Raymond Childs III

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CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021


Cause No: 49D29
vs O
LC. 35-42-1-1(1)
Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III A FELONY
DOB: 10/31/2003 MURDER
I.C. 35-42—1-1(1)
LC. 35-42-1-1(1)
I.C. 35-42-1-1(1)
I.C. 35-42-1-1(1)
I.C. 35-42- 1-1 (4)
I.C. 35-42— 1-1 (1) and I.C. 35—41 -5- 1 (a)
LC. 35-47-2-1
On this date, the undersigned Deputy Prosecuting Attorney of the Nineteenth Judicial
Circuit, being duly sworn on her oath, says that in Marion County, Indiana


On 0r about January 24, 2021, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III did knowingly or intentionally
kill another human being, to-wit: Raymond Childs Jr.;


On or about January 24, 2021, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III did knowingly or intentionally
kill another human being, to—wit: Kezzie Childs;


On 0r about January 24, 2021, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III did knowingly or intentionally
CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021

kill another human being, to-wit: Elijah Childs;


On 0r about January 24, 2021, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III did knowingly 0r intentionally
kill another human being, to-wit: R.C.;


On 0r about January 24, 2021, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III did knowingly 0r intentionally
kill another human being, to-wit: Kiara Hawkins;


On 0r about January 24, 2021, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III did knowingly or intentionally
kill a fetus, to-wit: Kiara Hawkins' unborn fetus;


On or about January 24, 2021, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III did attempt to commit the
crime of Murder, which is to intentionally kill another human being, namely: X.C., by engaging

in conduct, that is: shooting X.C. with the specific intent to kill X.C., which conduct constituted

a substantial step toward the commission of said crime of Murder;


On 0r about January 24, 2021, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III did knowingly carry a
handgun in a vehicle or on or about his person, without being licensed as required by law;

all 0f Which is contrary t0 statute and against the peace and dignity of the State of Indiana.

lanuary 28, 2021


Marion County Prosecutor
19th Judicial Circuit

/ s/ Amy Jacobson
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney

State's Witnesses:
CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021

D. Stanton, APD
Gregory Schmunk M.D., MCCO


CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021


Detective Christopher Winter swears (affirms) that:

In support 0f your affiant’s assertion of probable cause, the following facts are within your affiant’s
personal knowledge or have been learned through his investigation:

On January 24th, 2021 at approximately 3:43 AM, officers with the Indianapolis Metropolitan
Police Department were dispatched t0 33XX E. 36th street in Marion County, Indiana, on reports of a
person shot. Upon arrival, officers found X.C., age 15, on the porch of the residence suffering from
multiple gunshot wounds. The occupants of the house had called 911 afier they heard gunshots and
someone yelling for help. X.C. was transported t0 Riley Hospital in critical condition. Officer Andrew
Guzman arrived at the hospital and was able to speak with X.C. before he was rushed into surgery. When
X.C. was asked who shot him, he stated “Raymond Ronald Lee Childs, the third.” Officer Guzman was
also present when medical staff spoke with X.C. about locating his parents so that they could provide
further medical care. X.C. stated “He shot them. Ithink they’re dead.”

Upon receiving this information, Sgt. Daniel Kistner responded t0 X.C.’s address, 35XX N.
Adams Street and found an open front door. Upon entering the two story, three bedroom brick house, Sgt.

Kistner and other officers located five people suffering from gunshot wounds. A pregnant female, later
identified as Kiara Hawkins, age 19, was transported t0 Eskenazi Hospital. Despite efforts to save Kiara
Hawkins and her unborn child, both were declared deceased at the hospital. The male fetus was delivered
Via emergency cesarean section and was declared deceased upon delivery.

The four other people located in the Adams Street address were pronounced deceased at the

scene. They were later identified as Raymond Childs, Jr., age 42, Kezzie Childs, age 42, Elijah Childs,
age 18, and R.C., age 13.

Three of the deceased were found by officers 0n the first floor. Officers found Elijah Childs on a
bed in a bedroom at the end of the hallway. Kiara Hawkins was found on the bed next to Elijah prior to

being transported t0 the hospital. R.C. was found in a second bedroom off the upstairs hallway on the
floor next to the bed.

