Template of Aviation PHEM Plan and CAPSCA Assistance Visit

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Template for a National Aviation

Public Health Event / Emergency
Preparedness Plan

Dakar, Senegal 9th to 13th March 2015

International Health Regulations
A global legal framework for public health security

IHR (2005) came into force

on 15 June 2007*

Legally binding for the world’s countries that have agreed to follow
the same rules to secure international health.
Purpose of the IHR (2005)
“To prevent, protect against, control and provide a
public health response to the international spread
of disease in ways that are commensurate with
and restricted to public health risks, and which
avoid unnecessary interference with
international traffic and trade” – Article 2
Basis for Action - health
Article 14, International Convention on Civil Aviation:
‘Each contracting State
agrees to take effective
measures to prevent the
spread by means of air
navigation of cholera,
typhus (epidemic),
smallpox, yellow fever,
plague, and such other
communicable diseases as
the contracting States shall
from time to time decide to
Basis for Action - health
Article 14, International Convention on Civil Aviation:

….and to that end contracting

States will keep in close
consultation with the agencies
concerned with international
regulations relating to sanitary
measures applicable to aircraft.’
Changes to SARPs 2007 & 2009
• Annex 9 – Facilitation
• Annex 6 – Operation of Aircraft
• Annex 11 – Air Traffic Services
• Annex 14 - Aerodromes
• Annex 18 – Dangerous Goods
How do you convert all these requirements (IHR
and ICAO SARPs and Guidance material) into :

1.Local State legislation

2.Into a comprehensive plan
3.Engagement of stakeholders

Need for a template to guide States to achieve

these goals: CAPSCA took on the task

Why the need for an Aviation Preparedness
Plan for a Public Health Emergency

Public Health Emergency is a public health

issue: How is the Aviation Sector involved ?

Air Travel : Primary mode of spread internationally

About 6 million passengers daily

With Long Range Flights

Aviation Sector’s
response to the
threat of a possible
Able to be at the opposite end of
pandemic has to be
the world in less than 24 hours
timely, robust,
coordinated and
Passenger/s with communicable
disease can carry it to the opposite end
of the world in less than 24 hours
State Plan for PHE

National Plan for all POEs

National Aviation Plan for PHE

Specific PHE Plan for Aerodrome

State Plan for PHE

National Plan
for all POEs
• Ports
• Airports
• Ground

National Aviation Plan for PHE

Specific PHE Plan for Aerodrome

Template of an Aviation Public
Health Event / Emergency Plan

• Compliance to ICAO SARPs – Annexes 6, 9, 11, 14 &

• Compliance to relevant articles of IHR (2005)
• References to documents developed cooperatively by
• 2 Scenarios : a) In country outbreak
b) Imported cases
• Progressive build up --- Colour coding / WHO phases
• Deactivation plan


•The template describes how a national aviation public health

event / emergency plan may be laid out.

•The document is not intended to address all aspects and of

necessity therefore some specific items are not included.

•However, the main aspects that require consideration are


•Utilising this information together with other guidance material

that is referenced in the text, the aviation authority should be able
to adjust this template to develop specific preparedness plans for
a public health event or emergency of international concern.

When will a public health emergency (PHE) be declared

A public health emergency (PHE) in a State may be


•when a State’s health authority is satisfied that

there is an outbreak or imminent outbreak of a
public health emergency that poses a substantial
risk to the population of the State OR

Public Health Emergency of International Concern
………. IHR

• PHEIC - “Public health emergency of international

concern” means an extraordinary event which is
determined, as provided in these Regulations:

(i) to constitute a public health risk to other States through the

international spread of disease


(ii) to potentially require a coordinated international response

Roles of Aviation Authority:

The roles of the aviation authority during a PHE are:

•Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of

health and non-health measures to protect the
health and welfare of travelers, staff and the general
public as well as to minimize / mitigate the spread of
communicable disease through air travel


•Ensure the availability, continuity and sustainability

of critical air transport services;

Principle Considerations

•Coordinated and Timely Response

•Effective and Sustainable Measures

•Minimize Inconvenience to travellers

•Rapid return to routine operations as the emergency subsides

Planning Assumptions:

The State health authority may issue planning assumptions based

on its own assessment or information provided by neighbouring
States or the WHO.

