiao Zhang, weatherman (who) is called
shi w6 de lao tongxue. Zhang (and who) is an old
schoolmate of mine.

Zhei ge qixiangzhan sulran Although this weather station

putong de
zhi shi yi su6r is only an ordinary house,
kSshi qiantou y6u hu, houtou yet there is a lake in front,
y6u shu, zu6-you liang trees behind,and (left and
bianr" dou shi zhuzi, on both sides it is all
fengjing hen m6i. bamboos: the scenery is

Xiao Zhang hen xihuan zhei Zhang is very fond of this

ge difang, kdshi ta yi ge ren place, but he is alone in the
zai shan-li, mei you pengyou. mountains, without friends.

Zuijin xie xin gSi w6 gen xiao Recently he wrote to me and

Wang, qing w6men zhei IiSng Wang, asking us two city
ge cheng-li ren qu wanr. people to go and relax.

Zuotian tianqi h6n hao, w6 Yesterday the weather was

gen xiao Wang jueding qu very good, I and Wang
kankan ta. decided to go and see him.

W6men liang ge ren dou shi We were both going for the
n 4
diyi ci qu. first time.

Dajia dou shuo shan-li de lu Everybody said the hill paths

bu hao zh&o, bdnl&i yinggai were not easy to find,
xian wenwen bie ren zSnme actually we ought to first ask
z6u, xiao Wang shuo ta y6u (others) how to go; Wang said
ditu, kan ditu jiu xing le. he had a map, (if) he read
the map it would be all right.

Ta xue dill de," 6 w6

shi He was a geographer, I

dangran d£i ting ta de, naturally had to do as he

kSshi . . . said, but . . .

A: XiSo Wang, w6 tai e le, Wang, I am starving, I can't
bu n6ng zai z6u le. go any further.
B: Kuai dao le, kuai dao le. We're almost there, almost
Ei! Ditu-shang zdnme mei there. Eh! How come this
y6u zhei su6r fangzi a? house isn't on the map?
A: Qixiangzhan yinggai zai The weather station ought to
b&bianr, kdshi n^ibianr be to the north, but which
shi b£i a? way is north?
B: W6 xianzai y£ bu zhidao I'm not sure of the direction
fangxiang le. Ej NI kan, myself any more. Eh, look,
neibianr y6u ge xi^oh^ir, there's alittle kid over there,

w6men qu wenwen ta. go and ask him.

A: Xiao pengyou, zhe shi What is this place, young
shenme difang? friend?
C: Zhe shi w6 jia. This is my home.
B: Zhe shan-li shi bu shi ydu Isn't there a weather station
ge qixiangzhan? in these hills?
C: W6men l&oshl shuo y6u. Our teacher says there is.

A: NI zhidao zai nar ma? Do you know where it is?

C: W6men laoshl shuo jiu zai Our teacher says it's by the
hu-bianr. lake.
B: N6i ge hu-bianr? Nei ge By which lake? And where is

hu zai shenme difang ne? the lake?

C: W6men laoshl shuo neige Our teacher says the lake is

hu jiao Xiaominghu, zai called Xiaominghu, and it's

b£ibianr. to the north.


A: Name, ni zhidao ndibianr In that case, do you know

shi b£i ma? which way is north?
C: Ni kan ni de ditu ba, Look at your map: our
wdmen laoshi shuo, shang teacher says top is north,
b6i xia nan, zu6 xl y6u bottom is south, left is west,
dong, ditu de shangbianr right is east. The top of the
jiushi bSi! map is north!


A: W6 xiang wen ni liang g^ I'd like to ask you a couple

Zhongguo diming, hao bu of Chinese place-names, all

hao? right?
B: W6 zhidao yidianr I know a bit about Chinese
Zhongguo dili, ni wen ba! geography. Ask away!
A: Shandong zai nar? Where is Shandong?
B: Shandong zai Shanxl de Shandong is east of Shanxi.
A: Hunan ne? What about Hunan?
B: Hunan zai Hubei de Hunan is south of Hubei.
A: Guangxi ne? And Guangxi?
B: Guangxi zai Guangdong Guangxi is west of
de xlbianr. Guangdong.
A: K6shi Guangdong zai nar But where is Guangdong?
B: Guangdong dangran zai Guangdong is east of
Guangxi de dongbianr. Guangxi, of course.
A: Zhe w6 yd zhidao. W6 I'm aware of that. What I

yao wen de shi want to know is where

Guangdong zai Zhongguo Guangdong is in China.
shenme difang.
B: Bu shi zai Zhonggu6 de Isn't it in the south of China?
nanbu ma?

A: JIntian de bao zai ni nar Is today's paper over by you?

B: Bu zai wo zher. Shi bu shi No, it's not by me. Is it on
zai ni houtou de zhuozi- the table behind you?
A: Mei you a! O! Zai zher, No, it isn't. Oh, here it is,
zai yizi dixia. under the chair.
B: W6 jIntian hai mei shijian I haven't had the time to

kan bao, you shenme read the paper today, what

xinwen? news is there?
A: Bao-shang shuo dongxi It says in the paper that
dou gui le. everything has gone up.
B: Na bu shi xinwen! That's not news!
A: Zuijin zhao gongzuo hen Just recently it's become very
nan le. hard to find work.
B: Na ye bu shi xinwen. Ei, That's not news either. Eh,
kuai, kuai! Ni kan! quick, look! These three
Dianshi-shang zhei san ge people on television - is that
ren, zhongjian nei ge shi one in the middle young Li?
bu shi xiao Li?
A: Shi xiao Li. Ta pangbianr Yes, it is. Who is that girl by
nei ge nii-de shi shei? his side?
B: Bu renshi. Wo bu zhldao I don't know her. I didn't
tayou yf wei zheme hao- know he had such a good-
kan de niipengyou. looking girlfriend.


yuan (N) member of group, trade, profession

qixiangyuan (N) weatherman
suo(r) (M) classifier for houses and some
fangzi (N) house
tou (N/L-Suffix) head
qiantou (L/PW) in front
hu (N) lake
houtou (L/PW) behind
shu (N) tree
zuo (L) left, to/on the left

you (L) right, to/on the right

bian(r) (N/L-suffix) side
zhiizi (N) bamboo
fengjing (N) scenery
mei (SV) beautiful
Jin(SV) near, close
zuijin (MA) (just) recently
xie (V) write
xin (N) letter
cheng (N) city wall; city
cheng-li (PW) in town, urban
qu(V) to go, go to
wanr (V) to play, amuse oneself
jueding (V/N) decide; decision
di- (prefix) ordinal prefix
diyi (prefix + NU) first

ci(M) time, occasion

lu(N) road, path; way, route
zou (V) to go; to leave; walk
z6u-lu (V-O) to walk
dill (N) geography
kuai (SV/A) quick(ly); very soon
dao (V) to arrive, reach
(CV) to
shang (L) top; on top of; above
bei (L) north
beibian(r) (L/PW) north
neibian(r) (QW) where? (which side?)

fangxiang (N) direction

neibian(r) (L/PW) there (that side)
xiaohair (N) child
nar(QW) where? (= nali?)
xia (L) below; down; under; underneath;
xi (L) west
dong (L) east
diming (N) place name
bu (N/L-suffix) part, section
nanbu (PW) southern part, the south
nar, ner (L/PW) there (=nali)
zher (L/PW) here (=zheli)
zhuozi (N) table
yizi (N) chair
dixia (L/PW) under; below; beneath
zhongjian, zhongjianr between; among; in the middle
pangbian(r) (L/PW) (by) the side of
nu-de (N) female
wai (L) outside

1 Location (Speech Patterns 1-5)

Relative place words (RPW), as distinct from ordinary place words,

have a point of reference: to be 'in front', for example, you have
to be 'in front' of something. Grammatically they fall into two
categories: 'free'words which may be used separately from the
point of reference (hdutou you shu, 'at the back there are trees'),
or may be linked to it by the subordinating marker de (qixidng-
zhdn de hdutou you shu); and 'bound' words which are attached
to the point of reference as suffixes (shu-shang, 'on the tree'). The
'free'words have the noun endings -tou or bian (both toneless),
zuobian, 'left (of)'. The 'bound' words
e.g. qidntou, 'in front (of)';
are the minimal forms corresponding to certain 'free' words, e.g.
U - Utou. The free words as well as the bound come after the
point of reference: fdngzi (de) qidntou, 'in front of the house';
fdngzi-li, 'in the house'. Though the fact is disguised in English,

the RPW ismain object of attention, and the point of reference

is subordinate to it, so the word order is consistent with the rules

of Chinese grammar.
In this way in which they combine with nouns, RPWs vary in
their versatility: free words with a noun ending may be more or
less comfortable with a linking de; some suffixes may be usable

only if they balance a monosyllabic noun (e.g. cheng-wdi, 'outside

the town'), while other suffixes (-// and -shang) may combine with
practically any nominal, whatever its length.
Those RPWs which can be appended to ordinary nouns, so
making place words out of those nouns, we call localizers (L).
Cheng, for example, is not a place word, but cheng-wdi is.

Zher, 'here' and ndr, 'there' are localizers that can combine
with pronouns and proper nouns (as well as ordinary nouns). Ex-
amples: wo-zher, 'I here', 'here where I am', 'my place'; Ido
Wdng-ner, 'old Wang there', 'Wang's place'.
Place words and place-word phrases occur, as expected, before
the verb: neibianr you ge xido hdizi, 'over there there is a
(young) child'. In a sentence whose only point is to say where a
thing is, however, the place expression cannot occupy a subordinate
position; enter then the verb zdi, 'to be located', which takes the
place as a complement: qixidngzhdn zdi beibianr,
'theweather station is located to the north'; ni zdi ndr"?, 'you are
where?' - 'where are you?'.
Existence, as opposed to location, in a place is taken care of by
you, 'there is/are', as we have seen. Shi, 'is/are' usurps its territory
when the whole of the space visualized is taken up (a similar
division takes place in English): for example, zuobianr dou shi
zhuzi, 'on the left (it) is bamboos', as opposed to zuobianr

ydu zhuzi, 'on the left there are bamboos' (but that is not all
there is).

2 Resumption

Elements common to several words listed in succession can be

resumed by means of numbers, hence zuobian, ydubian, 'left side
(and) right side' can become zuo-ydu lidng bidn, 'left (and) right
(the) two sides'; and Yingguo, Faguo, Deguo can become Ying
Fa De sdn guo, 'England, France (and) Germany (the) three

countries'.Somewhat more redundantly, numbers frequently sum

up people or things bracketed together in some way: wdmen lidng
ge ren, 'we two people' - 'the two of Ndnshdn, Xishdn, us';
Dongshdn sdn ge difang, 'South Mountain, West Mountain, East
Mountain the three places'.

3 Imminent action with Me' (Speech Patterns 6)

In the stages of progression marked by le, the modal particle, the

one that envisages imminent attainment deserves a special category.
The connotation it carries is 'on the brink of. It may carry that
connotation by itself, but usually it is reinforced by ydo, 'will',

kudi and jiu, both used in the sense of 'very soon' or 'imminently',
or by the combinations kudi ydo, jiu ydo, 'will soon'. It is a
property of kudi that the particularizing verb (if understood) can
be left out: Kudi lei, 'Soon!' - 'Won't be long!', 'Almost there!',
etc., but there is no form *ydo le or *jiu le.

4 Ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers are formed very simply by adding the prefix di-

to cardinal numbers. Thus 'first' is and so

diyi, 'second' is dier,

on. Being a type of specifier, ordinal numbers take a measure with

the noun: diyi suo fdngzi, 'the first house'. G\ 'time, occasion'
measure word, hence 'first time' is diyi ci. The first (or
is itself a

whichever) time of doing something is expressed according to the


5 shi diyi ci V
women shi diyi ci qu, '(as to) us (it) is the first time of going'.
The formula may be modified by the inclusion of zhe, 'this', nd,
'that' to Zhe shi wdmen diyi ci qu, 'This is for us the first time

of going' - 'This is the first time we have gone'. Note also diji
'which (in a sequence)?; diji cil 'the how many-th time?

5 Stative verbs as adverbs (Speech Patterns 7)

A limited number of stative verbs function as adverbs in compound

descriptive phrases. The transition from SV to A is illustrated in

the following examples: rongyi, 'easy - easy to'; nan, 'difficult

- hard to'; hdo, 'good - nice to, easy to', da, 'big - greatly'; gdu,

'enough - enough to'. Hence, hao-kan, 'nice to look at' -

'good-looking'. Hao-kan, and a few combinations like it, have
something like 'word' status, and are hyphenated.

6 Verbal versus nominal

In situations where xue dili, 'he

either a verbal construction (td
studies geography') or a nominal construction (td shi xue dili de,
'he is one who studies geography') is possible, the nominal con-
struction has an air of permanence about it. It is therefore used as
in the example when the intention is to categorize, but it is also
preferred in the description of inveterate characteristics or stable
states of affairs, as you will discover later.

7 Points of the compass

In Chinese convention the points of the compass follow the order

dong, nan, xl, bei (ESWN) or sometimes dong, xl, nan, bei.

SE is dongnan; SW is xlndn; NE is dongbei; NW is xibei.

1 Directions and place words

(a) Compass directions

dong E dongnan
nan S
xl W
bei N

dongbianr xibeibianr
nanbianr beibii
xibianr dongnanbu
beibianr zheibian~zheli = zher
dongnanbianr neibian—nali = nar, ner
neibian?~nali? = nar?

(c) Place-word phrases

fangzi (de) qiantou/bian qixiangzhan (de) beibian

da shan (de) houtou/bian YTngguo (de) nanbian*
cheng waitou/bian; cheng-wai Zhongguo (de) xlbeibu*
hii litou/bian; hu-li wo zher
shu (de) shangtou/bian; shu- ni nar
shang lao Wang nar
shan (de) xiatou/bian; shan- shu-shang (in the book)
xia xin-shang (in the letter)

ni (de) zuobian bao-shang (in the paper)

ditii (de) youbian zidian-li (in the dictionary)
shu (de) dixia
lu (de) zhongjian/zhongjianr

*Yingguo de nanbian may mean either 'in the south' or 'to the
south' of England.
Zhongguo de xlbeibu means only 'in the north-west of China'.

2 'Zai' as main verb with complement

Pattern: N zai PW
Bao zai nar? Zai zhuozi-shang.

1. Ni jia zai nar? Wo jia zai cheng waitou.

2. You ren zai jia ma? Nei wei?
3. NI shuo de nei suor fangzi zai nar? Jiu zai Donghu nanbianr.
4. Ta gongzuo de difang zai cheng Htou ma? Bu zai cheng litou,
zai shan-shang.
5. Ta gei wo de xin zai nar? Jiu zai zhuozi-shang, zidian
6. Ni de qian ne? Dou zai wo airen nar!

7. Fangxiang dui ma? Dui, ni kan Xlhu bu shi zai women zuo-
bianr ma!

3 Existence in a place

Pattern: PW you N
Zhongguo you hen duo da shan.

1. Ylngguo beibu you mei you da hu? You, you bu shao fengjing
hen mei de da hu.
2. Shan-shang you hen duo fangzi, mei suor fangzi qiantou dou
you pingguoshu.
3. Zhuozi-shang you bei cha, bu zhidao shi shei de.
4. Donghii xibianr you yi tiao da lu, lu de liang bianr dou shi zhiizi.
5. Cheng-li you ge mai yu de difang, nar de yu hen pianyi.
6. Wo zher mei you ta yao de nei ge dongxi. (Contrast: Wo mei
you ta yao de nei ge dongxi.)

4 Collocations including PW suffixes

1. Bao-shang mei you zhei ge xinwen.

2. Shu-shang shuo zhei zhong zhuzi zhi you Zhongguo you.
3. Zidian-li mei you zhei ge zi ma? Mei you.
4. Ta xin-shang shuo zuijin gongzuo hen mang, keshi shenti hen
5. Wo zhei zhang ditu-shang you Hang ge Xlshan.
6. ShouyinjI-shang shuo zuijin mai fangzi de ren shao le.

5 Modification by place expressions

1. Fangzi houtou de shu dou shi pingguoshu ma?

2. Lao Zhang pangbianr de nei ge nii-de shi shei? Na shi ta
3. Wo hen xihuan hu zhongjianr de nei suor xiao fangzi.
4. Yizi-shang de nei ben dill shu shi shei de?
5. Ta zui xiang chi de jiu shi XThu-li de yu.
6. Ni mei tian wanshang dou kan dianshi-shang de xinwen ma?

6 The particle 'le' indicating imminent action

1. BSijing kuai dao le ma? Kuai le! Kuai le!

2. W6 yao shui-jiao le, bu neng zai chl le.

3. Ta ji sui? Kuai ba sui le.
4. Nan bu nan? Bu tai nan, w6 kuai hui le.
5. Ta de shengri jiu yao dao le, ni jueding song ta shenme?
6. Xinwen shijian kuai dao le, w6men tlngting xinwen ba!
7. Tianqi kuai yao l^ng le, w6 d€i qu m^i maoyi le.

7 Stative verbs as adverbs

1. Ta jia zai cheng litou, h6n rbngyi zhao.

2. Zhongwen h^n nan xue ma? Bu nan xue!
3. Zhonggu6 cai hao-chi, k^shi bu h^o zuo (= nan zuo).
4. Zhei jian shi h6n nan jueding ma? H6n nan jueding, w6men
wenwen biede ren ba!
5. Hu-bianr de fengjing zhen h^o-kan.
6. Zhei ge yinyue hdn hSo-ting.
7. Ta song w6 de nei ping jiu bu h^o-he.
8. Lao W&ng qing ke, ren duo cai shao, bu gou chi.
9. W6 xiang xid xin wenwen ta Beijing y6u shenme hao-wanr de



Shan-shang y6u wei xing Zhang de.

Shan-xia y6u wei xing Tang de.
Xing Zhang de renshi xing Tang de.
Xing Tang de y6 renshi xing Zhang de.
Xing Zhang de ydu shi yao zhao xing Tang de.
Xing Tang de yS y6u shi yao zhao xing Zhang de.

2 Fangzi.
Da fangzi.
Hao-kan de da fangzi.
H6n hao-kan de da fangzi.

Nei suo hen hao-kan de da fangzi.

Dongbian de nei suo hen hao-kan de da fangzi.
Xihu dongbian de nei suo hen hao-kan de da fangzi.
Zhao XThu dongbian de nei suo hen hao-kan de da fangzi.
Yao zhao XThu dongbian de nei suo hen hao-kan de da fangzi.
Tamen yao zhao Xihu dongbian de nei suo hen hao-kan de da

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation:

1. Nanshan Renmin Gongshe yigong y6u ji ge qixiangzhan?

2. Nei ge zui xiao de qixiangzhan zai shenme difang?
3. Zhei ge qixiangzhan qian-hou y6u shenme? Fengjing zenme-
4. Xiao Zhang qing pengyou qu zuo shenme?
5. Xiao Wang de jia zai nar?
6. Tamen liang ge ren shi diji ci qu Nanshan?
7. Nanshan-li de lu hao zhao ma?
8. Xiao Wang weishenme bu xiang wen bie ren qu qixiangzhan
zenme z6u?

2 Use the information provided in sentence (a) to expand sentence

(b) by means of a place-word phrase:

Example: a. Nei ben shu zai zhuozi-shang. >

b. W6 xiang kan nei ben shu. )

—» W6 xiang kan zhuozi-shang de nei ben shu.

la. Nei su6 fangzi zai shan-shang.
b. Nei su6 fangzi hen hao-kan.
2a. Zhuzi zai shan xiatou.
b. Mei y6u ren bu xihuan zhuzi.
3a. Nei ge wan zai ta qianbian.
b. ge wan Htou shi shenme?
4a. Nei fen bao zai zhuozi-shang.
b. Nei fen bao bu shi jintian de ba?
5a. Nei wei tongzhi zai ni houtou.
b. Nei wei tongzhi gui xing?

6a. Yu zai hu-li.

b. Yu tai hao-chi le.

7a. Nei ge dongxi zai shul-li.

b. Nei ge dongxi shi shenme?
8a. Pinggu6 zai shu-shang.
b. Haizimen xiang chl pfnggud.

3 Replace the stative verbs in these sentences by their antonyms

so as to reverse the meaning of the sentences:

Zhongwen h£n nan xue.—>Zh6ngwen h£n rongyi/hao xue.

1. Ta zuo de cai zhen hao-chi.

2. Ta shuo de nei jian shi h6n r6ngyi zuo.
3. Shouyinji-li de yinyue tai nan-ting le.

4. Ta gongzub de difang n^n zhao ma?

5. Jlntian wanshang de dianshi zhen hao-kan.
6. Shei bu xihuan ting hao-tlng de hua?
4 Explain the function of the particle le in these sentences:

1. Tai wan le, ta bu z6u le.

2. Ta jiu yao z6u le.

3. Zu6tian ta hui, jlntian ta bu hui le.

4. W6 kuai hui le.

5. Lao Wang jinnian wushi le.

6. Lao Zhang kuai wushi le.
7. Xiexie nin, bu he le, w6 ddi z6u le.
Li shifu shi w6men cheng-li yi Craftsman Li is an old
ge ti6gongch&ng de l&o worker in an iron works in
gongren, ta airen zai Diba our town; his wife teaches in
Xiaoxue jiao-shu. No. 8 Primary School.

Tamen y6u Hang ge haizi, yi They have two children, one

nan yi nii," dou yijing ershi male one female, both
duo le. already over 20.

Ncinhciizi shi jieTangjun, bu The boy is in the army, and

chang zai jia; nuhaizi zai is not often at borne; the girl

baihuo shangdian dang is an assistant in a store.


Lao Li mei y6u jidmei, zhi Li has no sisters, only a

y6u yi ge didi jiao Li younger brother called
Mingdao, yiqian zai daxue Mingdao, who previously
xue nong, studied agriculture at
Qingshan Renmin
xianzai zai and now goes in for water
Gongshe gao shuili, shi ge conservancy at Qingshan
ganbu. People's Commune; he's a

Ren h6n bu-cud, wenhua As a person he is very nice,

shuiping yt gao, k^shi jinnian his standard of education is

yijing sanshiwu le, hai mei high, but he is already 35 this

you duixiang. year and still hasn't a girl-

Yinwei fumuqin dou bu zai Because their parents are

le, zhei ge zu6 gege de both passed on, this elder
ch^ngchang wei zhei jian shi brother constantly worries
zhaoji. over this matter.

Zuijin didi xiang xue waiyii, Just lately the younger

xi£ xin qing gege ti ta zai brother wants to learn foreign
cheng-li mai Hang ben shu. languages; he has written to
ask his elder brother to buy
two books in town for him.

n 6
Jintian xlngqi-ri, lao Li jiu Today Sunday, so Li goes

qu gei didi ban zhei jian shi, to tend to this matter for his
zai lii-shang . . . brother; on the way . . .

Wang: Ai! Li shlfu, hao jiu bu Hey, 'old hand' Li, it's
jian, hai renshi w6 ma? been a long time. Do you
recognize me?

Li: Xiao Wang! Dangran Young Wang! Of course I

renshi, hao jiu bu jian! recognize you, it's been a

Xianzai zai n£i ge danwei long time!Which unit do
gongzuo a? you work in now?
Wang: San-ling-liii Chang, haishi Factory 306. I am still a
dang gongren. worker.
Li: Na hao a, y6u ji ge haizi That's fine. How many
le? children have you now?
Wang: Liang ge, yi nan yi nii, bu Two, one boy one wegirl,

neng zai sheng le. can't face having any more

Li: £, xiao W^ng, ni I say, young Wang, it

haoxiang y6u ge meimei, seems to me you've got a

shi bu shi? younger sister, isn't that
Wang: Shi a, xianzai zai Qlngshan now in
That's right, she's
Gongshe. the QingshanCommune.
Li: Qlngshan Gongshe?! W6 Qingshan Commune? My
didi ye zai Qlngshan a. Ni brother's at Qingshan too!
meimei zai nei ge Which production team is

shengchandui? your sister in?

Wang: Haoxiang shi Donghu The Donghu Brigade, as I

Dadui. recall.

Li: Tai hao le! Wo didi ye zai Marvellous! My brother's

Donghii. You jlhui neng at Donghu too. If you get
bu neng geitamen jieshao the chance can you
jieshao, wo didi hai mei introduce them, my
brother still hasn't . . .

Wang: Tai wan le! Wo meimei Too late! My sister is

yijing you duixiang le. already going steady.
Li: 6?! Zhen de? Oh, really?
Wang: Dangran shi zhen de, ta Of course it's true, her
n 4
duixiang ye xing Li, jiu boyfriend's name is Li too,
zai tamen gao shuili,
she-li he works on water
haoxiang jiao Li Mingdao. conservancy just in their
commune. I think he's
called Li Mingdao.
Li: Shenme?! Li Mingdao! Na What? Li Mingdao! Isn't
bu jiiishi wo didi ma? that that very younger
brother of mine?


A: Hao jiu bu jian, jia-li ren Long time no see, everyone

dou hao ba? at home all right?
B: Dou hao. Zuijin haishi Yes. Have you been as busy
name mang ma? as ever lately?
A: Yfyang. £, m gege The same. I say, which unit
xianzai zai nei ge danwei does your elder brother work
gongzuo a? in now?
B: Zai Er Zhong jiao-shu. He teaches in No. 2 Middle
A: Ni jiejie ne? What about your elder sister?
B: Zai Xinhua Shiidian She's a sales assistant in the
dang shouhuoyuan. New China Bookshop.
A: Ni didi hai zai Er-ling-si Is your younger brother still

Chang ma? in Factory 204?

B: Bu, ta bii zai gongchang No, he's no longer at the
le. Xianzai shi women factory. Now he's our
she-li de qixiangyuan, zai commune's weatherman, he
shan-shang gongzuo. works up the mountain.

A: Ni meimei bu zai Your younger sister wouldn't

Renmin Ribao le ba? still be at the People's Daily?
B: Hai zai. Ta jiu xihuan gao She's still there. That's just
xlnwen gongzuo. what she likes, news work.
A: Ni zhldao w6 xianzai zai Do you know what unit I
nei ge danwei ma? work for now?
B: Bu zhldao. O! W6 zhldao No. Oh, I know now, is it for
le, shi bu shi zai the public security bureau?

A: Bu zao le, wo dei zdu le! have to go!

It's late, I

B: Bie z6u le, jiu zai wdmen Don't go, have something to
zher chl-fan ba! eat right here with us!
A: Bu le, xiexie. W6 hai d6i I won't, thanks. I still have to

qu gei w6 meimei mai go and buy something for my

dongxi. younger sister.
B: Tamen hai zai shan-shang Are they still up in the hills?
A: Shi a. Ta shuo shan-shang That's right. She says it's

yijing 16ng le, jiao w6 ti already cold up in the hills,

ta mai jian maoyi. and has told me to buy a

sweater for her.
B: Tamen you ji ge haizi le? How many children have they
got now?
A: San ge le, dou hai xiao. Three, all still small. She's
Tiantian wei zhei san ge kept busy all the time by
haizi mang. these three kids.
B: Ta airen ne? What about her husband?
A: Ta airen zuijin pengyouti Just lately her husband has
zai cheng-li de zhongxue been teaching in a middle
jiao-shu, hen shao zai jia. school in town in place of a
friend, and is very little at
B: Xianzai dajia haoxiang Everyone seems to be busy
dou hen mang. Ni yaoshi now. If you write, please ask
xie xin, qing ni ti w6 wen after them for me.
tamen hao!

shifu (N) master craftsman; old hand
tie (N) iron
(gong)chang (N) factory, works
gongren (N) worker, workman
xiaoxue (N) junior school
nan (AT) male
yijing (A) already
jiefangjun (N) Liberation Army; member of same
jiefang (V/N) liberate; liberation
baihud shangdian (N) 'hundred goods shop', i.e.

(department) store
(shang)dian (N) shop, store
dang (CLV) be (in position of), serve as
shouhuoyuan (N) 'sell goods person' - shop assistant
jiemei (N) sisters (older and younger)
didi (N) younger brother
daxue (N) university
nong (N) agriculture
gao (V) do, go in for, make, get up to
shuili (N) water conservancy
ganbu (N) cadre
cud (N/SV) mistake; wrong, in error
bu-cud (IE) that's right; not bad, pretty good
wenhua (N) culture; (standard of) education
shuiping (N) level, standard
gao (SV) high; tall

duixiang (N) object (of affection); girlfriend or

zuo (CLV) be, act as, serve as
gege (N) elder brother
wei (CV) because of, for the sake of
zhaojf (SV) anxious, worried
waiyu (N) foreign language
ti (CV) on behalf of; for
(V) to stand in for
xingqi-ri/tian (TW) Sunday
xingqi (N). week

gei (CV) for; in the interests of

ban (V) do, manage, see to
ban shi (VO) see to matters, business
hao jiu bu jian (IE) long time no see
danwei (N) unit; place of work
haoxiang (MA) seemingly, as if

shengchandui (N) production team

shengchan (V/N) produce; production
dadui (N) 'big team' - brigade
jihui (N) opportunity
jieshao (V/N) introduce; introduction
gei ren jieshao effect an introduction for somebody
wan (SV) late
(shi) zhen (de) (SV) be true
shudian (N) bookshop
Renmin Ribao (PR) People's Daily
gong'anju (N) public security bureau
bie (= bu yao) don't (neg. imperative)
jiao (V) tell; order

zhongxue (N) middle school

wen X hao (IE) ask after, give regards to X

1 Coverbs (Speech Patterns 1(b), 2,3)

In that they introduce phrases that define when, where, how, for
whom, etc., the action of the main verb takes place or is initiated,
coverbs serve the same function as prepositions: ta air en zai
xidoxue jiao-shu, 'his wife teaches at junior school'. They are
called coverbs, and not prepositions, because they are recognizably
verbs, though some have lost the facility to function independently.
Zai, 'be located', ydng, 'use', and gei, 'give' we have already met
in their role as central verbs; as coverbs they become 'in, at (a
place or time)', 'with' (instrumental), and 'for' (the benefit of)
respectively.Gen as a verb has the meaning 'go along with, follow';
as a coverb it means 'with'. The verb ti means 'substitute for,
replace'; the coverb ti means 'on behalf of (and as such may

overlap with gii). Wei, 'for the sake of, because of will be met
only as a coverb.
As a type of verb, coverbs can be negated: td bu zai xiaoxue

jido-shu, 'she does not teach at junior school' - she teaches some-
where else. (If the negative governs the central verb it is the activity
that is being negated: td zai jid bit he jiu,' he does not drink at
home' - regardless of whatever else he does there). It is negatability
that distinguishes the coverb gen from the conjunction gen: wo
bu gen td qu, 'I am not going with him', as opposed to 'wo gen
td dou bu qu\ 'I and he are both not going'.

2 Balance

There is a noticeable predilection for evenly balanced phrases in

Chinese. These tend to conform to the laws of Classical Chinese,
thereby 'freeing' words that are bound in the modern language. An
example here is yi nan yi nix. Nan, 'male' and nil, 'female' are
used in modern Chinese only as attributives; the classical rules
permit their use as nouns, 'a male' and 'a female'. At the same
time the need for a classifier is dispensed with. The colloquial
equivalent is yi ge ndn-de yi ge nti-de.

3 Roles (Speech Patterns 4)

If 'being' means 'having the position of, it is dang or zuo rather

than shi. Td shi gongren identifies 'him' with 'worker'; td dang

gongren emphasizes the aspect of his status as worker, or having

the job of worker. Noun constructions can also be expanded by
means of the ddng/zud de framework to stress the role aspect:
. . .

zhei ge zuo gege de, 'this one who is in the position of elder
brother'; dang keren de, 'those who are in the position of guests'.

4 'Jiii'

Like similarly ubiquitous words in other languages, jiii is often

difficult to pin down to a precise meaning. We have met it in its
role of introducing the consequence that flows from a premise in
the yaoshi . . ., jiu . . . construction; and as indicating imminence
in combination with le; and, in the form of jiushi, in the sense of

'precisely, just, the very -' etc. The last applies loosely to some
other occurrences in this lesson: jiu zdi tdmen she-li gdo shuili,
'goes in for water conservancy in their very commune', i.e. no
further afield, 'just' there; and td jiu xihuan gdo xinwen gong-
zud, 'she "just" likes to do news work', meaning that news work
is the very thing she likes to do (other things pale in comparison)

- to be distinguished from td zhi xihuan ., 'she only likes. .

. .
.' (other things are ruled out).

5 Abbreviations

Names of institutions, campaigns, movements, etc .., are foreshor-

tened in common parlance. In English we can use acronyms, in
Chinese such names are reduced to a few (usually two) key char-
acters. Thus Dier Zhongxue, 'No. 2 Middle School' comes out
as Er Zhong.

6 Days of the week

Numbers are simply added to the word xingqi, 'week' to designate

the days from Monday (xingqi-yi) through to Saturday (xingqi-
liu). 'Sunday' is either xingqi-ri or xingqi-tidn. The word libai
(not used in these lessons) is an alternative to xingqi.

1 Verbal expressions in series

(a) First verb as functive verb (the verbs in series are marked by

1. Mingtian shi w6men jia lao er de shengri, w6men xiang m&i ge

dongxi g6i ta. (L.6)
2. (Ta) xi6 xin g6i w6 gen xiao Wang, qlng w6men zhei Hang ge
cheng-li ren qu wanr. (L.8)
3. Wanshang you keren, w6 d£i qu mSi cai.

4. Ta xiang zu6 dun Fagu6 cai chl.

5. Ni weishenme bu mSi ping hao jiu he?
6. Shan-li mei ren, ta h6n xiang zh^io ge p6ngyou shuo-hua.
7. Ta fumu yao s6ng ta qu xu6 n6ng, k6shi ta xiang xu6 yinyue.

8. Ta nar mei y6u shudian. Ta xie xin qing ta gege ti ta m&i shu.
9. Diwu Zhongxue yao zhao ren jiao waiyu, ni keyi jieshao w6
qu ma?
10. Nimen y6u fan chi, y6u shu nian, hai yao shenme?

(b) First verb as cover b (the coverbs are marked by dots)

1. Duibuqi, zher bu zhun shuo Shanghai hua, qing ni yong pu-

tonghua shuo.
2. XTngqI-san wo bu neng qu, qing ni ti wo gen laoshi shuo-yi-
3. Ta gei de qian tai shao le, mei ren ken gei ta zuo-shi.
4. Shei gei zhei san ge haizi zuo-fan?
5. Ni xiang gen shei xue Zhongwen?
6. Wo bu ai gen nei zhong ren shuo-hua.
7. Ni zenme neng yong ni fumu gei ni mai shu de qian mai jiu he
ne? Wo zhidao wo cuo le.

8. Qing ni ti w6 yong Zhongguo hua gen tamen shuo-yi-shuo, hao

bu hao?
9. Ni sanshiwu le, hai mei duixiang, wo zhen wei ni zhaoji!
10. Bie zhaoji le, g6i w6 jieshao yi wei niipengyou jiu xing le.

11. Bu zhun gei ta xie xin: a. Bu zhun xie xin gei ta.
b. Bu zhun ti ta xie xin.

2 'Zai' as coverb giving setting for main action

Pattern: S zai PW VO
Ta zai xiaoxue jiao-shu.

1. Jlntian wanshang mei shi, wo xiang zai jia kankan shu, xiexie
2. Zhang jia de lao er, lao san dou zai Er Zhong nian-shu ma?
Bu-cuo, dou zai Er Zhong.
3. Ni xihuan zai waiguo gongzuo ma? Zhe hen nan shuo.
4. Tianqi tai re le, hen duo ren zai fangzi waitou shui-jiao.
5. Ta xiang zai cheng-wai gao ge xiao gongchang.
6. Haizimen haoxiang dou ai zai hai-bian wanr. (hdi-bian,

7. Ta bu zai nei ge shangdian mai dongxi, ta shuo nar de dongxi

8. Zai cheng-li zhao gongzuo hen bu rongyi, jihui tai shao le.

9. Ta shuo nei ge difang jiu zai Shanghai de xlnanbianr. Qing ni

zai ditu-shang zhaozhao.
10a. Ta bu zai jia he jiu. (Ta zai nar he jiu? Zai jia he ma?)
b. Ta zai jia bu he jiu. (Ta zai jia he bu he jiu?)

3 Modification of nouns by clauses containing place expressions

Pattern: zai PW V O de N
zai shangdian mai dongxi de ren

1. Nei tian zai ni jia chi-fan de nei wei xiansheng shi bu shi
xue nong de?
2. Zai zhei ge daxue jido-shu de laoshl dou shi Ylngguo ren
3. Mei you ren renshi nei wei zai nar he jiu de lao taitai.
4. Zai shu-shang chi pingguo de nei Hang ge haizi shi shei jia

5. Zai Donghu qidnbian mai bdo de nei ge ren yiqian shi xue
xlnwen de.
6. W6 hen xiang zhidao nei wei tiantian zai daxue qidnbian da
taijiqudn de lao xiansheng duoshao sui le.
7. Nei wei jiushi zai women gongshe gdo shuili de Li shifu,
yiqian shi jiefangjun.
8. Wo nei wei gonganju gongzuo de pengyou waiyu
shuiping h6n gao, ye hen hui ban shi.

4 Classifactory verbs relating to job, status, function, etc.

1. Ta liang ge didi dou zai DiyI Tiegongchang dang gongren.

2. H6n duo ren dou xiang dang baihuo shangdian de
3. Zai zher dang laoshi de dou xlhuan he jiu ma?
4. Xiao Wang xiang dang jiefangjun, kSshi bu gou gao.
5. Zuo fumu de shei bvi ai ernii?
6. Lao Wang shuo-hua hdn bu hao-ting, mei ren xihuan gen ta
zu6 pengyou.
7. Zuo keren de dangran bu neng shuo cai bu hao-chi.

5 Subject-predicate predicates (see Lesson 7, n.3)

1. Ta gege ren haoxiang bu-cuo.

2. Ta didi shenti bu-cuo, ren ye jlngshen.
3. W6 meimei nian-shu hao, ban shi bu xing.
4. Lao Zhang ren gao, wenhua ye gao.
5. Zhongguo di da ren duo.
6. Zhe difang qiantou you hu, houtou y6u shan, fengjing zhen
7. Ta ji hao-chi, yu bu hao-chT.
airen zuo de cai,
mei ge shangdian ren dou hen duo.
8. JIntian xingqi-tian,

9. Shan-shang shu duo fangzi shao.

10a. Ta meimei gongzuo hao. (generally capable in her work)

b. Ta meimei de gongzuo hao. (same as (a); or referring to her


1 Jiefangjun.
Dang jiefangjun.
Yao dang jiefangjun.
Ta didi yao dang jiefangjun.
Ta didi jiu sui jiu yao dang jiefangjun.
Ta didi jlnnian jiu sui jiu yao dang jiefangjun.
Ta de xiao didi jlnnian jiu sui jiu yao dang jiefangjun.
Ta zui xiao de didi jlnnian jiu sui jiu yao dang jiefangjun.

2 Hao.
Dou hao.
Gongzuo dou hao.
Gongren gongzuo dou hao.
Gongren, geger gongzuo dou hao.
Gongchang de gongren, geger gongzuo dou hao.
Gongshe gongchang de gongren, geger gongzuo dou hao.
Women gongshe gongchang de gongren, geger gongzub dou hao.

1 Answer these questions in accordance with the Presentation

1. LI shifu shi shenme difang de gongren?

2. LI shifu de airen zai n£i ge danwei gongzuo?
3. Tamen y6u ji ge haizi? Dou hen da le ma?
4. Tamen de nii'er zai nar dang sh6uhuoyuan?
5. LI shifu de didi yiqian zai daxue xue shenme?
6. Ta xianzai zuo shenme gongzuo?
7. LI shifu de didi jinnian duoshao sui le? Weishenme LI shifu ti

ta zhaoji?
8. LI shifu nei tian qu ban shenme shi?
9. LI shifu de pengyou xiao Wang xianzai zai n6i ge danwei
10. Xiao Wang meimei de duixiang shi shei?

2 Incorporate the verbal expression (a) into sentence (b):


3 Translate the following pair of sentences into English (note the

difference between generalized and particular objects):

la. Ta yao qlng w6 chi-fan.

b. Ta yao qing w6 chl Donghu-li de yu.
2a. Ta hen ai he jiu.
b. Ta hen ai he Faguo jiu.
3a. Ta zai Er Zhong jiao-shu.
b. Ta zai Er Zhong jiao dill.

4a. Ta bu xlhuan shuo-hua.

b. Ta bu xlhuan shuo putonghua.
5a. Ta changchang yi ge ren zai hu-bian kan-shu.
b. Ta xiang kan nei ben Zhongwen shu.
6a. Ta yao ti w6 gei qian.
b. Ta yao ti w6 gei pinggu6 qian.
7a. Shei gei nimen zu6-fan chl?
b. Shei gei nimen zu6 yu chl?
8a. W6men qu mai dongxi hao bu hao?
b. W6men qu mai shouyinjl hao bu hao?
9a. Ta bu chang gei jia-li xie xin.
b. Ta bu chang xie zhei zh6ng xin.

4 Translate these sentences into Chinese:

1. He used to teach in a middle school.

2. They are going to buy a radio for their son.
3. She writes to her parents every week.
4. Though he is Chinese he doesn't speak to me in Chinese.
5. She often does her shopping at the little shop at the foot of the
6. I think I'll stay at home and watch TV tonight.

7. She's very fond of children. She wants to be a primary-school

8. Nobody wants to be friends with him any more.
9. Do you know the young lady who sells papers in front of the
10. I'm OK now, don't worry about me.
Lao Qian zai Lundun cheng-li Old Qian works in a library

de yi ge tushuguan gongzuo. in London town.

Ta cong xiao jiu dui From his youth he has been
Zhongguo you xingqu: interested in China:

ai kan Zhongguo dianymgr, he likes to see Chinese films,

ai Zhongguo yinyue,
ting likes to listen to Chinese
geng ai chl Zhongguo cai. music, even more likes to eat
Chinese food.

Ji nian qian"
kaishi xuexf A few years ago he began to
Zhongwen, xianzai yijing study Chinese, now he
renshi liang-san qian ge already knows two or three
Hanzi thousand Chinese characters.

Gen Zhongguo pengyou tan- In chatting with Chinese

tianr, kan putong de friends,and reading ordinary
Zhongwen shu-bao, dou mei Chinese books and papers, he
y6u shenme da wenti. hasn't any great problem.

Ta zaojiu xi^ng dao He has long since wanted to

Zhonggu6 qu liixing, kankan go to China to travel, and
Zhonggu6 ren pingchang de take a look at the ordinary
shenghuo qingxing, conditions of life of the

keshi yinwei ta de qian but because his money has

z6ngshi bu gou, suoyi yizhi always been insufficient, so
mei fazi qu. all along he has had no way
of going.

Zuijin ta ju6de bu n£ng zai Lately he felt he could not

d6ng le, jiu jueding zu6 wait any further, so decided
hudche jinggud Sulian qu to go by train through the
Beijing. Soviet Union to Peking.
Suiran lu-shang dei z6u ba-jiu Although on the way he
tian, yiding hen lei, yiding would have to travel for 8-9
hen bu shufu, kSshi zhe shi days, and certainly would be
qu Zhonggu6 zui pianyi de tired and uncomfortable, still
this is the cheapest means of
going to China.
Ta p6ngyou wen ta, zai His friend asked him, (given
hudche-shang de shfjian name that) the time on the train
chang, ta dou dasuan zu6 was so long, what (various
sh6nme, shi bu shi ddi dai ji- things) he planned to do:
shi b6n xiioshuo kan?
would he have to take several
tens of novels to read?

Ta shuo ta bu dai xiaoshuo. He said he wouldn't take


Ta bu dai xiaoshuo dai (If) he wouldn't take novels,

sh6nme ne? what would he take?

