Action Plan Academic Ease

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Pada-Pada, Maybubon, Guimba, Nueva Ecija


School Year 2020-2021 has adapted the new normal way of education. As an action to that, Department of Education
implemented different learning delivery modalities to provide continuous instruction and education amidst the health crisis.
However, many students and teachers experienced inevitable problems which truly hindered the learning competency
acquisition. Self-Learning Modules (SLM) contained lots of activities and abundant information which is helpful yet caused
bombardment among our learners.
In response, DepEd thought of an innovative way to continue the productive school year by putting into consideration the
teachers’ and learners’ physical and mental health. Hence, “Academic Ease” was announced. “Academic Ease”, according to
DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones, provides welfare to our learners and teachers and at the same time ensures bearable
effective learning within the School Year 2020-2021.
Number of Teachers of Maybubon Integrated School
Maybubon Integrated School consists of Elementary and Secondary department respectively. The Elementary Department
composes of 13 teachers with 65 % while Junior High School consists of 7 teachers with 35 % and it is equivalent to 20
Number of Learners
The school has the following data that consists of learners from Kindergarten pupils to Grade 9 students that corresponds the
total population of 428 with corresponding percentage.
Kindergarten - 58 13.55 %
Grade 1 – 23 5.37 %
Grade 2 – 23 5.37 %
Grade 3 – 61 14.25 %
Grade 4 – 39 9.11 %
Grade 5 – 56 13.08 %
Grade 6 – 44 10.28 %
Grade 7 – 38 8.88 %
Grade 8 – 42 9.81 %
Grade 9 – 11 2.57 %
Number of learners in different Learning Delivery Modalities
The Maybubon Integrated School is encouraged to innovate and try new ways of teaching and learning. The school itself
chose a mode which is most appropriate for their target learners which is modular approach. The school provides a variety of
learning resources and modalities of learning with printed learning materials in a one-on-one basis per pupils/students.

Implementing schools and Learning Facilitator can also extend other forms of support to learners such as online teaching
through Facebook Messenger, TV and Radio Based-Instructions and others. Otherwise, some barriers may be considered. It is
noted that only 29.43 % of the learners with android phones, 13.08 % of the learners with smart TV and only 16.82 % with
Internet Connection.

Parents / Guardians / Learner’s Facilitator has a great contribution of school-home learning session. But why should
parents become involved in their children’s literacy activities? The evidence about the benefits of parents being involved in their
children’s education in general, and their children’s literacy activities in particular, is overwhelming. On the contrary, the
following details of parents considering hindrances for full support of learner’s literacy.

Number / Percentage of Parents:

a. No Education ` 0%
b. Elementary Undergraduate 12 %
c. Elementary Graduate 1.23 %
d. High School Undergraduate .18 %
e. High School Graduate 59.81 %
f. Vocational Graduate .11%
g. College Undergraduate 18.03 %
h. College Graduate 7.47 %
i. Post Graduate 1.17 %

Learner Support Mechanism

The Maybubon Integrates School in participation of the Academic EASE introduces different learner support mechanism.

a. Home or community visits wherein teachers visits the learner’s home / community to know him/her better and encourage
parents and other community member to be more involved in school learning program.
b. Remediation refers to remedial education programs in specific educational interventions to address learning needs of a target
group who are lagging behind academically or not mastering specific competencies.
c. Literacy Booth of Reading Materials in celebration of Reading Month aims to expand support to parents, guardians and
learner’s facilitator thru school-home learning session.

When learning is integrated, relevant, and properly supported, the learners are motivated to participate and meet target
learning outcomes. By having more positive experiences, he/she becomes even more prepared to continue learning. This will
make the Maybubon Integrated School program succeed.
Pada-Pada, Maybubon, Guimba, Nueva Ecija


Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Resources Source Success Indicator

