Rumen Ecology
Rumen Ecology
Rumen Ecology
Research Planning
Proceedings of a Workshop held at ILRI
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
13–18 March 1995
Edited by
R.J. Wallace
A. Lahlou-Kassi
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) began operations on 1
January 1995. The institute incorporates the resources, facilitites and major
programmes of two former CGIAR centres founded about two decades
ago—the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases, in
Nairobi, Kenya, and the International Livestock Centre for Africa, in Addis
Ababa. The research and outreach programmes of ILRAD and ILCA have
been consolidated, streamlined and reoriented to support an expanded
mandate. ILRI will conduct strategic research in the biological, animal and
social sciences to improve livestock productivity in sustainable agricultural
systems throughout the developing world.
The objectives of the new institute’s research programme are to improve
animal health, nutrition and productivity (milk, meat, traction) in ways that
are sustainable over the long term, to characterize and conserve the genetic
diversity of indigenous tropical forage species and livestock breeds, to
promote sound and equitable national policies for animal agriculture and
natural resource management, and to strengthen the animal husbandry
research programmes of developing countries.
This publication was typeset on a microcomputer and the final pages produced on a laser printer
at ILRI, P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya, telephone 254 (2) 630743, fax 254 (2) 631499, e-mail
[email protected]. Printed by ILRI, P.O. Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
ISBN 92-9146-005-2
Correct citation: Wallace R.J. and Lahlou-Kassi A. 1995. Rumen Ecology Research Planning.
Proceedings of a Workshop Held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13–18 March
1995. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya. 270
Opening address
List of participants
There is increasing evidence that manipulation of microbiological activities in the
rumen and bioengineering of rumen organisms could lead to the development of
technologies to improve animal productivity from the available feed resources.
The merging of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) and the Inter-
national Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD) expertise in animal
nutrition, physiology and animal biotechnology open to the International Livestock
Research Institute (ILRI) a new perspective in developing a research agenda on rumen
However, there is a need to assess the possible uses of available technology, identify
applications of direct relevance to ILRI research, define areas where ILRI would have
a comparative advantage, and identify partners for collaborative research projects.
The planning workshop is proposed to bring together experts from the rapidly
advancing field of rumen microbiology to assist ILRI staff to identify these opportunities
and set priorities.
Workshop objectives
• Identify and prioritise areas of rumen ecology which are promising for their potential
impact on improving nutrition status of tropical ruminants.
• Develop a rumen ecology research programme for ILRI based on relevance to
developing countries and ILRI’s comparative advantage vis-a-vis other institutions.
• Identify potential collaborators in advanced research institutes and define mode(s) of
On behalf of the Institute, Dr Lahlou-Kassi, who organised this workshop, and all ILRI
staff, I welcome you who have come such long distances to help us develop a plan for
research in rumen ecology.
I would like to start by introducing you to this new international research institute:
the International Livestock Research Institute. The buildings may not be new, but that
is because this new institute is something of a chimera, being built on the foundation of
two international livestock research institutes.
The International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases was established in
1973 with a global mandate to develop effective control measures for livestock diseases
that seriously limit world food production. ILRAD’s research programme focused on
animal trypanosomiasis and tick-borne diseases, particularly theileriosis (East Coast
The International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) was established in 1974 with
a mandate to focus on livestock production systems in Africa. ILCA followed an
interdisciplinary approach combining social and environmental sciences with the ani-
mal sciences. The founders of ILCA believed that technologies to improve traditional
animal production systems were available from the laboratories and research stations
of Australia, Japan, North America and Europe and that an understanding of those
livestock production systems and their constraints would reveal how modern technolo-
gies might be best fitted to meet the needs for improving livestock production in the
developing world. However, those traditional farming systems were evolving very
rapidly, especially during the 1980s, along with social, political and cultural changes
throughout Africa. Technologies available off the shelf from stations and laboratories
elsewhere were often not suitable, and were sometimes inappropriate, for livestock
producers in sub-Saharan Africa. The special characteristics of livestock production in
tropical environments provided new challenges to research.
ILRAD and ILCA were supported by a consortium of donors known as the Consult-
ative Group for International Agricultural Research, or the CGIAR. This Group was
established in the early 1970s. The number of CGIAR institutes increased through the
1970s and more were added in the early 1990s. A few years ago, this consortium, which
had increased in funding from 20 or so million dollars to about 300 million dollars, went
through a crisis of confidence that all of us involved in research felt. Many donors lacked
confidence that research was the way toward solving important development environ-
mental problems. The CGIAR, therefore, began to reassess whether international
agricultural research was worth supporting. Fortunately the answer was ‘yes’. In 1995
we believe that we have regained the confidence of the donors. But during this time of
reassessment some changes were made within the system. One was the establishment
of the International Livestock Research Institute to combine animal health and
production research.
viii H.A. Fitzhugh
Both ILRAD and ILCA were focusing on African problems. Studies conducted by
the donor community that supported these international research institutes indicate that
there is a strong demand and need for livestock research in Asia and, to a somewhat
lesser extent, in Latin America, West Asia and North Africa or the Mediterranean region.
One priority for livestock research in Asia are the major economic developmental and
environmental problems that have arisen due to intensification of agriculture.
Because of the location of our campuses and our access to the problems of developing
countries, ILRI is able to serve as a transfer agent, not only by transferring technologies
but also by providing access and contacts between the laboratories of developed
countries, which are substantially better endowed, and the laboratories and research
centres of developing countries. Perhaps more important is the research-based informa-
tion and knowledge that are being transferred and the increasing opportunities to apply
this knowledge and experience to the problems of developing countries.
International research centres make up only a small component in the whole spectrum
of research on problems of agriculture in developing countries. The largest players are
the national research institutes in the developing countries the world over. Many of these
institutes are underfunded but their scientists are increasingly well trained. Through
collaborative research, we can employ the large scientific capacity in the national
Most research at ILRI is done in collaboration with other scientists and institutes in
both developing and developed countries. We plan to expand our collaborative activities
and that is one of the reasons why we brought you here, so that we can become better
acquainted. This will help us to identify useful collaborations. This institute has a very
broad set of programme activities ranging from work in the laboratories in molecular
biology to work in the field. We are able to cover this very broad base of research
activities only because of our ability to work and collaborate with a host of other
scientists and institutions.
I remind you that the appropriate type of research for an international institute lies at
the upper end of the applied spectrum rather than that of adapting technologies to meet
the needs of farmers and their livestock. Our research must be development- oriented.
We must be clear as to how our research will serve development needs. Ninety-eight
percent of our funding comes from the development vote. And so even though our
research is fundamental in character, we must be able to articulate a clear use of the
research products to further development.
One of our research areas is utilisation of feed resources. Any analysis of the
constraints to livestock production in developing countries consistently identifies feed
resources as a primary constraint. The primary constraint to livestock production may
be the production of feed resources or their utilisation, depending on the specific
production system and the particular environment.
The goal of the feed utilisation programme is to improve efficiency of use of feed
resources by tropical ruminants. We look to our sister centres to focus their work on
production which leaves us to focus on utilisation. It is usually the intersection between
production and utilisation that is the major problem. Forage production, for example,
will often be facilitated by genes that promote within the plant characteristics that
Opening address ix
protect it from pests or predators. Sometimes selecting for rapid growth rate will
generate qualities that are anti-nutritional in character. There is, therefore, need to match
what is good for production of the plant with what is good for utilisation of the products
of plant growth.
There were opportunities for real synergies in the types of research conducted in
Nairobi and Addis Ababa. ILCA was carrying on some work in the area of rumen
ecology while ILRAD was carrying on work at the microbial and molecular level. So
we felt that there would be good opportunities for synergisms by putting these two
institutions together and we quite deliberately delayed having this workshop until we
could have scientists from both former ILCA and former ILRAD working together.
The objectives of this workshop are very straightforward. We will look for a very
specific recommendation coming out of this workshop as to whether or not ILRI as an
international institute has a comparative advantage in conducting research in this broad
field of rumen ecology. If at the end of the week you decide ILRI does have a
comparative advantage for this type of research, we will ask that you be specific as to
exactly where this comparative advantage lies. While doing this, we ask you not to think
of ILRI as just a new institute, but as a set of resources and opportunities that can be
developed as part of a much larger global network of institutes, many of which you
yourselves represent.
Improving fibre utilisation and protein
supply in animals fed poor quality roughages:
ILRI nutrition research and plans
P.O. Osuji1, S. Fernández-Rivera2 and A. Odenyo1
1. International Livestock Research Institute, P.O. Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2. International Livestock Research Institute, ICRISAT Sahelian Centre, BP 12404, Niamey, Niger
Inadequate nutrition is the main cause of low productivity of livestock in
sub-Saharan Africa. The primary feed resources include fodder trees, natural
pastures and crop residues. This paper presents results from studies conducted
at ILRI in evaluations of these resources. The effect of supplementing teff straw
with lablab or cowpea in cattle on microbial protein supply was evaluated using
urinary purine derivatives. There was no effect of type of supplement but the
level of supplementation significantly improved microbial protein supply.
Similarly, supplementing maize stover with oilseed cake increased total micro-
bial protein flow in sheep. Teff straw supplemented with Sesbania sesban
increased dry matter degradation and liquid passage rates. Degradation of
Sesbania, Lucaena, Chamaecytisus and Vernonia foliage was also evaluated.
Sesbania was degraded rapidly and Vernonia slowly. The effects of anti-nutri-
ent extracts from Vernonia amygdalina, Chamaecytisus palmensis, Sesbania
sesban and Acacia angustissima were tested on pure cultures of cellulolytic
rumen microbes and A. angustissima prolonged the lag phase. A. angustissima
killed sheep and Tephrosia caused massive rumen stasis. Studies conducted in
semi-arid West Africa indicated that the microbial digestive activity, as meas-
ured by the disappearance in sacco of a standard forage, varies both seasonally
and across animal species. Genetic variation in feeding value of crop residues,
forage legumes and fodder trees were assessed. The variation among varieties
of sorghum and pearl millet were relatively small and inconsistent across years.
Relatively larger differences were observed in forage legumes. Preliminary
results suggest possibilities for identifying geographical areas that produce
better quality fodder trees. Future work should include the biochemical basis
of the interactions between rumen microbes and the chemicals contained in
fodder trees, and the seasonal variations of microbial populations in various
ruminants across agro-ecological zones.
Inadequate year round nutrition is a major smallholder production constraint. Ruminants
owned by smallholders in all ILRI mandate regions will continue to subsist, for the
2 P.O. Osuji, S. Fernández-Rivera and A. Odenyo
foreseeable future, on unimproved native pastures and crop residues. These poor quality
roughages are bulky, high in fibre, poorly degraded in the rumen, low in nitrogen and
minerals (Table 1) resulting in very low intakes. Population pressure and urbanisation,
particularly in Africa, will limit the quantity of grain available for animal feeding.
However, these deficiencies could be corrected by the addition of fodder trees,
herbaceous legumes or multipurpose trees (MPTs) (Tables 2 and 3).
Table 1. Nitrogen (N) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) concentrations of low quality roughages used in
ILRI research.
Table 2. Characteristics of MPTs: Degradation rates of N for the fresh leaves (FL) and dry leaves (DL) of
two accessions of Sesbania sesban and Acacia siberiana pods.
Several factors affect the utilisation of poor quality roughages by ruminants. These
include rumen environment (where conditions should be pH > 6.2, NH3 > 3.5 mmol/l),
microbial adhesion, particle size reduction, passage rates of both particulate and liquid
digesta, roughage degradation rate and volatile fatty acid production, adequate supply
of iso-acids for microbial protein production and the availability of by-pass protein.
ILRI nutrition research has focused on how to enhance fibre degradation and microbial
protein supply by rumen manipulation aimed at optimising the above conditions. The
use of MPTs as a means to correct nutrient imbalances and improve the conditions in
the rumen has been a priority area of research (ILCA 1995; Osuji 1994). This paper
describes some of the nutrition research work done at ILRI. First, results obtained in
Improving fibre utilisation and protein supply in animals fed poor quality roughages 3
Low High
(g/kg DM)
Nitrogen Dichrostachys cinerea (13.9) Leucaena (40.5)
Fibre (NDF) Sesbania (206) D. cinerea (498)
NDF-N Sesbania (2.4) Tagasaste (9.2)
Soluble tannins Carissa edulis (21.5) A. siberiana (327)
Condensed tannins (absorbance
units/g NDF at 500nm) Sesbania (13) Tagasaste (56)
Phosphorus Vernonia (0.7) Sesbania (2.7)
Calcium Tagasaste (10.5) Leucaena (20.0)
Sulfur Tagasaste (1.5) Leucaena (2.3)
Iron Sesbania (360) Tagasaste (520)
Manganese Leucaena (66) Tagasaste (200)
Copper Leucaena (13) Vernonia (20)
Zinc Leucaena (19) Tagasaste (39)
NDF: Neutral detergent fibre.
NDF-N: Nitrogen bound to NDF.
the use of fodder or multipurpose trees (MPTs) and herbaceous legumes in animal feeds
are presented. Research aimed at identifying and overcoming constraints to rumen
function in grazing animals is discussed. The selection of crops and trees for improved
feeding value is addressed. Finally, research plans on rumen ecology are presented.
0.041 0.076
Microbial efficiency (g/kg DOM)
0.041 0.076
Substitution rate (g/g)
0.041 0.076
Figure 1. Effect of rate of degradation of browses on (A) rate of passage of particulate matter, (B) efficiency
of microbial N supply and (C) substitution rate.
Improving fibre utilisation and protein supply in animals fed poor quality roughages 5
Table 4. Microbial N supply of calves fed a basal diet of teff straw supplemented with lablab hay†.
In another set of trials sheep were given a basal diet of teff straw supplemented with
0, 175, 245 or 315 g of Sesbania to create different rumen environments. Dry matter
degradation and liquid passage rates were estimated. Figure 2 shows clearly that both
dry matter degradation and liquid passage rates increased with increasing level of
Sesbania up to 245 g/head per day and then declined. Improved or faster liquid outflow
rate may result in increased intake of the basal roughage as new material is eaten to
replace what has left the rumen (Bonsi et al 1995).
6 P.O. Osuji, S. Fernández-Rivera and A. Odenyo
Degradation rate
0.07 Liquid passage rate
0 175 245 315
Levels of Sesbania (g/d)
Figure 2. Effect of Sesbania supplementation on the degradation of teff straw and on liquid passage rate.
Rate of N degradation
Sesbania Leucaena Tagasaste Vernonia
Sun dried MPTs
Figure 3. Effect of the type of MPT (sun dried) on rate of nitrogen degradation.
Rate of degradation
Figure 4. Effect of different basal diets on rate of degradation of dry matter and nitrogen, and gas
production (per hour) of four MPTs (Sesbania, Leucaena, Tagasaste and Vernonia).
8 P.O. Osuji, S. Fernández-Rivera and A. Odenyo
Rate of DM degradation
Fresh Sun dried
leaves leaves
Rate of N degradation
Fresh Sun dried
leaves leaves
Figure 5. Effect of different basal diets on rate of dry matter and nitrogen degradation.
Improving fibre utilisation and protein supply in animals fed poor quality roughages 9
Anti-nutritional factors
MPTs could also contribute to creating an unfavourable rumen environment, e.g. by
lowering rumen pH which would result in a reduction in the number of rumen fibrolytic
organisms and thus reduce cellulolysis (Table 5).
There is a wide range of anti-nutritional factors found in MPTs (Table 5) though the
phytochemistry and mode of action of these anti-nutritional factors are not fully
understood. There are indications, however, that some of them have defaunation
qualities, some are bactericidal, others bacteriostatic. Furthermore, poisons from MPTs
can act either on the rumen microbes or on the host animal itself. This makes the
evaluation of MPTs rather difficult. Figure 6 demonstrates the effect of anti-nutritional
factors on dry matter intake. A. angustissima is very high in proanthocyanidins com-
pared to S. sesban 10865. Dry matter intake was depressed to such an extent in sheep
fed A. angustissima that many of the animals died (Kurdi 1994).
Attempts have been made to harness anti-nutritional factors (e.g. tannins) to nutri-
tional advantage. In this regard, oilseed cakes were fed in association with tanniferous
browses (1994). Only minor depressions in the rate of fermentation of oilseed cake
were observed. The changes due to this associative feeding of oilseed cakes and browses
on growth rate were equally small. Attempts to match roughages with protein supple-
ments have not demonstrated any benefits that could be attributed to the interaction
between the tannin content of sorghum stovers and the oilseed cakes (Osafo 1993). What
is clear is that cottonseed cake promoted better gains than noug cake.
The consumption of tannins caused a shift in the paths of nitrogen excretion from the
urine to faeces. In addition, there was an increase in the insoluble fraction of faecal
nitrogen. These effects of tannins can lead to decreased volatilisation losses and
mineralisation rates, which may have important effects in the process of nutrient cycling
and crop production (Powell et al 1994).
Toxic Part
MPT component of plant Concentration References
Sesbania Tannins Foliage 0.62% Reed (1986)
National Academy
of Sciences (1979)
Saponins Foliage — Kinghorn
Alkaloids Foliage — and Smolenski
Amines Foliage — (1981)
Acacia Fluoroacetic acid Foliage/pods — Topps (1992)
Tannins Foliage/pods 3.12% Ahn et al
Cyanide Foliage/pods (1989)
Oxalate Foliage/pods — Goodchild
Saponins Foliage/pods — and McMeniman (1987)
Gliricidia Tannins Foliage 2.05% Ahn et al (1989)
Dicoumarol Leaves — ILCA (1991)
Albizia Dicoumarol Leaves 2.25% ILCA (1991)
Calliandra Dicoumarol Leaves 7.91 ILCA (1991)
Tagasaste Tannins Foliage — Borens and
Alkaloids Foliage — Poppi (1990)
Leucaena Mimosine Leaf 1–12% Tangendjaja
Seed 3.3–14.5 et al (1990)
Tannins Leaf 3–14% D’Mello and
Seed 7.1% Fraser (1981)
3-Hydroxy-4(1H)- Leaf 5.1–8.2% D’Mello and
pyridone (DHP) Seed ND Taplin (1978)
Trypsin inhibitors Leaf — Acamovic and
Seed — D’Mello (1984)
Saponins Leaf 2–11% Tangendjaja
Seed 2–11% and Lowry (1984)
Flavonols Leaf 3–6% Lowry
Seed 2–11% et al (1984)
10865 may have defaunating properties. However this was not confirmed in an in vivo
trial where S. sesban 10865 was compared to Medicago sativa (El Hassan 1994). No
particular efforts were made in this trial to isolate the animals used as the numbers of
rumen microbes were similar for both treatments. Cross contamination might have taken
Mueller-Harvey et al (1988) found that extracts of Ethiopian browses increased the
lag time and reduced the growth rate of Streptococcus bovis. They found that extracts
from Acacia nilotica were particularly detrimental to rumen bacteria. Alternatively, the
rumen population may have adapted to metabolise the anti-protozoal agent.
The effects of extracts of Vernonia amygdalina, C. palmensis, S. sesban 10865 and
A. angustissima on the growth of pure cultures of Fibrobacter succinogenes, Rumino-
coccus flavefaciens and R. albus were investigated (El Hassan 1994). Vernonia
amygdalina, C. palmensis and S. sesbania 10865 extracts affected the growth of only
R. albus by prolonging the lag phase. On the other hand A. angustissima at lower
Improving fibre utilisation and protein supply in animals fed poor quality roughages 11
A.angustissima S.sesban
A.angustissima S.sesban
inclusion rates greatly reduced the growth of Ruminococcus species and slowed the
growth of F. succinogenes. Extracts of L. leucocephala prolonged the lag phase of
cellulolytic bacteria. Ruminococcus flavefaciens and R. albus are very important for
fibre digestion.
12 P.O. Osuji, S. Fernández-Rivera and A. Odenyo
Using the gas production technique, it was found that gas production rates decreased
substantially when some MPTs were incubated with rumen fluid in vitro. Acacia
angustissima suppressed fermentation and the extent of suppression depended on the
amount of MPT included (El Hassan 1994) (Figure 7). The reverse was true for leucaena.
These effects were illustrated in vivo when animals fed A. angustissima died and those
fed Tephrosia had massive rumen stasis.
More work on the utilisation of fodder trees as livestock feed is needed. This should
aim at refining rapid methods of evaluation, expansion of the work on (1) anti-nutrition
factors to other compounds other than tannins and (2) the effects of various fodder trees
on specific rumen microbes. These would add to the tools needed to use fodder trees
effectively in rumen manipulation aimed at enhancing ruminant production.
Gas production (ml/200 mg DM)
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96
Time (h)
Figure 7. Gas production (ml) in vitro from different inclusion levels of Acacia angustissima with teff straw.
200 Cattle
Figure 8. Ammonia concentration in rumen fluid of cattle, goats and sheep grazing crop residues and
rangeland in Niger.
function appear to be different across species. The variation in the ruminal environment
observed under traditional feeding regimes in the tropics must be considered when
attempting to manipulate the rumen microbial population. Special consideration should
be given to the influence of toxic substances and the competition among microbes or
their ability to tolerate periods of starvation.
These results also have implications for defining supplementation priorities. For
instance, during crop residue grazing, high levels of intake and diet quality were
observed only during the first three or four weeks of the season, when the amount of
above-ground leaf exceeded 400 kg/ha (ILCA 1993). After the first month of grazing
the amounts of protein- and energy-yielding nutrient appears to be insufficient for
efficient microbial activity and the maintenance of the animals. Therefore a response to
rumen degradable (RDP) and undegradable (RUDP) protein and energy could be
expected. In a supplementation experiment, the response to metabolisable energy (ME)
followed a diminishing return pattern and decreased as the initial live weight of the
animals increased. The sheep grew faster when supplemented with RUDP and this
response rose as ME intake increased, which suggests that the microbial protein
Improving fibre utilisation and protein supply in animals fed poor quality roughages 15
Figure 9. Degradation (b fraction) in sacco of a standard forage incubated in the rumen of cattle, goats
and sheep grazing crop residues and rangeland in Niger.
synthesis was not sufficient to meet sheep protein requirements. Similarly, the influence
of ME was also dependent on the consumption of RUDP. Further studies should
determine the economically optimum levels of supplementation.
(tr) traits in pearl millet. The third is the identification of geographic locations in the
semi-arid zone that could produce higher quality trees. In the last approach, studies are
under way in Niger to evaluate the variation in feed potential of several species.
between genotypes (88.8 g for bmr and 85.2 g for normal millet, sem = 3.9), bmr millet
produced less stem than normal millet (85.6 versus 102.1 g DM/plant, sem = 4.4).
Pearl millet plants bearing the tr trait tended (P = 0.09) to produce more leaf (123.0
versus 95.3 g DM/plant, sem = 12.2) and stem (191.7 versus 152.4 g DM/plant,
sem = 16.4) than their normal counterparts. No differences were observed in fibre
constituents of leaves from both millet types, but tr millet leaves had a higher OM
concentration (918 versus 902, sem = 3.8, P < 0.01) possibly owing to the chemical
nature of the trichomes, and a higher OMD (670 versus 645 g/kg, sem = 6.1, P < 0.01)
than normal millet leaves. Stems from tr millet had less (P < 0.01) NDF (667 versus
726 g/kg DM, sem = 17.6), ADF (463, versus 537 g/kg DM, sem = 19.8) and lignin (87
versus 103 g/kg, sem = 5.4) and a higher OMD (521 versus 441 g/kg, sem = 9.1) than
stems from normal millet.
These results confirmed that the effects of the bmr trait on lignin and digestibility of
residues from millet grown for grain production and harvested at advanced stages of
maturity are similar to those found in forage millet. An increased residue quality of bmr
genotypes could be obtained at the expense of decreased stem yield. They also suggest
that the tr trait might improve the feed quality of millet stover without compromising
stover yield.
In summary, in the semi-arid zone the differences in feeding value of the stover
among sorghum and pearl millet varieties appear to be small and variable over the
years. However, there are possibilities for introducing quality-related genes that can
modify the composition of the fibre and increase digestibility. Further studies must
evaluate the influence of such traits on the adaptability, grain yield and disease
resistance of the crops. Preliminary data suggest that the bmr trait reduces grain yield
and promotes lodging in pearl millet. However, these effects appear to vary across
parent lines (A. Kumar, personal communication), which offer additional possibilities
for selection.
summary, these studies suggest that the selection of cowpea and groundnut varieties for
feed quality and yield of hay is promising. This may result in important income or
production benefits, since these are the most important cash crops of the semi-arid zone
and are used widely in the more intensive feeding systems.
Results of ILRI work summarised above strongly suggest that the focus of future work
should include attempts to explain the role of rumen microbes in the utilisation of high
fibre feeds supplemented with multipurpose trees. Furthermore it is important to explain
the biochemical basis of the interactions between rumen microbes and the chemicals
contained in MPTs, especially anti-nutritional factors. There is need to do more research
on the seasonal variations of microbial populations in various ruminants across
agro-ecological zones. Improving fibre digestion through genetic selection of crops and
trees is another promising area of research.
Abule Ebro 1994. ‘Supplementation of Friesian × Boran Crossbred Calves Fed Teff (Eragrostis
tef) Straw with Graded Levels of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and Dolichos lablab (Lablab
purpureus) Hay.’ MSc thesis, Alemaya University of Agriculture, Alemaya, Ethiopia. 141
Acamovic T.J. and D’Mello J.P.F. 1984. Trypsin inhibition by leucaena leaf meal, leucaena seeds
and mimosine. Leucaena Research Reports 5:74–75.
Ahn J.H., Robertson B.M., Elliot R., Guteridge R.C. and Ford C.W. 1989. Quality assessment
of tropical browse legumes: Tannin content and protein degradation. Animal Feed Science
and Technology 27:147–156.
Allen M.S. and Mertens D.R. 1988. Evaluating constraints on fibre digestion by rumen
microbes. Journal of Nutrition 118:261–270.
Bartle S.J. and Klopfenstein T.J. 1988. Non-chemical opportunities for improving crop residue
feed quality. Journal of Production Agriculture 1:356–361.
Bonsi M.L.K., Osuji P.O., Nsahlai I.V. and Tuah A.K. 1994. Graded levels of Sesbania sesban
and Leucaena leucocephala as supplements to teff straw given to Ethiopian Menz sheep.
Animal Production 59:235–244.
Bonsi M.L.K., Osuji P.O. and Tuah A.K. 1995. Effect of supplementing teff straw with different
levels of leucaena or sesbania leaves on the degradabilities of teff straw, sesbania, leucaena,
tagasaste and vernonia and on certain rumen and blood metabolites in Ethiopian Menz sheep.
Animal Feed Science and Technology (in press).
Borens F.M.P. and Poppi D.P. 1990. The nutritive value for ruminants of Tagasaste
(Chamaecytisus palmensis), a leguminous tree. Animal Feed Science and Technology
D’Mello J.F.P. and Fraser K.W. 1981. The composition of leaf meal from Leucaena leuco-
cephala. Tropical Science 23:75–78.
D’Mello J.F.P. and Taplin D.E 1978. Leucaena leucocephala in poultry diets for the tropics.
World Review of Animal Production 24:41–47.
20 P.O. Osuji, S. Fernández-Rivera and A. Odenyo
El Hassan S.M. 1994. ‘Yeast Culture and Multipurpose Fodder Trees as Feed Supplements for
Ruminants.’ PhD thesis, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. 263 pp.
Fernández-Rivera S. 1994. Seasonal variation in the microbial digestive activity, rumen ammo-
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Potential application of rumen
ecology manipulation to animal
nutrition in developing countries
Nitrogen metabolism in the rumen:
biotechnological problems and prospects
R.I. Mackie1 and M. Morrison2
1. Department of Animal Sciences and Division of Nutritional Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
2. Department of Animal Sciences and Center for Biotechnology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Lincoln, NE 68583-0908, USA
Ruminant nutritionists have recognised the central importance of ammonia
in nitrogen metabolism in the rumen for many years. This was emphasised
in studies in which growth, reproduction and lactation were obtained from
dairy cows on protein-free, purified diets and were thus solely dependent on
the products of ruminal fermentation. The ruminant mode of digestion in
which microbial fermentation precedes the hydrolytic digestive process
allows ruminants to utilise dietary non-protein nitrogen efficiently, to up-
grade low quality dietary protein to high quality microbial quality protein,
and to survive on low intakes of dietary nitrogen by efficiently utilising
nitrogen recycled to the rumen via the saliva. Since ruminal ammonia not
utilised for microbial growth is absorbed through the ruminal walls and
converted to urea in the liver, it follows that nitrogen economy of ruminant
animals is dependent on proper balances of degradable and bypass protein.
If nitrogen supply to the rumen bacteria is inadequate, rumen function is
affected in a number of ways. Digestion of starch and cellulose and other
polysaccharides can be depressed. Bacterial synthetic effort can be diverted
from protein to storage polysaccharide and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) can
be diverted to uncoupled fermentation. Death and lysis of bacteria will probably
be increased and the reduced growth rate means that a larger proportion of ATP
is likely to be used for maintenance and less for protein synthesis. In the rumen
ecosystem the rate and efficiency of microbial protein synthesis is determined
by assimilation of the key enzymes of ammonia or the energy required for this
process. The three primary enzymes of ammonia assimilation are glutamate
dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase and the synthesis
and activity of these enzymes are central to the regulation of the intracellular
nitrogen pool and the control of ammonia assimilation. These enzymes of
ammonia assimilation play a critical role in the rate and efficiency of bacterial
protein synthesis in the rumen. The recent biotechnology initiative on the
genetic manipulation of the ruminal ecosystem has focused entirely on fibre
degradation. The enzymes cloned from ruminal bacteria into Escherichia coli
encode enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of plant cell wall material.
26 R.I. Mackie and M. Morrison
Feedstuffs consumed by ruminants are all initially exposed to the fermentative activity
in the rumen prior to gastric and intestinal digestion. Dietary polysaccharides and
protein are generally degraded by the ruminal microorganisms into characteristic end
products, which in turn provide nutrients for metabolism by the host animal. The extent
and type of transformation of feedstuffs thus determines the productive performance of
the host. Fermentation of feedstuffs in the rumen yields short-chain volatile fatty acids
(VFA) (primarily acetic, propionic and butyric acids), carbon dioxide, methane, ammo-
nia and occasionally lactic acid. Some of the change in free energy (∆G0′) is used to
drive microbial growth, but heat also is evolved. Ruminants use the organic acids and
microbial protein as sources of energy and amino acids, respectively, but methane, heat
and ammonia can cause a loss of energy and nitrogen (N). The quality and quantity of
rumen fermentation products is dependent on the types and activities of the microor-
ganisms in the rumen. This, in turn, will have an enormous potential impact on nutrient
output and performance of ruminant animals. It is only with a thorough understanding
of the mechanisms involved that this system can by successfully manipulated and fully
exploited (Mackie and White 1990).
Ammonia plays a central role as an intermediate in the degradation and assimilation
of dietary nitrogen by rumen bacteria. Ammonia is the major end-product of digestion
of dietary protein and non-protein nitrogen (urea and amino acids) as well as the major
source of nitrogen for synthesis by ruminal bacteria. A comparison of peptide and amino
acid utilisation showed that peptides were more effectively incorporated into bacterial
protein while a greater proportion of amino acids were fermented to VFA. Ruminal
digestion results in the production of VFA and bacterial cells which are used as the major
energy and protein sources, respectively, for metabolism by the host animal. As a result,
nitrogen metabolism in the rumen is intimately related to the metabolism and utilisation
of nitrogen by ruminant tissues. Growth and production in ruminants is dependent on
bacterial protein synthesised in the rumen and ammonia is of central importance in this
process. The integration of metabolism demands that consideration be given to protein
and energy interactions in the rumen in order to achieve a balanced supply of nutrients
at the duodenum. For the ruminant animal, the quantity of microbial plus undegraded
dietary protein arriving at the duodenum has a great influence on productivity. The
potential of enhancing the productivity and lean tissue growth of ruminants by growth
promotants and hormone manipulations is determined by a balanced supply of protein
and energy to the animal (MacRae and Lobley 1986).
the dietary protein is degraded by rumen microorganisms and it is the rate at which the
different proteins can be hydrolysed that controls the extent of their degradation before
they pass out of the rumen (Leng and Nolan 1984; Mackie and Kistner 1985; Tamminga
1979). This has an important influence on the proportions of undegraded dietary protein
and microbial protein that are presented to the small intestine for digestion by the host
animal. Furthermore, this forms the basis of all modern systems for evaluating and
predicting protein utilisation by ruminants. Although much attention has been focused
on physical and chemical methods of controlling the rate of protein degradation in the
rumen, little research has been done on the factors influencing the proteolytic activity
of ruminal bacteria despite the nutritional significance of this activity.
For ruminants receiving diets containing protein, the change in quantity and pattern
of amino acids, which results from the conversion to microbial protein in the rumen,
can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the composition of the food
protein. If the latter is of good quality, biological value is reduced because the microbial
protein is of lower digestibility and is accompanied by nucleic acids. Under these
conditions, it would be advantageous to limit degradation of dietary protein, provided
this does not lead to a reduction of the microbial population and their activities, such as
fibre digestion and VFA production (Smith 1979). However, proteolysis during ruminal
fermentation may benefit the host animal if the microbial protein synthesised from the
products is of higher biological value than the feed proteins (Tamminga 1979).
Recent work confirms that the proteolytic activity in the rumen is almost entirely
associated with bacterial cells and that cell-free rumen fluid and protozoa have little
activity toward soluble proteins (Nugent and Mangan 1981). However, the protozoa
play an important role in the engulfment of bacteria and particulate matter and hence
degradation of insoluble proteins (Coleman 1979). Proteolytic activity in the rumen is
not confined to a single bacterium but is a variable property possessed by many different
bacteria that may be active in the degradation of other feed constituents, mainly
carbohydrates. Furthermore, the predominant proteolytic bacteria will differ depending
on diet (Mackie 1982). Although extracellular enzymes are usually produced by Gram-
positive bacteria, the most important protease-producing bacteria in the rumen are
Gram-negative, including species of Prevotella, Selenomonas, and Butyrivibrio (Cotta
and Hespell 1986). Other species, probably of less significance, are Megasphaera
elsdenii, Streptococcus bovis, Clostridium spp., Eubacterium spp., Lachnospira multi-
parus, Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens, and the Spirochaetes (Allison 1970). Russell et
al (1981) demonstrated that the Gram-positive S. bovis played a predominant role in
ruminal proteolysis, especially on high concentrate diets.
Rumen microbial proteolytic activity has a broad optimum in the neutral range
(Blackburn and Hobson 1960; Brock et al 1982; Kopecny and Wallace 1982). In general,
rumen bacteria have a mixture of proteases based on the chemistry of their active site
and the specificity of their hydrolytic activity (Brock et al 1982; Kopecny and Wallace
1982; Prins et al 1983; Wallace 1983; Wallace and Brammall 1985). This activity is
predominantly of the cysteine protease type with large contributions from the serine-
and metallo-protease type. Aspartic acid proteases were of minor importance in rumen
bacteria. Protozoal proteases were mainly of the cysteine type and aspartic activity was
28 R.I. Mackie and M. Morrison
deamination and degradation of specific amino acids are of special relevance to bacterial
growth in the rumen. The most important of these is the conversion of leucine, isoleucine
and valine to isovalerate, 2-methylbutyrate and isobutyrate, respectively. These
branched-chain fatty acids are either required or highly stimulatory to the growth of
many ruminal bacteria, particularly the fibrolytic species (Bryant and Robinson 1962,
It has been well documented that many rumen bacteria can utilise peptides as a source
of amino acids; for several bacterial systems, peptide transport into the cell followed by
intracellular cleavage has been demonstrated. Because transport mechanisms for free
acids appear to be absent in many rumen bacteria, the transport of peptides into the cell
represents an important means of obtaining N for the synthesis of cellular components,
especially those lacking the ability to utilise ammonia. Pittman and Bryant (1964)
showed that Prevotella ruminicola was able to utilise peptide and ammonia N but not
amino N for growth. In further studies, Pittman et al (1967) showed that the same strain
of Prevotella ruminicola did not transport [14C]proline or glutamic acid and very little
valine, whereas peptides of MW up to 2000 were transported. Russell (1983) also
showed that the addition of Trypticase to cultures of Prevotella ruminicola B14 signifi-
cantly improved growth yields, although peptides alone could not support the growth
of this organism. However, the actual transport of peptides by rumen bacteria has only
been demonstrated using a radiolabelling technique that is unable to distinguish between
possible extracellular hydrolysis of labelled proteins, or possible efflux of labelled
amino acids from the intracellular pool.
Studies on the transport of peptides of varying chain length and amino acid compo-
sition were carried out with Streptococcus bovis using a dansylation procedure (West-
lake and Mackie 1990; Westlake et al 1987). Under these conditions the transport of the
majority of components of Trypticase, Leu-Trp-Met-Arg-Phe, and Phe-Arg has been
demonstrated, although the defined structure peptides were completely hydrolysed by
extracellular peptidases to smaller units before transport. The pentapeptide was hydro-
lysed to eight different components in the transport buffer and all were present within
the cell after 2 min of incubation. The Phe-Arg was hydrolysed extracellularly to
phenylalanine and a second compound, but not alanine. However, both alanine and
phenylalanine were present within the cell after 2 min of incubation. These studies
emphasise the limitations in the use of 14C-labelled substrates in transport experiments
and the need to account for possible extracellular hydrolysis of labelled compounds,
which in the case of Streptococcus bovis appears to be considerable. Streptococcus
bovis, a Gram-positive organism, has been shown to play a major role in ruminal
proteolysis on high concentrate diets (Russell et al 1981).
