TheKybalionaStudyoftheHermeticPhilosophyofAncientEgyptandGreece 10087342

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un 07 m un -
m ule ”


C o p r x , ; 11 t 1 9 3 6
C OP Y RI G H T 1 9 08


Ent e r ed S t a t ion H a ll

at er s

All r ig h t s r es er ved




0m m . Pa ar .

Int odution
r c

II . ven H ermetic Principles


Mental Tr ansmuta tion

Th e Divine P r do
a a x

VI I .
“ Th
e All ” in All

VI I I . Pl n a es of Corr espondence

X . Polarity

Causa tion
Gend er

He rm et ic Ax ioms

We take grea t pleasure in presenting t o

the attentionof students and investigators
o f the Secr et Doctrine s thi s l i ttle work

based u ponthe world old Her metic Teach


ings There ha s been so li ttle written


upon this subject notwith standing the


countless reference s t o th e Teachings in

th e many wo rks upon occu lti sm th at the

many ea rnest search ers after th e Arcane

Truth s will doubtless welco me th e appear
ance of the present volume .

The pu rpo se of thi s work i s not the

enunci ation of any special philosophy or
doctrine but rather is to give to the stu

dents a statement of th e Truth th at will

serve to reconcile the many bits of occu lt
knowledge that they may have acquired ,

bu t whi ch are apparently opposed to each

oth er and which often serve t o di scoura ge
8 I nt r oduc tion

and di sg ust th e beginner in the study .

O ur intent is not to erec t a new Temple of

K nowledge but rather to plac e in th e

hands of the student a Master K ey with -

which he may open the many inner doors

in the Temple of Mystery th rough th e
m ai n portals h e h as already entered .

There i s no por tion of th e occu

lt teach
ings possessed by th e world which have
b een so closely guarded as the fragments
of the He r met ic Teachings wh ich have

come down to us over the tens of centuries

which have elapsed since th e l ifetime of i ts
great fou nder Her mes Trismegi stus the
, ,

scribe of th e gods who dwelt in old

Egypt in th e days wh en the present race

o f men was in i ts in fancy Contemporary

with Abrah am and i f th e legends be true

, , ,

an instructor of that venerable sage ,

Hermes was and is th e Great Central Sun

, ,

o f O cculti sm wh ose rays have se r v ed t o


illumine the countless teach ings which

have been promulgated s ince hi s time All .

the fundamental and basic teachings em

bedded in the esoteric teachings of eve r y
I nt r oduc t ion 9

race may b e traced bac k to Hermes Even .

the most ancient teachings of India un

doubtedly have their roots in the original
Hermetic Teachings .

F r om the land of the Ganges many ad

ve nced oc cu lti sts wandered to the land of
E gyp t and sat at the feet of the Master
, .

From him they obtained the Master K ey -

which explained and reconciled their diver

ge nt views and thu
, s the Sec ret Doctrine

wa s firmly established From other lands


also came the lea rned ones all of whom


regarded Hermes a s the Master of Ma s

ters and his influence w as so great that in

sp i te of the m any wanderings from the

pa th onthe pa rt of the centuries of teach

e r s in th ese difi er ent lands there m ay still

be found a certa in bas ic resemblance and

correspondence which underlies the many
and often qu ite divergent theories enter
t a ine d and ta u ght by t he o ccultists of these
difi e r en t lands today . The stu dent of
Comparative Religions will be able to p er
ceiv e th e i nfluence of the Hermetic Teach

ings in ever y religion wo rthy of the name ,

1 0 I nt r oduc tion

now know n to m an whethe r it be a dea d


religion or one in full vigo r in ou r own

times There i s always a ce rtain corre

sp onden c e in s pite of the contradictory

features , and the He rmetic Teachings act

as the Great Reconcile r .

The l i fework of He rmes seems to have

been inthe direction of planting the great
Seed Truth which has gr own and blos

som ed in so many strange fo r ms r ather ,

than t o establish a school of philo s !

op hy which would domina te the worl d s

thou ght . But never theless, the or igi


nal tru ths tau gh t by him have be en

kept intact in thei r o riginal purity by
a few men in each age w ho r e , ,

fusing great numbers of half developed -

stu dents and followers , followed the Her

metic custo m and reserved their truth for
the few w ho were ready to comprehend
an d ma ster it From lip to ear the truth

ha s been handed down among the few .

There h ave always beena few Initiates in

each generation in the various lands of

the earth w ho kept alive the sacre d flame

I nt r oduct ion 1 1

of the He r metic Teachings and such have


always been willing to use the i r lamp s t o

r e light the lesser lamps of th e out side

world when the li ght of truth grew dim

, ,

and clouded by reasonof neglect and when ,

the wicks became clogged with foreign

matter There were always a few t o tend

faithfully the altar of the Truth upon ,

which was kept alight the Perp etual Lamp

of Wisdom These men devoted their

lives t o the labor of l ove wh ich the poet

has so well stated in his lines
0 let not the flame die ou
, t ! Cherished

age afte r age in its dark cavern in its
holy temples cherish ed F ed by pure min

ist er s of love let not the flame di e ou t1

These men have never sought popula r

approval nor numbers of followers They

are indi ff erent t o th ese things for th ey


know how few there are in each generat ion

who are ready for the truth or w ho would

reco gnize it if it were presented t o them .

“ ”
Th ey reserve the strong meat fo r men ,

while others furnish the milk for babes .

Th ey reserv e their pearls of wisdom for

1 2 I nt r oduc tion

the few elect w ho reco gnize their valu

, e
and w ho wear them in their crow ns in ,

stea d of casting them before the mat e rial

ist ic vulgar swine w ho would trample th em

inthe mud a n d mi x them with thei r dis gust

in g mental food .But still these m e n hav e
never forgottenor overlooked the original
teachings of Her mes regarding the pass

ing onof the words of truth to those ready

to receive it which teaching i s stated in

The K yb alion a s follows Where fall

the footsteps of the Master the ears of ,

those ready fo r his Teaching openwide ”


An d again: “
When the ears of the stu
dent are ready t o hear then cometh the

lip s t o fill them with wi sdom But thei r .

customa ry attitude has always beenstrictly

in a ccord ance with the othe r Hermetic
aphorism also in The K yb alion:
Th e
l ip s of Wisdom are closed except t o the ,

ea rs of Understanding .

There are those who have c riticised thi s

attitude of the Hermetists and w ho have ,

claimed that they did not manifest the

proper sp irit in thei r policy of seclus ion
I nt r oduc tion 13

and re ticenc e But a moment s glance


back ove r the pages of histo r y will sho w

th e wisdom of the Masters who knew the ,

folly of attempting to teach to the world

that which it w as neither ready or wil ling
t o r eceive
. The Her metists have never
sou ght to be martyrs and have instead
, , ,

sat silently aside with a pi tying smile on

thei r clo sed lips while the heathen raged

no isily abou t them in their customary

amusement of putting to death and torture

the honest but misgu ided enthus ia sts w ho
imagined that they c ould force upona race
of barba rians the truth capable of being
understood only by the elect w ho had a d
v an ced along The P ath .

An d the spirit of persecution h a s not as

yet di ed out inthe land There are cer .

tain Her metic Teach ings which , if pub ,

lic ly promul gated would b ring down upon


the teachers a great cry of scorn and

revilement from the multitu d e w ho would ,

again ra ise the cry of Crucify l Crucify .

In thi s l ittle work we have endeavored

to give you an idea of the fu ndamental
14 The Kyb alion

t eachings of The K yb alion striving t o


give you the working Principles leaving ,

you t o apply them yourselves rather than


attempting t o wo rk out the teaching in de

tail I f you are a true student youwill

be able t o work ou t and apply these Prin

c ip les— if not th enyou must develop your

self into one fo r otherw ise the Hermetic


Teachings will be as words words, ,

wo rds t o you


TH E TH REE I nm r n
. s .

TH E H nnunr l c '

Th e il ps of wisdo m are clo se d pt to t he of

U nderst a nding —The K yb alion
, ex ce ears
. .

From old Egypt have come the funda

mental esoteri c and occult teach ings which
have so strongly influenced the philosophies
of all races nati ons and peoples for sev
, ,

eral thousand years Egypt the home of .


the Pyramids and the Sphinx was the ,

bi rthplace of the Hidden Wisdom and

Mystic Teach ings From her Secret Doc

t rine all nations have bo rrowed India .


Pers ia Chaldea Medea China J apan

, , , , ,

Assyria anci ent Gree ce and Rome and

, ,

other anci ent countries pa rtook l iberally a t

the feast of knowledge which the Hiero
p h a nt s and Masters of the Land of Is i s so
freely provi ded for those w ho came pre
1 6 The K yb a lion

pared to partake of the great store of

Myst ic and O ccult Lore which th e master
minds of that ancient land had gathered
together .

In ancient Egypt dwelt the great Adepts

and Masters who have never been sur
passed and who seldom have been equaled
, ,

during the centuries that have taken their

process ional flight s ince the days of the
Great Hermes In E gyp t wa s lo cated th e

Great Lodge of Lodges of th e Mystics . At

the doors of her Temples entered the Neo
p y t e s who afterw ard as H i erop
, h ant s

Adepts and Masters traveled to the four

, ,

corners of the ea rth carrying with them


the preciou s knowledge which they we r e

ready anxious and willing to p as s onto

, ,

those who were ready t o receive the same .

All students of the O ccult recognize the

debt that they owe t o these venerable Mas
ters of that ancient land .

But among these great Masters of An

cient Egypt there once dwelt one of whom

Masters hailed a s Th e Maste r of Mas

ters . This man if man indeed he w a s

18 The Kyb alion

name of Thoth Years after the people of


Ancient Greece also made h im one of their

many gods calling him He rmes the god ,

o f Wisdom . The Egyptians revered his

memory for many cent uries yes tens of ,

centu —
ries calling him the Scribe of the‘

Go d s , and bestowing upon him dis ,

t in ct ively his an
, cient title Tr ismegis ,

tu s, which means the thrice great

‘ -

the great great


the greatest grea t
‘ -

et c . I nall the anc ien t lands the name of ,

Hermes T rismegistu s was revered the ,

name being synonymou s with t he F ount

of Wisdom .

Evento thi s day we u , se the te r m

metic inthe sense of secret
” “ “

so th a t n othing c anesc ape etc and thi s


by rea sonof the fact that the followers of

Hermes always observed the pr inciple of
sec recy inthei r tea chings They did not

believe in casting p earls before swine

“ ”

bu t ra ther held t o the teaching milk for

babes ; meat for strong men both of ,

which maxims are familiar t o readers of

the Ch ristian script ures but both of which
The H e r m e tic Ph ilosop hy 1 9

h ad been used by the Egyptians for c e n

tu r ie s before the Christ ian era .

And th i s policy of careful d i sseminat ion

of the t r u th has always character ized the
Her metics even unto the p resent day The
, .

Her metic Teachings are t o be found inall

lands among all religions but never iden
, ,

t ified with any particular country nor with ,

any p articular religious sect This b e


c ause o f the warning of the ancient teach

ers against allowing the Secret Doctrine to

become crystallized into a creed The wi s .

dom of thi s cauti onis apparent t o all stu

dents of hi story The ancient occultism of

Indi a and Persia degenerated and was ,

largely lo st owing to the fact that th e


teachers became pr iests and so mixed


theo l ogy with the philosophy the result ,

being that the occulti sm of India and Per

sia ha s bee ngradually lost amidst th e mass

o f reli gious superstition cults creeds and

, ,

gods . So it was with Ancient G reece

and Rome So it was with the Hermetic

Teach ings of th e Gnostics and Early Chri s

tians which were lost at the time of Con
20 The Kyb alion

st a nt ine wh ose i ron hand smothered phi


losophy with the blanket of theology losing ,

t o the Chri st i an Church that which was its

very essence and sp irit and causing it t o

grope th roughout several centuries before

it found the way back t o its ancient faith ,

th e indications apparent t o all careful oh

servers in thi s Twentieth Century being
that th e Church is now struggl ing to get
back t o its a cient mystic teachings .

But there were always a few faithful

souls w h o kept al ive th e Flame tending it ,

carefully and not allowing its l igh t to b e


come extinguished And thanks to these


staunch hearts and fearless mind s we

, ,

h ave the truth still with us But it is not


fou nd in books t o any great extent It has

, .

been passed along from Master to Student ;

from Init iate t o Hi erophant ; from lip t o
ear When it w a s wr itten do w n at all its

meaning was veiled in terms of alchemy

and astrology so that only those possess

ing the key could read it aright This was .

made necessary inorder to avo id the perse

cu t ions of th e theologians of the M i ddle
The H e r m e t ic Philosop hy 21

Ages , who fought th e Secret Doctrine with

fi re and sword ; stake gibbet and cros s

Even to this day there will be found but

few r eliable books on the Hermetic
Philosophy although there are countless

references to it in many books written on

various phases of O ccult i sm And yet the .

Hermetic Philosophy is the only Master

K ey which will open all the doors of th e
O ccult Teachings !
In the early days there was a comp ila

tio nof certainBas i c Her metic Doctr ine s ,

passed on from teacher to student which ,

“ ”
was known as T HE K YB ALI ON the ,

exact significance and meaning of th e term

having been lost for several centuries Thi s .

teaching however i s known t o many t o

, ,

whom it ha s descended from mouth to ear

, ,

on and on throughout th e centuries I ts .

precepts have never been wr itten down or ,

p rinted so far as we know It was merely


a collect ion of maxims axioms and pre

, ,

c ept s
which were nonunders tandable t o

outs iders but which were re a d ily unde r


stood by students afte r t he ax io m s

, ,
22 The K yb alion

maxims and precep ts ha d been explained


and exemplifi ed by the Hermetic I n itiates

to th ei r NeOphyt e s These tea chings really

constituted the basic p rincipl es of Th e

Art of Hermetic Alchemy which con , ,

t r ary t o the general be lief dealt in the ,

mastery of Mental F orces rather thanMa ,

t e r is l Elements the Transmuta tion of on e

kind of Mental Vibrations into others in ,

stead of the changing of one kind of metal

into another Th e legends of the Philoso

p h ’
er s Stone ’
whi ch would turn base metal
int o Gold was an allegory relating to Her

metic Philosophy readily understood by


all students of true Her metici sm .

I n thi s l ittle book of whi ch thi s is th e


F i rst Lesson we invite our students t o ex


amine into the Hermetic Teachings as set ,

forth i n TH E K YB ALI ON and as ex ,

p lained by ourselves humble students

, of
the Teachings who while bearing the title
, ,

of Initiates are still student s at the feet


of HE R ME S the Master , We herein give.

y o u m a ny of t he max ims axioms and pre


c e p t s o f TH E K Y B AL I ON a c c o m p ani ed .
The H e r m e tic P hilos op hy 23

by exp lanations and illustrations whi ch we

d eem likely to render th e teachings more
easily comprehended by the modern stu
dent p articularly as the or iginal text is

purposely vei led inobscure ter ms .

