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Accepted Manuscript

Experimental and numerical evaluation of the force due to the impact of a dam-
break wave on a structure

Francesca Aureli, Susanna Dazzi, Andrea Maranzoni, Paolo Mignosa, Renato


PII: S0309-1708(14)00229-2
Reference: ADWR 2297

To appear in: Advances in Water Resources

Received Date: 8 April 2014

Revised Date: 10 November 2014
Accepted Date: 20 November 2014

Please cite this article as: Aureli, F., Dazzi, S., Maranzoni, A., Mignosa, P., Vacondio, R., Experimental and
numerical evaluation of the force due to the impact of a dam-break wave on a structure, Advances in Water
Resources (2014), doi:

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Experimental and numerical evaluation of the force due to the impact of a
dam-break wave on a structure

FRANCESCA AURELI, PhD, Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental

Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43124
Parma, Italy

Email: [email protected]

SUSANNA DAZZI, PhD Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and
Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43124 Parma, Italy

Email: [email protected]

ANDREA MARANZONI, PhD, Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental

Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43124
Parma, Italy

Email: [email protected] (author for correspondence)

PAOLO MIGNOSA, PhD, Full Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental

Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43124
Parma, Italy

Email: [email protected]

RENATO VACONDIO, PhD, Post-doc Researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental

Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43124
Parma, Italy

Email: [email protected]
Experimental and numerical evaluation of the force due to the impact of a
dam-break wave on a structure


Flood events caused by the collapse of dams or river levees can have damaging consequences on
buildings and infrastructure located in prone areas. Accordingly, a careful prediction of the
hydrodynamic load acting on structures is important for flood hazard assessment and potential damage
evaluation. However, this represents a challenging task and requires the use of suitable mathematical
models. This paper investigates the capability of three different models, i.e. a 2D depth-averaged
model, a 3D Eulerian two-phase model, and a 3D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model, to
estimate the impact load exerted by a dam-break wave on an obstacle. To this purpose, idealized dam-
break experiments were carried out by generating a flip-through impact against a rigid squat structure,
and measurements of the impact force were obtained directly by using a load cell. The dynamics of the
impact event was analyzed and related to the measured load time history. A repeatability analysis was
performed due to the great variability typically shown by impact phenomena, and a confidence range
was estimated. The comparison between numerical results and experimental data shows the capability
of 3D models to reproduce the key features of the flip-through impact. The 2D modelling based on the
shallow water approach is not entirely suitable to accurately reproduce the load hydrograph and predict
the load peak values; this difficulty increases with the strength of the wave impact. Nevertheless, the
error in the peak load estimation is in the order of 10% only, thus the 2D approach may be considered
appropriate for practical applications. Moreover, when the shallow water approximation is expected to
work well, 2D results are comparable with the experimental data, as well as with the numerical
predictions of far more sophisticated and computationally demanding 3D solvers. All the numerical
models overestimate the falling limb of the load hydrograph after the impact. The SPH model ensures
good evaluation of the long-time load impulse. The 2D shallow water solver and the 3D Eulerian
model are less accurate in predicting the load impulse but provide similar results. A sensitivity analysis
with respect to the model parameters allows to assess model uncertainty. Finally, the experimental data
collected have been made available online as supplementary material for validation purposes.

Keywords: Dam-break; experimental data; hydraulic hazard; impact force; numerical