Leng 1972). Bryant and Robinson (1961, 1962, 1963) found that 92% of ruminal
bacterial isolates could utilise ammonia as the main source of N, while it was essential
for the growth of 25% of all isolates tested. Little amino acid-nitrogen is available for
microbial growth and amino acids are rapidly deaminated to ammonia, VFA and CO2
before being utilised for microbial protein synthesis. The deamination and degradation
of specific amino acids are of special relevance to bacterial growth in the rumen. The
most important of these is the conversion of leucine, isoleucine and valine to isovalerate,
2-methylbutyrate and isobutyrate, respectively. These branched-chain fatty acids are
either required or highly stimulatory to the growth of many ruminal bacteria, particularly
the fibrolytic species (Bryant and Robinson 1961, 1962, 1963). Although our knowledge
about other mammalian gastrointestinal ecosystems is not as extensive or definitive as
that of the rumen, results indicate that ammonia is the major N source supporting
bacterial growth in the cecum and colon of pigs, horses and humans (Allison et al 1979;
Herbeck and Bryant 1974; Maczulak et al 1985; Robinson et al 1981; Takahashi et al
1980; Varel and Bryant 1974; Wozny et al 1977). Thus, the rumen provides an ideal
model for the study of these processes since it has been extensively characterised.
Ammonia produced in the rumen that is not incorporated into microbial cells is largely
absorbed through the wall of the reticulo-rumen and converted into urea by the liver.
This is excreted in the urine leading to environmental pollution in the vicinity of
intensive animal production operations. Between 60 and 75% of the N in excreted
manure is converted into NH3, of which 25 to 40% is lost during storage, and an
additional 20 to 60% is lost during spreading (Tamminga and Verstegen 1992).
The concentration of ammonia in the rumen varies widely ranging from 2–40 mM.
Satter and Slyter (1974) found that when the concentration of NH3-N is lower than 3.5
mM, microbial growth decreased significantly. Levels of ammonia in dairy cows were
found to range from 7–13.5 mM (Wohlt et al 1976). Thus, under adequate feeding
regimens, prevailing ammonia concentrations should always be adequate for optimal
growth of rumen bacteria. Earlier research with sheep fed low-protein (2.9% CP)
Eragrostis tef hay showed NH3-N concentrations of 1.8 mM immediately after feeding
which went down to 0.05 mM 8 h after feeding (Schwartz and Gilchrist, Internal
Progress Report, Digestion and Metabolism in the Ruminant Unit, Veterinary Research
Institute, Onderstepoort, South Africa). Grazing ruminants could be expected to have
similar low ammonia levels during winter or dry periods not only in the USA but
elsewhere in the world. It is worth noting that most of the world’s ruminant population
live and produce under grazing conditions that exist in the subtropics and tropics
(Gilchrist and Mackie 1984). When environmental ammonia concentrations are greater
than 1 mM, the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway of ammonia assimilation predomi-
nates, whereas when concentrations of ammonia are less than 0.5 mM the high affinity
glutamine synthetase pathway is more important. Schaefer et al (1980) reported ammo-
nia saturation constants for 10 species of predominant ruminal bacteria which ranged
from 5 to 50 uM which suggests that these organisms could attain 95% of their maximal
growth rate in the presence of 1.0 mM ammonia and an unlimited energy supply.
Although many species of ruminal bacteria are efficient scavengers of ammonia, both
pathways may be used simultaneously in different microorganisms. Thus, irrespective
Nitrogen metabolism in the rumen: biotechnological problems and prospects 31
synthase (GOGAT; EC, the second enzyme of this system, catalyses the
reductive transfer of the glutamine amide to 2-ketoglutarate (Meers et al 1970).
Glutamate + ATP + NH3 → Glutamine + ADP + P
2-Ketoglutarate + Glutamine + NADPH + H+ → 2 Glutamate + NADP+
Glutamine synthetase activity can be assayed by several different methods (Hespell
1984) which makes the observation of GS activity in whole rumen contents (Chalupa
et al 1970) and during continuous culture of mixed ruminal bacteria (Erfle et al 1977)
difficult to interpret since each organism has different conditions for optimal enzyme
activity. In S. ruminantium, GS activity was measured using the biosynthetic assay since
γ-glutamyltransferase activity was absent (Smith et al 1980). Furthermore, GS activity
was not under covalent control by the adenylylation-deadenylylation reaction and
feedback inhibition commonly found in other bacteria. In contrast, both Ruminobacter
(Bacteroides) amylophilus (Jenkinson et al 1979) and Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens
(Patterson and Hespell 1985) contain γ-glutamyltransferase activity which was under
control of adenylylation-deadenylylation Escherichia coli type of regulation for GS.
Glutamate synthase activity has been demonstrated in only one strain of the gut
anaerobe S. ruminantium strain D (Smith et al 1981) and was unusual in that neither
NADPH or NADH were suitable as electron donors for the reaction. The enzyme was
reductant-dependent and used dithionite-reduced methyl viologen as the electron carrier
system in the assay. Thus some unidentified low-potential electron carrier is required
and may help to explain problems involved in measuring GOGAT activities in other
species of rumen bacteria.
The Ruminococci are mesophilic, Gram-positive bacteria which play an important
role in ruminal cellulose digestion. Ruminococcus albus and R. flavefaciens are among
the predominant cellulolytic bacteria isolated from the rumen of animals fed a variety
of diets and ammonia is essential for their growth since they are unable to utilise nitrogen
from amino acids or peptides (Bryant and Robinson 1961, 1962, 1963). Reports of GDH
activity in Ruminococci are scarce. Joyner and Baldwin (1966) reported the presence
of NADH-linked GDH activity in R. albus. This was confirmed in R. albus 7 grown
under glucose limitation in chemostat (Kistner and Kotze 1973). Cell associated
NADP-linked GDH activity in R. flavefaciens 67 was approximately three-fold higher
in cells grown under ammonia limitation and was independent of growth rate (D =
0.06–0.15 h–1) (Pettipher and Latham 1979).
We have focused our studies on ammonia assimilation by R. flavefaciens FD-1 in
both batch and continuous culture (Duncan and Mackie 1989; Duncan et al 1991, 1992).
Initially the principal routes of ammonia assimilation and the activities of the corre-
sponding enzymes were examined. Results from batch culture confirm that GS and
GDH are active routes of NH3 assimilation and that their relative activities depend on
the concentration of NH3 in the growth medium. GS activity increased under N-limiting
conditions but activity was inhibited 50% by NH3 shocking. The adenylylation form of
Nitrogen metabolism in the rumen: biotechnological problems and prospects 33
GS modification common in many bacteria (Magasanik 1982; Merrick 1988) does not
occur in R. flavefaciens (Duncan et al 1992).
All GS and most of the GDH activity present in whole cells was sedimented by
ultracentrifugation (328,000 × g; 37 min; 4°C). Streicher and Tyler (1980) reported a
rapid purification of GS from a variety of bacteria based on differential centrifugation
which depends on the integrity of the GS-DNA complex in cell extracts. However, in
contrast to their findings, prior treatment of the cell extracts of R. flavefaciens with
DNAse or RNAse had no effect on sedimentation. However, harvesting and fractiona-
tion of cells in the presence of a detergent (CTAB) reduced the amount of sedimentable
activity of both GS and GDH and the balance was recovered in the supernatant. This
provides preliminary evidence that GS and some of the GDH activity may be mem-
brane-associated. The nature of the interaction with the membrane fraction is being
studied using different detergents and salt washes combined with PAGE and activity
gel assays to locate activity of GS and GDH.
Reaction kinetics of NADP-linked GDH were assayed in cell fractions (membrane
pellet and supernatant) to address the possible existence of multiple forms of GDH with
different physiological roles and kinetic characteristics. Michaelis-Menten kinetics
were demonstrated and Lineweaver-Burk plots were linear for the substrate concentra-
tion range (1–50 mM). The affinity for ammonia was higher in the membrane pellet
fraction (Km = 14.2mM) than supernatant (Km = 47.9 mM). Further research is required
to determine if these are different enzymes or different forms (isozymes) of the same
Glutamate dehydrogenase (L-glutamate: NADP+oxidoreductase, deaminating, E.C.; GDH) from R. flavefaciens FD-1 has been purified and characterised in our
laboratory (Duncan et al 1992). The native enzyme and subunits are 280 and 48 kDa,
respectively, suggesting that the native enzyme is a hexamer. This is characteristic of
bacterial and fungal NADP-linked GDHs (Britton et al 1992). The enzyme requires 0.5
M KCl for optimal activity, and has a pH optimum of 6.9–7.0. The Km‘s for ammonia,
α-ketoglutarate and glutamate are 19, 0.41 and 62 mM, respectively. The sigmoidal
NADPH saturation curve revealed positive cooperativity for the binding of this coen-
zyme. The first residue in the N-terminal sequence was alanine, suggesting that the
protein may be modified post-translationally. Comparison of the N-terminal sequence
with those of E. coli, S. typhimurium and Clostridium symbiosum revealed only 39%
amino acid homologies. Sequence comparisons for GDHs from a diverse range of
sources show that the hexameric enzymes are structurally similar. However, the simi-
larity is poor for the N-terminal 50 residues and then rises significantly with long
stretches of highly similar sequences over the next 350 residues (Britton et al 1992).
cells growing under different conditions. Finally, a genetic analysis is required both of
the structural genes which encode the enzymes of ammonia assimilation and of the
regulatory genes which are essential in the control and coordination of the level of these
enzymes in the cell. Such a complete description has been achieved in very few systems
but the most comprehensive description available thus far is in the enteric bacteria,
namely E. coli, S. typhimurium, Klebsiella pneumoniae and K. aerogenes (Kustu et al
1986; Magasanik 1982, 1988; Merrick 1988). However, in rumen bacteria we have no
information on the mechanisms controlling expression of the primary ammonia assimi-
lation enzymes (GS, GOGAT and GDH). Rapid developments in these systems can be
expected due to the availability of gene probes and promoter sequence information from
the enterics.
Of the three primary enzymes of ammonia assimilation only GS expression is
markedly regulated in response to changes in the availability of ammonia. GS from
enteric bacteria is comprised of 12 identical subunits each with 50 kDa molecular
weight. In E. coli, GS activity is regulated by covalent modification involving reversible
adenylylation of a specific tyrosine residue on each subunit. Maximum biosynthetic
activity is obtained when the enzyme is completely unadenylated. The adenylation of
GS is carried out by an adenylyl transferase (ATase) encoded by the glnE gene. ATase
can act in reverse to deadenylate GS and the activity of ATase is determined by its
interaction with a small regulatory protein PII. If ammonia is abundant, ATase acts to
adenylylate GS and reduces its activity, while under ammonia limitation GS is deadeny-
lated by ATase. The regulatory protein PII is the product of the glnB gene. The
unmodified PII stimulates adenylylation of GS by ATase while uridylylated PII enhances
the deadenylylation reaction. The covalent attachment of a UMP residue to PII is caused
by uridylyl transferase (UTase), the product of the glnD gene. Regulation of GS activity
is therefore achieved by a complex cascade of events which are ultimately controlled
by the relative levels of glutamine and 2-ketoglutarate inside the cell. A high glu-
tamine:2-ketoglutarate ratio causes UTase to deuridylylate PII which in turn stimulates
adenylylation of GS by ATase. The reverse sequence occurs when the ratio is low. GS
levels are also regulated transcriptionally such that in ammonia-limited cultures, the
level of GS is higher than that measured in cells grown with excess ammonia. The
system which mediates this control is known as the nitrogen regulation (ntr) system.
The gene which encodes GS (glnA) has been cloned from the enterics as well as several
other bacteria (Merrick 1988; Southern et al 1986; Usdin et al 1986).
In contrast GOGAT and GDH are apparently subject to far less control and even in
the enterics, the precise nature of their regulation is presently unknown (Merrick 1988).
However, recent research on the nac gene suggests a second tier of nitrogen regulation
which intercedes between ntr and nitrogen-controlled systems including GOGAT and
GDH. It is possible that nac is specifically involved in the regulation of systems which
can provide the cell with carbon as well as nitrogen (Bender 1991). Cloning and
sequencing of nac and the analysis of promoters under nac control have recently been
published (Maculuso et al 1990). This type of system may be important in rumen
bacteria where catabolite regulatory mechanisms appear to be involved in regulation
(Russell and Baldwin 1978; Russell et al 1990).
Nitrogen metabolism in the rumen: biotechnological problems and prospects 35
the ntrB (glnL) gene product played a role in its repression (Servin-Gonzalez and
Bastarrachea 1984). Similar effects were observed on the synthesis of GS so that the
Gln- phenotype also was always Amt-.
Under conditions of derepression (synthesis) of the NH4+ carrier, bacteria generally
assimilate NH4+ via the GS/GOGAT pathway (Magasanik 1982; Merrick 1988). The
putative regulator of NH4+ transport is thought to be glutamine since intracellular levels
respond rapidly to external NH4+ concentrations (Kleiner 1976, 1979; Kleinschmidt and
Kleiner 1981). It serves as a feedback inhibitor of several enzymes strongly affecting the
modification of GS (Kleiner et al 1981; Tyler 1978) and acts as a key regulator of the ntr
system (Magasanik 1982; Merrick 1988) . Recently, the regulatory effect of glutamine on
Amt was studied in glnL mutants of E. coli which constitutively express Amt (Castroph
and Kleiner 1984; Jayakumar et al 1987). These results showed that Amt was regulated
by the internal glutamine pool via feedback inhibition. Both CH3NH3+ and NH4+ transport
of many bacterial strains is strongly inhibited by methionine sulfoximine, a potent inhibitor
of GS, indicating the existence of a regulatory glutamine binding site at the carrier (Kleiner
1985). Recent cloning and sequencing of the E. coli amtA gene, which codes for one of
the soluble components of the ammonium transport system, should lead to rapid progress
in the field (Fabiny et al 1991).
However, repeated attempts in our laboratory to demonstrate active transport of NH4+
using 14CH3NH3+ as the probe have been unsuccessful in Ruminococcus flavefaciens
FD-1. These experiments involved cells grown under N-limitation from both batch and
chemostat grown cultures (P.A. Duncan and R.I. Mackie, unpublished results). Valida-
tion of the transport assay showed that R. flavefaciens exhibited energy dependent,
concentrative uptake of 14C-labelled 2-deoxyglucose. Further experiments with
14CH NH + showed that E. coli actively transported this ammonium probe. We have
3 3
had most success monitoring NH4+ depletion from the external medium over time in
30-min assays with R. flavefaciens but this technique lacks sensitivity and is unsuitable
for determining bioenergetic aspects of ammonium transport. However, initial rates of
ammonia depletion were clearly different between cells grown under ammonium-lim-
ited as compared to carbon-limited growth (11.2 versus 0.8 nmol/min/mg cell protein,
respectively). This is consistent with the higher specific activity or GDH and GS found
for this organism when grown under ammonium limitation.
microbes with plant surfaces and cereal grains mainly from the standpoint of fibre
degradation or carbohydrate utilisation but not from the protein utilisation and degra-
dation standpoint. Similarly, our understanding of the molecular basis for recognition
and adhesion to specific sites remains largely unknown although these studies have been
initiated in relation to cellulose binding by fibre degrading bacteria. This microbial
association with surfaces is a logical ecological adaptation and could possibly be
exploited to manipulate the kinetics of protein degradation in the rumen.
Quantitative estimates of intraruminal recycling indicate that as much as 30 to 50% of
the daily N intake may be recycled. These values may be underestimates since turnover
of peptide-N independent of the NH3-N pool may not be accounted for by this technique.
Further studies of this nature are warranted under a variety of feeding conditions which
are known to provide different ruminal microbial populations. An obvious target is
protozoal activity which is thought to be a major contributing factor to intraruminal N
recycling. Defaunation invariably results in improved protein flow from the rumen
although most protocols for this procedure are suitable experimentally but not practically.
Novel approaches to control protozoal activity using the ‘smugglin’ concept, secretion of
antiprotozoal antibodies or delivery of such compounds by bacteria specifically engi-
neered for this purpose using recombinant DNA technology are potential methods. Further
ecological studies which describe bacterial and fungal population changes accompanying
defaunation are an integral component of this approach.
It has long been recognised that a diverse population of bacteriophage is maintained
in the rumen and some research has been carried out on this neglected group of microbes.
However, our knowledge of their biology and molecular bases of infection, lysogeny
and lysis are limited. Studies on quantitating phage DNA to estimate fluctuations in
phage populations will provide useful information relating to intraruminal nitrogen
recycling and also to bacterial population changes associated with phage blooms.
Bacteria also produce a range of antibacterial compounds which are active in the
gastrointestinal tract. The first report of a bacteriocin-like compound produced by
Ruminococcus albus 8 has recently been published. Documentation of these intimate
relationships is dependent on utilisation of modern molecular ecology techniques.
Although methods exist for controlling protein degradation, most of these strategies
are applicable to dietary supplements and intensive production systems but probably
have little current application to extensive, forage-based production systems. Ionopho-
res such as monensin increase peptide and amino-N flow from the rumen but its
inhibitory spectrum is probably too broad for application in grazing and forage fed
ruminants. Pretreatment of protein sources, and more recently amino acids, have
provided improvements in protein supply to the animal but are expensive and require
increased management inputs. The interaction between dietary tannins, particularly in
browse species, and protein requires further study. Most improvements with high tannin
levels have been documented in temperate, highly degradable forages where protein
degradation is retarded by this association.
Future research efforts should focus on highly selective and specific methods for
inhibiting microorganisms responsible for proteinase, peptidase and deaminase activity
in the rumen.
38 R.I. Mackie and M. Morrison
Two quotes from pioneers in the field of rumen microbial ecology and metabolism are
still pertinent today. In 1960, Hungate proposed that an analysis of an ecological habit
required elaboration of the numbers and kinds of microorganisms present, an analysis
of the activities of these microbes (in vitro), and finally examination of the extent to
which these activities are expressed (in vivo). Allison (1970) concluded his review on
nitrogen metabolism of ruminal microorganisms as follows: ‘Exciting possibilities for
improving the nitrogen economy of the ruminant may be ahead if measures for
protecting protein and amino acids from degradation in the rumen are perfected. It may
be, however, that more will be done towards alleviation of the protein shortages in the
world by imaginative exploitation of the ability of ruminants to employ ruminal
microbes for synthesis of good quality protein from non-protein nitrogen.’
Modern analytical, biochemical and molecular techniques applied at both the organ-
ismal and whole animal level will afford scientists an excellent opportunity to provide
the first complete description of this system and not only an extension of our knowledge
and understanding. Further improvements in ruminant nitrogen metabolism will require
innovative approaches to manipulate the degradative and bisynthetic activities of the
rumen microorganisms.
Allison M.J. 1970. Nitrogen metabolism in rumen micro-organisms. In: Phillipson At. T. et al
(eds), Physiology of Digestion and Metabolism in the Ruminant. Oriel Press, Newcastle upon
Tyne, UK. pp. 456–473.
Allison M.J., Robinson I.M., Bucklin J.A. and Booth G.D. 1979. Comparison of bacterial
populations of the pig cecum and colon based upon enumeration with specific energy sources.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 37:1142–1151.
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Duncan P.A. and Mackie R.I. 1989. Activities of ammonia assimilatory enzymes of Rumino-
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Antimicrobial factors in African
multipurpose trees
S.M. El Hassan1,2, A. Lahlou-Kassi1, C.J. Newbold2 and R.J. Wallace2
1. International Livestock Research Institute, P.O. Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2. Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB2 9SB, UK
Samples and extracts of foliage from African multipurpose trees (MPT) were
screened for their effects on rumen protozoa and bacteria. The MPT species
tested were Acacia aneura, Acacia angustissima, Chamaecytisus palmensis,
Brachychiton populneum, Flindersia maculosa, Sesbania sesban, Leucaena
leucocephala and Vernonia amyedalina. S. sesban was highly toxic to rumen
protozoa from sheep reared in Aberdeen. The toxic factor was associated with
the saponin-containing fraction of the plant. S. sesban may therefore be
useful in suppressing protozoa and thereby improving protein flow from the
rumen; however, protozoa from the rumen of sheep raised in Ethiopia were
resistant to S. sesban, indicating that resistance, either endogenous or ac-
quired, may be a problem in exploiting this antiprotozoal effect. The Acacia
species were toxic to rumen bacteria, particularly the cellulolytic species of
Ruminococcus. The cause of this toxicity was not identified.
In order to meet the increasing demand for animal products in Africa, it is necessary to
enhance the utilisation of available fodder and agricultural byproducts and also to look
for alternative feed resources. Multipurpose trees (MPT) and shrubs may help in this
respect and in addition may provide other benefits, in terms of increasing soil fertility
by nitrogen fixation (Woodward and Reed 1989), providing green manure and mulch
(McKell 1980), protecting soil from erosion by stabilising surface soil, control of desert
encroachment (McKell 1980; Woodward and Reed 1989) and providing fuel and shelter
(McKell 1980; Woodward 1988). MPT are a rich source of protein, carotenoid precur-
sors of vitamin A and many minerals, but generally have a low phosphorus content (Le
Houérou 1980; Kumar and Vaithiyanathon 1990; Olasson and Welin-Berger 1991). In
many areas of Africa they provide an available supplement to grasses in the dry season
(Le Houérou 1980), lessening the dependence on expensive protein supplements.
However, the presence of antinutritional compounds in MPT limits their utilisation as
Plants produce a large number of chemicals, arbitrarily categorised as primary or
secondary metabolites, that are essentially defence mechanisms for the plant against
animal and insect predators and microbial infection (Deshhande et al 1986; Feeny
44 S.M. El Hassan, A. Lahlou-Kassi, C.J. Newbold and R.J. Wallace
1970). Several deleterious compounds have been identified in forages and fodder
trees, including alkaloids, non-protein amino acids, mycotoxins, terpenoids, steroids,
lectins and protease inhibitors (Cheeke and Shull 1985; Lowry 1990; D’Mello 1992).
Many of the African browse species contain high levels of polyphenolics and insoluble
condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins) that bind to neutral detergent fibre (El Hassan
1994; Reed 1986; Reed et al 1990; Woodward and Reed 1989). Some phenolic
compounds are toxic to rumen bacteria (Akin 1982; Borneman et al 1986; Chesson et
al 1982; Martin and Akin 1988), rumen fungi (Akin and Rigsby 1987) and rumen
protozoa (Akin 1982).
Oxalate and the alkaloid perloline inhibited cellulose degradation by the rumen
microbial population (Hemken et al 1984; James et al 1967). Thus MPT may have
components that are toxic to the micro-organisms of the rumen as well as to the host
The aim of the work described here was to determine if seven potentially useful MPT
contained factors that were antimicrobial and therefore detrimental to rumen fermenta-
tion. One particular MPT, A. aneura, proved toxic to rumen bacteria and therefore
inhibitory; however, S. sesban contained an antiprotozoal factor that may be useful in
enhancing rumen productivity by suppressing wasteful breakdown of bacterial protein
by rumen protozoa.
Table 1. Influence of MPT on breakdown of 14C-labelled S. ruminantium in rumen liquor taken from sheep
in Aberdeen.
S. ruminantium + S. sesban
S. ruminantium + S. sesban + PVP
Release of radioactivity (%)
25 S. ruminantium
0 1 2 3 4
Incubation time (h)
rumen protozoa is consistent with earlier studies in dairy cows (Valdez et al 1986).
Recent results from Colombia indicate that the antiprotozoal effects of other plants,
including Sapindus saponaria, are similarly due to saponins (Navas-Camacho et al
1994). Other antiprotozoal factors in plants have been known for a long time. Eadie et
al (1956) showed that certain terpenes and other substances present in plant material
had marked toxic properties toward rumen protozoa. Warner (1962) found that minor
plant constituents such as terpenes or alkaloids may have specific effects on individual
species of rumen micro-organisms. It is unlikely that terpenes or alkaloids would be
extracted into butanol by the method used here. Akin (1982) observed that p-coumaric
acid reduced the motility of entodiniomorphid protozoa, but again it is unlikely that
phenolic acids would be extracted from S. sesban into butanol.
Thus the indications are that it is the saponin fraction of S. sesban that is toxic to
rumen protozoa, although more work is required to identify the precise component.
Selective elimination of protozoa, if it were to persist, would enhance the flow of
microbial protein from the rumen and improve the nutrition of the animal. Defaunation
has been reported to increase microbial outflow (Leng et al 1981) and increase the
efficiency of feed utilisation and hence growth rate of cattle on diets low in bypass
Antimicrobial factors in African multipurpose trees 47
S. sesban
Butanol extract
Release of radioactivity (%)
12 Aqueous extract
0 1 2 3 4
Incubation time (h)
Figure 2. Influence of butanol extraction of an aqueous extract of S. sesban on its inhibition of the
breakdown of Selenomonas ruminantium by rumen protozoa. Protozoal activity was measured as described
in Figure 1.
protein (Bird and Leng 1978). Similarly, the rate of wool growth was increased in
defaunated lambs (Bird et al 1979). Provided the loss of protozoa does not compromise
fibre breakdown, which can occur under some circumstances (Ushida et al 1991), the
antiprotozoal effects of some MPT maybe useful in enhancing feed utilisation over and
above the nutrient content of the feed. There may even be scope for exporting appro-
priate plant extracts for use in other countries. Possible problems in the use of these
materials must be investigated. Indications are that toxicity to the host animal will not
be a problem (El Hassan 1994; Navas-Camacho et al 1994), but more work is required.
The finding that Ethiopian sheep were resistant may mean that the method has limited
applicability in regions where the MPT are indigenous species. It also has implications
for their use elsewhere, depending on the nature and time-scale of the development of
resistance. These factors should be investigated.
Control, Aberdeen, UK
30 S. sesban, Aberdeen, UK
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 3. Comparison of the effects of S. sesban on rumen protozoa from rumen fluid taken from sheep in
Aberdeen and Ethiopia.
rumen liquor from which protozoa had been removed by centrifugation was assayed
for adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) as an indication of live biomass (Wallace and West
1982). Individual species of rumen bacteria were then examined to determine if the
toxicity of MPT was selective with respect to different species of bacteria.
Table 2. Influence of MPT on ATP content of mixed rumen bacteria incubated in vitro.
These effects of MPT on bacterial ATP are indicative only, because they represent a
balance between ATP increases caused by fermentable materials in the MPT and
decreases resulting from toxicity. Nevertheless, some indication of toxicity was ob-
tained, which was greatest with A. aneura.
Figure 4. Influence of aqueous extracts of MPT on the growth of the non-cellulolytic rumen bacterium,
Streptococcus bovis. Foliage from the MPT (5 g) was extracted with 70% aqueous acetone and the residue
after drying resuspended in 50 ml of water, filtered, sterilised, and 0.3 ml was added to 10 ml of culture
medium. Growth was determined turbidimetrically.
pronounced effect on gas production among the MPT examined (El Hassan 1994).
Mueller-Harvey et al (1988) noted that all extracts from Ethiopian browse increased the
lag time and reduced biomass yields of S. bovis and they observed differences in the
extent of these antimicrobial effects that were consistent with the concentration of
phenolics from browse. The toxicity of phenolics has been demonstrated in a wide range
of bacteria, including cellulolytic and xylanolytic species (Akin 1982; Chesson et al
1982; Stack and Hungate 1984). However, no species specificity in the antibacterial
effects were noted previously. The cause of the inhibition of Ruminococcus species
caused by A. angustissima is not clear. They may have been due to soluble polypheno-
lics, which may contain simple phenolics and proanthocyanidins (Reed 1986). A.
angustissima contained the highest content of soluble polyphenolics among MPT
examined (El Hassan 1994). However, much work remains to be done to identify the
anti-Ruminococcus factor present in A. angustissima.
Antimicrobial factors in African multipurpose trees 51
Figure 5. Influence of aqueous extracts of MPT on the growth of the cellulolytic rumen bacterium,
Ruminococcus flavefaciens. Foliage from the MPT (5 g) was extracted with 70% aqueous acetone and the
residue after drying resuspended in 50 ml of water, filtered, sterilised, and 0.3 ml (or 0.2 or 0.1 ml of A.
angustissima) was added to 10 ml of culture medium. Growth was determined turbidimetrically.
Akin D.E. 1982. Forage cell wall degradation and p-coumaric, ferulic and sinapic acids.
Agronomy Journal 74:424.
Akin D.E. and Rigsby L.L. 1987. Mixed fungal populations and lignocellulosic tissue degrada-
tion in the bovine rumen. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 53:1987.
Bird S.H. and Leng R.A. 1978. The effect of defaunation on the rumen on the growth of cattle
on low protein high energy diets. British Journal of Nutrition 40:163.
Bird S.H., Hill M.K. and Leng R.A. 1979. The effects of defaunation on the rumen on the growth
of lambs on low-protein-high energy diets. British Journal of Nutrition 42:81.
Borneman W.S., Akin D.E. and Van Eseltine W.P. 1986. Effect of phenolic monomers on ruminal
bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 52:1331.
Cheeke P.R. and Shull L.R. 1985. Natural Toxicants in Feeds and Poisonous Plants. Avi
Publishing Co. Inc., Westport, USA.
Chesson A., Stewart C.S. and Wallace R.J. 1982. Influence of plant phenolic acids on growth
and cellulolytic activity of rumen bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 44:597.
D’Mello J.P.F. 1992. Chemical constraints to the use of tropical legumes in animal nutrition.
Animal Feed Science and Technology 38:237.
Deshpande S.S., Cheryan M. and Salunke D.K. 1986. Tannin analysis of food products. CRC
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 24:401.
Eadie J.M., Mann S.O. and Oxford A.E. 1956. A survey of physically active organic infusoricidal
compounds and their soluble derivatives with special reference to their action on the rumen
microbial system. Journal of General Microbiology 14:122.
Feeny P. 1970. Seasonal changes in oak leaf tannins and nutrients as a cause of spring feeding
by winter moth caterpillars. Ecology 51:565.
Garrido A., Gomez-Cabrera A., Guerrero J.E. and Van der Meer J.M. 1991. Effect of treatment
with polyvinylpyrridone and polyethylene glycol on faba bean tannins. Animal Feed Science
and Technology 35:199.
El Hassan S.M. 1994. ‘Yeast Culture and Multipurpose Fodder Trees as Feed Supplements for
Ruminants.’ PhD thesis, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.
Headon D.R., Buggle K., Nelson A. and Killeen G. 1991. Glycofractions of the yucca plant and
their role in ammonia control. In: Lyons T.P. (ed), Biotechnology in the Feed Industry:
Proceedings of Alltech’s Fifth Annual Symposium. Alltech Technical Publications, Nicholas-
ville, USA. p. 95.
Hemken R.W., Jackson J.A. and Boling J.A. 1984. Toxic factors in tall fescue. Journal of Animal
Science 58:1011.
Le Houérou H.N. 1980. Browse in northern Africa. In: Le Houérou H.N. (ed), Browse in Africa:
The Current State of Knowledge. ILCA (International Livestock Centre for Africa), Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 55–82.
James L.F., Street J.C. and Butcher J.E. 1967. In vitro degradation of oxalate and of cellulose
by rumen ingesta from sheep fed Halogeton glomeratus. Journal of Animal Science 26:1438.
Kumar R. and Vaithiyanathon S. 1990. Occurrence, nutritional significance and effect on animal
productivity of tannins in tree leaves. Animal Feed Science and Technology 30:21.
Leng R.A., Gill M., Kempton T.J., Rowe J.B., Nolan J.V., Stachiw S.J. and Preston T.R. 1981.
Kinetics of large ciliate protozoa in the rumen of cattle given sugar cane diets. British Journal
of Nutrition 46:371.
Lowry J.B. 1990. Toxic factors and problems: methods of alleviating them in animals. In:
Devendra C. (ed), Shrubs and Tree Fodders for Farm Animals. Proceedings of a Workshop
Antimicrobial factors in African multipurpose trees 53
Weller R.A. and Pilgrim A.F. 1974. Passage of protozoa and volatile fatty acids from the rumen
of the sheep and from a continuous in vitro fermentation system. British Journal of Nutrition
Woodward A. 1988. ‘Chemical Composition of Browse in Relation to Relative Consumption
of Species and Nitrogen Metabolism of Livestock in Southern Ethiopia.’ PhD thesis, Cornell
University, USA.
Woodward A. and Reed J.D. 1989. The influence of polyphenolics on the nutritive value of
browse: A summary of research conducted at ILCA. ILCA Bulletin 35. ILCA (International
Livestock Centre for Africa), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. p. 2.
Australian Meat Research Corporation’s
rumen bacteria manipulation key programme:
rationale and progress 1990–1995
I.D. Johnsson
Meat Research Corporation, P.O. Box 498, Sydney South NSW, Australia 2000
In 1990, the Meat Research Corporation contracted four Australian research
teams to develop genetically modified rumen bacteria with enhanced cellu-
lolytic activity. The goal was a sustained increase in digestibility by at least
5 percentage units in ruminants grazing on poor quality forage typical of the
northern Australian grasslands, and more generally of 90% of Australia’s
pastoral country. With an A$4.9 million (US$3.7 m) budget, the programme
planned to explore four alternative research options over three years (mu-
tagenesis of rumen bacteria, bacteria-bacteria gene transfer, fungi-bacteria
gene transfer, cleavage of ligno-cellulose bonds), then choose the most
promising methodologies for refinement and in vivo testing in years 4 and 5.
After a review in year 3, additional funding of A$1.3 (US$1.0 m) million was
allocated to extend the research phase for two years to June 1995. Difficulty
in successfully transforming rumen bacteria has been the major stumbling
block for two years. A genetically modified Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens express-
ing a highly active cellulase derived from the rumen fungus Neocallimastix
patriciarum is now being tried in cattle under quarantine, but no significant
impact on digestibility has been demonstrated to date. Genes for a number
of other cellulases have been isolated and characterised for transformation
into suitable host bacteria. It is likely that further funding will be needed to
optimise expression and survival in the rumen, and to achieve transfer of
more than one desirable gene into multiple strains of host bacteria, in order
to achieve the programme goal. The industry outcome is low cost bacterial
strains that spread naturally between animals in the same herd and survive
through fluctuating seasons, conferring an advantage in fibre digestibility
across a large range of grass-based diets. Their application may be limited to
management systems where nitrogen and other limiting factors can be
supplied to ruminants in the dry season.
The Meat Research Corporation was established by the red meat industries and the
Government of Australia to invest industry research levies, which are matched by the
56 I.D. Johnsson
CS. ?
UA. 013
Mutagenesis of
CS. 147
rumen bacteria
Production, a new project will screen ‘exotic’ ruminants (particularly antelope and deer
species, such as oryx, addax, gemsbok) for novel strains of rumen bacteria. These
animals are being run under rangeland conditions at the Tipperary Sanctuary for
Endangered Wildlife in the Northern Territory.
Progress to date
Project UA.013 (Dr J. Brooker) attempted to develop highly cellulolytic bacteria by
transposon-mediated mutagenesis of naturally cellulolytic bacteria. This proved unsuc-
cessful, although transposon-marking of specific strains (Tn 916 in B. fibrisolvens E14)
was initially useful to track populations in the rumen. A naturally occurring Streptococ-
cus spp. with some ability to degrade plant tannins was isolated from feral goats and
work was initiated on the cloning and enzymology of Clostridium spp. with the hope
of providing useful cellulase genes. This project was not extended after the mid-term
Project UNE.034 (Dr K. Gregg) continued previous work to introduce cellulase genes
from highly cellulolytic rumen bacteria into other predominant, but poorly-cellulolytic
rumen bacteria. Major progress has been:
• The cloning and sequencing of genes from Ruminococcus albus AR67 (Gregg et al
• Transformation achieved for Prevotella ruminicola AR20 to reasonable efficiency (K.
Gregg, personal communication).
• Transformation achieved for Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens OB156 (Beard et al 1994).
• Development of qualitative and quantitative PCR systems to track B. fibrisolvens and
P. ruminicola strains in cattle and sheep (K. Gregg, personal communication).
• Demonstration of long-term persistence of introduced laboratory-grown strains of B.
fibrisolvens (E14, AR10) and P. ruminicola (AR20, AR29) in the rumens of sheep or
cattle, and of their ability to transfer naturally between hosts in some cases.
Project CS.143 (Dr J. Aylward) aimed to transfer genes for highly active fungal
cellulases secreted by N. patriciarum to cellulolytic rumen bacteria to enhance their
capacity to degrade cellulose. Major progress has been:
• Cloning of five genes of varying activities from N. patriciarum (celA, celB, celC and
celD, plus xynA), after preparation of a comprehensive gene library. (Xue et al 1992;
Orpin and Xue 1993).
• Development of a transformation system for five strains of B. fibrisolvens (K.S.
Gobius, personal communication).
• Quantification of relative activities of various enzymes in vitro, alone and in combi-
nation, using standard forage substrates (J. Aylward and P. Kennedy, personal com-
Project CS.147 (Dr P. Kennedy) aimed to find enzymes which are capable, under
anaerobic conditions, of at least partial hydrolysis of ligno-cellulose bonds. Significant
progress has been:
• The development of a range of model substrates for assaying enzymes which cleave
various linkages.
60 I.D. Johnsson
The future
On the basis of these results, the MRC is likely to contribute further funding to take the
research through to ‘proof of concept’, namely the demonstration of an increase of at
least 5 percentage units in digestion of poor quality grasses in ruminants inoculated with
at least one genetically-modified bacterial strain, when assessed in containment facili-
This should be achieved by December 1995, most probably using a suite of modified
bacterial strains, each expressing one of a range of novel enzymes of bacterial or fungal
Subsequent molecular biology research could then be undertaken to optimise expres-
sion, stability (is chromosomal integration essential?) and persistence, to explore combi-
nations of recombinant genes in the one host strain and to extend the library of useful genes
and candidate hosts, in addition to the detailed rumen microbiology and nutrition studies
needed to quantify the commercial value of the modified strains in diverse commercial
grazing situations. One can thus envisage ‘waves’ of new recombinants being produced
for animal evaluation as the scientists involved become more experienced in the manipu-
lation of rumen bacterial species and find new sources of novel enzymes.
However, from an industry viewpoint, this research is of no value if Australian society
decides not to condone release of these recombinants for commercial use. Thus a priority
Australian Meat Research Corporation's rumen bacteria manipulation key programme 61
for the MRC programme, once the concept is proven, will be to assess the likely
environmental impact of highly cellulolytic recombinant bacteria, in terms of transfer
to non-target species (feral rabbits, horses, camels and goats, in particular, as well as
native macropods) and of effects on grazing animal intake, and therefore grazing
pressure, on fragile landscapes.