A: Ei, lao Qian! NI zai zher Hey, Qian old fellow, who
deng sh6i a? are you waiting for here?
B: Deng sh&? W6 bu deng Who am I waiting for? I'm
sh6i! W6
d6ng gonggdng not waiting for anybody! I'm
qiche dao ch6ng-li qu mai waiting for a bus to go to
piao. town to buy a ticket.
A: Mai shenme piao? Shi What ticket? Is it a theatre
xipiao h£ishi ticket or a film ticket?
B: Dou bu shi, w6 qu m£i Neither, I'm going to buy a
hu6chepiao. train ticket.
A: Yao qu luxing a? Shi bu You are going travelling? Are
shi dao b&bianr qu? you going up north?

w6 wang dong z6u, No, I'm going east, going to

B: Bu,
dao Zhongguo qu. China.
A: Sh6nme?! Zu6 hu6che What? Going to China by
dao Zhongguo qu, na dei train, how many days would

z6u duoshao tian a?! that take?

B: Bu yao duoshao tian, ba- It won't take many days,

jiu tian jiu g6u le. eight or nine will be enough.

A: C6ng zher dao Zhonggu6 There are planes going from

y6 y6u feiji a, weishenme here to China, too, you
bu zu6 feiji ne? Ydu kuai know; why don't you go by
you shufu. plane? It's both quick and

B: Shei bu zhidao zu6 feiji Who doesn't know the plane

y6u kuai you shufu, kSshi is both quick and

w6 de qian zhi gou mai yi comfortable, but my money is

zhang er dSng just enough buy a second-


hu6chepiao. Mei fazi! class rail ticket, no help for


A: Zu6 hu6che dou jingguo Which countries do you pass

n6i xie
n 7
gu6jia a? through on the train?
B: W6 hai bu tai qingchu, I'm not too clear as yet, I

zhi zhidao yiding yao only know we will definitely

jingguo Sulian. pass through the Soviet

The journey really quite a
A: Zhei tiao lu zhen bu jin, is

zai hudche-shang de distance. With the time on

shijianname chang, ni the train being so long, what
dou xiang ganma? do you have in mind to do?
K6ngpa ddi^dai jishi b6n No doubt you'll have to take
xiaoshuo ba? dozens of novels.
B: Bu bl, w6 zhi dai yi ben No need for that, I'll just
Zhongguo lishi jiu gou le, take a history of China, that's
zhei tiao lu suiran chang, all. Although the way will be

k^shi Zhongguo de lishi long, isn't Chinese history

bu shi geng chang ma? even longer?



A: Dao na> qu a? Where are you off to?

B: W6 dao Xlcheng qu. I'm going to the West End
(west part of town).
A: Zheme wari le,you It'sso late, and again so cold,
zheme leng, dao Xlcheng what are you going to the
qu ganma? West End for?
B: Mei fazi, wd dei qu kan There's no help for it, I have
ge pengyou. to go and see a friend.
A: Ni d&suan zenme qu a? How do you reckon on
getting there?
B: Wo zhe shi diyl ci qu, bu This is the first time I've
zhldao shi zuo dianche gone, I don't know whether it

hao, haishi zuo gonggong would be better to go by

qiche hao. tram or bus.
A: NI pengyou jia zai Whereabouts in the West
Xlcheng shenme difang? End is your friend's home?
B: Ta shuo jiu zai Xlcheng He said it's just behind the
Tushuguan houtou. West End Library.
A: Na w6 zhldao, zuo In that case I can tell you, it's
dianche qu fangbian, yi- easier to go by tram. You can
ling-jiu lii yizhi keyi dao get directly to the library by
tushuguan. Bu yong huan route 109. No need to
che. change.
B: Nin zhldao yi-ling-jiu lu Do you know where the 109
chezhan zai ma?
nai route stop is?
A: Hen jin, cong zher wang Quite near, you go north
bei z6u, guo liing ge from here, go over two
luk6u, xiang you zhuan, intersections, turn to the
baihuo shangdian qiantou right, and you'll find it in
jiushi. front of the department store.
B: Duoxie, duoxie! Many thanks!
A: Bu xie. Not at all.

A: Jlntian xingqi-liu, Today is Saturday, where do

wanshang dasuan dao nar you plan to go this evening
qu wanr? (for recreation)?
B: Bu xiang dao nar qu, ni Nowhere in particular, what
ne? about you?
A: Xiang qu kan chang I'd like to see a Japanese
Riben dianyingr, ni y6u film: are you interested?
mei you xingqu a?
B: Ni qing-ke, w6 jiu qu. I'll go if you're standing

A: Mei wenti! Ni qing w6 chi No problem! If you treat me

wanfan, w6 jiu qing ni to dinner, Til treat you to the
kan dianyingr. film.
B: Xing! Women qu chi dun Done! What would you say
Riben fan zenmeyang? to us having a Japanese
A: Hao a. Xianzai jiu z6u All right. Let's leave now, I'll

ba, wo kai-che. drive.

B: Cheng-li che name duo, There'll be so much traffic in

you mei difang ting, town, what's more be

haishi zuo ditie qu ba! no place to park: let's go by
tube instead.
A: Na bu fangbian le,
tai That's too inconvenient; you
zhongjianr yao huan che, need to change trains en
Hang tour hai dei z6u-lu. route, and have to walk at
both ends as well.
B: Ni pa zou-lu a? Dajia dou You're afraid of walking?
shuo z6u-lu dui shenti Everybody says walking is
hao. good for your health.
A: Ni de shenti yijing gou Your health is good enough
hao le, bu bi zai zou-lu already, you don't have to
le, haishi zuo w6 de che get any more walking in; it
qu ba. would be better to take my

Lundun (PW) London
tushuguan (N) library
cong (CV) from (used of time and space)
xingqu (N) interest (directed towards, not inherent in
dui X you xingqu take an interest in X
dianying(r) (N) motion picture
geng (A) more, even more

qian (L) before, ago

kaishi (V/N) start
cong. . . . kaishi starting from. . . .

xuexi (V/N) 'learn + practise' —study

qian (NU) thousand
tan-tian(r) (V-O) chat, natter
wentf (N) issue, question, problem
zaojiu (A) long since
luxing (V/N) travel
pingchang (SV/A) usual, everyday, ordinary; usually
shenghuo (N/V) life; live

yizhi (A) straight through, all along, directly

fazi (N) way, means, method
mei fazi (IE) have no way of; can't be helped
deng (V/M) wait (for); grade, class
zuo (V/CV) sit (on); travel by; by
huoche (N) train
jingguo (V/CV) pass through, by; by way of
Sulian (PW) Soviet Union
shufu (SV) comfortable
bu shufu (SV) uncomfortable
(IE) not feel well
chang (SV) long
dasuan (V) reckon on, have in mind to, plan to
dai (V) bring, take along
xiaoshuo (N) (work of) fiction, novel
gonggong qiche (N) 'public motor car' bus —
piao (N) ticket, coupon
xi (N) drama, play, show

wang (CV) in direction of, towards; bound for (also

pronounced wang)
feiji (N) aeroplane
you (A) again, then again
you. . .you. . . both. . .and. . .

(yi)xie (M) some, several, a small amount

guojia (N) state, country
qingchu (SV) clear
ganma? (IE) do what? get up to what? what for?
bi, bidei (MV) must, have to
bu bi no need to
lishi (N) history; history book
dianche (N) tram
fangbian (SV) convenient
huan (V) change, exchange
huan che (VO) change trains or buses
chezhan (N) station, stop
gud(V) pass, cross
luk6u(r)(N/PW) 'road mouth' — turning, intersection
xiang (CV) toward(s)
zhuan (V) turn
chang (M) performance; spell
Riben (PW) Japan
qing-ke (V-O) invite guest; stand treat
kai (V) open (up/out); start; operate
kai-che (V-O) drive
ting (V) stop, halt; park, berth
ditie (N) short for dixia tiiddo, 'underground
railway', tube

1 Further implications of 'jiu'

(a) Following time expressions, jiu implies that the time is com-
paratively soon cong xido jiu dui Zhongguo you
or early: td

xingqu, 'from (when he was) young he "already" was interested

in China'; td jiu sui jiu ydo dang jiifdngjun, 'at the age of 9
he "already" wanted to be a soldier'.

(b) Following mention of requirements or conditions, jiu implies

that these are easily met: bd-jiu tian jiu gou le, '(it only needs)
eight or nine days then it will be enough' - 'eight or nine days will
suffice'; bu bi zuo che, zou-lu qu jiu xing le, 'you don't need
to take the bus, (you only need to) go by walking then it's


2 Question words used in an indefinite sense (Speech Patterns 5)

Question words can be 'turned round' and used in the indicative

mood. When this is done, shei, 'who?' becomes 'anyone'; shenme,
'what?' becomes 'anything'; ndr, 'where?' becomes 'anywhere';
zenme, 'in what way?' becomes 'in any way'; ji and duoshao,
'what number?' become 'any number' (small or big respectively),
and so on.
Special mention should be made of ji and zenme. In the affirm-
ative yTmost commonly means 'a small number of, a few', as in ni
key ddi ji ben shii qu, 'you can take a few books along'. It can

combine with large round numbers either as a multiplier or as an

extra few: jishi jin pingguo, 'several tens of catties of apples'
and jiqidn ge ren, 'several thousands of people', and, the second
case, shift ben shu, 'ten-odd books'. In the negative ji behaves
as first td mei you ji ge pengyou, 'he hasn't any
number of friends (to speak of)'.
Bu zenme - is milder than might be deduced, meaning 'not
particularly' rather than 'not in any way': bu zenme kudi, 'not
particularly fast'.

3 'Dou' in requests for details (Speech Patterns 6)

Dou, 'both, all', as you know, sums up a plurality of things or

people with something in common, e.g. women dou you xipido,
'we all have theatre tickets'. It appears in a different role in ques-
tions asking for particulars to be enumerated, where it means
'severally, variously, in each case': the anticipated answer to the
question Ni dou xidng chi shenme?, would therefore include
more than one item. In this second use dou looks forward to the
matter of the question, rather than backward to the subject/topic
of the sentence.

4 Purpose in coming and going (Speech Patterns 4)

It was pointed out that with verbal expressions in series the rela-
tionship between them may be one of purpose. Clearly this will be
the case where the first verb is lai, 'come' or qu, 'go', as one
normally bestirs oneself in order to do something. The odd thing
with lai and qu is that they may occur after the business which is
the object of the coming or going, as either additional to or in
place of the same verb in the first position. That gives three possible
permutations for sentences that combine motion and purpose, for

W6 lai mai bao.

W6 mai bao lai.
W6 lai mai bao lai.

all of which mean the same thing, T have come to buy a paper'.
When they come after the main business, lai and qu lose whatever
tone they might have had, and have been called 'particles of

5 Passengers (Speech Patterns 3)

Travelling on a vehicle or vessel as a passenger is assumed to be a

sedentary occupation, hence the Chinese word for 'to go by' is

zud, 'to sit': Ni weishenme bu zud feiji ne? 'Why don't you ,

go by plane?' Zud also acts as a coverb, when it just translates as

'by': zud hudche dao Zhongguo qu, 'go to China by train'.

6 Choice accentuated

As we have seen, alternatives can be presented simply by juxta-

position: ni leilbu lei?, 'you are tired (or) not tired?'; zhei ge
h&olnei ge hdo? , one is good (or) that one is good?' Marking

of alternatives is, however, very common. It may be done by

prefacing the different prepositions with shi, 'it is the case', as in
Shi ni gaolshi ta gdo? ', 'It is the case that you are tall (or) it is

the case that he is tall?' Or the second alternative may be intro-

duced by hdishi, 'rather', with or without a matching shi for the
first alternative, as in Ni (shi) xihuan kan didnyingl hdishi

xihuan kdn xi?, 'You like seeing films (or) rather like seeing
plays?' The initial markers shi and hdishi may be reinforced by the
particle ne as an end-marker.
In suggestions, hdishi announces a preference after consideration
of alternatives: Women hdishi zud ditie qu bal, 'Let us rather
(=It would be better to) go by underground'.

7 '(yi)xie'

Xie or yixie denotes a small indefinite number or amount. It

generally modifies the noun directly {yixie ren, 'some people';

yixie xidoshud, 'some novels'), but may also combine with a
classifier (yixie ge ren, yixie bin xidoshud). When it denotes

an amount it is often interchangeable with yididnr. But its main

distinctive function is to show plurality: zhei ge ren-*zhei xie
ren; nei jidn shi-*nei xie shi.

8 'y6 . . . ye . . .' vs 'you . . . ydu . .


These two pairs of adverbs, both meaning 'both and .', . . . . .

overlap but also have their own province. Ydu ydu can . . . . . .

be used with verbs and SVs: ydu chi ydu he; ydu kudi ydu
shufu. Ye yi ... is better used with verbs only: yi xue
. . .

Zhongwen, yi xue Riwen. In addition, ydu is limited to sen-

tences where the subject of the verbs is the same: Td yi Idi, td
didi ye Idi, 'Both he and his brother are coming' - not *Td ydu
Idi, td didi ydu Idi.

1 Coming and going

Pattern: Zhongguo ren Idi (YIngguo),

Yingguo ren qu (Zhongguo).

1. Ta jlntian lai bu lai? Ta zuotian shuo yiding lai.

2. Nimen dou qu ma? Yaoshi y6u ren kai-che, w6men jiu dou
3. Ta xin-shang shuo shenme? Ta shuo ta hen xiang lai Lundun.

4. Xue Zhongwen de dou yinggai qu Zhongguo ma? Wo juede

dou yinggai qu.
5. Shei qu shei ner? Women zher difang da, nimen lai women
zher ba.
6. Mei nian Yingguo de waiguo ren zhen bu shao. Shi a, qu

waiguo de Yingguo ren ye hen duo.

7. Ta xiang qu Beijing, keshi mei qian, zenme ban? Mei fazi.

2 To and fro

Patterns: a. cong/dao X lai/qu

Wo cong/dao tushuguan lai/qu.
b. cong X ddo Y \ldilqu
Ta yao cong Faguo dao Deguo qu.

1. Zao a, ni cong nar lai? Wo cong jia-li lai.

2. Ni dao nar qu? Wo dao lao Wang nar qu.
3. XIngqi-tian bu gongzuo, mei ren dao zher lai ma? Pingchang
hen shao ren lai.
4. Tamen dou xiang dao shan-shang qu, ni zenme bu qu? Shan
ye tai gao, wo ye tai pang.
5. Nimen mingtian dao Qlngshan Gongshe, cong nar qu a?
Women cong chang-li qu.
6. Wo zaojiu xiang dao Riben qu, keshi yizhi mei jihui.
7. Cong Hubei dao Guangdong (qu) yiding dei jingguo Hunan
8. Cong xlngql-yi dao xlngqi-wu ta mei tian yao xue wushi ge
9. Cong zuotian wanshang kaishi, waiguo ren bu zhun zai dao
cheng waitou qu le.
10. Cong bao-shang keyi zhidao xianzai Yingguo de wenti hen duo.

3 Means of conveyance

Pattern: Wo mei tian zuo gonggdng qiche lai.

1. Nimen dao Zhongguo qu, dasuan zenme qu? Women zuo

huoche qu.
2. Cong Lundun dao Beijing, zuo feijl (qu) dei duoshao qian?
Putong piao kongpa dei yi qian duo kuai ba.

3. Lao Li shuo ni yao dao Faguo qu, zuo hubche qu ma? Bu,
w6 zuo pengyou de che qu.
4. Cong zher dao cheng-wai de Donghu y6u dianche ma? Mei
y6u dianche, w6men dei zuo gonggong qiche qu.
5. Qu tamen jia, zuo ji \u che? Tamen jia h£n jin, bii bi zuo
che, zdu-lu qu jiu xing le.
6. Ni shuo w6men zdnme qu hao? Z6u-lu qu ba, tianqi zheme
hao, z6uzou bu shi hen shufu ma?
7. Cong Lvindun zuo hu6che dao Shanghai yao duoshao tian?

Lu-shang dei ting duoshao zhan?

8. Cong ni jia zuo gonggong qiche dao daxue dei duoshao qian?

Liu mao wu.

9a. Nimen zenme qu hu6chezhan? Wdmen zuo ditie qu.
b. Qu hu6chezhan zenme z6u? Cong zher yizhi wang dong
z6u, guo san ge liikdur, xiang zu6 zhuan jiushi.

4 Purposes in coming and going

Patterns: a. W6 qu chf-fan.
b. W6 chi-fan qu.
c. W6 qu chi-fan qu.

1. Ni zui xiang qu shenme difang liixing? Zhongguo.

2. (Dao) nar qu? Qu cheng-li kan xi qu.
3. Ta dao shan-shang qu ganma? Ta qu xue taijiquan.
4. Zai he bei cha ba? Bu le, wo hai dei dao hu6chezhan qu song
pengyou. (sdng, 'see off)
5. Y6u jihui hen xiang dao Zhongguo qu gongzuo. Ni shi xue
shenme de?
6. Zhe xie ren dao w6men daxue lai ganma? Tamen lai kan
7. Ta bii xiang zai shengchandui le, xiang dao shan-shang qu gao
qixiang qu.
8. Mei shir, qing chang dao w6men zher lai wanr. Hao, yiding!

5 Question words as indefinites

1. Nin yao mai shenme?

a. W6 xiang mai zhang zhuozi.

b. W6 bu mai shenme, kankan kdyi ma?


2. Jintianwanshang dao nar qu?

a. W6 xiang gen pengyou qu kan dianyingr.

b. Bu dao nar qu, w6 xiang zai jia kankan dianshi.

3. Ta y6u duoshao Zhongwen shu?
a. Zui shao y6u wu-liuqian b£n.

b. Mei y6u duoshao, zui duo er-sanshi ben.

4. Nei xie guojia de shenghuo shuiping zenmeyang?
a. Hen gao.
b. Bu zenme gao.
5. Zhei xie wenti ni dou qingchu ma?
a. Hen qingchu.
b. Bu zenme qingchu.
6. Ni dui lishi xiaoshuo y6u xingqu ma?
a. Hen y6u xingqu.
b. Bu zenme y6u xingqu. or
Mei shenme xingqu.
7. NI dasuan gei shei xi€ xin?
a. Wo dasuan gei lao Li xie xin.

b. W6 bu dasuan gei shei xie xin.

8. Ni shenme difang bu shufu?

a. W6 de t6u bu tai shufu.

b. W6 mei shenme difang bu shufu.

9. Xlshan Gongshe y6u ji ge gongchang?
a. San ge.

b. Mei ji ge.

Compare: Xlshan Gongshe y6u ji ge gongchang, gongren

yigong ydu san-si bai.
10. Ni y6u ji ge huaqiao pengyou?
a. Shi-jl ge.
b. Mei ji ge.
Compare: W6 y6u ji ge huaqiao pengyou, tamen zhi hui shuo
Guangdong hua.

6 'Dou' used to indicate plurality in a question

1. Ni dou xiang chl shenme? W6 xiang chl dianr ji, y£ xiang chl
dianr yu.
2. Nimen dou dui shenme y6u xingqu? Tamen san ge ren dui
dill y6u xingqu, w6men wu ge ren dui lishi y6u xingqu.

3. Tamen dou xing shenme? Yi ge xing Li, yf ge xing Qian, hai

y<5u Hang ge xing Wang.
4. Mingtian xingql-tian, ni dou xiang ganma? W6 xiang qu mai
dongxi, ye xiang qu kan dianyingr.
5. NI dai zheme duo qian, dou xiang mai shenme a? W6 dei mai
hdn duo dongxi: maoyl, zidian, shouyinjl. . .

6. Tamen dou qu nei xie guojia? Tamen yao qu Faguo, Deguo,

Sulian, Riben gen Zhongguo.

7 More elaborate choice-type questions

Patterns: A: . . . . . .?

NI lei bu lei?
Zhei ge hao, nei ge hao?
B: shi A (ne), shi B (ne)l
Ni shi qu (ne), shi bu qu (ne)?
Shi Zhongwen nan (ne), shi Yingwen nan (ne)?
C: (shi) A (ne) hdishi B (ne)?
Ni shi xihuan (ne), haishi bu xihuan (ne)?
Shi ta qu (ne), haishi ni qu (ne)?

1. Ni shuo cha hao-he, kafei hao-he? Wo shuo kafei hao-he.

2. Shi ni renshi de zi duo, haishi ta renshi de zi duo? Women
Hang ge ren renshi de zi yfyang duo.
3. Shi ta lai haishi ni qu? Ta ye bu lai, wo ye bu qu.
4. JTntian wanshang chl yu hao haishi chi jl hao? W6 shuo haishi
chi yu hao.
5. Nimen zenme qu? Zuo huoche haishi zuo feiji? FeijT piao tai
gui, w6men zuo hu6che qu.
6. Ta shi xihuan kan dianyingr ne, haishi xihuan kan xi? Haoxiang
dou bu tai xihuan.
7. Nei ge shangdian (shi) zai chezhan dongbianr, haishi zai
chezhan xibianr? Wo ye bu tai qlngchu.
8. Zuo ditiS qu fangbian, haishi zuo gonggong qiche qu fang-
bian? Gonggong qiche fangbian: yl-yi-san lu yizhi keyi dao,
bu bi huan che.
9. Shi zai gongshe gao shengchan rongyi, haishi zai shan-shang
gao qixiang rongyi? Dou bu rongyi.
10. Shi ni de Hanyu shuiping gao, haishi ta de Hanyu shuiping
gao? Dou bu tai gao.

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. Lao Qian gongzuo? Ta y6u-qian ma?

zai nar
2. Xianzai ta renshi duoshao ge Hanzi?
3. Ta neng gen Zhonggu6 pengyou tan-tianr ma? Kan putong
Zhongwen shubao xing ma?
4. Lao Qian xiang dao Zhonggu6 qu zuo shenme?
5. Ta dasuan zSnme qu? Weishenme bu zu6 feiji?
6. Cong Liindun zuo hu6che dao Beijing dei duoshao tian?
7. C6ng Yingguo zuo hu6che dao Zhonggu6 dou jingguo nei xie
8. Lao Qian dasuan zai hu6che-shang kan xiaoshuo ma?

2 Replace whichever word is appropriate in these sentences by the

word in brackets and make any attendant changes called for:

1. Tamen dou xiang dao Zhongguo qu. (Yingguo)

2. Ta weishenme bu chang dao w6 jia lai? (shan-shang)
3. Lundun cheng-li che duo ren duo. (cheng-wai)
4. B6ibianr leng, women bu dasuan qu beibianr liixing. (nanbianr)
5. W6 hen e, hai xiang zai chl yidianr. (bao)
6. Zhongwen hen nan, ni dei tiantian xuexi. (rongyi)

3 Give negative answers to these questions, using question words

as indefinites:

1. NI xiang he dianr shenme?

2. Mingtian xlngqi-ri, nimen dao nar qu?
3. Zheme hao-chl de yu, ni qing shei chl a?
4. Lao Qian yigong y6u duoshao qian?
5. Ta hen xiang dao Zhongguo qu ma?
6. Zai Yingguo xue Zhongwen de ren h6n duo ba?

4 Translate into Chinese:

1. She goes to town to do her shopping every day.

2. He is coming here to see a couple of old friends.
3. Are you all going to China by train?
4. I don't go to the library to read the papers on Mondays.

5. What number bus do we want? We want either a no. 14 or a

no. 102.
6. We can't go to America by car, can we?
7. Where are you off to? I am going nowhere in particular.
8. Which is less expensive, to travel by train or by plane?
9. I don't know whether it's better to learn Chinese in Peking or
in Shanghai. It's better in Peking, I suppose.
10. Shall we go by car or shall we walk?
11. Do you have to go to the library? No, I don't have to.
12. I'm tired and hungry. I can't speak Chinese any more.
Zuotian w6 dao Lundun qu le. Yesterday I went to London.

Zaochen ba dian duo zhong I set out after eight o'clock in

chufa, wanshang shiyl dian yi the morning, only returned at
ke cai huflai, zh£ngzh£ng quarter past eleven at night; I

mang-le yi tian. was occupied for the whole of

the day.

Lundun ren duo, che yt duo, In London there are lots of

dao nar qu dou bu rongyi. people, lots of cars, it's not
easy to get anywhere.

C6ng shangwu shi dian dao From ten in the morning to

xiawu wu dian ban, wo half past five in the
yigbng pao-le b^ ge difang, afternoon, I rushed round to
ban-le san jian da shi; fan yt eight places, settled three
mei chi, cha y^ mei he, zhen major matters; I didn't even
shi you e y6u lei. have any food or tea, I really
was hungry and tired.

B^nlai dasuan zuo liu dian Originally, I planned to go

ling liu fen de hu6che hui jia, home by the 6:06 train,
mei xiangdao zai chezhan unexpectedly I ran into young
menk6ur pengjian-le daxue Li, who had been with me at

tongxue xiao Li. university, at the station


Lao pengyou jian-mian When old friends meet they

dangran feichang gaoxing, w6 are naturally very pleased: I

yt wang-le lei, mashang jiu for my part forgot about

gen ta jin-le jiiiguanr, m6i being tired, at once went into
ren xian he-le san bei, cai a pub with him; each of us
kaishi tan bi-ye yihou de drank three glasses, and only
qingxing. then began to talk about our
situation since graduating.

Ta gaosu w6 ta xian zai He me he first taught a

zhongxue jiao-le yi ni£n year'smaths in high school,
shuxue, you zai gongchang then worked in a factory for
dang-le liang nicin gongren, two years; later on someone
hdulai y6u ren jieshao ta jin- introduced him to go into the
le gongzuo de zhei jia
xianzai company where he works
gongsi, zhuanmen gao dianzi now, (where he) specially
jisuanji - ye jiushi w6men goes in for electronic
chang shuo de diannao. computers - that is, the
'electric brains' we usually
refer to.

Ta dui zhei ge gongzub He is exceptionally interested

feichang y6u xingqu, yijing in this work, and has been
gan-le liu-qi nian le. doing itfor six or seven years

Ta zhidao w6 wanquan bu Knowing I had absolutely no

d6ng diannao, yong zui
jiu understanding of computers,
jiandan de shuxue gen w6 he used the simplest
jiushi diannao shi z6nme yi mathematics to explain to me
hui shi, k£shi ta shuo-le yi ge what computers were about,
duo xiaoshi, chule ling gen yi but after he had talked for
yiwai, w6 haishi shenme dou more than an hour, apart
bu d6ng, zuihdu w6 zhihao from zero and one, I still

gen ta shuo: didn't understand anything;

in the end I could only say to

A: Xiao Li, ni bie 'dui niu Li, stop 'playing the lute to
tan qin' le, ni shuo-le yi cattle', you have talked for
ge duo zhongtou w6
le, over an hour, and I still don't
haishi bu d6ng, w6men understand, let's change the
tantan biede ba. subject.
B: Tan biede? W6 gao Change the subject? I've
diannao gao-le zheme duo been into computers for so
nian le, xianzai naozi-li many years that now there's
chule diannao, shenme nothing in my brain but
dou mei ydu le. computers.

A: Tantan ni ziji de shi ba, Let's talk about your own

xian gaosu w6 jie-hun le affairs. First tell me if you're
meiyou. married or not.
B: Hai mei ne. Xianzai zhao Not yet. It's really not that
ge duixiang zhen bu simple to find a partner now.
jiandan. W6 yljing zhao-le I've already been looking for
fi nian le. a few years now.
A: Ni daxue de shihou bu
zai When you were at university
shi y6u ge xue lishi de nu- didn't you have a girlfriend
pengyou ma? who was reading history?
B: Ni shuo de shi xiao Zhang You mean young Zhang, I
ba? Shi, w6men liang ge suppose. That's so, we two
ren hao-le wu nian duo, were on good terms for over
kdshi w6 jin-le diannao five years, but when I went

gongsi, ta jiu gen w6 into the computer company

fenkai le. she split up with me.
A: Weishenme? Why?
B: Ylnwei w6 z6ngshi gen Because I was always with
diannao zai yiqi, m£i tian the computer, I could only
zui duo zhi neng gen ta meet her for a few minutes at
jian-mian ji fen zhong. most every day.
A: Na dangran bu xing! That naturally wouldn't do! I
TIngshuo diannao ye neng hear that computers can even
ti ren zhao duixiang, shi find partners for people, is it

zhen de ma? true?

B: Dangran shi zhen de, Of course computers can
it is,

diannao shenme shi dou do anything you like. Once I

neng zuo. Y6u yi ci w6 asked the computer, what
wen diannao, xiang w6 kind of person should
zhei yang de ren, yinggai someone like me look for as
zhao shenme yang de ren a partner; guess what the
zuo duixiang, ni cai computer said.
diannao shuo shenme?
A: Yiding shuo ni yinggai It's sure to have said you
zhao yi wei y6u piaoliang ought to find a pretty, and
you nenggan, you . . . capable, and . . .

B: Bu dui, bu dui, diannao Wrong, the computer said

shuo xiang w6 zhei yangr someone like me could only
de ren zhi neng zhao ge find a robot for a partner!
jiqir6n zu6 duixiang!


A: Zu6tian xingqi-tian, Yesterday was Sunday, did

chuqu le meiyou? you go out?
B: Chuqu le. Chi-le zaofan, Yes. I went up the mountain
dao shan-shang qu le.
jiu straight after breakfast.
A: Cong m jia dao shan- How many hours did it take
shang dSi z6u ji ge to get up the mountain from
zhongtou a? your house?
B: W6 ba dian shi fen chufa, I set out at ten past eight,
cha yi ke shi dian jiu dao- and arrived at quarter to ten,
le, z6u-le chabuduo yi ge (so) I walked for about an
ban xiaoshi. hour and a half.
A: Zhen kuai a! Tianqi Wow, that's fast! With the
zhenme 16ng, ni dao shan- weather being so cold, what
shang qu ganma? did you want to go up the
mountain for?
B: W6 qu da taijiquan. I went to practise taijiquan.

A: Da taijiquan yiding yao Do you necessarily have to

dao shan-shang qu ma? go up the mountain to
practise taijiquan?
B: Bu yiding, keshi jiao w6 Not necessarily, but the
taijiquan de laoshi zai teacher who teaches me
shan-shang. taijiquan is up the mountain.
A: Ni xue-le duo jiu"
le? How long have you been
learning now?
B: Yijing xue-le san nian le. For three years already.
A: Ni neng bu neng ji^shi Can you fill me in on what
jidshi 'taijf shi z£nme yi 'tof/f (Supreme Ultimate) is

hui shi? all about?

B: Yaoshi w6 zhidao 'taijf If I knew what 'taijV was all

shi zdnme yi hui shi, w6 about, I too would have gone

y€ dao shan-shang qu le. (to stay) up the mountain.

A: Zhang shushu, nin lai le. Hello, uncle Zhang.


B: Xiao pangr, ni baba zai Is your daddy at home,

jia ma? Tubby?
A: Wo ba bu zai jia, chl-le No, my dad isn't at home, he
fan jiu chuqu le. went straight out after his
B: Shenme shfhou huflai a? What time will he be back?
A: Kongpa dei shiyi dian ba. I'm afraid it will(have to) be
B: Dao nar qu le? Where has he gone?
A: Ta mei shuo dao nar qu, He where he was
didn't say
keshi wo zhldao. going, but know.

B: Keyi gaosu wo ma? Wo Can you tell me? I have some

y6u shi yao zhao ta. business with him.
A: Gaosu nin keyi, keshi nin It's all right to tell you, but
bu neng gaosu wo ma. you can't tell my ma.
B: Weishenme? Why?
A: Woba dao kour-shang My dad has gone to the pub
nei jia jiuguanr he jiu qu on the corner to have a
le, wo ma zui bu gaoxing drink, and my ma is most put
wo ba he jiu le. out when my dad drinks.
B: Ni ma ye bu zai jia ma? Isn't your ma at home either?
A: Bu zai. Wo ma qu da pai No, my ma has gone to play
qu le. Keshi nin bie gaosu mahjong. But don't tell my
wo baba, wo ba zui bu dad, my dad is most put out
gaoxing wo ma da pai le. when my ma plays mahjong.

zaochen (TW) morning
-dian zhong (M-N) hour of the clock
chufa (V) set out
ke (M) quarter (of an hour)
cai (A) only then; not until
huflai (V) come back
hui (V) return to
zhengzheng (A) fully; a whole
shangwu (TW) morning, a.m.
xiawu (TW) afternoon, p.m.
pao (V) to run (to), hurry (to); run away

fen (M) minute (clock time)

mei xiangdao (IE) unexpectedly, to one's surprise
menkdu(r) (PW) entrance
pengjian (V) run into, meet
jian-mian (V-O) meet, see one another
feichang (A) exceptionally
gaoxing (SV) pleased, exhilarated
wang(-le) (V) forget
mashang (A) at once (lit. on horseback)
jin (V) enter
jiuguanr (N) pub
bi-ye (V-O) to graduate
yihou (MA) after, afterwards, later
gaosu (V) tell

shuxue (N) mathematics

jia (M) and business
for families
gongs! (N) company
zhuanmen (SV/A) special(ly)
dianzi (N) electron
jisuanjl (N) calculating machine, computer
diannao (N) 'electric brain'

gan (V) do, work, get on with

dong (V) understand
jiandan (SV) simple
jieshi (V/N) explain; explanation
hui (M) occasion; for affairs, matters
yi hui shi (NU-M-N) a matter, business
zenme yi hui shi (IE) what it's all about
xiaoshi (N/M) hour
chule. . . .(yiwai) apart from. . . .

zuihou (MA) finally, eventually

zhihao (A) be forced to, could only
niu (N) cattle, cow
tan qin (VO) play/strum lute
zhongtou (N) hour
naozi (N) brain
ziji (PN) oneself
jie-hun (V-O) marry

shfhou (N) time

. . . de shfhou (TW) when
hao (SV) be on good terms
fenkai (V) separate, part
yiqi (PW) together
-fenzhong (M-N) minute (length of time)
tingshuo (V/N) hear (it said) that; hearsay
cai (V) guess
piaoliang (SV) pretty, handsome
nenggan (SV) capable, competent
jlqiren (N) mechanical person, robot
jiql (N) machine, machinery
chuqu (V) go out
zaofan (N) breakfast
cha (V/SV) lack, differ by; short of, not up to the
chabuduo (SV) almost the same (lit. doesn't differ
(A) almost, about
(IE) not bad, just about right
shushu (N) uncle (father's younger brother);
'uncle' (polite usage by children)
ba(ba) (N) pa, dad
da pai (VO) play mahjong or cards

1 Further uses of 'le' (Speech Patterns 2-5)

This lesson introduces the verb-suffix and new uses of the sen-

tence particle le. Both have to do with an action being accom-

plished, but neither is applied mechanically as various forms of the
past tense are inEuropean languages. Their use is to a large extent
determined by the thrust of the utterance. The plain form of the
verb in Chinese indicates no more than that the action is entered
upon; whether it is carried through or not is a point which may or
may not be felt to be worth making.

(a) Verb-suffix '-le' for 'completed action'

This is used where an action took place at a point in the past, or

where an action has to be completed before something else is done,
irrespective of time setting. The verb has to be an 'action' verb,
not a dispositional verb, and capable of definite termination. The
more and delimited the action is made by reference to
particular context, the greater the need for this verb-suffix -le, to
the degree that it is obligatory where precision is given to the object
or complement by quantifying it, e.g. wd chi-le sdn wdn fan,
'I ate three bowls of rice'; td shui-le yi ge zhongtou, 'he slept for

an hour'. When the object is otherwise modified, again the more

particular the modifier the more call for -le, e.g. Td jieshao-le
zhei bin xin shu, yi jiishi-le didnndo ti ren gongzud de
winti, 'He introduced this new book, and also explained the
question of computers working for people'. Another likely situation
is where an action is precipitated by a previous one or when it

culminates a chain of events (see Speech Patterns, 3(a)). All these

have to do with sharpness of focus on the action; they provide
sufficient but not in all cases necessary conditions for the use of the
verb-suffix -le.

-le cannot be dispensed with in the second case mentioned, that

is, in dependent clauses which represent a stage or condition that
has to be completed or satisfied prior to proceeding to further
action. These are typically followed by jiu, 'then' or cdi, 'only
then'. Here the verb form can be viewed as an absolute construction
- 'having . .
.'. For examples see VI, 3(c).
-le also habitually attaches itself to a certain class of verbs that
have a built-in terminal point, like those for 'forget', 'sell', 'die',
'kill', etc.: bie wang-le!, 'Don't forget!' When two verbs construc-
tions are in series, it is normally the second verb that takes the -le

suffix, not the first : Ydu ren jieshao td jin-le zhei jid gongsi,
'Someone introduced him to join this company'.

(b) Sentence particle 'le' for 'accomplished fact'

The aspectual significance of the sentence particle le is that the

event so marked took place before a certain point. This point might
be the moment of speaking, but equally there might be no connec-

tion with the present: one is simply facing or presenting a given

situation, something that is over and done with, whether or not
there might be implications for the present. (It is often difficult to
distinguish this 'past event' lefrom the 'new situation' le, as both
acknowledge some change in the picture of things). While the
verb-suffix -le focuses on the act as it is realized, the sentence
particle le establishes the fact that something has taken place. It
follows that the context will in the latter case tend to be less
specific, and the object the verb takes is often a generalized one.
See VI, 2 for examples.

(c) Combination of verb-suffix '-le' and sentence particle 'le'

Where the verb ends the sentence, a final le might combine the
verb-suffix and sentence particle in one, as there is no form, *le le.
Where the object is a simple one, the sentence particle le suffices
to convey finality: W6 yijing mdi piao le, 'I've already bought a
ticket' (end of story). If the verb has a suffix (Wd yijing mdi-le
piao le) it serves to give separate stress to completion of the action.
(See Speech Patterns 4 (b))
Where the object or complement is a quantified one, the sentence
le marks the end of the process as the present moment, and implies
that some further statement as to its continuance or termination is

to be expected: wd he-le wu bei bu neng zai he le,

le, 'I have
drunk five glasses and can't drink any more'. See VI, 4(c)

(d) Negation

Both the 'completed and the 'accomplished fact' le find

action' -le
their negation in mei(you): mei kdn, 'didn't watch it'. Where a
final le relates the action to the present, hdi mei ... ne, 'still

haven't .
.' would be
. appropriate; the ne implies that the pre-
existing state of affairs is continuing. For choice-type questions
various formulas are given in VI, 2.

(e) Non-use of verb-suffix '-le'

The verb-suffix -le is incompatible with verbs of a static nature or

of indefinite duration, like shi, xidng ('resemble'), zai, d£i,

xiwdng, xihuan, etc. It is also not used after verbs that take a
verbal construction as their object, like ddsudn, jueding, kaishi.
It is not applied to habitual, recurring or concurrent actions.
It is not necessary when describing circumstances or relating
sequences of events (if it is used, it breaks the sequence into
separate steps).
For more grammatical contexts where -le is not used, see VI, 5,
and also check back over the text of this lesson.

2 Divisions of the day (Speech Patterns 1)

Readings of clock time in hours and minutes, and lengths of time

measured in the same way are given in detail in Speech Patterns 1
The word zheng, 'whole, round' attached to clock hours means
'exactly': sdn didn zheng, 'three o'clock exactly'. 'To' or 'before'
a clock hour is expressed by means of chd 'short of (cf. archaic
English 'lack'); the chd expression may either precede or follow
the hour: chd yi ke sdn didn or sdn didn chd yi ke, 'a quarter
to three'. Please note from the Speech Patterns when the use of
zhong, 'of the clock' is recommended; when minutes (fen) or
quarters (ke) measure the whole of a length of time, zhong is


3 *Time when' and 4 time how long' (Speech Patterns 1, 6)

Information as to when an secondary to the

action takes place is

action itself, and comes before the verb. The time an action persists,
however, figures as a kind of object to the verb (called a 'cognate'
object) and comes immediately after it.
Time clauses introduced by 'when', 'before' and 'after' come
under the heading of 'time when', and so precede the main verb.
But within the time clause, the words specifying the time relation-
ship, .de shihou, 'when' ('at the time of), yiqidn, 'before'
. .

and yihdu, 'after', come at the end: ni zdi ddxue de shihou,

'when you were at university'; bi-ye yihdu, 'after graduating'.

4 Prompt and tardy; 'jiii' and 'cai' (Speech Patterns 8)

We have already seen that jiit conveys the evaluation of earliness

or promptness; cai has the opposite feeling ot action delayed or

tardy: 'only then'. Like jiu, cdi is a 'true' adverb, and must come
immediately before the verb.

5 Total comprehension and total exclusion (Speech Patterns 7)

If question words used in an indefinite sense do not go out of their

way to exclude anything (bu mdi shenme, 'not buying anything
- in particular'), the giving of prominence to the question word and
the support of dou or ye stress absolute comprehensiveness:
shenme ye bu mdi, 'not buying anything at all*; td shei dou
di, 'he loves absolutely everybody'.
(Note that ye has the same function of highlighting what goes
before it in fan ye mei chl, 'didn't eat any food, even'.)

6 Questions of degree

many' when placed before a stative verb

In questions, duo, 'much,
asks about degree or extent: duo jiu?, 'how long?'; duo da?,
'how big?'

1 Time expressions

(a) Readings of clock time

1:00 yi dian (zhong)/yi dian zheng

2:03 Hang dian (ling) san fen
3:10 (p.m.) (xiawu) san dian shi fen
4:15 si dian shiwu fen/si dian yi ke
5:20 (a.m.) (zaochen) wu dian ershi fen
6:30 liu dian sanshi fen/liu dian ban
7:40 qi dian slshi fen
8:45 (p.m.)(wanshang) ba dian sishiwu fen/ba dian san ke/
yi ke jiu dian/jiu dian cha yi ke
9:50 (a.m.) (shangwu) jiu dian wushi fen/cha shi fen shi dian/
shi dian cha shi fen
12:55 shi'er dian wushi wu fen/cha wu fen yi dian/yi dian cha wu
19:47 shijiu dian sishiqi fen

22:30 ershi'er dian sanshi fen

after 2 p.m. (before 3) xiawu Hang dian duo (zhong)
5 or 6 o'clock wu-liu dian (zhong)
11 or 12 o'clock shiyl-er dian (zhong)

Pattern: Time When V (O)

Ni shenme shihou qu?
Wo mingtian shangwu jiu dian qu.
Ni mei tian ji dian zhong chi zaofan?
Ba dian yi ke.

1. Ji dian le?Kuai si dian le. Huoche si dian ji fen kai?

2. Jintian xinwen shenme shihou? Haoxiang shi jiu dian shi fen.
3. Ta dasuan shenme shihou lai? Xiawu liang dian.
4. Ni mei tian wanshang ji dian zhong shui-jiao? Zui zao shiyi
dian ban.
5. Ni zuo ji dian (zhong) de che huflai? Wo zuo ba dian ling wu
fen de che huflai.
6. Shiyi dian wushiwu de huoche shenme shihou dao? Cha wu
fen shi'er dian dao.

(b) Length of time in hours and minutes

1 min. yi fen zhong

15 mms./ A hour
shiwu fen zhong/yi ke zhong
30 mins./ /^ hour1
sanshi fen zhong/ban (ge) xiaoshi/ban ge
45 mins./ 3/4 hour sishiwu fen zhong/san ke zhong
55 mins. wushiwu fen zhong
1 hr. yi (ge) xiaoshi/yi ge zhongtou
2 hrs. Hang (ge) xiaoshi/liang ge zhongtou
3 hrs. 2 mins. san xiaoshi ling er fen
4 /4 hrs. si xiaoshi shiwu fen/si ge zhongtou (ling) yi ke zhong
5V2 hours wu ge ban xiaoshi//wu ge ban zhongtou

Patterns: a. V Time How Long

Nimen yao qu duo jiu?
b. V Time How Long (de) O
Ta mei tian kan ji ge zhongtou de shu?
or: V O, V Time How Long
Ta mei tian kan-shu, kan ji ge zhongtou?

1. Zuo zhei ge cai yao duoshao fen zhong? H6n kuai, zui duo wu
fen zhong.
2. Jintian de xlnwen chang bu chang? Bu chang, zhi y6u yi ke
3. Cong ni jia dao tushuguan dei zuo duo jiu de che? Chabuduo
qi-ba fen zhong.
4. Ta xiang xue duo jiu de Zhongwen? Zui shao si nian.
5. Ta m6i tian jiao ji ge xiaoshi de shu? YI, san, wu, Hang xiaoshi,
er, si, san xiaoshi.
6. Ni mei tian da duo jiu de taijiquan? Zaochen san ke zhong,
wanshang san ke zhong.