1 Introduction

Buildings and infrastructure located near dams or river levees can be hit by severe flood
events with potentially damaging consequences in the case of collapse of these retaining
structures. On the one hand, the presence of construction in the flooding area, along with
topographic irregularity, can strongly affect the dynamics of the inundation and the flood’s
characteristics; on the other hand, violent loads acting on structures can cause serious
damages and even compromise their stability.
A reliable characterization of the fluid-structure interaction is a key task not so much
for accurately predicting flood evolution, as for evaluating potential direct damages to
structures, defining appropriate failure and damage criteria as well as effective design
methods, and planning corrective and preventative measures of damage reduction [24].
Furthermore, the assessment of the capability of structures to withstand flood actions is useful
in emergency planning, especially in the case of rapid inundations due to dam-break events,
because flood-resistant buildings can guarantee the occupants' safety without the need of
evacuation. Hence, in flood risk analysis [61] impact force should be considered as an
important parameter, appreciably affecting the hydraulic hazard level. However, the careful
prediction of flood actions on structures is a challenging task, especially in the case of violent
impact processes, because of the large number of geometric and hydraulic parameters
involved ([35], [49]).
Actually, some of these hydraulic quantities (for example, maximum water depth,
maximum velocity, flood arrival time, rapidity of the rise, and duration of the flood [4]) are
naturally involved, through appropriate combinations, in the formulation of several damage
and failure criteria proposed in literature (e.g. [53]). Erpicum et al. [23] employed one of
these failure criteria to interactively modify the topography during dam-break simulations.
Aureli et al. [6] suggested including maximum total force (thereby accounting for
contemporary hydrostatic and dynamic loads) in the set of hydraulic quantities useful for
flood inundation modelling and hydraulic hazard assessment. Moreover, on the basis of a
dataset concerning a real dam-break event, Gallegos et al. [27] performed structural damage
predictions by coupling a hydrodynamic model with a damage model and analyzed the
sources of uncertainty associated with the parameters involved.
Mathematical models are indispensable tools for evaluating hydraulic quantities
involved in flood hazard analysis and should not only effectively deal with irregular
topography, wetting and drying, and transcritical flows, but also accurately predict force
actions on structures located in the flow domain. Two-dimensional (2D) shallow water
modelling is a widely accepted mathematical tool to simulate rapidly varying open channel
flows, even in the presence of obstacles, buildings (either isolated or multiple), and
topographical singularities (e.g. [5], [55], [57], [58], [66]) or real bathymetry (e.g. [6], [9],
[23], [32], [67]). In this context, if the interest lies in the detailed reconstruction of the near-
field flow, a building is usually schematized as a rigid block with impervious walls or,
equivalently, as a hole in the computational domain [56]. Otherwise, if a far-field simulation
of the flow is sufficient for the purpose of the study, the approaches based on the fictitious
strong increment of the friction coefficient [23] or on the concept of porosity of a built-up
area ([10], [54], [59]) is used to obtain an overall prediction of the actual effects of these
obstacles on flood propagation. Schubert and Sanders [56] compared different methods to
model flood propagation in urban areas on the basis of a real-field dam-break application in
order to highlight advantages and drawbacks of the different approaches.
However, it seems obvious to expect that a vertically-averaged approach would show
limitations in reconstructing the impact of a dam-break wave against an obstacle, since this
phenomenon is locally markedly three-dimensional (3D) and presents strong curvatures of the
free surface with non-hydrostatic distribution of pressure along the vertical direction. For this
reason, impact processes are usually analyzed in literature by means of 3D numerical models
based on Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations integrated by using Eulerian methods
(e.g. [1], [37], [70]), SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) Lagrangian methods (e.g. [8],
[17], [18], [20], [25]), or hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian methods [50]. Furthermore, air
entrainment effects can also be important in this kind of phenomena, thereby the adoption of a
two-phase model is advisable.
This paper aims to compare the capability of 2D shallow water, 3D Eulerian, and 3D
Lagrangian models to predict the impact forces caused by a dam-break wave on a structure.
The 2D model adopted is a finite volume MUSCL-Hancock scheme based on the weighted
surface-depth gradient method (WSDGM) recently proposed by Aureli et al. [7]. The Eulerian
3D model is the FLUENT commercial package, which can handle two-phase flows using the
VOF (Volume of Fluid) technique [33]. Meshless Lagrangian 3D modelling is carried out
using Dual-SPHysics, a free open-source SPH code specifically developed for free-surface
hydrodynamics which solves the Navier-Stokes equations [30]. This software is accelerated
by means of the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), which enables the
simulation of violent flows with very high spatial resolution ([2], [68]). Numerical results are
compared with data from new physical experiments in order to assess the accuracy of these
mathematical models in reproducing an impact process and predicting the associated peak
force. A sensitivity analysis on the model parameters is accomplished in order to evaluate the
uncertainty associated with the numerical predictions. The main advantages and shortcomings
of the three models in this kind of engineering applications are highlighted.
The literature review confirms that experimental studies on this subject have so far
mainly dealt with marine and coastal applications (see, for example, [15], [21], [36], [42],
[51], [52], [62]), and have been frequently directed towards the design of coastal and off-
shore structures. In particular, Lugni et al. [42] investigated the flip-through generated by a
sloshing wave by means of a particle image velocimetry technique and highlighted three
different modes of the flip-through event according to the breakup features of the approaching
wave. The kinematic field and dynamic behaviour were analyzed in detail for each flip-
through mode. Later, Lugni et al. ([43], [44]) focused their attention on the flip-through mode
characterized by the entrapment of an air cavity in front of the wall. Moreover, several
experimental studies reported in literature concerned debris flow (e.g. [3], [64], [71]), with the
aim of both giving insight into the physics of the process and providing recommendations for
the design of defence structures. On the other hand, fewer laboratory investigations have been
devoted to studying the impact of a dam-break wave against a structure (e.g. [12], [13], [37],
[65]), although this topic has recently gained more attention ([16], [41]). The laboratory test
case proposed by Yeh and Petroff concerning the impact of a dam-break wave (propagating
on wet bed) against a tall structure has been widely employed in literature and is considered a
reference for validation purposes ([28], [50]).
A new laboratory investigation was therefore carried out in order to obtain further
experimental data for the validation of numerical codes. Since flood waves originated by a
total dam failure and propagating in a prismatic channel have mainly been considered in
literature, a partial dam-break was induced on dry bed to investigate the frontal collision of
the resulting flooding wave against a prismatic obstacle simulating an isolated building. It can
certainly be expected that the impact load time series, and in particular the peak load value
(which in general is of greater interest for real applications), depends on the shape of the
obstacle, on its position and orientation within the flooding area, and on the shape of the
impacting wave. However, only the dependence of the peak force on the dam-break initial
condition (with reference to the headwater depth) is analyzed in this work.
The net hydrodynamic load exerted by the wave on the structure was measured by
means of a load cell able to compensate errors due to off-centre forces. In this way an integral
measurement of the dynamic interaction between fluid and structure is directly provided (see,
for example, [12], [13], [52]). Since the designers’ practical interest is often focused on the
evaluation of the total force (possibly associated with its probability of occurrence), this
measuring technique is preferable to the one based on the integration of multiple simultaneous
pressure measurements obtained from several transducers mounted on a wall (as in [14], [16],
[42] and [60], for example). Moreover, several experimental studies in literature have shown
that pressure measurements obtained during very strong impacts are typically highly
scattered, thus impact force appears more suitable than impact pressure to assess the
effectiveness of numerical models in the framework of impact wave problems.
The paper is structured as follows. The experimental set-up is detailed in Section 2,
whereas the three numerical models are presented in Section 3. In Section 4 a typical
observed load time history is linked to the phases of the impact physics, and a repeatability
analysis is carried out in order to assess the reliability of the experimental data. The
consistency of the load impulse in characterizing the wave impact is also discussed. Finally,
experimental data and numerical results are compared, and the predictive capability of the
numerical models is assessed also on the basis of a sensitivity analysis on the model
2 Experimental set-up