The original maxim s axioms and pre , ,

cep t s of T HE K YB ALI ON are printed
herein in quotation marks the proper
, ,

credit being given O ur own work is .

printed inthe regu lar way in the body of ,

the w ork We trust that the many stu


dents to whom we now o ff er thi s li ttle work

will derive as much benefit from the study
of its pages as have th e many who have
gone onbefore treading the same Path to,

Mastery th roughout the centuries that have

passed s ince the times of HE R ME S TRI S

MEGI S TUS the Master of Masters the —
Great Great In the words of TH E K Y

Wher e fall t he f oot st e of t he Mas t er the ears o f
ng open wide —The
t hose ready f or his c achi .

K yb a lio n .

When t he ears of
t he s tud t
en a re r e ad t o
he a r then
co m e th t he lp
i s t o itll
he t m
Wi t h isdom ’

g oa lion .
24 The K yb alion

Sothat according t o the Teachings the ,

pa ssage of this book to those ready for

th e instruction will attract the attenti on of
such as are prepared to receive th e Teach
ing And likewise when the pupil is ready
, ,

t o rece ive th e truth then will this l ittle


book come t o him or her Such is The

, .

Law The Hermeti c P rinciple of Cause


an d E ffect in i ts aspect of The Law of At


tract ion will bring lips and ear together


pup il and book in company So mote it be !

26 The Kyb a lion




Th ese
Seven Principles w ill be discussed
and explained as we proceed with these les
sons A short explanati on of each how

eve r may as well be given at this point

, .



HE ALL is M ND ; The UnI
iv erse is Ment al .

The K yb a lion .

This Principle embodies the truth tha t

All is M ind It expla ins that TH E

ALL ( which is th e Subs tant i al Re a l ity

underlying all the outward manifes tations
and appearances which we know under th e
terms of The Ma terial Univer se th e ’

Phenomena of Life ; Matter ; Eu
” ”

e rgy ; and in short all,
t ha t is apparent

t o our material senses ) is SPIRIT which ,

in it self i s UN K N OWABLE and UNDE

FINABLE but which may be considered

an d th ough t of as AN U NIVERS AL I N ,
S even H e r m e tic P r incip les 27

FINIT E , LIVING MIND It also explains .

tha t all the phenomenal wo rld o r universe

is simply a Mental Creationof TH E AL L ,

su bjec t t o the L aws of Created Things and ,

that the u n iverse a s a whol e a nd in it s

, ,

pa rts or u nits has its existence inthe Mind


of TH E ALL in which M ind we live and

move and have our be ing This P rinci


ple by establishing the Mental Nature of


the Universe easily explains all of the v a


r ied m ental and p sychi c phenomena tha t

occupy such a large p o rtionof the pu bli c

attention and which withou
, t such explana

tion a re non understandable and defy


scientific treatment Anunderstanding of


thi s great Hermetic Principle of Mental

ism enables the indivi du al to rea dily grasp
the laws of the Mental Un iverse and t o ,

a p ply the same t o hi s well being and a d -

vancement The Hermetic Student is e n


a bl ed t o apply intell igently the great Men

tal Laws instead of us ing them in a hap


hazard manner With th e Master K ey in


his possession th e s tudent may unlock th e


many doors of the mental and psychic tem

28 The Kyb alion

ple o f knowledge and enter the same freely


and intelli gently Th i s Principle explains


“ ” “ ”
the t rue nature of Energy Power , ,
“ ”
and Matt er and why and how a ll these

are subord inate t o the Master y of Mind .

O ne of the old Hermet ic Masters wr ote ,

long ages ago : He w ho grasp s the truth
o f th e Men t al N a ture of the Un iverse is
well advanced on The Pa th t o Master y .

And these words are as true to d ay as at

the time they were first written Without .

this Master K ey Mast er y is impossible

, ,

and the s tudent knocks in vainat the many

doors of The Temple .


“ As a o e, bv so below ; as below , so a bove —The


K yb a lio n .

This Principle embo dies the truth that

there is always a Correspondence between ,

the laws and phenomena of the various

planes of Being and Life The old Her .

metic axiom ran in these words As

above so below ; as bel ow so above And
, ,
S euen H e r m e tic P r incip les 29

th e g ra sp ing of this Principle gives one

the means of solving many a dark p aradox ,

and hidden secret of N ature T here are.

planes beyond ou r knowing b u

, t when we
apply the Principle of Corresp ondence t o
them we are able t o understand much that
wou ld othe rw i se be unknowable to us This

Principl e is of u niversal application and

manifestation onthe various planes of the

ma te ri al mental and spiritu

, , al universe
it is an Un iversal Law Th e ancient Her

metiste considered thi s Principle as one of

the mo st im p o rtant mental instruments by
which manw as able to p ry aside the obsta
cles which hid from view the Unknown .

I ts u se even tore aside the Ve il of Isis to

the exte nt tha t a glimpse of the fa ce of the

goddes s might be caught J ust a s a knowl

ed ge of the Principles of Geomet ry enables

man t o measure distant suns and thei r

movements while seated in hi s observa

tor y so a knowledge of the Principle of


Correspondence enables Man to reason in

t elligen t ly from the K n own to the Un
Th e K y b a lio n

kno w n S tudying the monad h e under


stands th e arch angel .


N thing rests ; everything move s ; everything vi
br t
a es. —The K yb a lion

This Princ iple embod ies the t ruth th a t

everything i s in mo tion ; everyt hing
” “

” “ ”
vibrates ; no thing i s a t res t ; facts
which Modern Sci ence endorses and which ,

each new sci ent ific di scovery t ends t o ver

ify An
. d ye t this Herme tic Principle w a s
enunciated thousands of years ago by the ,

Ma ste rs o f Anci ent Egyp t Thi s P r inci .

ple e xplains that the difl e r enc e s be tween’

di ff erent manifes tations of Ma tter Eu ,

e r gy Mind and even Spirit resul t largely

, , ,

from varying rates of Vibration From .

TH E ALL which is Pure Sp i rit down t o

, ,

the grossest form of Matter all is in vibra ,

ti on the higher the vibrati on the high er ,

the position in the scale The vibrati on o f


Spiri t i s at such an infinite rate of int en

c it y and rapid ity th at i t is pra c ti c a lly at
S ev en H e r m e t ic P r inc ip le s 31

rest jus t a rapidly moving whee l seems

t o be mo tion less And at the oth er end of


the scale there are gross forms of matt er


whose vibra ti ons are so low as t o seem a t

res t Between these poles there are mil

li ons upon m illions of varying degrees of

vibrati on From corpuscle and electron

atom and molecule t o worlds and u

, ni
verses everyt hing i s invibrat ory motion
, .

Thi s i s also true on the planes of energy

and force ( which are b u t varying degrees
of vibrati on ) ; and also on the men t al

planes ( whose states depend u pon vibra

tions ) and even onto the spiritual planes .

An u nderstanding of this Principle with ,

the appropriate formulas enables Her ,

metic s tudents t o control th eir own mental

vibrations as well as those of others The .

Mas ters also apply this Principle t o t he

conquering of N atural phenomena in vari ,

ou s ways . He w ho u nderstands the Prin

c ip le of Vibra ti on ha s graspe d the s ceptr e

of power says one of the old writers

, .
32 The K yb a lion


' ‘

E verything is Dual ; everything has poles ; every

thing h as it s pair of opposites ; like and unlike are t he
sa m e ; oppo sit es ar e ide nt ica l in natur e but difl eren
, t in
degree ; ex tremes meet ; all truths ar e but half truths ; all


p do es may be reconciled
ara x The K yb alion
. .

This Principle embodies th e truth that

” “
everyt hing i s dual ; everyt hing has
” “
tw o po les ; everyt hing has i ts pa i r of
opposites all of which were old Hermetic

axi oms I t explains the old paradoxes


th at have perplexed so ma ny which have ,

b een sta t ed as follows Thes i s and ant i

thesis a re identi cal in nature b u t diff erent
” “
i n degree ; op posites are the same dif ,

fe r in g onl y in degree ”

the p a i rs of op
p o s it e s may be re conc i led ’
extremes ‘

” “
meet ; everything is and isn t at th e ’

same time all truths are b ut h alf

truths ; ” “
every tr u th is half false -

“there a re tw o sides t o eve ryt hing ” etc

, .

e tc . etc It expla ins tha t in everything

, .

th ere are tw o poles or oppos ite aspec ts

, ,

and that opposites are really only the

tw o ext remes of the same thing with many ,

34 The K yb a lion

” “
Hard and Soft ! Between Black and
White ! Between Sharp and D u
” “ ”
ll !
Bet ween Noise and ! uiet ! Between
“ ”

” “
High and Low ! Between Pos itive
and Nega tive The P rinciple of Pol a r
ity explains these paradoxes and no oth er ,

Principle can supersede it The same Prin


c ip le operates on the Ment al Plane Le t .

us take a radical and ext reme example

“ ”
that of Love and Ha t e , t w o ment al
s ta tes apparent ly totally di ff er en t And .

yet there are degrees of Hate and degrees

of Love and a middle point in whi ch we use
“ ”
the terms Like or Dislike which sh ade

int o each o ther so gradu ally tha t some

times we are at a loss to know whether we
“ ” “ ”
l ike or di slike or neither“ ”
An d .

all are simply degrees of the same thing as ,

y o u will see if y ouwill but think a moment .

An ,d more than thi s ( and cons idered of

more impo rtance by the Hermeti sts ) it i s ,

possible to change the vibrations of Ha te

t o the vibrations of Love in one s ow n

mind and in the minds of others Many

, .

of you w ho read these lines h ave had per

, ,
S e v e n H e r rice t ic P r inc ip les 35

sonal experiences of th e involuntary rap id

tr ansition from Love t o Hate and the re ,

verse in your ow ncase and tha t of others

, .

An d you will th erefore realize the poss i

b ility of th is be ing accompl i sh ed by the
use of the Will by means of the Herme tic

formulas Good and Evil are but th e

poles of the same thing and the Hermeti st ,

unders tands the art of t ransmuting Evil

int o Good by means of an applica tion of

th e Principle of Polarity In sh ort th e .


Ar t of Polari za ti on bec omes a ph ase of
Mental Alch emy known and practiced ’

by th e ancient and modern Hermetic Mas

ters An unders tand ing of the Principle

will enable one t o change his own Polari ty ,

as well as th at of others if he will devote ,

th e time and study necessa r y t o master

th e art .


E v e rything fl o w s o ut and in; eve ryt hing h as it s

tides ; all things rise and fall ; t he pendulum swing -

ma nifest s ineverything ; t he me asure o f t he swing t o t he

right is t he ”mea sure of t he swing t o t he left ; rhythm
co mpensa t es —The K yb alio n
. .
36 The K yb alion

Thi s Principle embodies the tru th that

in ever ything there is man ifested a mea s
ure d motion t o and fro ; a flow and in

flow ; a swing backwa rd and forward ; a

pendulu m e movement ; a tide like ebb
- -

and flow ; a high tide and low tid e ; b e

- -

tween th e tw o poles which exist in accord

ance with the Principle of Polarity de
scribed a moment ago There is always .

an action and a reaction ; an advance and

a retreat ; a ri s ing and a sinking This is .

in the aff ai rs of th e Un iverse su ns worlds , , ,

men a nimals m ind energy and m atter

, , , , .

This l a w is mani fest in the creation and

destruction of worlds ; in th e rise and fa ll
of na ti ons ; in the life of all things ; and

finally in the mental states of Man ( and it

i s w ith this latt er th at the Herm eti sts find
th e u nderstanding o f the Principle most
impo rtant ) The Hermetis t s have grasped

thi s Principle finding its unive rsal applica


tion and have also discovered certa in


means to overcome i ts e ff ects in themselves

by the use of the appro priate formulas and
methods They apply the Mental L aw of
S even H er m e tic P r inc ip les 37

Neu t ralization They cannot annul the


Principle or cause it to cease i ts operation

, ,

but they have learned how t o escape it s

e fi ec t s upon themselve s t o a certa i n degree

depe nding upon the Mas tery of th e Prin

c ip le
. They have learned how to USE i t ,

instea d of being USED BY i t In this and .

sim ilar methods cons ist the Ar t of th e


Her metists The Master of Hermetics p o


la r ize s himself at th e po in t a t which he

des i re s to rest and then neutralizes the

Rhyt hmic swing of the pendulu m which

wou ld tend t o ca r ry him to the o ther pole .

All individu als w ho have a ttained any de

g re e of Self M a stery
do this t o a certa i n
degree more or less unconsciously but the
, ,

Ma ste r does this consciously and by th e ,

use of his Will and atta ins a degree o f


Poise and Mental Fi r mness almost im p os

sible of belief on the part of the masses

w ho a re swu ng backward and forward l ike

a p en dulum This Principle and th at of

Polarity have been closely s tudi ed by th e

He rmetists ; and the meth ods o f co u '

a ct in g neu
, t ralizin g and USIN G them form,
38 The K yb alion

an important part of the Hermetic Mental

Alch emy .


E very Cause h as it s B fl ect ; every Efl ec t has it s

Cau se ; ev eryt hing h a ppens according to Law Chance is
but a nam e for Law n ot reco gnized ther e are m”a ny
pla ne s of causa tion but no thing esca pes the Law
The K yb alio n .

This Principle embo dies t he fact that

there i s a Cause for ever y Efi ect ; an
Efi ec t from every Cause It explains that .

Eve rything Happens acc ording to Law ;
“ ”
that nothing ever merely happens ; that
th ere i s no such thing a s Chance ; that
while th ere are various planes of Cause
and E ff ect the highe r dominating th e

lower planes still nothing ever enti rely


escapes the Law The Hermeti sts under


s tand the a rt and method s of rising above

the ordinary plane of Cause and E ff ect ,

t o a certain degree and by mentally ri sing


t o a highe r p lane they become Causers m

stead of E ff ect s The ma sses of people

a re ca rried along obedient to envi ron,

S even H er m e tic P r incip les 39

ment ; the wills and desires of others

stron ge r th an th em s el ve s ; here di ty ; sug
gest ion ; and other outward ca uses moving
them about like p awns onthe Chessboard
of Life Bu t the Masters rising t o the

plane above d ominate thei r moods char

, ,

act e rs qu alities and powers as well as the

, , ,

environment surrou nding them and b e ,

com e Movers in ste a d of p awns They help .

t o PLAY TH E GAME O F LI F E instead ,

of be ing p l ayed and mo ved abo u t by oth er

Principle inste ad of being its tools The .

M asters obe y the Causation of the highe r

planes b ut they help t o RUL E on their

ow np lane I nthis statement there is con


dense d a wealth of He rmetic knowledge

let him read who can .


Ge nd er is in everyt v
e er ything has it s Masen
line and F emi i e n n P n p es ;
r i ci Ge nder m n f t on
a i es s a ll
p la n es
- Thc K yb a lio n .

. TH E .