The ultimate decision will be made on the basis of risk assessment, based on an
evaluation of the benefits and risks. Thus comprehensive efficacy data will be essential,
probably across a range of management systems. If the concerns regarding feral animal
competitiveness can be addressed, it seems likely that approval will be granted, given
that the ultimate outcome is similar to the impact of increasing stocking rate, changing
from Bos taurus to B. indicus cattle (with consequently higher survival rates) in tropical
areas or changing from a smaller breed to a larger breed of cattle. In these cases, changes
in grazing management practices have been required to ensure sustainable land use, and
these new practices are being increasingly adopted by Australian pastoralists.
Beard C.E., Hefford M.A., Forster R.J., Sontakke S., Teather R.M. and Gregg K. 1994. A stable
and efficient transformation system for Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens OB156. Current Microbi-
ology (in press).
Gregg K., Rowan A. and Ware C. 1993. Digestion of filter-paper by cellulases cloned from
Ruminococcus albus AR67. In: Shimada K., Hoshino S., Ohmiya K., Sakka K., Kobayashi
Y. and Karita S. (eds), Genetics, Biochemistry and Ecology of Lignocellulase Degradation.
Uni Publishers Co, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 166–172.
Gregg K., Cooper C.L, Schafer D.J., Sharpe H., Beard C.E., Allen G. and Xu J. 1994.
Detoxification of the plant toxin fluoroacetate by a genetically modified rumen bacterium.
Bio/Technology 12:1361–1365.
Lowry J.B., Conlan L.L., Schlink A.C. and McSweeney C.S. 1994. Acid detergent dispersible
lignin in tropical grasses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 65:41–49.
Orpin C.G. and Xue G. 1993. Genetics of fibre degradation in the rumen, particularly in relation
to anaerobic fungi, and its modification by recombinant DNA technology. In: Proceedings
of the XVII International Grassland Congress held in Palmerston North, Hamilton and
Lincoln, New Zealand, 13–16 February 1993. New Zealand Grassland Association, New
Zealand. pp. 1209–1214.
Xue G.P., Orpin C.G., Gobius K.S., Aylward J.H. and Simpson G.D. 1992. Cloning and
expression of multiple cellulase cDNAs from the anaerobic rumen fungus Neocallimastix
patriciarum in E. coli. Journal of General Microbiology 138:1413–1420.
State of art in manipulation
of the rumen microbial
Ruminants and rumen microorganisms
in tropical countries
H. Kudo1, S. Imai2, S. Jalaludin3, K. Fukuta4 and K.-J. Cheng5
1. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Ibaraki, 305 Japan
Present address: National Institute of Animal Industry, Inashikigun, Ibaraki, 305 Japan
2. Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University, Tokyo, 180 Japan
3. Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
4. National Institute of Animal Health, Ibaraki, 305 Japan
5. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Alberta, Canada T1J 4B1
Crop residues and by-products can be utilised for animal production. Some
by-products contain toxic components and may require supplementation or
modification to reduce the toxicity.
Mimosine/DHP poisoning by Leucaena may be reduced by introducing
rumen bacteria that can degrade mimosine and DHP. The comparative study
on ciliate fauna strongly indicated the presence of geographical distribution.
For example, Eudiplodinium giganteum, Eudiplodinium kenyense,
Enoploplastron stokyi, Diplodinium africanum, Diplodinium nanum and
Ostracodinium iwawoi have been found only in Africa. In the percentage
composition of genera, the numbers of Entodinium, which normally pre-
dominate in rumen in other areas, were very low in African ruminants. The
presence of Metadinium ypsilon and Ostracodinium trivesiculatum is char-
acteristic of Malaysian cattle and water buffaloes. The level of Metadinium
and Eudiplodinium, considered to be fermenters of cellulosic materials, was
higher in Malaysian cattle and water buffaloes. Cellulolytic bacteria isolated
from water buffaloes possess a higher ability to degrade cellulose than those
from cattle.
From the viewpoint of rumen microbiology, rumen flora and fauna of
lesser mousedeer (Tragulus javanicus), the smallest ruminant (1.3 to 1.7 kg
at adult size), are unique and very interesting. Fairly large motile bacteria,
similar to Oval and Oscillispira, are present in large numbers, contributing
to a higher microbial mass. The natural occurrence of mono-fauna protozoa
or the total absence of protozoa have also been observed. So far, no fungus
has been detected or isolated from the rumen contents. For the successful
development of rumen microbiology in the field of biotechnology, it is
important to study and include more basic characteristics of rumen micro-
organisms, including some ecosystems which have so far not received
Today’s ruminants receive an increasing variety of feeds. In extreme cases, farmers feed
ruminants like non-ruminant animals, ignoring the fact that they are ruminants, because
of the availability of feed and the adaptability of the animals. As the human population
increases, we produce a greater variety and quantity of waste products which can be
consumed by animals but consequently the land available for both housing and agricul-
ture is reduced. The nutrient energy in most of these by-products is not readily available
and is not sufficient, even for the ruminant digestive system. This is especially the case
for cellulosic materials which have slower rates of digestion because the cellulose is in
a highly organised and complex form, and because this kind of feed generally lacks the
nitrogen necessary to balance the large amounts of available carbon. We are now trying
to manipulate the rate of digestion of various feeds to favour both humans and ruminants.
We are trying to accelerate those rates that are slow, while delaying those with a high
initial rate of nutrient release which can cause digestive disturbances, such as acidosis,
bloat and liver abscesses (Cheng et al 1991). The former objective is more interesting
and more important to tropical countries. Theoretically it is conceivable that up to 90%
of ruminant feed could be made up of by-products which have been modified to improve
In practical terms, the benefits from the successful attainment of the objectives
would be (1) to make underutilised by-products available as ruminant feed, (2) to
improve the digestibility and efficiency of utilisation of these by-products for animal
feed, and (3) to reduce the requirement for hay and animal feed products—thus freeing
land for more valuable crops. In Asia, ruminants are kept by small farmers on a small
scale and the production systems are closely integrated with farming systems. One of
the limiting factors for the expansion of production is the available feed resources, as
under such farming systems the farmers do not have adequate feed resources or the
capacity to increase available feed. Usually agricultural by-products are utilised for
feeding domestic ruminants. Given the present decline in the area available for forage
production, ruminants will have to depend more and more on fibrous residues and
by-products for their energy sources. These by-products still have problems to be
solved and many of them cannot be used without some detoxifying treatments.
However, considering the quantities of the by-products and the fact that tropical
ruminants are better converters of low quality feed into milk and meat (Abdullah 1987),
the by-products are likely to play an important role as potential feed sources in ruminant
Table 2. Ciliate protozoa in the rumen of lesser mousedeer at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.
Total ciliate number 45.5 × 104/ml
Species identified Isotricha jalaludinii
Entodinium simplex
E. dubardi
E. anteronucleatum
E. nanellum
E. convexum
but the total counts are comparable (4.6ÿ×ÿ105/g of rumen contents) to other domestic
ruminants (Imai et al 1995). So far, no fungus has been detected and isolated from the
rumen contents.
but in terms of annual liveweight gain per ha, the highest yield, at 855 kg, was obtained
on mixed grass-Leucaena pasture with a stocking rate of 7.3 animals per ha. The grazing
intensity can be raised to ten animals per ha on fertilised grass pasture, yielding 1100
kg/ha per year, if accompanied by moderate supplementation of concentrate (Jalaludin
et al 1992).
looked. Table 4 shows the mineral composition of PKC. Although few negative papers
regarding PKC as animal feed have been published, the author (H.K.) has observed
abnormalities of rumen flora and fauna of ruminants fed on PKC. Feeding less than
30% PKC showed no effect. Palm oil is the major agricultural industry in Malaysia
and the residues are usually burned. As oil palm bunch ash (OPBA) is strongly alkaline,
Murayama and Zahari (1993) studied OPBA as a correctant for soil acidity. Low
germination rate and abnormal growth were observed in corn grown on OPBA-applied
Rumen protozoa
Tropical countries are known to have a wider diversity of flora and fauna, including
many toxic plants and highly active microorganisms. As it is known that the ciliate
composition varies according to the feeding, geographical distribution and/or physical
condition of the host, ciliate composition has been used as an index of the conditions in
the rumen. However, the classification of these ciliates is not easy when we study
tropical ruminants, because the taxonomy of these ciliates is still inconsistent and
furthermore most reports on rumen ciliates have described only those of the ruminants
in temperate zones. Tropical ruminants have many characteristics and varieties of
Table 5. Fermentation products produced by strains of Fibrobacter succinogenes isolated from steers and
water buffaloes.
Fermentation products (mM)†
Strain Acetate Butyrate Succinate Lactate
Steer Water buffalo Steer Water buffalo Steer Water buffalo Steer Water buffalo Steer Water buffalo
a 112 5.0 10.1 — 1.3 9.2 11.5 — —
Z 116 5.2 7.3 — 0.6 8.7 12.7 — 1.2
b 123 4.9 6.1 — 1.2 8.8 12.6 — 1.1
M 127 5.5 7.1 — 0.6 7.9 11.9 — 1.2
C 126 5.5 5.6 — — 7.7 12.7 — 1.7
A 114 5.0 8.0 — — 7.9 10.2 — 1.7
D 104 5.2 8.1 — — 7.5 11.5 — —
o 121 3.9 7.4 — 1.2 8.7 10.1 — 0.8
O 128 4.8 4.8 — — 7.5 11.1 — 2.8
d 120 4.6 4.4 — — 7.6 12.3 — 1.8
V 107 4.2 7.0 — — 7.9 11.5 — —
Cultures were incubated for five days at 39°C in 10 ml of Scott and Dehority’s medium with 30 mg of Whatman No. 1
cellulose filter paper.
Table 6. Fermentation products produced by strains of Ruminococcus flavefaciens isolated from steers and
water buffaloes.
Fermentation products(mM)†
Strain Acetate Lactate Succinate
Steer Water buffalo Steer Water buffalo Steer Water buffalo Steer Water buffalo
1 102 2.9 6.5 2.2 — 4.5 8.5
2 106 3.4 6.9 2.2 — 4.4 6.8
3 115 2.8 6.2 2.0 2.2 4.4 7.8
4 136 3.3 8.7 2.3 0.6 4.1 9.4
Cultures were incubated for five days at 39°C in 10 ml of Scott and Dehority’s medium with 30 mg of Whatman No. 1
cellulose filter paper.
None of the strains produced ethanol.
to possess cellulolytic activity (Hungate 1978). Thus, the ratio of ciliate genera
obtained in African study may reflect the fact that the zebu cattle examined had been
fed roughage. The very low ratio of Entodinium might indicate the low amount of
starch in the ration since it is known that the entodinia principally utilise starch grains
as their energy source (Abou-Akkada and Howard 1960). When comparing the ciliate
compositions in East African zebu cattle with those in India (Banerjee 1955; Kofoid
and MacLennan 1930, 1932, 1933) and Sri Lanka (Imai 1986; Kofoid and MacLennan
1930, 1932, 1933), a high similarity is found, suggesting a close phylogenetic relation-
ship between East African zebu cattle and Indian zebu cattle (Imai 1988). A similar
relation has been found in the distribution of haemoglobin-beta alleles (Namikawa
Rumen fungi
All the species of rumen fungi so far isolated are capable of fermenting structural
carbohydrates of plant cell walls. Rumen fungi in the rumen also contribute significantly
to the prime function of the rumen, which is the digestion of plant cell walls to provide
fermentation products for the nutrition of the host animal (Orpin and Ho 1991). One of
the characteristics of fungi is their penetration into the plant material. Microscopic study
indicates that the rhizoid penetrates the tissue, colonising the schlerenchyma and
vascular tissues, eventually degrading the schlerenchyma (Ho et al 1988a). The rhizoidal
system attaches to the more recalcitrant vascular tissue, resulting in the fungus remain-
ing attached to this tissue despite the degradation of surrounding cells. In this way, the
fungus remains attached to the tissue and is not washed out of the rumen with the liquid
phase of the rumen contents. Attachment to plant cell walls within the digesta fragments
is, in some species, by way of appressoria (Ho et al 1988b).
Comparison of fungal strains between those from temperate areas and tropical areas
has been difficult, as the practical transportation of fungal strains has not yet been
established. Although we do not yet have a reliable method to determine fungal numbers,
in general, the higher the fibre content of the diet, the is higher the population density
of rumen fungi (Orpin and Ho 1991). It is interesting that as the digestibility decreased
and lignin content increased, fungal populations increased (Orpin 1977).
Microbial attachment
Recent studies have demonstrated that, for the digestion of cellulose (Figures 2 and 3)
and starch, attachment to these insoluble substrates is a pre-condition for both pure
cultures and the natural mixed population if digestion is to proceed. Cellulolytic species
differ in the nature of their attachment to insoluble substrates and in the nature of their
enzymatic attack (Kudo et al 1987b; McAllister et al 1990; Minato and Suto 1978).
When these substrates are placed in the rumen, they attach to substrates very rapidly
(< 15 min). Among the major cellulolytic bacteria in the rumen, F. succinogenes
attaches very closely to the substrate while R. flavefaciens attaches at a small distance
and R. albus remains at a much greater distance. This spatial distribution appears to be
dictated by the width of the glycocalyx structure that these species use to attach to
cellulose but, in all three of these bacterial species, their cellulases reach and digest the
colonised cellulose substrate. Similarly, the digestion of starch is affected by the
structure of the glycocalyx of the amylolytic organisms (Cheng et al 1990a). Amylase
Figure 2. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of Whatman No. 1 filter paper incubated with cellulolytic
bacteria at 39°C for 20 h showing extensive bacterial adhesion to cellulose fibres. (A) Fibrobacter
succinogenes BL 2. Note that grooves (G) have formed as a result of cellulose digestion and that some
deformation of cells is evident. (B) Fibrobacter succinogenes E. Note that the bacterial cells attach avidly
to the fibre and are oriented in the same direction as the cellulose subfibres. (C) Ruminococcus flavefaciens
1. (D) Ruminococcus flavefaciens 2. Note that the extensive secretion of exopolysaccharide glycocalyx
material by these organisms has produced a fibrous network (C and D), arrows seen here after dehydration
during preparation of SEM. (Bars = 5 µm; source: Kudo et al 1987b).
Figure 3. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of bacterial detachment from Whatman No. 1 filter paper.
(A–C) Filter paper was first incubated with cellulolytic bacteria at 39°C for 20 h and then treated with 0.1%
methylcellulose at 39°C for 1 h. These SEM show the very effective detachment of cellulolytic bacteria from
their cellulosic substrata that is caused by methylcellulose. (A) Fibrobacter succinogenes BL2. Note very
regularly formed parallel grooves, as evidence of fibre degradation, and the complete absence of adherent
bacteria. (B) Ruminococcus albus SY3. There is some irregular evidence of digestion, in the form of grooves
or pits, and only a few adherent cells remained. (C) Ruminococcus flavefaciens 1. Note that some cells are
still attached to the fibre by means of fibrous extracellular material that formed a network over the cellulose
surface and that no grooves or pits are formed as a result of digestion. (D) Filter paper was incubated with
cells of Fibrobacter succinogenes at 39°C for 20 h, in the presence of 0.1% (w/v) methylcellulose, and no
bacterial adhesion or evidence of digestion can be seen on the cellulose fibre surfaces. (Bars = 5 µm; source:
Kudo et al 1987b.)
producers adhere to starch but not to cellulose, while cellulose decomposers adhere to
cellulose but not to starch (Minato and Suto 1978). Cheng and Costerton (1980)
postulated that rumen microorganisms can be classified into three groups: (i) microor-
ganisms attaching to the rumen wall; (ii) microorganisms living freely in the rumen;
and (iii) microorganisms attaching to feed particles. In the rumen, as much as 75% of
these microorganisms are attached to feed particles. Microorganisms in the rumen have
a variety of surfaces to which they may attach, and a distinct population of microorgan-
isms adheres to each different surface. From an ecological viewpoint, bacteria with the
ability to attach to feed particles have a great advantage over non-attaching microorgan-
isms, which can flow more quickly from the rumen. In addition to adhesion, ingestion
of feed particles was observed in protozoa (Figure 4). The importance of the adhesion
of microorganisms to substrates suggests that there is a possibility for better feed
efficiency if we can increase the attachment.
Digestive consortia
Pure cultures of cellulolytic bacteria and fungi digest cellulose in vitro but digestion
does not proceed at a similar rate to that seen in the rumen unless consortia are formed
with non-cellulolytic Treponema bryantii, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens and methanogenic
bacteria. Electron microscopy of partly digested plant material shows that consortia of
F. succinogenes, R. flavefaciens and R. albus are in direct contact with the cellulose
fibres, while cells of Treponema species, Butyrivibrio species and methanogenic bac-
teria are more loosely associated. Morphological examination, by electron microscopy,
showed that the cells of T. bryantii associate with the plant cell wall materials in straw,
but that cellulose digestion occurs only when these organisms are present with cellu-
lolytic species such as F. succinogenes. These results show that cellulolytic bacteria
interact with non-cellulolytic Treponema to promote the digestion of cellulosic materials
(Kudo et al 1987a). Recent studies have shown that both protozoa and fungi may be
active members of consortia (Ho et al 1988b; Imai et al 1989; Kudo et al 1990a). We
have recently discovered that mycoplasma tend to be associated with most rumen fungal
cultures (Kudo et al 1990b). We have confirmed that the rumen fungal cultures,
reportedly pure, were also contaminated with these cell wall-deficient bacteria. Thus,
the microbial ecology of the rumen is obviously very complex, including many inter-
actions of microbial species and even though primary cellulolytic organisms may be
present in a system, many other factors may be required to facilitate actual cellulose
The bacteria that comprise the wall-associated biofilm population produce very large
amounts of exopolysaccharide glycocalyx material when grown in culture immediately
after isolation from the rumen (McCowan et al 1980). However, this elaboration of
slimy material was seen to decrease sharply upon subculture and almost entirely after
five to ten subcultures. We have shown the possible mutation of some strains of
Bifidobacterium sp. which lacks extracellular glycocalyx material (Kudo et al 1989a;
Figure 5). This ‘naked’ Bifidobacterium sp. is probably a mutant strain produced and
adapted under laboratory conditions. To generate and maintain a glycocalyx, a bacterial
cell must expend energy, and in the protected environment of pure culture the glyco-
calyx is a metabolically expensive luxury conferring no selective advantage. Cells that
fabricate these elaborate coatings are usually eliminated from pure cultures by un-
coated mutants that can devote more of their energy budget to proliferation. The
bacterial glycocalyx was ignored because the familiar pure laboratory strains do not
need it and therefore do not fabricate it (Costerton et al 1978). Therefore, the ‘naked’
laboratory strains of bacteria have an advantage in laboratory conditions as an energy
saver but not in natural conditions. Another example of mutation in the laboratory is
Streptococcus bovis. On initial isolation the rumen strains of this species are sensitive
to oxygen. Later, this sensitivity diminishes, and the cells grow aerobically (Hungate
Most researchers subculture fungi at five-day intervals. Fresh isolates of fungi
require three-day intervals of subculture if we do not want to lose any of the cultures.
Practically this is difficult and sometimes the subcultures are done at four- to six-day
intervals and we lose the strains. So finally we have the cultures which can survive
Figure 6. Simple isolation method for rumen cellulolytic bacteria. Rumen sample†: Take one part of rumen
fluid and one part of solid contents (preferably taken from the upper one-third of rumen contents), blend for
30 s at low speed, 30 s rest, 30 s at high speed, squeeze through two layers of cheese cloth or gauze and use
as inoculum. Incubation time may vary. If F. succinogenes is desired use Whatman No. 5 or 6 cellulose paper
(crystalline cellulose) and use amorphous (e.g. ball-milled) cellulose for Ruminococcus albus, which cannot
digest crystalline cellulose. Use only solid cellulosic materials in the medium for subculture and never use
soluble carbohydrates (especially glucose) in the medium as these dramatically reduce cellulase a ctivities.
five-day intervals of subculture. Thus, laboratory strains, especially cellulolytic
bacteria, that are currently used have many problems. Therefore, we have developed
a simple isolation method for cellulolytic bacteria using medium enriched with
Whatman cellulose filter paper (the type of the papers should be chosen according to
the target cellulolytic bacteria) as the sole selective substrate (Figure 6). Once
isolated, soluble carbohydrates (especially glucose) should not be used as carbon
sources in the medium as these reduce the enzyme activities.
The author (H.K.) criticised genetic engineering but this does not mean the denial of
biotechnology. We should study and include more basic characteristics of rumen
microorganisms, including ecosystems which have been ignored totally. Genetically
engineered microorganisms from ‘laboratory strains’ might not survive in the rumen if
we introduce them back into the rumen. Even laboratory strains might not survive in
the rumen any more. Generally, in case of aerobic microorganisms, substrates are
utilised effectively towards production of microbial cells and metabolic products are
mostly released as carbon dioxide and water. In contrast, anaerobic bacteria produce
less microbial cells and large amounts of organic materials (ethanol, methane, volatile
fatty acids, non-volatile fatty acids, etc.) are accumulated. Thus, rumen microorganisms
have a potential for practical applications in other industries such as food and fermen-
tation industries, although up to now they and other related microorganisms have not
been used in other areas.
We would like to thank Drs B. Tangendjaja and B. Bakrie, Research Institute for Animal
Production, Bogor, Indonesia for the preparation of rumen fluid adapted to Leucaena.
We are very grateful to Drs N. Abdullah and Y.W. Ho, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia,
Selangor, Malaysia for the cooperative work on rumen microorganisms. Mineral com-
position of PKC was analysed by Dr M. Ivan, Agriculture Canada, Canada, and Dr T.
Kawashima, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Japan. A
part of the work was conducted under the joint project of ‘the improvement of the
productivity of tropical ruminants’ between Japan International Research Center for
Agricultural Sciences (formerly called Tropical Agriculture Research Center), Japan,
Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Malaysia and Agriculture Canada, Canada. We are
grateful to the Department of Protected Wild Life and National Park, Malaysia for
permission to capture and export mousedeer to Japan and to the Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries, Japan for the permission to import mousedeer.
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An important role for ruminal anaerobic
fungi in the voluntary intake of poor
quality forages by ruminants
G.L.R. Gordon1, C.S. McSweeney2 and M.W. Phillips1
1.ÿDivision ofAnimalProduction
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Prospect, Sydney, New South Wales 2148, Australia
2.ÿDivision of Tropical Animal Production
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Long Pocket, Brisbane, Queensland 4068, Australia
Anaerobic fungi are prevalent in the rumen of grazing ruminants where they
are closely associated with plant particles. An important role for these unusual
microorganisms in ruminant nutrition has been proposed over the course of the
past decade or so. The significance of this role was based largely on in vitro
studies of anaerobic fungi. However, there was very little direct evidence from
studies with animals to support this position until recently. It is now known that
anaerobic fungi make a significant contribution to the intake of poor quality
pasture. There may also be a contribution to forage digestion in the rumen,
although much of the fermentation of structural polysaccharides in the rumen
is attributed to anaerobic bacteria, either alone or in association with ciliate
protozoa. Fungal populations in the rumen are known to be limited by a low
sulphur content of both rough pastures and poor quality crop residues. Where
appropriate, fertilisation of the growing pasture with sulphur improves the
sulphur content of feed which subsequently is eaten in greater quantities by
ruminants with ruminal populations of anaerobic fungi returned to ‘normal’.
Alternatively, supplementing the feed with a suitable sulphur compound is also
effective in improving the voluntary intake of digestible feed both with crop
residues and harvested rough pastures. In addition, considerable potential exists
for the selection and intra-ruminal inoculation of superior strains of anaerobic
fungi obtained from either domesticated or wild herbivorous mammals. These
possible mechanisms for improving forage intake by ruminants grazing rough
pastures through the manipulation of anaerobic fungi in the rumen have
implications for ruminant production in Africa.
Anaerobic chytridiomycete fungi have been known to be a component of the rumen
microbiota for 20 years (Orpin 1975). Together with the anaerobic bacteria and ciliate
92 G.L.R. Gordon, C.S. McSweeney and M.W. Phillips
protozoa, they are responsible for the production of hydrolytic enzymes which degrade
dietary polysaccharides and other carbohydrates and the fermentation of the resulting
monosaccharides. An important role for anaerobic fungi in the rumen has long been
proposed (Akin et al 1983; Bauchop 1979; Orpin 1977). Until recently, there was little
or no direct evidence for the magnitude of the contribution made by anaerobic fungi to
digestion in the rumen. However, it is now known that anaerobic fungi are extremely
important for the voluntary feed intake of poor quality, mature herbage by sheep
(Gordon and Phillips 1993).
In our paper we present some of the evidence which supports this conclusion and
discuss some of the possible reasons for it. Also, we consider some ways in which the
benefits obtainable from anaerobic fungi could be harnessed in domesticated ruminants
in semi-arid regions of Africa. There are a number of recent reviews (Fonty and Joblin
1991; Li and Heath 1993; Teunissen and Op Den Camp 1993; Trinci et al 1994; Wubah
et al 1993) which should be consulted for detailed information on the biology of
anaerobic fungi.
Table 1. The effect of the removal of anaerobic fungi from the rumen of sheep fed on a straw-based diet and
the subsequent reinoculation of a Neocallimastix sp. into the rumen on voluntary feed intake, feed digestion,
rumen parameters and microbial populations.
part a result of increased fungal numbers with their associated degradative activity
against plant fibre.
ruminal population of Change due to S addition
S in feed† S added to of fungi after S Voluntary Digestible
Low S feed (g S/kg OM) diet as: addition OM intake OM intake Reference
Digitaria pentzii 0.8–1.1 fertiliser presumed +40% +31% Rees et al (1982)
(grass hay) on pastur known +36% ND Akin and Hogan (1983)
methionine known +11% ND Gordon (1985)
sulphur presumed +6% –4% Rees et al (1982)
Wheat straw 0.7 methionine known +6% +23% Gulati et al (1985)
(alkali-treated) sulphate known +7% +16% Weston et al (1988)
Heteropogon contortus 0.5 sulphate known +75% +96% Morrison et al (1990)
(speargrass hay)
OM: organic matter; ND: no data.
S content of diets increases to 1.3-1.7 g S/kg OM after either fertilisation of the pasture or use of supplement to diet.
96 G.L.R. Gordon, C.S. McSweeney and M.W. Phillips
for anaerobic fungi. However, a sulphur supplement which is either specific for
anaerobic fungi in the rumen or relatively so is still to be discovered.
Table 3. Growth of several strains of ruminal fungi in the presence of condensed tannins (CT) purified from
Calliandra calothyrsus (C.S. McSweeney, unpublished data). Growth was strong (+++), moderate (++),
weak (+), or absent (–) compared with controls that lacked free CT or CT-protein complexes.
rumen for intestinal digestion. Therefore some rumen anaerobic fungi have been screened
for their tolerance to tannin and their ability to utilise protein from tannin-protein
complexes. Condensed tannin from the shrub legume Calliandra calothyrsus was solvent
extracted, purified by gel chromatography (Terrill et al 1990) and used as a model tannin
in the screening procedure. Calliandra CT was included in media which lacked protein
so that tolerance to free CT could be tested. Stable complexes of Calliandra CT and bovine
serum albumin were prepared in acidic buffer and dried before addition to media to
examine the ability of fungi to utilise the complexed protein (Table 3). Neocallimastix
patriciarum appeared to grow better in the presence of free CT compared with two other
related species and Piromyces communis and Caecomyces communis. All three Neocalli-
mastix spp. grew when nitrogen was present only as a CT-protein complex while growth
of the other fungal genera was inhibited under these conditions.
There have been a large number of studies on the biology of anaerobic fungi, some of
which have dealt with the contribution, both as measured and as perceived, that is made
by these unusual microorganisms to the availability of nutrients for the host animal.
Some of the essential features of these studies have been given in the present paper.
From these studies, it is apparent that anaerobic fungi are extremely important to
ruminants that are consuming diets of poor-quality, mature herbage through the mechan-
ism of increasing the voluntary intake of feed. This influence of ruminal fungi is most
apparent when additional sulphur is added to tropical pasture grasses that have a low
content of sulphur. The high lignocellulose content of tropical grasses (Wilson 1994)
together with the relatively high tolerance of anaerobic fungi to plant phenolics may be
determining factors in the effectiveness of these microorganisms. Therefore, a consider-
able potential exists for the manipulation of fungal numbers and activity in the rumen
to benefit the utilisation of poor-quality herbage by domesticated ruminants (cattle,
goats, sheep, buffalo and camels) in the semi-arid regions of Africa and other continents
for the improved production of milk, meat, hair, wool and hide.
98 G.L.R. Gordon, C.S. McSweeney and M.W. Phillips
Akin D.E. 1987. Association of rumen fungi with various forage grasses. Animal Feed Science
and Technology 16:273–285.
Akin D.E. and Borneman W.S. 1990. Role of rumen fungi in fibre degradation. Journal of Dairy
Science 73:3023–3032.
Akin D.E. and Hogan J.P. 1983. Sulfur fertilization and rumen microbial degradation of cell
walls in Digitaria pentzii Stent. Crop Science 23:851–858.
Akin D.E. and Rigsby L.L. 1985. Influence of phenolic acids on rumen fungi. Agronomy Journal
Akin D.E., Gordon G.L.R. and Hogan J.P. 1983. Rumen bacterial and fungal degradation of Digitaria
pentzii grown with or without sulfur. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 46:738–748.
Akin D.E., Lyon C.E., Windham W.R. and Rigsby L.L. 1989. Physical degradation of lignified
stem tissues by ruminal fungi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 55:611–616.
Bauchop T. 1979. Rumen anaerobic fungi of sheep and cattle. Applied and Environmental
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Bernard-Vailh‚ M.A., Besle J.M. and Dor‚ J. 1995. Transformation of 14C-lignin-labeled cell
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limastix frontalis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61:379–381.
Bird S.H. 1989. Production from ciliate-free ruminants. In: Nolan J.V., Leng R.A. and Demeyer
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Bonnemoy F., Fonty G., Michel V. and Gouet P. 1993. Effect of anaerobic fungi on the ruminal
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Borneman W.S., Hartley R.D., Morrison W.H., Akin D.E. and Ljungdahl L.G. 1990. Feruloyl
and p-coumaroyl esterase from anaerobic fungi in relation to plant cell wall degradation.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 33:345–351.
Faichney G.J., Brownlee A.G., Gordon G.L.R., Phillips M.W. and Welch R.J. 1991. Contribution
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Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia 16:209.
Fonty G. and Joblin K.N. 1991. Rumen anaerobic fungi: their role and interaction with other
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R. (eds), Physiological Aspects of Digestion and Metabolism in Ruminants. Proceedings of
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Gordon G.L.R. 1985. The potential for manipulation of rumen fungi. In: Leng R.A., Barker
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Gordon G.L.R. 1987. Degradation of 14C-labelled lignocelluloses by rumen anaerobic fungi.
In: Rose M. (ed), Herbivore Nutrition Research. Australian Society for Animal Production,
Brisbane, Australia, pp. 115–116.
Gordon G.L.R. 1990. Selection of anaerobic fungi for better fibre degradation in the rumen. In: Akin
D.E., Ljungdahl L.G., Wilson J.R. and Harris P.J. (eds), Microbial and Plant Opportunities to
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Gordon G.L.R. and Phillips M.W. 1989a. Degradation and utilization of cellulose and straw by
three different anaerobic fungi from the ovine rumen. Applied and Environmental Microbi-
ology 55:1703–1710.
Important role for ruminal anaerobic fungi in voluntary intake of poor quality forages 99
Gordon G.L.R. and Phillips M.W. 1989b. Comparative fermentation properties of anaerobic
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Gordon G.L.R. and Phillips M.W. 1993. Removal of anaerobic fungi from the rumen of sheep
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Gordon G.L.R., Akin D.E. and Hogan J.P. 1984. Rumen anaerobic fungi in sheep fed methionine
supplemented Digitaria pentzii hay. In: Baker S.K., Gawthorne J.M., Mackintosh J.B. and
Purser D.B. (eds), Ruminant Physiology—Concepts and Consequences. University of West-
ern Australia, Perth, Australia, p. 174.
Gordon G.L.R., Gulati S.K. and Ashes J.R. 1983. Influence of low-sulphur straw on anaerobic
fungal numbers in a sheep rumen. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia 8:188.
Gulati S.K., Ashes J.R. and Gordon G.L.R. 1990. Comparative digestibility of sulphur amino
acids in rumen bacteria and fungal proteins by sheep. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
of Australia 15:128–131.
Gulati S.K., Ashes J.R., Gordon G.L.R. and Phillips M.W. 1985. Possible contribution of rumen
fungi to fibre digestion in sheep. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia 10:96.
Gulati S.K., Ashes J.R., Gordon G.L.R., Connell P.J. and Rogers P.L. 1989. Nutritional
availability of amino acids from the rumen anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix sp. LM1 in
sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science 113:383–387.
Hsu J.T., Fahey G.C., Merchen N.R. and Mackie R.I. 1991. Effects of defaunation and various
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Journal of Animal Science 69:1279–1289.
Kemp P., Jordan D.J. and Orpin C.G. 1985. The free- and protein-amino acids of the rumen
phycomycete fungi Neocallimastix frontalis and Piromonas communis. Journal of Agricul-
tural Science 105:523–526.
Li J.L. and Heath I.B. 1993. Chytridiomycetous gut fungi, oft overlooked contributors to
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Lowry J.B., Sumpter E.A., McSweeney C.S., Schlink A.C. and Bowden B. 1993. Phenolic acids
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McAllister T.A., Bae H.D., Yanke L.J., Cheng K.J. and Muir A. 1994. Effect of condensed
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Millard P., Gordon A.H., Richardson A.J. and Chesson A. 1987. Reduced ruminal degradation
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Rumen fungi in domestic and wild herbivores
J. Kope¹ ný
Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Prague 10, Uh ín ves, 104 00, Czech Republic
Anaerobic fungi play an important role in fibre degradation in herbivorous
animals. Therefore, 35 fungal strains were isolated from the digestion tract
of domestic ruminants (3 species) and 86 strains from wild herbivores kept
in Czech zoos (29 species). In total 44 herbivorous animal species were
tested. Some of the isolated fungal strains were tested for cellulolytic,
hemicellulolytic and pectinolytic activities. Pectinolytic activity was studied
in detail. In addition to the pectin lyase described, pectate lyase and poly-
galacturonase activities were found in some isolates. No pectin esterase was
detected in any isolate tested. Generally, relatively few of the isolates (ca.
20%) were able to degrade pectin to any extent.
Development of the fungal population may be limited in the rumen
ecosystem. A negative effect of ruminococci has been reported (Stewart et al
1992). We found another inhibiting—an action of chitinolytic bacteria in the
rumen. These bacteria can reduce fungal growth and fungal cellulose degra-
dation in pure cultures. Their highest effect was observed in presence of
Caecomyces. Positive interactions of fungi with rumen bacteria have been
studied. In the presence of intermediate-utilising (Megasphaera elsdenii and
Eubacterium limosum) bacteria, the polycentric rumen fungus Orpinomyces
joyonii A4 was able to increase cellulose degradation and biomass produc-
tion. There was a shift in the fermentation pattern too. Systematics of rumen
fungi is based on spore and mycelium morphology. Unfortunately, the shape
of mycelium and sporangium is dependent on growth conditions. An attempt
to distinguish different genera by their DNA fingerprints was made. DNA
fingerprints of three fungi were tested. In our view, analysis of genetic
information is the only reliable approach to rumen fungal systematics.
Anaerobic fungi represent a special group of microorganisms inhabiting the rumen
ecosystem and possess a life cycle alternating between a motile reproductive flagel-
lated form (zoospore) and a non-motile vegetative form (thallus). The history of their
discovery is interesting. The motile form was first observed in 1912 in the fresh water
crustacean Cyclops stenuus and Callimastix cyclopis was described as a parasitic
polyflagellate protozoan by Weissenberg (1912). The next year a very similar organism
was observed by Braune (1913) in the rumen of sheep and was described as a
104 J. KopeÝ ný
Callimastix frontalis. In the mid-1960s, it was found that Callimastix cyclops had a
cell ultrastructure similar to fungi and the species was transferred to chytrid fungi in
the Blastocladiales (Vavra and Joyon 1966). The rumen ‘Callimastix’ species remained
in Protozoa in a new genus, Neocallimastix, with Neocallimastix frontalis as the type
species. In 1975, Orpin described the life cycle of N. frontalis consisting of motile and
non-motile stages. The genus was transferred to fungal class Chytridiomycetes (Heath
et al 1983). On the basis of the zoospore ultrastructural characteristics, a new family,
Neocallimasticaceae (Barr 1988), was established, now with six subdivisions of the
monocentric Neocallimastix
and polycentric Orpinomyces
The most important feature of these fungi is their plant fibre degrading ability. They
are attracted to fibre which they degrade and expose plant material to bacterial attack.
All isolates produce cellulases and hemicellulases. In very few isolates is either of these
activities suppressed (our observation). The fibrolytic activity produced by pure strains
of rumen fungi is in generally comparable or higher than the fibrolytic activity of pure
cultures of rumen bacteria (Orpin and Joblin 1988; Wood et al 1986). Fungi colonise
even lignified cell walls which are not attacked by rumen bacteria (Akin and Rigsby
1987). This is probably facilitated by their high activity of p-coumaroyl- and feruloyl-
esterases (Borneman et al 1992).
This study focuses on the occurrence of anaerobic fungi in the digestive tract of
different herbivorous animals, their hydrolytic properties and on interactions with other
rumen microbes with the aim of increasing their importance in rumen fermentation.