Experiments were carried out at the Hydraulics Laboratory of Parma University in the set-up
sketched in Fig. 1. The facility consisted in a 2.60 m long and 1.20 m wide rectangular
Plexiglas tank divided into two compartments − a 0.80 m × 1.20 m upstream reservoir, and a
downstream flood plain − by means of a separating wall equipped with a 0.30 m wide gate
placed in the middle. The bottom of the experimental facility was horizontal. The gate moved
upward and could be quickly opened by means of a simple manhandled pulley system.
A prismatic block with rectangular section and vertical walls was placed in the flood
plain just in front of the gate (0.51 m downstream) with the aim of representing an isolated
building. This obstacle was 0.30 m wide, 0.155 m thick and 0.20 m tall, and was realized by
means of a PVC box structure reinforced with aluminium sheets. In this way, the resulting
element was at the same time very rigid and sufficiently lightweight to reduce inertia.
In order to measure the net hydrodynamic force acting on the obstacle in the x-
direction, the box was equipped with a load cell inside, fixed with a squat metallic cantilever-
beam on a very stiff support system placed above. This contrasting structure was specifically
designed in such a way that the box was hanging a few tenths of a millimetre above the
bottom of the facility; as a consequence, the impact force was entirely transmitted to the load
cell. The force-measuring device was a DS Europe EG-A1 transducer, based on a
parallelogram flexure, sensitive exclusively to compression forces with full scale of about
30 N. Due to their specific operating principle, this kind of devices is suitable for dynamic
measurements. Moreover, the load cell was able to compensate the effects induced by a
decentred force applied to a squared area of 0.40 m × 0.40 m. The output signal from the load
cell was sampled at the frequency of 1 kHz by using a NI USB-4432 data logger with 24 bit
resolution and then filtered a posteriori by a numerical low-pass 5th order Butterworth filter
with 50 Hz cut frequency. Static sensitivity of 0.317 V/N was found from static calibration
and total inaccuracy was estimated to be approximately 0.10% of full scale. The threshold
force due to internal friction between the different components of the measuring system was
estimated equal to 1.85 N. Calibration of the dynamic characteristics of the load cell showed a
step response typical of an underdamped second-order system. The 10% settling time (which
can be considered an effective indicator of the speed of response [22]) was estimated equal to
0.10 s after the application of a step input.
The acquisition time was synchronized with the gate opening through the motion-
induced abrupt variation in the output signal of a photocell. The removal of the gate (with
reference to a stroke of 0.10 m) was performed in about 0.08 s, as proved by high-speed video
recording; consequently, the release process can be considered instantaneous according to the
empirical criterion proposed by Lauber and Hager [39].
During the preparation of each experiment, the water surface was measured at the
observation point G1 shown in Fig. 1 by using a 0.5 mm accurate Banner S18U ultrasonic
transducer, in order to achieve the initial still-water depth desired in the reservoir. Finally, the
impact process was filmed from a lateral viewpoint for different test conditions using a high
speed digital video camera able to acquire 100 frames per second with 1,280 × 720 resolution.

Fig. 1. Plan view sketch of the experimental set-up (measures in cm). G1 indicates a water
surface gauge.

3 Numerical models

This section presents the main features of the mathematical models employed to reproduce
the experimental impacts and estimate the hydrodynamic load exerted by a dam-break wave
on the structure.
Because of the violence of the wave impact observed during the experiments and the
expected preponderance of inertial effects, the flow was assumed incompressible according to
Cooker and Peregrine [19]. The obstacle was modelled as infinitely rigid neglecting the
elastic response of the contrasting structure.

3.1 2D shallow water

The dam-break experiments were first simulated using a finite volume numerical solver based
on 2D shallow water equations (e.g. [63]), not including viscosity and turbulence effects.
It is well known that the integral form of 2D shallow water equations reads:

∂t ∫ A
U dA + ∫ H ⋅ n dC = ∫ S 0 + S f dA ,
) (1)

where A is the surface of the 2D integration element, Ω the element boundary, n the outward
unit vector normal to Ω, U the vector of the conserved variables, and H = (F, G) the tensor of
fluxes in the x and y directions with

[ ] T
U = [h; uh; vh] T , F = uh; u 2 h + 12 gh 2 ; uvh , G = vh; uvh; v 2 h + 12 gh 2 ]T
. (2)

Here h is the flow depth, u and v are the velocity components in the x and y directions
respectively, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The bed and friction slope source terms
S0 and Sf are expressed according to the following definitions:

T  n 2f u u 2 + v 2 n 2f v u 2 + v 2 
 ∂z ∂z 
S 0 = 0; − gh ; − gh  , S f = 0; − gh ; − gh  , (3)
 ∂x ∂y   h4 / 3 h4 / 3 
 

where z denotes the bed elevation with respect to a horizontal reference, and nf the Manning
Finite volume schemes allow to compute the variation ∆U of the cell-averaged
conserved variable in the time interval ∆t as a function of the forcing source terms and of the
numerical fluxes exchanged through the boundaries. If applied to a grid composed of
quadrangular elements, the System of equations (1) assumes the fully discrete form [63]:

∆t ∆t
∆U = −
∑ (f k ⋅ n k ) ∆lk + A ∫ A ( S0 + S f ) dA (4)
k =1

in which A is the area of the grid cell, fk represents the numerical fluxes exchanged through
the boundaries between neighboring cells, and nk is the outward unit vector normal to the k-
side (of length ∆lk) of the computational cell.
The evaluation of numerical fluxes was performed through the Weighted Surface-
Depth Gradient Method (WSDGM) proposed and tested by Aureli et al. [7]. A 5 mm square
mesh was used. Stability constraint was introduced by assuming the Courant number equal to
0.9. For the laboratory facility here considered, based on a suitable calibration Aureli et al. [5]
recommended to set the Manning coefficient at 0.007 s m−1/3.
The intensity of the net force acting on the obstacle in the x-direction (perpendicular
to the vertical wall facing the gate) was estimated by using three different methods:

(1) the first consists in summing up, time step by time step, the "total force" (sum of
hydrostatic load and momentum flux term) calculated for each cell adjacent to the
two walls normal to the x-direction; if the computational mesh is Cartesian with size
∆x × ∆y and the solid wall is parallel to the y-axis (along the column i, from j1 to j2
line), at the time level n:
j2 (hin, j ) 2 (uhin, j ) 2
Fn = ∑ ρg 2
∆y + ρ
hin, j
∆y , (5)
j = j1

with ρ representing the density of water;

(2) the second is based on the application of the linear momentum equation (projected in
the x-direction) to the mesh elements adjacent to the two walls normal to the x-
direction; this method leads to:

Fn = ∑ Fin+ 1 , j , (6)
j = j1 2

where Fi+1/2, j is the static load at the (i+1/2, j) solid boundary, which can be evaluated
as follows:

uhin, j − uhin, +j 1  
Fn1 =ρ ∆x ∆y + ρ ( f 2 ) n 1 ∆y − ρ  ( g 2 ) n 1 − ( g 2 ) n 1  ∆x − ρ ghin, j (S f x ) in, j ∆x ∆y , (7)
 
i+ , j i− , j i , j + i , j −
2 2 2 2

where f2 and g2 are the second vector components of the numerical fluxes f and g,

(3) the final one consists in applying the linear momentum equation (projected in the x-
direction) to a suitable rectangular control volume including the obstacle (sized
75.5 cm × 90 cm and centred around the block in the application here described).

A short comment on the comparison of the results obtained from the methodologies
described above is provided in Section 4.3.