This Principle embodi es the t ruth tha t

40 The Kyb alion

there is GE NDE R manifested in every

thing the Mascu line and Feminine Prin
c ip le s ever at work Thi s is tru
. e not only
of the Phys ical Plane but of the Mental ,

and even the Sp i ri tual Planes O n th e .

Phys ical Plane the Principle mani fests as


S EX on the higher planes it takes hi ghe r


forms but th e Principle is ever th e same

, .

No creati on phys ical mental o r spiritual

, , ,

is possible wi thout this P rinciple Annu .

de r st an ding of its laws wi ll th r ow light

on many a subjec t that has per plexed th e
minds of men The Principle of Gender

works ever inthe di rection of generation ,

regeneration and creation E verything

, .

and every p erson contains the two E le


ments or Principles o r this great Prin ,

c ip le withi n it hi m o r he r
, ,
Eve ry Male .

thing has the Female Element also ; every

Female contains also the M ale Principle .

If you would understand the philosophy of

Mental and Spiritual Creation Generation , ,

and Re generation you mu st u

, nder stan d
and study this Hermetic Principl e It c on .

tains the solution of many myste ries of



d ( as w ll
e metals and elements) may b e
t un -mu t ed from sta te to st at e ; do to degree ; con
dition t o condition ; pole t o pole ; vi ration to vibration

Tr ue H e rmet ic Tra n smut a tio n is 9 Me

. nt al A rt — Thc .

K yb alion.

As we have stated , the He rm etist s were

t he o riginal alchemists a strologe rs and
, ,

p sychologists Hermes having been the


founde r of these schools of thought F rom .

as trology has grown modern astronomy ;

from alchemy h a s grown mod ern chem .

ist r y ; from the mystic p sychology has

grown the modern p sycholo gy of the
sc hool s But i t mu
. s t not be supp o se d t hat

the ancients were ignorant of that which

the mo dern schools suppose to b e thei r
exclusive and sp ecial p rop ert y The rec .

o rds engraved on the stones of Ancient

Egypt show conclusively that the ancients
44 The Kyb alion

had a fu ll comprehens ive knowledge o f

astronomy the very building of the Pyra

mids s howing th e connec tion between their

des ign and the study of astronomical
science No r were they ignorant of Chem

ist r y for th e fragment s of the ancient


writings s how that they were acquainted

with the chemical properties of things ; in
fact the ancient theories regarding phys

ics are being slowly verified by the latest

discoveries of modernscience not ably ,

those relating to the constituti on of matter .

No r mus t it be supposed th at they were

ignorant of the so called modern discov

eries in p sycholo gy on the contrary the ,

Egyptians were e specially skilled in the

science of Psychology particu larly in the

branche s that th e mode rn schools i gnore ,

but which nevertheless are be ing unc ov

, ,

ered u nder the name of psychic s cience ‘ ’

which is p erplexing the p sychologists of

to day and making them reluctantly admit

that there may be something in it after


The t r uth is that beneath the mate rial

Ment al Tr ansm uta tion 45

chemistry astronomy and psychology ( that


is the psychology in its phase of brain

the ancients p os sessed a knowl

edge of tran s cendental a stronomy called ,

astrology ; of transcendental chemi stry ,

called alchemy ; of transcendent al p sychol

ogy called mystic p sychol o gy
, They pos .

sessed the Inner K nowledge as well as the

O uter K nowledge the latter alone being

possessed by modern scientists Among .

the many secret branches of knowledge

po ssessed by the Hermetists was that ,

known as Mental Transmutation which ,

fo r m s the subject matte r of this lesson .

T ransmut ation is a term usu ally em

ployed to designate the ancient art of the

tr ansmutation of metals part icu larly of
the ba se metal s into gol d The word .

Transmute means to change from one

’ ‘

nat u re form or sub stance into another ;

, , ,

t o tr ans fo rm ( Web ster ) And .a c c ord
in gyl Mental Transmutation means the

art of changing and transforming mental

state s forms and conditions into others
, , , .

So you may see that Mental Transmuta

46 The Kg ha lian
“ ”
tion is the Ar t of Mental Chemi stry if ,

y o u l ike the term — a fo rm o f p ra c tical

Mystic Psychology .

But thi s means far more than app ears

on the surface Transmutation Alchemy
, ,

or Chemistry on the Mental Plane is im


portant enough in its e ff ects to be sure , ,

and if the art stopped there it wou ld sti ll

be one of the most imp ortant branches o f
study known to man But thi s is only the

beginning Let u . s see why !

The first of the Seven Hermetic Prin

c iple s is the Principle of Mentalism t h e ,

a xiom of which is T HE ALL is M ind ;
th e Universe is Mental which means tha t ,

the Underlying Reality of the Universe is

Mind ; and the Universe itself is Ment al
that is ,

existing in the M ind of TH E
ALL . We shall consider thi s Pr inciple
in succeeding les sons but let us see the ,

e ff ect of the principle if it be a s sumed to

be true .

If the Universal i s Mental ini ts nature ,

then Mental Transmutati on mus t be th e art

Ment al Tr ansm uta tion 47

TH E UNIVERSE along the lines of Ma t


ter Force and Mind So you see there

, .

for e that Mental Transmuta tion is really


the Magic of which the ancient writers

ha d so much to say in their mystical works ,

and about which they gave so few p ractical

inst ructions If All be Mental then the

art which enables one to transm ute mental

conditions must render the M a ste r the
controller of material conditions a s well a s
those ordinar ily called mental ’ ‘

As a ma tter of fact none but advanced ,

M ental Al ch emists have been able t o a t

tain the degree of p ower necessar y to con
tr ol the gro sser phys ica l conditions such ,

as the control of the elem ents of Nat u re ;

the production or cessation of tempests ;
the p roduction and cessation of earth
qu akes and other great physical phenom
ena B ut that such m enhave existed and

do exist to day is a ma tter of earnest b e


lief to all advanced o ccu lti sts of all

schools That the Masters exist and have

these powers the best teacher s a ssure their


s tudent s h aving had exp er iences which

48 The K yb a lion

justify them insuch beli ef and statements .

The se M a ster s do not make publ ic ex hib i

tions of thei r powers but seek sec lusion

from the crowds of men inorder to better


work their way along the Path of Attain

ment We mention their exi stence at this

p oint merely to call you r attention t o the


fact that their p ower is entirely Mental ,

and operates along the lines of the higher

Mental Transmutation u nder the Her

metic Princip le of Mentalism The Uni


verse is Mental — The K yb alion


Bu t stu dents and Her metists of lesser

degree than M a sters the Initiates a n d

Teachers are able to freely work along
the Mental Plane, in Mental Transmuta
tion In fact all that we call p sychic

phenomena mental influence men

tal science ’
new thought phenom ena

etc , op erates along the same general lines


fo r there is but one principle involved no ,

matter by wh at name the phenomena b e

called .

The student and p ractitioner of Mental

Transmutation works among the Mental
50 The K g ha lian

may be changed o r transmuted in acco rd

ance with the ea rnest desire will and, ,

treatments of person des i ring changed
conditions of life The publ ic are so gen

e r a lly info r med regarding these things at

present that we do not deem it necessary


to mention the s ame at leng th our purpose


at this p oint being m erely to sh ow the

Hermetic Principle and Art underlying all
of these va rious forms of practice good ,

and evil for the force can be used in oppo


site directions accord ing to th e Hermet ic

Principles of Polari ty .

I n this l i ttle book we s hall state th e

b a sic p rinciples of M ental Transmutat ion ,

that all who read may grasp the Unde r

lying Principles and thus po ssess the

Master K ey that will u

nl ock the many
doo rs of the Principle of Polarity .

We shall now p roceed to a consideration

of the first of the Hermetic Seven P r in

c ple s — the Prin ciple of Mental i sm in ,

which is explained the truth that TH E

ALL is Mind ; the Universe i s Mental ,

in the words of The K yb alion We ask the

Ment al Tr ansm ut a tion 51

clo se attention, and careful study of this

great Principle on the part of our stu

dents for it is really the B asic Pr inciple


of the whole He rmetic Philosophy and of,

th e Her metic Ar t of Mental T ransmu ta



Under and back of th e Univer se of Time Sp ace
, , ,
and Cha nge is ev er to b e fo und The S u bstantial Reality
t he F u
ndamental Trut — The K yb a lion .

Substance means : that which u


lies all outward manife stations ; the os

sence ; the essential real i ty ; th e thing in
itself etc, Substantial means : actu

ally exi sting ; being the e ssenti al element ;

being real etc
” “ ”
Reality means : the
, .

state of being real ; true endur ing ; valid ; ,

fixed ; pe r manent ; a ctual etc , .

Under and behind all outward appe ar

an ces or manife stations th ere mu st always ,

be a Substantial Reali ty Thi s is the Law . .

Man considering the Universe of which he ,

is a unit sees nothing but change in matter

, ,

force s and mental states He sees that

, .

nothing really IS but that everything is ,

54 Th e K y b a lion

BE CO MIN G and CHAN GIN G Nothing .

stands still everything is being bo rn ,

growing dying the very instant a thing

reaches its height it begins to decline


the law of rhythm is in const ant op eration

—there is no reality enduring quality fix
, ,

ity or subs t antiality in anything nothing

i s permanent but Change He sees all


things evolving from other things and r e ,

solving into other th ings — a const ant ao

tion and reaction ; inflow and outflow ;

b uild ing up and tearing down ; creation
an d destruc ti on ; b irth growth an d death
, .

No thing endures but Change And if he .

be a thinking man he realizes that all of


these changing things must be but outward

a ppearances or manifes t ations of som e

Un —
de r lymg Power some Substantial Re
al ity .

All thin kers in a ll land s and inall times

, ,

h ave assumed the necessi t y for p ostulating

the exi stence of thi s Substantial Reality .

All philosophies worthy of the name h ave

been ba sed upon this thought Men have.

given t o thi s Substantial Reality many

The All 55

names some have ca lled it by the term of
D eity (u nder many titles ) ; others have
called it The In

fin ite and E ternal Eu
e rgy

others have tried to call it Mat
ter — but all have acknowl edged its exist
ence .
- —
It is self evident it needs no

I n these lessons we have followed the

exa mple of som e of the worl d s greatest

thinke r s both ancient and modem the


Hermetic M aster s and have called this

Underlying Power thi s Substantial Real

ity b y the He r met ic n ame of TH E

ALL which term we consider the m ost

comp rehensive of the many terms applied

by M an to THAT which tr anscends names
and t e rms .

We accep t and teach the view of the

grea t Her meti c thinkers of all tim es as ,

well as of tho se illum ined souls w ho have

reached higher planes of being both of ,

whom asser t tha t the inner nature of THE

AL L is UN K NO WAB LE Thi s must be

so, for naught by THE ALL itself can

comp rehend it s ow nn a ture and be ing .
56 The K yb a lio n

TH E ALL, in it se lf , is a nd nms t e ver

b e UNK NOWAB LE The y r e ga r d

. all t he
t he ori es , g nes ses a nd sp e c nla t ions Of t he

t he im er m tm e Of TH E ALL as b u t t he
childish e fi o r ts o f m or ta l m inds t o g ra sp
the se cr et of t he I nfinit e . Su
ch e ffo r ts

fr om the v er y na t ur e of t he t a sk One pur .

su ing s uch in quir ies t r av els ar ou nd and

arou nd in the labyrint h of th ought u ntil ,

he is lost t o a ll sa ne r easo ning ac tion or ,

c onduct and is utterly unfitt ed for the work


frantica lly r uns arou nd and ar ound the

circling treadmill wheel of his cage travel ,

ing ever and yet reaching nowhere a t the
end a p risoner still and standing j u

where he started .

And still more p resu m p tuous are those

who attempt to a scribe t o TH E AL L the
pe rsona lity qualities pr o per ties charac
, , ,

t erist ic s and attribut es of themselves ,

a scribing to THE ALL t he hu man emo

58 The K y b a lion

re gions unknowable and unthinkable a nd ,

w ith the sa m e ten dency a s that of Th eo l

o gy . And c onsequently both Religi on and

Phi lo sophy m e a n to us things h aving roo t s

in Re al ity while Th eology a n
d Meta
physic s seem like broken ree ds rooted in ,

t he qu icks ands of i gnorance a nd a ff ording


naugh t but th e mos t insecure support for

th e mind or soul of Man We do not ins i st

upon our students accepting th ese defini

tions w e menti on them merely t o show
our pos iti on At any ra t e youshall hear

very l ittle about The ology and Meta

physics inth ese lessons ) .

But while the essential nature of TH E

ALL i s Unknowable th ere are certa in

truths connect ed with its existence wh ich

the human mind finds i t self compelled to
accept And an examina ti on of th ese t e

ports form a proper subject of inqui ry ,

particularly as they agree w ith th e reports

of the Illumined onh igher planes And to .

this inqu iry we noes invite you


THAT which is t he F u n dament l Tru —

th the Sub
t is l Reality—
at a n is beyon d true n ming baut t he Wise
M n c ll it TH E ALL —The K y b al on
” i
e a . .
The All 59

I n it s Esse nc e
The K yb a lio n
r po rt o f Reason must be hospitably

Bu t , t he e

c eived, an d eatr te d with re pect
s Thc K yb a lion


The human reason whose rep o rts we ,

must accept so long as we think at all in ,

forms us as follows regarding TH E ALL ,

and that w i thout att empting t o remove the

veil of th e Unknowable :
( )
1 T H E ALL must be ALL that RE
ALLY I S There can b e n
. othing existing
out side of THE ALL else TH E AL L ,

wou ld not be TH E AL L .

( )
2 THE ALL must b e I NFIN I T E fo r ,

the re is nothing else t o define confine , ,

bo u nd limit or restric t T HE AL L It
, .

must be Infinite in Time or E TERNAL ,

it mu st have always continu ously exi sted ,

for there is nothing else t o have eve r cre

a ted it and something c an never evolve

from nothing a nd if it had eve r not


been even for a moment it wou

, ld not ,
‘ —
be now it must continu
, ously exi st for
ever for there i s nothing to destroy it and
, ,

it can never not b e evenfor a moment-

, .

because something c annever become noth

60 Th e K yb a lion

ing . u fi i —
It m st be In te inSpace it must
be Everywhere for there i s no pl ace out

side of TH E ALL it cannot b e otherwise
than continuous in Sp ace without b r eak , ,

cessati on separation or interrup tion for

, , ,

there is nothing t o break separate or in , ,

t er r up t i ts continuity and nothing w ith


whi ch to fill in the gap s It must be .

Infinite in Power or Absolute for the re

, ,

is nothing t o limit restrict restrain con

, , ,

fin e di sturb or condition it
—it is subject
t o no other Power for the re is no other

P ower .

( )
3 TH E A L L must be IMMU TA B LE ,

or not subject t o change init s real natu re ,

for there is nothing to work changes upon

it ; nothing into which it could cha nge nor ,

from which it could have changed It can .

not b e added t o nor subtracted from ; in

crea sed nor diminished ; no r become
greater or lesser in any resp ect whatso
ever I t must have always been and must


always remain just what it is now THE


ALL the re ha s never been is n ot now , ,

The All 61

it nchange
ca .