Cultivation methods
Rumen bacteria and fungi were grown anaerobically at 38°C in 100 ml flasks with
butyl-rubber stoppers in modified medium M10 (Caldwell and Bryant 1966). Medium
was enriched with 0.1% (v/v) vitamin mixture (pyridoxine 200 mg, riboflavin 200 mg,
thiamine 200 mg, nicotine amide 200 mg, pantothenic acid 200 mg, p-aminobenzoic
acid 1 mg, biotin 0.5 mg, cobalamin 0.5 mg in 100 ml of water), 0.1% (v/v)
microminerals (NiCl2, 25.3 mg; H3BO3, 33.3 mg; Na2MoO4.2H2O, 50 mg;
FeSO4.7H2O, 1.1 mg; MnSO4.4H2O 50, mg; ZnSO4.7H2O, 50 mg; CuSO4.5H2O,25.3
mg; CoCl2.6H2O, 25.3; EDTA, 10 mg; KAl(SO4)2.12H2O, 10 mg; NaOH, 5.06 g in
100 ml H2O, pH 7), 20% (v/v) clarified rumen fluid and 4 g of substrate (chitin, glucose,
microcrystalline cellulose, amorphous cellulose or cellobiose instead of a mix of
glucose, cellobiose and starch). Medium was boiled and after cooling 0.5 g of cysteine
and 4 g of Na2CO3 was added (Holdeman et al 1977). Reduced medium was transferred
into flasks in an oxygen-free atmosphere (70% N2, 25% CO2, 5% H2) and autoclaved.
Total counts
Anaerobic bacterial counts were estimated on PYG medium with 15% rumen fluid under
anaerobic conditions.
Analytical methods
Volatile fatty acids (VFA) were determined by gas chromatography after diethylether
extraction on a column of DB-Wax Megabore (J and W, USA). Succinate was estimated
on the same column but after esterification with methanol and extraction with chloro-
form. Ethanol was measured directly by GLC on a column with 10% SP1200 with 1%
phosphoric acid on Chromosorb WAW. Formate was estimated colorimetrically (Sleat and
Mah 1984). Lactate was oxidised to acetaldehyde and measured in microdiffusion cham-
bers (Marounek and Bartos 1987). Protein concentration was measured according to
Lowry et al (1951) and Herbert et al (1971).
Table 1. Occurrence of anaerobic fungi in rumen fluid of domestic and wild animals.
the year and even within one animal species individuals did not bear the same types of
fungal strains. Some unknown types of anaerobic fungi were observed and we are sure
there exist several undescribed species. Such a wide spectrum of fungi was not observed
in other animals kept in a zoo (Teunissen et al 1991).
Metabolic tests were done with some isolated fungi (Table 3). Only alditols, mannose,
sucrose and inulin were of diagnostic importance. Fibrolytic enzymes were measured
in most isolates. The range of activities varies up to three orders (Table 4). Since
extracellular β-xylosidase and β-glucosidase activity were not measured in many
samples we did not include the results in Table 4. However, these enzymes were always
detected in the medium. The most important is the activity of cellulases and hemicellu-
lases. The efficiency of the cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic complex is so high that the
fungi are able to degrade soft wood (Joblin and Naylor 1989).
tion products except formate were greater with glucose as growth substrate. No meas-
urable amount of methanol was detected in any media tested.
Pectinase activities found in intracellular and extracellular fractions of Neocalli-
mastix sp. H15, JL3, OC and O. joyonii A4 are given in Table 6. In all strains the highest
Rumen fungi in domestic and wild herbivores 109
N. frontalis C. communis O. joyonii
Substrate OC H15 JL2 JL3 CB3 G1 B1 ZU4 JB1 SC2 M8 B5 A4 A1
Glucose + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Amygdalin N + + + + + ? – – + + + – +
Galactose – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Rhamnose N – + + ? + – – – – – – ? +
Dulcitol N – + + ? ? – – – ? – ? – +
Sorbitol N – + + – – + – – – + – – +
Cellobiose + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Lactose N + + + + + + + – + N ? + +
Mannose N – – – + + + + – – – – – –
Sucrose + – + + – ? – + – – + – + +
Xylose + + – + + + + + + + + + + +
Arabinose – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Xylan + + – – + – – – – + + + + +
Hemicellulose N + + + + + + + – + + + + +
Maltose + + + + + + + + – + + – + +
Starch + – + + + – – + – + + – + +
Pectin + + – + – + – + – – – – + +
Fructose + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Inulin + + + – – – – + – – – – + +
Source of fungal strains: Sheep H15; OC; SC2; Bison ZU4; Red deer JB1; JL2; JL3; Mouflon M8; Cattle B1; B5; CB3;
Camel A1; A4 Goat G1.
activities observed were intracellular pectin lyase (EC and polygalacturonase
(EC Enhanced polygalacturonase activities were recorded when EDTA
replaced CaCl2 in the assay, indicating the absence of catalytic requirements for
divalent ions (Table 7). The pH optima of these enzymes were tested in intracellular
and extracellular fractions (Table 8). All extracellular polygalacturonases had a pH
optimum at pH 6.0, except in strain H15 which had another peak at pH 7.5. On the
contrary, in intracellular fraction this enzyme possess other optima beside the main
one at pH 6. These data are in agreement with observations reported by Collmer at al
Our pectinolytic isolates also produced pectate lyase (EC In comparison with
the two enzymes mentioned above, the level of this activity was lower in the intracellular
fraction (Table 2). No detectable pectinesterase (EC was observed (data not
shown). Several species of bacteria and protozoa are responsible for the degradation
and fermentation of pectin in the rumen (Orpin 1984; Szymanski 1981). These microbes
produce mainly exo-polygalacturonase, endo- and exo-pectate lyase and pectin esterase
110 J. KopeÝ ný
Table 4. Range of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic activities of anaerobic fungi from wild herbivores.
Activity— g hexose or pentose/h per ml
Enzyme Substrate Intracellular Extracellular
CBH MC 42–942 31–280
EG CMC 63–1360 16–293
β-GLU PNP-β-1,4-glu 561–5107 ND
XYL Xylan 10–1465 157–1360
β-XYL PNP-β-1,4-xyl 738–9450 ND
ND: not determined.
(Paster and Canale-Parola 1985). Contrary to the former findings of Phillips (1989),
extracellular pectinase activity was observed in mono- and polycentric rumen fungi
(Gordon and Phillips 1991). The predominant pectinolytic activity in the monocentric
fungus Neocallimastix sp. was represented by an endoacting pectin lyase with pH
optimum at 8.0 (Gordon and Phillips 1992). We found that this enzyme was located
mainly in the intracellular fungal fraction. The mixture of pectin degrading enzymes
(pectin and pectate lyase and polygalacturonase) should be able to degrade natural
pectins in a cooperative manner in the absence of pectin esterase (Tsuyumu and
Rumen fungi in domestic and wild herbivores 111
Table 6. Activity of enzymes involved in pectin degradation produced by rumen fungi grown on pectin.
Fungal strains
Fractions A4 OC H15 JL3
Extracellular 6.0 6.0 6.0, 7.5 6.0
Intracellular 6.0, 8.1 5.05, 6.0 6.0, 8.1 6.5, 8.55
Activity was estimated with 100 mM phosphate-citrate buffer in range of pH 3–7.9 and with 100 mM borate buffer from
pH 8.1–9.0.
Miyamoto 1986). Thus the results of this study confirmed the possibility of complex
utilisation of pectin and pectin-like substances by anaerobic fungi. Nevertheless, the
determination of the activity of specific pectic enzymes in crude pectolytic preparations
is considerably complicated by the partial suppression of the activity value due to
simultaneous effect of these enzymes on the same substrate. There is still a need for a
more detailed description of isolated pectic enzymes produced by anaerobic rumen
112 J. KopeÝ ný
General features
G ± straight to curved rods
spores oval and terminal, often released
gelatin not hydrolysed, catalase and lipase negative
Table 12. Activity of chitinolytic enzymes in culture medium of Cl. tertium ChK5.
Cell walls of anaerobic fungi represent a substrate for chitinase that is normally present
in the rumen. A lot of chitinase activity is produced by fungi themselves. It is necessary
to maintain hyphal growth and branching in fungi. Therefore, the effect of the
chitinolytic bacterium on rumen fungi was studied.
The polycentric fungus Orpinomyces joyonii A4 was cultured on microcrystalline
cellulose. SCFA production was measured for 10 days (Figure 1). Exponential growth
of the fungus was observed up to the fifth day of incubation. Strain Cl. tertium ChK5
was inoculated at different stages of the fungal culture and cultivated for five more days
(Figure 1). In co-cultures SCFA production was decreased. The inhibitory effect was
related to the time of Cl. tertium inoculation. The sooner the chitinolytic strain was
added the bigger the decrease of SCFA that was found.
In the same experiments chitinolytic activity in the medium and cell fraction was
measured. Addition of Cl. tertium to the fungal culture decreased total chitinolytic
activity (Figure 2). Cellulolytic activity was decreased in a similar manner (data not
114 J. KopeÝ ný
A4 + ChK5
48 ChK5 inoculation
mmol SCFA/I
0 2 4 6 8 10
Incubation (days)
Figure 1. The effect of Cl. tertium ChK5 on SCFA production in co-culture with O. Joyonii A4 grown on
microcrystalline cellulose. Fungus was grown alone (solid line) and Clostridium was added at different
intervals (broken line).
A4 + ChK5
ChK5 inoculation
Activity of endochitinase
0 2 4 6 8 10
Incubation (days)
Figure 2. The effect of Cl. tertium ChK5 on total endochitinase activity in co-culture with O. joyonii A4
grown on microcrystalline cellulose. Fungus was grown alone (solid line) and Clostridium was added at
different intervals (broken line).
of fermentation pattern toward more acetate and butyrate. The shift was similar to changes
observed with monocentric fungi (Bernalier et al 1993). Since the utilisation of hydrogen by
E. limosum is repressed in the presence of glucose (Genthner and Bryant 1987), cellulolysis
in our case would be enhanced mainly by consumption of free glucose by the bacterium.
Utilisation of formate by E. limosum might have some effect as well (Loubière et al 1992).
Although the strain did not grow on formate as a sole source of energy, it was able to utilise
it in presence of other ATP-generating mechanisms (Loubière et al 1987). Formate is used
for acetate and butyrate production (Genthner et al 1981). Utilisation of lactate by E. limosum
for the production of butyrate is in agreement with results of Loubière et al (1992). The
decrease in ethanol concentration in co-culture could be caused by bacterial degradation
(Genthner et al 1981) or by lower fungal production.
The association of the fungus strain A4 with M. elsdenii led to a greater extent of
cellulose degradation in comparison with O. joyonii plus E. limosum co-culture. M.
elsdenii L2 is a ruminal species with a nutritional strategy based on the utilisation of
lactate and glucose. Increases in butyrate and caproate production associated with the
disappearance of acetate allowed us to assume that the main substrate utilised by strain
L2 was glucose. This assumption is supported by the findings of Forsberg (1978) that
acetate was essential for growth of M. elsdenii in the presence of glucose but not in the
presence of lactate. The conversion of acetate to butyrate and caproate is an energy
116 J. KopeÝ ný
Table 13. Cellulose degradation and fermentation product patterns of O. joyonii alone and in co-cultures
with E. limosum and M. elsdenii grown on microcrystalline cellulose.
O. joyonii + O. joyonii +
O. joyonii E. limosum M. elsdenii
Cellulose degraded in glucose units
% 77.07 ± 1.05 85.03 ± 0.33 87.19 ± 0.61
mmol l–1 44.60 ± 0.60a 46.31 ± 0.18b 47.47 ± 0.33b
Unfermented oligosaccharides (mmol glucose units.l–1)
Glucose 6.53 ± 0.56a 0.93 ± 0.86b 1.62 ± 0.07b
Cellodextrins 9.77 ± 1.14a 3.16 ± 0.56b 2.60 ± 0.67b
consuming reaction in which the acetate serves as an electron sink (Hino et al 1991).
Acetate alone never supported growth of our strain without glucose.
M. elsdenii utilises lactate via the acrylate pathway (Ladd and Walker 1965). This
metabolic pathway is associated with ATP production because propionate is the main
end-product of lactate fermentation. In contrast, in our co-culture with the fungus,
valerate but not propionate production was observed.
Mixed cultures had a stimulating effect on specific biomass production. Co-culture
with M. elsdenii was more efficient (Ycellulose = 64.9 g dry matter (mol glucose)–1 than
with E. limosum (Ycellulose = 55.3 g dry matter (mol glucose)–1 in specific production
of total dry matter. The yield of the fungus alone was Ycellulose = 52.3 g dry matter (mol
Rumen fungi in domestic and wild herbivores 117
glucose)–1. Carbon recovery higher than 100% was probably due to utilisation of
compounds from the rumen fluid.
Microbial interactions in the rumen are highly complex. Any type of improvement in
cellulose degradation will lead to a higher efficiency of anaerobic fermentation in the
rumen. Detailed studies on microbial interactions with more microbial species and more
substrates will be necessary for a better understanding of this type of fermentation.
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Factors limiting proliferation of desirable
groups of bacteria in the rumen of animals
fed poor quality feeds of high fibre content
N.O. van Gylswyk
Department of Animal Nutrition and Management
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Kungsängen Research Centre, S-753 23 Uppsala, Sweden
Animal production in Africa is very reliant on natural pastures as well as on
other plant material often of poor quality. The role of fibre-digesting flora in
the rumen of animals feeding on such material is particularly important in
releasing fermentable carbohydrate both for themselves and other microbes.
The nutritional requirements of the important fibre-digesting bacteria is
examined and related to deficiencies in poor quality feeds. Low protein
content implies deficiencies of ruminal ammonia and branched chain volatile
fatty acids (BC-VFA) essential for the cellulolytic bacteria. The fate and
possible role of the BC-VFA is considered. An additional factor contributed
by protein and favouring fibre digestion is reduced sulphur. Methionine and
peptides are of importance in stimulating certain hemicellulolytic bacteria.
Foremost among mineral deficiencies on such poor feeds are those related
to phosphorus and sodium. The major cellulose-digesting bacteria, as well
as others, have absolute requirements for a range of vitamins. Low concen-
trations of these in the rumen could limit fibre digestion but little is known
about this. The results of two experiments with sheep on the effects of
supplementing low-protein hays with urea and BC-VFA are summarised. In
one of these the numbers and types of cellulolytic bacteria were determined
and their relation to fibre digestion in the rumen and animal performance is
discussed. Mechanisms for the ‘protein-sparing’ action of readily ferment-
able carbohydrate are also considered.
In many parts of Africa natural grazing is often the most important or even the sole
source of nutrition for ruminants. Where available, cereal straws or stubble are often
also used as well as any type of plant material (shrubs and trees) including crop residues.
For large parts of the year the grazing can be dry and of very poor quality, characterised
by high fibre content of low digestibility and very low protein content. Such material
cannot maintain the condition of ruminants. In periods of drought even this material is
in short supply. The purpose of this paper is to look at some ways by which such low
122 N.O. van Gylswyk
quality material has been upgraded and attempt to relate the results to the rumen ecology,
particularly the rumen bacteria.
Table 1. Some characteristics of important rumen bacterial species active in digesting cellulose (C) and
hemicellulose (H).
Type Main
of fibre fermentation
Species digested products Comments
Fibrobacter C, H Acetate, Can not utilise pentose released
succinogenes succinate. from H. Ferments glucose but few
other carbohydrates.
Ruminococcus C, H Acetate, Most strains do not utilise pentose.
flavefaciens succinate, Some strains may ferment glucose
hydrogen. and a few other sugars.
Ruminococcus C, H Formate Strains may or may not ferment
albus acetate, glucose and a few other sugars.
ethanol, Many strains (perhaps 30%) are not
hydrogen. cellulolytic. These ferment many sugars.
Butyrivibrio C, H or Formate, Most strains non-cellulolytic.
fibrisolvens H alone (acetate), Approx. 5% are weakly cellulolytic.
butyrate, Many carbohydrates fermented.
lactate. Proteolytic.
Eubacterium C Formate, Many sugars are fermented.
cellulosolvens butyrate,
Prevotella H Acetate, Many sugars are fermented.
ruminicola propionate, Proteolytic.
All the species listed ferment cellobiose. These and many non-cellulolytic rumen
bacteria can ferment soluble and even poorly soluble hydrolysis products of cellulose
(Russel 1985), thus demonstrating the reliance of the non-fibre digesting bacteria on
fibrolytic ones. Fibrobacter succinogenes and the ruminococci are considered to be the
most active in cellulose digestion. The hemicellulolytic activity of F. succinogenes and
Ruminococcus flavefaciens appears to be directed mainly towards exposing cellulose
through removal of hemicellulose because the mono- and oligosaccharides of this fibre
component cannot be utilised by these bacteria and are available for others. In particular,
Factors limiting proliferation of desirable bacteria in the rumen 123
Table 2. Branched and straight chain volatile fatty acids required by the actively cellulolytic rumen bacteria
(Bryant and Doetsch 1954; Wegner and Foster 1963).
5 to 8 carb.
2-Methyl- 2-Ketoiso- straight chain
Species Isobutyrate butyrate Isovalerate valerate (e.g. n-valerate)
Fibrobacter + or + – – +
Ruminococcus + – or + – –
Ruminococcus + or + or + or + –
Protein is rapidly broken down in the rumen to amino acids and peptides and it was
shown (El-Shazly 1952; Menahan and Schultz 1963) that the BC-VFA originated from
the BC amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine after deamination or, more usually,
deamination followed by decarboxylation. n-Valeric acid may be derived by deamina-
tion of γ-aminovaleric acid which is probably formed by means of a Stickland-type
reaction involving alanine and proline. n-Valeric acid is also produced by Eubacterium
cellulosolvens (Table 1) as a product of carbohydrate fermentation.
The cellulolytic bacteria incorporate the straight and BC-VFA mainly into n-C13 to
n-C17 straight and BC fatty acids and aldehydes as part of the lipid component of
bacterial cells (Allison et al 1962; Wegner and Foster 1963). Only in the case of R.
flavefaciens are significant amounts of BC-VFA used in amino acid synthesis (Allison
and Byrant 1963). However, the total ruminal flora tends to incorporate BC-VFA
predominantly into the corresponding BC amino acids (Allison and Byrant 1963). It has
been suggested (D. Palmquist, personal communication) that the long BC acids and
aldehydes lend fluidity to the lipids of the cellulolytic rumen bacteria as is the case for
unsaturated long chain straight acids in aerobic organisms. In the rumen and other
anaerobic environments there is a strong tendency towards saturation of double C bonds
due to reducing conditions (Harfoot and Hazlewood 1988). The special need for
fluidity in the lipids of the cellulolytic bacteria could indicate that it is concerned with
cellulolysis, perhaps in the transport of the large molecules of cellulolytic enzymes
124 N.O. van Gylswyk
Feeding experiments
Hemsley and Moir (1963) conducted experiments with sheep. Milled oat hay (0.7% N)
was supplemented as shown in Table 4 which also gives some of the results. The addition
of BC-VFA increased intake and digestion of the hay over that obtained by supplement-
ing only with urea. In another experiment with sheep (van Gylswyk 1970) a poor quality
teff hay (0.5% N) resulted in increased intake on supplementation with 3% urea and a
further increase occurred when BC-VFA were added (Table 5). With the latter diet the
sheep often ate the complete ration and intake was therefore restricted. This part of the
experiment was subsequently repeated with unrestricted intake. It showed that the
urea/VFA supplement raised the quality of the hay to achieve more than maintenance.
Numbers and types of cellulolytic bacteria were determined and these are shown in
Table 6.
Factors limiting proliferation of desirable bacteria in the rumen 125
Table 4. Effects of supplementing a low protein oat hay with urea and other additions when fed to sheep .
The number of cellulolytic and total culturable bacteria did not change when the hay
was supplemented with urea. However, the increased rate of passage of feed particles
plus bacteria would mean that the bacteria had grown more rapidly and cellulolytic
activity increased to account for greater digestibility (Table 5). Further addition of a
BC-VFA mixture increased the numbers of both cellulolytic and non-cellulolytic bac-
teria. The percentage of cellulolytic bacteria remained the same indicating the depen-
dance of the total bacterial flora on the activity of the fibre-digesting ones. Together the
ruminococci were the predominant cellulolytic species on all three diets followed by B.
fibrisolvens and E. cellulosolvens. The proportion of ruminococci increased with
supplementation of urea and even more so when the VFA were included. Unfortunately
the method used for the primary culture of cellulolytic bacteria was not suitable for the
growth of F. succinogenes. It is most likely that this species was an important component
of the cellulolytic population because poor quality roughages such as wheat straw
(Byrant and Burkey 1953) and maize straw (van Gylswyk and van der Toorn 1986) fed
to cows and sheep, respectively, support rumen populations containing several-fold
more F. succinogenes than ruminococci.
In vitro experiments
Hemsley and Moir (1963) found that molasses and sucrose could partly replace
BC-VFA. Other workers also found that even small amounts of easily fermented
carbohydrate such as starch, added to poor quality roughage, could enhance its utilisa-
tion. It was suggested (Brüggemann and Giesecke 1967) that lysis of bacteria not
requiring BC-VFA could release BC amino acids which are broken down to BC acids.
Evidence of this was obtained in vitro when Ruminobacter amylophilus grew in a simple
medium containing starch (Miura et al 1980). After growth had ceased, BC-amino acids
were released. When it was co-cultured with the amino acid-dependent Megasphaera
126 N.O. van Gylswyk
Table 5. Effects of supplementing low protein teff hay with urea and a mixture of branched and straight
chain VFA when fed to sheep.
elsdenii in a similar medium, also containing glucose, the BC-amino acids were
converted to BC-VFA required for the growth of R. albus. A small amount of starch in
medium containing glucose and cellobiose gave successive growth of the three species
(when mixed) in the order R. amylophilus, M. elsdenii and R. albus. A second type of
mechanism was also demonstrated (Stevenson 1978). A range of pure cultures of
different rumen bacteria were grown separately in medium containing glucose, cello-
biose, starch and (NH4)2SO4. All strains excreted amino acids during active growth.
The BC amino acid, valine, was generally excreted in relatively large amounts. These
two mechanisms could explain the BC-VFA-sparing action of starch or other readily
fermentable materials added to poor quality roughages. It would, of course, also be a
protein-sparing action. However, protein is a source of peptides and the growth of the
important hemicellulolytic bacterium, P. ruminicola, as well as others, is stimulated by
these. Furthermore, protein is a source of reduced sulfur.
Table 6. Mean counts and proportions (%) of cellulolytic bacteria in the rumen of sheep fed low protein teff
hay supplemented with urea and a mixture of branched and straight chain VFA.
Vitamins may be limiting for growth of bacteria in the rumen (van Gylswyk et al 1992).
Pure cultures of six species of common rumen bacteria were grown separately in
filter-sterilised rumen fluid from cows and sheep fed good diets. Glucose was the only
added energy source. Parallel cultures were grown with yeast extract as the only other
additive. It was found that P. ruminicola, the most abundant species in the rumen of
Factors limiting proliferation of desirable bacteria in the rumen 127
animals from which rumen fluid was taken, grew almost as rapidly in rumen fluid free
of yeast extract as in that containing yeast extract. B. fibrisolvens, the second most
numerous bacterium, grew more rapidly with yeast extract than without but at a greater
rate than species occurring in much lower numbers in the rumen. Growth stimulating
factors were only slowly released from ruminal microbes and feed particles. P. rumini-
cola appears to have low or no requirements for vitamins. A B. fibrisolvens strain was
subsequently found to be stimulated by pyridoxine and folic acid and peptides when
grown in rumen fluid containing glucose (Wejdemar 1994). It is considered possible
that the vitamin supply in the rumen is one of the factors that regulate the proportions
of different species in the rumen. The possibility of bloating when vitamins, together
with other nutrients, are in plentiful supply was examined recently (van Gylswyk 1994).
In the animal experiments cited above, mineral supplements were provided, but low
quality roughages are usually deficient in minerals for rumen bacteria. Recently, the
effects of P, Ca and Mg concentrations on the growth of F. succinogenes and R.
flavefaciens were examined (Komisarczuk-Bony et al 1994). Concentrations below 15
mg/l for P and 5 mg/l for Mg reduced growth and cellulose degradation by R.
flavefaciens while the corresponding concentrations for F. succinogenes were 5 mg/l
and close to zero, respectively. The response to Ca concentrations was similar for both
species with inhibitions below 1 mg/l. While the Ca content of a straw was adequate
for optimal degradation by F. succinogenes, the P content was so low that dry matter
digestibility was decreased appreciably (>25%). These results suggest that the prolif-
eration of F. succinogenes is favoured more than that of R. flavefaciens in the rumen
of animals feeding on poor quality hay or straw; at least with respect to P and Mg. P.
ruminicola subsp. ruminicola, which possesses cytochromes, will require Fe. This
element is unlikely to be lacking in roughages as all plant material contains cyto-
chromes. Although the iron content of rumen fluid is low it is also quite constant. As
mentioned earlier the Na content of such diets could also limit growth and cellulose
degradation by rumen bacteria. The intake of soil will contribute to the alleviation of
mineral deficiencies.
Allison M.J. and Bryant M.P. 1963. Biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids from branched-
chain fatty acids by rumen bacteria. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 101:269.
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fatty acids and aldehydes. Journal of Bacteriology 83:1084.
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Federation Proceedings 32:1809.
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El-Shazly K. 1952. Degradation of protein in the rumen of sheep. 1. Some volatile fatty acids,
including branched-chain isomers, found in vivo. Biochemical Journal 51:640.
van Gylswyk N.O. 1970. The effect of supplementing a low-protein hay on the cellulolytic
bacteria in the rumen of sheep and on the digestibility of cellulose and hemicellulose. Journal
of Agricultural Science (Cambridge) 74:169.
van Gylswyk N.O. 1994. Aspects of the supply of nutrients to bacteria in the rumen. In:
El-Shazly K. (ed), Manipulation of Rumen Microorganisms. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Manipulation of Rumen Microorganisms, September 1992. Department of
Animal Production, Alexandria University, Egypt. pp. 90–97.
van Gylswyk N.O. and van der Toorn J.J.T.K. 1986. Enumeration of Bacteroides succinogenes
in the rumen of sheep fed maize-straw diets. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 38:205.
van Gylswyk N.O., Wejdemar K. and Kulander K. 1992. Comparative growth rates of various
rumen bacteria in clarified rumen fluid from cows and sheep fed different diets. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 58:99.
Harfoot C.G. and Hazlewood G.P. 1988. Lipid metabolism in the rumen. In: Hobson P.N. (ed),
The Rumen Microbial Ecosystem. Elsevier Applied Science, London, UK. pp. 285–322.
Hemsley J.A. and Moir R.J. 1963. The influence of higher volatile fatty acids on the intake of
urea-supplemented low quality cereal hay by sheep. Australian Journal of Agricultural
Research 14:509.
Hungate R.E. 1966. The Rumen and its Microbes. Academic Press, New York, USA. 533 pp.
Komisarczuk-Bony S., Fonty G. and Durand M. 1994. Effects of mineral deficiencies on growth
and solid degradative activity of two ruminal cellulolytic bacteria: Fibrobacter succinogenes
and Ruminococcus flavefaciens. Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology 3:158.
van der Linden Y., van Gylswyk N.O. and Schwartz H.M. 1984. Influence of supplementation
of corn stover with corn grain on the fibrolytic bacteria in the rumen of sheep and their
relation to the intake and digestion of fibre. Journal of Animal Science 59:772.
Mackie R.I. and Therion J.J. 1984. Influence of mineral interactions on growth efficiency of
rumen bacteria. In: Gilchrist F.M.C. and Mackie R.I. (eds), Herbivore Nutrition in the
Subtropics and Tropics. The Science Press, Craighall, South Africa. pp. 455–477.
McDowell L.R., Conrad J.H. and Ellis G.L. 1984. Mineral deficiencies and imbalances, and
their diagnosis. In: Gilchrist F.M.C. and Mackie R.I. (eds), Herbivore Nutrition in the
Subtropics and Tropics. The Science Press, Craighall, South Africa. pp. 67–88.
Menahan L.A. and Schultz L.H. 1963. Effect of leucine and valine administration on volatile
fatty acids. Journal of Dairy Science 46:640.
Miura H., Horiguchi M. and Matsumoto T. 1980. Nutritional interdependence among rumen
bacteria, Bacteroides amylophilus, Megasphaera elsdenii and Ruminococcus albus. Applied
and Environmental Microbiology 40:294.
Pittman K.A. and Bryant M.P. 1964. Peptides and other nitrogen sources for growth of
Bacteroides ruminicola. Journal of Bacteriology 88:401.
Factors limiting proliferation of desirable bacteria in the rumen 129
As competition in the livestock industry increases, producers are actively
seeking technological advances through which to increase their production
efficiency. Supplementation of diets of non-ruminant animals with fibrolytic
enzymes, such as cellulases, xylanases and β-glucanases, increases their feed
conversion efficiency and growth rate. These enzymes enhance the release
of sugars from plant cell wall polymers, thereby increasing their availability
to the animal and eliminating some of their naturally occurring anti-nutri-
tional effects. Recent research indicates that enzyme supplementation can
also produce similar improvements in ruminant production, even though the
rumen microbial population is known to produce an extensive array of potent
endogenous fibrolytic enzymes. Widespread adoption of this promising
technology has been hampered in the past by the cost and inconvenience of
enzyme production and delivery. However, over the last decade, advances in
recombinant DNA technology have significantly improved microbial pro-
duction systems. In addition, the rumen has been recognised as a rich,
alternative source of genes for industrially useful enzymes and novel strate-
gies are being developed for effective delivery of these gene products. Thus,
the biotechnological framework is in place to achieve substantial improve-
ments in animal production through enzyme supplementation.
There is a growing trend in the non-ruminant livestock industry to supplement diets with
fibrolytic enzymes. Amending rations with cellulases and/or xylanases increases the
feed efficiency of livestock. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and xylan to simple
sugars (e.g. glucose and xylose) provides the non-ruminant animal with carbon sources
that are normally not made available by intestinal enzymes. Furthermore, enzymes
eliminate certain forms of these polymers (e.g. arabinoxylan, found in wheat and rye;
β-glucan, in barley and oats) that may have deleterious effects on nutrient absorption
and promote intestinal disturbances by pathogenic enteric microorganisms.
132 L.B. Selinger, K.-J. Cheng, L.J. Yanke, H.D. Bae, T.A. McAllister and C.W. Forsberg
Feed enzymes
Some commonly ensiled plants (e.g. grasses and, in particular, alfalfa) are low in soluble
carbohydrate and therefore often ensile poorly. The inclusion of cellulase and endoxy-
lanase enzyme mixtures from a variety of fungi or bacteria during ensiling increases the
amount of free soluble carbohydrate available for fermentation (van Vuuren et al 1989).
Consequently, conversion of carbohydrate to lactic acid is more extensive, resulting in
a lower pH in enzyme-treated silage as compared to untreated silage (Chen et al 1994;
Selmer-Olsen et al 1993). In some instances, enzyme treatment has increased the intake
(DM basis) of silage by dairy cows and improved milk production, but these responses
are less pronounced for cereal silages (Chen et al 1994) or silages with a high dry matter
content (Fredeen and McQueen 1993). Enzyme treatment of grass silages has increased
(Jacobs et al 1992), decreased (Jacobs and McAllan 1991) and had no effect (Jacobs
and McAllan 1992) on the apparent whole-tract digestibility of organic matter. In a
single study, different enzyme preparations were found to increase and decrease the
digestibility of organic matter in sheep (Chamberlain and Robertson 1989). These
inconsistencies emphasise the need for more precise definitions of enzyme preparations
and of the forage properties for which a given enzyme treatment is most likely to elicit
a positive response in animal performance.
growth rates by 5 to 17% (Campbell and Bedford 1992; Classen et al 1991; Marquardt
et al 1987; Rotter et al 1987). Protein sources such as oilseed meals (e.g. canola meal,
soybean meal), commonly incorporated into these rations, contain substantial amounts
of non-starch polysaccharides. The addition of cell-wall digesting enzymes to canola-
based diets for poultry increases the digestibility of non-starch polysaccharides from 3
to 37% (Slominski and Campbell 1990). The benefits of enzyme supplementation on
growth performance of swine are more variable with improvements in average daily
gain ranging from 0 to 15% (Inborr 1990). This variability can be partially attributed to
the age of the pigs, since in older pigs (> 15 weeks) considerable degradation of
mixed-link β-glucans by the ileal microflora and greater endogenous enzyme secretions
may negate the beneficial effect of enzyme supplements on digestion (Johnson et al
The mechanisms by which glucanases and xylanases enhance animal performance
have been elucidated. Barley and oats contain mixed-linkage (1→3,1→4)-b D-glucans
as a major constituent of the endosperm cell wall whereas the endosperm cell walls of
rye and wheat are rich in arabinoxylans (Pettersson and Aman 1989). During digestion
these polymers are released from cereal cell walls, become hydrated and dramatically
increase the viscosity of the digesta. An increase in viscosity impairs the activity of
digestive enzymes, reduces digestive flow and nutrient absorption and contributes to
the formation of ‘sticky’ faeces which is especially problematic in poultry operations,
as it adheres avidly to feathers and to eggs (Classen et al 1988, 1991; Pettersson and
Aman 1989).
Small quantities of purified β-glucanase (Edney et al 1989) and/or endoxylanase
(GrootWassink et al 1989) in poultry diets cleaves these polymers and lowers the
viscosity of the digesta (Almirall et al 1993; Hesselman and Aman 1986; Pettersson and
Aman 1989; Rotter et al 1990). The associated improvements in nutrient utilisation and
decreases in digestive upset reduces the need for antibiotics in poultry and swine diets
(Inborr 1990; Johnson et al 1993).
The addition of microbial phytase to poultry feed increases phosphorus availability
by more than 60% and reduces phosphorus in the droppings by 50%, resulting in
significant increases both in growth rate and feed conversion (Simons et al 1990).
Similarly, the addition of phytase to diets for growing pigs increases the apparent
digestibility of phosphorus by 24–53% and lowers the amount of phosphorus in the
faeces by 35% (Ketaren et al 1993; Simons et al 1990). The inclusion of phytase in the
diet induces hydrolysis of plant phytate (inositol hexaphosphate), releasing dietary
phosphate in the gastrointestinal tract. Phytate constitutes approximately 1 to 2%
(wt/wt) of cereals and oil seeds, and phosphorus as phytate accounts for 60 to 90% of
the total phosphorus present in cereal diets (Cheryan 1980; Swick 1991). Phytate is a
strong chelating agent and binds with proteins and minerals, reducing the bioavailabil-
ity of these nutrients in feeds (Erdman 1979; Cheryan 1980). Consequently, supple-
mentation of poultry and swine diets with phytase not only improves phosphorus
retention, but often enhances the digestion of dry matter and crude protein, and the
utilisation of calcium and zinc (Lei et al 1993; Mroz et al 1994; Zyla and Koreleski
134 L.B. Selinger, K.-J. Cheng, L.J. Yanke, H.D. Bae, T.A. McAllister and C.W. Forsberg
Ruminant diets
In the 1960s, several studies were conducted to examine the efficacy of adding enzyme
preparations to diets for ruminants (Burroughs et al 1960; Clark et al 1961; Perry et al
1966; Rovics and Ely 1962). Clark et al (1961) found that enzyme supplementation
improved average daily gains by as much as 20%. However, responses to enzyme
preparations were inconsistent (Perry et al 1966; Rust et al 1965; Theurer et al 1963),
possibly because of differences in diet composition, method of enzyme application and
the stability and activity of the enzyme preparations.
Improvements in fermentation technology and the biotechnological development of
more defined enzyme preparations have prompted a renewed interest in the use of
enzymes in ruminant diets. More recent studies have attempted to define the conditions
in a given feed that are most likely to result in a favourable animal response to enzyme
supplementation (Feng et al 1992a, 1992b; Judkins and Stobart 1988). Factors such as
substrate specificity of the enzymes, moisture level of the feed, the time required for
enzyme-substrate interaction and temperature at time of treatment are all likely to
influence the extent to which enzymes enhance the utilisation of feeds by ruminants.
The binding of enzymes to their appropriate substrates is an absolute prerequisite for
the digestion of plant cell walls in the rumen (McAllister et al 1994). It follows, then,
that treatment methods enabling adequate interaction between enzyme and substrate
prior to feeding are most likely to improve animal performance.
In light of the exceptional fibre-digesting capacity of the rumen, it is difficult to
explain why pretreatment of forages with fibrolytic enzymes prior to consumption
would further improve the utilisation of these feeds by ruminants. The enhanced
degradation in enzyme-treated forages may be related to the increase in passage rate
and reduction in the retention time of forage particles in the rumen of cattle as observed
by Feng et al (1992b). Scanning electron microscopy has shown that the surface of
plant cell walls is occasionally colonised by a single bacterial morphotype (Cheng et
al 1981, 1984). Complete digestion of plant cell walls, however, requires an array of
enzymes and therefore a single morphotype may not produce the diversity of enzymes
required to effect complete cell wall digestion. Furthermore, these primary colonisers
may limit the access of complementary bacteria to the surface of the plant cell walls.
Under such circumstances, prior treatment of forages may contribute to the digestive
process the precise enzymes which would otherwise be limiting the rate and/or extent
of plant cell wall digestion. Ultimately, enzyme cocktails should be designed to
overcome the specific constraints limiting digestion of a particular type of forage.
Component enzymes in such cocktails might vary even for a given forage, targeting
particular maturity levels or dry matter concentrations. Developments in biotechnol-
ogy make it feasible to engineer such enzyme cocktails for xylanase and β-glucanase,
but the technology for specific production of many of the other enzymes (e.g. ferulic
acid esterase, acetylxylan esterase, arabinofuranosidase) required for cell wall diges-
tion is lacking. In the short term, then, improvements in ruminant performance arising
from enzyme treatment of forages will most likely be the result of treatment of the
forage with broad spectrum crude enzyme extracts from cellulolytic microorganisms
(e.g. Aspergillus spp., Trichoderma reesei).
