American Literature Vocabulary
American Literature Vocabulary
American Literature Vocabulary
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition
of the words in each root group.
1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make
sure you understand the definition).
2) Use the word in a defining sentence.
3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Acerbic adjective
1 (of a person or manner) sharp and forthright.
2 tasting sour or bitter:
Philanthropy- noun- a desire to promote the welfare of others; especially through the donation
of money to good causes
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition of the words in each root group.
1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following
words (make sure you understand the definition).
3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Agnostic – noun – a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known about
the nature of God.
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition on the words in each root group.
1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following
words (make sure you understand the definition).
2) Use the word in a defining sentence.
3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Culprit – noun – the person who is responsible for a crime or other misdead
Demagogue – noun - a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and
prejudices rather than by using rational argument, (in ancient Greece and Rome) an orator who
espoused the cause of the common people
Pandemic – adjective - (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or large part of the world.
▶noun an outbreak of such a disease
Indolent – adjective - wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy, Medicine (of an ulcer or
other disease condition) slow to develop or heal.
Euthanasia – noun - the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable disease or in
an irreversible coma
Euphemism – noun - a mild or less direct word substituted for one that is harsh or blunt when
referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition on the words in each root group.
1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following
words (make sure you understand the definition).
2) Use the word in a defining sentence.
3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
FID – trust, faith COMMON WORD:
Fidelity – noun - continuing loyalty to a person, cause, or belief, the degree of exactness with
which something is copied or reproduced
Retrograde –verb - directed or moving backwards, (of the order of something) reversed;
inverse, reverting to an earlier and inferior condition, Geology (of a metamorphic change)
resulting from a decrease in temperature or pressure
Transgress – verb - go beyond the limits set by (a moral principle, standard, law, etc.),
Geology (of the sea) spread over (an area of land).
Ingratiate – verb - bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them
Gregarious – adjective - fond of company; sociable, (of animals) living in flocks or colonies, (of
plants) growing in clusters
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition on the words in each root group.
1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following
words (make sure you understand the definition).
2) Use the word in a defining sentence.
3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Antediluvian – adjective - of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood; chiefly
humorous ridiculously old-fashioned
Levity – noun - the treatment of a serious matter with humor or lack of due respect
Illuminate – verb - light up; (usu. as adj. illuminating) help to clarify or explain; (often as adj.
illuminated) decorate (a page or initial letter in a manuscript) with gold, silver, or colored designs
Vocabulary: Group#6
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition on the words in each root group.
1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following
words (make sure you understand the definition).
2) Use the word in a defining sentence.
3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Magnify – verb - make (something) appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or
microscope; increase or intensify; archaic praise highly
Monitor – noun - a television receiver used in a studio to view the picture, a screen which
displays an image generated by a computer, a loudspeaker used by performers on stage to hear
themselves or in a studio to hear what has been recorded.
Mortal – adjective - of a living creature) subject to death. 2 causing or liable to cause death;
fatal. ■ (of conflict or an enemy) admitting no reconciliation.3 (of a feeling, especially fear) very
intense. 4 informal conceivable or imaginable
Nascent – adjective - just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future
potential. 2 Chemistry (chiefly of hydrogen) freshly generated in a reactive form.
Native – noun - a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth. ■ a local
inhabitant.2 an animal or plant indigenous to a place. 3 dated, often offensive a non-white
original inhabitant of a country as regarded by European colonists or travel:
Neophyte – noun - a person who is new to a subject or activity. 2 a new convert to a religion. ■
a novice in a religious order, or a newly ordained priest
Neoteny – noun - the retention of juvenile features in the adult animal. 2 the sexual maturity of
an animal while it is still in a mainly larval state, as in the axolotl:
Vocabulary: Group#7
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition on the words in each root group.
1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following
words (make sure you understand the definition).
2) Use the word in a defining sentence.
3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Obstinate – adjective - stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action;
difficult to overcome or change
Pandemic – adjective - (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or large part of the world;
noun – an outbreak of such a disease
Prima donna – noun - the chief female singer in an opera or opera company. 2 a very
temperamental and self-important person.
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition on the words in each root group.
1). Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words
(make sure you understand the definition).
2). Use the word in a defining sentence.
3). Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Sanction – noun - a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule. ■ (sanctions) measures
taken by a state to coerce another to conform to an international agreement or norms of conduct.