THE ALLbeing In fin ite Absolute , ,

E ternal and Unchangeable it mu s t follow

that anything fin ite changeable fleeting

, , ,

and conditioned cannot be THE ALL And .

as there is Nothin g outside of THE ALL ,

in Reality then any and al l such fin

things mu st b e as Nothing in Reality Now .

do n ot bec ome befogged nor frightened,

w e a re not trying t o lea d you in to the

Christian Sci ence field u nder cover of Her
metic Philo sophy There is a Reconcilia

ti onof thi s apparently contradicto r y state

of a ffa i rs Be p atient, we w ill reach it in

We see a rou nd us tha t which is called

Ma tter , which fo rms the physical
fo undation for all fo rms I s THE AL L .

merely M a tter ! Not a t all ! Matt er can

not manife st Life or Mind and as Life and ,

Mind a re ma nifested inthe Universe TH E ,

ALL can not be Matter for nothing rises


highe r than it s ow n source nothing i s
ever manifested in an e fi ec t that i s not in
62 The K y b a lion

t he —
cause no thing is evolved as a co us e
quent th at i s not involved as an antecedent .

And then Modern Science informs us that

there is really no such thing as Matt er

that what we call Matter i s merely inter

p t e d energ y or forc e t h at
, is ener gy ,

o r force at a low rate of vibration As a .

recent writer ha s said Matter has melted

into Mystery . Even Material Sci ence has
abandoned the theory of Matter and now ,
“ ”
rests on the basis of Ene rgy .

Then is THE ALL mere Energy or

F o rce ! Not Energy or Force as th e ma t e
r ia list s use the term s for t h e i r energy and

fo rc e are blind mechan ical things devo id

, ,

of Life or M ind Life and Mind can never


evolve from blind Energy or Force for the ,

rea son given a moment ago : “

can rise highe r th an it s sou —
rce not hing
is evolved u —
nless it is involved no thing
manifests in the e fi ec t u nless i t is in the

ca use . An d so THE ALL ca nno t be mere

En e rgy or Fo rc e for if i t were then t here
, , ,

wou ld be no s u c h thing s as L i fe an d M ind

inexisten ce an
, d w e kn ow be tt er t hantha t .
The All

for w e are Alive and using Mind to con

sider this very question and so a re those

w ho cl aim tha t Energy or F o rce is Every

What is there then higher than Matter

or E nergy tha t we kn ow to be existent in
the Universe ! LIF E AND MIND ! Life
an d Mind inall their va rying degrees of
unfoldment ! “
” “
you ask do you

mean t o tell us th at TH E ALL is LIFE

an d MIND ! ”
Yes ! and No ! is our an
swer If youmean Life and Mind as we

poor p etty mortal s know them we say N0 !


TH E ALL is not that ! Bu‘

t what kind of
Life and Mind do you mean ! youask


The answer is L IVIN G MIND a s far ,

above that which mortal s know by these

words as Life and Mind are higher than


mechanical forces or matter INFI NITE


LIVIN G MIND a s comp ared t o fin ite Life

and Mind . We mean that which the
illum ined souls mean when they reverently
p ronou “
nce the word : SPIRIT l ”

TH E ALL is Infin ite Living Min d

th e Illumined call it SPIRI T !
Th e K yb a lio n

M ind at the same tim e a c kno w le dgi ng th at


we cannot fully understand it We must .

either do thi s or stop thinking of the mat

ter at all .

Let us now proceed to a cons ideration of

the nature of th e Univer se a s a whole and ,

in its parts What i s th e Universe ! We


have seen th a t there can be nothing outside

o f TH E AL L Then i s th e Universe TH E

AL L ! N 0 thi s cannot be because the Un

, ,
verse seems t o be made up of M ANY and ,

i s constantly ch anging and in oth er ways


it does not measure up to the ideas th at we

a r e compelled t o accep t regard ing TH E

ALL as sta ted i n our last lesson Then i f


the Universe be not TH E ALL th en i t ,

must be N o thing such i s th e inevit able
conclus ion of the mind at first thought .

But this will not sati sfy the ques tion fo r ,

we are sensible of th e exi stence of the Un i

verse Then i f the Universe i s neith er

TH E ALL n o r Nothing wh at can i t be !

, ,

Let us examine thi s question .

If th e Universe exi sts at all o r s e ems t o ,

e x i st it m u s t proce ed in so m e w a y from
The M ent a l Univ e r s e 67

TH E —
AL L it must be a creation of TH E
ALL . But as something can never come
from nothing from what could TH E ALL ,

h ave created it ! Some philosophers have

answered thi s question by saying th at TH E
ALL c r ea t ed t he U niverse from I TS E LF

— th a t i s from the being and substance of


TH E AL L But th i s will not do for TH E


AL L canno t be subtrac ted from nor di ,

v ide d as we have seen and th en again i f

, ,

thi s be so would not each particle in th e


Un iverse b e aware of it s being TH E ALL

TH E ALL c ould not lose its knowledge
of itself nor actually B E C OME an atom
, ,

or blind force or lowly living thing Some , .

men indeed realizing that TH E ALL i s

, ,

indeed ALL and also recognizing th at ,

th ey the men exi sted have jumped t o the

, , ,

conclus ion th at they and TH E ALL were

identical and they have filled th e air with

shouts of I AM GOD t o th e amusement


of the multitude and the sorrow of sages .

The claim of the co rpuscle that I am ‘

Man ! would be modest in comparison .

But what indeed is the Universe if it

, ,
68 The K yb a lio n

be not TH E ALL not yet c rea t ed by TH E


ALL h aving sepa rated it self into frag

ments ! What else ca n it b e of wh at else
can it b e ma de ! This i s th e great quest i on .

Let u s examine i t carefully We find .

here that the Principle of Correspond

ence ( see Le sson I ) c omes t o our aid


here The O ld Hermetic axiom As above


so below ,
may be pressed into service a t
this point Let us endeavor t o get a

glimpse of the workings onhigh er p lane s

by examining those on our ow n The .

Principle O f Correspondence must apply

to this as well as t o oth er problems .

Let us see ! O n his own plane of being ,

h ow does Man c reate ! Well first h e may , ,

create by making something out of outs ide

materials But thi s will not do for th ere

are no materials outsi de of TH E ALL with

which it m ay create Well th en secondly
, , ,

Man pro c reates or reproduces his kind by


the p rocess of begetting which i s self


mu ltiplication accomplish ed by transfer

ring a portion of h i s substanc e to h i s
O ff spring But this wi ll not do becaus e
The Ment a l Univer se 69

TH E AL L can not transfer or subtract a

po r tion of itself nor can it rep roduce or

multiply itself in the fi rst place there
would b e a taking away and inthe second

ca se a mu ltiplication or addition to THE

ALL both thoughts being a n abs u
, rdity .

Is there no third way in which MAN

creates ! Yes there i s he C R EAT E S

MENTALLY ! And in so doing he uses

no outside mater ials nor doe s he rep ro

duce himself and yet his Spi rit pe rvades


the Mental C reation .

Foll owing the Principle of Correspond

ence we a re just ified in cons idering that

TH E ALL c reates the Unive rse ME N

TALLY ina man
, ner akinto the process
whereby Mancreates Mental Images And .

here is where the report of Reason tallies

preci sely with the report of the Illu mined ,

a s shown by their teachings and writ ings .

Such a re the teachings of the Wi se Men .

Such was the Teaching of Hermes .

TH E ALL can create in no other way

except mentally wi thout either using mate

r i al ( a nd there is none to use ) or else

70 The K yba lion

reprodu cing itself ( which is also imp os

sible ) There is no es cape from this con

c lusion of th e Re ason which a s we have , ,

said agrees with the highest teachings o f


the Illumined J ust as you stu dent may

, ,

create a Universe of your own in your

mental ity so does TH E ALL create Uni

verses in it s own Mentality But your .

Universe is the mental creation of a Finite

Mind whereas that of TH E ALL is the

creati on of an Infinite The tw o are S imi .

lar in kind b u t infinitely di fferent in de


gree We sh all examine more closely into


the process of creati on and manifestation ,

as we proceed But thi s is the point to .

fix in your minds at th i s stage : TH E UNI

, ,


Verily indeed AL L IS MI ND !
, ,

ALL creat es in it s I nfinite Mi nd count less

Univ er
w h i
se s,ch e ist fo r —
on of me and t to
T i x ae s
TH E ALL t he c reatio n devel opment decline an death

t he time of t he twi nkling

, , ,
f millio”n Univ r i
of “ neye —
o a e se s s as
a The K yb li n a o
The Infinite Min
. .

d of THE ALL is the womb of

Univ r —Th K yb lion
e ses . e a .
The M ent a l Unive r s e 71

The Principle of Gender ( see Les son I .

and other les sons to follow ) is manifested

on a ll plane s of l ife mate rial mental and
, ,

s pi ritual But as we have said before

, ,
” —

Gender doe s not mean
” “
Sex sex is
merely a material mani festation of gender .

Gender means relating t o generation

or c rea tion An .d wherever anyt hing i s

generated or c reated on any plane the , ,

Principle of Gender must be manifested .

An d thi s is true even in the creation of

Un iver ses .

Now do not jump to the conclus ion that

w e a re te achin g that there is a male and
female God or Creator That idea i s
, .

merely a di stortion of the ancient teach

ings onthe su bject The true teaching is

tha t THE ALL in i tself is above Gender

, , ,

a s it is above every other Law includ ing ,

tho se of Time and Space It is the Law .


from which the Laws proceed and it is not , ,

subj ec t to them But when TH E AL L


manifests on the plane of generation or

creation then it acts acc ording to Law and

Principle for i t is moving on a lower plane

72 The Kybalion

of Being And consequently it manifest s


the Principle of Gender init s Masculine


and Feminine aspect s on the Ment al Pla ne

, ,

of course .

Th is idea may seem sta rtlin g t o some of

you who hear it for the first tim e but you ,

have all reall y pa ssively acc epted it in

your everyday conc eptions You s pe ak .

of the Fatherhood of God and the Mother ,

hood of Nature o f God the Divine ,

Fathe r and Nature the Universal Mother


—and have thus instinctively acknowled ged

the Pr inciple of Gender in the Unive rse .

Is thi s not so !
But the Hermetic teaching doe s not im

ply a real dual ity TH E ALL is ONE
the Two Aspects are merely a spe ct s of
manifestation The teaching is tha t The

Mas culine Principle manife sted by T HE

ALL stands in a way apart from the
, ,

actual mental creation of the Universe It .

projects its Will toward the Feminine

Principle ( which may be called Nature ’

wh ereupon th e latt er begins the actual

w ork of th e evoluti on of the Un iverse from ,
74 The K g halian

examines the thoughts ideas and images of

“ “ ”
the Me . As above so below ,
remem ,

ber and the phenomena of one plane may


be employed to solve the riddles of higher

or lower planes .

Is it any wonder that You, the child feel ,

that instinctive reverence for TH E AL L ,

which feeling we call religion tha t r e

’ -

spect and reverence for TH E F AT HE R


MIN D ! Is it any wonder that when you ,

consider the works and wonders of N atu re ,

you a re overcome w ith a mighty feel

in g which has it s roots away down in your
inmo st being ! It is the MOT HE R MIND
that youare pressing close up to like a ,

babe to the breast .

Do not m ake the mistake of suppos ing

that the little worl d you see around you
the Earth which is a mere grain of dust in


the Univer se is the Un iverse itself There .

a re millions u pon millions of such worlds ,

an d greater And there are mill ions of


millions of su ch Universes in exi stenc e

within the Infin ite Mind of TH E ALL .

An d even in our ow n l ittle solar system

The Ment a l Univ er se 75

there a re regions and planes of life far

higher th an ours and be ings compared to

which we earth bound mortals a re as the


slimy life forms that dwell on the ocean s

- ’

b ed when comp ared to Man There are b e .

ings with powers and attributes higher

than Man has ever dreamed of the gods ’

posses sing And yet these beings were


once a s you and sti ll lower and you will

be even a s they and still higher in time

, , ,

fo r such is the Destiny of Man as rep orte d

And Death is not real even inthe Rela


tive sense it is but B i rth to a new life

an d You shall go on and on and on to , , ,

higher and still higher planes of l ife for ,

aeons u pon a eons of time The Universe .

i s your home and you shall explore its


farthest reces ses before the end of Time .

You are dwelling in the Infinite M ind of

TH E ALL and your po ssibil ities and op

p or t unit ie s a re infini t e both in time

, and
s p ace And at the end of the Grand Cycle

o f A eons when TH E ALL shall draw back


into itself all of its creations youwill go
76 The K yba lion

gladly for , yo uwill thenbe able

know to
the Whole Truth of be ing At On e with

THE ALL Su ch is the repo rt of the


Illu —
mined those w ho have a dvanced well
along The Path .

And in the mean time rest calm and

, ,

serene youare safe and protected by the

Infinite Power of the F AT HE R MOTHE R -

Wit hin Mo ther Mind, mort al children ar e

t he F at he -
at o
h me . Ths K yb alion .

is not one w ho is F a therless, nor Mot herless

inthe U iverse .
—1 h
e K yb alion

ox .

l f w r ogn ng
Th e ha -
ise, ec omp t v unr ty
izi t he c ar a i e eali
of nv n t tt y
t he U i erse, imagi e h a d fy Lwh e m ay e it s a s
s ch ar e vai n pr umptu ou fool
an d es t y s s, a n d he a re
brok n g n
e ro k
a ai st t he torn nd r by
c s an d a su e t he ele
m nt by
e s n of
r easo folly tr ly w
t h eir kn w The u ise , o
g t l w

in g tn t of
h e a ur e nv r t he U i e se u se L a w a a in s a s;
g lwr
t h e hi her a ain by A rt o f l my
st t he o e ; a n d t he A c he
tr n mut t t w
a s e ha und r bl nto t t w
hic h is esi a e i ha h ic h is
wort y h , ant u t mp
d h s riu h t ry o n t no t
. Mas e c sis s in ab
norm l a on f nt t m g ng or
dr eams, Visi s an d a a s ic i a in i s liv
in g but u ng in si g r for
t h e g nt
hi h e c es a ai s t h e lo w s
lo w r pl n by v br t ng on
esca p in t h e of s in s t he e a es i a i
t h e hig e r an not pr umptuo u d n l
smu t a t ion i i

e s s e a s
w pon o f
, ,

t he ea tr
t h e M as e . The K yb a lion .

This is the Paradox of the Universe ,

r esulting from the Principle of Polarity

which man ifests when THE ALL be gins

to Create hearken to it fo r it points th e
difi er enc e bet w een half wisdom and wis -

dom While to THE INFINI TE ALL


the Universe its Laws it s Powers i ts

, , ,

Life its Phenomena are a s things wit

, ,

78 The Kyb alion

neesed in the state of Meditation o r

Dream ; yet to all that is Finite the Uni ,

verse must be trea ted a s Real and l ife , ,

and acti on and thought must be based

, ,

thereu pon acc ordingly although with an

, ,

ever understanding of the Higher Truth .

