Pnaan 484
Pnaan 484
Pnaan 484
Hans E. Jahnke
Livestock Production Systems -id-Livestock
Development in Tropical Africa
© 1982 Kieler Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk
Postfach 4403, D - 2300 Kiel 1
ISBN 3-922553-12-5
(1928 - 1980)
Director General, ILCA
Previous P knk
Hans E. Jahnke
March 31, 1982
Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Aim and Scope 3
1.3 Approach 6
2. 1 Livestock 9
2.2 Land 15
2. 3 Resources by Ecological Zone 20
3.1 Sector Contribution 24
3.2 Livestock Products 27
3.2.1 Foods 27
3. 2..2 Materials 29
3.2.3 Manure 31
3.2.4 Work , 32
3.2.5 Animals - Reproduction and Growth 35
3. 3 Production and Productivity by Ecological Zone 36
4.1 Livestock Development 42
4.1.1 Performance to-date 42
4.1.2 The Case for Livestock Development 46
4. 1. 2. 1 Arguments for Livestock Development 46
4. 1. 2. 2 Demand for Livestock Foods 47
4. 1. 2. 3 Demand for Other Livestock Products 50
4.1.3 Development Considerations and Farm Systems 51
4.2 The Systematics of African Livestock Production 52
4. 2. 1 Farming Systems and Ecological Zones 52
4. 2. 2 Livestock Type and Product 54
4.2.3 Livestock Functions 54
4.2.4 Livestock Management 59
4. 3 Livestock Production Systems and their Development 63
5.1 General Characteristics 66
5. 1. 1 Definition and Delimitation 66
5. 1. 2 Types and Geographical Distribution 66
5. 1. 3 Livestock Functions 68
5.1.4 Management Aspects 74
8.1 General Characteristics 182
8. 1. 1 Definition and Delimitation 182
8. 1. 2 Types and Geographical Distribution 182
8. 1. 3 Production Characteristics 184
11 ANNEX 229
1.1 Background
Tropical Africa is one of the least developed world regions com
prising most of the world's poorest countries. Agriculture as the
mainstay of the economies hardly keeps pace with population
growth. Self-sufficiency ratios for cereals and other staple foods
are generally declining; the dependence on food imports is increas
ing. The performance of livestock as part of agriculture is partic
ularly disturbing. While some modest productivity improvements
have taken place in cropping, livestock production increases in the
past have been largely due to numeric expansion of herds and
flocks rather than to improvement of the productivity. Major live
stock areas like the Sahel and parts of Eastern Africa provide an
extremely fragile environment in which the constant threat of
droughts affects not only the survival of livestock but that of the
human population as well. Overgrazing and resource degradation
characterize livestock production over much of the region while
the apparent potential in other regions is not used at all. The use
of animal traction for cropping and the integration of livestock
into farming are uncommon. Overall the levels of livestock produc
tivity and of availability of livestock products like meat, milk and
eggs for the human population are the lowest of any world region
which is all the more serious since, in many areas, livestock pro
ducts constitute the major source of subsistence. Even at the pre
vailing low levels of consumption production does not keep pace
with demand and the region as a whole moves towards the position
of a net importer of livestock products despite its apparent poten
tial for livestock production.
For general agriculture as well as for livestock production the
need for development is great and the modest objective of main
taining per caput levels of production constitutes a formidable
challenge in the light of a rapidly growing human population. Ef
forts at agricultural and livestock development will need to be
carefully planned and take account of the pronounced diversity of
the natural and human environment. The agro-climatic conditions
range from extreme aridity in deserts and desert-like areas to ex
treme humidity in areas whose natural vegetation is dense rainfor
ests; in addition altitude intervenes rendering highlands ecologically
different from the low-lying areas. In all ecological zones there
are areas of high population density with intensive forms of land
use as well as vast stretches of land, hardly used and almost void
The scope of the study is delimited in space and time and further
characterized by the specific viewpoint taken.
1.3 Approach
Chapter 2 gives a quantitative overview of the resources engaged
in livestock production in Tropical Africa. The major resource is
the livestock; their numbers are given by species as well as the
distribution of herds and flocks by country groups. Land as the
second major production factor is differentiated by quality and
potential. The concept of ecological zones is introduced; the study
area is subdivided into arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones;
highland areas are distinguished as a separate zone. A further dif
ferentiation is introduced according to tsetse infestation of the
land. This permits the assessment of the livestock, land and labour
resources together for each ecological zone, a unit which can be
more readily translated in production systems than national units.
the major themes for the highlands and management issues again
receive attention in ranching systems.
The chapter on landless production systems in principle follows a
similar outline but is more condensed on account of the reduced
importance of these systems as yet and also because much less
information is available. Traditional and modern pig and poultry
systems are dealt with as well as intensive beef fattening systems.
Their development possibilities are largely viewed in connection
with price ratios and the availability of feeds.
Chapter 10 draws conclusions for livestock development planning
that go beyond the context of specific production systems. Devel
opment planning generally takes place at the national level and
therefore basic policy decisions on general, agricultural and live
stock development have to be applied to a mix of different pro
duction systems. The role of planning under these conditions and
the size of the task are outlined. Specific strategy choices that
result from the view of livestock production and development in
the context of systems are discussed. A central theme is that
livestock development cannot be viewed as the parallel expansion
of all existing systems but requires conscious choices about their
relative place and about the approaches to them in the course of
development. As a final point some of the limitations of planning
in achieving improved livestock performance are outlined as well as
the role of monitoring in complumenting development planning and
in assisting this study in achieving its aim of improving the plan
ning base for livestock development in Tropical Africa.
2.1 Livestock
MB = a - LW 0 73
a = a constant of MB per kg
metabolic weight
a Sub-total
ruminants 387 797 n. ap. 137 308
b Sub-total
equines 11 995 n. ap. 7 163
c Sub-total grazing
animals (a + b) 399 792 n. ap. 144 471
Pigs 7 244 0,2 1 449
Chickens 426 180 0,01 4 262
d Sub-total pigs
and chickens n. ap. n. ap. 5 711
Table 2.1 shows for the larger animals the numerical importance
of ruminants and within this group of cattle. In terms of livestock
units cattle account for three fourths of the total livestock
population. The relative numerical importance of the different
species is graphically shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.2 gives the
regional subdivision of Tropical Africa used in this study and Table
2.2 shows the distribution of the ruminant livestock population in
that region.
Figure 2.1.
Species Composition of the Livestock Population
in Tropical Africa 1979
Mio 137 Mto
TLU 91.4 */ of TLU
130 Sheep (lOMi ILU
, 7.6 1
Cattle (103MIo TLU)
50. 75.21.
30. Equines Pigs and Chickens
7.2 Mio TLU 5.7 Mbo TLU
20- 4.8% of total 3.8I% of total
10. FAQ Proucton eaOok,179)
Figure 2.2.
lssaua Ivory , Nigeria Central Ethiopia
SuLeone Coast 'AO ricanRep.
.Gui uaa a o C E NTRA L
Upper Volta Za bi
Chad -' Zim
d by
Total 11 135 147 510 103 865 125 287 137 308 100.0
Figure 2.2 and Table 2.2 indicate that the distribution of ruminant
livestock in Tropical Africa is uneven. Eastern Africa has over one
half of the total population while the ruminant livestock herd in
Central Africa accounts for little more than three percent of tit
total. A similarly low figure holds for the coastal countries of
Western Africa. In terms of the individual countries listed Sudan
and particularly EtHopia stand out for their large ruminant live
stock herds, while Zaire, compared to its size, features very low
numbers. For further interpretation livestock-land ratios would be
tral Africa on the other hand have almost two thirds of the total
population. The number of chickens is estimated at some 426 mil
lion head, a figure which is probably subject to a considerable
margin of error. Their distribution follows relatively closely that
of the human population. The ratio ranges from one to two birds
per person throughout Tropical Africa. The higher figures tend to
be found in the more humid countries.
2.2 Land
An important complementary resource to livestock themselves is
land. The calculation of land availability and of land livestock
ratios is only meaningful if the quality of the land is taken into
account. As a first approximation the quality of the land for live
stock production as well as for crop production can be character
ized by the agro-climatic conditions, in particular by the length of
the growing period. In the low-lying tropics the growing period is
a function of moisture availability rather than the temperature
regime, which is the important determinant in the temperate
zoner. It is only in the tropical highlands that temperature be
comes a factor to be considered for the ecological zonation. The
classification used here is based on growing days (GD) as defined
by FAO (Higgins et al 1978). By that definition a growing day is
a day during which precipitation exceeds potential evapotranspi
ration. To the total thus calculated are added those days immedi
The grouping into arid (less than 90 GD), semi-arid (90-179 GD),
sub-humid (180-269 GD) and humid (over 270 GD) is the author's.