Frame Needed of Fund
1. Identify activities Engaging slow Parents Dec. Internet, MOOE / Students
from SLM/LAS learners with more Guardians 2020- Cellphone, other attained the required
as optional for guided lesson Learners June Laptop & funds essential skills.
the slow discussion as Teachers 2021 modified LAS Parents
learners and remediation. School Head successfully facilitate
additional task Parents seminar learners in achieving
for the fast on proper/ guidance meaningful learning.
learners facilitation of learners
Stream lining of
learning tasks in the
SLMs or other
learning Materials
2. Modify learning Interdisciplinary Parents Decembe SLM MOOE / SLM and LAS
tasks in the SLM integration of Learners r 2020 to LAS (Learning Donation properly accomplished
in 2nd, 3rd & 4th moderate activities in Teachers June Activity Sheet) s/Other by the learners
Quarters the SLM and LAS School Head 2021 Video clips Fund
Sending Laptop
additional video clips Cellphone
in their GC’s as their
guide in the specific
subject area
Home visitation
3. Simplify Integrating Kindergarten Decembe Project DICE MOOE The teacher will
strategies on Project DICE (Diverse, Grades 1-6 r 2020- Learning Other be able assess 100 %
assessment of Innovative, Creative Junior High School June Materials Funds of Learners.
learning Evaluation) of Teachers 2021 /Resources
Learners’ Outputs in Parents
assessing the School Head
learners. project DICE
will serve as a
assessment in the
form of practical exam
wherein the learners
will draw the dice,
each number/sides of
dice have a
concept, topic, or
lesson for them to
elaborate/give their
4. Ensure the Organize Teachers Septemb Class Program - Teachers have
premium on the individual priority plans Principal er 2020 – Work Load an organized,
instructional of the teacher. June Plan MOOE strategically and well-
management Strategic 2021 Weekly Home Other managed work plan.
task of teachers planning on Teachers’ Learning Plan Fund
in their work workload Developmental
load or Plan
assignments SF 7
Plan of School
5. Make simplified Schedule once a Parents Decembe SLM’s MOOE, Lessen the
plan on month parent’s / Guardians r 2020 to LAS donations parents, teachers
preparation, guardian, teacher Teachers June List of learners , others contact during
distributions, contact for distribution School Head 2021 for SET A & B fund distribution/retrieval of
and retrieval of and retrievals of by grade level modules in the school to
learning modules secure the safety and
materials. follow the IATF
protocols needed in this
time of pandemic
6. Provide mental- Virtual seminar Teachers Septemb Internet Other Persons involved
health/social- of teachers, parents Parents er 2020 connection Fund gradually in working at
emotional and learner’s facilitator Learners facilitator to June Laptop home with healthy
wellbeing of on handling stresses 2021 Cellphone minds and
teachers, during pandemic. accomplishing task
students, Organize group under pressure.
parents and wellness sessions and
learning the like for support to
facilitators the mental health /
socio-emotional well-
being of teachers,
students and their
Distribution of
pamphlets or handbook
which may enhance
their capabilities in
handling stresses.
7. Give enough Provide Teachers Weekly SLM & LAS MOOE & Accomplished
time for the consideration among Parents other SLM and LAS of
completion, learners who did not Learners fund learners
submission of accomplished SLM with
activities/tasks the given time
of the learners
8. Provide Establish Home- Parents and Decembe Learning/ Reading MOOE, Learners with
additional School learning booth guardians of the r 2020 to Booth donations learning Difficulties can
supports to to provide basic learners with June Interactive , others easily learn the lesson
learners and numeracy or literacy to learning difficulties 2021 Learning fund at home with the aid of
their home the and provide Parents Materials the various techniques
learning effective technician for Guardians and effective
facilitators with parents on how to have Teachers instructions gathered by
learning easy instruction in the School Head the parents in the
difficulties. child’s learn learning booth at
Project READ school.
AND CHILL, Enhancement of
Project KU- literary and numeracy
BOOTH NG learn of parents and
KARUNUNGAN, learners
Project WORD
Project (MMLR)
9. Provide capacity Conduct Face to Teachers & School Quarterly Training Matrix MOOE Equipped
building face / Webinar Capacity Head TNA Teachers for the New
activities/ in- Building on Diverse INSETs Normal Learning
service trainings, Teaching Methods and LAC Strategies
technical Strategies on Distance
assistance to Learning Modalities
teachers on based on the TNA of
distance LDM the Teachers
10. Ensure that Implementation External Septemb Bond Paper Donation Donations from
external of “Paso Ko, Bond Stakeholders er, 2020 s from Stakeholders
stakeholders Paper Mo”, An – June Instructional Stakehol
and partners are innovative project for 2021 Materials and ders
tapped to module reproduction. Reading / MOOE or
support the Implementation Numeracy Booth other
distance and of Reading Booth to Barangay Council Novembe expenses
home-based strengthen the and other external r 2020 – MOA / MOU
learning involvement of the stakeholders June
Barangay Council and 2021
other stakeholders.

Prepared by Noted: Reviewed by:


School Principal I District Supervisor Area Monitoring Supervisor
Recommending Approval


Chief, CID Asst. Schools Division Superintendent

Schools Division Superintendent

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