Each according to its ow nPlane and Laws .

Were TH E ALL to imagine that the Uni

verse were indeed Real ity then woe to the ,

Un iverse for there would be then no es


cap e from lower to higher divinew a r d ,

then would the Universe become a fix it y

and progress would become imposs ible .

And if Man o wi ng to half wisdom acts


and lives and think s of the Universe a s

merely a dream ( akin to hi s own finite
dreams ) then indeed does i t so become for
him and like a Sleep walker he stu
e ver a round and around in a c i rcle making ,

no p rogress and being forced into an


awakening at last by his falling bruised

and bleeding over the Natural Laws which
he ignored K eep your mind ever on the

Star but let your eyes watch over your


footsteps lest you fall into the mire by

The D ivine P a r a dox 79

rea son of your u pward gaze Remembe r .

the Divine Paradox that while the Uni


verse IS N O T s till I T IS Remember ever

, .

the Tw o Poles of Truth the Absolute and
the Relative Beware of Half Truth s
- .

What Hermetists know as the Law of
Paradox is an aspect of th e Principle of
Pola rity The Hermetic writings are filled

with references to the appearance of th e

Paradox inthe consideration of the prob
lems of Life and Being The Teachers are

constantly warn ing their students against

“ ”
the error of omitting the other s ide of
any question And their warnings are

particularly directed to the p roblems of

the Absolute and the Relative which per ,

plex all students of philo sophy and which ,

cau se so many to thin k and act contrary to

wh at is generally known as ‘
sen se

And we cauti on all st udent s to be
su re to grasp the Divine Paradox of th e
Absolu te and Relative lest they bec ome en

tangled in the mire of the Half Truth -


With this in View thi s particular lesson has

b een written Read i t caref u
. lly !
80 The K yb a lion

The first thought that comes t o the think

ing man aft er he realize s the truth t ha t t he
Universe is a Mental Creation of THE
AL L i s that the Un
, iverse and all tha t it
c onta ins is a mere ill usion ; a nu nreality ;
against which idea his instincts revolt .

But this l ike all other grea t truths must

, ,

be cons idered bo th from the Absolute and

th e Relative points of View From the .

Absolute Viewpoint of course the Uni

, ,

verse i s in the nature of an illusion a ,

dream a phantasmagoria as compa red to

, ,

TH E AL L in i tself We recogn
. ize this
even in our ordinary View for we Spe ak ,
“ ”
of the world a s a fleeting show tha t

comes and goes is born and dies for the

element of impermanence and cha nge ,

finiteness and unsubstanti al it y mu st eve r ,

be connected with th e idea of a created Uni

verse when it is contrasted wi th the idea
of TH E ALL no matter what may b e our

bel iefs concerning the nature of bo th .

Philosopher metaphys ician scienti st and

, ,

theologian all agree upon thi s i dea and ,

the thought is found inall forms of philo

82 The K yb alion

concep tions and see whethe r this be not


true of them .

Bu t the Ab solute poin t of View shows

merely one side of the pict u —
re the other
side is the Relative one Ab solute Truth .

has been defined a s Things as the m ind

of God knows them while Relative Truth ,

i s Thi ngs as the highest rea son of Man
understands them An d so while to TH E

ALL the Universe must be u nreal and

illusionary a mere dream or result of

meditation nevertheless to the finit e ,

minds forming a part of that Universe ,

and Viewing it through mortal facu lties ,

the Universe is very real indeed and must ,

be so considered In rec ognizing the Ah


solute view we must not make the mistake


of igno ring or denying the fact s and phe

nom ena of the Universe a s they present
themselves t o our mortal fa cu —
lties w e are
not TH E ALL remember , .

To take familiar illus trations we all ,

“ ”
rec ognize the fact that Matter exists to

our senses w e will fare badly if we do
not And yet even our finite minds u
, nder
The D ivine P a r a dox 83

stand the scientific dictum that there i s no

such th ing as Matter from a scientific po int
of View — that which we call Matter i s h eld
to be merely an aggregati on of atoms ,

whi ch atoms th emselves are merely a

group ing of units of force called electrons ,
“ ”
or ions Vibrat ing and in constant ci r

cu la r mot i on We kick a stone and we feel


th e impact it seems to be real not w ith ,

standing that we know it to be merely what

we have s t ated above But remember th at

our foot which feels th e impact by means


of our brains i s likewi se Matter so con

, ,

sti tuted of electrons and for th at matter


so are our brains And at th e best i f it

, ,

were not by reason of our M ind we would ,

not know the foot or st one at all .

Th en again th e i deal o f th e arti st or


sculptor which he i s endeavoring t o r e


produce in stone or on canvas seems very ,

real to him So do th e ch aracters in the


mind of th e a u th or or dramati st which

, ,

he seeks to express so th at others may rec

ogn ize th em And i f th i s be true in th e

case of our finit e minds wh at must be the,

84 The Kyb alion

degree of Reality in the Men tal Ima ge s

created in the Mind of the Infinite ! Oh ,

fri ends to mo rtal s this Universe of Men


tal ity is very real indee d it is the only
one we can ever know thou gh we rise from

plane to plane higher and higher in it


To know it oth erwi se by actual exper ience

, ,

we must be TH E ALL itself It is true .

that the higher we rise in the scale the —

“ ”
nearer to the mind of the Father we

reach the more apparent become s th e il
lusory nature of finite things but not until ,

TH E ALL finally w ithdraws us into itself

does the vi sion actually vanish .

So we need not dwell upon the feature


of illu sion . Rather let u s reco gnizing the


real nature of the Universe seek to u nder


stand its mental laws and endeavor to use


them t o th e best eff ect in our upward prog

ress thro u gh life a s we travel from plane

to plane of being The Laws of the Un i


“ ”
verse are none the les s Iron Laws b e
c ause of the mental nature All except .

TH E ALL are bound by them What i s

, .


The D ivine P a r adox 85

is REAL in a degree second only t o that

Reality itself which is vested in the nature
of TH E AL L .

So do not feel insecure or


afraid w e
I TE MIN D O F TH E ALL and there i s ,

naught to hurt us or for us to fear There .

i s no Power outside of TH E ALL to a ffect

us So we may rest calm and secure
. .

There is a world of comfort and security

in thi s realization when once attained
. .

Then calm and peaceful do we sleep ,

rocked in the Cradle of the Deep rest
ing safely on the bosom of the O cean of
Infinite M ind which is TH E AL L In
, .

TH E ALL indee d do we live and move

, ,

and have our being .

Matter is none the less Matter to us ,

while we dwell on the plane of Matter al ,

though we kn ow it to be merely an aggr e

g a t ion of “
elec t r ons ”
or particles
, of
Force vibrating rapidly and gyrating

around each other in the formations of

atoms ; the atoms in turn vibrating and
gyrating forming molecules which latter
, ,
86 The K yb alion

in turn form larger m asses of Matter .

N or does Matter become less Matter when ,

we follow the inqui ry t ill further and


learn from th e Hermetic Teachings that ,

the Force of which the electrons are

but units i s merely a manifestation of the
Mind of TH E AL L and like a ll else in the

Universe is purely Mental in its nature .

While on the Plane of Matter we m ust ,

reco gnize its phenomena w e may contro l
Matter ( as all Masters of higher or les ser
degree do ) but we do so by applying the

high er forces We c ommit a folly when


we attempt to deny th e existence of Matter

in the relative aspect We may deny its

mastery over us and rightly so b ut we —
should not attempt to ignore it in its rela
tive aspect at least so long as we dwell

upon its plane .

Nor do th e Laws of Natu re become less

constant or e ffective when we know th em
, ,

l ikewise t o be merely mental creations


They a r e in full e ffect onth e vari ou s planes .

We ov e r c o m e th e lo w er laws by applying

s t il l h ig h e r on e s— and in thi s w a y on ly .
Th e D ivine P a r a d ox 87

But we cannot escape Law or rise above it

entirely Nothing but TH E AL L can e s

cape Law and that because TH E ALL is
LAW itself from whi ch all Laws emerge
, .

The most advance d Masters may a cqui re

the p owers usually attributed to the gods
of men ; and there are countless ranks of
being in the great hierarchy of life whose
, ,

being and power transce nds even th at of

the highest Masters among men t o a de
gree u nthinkable by mortals but even the ,

highest Master and the highest Be ing

, ,

must bow to the Law and be as Nothing in


the eye of TH E AL L So that i f even.

these highest Beings whose powers exceed


even those attributed by men t o their gods

— if even these are bound by and are sub
ser vient to Law then imagine the pre

sumption of mortal man of our race and ,

grade when he dares to cons ider the Laws

“ ”
o f N ature a s unreal vi sionary and

illusory bec ause he happens t o be able t o


g r asp the truth that the Laws are Mental

in nature and simply Mental Creations

o f TH E ALL Those Laws which TH E

88 The K yb alion

ALL intends to b e governing Laws a r e not

to be defied or argued away S o long as .

the Universe endures will they endure


for the Un iverse exists by virtue of these

Laws which form its framework and which
hold it together .

The Hermetic Prin ciple of M entalism ,

while explaining the tr u e nature of the

Universe u pon the p r inciple tha t all is
Mental does not change the scientific con

c ep t ion s of th e Un iverse Life or Ev olu

, ,

ti on In fact science merely co rroborates


the Herm etic Teachings The latter merely


teach es that th e nature of the Universe is

Mental while modern science has taught
“ ”
that it i s Material ; or ( of late ) that it
“ ”
is Energy at the last analysis The .

Hermetic Teachings have no fault to find

with Herbert Spencer s bas ic principle

which postulates the exi stence of an I n “

finite and E ternal Energy from which all ,

things proceed . In fact the Hermetics,

recognize in Spencer s philosophy the high

est out side statement of the workings of

th e N atur al Law s th at have ever been p r o
90 The K yb alion

c ip le of THE ALL is Mind ; the Un iverse

i s Menta l held in the Mind of TH E
. He will find that the other six of
“ ”
the Seven Principles will fit into his
scientific knowledge and will ser ve to bring

ou t obscu re points and to throw light in

dark corners Thi s is not t o be wondered

at when we reali ze the in

, fl uence of the
Hermetic thought on the early philoso
p he r s of G ree ce up on whose
, fo undations
o f thought the theories of modern science

largely rest The acceptance of the First


Hermetic Principle ( Mentalism ) i s t he

on ly great point of difl er en c e between

Modern Science and Hermeti c student s ,

and Science is gradually moving toward

the Hermetic position in its grop ing in t he
dark for a way out of the Labyrinth int o
which it has wandered in its search fo r
Reality .

The pu rp ose of this lesson is t o impress

upon the minds of our students the fact
tha t to al l intents and p u
, rposes the Un ,
verse and its laws and its phenomena are
, ,

j ust as RE A L so far
as Man i s concerned ,
The Divine P a r a dox 91

as they wou ld b e u nder the hypotheses of

Mater ialism or E nergism Under any .

hypothesis the Unive rse inits outer aspect

is chan ging, eve r flow ing and transito ry

and the re fore devoid of su b stantiali ty and

reality B u . t ( no t e the othe r pole of the
t ru th ) under any of the same hyp otheses ,

we a re compe ll ed t o ACT AND LIVE as

i f the flee ting things were rea l and sub
s t antial With this difi er en
. ce alway s b e , ,

tween the va riou s hyp othese s — that u nder

the old views Mental P ower w a s ignored
as a Na tura l For ce whil e u nder Mentali em

i t bec omes the Greate st Natural Force .

And this one difi er en ’

ce revolutioniz es Life ,

t o those w ho u nderstand the P rinciple and

its resu lting laws and p ractice .

So finally students all gra sp the a d

, , ,

vantage of Mentalism and learn t o know, ,

use and apply the laws resulting there

fro m B u
. t do n ot yield to the temptation

which a s The K yb alionstates overc ome s

, ,

th e half wise and which causes them to be


h y pnotized by the app a rent unreal ity of

things the consequence be ing that they
92 The K yb a li on

wander ab o u t l ike dream people dwelling-

in a world of dreams ignor ing the p r ac


tical work and life of m an the end being ,

tha t they are broken aga inst the rocks

and torn asunder b y the elements by reason ,

of their foll y Rather follow the example


of the wise which the same aut hority


states use Law against Laws ; the higher


against the lower ; and by the Art of

Alchemy transmute that which is u nde
s i rable into that which is worthy and thus ,

trium ph Following the authority let us


avoid the half wi sdom ( whi ch is folly )


which ignores the truth that “

consi sts not in abnormal dreams vis i ons , ,

and fantastic imaginings or l iving but in ,

using the higher forces against the lower

escaping the pains of the lower planes by
vibrating on the higher ”
Remember a l

ways student that Transmutati on no t

, , ,

presum ptuous den ial is th e weapon of th e


Master .The above quotations are from

The K yb a lion and are worthy of being

committed to memory by the student .

We do not l ive in a world of dreams but ,

The D iv ine P a r a dox 93

inan Universe which while relat ive is real

, ,

so far as our lives and actions are c on

ce rn ed Our business in the Universe is

not to deny its existence b u t to LIVE , .

us ing the Laws to rise from lower to high er

—living on do ing the best that we can

unde r the ci r cumstances arising each day ,

and living so far as is possible to our

, ,

highes t ideas and ideals The true Mean .

ing of Life is not known to men on this

— —
plane if indeed t o any but the highest
, ,

authorities and our own intu itions teach

, ,

us that we w ill make no mistake in liv ing

up to the best that is in us so far as i s ,

p ossibl e and realizing the Universal ten


den cy in the same directi on in sp ite of

apparent evidences to the contrary We .

are all on The Path and th e road leads
upward ever with frequent rest ing places

Read the Message of The K yb alion and
“ ”
follow the example of the wise avoid

ing the mistake of the half wise who ‘ -

pe ri sh by reason of their folly .



While A ll is in TH E ALL it is equally true th t

TH E ALL is inAll ly under tands this
T him w ho tru
truth hath come grea t knowledge —
. o s
The K yb ali n
. o .

How often have th e majority of people

heard repeated th e statement that their

De ity ( called by many names ) was All in
All , and how little have they s usp ec ted
the inner occult truth concealed by these
carelessly uttered words ! The common ly
used express ion is a survival o f th e ancient
Hermetic Maxim quoted above As t he .

K yb a lionsays To him who tr u ly u nder

stands this truth hath come great knowl

edge . An’
d this being so let us seek thi s
, ,

truth the u , nderstanding of which means

so much —
In this statement of truth thi s

Hermetic Maxim is concealed one of the
96 The Kyb alion

grea test philosophical scientific an , d te

ligiou s tru t hs .

We ha ve given youthe Herm etic Teach

ing rega rding the Menta l Na tur e of the
Un —
ive rse the tr u th that the Univer se is

Mental held in the Mind of THE AL L .