2 Sentence particle ie' indicating 'accomplished fact'

a. V O le ma?
Zu6tian ni kan dianshi le ma?
b. V O (le) meiyou? IV le or mei(you) V

Zu6tian ni kan dianshi le meiyou? [Kanle. or Mei(you) kan.

c. V mei V O?
Zu6tian ni kan mei kan dianshi?

1. Zaochen kan bao le ma? Zaochen tai mang le, mei kan. Y6u
shenme xlnwen?
2. Xlngqi-tian shei kan dianyingr le? Xiao Wang kan le, w6men
dou mei kan.
3. Zuotian nimen zai cheng litou mai dongxi le meiyou? Meiyou,
w6men dou mei dai qian.
4. Nei tian ni ye he jiu le ma? Pingchang w6 bu he, keshi nei
tian w6 ye he le.
5. Ni zai nar pengjian shei le? Pengjian lao Wang le.
6. Zuotian xiawu ni mei xie hanzi ma? Meiyou, w6 chuqu le.
7. Ta yijing dao Riben le ma? Zaojiu dao le.
8. Qunian ta xue Zhongwen meiyou? Xue le.
9. Ta hai mei jidshi nei ge wenti ma? Jieshi le, keshi wo haishi
bu qlngchu.

3 Verb-suffix '-le' for 'completed action

(a) V-\e O as a full sentence

1. Tamen liang ge ren jian-mian yihou, mei shuo-hua jiu jin-le

2. Ta jieshao-le zhei ben xln shu, ye jieshi-le diannao ti ren gong-
zuo de wenti.
3. Dajia dou shuo yinggai qing ta, suoyi w6men jiu qing-le ta.
4. Zhongxue bi-ye yihou, ta jiu jin-le gongchang.
5. Wo gaosu ta yihou, ta mashang jiu gaosu-le xiao Wang.
6. Tamen jlnggud-le Deguo, Faguo, zuihou dao-le Yingguo.
7. Chule YIngwen yiwai, ta hai xuexi-le lishi gen dill.

8. Ta didi shiliu sui jiu dang-le jiefangjun.

(b) Quantified object

Patterns: a. V-le NU M O
Wo zuotian pao-le san ge difang. (1-6)
b. V-le Time How Long (de) O
Ta zuotian zuo-le ba ge zhongtou de feiji. (7-12)
or V O, V-le Time How Long
Ta zuotian zuo feiji, zud-le ba ge zhongtou.

1. Ni mai-le ji zhang piao? Wo mai-le san zhang piao.

2. Zuotian wanshang ni xie-le duoshao ge hanzi? Wo yigong
xie-le liangbai sishiwu ge.
3. Ta zai zher de shihou, nimen chl-le ji ci Zhongguo fan? San

4. Ta qunian zai Zhongguo xue-le yidianr Zhongwen. Xianzai

dou wang le ba?
5. Wo zuotian zhi shui-le si ge zhongtou, jintian feichang lei.

6. Ta dou qu-le nei xie guojia? Ta qu-le Faguo, Deguo, Sulian

gen Meiguo.
7. Zhongxue bi-ye yihou ta mei jin daxue, dang-le ji nian
8. XingqI-liu ni da-le yi tian pai ba? Meiyou, wo zhi da-le san
ge zhongtou.
9. Zuotian ta nian-le ji ge zhongtou de shu? Ta zhi nian-le wu
fen zhong.
10. Jintian wo zuo-le yi shangwu de qiche. Ni dao nar qu le?

11. Ta zai zher yigong zhi xue-le san ge xlngql de YIngwen.

12. JIntian zaochen laoshi mei lai, women jiu tan-le Hang ge zhong-
tou de tianr.

(c) VMe O as a dependent clause

Pattern: V-/e (O), Main clause

Kan-le pengyou, qu chi-fan.

1. NI shenme shihou qu? Wo chl-le fan, mashang jiu qu.

2. Ta huiqu le ma? Huiqu le, chl-le fan jiu huiqu le.
3. Wo xianzai keyi qu wanr ma? Bu xing, ni dei xie-le zi cai

neng qu wanr.
4. Piao mai le ma? Hai mei ne, wo dasuan kan-le lao Li jiu qu
5. Ta mei tian shenme shihou da taijiquan? Ta chl-le zaofan jiu
6. Ni hen lei ma? Bu lei, zhi shi he-le jiu, hen xiang shui-jiao.
7. Nimen shenme shihou lai? Kan-le dianying lai, xing bu xing?
8. Ni gei ta de xin xie le ma? Xie le, zuotian keren zou-le, wo
jiu xie le.

9. Tamen jie-le hun, xiang dao Zhongguo qu.

10. Ta xue-le san tian, jiu bu xiang xue le.

11. Tamen zou-le wu fen zhong, w6 cai huflai.

12. Zhei ben shuxue tai nan le, wo kan-le hen jiu, haishi bu dong.

4 Combination of verb-suffix '-le' and sentence particle 'le'

(a) Where the verb ends the sentence or clause, and le might serve
a double function:

1. Ta lai le ma? Ta zaojiu lai le.

2. Qu Beijing de nei si ge ren dou huflai le ma? Liang ge huflai

le, Hang ge hai mei huflai ne.

3. Ni xiang chl shenme? Wo gei ni zuo. W6 yijing chi le, bie gei
w6 zuo le.

4. Tamen hai zai yiqi ma? Yijing fenkai le.

5. Laoshi jiao ni xie de zi, xie le meiyou? Hai mei ne, wo wang

6. Ta qing ni ban de nei jian shi, ni ban le meiyou? Ban le, w6

yijing gaosu ta le.

(b) Where the suffix -le is included before a simple object only if
completion of the action is stressed:

1. NImen dou chi(-le) fan le ma? Dou chl le, yi ge zhongtou

yiqi&n jiu chl le.

2. GSi lao Wang jieshao ge niip6ngyou ba. Ta yijing y6u(-le)

duixiang le, ni bi6 ti ta zhaoji le.
3. Tamen zSnme hai mei lai? Ni qmg(-le) tamen le ma? Qing
le,tamen shuo mashang jiu lai.
4. Ta bu dao sishi sui, k6shi Hang ge nu'er dou
jinnian hai jin(-le)
daxue le.

5. Shi tian qidn ta jiu dao(-le) Lundun le. Zenme m6i ren gaosu
6. Bi6 kan dianyingr le, w6 qing ni chl-fan qu. Bu xing, w6
yijing mai(-le) piao le, bu neng bu kan.

(c) Progress up to the present

Patterns: a. V-le NUM(O) le

W6 he-le wu bei le, bu n6ng zai he le.

b. V-le Time How Long {de) O le

Ta xi$-le si ge duo zhongtou de Hanzi le, zhen

xiang qu shui-jiao.
or: V O, V-le Time How Long le

Ta xi6 hanzi, xie-le si ge duo zhongtou le, zhen

xiang qu shui-jiao.

1. W6 jintian yijing xie-le wubai ge zi le, bu neng zai xi6 le. (or:
hai d6i zai xi6 wubai.)
2. Ta yijing chl-le wu ge pinggud le, hai xiang zai chl yi ge.
3. Ta xie de nei ben shu, ni kan-le duoshao le? Yijing kan-le yi
ban le.

4. Shenme difang dou mei ydu zhei zh6ng jiu, w6 yijing pao-le
ba ge jiuguanr le.

5. W6 wen-le san ge ren le, dou shuo bu zhidao nei jia diannao
gongsi zai nar.
6. Zhei ge dianyingr ta yijing kan-le san ci le, ni hai xiang qing
ta kan ma?

7. W6 zai zher yijing zuo-le san ge zhongtou le, dei z6u le.

8. Zhei tiao lu zhen chang, w6 z6u-le yi ge duo xiaoshi le, cai

z6u-le yi ban.
9. Ta zai zhei ge danwei yijing gan-le ershiwu nian le, h6n xiang
dao biede danwei qu.
10. Wang xiansheng jiao-shu jiao-le shfba nian le, ta ziji ye bu
zhidao yigong jiao-le duoshao xuesheng.
11. W6men yijing xue-le shi ge xingqi de Zhongwen le, y6u ren
hai xiang xue, y6u ren yijing bu xiang xue le.

5 Where verb-suffix '-le' is not used

1. Yiqian ta m6i nian dou yao dao Zhongguo qu(X) san ci. (habit-
ual activity) Contrast: Ta qunian dao Zhongguo qu-le san ci.

2. Qunian tamen zhao(X) w6 jiao-le san ge xingqi de waiyu.

(pivotal construction)
3. Nei tian ta qu(X) cheng-li mai-le bu shao dongxi. (verbal
expressions in series)
4. W6 zaochen qu kan(X) ta de shihou, ta shuo(X): 'Yaoshi ni
zuotian lai . .
.' (direct speech)
5. W6 zaochen qu kan(X) ta de shihou, ta shuo(X) yaoshi w6
zuotian qu . . . (indirect speech)
6. Zuotian ta juede(X) bu tai shufu, jlntian yijing hao le. (dis-

positional verb)
7. Women zuotian jueding(X) mingtian zaochen chufa. (verbal
construction as object)

6 Specific relative time

Patterns: a. . . . yiqian (before, ago)

San nian yiqian, mei ren zhidao zhei ge mingzi.
b. . de shihou (while, when)
. .

Ta lai de shihou, w6men dou bu zai jia.

c. . yihdu (after)
. .

JiSfang yihou, ta jiu dao-le wdmen danwei.

1. Dao Zhonggub qu hao xue dianr Zhongwen.

yiqian, zui
2. Ta m6i tian wanshang shui-jiao yiqian, dou yao kan ban ge
zhongtou de xiaoshuo.

3. San ge xlngqi yiqian, wo zai pengyou jia renshi-le yi wei

zhuanmen gao diannao de huaqiao.
4. Nimen zuo Zhongguo cai de shihou, bie wang-le gaosu w6.
5. Mei shi de shihou, ta jiu xihuan t&n qin.
6. Si nian yihou nimen dou neng bi-ye ma? Bi-ye yihou dasuan
gan shenme ne?
7. Zhei ge wenti jingguo ta jieshi yihou, women dou hen qlngchu

8. Jian-mian yihou w6 cai zhidao ta name nan-kan, zhen mei

> 9. Zhei ge cai tai hao-chl le! Mei chl yiqian xiang chl, chi-le yihou
geng xiang chl.

y 10. Jie-hun yiqian ta shuo shenme ta dou shuo xing, jie-hun yihou
ta shuo shenme ta dou shuo bu xing.

7 Inclusiveness and exclusiveness (with question words as


Pattern: Ni xiang chl shenme?

a. W6 shenme dou xiang chl.
b. W6 shenme dou/y6 bu xiang chl.

1. Ta yao mai shenme?

a. Ta shenme dou yao mai.

b. Ta shenme dou bu yao mai.

2. Shei renshi zhei ge ren?
a. Shei dou renshi.
b. Shei dou bu renshi.
3. Ni xiang dao nar qu liixing?
a. W6 nar dou xiang qu.
b. Nar dou keyi.
c. Chule Zhongguo, w6 nar ye bu xiang qu.
4. Ta shuo w6men nei tian keyi chufa?
a. Ta shuo nei tian dou xing.

b. Ta shuo nei tian dou bu xing, ta bu zhun w6men qu.

5. Zuotian wanshang ni zuo shenme le?
a. Wo
mei zuo shenme, kan-le Hang ge zhongtou de dianshi.
b. Shenme dou mei zuo, kan-le liang ge zhongtou de dianshi.

6. Diannao neng ti ren zuo shenme? Chule bu neng ti ren chi-

fan, shui-jiao yiwai, shenme dou neng zuo.

7. Ta hui zu6 yu ma?

a. Hui, ta zenme zu6 dou hao-chi.
b. Bu hui, ta zSnme zuo dou bu hao-chi.
8. Ni d6ng le ma? Zhei ge wenti tai nan le, ta z6nme jieshi w6
dou bu d6ng.

8 'Jiu' and 'car contrasted (note that *cdi' does not normally
combine with He J )

la. Ta jiu dian zhong jiu lai le, tai zao le.

b. Ta shi dian ban cai lai, tai wan le.

2a. Ta shuo xing jiu xing.
b. Ta shuo xing cai xing.
3a. W6men ren shao, san ping chabuduo jiu gou le.

b. W6men ren duo, sanshi ping cai gou.

4a. Zhei tiao hen jin, w6men z6u-le shi fen zhong jiu dao le.

b. Zhei tiao lu bu jin, w6men z6u-le sishi fen zhong cai dao.
5a. Jian-mian ylqian, w6 jiu cai ta hen piaoliang.
b. Jian-mian yihou, w6 cai zhidao ta h6n piaoliang.
6a. W6men dao-le nar, bu dao yi fen zhong ta jiu lai le.
b. W6men dao-le nar, deng-le yi ke zhong ta cai lai.
7a. Zhei jian shi hen jiandan, ta jiu neng ban. (Ta bu tai n6nggan.)
b. Zhei jian shi hSn bu jiandan, ta cai neng ban. (Ta feichang
8a. Ta chl-le ban wan jiu bao le.
b. Ta chl-le wu wan hai bu bao.
c. Ta chl-le ba wan cai bao.
9a. Lao Li hai mei z6u ba? Z6u le, zu6tian jiu z6u le.
b. Lao Li yijing z6u le ba? Hai m€\ ne, ta mingtian cai z6u.

9 'yijing . . . le' versus 'hai bu/mei . . . ne'

1. Nimen dou d6ng le ba? Tamen yijing d6ng le, w6 de naozi

bu xing, hai bu d6ng ne.
2. Zhei xie jiqi nimen dou hui yong le ma? Jiandan de yijing
hui le, nan de hai bu tai hui ne.
3. Nimen dou chl le ma? Tamen san ge yijing chi le, w6men
liang ge hai mei chl ne.
4. Keren dou lai le ma? Nan-de dou yijing lai le, nu-de dou hai
mei lai ne.

5. Tamen liu ge ren qu le meiyou? San ge yijing dao le, Hang ge

zai lu-shang, yi ge hai mei chufa ne.
6. Tamen dou huflai le ma? Qu Beijing de zaojiu huflai le, qu
Shanghai de hai mei huflai ne.
7. Ni gei jia-li de xin dou xie le ma? Gei fuqin de yijing xie le,
gei shushu de hai mei xie ne.
8. Zhei si ge jiemei dou jie-hun le ma? Lao da, lao san yijing
jie le; lao er, lao si hai mei ne.

10 'Chule o . . (yiwai)', apart from

1. Chule shuxue, ta dui shenme dou mei xingqu.

2. Ta shuo de Zhongguo hua, chule ta ziji yiwai, mei ren dong.
3. Chule xuexi Zhongwen yiwai, women hai dei xuexi Zhongguo

4. Ta chule he jiu yiwai, ye xihuan da pai.

5. Chule mai fangzi yiwai, mei you biede fazi ma?

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. Zuotian wo
Lundun qu-le ji ge difang? Ban-le
zai ji jian shi?
2. Wo benlai dasuan shenme shihou hui jia?
3. Wo zai chezhan menkou pengjian shei le?
4. Xiao Li bi-ye yihou dou zud-le xie shenme shi?
5. Xiao Li xianzai zuo shenme gongzuo?
6. Ta zai nei jia gongsl gan-le duo jiu le?
7. Xiao Li benlai de nupengyou weishenme gen ta fenkai le?
8. Diannao shuo xiao Li ylnggai zhao shenme yang de ren zuo

2 Replace whichever word is appropriate in these sentences by the

word in brackets, and make any attendant changes called for:

1. Ta niannian dao Lundun lai. (qunian)

2. Mingtian ta yao dao Sulian qu. (zuotian)
3. Zuotian ta xue-le wu ge xiaoshi de Fawen. (mingtian)
4. Ta gege yijing jie-hun le. (hai mei)

5. Tamen liu dian zhong jiu chufa le. (cai)

6. Ta jia bu jin, w6 zou-le ershi fen zhong cai dao. (hen jin)

3 Replace the relative time expressions in these sentences by

V-le O dependent clauses:

Example: He cha yihou cai y6u jlngshen xuexi. —» He-le cha, cai
y6u jlngshen xuexi.

1. Ta bi-ye yihou xiang zhao shenme gongzuo?

2. Chl-fan yihou, bu neng mashang gongzuo.
3. W6 lai Yingguo yihou, pang-le shi gongjln.

4. Mai shu yihou, w6 jiu mei qian chl-fan le.

5. Shei shuo he jiu yihou bu neng kai-che?

4 Place these sentences in a past time setting, making all appro-

priate changes:

Example: Mingtian wo yao qu kan Hang ge pengyou. -» Zuotian

wo qu kan-le liang ge pengyou.
1. Shi tian yihou ta yao gei w6 wushi kuai qian.
2. Zhei ge dianying w6 xiang kan Hang ci.

3. Mingtian w6 d£i shui shi ge zhongtou.

4. Ta mingtian yao gen w6men tan Hang ge xiaoshi de diannao.
5. Jintian xiawu ni xiang kan duo jiu de shu?

5 Give negative answers to these questions:

1. Zuotian nimen dou qu ma? le

2. Ta zuotian dao ni jia lai le ma?

3. Ni qiinian chang pengjian ta ma?
4. Ni mei tian zuo liu dian ling wu fen de che hui jia ma?
5. Ta didi zhongxue bi-ye le meiyou?
6. Ni jiao-le shi ge xingqi de shuxue ma?

6 Translate into Chinese:

1. What did you do last night? I didn't do anything.

2. Did she cook some Chinese food yesterday? Yes, she did.
3. When I got there, those two friends of his had already left by

4. Have you read this morning's paper yet? No, I don't read
5. She told me that her uncle left for America by plane this
6. I have already given him 20 dollars, but he still says it isn't

7. The teacher told us to write 90 characters. So far I have only
written 20.
8. I bought a very good Chinese novel on Tuesday and have
already read half of it.

9. His younger sister studied Chinese for several weeks when

they were in China last year.

10. After graduating from London University, he worked for

three and a half years in a car factory.
11. He had nothing except a cup of tea, because he doesn't drink
any kind of alcohol.
12. I've been writing Chinese for three hours now, and I'm
Ni qu-guo daxue fujin de nei Have you ever been to the
ge gongyuanr ma? park near the university?

Lltou chule y6u yi pian In it apart from an area of

shulinzi yiwai, hai y6u yi ge wood, there is also a little
xiao hu. lake.

Qu-guo de ren dou shuo nar Those who have been all say
de fengjmg bu-cuo. the scenery there is quite

Zhongwu tianqi hao de At noon when the weather is

shihou, w6men changchang fine, we often see an oriental

. kandao yi wei dongfang ren gentleman sitting on the seat
zuozai hu-bianr de yizi-shang, by the lake, (on the one
yibianr kan-shu, yibianr chl hand) reading, and (on the
sanmingzhi other hand) eating

Zhei wei xiansheng bii shi This gentleman is no other

bieren, ta jiushi daxue yiyuan than the famous Dr Wang of
htn y6u-ming de Wang daifu. the university hospital.

Wang daifu de fumu dou shi Dr Wang's parents are both

Zhonggu6 ren, kSshi ta shi Chinese, but he was born in
zai Ylngguo sheng de, England, and he went to
xiaoxue, zhongxue, daxue yt primary and secondary school
dou shi zai Ylngguo shang and university in England
de, conglai mei dao-guo too; he has never been to
Zhonggu6. China.

Buguo ta neng shuo hen Hull However, he can speak very

de Guangdong hua, y6 lian- fluent Cantonese, and has
guo ji zh6ng gongfu, na dou practised some kinds of
shi xiao shihou ta fuqin jiao 'kung-fu'; those were all
ta de. taught him by his father when
he was small.

Ta hen xiwang jianglai y6u He hopes very much to have

jihui dao Zhongguo qu the chance in future to go to
gongzuo, su6yi qiannian jiu China to work, therefore the
yue you kaishi xuexi year before last in September

putonghua, dao xianzai yijing he began further to study

xue-le kuai Hang nian le. Mandarin; by now he has
been learning for close on
two years.

Ta mei y6u Zhongwen l^oshl, He has no teacher in

shi ziji xue de. Chinese, he has been learning
by himself.

Yi ge xingql zui shao xue yi He learns at least one lesson

ke. a week.

Mei tian zaochen ting luyln, Every morning listens to

wanshang lianxi Hanzi. recordings and practises
characters in the evening.

Zhongwu xiuxi de shihou hai During his noon break he will

yao dao hu-bianr qu fuxi. even go and revise by the lake.

Feichang yonggong. He is exceptionally diligent.

Haoxiang ta yi tian bu xue It seems if for one day he

Zhongwen, xin-li jiu bu didn't study Chinese, he
shufu. wouldn't feel easy in his mind.

Shang xingqi-wu zhongwu xia Last Friday noon, after

ban yihou, ta m^i-le liang coming off duty, he bought
kuai sanmingzhi, you dao-le two sandwiches and again
hu-bianr, zheng yao kaishi went to the lake, and when
bian chl bian kan de shihou, he was just about to start
huran houtou y6u ren jiao ta: eating and reading, suddenly
someone called him from

A: Wang hao a!
daifu, run Hello, Dr Wang! The scenery
Zher fengjing zhen bu- round here is really quite
cu6! nice!
B: Ei! Xiao LI, shi ni a, chl Ah, it's you, young Li. Have
wufan le ma? W6 zher you had lunch? I've got
ydu sanmingzhi. sandwiches here.
A: Nin qlng ba, wd chi le, Go ahead, I've eaten, I ate
gangcai zai xuexiao just now in the school
shitang chi de. O, canteen. Oh, excuse me,
duibuql, qlng wen nin could I ask what the time is

xianzai jl diSn le, wd m6i now, I didn't put my watch

dai biao. on.
B: Xianzai shi . . . E? W6 de It's . . . Ey? I probably left

biao dagai wangzai yiyuan (forgot) my watch at the

le, buguo w6 gangcai hospital, but when I came in

de shihou, m6nkdu
jinlai just now the big clock at the
de da zhong h3i bu dao yi entrance hadn't got to half
dian ban. past one.
A: Na hao, w6 h^i k6yl zai That's good, I can rest a
xiuxi yihuir. W6men li^ng while longer. We don't begin
dian cai shang ke ne. class until two. You don't
Wang daifu, nin haoxiang seem to have come to our
h^n jiu mei dao wdmen restaurant for a long time
fanguanr lai le, tiantian now, Dr Wang; how can you
chi sanmingzhi z6nme eat sandwiches every day?
xing a?
B: Zuijin tai m^ng le, yijing I've been too busy lately: I
y6u HSng-san ge yue mei haven't been to a restaurant
xia-guo guanzi le. Jia-li for two or three months now.
r^n dou hSo ba? Your family are all well, I

take it?

A: Dou h^o. W6 fuqin hui Yes. My father has gone back

Zhonggu6 qu le, nin to China, did you know?
zhidao ma?
B: W6 mei tingshuo a, shi I hadn't heard. When did he
shenme shihou z6u de? leave? How long will he be
Yao qu duo jiu a? there?

A: Ta shi shang yue ershisan He boarded the plane on the

hao shang de feiji, 23rd of last month and
ershiwu hao wanshang arrived in Canton on the
dao de Guangzhou. evening of the 25th. He's
Xianzai zhuzai w6 shushu staying now in my uncle's
jia. Zu6tian lai xin shuo home. We got a letter
k6ngpa xia ge yue cai yesterday saying he was
neng huilai. afraid he couldn't get back
till next month.
B: Ta yiqian huiqu-guo ma? Has he been back before?
A: Sanshi nian qian ta zuo He went back once 30 years
xuesheng de shihou ago when he was a student.
huiqu-guo yi ci. Nei ci shi That time he went back by
zuo chuan huiqu de, zai boat and was all of a month
lu-shang zhengzheng z6u- on the journey.
le yi ge yue.
B: E 5
xiao Li, ni bu shi zai I you born in
say, weren't
Yinggu6 sheng de ma? England, young Li? How
ZSnme neng shuo zheme come you can speak such
liiili de putonghua? Zai fluent Mandarin? Where did
nar xue de? you learn it?
A: W6men c6ng xiao zai jia We have spoken Mandarin at
jiushuo putonghua. W6 home since we were kids. My
ma shi b^ifang ren, bu mum is a northerner and
hui shuo Guangdong hua, can't speak Cantonese, and
yd mei xue-guo YIngwen, has never learned English, so
su6yi w6men dou gen ta we all speak to her in

shuo putonghua. Mandarin.

B: Nimen zhen hao! Xianzai Good for you! Nowadays lots

h6n duo huaqiao jia-li dou of overseas Chinese speak

shuo YIngwen, wang-le English at home, they've
ziji shi cong nkr lai de. Ni forgotten where they came
xiangxiang:Zhonggu6 ren from. Imagine, how could it

bu hui shuo Zhongguo be right for Chinese not to be

hua zdnme xing a? able to speak Chinese?

A: W6men kaishl shang After we started to go to

xiaoxue yftidu, yS primary school, we too often
changchang zai jia-li shuo spoke English at home, but
YIngw6n, kSshi w6 muqin my mum thought up a good
xiang-le yf ge hao banfS, way to make sure we spoke
jiao w6men yiding dSi Chinese.
shuo Zhonggu6 hua.
B: Shenme hao banfa? What good way?
A: Hen jiandan: shei shuo Very simple: whoever spoke
Zhongguo hua ta jiu gei Chinese she served Chinese
shei chl Zhonggud fan; food to; whoever spoke
shei shuo YIngwen ta jiu English she served
g6i sh6i chi sanmfngzhl. sandwiches to. We were all

W6men dou pa chl scared of eating sandwiches,

sanmingzhi, sudyi xianzai that's the only reason we can
dou neng shuo ji ju
cai all speak some words of

Zhonggu6 hua. Mandarin now.

B: NImen yunqi zhen hao, You were really lucky. Now
wd xianzai tiantian lianxi I'm practising speaking
shuo ZhofJgguo hua, keshi Chinese every day, but I still

h^i d6i zai zher chl have to be eating my

sanmingzhi! sandwiches here!


A: NI jian-guo w6 de Have you met my friend Li

pengyou LI Darning ma? Darning?
B: Mei jian-guo, bugud No, but I seem to have heard
haoxiang ting nl shuo-guo you mention such a person.
zhei ge ren.
A: Y6u jihui w6 k6yl gSi When there is an opportunity
nimen jieshao jieshao. I can introduce you. You

Zhei ge ren nl yinggai ought to get to know this

renshi renshi. character.
B: Weishenme? Why?

A: Zhei ge ren feichang bu He is an extremely complex

jiandan, ta lai YTngguo character: before he came to
yiqian zai Zhongguo xue- England, he studied
guo shuxue, ban-guo mathematics, ran a factory,
gongchang, gao-guo and dabbled in journalism in
xinwen, hai xie-guo san China, and wrote three
ben xiaoshuo. novels besides.
B: Zhen de ma? Dao Really? What has he done
YTngguo yihou ta zuo-guo since he arrived in England?
shenme shi?
A: Ta jin-guo gongchang, He has worked in a factory,
dang-guo shouhuoyuan, been a shop assistant, studied
xue-guo lishi, jiao-guo history, taught taijiquan, then
taijiquan. Qunian you again, last year he got into
kaishi gao diannao . . . computers . . .

B: Zhei ge ren zhen xmg, wo This chap is really something,

conglai mei tingshuo-guo I've never before heard of
you zheme nenggan de such a capable person. Where
ren. Ta xianzai zai nar is he working now?
gongzuo a?
A: Jin-le yiyuan le. He's in the hospital.
B: 6, dang-le daifu le? Oh, he's become a doctor?
A: Bu shi, bu shi. Daifu No, no. The doctor says his
shuo ta de naozi dei xiuxi brain has to have a rest!

A: Gangcai qi zixingche lai Who was that Chinese

de nei ge Zhongguo student who rode up on his
xuesheng shi shei? bike just now?
B: Ta xing Niu, gang cong His name is Niu, he's just
Shanghai lai de, xianzai come from Shanghai, and is
jiu zhuzai w6 nar. staying now at my place.
A: NI shi zai nar renshi ta Where did you get to know
de? him?
B: Women shi qiannian zai We got to know each other in
Beijing renshi de. Peking the year before last.

A: W6 bu zhidao ni zuijin I didn't know you had gone

hui-guo Zhongguo, yi ge back to China recently; did

ren qu de ma? you go on your own?
B: Bu shi, wo shi gen Hang No, I went with two friends.
ge pengyou yiqi qu de.
A: Cong zher dao Beijing How many hours did you fly

nimen fei-le duoshao ge from here to Peking?

B: W6men bu shi zuo feiji We didn't go by plane, the
qu de, feiji piao tai gui le, plane ticket is too dear, we
women shi zuo huoche qu went by train.
A: Nimen zai Beijing dou What places did you see in
kan-le xie shenme difang Peking?
B: Tai duo le, women san ge An awful lot: the three of us
ren jie-le san liang borrowed three bicycles, and
zixmgche, tiantian qf che went out on them every day;
chuqu wanr, nei xie you- we went to just about all of
ming de difang women the famous places.
chabuduo dou qu le.
A: Zhen de? Neng bu neng No kidding? Can you tell us a
shuoshuo gei women bit about them?
B: Mei wenti, keshi bu No problem, but I don't
zhidao nimen you mei you know if you can spare the
shijian, ylnwei zhi shuo time, because I'm afraid just
Beihai Gongyuan kongpa to tell of the Beihai Park will
wo jiu dei shuo yi take me a whole evening.

guo (V/V suffix) pass, cross, go through;
'experiential' suffix
fujin (PW) vicinity, near by
gongyuan(r) (N/PW) park, public gardens
pian (M) stretch, expanse; slice, thin piece

ydnggong (SV) diligent, industrious (in one's

xin (N) heart, mind
shang xlngql-wu (TW) last Friday
ban (N/M) shift, duty; class (of students)
xia ban (V O) come off duty
zheng (SV/A) straight, right, principal; just,
zhengyao (A) just about to
huran (MA) suddenly
wufan (N) lunch
qing (polite) (IE) please (go ahead, indulge)
gangcai (TW) just now, a moment ago
xuexiao (N) school, college
shitang (N) refectory, canteen
dai (V) wear, put on (hat, gloves,
trappings, etc.)
biao (N) watch
dagai (MA) probably; in general
jinlai (V) come in
zhong (N) clock
yihuir (TW) a short while (also yihuir)
shang ke (V O) start class; attend class
fanguanr, guanzi (N) restaurant
xia guanzi (V O) go to a restaurant
shang (ge) yue (TW) last month
hao (N) number; day of month
Guangzhou (PW) Canton City
lai xin (V O) send ('make come') a letter;
incoming letter
zhu (V) live, stay, reside

xia (ge)yue (TW) next month

xuesheng (N) student, pupil
chuan (N) boat, ship
b^ifang ren (N) northerner
banfa (N) way, means, method
ju(M) sentence, phrase, a few words
yunqi (N) luck (good or bad)

qi (V) ride
zixmgche (N) bicycle
gang (A) just (a short while ago)
fei (V) fly

jie (V) borrow, lend

Hang (M) for vehicles
Beihai Gongyuan (PW) (north lake) park in Peking

1 The experiential suffix '-guo' (Speech Patterns 1, 2)

By itself gud means 'to pass*, 'go through'. Some awareness of this
meaning is retained when it is used to amplify the plain form of the
verb as a suffix, typically signifying that the action has 'come to
pass'. The time setting is the indefinite past - particularly in a
person's lifetime, or at some undetermined point within a period
specifically stated or framed by expectations. The first case is plain
enough: Ni kan-guo Zhongguo didnying ma?, 'Have you "ev-
er" seen a Chinese film?' Mei kan-guo, T haven't "ever" seen
(any)'. This usage is often reinforced by adverbs such as yiqidn,
'before' and congldi, 'hitherto'.
of 'at one time or another' may be retained when the
The sense
focus shifts from the question of experience pure and simple, as in
Ta xue-guo duo jiu de Fdwen?, 'How long did he study French
for?': here there is no point of time in mind (as with -le), nor is
there any presupposition about whether the learning was done in
one block or in snatches; what is implicit is a cut-off from the
present, which differentiates this from the 'V-/e time expression —
le' construction.
The same sense of discontinuity with the present is conveyed
when a time span is given: Ddo Yingguo yihdu ta zuo-guo
shenme shi? 'What work has he done since he arrived in Eng-

land?' Although the time span ends with the present day, the
question anticipates a number of things that have come and gone
at different times within the period. Guo used as a suffix (you will

see later that it has another role in verb formation) is atonal, as all

suffixes are. Like the suffix -le, -guo normally comes after the
second verb in a series: Wo qu kan-guo td Hang ci, 'I went to

see him twice'. Also like -le, -guo is negated by mei(you), but is

not displaced in the negative: Td mei chi-guo Zhdnggud fan.

2 Highlighting the circumstances of past events: 'shi . . . dV

(Speech Patterns 5, 6)

As you now know, a sentence in Chinese containing the same

elements may be framed in a variety of ways depending on where
the focus of interest is. When
a fact is established already, and the
interest iswhen, how, why etc. it happened, the appropriate
construction is 'shi - circumstance - V - de'. De, being a nomin-
ating particle, shows that the happening is not viewed in dynamic
terms, but rather as a given fact pertaining to the subject/topic.
The phrasing of, for instance, Td shi zud hudche zdu de throws
the stress on the means of going: 'He left by train' or 'It was by
train that he left'. The intention is not to convey the information
that he did leave, which is understood; if that were equally to be
asserted, le would be used: Td zud hudche zdu le.
In the shi .de construction, shi may be omitted in the affirm-
. .

ative: Td (shi) zud hudche zdu de, but not in the negative: Td
bu shi zud hudche zdu de.
Though on the face of it shi de should be a modifying
. . .

construction, no noun can in fact be supplied for it to modify in

this particular use. In this way it differs from e.g. Zhei bin shu
shi xin de (shii).
When there is an object involved, for a reason that defies logical
explanation, it is customary to place it after the 'final' de, as if it
were the object of modification. While it is possible to say Wd shi
xidwu mdi pido de ('It was in the afternoon that I bought the
tickets'), it is more common to say Wd shi xidwii mdi de pido.
Fortunately there is little chance of mistaking this for a noun con-
struction ('I am a ticket bought this afternoon'). But such inversion
does not take place if the object is a pronoun. See Speech Patterns

3 More on time expressions (Speech Patterns 7)

Expressions denoting how long an action persists follow the verb,

as we know. This principle is extended to the duration of a state

brought about by an action: Td lai Yinggud duoshao nidn le?,

'He has come to England how many years?' i.e. 'How many years
is it since he came to England?' The final le indicates that the state

is still operative - 'he' is still in England.

Time that has merely elapsed should not be confused with time
an action persists. In 'I haven't played the lute for two weeks', for
example, for all we know happened is that
the only thing that has
two weeks. 'Elapsed time' such as this
night has followed day for
comes before the verb: Lidng ge xingqi mei tdn(-guo) qin. (The
extends to the present may be indicated
fact that a state of inactivity
by a sentence particle le.) However, negative statements involving
stretches of time are not all of this kind. If one is denying the truth
of a statement, say that one played for two weeks, that is a matter
of the persistence of an action: Mei tan lidng ge xingqi de qin,
zhi tdn-le sdn tidn, 'I didn't play for two weeks, I only played
for three days.'
'Time within which' is also distinct from time spent on some
activity. 'Time within which' expressions also come before the verb:
yi ge xingqi ting shi xidoshi de luyin, 'listen to recordings for
ten hours in a week'.

4 Verb complements relating to place (Speech Patterns 3, 4)

Information as to where an action takes place is supplied before

the verb: Wd
zdi gongchdng gongzud, T work in a factory'.
But different rules operate when the tilt of a sentence is towards
a place; here it is a matter of where someone or something comes
to rest as a result of the action. In zudzai yizi-shang, for instance,
('sit on a chair/seat') the act of sitting is seen as directed towards
the seat. In these cases zai (toneless) follows the verb as a comple-
ment. Actions like putting, dropping, leaving (things) all likewise
imply a terminal point. A small number of verbs are equivocal in
that the place expression may precede or follow the verb without
any substantial difference in meaning, like zhu, 'to reside': one
may say either Wd zdi Lundun zhu or Wo zhuzai Lundun
for T live in London'. In general, verb - zai - place makes the
place the culmination of the thought process, zai - place - verb
gives the place a more separate role. These equivocal verbs include

those having to do with producing, emerging, happening, standing,

etc., where any sense of a 'target' position is slight.

5 'Shang' and 'xia' (Speech Patterns 8)

'Shdng' and 'xia' are in direct contrast as verbs when they mean
respectively 'ascend' or 'board' shdng che) and
(shdng shdn,
'descend' or 'alight from' (xia shdn, xia che), and when they
mean 'engage in' and 'disengage from' regular duties, as in shdng
ban, 'go on shift', xia xue, 'finish school'. But they both can
mean 'to go to'; here one is guided in one's choice by custom:
always shdng ndr?, 'where to?', for example, and preferably xia
gudnzi, 'go to a restaurant' (though shdng gudnzi does occur).
The two are again opposed in their sense of 'last', i.e. foregoing,
and 'next': shdng xingqi, 'last week', xia ci, 'next time', and of
'former/first' and 'latter/second', e.g. shdng bdnlxid ban yue,
'first/second half of the month'.

6 Simple directional complements (Speech Patterns 9)

Lai and qu are attached to verbs to indicate motion towards and

away from the speaker respectively, like her and hin in German.
For example jinlai, 'enter' (said when the speaker is inside), and
jinqu, 'enter' (said when the speaker is outside). Less plain in-
stances would include mdilai, 'buy in' (secure for one's use) and
mdiqu, 'buy out' (take off the seller's hands).

7 'Zai' and 'ydu'

In their sense of 'again' or 'further', zdi and ydu both refer to

actions repeated or resumed. Broadly speaking, zdi applies to
actions not yet realized (Mingtian zdi Idi, 'Come again tomor-

row') and you to actions already realized (you zud-le ylhulr,

'sat further for a while'). But you also indicates branching out into

further activity of a related but not identical kind, in which case it

translates best verbally as 'go on to'; and it may also introduce a

further consideration or reconsideration, when it could translate as

'furthermore' or 'then again'.

1 Verbal suffix '-guo' as a sign for the indefinite past

Patterns: a. V-guo O ma?

NI zuo-guo feiji ma?
b. V-guo O meiyou? V-guo /Mei V-guo
NI zuo-guo feiji meiyou? Zud-guo/M£i zud-guo.
c. V(-guo) mei{you) V-guo O
NI zuo(-guo) mei(you) zuo-guo feiji?

1.NI chl-guo Zhonggu6 fan meiyou? Chi-guo, w6 ch£ng chi.

2. NI qu-guo Guangzhou ma? Qu-guo, xi&o shihou gen fumu
qu-guo yi ci.
3. Nin ylqi&n lai-guo Lundun ma? Mei lai-guo, zhe shi di yi ci.
4. Ni tlngshuo-guo zhei zh6ng diannSo ma? Tmgshuo-guo, w6-
men gongsi yong de jiushi zhei zh6ng.
5. Zhei b6n xiaoshuo ni mei kan-guo ma? Mei kan-guo, w6 bu
tai xihuan kan lishi xiaoshuo.

6. Ta lian-guo duo jiu de gongfu? Yigdng lian-guo ba ge yue.

7. Ni c6nglai bu kan Zhongguo dianying ma? H6n shao kan.
Zai Zhonggu6 ershi nian, w6 zhi kan-guo yi hui.
8. Ni haoxiang c6nglai mei he-guo zheme duo jiu. Shi a, yinwei
wd c6nglai mei zheme gaoxing-guo.
9. Zuijin nimen nar tianqi z£nmeyang? Shang xingql 16ng-guo
Hang tian, zhe xingql bu-cuo.
10. Ta yizhi zheme sh6u ma? Shi a, ta c6nglai mei pang-guo.
11a. Zuijin w6 qu kan-guo ta HSng ci.
b. Zuijin w6 kan-guo li&ng ci Zhongguo dianying.

2 Verb '-le' and Verb '-guo' contrasted

la. Lio Li qu bu qu? Ta yiqidn qu-guo, bu xiang zai qu le.

b. Lao Wang qu bu qu? Ta yijing qu le.
2a. Ta dao Zhongguo qu-guo, zhidao yidianr Zhongguo de
b. Ta dao Zhongguo qu le, dagai xia yue shiwu hao cai neng
3a. Ta ddng-guo jiifangjun, xianzai shi gongshe ganbu.
b. Ta dang-le jiifangjun, shenti geng hSo le.

4a. Mei xiangdao ta pengjidn-le zhei zhong shi, ni shuo z£nme

b. Lao Li pengjidn-guo zhei zhong shi, ta zhidao yinggai
zenme ban.
5a. Wo mai-guo yi bin ta xie de xidoshuo, xianzai bu zhidao
dao nar qu le.
b. Wo mai-le yi ben ta xie de xidoshuo, dasuan zai chuan-
shang kan.
6a. Ta mei he-guo Zhongguo chd, dangran bu zhidao Zhong-
guo cha z^nmeyang.
b. Zuotian ta mei he Zhongguo chd, zhl he-le yi bei kafei.

3 'Zai' used as verb complement


14. Nei tian yunqi zhen bu hao: wo zai lu-shang zou, huran yi ge
dongxi dazai wo de tou-shang. . . .

4 Place as adverbial compared with place as complement ( ~~ =

similar to, =£ = distinct from)

la. Nin zhuzai nar? ~ b. Nin zai nar zhu?

2a. Women zuozai waibianr ba. ~ b. Women zai waibianr zuo ba.
3a. Ta tiantian shuizai gongyuanr-li. ~ b. Ta tiantian zai
gongyuanr-li shui.
4a. Qing ni xiezai zhuozi-shang. ^ b. Qing ni zai zhuozi-shang xie.
5a. Biao bu neng daizai zher. =£ b. Zai zher bu neng dai biao.
6a. Luzai nar? =/= b. Zai nar lu? (lu, 'record')

5 *Shi . . . de' construction to bring out attendant circumstances

(a) Without object

Patterns: a. (shi) Time V de

Ta shi shenme shihou lai de?
Shi shang ge yue lai de.
b. (shi) Place V de
Ta shi cong nar lai de?
Shi cong Zhongguo lai de.
c. (shi) Means V de
Ta shi zenme lai de?
Shi zuo feiji lai de.

1. Ni shushu shi shenme shihou zou de? Shi shang xingqi-san

zou de.
2. Ni bu shi qunian jiu yue lai de ma? Bu shi, w6 shi qunian
ba yue lai de.
3. Zhe xie ren dou shi cong Sulian lai de ma? Yi ban shi cong
Sulian lai de; yi ban shi cong D6ng-De lai de. (Dong-De,
'East Germany'.)
4. Ta shi bu shi zai YIngguo sheng de? Bu shi, buguo xiaoxue,
zhongxue dou shi zai YIngguo shang de.
5. Ni zhei jian maoyl zhen piaoliang, zai nar mai de? Bu
piaoliang, jiushi zai wo jia fujin de nei ge shangdian mai de.

6. Nimen shi zai nar pengjian de? Zai Beijing Chezhan

menkour, mei xiangdao ba.
7. nimen shi zenme lai de?
JIntian Tamen shi zou-lu lai de, wo
shi qi che lai de.
8. Lao Wang shi zenme qu de? Ta shi zuo chuan qu de.
9. NI shi bu shi gen ta yiqi lai de? Bu shi, wo shi ziji yi ge ren
lai de.
10. Ta shi yl-jiu-ql-ji nian bi-ye de? Ta shi ql-ql nian bi-ye de.

(b) With object

Patterns: a. (shi) Time V O(PN) de

Ta shi shenme shfhou qu zhao ni de?
Shang xlngql-liu zaochen.
b. (shi) Place V de O
Ni shi zai nar chl de wufan?
Zai xuesheng shitang chl de.

1. Ni shi yue pengjian ta de? Haoxiang shi lid yue.

qunian ji

Jiu zai Beihai Gongyuanr menkour.