Raymond Childs, Jr. was located in the basement on the floor next to a dresser in the open space
that was being used as a bedroom. Kezzie Childs was located on the floor nearby next to the bed.

I swear (affirm), under penalty ofperjury as specified by IC 35-44.1-2-1, that the foregoing representations are true.

/s/ Christopher Winter


DATED: Januarv 28, 2021

CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021

Affidavit for Probable Cause

From: Detective Christopher Winter

Officers requested that a Homicide detective respond to the scene. Detective Christopher Winter
responded along with Detective James Hun, Detective Sgt. Chris Lawrence and Detective Lt. Eli

McAllister. A Crime Scene Specialist from the Marion County Crime Lab, Daniel Schilde, also
responded t0 the scene. Schilde performed a walk—through of the crime scene with the detectives. They
observed fired 9mm cartridge casings, fired 7.62 cartridge casings, a 9mm handgun, and a box of 7.62
ammunition. Two fired 9mm cartridge casings were found in the room where Elijah Childs and Kiara
Hawkins had been found. One fired 7.62 cartridge casing was found in the room containing the body of
9mm cartridge casings were found in the basement room containing the bodies 0f
R.C. Six fired
Raymond Childs, Jr. and Kezzie Childs. The 9mm handgun was found in the basement. The slide was
locked back and the chamber was empty. Five fired 7.62 cartridge casings were found in the basement
room containing the bodies of Raymond Childs, Jr. and Kezzie Childs.

Located in the third upstairs bedroom containing bunk beds, Where no bodies were found, was a
high school identification card for Raymond Childs. Several phones were also found in the home
including a black Android with a gray case found on the bed in the basement room where Raymond
Childs, Jr.’s body was located. A second crime scene was located 0n the street in front of 33XX E. 36th

Street, the residence where X.C. had been found. There detectives located four fired 7.62 cartridge
casings along with U.S. currency that was covered in blood.

Several friends and family members of the Childs family gathered near the scene while the
Marion County Crime Lab was processing the home. K.S. spoke With officers 0n scene. K.S. stated that

her step—dad, Raymond Childs, Jr. and his Wife Kezzie Childs lived in the residence at 35XX Adams
Street. Also living at the residence were Raymond and Kezzie’s biological children: R.C., X.C., and
Elij ah Childs. Elijah’s girlfriend “KiKi” (Kiara Hawkins) also lived at the residence. Smith stated her
brother, Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III, lived at the residence as well, but that she knew he wasn’t
currently inside because he had called her sister Naomi earlier in the morning and Smith had spoken to

him. Childs III said he had stayed out all night and didn’t go home. Smith also stated that she knew he
was 0k because she had seen him at the scene just before speaking with detectives.

T.K. approached officers and stated her parents lived at 35XX Adams Street. T.K. told officers
that she was Visiting her family at the residence the night before. She had come over in the afternoon on
January 23rd, and left around 2:00 0r 2:30 am. the morning of the shooting. She said her parents were
lying in bed watching television in the basement when she left.

Detectives canvassed the area and spoke With neighbors who stated one of the boys Who lives at

the house drives a white Chrysler with fancy rims. That vehicle was not located at or near the residence.

I swear (affirm), under penalty of perjury as specified by IC 35-44.1-2-1, that the foregoing representations are true.

/s/ Christopher Winter


DATED: January 28, 2021

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CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021

Affidavit for Probable Cause

From: Detective Christopher Winter

While 0n scene, detectives learned that X.C. had made it through surgery at Riley Hospital.
Detectives Christopher Winter and James Hurt responded to Riley Hospital at approximately 4:23 PM to
interview him. X.C. stated that his brother “Raymond Ronald Lee Childs the third” shot him. When
asked Who else was in the house at the time of the shooting, X.C. stated his mom, his dad, his little sister

R.C., his brother Elij ah, and Kiara Hawkins, Who was “supposed to be having a baby next wee .”

According t0 X.C., Childs III had gotten in trouble that night for leaving the house without permission.

