Business Communication PLO CLO

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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Department of Management Sciences

Course Outline
Course: Semester Fall 2019
and Report
MBA 2nd (Spring
Course Code DMS Class & Session
[email protected]
Muhammad Ali om
Instructor Contact
Zamir Mobile


This course enhances your communication skills. It further builds on the experience and exposure necessary to develop
outstanding presentations & communication talents. It examines the theoretical and practical concepts of public speaking. The
course will also help you to create a standing and authority through well applied dialectic.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students should be able to:
CLO1 Understand communication techniques and their importance in business. Level 2
CLO2 Develop strong writing skills. Level 6
CLO3 Develop strong oral communication skills. Level 6
CLO4 Persuade audience with their communication abilities. Level 3
CLO5 Compile business reports Level 6

Teaching Methodology
● The class will be conducted in a participatory environment where the class instructor will lead
discussions, and students will be encouraged to participate and ask questions at the end of each
class session.
● Students will be expected to read the assignments in advance. This will be tested through the
extent and frequency of student’s participation in each class session.
Class Discipline:
● In order to maximize class participation by all students, late arrivals will be marked absent;
although they may like to attend the class. The best policy to avoid such a situation is never be late.
● Similarly, early departure from the class will earn an absence to the student; unless leave is sought
from the class instructor.
Recommended Books:
● T. K. Carver and S. Fortinos-Riggs, Conversation Book II – English in Everyday Life (New York: Pearson Education Limited,
● J. Eastwood, Oxford Practice Grammar (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2005).
● J. Swan, Practical English Usage, 3rd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).
● J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar (Intermediate) (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986)

Lecture Topics (outline of main topics and sub topics) CLO
WEEK 1 Introduction to Business Communication CLO1
WEEK 2 Why we need to communicate? CLO1

WEEK 3 Elements of communication CLO1

WEEK 4 Levels and types of communication CLO1

WEEK 5 Principles of communication CLO1

WEEK 6 How to make communication effective? CLO4
WEEK 7 Presentations CLO3 CLO4
WEEK 8 Revision of Mid-Term Syllabus
Written Communication: CLO2
● Reports
● Proposals
WEEK 10 ● Memos
● Minutes
● Emails

Oral Communication CLO3

● Interviews
● Meetings
WEEK 11 ● Group Speaking
● Public Speaking
● Presentations

WEEK 12 Non-verbal aspects of communication (Para lingual) CLO3

Persuasive Communication CLO 2 CLO3 CLO4

● Understanding Persuasion, prepare to persuade.
● Organize a persuasive presentation.
WEEK 13 ● Methods of persuasion.
● Persuasive message of fact, value and policy.
● Impact on audiences.
● Use of evidence, reasoning and emotional appeals.

WEEK 14 Use of social media for business communication CLO2 CLO4

WEEK 15 Role of mass communication CLO4

WEEK 16 Presentations CLO3 CLO4

WEEK 17 Revision for Final-term Exams

Testing & Grading

1. Learning will be accomplished through lectures, outside readings, case analysis and student participation in
classroom discussion and presentation.
2. Grading will tend to focus on your overall performance rather than one or two aspects. A mid-term
examination of 20 marks and a comprehensive final examination of 40 marks will be given.
3. Excessive absences (more than 05) will result in “F Grade”. However, 0.5 marks will be deducted from
sessional marks on every absent marked even a student qualifies for exams.
4. Test questions may be taken from textbook reading, hypertext material, additional material discussed in
class and/or other assigned readings.
5. Students may prepare notebook for taking notes and for reference.
Marks Distribution
Attendance 5%
Workshop / Assignments/Case study 5%
Surprise Test/Sudden Test, Quizzes 5%
Class Participation 5%
Mid Term Paper 30%
Final Term paper 50%
Total 100%

Appendix A


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