Exploitation of rumen microbial enzymes to benefit animal production 135
Silage inoculants
The cost and inconvenience of adding enzymes prior to the ensiling of forages low in
carbohydrates could be avoided if the bacterial species in the inoculant were also
capable of producing the enzymes required to release soluble sugars from plant cell
walls. However, attempts at isolating such microorganisms have proven unsuccessful,
and as a result attempts have been made to develop genetically engineered strains of
lactobacilli which produce fibrolytic enzymes. Genetically modified Lactobacillus
strains have now been developed which express cellulase and xylanase genes isolated
from other organisms (Baik and Pack 1990; Bates et al 1989; Scheirlinck et al 1989,
1990) and which have, in at least one case, been shown to exhibit competitive growth
in silage (Sharp et al 1992). Furthermore, those researchers observed that pM25, a pSA3
derivative containing a Clostridium thermocellum cellulase gene, was maintained at
high levels by the rifampin-resistant host cells (by 100% of host cells when pM25 was
present as a chromosomally integrated element and by 85% when present as an
autonomously replicating plasmid element). We have observed similar stabilities of
recombinant plasmids when modified Lactobacillus plantarum constructs were applied
to the forage during the ensiling of alfalfa. Plasmid constructs pSAG (pSA3::Bacillus
subtilis endoglucanase gene) and pSAX (pSA3::B. circulans xylanase) were found to
persist in 83% and 62% of rifampin-resistant L. plantarum cells, respectively.
Persistence of newly developed recombinant lactobacilli beyond their target environ-
ments is an important, but under-studied phenomenon. In a single study, Sharp et al
(1994) demonstrated the rapid loss of both unmodified and recombinant L. plantarum
silage inoculants from the rumen. Elimination of these strains was attributed to predation
by protozoa and other undefined factors (e.g. turnover rate, cell death). These findings
are also relevant to the use of these genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) as
Exploitation of rumen microbial enzymes to benefit animal production 137
probiotic feed additives, in which case it is essential that they establish and persist in
the gastrointestinal tract. Factors influencing environmental persistence must be iden-
tified and taken into consideration during selection of microbial strains for genetic
Two major drawbacks of plasmid constructs are their instability in the absence of
antibiotic selective pressure and environmental concerns arising from the potential for
horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes carried on plasmids. Consequently,
methods have been sought to integrate recombinant genetic material into the L. plan-
tarum chromosome. Progress in this direction was achieved when the pSA3 plasmid
was integrated into the L. plantarum chromosome (Rixon et al 1990; Sharp et al 1992),
but inclusion of the erythromycin resistance gene was still of environmental concern.
Another method, more suitable for GEMs destined for environmental release, permits
the integration of select DNA fragments into the chromosome through a two-step
procedure involving gene inactivation and replacement (Biswas et al 1993; Hols et al
1994). In the first step, the entire plasmid construct is forced to integrate, via homolo-
gous recombination, into a predetermined locus. The process is completed by select
recombinational events between tandemly repeated elements which result in the loss of
the vector and maintenance of the desired gene.
A number of researchers (Baik and Pack 1990; Bates et al 1989; Scheirlinck et al
1989, 1990; Sharp et al 1992) have reported the introduction of cellulase and xylanase
genes into L. plantarum, but the development of efficacious recombinant silage inocu-
lants has been hampered by low levels of heterologous gene expression (Hols et al 1994;
Oosting et al 1995). The construction of hybrid genes, consisting of homologous
expression-secretion signals fused with the structural component(s) of heterologous
genes encoding fibrolytic enzymes, may provide an improvement in the levels of gene
expression. Hols et al (1994) demonstrated the effectiveness of this technique by
isolating promoter signal sequence regions from L. plantarum and using them to drive
expression and secretion of foreign amylase and levanase genes in L. plantarum. The
heterologous expression of levanase enabled the modified L. plantarum isolates to
utilise inulin as a carbon source. Future research employing recently developed ad-
vances in gene expression and integration technology should lead to the development
of genetically modified Lactobacillus strains as silage inoculants.
Probiotics have been defined by Fuller (1989) as live microbial feed supplements
which benefit the host animal by improving the intestinal microbial balance. Bacteria
commonly fed to domestic animals as probiotics include L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus,
L. plantarum, L. casei, Enterococcus faecium and other enterococcal species (Jones
Lactobacillus spp. are naturally occurring inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract,
especially of poultry, but their role in the ecology of the tract is not well understood
(Fuller 1989; Juven et al 1991). L. acidophilus is the most common lactic acid-producing
bacterium colonising the epithelial surfaces of the gastrointestinal tract. Its beneficial
effects are thought to be exerted in a number of ways, including the secretion of
138 L.B. Selinger, K.-J. Cheng, L.J. Yanke, H.D. Bae, T.A. McAllister and C.W. Forsberg
Whitehead and Hespell (1989) cloned an endoxylanase gene from the hemicellu-
lolytic ruminal bacterium B. ruminicola 23 and, using the vector pVAL-l, subsequently
introduced it into B. fragilis and B. uniformis, where enzyme activity was increased
dramatically (Whitehead and Hespell 1990). Endoxylanase activities of the newly
constructed xylanolytic strains were up to 50 times higher than that measured in B.
ruminicola grown on xylan. The xylanase gene has since been integrated into the
chromosomal chondroitin lyase II gene of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron to obtain
stable endoxylanase production in the absence of selective agents (Whitehead et al
1991). The activity of the enzyme in B. thetaiotamicron was still 17 times higher than
that produced by B. ruminicola 23, and was stable when the modified B. thetaiotami-
cron was grown in a carbon-limited chemostat culture for over 60 generations.
Introduction of the new strain into the rumen to increase xylan degradation was
proposed, but it remains to be determined whether or not the genetically modified
organism will persist in sufficiently high numbers to substantially increase hemicellu-
lose digestion, especially since B. thetaiotaomicron is not a naturally occurring species
in the rumen. Animal trials with this novel GEM will provide preliminary information
on its persistence in the rumen and its contribution to ruminal fibre digestion.
Many shrubs and trees native to Australia accumulate monofluoroacetate in their
shoots and are therefore poisonous to domestic livestock (Gregg and Sharpe 1991;
Gregg et al 1994; Jones and Megarrity 1986). Jones and Megarrity (1986) attempted
to detoxify fluoroacetate by introducing bacteria capable of degrading the toxin into
the rumen. An unsuccessful search for microbes indigenous to the rumen and capable
of detoxifying fluoroacetate prompted the introduction of this phenotype into B.
fibrisolvens (Gregg et al 1994). A transcriptional fusion between the fluoroacetate
dehalogenase gene from Moraxella sp. strain B and the erm promoter from pAMβ1
was ligated to pBHerm (Beard et al 1995), a B. fibrisolvens/E. coli shuttle vector. B.
fibrisolvens OB156 isolates carrying the dehalogenase expression plasmid (pBHf)
were able to detoxify fluoroacetate in vitro and, under non-selective conditions, pBHf
was maintained for up to 500 generations. It was estimated that at the level of
dehalogenase expression observed in B. fibrisolvens OB156 (pBHf), toxin protection
for the ruminant would be provided if B. fibrisolvens OB156 (pBHf) cells were present
in the rumen at 106 to 107 cells/mL (Gregg et al 1994). The stability and dehalogenase
activity of B. fibrisolvens OB156 (pBHf) in vivo has yet to be tested. Attempts are
under way to introduce the gene into a number of bacteria from the rumen and improve
gene expression, to increase theoretical maximum dehalogenase activity levels in
preparation for whole animal ruminal inoculation trials (Gregg et al 1994).
In the rumen microbiology laboratory at the Lethbridge Research Centre, B. fibrisolvens
has also been selected as a host for heterologous gene expression. As a naturally occurring,
ubiquitous resident in the rumen, this bacterium is an ideal candidate for the introduction
of new genetic information to the ruminal environment. Our preliminary experiments were
successful in the introduction and expression of a S. bovis amylase gene in B. fibrisolvens
H17c (Clark 1994; Clark et al 1992, 1995). The amylase gene was cloned onto an E. coli/B.
fibrisolvens shuttle vector, and the resulting construct (pUBLRSA) was introduced into
B. fibrisolvens H17c by electroporation. Expression of the S. bovis amylase was detected
140 L.B. Selinger, K.-J. Cheng, L.J. Yanke, H.D. Bae, T.A. McAllister and C.W. Forsberg
Transgenic plants
Recent advances in plant biotechnology may revolutionise the commercial enzyme
industry by offering alternative, cost-effective methods of enzyme production and
delivery. Large quantities of plant biomass can be produced inexpensively through the
use of existing agricultural infrastructure. Expression of enzymes in plant species
commonly used for animal feed will minimise downstream processing as the whole or
parts of the producing plants are fed directly to livestock. The expression of a xylanase
in tobacco plants has been reported (Herbers et al 1995), as has the expression of a
phytase in tobacco and soybean (Pen 1994; Pen et al 1993; Russell 1994).
Herbers et al (1995) achieved the constitutive expression of a truncated Clostridium
thermocellum xynZ gene (Grepinet et al 1988) encoding a thermostable, high specificity
xylanase in tobacco via the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The
proteinase inhibitor II signal sequence was used to target the xylanase into the apoplastic
space. C. thermocellum truncated XynZ comprised up to 4.1% of the total protein in
leaf extracts and 50% of the apoplastic proteins. The thermal stability of XynZ was
exploited to achieve a 31-fold purification through a 20 min, 60°C incubation.
In similar experiments, transgenic tobacco plants were made to express phytase
encoded by the Aspergillus niger phyA gene (van Hartingsveldt et al 1993; Pen 1994;
Pen et al 1993). Constitutive expression was driven by the CaMV 35S promoter and
targeted for the apoplast using the tobacco PR-S signal sequence. In the seeds of
transgenic tobacco plants, the expressed A. niger phytase comprised 1% of total soluble
protein. Feeding trials demonstrated that transgenic tobacco seeds were as effective at
promoting growth of broilers as was a commercial A. niger phytase product or inorganic
phosphorus (Pen 1994).
At the Lethbridge Research Centre, we are combining the utility of plant expression
systems with superior fibrolytic enzymes produced by ruminal fungal isolates. In
collaboration with researchers at the University of Calgary, we have constructed oleosin
(oil body membrane protein)-N. patriciarum xylanase gene fusions in preparation for
Agrobacterium-mediated transfer of the xylanase gene to canola. A number of peptides,
including β-glucuronidase from E. coli, hirudin and interleukin 1-β (amino acids
163–171), have already been expressed in this way (van Rooijen 1993; van Rooijen and
Moloney 1994). Yields of recombinant protein (in excess of 1% of total seed protein)
at significantly reduced cost are possible with this system.
In addition to providing an efficient alternative to traditional microbial systems,
transgenic plants offer the added advantage of a safe and stable formulation system in the
Exploitation of rumen microbial enzymes to benefit animal production 141
form of seeds (Pen 1994). Recombinant enzymes were stable in seeds stored for up to one
year at 4°C and room temperature (Pen et al 1993; van Rooijen and Moloney 1994).
Transgenic animals
Technological developments enabling introduction of genetic material into domestic
animals (Briskin et al 1991; Ward et al 1989) have validated the concept of direct
expression of these glucanases and xylanases in the animal itself as an option to adding
microbial enzymes to the feed. To be of benefit to the animal, the enzymes should be
expressed in the appropriate tissue, secreted into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract,
resistant to proteases, and active in environmental conditions (e.g. pH, temperature,
osmolarity) prevailing in the lumen (Forsberg et al 1993; Hall et al 1993).
Expression of fibrolytic enzymes in a non-ruminant animal was first demonstrated
by Hall et al (1993). A truncated endoglucanase E gene from Clostridium thermocellum,
under the control of the elastase I gene promoter, was expressed in the exocrine pancreas
of transgenic mice. Carboxymethylcellulase activity was detectable in small intestinal
contents, demonstrating that the recombinant enzyme was secreted from the pancreas.
Work is under way to develop transgenic mice in our laboratories as well. Twenty genes
have been screened for their suitability for introduction into non-ruminant animals. To
date, gene fusions of three selected genes with the elastase I gene or amylase amy 2.2
gene promoters have been constructed. The obvious potential of this approach is a
powerful incentive for continued efforts in this field of research.
The potential for improvement of the efficiency of non-ruminant and ruminant livestock
feed utilisation by enzyme supplementation is widely recognised. However, the cost of
this technology has inhibited its widespread application in the industry. Reducing the
cost of feed enzymes through improved enzymes and more efficient production systems
is the focus of much research in this area. Microbial isolates from the rumen produce a
wide array of enzymes and comprise an immense and under-utilised gene pool. As
exploration of this enzymological and genetic resource progresses from domestic
ruminants to those adapted for survival in diverse habitats worldwide, the isolation of
even more potent enzymes is certain. The technology required for practical and safe
modification and application of these powerful agents is in place.
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Applied and Environmental Microbiology 55:2095–2097.
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additives on feed intake and milk production of dairy cows. In: Mayne C.S. (ed), Silage for
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Clostridium paraputrificum var. Ruminantium:
colonisation and degradation of shrimp
carapaces in vitro observed by scanning
electron microscopy
M.A. Cobos1 and M.T. Yokoyama2
1. Programa de Ganaderia, Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Edo. de México, 56230
2. Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824.
Previously a spore-forming bacterium identified as Clostridium paraputri-
ficum var. ruminantium was isolated from the rumen of dairy cows. Compared
with other clostridial species in the rumen, this bacterium is unable to degrade
cellulose, but rapidly degrades chitin, shrimp carapace and crab shell waste
meal. The present study was undertaken to characterise the morphology of C.
paraputrificum var. ruminantium and to improve our understanding of the
process of shrimp carapace degradation by this bacterium using scanning
electron microscopy. Bacteria growing on shrimp carapace showed vegetative
cells 3 to 5 µm in length with rounded ends. Cells with terminal spores were
larger, averaging 7.3 µm in length. The spores were prominent between 1 to 2
µm in length and 0.7 to 1 µm in width. Filamentous forms were observed only
when the substrate had been depleted. Incubation of C. paraputrificum var.
ruminantium with pieces of shrimp carapace was characterised by three major
events. First, colonisation and growth was only observed on the inner surface
of the shrimp carapace. This activity was observed within the first 3 h after
incubation and extended through 24 h of incubation. Between 24 and 72 h of
incubation, bacterial growth was characterised by the degradation of the
different multiple layers of chitin that comprise the shrimp carapace to finally
reach the outer surface. After 96 h of incubation, when the shrimp carapace had
been almost totally degraded, the bacteria entered a death phase and latency,
marked by the predominance of free spores and lysed bacteria. Since chitin
degradation is initiated only after bacterial attachment occurs, a study of factors
that influence this adhesion may result in more efficient use of chitinous waste
as a feedstuff for ruminants.
Shellfish waste is the generic name used to describe the by-products generated by the
fishing industry after meat extraction from marine crustaceans such as crab, shrimp, lobster
152 M.A. Cobos and M.T. Yokoyama
and prawn, and freshwater crustaceans such as crawfish. Shellfish waste consists of shells,
viscera and unextracted meat. Most of the shellfish waste, which approximates 85% of
the fresh catch, is largely disposed of by its return to the environment either on landfill
sites or by direct return to the sea and presents an environmental pollution problem.
A potential use of large quantities of shellfish waste is as a feed for livestock. For
example, shrimp carapaces dry matter contains in excess of 37% crude protein (Husby
et al 1981). The main limitation of shrimp carapaces as a feedstuff is its chitin content
(21% of DM), which cannot be efficiently digested by most productive animals.
However, ruminant animals, because of the symbiotic microorganisms living in their
rumen, are considered better adapted than non-ruminants to assimilate the nutrients
contained in shellfish waste.
The potential of chitinous waste as a feed for ruminants relies on the capacity of some
ruminal microorganisms to degrade chitin (Brundage et al 1981, 1984; Laflamme 1988;
Velez et al 1991), but the ruminal microorganisms involved in chitin degradation have
never been isolated and identified.
Recently, a spore-forming bacterium was isolated from the rumen of dairy cows
(Cobos and Yokoyama 1993). The clostridial isolate was classified as C. paraputrificum,
with 99% confidence, using the RapID II ANA system. However, at least 50 different
strains of this Clostridium have been isolated from very diverse environments such as
from soil, marine sediments, human infant faeces, and porcine, avian and bovine faeces
(Cato et al 1986). Therefore, we proposed that the ruminal strain isolated be designated
C. paraputrificum var. ruminantium. The metabolic profile of the clostridial isolate
indicates that this bacteria is highly specialised for chitin utilisation. It is unable to
degrade cellulose, a common characteristic of other clostridial species isolated from the
rumen of cattle and sheep such as C. polysaccharolyticum (van Gylswyk et al 1980), C.
chartatabidum (Kelly et al 1987) and C. longisporum (Varel 1989).
Although the intimate association of the bacterium with chitin suggested that it
attaches to chitin before degradation, similar to the attachment of other bacteria to
cellulose and starch, little was known about the actual process.
Table 1. Composition of the chitin medium used for growing C. paraputificum var. ruminantium.
Chitin medium
Item (per 100 ml)
Deionised water 51.6 ml
Clarified ruminal liquid† 30.0 ml
Sodium carbonate 8% solution 5.0 ml
Mineral solution 1‡ 5.0 ml
Mineral solution 2§ 5.0 ml
Cystein-sulfide solution ¶ 2.0 ml
Resazurin 0.1% solution 0.1 ml
Trypticase-peptone (LLB)® 0.2 g
Yeast extract (LLB)® 0.1 g
Chitin (Sigma) 1.0 g
Fresh ruminal fluid previously filtered through a cheese cloth is centrifuged at 23,420 g for 15 min at 4°C, autoclaved
20 min at 15 psi-121°C.
Contains (per 1000 ml) K2HPO4, 6.0 g.
Contains (per 1000 ml) KH2PO4, 6.0 g; (NH4)2SO4, 6 g; NaCl, 12 g; MgSO4, 2.45 g; and CaCl° 2 H2O, 1.6 g (Bryant
and Robinson 1962).
2.5 g L-cysteine (dissolved in 15 ml of 2N NaOH); Na2S.9H2O, 2.5 g and resazurin, 0.1 ml (1% sol. in H2O) in a final
volume of 100 ml heated until the resazurin indicator is colourless, and autoclaved.
did not provide a good enough contrast with the scanning electron microscope. The SC
were washed in tap water to separate residues of meat, cut into pieces of about 0.5 cm2,
and boiled in tap water for 10 min. Five small pieces of the boiled SC were placed into
eight Dacron bags (5 × 12.5 cm) with 20–35 µm pore size (Ankom, Fairport, NY). Also,
in order to observe for possible cellulose colonisation and/or degradation, one small piece
of Whatman paper No. 4 (0.5 × 2 cm) was added to each bag. The Dacron bags were placed
into a 1 litre Erlenmeyer flask, containing 500 ml of anaerobic SC medium. The SC
medium components are given in Table 2, and was prepared anaerobically according to
the method of Hungate (1969) as modified by Bryant (1972).
The SC medium in the Dacron bags was inoculated with 5 ml of a 48 h culture of C.
paraputrificum var. ruminantium, then incubated at 39.7°C. The Dacron bags were
recovered aseptically and consecutively after 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of incubation.
The Dacron bags were previously found to be very useful for a fast and aseptic recovery
method for multiple samplings and that is the main reason for their use.
Table 2. Composition of the SC anaerobic medium used for observing bacterial attachment to and degra-
dation of shrimp carapace.
Item per 100 ml
Deionised water 52.6 ml
Clarified ruminal liquid 30.0 ml
Sodium carbonate, 8% solution 5.0 ml
Minerals solution 1† 5.0 ml
Mineral solution 2‡ 5.0 ml
Cysteine-sulfide solution § 2.0 ml
Resazurin, 0.1% solution 0.1 ml
Trypticase-peptone (LBB®) 0.2 g
Yeast extract (LBB®) 0.1 g
Contains (per 1000 ml) K2HPO4, 6.0 g.
Contains (per 1000 ml) KH2PO4, 6 g; (NH4)2SO4, 6 g; NaCl, 12 g; MgSO4, 2.45 g and CaCl2° 2 H2O, 1.6 g (Bryant and
Robinson 1962).
2.5 g L-cysteine (dissolved in 15 ml of 2N NaOH); Na2S.9H2O, 2.5 g and resazurin, 0.1 ml of a 1% solution in H 2O in
a final volume of 100 ml heated until the resazurin indicator is colourless, and autoclaved.
Figure 1 shows structural characteristics of the shrimp carapace (SC) as to its outer
surface, inner surface and lateral view, at time zero of inoculation. The outer surface
(Figure 1a) is an even surface with the eventual appearance of small appendages about
700 µm in length which look like the rhizoid structure of a fungus. In contrast, the inner
surface (Figure 1b) is rough with honeycomb-like compartments present in the curved
parts of the exoskeleton. Between the outer and inner surfaces, there appear to be several
layers of chitin (Figure 1c), which together with the outer and inner surface layers make
up the shrimp carapace.
Figure 2 is a series of scanning electron micrographs representing the major events
which take place during the process of colonisation and degradation of SC by C.
paraputrificum var. ruminantium at different incubation periods. The results show that
the bacterium attaches onto the SC inner surface within the first 3 h of incubation (Figure
2a), while the outer surface does not show any evidence of bacterial colonisation (Figure
2b). After 6 h of incubation, colonisation at the inner surface has spread considerably
(Figure 2c). In contrast, the outer surface still remains uncolonised at the same time,
even after degradation of the external appendages is apparent (Figure 2d). Strong
evidence of carapace digestion was observed after 9 h of incubation, as indicated by the
presence of typical digestion grooves formed on the inner surface of the shrimp carapace
(Figure 2e). At the same time, colonisation and degradation was also present on the
different multiple layers of chitin at the exposed sides (Figure 2f). The same photo
Colonisation and degradation of shrimp carapaces 155
Figure 1. Structural characteristics of the shrimp carapace at its (a) outer surface (bar, 10 µm), (b) inner
surface (bar, 10 µm) and (c) a lateral view showing the different chitin layers that comprise its structure
(bar, 5 µm).
156 M.A. Cobos and M.T. Yokoyama
Figure 2. Scanning electron micrographs of shrimp carapace incubated with C. paraputrificum var.
ruminantium. (a) Morphological details of vegetative and spore-forming forms attached to the inner surface
of the shrimp carapace after 3 h of incubation (bar, 2 µm). (b) View of the outer surface at the same incubation
period (3 h) with no signs of bacterial growth on its surface (bar, 5 µm). (c) Degree of colonisation after 6
h of incubation (bar, 10 µm). (d) Outer surface of the shrimp carapace still uncolonised after 6 h of incubation
(bar, 10 µm). (e) Digestive grooves formed on the inner surface of the shrimp carapace after 9 h of incubation
(bar, 5 µm). (f) Strong colonisation at the different layers that comprise the shrimp carapace after 9 h of
incubation. Degradation of chitin is indicated by the presence of digestion pits that penetrate into the interior
of the chitin layers (bar, 5 µm).
Colonisation and degradation of shrimp carapaces 157
illustrates that the bacteria have formed digestion pits that penetrate into the interior of
the chitin layers.
After 24 h of incubation, the ruminal clostridium showed profuse growth and
colonisation on the inner surface of the shrimp carapace (Figure 3a). At the outer surface
near cracked areas, bacterial growth was also evident just behind the outer layer, while
the external surface remained unaltered (Figure 3b). Between 48 and 72 h of incubation,
the presence of digestion pits that penetrate into the interior of the chitin layers was
observed (Figure 3c). By 72 to 96 h of incubation, most of the shrimp carapace had been
digested with the exception of the thin outer layer, which looked undigested, but very
fragile, due to the lack of support (Figure 3d). By 96 h of incubation, most of the
substrate was depleted, and the bacteria entered a distinct phase marked by the appear-
ance of lysed bacteria and released spores indicating the senescence of the culture
(Figure 3e and f).
When most of the shrimp carapace appeared to be degraded after 4 days of incubation,
the culture was checked to see if the bacteria would switch their enzymatic system to
cellulose degradation as an alternative source of energy. However, the Whatman paper
added was neither colonised nor degraded even by the end of the incubation period (7 d).
Cellular morphology
Vegetative cells were straight or slightly curved rods about 0.3 µm wide and 3 to 5 µm
long with rounded ends, and occurred singly or in pairs. Rods carrying spores were
larger than the vegetative cells averaging 7.3 µm in length. Spores were oval, terminal
and caused the cells to swell. The spores were about 1 to 2 µm long and 0.7 to 1 µm
wide. Sporulation seemed to be triggered by either the lack of substrate for growth or
by the adverse build up of toxic metabolites in the medium. Also filamentous forms
were observed, mainly when the shrimp carapace had been degraded.
The results of this study confirm the ability of C. paraputrificum var. ruminantium to
bind to chitin. This characteristic is not particularly surprising if we consider the strong
adhesive characteristic of chitin (Gooday 1990), and the necessity for this attachment.
The adhesion of C. paraputrificum var. ruminantium to chitin may be essential in
aqueous environments such as the rumen ecosystem, where the substrate must be
degraded to dimers or monomers before their efficient absorption can occur. Attachment
would optimise contact between the chitinolytic enzymes and the chitin molecules. In
addition, the N-acetylglucosamine and/or chitobiose produced from chitin degradation
would be more efficiently absorbed. Without attachment, there is also the possibility
that the chitinolytic enzymes may be degraded and assimilated by other ruminal
bacteria, or the N-acetylglucosamine released during chitin hydrolysis may be taken up
by competing bacteria.
The mechanisms of adhesion are not known, but Montgomery and Kirchman (1993)
reported that the specific attachment to chitin particles appears to be mediated by
158 M.A. Cobos and M.T. Yokoyama
Figure 3. Scanning electron micrographs of shrimp carapace incubated with C. paraputrificum var.
ruminantium representing the major events that take place between 24 and 72 h of incubation. (a) Profuse
bacterial growth and colonisation of the inner surface was observed by 24 h of incubation (bar, 1µm). (b)
At the same period of time there is evidence of prodigal bacterial growth in cracked areas behind the outer
surface; the external surface remains undigested (bar, 10 µm). (c) Between 48 to 72 h of incubation the
degree of digestion is evident by the presence of digestion pits in most of the inner surface of the shrimp
carapace (bar, 1 µm). (d) By 72 to 96 h of incubation, most of the chitin layers have been digested with the
exception of the outermost layer (bar, 5 µm). (e and f) represent the senescence of the culture as indicated
by the appearance of lysed bacteria and the high proportion of free spores (bar, 1 µm).
Colonisation and degradation of shrimp carapaces 159
chitin-binding proteins associated with the bacterial cell membrane. Another suggested
mechanism is that lateral and polar flagella are responsible for cell attachment to binding
sites on the chitin surface (Belas and Colwell 1982).
The external surface of the shrimp carapace seems to have a protective film of
unknown structural complexity which prevents bacterial attachment and is recalcitrant
to degradation. This protective film may play a role in the defense of shrimps against
bacterial or fungal infections. It is unknown if this protective film is also present in other
shellfish wastes, but it would seem advisable to grind shellfish waste when it is used as
a feed for ruminants, to increase the attachment surface and the efficiency of degrada-
Although not well documented, it is believed that the rate of chitin degradation is
enhanced by the adherence of chitinolytic microflora (Gooday 1990). Ou and Alexander
(1974) observed that separation of chitin and chitinolytic bacteria by layers of mi-
crobeads greatly reduced the rate of mineralisation of chitin particles by pure cultures
of a soil Pseudomonas species. This phenomenon has also been observed in C. thermo-
cellum, an anaerobic bacterium which degrades α-crystalline cellulose after the cell
adheres very strongly to the insoluble substrate (Bayer and Lamed 1986).
Since bacterial attachment to chitin seems to be essential for chitin degradation to
occur, attention has been placed on possible plant components that inhibit or promote
bacterial binding and therefore the digestion of chitinous compounds. For example,
wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), a chitin-binding lectin from wheat embryos, exhibits
binding specificity toward chitin (Bloch and Burger 1974). WGA lectin and other
chitin-binding lectins isolated from stinging nettle rhizomes are potent inhibitors of
fungal growth. Chitin chains in the fungal cell wall appear to be cross-linked and the
hydrolysis of preformed chitin chains in the process of apical growth of fungal hyphae
is inhibited (Broekaert et al 1989).
It is unknown if chitin-binding lectins are regular components of forages used as
feedstuffs. Also, it is not known if lectins are easily degraded by ruminal proteolytic
bacteria. However, it is known that the binding of lectins to chitin blocks proteolytic
and β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase activity against lectins and chitin, respectively (Knorr
1991). Therefore, if lectins are present in the rumen of cattle fed diets rich in chitin
by-products like shellfish waste, they may have a negative effect on the digestion of
chitinous compounds and animal performance.
Not much is known about the factors which affect the animal response to the intake
of chitinous compounds, especially those factors which affect the efficiency of the
rumen chitinolytic microorganisms. However, the observation that bacterial attachment
is essential for chitin hydrolysis opens up a new research area concerning the possible
factors that affect bacterial attachment to chitin and its consequences in the rumen
Bayer E.A. and Lamed R. 1986. Ultrastructure of the cell surface cellulosome of Clostridium
thermocellum and its interaction with cellulose. Journal of Bacteriology 167:828–836.
160 M.A. Cobos and M.T. Yokoyama
Belas M.R. and Colwell R.R. 1982. Adsorption kinetics of laterally and polarly flagellated
Vibrio. Journal of Bacteriology 151:1568–1580.
Bloch R. and Burger M.M. 1974. Purification of wheat germ agglutinin using affinity
chromatography of chitin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Broekaert W.F., Parijs J.V., Leyns F., Joos H. and Peumans W.J. 1989. A chitin-binding lectin
from stinging nettle rhizomes with antifungal properties. Science 245:1100–1102.
Brundage A.L., Husby F.M., Beardsley G.L. and Burton V.L. 1981. King crab meal in concen-
trates for lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Science 64:433–440.
Brundage A.L., Husby F.M., Herlugson M.L., Simpson W.L. and Burton V.L. 1984. Accept-
ability of Tanner crab meal in concentrates for lactation. Journal of Dairy Science
Bryant M.P. 1972. Commentary of the Hungate technique for culture of anaerobic bacteria.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 25:1324–1328.
Bryant M.P. and Robinson I.M. 1962. Some nutritional characteristics of predominant culturable
ruminal bacteria. Journal of Bacteriology 64:605–613.
Cato E.P., George W.L. and Fine Gold S.M. 1986. Endospore-forming gram-positive rods and
cocci. Genus Clostridium. In: Sneath P.H.A. (ed), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriol-
ogy. Williams and Willkins, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. pp. 1141–1200.
Cobos M.A. and Yokoyama M.T. 1993. Isolation of a ruminal Clostridium spp. which degrades
purified chitin and shellfish waste. Conference On Rumen Function. 22nd Biennial Confer-
ence on Rumen Function 22:28.
Gooday G.W. 1990. Physiology of microbial degradation of chitin and chitosan. Biodegradation
van Gylswyk N.O., Morris E.J. and Els H.J. 1980. Sporulation and cell wall structure of
Clostridium polysaccharolyticum comb. nov. (Formerly Fusobacterium polysaccharo-
lyticum). Journal of General Microbiology 121:491–493.
Hungate R.E. 1969. A roll tube method for cultivation of strict anaerobes. In: Norris J.R. and
Ribbons D.W. (ed), Methods in Microbiology. Academic Press Inc., New York, USA. pp.
Husby F.M., Brundage A.L. and White R.L. 1981. Utilization of shellfish meals in domestic
feeds. In: Otwell W.S. (ed), Seefood Waste Management in the 1980s: Conference Proceed-
ings. Report 40. Florida Sea Grant College, Orlando, Florida, USA. pp. 230–260.
Kelly W.J., Asmundson R.V. and Hoperoft D.H. 1987. Isolation and characterization of a strictly
anaerobic, cellulolytic spore former: Clostridium chartatabidum sp. nov. Archives of Micro-
biology 147:169–173.
Klomparens K.L., Flegler S.L. and Hooper G.R. 1986. Procedures for Transmission and
Scanning Electron Microscopy for Biological and Medical Science. Center for Electron
Optics, Michigan State University. pp. 85–106.
Knorr D. 1991. Recovery and utilization of chitin and chitosan in food processing waste
management. Food Technology 45:116–122.
Laflamme L.F. 1988. Utilization of crab meal fed to young beef cattle. Canadian Journal of
Animal Science 68:1237–1244.
Montgomery M.T. and Kirchman D.L. 1993. Role of chitin-binding proteins in the specific
attachment of the marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi to chitin. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 59:373–379.
Ou L. and Alexander M. 1974. Effect of glass microbeads on the microbial degradation of chitin.
Soil Science 118:164–167.
Colonisation and degradation of shrimp carapaces 161
There are large differences in anatomy and digestive physiology between the
forestomachs of camelids and ruminants. The most voluminous compartment
corresponding to the rumen is named compartment 1 in camelids. Its ventral
part is composed of a cranial sac and a caudal sac separated by a transverse
muscular pillar. Each sac is covered by a band of several rows of glandular
sacs made of musculomembranous cells. Compartment 2 is small and opens
widely onto compartment 1. Compartment 3 is pear-shaped and composed
of two distinct parts. Only the pyloric area secretes acid and enzymes. The
ingestion time, the length of the main meals and the number of meals are not
different between llamas and sheep. Llamas have fewer but longer ruminat-
ing periods and are more efficient masticators than sheep (2 g vs 1.3 g
DM/min). Rumination occurs mainly at night in camelids. The liquid phase
turnover is higher in dromedaries and llamas than in ruminants.
Camelids have lower water requirements and excrete less water and
nitrogen in urine than ruminants. Both dromedaries and llamas have a high
capacity for recycling nitrogen. Bicarbonates and phosphates are extensively
secreted by the mucosa of the forestomachs and in the glandular sacs. This
explains the higher buffering capacity of the digesta in camelids. Also, these
secretions are probably responsible for the higher and more stable osmolality
of the digesta of llamas compared to ruminants. Ammonia concentration is
lower and more variable in compartment 1 than in the rumen. Total VFA
concentration is more difficult to characterise. Butyrate concentration is
frequently higher in camelids. The microbial ecosystems are basically the
same in camelids and ruminants, but their glycolytic activities are different.
The in sacco degradation of plant cell walls is higher in camelids than in
ruminants. The amount of digested cell wall carbohydrate is much larger in
camelids than in ruminants. The lower temperature of the digesta in the
forestomachs of camelids could indicate that microbes produce less extra
heat and that more ATP is available for microbial growth. These charac-
teristics of ingestive and digestive abilities of camelids show that their rumen
microbiota has a higher digestive activity.
164 J.P. Jouany, J.P. Dulphy and C. Kayouli
Ruminants and camelids both belong to the order Artiodactylae in the mammalian class.
The family Camelidae belongs to the suborder Tylopoda which appeared 50 million
years ago. The family Bovidae (cow, sheep, goat) in the suborder Ruminantia developed
more recently, only 3 million years ago (Romer 1966). The family Camelidae is
composed of 6 species: 2 of the genus Camelus, 1 of the genus Vicugna and 3 of the
genus Lama (llama, guanaco, alpaca).
Camelids, like ruminants, developed large forestomachs harbouring a dense and
complex microbial ecosystem which makes them efficient in the use of forages as a
main source of nutrients. However, there are large differences between camelids and
ruminants in the anatomical organisation of their forestomachs and the histology of their
mucosa which give them some specificities in the digestive abilities of their microbial
ecosystem. Our paper will compare feeding abilities and microbial digestive abilities
of camelids and ruminants. Dromedaries and South American camelids will be consid-
ered in these comparisons.
cells cover the entire ventral part of compartment 1, compartment 2 and the upper part
of compartment 3. These secretive cells produce a bicarbonate-rich mucus and could
be involved in VFA absorption as indicated previously for glandular sacs.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 1. Comparisons of DMI (g/kg LW) in llamas and sheep (n = 11 comparisons; from Dulphy et al
while it is 1 to 2 mm in sheep and cattle. This could be due to the absence of the filter
effect of omasal lamellae in llamas.
Engelhardt and Höller (1982), Heller et al (1984) and Engelhardt et al (1986a), forestom-
ach motility is different in dromedaries and llamas to that described in ruminants. There
are more type B contractions in camelids, which could explain the efficiency of the mixing
effect inside compartment 1 and the lower propulsive effect outside the compartment
(Gregory et al 1985). According to Engelhardt et al (1986b), such a motility is favourable
to a better separation of the liquid and solid parts of digesta. As a consequence, the turnover
of liquids and solutes is greater in camelids compared to ruminants (Kayouli et al 1993a).
From the results of Maloiy (1972), Farid et al (1979) and Kayouli et al (1993a), the mean
retention time of the liquid phase in the rumen is 6 h in dromedaries and 8 h in sheep. In
a direct comparison, Lemosquet et al (1995) noted that the liquid remained for 11 h in
compartment 1 of llamas vs 14 h in the rumen. The higher turnover rate of liquids and the
longer retention time of solids both explain the higher DM content of digesta in compart-
ment 1 of camelids as observed by Dardillat et al (1994a).
Farid et al (1979), Lechner-Doll et al (1990) and Kayouli et al (1993a) observed that
the weight of fresh rumen content is higher in dromedaries than in ruminants; it
represented on average 14.7 and 10.5% of the LW of dromedaries and sheep, respec-
tively, fed the same diets. However, according to Dulphy et al (1994b) and Lemosquet
et al (1995), the weight of ruminal contents of digesta was not different between llamas
and sheep and represented 18.7% of LW when fed inside, at trough.
Lemosquet et al 1995). Engelhardt and Höller (1982) consider that the secretion of
bicarbonates greatly improves the absorptive capacity of VFA by mucosa of the camelid
forestomach. They estimated that the rate of absorption is two to three times higher in
camelids than in ruminants.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (hrs)
increase in ATP production associated with higher NH3-N availability will serve protein
synthesis and therefore, supply camelids with more amino acids.
Lemosquet et al (1995) showed that osmolality of the fluid in the digesta of forestom-
achs was significantly higher in llamas (277 mOsm l–1) than in sheep (259 mOsm l–1)
fed three different diets. This result confirms the higher content of electrolytes due to
secretions in the digesta of camelids. Also, osmolality was more stable in camelids all
throughout the day.
a. Dromedaries
0 2 5 8
Times (hrs)
NH3 - N(mg1-1)
0 2 5 8
Times (hrs)
Figure 3. NH3-N concentrations in the forestomachs of camelids and ruminants—a) animals were fed
oat-vesce hay; b) animals were fed a mixed diet.