As the K yb a lion sa ys in the pa ssa ge ,

quoted above : “
All is in TH E AL L ”

But note al so the co related statement -


that : It is equally tr u

e tha t TH E ALL is
inALL . This apparently c ontradict ory
s tatement is reconcilable under the Law of
Paradox It is moreover an exact H e r
, ,

metic statement of the relations ex isting

betw een TH E ALL and it s Men tal Uni

verse We have seen how All is in TH E

AL L — now let u s e x amin e the othe r

aspec t of the subject .

The Hermetic Teachings are t o the e fl ec t

that TH E ALL is I mminent in rema in

ing within; inherent ; abiding withi n its ’

Universe and in eve ry part particle u

nit , , ,

or combination within the Universe This


statement is usually illustrated by the

Teachers by a reference t o the Principle
98 The K yb a lion

giving them their vitality spirit and , ,

“ ”
action Whose is the spirit of the char

actors that we know as Mica wber O liver ,


Twist U riah Heep is it Dickens or have ,

each of the se characters a p ersonal spirit ,

independent of thei r creator ! Have the

Venus of Medici the Sistine Madonna the
, ,

App ollo Belvidere spirits and reality of


their own or do they repre se nt the spir


it ual and mental power of the i r creators !

The Law of Paradox explains that both

propo siti ons are true viewed from the

proper viewp oints Micawber is both


Micawber and yet Dickens And again

, .
, ,

whil e Micawber may be said to be Dickens ,

yet Dickens i s not identical with Micawber .

Man l ike Micawber may exclaim : The

, ,

Spirit of my Creator i s inh erent within me

— and yet I am not HE ! H ow difl er en


this from the shocking half truth so vocif-

er ou sly anno unced by certain of the half

wise who fill the ai r w i th th ei r raucous

cries of : I Am God ! Imagine poor
Micawber or the sneaky Uriah Heep cry
, ,
“ ”
ing I Am Dickens ; or some of the
in All
“ ”
The A ll 99

lowly clods in one of Shakespeare s plays ’


grand iloquently a nnouncing that I Am

Shakespeare ! TH E ALL is in the
earth worm and yet th e earth worm is far

from being TH E ALL And still th e .

wonder remains th at though the earth


worm ex i sts merely as a lowly thing ,

created and having it s being solely within

the Mind of TH E AL L yet TH E AL L i s
imma nent in the earth w o rm and in the

particles that g o t o make up the earth

w orm . Canthere be any greater mystery

th an this of All in TH E AL L ; and TH E
AL L in All !
The student w ill o f course realize that
, ,

th e illustrations given above are n ec e s

sa r ily imperfect and inadequate for they ,

represent the creation o f mental images in

fini te minds while th e Un iverse is a crea

tion of Infinite M ind and th e d i fference
betwee n the two poles separates them .

An d yet it is merely a matter of degree

the same Principle i s i n Operation th e
Principle of Correspondence manifests
1 00 The K yb a lion

each— “
As above, so Below ; as Below so ,

above .

An d in t he degree tha t Manrealize s th e


existence of the Indwelling Spirit imma

nent within his being so will he rise inth e,

spiritual scale of life Thi s is what spir .

it ua l develo pm ent mean s — the recognit ion ,

realization and manifes t ation of the S pir it


w ithin u s Tr y to remember thi s las t


defin —
it ion that of s piri t ual development .

It contains the Truth of True Rel igi on .

There are many planes of Being many —

sub planes of Life many degrees of exist

ence in the Universe And all d epend upon


th e advancement of beings inthe scale of ,

which s cale the lowest p oint is the grossest

matter the highest being separated only

by th e thinnest division from the SPIRIT

of TH E ALL And upward and onw ard

along this Scale of Life everything is ,

moving All a re on the Path whose end


is TH E AL L Al l progress is a Returning

Home All is Upward and Onward in


sp ite of all seemingly contradictory ap

1 02 Th e K yb a lion

p e rha p s we will give a better idea of wh at

i s meant .

Thi s Involuntary stage of Creation i s

“ ”
s omet imes called the Outpouring of th e
Divine Energy just as the Evolut iona r y
“ ”
s tate is called the Indrawing Th e .

ext reme pole of th e Creative pro cess is

c ons idered t o be th e furthest removed from
TH E ALL while the beginn , ing of the
Evolutionary stage is regarded a s the
beginning of the return swing of the p en
— “
dulum of Rhyt hm a coming home idea ’

being h eld in all of the Hermetic Teach

ings .

The Teachings are that during the O ut

pouring the vibrati ons become lower and

lower until finally the urge ceases and the ,

return swing begins But there is this dif


“ ”
fe rence that while in the Outpouring

th e creative forces man i fest compactly and

as a wh ole yet from the beginning of the
“ ”
Evolutionary or Indrawing stage there ,

is mani fes t ed the Law of Individualization

—that is the tendency t o separate into

Unit s o f Force so that finally th at w hich


in All

The All 1 03

left TH E AL L as unindivi du alized energy

returns to its source as countless highly
developed Units of Life having risen ,

higher and higher in the sca le by means

of Physical Menta l and Spiritual Evolu


The ancient Hermetists use th e word

Medita t i on in descr ibing the process

of t he menta l creation of the Un iverse in

the Mind of TH E AL L the word Con ,

tem plation ’
also being frequently em
ployed But the idea intended seems t o be

th at of the employment of th e D ivine

Attention . Attenti on is a word derived
from the La tin root meaning to reach,

out ; to stretch out and so the act of


Attention i s really a mental reaching

out ; extens i on of mental energy so tha t ,

the underlying idea is readily understood

when we examine into the real meaning of
Attention .

The Hermetic Teachings regarding the

pro ce s s of Evolution are that TH E AL L , ,

having meditated upon the beginning of

the C reation having thu s es tabli sh ed th e
1 04 The K yb alion

material foundations of the Un ive rse

having thou —
ght it into existe nce t hen
gradually awakens or r ou se s fro m it s

Meditation and in so d oing sta rts into

manifestat ion the process of E volution on ,

the material mental and spi ritu

a l p l anes ,

suc cessively and in orde r Thu . s t he u p

ward movement begins and all begins t o
move S pir itw a r d Matte r becomes less

gross ; th e Units Spring into being ; the

combinat ions begin t o form ; Life appea rs
and manifests in higher and higher fo rm s ;
and M ind becomes more and more in evi

dence the vibrations constantly becoming
higher In sho rt the entire p roces s of

Evolution in all of it s pha ses begins, and

, ,

p roceeds according t o the e stablished Law s

of the Indrawing p roc ess All of this

occup ie s ae ons up on aeons of Mans time


each ae on containing countle ss millions of

yea rs but yet the Illumined info rm u
, s that

the entire creation includin , g Involution

and Evolution of an Unive rse is but as


th e twinkle of the eye t o THE ALL At .

the end o f c ountless cycles of none of t it he ,

1 06 The Kyb a lion

Me t a phy sic al field o f specul a tion , alth ough

o ur purpo se i s merely to sh ow th e futility
o f such spec u lat i on We allude t o t he

questi on which inevi tably comes to the

mind of all thinke rs w h o h av e ventured t o
seek the Truth The question Is


does TH E AL L create Universes ! The
quest ion may be asked in di ff erent fo rms ,

but the above i s the gist of the inqui ry .

Men have striven h ard t o answer this

question but still there is no answer

wo rthy of the name Some h ave imagined


that TH E AL L had something t o gain by

it but this is absurd for what could TH E
, ,

AL L gain that it did not already possess !

O th ers have sough t th e answer in th e idea

that TH E ALL wi sh ed something t o
love ; and oth ers that i t created for pleas

ure or amusement ; o r because it was

lonely ; or t o manife st it s power all —
puerile explanations and ideas belonging

to th e childish period of th ough t .

O thers have sought t o explain the

myste ry by assum ing th at TH E ALL
“ ”
found itself comp ell ed t o creat e by ,

in All

The All 1 07

reason of its own inte rnal nature —its

creative instinct Thi s idea i s in ad

vance of the others but its weak point l ies


in the idea of TH E AL L be ing com

p e lle d by anyt hi ng inte r nal o r external

, .

If it s internal nature or creative in
“ “

st in ct , compelled i t to do anything then ,

the “
internal nature or creative in
” “

st in ct

wou l d be the Absolute instead o f ,

TH E AL L and so accordingly that part


of the propos ition fall s And yet TH E .

, ,

AL L does create and man ifest and seems ,

to find some kind of satisfaction in so

doing A d it is difficu
. n lt to escap e the
conclusion that in some infinite degree it
must have what wou ld corresp ond t o an
“ ” “ ”
inner nature or creative instinct in
, ,

man with correspondingly infinite Desi re


and Will It could not act un

. l ess it Willed
to Ac t ; and i t wou ld n ot Will t o Ac t un less ,

it Des i red t o Ac t ; and it wou ld n ot Desire

t o Ac t unless it obtained some Sati sfact ion

thereby And all of these th ings would

belong to an Inner N ature and migh t ,

be postulated as exi sting according to th e

KB The K yb alion

La w of Co r r espondence But, st ill, w e .

p r e fe r to t hin k of THE ALL as ac tin g

te r nal as w e ll as e xt e rn
That is the
al .

p ro bl em w hich lies a t t he roo t o f diffic ulty

—and t he difi c ulty tha t lies at the root of

Str ict ly sp eaking t he re ca nn o t b

, e sa i d
t o b e an y

R easo n”
w h a t so ev e r f or TH E
ALL t o ac t for a “
reas on implies a

ca use

and THE ALL is above Cau

and Efi ect except w henit Wills t o become


a Cau se at which time the Pr in

ciple is se t
into motion So you see the matter is
, ,

Unthinka ble jus t as THE ALL is Un


knowable J u st as we say THE AL L


merely IS — so we are compe lled t o say

ACTS . At the last TH E AL L is All ,

Rea son in Itself ; All Law in Itself ; All

Action in Itself and it may be said truth ,

fully that THE AL L is Its Own Reason ;

it s ow nLaw ; its ow nAc t —o r still further

that TH E AL L ; Its Re ason; Its Ac t ; is

Law ; are O NE all being names for t h ,
1 1 0 The K y b a lion

Inne r N ature —
conclusion, s till
legends h ave it that HE RME S the Great , ,

when asked this question by his advanced

students answered them by PRESSIN G


saying not a word indica ting that there

WAS N O AN SWER But then he may .

, ,

have intended to apply the axiom of h i s

philosophy that , The lip s of Wisdom
are closed except to th e ears of Under

standing believing that even his a d


v an c e d students did not possess th e Under

standing which entitled them t o the Teach

ing At any rate i f Hermes possessed the

Secret he failed to impart it and so far a s

, ,

the world is concerned TH E LIPS O F

HE RME S ARE CLO SED regard ing it .

And where the Great Hermes hesitated t o

speak wh at mortal may dare t o teach !

But remember that whatever be the

, ,

answer to this problem if indeed there be ,

an answer the truth rema ins th at

Wh ile All is in TH E AL L it i s equally ,

t rue th at TH E AL L is in All Th e .

Teaching onth i s point i s emph atic An d .

“ ”
The All in A ll 1 1 1

we may add the concluding words of the

quotati on To him who truly u nder
stands thi s truth hath come great knowl

edge .
1 14 The K ybalion

nomena , knownas t he Thr ee Great Planes,

I . The Grea t Physic al Plane .

II I . The Great S pir itual Plane .

These division s a re mo re or less ar ti

ficial an d a rbit rary for the tr u

, t h is t ha t
all of the three divisions are but ascend
ing d e gr ee s of t he gr e a t sca le of Life the

lowest point of which is u ndifi e r ent iat ed

Matte r, and the h ighest point that of
Spi rit An. d moreover, the difl e r ent

Planes shade into each other so that no ,

hard an d fast divi sion may be made be !

tweenthe higher phenomena of the Physi

cal an d the l ower of the Mental ; o r b e
tween the highe r of the Mental and the
lower of the Physical .

I nsho rt , the Th ree Great Planes may b e .

regarded as th ree great gr ou p s of degrees

of Li fe Man ifesta tion While the purposes

of this l ittle book do n ot allow us to enter

into anexten ded discussion of or explana

P la nes f
o C or r esp ondenc e 1 1 5

tion of the subject of these di ff erent


planes still we th ink it well to give a gen


eral descripti on of the same at th i s po int .

At the beginning we may as well c on

sider the questi on so often asked by the
neophyt e who desi res to b e informed r e

garding the meaning of the word Plane

“ ”

which term has been very freely used and ,

very poorly explained In many recent ,

works upon the subject of occult i sm The .

questi on i s generally about as follows

Is a Plane a place having dimensions or ,

i s i t merely a condition or state ! We

answer No not a pl ace nor ordinary
, ,

dimens ion of space ; and yet more than a

state or condition It may be considered

as a state or condition and yet the state ,

or condit i on is a degree of dim ens i on i n ,

a scale subjec t to measu rement Some .

what p aradoxical is it not ! But let us


examine the ma tter A dimension you

“ ”

know is a measu
re ina straight l ine r e


lating to measu re etc The ordinary, .

dimensions of space are length breadth , ,

and height or perhap s length breadth

, , ,
1 1 6 The K y b a lion

height thickness or circumference B u

, t .

th ere is another dimensi on of crea ted

things or mea su


re ina straight l ine ”

known to occ u ltists and to scientists as


well although the l atter have not as yet


applied the te rm dimension to it and —
thi s new dimension which by th e way is
, , ,

the mu ch speculated about Fourth Di -

m en sion i s the standard used in deter

“ ”
mi ning the degrees or planes .

Thi s Four th Dimens i on may be called

the D imens ion of Vibrati on It i s a .

fact well known to modern sci ence as well ,

a s to th e Hermet i sts who h ave embodi ed

the truth intheir Third Hermetic Prin

” “
c ip le ,that everything i s in moti on ;
everything vibrates ; nothing i s at rest .

From the highest manifestation to the ,

lowest everything and all things Vibrate

, .

Not o nly do they vibrate at di ff erent rates

of motion but a s in di ff erent di rect ions

and ina di ff erent manner The degree s of .

the rate of vibrations constitute the

de grees of mea surement on th e Sc ale of

Vibrations inother words the degrees of
1 18 The K yb a lion

and have their existence solely withinthe

Infinite Mind of TH E ALL .

The Hermet i sts sub divide each of the -

Three Great Planes into Seven Min or

Planes and each of these latter a re also

sub divided into seven su

b planes all di -

vis ions being more or les s arbitrary shad ,

ing into each oth er and adopted merely ,

for conven ience of scient ific stu dy and

though t .