3.2 3D Eulerian

Three-dimensional simulations of the dam-break experiments were performed using

FLUENT, widespread commercial software for computational fluid dynamics [26] based on
the finite volume (FV) discretization.
The flow was modelled as an incompressible and immiscible two-phase system
(water-air) adopting the Volume of Fluid (VOF) approach implemented in the FLUENT
solver and including the effect of surface tension (even if likely not relevant in wave impact
problems, according to Peregrine [49]).
The governing equations are the Reynolds-averaged conservation equations for mass
and momentum, which for a homogeneous incompressible flow can be written as follows:
Dv 1
∇ ⋅ v = 0; = g − (∇ ⋅ T + ∇ ⋅ TR ) , (8)
Dt ρ

where the overbar denotes the time averaged value of the current variable, v represents the
fluid velocity, g the body forces per unit of mass, T the stress tensor, and TR the Reynolds
stress tensor. According to the VOF approach, the equation of the volume fraction for a two-
phase system is:

+ ∇ ⋅ (v C ) = 0 (9)

where C is the volume fraction of one of the two fluids (water). The volume fraction function
is used as a weighting factor to obtain volume-averaged fluid properties in each
computational cell; for example, for the density:

ρ = Cρ w + (1 − C ) ρ a , (10)
where ρw and ρa are the density of water and air, respectively.
The bounded second order central differencing scheme was chosen to solve the
governing equations. The Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model coupled with Smagorinsky's
subgrid-scale model was adopted to simulate the effect of turbulence according to LaRocque
et al. [38], who showed that LES model is more suitable than the classic Reynolds Averaged
Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with k-ε turbulence model in predicting dam-break
propagation on a dry bed.
The mesh was created using quadrangular elements having 15 mm mean size and a
suitable inflation was introduced close to the solid walls with 1 mm near-wall resolution. A
refinement based on grid elements of about 10 mm face size was restricted to a
45.5 cm × 60 cm computational area including the obstacle in order to better resolve the
computational zone involved in the flip-through process. The resulting mesh consisted in a
total of almost 385,000 elements. All boundaries of the computational domain were assumed
to be rigid walls except for the top boundary, where a pressure outlet at constant atmospheric
pressure was imposed. The initial condition was defined by specifying the presence of water
at rest in the reservoir (up to a fixed level) and of air elsewhere. A fixed computational time
step of 0.5 ⋅ 10−3 s guaranteed the numerical stability of the computations.
The overall force acting on the obstacle in the longitudinal direction was calculated
by integrating the static pressure distributions over the two walls normal to the x-direction and
neglecting the effect of shear stresses on the lateral faces of the structure.

3.3 3D SPH

The main features of the 3D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model here used are
presented in Gómez-Gesteira et al. [30].
The fundamental principle of SPH method is to approximate any function A(r) by:
A(r ) = ∫ A(r ' ) W (r − r ' , h) dr , (11)

where h is the smoothing length, W = W(r − r′, h) the weighting function or kernel, and r the
position vector. In discrete notation this assumption leads to the following approximation of
the function at the generic particle (interpolation point) a:

A(ra ) = ∑m
Wab , (12)

where the summation is extended to each particle b within the region of the compact support
of the kernel function. Mass and density for particle b are denoted by mb and ρb respectively,
and Wab = W(ra − rb, h) denotes the corresponding value of the weight function. The classic
third-order cubic spline kernel was adopted in this work [40].
The mass and momentum conservation equations written in Lagrangian form read:

Dρ Dv 1
= −ρ∇ ⋅ v; = − ∇p + g + Θ , (13)
Dt Dt ρ

where v is the velocity vector, p is the pressure, and Θ refers to the viscous diffusion term.
The SPH scheme herein applied considers water as a weakly compressible fluid. Thus
governing equations (13) are coupled with the classic stiff equation of state:

  γ 
p = B   − 1 , (14)
 ρ0  
 
where ρ0 is the reference density, γ is a dimensionless parameter typically assumed equal to 7,
and B = c02ρ0 γ −1, in which c0 represents the speed of sound at the reference density. Due to
the Courant-Friedrichs-Levy stability condition, the computational time steps calculated on
the basis of the real speed of sound are too small, thus leading to extremely high
computational costs. For this reason, c0 was restricted to be approximately one order of
magnitude greater than the maximum fluid velocity expected; in spite of this approximation,
density variations are smaller than 1% and accurate results can be obtained.
According to the SPH method, Equations (13) are discretized as follows:

dρ a d va P P 
= ∑ mb (v a − v b ) ⋅∇ aWab ; = −∑ mb  b2 + a2 + Π ab  ∇ a Wab + g , (15)
dt dt  
b b  ρb ρa 

where Πab is the viscosity term that in this work is expressed using the classic artificial
viscosity formulation [29]:
 − αc0 µ ab
 if v ab ⋅ rab < 0 h v ab ⋅ rab
Π ab =  ρ ab with µ ab = , (16)
 0 if v ab ⋅ rab ≥ 0 rab + 0.01h 2
where rab = ra − rb and vab = va − vb, being rk the position vector of the generic particle k and
α a free parameter set equal to 0.15. Moreover, the density diffusion term proposed by
Marrone et al. [45] was added to the continuity equation to increase the accuracy in density
calculation and reduce numerical noise in the pressure field.
The dynamic boundary particles method was adopted for the treatment of the solid
boundary conditions. According to this approach, the walls of the obstacle are discretized by
means of a set of "structure particles" that satisfy the same equations as the fluid ones, but
with unchanged positions. This guarantees that complex domains can be easily reproduced
and leads to a good compromise between accuracy and computational costs. The correction
proposed by Huges and Graham [34] was also applied to avoid unphysical clumping of fluid
particles near the walls. Integration in time was performed using the Sympletic method and
velocity was corrected according to the XSPH formulation [46].
A particle resolution of 2.5 mm was used in the numerical simulations. The Courant
number was set at 0.2 according to the stability analysis for weakly compressible SPH
schemes ([47], [48], [69]).
Finally, numerical force was computed by integrating the pressure distribution on the
structure particles located at the front walls of the obstacle (normal to the x-direction). The
contribution due to the shear stresses acting on the lateral surfaces was assumed to be

4 Experimental observations and numerical results

Several tests were performed in different test conditions characterized by initial still-water
depth hu in the reservoir within the range 7−13 cm. This range allowed to meet two opposite
requirements: (i) the dam-break impact against the obstacle had to be sufficiently strong to
induce a measured force significantly greater than the threshold of the measuring system, but,
at the same time, (ii) it could not be too violent so as to prevent wave overtopping. The flood
plain was assumed to be initially dry in all tests (hd = 0 m).
Experimental data and numerical results are presented and compared in this section.