However, these slight differences in the microbial ecosystems could not explain the higher
cellulolytic activities noted in the microbial population of camelids.
Kayouli and Jouany (1990), Kayouli et al (1991, 1993a, 1993b) and Dardillat et al
(1994a) observed that the in sacco degradations of the cell wall part of several roughages
172 J.P. Jouany, J.P. Dulphy and C. Kayouli
was higher in camelids after 24 h of retention time in the rumen than in ruminants. The
more indigestible the substrate, the higher the difference in favour of camelids (Kayouli
et al 1991). To confirm these results, Kayouli et al (1993b) and Dardillat et al (1994b)
showed that the indigestible in sacco residue of straw from the sheep was digested again
when introduced into compartment 1 of llamas. The rate of cell wall degradation was
not different between animals. Using the same technique, H. Rouissi, D.I. Demeyer, C.
Kayouli and van C.J. Nevel (unpublished data) showed that the percentage of ADF
degradation of oat-vesce hay at 72 h was not different in goats and dromedaries (37 and
39%, respectively); it was significantly higher in these animals than in sheep (27%). No
differences were noted in proteolytic activity of microbes in the forestomachs of
camelids and ruminants.
Comparisons on digestibilities
and microbial protein synthesis
The data obtained by Farid et al (1979) and Gihad et al (1989) suggests that the
digestibility of the organic matter (dOM) of five different diets was on average 56.2%
in dromedaries vs 52.4% in sheep. Using data from Hintz et al (1973), Warmington et
al (1989), Cordesse et al (1992) and Lemosquet et al (1995), we showed that the dOM
of 11 diets was 58.5 in llamas vs 54.3% in sheep. Differences between llamas and sheep
(4 points) remain constant regardless of the nature of the diet (Figure 4). It is noteworthy
that differences are much higher when the digestibility of plant cell walls is considered,
8.7 points on average in favour of dromedaries from five comparisons and 7.1 points in
favour of llamas from eight comparisons. These results clearly indicate that camelids
are far more efficient than ruminants in the use of cell wall carbohydrates. This is
explained both by a higher cellulolytic activity of microbes due to the physico-chemical
conditions and to the higher retention time of feed particles in compartment 1 as
discussed before. Addition of 25% barley to a hay diet had no negative effect on the
cellulolytic activity in the forestomach of camelids (Lemosquet et al 1995). The absence
of disturbance of the microbial ecosystem could explain why llamas reduce hay intake
less than ruminants when additional concentrate is offered. This ability of camelids has
to be confirmed with higher starch additions.
Differences between camelids and ruminants in the digestibility of nitrogen are
negligible (Cordesse et al 1992; Farid et al 1985; Gihad et al 1989; Kayouli et al 1993a;
Maloiy 1972). Only Hintz et al (1973) found that the digestibility of nitrogen was 5
points higher in llamas than in sheep. There is no available information in the literature
on the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis, but there are some indications that
camelids show a greater efficiency. They recycle more nitrogen in the fermentative
chamber, they produce more VFA and make more ATP available for microbial growth,
pH is maintained in a range favourable for maximum growth, and the increase in the
turnover rate of liquids in the fermenter stimulates the growth rate (Harrison et al 1975).
The temperature in the fermenter is 2°C lower than in the rumen (Lemosquet et al 1995)
indicating smaller losses in extra heat by microbes and therefore a better use of energy
for growth.
Comparative abilities of feed intake and microbial digestion in camelids and ruminants 173
dMO Llamas
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
dMO sheep
These comparisons show that camelids are able to use poor roughages better than
domesticated ruminants in temperate climates. They use energy supplements efficiently
without any negative effect on the digestion of the basic diet. However, some care has
to be taken when diets rich in soluble nitrogen are given.
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Luciano L., Voss-Wermbter W.V., Behnke M., Engelhardt W.V, and Reale E. 1979. Die struktur
der mangescheimhaut beim lama (Lama Guanaco und Lama Lamae). I. Vornägen Gegenbaurs
Morphol. Jahrb. 125:519–549.
Maloiy G.M.O. 1972. Comparative studies on digestion and fermentation rate in the forestom-
ach of the one-humped camel and the zebu steer. Research in Veterinary Science 13:476–481.
Rémond D., Ortigues I. and Jouany J.P. 1995. Energy substrates for ruminal epithelium. In:
Metabolic Fuel Selection, Symposium Lavoisier, 13–16 Juillet 1994. CNAM, Paris, France
(in press).
Richard D. 1989. Ingestibilité et digestibilité des aliments par le dromadaire. Options Méditer-
ranéennes, Série séminaires 2:55–59.
Romer A.S. 1966. Vertebrate Paleontology. Third edition. University of Chicago, Chicago Press,
Chicago, USA.
Rouissi H. 1994. ‘Etude Comparative de l’activité Microbienne dans le Rumen des Dro-
madaires, des Ovins et des Caprins.’ PhD thesis, Universiteit Gent, Belgique. 114 pp.
Schimdt-Nielsen B., Schmidt-Nielsen K., Houpt T.R. and Jarnum S.A. 1957. Urea secretion in
the camel. American Journal of Physiology 188:477–484.
Shawket S.M. 1976. ‘Studies on Rumen Microorganisms.’ MSc thesis, Faculty of Agriculture,
Alexandria University, Egypt.
Smacchia A.M., Dardillat C., Papon Y. and Jouany J.P. 1995. Comparative studies on the
microbial fermentations in the forestomachs of llamas and sheep. Annales de Zootechnie (in
Vallenas A. and Stevens C.E. 1971. Volatile fatty acid concentrations and pH of llama and
guanaco digesta. Cornell Veterinarian 61:239–252.
Warmington B.G., Wilson G.F. and Barry T.N. 1989. Voluntary intake and digestion of rye grass
straw by llama × guanaco crossbreds and sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge)
Williams V.J. 1963. Rumen function in the camel. Nature 197:1221.
Wilson R.T. 1984. The Camel. Longman Group Ltd, Essex, UK. 223 pp.
Yagil R. 1985. The Desert Camel: Comparative Physiological Adaptation. Karger, Basel,
Switzerland. 159 pp.
Optimising rumen environment
for cellulose digestion
E.R. Ørskov
Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB2 9SB
The most common constraints in the rumen ecosystem which prevent fer-
mentation of cellulosic feeds from accruing as at maximal low rate are:
deficiencies of N and to a lesser extent S; number of bacteria in solution in
the rumen fluid to invade new substrate; antimicrobial factors; and low rumen
pH. The latter occurs almost exclusively with high concentrate feeding which
is seldom economical in less industrialised countries.
Deficiency of N is common and can be alleviated by adding a source of
NH3-yielding material, usually urea. This can be added in the form of
molasses blocks for rangeland and in other suitable packages for stabled
animals. The number of bacteria in solution can be enhanced by feeding small
amounts of easily digestible fibre where poor quality roughages are used.
Examples are brans, sugar beet pulp, grass and leaves from MPT. Antimicro-
bial factors contained in some MPT can in small quantities have a positive
effect on the rumen ecosystem, they can also be complexed by protein and
other phenolic binding agents. An optimal rumen environment generally
ensures maximal microbial yield and energy utilisation.
Regardless of animal product, be it meat, milk, draught power or maintenance, as many
livestock serve an important function for security and risk aversion (Ørskov and
Viglizzo 1994), it is important that the feed resources are utilised as efficiently as
possible. It can also be said that it is important that the potential nutritive value of
roughages are extracted. Since most of the ruminant livestock in developing countries
feed mainly on cellulosic crop residues, pasture, trees and bushes, it is important that
the fermentation process be unimpeded.
4 8 16 24 48 72 96
Figure 1. Effect of rumen environment on degradation rate of the same feed. A represents rumen environ-
ment in which cellulolysis is maximal; B represents a rumen environment less than maximal. Note that the
intercepts and the asymptotes are similar.
instance, urea is used for pasture grazing it is common to include it in blocks for the
animals to lick. For stall-fed animals it is generally more convenient and cheaper to
spray the solution on the straw so that it is consumed at the same rate as straw. Apart
from poor utilisation of urea when it is given rapidly, it can also result in urea poisoning
in extreme cases. Urea is also provided from recycling and there is evidence that some
breeds of cattle recycle more urea to the rumen than others due to difference in renal
The problem of inhibition of degradation is illustrated in Figure 1, which shows how
the same feed in an optimal environment (A) ferments faster than in a less than optimal
rumen environment (B). Where feeds are described by the exponential model p = a +
b(1 –ect) (Ørskov and McDonald 1979), it can be clearly seen that the potential (a + b)
is the same. In both environments the asymptote will be reached but in the impeded
environment (B) the rate constant is less than in A. As a result, for instance, if a normal
rumen retention is 48 h there could be substantial differences in digestibility leading to
substantial reductions in feed intake.
Table 1. The effect of feeding untreated but urea-supplemented or ammoniated straw to fistulated animals
on degradation of untreated straw in two rumen environments.
Table 2. Effect on straw intake when urea-supplemented, untreated or an ammonia-treated straw diet was
supplemented with sugar-beet pulp.
In the tropics and subtropics there is a great interest in understanding how best to utilise
multipurpose trees (MPT). MPT contain an excess of N for rumen microbes so that they
can be used as a source of N. They also contain easily fermentable fibre. An interesting
experiment was carried out by Pathirana et al (1992) when they fed untreated or urea-sup-
plemented rice straw to sheep and supplemented with different increments of Gliricidia
(Table 3). Gliricidia is a leguminous tree which grows well in many areas. It contains
180 E.R. Ørskov
Table 3. Effect of supplementing a rice straw diet with Gliricidia leaves on straw intake with or without
supplement of urea.
about 20% crude protein. Here it can be seen that the animals ate considerably more when
Gliricidia forage was added to unsupplemented than to urea-supplemented straw. It would
appear that the response to the untreated straw was mediated both by relieving an N
deficiency and by providing a source of easily fermentable fibre while the response to the
supplemented rice was mediated only by the source of fermentable fibre. This is of course
speculative and more work is needed to clarify these issues. If no supplements are available
it is possible to make some, for instance by ammoniation. In many parts of Africa crop
residues are grazed in situ and not gathered. If a small amount is gathered, ammoniated
and fed at night, it might benefit utilisation of grazed crop residues.
Manyuchi et al (1992) carried out a small trial to look at the effect of adding a small
amount of ammoniated straw to untreated but urea-supplemented straw. Here again the
results (Table 4) indicate that intake of untreated straw was considerably enhanced when
a supplement of treated straw was provided. It is apparent that there is a great deal to
learn about supplements and how they can best support utilisation of basal feeds as well
as being utilised as energy and protein sources in their own right.
Table 4. Effect of supplementing untreated straw with ammoniated straw on total intake by sheep.
Intake Digestible
of untreated Intake of Total dry-matter
Treatment straw (g/d) NH3 straw (g/d) intake (g/d) intake (g/d)
Untreated straw 641 0 641 324
Untreated straw + 200 g NH3 straw 814 187 1001 452
Untreated straw + 400 g NH3 straw 667 352 1019 563
NH3 straw — 1152 1152 673
problem generally associated with industrialised countries where intensively fed live-
stock are given large grain supplements. Low rumen pH not only in part but sometimes
totally abolishes cellulose fermentation; it also exposes the animals to problems of
acidosis, acetonaemia, laminitis and other feed-associated problems. Since this problem
does not occur with mainly roughage diets, which is by far the prevalent feed in
developing countries, it will not be discussed here in more detail.
An increase in understanding of rumen ecology has the potential to make a major impact
on feed utilisation in general and in particular in the parts of the world where cellulosic
roughages are likely to be the most important feed for ruminants and in areas where
higher quality supplements, e.g. brans and oilseed cakes, are scarce. It is also of
particular interest in areas where trees and bushes form important feed ingredients.
A better understanding of rumen ecology can lead to:
1. A better strategic use of scarce supplements so that they can be utilised not only as
supplements in their own right but also provide support for basal feeds.
2. Greater production of rumen microbial protein so that animals can grow better on
basal feeds alone without a need for protein supplements. A change in the ratio of
volatile fatty acids to microbial biomass has the further advantage that it will
increase capture of fermented energy and reduce methane production.
Khazaal K. and Ørskov E.R. 1994. The in vitro gas production technique: an investigation on its
potential use with insoluble polyvinylpolypyrrolidone for the assessment of phenolics-related
antinutritive factors in browse species. Animal Feed Science and Technology 47: 305–320.
182 E.R. Ørskov
Makkar H.P.S., Singh B. and Negi S.S. 1989. Relationship of rumen degradability with
microbial colonisation, cell wall constituents and tannin levels in some tree leaves. Animal
Production 49:299–303.
Manyuchi B., Ørskov E.R. and Kay R.N.B. 1992. Effect of feeding small amounts of ammonia
treated straw on degradation rate and intake of untreated straw. Animal Feed Science and
Technology 38:293–304.
Mueller-Harvey I. and Reed J. 1992. Identification of phenolic compounds and their relation-
ships to in vitro digestibility of sorghum leaves from bird-resistant and non-bird-resistant
varieties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 60:179–196.
Ørskov E.R. and McDonald I. 1979. The estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from
incubation measurements weighted according to rate of passage. Journal of Agricultural
Science (Cambridge) 92:499–503.
Ørskov E.R. and Viglizzo E. 1994. The role of animals in spreading farmers risk. A new
paradigm for animal science. Outlook on Agriculture 23:81–89.
Pathirana K.K., Mangalika U.L.P. and Gunarante S.S.N. 1992. Straw Based Supplementation
in a Low Output System of Zebu Heifers. IAEA. TEC Doc-691. IAEA (International Atomic
Energy Agency), Vienna, Austria.
Silva A.T. and Ørskov E.R. 1988. Fibre degradation in the rumens of animals receiving hay,
untreated or ammonia treated straw. Animal Feed Science and Technology 19:277–287.
Silva Ayona T., Greenhalgh J.F.D. and Ørskov E.R. 1989. Influence of ammonia treatment and
supplementation on the intake, digestibility and weight gain of sheep and cattle on barley
straw diets. Animal Production 48:99–108.
Forage legumes as protein supplements
to poor quality diets in the semi-arid tropics
J.H. Topps
Department of Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe
P.O. Box MP167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
In the semi-arid tropics, the natural pasture has a low nutritive value during the dry
season when the standing grass is mature and dormant. After the first two or three months
of the dry season, crop residues become available following the harvesting of grain, but
most of the residues are from cereal crops which have a nutritional value similar to that
of the mature natural grass. Residues from leguminous crops are also available but in
small quantities. They have a quality better than that of cereal residues and may be used
as protein supplements to the poorer quality residues and to the mature pasture. In
addition there is now increasing interest in, and use of legumes, either herbaceous or
shrub species, from which the foliage can be harvested and used as protein supplements.
When ruminants consume poor quality diets, food intake is low so the supply of nutrients
is insufficient to meet requirements for maintenance.
The main objective of providing a forage legume as a protein supplement is to
increase both the total food intake and that of the basal poor quality diet. Early work on
the use of forage legumes was mainly concerned with the need to improve the nitrogen
content of diets based on poor quality roughages in order to overcome a deficiency of
nitrogenous substrates for the rumen microorganisms. More recent evidence indicates
that other changes occur in this supplementation situation which result in an enhance-
ment of intake and digestibility of the diet. This review will assess the likelihood of
such changes and the effects they may have on animal production.
Food intake
In the experiments reviewed (Minson and Milford 1967; Siebert and Kennedy 1972;
Mosi and Butterworth 1985; Smith et al 1990; Kitalyi and Owen 1993), the forage
legumes were fed in discrete amounts and separately from the poor quality basal diets,
which were given ad libitum. In all experiments, the legume supplement increased total
food intake but the response varied widely between experiments. According to pub-
lished observations, the legume supplements were consumed without any refusals, so
the differences in dietary intake were mainly due to differences in the intake of the
basal diet.
In addition, there are large differences between experiments in the change in intake
of the poor quality forage in response to supplementation. In general, if the level of
supplementation was less than 30 to 40% there was an increase in the intake of the basal
184 J.H. Topps
diet, but in some experiments the intake was unchanged or slightly reduced. A very large
increase in intake of mature pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens) was found in the study
by Minson and Milford (1967). Above 40% forage legume, the intake of the basal diet
fell below that seen with the unsupplemented control diet, except for that observed by
Siebert and Kennedy (1972) when there was no change when lucerne contributed 45%
of the total dry matter intake. In contrast, Mosi and Butterworth (1985) found that the
intake of the basal diet on the supplemented treatments was always less than that of the
unsupplemented control diet. The reasons for such differences appear to be related to
differences in quality of the forage legume and of the basal diet and other factors.
supplements are not entirely due to an increase in dietary nitrogen (Smith et al 1990;
Getachew et al 1994; Manyuchi 1994).
However, when different basal diets are compared any difference in quality, of which
the nitrogen content is a part, will be reflected in the size of the effect of the legume
supplement on intake. Mosi and Butterworth (1985) carried out a study in which
Trifolium tembense hay was used as a supplement to four different cereal straws, maize,
oat, teff and wheat. The straws differed appreciably in crude protein content (23 to 62
g/kg) and in acid detergent fibre (710 to 780 g/kg). It was found that the extent of
substitution of the basal diet tended to be greater with the apparently better quality
straws (oat and maize). Part of this difference was probably due to overcoming a
deficiency of nitrogen in the straws.
to or less than the fractional increase of the high quality forage in the diet. This
indicates the absence of any positive associative effect of the forage legume on the
digestibility of the basal diet. Only a few studies have recorded a positive associative
effect of the forage legume e.g. Minson and Milford (1967) and Mosi and Butterworth
If the presence of a forage legume increases the activity of rumen microorganisms, a
concomitant increase in degradation of fibre should be observed. Several reports have
described such an effect, but it may not occur with certain recalcitrant poor quality
roughages. McMeniman et al (1988) studied five legumes as supplements to rice straw
and observed that degradation of the straw was increased by the presence of the legume.
Similarly, Ndlovu and Buchanan-Smith (1985) found that lucerne increased the rate of
degradation of barley straw, brome grass and maize cobs. In contrast, Manyuchi (1994)
found that groundnut hay did not alter the in sacco degradation of poor quality grass
hay. It is likely that any change in the degradation of the basal diet as a result of an
increase in microbial activity may depend on the number of available sites for microbial
attachment (Akin 1989). With some roughages the cuticule layer and extent of lignifi-
cation are barriers to microbial colonization, so that an increase in rumen microbial
population may not be manifested in an increase in rate of degradation.
Rumen environment
Very few studies have been carried out in which changes in the rumen environment
have been measured when forage legumes are fed with poor quality basal diets.
Inevitably poor quality forages provide insufficient degradable nitrogen and ferment-
able energy to sustain optimum digestion of fibre. Forage legumes are relatively good
sources of degradable nitrogen and fermentable energy so their inclusion in the diet is
expected to increase the rumen population of cellulolytic microbes. Such an effect was
seen in a related study by Kolankaya et al (1985) when a higher growth of selected
cellulolytic microorganisms was observed with ammonia-treated compared with un-
treated straw.
Concentrations of rumen ammonia increase following supplementation with a forage
legume (McMeniman et al 1988; Getachew et al 1994; Manyuchi 1994), the increase
being a function of the degradability of the nitrogen in the forage legume. In a study by
Said and Tolera (1994), the legume with the lower nitrogen content (M. axillare) gave
higher rumen ammonia concentrations than D. intortum, which had more crude protein
but with a lower degradability. For certain forage legumes, especially certain species of
shrubs, the availability of the nitrogen compounds would be limited by tannins (Mangan
1988). Forage legumes increase the total concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA)
without affecting the relative proportions and the rumen pH. These results indicate that
forage legumes are likely to maintain a stable fermentation pattern. Ndlovu and
Buchanan-Smith (1985) observed that the feeding of a lucerne supplement increased
the proportion of branched chain VFA and suggested that this increase may stimulate
the growth of cellulolytic microorganisms.
Forage legumes as protein supplements to poor quality diets 187
Kinetics of digesta
A potential increase in digestibility when forage legumes are added to poor quality basal
diets may be offset by a reduction of retention time of digesta. Such an effect was
recorded by Ndlovu and Buchanan-Smith (1985) when lucerne was fed with maize cobs,
and by Vanzant and Cochran (1994) when lucerne was fed at different levels with low
quality prairie forage. Similar results were obtained by Manyuchi (1994) (Table 1). The
addition of groundnut hay increased the fractional outflow rate of rumen solids without
altering the pool size of the rumen digesta. Manyuchi concluded that the increase in
food intake following supplementation with a forage legume was largely facilitated by
an increase in rate of passage of digesta. The mechanism by which this occurs is not
fully known. Changes in osmotic pressure of the rumen may be implicated but the results
of Manyuchi (1994) do not confirm the presence of a relationship.
Table 1. Intake, digestibility and kinetics of rumen digesta in sheep fed on veld hay plus 1% urea alone
(Control) or veld hay supplemented with 100, 200 or 300 g of groundnut hay (100 Gnut, 200 Gnut, 300
Gnut) or groundnut hay alone.
Animal performance
Increases in food intake and in digestibility of the total diet arising from supplementation
with forage legume should be manifested in a significant increase in animal perform-
ance. There are very few reports of a marked improvement of production when tropical
legumes are fed. Work carried out in Kenya with leucaena leucocephala and Napier
grass (Bana grass) by Muinga et al (1992, 1993) has established that sizeable responses
in milk yield can occur (Tables 2 and 3). In both experiments there was a small increase
in the intake of Napier grass when leucaena was given as a supplement and a significant
increase (P < 0.05) in total DM intake. These enhanced intakes resulted in significant
increases (P < 0.05) in milk yields and some curtailment of weight losses. In the work
published in 1992 it is interesting to note that the response with the poorer quality was
greater than that with the higher quality Napier grass.
188 J.H. Topps
Table 2. Intake and milk production of Jersey cows given Napier fodder ad libitum without (Control) and
with (Treated) 5 kg of fresh leucaena per day.
Control Treated
Mean SE Mean SE
DM intake (kg/d)
Napier 5.20 0.27 5.70 0.24
Total 5.20 0.27 6.90 0.24
Milk yield (kg/d) 4.20 0.20 5.20 0.18
Table 3. Intake of dry matter and milk production (kg/d) of crossbred dairy cows given ad libitum Napier
grass cut at either 1.0 or 1.5 m height and supplemented with 0, 4 or 8 kg fresh leucaena per day from day
15 to 112 of lactation
Forage legumes can be used as a supplement to poor quality diets but the responses
produced are unpredictable. Much of the nature of the response relates to changes that
occur in the rumen environment. It is axiomatic that substantial improvement in the
rumen microbial activity especially that of the cellulolytic organisms will lead to greater
food intake and increases in digestibility of the diet. These changes in turn will improve
animal performance. A knowledge of the factors controlling the changes in rumen
microbial activity is essential.
In Zimbabwe, the work of Manyuchi (1994) has shown that groundnut hay is an
effective supplement when given with either Napier grass hay or poor quality grass hay.
Groundnut hay may therefore be a useful model for future studies. In addition, ground-
nuts are a dual purpose crop in that both the nuts and the forage are harvested, which is
attractive to farmers. To successfully encourage small farmers to grow forage legumes
such considerations are important. Acceptability of crops such as cowpeas, pigeon peas
and groundnuts means that the widespread establishment of these crops is more likely
than that of legumes which provide forage only. For this reason intensive studies are
needed on certain legumes to ascertain the best way of harvesting, storing and using the
forage as a supplement to poor quality roughages.
Forage legumes as protein supplements to poor quality diets 189
Akin D.E. 1989. Histological and physical factors affecting digestibility of forages. Agronomy
Journal 81:17–25.
Elliott R.C. and Topps J.H. 1963. Voluntary intake of low protein diets by sheep. Animal
Production 5:269–276.
Getachew G., Said A.N. and Sundstol F. 1994. The effect of forage legume supplementation and
body weight gain by sheep fed a basal diet of maize stover. Animal Feed Science and
Technology 46:97–108.
Kitalyi A. and Owen E. 1993. Sorghum stover and lablab bean haulm [???] as foods for lactating
cattle in the agro-pastoral system of central Tanzania. In: Gill M., Owen E., Pollott G.E. and
Lawrence T.L.J. (eds), Animal Production in Developing Countries. BSAP Occasional
Publication 16. BSAP (British Society of Animal Production), Edinburgh, UK. pp. 170–171.
Kolankaya N., Steward C.S., Duncan S.H., Cheng K.J. and Costerton J.W. 1985. The effect of
ammonia treatment on solubilization and growth of cellulolytic rumen bacteria. Journal of
Applied Bacteriology 58:371–379.
Mangan J.L. 1988. Nutritional effect of tannins in animal feeds. Nutritional Research Review
Manyuchi B. 1994. High quality forages as supplements to low quality forages for ruminants.
Effect on intake, digestibility and rumen digesta dynamics. PhD thesis, University of
Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.
Masama E., Topps J.H., Ngongoni N.T. and Maasdorp B.V. 1995. The differential effects of
supplementation with fodder from different tree legumes on feed intake and digestibility of
nutrients in sheep fed on maize stover (in press).
McMeniman N.P., Elliot R. and Ash A.J. 1988. Supplementation of rice straw with crop
by-products. 1. Legume straw supplementation. Animal Feed Science and Technology
Minson D.J. and Milford R. 1967. The voluntary intake and digestibility of diets containing
different proportions of legume and mature pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens). Australian
Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 7:545–551.
Mosi A.K. and Butterworth M.H. 1985. The voluntary intake and digestibility of cereal crop
residues and legume hay for sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology 12:241–251.
Muinga R.W., Thorpe W. and Topps J.H. 1992. Voluntary food intake, live-weight change and
lactation performance of crossbred dairy cows given ad libitum Pennisetum purpureum
(Napier grass var. Bana) supplemented with leucaena forage in the lowland semi-humid
tropics. Animal Production 55:331–337.
Muinga R.W., Thorpe W. and Topps J.H. 1993. Lactational performance of Jersey cows given
Napier fodder (Pennisetum purpureum) with and without protein concentrates in the semi-
humid tropics. Tropical Animal Health and Production 25:118–128.
Ndlovu L.R. and Buchanan-Smith J.G. 1985. Utilization of poor quality roughage by sheep:
Effects of alfalfa supplementation on ruminal parameters, fibre digestion and rate of passage
from the rumen. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 65:693–703.
Said A.N. and Tolera A. 1993. The supplementary value of forage legume hays in sheep feeding:
feed intake, nitrogen retention and body weight change. Livestock Production Science
Siebert B.D. and Kennedy P.M. 1972. The utilization of speargrass (Heteropogon contortus). 1.
Factors limiting intake and utilization by sheep. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
190 J.H. Topps
Smith T., Manyuchi B. and Mikayiri S. 1990. Legume supplementation of maize stover. In:
Dzowela B.H., Said A.N., Asrat Wendem-Agenehu and Kategile J.A. (eds), Utilization of
Research Results on Forage and Agricultural By-product Materials as Animal Feed Re-
sources in Africa. Proceedings of the Joint Workshop Held in Lilongwe, Malawi, 5–9
December 1988. ILCA (International Livestock Centre for Africa), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
pp. 303–320.
Topps J.H. 1992. Potential, composition and use of legume shrubs and trees as fodder for
livestock in the tropics. Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge) 118:1–8.
Vanzant E.S. and Cochran R.C. 1994. Performance and forage utilization by beef cattle receiving
increasing amounts of alfalfa hay as a supplement to low-quality, tall grass-prairie forage.
Journal of Animal Science 72:1059–1067.
State of art in bioengineering
of rumen microorganisms
Application of molecular biology
in the production of food from ruminants
R.M. Cook
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA
Several methods are available to alter end-products of the rumen fermenta-
tion. These include glycopeptides which increase propionate and amino acids
and decrease methane and ammonia nitrogen production. Monensin in-
creases propionate and decreases methane and acetate production. Isoacids
(e.g. isobutyrate) increase acetate and decrease ammonia production. Vir-
giniamycin increases propionate production and, in some studies, decreases
butyrate, acetate and lactate. The changes in rumen fermentation products
brought about by these chemicals can have positive effects on animal pro-
duction depending on whether growth, fattening or milk production is the
desired product. The effect of these chemicals at the molecular level on the
rumen ecosystem is poorly understood. Understanding their mechanism of
action can lead to better methods for controlling rumen fermentation. Of
equal importance in improving food production by ruminants is a knowledge
of utilisation of rumen fermentation products at the molecular level. Each
metabolic event requires transcription of genes. It is critical to understand
gene regulation in adipose, muscle and the mammary gland.
Identifying the important genes regulating metabolism in food producing
animals is in its infancy. It may be that the activity of some genes should be
increased while for others it should be lowered. Some current genes of
interest are fatty acid synthase (fat deposition) and calpastatin (muscle
metabolism). The cloning of Holstein mammary gland acetyl CoA synthetase
gene is an example of the molecular approach to studying utilisation of rumen
fermentation products for milk production. The product of this gene catalyses
the initial step in the utilisation of rumen acetate for energy production and
for fat synthesis. Acetyl CoA synthetase is believed to play a key regulatory
role in ruminants. Understanding molecular mechanisms regulating the ru-
men fermentation and utilisation of rumen fermentation products will pro-
vide a means to enhance food animal production.
An important problem in rumen ecology is to define conditions required for optimum
fermentation of feedstuffs, especially low protein, highly fibrous plant material. There
are several chemicals that alter end-products of the rumen fermentation. These include
194 R.M. Cook
glycopeptide antibiotics, isoacids and monensin. Our laboratory has conducted both in
vitro and in vivo studies of the effects of glycopeptides, isoacids and monensin on rumen
fermentation (Brondani et al 1991; Quispe et al 1991). Acetate is a major end-product
of the rumen fermentation. Currently we are studying the acetyl CoA synthetase gene
whose product catalyses the initial step in acetate utilisation. These studies will be
Glycopeptide antibiotics
Teichomycin A2 is an antibiotic produced by Actinoplanea teichomyceticus. Avoparcin
is an antibiotic produced by a strain of Streptomyces candidus (Kunstmann et al 1968).
Their antimicrobial properties (growth and bacteria) stem from their ability to interfere
with cell wall synthesis (Parenti et al 1978; Redin and Dornbush 1969).
Cattle fed avoparcin have lower feed intake and improved daily gains and feed
efficiency (DeLay et al 1978; Johnson et al 1979). Changes in the rumen include
increases in propionate and decreases in acetate (Chalupa et al 1981; Froetschel et al
1983) and butyrate (Froetschel et al 1983) molar percent and α-amino-N.
In vitro studies with teichomycin A2 indicate that this glycopeptide alters rumen
fermentation similar to avoparcin (Brondani 1983; D.J. Phillips and J.M. Tadman,
unpublished data). However, studies directly comparing the two antibiotics under in
vivo conditions have not been conducted. Additionally, most studies measured only
propionate production rates. We determined the effects of teichomycin A2 and avoparcin
on in vivo production of acetate, propionate and butyrate, and rumen nitrogen variables
(Brondani 1986).
In each of two trials, six rumen-cannulated crossbred ewes were kept in individual
pens. Average body weight for animals in Trials 1 and 2 were 40.6 and 39.2 kg,
respectively. In Trial 1 (high roughage diet), animals were fed 1000 g/d of alfalfa hay
and had free access to trace mineral salt. In Trial 2 (low roughage diet), animals received
900 g/d of a ration composed of 43% alfalfa meal, 10% ground corn cobs, 20% ground
shelled corn, 20% ground oats, 5% H2O, 1% trace mineralised salt, 0.5% dicalcium
phosphate and 0.5% of a vitamin premix (vitamin A, 4400 IU/g; vitamin D, 500 IU/g;
and vitamin E, 44 IU/g). Daily feed was provided in two portions (0800 and 1600) with
free access to water.
In each trial, animals were divided into three groups of two sheep each and randomly
allocated to one of the treatments: control, 30 ppm teichomycin A2, or 30 ppm avoparcin
(dry matter basis). Antibiotics were injected directly into the rumen through a fistula
immediately following feeding. On days 28 and 29, samples for the determination of
rumen VFA and rumen nitrogen constituents were collected. Rumen fluid samples were
collected prior to morning feeding and then at hourly intervals for the next 8 h.
Measurements of rates of acetate production and liquid flow were performed on days
31 and 37. Three hours after the morning feeding, 100 ml of water containing 10 g of
polyethylene glycol (PEG, M.W. 4000) and 100 µCi of Na-[1-14C]acetate were added
to the rumen. Serial rumen fluid samples were collected every 20 min for the next 4 h.
The rates of production of propionate and butyrate were measured on days 32 and 39
Application of molecular biology in the production of food from ruminants 195
and days 33 and 40, respectively. The procedure was essentially the same as that used
for acetate (Cook 1966; Knox et al 1967).
Volatile fatty acid concentrations in rumen fluid were determined by gas liquid
chromatography according to the procedure of Ottenstein and Bartley (1971a, 1971b).
Fractionation of rumen fluid for the determination of nitrogen components was
according to the procedure of Bergen et al (1968) and Isichei (1980). α-Amino-N and
protein were determined using a Technicon Auto-Analyser System (Technicon Instru-
ment Corp., Terrytown, New York). Ammonia-N analysis was according to the method
of Okuda et al (1965) as modified by Kulasek (1972).
The effects of teichomycin A2 and avoparcin on concentrations of rumen VFA in sheep
fed high and low roughage diets are summarised in Table 1. Volatile fatty acids as a percent
of total moles are shown in Table 2. In the high roughage ration, glycopeptides did not
change the concentrations of acetate (P < 0.10) but increased propionate. Increases over
control were 26.0 and 30.8% for teichomycin A2 and avoparcin (P < 0.10), respectively.
Glycopeptides tended to lower butyrate concentrations. Total VFA concentrations were
not changed by the treatments (P < 0.10). Teichomycin A2 decreased the concentrations
of isobutyrate and isovalerate in rumen fluid (P < 0.05), whereas avoparcin decreased
isovalerate (P < 0.05). The glycopeptides did not affect the molar percent of acetate and
butyrate (Table 2). Propionate molar percent was increased by the glycopeptides relative
to control (P < 0.05). As a result, the acetate to propionate ratio was lower for the treated
groups in the high roughage diet (P < 0.05).
For the low roughage ration, the trends for VFA concentrations were similar to those
in the high roughage ration. Propionate concentrations increased (P < 0.10) and butyrate
concentrations decreased (P < 0.10) due to glycopeptide supplementation. Concentra-
tions of acetate and total VFA were not affected by treatments (P < 0.10). The lower
concentrations of isoacids caused by the glycopeptides in the high roughage ration were
not detected in the low roughage ration. Teichomycin A2 and avoparcin increased
propionate (P < 0.01) and decreased butyrate (P < 0.05) molar percent with respect to
Table 1. Effects of teichomycin A2 (TE-A2) and avoparcin (AVO) on concentrations of rumen VFA in sheep
fed high and low roughage diets (mmoles/dl)†‡.
High roughage Low roughage
Variable Control TE-A2 AVO SE§§ Control TE-A2 AVO SE§§
Acetate 9.94 9.75 6.51 0.57 6.31 5.89 6.12 0.63
Propionate 1.77†† 2.23‡‡ 2.31‡‡ 0.12 1.74†† 2.38‡‡ 2.75‡‡ 0.13
Isobutyrate 0.19§ 0.11¶ 0.14§¶ 0.02 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.03
Butyrate 0.81 0.73 0.65 0.14 0.97†† 0.63‡‡ 0.71‡‡ 0.07
2-M-butyrate 0.16 0.11 0.13 0.03 0.18 0.14 0.19 0.04
Isovalerate 0.14§ 0.09¶ 0.07¶ 0.01 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.03
Valerate 0.17 0.14 0.16 0.04 0.19 0.21 0.18 0.04
Total VGA 10.26 10.16 9.97 0.96 9.76 9.59 9.75 1.13
Total higher and isoacids 0.66†† 0.45‡‡ 0.50‡‡ 0.04 0.74 0.69 0.67 0.06
36 observations per mean.
Means in a row within a ration without a common superscript differ: §,¶ P < 0.05; ††,‡‡ P < 0.10.
Standard error of each mean in a row within a ration.
196 R.M. Cook
Table 2. Effects of teichomycin A2 (TE-A2) and avoparcin (AVO) on molar percent distribution of rumen
VFA in sheep fed high and low roughage diets†‡.
High roughage Low roughage
Variable Control TE-A2 AVO SE§§ Control TE-A2 AVO SE§§
Acetate 68.0 66.3 65.2 0.89 64.6 61.4 62.8 0.82
Propionate 17.3C 22.0¶ 23.2¶ 0.61 17.8§ 24.8¶ 23.1¶ 0.59
Isobutyrate 1.9 1.1 1.5 0.11 2.1 2.0 1.7 0.16
Butyrate 7.9 7.2 6.5 0.49 9.9†† 6.6‡‡ 7.3‡‡ 0.51
2-M-butyrate 1.6 1.1 1.3 0.13 1.8 1.5 1.9 0.09
Isovalerate 1.4 1.4 1.7 0.11 1.9 2.2 1.8 0.13
Valerate 1.9 1.4 1.7 0.11 1.9 2.2 1.8 0.13
A:P ratio 3.9†† 3.0‡‡ 2.8‡‡ 0.13 3.6§ 2.5¶ 2.7¶ 0.17
36 observations per mean.
Means in a row within a ration without a common superscript differ: §,¶ P < 0.05; ††,‡‡ P < 0.10.
Standard error of each mean in a row within a ration.
control. Acetate molar percent was slightly lower in the treated groups but differences
were not significant. This resulted in the lower acetate to propionate ratios in the treated
groups (P < 0.01).