The highlands range from semi-arid to humid though they are de
fined here as land where mean average daily temperature is less
than 200 C during the growing period. The terms "arid", "semi
arid", "sub-humid" and "humid" have received definitions by a
number of authors (Thornthwaite 1948, Troll 1966). The specific
interpretations here are meant to make them into useful catego
ries for the specific purpose at hand, livestock development in
Tropical Africa, not to challenge or replace their established cli
matological meaning in the strict sense. It is believed that the
suggested categories are also in line with common conceptions of
relative abundance or scarcity of water that are implied by the
terms humid and arid. Figure 2.3 shows the grouping of the zones
and their relationship to other classification schemes commonly
applied to Tropical Africa. Zonations developed for West Africa
have a relatively straight-forward relationship with average annual
rainfall. Zonations commonly used in East Africa are based on
moisture indices which express the relationship between rainfall
and evaporation. Various refinements have have been developed
over time. Figure 2.3 shows for the example of the indices used
by Pratt and Gwynne (1977) that an approximate relationship to
the zonation by growing (lays used in this study can also be estab
lished. Figure 2.4 gives a map of the ecological zones of Tropical
Africa defined by growing days and Table 2.5 shows their extent
by region.
Figure 2.3.
The Ecologicut Classification Scheme Used and its Approximate Correspondence
with Other Classification Schemes
0 _ (1933) (1949) (1959) ZONE P.A. (1977) 60
5po mm
600 SAHELIEN SAHELO- 01- 36 -40
SOUDA- - 3EMI-ARID -30 To-42
SEMI- 90 - 80
180 30
10-20-1 270
Lines of approximate correspondence of definitions.
a) The zones have a more or less direct relationship with annual rainfall.
b) Zonation is based on the relationship between rainfall and evapotranspiration as indicated by
the moisture index.
Figure 2,4.
The Ecological Zones of Tropical Africa and the
Extent of Tsetse Infestation
200 10. 0. to. 20* 30- 40- SOl
Source: Compiled by the author after Ford and Katondo (1973) and FAO
(Higgins et al 1978); the maps of tsetse infestation by species
groups were superimposed over the map of ecological zones
and the infested areas were determined by a planimetric method.
a) Including camels
Source: Compiled by the author; for details of the estimation of the livestock and land
resources see the previous tables and text; the distribution of the human popu
lation is based on censuses and estimates for each country used by FAO as
background material for AT 2000; the country totals correspond with the popu
lation figures in FAO (Production Yearbook 1979); to derive the economically
active proportion in the agricultural population the continent' s average share
of 38. 5 %has been applied to each zone.
The arid zone shows the highest land-livestock ratio and the low
est labour-livestock ratio while possessing the highest proportion of
the ruminant livestock population. The figures for this zone support
notions of low productivity of the land, of high importance of
livestock for employment and subsistence and the precariousness of
subsistence if its sole source was to be livestock (3 TLU for an
economically active person). The more humid areas have less land
available for a livestock unit but to a certain degree this is offset
by the higher productivity of the land. Total land area per TLU
progressively increases with humidity but tsetse infestation reduces
the availability of land to similar levels in all of the more humid
lowland zones. Interpretation of the labour livestock ratios is ha
zardous because of the importance of cropping in these zones. The
low livestock population in the humid zone results in the highest
labour- livestock ratio here. The highland zrne stands out for both
a low land-livestock ratio and a low labour-livestock ratio pointing
to considerable pressure on the resources.
Sahel 186 34.3 32.6 646
Nigeria 466 24.4 11.0 965
Rest 428 30.8 5.0 238
Zaire 85 21.5 4.0 21
Rest 577 18.1 8.8 103
Sudan 300 38.2 36.3 765
Ethiopia 94 45.1 33.0 458
Rest 184 36.1 24.9 995
Mainland 328 29.6 21.0 708
Madagascar 242 34.5 20.7 151
Total/averagec 283 29.0 17.4 5050
a) In GDP
b) In agric. GDP
c) Excluding Namibia and Botswana
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Ori.)
3.2.1 Foods
The main products of livestock are meat, milk and eggs including
their derivatives. The use of national prices is only one method of
valuing them and of making them comparable to other foods and
products. Table 3.2 shows a selection of different valuation
approaches. For comparison the resulting value ratio of livestock
product to grain is shown for each approach.
Each valuation method has its particular use and its particular
constraints. Domestic prices are an expression of a country's ag
gregate demand and supply situation; given the market imperfec
tions and the importance of subsistence production they often re
flect a statisticians hunch more than objective data. The applica
tion of a world market price is useful for the valuation of export
production and import substitution. The method is used by FAO in
its study 'Agriculture: Toward 2000' (AT 2000 1979) as a consis
tent price basis for long-term projections of self-sufficiency
ratios; price differences between countries resulting from their
internal supply ands demand structure are neglected. The calorific
value of livestock foods is important where they are the main
subsistence basis; this often implies a luxury consumption of
Average domestic
Index 240 100 600 60
Ratio to grain 4.0 1.7 10.0 1.0
World market pricesb
0 1 200 200 900 160
Ratio to grain 7.5 1.25 5.6 1.0
Calorific valuec
Mcal/t 2 400 700 1 500 3 400
Ratio to grain 0.7 0.2 0.4 1.0
Protein valuec
kg/t 150 35 110 70
Ratio to grain 2.1 0.5 1.6 1.0
Source: FAO (AT 2000, 1979), Clark and Haswell (1970), Klay
man (1960) and various informal sources.
Table 3.3 shows the total production of meat, milk and eggs in
Tropical Africa both in physical quantities and in grain equivalents.
3.2.2 Materials
Compared to the value of $ 5.6 billion for food products the non
food products worth $ 420 million constitute 7.5%. The values can
not be readily converted into grain equivalents.
Table 3.4: Quantity and Value of Hides, Skins and Wool Production
in Tropical Africa 1979
3.2.3 Manure
Work for which livestock are used includes land improvement (e. g.
contour ploughing, drainage ploughing), soil preparation (e. g.
ploughing, hoeing, harrowing), crop husbandry (e. g. seeding with
drills), crop processing (e. g. threshing) and on-farm transport.
Off-farm transport is importantly connected to trade and
marketing.Particular facets of livestock work are the drawing of
water in arid areas both for livestock watering and for human
consumption, the transport of homesteads in nomadic livestock
husbandry systems and finally the fact that livestock walk them
selves to the place of sale and slaughter. The two most important
categories of animal work are traction on one side and transport
Zaire - - -
Rest 63 71 - 134 0.5
a) FAO (AT 2000) figures for 1975 plus own estimates for Namibia and Bots
Source; FAO (AT 2000 and Production Yearbook 1979) and own estimates.
All grazing animals suffered from the drought in the years 1972 to
1974 and recovered rapidly thereafter. An analysis of the growth
pattern shows for all species a normalization from about 1977 or
1978 on. The production values have been determined for 1978 and
it appears reasonable to take the rates of 1978/79 as indicators of
'normal' growth.
proach has been chosen by which ruminants, pigs and poultry are
valued at their meat value. By this principle a TLU (250 kg live
weight, 125 kg dressed weight) is valued at 500 GE kg or $ 80.
Pigs and chickens have a higher value per TLU because of a higher
dressing-out percentage. Table 3.7 summarizes the valuation.
Source: FAO (Production Yearbook 1980); valuation by the author (see text).
The meat animals in Tropical Africa (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and
chickens) represent a standing value of over $ 10 billion. This does
not include the value of camels and equines. Livestock probably
constitute the most valuable asset of the rural population in Tropi
cal Africa apart from land. Growth rates of between 1.2 and 5.5%
(Table 3.6) represent an addition of $ 130 to 600 million to the
annual production value of livestock.
of world regions and (2) to assess any specific situation within the
region in terms of deviation from the calculated mean.
portant. Meat production from goats (and pigs and poultry) gain in
relative weight in the humid zone. The highlands are characterized
by the predominance of sheep over goats, the advances in milk
production and, in particular in Ethiopia, the importance of animal
traction and transport by equines.
Source: Compiled by the author; for details see preceding zables and text.