2. Ni shi zai nar renshi ta de? Women shi zai gong'anju renshi
3. Ta shi nei tian gei ni de qian? Wang-le, bu shi xlngql-liu
jiushi xlngqi-wu.
4. Ni shi shenme shfhou mai de piao? Zuotian xia ban yihou
mai de. Shi gen pengyou jie de qian.
5. Ni shushu shi nei nian qu de Meiguo? Jiushi wo sheng de
nei nian.
6. Tamen shi ji yue ji hao jie de nun? Liu yue shiwu hao.
7. Nimen shi bu shi zuotian zuo de lianxi? Bu shi, women shi
shang xingql-si zuo de.
8. Ni shi zai nar mai de zixingche? Jiu zai women gongchang
fujin de nei jia baihuo gongsi.
9. Ni jIntian ji dian zhong ting de luyln? Zhongwu shfer dian
ting de, zhengzheng tlng-le yi ge zhongtou.
10. Nimen shi zenme qu de ylyuan? Zuo pengyou de che qu de.
11. Shi shei shuo de wo de Zhongwen mei xlwang le? Shi
bieren shuo de, bii shi wo.
12. Shi shei gaosu ni de ta conglai bu chou-yan? Shi ta ziji
gaosu wo de.

13a. W6 xiawu m& chuqu, wd (shi) zdochen mdi de cdi.

b. NI kan, zhe jiushi wd zdochen mdi de cdi.
14. Ta shi zu6tian lai de. ^ Ta (jiu) shi zu6tian l£i de (nei ge)

6 Verb'-le'/Verb'-guo' contrasted with 4 shi . . . de'

la. W6 qu-guo Haide Gongyuan. (Hyde Park)

b. Ni shenme shihou qu de?
2a. Lao Li dao Faguo qu le.
b. Ta shi zenme qu de?
3a. Lao Wang yijing zuo chuan z6u le.

b. Ta shi zai nar shang de chuan?

4a. Tamen yijing jie-hun le.
b. Shi ji yue jie de? Zai nar jie de?
5a. W6 zu6tian mai-le yi ge xiao zhong.
b. Ni gen shei yiqi qu mai de?
6a. Ta yiqian xue-guo san nian Zhongwen.
b. Ta shi yong shenme fazi xue de?
7a. Ta shang-guo daxue.
b. Ta shi nei nian bi-ye de?
8a. Zuotian w6 zuo-le liangbai kuai sanmingzhi.
b. Ni shi ti shei zuo de?

7 Time elapsed and time within which

Patterns: a. Ta yi tidn ting ban xiaoshi de luyln.

b. Ta yi tidn mei ting luyln.

1. Ta yi ge xingqi bu xue Hanzi, jiu bu shufu. cf. Ta yi ge xingqi

xue liangbai ge Hanzi.
2. Ta yi ge xingqi mei xue Hanzi. cf. Ta yi ge xingqi xue-le
liangbai ge Hanzi.
3. Qunian ta chabuduo (y6u) san ge yue mei gongzuo. cf. Qunian
ta gongzuo-le san ge yue.
4. Wd yijing (y6u) shi nian mei shuo Fawen le, wanquan dou
wang le.

5. W6 h6n jiu mei g6i ta xie xin le, bu zhidao ta zuijin z^nme-

6. Mai-le qiche yihou, ta yijing (you) liang nian mei qi zixingche


7. Ta qunian zai Zhongguo, san ge yue mei shuo-guo ban ju

8. Ta yijing san tian mei he jiu le, dangran mei you shenme
jingshen le.

9a. Ta lianxi-le liang nian.

b. Ta mei lianxi liang nian, zhi lianxi-le yi nian ban.
c. Ta liang nian mei lianxi le.
10a. Ta zuo-le san tian de qiche.
b. Ta mei zuo san tian (de qiche), zhi zud-le liang tian.
c. Ta san tian mei zuo qiche.

8 Verbs of locomotion

1. Shang shan/xia shan Shang shan rongyi, xia shan nan.

2. shang che/xia che Ni shi zai nar shang de che? Dasuan zai
nei zhan xia che?
3. shang feiji/xia feiji Zhe xie ren shi yao shang feiji de; nei
xie ren shi gang xia feiji de.
4. shang nar? Ta shang nar le?
5. Shang guanzi Tamen y6u qian, changchang xia
or xia guanzi guanzi.
6. shang xue Haizimen zaochen qi dian shang xue.
Ta cai si sui, haimei shang xue ne.
Ta jianglai xiwang dao waiguo qu
shang daxue.
7. shang ke/xia ke Women xuexiao jiu dian zhong kaishi
shang ke.
Shijian dao le, laoshl wang-le xia ke.
8. jin cheng/chu cheng Zaochen jin cheng de ren duo,
wanshang chu cheng de ren duo.
9. hui jia Xia-le ke, w6 dei mashang qi che hui

9 Verbs of motion compounded with Mai' and qu'

1. jinlai Waitou name leng, ni weishenme bu jinlai?

jinqu Litou ren tai duo, wo bu xiang jinqu.
2. chulai Ni chulai kankan, waitou zhen piaoliang.

chuqu Ni chuqu kankan, waitou haoxiang you ren shuo-

3. huflai Yijing shi'er dian le, ta zenme hai mei huflai, w6
bu deng ta le.
huiqu Yijing shi'er dian le, wo dei huiqu le, zaijian!
4. shanglai Shan-shang fengjing zhen hao, nimen dou shanglai
shangqu Wo tai lei le, w6 bu shangqu, wo zai zher deng
5. xialai Shan-shang tai leng le, nimen xialai ba.
xiaqu Nimen xian xiaqu, wo mashang jiu lai.

6. mailai Cai yijing mailai le.

maiqu Ta maiqu de shu dou shi mei ren yao de.

7. songlai Dianshiji yijing mai le, mingtian sdnglai.
(Dianshiji, T.V. set')

songqu Ta yao kan zhei ben shu, ni gei ta songqu hao ba?
8. guolai Qing ni guolai kankan zhe shi shenme.
guoqu Qing ni guoqu gen tamen shuo, qing tamen guolai

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. Daxue fujin de nei ge gongyuan zenmeyang?

2. Wang daifu shi zai nar sheng de? Xianzai zai nar gongzuo?
3. Ta fuqin chule jiao-guo ta Guangdong hua yiwai, hai jiao-guo
ta shenme?
4. Ta xianzai weishenme yao xue putonghua? Shi zenme xue de?
5. Ta mei tian zhongwu dao hu-bianr qu ganma?
6. Xiao Li wen Wang daifu ji dian zhong, weishenme Wang
daifu ye bu tai qlngchu?
7. Xiao Li de fuqin shi zenme dao Zhongguo qu de? Ta fuqin
y6u didi zai Zhongguo ma?
8. Xiao Li qu-guo Zhongguo ma? Weishenme ta de putonghua
hen liuli?
9. Yaoshi xiao Li zai jia shuo Yingwen, ta muqin zenme ban?
10. Weishenme Wang daifu shuo xiao Li tamen de yunqi hao?

2 Fill in the blanks, if necessary, with 'le', 'guo' or 'de':

1. Tamen zu6tian dao Fagu6 qu ( ), bugud w6 bu qingchu shi

zuo feijiqu ( ), haishi zu6 hu6che qu ( ).

2. W6 ylqian mei zai zhei ge shitang chl ( ) fan, jintian shi diyi

3. Zuotian ta gen w6 shuo ( ) shang xingql ta qing ( ) lao

Wang chl ( ) san dun fan.
4. LI laoshi jiao ( ) w6men shuxu6, kSshi m6i jiao ( ) w6men

5. Ni de putonghua tai liuli ( ), gen shei xue ( )?

6. Zuotian chl ( ) wufan, tamen jiu jin ( ) cheng mai ( )
dongxi qu ( ).
7. Ta yiqian xue ( ) diannao, keshi w6 bu zhidao shi zai nar
xue ( ).
8. Ta conglai bu ai xue ( ) waiyu, mei xue ( ) Dewen, ye mei
xue ( ) Fawen.
9. W6 yijing he ( ) ershi bei ( ), bu neng zai he ( ).
10. Ni zhei ge biao shi bu shi zai Dongmen BSihuo Gongsl mai
( )? Shi gen lao Li yiqi qu mai ( ) ma?

3 Rewrite these sentences, adopting a past time setting, and

stressing the elements in italics:

e.g. Xia xingqi ta yao dao M£iguo qu. —> Ta shi shang xingql
dao Meiguo qu de.

1. Mingnian ta dagai zuo feiji lai.

2. Xia ge yue w6 gen ta yiqi qu.
3. Mingtian w6men cong gongyudn chufa.
4. Xia xlngqi-liu ni zinme qu?
5. NT yihou xiang ydng shenme fdzi xue?
6. Ta mei shuo ta shenme shihou lai.

4 Rewrite these sentences in the negative, recasting the 'time

spent' as 'time elapsed' expressions:

e.g. Ta xue-le san nian (de) Zhongwen le. —> Ta san nian mei
xue Zhongwen le.

1. Ta lian-le shi nian de taijiquan.


2. W6 ting-le Hang tian de luyln.

3. Ta shui-le ershi ge xiaoshi le.
4. Ta zai shitang chi-guo san nian fan.
5. Zhei ge wenti w6 xiSng-le h6n jiu.

6. Ni gen ta tan-le duo jiu?

5 Rewrite these sentences, using the antonyms of those words in


e.g. Shdngwil ling, ren shdo. — Xiawu re, ren duo.

1. Mdi dongxi rongyi.

2. Shdn-shang de xi&o fangzi pidoliang.
3. Cheng-li de dongxi pidnyi.
4. Ndn (xue)sheng bii pa pang.
5. QIng cong qidnmen shdng che.
6. Jinlai de ren ydu qidn.
7. Gege zai shdngtou shuo: 'Qing ni shdnglaiP
8. Jiijie zai litou shuo: 'Jinlai ba!'
9. Fumu zai fangzi litou gongzud.
10a. Shdng k$ yiqidn w6men juede h6n rongyi.
b. Zudbian zhii wei nil tongzhi h6n pidoliang.

6 Translate into Chinese:

1. Where was ityou met comrade Li last week?

2. She told me just now that she had arrived in London on 23
August 1979.
3. Was it last May that Dr Wang from the University Hospital
went to China?
4. He is very interested in learning foreign languages: he has
learnt 25 languages in all.

5. Have you ever read a Chinese newspaper? No, I haven't. I

don't know enough characters.
6. I haven't been to this park for more than two years. It's even

more beautiful now.

7. To my surprise they went to America by boat, not by
8. Have you ever been to Shanghai? Yes, I've been there twice.
9. I haven't spoken Chinese for the last three months. I've
probably forgotten it all.

10. Where did you go last month, and when did you come back?
11. He never goes to the cinema.
12. He has never been abroad.
Zhuzai w6men san 16u de lao The Zhang couple who live
Zhang y6u liang ge nan
fufu on our 3rd Floor have two
haizi, da de ba sui, xiao de boys, the older being 8, the
liu sui. younger 6.

Xiongdi lia dou shi pinggud The pair of brothers both

lianr, da yanjing, zhang de have 'apple' faces, big eyes,
xiang jfle. and 'have grown to be'
extremely alike.

Suiran gege bl didi gao Although the older brother is

yidianr, didi bi gege a little taller than the
y6u bu
yidianr, k6shi hai younger, and the younger a
shao ren yiwei tamen shi little fatter than the older,
shuangsheng xiongdi. (but) there are still lots of
people who think they are
twin brothers.

Zhei liang ge haizi yiyang These two children are

congming, yiyang k6'ai, equally intelligent, equally
bugu6 tamen de xingqing lovable, nevertheless their
wanquan bu-tong. natures are entirely different.

Gege y6u dianr xiang fuqin, The older brother is rather

shige man xingzi, shuo-hua like his father, slow in
shuo de man, z6u-lu z6u de temperament: he speaks
man, lian chl-fan y6 chl de slowly, walks slowly, even
man. eats slowly.

Didi bijiao xiang muqin, shi The younger brother is by

ge jf zuo shenme shi

xingzi, comparison like his mother,
dou ji de budeliao, kan-shu quick in temperament:
kan de kuai, xiS-zi xie de whatever he does he is
kuai, lictn gen xiao pengyou terribly impatient, he reads
yiqi chang-ger, yd bi bieren quickly, writes quickly, even
chang de kuai. when singing with his little

friends, he still sings faster

than the others.

Liang xiongdi cong xiao jiu The two brothers have played
wanr de h£n hao, zheng tian very well from infancy, the
zai yikuair, xing-ylng li. whole day they are together,
and are inseparable.

Gege sulran zhi bi didi da Although the older brother is

liang sui, keshi zhidao de only two years older than the
shiqing haoxiang bi didi duo younger, yet the things he
de duo. knows seem to be a lot more
than his younger brother

Didi feichang haoqi, ge zh6ng The younger .brother is

ge yang de went! duo jfle; exceptionally curious, his

y6ude wen de hen y6u-daoli, questions of all kinds are
y6ude qiguai de shei y£ mei extremely numerous; some
fazi huida. are asked very sensibly, some
are soodd that no one has
any way of answering them.

Nei tian waitou yu xia de hdn That day the rain fell heavily
da, bu neng chuqu wanr; outside, they could not go
gege zuozai chuanghu out to play; older brother sat
pangbianr kan-shu, didi beside the window reading,
yibianr xi£-zi, yibianr gen younger brother was writing
gege shuo-hua: as he spoke to his older

A: Ge, ni lai kankan w6 zhei Older brother, come and see
ji ge zi xie de hao bu hao. if I have written these (few)

characters well.
B: NI shi zenme xi6 de?! How did you write these?
Jintian bi zuotian xi£ de Your writing is today even
geng cha le. poorer than yesterday.
A: Weishenme w6 de zi Why are my characters
zdngshi zheme nan-kan always so ugly? I really feel
ne? W6 zhen bu xiang xie like giving up writing!

B: Xie-zi bu neng tai kuai, ni You can't be too fast in

xie de tai kuai le. writing;you wrote too fast.
A: KSshi baba bi w6 xie de But dad writes a lot quicker
kuai de duo, weishenme than I do, why does he write
xie de name hao? so well?
B: Ni zhen hutu, ba shi You're really silly, dad is
daren, xiaohair zenme grown-up, how can a child
neng gen daren bi? compare with a grown-up?
A: Ge, Zhonggu6 zi zhen Brother, Chinese characters
mafan, w6 ji de kuai, are really a nuisance, I

wang de ye kuai, ni ydu memorize them quickly (but)

shenme hao fazi ma? forget them quickly too.
Have you got any good way
(of coping)?
B: Wdmen laoshl shuo xue yi Our teacher says when you
ge zi, yinggai xian ji zhei learn a character you ought
ge de bushdu, bifang
zi to first memorize this
shuo 'hu' zhei ge zi y6u character's radical, for
san dian shuir, yiding gen instance the character 'lake'
shu! y5u guanxi; lin' zhei has '3 drops of water', so
n 3
ge zl shi 'mu'-zlpangr, must be connected with
yiding gen shumu ydu water, the character 'forest'
guanxi. has 'wood' on one side, so it

must be connected with trees.

A: Zhe zhen y6u-yisi, xianzai This is really interesting; now
wd cai mingbai I understand why 'eat' and
weishenme 'chf gen 'he' 'drink' both have 'mouth' at
dou shi 'kdu'-zipangr. the side.

B: Dangran le, yaoshi mei That's obvious, without a

y6u zui, z£nme chi, mouth how could you eat,
zSnme he a? how could you drink?
A: KSshi chabei de 'bei' zir But why has the character
weishenme shi 'mu'- 'cup, as in 'teacup', got
zip&ngr ne? W6 c6nglai 'wood' at the side? I've never
mei jian-guo mutou zu6 seen a cup made of wood.
de beizi.
B: Ni zhen ben, z£nme lian You're really stupid, how
zhei ge dou bu d6ng! NI come you don't even
kan 'bei' zhei ge zi, yi understand that! The
bianr shi 'mu', yi bianr shi character for 'cup', you see,
'bu', yisi jiushi shuo beizi is made up of 'wood' on one

bu shi mutou zu6 de! side and 'not' on the other,

that's to say a cup is not
made of wood!


A: Ni de Hanyu shuo de You speak Chinese really

zhen piaoliang! beautifully!
B: Shuo de bu hao, w6 bu I'm no good at speaking, I

hui shuo. don't know how.

A: Ni zai zher xue-le ji nian How many years have you
le? been learning here?
B: W6 cai xue-le si ge yue. I've only been learning for
four months.
A: Si ge yue jiu shuo de To speak so fluently after
zheme liuli, zhen bu four months is quite a feat!
r6ngyi! Nimen yi ge How many lessons do you
xlngqi xue ji ke? learn a week?
B: W6men xue de feichang We learn at an exceptionally
kuai,y6ude shfhou xue fast rate,sometimes we learn
Hang ke, y6ude shihou two lessons, sometimes three.
xue san ke.
A: Zhe shi ni xi€ de Hanzi These are your characters, I

ba? Xi6 de zhen hao. take it? They're written really


B: Nan-kan jfle, nin bie kan They're extremely ugly, don't

le. look at them.
A: Nimen nei wei laoshi jiao What does your teacher teach
de z6nmeyang? like?
B: Jiao de hao jfle, m6i yi ge He teaches extremely well,
zi, mei yi ju hua, dou every word, every sentence
jiSshi de hen qlngchu. he explains very clearly.
A: W6 gen nimen laoshi zhu I and your teacher live very

de hen jin, changchang near (each other), and meet

jian-mian, ni zhidao ma? very often, did you know?
B: Dangran zhidao, yaoshi Of course I know; if I hadn't
bu zhidao w6 jiu bu known, I wouldn't have
zheme shuo le. spoken like this.

A: Li jia liang ji6mei, jiejie (You know) the two Li sisters

bi meimei da ji sui? - how many years are there
between them?
B: Zhi da yi sui ban. Only a year and a half.
A: Shi bu shi jiejie shu nian Is it true that the older one is

de bi meimei hao? better at her school work

than the younger?
B: Bu-cud, meimei suiran bi Quite right: although the
jiejiecongming yidianr, younger one is a bit more
k^shi jiejie M meimei intelligent, the older one is a
yonggong de duo. lotmore hard-working.
A: JiSmei lia shei bijiao Out of the two sisters who is

piaoliang? the prettier?

B: Zhe h6n nan shuo le.
jiu That's very hard to say. Both
Liang ge ren zhang de of them are very good-
dou h^n hao-kan, jidjie bi looking. The older one is

meimei gao yidianr, taller than the younger, and

meimei bi jiejie bai the younger has a paler skin
yidianr. than the older.
A: Liang ge ren shei bi shei Of the two of them who is

nenggan? more capable than who?


B: Dou hen nenggan. Jiejie They are both very capable.

zuo jia-li de shi bi meimei The older sister gets the work
zuo de kuai, meimei in the house done quicker
chuqu ban shi bi jiejie than the younger, but the
ban de hao. younger is better at seeing to
things outside the home.
A: Ni bijiao xihuan shei? Who do you like,

comparatively speaking?
B: W6 xihuan shei dou mei It's no use me liking either
yong, yinwei tamen jiemei one, because neither of the
lia dou bu xihuan w6. two sisters likes me.
A: O! Zhen duibuqi, wo Oh! I'm really sorry, I

yiwei . . . thought . . .

B: Mei guanxi, wo benlai dui It doesn't matter, actually I

tamen ye mei yisi! haven't got designs on them


lou (N) storied building
(M) floor
san lou (PW) 3rd floor (British second)
lou-shang (PW) upstairs
lou-xia (PW) downstairs
fufu (N) husband and wife, married couple
xiongdi (N) brothers; younger brother
lia (N+M) two (=liang ge)
lian (N) face
yanjing (N) eye
zhang (V) grow
de(K) complement marker
zhang de (grow to) be - (descriptive of physical
xiang (SV) be alike
(SV comp)
-jfle extremely
bf(V) compare
(CV) compared with
yiwei (V) think that, have the idea that, assume

shuangsheng (N) twins

shuangsheng xiongdi twin brothers
congming (SV) intelligent, bright, clever
ke'ai (SV) lovable, likable, lovely
xingqing (N) nature, temperament
bu-tong (SV) dissimilar, different
you (yi)dianr (A) somewhat, rather
man (SV) slow
xingzi (N) temper
lian . ye/dou (CV)
. . even (including) . . .

bijiao (V) compare

(A) comparatively, rather
ji (SV) impatient, anxious, hasty, urgent
biideliao (SV) terrible, disastrous
(SV comp) awfully, terribly
ge(r) (N) song
chang-ge(r) (V-O) sing (a song)
zhengtian (TW) all day long
yikuair (A) together (=yiqi)
xing-ying bu If inseparable (as form and shadow)
(set phrase)
- de duo (SV comp) (by) a lot; much - er
haoqf (SV) curious, inquisitive
ge (AT) each, all, various, different
ge zhong ge yang all sorts of
youde (SP) some (always used as AT)
daoli (N) reason, sense, principle
you-daoli (=SV) reasonable, justified
qiguai (SV) strange, odd
huida (V/N) answer, reply
yu(N) rain
xia-yu (V-O) to rain
chuanghu (N) window
cha (SV) poor, substandard
hutu (SV) muddled, silly
daren (N) adult, grown-up
mafan (SV) troublesome, annoying
(V) put sb. to trouble

(N) trouble, bother

ji (V) memorize, remember, record
bushou (N) radical (of a Chinese character)
bifang (N) example
bffang shuo (PH) for example
san dian shui (N) 'water' radical
guanxi (N) relation(ship), relevance
(V) concern, affect
A gen B you guanxi A is connected with B
lin(BF) forest, woods (in compound words)
mu (BF) tree, wood (in compound words)
X-zipang (N) lateral radical X
shumu (N) trees
ydu-yisi (=SV) interesting
mingbai (SV) clear, plain, obvious
(V) understand
zui (N) mouth
chabei (N) teacup
mutou (N) wood (the material)
beizi (N) cup, glass
ben (SV) stupid, obtuse, clumsy
Hanyu (N) Chinese language
yisi (N) meaning; idea; intention; opinion
dui X y6u yisi have designs on X
cai (A) only, merely
bai (SV) white; fair, pale (of complexion)
mei guanxi (IE) it doesn't matter; never mind

1 Comparisons (Speech Patterns 3-5)

In unequal comparisons the key word is bi, 'compared with'. The

formula a simple one: X bi Y SV: Td bi td didi pang, 'he

compared with his brother is fat' i.e. 'He is fatter than his brother'.
The whole construction can be negated by bit: Td bii bi td didi
pang, 'He is not fatter than his brother'. Geng 'even more' may
be used when the lesser of the two already possesses the quality in

question in good measure: Td bi td geng pang, 'He is

even fatter than his brother' (his brother being fat enough). Hdi
'still (more)' overlaps with geng, but is specially applicable when
the fact thought remarkable. Words marking degrees of com-

parison follow the stative verb: pang yididnr, 'fatter by a little';

kudi de duo, 'faster by a lot'; da lidng sui, 'older by two years'.
One cannot say e.g. *Td bi td didi hin pang.
Yididnr 'by a little', which follows the stative verb when com-
parisons are made (and is habitual with monosyllabic SVs), should
not be confused with ydu yididnr, 'a somewhat, rather',

which precedes a SV when no comparison is made: Td ydu vi-

didnr qiguai, 'He is somewhat strange'. Like 'somewhat', ydu
yididnr is not used of positive or admirable qualities.

2 Complements of degree (Speech Patterns 1, 2)

When the only point of an utterance is to comment on the per-

formance of an action, the centre of the utterance is a complement
linked by de to the verb that denotes the activity concerned: Tdmen
wan de hin hdo, 'They play very good/ well'. This complement
functions as a free predicate, and is therefore called a 'predicative
complement'. It answers the question, 'To or with what effect?'
The interest is not in the nature of the initiative indicated by the
first verb, but in the extent, effect, achievement or quality attained.

Very often what is a complement in Chinese would be an adverbial

expression in English, as in the example above. But Chinese
adverbials are always secondary and can be omitted without de-
stroying the point of a sentence; they do not convey its main thrust.
Note that the de in this construction is not the subordinating
marker de (the character is different).
Complements must follow directly on the verb. Where there is
an object, it has to precede the verb, if necessary by dint of re-
peating the verb after a verb-object construction: Td chdng-ge
chang de bi tdmen kudi, 'He sings (songs) faster than them'.
Where a comparison is made, the bi expression may figure as part
of the complement, as here, or come before the verb: Td chdng-
ge bi tdmen chang de kudi.
If the core of the complement is a SV, any amount of qualifi-

cation may be admitted, e.g. Td zdu de but hint tdilfeichdngl


ydu yididnr man, 'He walks not/very /too/exceptionally/some-

what slowly'. As an alternative to these adverbial modifiers, the SV
may complement of degree, the shortest of which is
in turn take a
h#n, which means 'very': Ta zdu de man de
in this case really
hin; but it may consist of a whole clause. When a whole clause
forms the complement to a SV, 'to the extent that' has to be
supplied as a linking phrase in English: qiguai de shei yi mei
fdzi huidd, 'strange to the extent that no one has any way of
answering'. (Note, however, that clause-length complements are
not restricted to SVs.)

3 Loose connection

Shi, 'to be' as a connector between two nouns or nominal con-

structions is not limited to equating the two things or classifying
the one in terms of another. In some cases it cannot be understood
as 'is/are' at all. For instance 'Lin' zhei ge zi shi 'mu'-zipdng,
'The character "forest" has a "wood" lateral radical'. Such usages
can be construed as 'with X it is a case of Y\

1 Predicative complements

Patterns: a. V de SV (bu SV).

Ta shuo de liu(li) bu liuli? Ta shuo de bu tai liuli.

b. V O V de (A) SV
Ta shuo Hanyushuo de h&n liuli.

or O V de (A) SV
Ta Hanyushuo de hSn liuli.

1. Jintian ta de zao bu zao? H6n zao, ql dian zhong jiu lai le.

2. Ta h6n man ma? Ta chi-fan chi de bu man,

chi-fan chi de
zuo-shi zu6 de h£n man.
3. NT shenme difang bu shufu ma? Mei y6u bu shufu, bugu6 zhe
Hang tian wanshang shui de bu tai hao. (zhe lidng tidn, 'these
last few days')

4. Zu6tian ni bu zai jia ma? W6 dai haizi shang gongyuanr qu

le. Zai nar wan de hen gaoxing.

5. Ni haoxiang jingshen bu tai hao. Zuijin tai mang le, xiuxi de

bii gou.

6. Zhei ge wenti ta jiSshi de qfng bu qlngchu? Ta jiSshi de

feichang qlngchu.
7. NI ger chang de zenmeyang? Duibuql, w6 sh6nme ger dou
bu hui chang.
8. Ta kai-che kai de hao bu hao? Kai de bu-cud, jiushi kai de
bijiao kuai, mei ren gan zuo.
9. Dishi'er ke de liiyin nimen ting le ma? Ting le, lu de h6n bu
hao, yihuir man, yihuir kuai.
10. Ta Zhonggu6 cai zuo de z6nmeyang? Ta zu6 de ydu kuai y6u
11a. Ta mai de nei xie dongxi dou h6n gui.
b. Ta mai de gui. (He bought dear.)
12a. Ta shuo de mei ren d6ng. (What he said .
.) .

b. Ta shuo de hdn mingbai. (He explained very clearly.)

2 Intensifying complements

9. Jintianzhengzheng mang-le yi tian, wo xianzai lei de shenme

dou bu xiang zuo le. -

10. Nei ge xiao niihair, da yanjing, xiao zuir, piaoliang de ren jian
ren ai. (lit: 'people see, people love')
11. Liang tian mei chl-fan, ta e de bu neng zai zou le.

12. Zuotian yu da de women mei fazi chuqu.

3 Comparison

Patterns: a. A (neg) bi B SV {mat)

Ta (bu) bi wo man.
b. A V O V de (neg) bi B SV
Ta xie zi xie de (bu) bi wo man.
or A V O (neg) bi B V deSV
Ta xie zi (bu) bi wo xie de man.
or A O V de (neg) bi B SV
Ta zi xie de (bu) bi wo man.

1. Hanyu bi Yingyu nan ma? Chabuduo, dou bu rongyi.

2. Ta shi bu shi bi ni you gao you pang? Ta bi wo gao keshi bu
bi wo pang.
3. Zhei Hang suor fangzi, nei suor hao? Hen nan shuo; zhei suor
bi nei suor da, nei suor bi zhei suor piaoliang.
4. Tamen fufu lia shei de xingqing hao? Xiansheng de xingqing
bi taitai hao.
5. Zhei jian shi shei qu ban bijiao hao? Ni qu bi ta qu hao.
6. Ta pao de bi ni kuai ma? Ta pao de bi shei dou kuai./Ta bi
sheidou pao de kuai.
7. Didi bi gege congming ma? Congming, didi xue de bi gege
you kuai you hao.
8. Ni zenme zongshi bi bieren lei? Wo shui de bi tamen dou
9. Ni pai da de bii-cuo ba? Wo bu zenme hui da, tamen da de
dou bi wo hao.
10. Ta xin xie de hao bu hao? Xie de you-yisi jile, xie de bi
women dou hao.
11. Zhei ge wenti tamen lia dou huida le ma? Dou huida le, jiejie
huida de bi meimei qingchu.
12. Nimen weishenme bi bieren mai de gui? Women de dongxi
bi bieren hao.

4 Comparison with 'geng* and 'hai'

Pattern: A bi B ging/hdi SV
Ta h£n gao, kgshi ta dldi bi ta geng gao.

1. NI bi w6 congming, keshi ta bi nl geng congming.

2. NI shuo de bu-cud, bugu6 ta bi nl geng ydu-daoll.
3. Shuo Zhonggu6 hua yijing g6u mafan le, xi6 Hanzi bi shuo
Zhonggu6 hua geng mafan.
4. Wang daifu shi bu shi Lundun zui y6u-ming de daifu? Bu shi,
LI daifu bi ta geng y6u-ming.
5. Ta W nJ wang de kuai, kdshi w6 bi ta wang de geng kuai.
6. Ta y6u congming ydu y6nggong, Zhonggu6 hua shuo de bi
Zhonggu6 ren h£i hao.
7. Ta didi qf che qi de bi qiche h^i kuai.
8. Zhei ge zi ta xu6-le sanbai cl le hai bu renshi, zhen shi bi niu
hai ben!

5 Degrees of comparison

Pattern: A bi B SV complement
a. Ta bi w6 pang yidianr.
b. Ta bi w6 pang de duo.
c. Ta W w6 pang duole.
d. Ta W w6 pang ba gongjin.

1. NI shuo zhu 16u-shang hio, h^ishi zhu 16u-xia hao? Dagai zhu
16u-shang (bi zhu 16u-xia) hao yidianr.
2. Qiaritou de chuanghu da, h^ishi hdutou de chuanghu
da? Qi^ntou de (bi h6utou de) da yidianr.
3. Nimen lia de YTngwen shei shuo de Hull? Ta(shuode)biwdliuTi
de duo.
4. NI bi ta congming ba? Bu bu bu, w6 bi ta ben de duo.
5. Jintian shi bu shi bi zu6tian 16ng dianr? Jintian bi zu6tian ldng
6. Ta xi€ de bi cbngqiari hao ma? BI c6ngqi&n cha duole, bu
neng bi.
7. NI bi nl meimei da jl sui? Zhi da yi sui san ge yue.
8. NI de biao kuai bu kuai? Bu kuai, bi xuexiao de zhong man
liang fen.

9. Zhei zh6ng W nei zh6ng gui duoshao? Gui yf kuai ban.

10. Ta de qian bi ni duo duoshao? Yi ge yue duo shf'er kuai.
11. Ta jiao-shu jiao de bi ni jiu ba? Dui le, ta jiao de bi w6 jiu
12. Ni didi bi ni zhang de gao ba? Tagaoduole, bi w6zh£ngzh£ng
gao yi ge t6u.
13. Ta hdishi pao de hen man ma? Zuijin ta tiantian lian pdo, bi
yiqian pao de kuai duole.
14. Ta jiSshi de qlng bu qingchu?
H£n qingchu, bi laoshl jidshi de qingchu de duo.

6 'Lian . . . ye/dou . . .' construction

Patterns: a. lidn S yildou V O

Lian ta dou zhidao zhei jian shi.

b. S lidn O yildou V
Ta lidn zhei jian shi dou zhidao.

1. m£ng jfle, w6 lian wufan dou mei shi jian chi.

2. Ta congming de budeliao, lian diannao dou bi ta man.
3. Zhei ge wenti tai jiandan le, lian san sui de xiaohciir dou zhidao
zenme huidd.
4. Ta hui shuo jl ju Zhonggu6 hua, k£shi lian ban ge Hanzi dou
bu renshi.
5. W6 jintian lian yi fen qi£n dou mei dai, z^nme n^ng xia gudnzi?
6. Ni shang lou zhdo shei? L6u-shang lian yi ge ren dou m6i y6u.
7. Ni zdnme ben de lian Beijing zai nar dou bu zhidao?
8. Ta hutu de lian ziji xing shenme dou wang le.
9. W6men gaoxing de lian ke yd bu xiang shang le.
10. Ta ji de lidn fan dou mei chi jiu z6u le.

11. Tamen wanr de lidn shijian dou wang le.

12. Ta he de lidn dong-nan-xI-bSi dou bu zhlddo le.

7 'Yldi&nr' and
y6u yidianr' contrasted

Patterns: a. A (MB) SV
(yi)didnr (Comparison)
Zhei ge da (yi)didnr.
(bi nei ge)
b. A ydu (yi)didnr SV (Adverb)
Zhei ge y6u (yi)didnr da.

la. JIntian (bi zu6tian) 16ng yidiSnr.

b. JIntian y6u dianr 16ng.
2a. Ta de xingqing (bi ta airen) ji yidianr.
b. Ta ren bu-cud, keshi xingqing y6u dianr ji.

Zhei jian shi (bi nei jian shi/bi biede shi) mafan dianr.
Zhei jian shi y6u diSnr mafan.
4a. Yaoshi ta (bi xianzai) gao yidi&nr, jiu geng xiang ta gege le.
b. Ta zhang de y6u dianr xiang ta gege.
5. Haizimen dou y6u dianr haoqf, su6yi changchang wen daren
mei fazi huida de wenti.
6. Zhei ge ren y6u dianr hutu, lian ziji jia duoshao hao dou bu
(Contrast: Zhei ge ren bijiao congming.)
7. W6 ju6de zhei ke y6u dianr nan.
(Contrast: Ta juede zhei ke hen rongyi.)
8. Ta shuo de nei ge banfa y6u di^nr qiguai.
(Contrast: Ta shuo de nei ge banfa h£n y6u-daoli.)
9. Ni shuo bieren dou bi ta yonggong, ta haoxiang y6u dianr bu
(Contrast: Ta haoxiang hSn gaoxing.)
10. Ta jlntian y6u di^nr bu shufu, bu neng lai shang-ke.
(Contrast: Ta jlntian jingshen hao de hen.)

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. Lao Zhlng fufu zhuzai nai? Tamen nei liang ge haizi zh&ng de
2. Weishenme y6u ren yiwei zhei li^ng ge haizi shi shuangsheng
3. Gege de xingqing zdnmeyang? Xiang shei?
4. Didi de xingqing zenmeyang? Xiang shei?
5. Gege bi didi da ji duo?
sui? Shei zhldao de shiqing
6. Didi weishenme xihuan wen wenti? Ta dou wen shenme yang
de wenti?
7. Nei tian tamen weishenme mei chuqu wanr?
8. Didi de Hanzi xi^ de hao bu hao? Ta juede xie Zhongguo zi

h^n jiandan ma?


9. Gege de laoshi shuo xuexi Hanzi ylnggai xian ji shenme?

10. Weishenme 'bei' zi shi 'mu'-zipangr?

2 Change these S-SV sentences into sentences with verbal

complements, using the word in brackets as the verb:

e.g. Ta de zi hao. (xi6)—» Ta xi£ zi xiS de ha6. or Ta de zi xi£ de


1. Ta de ger hao-ting. (chang)

2. Ta de putonghua bii tai liuli. (shuo)
3. Ta de cai bu-cu6. (zuo)
4. Zuotian de yu zhen da. (xia)
5. Tamen de shengchan hao. (gao)
6. Ta de taijiquan hao jfle. (da)
7. Ta de wenti y6u-daoli. (wen)
8. Ta de xin cha de h£n. (xi6)

3 Answer these questions, using the 'bi' construction:

e.g. Zhonggu6 da haishi Yinggu6 da? Zhonggu6 bi YInggub da


1. Zhonggub r6n duo, haishi YInggub ren duo?

2. Shi ZhongwSn n^n haishi Yingwen nan?
3. Shi bao-shang de xlnw6n duo haishi dianshi-shang de xinwen
4. Shi zai cheng-li zhao gongzuo n^n, hdishi zai cheng-wai zhao
gongzuo nan?
5. Shi chl sanmingzhi jiandan h&ishi chl Zhongguo cai jiandan?
6. Shi xianzai shenghub shufu haishi wubai nian yiqian
shenghuo shufu?
7. Shi mutou zuo de chuanghu hao haishi ti6 zu6 de chuanghu
8. Shi pangzi de xingqing hao, haishi shduzi de xingqing hao?

4 Answer these questions using the *bV construction and giving

the correct degree of comparison:

e.g. Ta y6u shi b6n shu, w6 y6u liu b6n shu, ta bi w6 duo ji bSn?
Ta bi ni duo si bSn.

1. Ta y6u sishiwu kuai qian, w6 y6u sanshiba kuai qian, ta bi

w6 duo ji kuai qian?
2. W6 xie-le yibai ge zi, ta xie-le liushiql ge zi, w6 xi£ de zi bi

ta duo duoshao?
3. W6 de biao si dian san ke, ta de biao cha ba fen wu dian, ta
de biao bi w6 de kuai duoshao?
4. Ta fuqin sishiwu sui, ta muqin sishi'er sui, ta fuqin bi ta

muqin da ji sui?
5. Ta nei bdn shu liu kuai san, w6 zhei ben shu wu kuai er, w6
de bi ta de pianyi duoshao?
6. Ta shi jiu dian wushi fen dao de, w6 shi jiu dian wushiwu fen
dao de, ta bi w6 zao ji fen zhong?
7. W6 kan-guo ba ci Zhongguo dianying, ta zhl kan-guo san ci,

ta bi w6 sh^io ji ci?

5 Rewrite these sentences using the 'lian . . . yeVdou . .


construction to convey the idea of total lack or absence:

e.g. W6 mei y6u pengyou.— W6 lian yi ge pengyou dou mei y6u.

1. W6 m6i y6u qidn.

2. Lou-shang 16u-xia dou mei you ren.
3. Ta bu hui shuo Hanyu, y6 bu hui xiS Hanzi.
4. NI zuotian mei mai dongxi ma?
5. W6 mei tlng-guo zhei zh6ng yinyue.
6. Tamen zu6tian dao hu-bianr qu, mei kandao chuan.
7. Ta mei shuo-hua jiu z6u le.
8. Ta mei zu6-guo lianxi.

6 Translate into Chinese:

1. She is cleverer than I thought she was.

2. The play was much more interesting than the film.
3. He runs even faster than I do.
4. This job is do than your present one.
no more difficult to

5. She speaks Chinese even better than many Chinese do.

6. He has three younger brothers; the one who is five years his

junior is now teaching English in China.

7. The clock in the library is a good half-hour faster than ours.

8. They say his Chinese is extremely good, but he doesn't even

know how to write a single character.
9. How much more expensive is your watch than mine?
10. I'm a bit slower than my wife in learning foreign languages.
11. Thiswindow is a bit too small, don't you think?
12. Are you feeling all right? Yes, I'm just a bit tired; I didn't
sleep well last night.
13. He doesn't drink any kind of alcohol - he doesn't even know
where the pub is.
14. Do you want to buy anything? I sell everything very cheap.
No, thank you. I haven't got a penny on me today.
15. He's so stupid he can't even tell the time.
16. I'm sorry to be so late. It doesn't matter.
Qiantian zhongwu w6 huran The day before yesterday I

jiedao yi feng bu zhl cong nar suddenly received a letter

lai de xin, Han y6upiao yd from I knew not where,
mei tie. without even a stamp stuck
(on it).

Xinfeng-shang de zi shi yong The characters on the

maobi xi6 de, long-fei feng- envelope were written by
wu, huopo y6u-li. brush, with sweeps and
flourishes, lively and forceful.

Dangshi w6 xiangbuchu zhei At the time I couldn't work

feng xin shi shei jigei w6 de, out who it was who sent me
yinwei w6de pengyou this letter, because among my
dangzhong mei y6u yi ge friends there was none who
neng xiddeliao zheme could write such fine brush
piaoliang de maobi zi. characters.

Dengdao dakai xin cai faxian Not until opened the letter

yuanlai shi lao Gao xi61ai de. did I discover it was actually
written by old Gao.

Mei xiangdao liang nian bu To my surprise, in the two

jian, w6 zhei wei huajia years we had not met, the
pengyou de zi yijing lian de characters of this painter
zheme hao le. mine had already
friend of
been worked on till they were
so good.

Lao Gao bandao xiangxia qu Before Gao moved to the

ylqian he w6 shi linju. country we were neighbours.

Ta wu sui kaishl xu6 huar, He began to study painting at

zhongxue m6i manwan jiu five, passed the exam for art
kaoshang-le yishu xudyuan, school before finishing middle
xianzai yijing xiangdang ydu- school, and now is quite
mmg le. famous.

Ta hua-huar de shihou When painting he is

feichang zhuanxin, zhiyao yi exceptionally singleminded,

naqi bi lai jiu haoxiang jinru- all it needs is for him to
le lingwai yi ge shijie. (once) pick up a brush for
him to seem to enter another

Shei zduguo ta mianqian, ta He can't see anyone who

y6 kanbujian; shei gen ta passes in front of him; he
shuo-hua ta y6 tingbujian. can't hear anyone who talks
to him.

Rvigu6 yi zhang huar mei If he hasn't finished painting

huawan, ta jiSnzhf fan yd a picture, he simply can't get
chibuxia, jiao y6 shuibuzhao. his food down, nor get off to

Pengyoumen dou shuo ta shi Friends all say he is a

ge guairen. weirdo.

W6 suiran bu d6ng yishu, Though I don't understand

k6shi gen ta dao hen art, I still get on very well
tandelai. with him.

Ta xin-shang shuo b6n yue He says in his letter he will

shiba hao yao jin ch6ng, come into town on the 18th
rugu6 y6u shijian, y6xu ldi of this month; if he has time
kan w6. perhaps he will come to see

Jintian jiushi shiba hao, Today is precisely the 18th,

w6 yijing yubeihao-le fancai, I've already got food ready,
ta z6nme hdi bu l^i ne? how is it he still doesn't

Ei, ni ting, waitou y6u r€n Listen, there's someone

jiao men, shuobuding jiushi (calling) at the door, maybe
lao Gao . . . it's Gao . . .

A: Lai le, lai le, tingjian le! I'm coming, I'm coming, I

Sh6i a? heard! Who is it?

B: W6 a, caidechu w6 shi It's me: can you guess who I

shei ma? am?

A: Lao Gao, gu6ran shi ni! Gao, sure enough it's you!
Kuai in lai, kuai jinlai,
j Come in, come in, do, I've
yijing dSng ni da bantian been expecting you most of
le, chlguo fan m6iyou? the day; have you had
anything to eat?
B: Z6nme? Yi jin men jiu What's this? As soon as I set

yao qing w6 chl-fan? Bie foot in the door you want to

ji, bie ji, qing ni xian offer me food? Don't be in
kankan w6 dailai de zhei such a hurry, have a look first

fu huar. at this painting I've brought.

A: Ni zhidao w6 dui huar You know I'm altogether a
wanquan shi menwaihan, layman as far as painting is

shenme y6 kanbud6ng. concerned, I don't

understand the first thing.
B: Zhei fu huar h6n tebie, This painting is very special, I

wo gan shuo ni kanwan-le venture to say you will

yiding jiao-hio. Jintian certainly applaud when you
yunqi zhen bu-cud, mei have looked at it. Today my
xiingdao zai Dong Dajie luck was in: I hadn't expected
nei jia jiu-shu dian, to get hold of an old painting
maidao-le zheme yi fu gu like this at the second-hand
huar. bookshop on East Avenue.
A: O! Shi gang mai de, name Oh, you've only just bought
jiu qing ni kuai dianr it; in that case hurry up and

nachulai ba. take it out.