The G reat Physical Plane and it s Seven ,

M inor Planes is that division of the phe


nom ena of th e Universe which includes all

that relates t o phys ics or material things, ,

forces and mani festati ons It includes all

, .

forms of th at wh ich we call Matter and ,

all forms of th at which we call Energy or

Force But youmu
. s t remember that the

Hermetic Philosophy does not recognize

“ ”
Matter as a thing i n itself or as having ,

a separate exi stence even in the Mind of

TH E ALL The Teachings are th at Mat

ter i s but a form of Energy that is En ,

e r gy at a low rate of vibrations of a ce r

tain kind And accordingly th e Hermetists

P la nes f
o C o r r esp onde nce 1 19

class i fy Ma tter u
nder the head of Energy ,

and give t o it three of th e Seven Minor

Planes of th e Great Physical Plane .

These Seven Mino r Physical Plane s are

as follows

Th ePlane of Matte r ( A) .

The Plane of Matter ( B ) .

The Plane of Matter ( C ) .

The Plane of Ethereal Substance .

The Plane of Energy ( A ) .

The Plane of Energy ( B ) .

The Plane of Energy ( C ) .

The Plane of Matter ( A ) comp rises the

forms of Matter in it s form of solids ,

liquids and gases as generally reco gn

, , ized
by the text books on physics The Plane

of M a tter ( B ) comprises c e rtain higher

and more subtle forms of Matte r of the

existence of wh ich modern science is but
now reco gnizing the phenomena of Ra di

ant Matter init s phases of ra dium etc

, ,

b elonging to the lowe r sub divis ion of this


Minor Plans The Plane of Matte r ( C )

1 20 The K yb a lion

comp rises forms of the mo st su btle and

tenuous Matter the existence of which is

not sus pected by ordina ry scientists The .

Plane of E thereal Substanc e comp rises that

“ ”
wh ich sci ence speaks of as The E ther ,

s substance of ext reme tenuity and ela stic

ity pervading all Univer sal Sp ace and
, ,

acting as a mediu m for the transm ission

o f waves of energy such as light hea t
, , ,

electricity etc Th i s Ethe real S u

, . bstance
forms a connecting link between Matter
( s o
c alled ) and Ener gy an d p artakes
, o f
th e nature of each The Hermetic Tea ch .

ings however instruct that this plane

, ,

has seven sub divi s ions ( a s have all of the


Minor Planes ) and that infact there a re


s evenethers instea d of but on

, e .

Next above the Plane of E thereal Su b

stance comes the Plane of Energy ( A ) ,

which compri ses the o rdina ry forms of

Energy known to science it s seven su b,

planes being respectively Heat ; Light ;

, ,

Magneti sm ; Electr icity and Attraction ,

( i ncl u d i n g G ravi tat i on Cohe sion C,h emic a l ,

Afi n ity etc ) and several other forms of

, .
1 22 The K yb a lion

The la ssificat ion of the Seven Minor


Ment al Planes is more or less satisfact ory

an d arbi trary ( unless accompanied by elab
C r a t e explanati ons which are foreignto the

purpo se of thi s p arti cu lar work ) but we ,

may as well mention them They are as .


The Plane of Miner al Mind .

The Plane of Elemental M ind

Th e Plane of Plant Min d .

Th e Plane of Elemental Mind

The Plane of Animal Mind .

The Plane of E lemental M ind

The Plane of Hu man M ind .

The Plane of Mineral Mind comp rises

the states or conditions of the uni ts or

entities or groups and combinations of the


same which animate th e forms known t o


us as minerals chemicals etc
, .

entities mu st n ot b e conf ounded with the

molecules atoms and corpuscles th em

selve s the latter bei ng merely the materia l


bodi es or fo rm s of these entities j ust as a

P la nes f
o C o r r esp ondence 1 23

ma n s body is but his material fo rm and

not h imself

These entities may be

c alled

souls in one sense and are l iving


beings of a low degre e o f development l ife , .

an —
d mind just a l i ttle more th an the units

of l iving energy which comprise the
higher sub d ivi si ons of the hi ghest Phys

ical Plane The average mind does not


generally attribute the po ssession of m ind

soul or l ife to the M ineral kingdom but
, , ,

all occ ulti sts recogn ize the existence of the

same and modern science is rapidly m ov

ing forward to the point of View of th e -

Hermetic in th i s respect The molec ules


atoms and corpuscles have their loves ‘

” “
and hates ; likes and dislikes ; attrae
tions and repulsi ons ; aflinit ies and non
” ‘

afi n

it ie s etc and some of t he more dar

ing of modern scientific mind s have ex

pressed the op inion that the des i re and
w i ll emoti ons and feel ings of the atoms
, ,

di ff er only in degree from those of men .

We have no t ime or space to arg u e thi s

ma tter here All o ccultists know it t o b e

a fact and other s are referred t o some of

1 24 The K yb alion

t he more rece nt sc ientific w orks fo r out side

c o r r o b o ra ti on
. Ther e a r e t he usua l sev e n

su b divis i ons t o th i s pla ne


The Plane o f Ele menta l Mind ( A ) com

pri ses th e s ta te o r condition and de gr e e of

menta l and vita l dev elopment o f a class o f

entiti es unknown t o th e a ver age man but ,

rec ogniz ed t o oc cultists Th ey are invis


ible t o the ordinary se ns es of ma n but , ,

nevertheless exi st and play their part of


th e Drama of the Univer se Thei r degree


of intell igence i s be tw een tha t of the min

eral and ch emica l entiti es on the one hand ,

and of the entities of the plant kingdom on

th e oth er There are seven sub—
. divisions
to thi s plane also
, .

The Plane of Plant M ind in its seven ,

sub divis ions compri ses the sta tes or con


dit ions of th e ent i ti es compris ing the king

doms of th e Plant World th e vital and

mental phenomena of which i s fai rly well

u nderstood by the average intelligent pe r
son many new and in teresting scient ific

works regarding M ind and Life in

Plants having been published during the
1 26 The Kyb a lion

and in cer ta in combinati ons The highes t .

forms are semi human i n intelligence


The Plane of Human M ind in it s seven ,

sub d ivi s ions compri ses those mani fe st a


tions of l ife and mental ity which are c om

m ont o Man in his various grades degrees
, , ,

and divi sions In thi s connection we wi sh


to po int out the fact that the average m a n

of t o da y occ up i es but the fourth su
- —
b d i vi
s i on of the Plane of Human M ind and only ,

the most intell igent have crossed the b o r

ders of the F i fth Sub D ivis ion It h as -

taken the race mill ions of years to reac h

thi s sta ge and it will take many more years

for th e race to move on t o the s ixth and

seventh sub d ivi s ions and beyond But ,

remember th at there have been races b e


fore us which have passed th rough these

degrees and th en ont o higher planes O ur
, .

own race is th e fifth ( with stragglers from

the fourth ) which has set foot upon The
Path And then there are a few advanced

souls of our ow nrace w ho h ave outs t ripp ed

th e masses and who have passed onto the

sixth and seventh sub divi s i on and some -

Pla nes f
o C or r esp ondence 1 27

few being still further on The man of the .

S ixth Sub Division will be The Sup er


” “
Man ; he of the Seventh will be The
O ver Man

In our consideration of the Seven Minor

Mental Planes we have merely referred to ,

the Three Elementary Planes in a general

way We do not wish to go into thi s sub

j c et 1 1 1 deta i l in this work for it does not ,

belong to this pa rt of the general philos

Ophy and teachings But we may say this .

much in order t o give youa little clearer


i dea of the relati ons of these planes to the

more familiar ones the Elementary
Planes bear the same relation to the Planes
of M i neral Plant Animal and Hu
, man,

Mental ity and Life that the black keys on ,

the p i ano do t o th e white keys Th e white .

keys are su flic ient to produce music but ,

there are cer tain scales melodies and har , ,

monies in which the black keys play thei r


part and in which their presence i s nec e s


sary They are also necessa ry as con

nect ing l inks of soul condition ; entity -

s tates etc between the several other

, .
1 28 The K yb a lion

planes certain fo rm s of development be ing


a ttained therein this la st fact giving to

the reader who can rea d be tw ee n the

l ines a new l ight upon the processes of
Evolut ion and a new key to the sec ret doo r

o f th e

leaps of l ife be tween kingdom

and kingdom The great king doms of E le


m ent a ls are fully recogni ze d by all o ccult

i sta and the esoteric wri tings are fu
, ll of
mention of them The readers of Bu
. lwer s ’

! anon i and similar t ales will reco gnize

th e enti ties inhabiting these planes of l i fe .

Pass ing on from the Great Menta l Plane

t o the Great Sp i ritual Plane what shall we

say ! How can we explain these higher

s tates of Being Life and Mind to minds
, ,

as yet unable to grasp and u nderstand th e

higher sub divi si ons of th e Plane of Human

Mind ! The task is impo ssible We can .

sp eak on ly in the most general terms H ow .

may Light be described t o a man born blind

how sugar t o a man w ho has never ta sted

anything sweet how harmony t o one born ,

dea f !
All that we c an say is that the Seven
1 30 The Ky b a lion

w ho may without i rreverenc e be called

The Gods ”
so high in the scale of Be ing

are they their being int elligence and

, ,

power being akin to those a tt ributed by

the races of men to thei r concepti ons of
Deity These Be ings are beyond even the

highes t flights of the human imaginat i on ,

the word Divine being the only one ap

“ ”

plicable t o them Many of these Beings as


well as the Angelic Host take the greatest ,

interes t in the a fi air s of the Universe and

play an important pa rt init s a fi airs These ’


Unseen D ivini ties and Angel ic Helpers ex

t end the i r influence freely and powerfully ,

in the process of Evolution and Co smic ,

Progress Thei r occas ional intervention


and ass i stance in human a fi air s have led

to th e many legends bel iefs religions and
, ,

t raditions of the race past and p resent,


They have super impo sed their knowledge


and power upon the world again and again , ,

all under th e Law of TH E AL L of course ,


But yet even the highest of these a d

, ,

ve nced Beings exi st merely as creations of ,

and in the M ind of TH E AL L and are

, ,
Pla nes o f C or r esp onde nc e 1 31

subject to the Cosmi c Processes and Uni

versal Laws They are s till Mortal We
. .

may call them gods if we like but s till ,

they are but th e Elder Breth ren of the

Race th e advanced souls w ho have out

stripp ed th ei r brethren and w ho have fore


g one t he ecstacy o f A bsorption by T H E

AL L in order t o help th e race on its u
, p
wa rd journey along The Pa th But th ey .

belong to th e Universe and are subject t o


— —
i ts conditions th ey are mo rtal and th eir
p lane is belo w that o f A bsolute Sp i rit .

On ly the most advanced Hermeti sts are

able to grasp th e Inner Teachings regard
ing th e sta t e of exis t ence and the powers

manifested on the Sp i ritual Planes Th e .

phenomena is so much higher than that of

the Mental Planes that a confus ion of ideas
would surely result from an attempt to de
scribe the same Only those whose m inds

have be en carefully tra ined along th e l ines

of the He r metic Philosophy for years yes — ,

those w ho have brought with them from

oth er incarnations the knowl edge acqui red

p reviously c an comprehend just what is
1 32 The K yb alion

meant b y the Tea ching rega rding these

S pir it ual Plan es And much of these Inner

Teachin g s is held by the He r metis ts a s

being t oo sacr ed importa nt and even dan


g e rou s for ge ne r al p ubl i c d i ssem i n a tion .

The in telligent st u dent ma y recognize what

w e mea n by this when we s ta te tha t t he
mean ing of Sp i rit as us ed by the Her
“ ”

metist s is akinto Living Power

“ ” “
An i ,

mat ed F o rc e ” “
Inner Es sence “
sen ce of Life etc which mea ning must

not b e confounded with th at usually and

commonly employed in connection with t he
term i e
, . .religious ; eccles ias tical ; spir it

uelle ; ethe real ; holy etc etc To oc cul t

, .
, .

ist s the wo r d Spirit is u

“ ”
sed in the sense
of The Animating Principle carrying ,

with it the idea o f Power Living Energy , ,

Mystic F orce etc And occ ulti sts know

, .

t hat th at which is kn own t o them as Sp ir

itu al Power may be employed for evil as
well as good ends ( in acco rdance with the
Principle o f Polarity ) a fact which has ,

been recogniz ed by the majority of reli

gions in th eir concep tions of Satan Res lze ,
1 34 The K yba lion

—and such souls make the return journey ,

p aying th e terrible penalty according t o

the invariable Law .

In conclusion we would againremind you

tha t according to the Principle of Corre
sp on den ce which embodies the truth :
, As
Above so Below ; as Below so Above , a ll ,

of the Seven Her met i c Principles are in

full operation on all of the many planes ,

Physical Menta l and Spiritual The Prin

, .

c iple of Menta l Substance o f course a pp lies

to all the p lanes for all are held in the


Mind of TH E ALL The Principle of Cor


respondence manifests in all for there is a


correspondence ha r mony and agreement


between the several planes The Princip le


of Vibration manifes t s on all planes infact ,

the very d ifferences that go t o make the

p la n’
e S a ri se from Vibration as we ha
, v e
exp lained The Principle of Po la rity ma n

ifest s on each plane the extremes of the


Poles being apparently oppo site an d con

t r a dic t or y The Princip l e of Rhythm ma n

ife st s oneach Plane the movement of th e


phenomena having it s ebb and flow rise ,

Pla ne s f
o C o r r esp o nde nc e 1 35

and flow incoming and outgoing The

, .

Principle of Cause and Efi e ct m anifests on

each Plane ever y Efi ec t having its C ause

and ever y Caus e having its c fi ec t The .

Principle o f Gender ma nifests on eac h

Plane th e C reative Energy be ing always

m a nifest and ope rating along th e lines of


it s Mascu line an d Femin ine Aspects .

As Above so Below ; as Below so ,

Above . Thi s cent u ri es old Her metic

axiom embo dies one of the gr eat Principles
o f Un iversal Phenomena As we proceed.

wi th our cons iderati on of the remaining

Principl es we will see even more clearly

the tru t h of the universal na ture of thi s

g rea t Pr in cip le o f Corr es p ondence .
1 38 The Kybalion

The Her metic Teachings are that not

only is everything in c ons tant movement
an d vibratio n but th at the difi er ences


be tween the various manifestations of the

universal power are due entirely to the
varying rate and mode of vibrations Not .

only t his but that even TH E ALL in itself

, , ,

manifests a cons tant Vibr ation of such an

infinite degree of int ensity and rapid mo
t ion that it may be p ractically cons idered
as at rest the teachers directing the atten

t ion of th e students t o the fact that even on

t he physica l plane a rap idly moving object
( such as a revol ving wh e el ) seems t o be
at rest The Teachings are t o th e efi ec t

that Spi rit is at one end of the Pole of

Vibra tion the other Pole being certa in ex

t r em ely gros s forms of Ma tter Between


th ese tw o poles are millions upon millions

o f difi e r ent rates and modes of vibrati on


Modern Science h as proven that all that

we c all Matter and Energy are but mo des

o f vibratory motion and some of the

more advanced scientists are rap idly mov

ing t oward t he posi tions of th e occultists
Vib r a t ion 1 39

who hold that the phenomena of Mind are

lik ewise modes of v ibration o r moti on Let .

us see what science has t o say regarding

the question of vibrations in matter and
energy .

