Moon Knight Script

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The story introduces the characters of Mark Spector/Moon Knight, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley. It also introduces the deity Khonshu who tasks Moon Knight with sacrificing members of the Aryan Brotherhood gang.

The main characters introduced are Mark Spector who takes on the identity of Moon Knight, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley and the deity Khonshu.

Moon Knight's mission, as directed by Khonshu, seems to be sacrificing members of the Aryan Brotherhood gang, starting with the character of Joseph Edwards.

Moon Knight

Radio drama by Amit Pangali

Sound: Traffic, rain and wind

Narrator: New York city. A cesspool of filth. Though

we may have left Vietnam 2 years ago, A
war was still being fought here. Budget
cuts from the city debt means that crime
has ravaged the city leaving it a bitter
husk of what it once was. But the city
adapts and people rise up. MARK SPECTOR
was one of those people. The fist of
Khonshu kept a watchful eye over the city.
Except for now. Right now, he is lying
face down in an alley. He starts to
reanimate he rises to a sitting position
leaning against the wall. Readjusting his
eyes to the light. He scathes his scraggly
beard. He pulls off the hood from his
face. He starts looking around to see if
he can identify anything that would tell
him where he is. He looks directly Infront
of him to see a figure that has appeared
from nothing. The figure was of average
build in a three-piece white suit however
instead of a face he had a black raven
skull. This was KHONSHU.

Khonshu: Who am I talking to?

Mark: Right now, I am Mark. What do you want
Khonshu: Mark Spector son of Elias Spector, Fist of
Mark: Yeah, Yeah, I know who I am Khonshu you
don’t need to address me like this every
time. Now just tell me who I need to kill.
Khonshu: I trust you will take this task seriously
and execute it quickly.
Mark: From your previous experiences what
makes you think this will be anything
Khonshu: You will be sacrificing Mr. Joseph
Mark: Never heard of him did he like mug an
old lady or something.
Khonshu: He is an enforcer for a gang called…
The Aryan Brotherhood.
Narrator: Mark’s eyes widen. He shoots up and
looks at Khonshu directly in his eye
holes. His fist clenches and his face
goes red.
Mark (Clenching) Where… is… he.
Khonshu: You have been giving me attitude Mr
spectre. Find him yourself.
Narrator: Mark looks down he thinks for a
minute he decides to speak to the
Mark: Did you guys hear that
JAKE LOCKLEY: Every damn word.

STEVEN GRANT: Heard it too. So, I’m guessing you

want to go after him.
You’re fucking right we want to go
after him. Mark you do want to go
after him?
Mark: Of course, I do but I don’t know
where he is
Jake: leave that to me just give me a day
control and I will get information.
Names, locations, Safehouses
literally anything I can find.
Steven: But not tonight.
Jake: What are you gonna do pick up a
Steven: No, we have a charity Gala.
Mark: You don’t do charity?
Steven: No, I don’t, but a lot of investors
of the company are, so are and many
different business representatives.
If I play my cards right, we can get
some new gear.
Mark: Ok fine Gala tonight tomorrow it’s
Jake getting info… Ok Khonshu I’ll
do… Khonshu? Khonshu where did you

Music: What’s going on- Marvin Gaye

Narrator: The gala went well. Steven was
charming and booked a few more
meetings. After 6 hours of
negotiations and finishing off deals.
Steven pulls off his bowtie and slams
it on the table.

Jake: How was the gala?

Steven (tired): Decent. Shook hands with some old
prunes. Laughed at their racist
jokes. Apparently, the budget cuts
are due to communism which I didn’t
Jake: Oh, how much was the deal
Steven: Uh a million maybe. I don’t really
care what the number is as long as it
is big number
Jake: To be an arrogant detached
Steven (irritated): piss off with the class warfare crap.
Jake: Oh, no I didn’t mean it to be like
that… Say did you shave us.
Steven: We woke up in an alleyway with our
mask off in basically full uniform.
If I kept the beard somebody would
find out who we are and then it’s
ropes for us.
Jake: What if somebody recognises me then?
Steven: I don’t think the crowds mix in are
Jake: You’d be surprised.
Steven: … What’s your game Jake?
Jake: I’m distracting you so I can take
Steven: How stupid do you think I-?
Sound: person falling to the ground, Person getting up,
Deep breathes and door opening and closing
Sound: Wind, police sirens and engine
Narrator: Jake, now in control was driving his cab
through the Brooklyn. Trash piling up
around the street Heroin needles and white
powder all over the pavements. You can
never tell if half of the people there are
homeless, drunk or dead. He pulls up to a
Sound: Engine turning off, Car door opening, car door
closing, footsteps, key jingling and door opening
MARLINE: Jake, is that you?
Jake: Hi Marline, I got you this
Marline: Chocolates, that’s sweet
Jake: It’s really nothing, where is
Marline: She… doesn’t want to talk to you… or
have anything to do with you
Jake: (EXHALE) I’ll go to her
Marline: Your funeral
Sound: Door opening and footsteps
Music: The message- Run DMC
Jake: Hey Dia

Jake: Sorry I haven’t been around much I’ve

had to work.