B: Bu xing, dei xian mafan Hold on, I have to trouble
ni guanshang chuanghu, you first to close the window
lashang chuanglianr. and draw the curtains.

A: Weishenme? Zhei fu huar Why? Has this painting got

ydu sh6nme jianbude ren something about it that can't
de difang ma? be exposed to public view?
B: NI kan nl xiangdao nSr qu See where your thoughts
le!Zhei fu gu huar yljing have taken you! This painting
y6u sanbai niari le, bu shi is 300 years old, it's not it

jianbude r£n, shi jianbude can't be exposed to the

taiyang, chulbude feng. public, it can't be exposed to
QIng nl kuai kaikai deng the sun or stand in a draught.
ba! Be quick and put the light on!
A: Zhe hua de shi zhuzi ma? Is this bamboos that are

W6 z6nme painted? How is it I can't

kanbuqingchu? Lao Gao make them out properly?
a, shuo ju bu keqi de Gao, old man, to be blunt, I

hua, w6 shizai bu zhidao honestly don't know what is

zhei fu huar haozai nail. good (where the good is) in
this painting. /

B: Ni kan, nl kan zhei yi W, Look, look at this stroke, this

jiu zhei yi b\ zui shao y6 stroke alone would call for at
d6i ershi nidn de gongfu. least 20 years of application.
A: Ershi niari de gongfu?! Twenty years of application?!
Duibuql, w6 kanbuchulai. I'm sorry, I can't detect it.

B: Lao xiong a, yao xiSng Old chap, if you wanted to

kandechulai, k6ngpa y6 be able to detect it, I'm
d6i ershi nian! afraid that would take 20
years too!


A: Ge, nl zai 16u-shang ma? Elder brother, are you

Kanjian jintian de bao upstairs? Have you seen
m6iyou? today's paper?
B: Zai w6 zher, w6 hai m^i It's here with me, I haven't
kanwari ne. finished it yet.
A: Ni hai yao duo jiu cai How much longer do you
neng kanw&n? Xian need before you can finish it?

n^xialai g6i w6 kankan, Bring it down for now for me

xing bu xing? to have a look at, all right?

B: Ni xiang kan bao?! Ni de You want to read the paper?!

lianxi zuowan le ma? Have you finished your
A: Chl-fan yiqian jiu zuowan I finished them before we had
le. our meal.
B: Ni bu shi shuo mingtian Didn't you say you had an
kaoshi ma? Dou yubeihao exam tomorrow? Have you
le ma? done all the preparation?
A: Zaojiu yubeihao le. I finished preparing a long
time ago.
B: Zu6tian nei ge shuxue I don't suppose you have
wenti, hai mei gaoqingchu sorted out that mathematical
ba. problem of yesterday.
A: G&oqingchu le. Yes, I have sorted it out.
B: Ei, gangcai ma jiao ni Ah, just now mum told you
shang jie qu mai yu, to go to the shops to buy
maidao le ma? some fish, have you got it?
A: Yijing maihuilai le. It's already bought and back

B: Na . . . name ni xiang Then . what have you got
. .

ganma? in mind to do?

A: W6 bu xiang ganma, zhi I haven't anything in mind, I

xiSng kankan jintian de just want to read today's

bao. paper.

A: Ni Zhongwen xue de How are you getting on with

z&nmeyang le? Jinbu hen learning Chinese? I expect
kuai ba? you're making fast progress?
B: Bu xing, w6 xue de bi It's not working out: I'm
yiban ren dou man, slower than the average;
jiandan de hua sulran though I can understand a
neng tlngd6ng bu sh&o le, amount of the simple
keshi yi kai k6u jiu soon as I open my
stuff, as
changchang shuocud, zhen mouth I invariably get it
bu-haoyisi! wrong - it's really

A: Ni bie bu-haoyisi le, Don't be embarrassed, when

women Zhongguo ren we Chinese speak English we
shuo Ylngwen de shihou make even more mistakes.
cud de geng duo. Ni You work so hard you'll
zheme yonggong yiding certainly be able to get on
keyi xuedehao. top of it.

B: Bu yonggong bu xing a! We've got no choice but to

Ni kan women yi tian jiu work hard! Look, we've got
you zheme duo lianxi, wo all these exercises for just
bu shui-jiao ye zuobuwan. one day; even if I went without
sleep I couldn't finish them.
A: Bie zhaoji, ni yijing xue Don't get het-up, you've
de bii-cud le. Women qu already got a pretty good
shitang chi-fan ba. grasp. Let's go to the canteen
to eat.
B: Zhe xie lianxi mei Until I've finished these
zuowan, wo shenme ye exercisesI won't be able to

chibuxia. swallow anything.

A: Bu chi-fan zenme neng If you don't eat how can you

y6u jingshen xuexi ne? have the energy to study?

B: Na jiu mafan ni ti wo mai In that case would you mind
yi kuai sanmingzhi hao bu buying a sandwich for me?
A: Yi kuai sanmingzhi One sandwich won't fill you.
chldebao ma? Liang kuai Make it two.
B: Bu, yi kuai jiu gou le. Ni No, one will be enough. You
bu zhidao, wo yi chibao-le don't realize, once I'm full I

jiu xiang shui-jiao, geng feel sleepy; I'd be even less

mei fazi xue le. able to study then.

qiantian (TW) day before yesterday
jie(dao) (V) receive
feng (M/V) measure for letters; to seal
youpiao (N) postage stamp
tie (V) stick (on)

xinfeng (N) envelope

maobi (N) brush (for writing)
long-fei feng-wu 'dragon flies, phoenix dances': flamboyant
(set phrase)
huopo (SV) lively, vivacious
you-li (SV) forceful
dangshi (TW) then, at that time
ji (V) send, post
dangzhong (PW) among, in the middle

dengdao (TW) by the time, when ('wait till')

dakai (V) open

faxian (V) discover
yuanlai (MA) originally; as a matter of fact, actually
huajia (N) painter
ban(dao) (V) move (to)
xiangxia (PW) country (as opposed to town)
he (C/CV) and, with (similar to gen)
linju (N) neighbour
huar (N) painting, picture
nianwan (V) finish studying
-wan (V comp) finish -ing
hua-huar (V-O) to paint, to draw
kao (V) give/take an examination; test
kaoshang - (V) pass exam for -
yishu (N/SV) art; artistic
xueyuan (N) college
xiangdang (A) quite, considerably, pretty
zhuanxln (SV) single-minded, engrossed
zhiyao (MA) it only needs; if only; as long as . . .

yl . . . jiu . . . once/as soon as . . . then . . .

na (V) take in the hand, hold

naqilai (V) pick up
jinru (V) enter into
lingwai (A/ AT) besides, separately; another
shijie (N) world
mianqian (PW) in front of, in face of

ruguo (MA) if (=yaoshi)

jianzhi (A) simply
shuibuzhao (V) unable to get to sleep

-zhao (V comp) get to (indicates attainment of objective)

guairen (N) strange person, eccentric
dao(shi) (A) it happens (marks
indeed, actually, as
something contrary to the general drift
or line of thought)
tandelai (V) able to talk to/get on with
ben (SP) this, the present
yexu (MA) perhaps
yubei (V) prepare, make ready
jiao men (VO) call at the door (to be let in)
shuobuding (V/MA) can't say for sure; maybe
guoran (MA) sure enough, just as predicted
da bantian (TW) greater half of a day; 'ages'
fu(M) for paintings; width (of cloth)
menwaihan (N) layman
tebie (SV/A) special(ly), particular(ly)
jiao-hao (V-O) 'shout well-done'; applaud
jie (N) street
jiu (SV) old; second-hand; former
gu (SV) old, ancient
guan (V) close, shut up/in, turn off
f,uanshang (V) close to
II (V) pull
lashang (V) pull to
chuanglian(r) (N) window curtains
jianbude (V) may not be seen by/exposed to
taiyang (N) sun
chul (V) blow
chuibude (V) may not be blown (by)
feng (N) wind
kai (V) open; turn on
deng (N) lamp, light
keqi (SV) polite; formal; modest in manner
shizai (A) in reality, honestly, really
bi (M) stroke (with a brush)
lao xiong (N) (form of address between male friends)
'old chap'
kaoshi (NA^) (have an) examination
jinbu (V/N/SV) progress; progressive

yiban (SV/A) general, common, ordinary; generally,

equally (used before SV)
bu-haoyisi (IE) embarrassed, ill at ease

1 Verb complements

(a) Resultative complements show the direct result of the action

initiated by the verb. In some cases the complement amplifies:
chibdo, 'eat-full', gdoqingchu, 'make-clear'; in others it only
indicates a positive conclusion to the action denoted by the stem
verb: kanjian, 'look-perceive', yubeihdo, 'prepare-satisfactory'.
Because of the non-commital nature of the plain form of the verb
in Chinese, various complements are brought into play to confirm

attainment, e.g. hdo, 'satisfactory', wan, 'finish', ddo, 'reach/get',

zhu, 'stay' (firm), and these are applied extensively. They naturally
attract the 'completed action' particle -le: kdoshdng-le yishii
xueyudn, 'took examination-attained le art college',

(b) may be simple or compound. In

Directional complements
addition to and qu, which you have met as showing direction

towards or away from the speaker, simple complements include

gud, 'past' (zouguo, 'go past'), chii, 'out' (xidngchu, 'think out'),
qi, 'up' (ndqi, 'pick up'). The latter group, and others besides, all

in themselves directional, can be compounded with lai and qu, to

add the element of approaching or receding: zouguoqu 'go past
(that way)'; ndxialai, 'bring down (this way)'. Objects may follow
the complete directional complement, but more usual for them
it is

to split the complement - in the case of a compound complement

coming before the lai or qu: ndqi bi lai, 'pick up a pen', xidngchu
bdnfd lai, 'think up a means'. Where the object is a place, only
the split complement is possible: zoujin xuexido qu, 'walk into
the school''.
Lai and qu as directional complements should be distinguished
from the same words used as 'particles of purpose' - 'come/go in
order to .', as in Wo mdi shu qu, T am going to buy some
. .

Directional complements are atonal, unless there is any reason
to emphasize them.

(c) Potential complements can beformed from most resultative and

directional verbs by the insertion between stem verb and comple-
ment of de and bu, to signify capability and non-capability respec-
tively, e.g. from kanjian, kandejidn, 'able to see'; from chibdo,
chibubdo, 'unable to eat one's fill'; from ndqilai, ndbuqildi,
'unable to pick up'; from lashanglai, ladeshdngldi 'able to pull ,

up' (note that atonal directional complements regain their tone in

the process).
Potential complements derived from resultative verbs are with
very few exceptions 'solid': kdnbujidn tdiydng, 'unable to see the
sun'.Those formed from verbs with compound directional comple-
ments, however, allow an object to split the complement: ndbuchu

qidn lai, 'unable to produce the money'.

Some verb complements occur only in the potential forms, like
-lido, in xiibulido, 'cannot write'; -de is exceptional among these,
in that it forms the affirmative potential complement by itself, e.g.
chide, 'eatable' (there being no such word as *chidede), while the
negative is normal: chibude, 'uneatable'.
Potential verbs may not take the verb-suffix -le.

Their negative form is fixed regardless of tense/aspect: you can-

not say e.g. *mei kandejidn.
Oddly enough, potential verbs are compatible with auxiliary
verbs of ability, though they are redundant: neng kdndeqingchu,
'able to see clearly'. But they are not used where it is a question
of permission: Wo kiyi jinlai ma? not *W6 jindeldi ma? for
'Can I come in?'.

(d) Gii 'give' = complement may simply be an alternative

'to' as a
to the coverb gii: xiegei td yi feng xin and gii td xii yi feng
xin, for instance, have the same meaning, 'write a letter to him'.
But depending on the nature of the main verb, gii as coverb might
only be understood as 'for', e.g. gei td mdi, for him' (as

opposed to mdigei td, 'sell to him'). As a rule, then, ambiguity

can be avoided by using the complement gei to introduce an indirect
object, and the coverb gii can be reserved for cases of 'for'.

2 More on 'gud' (Speech Patterns 4)

Guo may figure as a directional complement as described above,


having the spatial sense of 'past' or 'through'. But it can also

function as a complement (rather than as a suffix as described in
Lesson 12) in the temporal sense. The status of complement is

restored when the meaning of guo as 'comes to pass' becomes

substantial. At the same time it may regain its tone. It serves then
to confirm that an action has indeed taken place. Often this is part
of the daily routine, e.g. Ni chiguo fan meiyou?, 'Have you
eaten?' Chiguo le, 'I have'. Equally it may be some action that is
expected in the particular circumstances, Zhei jian shiqing
td wenguo td
yinggdi zhidao, ni ma?, 'He ought to know about
this matter, did you ask him?' Finally, the complement gud can
convey that a whole process has been gone through, in which case
it is similar to wan, 'finish': W6 chiguo wufdn jiu qu, Til go

straight after finishing lunch.'

1 Resultative complements

(a) Some common resultative complements

complements stem verbs

-jian (sensory perception) kan, ting, peng . . .

-dao (arrival, attainment) kan, zhao, z6u, mai, ji, sbng,

xiarig, xue . . .

-zhao (attainment) zh&o, jian, mai, shui . . .

-wan (completion) zuo, shuo, chi, xie . . .

-hao (satisfaction, zuo, xie, ban, yubei . . .

-hui (learning mastery) xue, g&o
-d6ng (understanding) kan, ting, g&o
-kai (detachment, separation) kai, d&, la . . .

-ding (definiteness) shuo

-zhu (fixity, secureness) na, ji, tie

-dui (correctness) zuo, shuo, xie, gao . . .

-cuo (error) zu6, shuo, xie, g&o . . .

-qlngchu (clarity) shuo, xie, kan

-bao (repleteness) chi, he

(b) Use of resultative complements

Pattern: Ni jiedao wo de xin le ma?

or: Ni jiedao wo de xin meiyou? - ]'\tdao le./Mei ]\tdao.

1. Ni kan, shan-shang you Hang ge ren. Wo zaojiu kandao-le,

haoxiang shi lao Zhang he xiao Li.
2. Ni ting, waitou you ren jiao ni. Shi ma? Wo zenme mei
tlngjian? Ni tingcuo le ba!
3. Haizimen dou shang lou shuijiao le ma? Dou shangqu le,
yijing shuizhao le.

4. Lao Wang zuotian zuo de yu zenmeyang? Tingshuo hao-chl

wo quwan le, mei chizhao.

5. Zhei ben xiaoshuo ni kuai kanwan le ba? Wo cai kan-le yi

ban, yexu mingtian keyi kanwan.
6. Nei zhang huar ni hai mei huahao ba? Huahao le, buguo hua
de feichang bu hao.
7. Nimen mingtian dao xiangxia qu, yubeihao le ma? Chabuduo
dou yubeihao le, xiwang mingtian bie xia-yu.
8. Ni xue-guo taijiquan ma? Xue-guo, keshi mei xuehui.
9. Ta xie de zi long-fei feng-wu, hen bu rongyi kandong. Rongyi
kandong jiu bu gou yishu le.
10. Kai men, kai men, wo huilai le! Men yijing kaikai le, kuai
jinlai ba!

11. Ta zhei ge zi shi bu shi xiecuo le? Ni kaikai deng wo kankan.

Shi mei xiedui, zher shao-le yi bi.
12. Nei ge difang hen hao zhao, ni zhi yao jizhu zai tushuguan de
dongbianr jiu xing le.
13. Gangcai shouyinji-shang shi bu shi shuo mingtian you da feng?
Wo mei tingqingchu.
14. Women yijing shuoding le, shei xian zuowan lianxi shei qu mai
15. Wo faxian chule ta yiwai, hai you lingwai yi ge ren ye
kandao-le zhei jian shi.

2 Directional complements

(a) Some common directional complements

Complements Stem verbs

-shang (up; on; attainment) guan, la, dai, kao . . .

-xia (down; having room for) zuo, chl . . .

—lai (in this direction) shang, xia, jin, chu, hui, na,
song, dai, ji, ban . . .

—qu (in that direction) (ditto)

-jin (in, into) ban, na, dai, pao, z6u . . .

-chu (out) (ditto)

-dao (arrive) z6u, pao, xue, ji, ban, na . . .

-guo (pass) z6u, chl, kan . . .

-z6u (away) na, ban, dai, song . . .

-shanglai (come up) na, ban, song, pao, z6u . . .

-xialai (come down) (ditto)

-shangqu (go up) (ditto)
-xiaqu (go down) (ditto)
—jinlai (come in) (ditto)
-chulai (come out) (ditto)
-jinqu (go in) (ditto)
-chuqu (go out) (ditto)
qilai (rise, get up) xiang, na . . .

(b) Use of directional complements

Patterns: a. Ta guanshang chuanghu, \ashang chuanglian, jiu qu

shuijiao le.

b. Ta nachu yi fu huar lai qing dajia kan.

1. Ta daishang biao, guanshang men, jiu chuqu le.

2. Zuoxia, zuoxia, you hua zuoxia zai shuo.

3. Ruguo ni mei shijian songlai, jilai ye keyi.
4. Ni didi qunian kao daxue meiyou? Kao le, keshi mei
5. Jidao Zhongguo qu de xin dei tie duoshao qian de youpiao?
6. Wo yiwei nei jia shudian hai zai lao difang, yuanlai tamen
yijing bandao lingwai yi tiao jie-shang qu le.

7. Ta yonggong de budeliao, mei tian wanshang dou yao niandao

yi-liang dian.

8. Ni chang pengjian ta ma? Women shi linju, chang pengjian,

w6 mei tian dou dei zouguo ta jia menkou Hang ci.

9. Chiguo fan le ma? le, lian kafei dou heguo le.

10. Ni xln-li you shenme hua, qing ni dou shuochulai ba.
11 Xueshengmen zheng yao paochuqu wanr de shihou, laoshi cong
waibianr z6ujinlai le.

12. Yuanlai zhuzai nar de ren yijing banzou le, women dasuan xia
yue san hao banjinqu.
13. Ni kanjian ta nei fu gu huar le ma? Ta benlai yijing nachulai
le, you nahuiqu le.
kanjian ni lai

14. Ta shuo de hua nimen dou xiexialai le ma? Mei ge zi dou

xiexialai le.
15. Ta zhei feng xin de yisi ni kanchulai le meiyou? Wo mei
kanchulai you shenme tebie de yisi.

16. Wo jintian dai de qian bu gou, dei hufqu zai na dianr lai. jia

17. W6 gang zoujinqu, ta jiu naqi yf fen bao lai jiao wo kan.
18. Ni bu shi yijing shui-jiao le ma? Zenme you paoxia lou lai le?
Wo huran xiangqi yi jian shi lai . . .

3 Potential complements

(a) Some common potential complements

Affirmative Negative
jiande jianbude can be seen; be obvious/
cannot be presented to
chide chlbude may/may not be eaten
tingdejian tingbujian can/cannot hear
zhaodedao zhaobudao can/cannot find
shuidezhao shuibuzhao can/cannot get to sleep
zuodewan zuobuwan can/cannot finish doing
xuedehao xuebuhao can/cannot master
kandedong kanbudong can/cannot make out,
understand, read
jidezhu jibuzhu can/cannot remember
bandeliao banbuliao can/cannot carry out
chldebao chibubao can/cannot eat one's fill

shuobuding cannot say for sure

tandelai tanbulai can/cannot get along with

kaodeshang kaobushang can/cannot pass the exam for

zuodexia zuobuxia can/cannot sit down or seat
shangdequ shangbuqu can/cannot go up
xiadequ xiabuqu can/cannot go down
zoudeshangqu zoubushangqu can/cannot walk up
chldexiaqu chibuxiaqu can/cannot carry on eating or
get food down
kandechulai kanbuchulai can/cannot detect
kaidejinqu kaibujinqu can/cannot drive in
duideqi duibuqi not let/let (someone) down

(b) Use of potential complements

Patterns: a. Ni kandedong Zhongwen ma?

b. NI kkndedong kknbudong Zhongwen?

1. Ni kan fangzi-shang you liang ge ren. Zai nar a? Wo zenme

2. Lianxi zuowan le ma? Hai mei ne, zheme duo, kongpa jintian
3. Zhongguo ren shuo-hua ni neng tlngdedong ma? Ruguo shuo
de shi putonghua, wo yexu neng tlngdedong.
4. Zheme re, kuai kaikai chuanghu ba! Wo gangcai kai-le ban-
tian, kaibukai.
5. Wo xiang mai yi fu Zhongguo huar, bu zhidao zai zher mai-
dezhao maibuzhao?
6. Shijie-shang de shiqing zhen qiguai, xiang chibao de ren chibu-
bao, keyi chibao de ren bu chibao.
7. Zhei jian shi ta yi ge ren qu, bandeliao banbuliao? Ta name
nenggan, yiding bandeliao.
8. Zheme nan xie de zi, ni jidezhu jibuzhu? Bu bi wen, dangran
9. Wo he lao Wang cong xiao jiu hen tandelai, xianzai haishi hao
10. Jintian xlngql-tian bu shang ban, shenme ren ye zhaobudao.
11. Mingtian women xuededao dishiwu ke ma? Shuobuding yexu
12. Ruguo mingnian ni neng kaoshang daxue . . . Bie 'ruguo' le,

wo yiding kaobushang.

13. Ta zhe Hang tian xin-li y6u shi, fan y6 chibuxia, jiao yg
14. Zhei ge difang zuodexia yibai ge ren ma? Zuobuxia, zui duo
zhineng zuoxia sanshi ge ren.
15. Tamen zhuzai ba 16u, nl z6udeshangqu ma? W6 zheme pang,
k6ngpa z6ubushangqu.
16. Sanmingzhi tai nan-chi le, w6 jianzhi chibuxiaqu.
17. Ni kandechulai zhe shi shei xi£ de zi ma? O, w6 m€\ kanchu
zhe shi zi lai.
18. Damen tai xiao, qiche kaibujinqu zSnme ban? W6 y& xiang-
buchu shenme banfa lai.

19. Ni de huar neng bu neng nachulai g6i w6men kankan? Bu

xing, bu xing, w6de huar shizai jianbude ren.
20. Nin bie keqi, zai chi yidianr ba! Xiexie nin, w6 bu hui keqi,
w6 zhende chfbao le, shizai chibuxia le.

4 Complement 'gud' and suffix '-guo' contrasted

la. Ni chlguo fan le ma?

b. Ni chi-guo Zhonggu6 fan ma?
2a. Jintian songxinde laiguo le ma? Laigub le, mei y6u ni de xin.
b. Ta lai-guo Yingguo ma? Lai-guo, yi-jiu-qi-ba ni^n lai-guo yi

3a. Ni yijing z6uguo-le Xlmen Dajie, ni kan houtou nei tiao jiu

b. Ni yiqian z6u-guo Xlmen Dajie ma? Meiyou, zhe shi diyi ci.
4a. Zhuozi-shang de cai mei yang ni dou chlguo le ma? Chiile yu
yiwai, w6 dou chlguo le. (partaken, as expected)
b. Zhuozi-shang de cai mei yang ni dou chi-guo ma? Y6u de
chi-guo, ydu de mei chi-guo. ('ever' eaten)
5a. Zhei fen Zhongwen bao w6 yijing kanguo le, ni naqu kan ba.
(finished reading)
b. Ni kan-guo Zhongwen bao ma? Kan-guo yi ci, kanbud6ng.

5 Predicative complements and potential complements contrasted

la. Ta zuo de hao bu hao? Dajia dou shuo ta zuo de hao.

b. Ta zuodehao zubbuhao? Ta h6n zhuanxin, yiding zuodehao.
2a. Ta shuo de qlng(chu) bu qingchu? Ta shuo de (xiangdang)

b. Ta shuodeqingchu shuobuqingchu? Zheme jiandan de wenti,

ta shuodeqingchu.
3a. Ni bi ni gege pao de kuai ma? W6 bi ta pao de kuai.
b. Ni paodekuai paobukuai? Ruguo qiantou y6u hao-chi de
dongxi, w6 dangran paodekuai.
4a. Zhei ge zi ta xie de bu dui.
b. Zhei ge zi ta xie-le shi ci le, keshi haishi xiebudui.
5a. Ta he de bu duo, zhi he-le yi bei.

b. Ta hebuduo, yi bei jiu gou le.

6 'Gei' used as a verb complement

Pattern: Vgei Ind O Dir O

Ta jigei w6 yi ben shu.

1. Kuai chl ba, zhe shi ma tebie zuogei ni chi de.

2. Zhe shi tade maoyl, zuotian wangzai zher le, mafan nin daigei
ta hao ma?
3. Ni nei feng xin shi xiegei shei de?
4. Nei jian shi ni neng bu neng shuogei women tingting? Kongpa
w6 shuo san tian ye shuobuwan.
5. W6 bu zhidao ni yao mai jiu che, w6 yijing maigei bieren le.
6. Ta de nei fu Zhongguo huar yijing songgei daxue tushuguan

7. Bao-shang de zi tai xiao, wo kanbuqingchu, qing ni niangei wo

8. Ta xiang kankan w6 gang mM de nei ben jiu shu, qing ni nagei

9. Ta jiegei w6 de nei ben xiaoshuo mei shenme yisi, xie de hen

10. Tingshuo ni renshi nei wei Zhang xiaojie, neng bu neng jie-

shaogei wo didi?

7 Coverb ^gei' and complement 'gei' contrasted

la. Nei ben shu w6 shang xingqi jiu jigei ta le, weishenme ta hai
mei jiedao?
b. Nei ben shu w6 shang xingqi jiu gei ta jiqu le, weishenme ta

hai mei jiedao? (= a)


c. Nei b6n shu w6 shang xingql jiu g£i ta ji le, weishenme nei ge
ren hai mei jiedao? (= ti ta)
2a. Nei Hang che ni maigei ta le ma?
b. Nei Hang che ni g&i ta mai le ma? (= ti ta)
3a. Zhe shi ta xiegei w6 de lingwai yi feng xin.
b. Zhe shi ta gei w6 xie de lingwai yi feng xin. (1. = a; 2. = ta
ti w6 xie de)
4a. Zhei fenr shi ta de, qing ni nagei ta.
b. Ta mei lai, qing ni g6i ta na yi fenr. (= ti ta)
5a. Zhei b6n shu jiegei w6 kankan, xing bu xing?
b. Qing ni g£i w6 jie bdn shu kankan, xing bu xing? (= ti w6)

8 Yi . . . jiu . .

1. Li&ng diari zhong yi dao, ISoshI jiu jinlai le.

2. Laoshi yi jinlai, wdmen jiu dou zhanqilai le.

3. W6men yi zhanqilai, l&oshi jiu shuo: 'Qing zu6, qing zu6'.

4. LSoshi yi shuo 'Qing zud', w6men jiu dou zuoxia le.

5. Women shuo Zhonggu6 hua le.

yi zu6xia, ISoshi jiu kaishl
6. LSoshl yi kaishi shuo Zhonggu6 hua, w6men jiu hutu le.
7. W6men yi hiitu, l&oshl jiu bu gaoxing le.
8. Laoshi yi bu gaoxing, jiu bu xi^ng jiao le.
9. Laoshi yi bu xiang jiao, wdmen jiu xudbuhao le.
10. Ta yi kanjian Zhonggu6 zi jiu xiang shuijiao.
11. W6 yi kanjian Zhonggu6 r€n jiu shuobuchu hua lai le.

12. Ta yi chi Zhonggu6 cai, jiu ju^de bu shufu.

13. Ta yi y6u qian jiu xiang shang jiiiguanr.
14. Ta yi he jiu jiu yao shuo waiguo hua.
15. Ta airen yi tingjian ta shuo waigu6 hua jiu xiang da ta.

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. Qiantian zhongwuw6 jiedao yi feng shenme yang de xin?

2. Weishenme w6 xiarigbuchu zhei feng xin shi shei jigei w6 de?
3. W6 shenme shihou cai faxian zhei feng xin shi l£o Gao xidlai

4. Lao Gao shi shenme xueyuan bi-ye de? Ta xianzai zuo shenme
5. Lao Gao hua-huar de shihou zSnmeyang?
6. Lao Gao jin men ylhdu w6men mashang jiu chl-fan le ma?
7. Ta nei fu gu huar shi shenme shihou mai de? Zai nar mai de?
8. Kan huar yiqian, lao Gao weishenme jiao w6 guanshang
chuanghu, lashang chuangli&nr?
9. W6 juede nei fu huar zenmeyang?
10. W6 gen lao Gao shuo w6 kanbuchulai nei fii zhuzi h^ozai nali,
ta shuo shenme?

2 Put complements in the blanks:

1. NI jie( ) ta de xin {e ma?

2. W6 kanbu( ) ni zai nar; qing ni kai( ) deng, h^o ba?
3. Zheme xiao de qiche zuode( ) liu ge ren ma?
4. Ta mei lian-guo zi, xi£bu( ) zheme hao de zi.

5. Xiexie nin, w6 yijing chi-le wu wan fan le, zhende chi( ) le,

shizai chibu( ) le.

6. Zhuozi weishenme zai waitou? Men tai xiao, zhuozi tai da,
banbu( )( ).
7. Ta yijing qu shui-jiao le, biigub y^xu hai mei shui( ) ne.
8. Zheige mingzi tai chang le, w6 ji^nzhi jibu( ), qing ni g6i w6
xie( )( ), key! ma?
9. Ta didi feichang yonggong, yiding kaode( ) daxue.
10. Lian zheme jiandan de wenti w6 dou gao( ) le, zhen bu-
11. Baihuo shangdian xin lai de maoyi duo de budeliao, yiding
maide( ), bu bi zhaoji.
12. Mingtian kaoshi, ni yubei( ) le meiyou?
13. Chi( ) fan le ma? Zaojiu chi( ) le.

14. Zuotian w6 peng( ) lao Wang le, ta shuo hSn jiu m6i kan( )

ni le, hen xiang ni.

15. Nimen yijing nian( ) dijl ke le? Zhei ben shu kuai nian( )

3 Change these sentences into sentences with potential


e.g. Men neng kaikai ma? —» Men kaidekai ma?


1. NI n6ng maidao nl yao mai de dongxi ma?

2. Zhonggu6 r€n shuo-hua nl n6ng tlngd6ng ma?
3. Ta yi tian n6ng xi6 wuqian ge zi.
4. Zhei fii huar k6yl mai duoshao qian?
5. Ta de zi 16ng-fei feng-wu, nl n6ng kand6ng ma?
6. Ta yiding neng xiangchu banfa lai.
7. W6men dou m6i fazi zhaodao ta.
8. Zhei zh6ng feiji n6ng zu6 wubai duo r^n.

4 Give both affirmative and negative answers to these questions:

1. Ta de zi xi6 de hao bu hao?

2. NImen wanr de gaoxing bu gaoxing?
3. NI kandeddng kanbud6ng zhei fu huar?
4. Zhei ge wenti ta ji£shi de qlngchu bu qingchu?
5. Ta bl ni shuo de liuli ma?
6. NI tamen dou chl de duo ma?
7. L6u zheme gao, nl z6udeshangqu ma?
8. NI yi ge r€n nadeliao zheme duo shu ma?

5 Translate into Chinese:

1. He told me that he ran into old Wang in the street yesterday.

2. Have you finished with that dictionary? Yes, I have. You can
take it to old Lee now.
3. We listened but could hear nothing.
4. The book you ask for is sold out.
5. Will you open out the map, please?
6. They arrived at the station very early but got into a wrong
7. I like the picture you have just finished. Will you sell it to me?

8. They moved out on Friday and we moved in on Saturday.

9. He started as soon as he received the letter.
10. You have guessed right. He is an artist.
11. Please take it down and show it to me.
12. Here is a letter from Mr Wang. Shall I read it out?
13. He failed to pass the university entrance examinations, clever
as he was.
14. I can't quite make out the meaning of the last sentence, so
would you please explain it in Chinese.
15. You can't carry all those things by yourself, can you?
Zhongguo cai shi shijie Chinese food is world
wenming de, yinwei famous, because the study of
Zhonggu6 ren yanjiu chl de the art of eating among the
yishu yfjing y6u hen chang de Chinese already has a long
lishi le. history.

Zuijin yi-ershi nian Zhonggu6 In the last 10 or 20 years

cai zaiYinggu6 yue lai yue Chinese food has in England
shou huanying, Zhonggu6 become more and more
fanguanr y6 yue lai yue duo. popular, and Chinese
restaurants have become
more and more numerous.

Suiran zhe xie guanzi de cai Although the food in these

dou bu-cud, danshi hen shao restaurants is pretty good, it

y6u w6 pengyou Huang is rarely cooked as well as my

Yingbai zuo de name hao de. friend Huang Yingbai's.

Lao Huang shi wei huaxue Huang a chemist, and has


zhuanjia, lai Yingguo kuai been England nearly 40

sishi nian le; suiran sixiang he years; though his thought and
kanfa dou yijing xiangdang outlook are already quite
xlhua, kdshi xlcan haishi Westernized, he still can't
chlbulai de. take to Western food.

Mdi tian bulun duo mang, ta Every day no matter how

yd yao haohaorde zuo liang busy he is, he still has to
ge cai, shushufufude chf dun cook a couple of dishes in a
Zhongguo fan, yaoburan proper manner, and eat a
wanshang lian jiao dou Chinese meal in comfort,
shuibuhao. otherwise he can't even get a
good sleep.

Ta bS zud-cai dangzuo yi He regards cooking as an art

zhdng yishu lai yanjiu, c6ng to research into; from 'white
bdiqiejl dao hongshaordu, cut chicken' to 'red-cooked
c6ng Beijing kaoya dao pork', from Peking roast
Guangdong dianxin, ta zSnme duck to Cantonense titbits,
zuo z6nme hao-chl. whatever way he cooks it is
tasty in that way.

Ta neng ba niurou chao de He can fry beef as soft as

gen d6ufu yiyang nen, ye beancurd, and can stew
neng ba doufu shao de xiang beancurd as sweet-smelling as
yu yiyang xiang. fish.

Geng nari-de de shi h<ii neng Even rarer is that he can

ba mei ge cai de l&ili actually give you a clear
qingqingchuchiide shuochulai. account of the history of each

Weile bk chi de yishu In order to introduce the art

jieshaogei xifang ren, qunian of eating to Westerners, last
ta hua-le wu ge yue de year he spent five months to
gongfu, ba ta duonian de compile very methodically a
zud-cai xinde y6u-tiao-y6u- cookery-book out of what he
lide xiecheng-le yi b6n shipu. had learned in cooking over
many years.

Mei xiangdao yi ge yue jiu Surprisingly it sold 20,000

mai-le liangwan b6n. copies in a month.

Zhongguo cai dajin-le Chinese food broke into

Yinggu6 chufang, lao Huang English kitchens, and Huang
ye yiwaide chu-le yi zhen also unexpectedly made a
fengtou. splash.

Y6u yi tian ta qing-le ji wei One day he invited a few

pengyou qu chi Zhonggu6 friends to eat at a Chinese
guanzi . . . restaurant . . .

A: Nin lai le, ji wei a? Qing Good day, how many are
zhei bianr zuo. Nin ba you? Please sit over here.
dayl dou gSi w6 ba. Give me your overcoats,
would you?
B: W6men yig6ng liu ge ren, We are six altogether; have
y6u mei y6u da yidianr de you a bigger table?
A: Duibuqi, da zhuozi mei I'm sorry, we have no big
y6u le. Nin zao yidianr lai tables left. Itwould have
jiu hao le. Zhe yang ba, been all right had you come
w6 ba zhe Hang zhang earlier. I'll tell you what, I'll
xiao zhuozi gei nm put these two small tables
pinqilai z£nmeyang? together for you, how's that?
B: Hao ba, liu ge ren All right, as long as you can
zuddexia jiu xing. Mafan seat six. May we trouble you
ba caidanr nalai
ni xian to bring the menu first for us
g£i w6men kankan. to look at?
A: Hao, mashang jiu lai. Nin Very well, coming right up.
dou qing zuo, xian he bei Please be seated, and have
cha. some tea to go on with.
B: Zhe caidanr-shang de cai There are really a lot of
zhen bu shao. W6 yue dishes on this menu. The
kan yue bu zhldao dian more I look at it the less I

shenme hao. H^ishi know what to choose.

mafan ni jieshao ji yang Perhaps I could bother you
nimen de nashdu cai ba! instead to suggest some of
your specialities!
A: W6men zher de Our country chicken and
jiaxiangjl, huiguordu shi twice-cooked pork are what
zuinashou de, jlntian hai we do best; we've also got
y6u gang dao de some yellow croaker just in:
huangyu, lai ge tangcu what about a sweet and sour
huangyu z^nmeyang? yellow croaker?

B: Hao zhe san ge cai dou

a, Fine, we'll have all three, but
yao, buguo huiguorou bu the twice-cooked pork
neng tai la, ye bu neng tai mustn't be too hot, nor too
xian, zuo dan yidianr hao salty, could you make it

ba? Shao fang dianr rather bland? Put a bit less

jiangyou. E, wo jide soya sauce in. Ah, I

nimen zher de hongshao remember the red-cooked

doufu tebie hao-chi, lai ge beancurd here is particularly
hongshao doufu, zai yao tasty, let's have red-cooked
ge sucai - naiyou caihuar beancurd, plus a vegetable
y6u ba? dish - you've got creamed
A: You you you. Nin ji wei Yes, of course. Will you
he bu he jiu? Yao bu yao gentlefolk be drinking?
xian lai ge pinpanr? Would you like a cold platter
to start?
B: W6men xiang he dianr We shall be indulging; very
jiu, hao, xian lai ge well, we'll start with a cold
pinpanr, zuihou zai gei platter,and to end with we'll
w6men lai ge baicai have a beef and cabbage
niurou tang ba, w6men soup. Rice for all of us.
dou chl mifan.
A: Hao, hao. Nin zhe ji wei Certainly. Will these foreign
waiguo pengyou shi yong friends of yours be using
kuaizi haishi yong dao- chopsticks or knife and fork?
B: Tamen ji wei kuaizi yong They use chopsticks even
de bi w6 hai hao. Dao- better than I. Knife and fork
cha shi yongbuzhao de. will be unnecessary. Please
Qing ni kuai dianr shang hurry and serve the food.
cai ba.O, hai you, mafan Oh, another thing, would you
ni ba chuanghu guan xiao mind closing the window a
dianr hao ma? Feng tai little (smaller). The wind is

da le. too strong.

A: Pinpanr lai le! The cold platter is served!
B: Lai lai lai, wo xian jing Come on, let me first offer a
dajia yi bei. Gan-bei a! toast to all. Down the hatch!
Qing qing qing, chl-cai, Let's start, eat up, eat up,
chl-cai, bie keqi, duo chl don't be polite, tuck in!

(Fuwuyuan zuihou ba tang (After the waiter has served

nashanglai yihou, lao Huang the soup to finish, Huang
wen ta:) asks him:)

B: Qiguai a, jintian de Strange, how come today's

t£ngcuyu z6nme ydu bu sweet and sour fish was
tiany6u bu suan? neither sweet nor sour? The
H6ngshao ddufu yS mei red-cooked beancurd was not
ydu ylqi£n name xiang le. as appetizing (fragrant) as
Nfmen chuf&ng shi bu shi Have you
before, either.
huan-le xinsh6u? exchanged your cook for a
A: Meiyou a! Buguo women Certainly not! But our
chiifang mai-le yiben xin kitchen has bought a
chu de shipu, jintian de cookbook that's just out;
tangcuyu he hongshao today's sweet and sour fish
doufu wanquan shi zhao and red-cooked beancurd
neige shipu zuo de. were done entirely according
Tingshuo xie nei ben to that cookbook. I
shipu de shi wei huaxue understand the chap who
zhuanjia, jiao Huang wrote the cookbook is a
shenme Bai, bu zhidao chemistry expert, called
nin ren bu ren . . . Huang Something-bai, I

wonder if you know. . . .

B: Bu renshi! Bu renshi! Bu Never heard of him



A: Ei, Li daji£, shenme feng Ah, 'Big Sister' Li, what

ba nl chullai-le? Zhen shi breeze blew you here? This is

nan-de! really a rare privilege!

B: Zaojiu xiang kanlai I've long intended to come
nimen, zdngshi mei and see you, but I've never
gongfu, nimen dou hao had the time. You're all well?

A: Hai na yangr. Qing zuo, Still the same old way. Have
qing zuo! Ba day! fangzai a seat! Put your coat down
zher ba. Zuijin mang here. What have you been
shenme a? busy with lately?
B: W6men chang yubei ba Our factory is preparing to
shengchan lashangqu, pull up production; everyone
dajia dou bi yiqian mang is a lot busier than before.
A: W6men gongsi ye mei Our company isn't as cushy
yiqian name shufu le, as before either. In order to
weile yao ba fuwu gao de improve the service, one
geng hao, yi ge ren person often has to do the
changchang dei zuo Hang work of two. The children
ge ren de shi. Haizimen are all OK?
dou hao ba?
B: Xranzai dou da le, They're all grown now, and
zhengtian wang wai pao, are out on the loose all day.
xuexf dou hen cha. Wo Their schoolwork is very
zhen bu zhldao ni zenme poor.I really don't know

neng ba haizi jiao de how you've managed to train

name hao. your children so well!
A: Bie shuo le, dou yiyang. We'd better not go into that,
Xianzai de haizi jianzhi they're all the same. Children
bu ba fumu de hua dang of today simply don't take
yi hui shi! E, e le ba, wo what their parents say
qing ni qu chi guotier seriously. Oh, you must be
zSnmeyang? hungry; I'll treat you to some
how about
guotie, that?
B: Ni zenme ba wo dang How come you're treating me
keren le, jiu zai louxia as a guest? What's wrong
shitang chi wan mian bu with having a bowl of noodles
hao ma? just in the canteen
A: NT zheme jiu bu lai, It's so long since you were
dangran shi keren le. here, of course you're a guest
Neng bu neng deng w6 ji now. Can you wait a few
fen zhong? W6 dei xian minutes for me? I have to
ba zhei jian gongshi nagei show this paperwork to old
lao Wang kankan. Wang first.

B: Mei wenti, ni ba yinggai No problem, you finish

ban de shi dou banwan, tending to all the things you

w6 duo e yihuir mei have to tend to; it doesn't

guanxi, dao-le fanguanr matter if I stay hungry a
keyi duo chl yidianr. while longer, when we get to
the restaurant I can eat a bit


A: Nin zSnme chl zheme How is it you're eating so

shao? Qing zai duo chl little? Have some more food!
dianr cai!
B: Xiexie nin, wo zhen de Thank you, I'm really full,
chlbao le, yijing bi I've already had one bowl of
pingchang duo chl-le yi rice more than usual. The
wan fan. Cai tai hao le! food is just too nice!
A: Nin tai keqi le, jintian de You're too polite, all the
cai zuo de dou hen cha. food today was very off. I got
W6 manghutu le, in a tizzy: my red-cooked
hongshaojl tai xian, chicken was too salty, my
huiguorou tai la, tang-li twice-cooked pork too hot,
ye wang-le fang yan. and I forgot to put salt in the
B: Nin bie keqi le, w6 juede You are too modest, I found
yangyangr dou hao, tebie every course good, especially
shi zhei ge tangcuyu, this sweet and sour fish; none
guanzi-li de dou mei of the ones you get in
zheme hao-chi. restaurants are as tasty as

A: Yaoshi zai zuo tian If it was made a bit sweeter it

yidianr jiu hao le. . . would have been all

Women neibianr zuo ba. right. . . . Let's sit over
Nin he kafei haishi he there. Will you have coffee
cha? or tea?
B: Gei wo yi bei kafei ba. Let me have a cup of coffee.
Wo fan chiduo le, jiu ye I've had too much to eat and
heduo le. too much to drink.

A: Nin yao bu yao niunai? Do you want milk? How

Fang ji kuai tang? many lumps of sugar shall I

put in?
B: Niiinai bu yao, nin gei wo No milk, and two sugars. . . .

fang liang kuai tang This coffee has a fine

ba. . . . Zhe kafei zhen aroma. . . . Oh, it's already a
xiang. . .
6, yijing shi quarter past ten, I have to be
dian yi ke le, wo dei zou off.