4.1 Physical description of the phenomenon

Fig. 2 shows some significant video frames concerning the impact process which occurred
during one of the experimental runs carried out with reference to the initial condition of
hu = 0.10 m and hd = 0 m. Methylene blue (acting as a light absorber) was dissolved in water
with the aim of improving image readability. The experimental points corresponding to the
selected stages represented in the images of Fig. 2 are indicated in Fig. 3 over the measured
load hydrograph, in order to relate the main features of the impact force time history to the
physical evolution of the phenomenon. Since the main interest is focused on the impact
dynamics, the load hydrograph of Fig. 2 is restricted to the first 3 s after the gate removal.
After the breach opening, the flooding wave freely spreads over the initially dry
downstream area (frame I1) and reaches the obstacle approximately at time t = 0.36 s. Frame
I2 captures one of the very first stages of the wall impact, whereas the following images I3
and I4 show details of the progress of the collision process. An upward-moving jet forms at
the wall, flipping up in front of the approaching dam-break wave (frame I3). According to
Cooker and Peregrine [19], this impact is of "flip-through" type: the wave, in some way,
climbs up along the wall ([16], [42]). No air is entrapped between the wall and the jet, which
is distinctive of the mode (a) flip-through event defined in Lugni et al. [42]. This typical
collision mechanism ensues from an incoming wave dominated by inertia [3] and usually
generates very high pressures (e.g. [11], [31]) acting during very short timescales [49]. The
sudden upward deviation of the flow is associated with strong accelerations which produce
high pressure gradients especially on the toe of the obstacle and, consequently, an abrupt
increase in the overall impact force. When the run-up jet, decelerated by gravity, reaches its
maximum elevation, it breaks up (frame I4) and starts to detach from the vertical wall
overturning backward (frame I5). The maximum value of impact load is achieved precisely at
this later stage (t = 0.71 s). The falling jet then collapses onto the water surface of the
incoming dam-break wave creating an entrapped cavity (frame I6). The splash up of the
plunging jet on the back flow creates new surges that rebound on the water surface (frame I7)
producing a strong surface mixing with air entrapment. This phenomenon causes a new
increase in pressure stresses and, consequently, in the force acting on the obstacle. The
measured force shows another peak value, but less severe and shorter in time than the
previous one (frame I8). Then, a stable shock wave develops in front of the obstacle (frame
I9). The front of this wave is rather disturbed and the jump in water depth is associated with
turbulence, entrainment of air pockets, and irregular pulsations which produce undulations in
the falling limb of the load hydrograph.
Fig. 2. Sequence of video images concerning a typical impact process of "flip-through" type.

Fig. 3. Typical record of impact total force versus time (crosses highlight hydrodynamic loads
exerted on the obstacle at the times of the frames presented in Fig. 2).
The observed phenomenon was simulated by using the numerical models presented in
Section 3. Fig. 4 shows some 2D numerical results at three of the times considered in Fig. 2.
Obviously, the complex dynamics of the flip-through impact cannot be reproduced by a 2D
shallow water model. The formation of a hydraulic jump in front of the obstacle is predicted
in the simulated flow with a maximum water depth of approximately 7 cm. On the other hand,
both 3D numerical models are able to reproduce the overall dynamics of the phenomenon
(Figg. 5 and 6).

Fig. 4. Example of numerical results obtained from the 2D shallow water model: (a)
longitudinal water level profiles at y = 0.6 m, (b) water depth contour maps, (c) vector maps
of the velocity field along with velocity magnitude contour maps at t = 0.38 s, t = 0.71 s, and
t = 1.44 s.
Fig. 5. Example of numerical results returned by FLUENT: contour maps of the volume
fraction of water (left) and of the velocity field (right) along the longitudinal plane of
symmetry during the first stages of the impact.

Fig. 6. Snapshots of the dam-break simulation accomplished by the 3D SPH model.

4.2 Repeatability analysis

Experimental observations in literature have proven that impact phenomena systematically
show great variability, even if deriving from nominally identical physical conditions (e.g.
[49]). Indeed, impact modes can be assumed to differ in each experiment due to poor
repeatability of the gate removal procedure and different propagation of the dam-break front
approaching the obstacle induced by 3D effects.
A repeatability analysis was therefore carried out with the aim of assessing the
reliability of the measured hydrodynamic load data: 40 runs were repeated under the same test
conditions (hu = 0.10 m, hd = 0 m) and the experimental data were compared. Fig. 7 shows an
example of comparison between measured load data obtained (for t ≤ 3 s) during two different
runs (no. 1 and no. 8). The scatter plot shows some dispersion around the reference bisecting
line (Fig. 7b); an overall measurement of the difference between the two load time series is
provided by the root-mean-square deviation, which, in this case, is equal to 0.37 N. In
particular, the more notable discrepancy between the two load time series occurs in the
second peak at about 1 s (Fig. 7a), due to the complex phenomenon induced by the collision
of the plunging jet at the wall on the incoming flow.
If the contemporary load data extracted from each of the 40 runs are assumed to have
a Gaussian distribution, a confidence range can be estimated, within which the true load time
history can be expected to lie with assigned confidence level (see Section 4.3 for details).
Moreover, since the peak values of the 40 experimental load time histories are approximately
simultaneous, it can be reasonably hypothesized that even these extreme values are normally
distributed too. Fig. 8, which compares sample and theoretical values of the cumulative
frequency function by means of a probability chart, qualitatively shows the conformity of the
Gaussian distribution to the maximum data observed. A summary of this statistical analysis is
presented in Table 1, which reports maximum impact forces Fmax β of different probabilities β.

Fig. 7. Comparison between measured load data concerning two different test runs
characterized by the same initial condition (hu = 0.10 m): (a) time history; (b) scatter plot.
Fig. 8. Graphical check of the suitability of Gaussian distribution to describe the empirical
cumulative distribution function of peak load values for hu = 0.10 m (40 readings with sample
mean value equal to 7.04 N and sample standard deviation equal to 0.255 N).

Table 1
Maximum impact forces of different probabilities for the test cases characterized by
hu = 0.10 m.