When Childs III got home Raymond Childs, Jr. told Childs III that he would be in trouble later.
his father

X.C. was downstairs With his parents when he heard two or three gunshots from upstairs. X.C. heard his
sister say “he shot Elij ah!” X.C. said Childs III came down the stairs and shot both of his parents. At this

point X.C. said he was in the laundry room on the floor, and when he heard the shooting stop he ran out
0f the house through a side door as fast as he could. Childs III chased him down. X.C. told him “I can
give you forty dollars, please don’t kill me.” X.C. said “he just looked at me and then he shot me 0n the
leg. I fell. He shot me in my arm. And then he tried to shoot me in my head but missed, I guess.” X.C.

stated Childs III shot him With a Draco 7.62.

IMPD Officers With the Violent Crime Unit went t0 Childs III’s place 0f employment, Kentucky
Fried Chicken, and spoke with a manager. The manager stated J.D. was Childs III’s girlfriend and that she

also worked at that location. J.D. had notified the manager that both she and Childs III would not be
coming in today. Detectives went to J.D.’s residence and found a Chevy Impala that was registered to J.D.

backing out 0f the address. Parked in front of J.D.’s residence was a white Chrysler with fancy rims. The
Chrysler was bearing plate 724ZSU and was registered t0 Raymond Childs, Jr.

Following a valid traffic stop, detectives asked J.D. where Childs III was. J.D. told Detectives
that Childs III was at 42XX Burkhart South Drive and had been there since 2:30 PM. J.D. was transported
to the homicide office for questioning.

After reading and signing the advice of rights, J.D. stated that on January 23rd, 2021, Childs III

came over t0 her house to spend the night. While he was there he got a phone call from his dad telling

him to come home. J.D. got him an Uber to go back to his house. J.D. stated that sometime between 2:00
am and 3 :00 am in the morning on January 24th, Childs III drove back over to the house in a white
Chrysler. J.D. had never seen Childs III drive this vehicle before. Childs III stated that his father had
kicked him out. When he arrived back at her house, Childs III had two bags of clothes and some shoes
With him.

I swear (affirm), under penalty of perjury as specified by IC 35-44.1-2-1, that the foregoing representations are true.

/s/ Christopher Winter


DATED: January 28, 2021

(Page 3)
CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021

Affidavit for Probable Cause

From: Detective Christopher Winter

About 30 minutes after Childs III arrived back at J.D.’s home J.D. received an alert on her
Citizens app that there had been a shooting on 36‘“ street. Soon after there was another alert regarding a
shooting on Adams Street. J.D. asked Childs III if he knew anything about the shooting and he said no.
Later in the morning J.D. convinced Childs III to g0 to the crime scene after speaking with Childs III’s

sisters. She stated Childs III was nervous to go to the scene and When they got there, he began crying and
“acted a clown.” She had never seen him like this before. They then went back t0 her home until around
2:00 in the afternoon. Childs III then wanted t0 g0 t0 another residence and grabbed some clothes t0 take
With him. When they left Childs III placed the clothes by his feet in J.D.’s car. When they got to where
Childs III wanted to go, he took the clothes with him. Shortly after J.D. pulled off, she hit the brakes and
saw a magazine clip fly forward 0n the passenger’s floor board of her Impala.

Detective Winter obtained a search warrant for the White 2006 Chevy Impala. Upon execution 0f
the search warrant, Crime Scene Specialist Schilde recovered an AK-style magazine wrapped in clothes
on the front passenger side floorboard containing 30 rounds of 7.62 ammunition (pictured below).

Detective Sgt. Erik Forestal and Detective Marc Klonne received information about a possible
location 0f Childs III. Detectives went to 106XX Wyatt Drive, Indianapolis, and found Childs III. This
location is the home 0f relatives of Childs III. Childs III was taken into custody Without incident, and was
transported to the homicide office before being placed under arrest. During a search incident to arrest,

I swear (affirm), under penalty of perjury as specified by IC 35-44.1-2-1, that the foregoing representations are true.

/s/ Christopher Winter


DATED: January 28, 2021

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CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021

Affidavit for Probable Cause

From: Detective Christopher Winter

Officers found a black iPhone With a cracked screen and pictures on the back of the case. The phone was
recovered as evidence.