A: Nin bu duo zuo yihuir le Won't you stay a while

ma? Zai he bei kafei ba. longer? Have another cup of
B: Bu le, wo dei zao dianr No, I have to get back rather
huiqu, mingtian hai yao early; I still have to go to

shang ban, xiexie nin a. work tomorrow, thanks. You

JIntian zhenshi ba nin really must be worn out
leihuai le. today.
A: Nali, nail. Yihou you Not at all. Do drop in
gongfu chang lai wanr a! whenever you have the time.
Nin man zou, bu song le. Mind how you go; I won't
Zaijian! see you off any further.
B: Zaijian! Zaijian! Qing Goodbye! Please go back in!
hui! Qing huf!

wenming (SV) renowned (N.B. of restricted use)
shijie wenming world-famous
yanjiu (V/N) research, study, investigate
yue . yue
. .(C) . . . themore the more
. . . . . .

yue lai yue (A) . . . more and more . . .

shou-huanying (SV) be popular (receive welcome)

danshi (C) but, yet
huang (SV) yellow (a surname)
huaxue (N) chemistry
zhuanjia (N) expert
sixiang (N) thought, thinking

kanfa (N) outlook, view

xihua (V/SV) Westernize(d)
-hua (suffix) -ize, -ify
xican (N) Western food
can (N) food, meal, cuisine
(M) for meals
chibulai (V) unable to take to (foods)
-lai (V comp) (potential complement) able to,
manage to
bulun (MA) no matter how, regardless
duo(me) (A) how, to what extent
haohaor(de) (A) properly, thoroughly
-de (K) adverbial marker
yaoburan (C) otherwise
ba (CV) (governing object disposed of before
(M) for chairs, knives, etc.
dang(zuo) (V) treat as, regard as
baiqieji (N) white/plain cut chicken
hongshaorou (N) red-cooked (pork) meat
kaoya (N) roast duck
dianxin (N) various pastries and snacks
niurou (N) beef
chao (V) stir-fry
doufu (N) beancurd
nen (SV) tender, soft
shao (V) burn; cook, stew, bake
xiang (SV) fragrant
(N) perfume, incense
nan-de (SV) hard to get, rare
laili (N) history, antecedents, origin
weile (CV) for (the sake of), in order to
hua (V) spend (time, money)
gongfu (N) time and effort; leisure time
xinde (N) knowledge gained
you-tiao-you-lide (A) methodically, systematically
xiecheng (V) compile (fashion through writing)
-cheng (V comp) become
so as to be,
shipu (N) cookery book

wan (NU) ten thousand

dajin (V) breach, invade
chiifang (N) kitchen
yiwai(de) (A) in an unforeseen manner
zhen (M) wave, spate, burst, spell
chu fengtou (VO) create a stir, enjoy the limelight
day! (N) overcoat
plnqilai (V) put together
caidan (N) menu
dian (cai) (VO) choose, order (dishes on menu)
nashdu (SV) expert in, good at
nashou cai (N) speciality (dish)
jiaxiangjl (N) 'home town chicken'
huiguorou (N) 'returned to the pot meat' - twice-
cooked pork
huangyii (N) yellow croaker (fish)
lai (V) bring (esp. food)
tangcu (AT) sweet-and-sour (lit: sugar- vinegar)
la (SV) hot (of spices)
xian (SV) salty, savoury
dan (SV) bland, mild
fang (V) put; put in; let go
jiangyou (N) soya sauce
jide (V) remember, recall
sucai (N) vegetable dish
naiyou caihua (N) creamed cauliflower
naiyou (N) cream
pinpan(r) (N) cold platter
baicai niurou tang (N) cabbage and beef soup
mifan (N) cooked rice
kuaizi (N) chopsticks
dao-cha (N) knife and fork
jing (V) salute, toast
gan-bei (IE) drain glass, Cheers!
fuwu (V/N) serve; service
fiiwuyuan (N) attendant
tian(SV) sweet
suan (SV) sour
xinshou (N) new hand, novice

zhao (CV) according to, in conformity with

bu dang yi hui shi (IE) not regard as a matter (of any
guotier (N) a kind of lightly fried pasty
mian (N) noodles
gongshi (N) official business; paperwork
yan (N) salt

niunai (N) milk

tang (N) sugar, sweets
nali! (IE) Not at all (often reduplicated) = ndr
de hud

1 'yue . . . yue . . .': 'the more ... the more . . .' (Speech
Patterns 8)

This is a construction for describing progression in one process that

is related to another process, e.g. Hudche yue kudi yue hdo,
'(As to) the train more good' - 'The faster the train the
more fast

better'; Td yue shud wo yue hutu, 'The more he speaks the

more I get confused'. When only one thing is mentioned as steadily
augmenting (or diminishing), lai fills in the first part of the formula,
e.g.Feng yue lai yue da, '(As to) the wind, more "carry on"
more big' - 'The wind gets stronger and stronger'.

2 The sentence particle 'de': 'the way things are' (Speech Patterns

We have mentioned before that when the shi . . . de construction

is used, descriptively, in preference to a purely verbal construction,
the effect of this nominalization is to attach to the description an
aspect of permanency: it is inveterate to the thing described. In
these simple cases the shi . . . de construction could be classed as
modifying, as an appropriate noun can be supplied, though some-
what ponderously: Zhonggud cdi shi shijie wenming de (cdi),
'Chinese food is (a food) famed the world over'. A final, sentence
particle de, with or without a preceding shi, gives to a statement a
similar air of solidity, conveying that this is the fact of the matter.

Such a de is extra to the basic statement, and cannot be ascribed

to a modifying role. For instance, Xican ta hdishi chibuldi de,
'Western food he still can't take to' could well do without the de;
what it implies is that the statement is not to be gainsaid.

3 On a par with and falling short of (Speech Patterns 2)

The formula for equal comparisons is straightforward: A gen/

xidng B yiydng + quality to be compared: 'A and/like B equally
+ quality'; for example: Zhei kudi niurdu gen ddufu yiydng
nen, 'This piece of beef is as tender as beancurd'.
When one thing is inferior in comparison with another, the con-
struction is:

A mei (y6u) B (name) + quality

e.g. Deguo didnying mei you Fdguo didnying name shdu

hudnying, 'German films are not as popular as French films'. Mei
ydu has a variant in hin shdo ydu, 'very rarely': Deguo didn-
ying hin shdo you Fdguo didnying name shdu hudnying,
'German films are rarely as popular as French films'.

4 Reduplication of stative verbs (Speech Patterns 5)

There are a number of tone permutations possible when SVs are

reduplicated, but two common phenomena are (1) that in the case
of monosyllabic SVs the tone of the reduplicate changes to first, as
in zdozdor, kudikudir —
though this change does not take place
without the -r suffix; and (2) with bisyllabic SVs the tone of the
second syllable, where neutral, is restored, e.g. qingchu becomes
qingqingchuchu. Reduplicated SVs very often feature as adverb-
ials, with the addition of the adverbial marker de: hdohdorde zuo
Hang ge cdi, 'do two dishes properly'.
The lively effect of reduplication obviates the need for further
modification (by means of adverbs of degree).

5 The adverbial marker '-de' (Speech Patterns 4-5)

Adverbials that describe the manner in which something is done

may be unmarked (tdmen zhingtidn chdng-ge)', monosyllabic

adverbs are always unmarked. But the specific marker -de is usually
attracted to reduplicated SVs (shiishufufude 'comfortably') and
to phrases (you-tido-you-lide) when these are employed as
adverbials. Beyond that, most polysyllabic words can admit the -de
suffix in the right circumstances (like yiwaide 'unanticipatedly');
and those that are 'borrowed' to serve as adverbials tend to require
the -de suffix.

6 The 'ba' construction (Speech Patterns 1)

The use of bd as a verb, meaning 'grasp, handle, take hold of, is

limited in its scope. As a coverb it loses concrete meaning and

becomes simply a means of displacing the object to before the verb:
Qing ni bd hud shuodudn yididnr, 'Please bd your words say
shorter a little' - 'Please keep your speech fairly short'; hud is
clearly not something one can actually get hold of. Nevertheless,
the actor shouldstill be able to 'dispose of the object in some way,

indeed the purpose of using bd may be to emphasize the aspect of

disposal. Otherwise the object should be shifted to before the
function verb by means of bd only if the effect is to simplify the
syntax. Generally the justification is to clear the way for some other
part of speech to follow directly on the verb; this may be a com-
plement, an indirect object, or a cognate object. It is in fact a rule
that to combine with bd the verb must be other than in its plain
form if it is monosyllabic (disyllabic verbs rarely occur in their plain
form either). The verb must at least have a suffix, or be
As with other coverbs, bd that is negated and not the
it is

function verb. Bd does not combine with potential verbs.

The object which bd governs must have definite reference (i.e.
'the', not 'a' or 'some').

7 Verb complements and adverbs showing comparative degree

(Speech Patterns 7(a))

To recapitulate, complements may (1) compound with the verb,

completing its process (like tingdong, chibdo), or (2) be linked

by de, when they constitute a comment on the level of

to the verb
performance (like shuo de hen mingbai), or (3) show whether an

end is capable of realization, by means of the infixes -de- and -

bu- (like shuobumingbai) The first kind of complement may,


where it SV, admit of a degree of comparison, in

consists of a
practice by expansion with yididnr. This applies to imperative and
optative sentences, like Qing ni shuomingbai yididnr, 'Please
speak a little more intelligibly' The second type of complement,

since it functions as a free predicate, can also take yididnr where

appropriate, e.g. Nei wei Idoshi shuo de mingbai yididnr,
'That teacher explains rather more clearly'. Adverbs may be ex-
panded with yididnr too; indeed, sometimes the adverb and the
complement may be alternatives between which there is little to
choose. This is especially so in the case of the very common pairs
kudi and man, 'fast' and
and zdo and wan, 'early' and
'late'. Qing ni shuomdn yididnr and Qing ni man yididnr
shuo, for instance, have the same purport, 'Please speak a little
slower'; the difference is one of approach, the first looking to a
process, which is to result in slowness, and the second concentrating
on manner, which is to be slower. An added complication with
kudi yididnr and man yididnr is that they can also mean 'hurry
up and .' and 'take your time and
. .
.' respectively. . .

8 Some more or less (Speech Patterns 7(c))

As we have seen, when comparison of a quality involves degrees,

the difference in degree
is stated after the quality: Td bi ta
meimei da sdn 'He compared with his sister is old by three
years'. The degree to which performance of an action differs from
another, or from the norm, is expressed according to the pattern:

Duolshdo Verb Degree (Object)

e.g. duo kdn didnr shu, 'read a little more'; shdo hud ji kudi
qidn, 'spend a few dollars less'. The antonyms zdo and wdn fit

into the same pattern.

9 The causative verb (Speech Patterns 9)

The use of a verb in a causative sense ('to make to -') is very

common in Classical Chinese. This potential can be called on with
only a few verbs in the language of today, e.g. lai 'to make to

come' - 'bring, let's have'; shang 'make to come up' - 'serve'; chu
'make to come out' - 'produce'.

1 The *ba' construction

Pattern: S A (neg) ba O V + other element

Ta ba w6 de bi naz6u le.

1. Shei ba w6 de cha he le?

2. Jlntian tai mang le, w6 ba
zhei jian shi wang le, zhen duibuqi.
3. Qing nimen xian ba zhei ge wenti yanjiu yanjiu, bu bi mashang
zuo jueding.
4. Ni neng bu neng ba zhei ci qu Zhongguo de jlngguo gen
w6men tantan?
5. Tamen ba mafan dou gei w6 le, w6 ba mafan gei shei ne?
6. Ni ke bu kSyl ba ni jiao Ylngwen de xlnde gaosu w6?
7. Bie ba bi fangzai zui-li, kuai nachulai!
8. Ta xiang ba na yiwan ben jiu shu songgei tushuguan.
9. W6 yijing ba kuaizi, wan, dou nadao chufang qu le.
10. Wdmen yao gao 'si hua', bu shi yao gao 'xlhua', ni zenme ba
'si' zi kancheng 'xi' zi le?

11. Ta zhen nenggan, zhi hua-le ban ge xiaoshi de gongfu jiu ba

shi ge ren de fancai yubeihao le.
12. Mafan ni na dao b^ zhei kuai rou ti w6 qieqie. (qie, 'to cut')
13. W6 mei ba ta dang laoshl, ta ye mei ba w6 dang xuesheng.
14. Ta ba cai zuo de tai xian le, w6men yibianr chi, yibianr he
15. Qing ni ba zhei ge zi de yongfa zai g6i w6men jieshi yi ci.
16. Yihuir zhe yang, yihuir na yang, zhei ge 'ba' zi jianzhi ba w6
gaohutu le.

17a. Zher zhuozi tai duo, qing ni ban liang zhang chuqu. (indefinite
b. Zher zhuozi tai duo, qing ni ba zhei liang zhang banchuqu.
(definite reference)
18a. Zhei xie zi w6men dou xiecuo le.

b. W6men ba zhei xie zi dou xiecuo le.

c. W6men dou ba zhei xie zi xiecuo le.
19a. Ta ba qian nachulai le. ~Ta nachu qian lai le.

b. W6 yijing ba zhei ju hua de yisi kand6ng le. ~W6 yijing

kandong-le zhei ju hua de yisi.
c. Ta ba yanjiu lishi de xinde xiecheng-le yi ben shu.
20a. Ta chl shenme le? Ta chl tangcuyu le.

b. Zhuozi-shang de cai ta dou chl-le ma? Tangcuyu ta chi-le,

hongshaorou ta mei chl.
c. Tangcuyu ne? Shei ba tangcuyu chl le? Bu shi wo.

2 Similarities

(a) Equivalent or not

Patterns: a. A gen B yiyang/ bu yiydng

Ni de biao gen wo de yiyang.
b. A genlxiang B yiyang SV/MV+V
Hongshaorou gen tangcuyu yiyang hao-chi.

1. Zhongguo huar gen Yingguo huar hen bu yiyang.

2. 'Sixiang jiefang' gen 'jiefang sixiang' wanquan yiyang ma?
3. Xlcan de zuofa gen Zhongcan bu yiyang ba?
4. Jlntian de tianqi gen zuotian yiyang hao.
5. Zher de fengjing xiang Huangshan yiyang piaoliang.
6. Ta gen wo yiyang ai he jiu, wo gen ta yiyang xihuan chl la de.

7. NT de kanfa gen ta yiyang you-daoli.

8. Women yinggai xiang ta yiyang ba Zhongwen xuehao.
9. Ta cai zuo de gen ta miiqin yiyang you-ming.
10. Ta putonghua shuo de kuai xiang Zhongguo ren yiyang liuli le,

jinbu zhen kuai.

(b) On a par with or not

Patterns: a. A (mei) you B namelzheme SV/MV+V

Wo mei (you) ni name congming.
a. A (bu) xiang B namelzheme SV/MV+V
Ta bu xiang wo zheme ben.

1. Ni didi y6u ni zheme gao ma? Women lia chabuduo yiban

2. Ta de xingqing bu xiang ni zheme ji.
3. Ta mei you ta meimei name huopo, ye bu xiang ta jiejie name
ai chu fengtou.

4. Ta yiding jide zhei jian shi. Ta mei y6u w6 zheme hutu.

5. Shei gan shuo zher de fuwu mei y6u ner hao?
6. Zhonggu6 ren bu xiang Yingguo ren zheme xihuan he niunai.
7. Hongshaorou mei y6u kaoya name shou huanying.
8. W6 cai mei ta chao de name hao, keshi ta rou qie de mei you
w6 zheme kuai.
9. Ta jiu dian ban jiu shui le, bu xiang w6men shui de zheme
10. Ta xie Hanzi bu xiang ni zheme 16ng-fei feng-wu.

3 Situational Me'

1. Beijing w6 mei qu-guo, k6shi Beijing kaoya w6 daoshi chi-guo

2. Ta cong xiao chl mifan zh^ngda de, sanmingzhi shi chibulai de.
3. Sulran ta shuo-hua y6u dianr hutu, keshi ban shi haishi y6u-
tiao-y6u-li de.
4. Ta dui huaxue y6 shi feichang y6u xingqu de.
5. Jiandan de cai w6 hui chao Hang yang, Guangdong dianxin w6
shi zuobulai de.
6. Ta tai xihuan zhei zhang huar le, bulun duo gui, ta ye yao mai
7. Zhei ge ren bu zhuanxin, bulun zuo shenme, ta z6ngshi gao-
buhao de.
8. Ta yijing kuai ershi le, ni ba ta dangzuo xiao h«lizi shi bu xing
9. Ta lai xin xlwang w6 bie qu, keshi w6 haishi yao qu de.
10. Rugu6 ni bu yonggong, Zhongwen shi xuebuhao de!

4 Adverbials marked with 'de'

1. Ta zhengtian(de) zhanzai jie-shang, shenme shi ye bu zuo.

2. Ta zh^ngtian 16u-shang-16u-xiade p^io, lei de budeliao.
3. Xiao pengyou hdn hu6pode paochulai huanying w6men.
(cf. Xiao pengyou hdn hu6po, paochulai huanying w6men.)

4. Ta laiwan le, h6n bu-haoyiside gen laoshl shuo: 'Duibuqi

. .
.' (cf. Ta zhidao laoshl shuocud le, kSshi bu-haoyisi gen

laoshl shuo.)

5. Zhei jian gongshi ta dagaide kan-le kan, jiu shuo mei wentf.
(cf.Zhei jian gongshi ta dagai yijing kan-guo le, ni nazou ba.)
6. Ta hen qlngchude ba zhei ge ren de laili dou gaosu wo le.
7. Women hen jiandande yubei-le Hang yang cai, xiang qing ta lai
chi dun fan.
8. Tingjian waitou you ren shuo Zhongguo hua, ta haoqide zou-
chuqu kan-le kan.
9. Ta feichang keqide wen wo, neng bu neng ba wo de nashou
cai jiaogei ta.
10. Yi kanjian wo shou-shang de tang, haizimen dou gaoxingde
paoguolai le.

11. Ta mai-le yi kuai xin biao, ba jiu de hen pianyide maigei ta

pengyou le.

12. Ta kanjian women, gaoxingde shuo: 'Huanying, huanying!

Qing jin, qing jin!' (cf. Ta kanjian women, gaoxing de shuo-
buchu hua lai le.)

5 Reduplicated stative verbs as adverbials

(a) Monosyllabic SVs

1. Weile zhei ge wentf w6 zhengzhengde mang-le san tian, haishi

mei gaohao.
2. NT dei h&ohaorde xuexi, yaoburan kaoshi kaobuhao.
3. Qing ni kuaikuairde ba zhei xie guotier nahui chufang qu.
4. Ban jia de shi dei manmanrde yanjiu, zhaoji ye mei-yong.
5. Ni de zi xie de tai nan-kan le, yihou yao duoduo(de) lianxi.
6. Zuo zhei ge cai jiangyou bu neng tai duo, shaoshaorde fang
yidianr jiu gou le.
7. Ta wanshang xiang qu kan xi, zaozaorde jiu ba wanfan chi le.
8. Ta xin xie de nei ben xiaoshuo zai Yingguo hen shou huanying,
shang ge yue ta lai Lundun, dadade chu-le yi zhen fengtou.
9. Ni yinggai haohaorde xiangxiang shi qu haishi bu qu.
10. Ta lenglengde shuo-le yi ju 'Zhuanjia ye dei haohaorde gan!'
jiu zou-le.
11. Ta ba gongsl de lao ren manmande dou huancheng-le ta ziji de
ren le.

(b) Disyllabic SVs

1. Chlguo wufan, haizimen dou gaogaoxingxingde shang

gongyuanr wanr qu le.
2. W6 zuotian qlngqingchuchude tingjian ta shuo, nei jian shi shi
ta gan de.
3. Bie chao cai le, jianjiandandande chl wan mian jiu xmg le.
4. Jlntian wanshang shushufufude shui yi jiao, mingtian jiu y6u
jlngshen le.

5. Dajia kekeqiqide zai yiqi gongzuo, bu hao ma?

6. Xiwang ni neng y6u-tiao-y6u-lide b^ zhei jian shi de jlngguo
7. Ni zui hao shishizaizaide gaosu w6men, ni shi lai ganma de?
8. Zheme leng de tianqi, shei bu xiang shushufufude zai jia-li

9. Ta xin-shang mingmingbaibaide shuo yao gii w6 yiwan kuai
qian, zenme hai bu jilai ne?
10. W6men yinggai shishizaizaide wei renmin fuwu!

6 Adverbials and predicative complements contrasted

la. Qing ni haohaorde xie Hang ge maobi zi.

b. Ni zhe Hang ge maobi zi xi£ de zhen hao.
2a. Ta manmanrde ba shiqing dou zuowan le.
b. Ta zuo-shi zuo de hen man.
3a. Nei ge shouylnji tamen h6n pianyide maigei w6 le.

b. Nei ge shouylnji tamen mai de hen pianyi.

4a. Tamen hen gaoxingde zai hubianr wanr-le yi xiawii.
b. Nei tian xiawu tamen zai hubianr wanr de hen gaoxing.
5a. Ta qlngqingchuchude ba zhei ge wenti ji6shi-le yi ci.
b. Zhei ge wenti ta jieshi de feichang qlngchu.

7 Verb constructions that show comparative degree

(a) Complements: V SV yidianr

1. Qing ni zhanjin yidianr, kanqingchu yidianr, na bu shi Lundun
2. Duibuqi, nin shuo de tai kuai le, qing nin shuoman yidianr hao

3. Ni de zi tai xiao le, w6 kanbuqingchu, qing ni xieda yidianr.

4. Shang ke de shfjian kuai dao le, z6ukuai yidianr ba. (Wdmen
z6u de bu gdu kuai.)
5. Zhei zhang hua de wanquan bu xiang, qing ni huahao yidianr.
6. Jlntian chuqu liixing, w6men d6i chlbao yidianr.
7. Zheme re, qing ni ba chuanghu kaida dianr.
8. Ni zuo de cai dou tai dan le, xia ci neng bu neng qing ni zuoxian
9. Yi ge yue bu gou, w6 xiwang neng zai Zhongguo zhujiu yidianr.
10. Qing ni ba zhei ge dongxi fanggao dianr, zhao ge haizi nabudao
de difang.

(b) Adverbials: S V yidianr V (SVs being kuai, man, zao, wan)

1. Yao xia yu le, kuai dianr pao ba! (a. mashang kaishi pao
b. = paokuai di&nr ba)
2. Ni man dianr gei qian, xian kankan dongxi hao bu hao.
3. Mian yijing leng le, kuai dianr chi ba. (a. mashang kaishi chl
b.=chikuai dianr ba)
4. Kuai dianr chuqu kankan shei lai le.
5. Mingtian qing ni zao yidianr lai. (=laizao yidianr)
6. W6 dei xian qu yiyuan kan ge pengyou, wan yi ke zhong dao,
xing bu xing?
7. Zao dianr kaishi keyi zao dianr zuowan.
8. Zhao ta de shuofa, haishi wan dianr jie-hun hao. (=jie-hun
wan dianr hao)

(c) SV V y\dtim/NU-M N (SVs: duo, shao, zao, wan)

1. Mei shenme hao cai, kSshi qing nin duo chl dianr.
2. Si kuai qian shi shao yidianr, duo gei ta yi kuai ba.
3: Ni hai y6u name duo shi mei zuowan ne, shao kan dianr dianshi
4. W6 zhidao ni y6u-daoli, buguo haishi qing ni shao shuo Hang

5. Daifu shuo w6 ylnggai duo chl dianr sucai, shao chl dianr rou.
6. W6 tai pang le, kafei-li dei shao fang dianr tang, (or: shao fang
yi kuai tang)

7. W6 jing ni, duo he dianr a! NI kan, w6 yijing gan-le san bei le,
ni haishi na yi bei.
8. JIntian de niiirou w6 duo chao-le Hang fen zhong, bu gou nen

9. Mingtian qing nimen zao lai wu fen zhong, keyi ma?

10. W6men de che wan dao-le yi ke zhong.

8 Correlative clauses

Patterns: a. yue . . . yue . . .

Ta yue shuo yue kuai; yue kuai w6 yue tingbud6ng.

b. yue lai yue . . .

Ta yue lai yue hutu le.

c. Biilun QW yildoul haishi . . .

Bulun duo leng ta dou bu mSi dayi.

1. Zhongwen yue xue yue y6u-yisi, yue y6u-yisi w6 jiu yue xiang
2. Dian cai zhen bu rongyi, zhei ge caidan w6 yue kan yue hutu.
3. Qian shi yue duo yue hao, gongzuo shi yue shao yue hao.
4. Xfnshdu dou yiyang, yue pa gaocuo, yue rongyi cud.
5. Fangzi yue zhu yue xiao, qiche yue zuo yue da.
6. Dongxi yue lai yue gui, gongzuo yue lai yue nan zhao.
7. Diannao yue lai yue jinbu, ren de naozi yi jiu yue lai yue
8. Feng yue yue da, jie-shang de ren ye yue lai yue shao, w6

xin-li ye jiu yue

lai yue zhaoji.

9. He kafei de ren yue lai yue duo, he cha de ren yue lai yue
10. Biilun ni duo mang, jintian y€ ddi ba zhei jian gongshi banwan.
11. Biilun ni gei ta duoshao qian, ta y€ bu gan zhei zh6ng shi.
12. Biilun ta shuo de duo hao-tlng, w6 haishi bu xiang gen ta qu.
13. Biilun ni xi bu xihuan, dou d6i zhao ta de fazi ban shi.
14. Biilun ni shi shei, wanshang shi dian yihbu w6 shi bu jian keren
15. Biilun huan shenme ren lai jiao ta, ta yS xuebuhao.

9 Causative verbs

1. Keren dou dao le, keyi shang cai le.

2. Jintian guanzi ren duo, shang cai shang de zhen man.

3. Zhonggu6 nanfang chu mi, su6yi nanfang ren dou chi mifan.
4. Ta xiwang mei nian neng chu yi b£n shu.
5. Shuo-hua de ren hSn duo, kSshi chu qian de ren h&n shao.
6. Gei w6men lai sishi ge guotier, yi da wan suanlatang.
7. Mafan ni, zai lai di&nr cha!
8. Zheme duo ren, w6 dei xia duoshao jin mian a? (xia midn,
'cook (lit. 'lower') noodles')

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. Zhonggu6 cai weishenme neng shijie wenming?

2. Zhongguo cai zai Yingguo shou bu shou huanying?
3. Lao Huang de sixiang he kanfa h^i gen Zhongguo ren yiyang
ma? Ta chldelai xlcan ma?
4. Lao Huang niurdu chao de zdnmeyang? Doufu shao de
5. Ta weishenme yao xi6 shipu? Nei ben shipu ta hua-le
duoshao shijian cai xidwan? Mai de ren duo ma?
6. Nei tian lao Hu^ng qing pengyou shang guanzi, ta shi bu shi
zhao caidan dian de cai?
7. Nei jia fanguanr de nash6u cai dou shi shenme, ni hai jide
8. Lao Huang qing de nei ji wei pengyou kuaizi yong de zenme-
9. Zhonggu6 ren jing jiu de shihou chang shuo shenme?
10. L&o Huang juede nei jia guanzi de cai mei y6u yiqian hao le,

ni zhidao weishenme ma?

2 Rewrite these sentences using the bd construction:

e.g. Sh6i chi-le w6de dianxin? —> Shei ba w6de dianxin chi-le?

1. Shei he-le w6de niunai?

2. Qing ni hiohaorde kankan zhei b6n shu.

3. Nei ben shu ni fangzai nar le?

4. Mai jiangyou de shi ni bie wang-le!
5. Qing ni jiandande jieshi jieshi zhei ge wenti.
6. Ni bu yao de nei xie dongxi w6 dou songgei ta le.
7. Zhe xie wan-kuai qing ni nadao chufang qu ba.
(wdn-kudi, 'bowls and chopsticks')
8. Wdmen zhi deng-le ershi fen zhong, ta hen kuai jiu
yubeihao-le fancai.
9. Dongxi ta naz6u le, keshi qian hai mei nalai ne.
10. Tai leng le, qing ni guanshang chuanghu hao ma?

3 Answers these questions using the A mei you B (name/

zheme) SV/MV+V pattern:

e.g. Ta bi w6 gao ma?—»Ta mei y6u ni zheme gao.

1. Ni bi ta yonggong ma?
2. Ta bi w6 he de duo ma?
3. Lao Huang ma?
bi lao Li hui zuo-cai
4. Ta shuo de bi lao Zhang liuli ma?
5. Xiao Gao bi ta jiejie ai chu fengtou ma?
6. Zuotian gen jlntian yiyang leng ma?
7. Baiqiejl gen hongshaorou yiyang hao-chi ma?
8. Ni gen lao Wang yiyang xihuan chi chaomian ma?
(chdomian, 'chow mien')
9. Ni zi xie de gen ta yiyang piaoliang ma?
10. Ta dui hua-huar gen xie-zi yiyang y6u xingqu ma?

4 What would you say? V SV yididnf, SV V yididnr

Use (NU-
M) or SV yididnr (NU-M) V in your sentences:
e.g. Ni gen nipengyou yikuair zai lu-shang zou, ta zou de tai
man le, ni gen ta shuo shenme?
—> W6 shuo, 'Qing ni z6ukuai yidianr'.

1. Ni pengyou ba chuanghu kai de tai da le, ni juede y6u dianr

leng, ni gen ta shuo shenme?
2. Ni airen zuo-cai z6ngshi zuo de tai xian le, ni gen ta shuo
3. Ni pengyou zuo guotier zuo de tai xiao le, ni gen ta shuo

4. Ni de xuesheng xie zi xie de tai nan-kan le, ni gen ta shuo

5. NT qing pengyou chi-fan, ta chl de tai shao le, ni gen ta shuo
6. Ni de xuesheng tiantian hen wan cai lai, ni gen ta shuo
7. Ni pengyou shuo wanshang qi di&n ban qu kan ni, ni xfwang
ta ql dian san ke dao, ni gen ta shuo shenme?
8. NT pengyou ylnggai g6i ni shi kuai qian, keshi ta zhi gei-le ni
jiu zhang yi-kuai de, ta wen ni qian dui bu dui, ni shuo

9. Ni de haizi chl yu chl de tai kuai, ni gen ta shuo shenme?
10. NI pengyou kan-shu kan de tai duo le, yanjing changchang
bu shufu, ni gen ta shuo shenme?

5 Make sentences with:





10. If you're going to do this job, do it properly — otherwise I

won't pay you a penny.

11. How do you find his new book? The more I read it the more
confused I become.
12. Eating in a Chinese restaurant is getting more and more
13. Why don't you practise writing characters more? The more I

write the worse they get.

14. No matter what he says, it makes no difference to me.
15. There isn't much time left, we must finish this lesson quickly.
16. You were half an hour late this morning; will you please
come earlier tomorrow.
17. This 'sweet and sour fish' isn't at all bad; do have some
18. I'm sorry I mistook you for your younger brother.
Zhe shi yi jian xiangdang da This is a fairly big office.
de bangongshi.

Yi jin men zudbianr fangzhe As you go in the door (you

yi tao shafa, youbianr lizhe yi see) on the left is placed a
pai shujia, si mi an qiang-shang three-piece suite, on the right
guazhe hao ji fu Zhongguo there stands a row of
shanshui. bookshelves, on all four walls
there hang quite a few
Chinese landscapes.

Li chuanghu bu yuan y6u yi Not far from the window

zhang bangongzhuo, there is a desk;
shangtou chule Hang ge yanse on top of it, apart from two
bu-tong de di annua yiwai, different coloured telephones,
zhi baizhe yi ge luse de there is only placed a green
da yanhulgang. big ashtray.

Zhuozi houtou zuozhe yi wei Behind the desk sits a

toufa huibai, daizhe yanjingr, middle-aged man with grey
chuanzhe xlfu de zhongnian hair,wearing glasses, and a
ren, ta jiushi zhei jia huaqiao Western suit; he is general-
maoyi gongsl de Qian manager Qian of this
z6ngjingli. overseas Chinese trading

Zhe shihou ta yibianr At this time he is smoking

chouzhe yan, yibianr kanzhe and looking at the calendar
duimian qiang-shang de yueli, on the wall opposite;
bu zhidao ta shi zai suan rizi, one can't tell if he is
haishi zai kan yueli-shang de reckoning the days or looking
nei fu Wanli Changcheng. at the painting of the Great
Wall on the calendar.

Chuang-wai zheng xiazhe Outside the window it is

maomaoyu, tian jianjiande drizzling, and the sky is

heixialai le. Qian z6ngjlngli gradually getting dark.

chouwan yan, zhanqilai bci General manager Qian, after
deng kaikai yihou, jiu dlzhe he has finished his cigarette,
tou zai wuzi-li laihui-laiqude stood up and turned the
z6uqilai le. lights on, with bowed head
starts walking up and down in
the room.

Keshi meige liang-san fen But every two or three

zhong, ta de yanjing jiu yao minutes his eyes will look at
kankan zhuor-shang de the telephone on the desk:
dianhua: dui-le, ta zhengzai that's right, he is waiting for
deng yi ge feichang yaojin de an extremely important
dianhua. phone call.

Zicong gongsi de xiao Wan Ever since young Wan from

qu Zhongguo yihou, ta the company went to China,
tiantian dou zai zhaoji, bu he has been anxious every
zhidao zhei wei pingchang ai day, wondering if this young
wanr de nianqing ren man who normally likes to
danqiang-pima neng bu neng enjoy himself could
ba shiqing banhao. singlehandedly bring off the

Zuotian jiedao ta de dianbao Yesterday he had received his

shuo yi-liang tian jiu hui da telegram saying he would
dianhua huflai, baogao yiqie. phone back in one or two
days to make a full report.

Suoyi jintian c6ng zaochen qi So today beginning in the

Qian z6ngjingli jiu yizhi zai morning general manager
jmzhangde dengzhe . . . Qian has been (throughout)
waiting tensely . . .

Huran dianhualing xiang le, Suddenly the telephone bell

ta ganjin paoguoqu jie, rings, he hurries over to take
gu6ran shi xiao Wan lai de (the call), indeed it is the
changtu dianhua. long-distance call from Wan.

Xian jietong-le yihdu: After the line is connected:


Wan: Wei! Zongjlngll ma? W6 Hello, is that the general
shi Wan Tong a! manager? This is Wan
Qian: Wei! Xiao Wan ma? W6 Hello, is that Wan? I was
zhengzai deng nl de just waiting for your call!

dianhua ne! Beijing What are things like in

zfcnmeyang a? Peking?
Wan: LSng de budeliao, xianzai Hellishly cold, it's snowing
zhengzai xia da xue ne. heavily right now. Twelve
Lingxia shi'er du! degrees below zero!
Qian: Yiqie dou mei went! ba? Everything going
smoothly, I take it?

Wan: M6i wenti! LSng shi Everything's fine! It may

leng, fengjing kfcshi zhen be cold, but the sights are
piaoliang. Gugong, really splendid. The Palace
BSihSi li w6 zhu de Museum and Beihai Park
liiguan dou bu yu^n, are both quite near my
w6 yljing qu-guo hao ji hotel; I've already been
ci le, zhen shi bu dao there a good few times.
Beijing bu zhidao It's really true, if you
Zhonggu6 de weida! haven't been to Peking
you don't realize China's
Qian: W6 shi wen ni gongsi de Iwas asking you if the
shiqing y6u mei y6u wenti, company's business was
nl z6nme t^nqi fengjing lai going smoothly or not,
le? what do you want to start
talking about the sights for?
Wan: O! Gongsi de shiqing a? Oh! You mean the
H<u zai jinxing ne. Ge company's business? It's

fangmian dou lianxi de still in progress. I've just

chabuduo le, y6u-guan about finished contacting
danwei dou h6n bang- all the parties, and the
mang, kanqilai shi bu hui relevant units have all

y6u shenme wenti de. been very helpful; by the

look of it there won't be
any problems.

Qian: Na jiu hao! Wei, xiao That's ail right then! I say,
Wan, zai Beijing shell Wan, about us setting up
banshichu de shi y6u an office in Peking, is

xiwang ma? there a prospect?

Wan: Y6u shi y6u, buguo There is, but
xianzai Beijing fangzi accommodation in Peking
xiangdang jmzhang, is pretty tight at present,
zhaoqilai henbu rongyi, it's very hard to find. I'm
k6ngpa hai dei duo deng afraid we'll have to wait
xie shihou. some time yet.
Qian: Keshi yizhi dengxiaqu ye But to go on waiting for
bu shi banfa a! Wei, ni ever isn't the answer! Hey,
dasuan shenme shihou qu when are you planning to
Shanghai? go to Shanghai?
Wan: W6 zhengzai ban sh6uxu I'm just arranging the
ne, zher de shi yi wan, formalities; once the
mashang jiu fei Shanghai. business here is finished
6, dui-le, z6ngjlngli, y6u fly to Shanghai straight

yi jian shi dei qing nin away. Oh, that's right,

bang-mang. general manager, there's
one thing I have to ask
you to help me with.
Qian: Shenme shi a? Ni shuo ba! What thing? Go ahead!
Wan: W6 liifei chabuduo
de My travel expenses are
kuaiyongwan le, gongsl about used up, can the
neng bu neng xian jiegei company let me have an

w6 wubai bang? advance of five hundred

Qian: Wei, shuo shenme?
ni Wo Hello, what did you say? I

tingbuqingchu a! couldn't catch it!

Wan: W6 shuo w6 de lufei I said my travel expenses

kuai yongwan le, xiang were nearly used up, I
gen gongsl jie wubai bang. wanted to borrow five
hundred pounds from the

Qian: Wei, wei, ni shuo shenme? Hello, hello, what did you
W6 yi ju dou say? I can't make out a
tingbuqmgchu, dagai shi word, probably it's the
xian chu m£obing le. Xiao line that's developed a
Wan, xia ci zai tan ba! fault. We'll talk about it
next time, Wan!


A: Wei, Jlngshan Gongsi Hello, is that the Jingshan

ma? Company?
B: Zhao shei a? Who do you want?
A: Xiao Huarig zai ma? Is young Huang there?
B: W6 jiu shi, ni n6i wei? Speaking; who is that?
A: Tingbuchulai a? Ni caicai You can't tell? Have a guess!
B: E w6
zheng mangzhe ne, I say, I'm just in the middle
mei gongfu gen ni caizhe of something, I haven't time
w^nr, zhao w6 y6u to play guessing games with
shenme shi ma? you. Was there something
you wanted me for?
A: Mei bu neng zhao
shi jiu Can't I get on to you unless
ni le?Hao, gen ni shuo there's something on? All
ba. W6 shangwu pai le right, I'll tell you. I queued
bantian dui cai gaodao for ages this morning before I

Hang zhang piao, got hold of a couple of

mingtian wanshang xiang tickets: do you feel like
bu xiang kan dianyingr? seeing a film tomorrow
B: Hao a, w6 mingtian OK, I've nothing on
wanshang zheng hao mei tomorrow evening as it
shir, zai nar a? happens; where is it?
A: Jiu zai li w6men chang bu Just at that cinema not far
yuan de nei ge from our factory. I'll see you
dianyingyuan. Qi dian at seven o'clock at the usual
zhong lao difang jian ba. place.

B: Wei wei, deng-yi-deng, Hey, wait a minute, I still

w6 hai mei gaoqlngchu ni haven't figured out who you

shi shei ne. are.
A: Shenme? NI zhen bu What? You really don't know
zhidao w6 shi shei a? who I am? Have another
Xiao Huang, ni zai think, young Huang: last

xiangxiang, shang xlngqi- Sunday. . . .

tian. . .

B: Xiao Huang? W6 bu shi Young Huang? I'm not

xiaoHuang, w6 xing Huang, my name is Wang.
Wang, w6men zher Han We haven't even a trace (lit:

ban ge xing Huang de dou half) of anybody called

mei y6u. Huang here.
A: Nimen bu shi Jingshan Aren't you the Jingshan
Gongsi ma? Company?
B: Bu shi, w6men zher shi No, we're the Qingshan
Qlngshan GongsT, ni Company here, you got the
dacuo le! wrong number!
A: Dacuo le?! Na . . . ni Got the wrong number?
weishenme yao jie ne? Then. what did you want
. .

to answer for?

Li xianzai yijing y6u Hang Over 2,000 years ago, one

qian duo nian le, y6u yi tian day on a road not far from
zai Zhongguo beifang If hai- the seashore in the north of
bianr bu yuan de yi tiao lii- China, someone heard two
shang, y6u ren tlngjian Hang children discussing a question
ge xiaohair zhengzai tan y6u- concerning the sun:
guan taiyang de wenti:
A: E, w6 huran xiangqi yi ge Hey, I've suddenly thought of
wenti lai: ni shuo taiyang a question: when would you
shenme shihou If w6men say the sun is nearest to us?
zui jin?
B: Dangran zaochen li It's nearest to us in the
w6men zui jin. morning of course.
A: Weishenme ne? Why is that, then?

B: NI kan zaochen taiyang Look how big the sun is

gang chulai de shihou when it's just come out in the
duome da, manmanrde morning, then it gets
yue lai yue xiao, dao-le gradually smaller and smaller,
zhongwu zhi you panzi until at noon it's only as big
name da le. Dongxi If as a plate. The further things
women yue yuan, kanqilai are from us, the smaller they
jiuyue xiao, zhe bu shi are to look at; isn't this a
hen jiandan ma? very simple matter?
A: W6 kan bu wanquan dui As I see it that's not

ba. altogether right.