The effect of teichomycin A2 and avoparcin on the rates of production of acetate,
propionate and butyrate in sheep fed high and low fibre diets are shown in Tables 3–5.
Animals fed the high roughage diet had a higher rumen fluid turnover rate than animals
fed low roughage. These results are in line with those reported for sheep (Froetschel et
al 1983). Froetschel et al (1983) reported an increase in rumen volume in animals fed
avoparcin. However, the present study did not show increases for either the avoparcin
or the teichomycin A2 groups.
In the high roughage ration, there was a trend for lower acetate production in the
treated groups (Table 3). However, differences were not significant (P > 0.10). Although
acetate pools were not affected by treatments (P > 0.10), the lower rate of acetate
Table 3. Effects of teichomycin A2 (TE-A2) and avoparcin (AVO) on acetate production and rumen fluid
variables in sheep fed high and low roughage diets†.
High roughage Low roughage
Variable Control TE-A2 AVO SE¶ Control TE-A2 AVO SE¶
Pool size (moles) 0.36 0.34 0.39 0.02 0.31 0.27 0.29 0.03
Turnover time (min) 110.3‡ 112.4‡ 134.1§ 6.9 103.5 97.6 102.8 9.1
Production (moles/d) 4.74 4.41 4.12 0.27 4.39 3.89 4.18 0.36
Rumen fluid
Volume (litres) 5.1 4.4 4.6 0.47 4.4 3.8 4.0 0.31
Turnover time (h) 8.7 9.2 8.5 1.39 14.3 16.1 13.1 0.98
Turnover rate (%/h) 11.1 10.5 11.9 1.03 6.7 6.3 7.7 0.62
Four observations per mean.
Means in a row within a ration without a common superscript differ (P < 0.10).
Standard error of each mean in a row within a ration.
Application of molecular biology in the production of food from ruminants 197
Table 4. Effects of teichomycin A2 (TE-A2) and avoparcin (AVO) on propionate production, rumen volume,
and rumen fluid turnover rate in sheep fed high and low roughage diets†.
High roughage Low roughage
Variable Control TE-A2 AVO SE¶ Control TE-A2 AVO SE¶
Pool size (moles) 0.12 0.16 0.14 0.02 0.13‡ 0.17‡§ 0.21§ 0.03
Turnover time (min) 136.80 123.50 115.20 9.73 121.70‡ 119.80 114.4§
‡ 7.12
Production (moles/d) 1.24‡ 1.84§ 1.72§ 0.12 1.55‡ 2.09§ 2.12§ 0.14
Rumen fluid
Volume (litres) 4.40 5.10 4.70 0.36 3.50 3.90 4.40 0.42
Turnover time (h) 9.30 8.40 10.10 1.24 15.20 13.40 14.30 0.86
Turnover rate (%/h) 10.80 12.10 9.10 0.97 6.40 7.30 6.80 0.74
Four observations per mean.
Means in a row within a ration without a common superscript differ (P < 0.10).
Standard error of each mean in a row within a ration.
production due to avoparcin resulted in significantly less acetate pool turnover times
relative to control (P < 0.10). In the low roughage ration, trends were the same as those
found in the high roughage ration. Acetate production and acetate pool sizes tended to
be lower in the treated groups, but differences were not significant (P > 0.10).
Propionate production rates were increased by glycopeptide supplementation in both
rations (Table 6). In the high roughage diet, increases in propionate production relative
to controls were 48 (P < 0.05) and 38.7% (P < 0.05) for teichomycin A2 and avoparcin,
respectively. In the low-roughage ration, increases in propionate production due to
teichomycin A2 and avoparcin were 34.8 (P < 0.10) and 36.8% (P < 0.10), respectively.
The increase in propionate production resulted in higher propionate pool sizes for both
antibiotics in both rations. However, significant differences from control were detected
only for avoparcin in the low roughage diet (P < 0.10). Butyrate production (Table 5)
was not affected by treatments in either ration (P > 0.10).
Table 5. Effects of teichomycin A2 (TE-A2) and avoparcin (AVO) on butyrate production, rumen volume,
and rumen fluid turnover rate in sheep fed high and low roughage diets†‡.
High roughage Low roughage
Variable Control TE-A2 AVO SE§ Control TE-A2 AVO SE§
Pool size (moles) 0.051 0.044 0.047 0.004 0.067 0.071 0.059 0.003
Turnover time (min) 150.60 138.90 143.80 13.10 213.20 214.60 199.30 17.50
Production (moles/d) 0.475 0.453 0.461 0.06 0.443 0.469 0.429 0.09
Rumen fluid
Volume (litres) 5.40 4.80 5.10 0.49 4.30 5.10 3.80 0.39
Turnover time (h) 8.10 8.50 9.20 1.19 12.20 14.40 12.90 0.96
Turnover rate (h) 12.10 11.40 10.20 0.97 8.50 6.80 7.50 0.71
Four observations per mean.
Effects of treatment are not significant in either ration (P < 0.10).
Standard error of each mean in a row within a ration.
198 R.M. Cook
Table 6. Effects of teichomycin A2 (TE-A2) and avoparcin (AVO) on rumen nitrogen constitutents in sheep
fed high and low roughage diets (mg/dl)†.
High roughage Low roughage
Variable Control TE-A2 AVO SE‡‡ Control TE-A2 AVO SE‡‡
Soluble protein 46.19 52.1 39.43 4.76 37.09 44.03 49.12 4.11
Bacterial protein 57.29 65.8 61.20 5.12 63.14 54.28 63.19 4.63
Protozoal protein 61.34 72.13 65.23 6.17 265.19 234.29 251.12 19.25
Alpha-amino-N 2.94‡ 5.34§ 6.41§ 0.48 3.19¶ 4.81†† 4.74†† 0.42
Ammonia-N 16.59‡ 13.21‡§ 11.19§ 1.19 17.35 ‡ 10.24§ 11.86§ 1.28
36 observations per mean.
Means in a row within a ration without a common superscript differ, P < 0.05; ¶,††P < 0.05.
Standard error of each mean in a row within a ration.
Changes in VFA production rates found in the present study followed similar trends
for both glycopeptides. In general, supplementation with teichomycin A2 and avoparcin
resulted in significant increases in propionate concentrations and production rates. For
acetate and butyrate, there were trends toward lower concentration and production rates
but differences were not significant (P > 0.10). This is in contrast with results from
studies in sheep (Froetschel et al 1983) and cattle (Chalupa et al 1981). Froetschel et al
(1983) reported higher propionate but lower acetate, butyrate and total VFA concentra-
tions in sheep fed high and low fibre diets supplemented with avoparcin. Chalupa et al
(1981) reported that avoparcin supplementation to cattle increased propionate and
butyrate and decreased acetate. Total VFA concentrations were not affected by the
antibiotic. However, our results are in line with those obtained in feedlot trials by
Johnson et al (1979). In these experiments, avoparcin consistently increased propionate
without affecting acetate or butyrate concentrations.
One point of importance is the time required for the patterns of rumen VFA to return
to pre-treatment values when feeding of antibiotics is discontinued. In contrast with
ionophores, the effects of glycopeptides seem to be persistent (Brondani 1983; D.J.
Phillips and J.M. Tadman, unpublished data). Ten days after glycopeptide supplemen-
tation was discontinued, the molar proportion of rumen VFA had not returned to normal.
These results question the validity of using Latin squares or reversal designs to study
the effects of glycopeptides on rumen metabolism unless there are long adaptation
periods to the new treatment to avoid carryover effects.
The effect of teichomycin A2 and avoparcin on rumen nitrogen constituents in sheep
fed high and low fibre diets is shown in Table 6. Soluble, bacterial and protozoal protein
fractions were not affected by treatments (P > 0.10).
In the high roughage ration, increases in α-amino-N relative to control were 81.6
(P < 0.05) and 118% (P < 0.05), respectively, for teichomycin A2 and avoparcin. In the
low roughage diet, teichomycin A2 and avoparcin increased α-amino-N concentrations
by 50.1 (P < 0.05) and 48.6% (P < 0.05), respectively. Ammonia-N in the high roughage
diet was decreased by 10 (P < 0.05) and 23.8% (P < 0.05) by teichomycin A2 and
avoparcin. In the low roughage diet, decreases in ammonia-N due to teichomycin A2
and avoparcin were 33.2 and 22.7%, respectively (Table 6).
Application of molecular biology in the production of food from ruminants 199
Results for ammonia-N and α-amino-N indicate that teichomycin A2 and avoparcin
exert a marked effect on rumen nitrogen metabolism. These results are in agreement
with in vitro results for teichomycin A2 (Brondani 1983) and in vivo results for avoparcin
(Chalupa et al 1981; Froetschel et al 1983). The decrease in ammonia-N concentration
concomitant with increases in α-amino-N suggests that teichomycin A2 and avoparcin
reduce deamination. Additional evidence is provided by the decline in the concentration
of isoacids in treated animals (Table 1). Although some rumen bacterial species can
synthesise branched chain acids de novo (Bryant and Doetsch 1955; Miura et al 1980),
the majority of isoacids in the rumen comes from the degradation of dietary protein.
Therefore, the decline in isoacids suggests that amino acid breakdown was depressed
by the glycopeptides.
Both compounds increase propionate production but do not affect acetate and butyrate
production. Both glycopeptides increase α-amino-N and decrease ammonia-N concen-
trations in rumen fluid, suggesting less protein and/or amino acid degradation in the
Ruminal bacteria require isoacids (isobutyrate, 2-methylbutyrate, isovalerate and valer-
ate), NH3 and hydrogen sulfide for growth (Brondani et al 1991). Little information is
available concerning the interaction of these three nutrients, particularly when high fibre
diets are fed. To study the interaction of isoacids, NH3 and sulfur, a 23 factorial crossover
(three factors each of three levels) conducted in two 4 × 4 Quasi-Latin squares was used
(Brondani et al 1991).
Double blocking criteria were animals and time (non-random repeated measurements
were obtained from each subject assigned to a sequence of treatment combinations). In
each trial, eight rumen-fistulated adult Tabasco sheep were divided into two groups.
Sheep in Groups 1 and 2 weighed 27 and 36 kg, respectively, and were assigned
randomly to rows of 1 square, corresponding to a predetermined sequence of treatment
combinations. The three factors were isoacids, N, and S each at two levels. Composition
of the basal diets for Trials 1 and 2 is given in Table 7. Corn stover was chopped with
a silage chopper to lengths of 1.26 cm. Both sugar cane bagasse and stover were
Based on results of previous experiments, an equal weight mixture of isoacids
(isobutyrate, 2-methylbutyrate, isovalerate and valerate) was administered at 0.1 and
0.2 g/kg body weight (BW) per day. To achieve two levels of NH3-N in the rumen (about
5 and 15 mg/dl), the basal diet was fed either alone or supplemented with urea (high N
treatment) at 1.5% of DM. To achieve two levels of sulfide in the rumen (4 and 8 µg/ml),
the basal diet was fed alone or supplemented with elemental S at 0.2% of DM. Sulfur
and N supplementation was designed to provide four different N:S ratios. Final N:S
ratios were approximately 3:1, 5:1, 8:1 and 12:1. Isoacids, urea and S were premixed
weekly with part of the sorghum and then incorporated into the totally mixed diet. The
daily ration was fed at 0700 and feed intake was recorded daily for each animal. Water
200 R.M. Cook
was provided ad libitum. Animals were adapted to a given diet for 14 days prior to
In vivo production rates of acetate were measured by a single injection radioisotope
technique (Cook 1966; Rogers and Davis 1982). On day 15, 3 h after morning feeding,
each animal received an intraruminal injection of 100 µCi of Na-[1-14C]acetate with
100 ml of a 10% solution of polyethylene glycol (molecular weight 3350). Following
infusion, ruminal fluid samples were collected every 20 min for the next 3 h. Samples
were strained through four layers of surgical gauze and stored frozen at –20°C. Ruminal
hydrogen sulfide was determined using a hydrogen sulfide-sensing electrode (Lazar
model GS-136). Isolation of 14C-acetate from rumen fluid was as described above under
glycopeptides. Determinations of acetate production, ruminal NH3-N and acetate were
described previously (Cook 1966).
In a third trial, sheep in Groups 1 (25 kg) and 2 (35 kg) were each fed 1215 and 1700
g/d of pineapple tops and 20 and 27 g/d of minerals, respectively (Quispe et al 1991).
Pineapple tops were 6.6 and 0.13% CP and S, respectively.
Pineapple tops were chopped in a silage cutter, air-dried to 20% moisture, and finally
ground for formulating rations. Isoacids (equal weights of isobutyrate, 2-methyl-
butyrate, isovalerate and valerate) were mixed into rations at two levels to provide 0.07
and 0.14 g kg BW–1 d–1. In order to achieve ruminal NH3-N levels of approximately 5
and 15 mg/dl, pineapple tops were fed without or with urea at 0.43 g kg BW–1 d–1.
Similarly, either 0 or 0.086 g S kg BW–1 d–1 was provided by adding elemental sulfur.
Experimental periods were one week. Acetate production was measured on the last day
of each period.
For Trials 1 and 2, results are presented in view of the existence of two significant
two-way interactions, i.e. the interactions between N with S and N with isoacids. The
Application of molecular biology in the production of food from ruminants 201
Table 8. Effects of N and S on feed intake and ruminal fermentation variables in sheep fed high fibre diets.
DMI Feed NH3 N Sulfide-S production
(g/d) N:S (mg/dl)† (µg/ml)‡ (mol/d)
Trial 1 (sugarcane bagasse diet)
Low N, low S 387 8.1 6.11 2.43 2.18¶
High N, low S 454 12.7 12.19 2.16 1.94¶
Low N, high S 442 3.1 5.14 5.84 2.25¶
High N, high S 462 5.0 13.11 5.51 3.16§
S.E. 16 — 0.84 0.33 0.24
Trial 2 (corn stover diet)
Low N, low S 430 7.0 5.28 2.97 2.24¶
High N, low S 412 10.7 14.19 3.34 2.82¶
Low N, high S 461 3.2 6.93 5.26 2.31¶
High N, high S 442 4.7 13.11 4.81 3.67§
S.E. 15 — 0.71 0.28 0.21
Significant effect of N (P < 0.01).
Significant effect of S (P < 0.01).
Means in the same column within a trial with different superscripts differ (P < 0.10).
interaction of isoacids and S was not significant. Therefore, there was no specific
examination of combination means involving those two factors. When two factors
interact, it is appropriate to examine the means of two-way combinations (averaged over
other factors, if any) to determine the nature of the interaction. For the two-way
combinations between N and S (Table 8), DMI did not differ among treatment groups
in either trial. Urea increased (P < 0.01) ruminal NH3-N in both trials. Similarly, S
supplementation resulted in higher (P < 0.01) levels of sulfide-S in ruminal fluid of
sheep on both trials. In both trials, acetate production was not changed by either urea
or S when fed separately. Supplementation of both resulted in a 44% increase in acetate
production in Trial 1 and a 63% increase in Trial 2. Although the lack of an increase in
acetate production in the group with low N and high S may be explained by the low
level of ruminal NH3-N (Table 8), the results for the group with high N and low S were
not expected. The calculated N:S ratio and the percentage of S in the basal diets (Table
8) were within the ranges commonly recommended for adult sheep (Bray and Till 1975;
Ørskov 1982). However, S intake by animals in the group with high N and low S may
have been limiting. Hume and Bird (1970) reported that S intake of 1.95 g/d supported
maximal ruminal microbial protein synthesis in sheep. In the present study, intake of
total S in the group with high N and low S averaged 0.65 and 0.74 g/d, respectively, for
Trials 1 and 2. For the group with high N and high S, average daily intake of S for sheep
in Trials 1 and 2 was 1.66 and 1.80 g/d, respectively. The precise level at which ruminal
sulfide concentration limits microbial growth and fermentation has not been defined
clearly, but 1 µg of sulfide-S/ml of ruminal fluid has been suggested to be the lower
limit for optimal fermentation (Harrison and McAllen 1981). Concentrations of sulfide-
S in the groups with high N and low S were greater than 2 µg/ml but may not have been
high enough for maximal fermentation. These results suggest that S supplementation
202 R.M. Cook
Table 9. Effects of isoacids (Iso) and N on feed intake and ruminal fermentation variables in sheep fed high
fibre diets.
Total Acetate
DMI NH3 N isoacids production
(g/d) (mg/dl)† (mmol/dl)‡ (mol/d)
Trial 1 (sugarcane bagasse diet)
Low Iso, low N 384 6.82 0.28 1.91§
Low Iso, high N 421 15.10 0.29 2.86¶
High Iso, low N 438 7.14 0.49 1.97§
High Iso, high N 417 14.36 0.53 3.74††
S.E. 16 0.64 0.03 0.17
Trial 2 (corn stover diet)
Low Iso, low N 431 8.31 0.26 2.64¶
Low Iso, high N 456 17.11 0.28 2.95¶
High Iso, low N 471 7.34 0.47 2.88¶
High Iso, high N 448 15.21 0.48 3.87††
S.E. 15 0.71 0.02 0.21
Significant effect of N (P < 0.01).
Significant effect of isoacids (P < 0.01).
Means in the same column within a trial with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).
based solely on the N:S ratio or on the percentage of S in DM may not be adequate when
high fibre diets containing low N are fed. The total amount of S that would allow
maximal microbial protein synthesis should be considered first. Once that is provided,
supplementing N to attain an N:S ratio of about 10 (Ørskov 1982) should result in
maximal fermentation efficiency.
Increasing the level of isoacids in the diet resulted in higher (P < 0.01) concentrations
of these acids in the rumen for both trials (Table 9). In Trial 1, acetate production was
higher when N was supplemented along with low isoacids (P < 0.05). Increasing the
amount of isoacids in the diet, without adding N, did not change acetate production.
When both were present at the high level, acetate production was further increased
(P < 0.05) by 30%. These results show that rates of fermentation in the rumen can be
only as high as the availability of the most limiting nutrient. In Trial 1, ruminal NH3-N
provided by the basal diet was more limiting than isoacids. Once N supply was increased
by the addition of urea to the diet, isoacids became limiting.
Trends in acetate production found in Trial 2 were similar to Trial 1 (Table 9). However,
increases (P < 0.05) in acetate production were found only when both N and isoacids were
fed at a high level. This suggests that ruminal NH3-N provided by the basal diet in Trial
2 was adequate to support microbial fermentations as efficiently as the diet that was
supplemented with N. However ruminal NH3-N was not sufficiently high to permit
utilisation of the higher amounts of isoacids supplied by the high isoacid treatment.
In Trial 3, two different ruminal levels of H2S and NH3-N were achieved by supple-
menting pineapple tops with elemental sulfur and urea (Table 10). Ruminal H2S averaged
7 to 9 µg/ml when S was added compared to 0.7 to 4 µg/ml with no S. Similarly, ruminal
NH3-N was 13 to 16 mg/dl when urea was added compared to 5 to 7 mg/dl without urea.
Application of molecular biology in the production of food from ruminants 203
Table 10. Effects of interaction of isoacids, urea, and sulfur, each at 2 levels, on ruminal acetate production,
H2S, and NH3-N in sheep fed pineapple tops.
H2S NH3-N Rumen Ration (mol h-1
Treatments† (µg/ml)‡ (mg/dl)‡ (NH3-N:H2S) (N:S) per sheep)
ALBLCL 0.7 6.7 90 8 0.21
AH BH CL 4.0 14.8 36 12 0.22††
AH BLCH 7.8 7.4 9 3 0.33§
ALBH CH 7.3 12.8 18 5 0.25¶
ALBLCH 7.0 7.0 10 3 0.17¶
ALBH CL 2.9 15.9 54 12 0.27
AH BLCL 3.5 4.8 14 8 0.28††
AH BH CH 9.1 13.9 16 5 0.44§
A, B and C are levels of isoacids, urea, and sulfur, respectively. L and H are low and high levels.
S.E. for H2S and NH2-N is 0.6 and 1.2, respectively.
Two pooled treatment contrasts were different: § vs. ¶ (P < 0.05), positive effect of isoacids when sulfur was present
and § vs. †† (P < 0.1), positive effect of sulfur when isoacids were high. All other treatment comparisons were not different
(P > 0.01).
Ruminal concentrations of isoacids were not increased with high levels of isoacids.
This may be due to rapid utilisation in the rumen. The ruminal N:S ratio (Table 10)
reflected the dietary N:S ratio.
For acetate production, interactions were only significant between isoacids and S.
Therefore, the Bonferroni t-test was used to test differences among treatment means
within each level of isoacids or S. These results show that acetate production was
increased (P < 0.05) with S supplementation. Similarly, acetate production was higher
when adding S and high isoacids (P < 0.01).
Acetate production was higher with a dietary N:S ratio of 5:1 relative to 3:1, 8:1 or
12:1 (Figure 1). This ratio is narrower than the ratio usually considered adequate for
sheep (Bray and Till 1975). The dietary N:S ratio of 5:1 resulted in ruminal NH3-N to
H2S ratio of 17:1, which is close to the N:S ratios for ruminal bacteria of approximately
13:1 proposed by Bray and Till (1975).
Acetate production was more correlated to N:S ratios (r2 = 14.6%) than to ruminal
NH3-N concentration (r2 = 3.2%). There was a trend towards more acetate production
as ruminal NH3-N increased, but differences were not significant.
In general, acetate production was 42% greater when higher levels of isoacids and S
were added to the feed ration. Adding urea to diets containing high levels of isoacids
and S increased acetate production by another 33%. It is concluded that 0.14 g of
isoacids, 0.43 g urea and 0.086 g S kg BW–1 gave the maximum fermentation of
pineapple tops. These treatments gave a dietary N:S ratio of 5:1.
Because production of VFA from carbohydrates in the rumen is coupled with microbial
growth, maximal microbial yield can be attained only if precursors for protein synthesis
are made available to the microbiota simultaneously and in adequate quantities. This study
suggests that high fibre diets low in N are utilised better when all three factors (N, isoacids
and S) are adequate.
0 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1 12:1
R.M. Cook
N:S Ratios
Figure 1. Effects of N:S ratios in the ration on mean rumen acetate production in sheep (SE = 0.05).
Application of molecular biology in the production of food from ruminants 205
10 total vfa
VFA (mmoles/dl)
2 propionate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Days of Incubation
Figure 2. Daily rumen VFA concentration in vitro using timothy hay as substrate.
Monensin has been used extensively in diets for feedlot cattle for several years. Isoacids
have been used as a nutritional supplement for lactating dairy cattle. Both monensin and
isoacids affect rumen fermentation. However, little is known about the effects of the
combination of the two compounds in the rumen. In vitro rumen fermentations have shown
that monensin decreases the acetate:propionate ratio (Chalupa 1977; Richardson et al
1976). These results have been attributed to a toxic effect of the ionophore on ruminococci
(Henderson et al 1981). Unlike monensin, isoacids (isobutyric, isovaleric, 2-methylbutyric
and valeric acids) increase rumen acetate production, probably due to an enhanced growth
of ruminococci (Allison and Bryant 1958; Bryant 1973; Felix et al 1980).
An in vitro system was used to study the effects of monensin and isoacids on the
rumen fermentation (Kone et al 1989). Ruminal fluid was obtained 3 h post-feeding
from a mature non-pregnant and non-lactating rumen-fistulated Holstein cow that
weighed 550 kg. Samples from different parts of the rumen were strained through two
layers of surgical gauze into 1 litre glass bottles kept at 40°C.
The semicontinuous culture technique of Short (1978) was used with minor modifi-
cations (Figure 2). The culture was maintained in the same flask throughout the
experiment. The substrate was timothy hay.
Isobutyric, 2-methylbutyric, isovaleric and valeric acids were mixed at equimolar
concentrations and neutralised with sodium hydroxide. The final concentrations of the
206 R.M. Cook
Table 11. Effect of isoacids on rumen VFA concentration and gas composition in vitro using inoculum from
a cow fed timothy hay.
Isoacid concentration, mg/dl
Variable Control 10 15 20 SEM
VFA 7.87§ 8.72† 8.93† 8.41‡ 0.08
Acetate 5.48‡ 6.07† 6.17† 5.61‡ 0.07
Propionate 1.55‡ 1.69† 1.63† 1.52‡ 0.02
Butyrate 0.60 0.58 0.66 0.65 0.03
Isoacids 0.25¶ 0.40§ 0.49‡ 0.59† 0.01
Isobutyrate 0.03¶ 0.06§ 0.07‡ 0.08† 0.001
2-methylbutyrate 0.06¶ 0.10§ 0.13‡ 0.15† 0.003
Isovalerate 0.04¶ 0.10§ 0.12‡ 0.13† 0.003
Valerate 0.12§ 0.14§ 0.16‡ 0.22† 0.006
CH4 35.15 36.15 34.38 33.08 1.99
CO2 49.02 54.94 49.03 47.37 3.15
H2 3.83 4.00 3.67 3.83 0.2
Means in a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).
isoacid mixture in the incubation flasks were 10, 15 and 20 mg/dl of media. Monensin
(Sigma Chemical Co., S. Louis, MO) was first dissolved in 10 mg of methanol and then
diluted with water. The final medium concentrations were 100, 150 and 200 µg/dl.
Experiment 1 investigated the effect of isoacids at 10, 15 and 20 mg/dl of final
incubation medium. Experiment 2 investigated the effect of monensin at 100, 150 and
200 µg/dl of final incubation medium. For Experiment 3, monensin was fixed at 150
µg/dl, and isoacids were added to the incubation medium at 10 or 15 mg/dl of the final
Isoacids at 10 and 15 mg/dl increased acetate, total VFA and propionate concentration,
but the increase was not as great at 20 mg/dl. As expected, branched-chain fatty acid
concentrations increased in proportion to the amounts added in the medium. In contrast
to VFA production, CH4, CO2 and H2 were not affected by isoacids (Table 11).
The effects of different concentrations of monensin are in Table 12. In contrast to
isoacids, acetate concentration decreased at all concentrations of monensin tested.
Propionate concentration was significantly increased, whereas butyrate concentration
decreased at all concentrations tested. Monensin decreased methane production. Neither
CO2 nor H2 was affected. The results from the monensin experiment agree with similar
studies conducted by Chalupa (1977). Monensin consistently decreased acetate and
butyrate but increased propionate production.
The addition of monensin caused a decrease in acetate and propionate after 24 h of
incubation, but after 48 h, propionate was higher than control values, whereas acetate
remained lower than the controls. The addition of isoacids at 10 and 15 mg/dl to flasks
containing monensin increased acetate concentration compared with monensin alone
(P < 0.05; Figure 3). However, the addition of isoacids to flasks containing monensin
did not alter propionate concentration (Figure 4).
Application of molecular biology in the production of food from ruminants 207
Table 12. Effect of monensin on rumen VFA concentration and gas composition in vitro using inoculum
from a cow fed timothy hay.
Monensin, µg/dl
Variable Control 100 150 200 SEM
VFA 8.54† 7.22‡ 6.84‡ 6.88‡ 0.14
Acetate (A) 6.02§ 4.28‡ 3.74† 3.60† 0.11
Propionate (P) 1.73§ 2.27‡ 2.28‡ 2.42† 0.03
Butyrate 0.52‡ 0.46‡ 0.42† 0.35† 0.02
Isoacids 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.19 0.01
A:P 3.50† 1.90‡ 1.75‡§ 1.61§ 0.07
CH4 36.33† 27.07‡ 26.77‡ 26.00‡ 0.91
CO2 49.83 48.33 42.50 47.50 3.2
H2 3.50‡ 3.5‡ 3.5‡ 4.00†
Means in a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).
Acetate (mmoles/dl)
4.2 M + 1-15
M + 1-10
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Days of incubation
Figure 3. Effect of the combination monensin/isoacids on daily rumen acetate concentration by rumen
microbes in vitro using timothy hay as substrate.
developing methods to control the rumen ecosystem under a variety of feed manage-
ment systems.
Propionate (momoles/dl)
M +1-15
1.82 monensin
M + 1-10
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Days of incubation
Figure 4. Effect of the combination monensin/isoacids on daily rumen propionate concentration by rumen
microbes in vitro using timothy hay as substrate.
is not utilised by ruminant liver (Cook 1970; Cook and Miller 1965) and ACS activity
is not found in liver (Ricks and Cook 1981a). However, in vitro, acetate can be oxidised
by liver because propionyl CoA synthetase can activate acetate at a low rate (Ricks and
Cook 1981a). The apparent molecular weight of the mammary gland enzyme is 63,000
(Qureshi and Cook 1975). ACS is a glycoprotein and the carbohydrates have been
identified (Ricks and Cook 1981b; Stamoudis and Cook 1975).
In early lactation, blood growth hormone is relatively high and insulin is low. As
lactation advances and milk production declines, blood levels of growth hormone
decrease and insulin increases. Also, high producing cows have lower blood insulin and
higher growth hormone than do low producing cows (Ghirardi and Cook 1987). Insulin
inhibits and growth hormone stimulates ACS activity in lactating goat mammary gland.
As lactation advances, ACS activity decreases sharply but can be partially reinstated by
injecting a combination of growth hormone, prolactin and dexamethasone (Marinez et
al 1976). The existence of 5′ regulatory site hormonal response elements (e.g. gluco-
corticoids) in the ACS gene might explain these coordinated regulatory patterns.
In cattle, ACS activity is marginal in a dry mammary gland, increases from parturition
to peak milk production and then declines in activity as lactation advances (Marinez et
al 1976). ACS activity is directly correlated with milk production. Thus, as lactation
advances, less acetate can be utilised.
210 R.M. Cook
Given the central role of ACS in ruminant metabolism and milk production, cDNA
cloning of the ACS gene was initiated using poly(A+)RNA isolated from bovine
mammary tissue, taken at peak lactation. Mammary gland mRNA was reverse tran-
scribed with AMV reverse transcriptase (Promega Inc., Madison, WI), according to
the manufacturers’ instructions. Following second strand synthesis and EcoRI adaptor
addition, cDNAs were cloned into the EcoRI site of lambda gt11. Initial screening
with rabbit anti-ACS sera, prepared by injection of purified bovine ACS, yielded a
truncated cDNA clone, AR8. AR8 remained positive through several rounds of plaque
purification. Subsequent screening of 750,000 plaques using AR8 yielded 1 clone,
designated ATC5, which remained positive through several rounds of plaque purifi-
cation. ATC5 contains a 4.2 Kbp insert, more than sufficient to encode the complete
ACS protein. The insert from ATC5 was excised by EcoRI digestion and subcloned
into the EcoRI site of pUC19 (generating pATC5) for further analysis and sequencing.
Prior to initiation of full-scale DNA sequence analysis, several steps were taken to
ensure pATC5 represented a true copy of ACS gene coding sequences.
1. Rabbit anti-ACS was affinity purified using the fusion protein produced by induc-
tion of pATC5 with IPTG. Purified anti-ACS removed over 90% of ACS activity
from a preparation of partially purified bovine mammary ACS. In contrast, preim-
mune sera did not adversely affect ACS activity.
2. Anti-ACS, affinity purified using LacZ-ACS fusion protein from clone pAR8, was
used in Western blots of mitochondrial extracts from heart, liver, kidney, mammary
gland and spleen. Proteins with the expected molecular weight and tissue distribu-
tion as ACS were recognised.
3. Preliminary DNA sequencing of pAR8 and pATC5 revealed an open reading frame
with 25% homology to other synthetases (ATP and HSCoA binding proteins). No
homology to common structural proteins was observed.
4. The pattern of RNA expression detected in bovine tissues is consistent with known
protein expression patterns of ACS. Specifically, heart and mammary gland contain
significant amounts of ACS RNA while liver and kidney contain very little.
A restriction map of the 4.2 Kbp insert of pATC5 has been prepared and the insert
partially sequenced. To date, over 1200 bp have been sequenced, revealing a single long
open reading frame. Northern blots of poly(A+) RNA from bovine heart, liver, mam-
mary gland and kidney were probed with [alpha-32P]-ATC5. Northern analyses clearly
show multiple forms of ACS mRNA in most tissues. For example, three distinct
transcripts were detected in heart and mammary gland while two transcripts were
detected in kidney and one in liver. ACS transcripts range in size from 0.8 to 5.2 kb.
Multiple forms of ACS mRNA were not unexpected, based on results from other
synthetases, and may be the result of multiple promoters and/or alternative splicing. It
is curious, however, that a faint ACS mRNA (4.2 kb) would be present in liver where
no ACS activity can be detected. This suggests that either the liver transcript is not
translated, leads to translation of an inactive molecule, or is regulated at the post-trans-
lational level. It is also possible that our ACS probe hybridised with another closely
related mRNA (e.g. propionyl CoA synthetase).
Application of molecular biology in the production of food from ruminants 211
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212 R.M. Cook
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214 R.M. Cook
The rumen can be manipulated in several ways. Plasmid vectors that can
transform rumen bacterial species have been developed and some that shuttle
between different species have been described. One of these, pMU1328, has
been used to transform Streptococcus bovis and to form the basis of construc-
tion of a suicide vector for integration into the S. bovis chromosome. This
vector, pJDB9, replicates in Escherichia coli but not in S. bovis due to
removal of the ori-S. Insertion of a 0.47 kb fragment of Tn916 into pJDB9
generated pJDB0.5 that can integrate into its chromosomal Tn916 target
sequence in S. bovis and be maintained in a stable fashion. The amylase gene
promoter has been inserted in these plasmids to promote expression of
various genes, including β-1,4-endoglucanase, xylanase, pea albumin and
tannin acyl hydrolase in S. bovis and related species.
Population control in the rumen has also been demonstrated. Transfer of
lactic acid utilising bacteria from grain-adapted animals to livestock just
prior to the introduction of a grain-based feeding regime reduced the potential
lactate concentrate from 100 mM to less than 10 mM and avoided the onset
of acidosis. Bacterial transfers from feral goats to domestic sheep and cattle
also demonstrated the viability of bacterial transfers in improving the N
balance of animals feeding on tannin-containing Acacia. Improved weight
gain and wool growth in sheep is reported. These examples demonstrate the
feasibility of rumen manipulation to improve productive performance of
domestic ruminants browsing fibrous forages.
Limitations to ruminant production include poorly digestible fibrous plant material,
nitrogen losses and toxic compounds present in the feed. In tropical and arid regions,
these limitations can be so great as to become critical to the survival of ruminant
animals in that environment. The fibre content of many tropical grasses is high and
digestibility of the feed is low compared with improved Mediterranean-type pastures
(McMeniman et al 1981). Feed supplements are often unavailable or expensive.
Anti-nutritive components are also very prevalent in tropical plants and these restrict
the forage range for domestic livestock. Many of these limitations may be overcome,
or at least alleviated by manipulation of rumen microbial populations.
216 J.D. Brooker
The rumen can be manipulated in two fundamental ways: firstly by the application
of genetic techniques to modify the functional capacity of specific bacterial species;
secondly, through modification of rumen ecology by introducing novel bacterial species
or by selectively enhancing populations of existing species.
Considerable advances have been made in developing techniques for the genetic
manipulation of rumen bacteria and the predominant species have been transformed, albeit
at low frequencies in some cases. Various plasmid vectors have been designed, and for
some species such as Streptococcus, recombination of genes into the chromosome of the
host has been demonstrated. Recombinant strains of rumen bacteria expressing various
foreign genes have been produced and some recombinant strains have been returned to
the rumen and have been shown to persist in the absence of direct selection.
Modification of microbial ecology by population control has also been demonstrated
to be an effective way to improve rumen function. Lactic acidosis in feedlot animals can
be controlled by ruminal inoculation of lactate-utilising bacteria. Tannin toxicity can be
alleviated and productivity of animals browsing tannin-containing tropical shrubs has been
enhanced by the cross inoculation of rumen fluid from wild to domestic ruminants.
There is now ample evidence that animal production, especially in marginal areas, can
be improved by manipulation of the rumen. Further work on the isolation of novel bacterial
species (Brooker et al 1994) and genes that may be transferred between bacterial species
will be valuable additions to studies on animal nutrition that will ultimately lead to
increased productivity in domestic ruminants in tropical and arid regions.
Virginiamycin (Stafac 500) was kindly supplied by Dr. J.B. Rowe (University of New
England, Australia).
Fermenter conditions
A Bioflow IIC microprocessor-controlled laboratory scale fermenter (New Brunswick
Scientific Co., Inc.) with a 600 ml working volume was used to develop an in vitro
model for acidosis. The pH was maintained at 6.0 by the automatic pumping of either
1 M HCl or 1 M KOH and the fermenter was sparged at a rate of 20 ml/min with CO2
and N2 gases in a ratio of 3:1. The temperature was maintained at 39°C. Cultures were
mixed continuously at 100 rpm for pure culture studies and at 50 rpm for crude rumen
fluid incubations.
Genetic manipulation in the rumen
Various vectors have been designed for rumen bacteria. Some of these are based on
endogenous plasmids, e.g. pJDB216 for Selenomonas ruminantium (Attwood and
Brooker 1992). Others are based on compatible plasmids from other bacterial species,
e.g. pBS42 from Bacillus subtilis that functions in Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens. Transfor-
mation systems have been developed for several ruminal species. This work has now
been extended to the development of a recombination system to insert foreign genes
directly into the host chromosome.
E. coli (DB11). The gene was isolated from a pUC19 plasmid library by screening for
starch degradation on nutrient agar plates using the iodine reaction to localise positive
colonies. The cloned DNA was mapped and 500 bp of the DNA was sequenced and
compared with previously published data. The gene corresponded to that recently
described in S. bovis by T.R. Whitehead (personal communication). Using PCR primers,
constructed so that a synthetic HindIII site was present on either end, the promoter
region and ribosomal binding site for the gene was synthesised. The promoter fragment
was cloned in pMU1328 and sequenced to verify its structure and orientation. This
fragment has been placed in the mcs of the suicide vector, pJDB9 to drive expression
of new genes inserted nearby. Genes to be expressed include a β-1,4-endoglucanase,
xylanase, tannin acyl hydrolase and pea albumin.
Ori C Em r Cm r
Ori S
Pst 1 Pst 1
Pst 1 Hind 111
EcoR1 Pst 1
Em r
Cm r
Figure 1. Derivation of suicide vector pJDB9 and recombination vector pJDB0.5 from pMU1328.