The highest livestock productivities are found in the arid zone due
to the high milk productivity of camels, and in the highlands due to
the higher average yield of cattle. Differences among the other
zones are too small for interpretation. As a result of the high
animal-man ratio in the arid zone labour productivity is also the
highest. 850 GE kg per man is equivalent to about 330 GE kg per
person. This would meet energy requirements in the form of grain
but not if livestock products are consumed. Land productivity is
highest in the highlands and lowest in the arid zone which cor
responds with the respectivw ecological potentials. Land productivity
in all zones is low when compared to cropping which even at low
levels would yield 600 GE kg/ha. However, this comparison is prob
lematic. In the arid zone cropping is not a real possibility over
most of the area; for the other zones there are definitional prob
lems since the resource land is not differentiated according to live
stock land and cultivated land.
The expansion of crop production did not keep pace with the
growth of human population. Moreover the production increase was
mainly due to area expansion rather than yield increases. Such a
development path is limited in its scope and indicates the contin
ued predominance of traditional production techniques. Deviations
from this average pattern exist for different crops, regions, coun
tries and sub-periods (de Montgolfier-Kouevi and Vlavonou 1981)
but do not change the overall picture of unsatisfactory perform
ance. In the case of beef and mutton/goat meat no increase in
productivity is recognizable at all. Numeric growth rates are
Figure 4.1. b
Total CostsP of Aid-assisted Livestock Development Projectsc
M $ in Tropical Africa 1961-1975
400- (J As approved,not necessarily as disbursed
200 ._
100- ,
less than half of that of the human population. Figures for total
meat are somewhat more favourable due to relatively high numeric
growth rates of the pig and poultry populations and due to some
productivity increase in poultry production. Overall production and
productivity increase is less than that of crops, significantly less in
the case of ruminants. This performance has to be seen against
substantial livestock development efforts from the 1960s on (Figure
4.1). Aid-assisted development projects have been taken as an in
dicator because they are better documented and because they make
up the bulk of development efforts.
Source: Jasiorowski. (1973) for first two columns; third column FAO
(Production Yearbooks, various years) and other sources as
indicated in section 3. 3.
All these arguments may have their justification but they are all
based on needs and possibilities. Needs and possibilities may be real
enough but there are just as many needs and possibilities to direct
efforts into alternative directions. There are even strong arguments
against livestock development like the conversion losses in livestock
production or the social injustice in providing few with luxury foods
while the poor majority barely subsists. It would indeed be very
difficult to argue in favour of livestock development if it were not
for one factor: Demand for livestock products, or more precisely,
effective demand. People want livestock products and they are
prepared to pay for them. Willingness to pay for livestock products
which exists on practically all income levels generates income for
the livestock producer and this is a pre-requisite for production
development and a good starting point for obtaining the cooperation
of livestock producers in development efforts. Nutritional, ecolo
gical, social, political and humanitarian considerations have their
place for specific situations but they cannot carry the argument for
or against the development of a whole economic sector for a con
tinent. Demand for livestock products is the strongest single arg.u
ment for livestock development.
Sahel 0.24 0.22 1.04 0.53 0.90
Nigeria 0.16 - 0.09 1.08 1.20 1.20
Rest 0.33 - 0.16 1.08 1.23 1.10
Central 0.51 - 0.03 0.97 1.09 0.90
Sudan 0.22 - 0.18 0.81 0.90 2.00
Rest 0.24 - 0.05 1.01 0.77 1.10
Southern 0.14 0.17 0.84 0.95 1.00
Tropical Africa 0.22 - 0.07 0.98 0.82 1.10
a) Weighted according to slare in overall consumption of food
products; average over analysis period
b) Excluding edible offals; including game
Crop foods
Cereals 0.4 3.4 2.3
Roots - 0.1 2.9 2.0
Livestock foods
Meat 1.2 4.2 2.8
Milk 0.8 3.8 2.5
Eggs 2.2 5.2 3.6
a) At constant (1975) prices
Table 4.4 shows that even for a commodity with a low income
elasticity of demand like root crops total demand will double over
the analysis period. For livestock products demand is projected to
increase by factors between 2.5 and 3.6. These are the factors by
which domestic supply would need to increase if self-sufficiency
ratios, presently already below 100%, were to be maintained. This is
generally regarded as a minimum goal of any development plan.
Higher economic growth rates as implied by alternative scenarios
and/or higher income elasticities would lead to an accelerated
is not encouraging, and the prospects for the future are further
clouded by rising energy costs. There is therefore reason to be
lieve that the demand for draught animals will increase, at least
in those areas that are ecologically suitable for livestock hus
4.1.3 Development Considerations and Farm Systems
Livestock production takes place on the farm level, within rural
decision-making or management units. The sector statistics of
livestock production and productivity are the aggregate outcome of
decisions made by farmers. These decisions reflect the specific
aspirations of the farmers as well as the specific constraints under
which they operate. Similarly development intentions have to be
translated into policies and projects ultimately influencing de
cisions at the producer level in order to become effective and so
raise, as the aggregate outcome, sector performance. To link to
sector considerations the analysis of farms* is therefore important
* The conventional notion of the teom 'farm' does not readily
apply to some forms of livestock enterprises (e.g. feed-lots,
ranches, pastoral herding units). For convenience it is used here
as synonymous with the more general term 'agricultural
management unit'.
The input function: If livestock are used for their manure or for
their work capacity they fulfill a farm input function. The inter
actions of a livestock sub-system with a cropping sub-system (or
between a pure grazing system with a pure cultivation system as
distinct but interrelated management units) may be very complex
going beyond the simple provision of a farm input. This function is
then better described as farm integration (e. g. Brinkmann 1922).
The farm integrative function refers to all the different effects
livestock may have on the productivity of the resources engaged in
agriculture thereby rendering the farm more productive than it
would be without the livestock enterprise. Examples are:
The asset and security function: One aspect of the risk balancing
effect of livestock is simply that it is a non-cropping activity.
There is the likelihood that not both, crop production and "non
crop" production, are affected by a negative deviation from the
expectation at the same time. Other aspects are that some lines
of livestock production (milk, eggs) provide a regular income as
opposed to cropping and that livestock can be readily sold to solve
a liquidity problem of the farm. All this adds to the farm's econ
omic security. But livestock have an additional security function by
being an asset. This becomes obvious when seen in the context of
traditional agriculture, where any combination of the following
characteristics may apply (Barth 1973, Mc Cown et al 1979):
- Arable land is communally owned or 'on loan' from the clan or
group; it is not a disposable asset;
The asset and security function is not limited to the rural popula
tion. Even town-dwellers may prefer investment into livestock over
other investment venues. In many cases the asset or security func
tion of livestock contributes more to the understanding of a live
stock production system than the production of meat and milk or
the provision of farm inputs like manure and traction*. The func
tion should conceptually be seen in sharp contrast to the keeping
of cattle for social and cultural reasons like prestige and social
cohesion. Of course the ownership of livestock adds to prestige
and makes it easier to obtain assistance from other people. But
this is the case with any form of savingF account or monetary
wealth and is a derived phenomenon limited neither to livestock
nor the developing world. At the basis is the asset role of live
Social and cultural functions: The functions of livestock so far de
scribed essentially relate to agricultural production, subsistence,
income, and wealth and may be summarized as the economic func
tions of livestock. If livestock are important for production, subsis
tence and wealth it is to be expected that man takes an interest
in livestock and places a value on them. The more important the
economic functions of livestock, the greater that value will be.
The social and cultural role of livestock (for an individual one
might include the emotional role) is here viewed in the restricted
sense of a role that cannot be explained fLom the economic func
tions alone. In other words the question is whether livestock in
Tropical Africa have a value that goes beyond their economic val
* Doran, Low and Kemp (1979) argue that if cattle are held as
a store of wealth the overall supply response is likely to be
negative and that this is one of the reasons for the phenomenon
of overgrazing. Their observations are based on cattle holders in
Swaziland, but are proposed to be valid for Tropical Africa as
By and large, however, the output function, the input function, the
asset and security function and the social and cultural function
represent the functions of livestock in Tropical Africa. The most
puzzling may be the social and cultural function but it is believed
that the distinction of the asset function from what is otherwise
often mixed together in the terms "prestige" or "irrational" helps
- Thirdly the output from livestock is not just the products for
sale and subsistence but also the herd to carry forward to the
next production cycle. Production decisions in one year have, in a
much more pronounced way than is the case with cropping, an ef
fect on production in the following years.