Jake: Um… Ok look I know nothing I say will

make things better. I wish I could
tell you what has happened but I
really can’t. and I know I don’t
deserve it but could you please say

Jake: Ok, ok that’s radical. That’s a thing

you guys day, right? Uh I’ve got to
go now. Peace, love and granola bars
Sound: Footsteps, door closing
Marline: Just tell her about Mark and Steven.
Jake: No! She is a kid and having her know
that would be too much.
Marline: Because this is better isn’t it?! She
is more emotionally mature than you
think… So, you’re going then.
Jake: Yeah. I just wanted to pop in to show
my face and tell you that I’m not
Marline: Yet… Who are you looking for?
Jake: Joseph Edwards
Marline: Wait, The Jew hunter from the Aryan
Jake: Yep, Khonshu wants him to be
Marline: I’m guessing Mark was very motivated.
Jake: Oh, he really was. Do you know
anything like where I can find him?
Marline: Uh… I know of one guy from the
brotherhood. Because he beat one of
the teachers at Dia’s school with s
tire iron.
Jake: Oh lovely. I’ll keep that in mind.
Marline: He takes a cab around Franklin
Jake: Franklin Avenue. Ok, got it. I got to
get to the garage then.
SCENE 4: Franklin Ave- DAY
Sound Traffic, Wind and Pedestrian

Narrator: Franklin Avenue. A filthy area in a

filthy city. Any trash in the rest of
the city is multiplied by two in this
area. The bodies that might be dead
lying in the street are 100% dead in
Franklin Avenue. As the hub for gang
related crimes, this is a place Jack
Lockley is very familiar. He pulls up
in his cab, so covered in dirt and
dust that the yellow it originally
was isn’t even visible anymore. As he
slows the car a large man with a full
beard and bloody knuckles opens the
back door. This man was WILLIAM
“BILLY” JOHNSON. The man that will
lead Jake to Joseph Edwards
Sound: Car door opening
William: You ain’t a Jew, are you?
Jake: Sir, let’s just say that if I was
one. I would have shot myself.
William: Oh, then we are gonna get along just
Sound: Car door closing
Jake: So where to my friend?
William: Orange street.
Jake: Ok Orange street let’s go.
Sound: Tires squealing.
William: So, what’s your name?
Jake: My name is… Jake Alraune.
William: Well Mr Alraune, I’m William Johnson.
Jake: Please, Mr Johnson call me Jake
William: Only if you call me William.
Jake: (CHUCKLES) Ok William, so how has
your day been.
William: Nah, I don’t want to bore you with my
Jake: Nonsense, I love hearing stories from
patrons. My cab is safe area. Nobody
hears what is said but this body.
William: That’s an odd phrase.
Jake: Yeah, I guess it is. I heard some
kids saying it once.
William: Damn kids. It’s those damn schools
that are the problem. Speak proper
English damn it.
Jake: THANK YOU! Somebody had to say it. I
swear to the one true god it
infuriates me. Those damn teachers
are the problem, somebody needs to
give them a good ass whoopin.
William: I did.
Jake: Shut up! The is no way.
William: I am being serious. Got a tire iron
and went to town or her head. Her jew
brain was on the outside by the time
it was done.
Jake: You sir are a hero
William: I’m just doing what needs to be done.
Jake: Oh man, it’s nice to hear from
somebody with the right perspective
on life. I wish there were other
people like us.
William: What if I told you that there are
more people.
Jake: There are?
William: We operate outside the law and we
fight against the villains poisoning
our society.
Jake: Tell me more William.
William: You know what, call me Billy.


Sounds Wind, Crickets and Distant traffic
Joseph: Are you sure about this Jake guy.
William: I swear on our true god, have I ever
let you down before?
Joseph: I guess you are right, where is he?
William: He runs a cab service; he probably is
running late.
Joseph: I don’t like this.
William: Don’t be a wimp! Give it a second
nothing is gonna ha-
Narrator: Just then a figure in all white
tackled William into a car door
taking it off it’s hinge.
Sound: Breaking glass and metal hitting concrete.
Narrator: Joseph starting panicking, just
before he gets away, the white figure
threw a knife into his leg
Sound: Object flying through the air, blood
squirting and man screaming.
Narrator: William tries to push the figure in
white off of him but the figure was
planted firmly as wasn’t moving
anytime soon, William tried to
articulate his words to hopefully
talk down this figure, But before he
could. The figure pulled out a tire
Sound: Pipe swinging, crushing scull, wet
impact sounds and pipe hitting
Joseph: Oh god, Stop, is it money you want do
you want turf. What do you want just
let me live!
Narrator: The figure slowly moved closer to
Joseph. The pristine white Kevlar now
covered in Williams blood.
Sound: Pulling of fabric
MOON KNIGHT: Do you know of anyone called Mark
Joseph: What?!
Sound: Body hitting wall, pulling fabric
Moon Knight: Do you know of anyone called Mark
Joseph: No, no I don’t!
Moon Knight: How about Elias Spectre?
Joseph: No, I haven’t heard of him either?!
Moon Knight: Do you even know the names of the
people you hurt?
Joseph: Is this what it’s all about? I am
doing gods work here. What I’m doing
is right!
Moon Knight: You aren’t doing god’s work, I am.
Joseph: No, no please!
Sound: Skull crunching and whooshing
Moon Knight: I sacrifice you in the name of
Khonshu. May your soul be eternally

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