β 99% 95% 50% 5%

Fmax β (Ν) 7.63 7.46 7.04 6.62

A meaningful alternative representation of the evolution in time of the impact

process is commonly provided by using force impulse as variable of interest. Load impulse is
defined in literature (see for example [20]) as the integral in time of the time-varying force
and quantifies the overall linear momentum absorbed by the structure starting from the initial
time t = 0 up to the actual time t. In general, load impulse globally shows greater repeatability
compared to the impact force [49]. The consistency of load impulse in characterizing the
wave impact is confirmed by the experimental impulse time histories represented in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Comparison between experimental load impulse concerning two different test runs
characterized by the same initial condition (hu = 0.10 m). The dashed line represents the
average impulse time history derived from 40 experimental runs.

4.3 Impact load time history

In Fig. 10 the computational impact load time histories are compared with experimental data
for the reference test case with hu = 0.10 m. The gray band represents a 90% confidence
interval of the observed data; the upper and lower limits are identified by 95% and 5%
percentile levels respectively, estimated on the assumption that contemporary load data
obtained from the repeatability analysis have a Gaussian distribution. The time series of the
mean values is also reported. The analysis is restricted to the time interval t ≤ 3 s; in this time
range the dam-break wave surely acts on the frontal vertical wall only. Actually, the force
acting perpendicularly to the most exposed wall generally is the quantity of main interest for
practical applications. The experimental occurrence time of impact (that is the time interval
that the incident wave needs to reach the obstacle) is approximately 0.36 s and shows good
repeatability (confirmed by a standard deviation of 5 ⋅ 10−3 s), although the gate removal
duration is of the same order of magnitude. After the first stages of the impact and the
formation of a stable shock wave in front of the wall, load values decrease and the confidence
interval reduces in width.
It is well known that 2D shallow water approximation derives from the key
assumption that vertical accelerations are negligible. Therefore, it is expected that the shallow
water approach is unable to reproduce the first stages of the impact process and predict the
"church roof" profile [49] shown by the experimental data. In fact, the peak value of the load
time history is slightly underestimated by the 2D numerical model, while the peak load time
is delayed. Anyhow, the arrival time of the dam-break wave at the obstacle is correctly
reproduced and the numerical load decaying with time, which occurs in the interval
1.5 s < t < 3 s, shows a falling trend that agrees reasonably well with the experimental one,
even if load values are slightly overestimated. This part of the load hydrograph is due to the
formation of a reflected wave for which the hypothesis of hydrostatic pressure is realistic. It is
to be noted that the three methodologies presented in Section 3.1 for evaluating impact force
lead to almost identical results: for the test case considered with mesh size ∆x = ∆y = 5 mm,
within the time interval t ≤ 3 s the root-mean-square deviation between the numerical
hydrographs obtained using methods (1) and (2) is equal to 8.8 ⋅ 10−2 N, whereas it is
13.4 ⋅ 10−2 N using methods (1) and (3). For this reason, only the results returned by the
method (1) based on Eq. (5) are shown in the following.
Fig. 10 highlights that, as expected, 3D numerical results show better agreement with
the experimental data in the first stages of the impact process. The characteristic double-peak
trend is captured by the 3D finite volume (FV) model: the first peak is accurately predicted
(even if slightly anticipated), whereas the second peak is fairly overestimated. Actually, due
to its capability of dealing with two-phase flows, the 3D Eulerian solver can predict the
pressure field which arises into the big air pocket that forms in front of the wall in
consequence of the fall of the flip-through jet (Fig. 2, frames I6−I8). However, if the
compressibility of trapped air is neglected, the air cushion effect expected ([17], [49]) cannot
be reproduced, with consequent overestimation of the secondary peak force. Moreover, an
evident tendency to overestimation can be observed in the falling limb of the load
hydrograph, which also shows strong fluctuations in the interval 2 s < t < 3 s, probably due to
both the complexity of the biphasic two-phase flow field induced by the wave impact and the
difficulty of correctly reproducing the air entrainment effects.
According to the SPH model, the front propagates more slowly towards the obstacle,
since the impact time is slightly delayed. Moreover, the model predicts two load peaks which
appear underestimated and closer in time compared to the experimental ones. The reason for
this discrepancy could be sought for in both the numerical treatment at the reflective
boundary and the low spatial resolution of the pressure distribution evaluated at the wall
interface due to the particle spreading consequent to the gate release. The predicted falling
limb is overestimated, but the global trend matches the experimental results.
All the numerical simulations overestimate the impact load within the time range
1.5 s < t < 3 s, after the first stages of the impact process. According to Raad and Bidoae [50],
this fact could be explained by considering that the splash up of the plunging jet on the
approaching flow causes a significant entrainment of air pockets with consequent local
decrease in the fluid density.

Fig. 10. Comparison between experimental and numerical load time histories. The gray band
represents the 90% confidence interval of the data observed (95% and 5% percentile levels
being the upper and lower confidence limits, respectively).

Fig. 11 compares the numerical load impulse time histories with the experimental one
computed on the basis of the mean load values represented in Fig. 10. The two sets of
numerical results obtained from 2D shallow water and 3D Eulerian models match well.
However, both models tend to overestimate the overall linear momentum transmitted to the
structure if durations greater than 1 s are considered. The load impulse time series predicted
by the SPH model instead tracks the experimental data better; the slight underestimation that
occurs in the first stages of the impact for durations shorter than 2 s is mainly attributable to
the delay characterizing the impact time.
Fig. 11. Comparison between experimental and numerical load impulse time histories.

4.4 Sensitivity analysis

Mesh size and model parameters were calibrated, for each model separately, in an attempt to
best reproduce the experimental load hydrograph (and in particular the peak load value) for
the reference test case (hu = 0.1 m). A sensitivity analysis was then performed to assess the
influence of these parameters on the numerical predictions. This is actually a very useful
information, especially in real field applications when reference data for calibration are not
available. Some significant hydraulic quantities concerning the impact process were selected
for the comparison.
For the 2D shallow water model, the influence of both the grid size and the Manning
coefficient on the numerical results was investigated. In the reference simulation a grid size of
5 mm and a Manning coefficient of 0.007 s m−1/3 were adopted. Numerical simulations with a
coarser (∆x = ∆y = 12.5 mm) and with a finer (∆x = ∆y = 2.5 mm) mesh were carried out,
maintaining the roughness coefficient equal to 0.007 s m−1/3. The results of this sensitivity
analysis are reported in Table 2. The results computed on the middle and on the finest grid
differ by the order of 1%. This confirms that the grid size of 5 mm can be assumed as a
reference, since a further refinement does not yield any substantial improvement of the
numerical results. The calculated value of the peak impact force increases with the decreasing
of the mesh size, and on the whole, it seems that the finest mesh predicts a more violent
impact. However, the mesh size has no significant effect on the timing of the wave
propagation during the initial stages of the dam-break and, consequently, the impact time.
Table 3 shows the influence of the Manning coefficient n on the 2D numerical results if the
reference mesh of 5 mm is adopted. The rise in the value of the roughness parameter from
0.007 s m−1/3 to 0.012 s m−1/3 produces a reduction in the indicators of the impact strength (the
peak load value decreases by about 4%) and an increase in the impact time value (by about

Table 2
Sensitivity of the 2D numerical results to the grid size for the reference test case
(n = 0.007 s m−1/3). Relative percent deviations are referred to the case with ∆x = 2.5 mm
(Fmax = 6.80 N, timpact = 0.356 s, I1s = 3.39 N⋅s, I3s = 13.72 N⋅s).