This comparative complexity of livestock production remains, no
matter how simple the livestock production enterprise and how
specialized the function of livestock.
The complexity of farming systems increases considerably if both
crop and livestock production are carried out and if these sub-sys
tems interact. A multitude of competitive, supplementary and
Figure 4.2.
Diagrammatic Representation of Crop Production and
Livestock Production
ly. The aim here is not to provide a rigid and comprehensive clas
sification scheme. It is merely suggested that an orderly procedure
be followed when approaching livestock production in an area as
huge and heterogeneous as Tropical Africa, incorporating a few
key features for the differentiation of production systems.
Pastoral systems are associated with the arid done i. e. the zone
that is too dry for cropping to serve as the base for subsister.ze.
However, migrations do take pastoralists into wetter areas and
there are several higher rainfall areas with a tradition of pastoral
land use although the land has arable potential (e. g. the areas of
the Bahima in south-western Uganda, the highland areas of Narok
District in Kenya and the areas used by the Tutsi herders in
Rwanda and Burundi). Pastoralists in West Africa have had a tra
ditional presence in the higher rainfall areas south of the Sahel
and this has been accentuated by te drought of the early seven
ties. Nonetheless pastoral systems can be considered systems of
the arid zone. Here they constitute the major production system in
terms of area used and in terms of food production.
Land use systems are partly the result of the natural environment
but few if any human communities can by said to utilize their en
vironment in the only possible way (Dyson-Hudson 1972, p. 22).
The threefold classification more or less by rainfall gradient is
sufficient for the purposes here but certainly very crude when the
different pastoral societies are looked at in more detail. In each
one the livestock production system has its own characteristic and
in each one the all-pervading role of livestock in the society takes
on different forms. Some 120 different ethnic groups can be dis
tinguished, some numbering only a few thousand, some millions,
and this differentiation is still crude. Their geograhical distribution
has been mapped in Figure 5.1. Helland (1980) has also compiled
the -rather unreliable- estimates of the size of the different
populations. From this the total number of pastoral people in
Tropical Africa can be assimed to be in the order of 20 million.
About 9 million of these are classified by Helland as agro
5.1.3 Livestock Functions
Africa. The composition of the diet and the degree to which there
is supplementation by non-livestock foodstuffs is shown for se
lected pastoral groups in West Africa in Table 5.2. The table also
sets the different categories of pastoralists in a tentative way
against the different dietary patterns.
The statistical base of the data in Table 5.2 does not allow inter
pretation to be carried very far. Nevertheless, the following fea
tures stand out:
7 ,!:1d¢i4
i1 i;. ~
j ' i'! i !'! Ir1 ]. t -:i "2
" '. 7 i /4
6 o .- b; ---
I- Koun@ta 5I- Ouled Dellm
2- Berab6il6 Rlbat Tuareg (Tamacheq)
3- Draks 7" Tajakant
4 Trarza I-Kel
2- Kel naqar 5- KKelAdrar
3- Kl Ayr
Shaw1 9- lesserlysal Humir
2HemsI O- Measerlya l Zuruq
3. Mhlaamir I- tlawazma• NORTH CUSHITIC
4- lentusseln 12- Awlad Dimeld
5- Ta'aisha 13- Gina
6- Hleni11.11, 14- Ahomda en Ae. 4
15- Selim 2- H adendowa 111 5- lhhrln umm All
3- Amarar M 6- Ahaba
I- Ze)idiyis 7-Ma'qi 'Afar & Saho
2 Ilam.r 8- She.abla2
3- Kahwahla 9- Hvwawir I- Saho 2- %far
4- Kaliahi sh 10- Hastinlyw Orm
5- haRunin II- ShaiJqiya Oromo
6- MNaIlya
I- Mal 4- Gabra
Sudanese 'Arshsl 2- noratta S- Orma
.I-Rule'alIi 3- GudliE
- '.h 5- Hatahin
2- Ken 1 6- Shukrlya Somali
3- Rula aI Sheriq 7 Raahail 171
4- )ar IJakr 8- Ijhawi,, I- Sob 2- Somali
Other Semitic Other East Cushitic
I-Oaled Slitman 8D 2- Tigre I- Dassenetch 2- Rendllle
I- Kurta 8- Nyateka
2- Gogo 9- Ovambo
WEST NILOTIC 3- Turu I- Hertero
4- Iram.a II- Tswana
l- Nuer FI - 5- Sukum a 12- Sotho
2- Dink. 6- 'I'M, 13- Swazi
. l kw a
Kar imojon. Clu~tea-
Karimojong Claster Kgalad
II Tswana Twn
jiyr 5-Jie c- 'wolme - Nwata
-Nyan6tom 2'-NagtmRohlta Karlmojong nur
d- Malete
3 Toposa- T
7- Turkaa
4- Dodoth
Masai Clutter
I- Samhuru 2- Maisai
I- Pokot P 3- Nandi
2- Sebei 4- Iarahaig
"The milk and blood of cattle are drunk; their meat is eaten,
their fat used as food and cosmetic; their urine as cleanser;
"1. Since cows yield only as they drop and suckle calves, a con
tinuous milk supply is related both to large herds and a high de
gree of fertility. Sufficient cows are needed to offset the calving
interval of each beast; enough bulls for adequate service are
needed; and fertilicy of both bulls and cows should be such as to
keep the calving interval as short as possible. A herd that is defi
cient in any of these respects will yield only a spasmodic milk
supply (however favourable the environmental conditions).
lector who will not be able to establish who owns what in this
complex network of allegiances, claims and usufructuary rights
that replaces straightforward ownership.
tial yield may be consumed (Blair Rains and Kassam 1980). Since
the bulk of the yield is produced during the wet season the overall
utilization rate must be assumed to be well below 50%. Bille
(1978) suggests 30% as a more realistic estimate.
Annual Consumable fodder Carrying capacity
rainfall (dry matter)
mm kg/ha ha/TLU
200 150 15.2
300 225 10.1
400 300 7.6
500 375 6.1
600 450 5.1
The carrying capacities given by Pratt and Gwynne (1977) for East
Africa are not directly comparable but there appears to be a cor
respondence. Fox very arid conditions (rainfall at 200 mm or
below) the carrying capacity is put at 42 ha/TLU the next better
zone which can be approximated to rainfall between 200 and 400
mm is estimated at 12 ha/TLU.
5.2.2 Livestock Productivity
Supporting capacityd
persons/100 TLU 11.8 22.8 28.2 18.1
a) According to the share of the different species in TLU in the
arid zone
b) 1. 7 GE kg/kg of milk, 4. 0 GE kg/kg of meat
c) 700 kcal/kg of milk, 2 400 kcal/kg of meat
d) According to calorie requirements at 2 300 kcal per person
per day or 840 Mcal per year
Source: Production per hoad by species from Dahl and Hjort
(1976); TLU conversion according to rates used in this
in the more arid parts, milk cows are not taken on long migra
tions but left with the families in more favourable areas etc.).
The assumption of a linear relationship between livestock produc
tion and annual rainfall is therefore not as unrealistic as it ap
pears at first sight, and may serve as an approximation. Table 5.5
is based on the productivity estimates of the average pastoral TLU
given in Table 5.4 and on the carrying capacities in Table 5.3.
The figures in the last column of Table 5.5 may be regarded as
the critical population densities for the different rainfall zones. At
the lower end of the scale they are reached at one person per
square kilometre, at the higher end at 3 to 4. Population densities
that appear extremely low in absolute terms already represent
critical values if subsistence is to be met from livestock alone.
The productivity of the land is extremely low if used via livestock
to support a human population, but of course that is the only way
to support any human life at all in much of this zone. The low
productivity also shows if compared to crop production
(Figure 5.2).
Figure 5.2.
Hypothetical Scheme of Food Productivity of the Land in
FoodProduction Cropping and Pastoral Land Use
~mile everyother year,
900.-----____ ___-____
with cropping
800. _ _-- __
600 - leton
a/r ea,
SO0kg/ha (567Mcal)
200 -
with pastoralism ___
I ofarea
- ~152
ho/TLU -7
4 0 9
N ailai
100 200 300 4UO 500 600 700 Annual
Source: Compiled by the author; for details see Table 5.5 and
In the developed countries the dry areas are used for extremely
labour-extensive production systems. Animal-labour ratios are be
tween 320 to 810 and gross output per labourer between $ 8 000
and 15 000 for Australian ranches (Table 5.6). On modern African
ranches it is common to employ one herdsman for 100 head of
cattle. The animal-labour ratio expressed as TLU per man would
thus be about 70. At an offtake rate of 20% and prices as in
Table 5.6 the gross output per labourer would be in the order of $
1 600. But these figures relate to ranching. In pastoral systems
animal-labour ratios and labour productivity figures are radically
different. For the arid zone of Tropical Africa as a whole which
is dominated by the pastoral land use system an animal-labour
ratio (TLU/ME) of 3 has been estimated (compare section 2.3).