Dr. Greg Schmunk with the Marion County Coroner’s Office performed autopsies on Raymond
Childs, Jr., Kezzie Childs, Elijah Childs, R.C., and Kiara Hawkins. The cause of death of Raymond
Childs, Jr. was multiple gunshot wounds to the torso. The cause of death 0f Kezzie Childs was multiple
gunshot wounds t0 the torso. single gunshot wound t0 the head.
The cause 0f death 0f Elij ah Childs was a
The cause of death of R.C. was a wound t0 the chest. The cause of death of Kiara Hawkins
single gunshot

was a single gunshot wound to the head. Dr. Schmunk determined that the manner of death of each was
homicide. An autopsy 0f Kiara Hawkins” unborn male fetus was also conducted. Dr. Schmunk ruled that
he suffered from intrauterine fetal demise due t0 a gunshot wound t0 the mother’s head. Dr. Schmunk
observed that he had fully developed extremities and jaw. There was no evidence 0f external injury. Dr.
Schmunk described the fetus as full term and near birth.

On January 25th Detective Winter and Detective Hurt returned to Riley Hospital to talk to X.C.
again. X.C. told them that before the shooting his father had asked him to put some water in a bottle, so

he went to the bathroom t0 fill it. At that point he heard two gunshots. His father got out 0f bed, ran t0
the stairs, and said “What was that?” He then heard his sister R.C. say “Raymond shot Elijah!” Another
gunshot went off, and he heard his dad say “I’m sorry Raymond, I love you.” Another six or seven
gunshots went off. At this point X.C. was laying down in the laundry room. When the shooting stopped
he ran out 0f the house and around a comer, and Childs III chased him. X.C. stopped and said, “here bro,

I can give you this forty dollars, Iwon’t say nothing, please don’t kill me.” At that point Childs III shot

X.C. in the leg, and he fell. Childs III then shot him in the arm. X.C. didn’t see which way Childs III

went after that. About 30 seconds later X.C. ran to a neighbor’s house and started banging on the door.
X.C. remained there until the police arrived. X.C. only saw Childs III with the Draco gun when Childs III

chased him down outside the house. He described the gun as “all black With a wooden grip.”

On January 25, Detective Winter received a phone call from a person who stated his name was
AV. AV. stated that he is a cousin to Raymond Childs, Jr. and Childs III. AV. lives in Anderson, Indiana,
and upon learning about the shootings of his family members he came to Indianapolis to find out more
information about what had happened. A.V. and his brother E.V. picked up Childs III. A.V. stated that

when Childs III got in his vehicle they asked him what happened, and Childs III said that some people
from the next block did it. When Childs III was armed with a Draco firearm that
got into the truck, he
A.V. recognized as belonging to Raymond Childs, Jr. A.V. told Childs III to give him the gun because
A.V. had a permit t0 carry a firearm, and Childs III complied.

I swear (affirm), under penalty of perjury as specified by IC 35-44.1-2-1, that the foregoing representations are true.

/s/ Christopher Winter


DATED: January 28, 2021

(Page 5)
CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021

Affidavit for Probable Cause

From: Detective Christopher Winter

A.V. later contacted Anderson Police Department Detective Doug Stanton and turned the firearm
over to him. On January 26th, 2021, Detective Winter retrieved the firearm from the Anderson Police
Department (pictured below).

Anderson Police Department - Assist Other Agency

[MPD Case# IP2l000806S

I swear (affirm), under penalty of perjury as specified by IC 35-44.1-2-1, that the foregoing representations are true.

/s/ Christopher Winter


DATED: January 28, 2021

(Page 6)
CASE NUMBER: 49D29-2101-MR-002960 FILED: 1/28/2021

Affidavit for Probable Cause

From: Detective Christopher Winter

The 9mm spent shell casings and 9mm handgun recovered from the home on Adams Street, along
with the 7.62 spent shell casings found at both the home 0n Adams Street as well as the in the secondary

crime scene on 36th street, and the 7.62X39mm caliber ROMARM (MINI DRACO) firearm recovered
from Childs III by A.V. were submitted to the Marion County Crime Lab for comparison. Forensic

Firearms Examiner Timothy Spears examined the submitted evidence. He determined that all of the fired
9mm cartridge casings were fired from the 9mm handgun located in the home. He also determined that all
of the recovered 7.62 fired cartridge casings were fired from the 7.62x39mm caliber ROMARM (MINI
DRACO) firearm taken from Childs III by A.V.

I swear (affirm), under penalty of perjury as specified by IC 35-44.1-2-1, that the foregoing representations are true.

/s/ Christopher Winter


DATED: January 28, 2021

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