B: Weishenme ne? Why is that, then?
A: Ni kan zaochen taiyang You see, when the sun is just
chulai de shihou, w6men out in the morning, we don't
yidianr ye bu juede re, feel in the least hot, but by
keshi dao-le zhongwu jiu noon it has got hot. Isn't it

reqilai le. Pingchang bu usually the case that the

shi li hu6 yue jin yue nearer the fire the hotter we
juede re ma? Su6yi w6 feel? Therefore I say we are
shuo wdmen zhongwu li nearest the sun at noon!
taiyang zui jin!

jian (M) for rooms
bangongshi (N) office
-zhe (V suffix) (durative suffix)"

tao (M) set, suit, suite

shafa (N) sofa; easy chair

li(V) stand; set up, establish
pai (M) a row of
(V) form a row
shujia (N) bookshelf
mian (N) face, surface, side
(M) for walls
qiang (N) wall
gua(V) hang
hao ji (A-NU) a good few —
shanshui(huar) (N) landscape (paintings)

If (CV) separated from

yuan (SV) far, distant
bangongzhuo (N) (office) desk
yanse (N) colour
dianhua (N) telephone
bai (V) place, lay out, display
lu(se) (SV) green (coloured)
yanhulgang (N) ashtray
toufa (N) hair (on head)
hulbai (SV) grey-white
yanjingr (N) spectacles
chuan (V) wear, put on (of garments)
xlfu (N) Western clothes; suit
zhongnian ren (N) middle-aged person
maoyi (N) trade
zongjingli (N) general manager
zong (AT) general, chief, head; overall
duimian (PW) opposite
yueli (N) monthly calendar
zai (CV) engaged in, in the process of
suan rizi (VO) reckon up the days; work out what
day it is
rizi (N) day, date, special day
Wanli Changcheng The Great Wall
li(M) 1 li=Vi km
(gongli, 'km'; yingli, 'mile')
zheng (A) just then, just at that point
maomaoyu (N) drizzle
jianjian(de) (A) gradually
hei (SV) black, dark
-xialai (V/SV comp) down, to a halt, increasingly, etc.
di (SV) low
(V) droop
wuzi (N) room
laihui laiqu(de) (A) backwards and forwards
(V/SV comp)
-qilai begin, come to, etc.
meige (CV) at intervals of; every (so often)
ge(V) isolate, separate, cut off

zhengzai (A) just — ing

yaojin (SV) important, urgent
zicong (CV) ever since
nianqlng ren (N) young person
danqiang-pima (set 'single spear one horse': singlehanded
qiang (N) spear; gun
dianbao (N) telegram
hui (MV) would, be sure to; be likely to
baogao (V/N) report
yiqie (N) everything; all, every
cong . . . qi starting from . . .

jinzhang (SV) tense, tight, nervous; in short supply

Img (N) bell (small)
xiang (V) sound
(SV) loud
ganjin (A) hurriedly
changtu (AT) long-distance
xian (N) line, wire, thread
jietong (V) connect, put through
wei/wei (I) hello! hey!
xue (N) snow
xia-xue (V-O) to snow
lingxia (PW) below zero
du (M) degree
Gugong (PW) (former palace) Palace Museum
liiguan (N) hotel
weida (SV) great, imposing,mighty
jinxing (V) go on, be under way; carry on, carry
fangmian (N) aspect, respect, side, quarter
lianxi get in contact with; contact, link
you-guan (SV) relevant, (the one) concerned
bang-mang (V-O) help
shell (V) set up, establish
banshichu (N) bureau
-xiaqu (V/SV comp) continue, carry on
shduxu (N) procedures, formalities
lufei (N) travel expenses

bang (M) pound (sterling)

maobing (N) fault, defect, shortcomings
bing (N) illness
chu maobing (VO) develop a fault
pai-dui (V-O) line up, queue up
dianylngyuan (PW) cinema
panzi (N) plate, tray

1 Duration and progression (Speech Patterns 1, 2)

The suffix -zhe is attached to verbs to show that the action is

prolonged. By their nature, verbs denoting activities that necess-

arily last for some time are likely to attract -zhe - like those for
sitting, standing, waiting, and other relatively static (or sedentary)
occupations. Descriptions of scenes also frequently employ -zhe to
tell what is going on, particularly when several things are going on
simultaneously. On the whole such uses are extra touches, and are
not required grammatically, -zhe is however obligatory as an indi-
cator of a settled state brought about by the action of the verb, as
in men gudnzhe, 'the door is closed' and qidng-shang gudzhe yi
fu hudr, 'on the wall hangs a picture'. In these cases neither the
door nor the painting can originate the action, but there is a settled
state aspect to motivated action too: Shdfd-shang zudzhe lidng
ge ren . . ., 'On the sofa were seated two people. .' (as opposed . .

to Tdmen zdi shdfa-shang zudzhe ne, 'They are

on the sitting
sofa'), -zhe is also a necessary adjunct to a verb denoting an action
that continues while another action is performed, such as zhdnzhe
tdn-hud, 'converse while standing', or a state attending an action,
such as mdngzhe ban shduxu, 'in a state of being busy (i.e.

busily) attend to formalities'; it can be seen that the effect is to

form adverbial constructions.
The suffix -zhe cannot intrude between a stem verb and its
complement, hence one cannot say, e.g. Tdmen zudzhe zdi
Typically (some exceptions are noted above) -zhe verbs occur in
the context of interaction of interdependence, noi in isolation.
They do not in themselves stand for progression - where an action

is described as currently in progress. That is indicated by the sen-

tence particle ne, which in this use is opposite in feeling to le,

showing that the action has not been completed; or, more em-
phatically, by zai, 'engaged in, occupied in, in the process of -
similar to the archaic or rustic English prefix 'a-', as in 'I was a-
thinking'. An alternative to zai is zhing, 'just now, just then'.
The two may be combined as zhingzdi, 'just in the process/middle
of. However, since progression implies duration, -zhe is compatible
with these progressive markers.
To Waitou
illustrate the generally subordinative function of -zhe,
xidzhe xui would be felt were linked
to be unfinished, unless it

with a consideration like kishi yididnr yi bu ling, 'It is snowing

outside, but it isn't in the least cold'. To be valid as an independent
observation on what is currently happening ('It is snowing outside.')
it would have to be phrased Waitou xiazhe xui ne, or Waitou

(zhing) zai xid(zhe) xui (ne).

A less certain marker for the progressive aspect is zai ndr (lit.
'there'). In the appropriate context this less genuinely indicates
where people are at than they are simply 'at' something.
-zhe may act specifically as an imperative suffix, though not for
verbs that have no measurable duration. For instance, Bie lao
zubzhel, 'Don't sit there all the time!'
The negative of the aspects of both duration and progression is

formed with mei(you), e.g. td ddizhe ydnjingr - td mei ddizhe

ydnjingr; td zai kdn bdo - td mei zai kdn bdo.

2 Proximity and remoteness (Speech Patterns 3)

In framing statements about distance from a given point, the key

word is the coverb li, 'separated from, removed from'. The basic
formula is simple:
A li B -I- distance (figures in li 'miles' are often followed by lu
'road, distance')
e.g. Hudchezhdn li zhir hin jin, 'The station is very near
here'; Hudchezhdn li zhir (ydu) yi li lu, 'The station is one
mile from here'. If a figure is put on the distance ydu, 'there is'
may 'announce' it, but is not required unless an adverb is present,
e.g. li zhir zhi ydu yi li lu. Further embellishments, all of

which we have similarly met before, are illustrated in Speech Pat-

terns 3.
Distance in time as well as space is expressed by means of li.

3 Extended use of directional complements (Speech Patterns 4)

So far we have met directional complements only in their physical

sense. But many have abstract or figurative uses as well. Here we
note some of the commonest ones:

—qilai 1. 'start to', e.g. chdngqilai, 'start to sing'

2. (with SVs) 'become', e.g. reqilai, 'become hot'
3. 'put into operation' or 'become effective', e.g. ban-
qilai, 'put on, set up'; xiangqilai, 'recall'

4. 'when one comes to', e.g. shuoqilai, 'come to mention


5. forming a verbal topic, e.g. zhdoqilai hen bit rong-

very hard'
yi, 'finding (it) is

-xiaqu 'continue, carry on', e.g. kanxiaqu, 'carry on reading'

-xialai 1. 'down' (i.e. progressively), e.g. manxialai, 'slow down'

2. 'to a halt', e.g. tingxialai, 'come to a stop'
3. 'over' (to oneself), e.g. jiexialai, 'take over'

-chulai 1. 'detect', 'make out', e.g. tingchulai, 'make out (by

2. 'produce', e.g. xidngchulai, 'think up'

4 Making concessions (Speech Patterns 5)

In Lesson 6 we saw that shi can be used to mean 'granted that',

if given stress: shouylnji shi hin gui, 'radios are, granted, very
dear'. A similar effect is achieved by repeating the formula you
concede: shouyinji gui shi gui: this interprets as 'as to radios
being dear, they are dear'. In the process shi is relieved of stress.
Naturally, a 'but' clause usually follows. The 'repeat' can be elab-
orated, e.g. qu shi qu-guo, 'as to going, I have been', and so on.

5 The modal verb 'hui' (Speech Patterns 6)

Hui, the modal verb that stands for learned ability, also expresses
confident predictions. It enables one to state that something will,
would or could happen in the sense that one judges it to be 'on the
cards': Bu hui you shenme wenti, 'There won't be any prob-

1 The progressive aspect

(a) Sentence particle ne

1. Ta zai wuzi-li ganma ne? Da dianhua ne.

2. NT didi ne? Zai lou-shang shui-jiao ne.
3. Tamen lia zuo shenme ne? Kan xiaoshuo ne.
4. Lao Li zSnme hai mei lai? Ta zai jie-shang mai dongxi ne.

(b) Zheng . . . (ne)

1. W6men zheng shuo ta ne, ta jiu lai le.

2. Tamen zheng chl-fan ne, w6men zai waitou deng yihuir ba.
3. W6 jin men de shihou, qiang-shang de zhong zheng da shi'er
dian ne.
4. Yu zheng da ne, chi-le fan zai z6u ba.
5. JIntianzaochen w6 zheng z6uguo wenhuagong menk6u
de shihou, tingjian houtou y6u ren jiao wo . . .

(wenhuagong, 'culture palace', a kind of recreation centre)

6. W6 zheng ji de bu zhidao zenme ban de shihou, dianhualing
xiang le.

7. Lao Li ne? Kuai qu, kuai qu, ta zheng zai bangongshi d£ng
ni ne!
8. Nei xie xuesheng zheng zai nar tan tian shuo di ne! ('talk of
heaven, speak of earth' - have a good old chin-wag)

(c) Zai . . . (ne)

1. Zuijin h£n duo ren dou zai tan nianqing ren chou-yan de wenti.
2. W6 zai gen ni shuo-hua, ni tingjian le meiyou? Shenme? NT
shuo shenme?

3. Ta zhe xie nian yizhi zai yanjiu weishenme chi Zhonggu6 cai
bu r6ngyi pang.
4. Feng zai chui, yu zai xia, w6 shenme shihou c£i neng hui jia?
5. W6 gangcai hai zai shuo bu yao h6ng de, ni zSnme y6u gSi-le
w6 yf ge h6ng de?
6. Ni zai mang shenme? W6 tiantian dou zai zu6 baogao, yi ge
wan le, ydu lai yi ge.
7. Ta m6i tian dou zai wei san dun fan zhaoji, z6ngshi zai dasuan
zenme gen ren jie qian.
8. Ta m6i(you) zai xuexi, ta zai kan dianshi ne.
9. Ta bu shi zai xi6-zi, shi zai hua-huar.

(d) Zhengzai . . . (ne)

1. W6men jin bangongshi de shihou, ta zhengzai da dianhua ne.

2. Qu Zhonggu6 jiao-shu de shi y6u xiwang ma? Zhengzai
jinxing ne.
3. Ni zhengzai ganma ne? Neng bu neng lai bangbang mang?
W6 zhengzai xie yi feng hen yaojin de xin, xi6wan-le jiu l^i.
4. Wei, z6ngji ('exchange'), jietong le meiyou? Nin bie zhaoji,
zhengzai gei nin jie ne.

5. Zhe liang tian ta zenme zheme yonggong? Ta zhengzai yubei

kaoshi ne.
6. Ta bu shi zhengzai ban-gong ne? Meiyou, ta zhengzai gen
pengyou da pai ne.
7. Ni zhengzai mang ma? Meiyou, zhengzai xiuxi ne.
8. W6 jinlai de shihou ni zhengzai gen shei shuo-hua? W6 mei
gen shei shuo-hua, w6 zhengzai lianxi dishfliu ke de duihua ne.
(duihua, 'dialogue')

2 The continuous aspect

(a) Main verb with -zhe

1. Lao Wang ganma ne? Ta zai shafa-shang zuozhe ne.

2. Ta sh6u-shang nazhe shenme ne? W6 y€ kanbuqlngchu, hao-
xiang shi yi ba shduqiang. (shduqidng, 'hand gun')
3. Yao bu yao w6 gen ni yikuair jinqu? Bu bi le, ni jiu zai zher
dengzhe w6 ba.

4. Ni pengyou zh&ozh&o f&ngzi le ma? Haimeine, haizailiiguan

zhiizhe ne.
5. Bie lao dizhe t6u! Kanzhe w6!
6. Bid zhanzhe, kuai zubxialai, h6utou de ren yao shuo-hua le.

7. LItou shuozhe hua ne, ni zai waitou derig ji fen zhong ba.
8. Ni bie l&o zudzhe, m£ig6 ban xiaoshi yinggai zhanqilai zduzou.
9. Ta xin-li yizhi zai xiSngzhe qiari de wenti.

10. NI yi ge ren qu dei daizhe qiang ba!

(b) V-zhe indicating a settled state that results from the original
action of the verb

1. Shafa-shang zudzhe Hang ge ren, yi pang yi sh6u, dou daizhe

2. Bangongzhuo-shang fangzhe bu shao dongxi, jiushi mei y6u
3. Ni kuai chuqu kankan, men waitou zhanzhe yi ge zhongnian
ren, shuo shi yao zhao ni.
4. Zhe jianzhi bu xiang yi jian bangongshi, chuanghu-shang tiezhe
jiu bao, qiarig-shang guazhe qiarini&n de yueli.
5. Zhuozi zhong jian fangzhe yi ge da win, wan-shang huazhe yi
tiao chang 16ng.
6. Zhei jian wuzi-li yigdng zhuzhe duoshao r6n?
7. Zheme leng, kuai b& chuanghu guanshang ba! Chuanghu
benlcii jiushi guanzhe de, mei kaizhe.
8. Ni kan liiguan menkdu de di-shang xiezhe si ge da bai zi, 'Bu
zhun shdnme?'

(c) V/SV-zhe used in a subordinate role

1. Ni shuo zenme qu? Lu bu yuan, z6uzhe qu ba.

2. Zhei jian shi w6 yi ge ren zudbuli&o, ni d6i bangzhe w6 zu6.
Hao, m6i wenti.
3. Ta zhengzai zuo-fan ba? M6iyou, ni kan ta zai nar zudzhe
kan bao ne.
4. Ni chlw&n zai shuo ba, chizhe dongxi shuo-hua, bu tai hao-
5. Jie-shang qiche zheme duo, ni bu neng dizhe t6u z6u-lu.
6. Ma shuo bu zhun chizhe fan kan-shu, ni bu zhidao ma? W6

meiyou chlzhe fan kan-shu, w6 kanzhe shu chl-fan ye bu xing

7. NI zenme yi ge ren guanzhe men he jiu, pengyou dou bu yao
8. Mang shenme ne? W6 zheng mangzhe gen ge fangmian lianxi
9. Ta zenme zhi chi-le yi kou fan jiu pao le? Ta jizhe yao dao
huochezhan qu jie pengyou.
10. Ta yi faxian shuocuo-le hua, mashang jiu hongzhe lian pao-
chuqu le.

11. Muqin lazhe haizi de shou shud: 'Bie pa, ni yiding keyi zuohao
12. Wdmen ji ge ren yibianr z6uzhe, yibianr shuozhe, hen kuai jiu

dao le.

13. Chouzhe yan, hezhe jiu, dajia gaoxing jfle.

14. Ta yibianr paozhe, yibianr jiaozhe, jie-shang de ren dou zai

kan ta.

15. Ta yibianr gen w6 shuozhe hua, yibianr jiu ba cai chaohao le.

3 Distance

Patterns: a. A li B yuanljin
Ta jia li gongsl yuan bu yuan?
b. A li B (you) NU M (lu/di)

Lundun li Beijing you jiqian gongli?

c. A li B you NU N M
Xianzai li shang ban shijian hai you san fen zhong.

1. Bangongshi li jia yuan ma? Hen jin, w6 jiuzhuzai bangongshi

de loushang.
2. Gugong If zher you duo yuan? Bu yuan, congzher wang dong
yizhi z6u, shi fen zhong jiu dao.
3. Ni zhu de luguan zai nar? Zai cheng-wai, li zher zui shao y6u
ba gongli.
4. Ta jia li chezhan bi wo jia li chezhan dagai yuan ban yingli.
5. Ta zhu de difang li Beihai Gongyuan zhi you ji fen zhong de

6. Wdmen gongshe li Nanjing dagai y6u sanbai II di.


Nei jian shi If xianzai y6u duo jiu le? Yljing ydu ql-ba nidn
le ba. Mei ren jide le.
Kuai xia-ke le ba? Xia-ke? Xianzai cai shi di&n ban, li xia-ke
h&i y6u ershi fen zhong ne.

4 Extended use of directional complements

Patterns: a. W6men zhengzai lu-shang de shihou, huran xikqi xufc

lai le. (start to)

b. Tamen gongchSng de banshichu yijing bknqilai le. (in

c. Zhei ge wenti yanjiu^i/a/ feicharig y6u-yisi. (when you
come to)
d. Zhongwen yue lai yue n^n, w6 shizai xutbuxidqu le.

(carry on)
e. Zhe shi shei chang de ger, nl tlngchulai le ma? (detect)
f. Hu6che kuai dao zhan le, nl kan yijing mknxialai le.

1. Qiguai, jlntian ydu l^ngqilai le, duoshao du a?

2. Kuai kaoshi le, xu6sheng dou jinzhangqilai le.
3. W6men yi shuo ta zhengzai gao duixiang, ta de lian mashang
jiu hongqilai le.
4. Xian hai mei jietong, ta jiu shuoqi hua lai le.
5. Bieren hai mei chlwan fan, ta jiu chouqi yan lai le.
6. Ta zhen nenggan, yi ge ren jiu b& banshichu g^oqilai le.
7. Wang-le ziji de dianhua duoshao hao?! Nl zai xiangxiang! A,
w6 xiangqilai le, si-si qi-san-er-liu.
8. Tamen b& nei ge difang geqilai le, bu zhun r6n jinqu. (geqilai,
'set apart, cordon off)
9. Zhei jian shi a, shuoqilai r6ngyi, zubqilai n£n.
10. Ta didi kanqilai hen congming, k6shi nianqi shu lai ben de gen
niu yiyang.
11. Suanqilai w6 y6u san ni^n mei chi-guo Zhonggu6 fan le.
12. Biqi tamen lai w6 cha yuan
le. Ni bi6 keqi le!
13. Kanqilai tianqi hai yao lSngxiaqu.
14. Z6u ba, bi6 ting le! Zai tingxiaqu w6 jiu yao shuizh&o le. W6
yijing shui-le yi jiao le.

15. Ta yi kanjian laoshi lai le, jinzhang de shuobuxiaqu le.


16. Xin jibudao, dianhua dabutong, shei neng xiangchu banfa lai?
17. Ta chuanzhe xifii, daizhe taiyang yanjingr, w6 m6i renchu ta

18. W6 hua-le san tian de gongfu cai ba zhei ge baogao xiechulai.

19. Tian jianjian heixialai le, lu-shang de che ye yue lai yue shao

20. Ta yijing ba jingli de gongzub jiexialai le.

5 The concessive form of 'X shi X'

Pattern: Zhei zhang shanshulhuar bu-cuo ba? Bu-cud shi bit-

cud, jiushi tai gui le.

1. NI danqiang-pima yi ge ren qu, bu pa ma? Pa shi pa, keshi

bu qu bu xing.
2. Zhei zh6ng dianshiji tai gui le! Gui shi gui yidianr, keshi
dongxi shizai hao.
3. NI hai xue bu xue? Xue shi xue, bugu6 xiang huan ge difang.
4. NI xiang dao Zhongguo qu liixing ma? Xiang shi xiang, keshi
mei ren gei w6 chu lufei.
5. NI bu mai le ma? W6 mai haishi yao mai, bugud bu mai zhei
zh6ng yanse de.
6. NI gei ta da dianhua le ma? Da shi da le, biiguo mei datong.
7. Ta qu-guo Shanghai ma? Qu shi qu-guo, buguo na shihou ta
cai san ge yue, shenme dou bu zhldao.
8. NI mei daizhe qiang ma? Dai shi daizhe ne, keshi bu zhldao
zenme ydng.

6 The modal verb 'hui'

1. NI kan jintian hui bu hui xia-yu? Dagai bu hui ba.

2. Zhei jian shi yiding shi ta gan de! Bu hui de, ta name cong-
ming de ren, bu hui gan zhei zhdng ben shi.
3. W6 zhen bu mingbai, ta zenme hui lian Beijing de 'jing' zi dou
bu hui xi6!
4. Kanqilai xue bu hui hen kuai jiu ting de.
5. Rugu6 ni bu zhaozhe w6 de hua zu6, jiu yiding hui chu
6. Ta bu gaoxing, bu hui shi yinwei w6 mei jie qian gei ta ba.

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. Nei jian bangongshi de qiang-shang guazhe sh6nme?

2. Nei zhang bangongzhuo-shang dou fangzhe xie sh6nme
3. QIng ni shuo-yi-shuo Qi&n zdngjingll de yangzi.
4. Nei tian tianqi zSnmeyang? Qidn z6ngjingli dSng dianhua
d6ng-le duo jiu?
5. Xiao Wan juede Beijing z^nmeyang? Ta qu-le xie shenme
6. Gongsi jiao xiao Wan ban de shi, ta ban de zSnmeyang le?
7. Xiao Wan shuo weishenme zai Beijing shell banshichu bu
8. Zai Beijing banwan shi yihdu, xiao Wan hai yao dao nar qu?
Ta dasuan z6nme qu?
9. Xiao Wan qing Qian z6ngjlngli bang shenme mang?
10. Qian zdngjingll shuo dianhuaxian chu maobing le, shi zhen
de ma? Weishenme?

2 Put zheng or zai or zhengzdi in the blank spaces:

1. W6 n£qi dianhua de shihou, ta jinlai-le.

2. W6 da dianhua de shihou, menling xiang-le.

3. Ta tiantian dou xiang z^nme neng zao yldianr dao
Zhonggu6 qu.
4. Ta daxue bi-ye yih6u, yizhi dou gao zhei zh6ng
5. Ta mei chi-fan, ta kan dianshi ne.
6. Ta gangcai hai shuo chou-yan bu hao, xianzai you
chouqilai le.

3 Use verb -zhe to replace ydu in these sentences:

e.g. Damen-wai ydu san ge xiao haizi.—>Damen-wai zhanzhe san

ge xiao haizi.

1. Zhuozi-shang zhl y6u yi ge da yanhulgang.


2. Qiang-shang y6u yi fu Zhongguo shanshui huar.

3. Xinfeng-shang y6u wu ge da hei zi.

4. Chuanghu zu6bianr y6u yi ge xiao shujia.

5. Wuzi zhongjianr y6u yi tao liise de shafa.
6. Che-shang y6u bu shao waiguo xuesheng.

4 Use VISVqi (O) lai to replace kaishi V(0)/SV in these


e.g. Tianqi zhen bu hao, ni kan you kaishi xia-yu le.—>NI kan you
xiaqi yu lai le.

1. Ta zhi he-le ban bei hong le.

jiu, lian jiu kaishi

2. Tamen xiuxi-le wu fen zhong yihou, you kaishi gongzuo le.

3. Ta yi tingshuo yao kaoshi le, jiu kaishi jinzhang le.

4. Laoshi hai mei shuo xia-ke, ta jiu kaishi chou-yan le.

5. Ta ba sui de shfhou jiu kaishi xue Zhongwen le.

5 Answer these questions with the concessive form X shi X,

followed by a 'but' clause of your own devising:

e.g. Zhei wei huajia de huar hen y6u-ming ma?—You-ming shi

y6u-ming, keshi w6 kanbud6ng.

1. Ni bu dai yanjingr kandejian ma?

2. Ni hui kai-che ma?
3. Ta jia If ma?
zher yuan
4. Dianhua datong le ma?
5. NT xue-guo maoyi ma?
6. Ni qu Zhongguo de sh6uxu dou banhao le ma?

6 Translate into Chinese:

1. Hey! What are you doing here? I'm waiting for the bus.
2. I was reading the evening paper when he came into the

3. While she was getting off the train she heard someone calling
her name.
4. He took another apple when you were not looking.

5. While I was cooking the dinner they were watching

6. She is standing outside the pub, reading a book.
7. When I saw her, she was drinking and smoking at the same
8. He's busy getting ready for his journey to China.
9. There were two beautiful paintings hanging on the wall.
10. On the first floor, there are three large windows hung with
red curtains.
11. She was wearing a green dress and a yellow coat.
12. How far are the shops from here? They are only a few
minutes' walk away.
13. It began to rain as we were walking to the station.

14. He began to speak before we had started recording.

15. If he goes on talking like this, no one will listen to him.

16. Who first thought of this idea?

17. She's not terribly intelligent, admitted, but she's very
18. Chinese food is very tasty, all right, but it's quite difficult to
19. It's too late, he won't come now.
20. You are sure to find some things strange abroad.
21. If my watch hadn't been slow, I wouldn't have been late.
22. Who would have thought to see you here!
Tian liang le! Day has dawned.
Lieche bengud-le heiye, y6 The train has sped through
bengud-le Huangh6! the night, and sped across the
Yellow River!

C6ng chechuang wangchuqu, Looking out from the train

nanfang de qlngshan liishui window, the 'verdant hills
yijing kanbujian le, yan-qian and green waters' of the
shi yf wang wuji de HuabSi south can no longer be seen,
Pmgyuan. before the eyes is the
boundless North China Plain.

Lanse de tiankong xiang bei The blue sky is bright and

shui xi-guo yfyang de clear as if washed by water;

mingjing; zuowan de menre the sultriness of yesterday
yi rang liangshuang de evening has also been blown
qiufeng chul de wuying away by the bracing autumn
wiizong. wind till not a trace remains.

Nei ji ge yao dao Beijing The handful of English

Yuyan Xueyuan qu xuexf de students going to the Peking
Yingguo xuesheng Languages Institute to study
zubtian yi tian mangzhe gen were busy chatting with
t6ngche de liikd tan-tianr, ye- fellow passengers the whole
li ydu mei shuihao; day yesterday and didn't get
a good sleep at night either;

qingz&o bei che-shang de after being woken first thing

gu&ngbo jiaoxmg ylhdu, by the train broadcast, at first
b£nlai hai xiang zai shui they still wanted to sleep a
yihulr, danshi yi kan chuang- while longer, but as soon as
wai, like jiu rang zhe kaikud they looked out of the
de jlngse xiylnzhu le. window they were
immediately held by this
open landscape.

Ai zhao xiang de gengshi Those keen on taking photos

n£chu zhaoxiangjl, butingde furthermore took out their
xunzh&o jingtou; cameras, and endlessly
looked for shots;

di-li de n6ngzu6wu, lu-shang the farm crops in the fields,

de lu6-m& dache, zhengzai the mule and horse carts on
l&oddng de gongshe sheyuan, the road, the commune
dou bei tamen zhaoxialai le. members at their labour,
were all taken by them.

Zhe jl ge ni&nqlng r€n yijing These young people had

zai Lundun Daxue niangud-le already studied at London
yi ni^n Zhongw^n, xianzai University a year's Chinese,
sud kandao de dui tamen lai now what they saw was,
shuo shi name xinqi, ybushi (speaking) in regard to them,
name qinqie. so novel, and again so

Tamen ldi liiixue, yi fangmian Their coming to study abroad

shi yao tigao ziji de Hanyu is on the one hand to raise
shuiping, yi fangmian y€ shi their own standard of
xiang HSojiS yi xia Zhonggu6 Chinese, on the other hand
ge di de fengtu r6nqing, shiji to get an understanding of
tlyan yi xia shiyi r€n de the conditions and customs of
rich^ng shenghu6. various places in China, and
actually gain some personal
experience of the daily life of
a thousand million people.

Hu6che-shang zhe sanshi duo These thirty-odd hours on the

xiaoshi yijing g6i tamen train had already put on for
shang-le n^n-wang de yi ke. them a memorable lesson.

Lieche jianjiande manxialai The train gradually slowed

le, tielu Hang pang de fangwu down, the houses on either
yue lai yue duo, zhongyu side of the railway became
Beijingzhan dao le. more and more, finally
Peking Station was reached.

Zhe ji ge Yingguo tongxue These English students had

gang xia che, zhantai neibianr just alighted, when from the
jiu zouguolai yi wei dai other side of the platform
yanjingr de zhongnian ren ba there walked over a middle-
tamen lanzhu le: aged man wearing glasses
who stopped them:

Wang: Nimen ji wei shi Yingguo You would be the
lai de tongxue ba? Wo students from England?
xing Wang, daibiao My name is Wang, I

Beijing Yuyan Xu6yuan have come to welcome

lai huanying nimen! you on behalf of the
Peking Languages
Li: Zhen bu gan dang! Wang You really do us too
laoshi, nin hao! Xiexie much honour! How do
nin lai jie w6men. you do, teacher Wang.
Thank you for meeting
Wang: Bu keqi! Nimen dajia Think nothing of it!
hao! Zenmeyang, zuo-le Greetings to you all!
liang ye yi tian de Well now, I expect
huoche, gou lei le ba? you're tired enough after
two nights and one day
on the train?

Li: W6men yexu shi tai Perhaps we are too

xingfen le, yidianr ye bu excited, we don't feel in
juede lei. Beijing tianqi the least tired. The
zhen hao, bf nanfang weather in Peking is

liangkuai duole, qiantian really nice, a lot cooler

zaiGuangzhou cong zao than the south; in
dao wan dou shi yi shen Canton the day before
nan, naozi dou g6i yesterday we were all
rehutu le. bathed in sweat from
morn till night, our
brains were all-befuddled
from the heat.
Wang: BSijfng yijing reguo le, Peking has already had
xianzai zheng shi qiu-gao its heat, now it's just the
qi-shuang de hao shfhou. fine season of 'autumn
Ei, nimen yigong bu shi (sky) high and air brisk'.

jiu ge ren ma? Hai y6u I say, aren't there nine

Hang wei ne?" •" of you altogether?
What's happened to the
other two?
Li: Shuochulai nin ydxu bu When I come out with it

xin, w6men nei Hang ge you might not believe

t6ngxue, yi ge zai me: one of those two
Xianggang zuo gonggong fellow students of ours
qiche, huzhao, qianbao had his passport and
dou jiao ren gei touz6u wallet stolen on a bus in
le, xianzai hai zai zhao Hong Kong, and they're
ne; lingwai yi ge zai still looking for them;
Guangzhou Chezhan, kai the other one rushed off
che yiqian paoqu shang to go to the lavatory at
cesu6, jiegu6 wu-le zhei Canton Station before
ban che. the train left, and as a
result missed this train.

Wang: Ai, zhenshi! Xlwang Oh, bad show! I hope

tamen ming-hdutian neng they can get here
dao. D6ng huir w6 zai" tomorrow or the day
gen Guangzhou li&nxi yi after. I'll get on to
xiar. NImen xingli dou Canton in a minute.
naxialai le ma? Y6u Have you got all your
tuoyun de mei y6u? luggage off? Is there any
booked through?
Li: W6men liu ge ren de The luggage of us six is

xingli quan dou zai zher. all here complete. Helen

Bai Hailun chule zhe san White, besides these
ge da shdutibao yiwai, three big bags, has some
hai y6u ji jian tuoyun de. other pieces booked
Wang: NImen liu ge ren dou shi You six all have one
yi ge xiao xiangzi a? small case? Have you
Dongtian de ylfu dai le brought winter clothes?
Li: W6men xiang shiji tlyan We want to actually
yi xiar Zhonggu6 de experience Chinese life

shenghub, jueding yl-shi- for ourselves, and have

zhu-xing dou yao gen decided that our
Zhonggu6 t6ngxue clothing, food, housing
yiyang. Mei y6u de and getting about should
dongxi dao shihou zai allbe the same as our
mai, su6yf xingli h6n Chinese fellow students.
shao. The things we haven't
got we'll buy when the
time comes. So our
luggage is very little.

Wang: Na tai hao le! Bai That's splendid! How

t6ngxue y6u ji jian many pieces of consigned
tuoyun de xingli a? luggage has Miss Bai
Bai: W6 . . . I . . .

Li: Ta dagai bu-haoyisi She's probably too

shuo, yigong liu da jian, embarrassed to say: six

nin mei xiangdao ba! big pieces in all, fancy

Cong zixingche dao that! There's everything
cong kouxiangtang
dazijl, you could ever desire,
dao weishengzhi, yao from bicycle to
shenme y6u shenme! typewriter, from chewing
gum to toilet paper!
Bai: Dele, dele, xiao LI, wo Put a sock in it, young
dai shenme yongbuzhao Lee, there's no need for
ni ti wo guangbo. Ni xian you to broadcast what
rang Wang laoshl kankan I've brought. First let
ni de xiangzi zai shuo teacher Wang look at

bieren ba! your case, before you

criticize other people!
Li: Wo zheme yi ge xiao
jiu I've only got this one
xiangzi, you shenme hao small case, what is there
kan de? worth looking at in that?
Bai: Waitou shi mei shenme There's nothing worth
hao kan, keshi Htou ne? looking at about the
Zhengzheng Hang da outside, but what about
kafei! NI yao tiyan the inside? All of two
Zhongguo shenghuo dai dozen (jars of) coffee -
kafei lai ganma? what's the point of
bringing coffee if you
want to experience
Chinese life?

Li: Wo ... wo mei tian I ... if I don't have

zaochen bu he kafei coffee of a morning I

xingbuliao, yaoshi can't wake up, and if I

xingbuliao zenme neng can't wake up how can I

qu tiyan shenghuo ne?! experience life?


A: Xuehua, Xuehua, ni lai yi Xuehua, Xuehua, could you

xiar hao ma? come here a minute?

B: Shenme shi a? W6 What is it? I'm in the middle

zhengzai chao cai ne! of frying! What is it you can't
Zhei hui youshi shenme find again this time?
dongxi zhaobuzhao le?
A: Ni kanjian wo nei zhang Have you seen that map of
ditii meiyou? Benlai mine? was on the table

fangzai zhuozi-shang, bu before, wonder who it was


zhidao jiao shei gei naz6u taken away by?

B: Zuotian wanshang ni gen Yesterday evening you were
lao Huang kanzhe ditu looking at the map while
tan liixing, shi bu shi rang talking about travelling with
ta jiequ le? Huang, was it borrowed by
A: Meiyou, meiyou, lao No, no, Huang has got bags
Huang ditu duo de hen, of maps - that one of mine -

w6 nei zhang jiushi ta was a present from him.

song de.
B: Hui bu hui jiao Xiaoming Might it have been taken by
naqu wanr le? Ni wenwen Xiaoming to play with? Ask
ta. him.
A: Zhe haizi shang ci wanr Last time when that child
w6 de xiao jisuanjl, bu played with my little

shi jiao w6 haohaorde da- calculator, wasn't he given a

le yfdun ma? W6 xiang proper hiding by me? I don't
tabu gan zai dong w6 de think he would dare touch
dongxi le ba. Ni zai bang my things again. Any other
w6 xiangxiang. suggestions? (lit: help me
again to think)
B: Ni kan feng zheme da, Look, the wind is so strong,
chuanghu you mei guan, and the window isn't closed
yexu rang feng gei either, perhaps it was blown
chulpao le. away by the wind.
A: Zhuozi-shang name duo (If) All that paper on the
zhi dou meiyou chulz6u, table hasn't been blown
ditu geng chuibuz6u le. away, the map is less able to
have been blown away.
B: Ni zaoshang mei daidao Didn't you take it to college
xuexiao qu ma? this morning?

A: O! Xuexiao? Duile! W6 Oh! The college? That's

xiangqilai le, wo yijing ba right! I remember now, I've

ditu guazai bangongshi de already hung it on the office

qiang-shang le. Zhenshi, wall. Dear me, this weather!
zhe tianqi! Wo dou gei The heat has actually made
rehiitu le! me muddled!
B: Ni de naozi nei tian When (which day) has your
qlngchu a? brain been clear?

A: Shijian guo de zhen kuai, Time has really passed

mei xiangdao women quickly, it comes as a surprise
yijing xue-le ban nian de that we've already been
Zhongwen le. studying Chinese for half a
B: Shi a! Zhei ben shu Yes indeed! We'll very
mashang jiu yao xuewan shortly have finished this
le. book.
A: Ni juede zhei ben shu What do you think of this
zenmeyang? book?
B: Wo juede xiangdang bu- I think it's quite all right, but
cuo, bviguo you yi dian there's one point I don't
w6 bu mingbai: understand: why should there
weishenme bu duo bu be seventeen lessons, no
shao shiql ke? more, no less?
A: Shiql ke bu xing ma? Isn't seventeen lessons
B: Xing dangran xing! Buguo Of course it's allowed! But
pingchang bu shi shfliu, usually if it's not sixteen or
shioa jiushi ershi, ershisi; eighteen then it'stwenty or
dou shi shuangshu. Hen twenty-four; all even
shao you danshu de. numbers. You hardly ever
find ones with odd numbers.
A: Benlai w6 ye qiguai zhei I too thought this strange at

Houlai kandao
jian shi. yi first. I only understood later

zhang Yfheyuan de when I saw a photograph of

zhaopian cai mingbai. the Summer Palace.

B: Yiheyuan? Zhei ben shu The Summer Palace? What

gen Yiheyuan you shenme has this book to do with the
guanxi? Summer Palace?
A: Ni wang-le: Yiheyuan bu You have forgotten: hasn't
shi you yi zuo hen the Summer Palace a very
piaoliang de qiao ma? pretty bridge?
B: Ni shi shuo nei zuo You're referring to the world-
wenming shijie de Shiqi famous Seventeen Arch
Kong Qiao? Bridge?
A: Duile! Jiushi Shiqi K6ng Right! The Seventeen Arch
Qiao! Xie zhei ben shu de Bridge, precisely. The people
ren dagai shi jieyong zhei who wrote this book probably
ge xiwang zhe shiqi
yisi, have taken up that idea, in
ke shu neng xiang yi zuo the hope that these seventeen
qiao yiyang ba bei yuyan lessons can, like a bridge,
gekai de waiguo renmin join together foreign peoples
he Zhongguo renmin and the Chinese people, who
lianzai yiqi! are separated by language!

tianliang (S-Predicate) daybreak (lit: sky bright)
Heche (N) train (railway term)
ben (V) rush, speed
(hei)ye (N) (dark) night
Huanghe (PR) Yellow River
chechuang (N) carriage window
wang (V) look into the distance, look across at
nanfang (PW) the south
qlngshan liishui (set verdant hills and green waters
yanqian (PW) before the eyes
yi wang wuji (set 'look afar no bound' - as far as the
phrase) eye can see
Huabei Pingyuan (PW) North China Plain
lan(se)(SV) blue (coloured)
tiankong (N) sky
bei(CV) by (in passive constructions)

xi(V) wash

mingjing (SV) bright and clean, luminous

menre (SV/N) sultry; sultriness

rang (CV) by (in passive constructions)

liangshuang (SV) cool and refreshing

qiufeng (N) autumn wind (= qiutian de feng)
wuying wuzong (set without shadow without trace
Beijing Yuyan Xueyuan Peking Languages Institute
tongche (N) 'same car': fellow (of travellers)

luke (N) traveller, passenger

qingzao (TW) early morning
guangbo (N/V) broadcast
xing (V) awake(n)
jiaoxing (V) 'call awake': wake up
like(A) immediately
kaikuo (SV) wide, open (of spaces)
jingse (N) landscape, scenery, scene
xiyin (V) attract, draw
zhao xiang (VO) take photograph
zhaoxiangji (N) camera (M:jia)
gengshi (A) on top of that
butingde (A) unceasingly
xunzhao (V) seek, look for
jingtou (N) shot (photography); camera lens
di-li in the fields
nongzuowu (N) farm crops
luo-ma dache mule and horse carts
(adjunct +N)
laodong (V/N) labour (physical)
sheyuan (N) member of a she (society, association,
zhaoxialai (V) get on film
suo (A) 'which' (see Grammar)
dui (tamen) lai shuo 'come to speak regarding (them)' - as
(PH) far as (they) are concerned
xlnqi (SV) novel
qinqie (SV) close and dear, familiar
liuxue (V) study abroad

liu (V)

jiegu6 (N)

1 Passive (Speech Patterns 1)

As we noted previously, Chinese verbs are indeterminate as to

voice. We have treated them as active in most cases simply because
it who has been doing the action. When who is doing
has been clear
the action is not stated we have in English to resort to the passive,
as in the sentence from the Presentation, Ndnfdng de qingshan
liishui yijing kdnbujidn le, 'The verdant hills and green waters
of the south can (already) no longer be seeri Speech Pattern 1(a)

gives more examples of sentences that have to be rendered into the

passive in English, although the notion of suffering action is absent
in the original.
Sometimes, however, one does want to convey the idea that
someone or something is subjected to some kind of treatment,
whether or not one specifies by whom or what. Where there is a
will, there is a way. If the agent is specified, it is introduced by

bei, jido, rang, or gei, which all translate as 'by', e.g. Hdizi bei/

jidolrdnglgii fiiqin dd-le yi dun, 'The child was given a hiding

by the father'. In addition to these markers for the agent, the
'passive' quality of the verb is strengthened by putting gei directly
before it (except that gei - agent - gii - verb is avoided); this gei
has no definable meaning, but it conveys the feeling that the action

is unlooked and that the matter is regrettable. Hdizi jido


fiiqin gei dd-le yi dim is therefore appropriate, from the child's

point of view. When no agent is mentioned, gei can serve on its
own {Hdizi gei da le, 'The child was beaten'; Ndozi gii rehiitu
le, 'Brains were heated-till-muddled'). More common in this role,

because more neutral in attitude to the action received, is bei:

Xin dou bei jiezdu le, 'The new books have all been taken

out'. Jido and rang are not used without an agent; for this reason
ren, 'someone' is commonly supplied as a 'dummy' agent: Td de
hiizhdo jido ren touzou le, 'His passport was stolen by
These signs that the subject/topic is acted upon all require that
the verb carries a suffix or complement, in the same way as bd.

2 Verbal measures (Speech Patterns 4)

By 'verbal measures' meant the ways by which the limited ex-


pense of energy is measured. You have already met one such word,
namely ci, 'occasion' (Wd qu kan-guo td lidng ci). A new
measure in this lesson, xia, is met with very frequently. It has a
dual function: it records occasions, like ci and hui (da sdn xia,
'hit three times'); and it denotes brevity or limited scope of action,

when the effect is similar to reduplication of the verb, e.g. xidng

yi xia = xidng-yi-xidng, 'have a think'. Xia in this second usage
is especially common with bisyllabic verbs.
Apart from these general verbal measures there are many others
dun (same word as for
that are tied to particular activities, such as
'meal') for beating, haranguing, etc; and ydn, 'eye' for glances
(kdn yi ydn).

3 Appearances and disappearance (Speech Patterns 3)

In a sentence that tells of the appearance in or disappearance from

a place of people or things, the word order is fixed, viz.:

Place word - verb - noun

e.g. Zhantdi neibianr zduguolai yi wei zhongnidn ren, 'A

middle-aged man came across from that (i.e. the other) side of the
platform'. Note that there is no word for 'from'. This construction

is not used when the noun has definite reference ('the -', 'my -',
'Mr -' etc.); these occupy the head position in the sentence, as

4 Delayed action with 'zai' (Speech Patterns 6)

Zai, 'again, further' has a particular use in relation to taking up

business deferred, as opposed to resuming business already begun.
Mei you de dongxi ddo shihou zai mdi, for instance, expresses
the intention of getting round at a later date to buying the things
lacking, not to rebuying them. Similarly. Deng huir wo zai gen
Guangzhou means
lidnxi yi xia in the context of the dialogue
seeing to contacting Canton after a while, not contacting again. In
another context, though, it could mean the latter, in which case zai

would receive stress. Zai in the first sense can be understood as

'then' or 'only then' (as in xidn . . . zai should not be
. .
.); it

confused with cdi, 'only then', which always carries the connotation
of tardiness, or enforced delay.

5 Wholeness (Speech Patterns 5)

Used in conjunction with nouns that are borrowed as measure

words, yi, 'one' has the meaning of qudn: 'entire, whole', or

where appropriate 'covered in': yi shen hdn, 'a whole bodyful of

sweat' - 'covered in sweat'. So yi jid ren means 'the whole family
(of people)'; zuotidn yi tidn means 'yesterday the whole day'.
De usually links these whole amounts to the nouns they modify,
especially in less common collocations, such as yi wuzi de
pingguo, 'the whole roomful of apples', yi zhuozi de zhi, 'the
whole tableful of paper'. You will notice that when wiizi and
zhuozi, to take them as examples, are borrowed as measure words,
they lose their own classifiers, so not *yi jidn wuzi de or *yi —
zhdng zhuozi de — .

6 'Suo' (Speech Patterns 7)

Suo, to put it briefly, announces that what follows the verb is going
to be an object. Take the sentence Tdmen ydnjiu de wenti hen
you-yisi, 'The questions they are looking into is very interesting'.
In the topic phrase, tdmen ydnjiu de wenti, suo can be inserted
before the verb, making tdmen suo ydnjiu de wenti: what it

does is to alert the listener that an object is going to follow the

verb, and that one is dealing with a topic on which comment is to
be expected. The force of adding suo is similar to that of adding
'which' in English ('the question which they are looking into'),
although their functions are somewhat different. Suo is perhaps
more frequently employed when the noun is left out: Tdmen ydn-
jiu de hen you-yisi, 'What they are looking into is very interes-
ting'becoming Tdmen suo ydnjiu de hin ydu-yisi; sud here
not only seems to lend body to the noun construction, but also
precludes any misinterpretation of the role of de.

7 The measure modified (Speech Patterns 8)

It is only logical that container measures should be open to modi-

fication. In 'a big cup of coffee', it is the cup(ful) that is big, not
the coffee, hence yi da bei kdfei. In the case of individual
measures, or classifiers, it is also possible, though less logical, to
change the order of M
- SV - N to SV - M - N, e.g. yi xido bin
shu rather than yi bin xido shu, liu da jian xingli rather than
liu jian da xingli. The effect of such displacement is to under-

score the descriptive word and to lend extravagance to the phrasing

- 'titchy little' and 'whopping great'. In practice the number of SVs
liable to be so displaced is very few; da and xido are the favourites.