For every economically active rural person there are 3 TLU or
about 5 head of cattle rather than 100 in modern African ranching
or hundreds in Australian ranching. In dry countries that are
particularly rich in livestock and dominated by pastoral land use
like Mauritania, Somalia and Botswana the national ratios are 7.7,
These figures have been translated into equivalents for zones de
fined by growing days (Blair Rains and Kassam 1980), the classi
fication used in this study. For the zone with the number of the
growing days ranging from 1 to 74 the average calorie production
per ha from livestock was put at 20 000 kcal. Since protein is not
limiting calculations can be made on a calorie base alone. At a
daily requirement per person of 2 300 kcal an average of 42
hectares is required in this zone. The zone with less than one
growing day is 183 660 ha in extent, the zone with between 75
and 89 growing lays 82 517 ha. Using the figure of 20 000 kcal
for the total arid zone (less than 90 growing (lays) the arid zone
of 7 422 sqkm could carry a human population of 17 million. This
figure holds if the population is to subsist on livestock alone. FAO
(Higgins et al 1978) has made more detailed calculations that
include cropping but strictly adhere to ecological principles of land
use which demand long rest periods of the land in this zone and
sons of sparse growth, the valuable species that grow during these
seasons will be exterminated and the pasture will be populated by
less valuable species. If part of the land is left ungrazed during
the growing season - and preferably a different part every year
grazing can be conserved and used as fodder during the dormant
season, when fodder has a much higher value. It is well known
that such practices alone and in combination increase primary pro
ductivity as illustrated by relatively recent results provided by
ILCA (1980) for the Sahelian rangelands (Figure 5.3).
ILCA also showed that the use of the inputs tested was not econ
omically feasible. But this is not the whole story. Given communal
grazing with many cattle owners each having a small number of
cattle grazing communal land it will not pay any individual to
apply inputs of a land improving nature including deferment of
grazing. Even if these inputs were financed from the outside, their
beneficial effect depends on the control of grazing. The individual
grazier cannot hope, under conditions of communal grazing, to gain
from land-improving abstinence from grazing; rationally, the guid
ing principle for the individual operating on communal grazing land
as understood here, must be, "graze it or lose it". That is, if the
individual keeps his cattle off the communal grazing to conserve
valuable species or fodder for use in the dormant season, the pas
turage that his cattle forego will be eaten by the cattle of other
people (Crotty 1980). The obstacle to land improvement is there
fore a multiple one:
Figure 5.3.
Effect of Yield-increasing Practices on Range Production
in the Sahel (kg DM/ha)
kg DMho
1250 .. .
generally do. They may extend into the semi-arid and even the
sub-humid zone as an important form of land use because the re
liability of rainfall and the rainfall pattern renders cropping mar
ginal. In general a growing period of 90 days allows reasonably
safe millet yields in the order of 400 to 500 kg/ha (FAO, Higgins
et al 1978). For aggregate considerations a growing period of 90
days has been assumed to correspond with about 500 mm of rain
andj under a monomodal rainfall pattern as prevails in West Africa,
this is generally sufficient for a reasonable millet crop. It may be
insufficient under a bimodal pattern as is common in parts of
Eastern Africa. The longer growing period may then have less than
75 days, the shorter one less than 50 days (Kassam 1980) and
cropping becomes decidedly marginal. Consequently the long term
human supporting capacity is determined more by livestock pro
duction than by cropping (Pratt and Gwynne 1977). Pastoral pro
duction systems in the semi-arid zone of Past Africa have to be
largely seen in connection with the marginality of cropping at low
input levels. Parts of the Maasai area in Kenya and Tanzania and
the Karimoja area of Uganda are examples.
Figure 6. 1.
maize NS FMRs1111t
llll VS - S
I Mlllll1lll 1
tlha 05 0.7-0.9 0.9-1.7 0.-0.9 0.5
cassava NS Is
t/ha 0.7-1.7 1.5
growing days 75 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 365
Zone arid i semi-arid I sub-humid I humid
- erosion control.
growing days
line of critical
population density
360" if based on cropping
tnaive dividing
-- - -- -- -- -- ----- line of crop systemns
line of critical *D systems sE
population density
if based on
B /tentative ln------n
e for crop and
/livestock systems
75- I
i fPastoral systems
aipopulation prssure
10 20 30 .0 40 persons/k
A .1
' I. A..
.. ........ , '
1 170J r
- ,o;> ,,,, .
Delimitation of the Semi-Arid Zone in West Africa in Relation toTsetse Fly
Distribution and Zebu Cattle Predominance
90 r -----
n, KM
The asset and security functions of livestock and their social and
cultural role continue to be important in the mixed farming areas.
Figure 6.5.
Distribution of Cattle on the Village Land During the Different
Seasons in Golonpoui, Northern Cameroon
December January
November February
October MAarch
July June
the figures given by Pratt and Gwynne (1977) for East Africa for
the lower rainfall scale. The assumption is that their eco-climatic
zone IV (semi-arid) is comparable to the rainfall interval 500 to
1000 or the semi-arid zone as defined in this study. For the
higher rainfall zones Pratt and Gwynne give higher carrying
capacities. This appears to be due to the fact that they are deal
ing mainly with edaphic or fire-induced grassland anad exclude
forest from the areas under consideration, while the figures in
Table 6.2 allow for the competition by woody plants.
Feed quality: The constraints of the dry season for feed quantity
diminishes with increasing humidity but feed quality may consti
tute the more serious constraint. Quality in this respect refers to
the crude protein (CP) and digestible crude protein (DCP) content
of the feed which varies sharply through the year (Blair Rains
1963, Fricke 1979, Table 6.3). A DCP content of less than 2% in
By months By season
Katsina survey area May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. May-Nov. Dec. -April
upland savanna
DM kg/ha 300 400 300 500 1 000 500 500 3 500 1 500
DCP content (%DM) 7.7 7.7 3.0 2.0 1.2 1.2 1.0 2.7 0.0
Source: Fricke (1979) adjusted, based on Van Raay and de Leeuw (1974).
Table 6.5 gives meat and milk productivity data for countries that
lie within he zone considered, i. e. countries whose national aver
ages are not significantly influenced by figures from the arid zone
or the highlands or from ranching enterprises (e. g. Zaire). Some
smaller countries had to be left out because of the influence of
rounding errors in the statistics. The weighted averages show no
significant deviation from the averages for total Tropical Africa.
This is to a certain degree due to the statistical base into which
already enter 'average assumptions' resulting in an apparent homo
geneity of the figures. Nevertheless there is no firm base from
which to challenge the 'average assumptiirs'. Among the selected
countries the low meat productivity in Tanzania is significant
which may be due to pastoral systems accounting for a high pro
portion of livestock production. Furthermore the low milk yields in
Upper Volta, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Ghana are notable. In these
countries the practice of milking is less common.
Source: Jahnke and Sievers (1981) on the basis of FAO (AT 2000,
Indicator Nb Sc Zd Sc Zd Sc Zd
a-d) Any values within a subgroup with different subscripts are significantly
different at the probability level of 1 percent
e) Zero tsetse challenge is confounded with a very high level of feeding
and management
The figures for sheep and goats are less well defined with respect
to specific breed types, management levels and levels of tsetse
challenge. Productivity data for sheep and goats in areas known to
be tsetse-free are compared with available data for trypanotoler
ant sheep and goats generally found in tsetse-affected areas. The
productivity index is adapted to small stock and expresses total
production in meat equivalents in 5 months per 10 kg of female
liveweight to be maintained (Table 6.9). Trypanotolerant smallstock
appear to be more productive than non-tolerant stock in spite of
their smaller size, their exposure to tsetse challenge and the gen
erally low management levels.
tility level. But this does not mean that the system could be
easily transferred. Firstly Ukara Island is free of tsetse flies. This
might be a result of the high population densities itself. Over
most of the sub-humid zone the initial obstacle to livestock devel
opment is trypanosorniasis. Either tsetse control operations have to
be carried out or trypanotolerant animals must be used, whose
number is small in comparison with the zone under consideration.