There are two primary scenarios:

•The first local human case is imported from another affected

State/Administration (rather than developing from within the State);

•There has been a local outbreak of a PHE within the State and
measures have to be taken to contain the outbreak and minimize the
spread to other States

Guidance material: Jointly developed with ICAO

State Health and Aviation Authorities are encouraged to refer to

the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office publication

“A Guide for Public Health Emergency Contingency Planning at

Designated Points of Entry; Requirement under the International
Health Regulations (2005)”

This guide provides a recommended approach, structure and a

logical but simple set of considerations and steps for National
Public Health Authorities (NPHA) to guide public health and
emergency planners responsible for Points of Entry to develop
Public Health Contingency Plans.

•The aviation measures adopted should be an integral
part of the State’s overall plan for a PHE.

•The aviation authority will usually have a Crisis

Management Team (CMT) to develop and execute the
public health emergency plan.

•These planned measures may be contingent on the

State health authority’s alert levels or according to the
WHO phases of an evolving Pandemic.

•A risk management concept should be adopted to

ensure a phased and gradual step up of control
measures, in accordance with the changing

Decision for option: Key considerations

• International border health measures should be implemented

under the framework of the new International Health
• Decision on public health measures based on assessed risks
• Public health measures should be evidence-based whenever
• Countries should balance the benefits against the costs and
potential consequences
• Desirability of harmonization of interventions at international
• Planning, coordination and communication is essential
Matching cost and consequences of
interventions with risk level (example)
More acceptable interventions
1918 C
virus or

New H1N1
Level of Risk

Seasonal F B E

Less acceptable interventions

E.g. Health alert or E.g. Temperature E.g. Border

advice closure

Cost s and Consequences

Activation / Deactivation Process

The activation of the health measures will usually be

initiated by the State health authority.

The aviation crisis management team will coordinate all

measures within the aviation sector.

The deactivation or scaling down of measures will be

initiated by the State health authority.

Measures to be adopted
•The measures adopted at Points of Entry (POE) especially at airports
are crucial to the containment and mitigation efforts of the State.

•The import / export of the communicable disease may be mitigated

through the implementation of a specific set of measures
corresponding to the defined alert levels.

•The measures are subject to changes, attendant on the State’s

continuing assessment of the situation

Gives example of a Colour Coded Alert System:

1.Alert Green = WHO Phase 1 to 3
2.Alert Yellow = WHO Phase 4
3.Alert Orange = WHO Phase 5
4.Alert Red = WHO Phase 6 (Pandemic)

Alert Level (WHO Phase) Travellers Airport workers

No additional measures. No additional measures.

Green (WHO Phase 1 to 3) Ensure plan is updated Ensure plan is updated
and exercised. and exercised
Ensure that all relevant Ensure that all relevant
personnel are familiar personnel are familiar
with the plan and its with the plan and its
activation. activation. Emphasize
hygiene measures
Yellow (WHO Phase 4) The following measure Any airport worker with
may be adopted at POE: symptoms (indicate list of
Distribution of Health symptoms) and/or fever
Alert Notice (HAN) to will not report for work
arriving / departing but will proceed to his/her
travellers. doctor. If diagnosed with
the prevailing PHEIC,
he/she will be treated and
will not report for work
until full recovery and/or
the requisite time
recommended by the
State health authority.
Alert Level (WHO Phase) Travellers Airport workers