Ethics a consideration operating to enforce obedience to any rule of conduct.2 official permission
or approval for an action. ■ official confirmation or ratification of a law.■ Law, historical a law or
decree, especially an ecclesiastical one. Official permission or approval for an action. ■ official
confirmation or ratification of a law.■ Law, historical a law or decree, especially an ecclesiastical
Sedentary – adjective - tending to spend much time seated. ■ (of work or a way of life)
characterized by much sitting and little physical exercise.■ sitting.2 Zoology
Insidious – adjective - proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects
Non sequitur – noun - a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the
previous argument or statement
Sonorous – adjective - (of a sound) deep and full. 2 capable of producing a deep or ringing
sound. 3 using imposing language
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition on the words in each root group.
1 Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following
words (make sure you understand the definition).
2 Use the word in a defining sentence.
3 Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Trepidation – noun – a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen. 2 archaic
trembling motion
Vacuum – noun - a space entirely devoid of matter. ■ a space or container from which the air
has been completely or partly removed.2 a gap left by the loss or departure of someone or
something important.
Avail – verb - (avail oneself of) use or take advantage of. 2 help or benefit.
In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are
responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the
definition on the words in each root group.
1 Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following
words (make sure you understand the definition).
2 Use the word in a defining sentence.
3 Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word.
Verify – verb - make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified. 2 Law
swear to or support (a statement) by affidavit.
Convivial – adjective - of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable. ■ cheerful and
Vivid – adjective – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind;
(of a colour) intensely deep or bright. 3 archaic lively and vigorous
Volition – noun - (often in phr. of one's own volition) the faculty or power of using one's will.
Benevolent – adjective - well meaning and kindly. 2 (of an organization) serving a charitable
rather than a profit-making purpose
Voracious – adjective - wanting or devouring great quantities of food; very eager or enthusiastic
in one’s approach
Devour – verb - eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly. ■ (of fire or a similar force) consume
destructively.2 read quickly and eagerly. 3 (be devoured) be totally absorbed by a powerful
Vocabulary Workshop: Grade 10 Honors
80 Power Words
Accost – verb- Ambient – Articulate – Badinage –
approach and adjective - adjective - fluent noun - witty
address boldly or relating to the and clear in conversation
aggressively immediate speech
surroundings of
denoting a style of
music with no
persistent beat,
used to create a
Behemoth – Belabor – verb - Cacophonous – Canard – noun -
noun – a huge attack physically adjective – ill an unfounded
or verbally. 2 rumor or story, a
or monstrous sounding
argue or discuss small wing-like
creature in excessive detail projection on an
aircraft forward of
the main wing, for
extra stability or
Cavort – verb - Coherent – Complicity – Conciliate –
prance around adjective - (of an noun - the fact or verb – act as a
excitedly or self- argument or condition of being mediator
indulgently theory) logical and involved with
consistent. ■ able others in an
to speak clearly unlawful activity
and logically,
holding together
to form a whole,
Physics (of
waves) having a
constant phase
Concord – noun Consign – verb - Decimate – verb Deign – verb -
- literary - kill or destroy a do something that
agreement; send (goods) by a large proportion one considers to
harmony, a treaty. public carrier.■ of. ■ drastically be beneath one's
Grammar (consign reduce the dignity
agreement someone/thing to) strength of, (in
between words in put someone or ancient Rome) kill
gender, number, something in (a one in every ten
case, or person. place) in order to of (a group of
Music a chord that be rid of them soldiers) as a
is pleasing or punishment for
satisfactory in the mutiny of the
itself whole group
Delineate – verb Depraved – Dissemble – Dissidence –
– to describe or adjective – verb - noun – the
indicate morally corrupt hide or disguise opposition of
one's true motives official policy
or feelings
Ebullient – Echelon – noun Eclectic – Embellish – verb
adjective - - a level or rank in adjective - - adorn; decorate.
cheerful and full of an organization, deriving ideas or 2 add extra details
energy profession, or style from a broad to (a story) for
society and diverse range interest
of sources
Emulate – verb - Enervate – verb Ephemeral – Esoteric –
attempt to match - cause to feel adjective - adjective -
or surpass, drained of energy lasting or used for intended for or
typically by a very short time. understood by
imitation ■ (chiefly of only a small
plants) having a
number of people
very short life
cycle with a specialized
knowledge or