Secondly it is a very complex way of farming to which the ex
perience of generations has contributed. Thirdly the mixed farming
system yields very low return on labour; as a consequence those
Wakara who transfer to the mainland abandon mixed farming for
the benefit of shifting cultivation and extensive livestock keeping
(Ludwig 1967, Ruthenberg 1980). The farming system of Ukara Is
land developed over generations of high population density and of
preoccupation with soil fertility. Such conditions cannot be quickly
created elsewhere. Mixed farming remains the long'-term objective,
but it can hardly be created in all its complexity in one step. The
development of the output function of livestock (meat and milk),
of the input function in the form of traction and the elaboration
of appropriate measures to overcome the tsetse problem are there
fore not to be seen as alternatives to mixed farming. Rather they
serve to strengthen the role of livestock, render the farming sys
tem more productive and thus constitute steps in direction of pro
ductive mixed farming.
(e) the fact that cotton, with its comparatively high price, has
been the most profitable crop for the Malian peasant to grow.
The relevance of the Indian example for the mixed farming areas
of the African lowlands is obvious. Development along these lines
would allow use to be made of animals with comparatively low
milk productivity but a relatively high degree of adaptation to the
environment, particularly pronounced in the case of trypanotolerant
Integrated Livestock Development: The most often cited advantages
of keeping livestock, in particular cattle on smallholder farms are:
The use of manure as fertilizer on crops, a source of milk for
sale and better nutrition, better surveillance of household animals
than when they are entrusted to outside herdsmen, the extra
weight gains from the use of crop by-products as forage and a
source of power for animal traction (Delgado 1980). All these
advantages are lost if livestock are entrusted to semi-sedentary
herdsmen who live outside the villages or to certain members of
the family to take the animals on transhumance. However up to
this day contract herding has remained the preferred system of
the vast majority of the cultivators, and not even successful at
tempts to introduce traction have changed this separation of live
stock from the rest of the farming system (Delgado 1980, Fricke
1979). The reason for this must be seen in the dry season feed
constraint together with the labour constraint in these farming
On low levels of agricultural technology the only response to the
feed constraint is migration. Furthermore if animals are kept on
or near the farm there is th- constant need to guard the animals
to prevent crop damage. The main labour constraint in cropping
lies at weeding time (Delgado 1980, Eddy 1980) and in the initial
stages of animal traction the animals cannot be used for that
practice. There is then a clear conflict (Delgado 1980):
used for meat (subsistence and market) and wool for local indus
tries. The population of exotic (European) breeds of cattle and
also sheep and goats is relatively speaking the largest of any zone.
Particularly in the more modern mixed farming enterprises in parts
of Kenya livestock account for a high portion of farm income
(Table 7.3).
Table 7.3: Livestock Contribution to Farm Income in Selected
Farming Systems in the Kenyar, H;,,hlands
Gross return
crops $ 16 709 40 240 343 428 695
livestock $ 13 129 28 291 220 760 2 354
total $ 29 838 68 531 563 1 188 3 049
Taking the three factors that have been used to characterize live
stock management, the feeding regime, the land tenure system and
the herding arrangements, the highland areas show some special
Number of farms 1 800 49 221 250 000 712 500 1 013 521
keeping cows
Number of cows 175 100 120 000 547 000 1 933 000 2 775 100
Percentage of 63 67 68 69 66
cows in milk
Annual milk pro- 183 580 83 220 353 400 403 380 1 023 580
duction ('000 kg)
Average annual milk 954 693 646 209 626
yield per cow (kg)
Percentage of milk 2 32 52 91 59
production retained
on farm
a) On the settlement schemes 80 % of the cows are grade breeds and crosses
b) Includes pure exotic breeds and crosses
a) A total of 8 fallow and 2 crop years In a 10-year rotation cycle with 1.5 t maize and
0. 5 t beans per ha per crop year. Fifteen % of the above-ground DM in crops is
edible (80 % of the harvested grains). The estimates for DM in faUows and weeds
and In crop DM are averages over the 10-year rotation cycle
b) A total of 5 fallow and 5 crop years in a 10-year rotation cycle with 1. 3 t maize and
0. 3 t beans per ha per crop year. Fifteen % of the above-ground DM in crops is
edible (80 % of the harvested grains). The estimates for DM in fallows and weeds
and in crop DM are averages over the 10-year rotation cycle
C) A total of 1 t of maize and 0. 3 t of beans per ha and year. Fifteen % of the above
ground DM in crops is edible (80 % of the harvested grains).
d) A total of 4 t of maize per ha and year. Thirty % of the total above-ground DM is
edible (80 Toof the harvested grains).
e) Two crops of 4 t of maize per ha and year. Thirty I*of the total above-ground DM
is edible (80 % of the harvested grains).
f) 70 t cane per ha and year. Eleven % sugar. The above-ground DM in the
includes trash and stems.
Figure 71.
Grade Dairy Cattle Development on' Large and Small
Farms in Kenya 1935-1975
in 'ooo
SOD total number of
grade dairy cattle
00 large-scale farms
200 small-scale farms
35 40 /5 50 55 60 65 M 75
The role of credit: About 110 000 grade cattle were purchased on
credit in Kenya over 20 years, which constitutes a considerable
proportion of the total smallholder herd of 550 000 in 1975 taking
into account their offspring. One heifer on average cost slightly
over .$ 400 in 1977 (equivalent to about 2 000 kg of milk at a
price of 13 US cents per litre). If in addition it is assumed that
some $ 125 are required for facilities such as fencing, water
supplies, crush and milking shed, it is clear that capital require
ments for dairy development are considerable and that the various
smallholder credit schemes instituted in Kenya were essential. For
the 1970s it is estimated that some 70% of all smallholder credit
was used for dairy development. The major problem with these
credit programmes was the high risk element a grade cow con
stitutes for a small farmer. Beside the institutional credit mobili
zation of household surpluses tool' place for the self-financing of
dairy development. In this connection cash crop development as a
major component of the Swynnerton plan and of later efforts
provided an indirect but essential boost to dairy development as
Table 7.6: Prices and Price Indices for Grade Dairy Heifers,
Maize, and Milk 1940-1977
Grade dairy heifer 100 111 139 167 347 312.50 per
price animal
Source: Stotz (1979) after Kenya (Ministry of Finance and Planning), Statistical
Abstracts, various years, and other sources.
Table 7.8: Income from Dairying and Total Income in the Course
of Intensification
land use and crop rotation, and residual capacities of land and
labour are productively used to increase the overall value added.
The effect of balancing the risk of plant production and the re
gularity of the cash income from dairying are also important.
Relevance of the Kenyan experience: The Kenyan experience has
specificities from its colonial past that are not transferable to
other situations. At the same time a development policy was es
tablished for smallholder dairying whose components can be use
fully examined for applicability elsewhere. Furthermore some of
the colonial specificities can be reduced to concrete elements like
applied research, innovation testing, establishment of an infrastruc
ture and a favourable price policy whose essentials can be imple
mented without recourse to a colonial past. The Kenyan experi
ence also brings out the interdependence between dairy develop
ment and general agricultural development. Cash cropping provides
financial resources for investment in dairying, results in high
effective demand for dairy products also in rural areas and in
creases the value of the dairying sub-system in the course of
overall intensification. Again the relevance for dairy development
elsewhere is obvious.
One aspect of dairy development has not been dealt with because
it has never been an issue in Kenya: The organizational form of
production. The private enterprise and particularly the small Afri
can farm have never been doubted as the appropriate vehicles for
dairy development. Dairy production in the form of large c -oper
ative and parastatal enterprises is being attempted notably in the
Ethiopian and Tanzanian highlands. The general management prob
lems described in section 8 for ranching hold in an unmitigated
form also for large-scale dairying. But dairying is in addition a
very intensive form of production as concerns supervision for dis
ease control and Lreeding and regularity of wvork outside the nor
mal hours. And for dairying to be economically attractive integra
tion with the farming system as a whole is essential. These as
pects make it doubtful whether dairy development based on co
operatives or parastatals can achieve similar results.
the farms, but the farms are large and productive enough to
secure this subsistence. The subsistence constraint influences de
velopment considerations only to a limited degree. In many other
parts of the highlands subsistence is the overriding concern. With
high population densities, small farm sizes, low productivity levels
and with production almost exclusively oriented toward subsistence
any development effort must give first consideration to continued
and improved security of subsistence. Even in these circumstances
development can take place via livestock in particular via dairying.