Orange (WHO Phase 5) In addition to the measure All airport workers must
adopted in Alert Yellow, take their temperature
the following measures before leaving home for
may be adopted: work. Those with fever
Distribution of Health (temperature of 37.5
Declaration Forms (HDFs); degrees centigrade and
and above, (or as specified by
Carry out other screening the State health Authority)
measure/s such as Visual and specified symptoms
Screening / Temperature will not report for work
Screening on arriving and but will proceed to see
departing travellers their doctor. If diagnosed
with the prevailing PHEIC,
he/she will be treated and
will not report for work
until full recovery and/or
the requisite time
recommended by the
State health authority has

Alert Level (WHO Phase) Travellers Airport workers

Red (WHO Phase 6) It is likely that the As in Alert Orange

measures at the airport
will progressively be
deactivated except for the
possible continuing
distribution of HANs to
travellers. The
deactivation will be from
the State health authority

Annexes to Template:

Annex A Example of a colour coded Disease Outbreak Response System

and WHO Pandemic Phases
Annex B Public Health Emergency Plan Activation flow chart for Points of
Annex C Roles Performed by aviation authority CMT during a Public
Health Emergency Response
Annex D Sample of Health Alert Notice (HAN)
Annex E Mode of distribution of HAN and quantity required
Annex F Health Declaration Form
Annex G Public Health Passenger Locator Card
Annex H Suggested framework for assessment and decision making –
Responding to Pandemic H1N1 2009: Options for interventions
at International Points of Entry : WHO Regional Office for the
Western Pacific interim option paper, 20 May 2009
Annex I Traveller Screening Deployment Locations
Annex J SOP for Screening Procedure for Travellers
Annex K Entry-exit locations of Ambulance at Airport and Route to
Designated Hospital

Template is available on www.capsca.org

In 5 languages.

CAPSCA Project Activities

• Meetings
• Seminars/Workshops/Exercises/Training
• Develop and improve guidance and tools
• Web site reference information source
• Assistance Visits to States and Airports
• Provide advice
Assistance Visit Objectives
• Promote and facilitate communication,
cooperation, coordination & collaboration
between the civil aviation and public health

• Awareness training on ICAO and WHO

Public Health Emergency (PHE)
requirements for the aviation sector

• Evaluate existing PHE provisions in the

aviation system – gap analysis

• Assist States by providing advice


• PHE planning & preparedness in the

civil aviation system

• All stakeholders involved in a

response to a PHE in the aviation

• Not an audit, inspection nor


• Voluntary and confidential

• ICAO Annexes 6, 9, 11, 14 SARPs, PANS-ATM (Doc 4444), &
Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by
Air (Doc 9284)
• Manual of Civil Aviation Medicine (Doc 8984), Facilitation Manual
(Doc 9957) & Airport Services Manual (Doc 9137) Part 7 – Airport
Emergency Planning
• International Health Regulations (IHR) published by WHO
• ICAO, WHO, ACI & IATA guidelines
• Template for National Aviation Plan for a PHE
• www.capsca.org
• Guidelines

• Checklist

• Report template

• http://www.capsca.org/CAPSCARefs.html#State

Travel funded by
2 States in 1 week

States located in
1 airport per State
same sub-region

Team members to
originate from
2 days per State
States in same sub-

ICAO State/Airport
Coordinates completion
loan of and
ICAO Technical submission of
Schedules Advisors with checklist to
visit States ICAO


Coordinates Coordinates plan and
visit with participation team
State with WHO coordination
State Requirements

Transportation Airport visit

Simultaneous to/from coordination,
Coordinator & Meeting room
interpretation airport, e.g. security Refreshments
support staff & equipment
(if required) meeting venue access,
and hotel transportation
Team Members
• ICAO CAPSCA Regional Coordinator
• WHO representative (WHO Regional Office (IHR), IHR
Regional Contact Point, and/or Country Office)
• State Technical Advisors Team Leader/Deputy (optional)
• Technical Advisor(s) from CAAs and PHAs trained by ICAO
• OJT for Technical Advisor (optional)
• At least one team member from each sector (CAA & PHA)