Fmax timpact I1s I3s

∆x = 5 mm −0.90% −0.59% −1.73% −0.68%
∆x = 12.5 mm −3.90% −0.36% −6.89% −3.48%

Table 3
Sensitivity of the 2D numerical results to the Manning coefficient for the reference test case
(∆x = 5 mm). Relative percent deviations are referred to the case with n = 0.007 s m−1/3
(Fmax = 6.74 N, timpact = 0.354 s, I1s = 3.33 N⋅s, I3s = 13.63 N⋅s).

Fmax timpact I1s I3s

n = 0.010 s m −2.73% +7.07% −4.78% −2.64%
n = 0.012 s m−1/3 −4.18% +10.99% −8.11% −4.74%

Only a sensitivity analysis on mesh size and design was performed for the 3D
Eulerian model. Three different mesh sizes were tested for the reference test case
corresponding to mean element size of 30, 15, and 10 mm. Some significant results are
reported in Table 4. If the largest mesh is used, the peak load is underestimated by about 12%
with respect to the reference value obtained using the finest mesh, and the double-peak trend
is not captured. On the other hand, the two finer meshes show almost identical results with
regard to peak load and impulse. However, the finest mesh allows to better reproduce the
experimental double-peak trend of the load time history (see, for example, the value of the
local minimum occurring approximately at t = 0.9 s). Therefore, a 15 mm-mesh with a
10 mm-refinement around the obstacle was adopted to reduce the computational cost.
Interestingly, the oscillations in the falling limb of the load hydrograph (see Fig. 10) appear
only if the finest mesh is used. This is probably due to the fact that, after the first stages of the
impact, a strong air-water mixing occurs in front of the obstacle. The VOF model takes this
effect into account by reducing the water volume fraction, which, in turn, affects the density
and pressure fields. If a larger mesh is used, the air presence is distributed over larger
volumes and becomes less important for the pressure field evaluation; in this way,
fluctuations may not appear, but the flip-through type impact would not be reproduced as

Table 4
Sensitivity of the 3D finite volume results to the mean mesh size. Relative percent deviations
are referred to the case with mean mesh size of 10 mm (Fmax = 7.59 N, Fmin (t = 0.9 s) = 4.61 N,
I1s = 3.55 N⋅s).

Mean mesh size Fmax Fmin (t = 0.9 s) I1s

15 mm −1.7% +23.9% −0.004%
30 mm −11.7% not detectable −4.7%

SPH modelling required the definition of the particle resolution and the calibration of
the artificial viscosity α introduced in Section 3.3. Three different values for each of these
model parameters were considered for the sensitivity analysis. Table 5 reports some
significant results obtained by setting the artificial viscosity equal to 0.15 and increasing the
particle size from 2.5 to 5 to 10 mm. It can obviously be expected that the finest particle
resolution is more suitable to accurately reproduce the dynamics of the impact process. On the
other hand, the coarsest resolution leads to unsatisfactory results: the peak load and the
impulse are exceedingly underestimated and the impact time is highly delayed if compared
with the numerical predictions obtained on the basis of the reference finest resolution. Finally,
5 mm-resolution induces a noticeable overestimation of both impact force and long-time load
impulse. Numerical SPH simulations with 2.5 mm particle resolution were performed
assuming three different values for the artificial viscosity α (0.10, 0.15, and 0.20). The results
are reported in Table 6. A slight decrease in the peak load and impulse is observed when α
increases; instead, impact time is practically unaffected by this parameter. The value 0.15 was
selected, being the minimum capable of guaranteeing numerical stability when impacts
originated by higher values of the initial headwater hu are modelled.

Table 5
Sensitivity of 3D SPH numerical results to particle resolution (α = 0.15). Relative percent
deviations are referred to the case with particle size of 2.5 mm (Fmax = 6.70 N, timpact = 0.42 s,
I1s = 2.77 N⋅s, I3s = 12.40 N⋅s).

Particle size Fmax timpact I1s I3s

5 mm +22.54% +16.67% +2.53% +18.31%
10 mm −27.13% +59.52% −71.12% −42.82%

Table 6
Sensitivity of 3D SPH numerical results to artificial viscosity (particle resolution of 2.5 mm).
Relative percent deviations are referred to the case with α = 0.15 (Fmax = 6.70 N,
timpact = 0.420 s, I1s = 2.77 N⋅s, I3s = 12.40 N⋅s).

α Fmax timpact I1s I3s

0.10 +11.19% −4.76% +8.30% +3.23%
0.20 −2.39 +2.38% −6.50% −4.11%

It must be highlighted that all three models require an accurate spatial discretization
of the computational domain to correctly reproduce the impact evolution, and this is
particularly true for 3D models. In particular, the numerical results of the 3D Eulerian model
appear to be fairly mesh design-dependent. However, if a detailed description of the impact
evolution is not required, this model seems suitable for rough predictions of peak force and
impulse, even when coarse meshes are used. The numerical results of the SPH model are
strongly affected by artificial viscosity; the fact that this uncertain parameter is not physically
based (and cannot be easily calibrated in the absence of reference data) tends to limit the
predictive reliability of this model. Conversely, the 2D shallow water model appears to be
less dependent on the Manning coefficient (chosen within a reasonable range of values), since
the peak force and the impulse are estimated with only a few percent uncertainty.