A smallholder situation in Ada District just south of Addis Abeba
in Ethiopia is taken as an example*.
than the average, but then carry-over storage does take place. The
trend in soil fertility and population growth become more limiting
factors with time. Average population growth rates of 2.5% are
usually assumed. This provides for a doubling .' the population
every 28 years. If the planning horizon is 15 yea s an increase of
the population by almost 50% has to be taken into account. Thus
present population densities of 65 to 80 persons/km 2 indicate a
stringent subsistence constraint for the near future.*
Source: Compiled by the author from ILCA (1978, p. 12) and other sources.
Teff, wheat and chick peas are the major crops grown. Horse
beans, field peas and lentils may replace chick peas on the poorer
quality soils of sloping areas, but wherever possible chick peas are
used in rotation with teff and wheat. Livestock are used for trac
tion, as a form of capital investment and saving, and to provide
meat and milk for home consumption as well as cash income.
Equines are used for transport. Animal dung is used for fuel. In
terms of gross return per unit area the cereals, particularly teff,
are superior. An exp'nsion of the proportion of land under teff is,
however, hardly possible because of rotational as well as subsist
ence requirements.
Livestock and farm development: Table 7.10 shows for the "typical
subsistence farm" of Ada District an intensification path for crop
ping concomitant with a reduction of the area under subsistence
crops and the establishment of forage cropping, with their conse
quences for human subsistence and animal feed production. The
key to change and intensification is the application of fertilizer to
cereals, increasing their yields by 50%. The area under cereals can
then be reduced by some 40%, from 1.75 ha to 1.05 ha, while the
production level is maintained. Through additional forage pro
duction the total feed production increases form 9.4 tonnes of dry
matter by 40% to 13.1 tonnes. This change in the farming system
has the following implications:
- dairying provides the cash to pay back the loans that are ini
tially required to intensify an(' to purchase a dairy cow.
Seeding rates vary widely from less than 100 kg to more than
200 kg per ha for most cereals and pulses.
Area Food grain Straw' 'tubbles/fallow Fcrage cro1. Natural grazing Total feed'
ha % kg/ha kg kg/ha kg kg/ha kg kg/ha kg kg/ha kg kg
Traditional pattern
Teff 1.00 38 700 700 1 1500
100 500 500 - - - 2000
Other cereals 0.75 29 650 488 1 500 1 125 500 37 - - - 1 500
Pulses 0.65 25 600 390 - - 500 325 - - - - 325
Fallowb 0.20 8 - - - 2000 400 - - - - 400
Subtotal 2.60 100 - 1 578 2 625 - 1600 - - - - 4 225
Communal grazingc 2.60 n. ap. - - - - - 2 000 5 200 5 200
New pattern
1 05 0d
Teff 0.70 27 735 2250- 1 575 50 350 - - - 1 925
Other cereals 0.45 17 975 439 2 250 1 013 500 225 - - 1 238
Pulses 0.65 " 25 6 00 d 390 - - 500 325 - - 325
Forage crop 0.80 31 - - - - 100 g 400 5 000 4000 4400
Fallow e 0 - - - -_
Source: Own compilations on the basis of ILCA reports and other sources.
(e) Blankets made from such low quality local wool do not find a
ready market and have to be sold at a discount from the going
* This line of argument is challenged by some. Thus it is claimed
that the problem is merely one of homogeneity, and once
enough skins of the finest quality are produced they would be
processed and marketed just as well.
8 Ranching
Figure 8.1.
Stages in Ranch Development and Water Development
Stage I Stage 11
Stage III
0 VWtering place
0 Buildings
.' Reserve paddocks
Stage III: Dividing the pasture into paddocks combined with fencing
reduces the damage from over-grazing, facilitates separation of
the animals into age groups, and allows reserve paddocks to be
formed with hay on the stalk. The reserve paddocks are grazed in
the dry season.
Most improvements in ranching aim not only at increased produc
tion and productivity but also at a reduction of environmental
risks. As in pastoral systems the two major sources of production
risk are drought and disease.
Beef ranches are the most common ranch type in Tropical Africa.
Both reproductive performance and weight gains are essential in
dicators of animal productivity. But there are complex interact;ons
with other traits and data from different locations are difficult to
compare because of differences in management systems, environ
ments etc. The principle holds that performance levels on experi
mental stations in Africa are within the realm of possibilities of a
well managed commercial ranch. Table 8.1 presents in a greatly
simplified form the results of a detailed and comprehensive pro
ductivitiy comparison using figures from Niono, Mali, as a baseline.
calving and the feeding regime are probably of more practical im
portance than breeds as such*. Daily liveweight gains can be sig
nificantly improved with pasture improvement as is possible in the
more humid areas. The essential determinants of liveweight gains
are the type of pasture and the feeding regime during the dry
season (Table 8.2).
Table 8.2: Liveweight Gains of Adult Zebu Steers Nigeria)a
Commercial Conditions (Mokwa Ranch,
Rainy season
- natural grazing of mainly Andropogon gayanus 300 g/day
Dry season
- natural grazing 0 g/day
- pasture improved with Stylosanthes 100 g/day
- maize silage and cotton seed 300 g/day
- Panicum silage, molassis, cotton seed and dried
brewer's draft 600-700 g/day
a) Data based on the fattening of 10 896 Zebus, mainly Gudalis and White
Fulanis between 1965 and 1973; the fattening period is 7 months; during
the first weeks compensatory gain brings figures up to 1 000 g/day
60% 17 21 26 32
80% 19 24 31 38
1001% 20 26 35 44
With a 50% calving rate, the weaning rate will be between 40 and
45%. Tables 8.3 and 8.4 show that with such low weaning rates it
is very difficult to achieve growth rates of the cow herd and ac
ceptable levels of offtake Aiich determine economic success. On
the other hand the tables also point to the high performance
levels that can be achieved. Growth cf the cow herd is important
in the initial stocking-up period and a growth rate of say 18% is
well within the realm of possibilities, so is an offtake rate of
between 25 and 30%.
The experience does not bear out that such a speeding up of the
ranch development process is feasible. Poor performance of practi
cally all of the recently established ranches became obvious in the
second half of the 1970 (Jahnke 1976a; IBRD 1977; Sandford
1980). At the basis was poor livestock performance as indicated by
the calving rates (Table 8.5) supported by other indicators like
calf mortality, adult mortality, maturity age, growth rate, offtake
and slaughter weight. Poor physical performance quickly endan
gered the financial viability of the ranches. In some cases finan
In this context the arid areas refer to areas of the arid and
semi-arid zones where livestock production has an ecological pref
erential over cropping and where the tsetse problem plays a mar
ginal role if any at all. The established European ranching sector
is basically found in these areas (Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Bots
wana, Zimbabwe) with the exception of ranching in Zaire. At the
time of its establishment population densities were lower and ap
propriation of land for ranching purposes was possible. The estab
lishment of new ranching enterprises in these areas today can
mean two things:
- The transformation of pastoral production systems into ranching
systems. This is basically a problem of institutional (in particular
land tenure) reform on one side and of human population pressure
on the other. The solutions to both problems can only be found in
the long run, but this type of ranching development is viewed by
Pratt and Gwynne (1977) as the basic development path for oc
cupied rangelands, though usually with a lengthy intermediate
phase under grazing associations or group ranches.
bility of such empty land. On the aggregate the more arid areas
of Tropical Africa are already overpopulated but pockets of unused
land exist. in Kenya it has been estimated that 220 000 square
kilometres or 5% of the dry rangelands can be considered unoc
cupied and available for ranching (UNDP/FAO 1969). The disadvan
tage is that these areas are often unused for good reasons (lack
of access, prevalence of disease, lack of water resources) so that
ranching development is confronted with additional problems.
Whichever view of ranching development is taken the large-scale
establishment of ranching enterprises in the arid areas in the
foreseeable future is unlikely. Ranches will not account for any
significant portion of the livestock industries' total output. But
ranches, even if few in numbers could play a significant role in
specialized functions. Stratification is one example. The scope for
stratification is limited by the availability of animals from pasto
ral systems (see section 5.3.1), but there are nevertheless special
ized markets that pay for high quality meat and would justify
some effort at ranch establishment in this area*. The maintenance
of pure-bred studs and the supply of high quality breeding animals
is another example. The existence of at least some ranches as a
source of technical know-how to be used in the gradual trans
formation of pastoral systems may be relevant. Finally there are
specialized enterprises like game ranching or Karakul sheep ranch
ing that may be of local importance.