• Participants time offered by States, WHO and ICAO as

contributions in kind; travel funded by team member States
and/or State receiving assistance visit
Technical Advisors

Desirable Qualifications:

• State CAA and PHA, ICAO, and WHO staff ;

• Availability to be trained by ICAO and undertake State &
airport Assistance Visits ;
• Qualification and experience in aviation medicine and/or;
• Qualification and experience in public health medicine and/or;
• Experience in contingency/emergency planning in the aviation
sector (not only doctors!).
State’s Participating Organisations
• Civil Aviation Authority (aviation medicine, facilitation,
aerodromes, air traffic services, flight
• Public Health Authority including IHR National Focal
• Airport (immigration, customs, port health, quarantine,
medical services, security, operations, public information
& media relations, handling agents)
• Air Navigation Services Provider (ATC)
• Aircraft operators (airlines)
• Tourism Authority
• National emergency/disaster response agencies

• 2 days

 Day 1

 Day 2 - am
 Airport visit
 Exercise demonstration (optional)

 Day 2 - pm
 De-briefing meeting to discuss the visit results
Meeting/Briefings Agenda (1)
• Opening Remarks by: ICAO, WHO, CAA, PHA
• ICAO Health Related SARPs & references
• IHR related to Points of Entry (airports)
• Public Health Authority on the National Public Health
Emergency Plan (Aviation part) and Airport (PoE) Public
Health Emergency Contingency Plan – (PHECP)
Meeting Agenda (2)

• Civil Aviation Authority on the National Aviation Plan for a PHE

and National Aviation Regulations with standards related to
public health
• Airport on the PHE parts of the Aerodrome Emergency Plan &
Aerodrome Manual
• Air Navigation Services Provider on its ATS procedures for
notification of PHE risk on board an aircraft & ATS contingency
plan for a local PHE outbreak
• Aircraft operator on its procedures for management of PHE risk
on board an aircraft
• CAPSCA Assistance Visit methodology & checklist
Checklist Components

• Administrative • ANSP
• Documentation • Medical
• RFFS • Infrastructure
• Immigration
• Aircraft operators
• Customs
• Media
• Cargo & Baggage
Documents to Review

• National Public Health Emergency Plan (PHA) –

Aviation part
• National Aviation Regulations with standards
related to public health (CAA)
• National Aviation Plan for a Public Health
Emergency (CAA)
• Airport (PoE) Public Health Emergency
Contingency Plan – PHECP (PHA, CAA & Airport)
• Aerodrome Emergency Plan and Aerodrome
Manual including public health emergencies –
PHE part
• Air Traffic Services (ATS) contingency plan
including public health emergencies
• ATS Procedures for PIC notification of suspected
public health risk on board an aircraft
• Aircraft Operators Procedures for mgmt of
suspected public health risk on board an aircraft
Airport Visit Methodology

• Visit shall not affect normal operations

• The visit should demonstrate preparedness in the roles,
responsibilities, and procedures in a PHE
• Scenario of the arrival of an aircraft with a of suspected
communicable disease, or other public health risk, on board an
aircraft or a scenario of a local outbreak of a PHE in the State in
the vicinity of the airport
• Walkthrough observations and interviews
• Recommendations for improvements
Airport facilities to Visit

• Airport and Emergency Operations Centre

• Suspect case and contacts interview and
assessment location and facilities
• Affected ill passenger isolation and
treatment location and facilities
• Port Health and Medical Services
• Immigration, Customs & Quarantine
• Air Traffic Control Tower and ACC
• Designated aircraft parking position
• Any other agency / area / facility involved in
a public health emergency

Confidential Sent to CAA and ICAO CAPSCA

PHA with State Action Plan Regional
recommendation 1 month after Coordinator
1 month after to forward to Follow-up
visit airport & others Implementation
Report Content

Participants Programme Observations Recommendations

Thank you for your
Jarnail Singh
kind attention!

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