Southern blot. A single high molecular weight (> 23 kb) band was observed that
hybridised with pMU1328-specific probe, and, after washing and reprobing, with the
tet M-specific probe. Control S. bovis WI-1::Tn916 DNA hybridised with the tet
M-specific probe but not pMU1328.
To examine the organisation of the integrated DNA, chromosomal DNA from two S.
bovis WI-1::Tn916 recombinants, JDB-2 and JDB-3, was digested with HindIII, EcoRI or
HindIII + EcoRI. Fragments were analysed by gel electrophoresis and Southern blot using
radiolabelled pMU1328 as a probe. The results (Figure 2) show that in each digest, several
positive bands were detected, and in the single digests, one band in each track displayed a
stronger hybridisation signal than the other bands and was the same size as the original
linearised plasmid. The same pattern was observed for both recombinants tested.
Stability of recombinants
Due to regeneration of the Tn916 target sequence during homologous recombination of
pJDB0.5, spontaneous excision of the vector sequence may occur in the absence of
erythromycin selection. To assess the stability of recombinants, a culture of JDB-2 was
passaged for approximately 100 generations in the absence of erythromycin. Analysis
220 J.D. Brooker
of total and erythromycin-resistant viable cell counts showed that even after extensive
passaging in the absence of selection, between 75 and 84% of total viable cells still
maintained the pMU1328 emr sequence.
Table 1. Effect of Sel. ruminantium subsp lactilytica inoculation on individual VFA in wheat-fed sheep.
pH (P < 0.05) greater than 5.5 throughout the four-day experiment. Grain administration
also significantly (P < 0.05) elevated the ruminal L-lactic acid concentration of control
sheep from 0 to 99.0 mM within 24 h. In inoculated sheep, L-lactic acid remained at
less than 1 mM for at least four days. Total VFA values were greater than 100 mM in
all animals before administration of grain. Within one day of grain feeding, total VFA
values in control sheep fell sharply to 21 mM. In animals inoculated with Sel. ruminan-
tium subsp lactilytica strain JDB201 and M. elsdenii strain JDB301, total VFA decreased
transiently to 65–73 mM and then increased to greater than 80 mM.
digestibility for feral goats consuming mulga were 496 (SED = 60.8) g/day, 0.75
(SED = 0.580) g/day and 544 (SED = 62.9) g/kg respectively. For both sheep and goats,
in vitro rumen fluid gas production increased following inoculation. This increase was
significant (P < 0.05) for sheep.
Genetic engineering of rumen bacteria
Vectors for transformation and recombination in several different species of rumen
bacteria have been designed and tested. A plasmid vector for gene expression in S. bovis
has been developed, using the promoter sequence from α-amylase to drive new genes
224 J.D. Brooker
Figure 2. Analysis of pJDB0.5 integration into S. bovis WI-1::Tn916. Chromosomal DNA from strains
JDB-2 and JDB-3 was digested with HindIII (lanes 1 and 4), EcoRI (lanes 2 and 5), or HindIII + EcoRI
(lanes 3 and 6) and analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis and Southern blot. Hybridisation was with a
P-dCTP labelled pMU1328 DNA.
ligated nearby. We have also described the construction of a suicide vector that integrates
in a site-specific manner into S. bovis WI-1::Tn916. Recombination into the S. bovis
chromosome was only observed when pJDB0.5 was introduced into S. bovis WI-1::Tn916.
As no erythromycin resistant transformants were obtained with S. bovis WI-1, it can be
concluded that the plasmid is unable to replicate in this host and requires the presence of
the chromosomal copy of Tn916 to provide a site for homologous recombination. Screen-
ing is unequivocal because integration inactivates the host tet M gene, as well as permitting
expression of the vector-borne antibiotic resistance marker. The patterns from the Southern
blot indicate that twp copies of the plasmid were integrated into the chromosome. Since
there were two copies of the transposon integrated (Brooker and Lum 1993), this could
mean that each transposon sequence was interrupted by integration of the plasmid. This
result is also in keeping with the loss of tetracycline resistance.
Engineering the rumen for enhanced animal productivity 225
These results clearly demonstrate that expression of foreign genes in rumen bacteria
can now be achieved for some species, and is likely to be achieved for others in due
course. Limitations such as restriction barriers, nuclease activity and extracellular
polysaccharide can be overcome. It is now possible to examine the effect of introducing
and over-expressing genes such as cellulases, tannases and proteases on microbial
ecology, competitiveness and function in the rumen.
Parts of the work reported here were carried out by S. Miller, D. Lum, I. Skene, L.
O’Donovan, K. Wiryawan and J. Durham, supported by grants from the Australian Wool
Corporation, ARC and AIDAB.
226 J.D. Brooker
Attwood G.T. and Brooker J.D. 1992. Complete nucleotide sequence of a Selenomonas rumi-
nantium plasmid and definition of a region necessary for its replication in Escherichia coli.
Plasmid 28:123–129.
Brooker J.D. and Lum D.K. 1993. Use of transposon Tn916 as a genetic marker in the rumen.
Letters in Applied Microbiology 17:224–227.
Brooker J.D., O’Donovan L.A., Skene I., Clarke K., Blackall L. and Muslera P. 1994. Strepto-
coccus caprinus sp nov, a tannin-resistant ruminal bacterium from feral goats. Letters in
Applied Microbiology 18:313–318.
Burdett V. 1990. Nucleotide sequence of the tet (M) gene of Tn916. Nucleic Acids Research
McLeod M.N. 1974. Plant tannins—their role in forage quality. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews
McMeniman N.P., Niven D.R., Crowther D., Gartner R.J.W. and Murphy G.M. 1981. Studies
on the supplementary feeding of sheep consuming mulga (Acacia aneura). Australian
Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 21:404–409.
Sambrook J., Fritsch E.F. and Maniatis T. 1989. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA. 1546 pp.
Whitehead T.R. 1992. Genetic transformation of the ruminal bacteria Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens
and Streptococcus bovis by electroporation. Letters in Applied Microbiology 15:186–189.
Genetic manipulation of rumen
bacteria: now a reality
K. Gregg1, D. Schafer2, C. Cooper2 and G. Allen2
1. Institute of Biology, Armidale NSW 2350 Australia
2. Institute of Biotechnology, University of New England, Armidale 2351 Australia
Techniques are now available for addition of novel genes to rumen bacteria,
using plasmid vectors and high-voltage electroporation. Experiments have
shown that Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens strain AR10 isolated from sheep can
effectively colonise cattle on unimproved pastures. Strains of B. fibrisolvens
isolated from reindeer (E14) and Canadian white-tail deer (OB156) have also
been shown to colonise sheep and cattle. Bacterial populations fluctuate in
number in different samples from the same animal. Tracking of four separate
bacterial strains in the same two sheep has confirmed that individual strains
vary in number independently of the others within any single sample.
Bacterial numbers were observed during changes of diet, including a week
in which the sheep were fed ground wheat straw. All four strains remained
present during the 149 days of the experiment.
Strain OB156 of B. fibrisolvens was genetically modified by insertion of
a non-transmissable plasmid containing the gene for fluoroacetate dehalo-
genase. The modified bacterium retained the new gene after 500 generations
of non-selective in vitro growth. A growing population of modified bacteria
was able to detoxify 10 nmol fluoroacetate per minute per mg of bacterial
protein. This is calculated to be a level capable of offering some protection
against the toxin for the host ruminant. Over the 149 days of the experiment,
the genetically modified OB156 was detectable in most samples at levels
between 105–107 cells/ml, occasionally dropping to below detectable levels
(~103 cells/ml). There was no evidence of loss of the plasmid during major
population changes, or of its transfer to other organisms. These data indicate
that many of the reservations expressed about rumen bacterial genetic
manipulation do not necessarily apply in practice. Expectations for the
application of this technology are now considerably more confident. Equally
important, the molecular techniques involved in these studies have applica-
tion to a variety of ruminal ecology studies.
Biotechnology is finding its way into many areas of agriculture and animal production
through feed and crop plants, through the genetic pool of animals, and through manipu-
228 K. Gregg, D. Schafer, C. Cooper and G. Allen
lation of microbes that influence the growth and development of both animals and
plants. The direct genetic manipulation of microbes that inhabit the rumen has been
proposed as a possible mechanism for enhancing animal production, although progress
in this area has been slow. Nevertheless, the application of molecular biological
techniques is beginning to contribute to our understanding of the rumen through the
precise methods now available for making in vivo observations. Molecular techniques
now allow individual micro-organisms to be tracked in the rumen, identification of
organisms by genetic criteria is rapidly becoming an essential part of taxonomy, and
‘tagging’ bacteria with genetic markers has greatly facilitated studies of their popula-
tions in vivo (Gregg et al 1993).
As studies of ruminal ecology become more precise, the contribution of biotechnol-
ogy methods to animal production will become continually more significant. However,
in the specific area of rumen bacterial genetic manipulation, the most significant
developments are very recent and have so far made little impact upon how this
technology is regarded. There has been considerable reservation about the contributions
that can be made by manipulating the genetics of rumen bacteria (Armstrong and Gilbert
1985; Egan et al 1992) and the basis for this reservation includes at least four areas of
1. Genetic manipulation of rumen bacteria has not been demonstrated as a reproduc-
ible and reliable technique.
2. Bacteria grown in the laboratory are unlikely to retain their competitive features
and are unlikely to return successfully to the rumen.
3. Genetic changes to bacteria are likely to impair their competitive fitness, particu-
larly if the changes do not directly benefit the bacterium itself.
4. Addition of an artificially manipulated bacterium to the rumen may upset the
balance of the rumen, with detrimental effects on the host animal.
In the absence of data to the contrary, these are all reasonable reservations. However,
data are now being accumulated to indicate that, at least in some cases, these difficulties
may have been overestimated.
B. fibrisolvens AR10
In Cattle at Pasture
Figure 1. The proportion of pasture-fed cattle showing the presence of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens AR10 at
various times after inoculation. At days 7, 14 and 168, only the 5 inoculated animals were tested. At days
28 and 70, the same 5 animals were tested together with 20 others chosen at random from the herd. At day
268, 33 animals were tested and at day 404, a total of 45 animals were tested, some of which were small
calves at the beginning of the experiment, with 13 showing positive detection for AR10. The vertical lines
show rainfall in millimeters.
feasibility of adding any particular new gene to a bacterium can only be assessed
empirically, even with a stable and efficient vector system. As a primary example, the
usefulness and stability of the transformation system described by Beard et al (1995)
for inserting genes of practical benefit into B. fibrisolvens is described below. Some
aspects of that example demonstrate unexpected contradictions of the results predicted
from basic biological and ecological principles.
B. fibrisolvens E 14
Colonization of the Sheep Rumen
Cells per ml Rumen Fluid (log)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Days Post-Inoculation
Figure 2. Persistence of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens E14 in the sheep rumen after transposon modification to
impart tetracyline resistance. The addition of Tn916 required the bacterium to express a foreign gene from
which it obtained no benefit in vivo. Modified E14 recovered from the rumen was plated on agar containing
rumen-fluid medium and tetracycline, and the identity of colonies obtained was confirmed by hybridisation
to chromosomal DNA of E14 at high stringency. In each animal, E14 became undetectable at various times.
The line shows the mean value obtained from the four sheep.
The conclusion from this work is that bacteria isolated and cultured in the laboratory
can retain their ability to cope with rumen conditions.
A more important test for recolonisation of the rumen is to examine the ability of a
bacterium to which genetic changes have been made in the laboratory to return
successfully to the rumen. Strain E14 of B. fibrisolvens was obtained from a reindeer
and provided to our laboratory by Dr C. Orpin. This strain had been ‘tagged’ by the
addition of a tetracycline resistance gene using transposon Tn916 by Dr J. Brooker
(Waite Institute, South Australia). E14 was inoculated into the rumens of four sheep in
the UNE animal house and rumen samples were tested over a period of seven weeks by
plating dilutions on selective plates. Colonies that grew on the plates were tested by
DNA hybridisation, at high stringency, with genomic DNA from E14. The levels
observed in individual animals fluctuated significantly, sometimes falling below detect-
able levels (103 cells/ml rumen fluid). On average, however, E14 was detectable in all
four animals at an average density between 106–107 cells/ml (Figure 2).
The fluctuation of bacterial populations from day to day was observed in both of these
experiments, but it was not possible to be certain whether it arose from genuine
population changes or from sampling variability.
Genetic manipulation of rumen bacteria: now a reality 231
Optical density; 550 nm
5 10 15 20 25
Growth time (hours)
Figure 3. Population growth in vitro of Prevotella ruminicola AR20 in the presence (l) and absence (o) of
plasmid pBA. Plasmid-bearing bacteria were grown in the presence of clindamycin (10 mg/ml) to ensure
expression of the foreign gene. Supporting plasmid replication and clindamycin resistance gene expression
did not cause any detectable decrease in growth efficiency.
taxonomy. It has been shown that phenotypically defined ‘species’ may actually com-
prise multiple, distantly related, or even unrelated, genetic groups. Such genetic diver-
sity has been demonstrated for B. fibrisolvens (Hudman and Gregg 1989; Mannarelli
1988), Prevotella ruminicola (Hudman and Gregg 1989) and Ruminococcus albus
(Ware et al 1989). Thus it has been known for some time that, although a ‘species’ such
as B. fibrisolvens may represent 10% of the ruminal population, any individual ‘strain’
is more likely to represent 0.1–1.0%. This is consistent with the population levels
observed for strains that have been specifically tracked in the rumen (Gregg et al 1993).
The prospect of replacing, for example, 10–20% of the rumen population with a
genetically modified organism is bound to raise suggestions of major ruminal disrup-
tion. However, it is now clear that modification of one or a few rumen bacteria is not
likely to effect this proportion of the total microbial population. It now appears that to
alter 10% of the ruminal population will require the manipulation of many individual
genetic strains. While providing a possible ameliorating factor for one aspect of this
technology, this generates a perhaps equally difficult question, i.e. whether the relatively
small contribution made by a single bacterial strain can provide significant biochemical
effect for a modified bacterium to influence the biology of the host animal. Discussion
on this point (Gregg and Ware 1990) has offered the suggestion that the effectiveness
of genetic manipulation will depend to some extent upon the nature of the changes that
are attempted.
Therefore, some of the reservations about rumen bacterial manipulation have been
addressed and the evidence indicates that the system need not be constrained by these
factors, although it remains likely that they will have relevance to a proportion of cases.
The work described here addresses some of the final reservations, constituting a model
system for rumen bacterial genetic manipulation.
E S H A Sa S Sp B P A Sa E
0 1 2 3 3.6
Kilobase pairs
TSI = transcription initiation site; Restriction site: A: AvaI; B: BsshII E: EcoRI; H: HpaI; P: PstI; S: SalI; Sa: SacI;
Sp: SphI.
TSI =transcription initiation site; Restriction site: A: AvaI; B: BsshII E: EcoRI; H: HpaI; P: PstI; S: SalI; Sa: SacI;
Sp: SphI.
Figure 4. Diagram of the dehalogenase gene operon from Moraxella spp. The function of ORF1 has not
been determined, but its removal does not affect dehalogenase expression.
10.3 kb
Figure 5. Construction of the chimaeric shuttle plasmid containing the dehalogenase gene. The dehalo-
genase gene was joined to the promoter of the ermr gene promoter of plasmid pAMβ1 to ensure expression
in B. fibrisolvens.
Genetic manipulation of rumen bacteria: now a reality 235
AR10 B. fibrisolvens
Oat Chaff
Oat chaff
Wheat straw
Oat chaff
(10 /ml)
G8 G9
Figure 6. Agarose gel showing PCR product from tracking Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens OB156. The vertical
row of numbers shows the days at which samples were taken and the diet was changed as indicated on the
right of the figure, to encourage competition between bacteria for nutrients.
The stability of this plasmid-bearing organism was tested by growth for 500 genera-
tions in culture medium without the selective antibiotic. After each 100 generations,
cells were plated onto duplicate selective and non-selective plates. No difference was
observed between bacterial numbers on the two media and it was concluded that no loss
of plasmid occurred within the cultures.
To examine the competitive ability of this organism in the rumen, it was inoculated
into the rumens of two sheep, together with an unmodified strain of B. fibrisolvens
(AR10) and two strains of P. ruminicola (AR20 and AR29). Over the following 149
days, the animal’s diet was changed several times to encourage competition between
rumen microbes and samples were removed for estimation of bacterial numbers.
Bacteria were detected by polymerase chain reaction amplification of part of their
chromosome (Figure 6) and densitometer scanning gel photographs to quantitate PCR
product formation (Figure 7). Plasmid within the modified strain was also tracked by
PCR of plasmid sequences.
236 K. Gregg, D. Schafer, C. Cooper and G. Allen
Figure 7. Tracking genetically modified Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens OB156 in the sheep rumen, in parallel
with an unmodified strain AR10 and two unmodified strains of Prevotella ruminicola (AR20 and AR29).
Polymerase chain reaction products were separated by agarose-gel electrophoresis and quantitated by
densitometer scanning the negative of a photograph from the ethidium bromide-stained gel.
This work proved that the genetic manipulation of rumen bacteria is feasible. Most
importantly, the altered bacteria were shown to be competitive in the rumen, colonising
to the same extent as three other strains that were tracked over the same period. Diet
was shown to influence population levels, as expected, and the competition for
nutrients under poor dietary conditions did not appear to disadvantage the modified
Genetic manipulation of rumen bacteria: now a reality 237
Examination of the sheep during the trial period by a veterinarian confirmed that there
was no change in the animals’ health, apart from the predicted effects of feeding a diet
of ground wheat straw for about a week.
It is now clear that rumen bacteria can be genetically modified; the modification can
be stable even when carried on a plasmid; carrying plasmid does not necessarily
disadvantage the bacterium energetically; laboratory-grown bacteria can recolonise the
rumen; and genetically modified bacteria can do so as efficiently as their unmodified
These observations will not necessarily apply to other genetically modified organisms
that may be constructed. Each example must be tested individually before these features
can be assumed. However, this work has shown that predictions based upon basic
biological principles cannot substitute for testing the case empirically.
It is interesting that this modification appears stable when the dehalogenase gene
confers no known advantage to the bacterium. Rationally, this represents a ‘most likely
to be lost’ case for genetic manipulation. It appears, therefore, that the need for a
modification to be useful to the modified organism is secondary in importance to the
inherent stability of the plasmid or whichever other gene transfer system is used. There
is currently no proven explanation for the ability of a bacterium to stably maintain a
genetic feature from which it gains no direct benefit. However, we can propose that this
ability stems from the fact that each bacterium maintains about 1000 genes, some of
which are constitutively expressed. During the natural changes of conditions that occur
within the rumen, some of these genes will inevitably be of no immediate benefit to the
organism at one stage or another. If there were serious disadvantages to the bacterium
in this situation, then many strains could be lost from the rumen during relatively minor
changes in ruminal conditions. Our dietary change tests were for limited periods only,
but indicate that the loss of bacterial strains that could be caused by such change may
be more likely to occur when dietary conditions vary over much longer periods.
considerable value, therefore, in systems that help in fibre breakdown or that detoxify
anti-nutritive factors.
The capability of genetic manipulation to make rumen microbes digest plant fibres
more efficiently remains to be proven. For this aim, there may be greater and more
immediate gain in examining how different feed plants can be combined to supplement
each other and optimise microbial growth and nutrient yield within the rumen. Microbes
isolated from the fermentative organs of non-domestic animals (e.g. giraffes, camels,
leaf-eating monkeys, etc.) may be directly adaptable if they are able to colonise domestic
ruminants. In our laboratory we have shown that bacteria from sheep (strain AR10) will
successfully colonise cattle. A strain of B. fibrisolvens from reindeer (strain E14) has
successfully colonised both sheep and cattle and OB156 from a Canadian white-tail
deer successfully colonised sheep. These three cases are the only ones we have tested
to date, but all have been successful, suggesting that they are unlikely to be atypical.
Attempts to transfer microbes between animal species will be facilitated by the precise
molecular methods now available to track individual organisms within complex mix-
tures. Without precise and quantitative tracking systems, the effectiveness of any
particular organism cannot be clearly demonstrated.
The potential for removing or inactivating toxins and anti-nutrients by genetic
engineering of rumen bacteria has been strongly supported by the fluoroacetate case.
The ease with which this approach may be applied will depend upon the complexity of
reactions required for detoxification. Fluoroacetate represents the simplest system, with
a single toxin inactivated by a single enzyme encoded by a single gene. The detoxifi-
cation by non-oxidative means was also important for this process to be functional in
the rumen. Effective removal of the goitrogen from Leucaena leucocephala (Jones and
Megarrity 1986) by a bacterium that grows to only 105 cells/ml (C. Orpin, personal
communication) indicates that a small number of modified strains should be sufficient
to perform detoxification reactions. Modification of only a single strain might be
expected to have variable success, because of the population fluctuations seen in our
monitoring work. However, this may turn out, like some of the other predictions about
this work, to be overly pessimistic. Trials to test this aspect of the fluoroacetate work
are currently in progress.
The development of molecular mechanisms for ruminant studies, including methods
for microbial strain identification, estimation of population numbers and measurement of
changes, has now reached a stage where less affluent nations should be able to benefit
from them. Future research will indicate which of the possible applications for genetic
manipulation of rumen bacteria are likely to be successful. However, judgement of which
technologies will truly benefit the developing economies remains difficult, and the subject
of much conflict of opinion. If agencies assisting the developing nations are to adopt this
technology, then it should preferably be for the solution of problems that are well defined.
The work described here was funded by Applied Biotechnology Ltd (Qld) and the
Australian Meat Research Corporation.
Genetic manipulation of rumen bacteria: now a reality 239
Armstrong D.G. and Gilbert H.J. 1985. Biotechnology and the rumen: a mini review. Journal
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and efficient transformation system for Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens OB156. Current Micro-
biology 30:105–109.
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high voltage electroporation. Nucleic Acids Research 16:6127–6145.
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Department, University of Alexandria, Egypt. pp. 70–83.
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Metabolism in Ruminants. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Ruminant
Physiology, Sendai, Japan, 28 August–1 September 1989. Academic Press, San Diego,
California, USA. pp. 718–735.
Gregg K. and Ware C.E. 1990. Importance of genetic diversity in manipulation of rumen
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Opportunities for Improvement of Lignocellulose Utilization by Ruminants. Academic Press,
New York, USA. pp. 357–366.
Gregg K., Allen G., Bauchop T., Klieve A.V. and Lincoln M. 1993. Practical genetic manipula-
tion of rumen bacteria. In: Farrell D.J. (ed), Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia.
University of New England, Armidale, Australia. pp. 13–21.
Gregg K., Cooper C.L., Schafer D.J., Sharpe H., Beard C.E., Allen G. and Xu J. 1994.
Detoxification of the plant poison fluoroacetate by genetically manipulated rumen bacteria.
Bio/Technology 12:1361–1365.
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Current Microbiology 19:313–318.
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Mannarelli B.M. 1988. Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness among strains of the species Butyrivi-
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McCosker T.H. 1989. Ruminal detoxification of fluoroacetate. Agricultural Science (New
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Ware C.E., Bauchop T. and Gregg K. 1989. Isolation and characterization of cellulase genes
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Yulov A.A. and Zabara Z.A. 1990. Constructing DNA by polymerase recombination. Nucleic
Acids Research 18:3983–3986.
Working group
reports, conclusions
and recommendations
242. Working group
Terms of reference
1. Which are the potential research areas in rumen ecology?
2. Among these areas, which would be the preferred research areas for ILRI?
a) What are the comparative advantages for ILRI in each area?
b) Which areas require collaboration between ILRI and other institutions?
3. For the areas identified to be potential ILRI research areas, which are the resource
a) With regard to human resources.
b) With regard to facilities.
4. a) Which are the suggested modes of collaboration within the previously identified
b) Who are the potential collaborators in each area?
5. Which are the time frames for expected output from respective research areas in
It is important to remember the potential impact of the respective research areas
within ILRI during working group discussions.
Report of Working Group 1
Potential research agenda for ILRI on rumen
manipulation: potential collaborators
and mode of collaboration
Chair: R.J. Wallace
Rapporteur: S. Fernández-Rivera
General issues
It was established that given the global mandate of the institute, the research areas to
suggest for ILRI’s agenda in rumen manipulation should have a broad applicability. One
role of ILRI in these areas should be the development of tools robust enough to be used
successfully by the national research systems of developing countries (NARS).
Fibre breakdown
It was agreed that this is an important problem that could be addressed either by
improving the environmental conditions that facilitate fibre digestion, by promoting the
establishment of fungi or by genetic engineering. Several felt that in the short term the
manipulation of the microbial population is more likely to succeed than the high-tech
Several participants felt that the data presented in the workshop on the role of fungi
in fibre digestion encourage the inclusion of this group of rumen micro-organisms in
the research agenda.
One topic mentioned as researchable was the process of digestion as the fibre becomes
more lignified. There was a suggestion that the mechanisms involved in the improve-
ment of fibre digestion through supplementation needs to be understood. However, there
244 Report of Working Group 1
was also the recognition that the influence of supplementation on fibre breakdown could
be addressed by NARS.
There was a consensus that a main objective in this research area is the charac-
terisation of indigenous microbes to identify superior fibrolytic strains. The approach
suggested was the isolation and purification of strains. Superior strains could then be
used in high-tech approaches. Some technical difficulties were identified (e.g. purity of
CO2 available in some countries, transport of microbes, etc.). However, it was consid-
ered that many of these difficulties could be overcome by involving NARS in the process
of preparing the pure cultures and by using polymerase-chain reaction (PCR). Several
NARS were identified as having capabilities for isolating microbes and preparing pure
Several specific problems related to the utilisation of Acacia siberiana pods, Ta-
gasaste, Calliandria and Tephrosa were mentioned as potential researchable issues.
However, several participants felt that problems needing solution should be further and
more clearly defined and should have a broader relevance. Chosen species should have
a high feed potential and a wide distribution. The nature of the problem, i.e. the plant
compound that causes the toxic effects, should first be identified and isolated. The
causes of the anti-nutritional or toxic effects may well be at the systemic level and the
solution might not be found through microbiological approaches. The possibility of a
need of input from a toxicologist or a phytochemist to identify the nature of the problem
was noted.
There was consensus that possibilities for transferring indigenous micro-organisms
from animals that have survived and adapted under the presence of specific ANFs in
their diets to domesticated animals should be addressed. The input from the microbi-
ologist would be the isolation and culture of the microbes that detoxify the targeted
4. As the discussion on ANFs continued, the need for identifying the relative impor-
tance of ANFs (i.e. the farming systems, regions, seasons where they act as limiting
factors), as well as the chemical nature and mechanisms of action was indicated.
On the question of how much progress ILRI had made on these aspects, there was
a response that there was some information on their effects, but the chemical
characterisation would require the input of a phytochemist.
5. Among the ten research areas listed during the first group discussion, the priority
areas for ILRI’s research agenda were identified. It was considered that several areas
(e.g. methanogenesis, protein supply) actually derive from fibre breakdown; others
(e.g. defaunation) could be addressed through collaboration with other institutes,
but would not be broad enough to be the core of the programme; others (e.g. feed
characteristics) are part of other activities in feed evaluation or fibre breakdown.
There was consensus that the two most important areas are fibre breakdown and
ANFs. The identification of microorganisms that have superior fibrolytic activity
or capabilities to degrade ANFs was identified as the major contributions of rumen
ecology to ILRI’s research work.
General objective
There was consensus that the general objective of the research activities on fibre
breakdown is ‘the use of rumen microbiological techniques for alleviating constraints
to fibre digestion breakdown in ILRI mandate areas’.
It is expected that in a period of five years the research activities on fibre breakdown
will result in:
• Characterisation of fibrolytic activity of microbial populations.
• Selection of isolates with enhanced fibrolytic activity towards relevant fibrous
• Assessment of cross inoculation and pure culture inoculation for improved fibre
In a period of five years, the research on fibre breakdown should produce the following
• Inoculants for enhanced fibre utilisation
• Improved feed utilisation
• Improved skills and techniques
• Collection of potential bio-resources
not be a microbiological problem. The need for a sharp definition of the problem to be
solved and the MPT species to be worked on was mentioned again. It was suggested
that trees to be used in ANF work should rank highly in relevance (broadly distributed),
feed potential (consumption by livestock, concentration of nutrients), yield potential
and severity (economic importance) of the problem caused. The specific problems
observed in Debre Zeit with Tagasaste, Tephrosa and Calliandria were rediscussed. It
was argued that some of the problems with MPTs are related to feed characterisation
and not rumen ecology. Some participants thought that it might be easier to make an
impact at farm level, through interventions including MPTs, than through enhancing
fibre digestion.
The group was reminded that work on mimosine required a lot of manpower and it
was unlikely that, with limited resources, ILRI could make a substantial impact in this
area in the short term.
After long discussions the group agreed that rumen manipulation work should focus
on fibre breakdown, but that the rumen microbiologist should collaborate with and
support the work on MPTs as the opportunities arise. Two potential areas that were
suggested as worth looking into were the characterisation of microbes in animals that
have evolved when forages high in ANFs are consumed and the possibilities for cross
inoculation to domesticated animals.
The following equipment was considered necessary for the programme on rumen
manipulation: anaerobic cabinet and gas mixers, high-speed refrigerated centrifuge,
incubators, shaking water bottles, spectrophotometer (VIS/UV) and thermal block, GC
(FID and TZ), four-place balances, microscope and camera, liquid scintillation counter,
furnace and ovens, autoclave, colony counter, and automatic pipettes. Subsequent
discussion indicated that a micro-plate reader would be extremely useful in any
programme for the screening of ANFs.
The group agreed that collaboration with NARS and advanced institutions would be
critical for the success of the programme. No specific institutions for collaboration were
proposed. The group felt that this decision should be taken at a later stage and would
depend, at least in part, on the appointee(s).
Report of Working Group 2
Improved efficiency of use of feed
resources by tropical livestock
Chair: R.I. Mackie
Rapporteur: N. Murphy
The group identified the following seven constraints to feed resource utilisation by
tropical livestock.
1. Shortage of feed resources
2. Seasonal fluctuations
3. Feed quality
4. Toxic compounds
5. Applicability of methodologies
6. Environmental and health aspects
7. Low input/access
In considering the constraints, opportunities which could arise through a focused
research effort in feed utilisation and rumen microbiology were discussed and the
following seven identified.
1. Increase conversion efficiency
2. Enhance degradation
3. Detoxification
4. Provision and evaluation
5. Biodiversity
6. Ameliorate stress
7. Technology transfer
2. Enhance degradation
• enzymatic enhancement (fibre, protein)
• alleviate nutritional limitations
• microbial interactions
3. Detoxification
• identification and characterization (plant and bugs)
• biochemical pathways
• relative contribution (bugs versus host)
• strategies for intervention
4. Evaluation
• chemical, microbial and animal
• seasonal and environmental variation
• develop appropriate methodology
5. Microbial diversity
• numbers and types
• choice of animal model
• adaptation (bugs versus animal)
6. Ameliorate stress
• nutrition/immune interaction
• heat generation by fermentation
• biocontrol of parasites
7. Technology transfer is a requirement
• consultation
• collaboration
• Preferred research area
• Focus on forage legumes which include multi purpose trees (MPTs).
increased fibre degradation
better nutrient supply
enhanced biotransformation of ANFs
improved livestock efficiency
• germplasm resources (ILRI, CIAT, ICRAF)
• research experience (characterisation)
• strong nutrition programme and facilities
Report of Working Group 2 253
• scale (selection)
• target
Resource needs
• two teams
• one rumen microbiologist/ecologist
• one rumen plant biochemist
• six to eight associates (allocation variable
• integrated with other expertise
• space (three laboratories)
º microbiology
º molecular
º biochemistry
It was agreed that there would be extensive interaction between both research groups
and that, therefore, it would be preferable for them to be located at the same place.
Further discussion on this was deferred until the two working groups met to discuss the
final recommendations.
Modes of collaboration
• science to drive collaboration
• collaborative grants
• international network
• contract research
• PhD students and post-docs
• review meetings
• potential collaborators unspecified
Time frame
• scope of work with five-year milestone
• mid-term review
Conclusions and recommendations
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) inherits considerable research
experience on the development of livestock feeds in Africa and their utilisation by tropical
livestock. The institute is in the process of formulating a defined programme on feed
utilisation, the overall goal of which is the improved efficiency of use of feed resources
by tropical ruminants. The broad programme objectives are to (i) evaluate digestibility
and nutritional quality of traditional feedstuffs through animal responses; (ii) determine
how feed utilisation can be enhanced; and (iii) define adaptation mechanisms of tropical
ruminants to low quality feeds and other stresses (work, heat, water, etc.).
Feedstuffs consumed by ruminants is exposed to the fermentative activity in the
rumen prior to gastric and intestinal digestion. The fermentation yields characteristic
products which provide nutrients for metabolism by the host animal. The quality and
quantity of these products are dependent on the types and activities of the microbes in
the rumen. This, in turn, has major impacts on nutrient output and productive perform-
ance of ruminants.
It was therefore considered that manipulation of rumenal function, particularly by
influencing the microbiological activity of the rumen, may have a significant impact on
feed utilisation. Research in this area therefore might contribute directly to the second
objective of the feed utilisation programme.
The Rumen Ecology Research Planning Workshop was therefore convened with the
following objectives:
• to identify and prioritise areas of rumen ecology research which are promising for
their potential impact on improving the nutritional status of tropical ruminants;
• to develop, if appropriate, a rumen ecology research programme for ILRI based on
relevance to developing countries and ILRI’s comparative advantage vis-a-vis other
institutions; and
• to identify potential collaborators in advanced research institutes and define mode(s)
of collaboration.
Recommendation 1
Within the existing programme, develop additional screening procedures at ILRI
incorporating microbiological, chemical and animal assessments of these supplemen-
tary plant materials relevant to their effects on ruminant productivity.
The expected outcome will be:
1. Improved methods of assessment of the potential utility of fodder trees and shrubs
(FTS) for enhancing the quality of low quality diets.
Conclusions and recommendations 257
2. More effective use of resources by concentrating on those FTS that do not have
significant ANFs.
3. Development of research strategies to overcome effects of ANFs for these acces-
sions that are otherwise of high merit.
4. Identification and selection of superior plant accessions as supplementary feeds.
Recommendation 2
Establish capacity in rumen microbiology/ecology at ILRI to capitalise on institu-
tional and international programmes aimed at increasing the utilisation of low quality
feeds through improved rumen function with emphasis on FTS to supply limiting
The expected outcome will be:
1. Assessment and exploitation (as appropriate) of indigenous or engineered microbes,
or changed population balance, on rumenal efficiency and the adaptation of tropical
2. More complete characterisation of selected FTS and combination with available
feeds to optimise rumen function (especially with respect to detoxification, fibre
digestion and defaunation) and subsequent animal productivity.
3. Provision of more comprehensive and quicker attainment of the goals of the feed
utilisation programme.
4. Methodologies and materials for transfer to national programmes for improved
animal productivity on locally available feedstuffs.
Resource needs
The participants collectively agreed that the following human and material resources
would be required to carry out the recommendations when integrated with ILRI’s
existing resources.
1. Human—Two distinct but related efforts would require:
• one rumen microbiologist/ecologist
• one plant biochemist
• six to eight associates (at the postdoctoral and postgraduate levels)
• integration with other technical expertise and linkage to collaborating institutions
2. Facilities
• three discrete laboratory areas for:
° plant biochemistry (with appropriate chromatographic and analytical facilities)
° microbiology of anaerobic organisms
° molecular biology1
• isolation facilities (e.g. for transfer/adaptation experiments involving rumenal
1 It should be noted that the collective view was that ILRI, at this stage, would require molecular biology
facilities for DNA probe preparation, and microbial typing and quantification by PCR methods.
Genetic engineering of rumen microflora is not presently anticipated.
258 Conclusions and recommendations
Kaitho, R. Mpairuse, D.
International Livestock Research Institute International Livestock Research Institute
P.O. Box 5689 P.O. Box 5689
Addis Ababa Addis Ababa
Ethiopia Ethiopia
Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92 Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92
Kope ný, J.
Murphy, N.
International Livestock Research Institute
Institute of Animal Physiology P.O. Box 30709
and Genetics Nairobi
Czech Academy of Sciences
Prague 10, Uh ín ves, 104 00 Fax: (254-2) 63 14 99
Czech Republic
Fax: (42-2) 759 182 Nsahlai, I.V.
International Livestock Research Institute
Kudo, H. P.O. Box 5689
Department of Animal Physiology Addis Ababa
National Institute of Animal Industry Ethiopia
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92
and Fisheries Odenyo, A.
Inashikigun, Ibaraki International Livestock Research Institute
305 Japan P.O. Box 5689
Fax: 0298 38 8606 Addis Ababa
Lahlou-Kassi, A. Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92, (251-1) 33 87 55
International Livestock Research Institute
P.O. Box 5689 Ørskov, E.R.
Addis Ababa Rowett Research Institute
Ethiopia Bucksburn, Aberdeen
Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92 Scotland, AB2 9SB
Fax: 44 224 716 687
Mackie, R.I.
Osuji, P.
Department of Animal Sciences
International Livestock Research Institute
and Division of Nutritional Sciences
P.O. Box 5689
University of Illinois at Urbana-
Addis Ababa
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92, (251-1) 33 87 55
Fax: 217 333 8804 Topps, J.H.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A. Department of Animal Science
International Livestock Research Institute University of Zimbabwe
P.O. Box 5689 P.O. Box MP167
Addis Ababa Mount Pleasant, Harare
Ethiopia Zimbabwe
Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92 Fax: 263 4333 407
List of participants 263
Umunna, V. Zerbini, E.
International Livestock Research Institute International Livestock Research Institute
P.O. Box 5689 P.O. Box 5689
Addis Ababa Addis Ababa
Ethiopia Ethiopia
Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92 Fax: (251-1) 61 18 92
Wallace, J.
Rowett Research Institute
Bucksburn, Aberdeen
Scotland AB2 9SB
Fax: 44 224 716 687