4.5 Peak value of impact load

Peak impact force versus initial water depth within the reservoir is here analyzed. In this
regard, in addition to the 40 runs performed for the initial headwater of 0.10 m, a set of 5 runs
was also carried out for 12 additional initial still-water depths in the reservoir (ranging from
0.07 m to 0.13 m with 5 mm step). All the peak load measurements were statistically
processed by joining each value − normalized by the sample mean estimate of the
corresponding homogeneous group − into a single big sample of approximately one hundred
elements. Extending the results of the repeatability analysis discussed in Section 4.2, it was
assumed that this large dimensionless sample was normally distributed too. Moreover, the
value of the coefficient of variation calculated for this sample was considered a reliable
estimate of the variability of all the original dimensional data sets. This allowed to attribute a
confidence interval based on Gaussian distribution to the maximum impact load estimation
for each headwater value considered.
Fig. 12a shows the comparison between experimental measurements and numerical
results. Gray vertical bars indicate the 90% confidence interval between 5% and 95%
percentile levels calculated from the observed data on the basis of the assumptions previously
A quadratic relationship between the two variables seems to occur in the range of hu
considered. Indeed, both experimental and numerical data fit well with second degree
polynomial curves (shown in Fig. 12b) characterized by a coefficient of determination which,
in the worst case, is equal to 0.9966. This quadratic dependence is consistent with the
outcome of a simplified one-dimensional theoretical analysis based on the hypothesis that
both the propagation of the dam-break wave in the first stages and the formation of the
vertical bulge at the wall are not affected by energy dissipation (see [3]). If the velocity of the
wetting front is assumed to be proportional to hu1/2 (as in the Ritter problem), the application
of the Bernoulli theorem ensures that the maximum height of the vertical jet is a multiple of
hu. The corresponding maximum impact force is a function of hu2, if a hydrostatic pressure
distribution is assumed. An improved analysis could take into account unsteady and two-
dimensional effects.
For lower values of hu (< 0.09 m), all the numerical models overestimate the peak load
experimental data introducing an error of few percent. In the remaining range of hu , 3D
numerical predictions are very close to (and even fall into) the 90% confidence interval of the
observed data with the exception of the SPH model, which shows a significant overestimation
of the peak load for the highest headwater depths investigated (hu > 0.12 m). The 2D shallow
water numerical model instead underestimates the peak load values for hu > 0.09 m with a
relative error in the order of 10%.
Fig. 12. Impact peak force versus initial water depth within the reservoir. (a) Comparison
between measured data and numerical results; gray bars indicate the estimated 90%
confidence interval of the observed data based on Gaussian distribution. (b) Comparison
between experimental and numerical least-square fitting curves based on second degree

5 Conclusions
Measured impact force shows remarkable variability under the same initial test conditions,
and therefore a statistical analysis provides useful information about the values of maximum
impact forces of different probabilities. Load impulse, instead, shows greater consistency in
characterizing wave impact.
The analysis of the experimental relationship between peak impact force and initial
water depth upstream of the dam shows a quadratic dependence in the range here examined.
This behaviour is consistent with a simplified theoretical description of the impact based on
the inviscid flow approximation.
Once successfully calibrated with respect to a reference test case, the 2D and 3D
models used in this work are able to reproduce the trend of increasing peak impact force with
increasing initial headwater depth. In particular, the 3D models provide an accurate prediction
of the peak load values, even if the SPH model is rather precautionary, especially for more
violent impact events. Anyway, the 3D models are able to describe the main characteristics of
the complex dynamics of the flip-through impact process and capture the impact loading time
histories for the test cases considered, but at the price of computationally demanding
numerical simulations and a considerable preliminary effort for the mesh design and the
model calibration. The adoption of a two-phase model seems to improve the capability of the
numerical simulations to reproduce the first stages of the impact and capture the load peak
values, even if the wave dynamics after the secondary peak is not correctly reproduced by
FLUENT, which overestimates the falling limb of the load hydrograph with noticeable mesh-
dependent fluctuations.
On the other hand, because of the importance of three-dimensional effects in impact-
type phenomena, the 2D shallow water model is not as accurate in predicting the force time
series recorded. In particular, this approach overestimates long time load impulse, thus
tending to provide an overestimation of the linear momentum transmitted to the structure over
long time durations. Similar behaviour for this integral property is predicted by FLUENT.
Impact peak load is underestimated by the 2D shallow water model with an error in the order
of only 10%, which might be considered acceptable in relation with the various sources of
uncertainty involved in this kind of problems and in consideration of the fact that the failure
point of structures cannot usually be predicted with comparable accuracy. However, when the
shallow water approximation is expected to work well (for lower initial water depths in the
upstream reservoir), 2D results are totally comparable with the experimental data, as well as
with the numerical predictions of far more sophisticated and computational demanding 3D
The predictive capability of the 3D finite volume solver is fairly mesh-design
dependent and considerably influenced by the average mesh size: if spatial resolution is not
sufficiently high, the double-peak trend shown by the observed impact load hydrograph
cannot be reproduced. The SPH solver seems more accurate in reproducing longer time
evolution of load impulse, even though it handles only one-phase free surface flows.
However, the SPH model is rather sensitive to particle resolution and artificial viscosity, and
requires a very small particle size to reproduce experimental load data accurately. The
sensitivity analysis accomplished on the 2D shallow water model shows that, on the whole, a
decrease in the grid size or in the roughness induces the prediction of a more violent impact.
Both peak impact force and impulse load are estimated with some percent uncertainty due to
model sensitivity to these parameters. Since the 2D shallow water approach is widely used in
large scale real field applications (often being the only one really adoptable in these situations
from a computational point of view) the awareness of the extent of all these performances can
be of help for a proficient use of this kind of modelling, especially when calibration data are
not available.
Finally, the experimental data collected can provide a good benchmark for validating
numerical models and are available online to the user community as supplementary material.

The reviewers are kindly acknowledged for their valuable comments, which have
greatly contributed to the improvement of the paper. The Italian interuniversity consortium
CINECA is also acknowledged for the availability of high performance computing resources.

Supplementary material

• File F1. Video of a typical experimental run (in MP4 format); the still frames reported in
Fig. 2 are captured from this video.
• File F2. Experimental load and impulse time series represented in Figs. 10 and 11 (in
TXT format).
• File F3. Experimental data concerning impact peak force shown in Fig. 12 (in TXT


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- The impact load exerted by a dam-break wave on a structure is analyzed.
- Experimental data collected during a laboratory investigation are statistically processed.
- The effectiveness of 2D and 3D numerical models in dealing with impact wave problems is
- Peak impact force versus initial headwater depth is examined.
- The consistency of load impulse in characterizing the wave impact is discussed.

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