8 Written style

The opening description in the Presentation passage is deliberately

composed in a somewhat elevated style in order to give the student
a taste of written Chinese. Apart from being salted with set phrases
and coloured by choice epithets, the written language is .able to
reduce rather wordy constructions to neat compounds, such as
chechudng (huoche de chudnghu), ehiufeng ({hiutidn de
feng), and zuowdn (zuotidn wdnshang). *

9 Going to extremes with 'dou'

Dou 'all' comes into play when things reach such a pitch that
something remarkable results, in which case it can be understood
as 'as much as', 'all-of , The weather, for instance,
'actually', etc.
might be so hot that one dou gii rehutu le, 'actually befuddled';

or one might say Wo pa de dou jidochulai le, 'I was so afraid I

actually cried out'. When the subject is plural (women dou gii
rehutu le), dou could either refer back to the subject ('we all') or
forward to the action as we have been describing; then one relies
on intuition.

10 The worthwhile 'hao'

Hdo 'good (to)' may have the special meaning of 'worthwhile'

before suitable verbs, typically in the formula ydulmei shenme

hdo V (de), e.g. You shenme hdo kdn de?, 'What is there
worthwhile looking at?'

11 What about 'ne' again

As we know, ne appended to topics stands for questions it is not

worth repeating: tdmen lidng wei ne?, 'What about those two?'
It can also append to what one might call truncated pivotal sen-

tences, where the second half is left out, possibly to avoid enquiring
too directly. So in the Dialogue, the question Hdi ydu lidng wei
ne? can been seen as a foreshortening of Hdi ydu lidng wei zdi
ndr? 'There are another two (students) who are where?'

1 Passive constructions

(a) Passive in English, not in Chinese

1. Dianbao shoudao le, xin hai mei shoudao ne.

2. W6 de huzhao yijing nadao le, biede shduxu zhengzai ban ne.
3. Zai Zhongguo liuxue yi nian, ta de Hanyu shuiping dadade
tigao le.

4. Qiche xigud-le yihou, kanqilai gen xin de yiyang.

5. Jintian de tangcuyuzhen bu-cud, ni kan, lian yutou (fish-head)
dou chi le.
6. Xingli songlai le ma? Xiangzi yijing songlai le, shdutubao hai
mei ne.
7. Zhei tiao xinwen yijing guangbodao quan shijie le.
8. Qiutian de wanshang ta changchang zhanzai hai-bianr, chulzhe
haifeng, xiangzhe yiqian de shi.
9. Lao Wang de zixingche yijing zhaodao le. (Shi shei zhaodao
de? Bu zhidao.) cf. Lao Wang yijing zhaodao ta de zixingche

10. Dongxi dou banzdu le ma? cf. Tamen dou banz6u le ma?

(b) With coverbs of agent bei, jiao, rang and gei

Patterns: a. receiver bei V

Xiao Wang bei da le.

b. receiver CVs of agent doer (gei) V

Xiao Wang bei/jiao/rang ren (gei) da le.

c. receiver gei doer V

Xiao Wang gei ren da le.

1. Tamen dou bei qingqu le.

2. Women dou bei liuzai nar le.

3. Ta yijing bei lashanglai le.

4. Ta bei wen de shuobuchu hua lai le.

5. Women bei guanzai yi jian hei wuzi-li, lian cesuo dou bu zhun
6. Ni de zhaoxiangji neng bu neng jie wo yong yi tian? Duibuqi,
yijing bei ren jiezou le.
7. Wo zuotian mai de kouxiangtang ne? Dou jiao haizi gei chi

8. Ni de xingli ne? Zhaobuzhao le, dagai bei ren nacuo le.

9. W6 yi xia che jiu bei liang ge waiguo ren lanzhu le.

10. Tamen yi jia ren zuozai nar, quan jiao dianshi g£i xiyinzhu le.

11. Wo zheng yao yong de nei zhang zhi, rang feng gei chuldao
shu-shang qu le.
12. Zhei jian shi ruguo rang ta zhidao le, yiding hui ti ni
13. Ta de huzhao, feijipiao dou jiao ren touzou le ma? Meiyou,
zhi y6u qian bei tou le.
14. Kuai jinqu ba, waitou zheme leng, bie rang feng gei chuibing

15. Ni zheme hutu, k6ngpa gei ren mai le dou bu zhidao.

2 Three types of sentences compared

a. simply tells what happened;
b. says what someone/something did with someone/something;
c. says what happened to someone/something.

la. Ta he-le yi bei cha jiu zou le.

b. Ta ba nei bei cha he-le.

c. Nei bei cha jiao ta gei he-le.
2a. Ta yi ge ren chl-le yi zhuo cai, zhen neng chi!
b. Ta yi ge ren ba yi zhuo cai dou chl-le.
c. Yi zhuo cai dou rang ta yi ge ren g£i chl-le.

3a. Ta da-le Xiaoming yi dun.

b. Xiaoming bu ting ta de hua, ta ba Xiaoming da-le yi dun.
c. Xiaoming bei ta da-le yi dun, xln-li hen bu gaoxing.
4a. Y6u ren tou-le ta de zhaoxiangji.
b. Y6u ren ba ta de zhaoxiangji touz6u le.

c. Ta de zhaoxiangji jiao ren touzdu-le.

5a. Feng chui de w6 hen bu shufu.
b. Feng ba w6 chui de hen bu shufu.
c. W6 bei feng chui de hen bu shufu.
6a. Ta airen mai-le ta de zixingche, mai-le yi ge zhaoxiangji.
b. Yinwei mei qian mai cai, ta airen ba ta de zixingche mai-le.
c. Ta dezixingche ne? Ta de zixingche jiao ta airen gei mai-

3 Appearance and disappearance

1. Ni kan, neibianr feiguolai yi ge shenme dongxi?

2. W6men nei tiao lu-shang banz6u-le yi jia Meiguo ren, banlai-
le liang jia Deguo ren.
3. Taibaishan-shang faxian-le hen duo liangqian nian yiqian de
4. Wdmen gongsi zuijin z6u-le bu shao ren.
5. Zuotian w6 tingshuo tiishuguan-li xin dao-le wuqian ben
Zhongwen shu.
6. Qiguai, wo qianbao-li zenme shao-le wu kuai qian?
7. Women zhengzai shuo-hua, huran lou-shang zouxialai yi wei
chuan Ian yifu de nu xuesheng.
8. Kuai kan! Nan cesuo-li zouchulai yi ge niihaizi. Na bu shi
niihaizi, ni bie yiwei toufa chang de dou shi nii-de.

4 Verbal measures

1. Ni zai Zhongguo zuo-guo ji ci hu6che?

2. Zher de shi yijing gen ta shuo-le san huf le, haoxiang ta haishi
bu tai liaojie.
3. Ta lei de budeliao, hen xiang qu shui yi jiao.
4. Ta zhi ai shufu, bu ai laodong, you rang ta baba shuo-le yi dun.
5. W6 wen tazhao shei, ta kan-le w6 yi yan jiu zdu-le.
6. Bu zhldao weishenme, ta huran paoguolai da-le w6 san xiar.

7. W6 xiang gen ni liaojie yi xiar zher de fengtu renqing.

8. W6men dou yinggai tiyan yi xiar laodong renmin de shenghuo.
9. Ta naqi qin lai tan-le ji xiar, hao-ting jfle.
10. W6 zhaobuzhao w6 didi le, neng bu neng mafan nin guangbo
yi xiar, ta mingzi jiao. . . .

11. Mingtian w6 bu neng qu huanying tamen, qing ni daibiao yi

xiar, xing bu xing?

12. Yi-shi-zhu-xing de wenti dou dei haohaorde yanjiu yi xiar.

5 'YI' for 'whole'

1. Zhei yi sh6utfbao de shu dou shi ta mai de.

2. Tianqi zheme re, yi laodong jiushi yi shen han.
3. Dianhua xiang le, kuai qu ti w6 jie yi xia, w6 zhengzai xi wan,
yi shdu de shui.

4. Ni kan ta yi shen de xue, zhen xiang ge da xuerenr (snowman).

5. Yi feiji de liike dou jiao chuang-wai de jingse xiymzhu le.
6. Shei zai zher xi dongxi le, zenme gao de yi di dou shi shui?
7. Yi wuzi de jiu dou jiao ta erzi gei he-le.
8. Yi che de zhaoxiangji dou jiao ren gei tou-le.

6 Zai' for action deferred

1. Jlntian tai wan

le, mingtian zai qu ban ba!

(c.f. mei banhao, mingtian hai yao zai qu ban.)

2. Zhei jian shi yinggai zenme ban? Deng ta lai-le zai shuo ba!
3. Wo xiang mai dianr weishengzhi. Jia-li y6u name duo,
ydngwan-le zai mai ba.
4. Wo dei qu wenwen ta. Ta hai zai shui-jiao ne, deng ta xing-
le zai wen ta ba.
5. Jing bu jingguo Xianggang, nimen yanjiu yi xiar zai jueding
6. Wo gen tamen lianxi yihbu zai da dianhua gei ni, hao bu hao?
7. Ni xian daibiao w6 qu chezhan jie ta. Mingtian zaochen w6 zai
dao liiguan qu kan ta.
8. Ni xian ba da-zi xuehui-le, zai qu zhao gongzuo jiu rongyi

7 'Slid'

1. Ni su6 kandao de dou shi l&oddng renmin de shiji shenghu6.

2. W6men su6 ydnjiu de wenti gen dianzi jisuanji m6i shenme
3. Tamen sud neng ban dao de zhi ydu zhei vidian.
4. Tamen sud yong de fazi tingshuo shi zui tebi6 de.
5. W6men dajia sud xiwang de jiushi neng b& Zhongw€n xuehao.

8 The measure modified

la. Ta yigdng dai-le liu da jian xingli: chi de, chuan de, shenme
dou y6u.
b. Ta yigong dai-le liu jian da xingli he liang ge xiao shdutibao.
2a. Zhe me yi xiao ben shu jiu yao shi bang qi£n. W6 bu mai.
b. Zhei bSn xi£o shu dui w6 hen ydu-ydng.
3a. Ta songgei w6men san da bao ml, gdu w6men chi yi ni£n.
b. Che-shang y6u bu sh&o r6u, h£i y6u san bao dami. (dami,
'(husked) rice')
4a. Zuo zhei ge cai dSi yong san da wan y6u.
b. Zu6 ybng san win day6u. (daydu,
zhei ge cai d6i 'lard')
5a. Yi jin men, zudbianr lizhe yi chang pai shujia.
b. Zudbianr shi yi pai hen chang de shujia.

1 Answer these questions on the basis of the Presentation and

1. NI zhldao zhe lie huoche shi cong nar dao nar qu de ma?
2. Huab£i Pingyuan-shang de jingse z6nmeyang? Nei tian de
tianqi ne?
3. Nei ji ge yao qu Beijing de Ylnggu6 xuesheng z&ochen shi
zenme xing de? Weishenme bu xiang zai shui le?
4. Xihuan zhaoxiang de dou zhaoxia-le shenme jingtou?
5. Zhe ji ge nianqing de Yinggu6 xuesheng xu6-guo Zhongw6n
ma? Zai nar xu6 de?
6. Tamen dao Zhongguo qu liuxue zhi shi weile yao tigao ziji de
Hanyu shuiping ma?
7. Tamen dao-le Beijing Chezhan, shei qu jie tamen le?

8. Tamen bSnlai yig6ng jiu ge r6n, k6shi zhi y6u qi ge r€n dao-
le Beijing,hai y6u liang wei ne?
9. Chule Bai Hailun yiwai, nei jl ge Yinggu6 xuesheng zhi dai-le
h6n shao de xingli, weishenme?
10. Xiao Li dai-le yi xiangzi shenme? NT qu Zhonggub de snihou
hui bu hui gen ta yiyang?

2 Turn these sentences into the passive form (while noting the
change in perspective):

e.g. Ta nazdu-le w6 de bi.—> W6 de bi bei ta naz6u-le.

1. Shei he-le ta de ch&?

2. Zudtian lao Wang qlng w6 qu kan dianying le.

3. W6 laiwan le, laoshl shuo-le w6 yi diin.

4. Ren, fengjing ta dou zhaoxialai le.

5. Y6u ren nacud-le w6 de sh6utibao.

6. Ta ba w6 de xiangzi fangzai che houtou le.

7. Feng ba w6 de qidn chuidao he-li qu le.

8. Ta ba qiang-shang nei zhang shanshulhuar n axial ai le.
9. Qlngzao hai bu dao liu dian, ta jiu ba w6 jiaoxing-le.
10. Y6u ren ba ta de zixingche touz6u le.

3 Fill in the blanks with measures suitable for the verbs:

1. Zu6tian ni ting-le ji guangbo?

2. Zhei ge wenti bu tai jiandan, wdmen ddi haohaorde y an jiu

3. Liang dian ban le, w6 yljing shui-le yi le, ta hai zai

nian-shu ne.
4. W6 h^n xiang liaoji6 yi Zhonggu6 h€ Yinggu6 de
maoyi guanxi.
5. Ta shuo ta hui tan qin, kSshi zhi tdn-le liang jiu
tanbuxiaqu le.

6. W6 gen ta shuo-hua, ta dizhe t6u kan-shu, li^n yi dou

mei kan wo.
7. Shi ta xian da w6 de, ta zai w6 t6u-shang da-le san
8. Ta kaoshi mei kaohao, bei ta fuqin shud-le yi

4 Fill in the blanks with the adverbs 'zai', 'zai', 'jiu', or 'cai':

1. Duibuqi, w6 mei
tlngqlngchu, qing nin shuo yi ci.
2. Tamen chu Beijing Chezhan
yi bei ren lanzhu-le.
3. Zhei jian shi deng ta lai le jueding ba.
4. Ta wu-le yi ban che, zui zao mingtian xiawu neng
5. W6 zhao-le bantian huzhao, yuanlai zai zher a!
6. Zenme zheme mang? Chiwan fan z6u, key! ma?
7. Lu hen yuan, zuo hu6che qu k6ngpa san tian neng
8. FeijIhen kuai, liang ge xiaoshi dao-le.
9. Xianzai bie mai tai duo dongxi, dao-le Zhongguo mai,
bu xing ma?
10. Ni dei xian gei qian neng jin cesud.

5 Fill in the blanks with final particles 'ma', 'a', 'ne', 'ba', 'le' or

1. Tianliang , tamen dou qllai le ? Dou qilai ,

zhengzai xi Han
2. Xiao Wang , kuai lai kan , xia xue ! Zhen de
? Wo mashang jiu lai He! Zhe mei
jingse tai !

3. Nin yiding shi Li xiansheng Wo guangbo gongsl de

Zhang Wen. O! Yuanlai mei tian zaochen guangbo de jiushi
nin !

4. Women dou juede yinggai zheme ban, ni kan ?

Nimen shuo zenme ban jiu zenme ban

5. Wo xiang dao waiguo qu, keshi hai mei ban huzhao

Mei you huzhao, ni shi bu neng dao waiguo qu
6. Zuotian ni qu kan ta de shfhou, ta zai ganma ?
Ta zhengzai he-bian zhanzhe kan fengjing
7. Ta shi YIngguo lai de daibiao ? Bu hui ?
Ta bu shi YIngguo lai de daibiao, YIngguo daibiao zao jiu
8. Women dou xiang qu tiyan yi xia laodong renmin de
shenghuo, ni ?
W6 yijing tiyanguo bu xiang zai qu

9. Ni zhldao di-li shi shenme nongzuowu ?


W6 bu zhidao, ni wen ta Ta shi xue nong de, yijing

xue-le sanshi duo nian
10. Qiutian dao tianqi jianjian liangqilai

Shi Tian y€ hei de zao


11. Y6u ren shuo ta xuehui tou dongxi , ni xin ?

W6 bu xin. Zheme hao de haizi yiding bu hui qu tou dongxi

12. Ta Zhongwen xue de zheme hao, dagai feichang yonggong

Dangran , rugu6 bu yonggong, Zhongwen shi xuebuhao

6 Translate into Chinese:

1. This window has not been opened for the last twenty years.
2. These photographs must not be taken away.
3. His new car was driven into the river by his wife.
4. As it turned out, what I was asked to do had already been
done by someone else.
5. Her beautiful bike was stolen the second day after she
bought it.
6. The children were all captivated by the sweets and titbits on
the table.
7. He was taken ill on the train, and was immediately taken to
hospital on arrival in Canton.
8. We were all bathed in sweat, it was so hot.
9. His whole family is very keen on photography.
10. It rained heavily all day yesterday.

11. He has been to Hong Kong only once and didn't like the
place very much.
12. Have we got time to look around before lunch?
13. She shot me a glance, but said nothing.
14. The teacher gave him a dressing down for being late again.
15. What he says is of not the least importance.
16. A man approached from the other side of the bridge while
we were talking.
17. Let's not leave until the rain stops.
18. This business can keep till next year, don't you think?

Numbers refer to lessons in which words first appear.

a (P) modal particle 1

ai (V) love 3
(MV) love to, be keen on 3
airen (N) spouse 2

ba (NU) eight

ban (N) shift, duty, class 12

(M) for shifts, classes (of students), scheduled journeys
by public transport 17
ban(dao) (V) move (to) 14
ban (NU) half, half of 5
ban (V) do, manage, see to 9
banfa (N) way, means, method 12
ban-gong (V-O) work (in an office) 16
bangongshi (N) office 16
bangongzhuo (N) (office) desk 16
ban shi (VO) see to matters 9
banshichu (N) bureau 16
bang-mang (V-O) help 16
bang (M) pound (sterling) 16
bao (M) package of, packet of 5
bao (SV) be full, replete 7
bao (N) newspaper 5
(V) to report 5
baogao (V/N) report 16
bei (M) cup of, glass of 4
beizi (N) cup, glass 13
bei (L) north 8
b&bian(r) (L/PW) the north 8
beifang ren (N) northerner 12
Gongyuan (PW) (north lake) park in Peking
Beihai 12
(PW) Peking
Beijing 2
Beijing Yuyan Xueyuan (PR) Peking Languages Institute 17
bei (CV) by (in passive construction) 17
ben (V) rush, speed 17
ben (M) for books 4
(SP) this, the present 14
bSnlai (MA) originally 7
ben (SV) stupid, obtuse, clumsy 13
bi (N) pen 5
bi (V) compare 13
(CV) compared with 13
bifang (N) example 13
bifang shuo (PH) for example 13
bijiao (V) compare 13

(A) comparatively, rather 13

bi (BF) currency 6
bidei (MV) must, have to 10
bi-ye (V-O) to graduate 11
bian(r) (N/L-suffix) side, edge 8
biao (N) watch 12
bie (A) =bu yao don't (imperative) 9
biede (SP) other, alternative 7
bieren (N) other people 12
bing (N) illness 16
bingle (SV) be ill 16
bu/bu (A) not 1

bubi (MV) no need to 10

bu-cud (IE) not bad; that's right 9
bu dang yi hui shi (IE) not regard as a matter (of any
importance) 15
buguo (C) however, nevertheless 12
bulun (MA) no matter how 15
budeliao (SV) terrible 13
(SV complement) awfully 13
bugandang (IE) unworthy of the honour, be flattered 17
bu-haoyisi (IE) embarrassed, ill at ease 14
bu shufu (SV) uncomfortable 10
(IE) not feel well 10
buting(de) (A) unceasingly 17
bu-tong (SV) dissimilar 13
bu (N/L-suffix) part, section 8
bushdu (N) radical 13

cai (V) guess 11

cai (A) only then 11
cai (N) vegetables; dish of food, cuisine 3
caidan (N) menu 15

can (N) food, cuisine, meal 15

(M) for meals 15
cesu6 (N) lavatory 17
cha (N) tea 3
chabei (N) teacup 13
cha (V) lack, differ by 11
(SV) not up to the mark 13
chabuduo (SV) almost the same 11
(A) almost, about 11
(IE) not bad 11
chang(chang) (A) often y habitually 3
chang (SV) long 10
Changcheng (PR) the Great Wall 16
changtu (AT) long-distance 16
chang (N) factory 9
chang (M) for performances; spell of 10
chang-ger (V-O) sing (a song) 13
chao (V) stir-fry 15
che (N) vehicle, wheeled machine 10
chechuang (N) carriage window 17
chezhan (N) station, bus stop 10
cheng (N) city wall; city 8
cheng-li (PW) in town, urban 8
cheng (V complement) so as to be, become 15
chl (V) eat 3
chlbulai (V) unable to take to (foods) 15
chl-fan (V-O) eat 3
chou (V) smoke (cigarettes) 5
chou-yan (V-O) smoke 5
chu (BF) (go or come) out 11
chufa (V) set out 11
chu fengtou (VO) create a stir, enjoy the limelight 15
chu maobing (VO) develop a fault 16
chuqu (V) go out 11
chufang (N) kitchen 15
chule . (yiwai) (MA) apart from
. . 11
chuan (V) wear, put on (of garments) 16
chuan (N) boat, ship 12
chuanghu (N) window 13

daifu (N) medical doctor


e/ei/ai (I) hey! oi! 7

e (SV) hungry 7
er (NU) two 4
erzi (N) son 4

faxian (V) discover


fuwu (V) serve 15

(N) service 15
fuwuyuan (N) attendant 15
fujin (TW) vicinity 12
fuqin (N) father 7
fumu (N) father and mother 4
fuxi (V) revise 12
(N) revision 12

ganbei (IE) drain glass, cheers! 15
gan (MV) dare to 7
ganjin (A) hurriedly 16
gan (V) do, work, get on with 11
ganbu (N) cadre 9
ganma (IE) do what; what for, why on earth 10
gang (A) just 12
gangcai (TW)
just now, a moment ago 12
gao (SV) high, tall 9
gaoxing (SV) pleased, exhilarated 11
gao (V) do, go in for, make, get up to 9
gaosu (V) tell 11
ge(r) (N) song 13
gege (N) elder brother 9
ge (V) isolate, separate 16
gekai (V) separate 17
ge (AT) each, various different 13
ge zhdng ge yang (set PH) all sorts of 13
ge (M) general classifier 4
gei (V) give 6
(CV) for, in the interest of; by (in passive construction) 9, 17
gei ren jieshao (PH) effect an introduction for somebody 9
gen (C/CV) along with, and 5
geng (A) still more, even more 10

gengshi (A) further, on top of that 17

gong (prefix) for metric units; public, official 7
gong'anju (N) public security bureau 9
gonggong qiche (N) bus 10
gongjin (M) kilo 7
gongshe (N) commune 8
gongshi (N) office business, paperwork 15
gongsi (N) company 11
gongyuan(r) (N) park 12
gong (N) work, labour 7
gongchang (N) factory 9
gongfu (N) time, leisure time 15
gongren (N) worker 9
gongzuo (N/V) work 7
gongfu (N) 'kung fu' 12
gou (SV) enough 5
gu (SV) ancient, old 14
Gugong (PW) (former palace) the Palace Museum 16
gua (V) hang 15
guairen (N) strange person, eccentric 14
guan (V) close, shut up/in 14
guanshang (V) close to 14
guanxi (N) relation(ship) 13
(V) concern, affect , 13
guanzi (N) restaurant 12
guangbo (V/N) broadcast 17
Guangzhou (PW) Canton City 12
gui (SV) expensive, dear 5
gui xing (IE) what's your (sur)name? 2
guotier(N) a kind of fried pasty 15
guojia (N) state, country 10
guoran (MA) sure enough, just as predicted 14
guo (V) pass through, cross 10
(V-suffix) experiential suffix 12
(V complement) through 14

hai(shi) (A) in addition; still, yet 5
haizi (N) child 4
Han (N) majority people in China 4
Hanyu (N) Chinese language 13
nan (N) sweat 17
hao (SV) good, fine, all right 1

be on good terms 11
(A) good to, easy to 8
haohaor(de) (A) properly 15
hao ji (A+NU) a good few 16
hao jiu bu jian (IE) long time no see 9
haoxiang (MA) seemingly, as if 9
hao (N) number; day of month 12
haoqi (SV) curious, inquisitive 13
he (V) drink 3
he (C/CV) and, with 14
hei (SV) black, dark 16
h6n (A) very, quite 1

hbngshaorou (N) red-cooked pork 15

hdu (L) back, behind 7
hduldi (MA) afterwards, later on 7
hdutou (L/PW) behind 8
hur£n (MA) suddenly 12
hu (N) lake 8
hutu (SV) muddled, silly 13
huzhao (N) passport 17
hua (V) spend (money, time) 15
Hua (N) short for Zhonghua (China) 2
Huabei Pmgyuan (PW) North China Plain 17
huaqiao (N) overseas Chinese 2
hua (N) speech, spoken words 3
hua (V) draw, paint 14
huar (N) painting, picture 14
hua-huar (V-O) draw, paint 14
huajia (N) painter 14
-hua (suffix) -ize, -ify 15

huaxue (N) chemistry


jinnian (TW) this year 4

jintian (TW) today 1

jinzhang (SV) tense, tight, short of supply 16

jin (SV) near, close 8
jin (V) enter 2, 11
jinbu (V/N) progress 14
jinlai (V) come in 12
jinru (V) enter into 14
jinxfng (V) be in progress, carry on/out 16
jlngguo (V) pass through 10
(N) process, course 10
(CV) by, by way of 10
jlngshen (N) spirit, vitality 7
(SV) spruce, lively 7
jingse (N) landscape, scenery 17
jing (V) salute, toast 15
jingtou (N) shot (photography) 17
jiu (N) wine, spirit 3
jiuguanr (N) pub 11
jiu (NU) nine 4
jiu(shi) (A) (be) precisely, indeed 4
jiu (A) then 6
jiu (SV) old, second hand; former 14
jii (BF) office, bureau 9
ju (M) for sentences, phrases 12
juede (V) feel, sense 7
jueding (V) decide 8

kafei (N) coffee 3
kai (V) open, start, operate 10
kai-che (V-O) drive 10
kaikuo (SV) open (of spaces) 17
kaishi (V/N) start 10

lai xin (VO) send ('make come') a letter


ling (NU) zero 6

lingqian (N) change, odd coins 6
lingxia (PW) below zero 16
ling (N) small bell 16
lingwai (A) besides, separately 14
(AT) another 14
liu (V) remain 17
liiixue(V) study abroad 17
liuli (SV) fluent 12
liu (NU) six 4
16ng-feifeng-wu (set PH) 'dragon flies, phoenix dances':
flamboyant 14
16u (N) storied building 13
(M) floor 13
lu (N) road, path, way 8
luk6u(r) (N/PW) intersection 10
lu (V) record 12
lu-yin (V-O) record sound 12
lu (BF) travel 10
(N) travel expenses
lufei 16
luguan (N) hotel 16
hike (N) passenger, traveller 17
luxing (V/N) travel 10
lii(se) (SV) green (coloured) 16
Lundun (PW) London 10
lu6-ma dache (N) mule and horse carts 17

ma (N) mum, mother (familiar) 4
mafan (N) trouble, bother 13
(SV) troublesome, annoying 13
(V) put someone to trouble 13
mashang (A) at once 12
ma (P) question particle 1

mai (V) buy 5

mai (V) sell 6
man (SV) slow 13
mang (SV) busy 1
mao (N) fur, hair (of the body) 6
(M) 1/10 of yuan 6
maobi (N) writing brush 14
maobing (N) fault, defect 16
maomaoyu (N) drizzle 16
maoyi (N) sweater, woolly 6
maoyi (N) trade 16
mei(you) (A) negator for you 4
mei fazi (IE) have no way of, can't be helped 10
mei guanxi (IE) it doesn't matter, never mind 13
mei xi&ngdao (IE) unexpectedly 11
m£i (SV) beautiful 8
M6iguo (PW) America (USA) 2
m6i (SP) each, every 7
m£ige (CV) at intervals of; every (so often) 16
meimei (N) younger sister 4
menre (SV) sultry 17
men (N) door, gate 11
menkdur (PW) entrance, doorway 11
menwaihan (N) layman 14
mifan (N) cooked rice 15
mian (N) face, side 14
(M) for walls 16
mianqian (PW) in front of, in face of 14
mian (N) noodles 15
mingbai (SV) clear; obvious 13
(V) understand 13
mingjing (SV) bright and clean 17
mingtian (TW) tomorrow 6
mingzi (N) name, given name
(full) 2
muqin (N) mother 7
mu (BF) tree, wood 13
mutou (N) wood (the material) 13

na (V) take in the hand, hold 14
naqilai (V) pick up 14
nash6u (SV) expert in, good at 15
nashoucai (N) speciality (dishes) 15
na/nei (QW) which 2
nali (IE) not at all 15
nar (QW) where 8
na (SP) that 2
(C) then, in that case (=name) 1
name/neme (A) so (that-wise) 4
(IE) in that case 5
naiyou (N) cream 15
naiyou caihua (N) creamed cauliflower 15
nar/ner (L/PW) there 8
nan (SV) difficult 6
nan-de (SV) hard to get, rare 15
nan-wang (SV) memorable 17
nan (L) south 8
nanbu (PW) southern part, the south 8
nanfang (PW) the south 17
nan (AT) male 9
naozi (N) brain 11
ne (P) question particle 1

for continued state 16

neme = name 4
n& (QW) which 2
neibian(r) (QW) where (which side) 8
neibian(r) (PW) there (that side) 8
nen (SV) tender, soft 15
neng (MV) can, be capable of 4
nenggan (SV) capable, competent 11
ner (L/PW) there 8
ni(PN)you 1

ni hao! (IE) how do you do? how are you? 1

nimen (PN) you (plural) 1


nian (M) year 4

nianqlng ren (N) young person 16
nian (V) read (aloud), study 6
nian-shu (V-O) study 6
nianwan (V) finish studying 14
nin (PN) you (polite form) 1
niu (N) cattle, cow \\
niunai (N) milk 15
niurou (N) beef 15
nong (N) agriculture 9
nongzuowu (N) farm crops 17
nu (AT) female 4
nu-de (N) female 8
nu'er (N) daughter 4

6/6 (I) oh (I see)

pa (V) be afraid of
fear, dread, 7
pai (V) form a row 16
(M) row of 16
pai-dui (V-O) line up, queue up 16
p£nzi (N) plate, tray 16
pangbian(r) (L/PW) (by) the side of 8
pang (SV) fat (of person) , 7
pangzi (N) fat person 7
pao (V) run, hurry to 11
pengyou (N) friend 3

qingcai (N) green vegetables 5

qingshan lushui (set PH) verdant hills and green waters 17
qlng (SV) clear 10
qingchu (SV) clear 10
qingzao (TW) early morning 17
qingxing (N) situation, state of affairs 7
qing (IE) (will you) please 1

please (go ahead) 12

(V) invite 5
qlng jin (IE) please enter 2
qing-ke (V-O) invite guest; stand treat 10
qlng wen (IE) excuse me (followed by a question) 2
qing zu6 (IE) please sit down 1

qiu (BF) autumn 17

qiufeng (N) autumn wind 17
qiugao qishuang (set PH) autumn (sky) high and air bracing 17
qu (V) go, go to 8
qunian (TW) last year 6
quan (SV) complete, entire, whole 17
(A) entirely, completely 17

rang (V) yield, let, allow 17
(CV) by (in passive construction) 17
re (SV) hot 1
ren (N) person, people 2
renmin (N) the people 6
Renminbi (N) 'People's Currency' 6
Renmin Ribao (PR) People's Daily 9
renshi (V) recognize, 7
Riben (PW) Japan 10
richang (SV) everyday, routine 17
rizi (N) day, date, special day 16
r6ngyi (SV) easy 6
rugud (MA) if (=ydoshi) 14

san (NU) three


shfjian (N) time

shi (BF) to eat; food 12
shitang (N) refectory, canteen
shipu (N) cookery book, recipe 15
shi (BF) solid; true; real
shiji (SV/A) real(ly), actual(ly) 17
shizai (A) in reality, honestly 14
shi (CLV) to be; to be so 2
shijie (N) world 14
shijie wenming (set PH) world-famous 15
shi/shiqing (N) matter
shouyinji (N) radio receiver
sh6u (N) hand 15
shoutibao (N) bag, hold-all 17
sh6uxu (N) procedures, formalities 16
shou (SV) thin, slim 7
shou-huanying (SV) be popular 15
shduhuoyuan (N) shop assistant 9
shu (N) book 3
shudian (N) bookshop 9
shujia (N) bookshelf
shushu (N) uncle (father's younger brother) 11
shufu (SV) comfortable 10
shu (N) tree g
shulinzi (N) wood, copse 12
shumu (N) trees 13
shuxue (N) mathematics H
shuangsheng (N) twins 13
shuangsheng xiongdi (N) twin brothers 13
shuangshu (N) even number 17
shui (QW) who(m) (=shei) 2
shui (N) water
shuigud (N) fruit 6
shuili (N) water conservancy 9
shuipfng (N) level, standard
shui-jiao (V-O) sleep 7
shuibuzhao (V) unable to get to sleep 14
shuo (V) speak; reprove, criticize 3, 17
shuobuding (V) can't say for sure, maybe 14

shuo-hua (V-O) speak 3

sixiang (N) thought, thinking 16
si (NU) four 4
s6ng (V) give (as present); send 6
Sulian (PW) Soviet Union 10
sucai (N) vegetable dish 15
suan (SV) sour 15
suan (V) calculate, reckon 10
suan rizi (VO) reckon up the days 16
suiran (MA) although 7
sui (M) year of age 4
sunzi (N) grandson 4
su6(r) (M) for houses and some buildings 8
su6 (A) actually, 'that which' 17
su6yi (MA) therefore 4

ta (PN) he, she; him, her 1

tamen (PN) they; them 1

tai (A) too, excessively 4

taijiquan (N) shadow-boxing 7
taiyang (N) sun 14
taitai (N) lady; wife; Mrs 2
tan (V) talk 10
tandelai (V) able to talk to/get on with 14
tan-tianr (V-O) chat, natter 10
tan qin (VO) play/strum lute 11
tang (N) soup 5
tang (N) sugar, sweets 15
tangcu (AT) sweet and sour 15
tao (M) set of, suit, suite 16
tebie (SV/A) special(ly) 14
tigao (V) raise, improve 17
tiyan (V/N) experience for oneself 17

ti (V) to stand in for 9

(CV) on behalf of, for 9
tian (M) day 4
(N) sky, heaven 1

tiankong (N) sky 17

tianliang (S-Predicate) daybreak 17
tianqi (N) 1

tian (SV) sweet 15

tiao (M) for fish and various long narrow things 5
tie (V) stick (on) 14
tie (N) iron 9
tiSlu (N) railway 17
ting (V) listen 6
tlngshuo (V) hear (it said) that 11
(N) hearsay 11
ting (V) stop, halt; park, berth 10
tong (BF) same, alike 2
tongche (N) 'same car' fellow (of travellers) 17
tongxue (N) fellow student 5
tongzhi (N) comrade 2
tou (V) steal 17
t6u (N/L suffix) head 8
t6ufa (N) hair (on human head) 16
tushuguan (N) library 10
tuoyun (V) check through (baggage) 17

wai (L) outside 8
waigu6 (PW) foreign parts, abroad 3
waiyii (N) foreign language 9
wanquan (SV/A) complete(ly) 7
wanr (V) to play, amuse oneself 8
wan (SV) late 9
wanshang (TW) evening 3

wan (N/M) bowl (of) 7

wan (NU) ten thousand 15
Wanli Changcheng (PR) the Great Wall 16
Wang (PR) a common surname (N) king 2
wang/wang (CV) towards 10
wang (V) look (across) at 17
wang(le) (V) forget 11
wSida (SV) great, imposing 16
wei (M) for persons (polite) 4
wei (CV) because of, for the sake of 9
weile(CV) for (the sake of), in order to 15
weishenme (MA) why (because of what) 4
wei/wei (I) hello, hey! 16
weisheng (N/SV) hygiene, hygienic 17
weishengzhl (N) toilet paper 17
wen (N) writing, written word; language 3
wenhua (N) culture; standard of education 9
wenmmg (SV) renowned 15
wen (V) ask, inquire (a question) 2
wen X hao (IE) ask after, give regards to X 9
wenti (N) question, problem 10
w6 (PN) I; me 1

w6men (PN) we; us 1

wuzi (N) room 16

wuying wiizong (set PH) 'without shadow without trace' 17
wu (NU) five 4
wufan (N) lunch 12
wu (V) miss (train, bus, etc.) 17

xi (L) west 8
xlcan (N) Western food 15
xifu (N)Western clothes, suit 16
xlhua (V/SV) Westernize(d) 15

xfwang (V/N) hope 12

xfyin (V) attract, draw 17
xl (V) wash 17
xihuan (V/MV) like (to) 3
xi (N) drama, play, show 10
xia (L) below; down; under 8
(V) descend; alight, get off 12
(M) verbal measure: a 'go' 17
(AT) next 12
xia ban (VO) come off duty 12
xia guanzi(VO) go to a restaurant 12
xiawu (TW) afternoon, p.m. 11
xia-xue (V-O) to snow 16
xia-yu (V-O) to rain 13
xia(ge)yue (TW) month
next 12
-xialai (V complement) down, to a halt, increasingly 16
-xiaqu (V complement) continue, carry on 16
xian (A) first, before, in advance 5
xiansheng (N) gentleman; husband; Mr 2
xian (SV) salty, savoury 15
xian (N) line, wire, thread 16
xianzai (TW) now 6
xiang (SV) fragrant 15
Xianggang (PW) Hong Kong 17
xiangdang (A) quite, pretty 14
xiangxia (PW) countryside 14
xiangzi (N) suitcase, trunk, box 17
xiang (V) think 3
(MV) want to, plan to, feel like 3
xiangyao (V) desire 4
xiang (V) sound (SV) loud 16
xiang (CV) towards 10
xiang (V) to resemble (SV) alike 13
xiao (SV) small, young 2
xiaohair (N) child 8
xiaojie (N) young lady, Miss 2
xiaoshi (N) hour 11
xiaoshuo (N) fiction, novel 10
xiaoxue (N) junior school 9

(yi)xie (NU) some, several 10

xie (V) write 8
xiecheng (V) compile (fashion through writing) 15
xiexie (V) thank (IE) thank you 3
xin (SV) new 6
xinqi (SV) novel 17
xinsh6u (N) new hand, novice 15
xinwen (N) news 6
xin (N) heart, mind 12
xlnde (N) knowledge gained 15
xin (N) letter 8
(V) believe 17
xinfeng (N) envelope 14
xingql (N) week (TW) Sunday 9
xlngqi-liu (TW) Saturday 9
xingqi-ri/-tian (TW) Sunday 9
xlngqi-yl (TW) Monday 9
xlngfen (SV) excited 17
xing (SV) pass muster, be OK 5
xingli (N) luggage 17
xing-ying bu If (set PH) inseparable 13
xing (V) awake 17
xing (N) surname 2
(CLV) be surnamed 2
xingqing (N) nature, temperament 13
xingqu (N) interest 10
xingzi (N) temper 13
xiongdi (N) brothers; younger brother 13
xiuxi (V/N) rest, (take a) break 12
xue (V) study, learn 3
xuesheng (N) student, pupil 12
xuexf (V/N) study 10
xuexiao (N) school, college 12
xueyuan (N) college 14
xue (N) snow 16
xunzhao (V) seek, look for 17

yan (N) smoke, cigarette 5

yanhulgang (N) ashtray 16
yan (N) salt 15
yanjiu (V/N) research, study 15
yanse (N) colour 16
yan (BF) eye 13
yanjing (N) eye 13
yanjingr (N) spectacles 16
yanqian (PW) before the eyes 17
yao (V) want; ask for 4
(MV) want to; be about to, will 4,8
yaoburan (C) otherwise 15
yaojin (SV) important, urgent 16
yaoshi (MA) if 6
yS (A) also, too, either, as well 1

yexu (MA) perhaps 14

ye (N/M) night 17
yi/yi/yi (NU) one 4
yi . . . jiu . . . (PH) once/as soon as . . . then ... 14
yiding (A) definitely, certainly 4
yigong (MA) altogether 4
yfkuair (A) together (=yiqi) 13
yfqie (N) everything; all 16
yiwang wuji (set PH) 'look afar no bound', limitless 17
yiyang (SV/A) the same, equal(ly) 7
yiyue (TW) January 12
yiban (SV) general, ordinary 14
(A) generally, equally 14
yibian(r) . . . yibian(r) . . . (PH) on the one hand ... on
the other hand ... 12
yidian(r) (N) a little, some 3
yihuir/yihuir (TW) a short while 12
yiqi (A/PW) together 11
yi shen han (NU-M-N) sweating all over 17
yizhi (A) straight through, all along 10
yifu (N) clothing, clothes 17

yuan (SV) far, distant


zhao (V) take (photograph) 17

zhaopian (N) photograph 17
zhaoxialai (V) get on film 17
zhao xiang (VO) take photograph 17
zhaoxiangjl (N) camera 17
zhe (SP) this 2
zheme (A) =zeme so (this-wise) 4
zhe (V suffix) durative suffix 16
zhei (SP) this 2
zhen (A) truly, really 1

(shi) zhen de (SV) be true 9

zhenshi! (IE) well really! the idea! bad show! 17
zhen (M) spell of 15
zh£ng(zheng) (AT/A) full(y), complete(ly) 11
zhengtian (TW) all day long 13
zheng (A) just, just then, just at that point 12, 16
zhengyao (A) just about to 12
zhengzai (A) just ing — 16
zher (L/PW) here 8
zhl (M) for birds and some animals (among other things) 5
zhi (M) for pens, cigarettes, etc. 5
zhldao (V) know 4
zhi (A) only 3
zhihao (A) be forced to, could only 11
zhiyao (MA) if only needs; as long as 14
zhi (N)paper 17
zhong (BF/L) middle, centre, short for China 2
Zhongguo (PW) China 2
zhongjian (L/PW) between, among, in the middle 8
zhongnian ren (N) middle-aged person 16
Zhongwen (N) Chinese language 2
zhongwu (TW) noon 12
zhongxue (N) middle school 9
zhong (N) clock 12
zhongtou (N) hour 11
zhongyu (MA) finally, at last 17
zh6ng (M) kind, sort, type 6
zhiizi (N) bamboo 8
zhu (V) live, stay, reside 12

zhuan (SV) concentrated, specialized 11

zhuanjia (N) expert 15
zhuanmSn (SV/A) special(ly) 11
zhuanxln (SV) single minded 14
zhuan (V) turn 10
zhun (V) allow, be allowed 5
zhuozi (N) table g
zi (N) written character 5
zidian (N) dictionary 4
X-zipang (N) lateral radical X 13
zicbng (CV) ever since 16
zijl (PN) self 11
zixingche (N) bicycle 12
zdng(shi) (A) always 4
z6ng (AT) general, chief, head 16
zdngjlngli (N) general manager 16
z6u (V) walk, leave, go 8
(V complement) away
-zou 17
z6u-lu (V-O) to walk 8
zui (N) mouth 13
zui (A) most, exceedingly 8
zuihdu (MA) finally, eventually 11
zuijin (TW) recently, lately 8
zu6tian (TW) yesterday 1
zu6 (L) left, to/on the left 8
zu6 (V) do, make 3
(CLV) be, act as, serve as 9
zud-shi (V-O) work 7
zuo (V) sit 1
(CV) travel by 10
zu6 (M) for buildings, bridges, etc. 17
Mandarin, the national language of China, is used
t'.roughout the People's Republic and extensively
among other Chinese communities. This book
presents a clear and systematic introduction to the
spoken language, using pinyin, the officially
adopted and almost universally used system of
transcribing Chinese into Latin characters.

Colloquial Chinese is designed both those

studying on their own and for class use, and the
material has been thoroughly tested on classes
taught by the authors at London University. The
seventeen lessons are buiit around <"!ja!u r ues and
sketches set in China, Hong Kong and E*V ,r *-«
and grammatical notes have been ken . .

minimum necessary in order to reinfo»';e .

principle of learning by example. The c '.*\

accompanying cassette provides an i.«v~'u> '..


Versions of the text in either full-form o simplified

characters may be obtained from Mr P. C.T'ung,

Department of the Far East, School of Or.ental and
African Studies, University of London, Ma let
Street, London WC1E 7HP When ordering, please
state which version you require.

In addition to the publisher's cassette of selected

material from "Colloquial Chinese", a set of
cassettes containing the full text of the book
can be obtained from: The Publications Officer,
School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London, Malet Street,
London WC1E7HP ,, *,;.„ -
ISBN D-mS-DlfibD-T

9 7804

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