- One of the very reasons for the emptiness of the areas is the
presence of tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis. That problem is
almost ubiquitous in the more humid areas of Tropical Africa and
constitutes a very specific constraint to any form of livestock de
velopment including ranching.
Pig numbers 100 108 116 1.17 124 130 135 3.4%
Pork production 100 105 115 121 127 132 140 3.5%
In this study only chickens are dealt with as poultry. The only
other two poultry species on which there are any statistics are
ducks and turkeys. According to FAO (Production Yearbook 1979)
there are 5.7 million ducks in Tropical Africa (2.5 million in Tan
zania, 2.4 million in Madagascar and 565 000 in Mozambique) and
1.2 million turkeys (of which practically all are in Madagascar).
Chickens number some 427 million. For reasons of numerical signi
ficance alone it appears to be justified to focus aggregate con
siderations on chickens, but for a country like Madagascar ducks
and turkeys obviously play a role. Data on meat production gener
ally include all poultry species but this error carries no significant
weight given the relative flock sizes (Madagascar would again be
an exception). In the following the terms chickens and poultry are
used interchangeably.
flocks are Nigeria (110 million birds) and Ethiopia (52 million)..
Flock size 100 105 109 113 120 123 129 2.9 %
Poultry meat 100 114 122 141 163 173 186 7.2 o
Hen eggs 100 111 114 124 131 135 141 3.9%
C-- o:t
fo 15"as nmrvdbed
1 2 3 Iptevedvbreedinganrernanfedofr15das
Age in Years
C Improved breeding
unimproved breeds and rearing and feedlot for 150 days a
D to
production with zero grazing
"vitellone"), frombreeds.
specialized birth
tors the
reduce the and
scope the beef
(2) for fattening in Tropical
(1) ratios conversion efficiency. Beef Africa:
in Africa are still relatively low compared to grain prices and
compared to prices for pig meat and poultry products (Klayman
1960, Schaefer-Kehnert 1978). Furthermore ruminants are signifi
cantly less efficient in converting feed to meat than either pigs or
poultry. The combined effects on the economics of beef fattening
in Africa has been demonstrated by Schaefer-Kehnert (Table 9.6).
The higher feed prices in Table 9.6 are the more realistic ones
and a conversion rate of 8 : 1 and a daily liveweight gain of 1 kg
Based on a maize price of between $ 62. 5 and $ 112.5 per t; the feed costs
vary with type and quality of the ration and its energy content; a low feed
price could refer to a low energy ration at a high maize price or vice versa
b) In kg of feed dry matter per k1 of liveweight gain
c) Conversion ratios and daily liveweight gains do not go fully parallel but they
are closely related
d) Including an overhead charge of 12. 5 cents per animal per day
Grain price level Beef price level Price ratio Typical countries
beef LW to grain
Export parity Import parity 1:10 - 12 USA, Canada
Import parity Import parity 1: 7 - 8 EEC countries
Export parity Export parity 1: 4 - 5 Australia Argentina
Import parity Export parity 1: 2 - 3 Ethiopia, Tanzania,
This study has dealt with the whole region of Tropical Africa. The
sequence of the approach from the assessment of the resource
base and production status by country, ecological zone and produc
tion system is in principle that of a national planner as well, i. e.
from the strategic to the tactical levels of development*. But the
information provided in this study on the different levels by neces
sity is still insufficient for a concrete national planning exercise.
The information on the resource base and production status which
gives a first delimitation of the production potential would need to
be expanded, tested for the specific conditions within a country
and refined. Similarly the large classes of production systems
examined would need to be differentiated according to the specific
types prevailing in a country and set against the specific develop
ment experience, which modifies the development possibilities as
outlined for the large classes of system. Furthermore the policy
decisions on overall objectives, sectoral Strategies and basic in
struments would intervene on the national level.
Thus this study can only provide a framework and a starting point
for national livestock development planning. Some of the informa
tion given on resources and production, production systems and de
velopment possibilities may be used directly in national plans, but
for the most part the information has to be gathered locally. The
contribution of this study then lies in the outline of the approach
and of the concepts required to identify the type of data needed
and to order information in a way useful for develo.-aent planning
and implementation.
A major aim for this study has been the reduction of complexity
associated with livestock production and development. Possibly a
more correct expression would have been 'the transformation of
seeming chaos into orderly complexity'. Planning for livestock has
been shown to be extremely complex in spite - or may be because
- of the attempt to elaborate a more systematic view of livestock
production in Tropical Africa. In the last analysis there is no logi
cal reason why complex phenomena could always be adequately re
presented by simple models, why complex questions could be
substituted by simple ones, and why a complex task could be
achieved by a straight-forward approach. Planning for livestock
development remains a complex task compounded by the gener
alized lack of data. Massive data collection exercises are not a
suitable answer because they are costly and time-consuming. More
importantly, additional data are not equivalent to additional infor
mation and additional information is not equivalent to better
planning. And there remains the basic question about the corre
lation between plan and reality or planning efforts and develop
ment achievements.
Annex Table 1: The Ruminant Livestock Population in Tropical Africa by Country 1979
(1 000 Head/i 000 TLUa
Total 11 135 147 510 103 865 125 287 137 308
a) Agricultural land arable and permanent crop land plus permanent pastures'.
b) Agricultural land divided by agricultural population.
c) Ruminant livestock population divided by agricultural population.
Source: FAO (Production Yearbook 1979), FAO (Higgins et al 1978) and own estimates.
Annex Table 5: Extent of Tsetse Infestation in Tropical Africa by Ecological Zone by Countri
(1 000 sqkm)
, cological Total
Infested Semi- Sub- High-
Countr area Arid arid humid Humid lands
Note: As explained in the text the lIgures of tsetse infestation can be assumed to constitute a
significant overestimate. The use of this table should therefore be limited to compara
tive assessments of infestation in the different ecological zones.
Source: Own estimates on the basis of Ford and Katondo (1973) and FAO (Higgins et al 1978).
Source: Based on FAO background material to AT 2000 and FAO (Production Yearbook 1979)
Source: Own estimations after World Atlas of Agriculture (1976), OAU/STRC 1976 and
other sources; totals from FAO (Production Yearbook 1979) country figures.
Ec1 . Guinea 8 -8 -
Ethiopia 17 120 8 506 3 766 856 513 5 479
Gabon 90 - - 90
92 : 92 -
Ghana 2 000 r 800 1 200
Guinea 395 - 4,, 312 79
Guinea Bissau 183 - 61 122
Ivory Coast 1 200 - 384 816
Kenya 4 500 2 385 315 1 800
190 -190
Madagascar 1 583 1 171 412
Malawi 860 860 -
Mali 5 757 4 030 1 727
Mauretania 3 250 3 087 163
Mozambique 330 112 115, 86 17
Namibia 2 150 946 1 019 - 185
Niger 6 400 6 080 320 - -
Nigeria 24 500 245 10 780 7 820 5 621 34
Rwanda 786 - - - 786
1 000 250 740 10 -
Sierra Leone 175 - 116 59 -
Somalia 16 000 15 040 - - 960
Sudan 12 200 4 787 4 787 2 394 232
Tanzania 4 700 259 1 668 1 880 - 893
Togo 748 - 15 688 45
Uganda 2 144 - 204 1 190 204 546
Upper Volta 2 700 108 2 160 432
Zaire 2 783 - 501 1 865 417
Zambia 300 - 208 91 -
Zimbabwe 2 061 618 1 051 392
Annex Table 11: GDP, GDP Per Caput and Sector Contributions by Agriculture and
Livestock in Tropical Africa by Country 1980 (1975 Prices)
Share of Share of
agri- C livestock
a b GDP per culture in agric. Livestock
GDPc Populaton Caput in GDP GDP GDP
Country million $ 1 000 $ million
a) From FAO background material to AT 2000; 1975 figures based on national accounting
b) Estimates as used by FAO (AT 2000); the 1980 estimates are consistent with the popu
lation figures in FAO (Production Yearbook 1979).
c) Based on FAO (AT 2000) projections from 1975 and corrected for the use of international
prices therein; agriculture includes livestock.
d) Share of livestock in total agriculture as in FAO projections from 1975, i. e. based on
international prices.
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Other Titles