In the first place science teaches that all


matter mani fests i n some degree the

, ,

vibrations ari s ing from temperature or

heat Be an object cold or hot both being

but degrees of the same things it mani
fests certain heat Vibrations and in that ,

sense is inmotion and vibration Then all .

particle s of Matter are in circular move

ment from corpuscle t o suns The planets
, .

revolve around suns and many of them


turn on thei r axes Th e suns move arou

. nd
greater central points and these are b e

liev ed t o move around still greater and ,

so on ad infinit u
, m Th e molecu
. les of which
the particular kinds of Matter are c om
posed are in a state of constant vibration
and movement around each oth e r and
against each other The molecu
. les a re com
posed o f Atoms which l ikewi se are ina
, , ,

state of constant movement and vibra tion .

1 40 The K ybalion

The a toms are c omposed of Co rpu scles,

e le ct r on ion
“ ” “ ”
somet imes ca lled s, s, etc ,

which also a re ina st a te of ra pid m otion,

man ifest a ve ry ra pid sta te and mode of

vibra tion And so we se e tha t all fo rms

of Ma tt e r manifest Vibra t ion in accor d


t ion .

And it is with the variou

so s fo rms of

En ergy Science teaches that Light Hea t

, ,

Magnetism and El ectricity are b u t fo rms

of vib ra to ry motion connected inso me way

w ith, an d probably eman ating from the

Ether Scien. ce d oes not as yet attempt to
explainthe n a tu re of the phenomena known
as Cohesio n which is the p rinciple of Mo

lecu lar Attractio n; nor Chemica l Aflin ity,

which is the p rinciple of Atomic At t rac

tion; nor Gravitation ( the greatest mys
tory of the th ree ) which is the p rinciple

of a tt ract io n by which eve ry particle or

mass of Matter is bou nd t o every o the r

p a rt icl e o r ma s s These. three fo rms of
En ergy are n ot a s yet u nderstoo d by sci
1 42 The K y b alio n

S c ient ist s ha ve ofi e r e d t he illu s t ra t ionof

a ra p idly m ov in g w h e e l, t o p, or c yli n d e r ,

t o show t he efi e ct s o f in c re a sing ra t e s of
vib r at ion The illust r at ion su
pp o ses a

whe el , t op , or rev olving cylinder , r u nning

a t a low ra t e o f spee d — w e w ill call t his
re v olving thing t he object in follow ing
“ ”

ou t t h e illu s t rat ion Le t u

. s su ppose the
objec t moving slowly I t ma y b e seenr ea d

i ly, but no sou nd of its movement reaches

th e ear The speed is gr adually incr e ase d
. .

In a few moments it s movement bec omes so

rapid tha t a deep growl or low note m a y b e
hea rd Then as the rate is increase d the

note r ises one in the mus ical sca le Then .


the mot ion being s til l furth er increa se d the ,

next highest note i s distinguished Th en .


one after another all the note s of t he


mus ica l scale appear ris ing higher and ,

higher as the motion is increased Finally .

when the motions have reached a certain

rate the final note percept ible to human
ears is reached and the shrill piercing ,

shriek dies away and s ilence follows N o


so und i s h eard from th e revolving object ,

Vib r a tion 1 43

the rate of motion being so high that the

human ear cannot register the vibrations .

Then come s the p erception of rising de

grees of Heat Then after quite a time the

eye catches a glimpse of th e object b ec om

ing a dull dark reddi sh color As the rat e .

increases the red becomes brighter Th en


as th e speed is increased th e red melts into ,

an orange Th en th e orange melts into a


yellow . Then follow successively the , ,

shades of green blue indi go and finally, , ,

violet as the ra t e of speed increases Th en

, .

the vi olet shades away and all color disap ,

pears the human eye not be ing able t o


register th em But there are invi sible rays


emanating from the revolving object the ,

rays that are used in pho tographing and ,

oth er subtle rays of l ight Th en begin t o .

manifest the pecu liar rays known as th e

X Rays etc as th e constitution of the
, .

object changes Electricity and Magnetism


are emitted when the approp riate rate of

vibration is atta ined .

When the object reach es a certain rate

o f vibr a ti on it s molecules di s in t egra t e and ,
1 44 The K ybalio n

re so lve themselves into the o riginal ele

ments or atoms Then the a toms follow

in g th e Prin c ipl e of Vib r a tion , a re se p a

rated into the cou ntless co rpuscles of which

they are comp osed And finally event he

co rpuscles disappea r and the obj ect may

be said to b e compo sed of The E the real
Substance Science does not dar e t o follow

the illu s tration furthe r but the Herm etist s


teach tha t if the vibra tions b e continu a lly

increased the object wou ld mou nt u p t he

successive sta tes of manifes ta tion and

woul d int u rn manifest the variou s me nta l
s ta ge s and then on S piritw ar d, u
, ntil it
wou ld finally r e enter THE ALL which is

Absolu te Spi rit The object how ever

, ,

wou ld have ceased to b e an obj ect l ong ‘ ’

be fo re the stage of Ethereal Substance w as

reached b u , t othe rwi se the illu st rationis

c o rrec t in asmu ch as it shows the efi ect of

const antly increa sed rates and modes of
vib ration It mu. st be remembe red inthe ,

above illustra tion that a t the stages at


which the obj ect throws ofi vib rations

of light heat etc it is not actu
, , .

ally r e
1 46 The Kyb alion

phenomena of telepathy mental influ

ence and oth er forms of the action and

power of mind over mind with which the ,

general public is rapidly bec oming ac

q u a int ed owing
to th e wi de d i ssemina tion
o f occu lt knowledge by the various schools ,

cu lts and teachers along these lines at this

time .

Ever y thought emoti on or mental sta te


ha s its corresponding rate and mode of

Vibration And by an e ff ort of the will of

the person or of other p ersons th ese

, ,

mental states may be reproduced j ust as a ,

mus ical tone may be reproduced by causing

aninstrument t o Vibrate at a certain rate
—just as color may be reproduced in the
same way By a knowledge o f the Pri nci

ple of Vibrati on a s applied t o Mental Phe


nomens one may polarize hi s mind at any


degree he wishes thus gaining a perfec t


control over his mental states moods etc , , .

In the same way h e may a ff ect th e minds

of others producing the des ired mental

states in them In short he may be able


t o produce on the Mental Plane that which

Vib r a tion 1 47

science produces on the Physical Plane

“ ”
namely Vibrations at Will
This power

o f course may be acquired only by the

proper instruction exercises practice etc

, , ,

th e science being th at of Mental Tr ansm u

t at ion one of th e branche s o f the Hermetic

Ar t.

A little reflection on what we have sa id

w ill show th e student that the Principle of
Vibration underl i es the wonderful phenom
ena of the power mani fested by the Mas
ters and Adepts who are able to appar

ently set as ide the Laws of Nature but ,

who in real ity are simply using one law

, ,

against anoth er ; one principle aga inst

others ; and who accomplish their results
by changing the vibration s o f material oh
jeeta or form s of energy and thus perform
, ,
“ ”
wh at are commonly called mi racles .

A s on e of th e old Hermet i c wr i ters h a s

truly said : He who understands th e Prin
cible of Vibrati on has grasped the sceptre

o f Power .
1 50 The K yb alion

a llth s a re b u t half t ru ths

” “
every truth is half false ; there a r e tw o

” “
s ides to everything ; there is a reve rse

si de to every s hield etc etc
, .

The Hermeti c Teachings are t o the e ff ec t

that the diff erence between things seem
in gyl di ametrically op p os ed t o e a ch othe r
i s merely a matter of degree It teaches .

that the pai rs of oppo sites may be reco n

ciled and th at thesis and anti the sis a r e


identic al in nature but di ff erent in de


gree ; a nd th at th e universal reconcilia

” “

tion of oppo si tes is e ff ected by a r ec ogn i

ti on o f thi s Principle of Polarity The .

te a c h e rs cl a im tha t illustrations of this

P r inc ipl e m a y be h ad on every h and an d ,

fr o m an ex a m ina ti on into th e real nature

of an y thi ng Th
. ey be g i n by show ing tha t
S p i r it a nd M a tt e r a r e but th e two p oles of ,

the same thing the intermediate planes


b e ing m e rely de g rees of vibrati on They


they Sh ow that TH E ALL and The Many

a r e th e sa m e th e di ff e r e nce be ing merely

a m a tt e r o f d e g r e e o f Ment a l Man i fes t a

t ion Thus the L AI V a nd L a w s a r e th e
P ola r ity 1 51

tw o opposite poles of one thing Likewise .


PRI N CIPLE and Principles Infinite Min . d

and finite mi nd s .

Th en pass ing on t o the Physical Plane ,

they illustrate the Principle by showing

that Heat and Cold are identical in nature ,

the diff erences being merely a matter of

degrees The thermometer shows many

degrees of tempe rature the lowest pole,

being called cold‘

and the high es t

hea t Between these tw o poles are many

“ ” “ ”
degrees of heat or cold call th em,

either and you are equally correct The .

higher of t w o degrees i s always warmer ,

while the lower is always colder There

i s no absolute standard all is a matter of
degree There is no place onthe the rm om

eter wh ere h eat ceases and cold begins It .

i s all a matter o f higher or lower vibra

“ ”
tions The very terms high and low
’ ‘

which we are compelled to use a re but ,

poles of the s ame thing the terms are rel


“ ” —
a tive So with East and West
. travel
a ro und the world in an eas tw a rd direction ,

an d youreach a po int whi c h is c a lled w e s

1 52 The K yba lios

at you r sta r ting point and your et ur nfrom


t ha t w es tw ard poin t Travel far en

. ou gh
No r th and youw ill fin
, d yourse lf tr a veling
So uth or Vice ve rsa

Light and Da rkness are poles of t he

them The mu . s ica l sc ale is t he sa me

startin g w ith “
C ”
y ou m o v e up w ar d un t il
y ou rea c h a nothe r

C ”
a nd so o
, n t h e
, di f
fc renees be tweenthe tw o ends of the b oa rd
being th e same w ith ma ny de gr ees bet w een

the t w o extremes The sc ale of c olo r is


th e same higher and lower Vib r ations
being the only di ff erence be tw eenhigh Vio
let and low red Large and Sm all a r e rel a

t ive So are N oi se and ! uiet ; Hard and


Soft follow the r ule Likewise Sha r p an

. d
Dull Pos itive and N ega tive a r e tw o poles

of the same thing with cou , ntless degr ee s

between them
Go od and Bad are n —

ot absolute w e ca ll
one end of the scale Good and the other
Bad or one end Good and the other Ev il
, ,

ac cording to the use of the terms A thing .

“ ”
is less good th an th e thing higher in the
1 54 The K ybalion

where Where youfind one thing youfind


it s opposit e the tw o poles .

And it is this fact that enables the Her

metist to transmute one mental sta te into
another along the lines of Polarization

Th ings belonging t o difi e r ent cla sse s can

not be transmuted into each othe r b ut ,

th ings of the same cla ss may b e changed ,

th at is m ay have their p ola rity change d


Thus Love n ever becom es East or West ,

o r Red o r Violet — but it may and O ften

does turn into Hate and likewise Ha te
may be t r ansform ed into Love by changing ,

it s polarity Courage may be transmuted


into Fear a nd th e reverse Hard things

, .

may be rendered Soft Dull things become


Sh arp Ho t things bec ome Cold And so

. .

on th e transmu t a t ion always b eing b e


tween things of the same kind of d i ff erent

degrees Take the case of a Fearful man
. .

By rais ing his mental vibrations along the

line o f Fear Courage he can be filled with

the highest degree of Courage and Fea r

lessness And likewi se the Slothful man
, ,

m ay c h a nge himself int o an Active Ene r ,

P ola r ity 1 55

getic individual simply by p ola rizing along


the l ines of the desired quality .

The student w ho is familiar with the

p rocesses by which the various schools of
Mental Science etc p rodu ce change s in
, .

the mental states of tho se following their

teachings may not readily u, nderstand the
principle underlying m any of these
changes When however the Principle of
, ,

Polarity is once grasped and it is seen that ,

the mental changes are o cca sioned by a

change of polarity a sliding along the
same scale — the matter is more readily nu
de r st ood Th e change is not in the n
. a ture
of a transmutation of one th ing into an
other thing entirely d iff erent but is
merely a ch ange of degree in the same
things a vastly important diff erence F o r
, .

instance borrowi ng an analogy from the


Phys ical Plane it is imposs ible to change


Heat into Sh arpness Loudness Highness , , ,

e tc
,but Heat may readily be transmuted
into C old simply by lowering the vibra

ti ons In the same way Hate and Love are


mu tually t ransmutable ; so are Fear and

1 56 The K yb a lion

Courage But Fear cannot b e tran

. sfo rmed

into Love nor can Cou

, rage b e transmuted
into Hate The mental sta tes belong t o in

numerable classes each cla ss of which ha s


its opposite poles along which transm u

, ta
ti on i s possible .

The student w ill rea dily reco gnize t ha t

in the mental states as well a s inthe phe

nom ena of the Physica l Plane the tw o ,

pole s may b e classified as Po si tive an d

Negative res pectively Thus Love is Pos
, .

it iv e to Hate ; Co urage to Fear ; Activity

t o NonAct ivity etc e tc
, An d it wi ll also
, .

be noticed that even t o th ose unfamilia r

with the Principle of Vibrati on the Posi ,

tive pole seems to be of a high er degree

than the Negative and readily domina t es

it The tendency of N ature i s in th e dir ec


tion of the dominant activity of the Posi

tive pole .

In addition to t he changing of the poles

o f on e s ow nmental states by the operat i on

of the art of Polari zation the phenomena ,

o f Mental Influence in its m anifold phases

, ,

shows us that the p rinciple may be e x

1 58 The K yb alion

t ransmuted to Courage and simil ar p osi

tive mental states A little study will Show

you that these m enta l changes are nearly

all along the line of P olarization th e ,

change being one of degree rather than

of kind .

A knowledge of the existence of this

great Hermet ic Principle will enable the
student to better unders t and his own
mental states and th ose of other people

He will see th a t these states are all mat

ters of degree and seeing thus h e will b e
, ,

able t o ra i se or lower the vibration at will

to change hi s mental poles and thus b e ,

Mas ter o f hi s mental states instead of ,

being their servant and slave And by his .

knowledge he will be able to aid h is fellows

intelligently and by the appropriate meth

ods ch ange the polarity wh en the same is

desirable We advi se all s tudent s to famil


ia r ize themselves with thi s Pr inciple of P0

la r ity for a correct u
nders tanding o f the
same will throw l ight onma ny difficult sub
j ec t s


Ever hiyt ng o
fl ws ou t an d in; eve has it s
td t n
i es ; all hi gs rise an f ll
d a ; t he e p nd lum 5 g n
u ma i
f v yt ng
est s in e e r hi ; t he e asu
mre of w ng t o
t he s i t he
ri h , is t he m u
eas r e of
t he s i w ng to ft yt m
t he le ; rh h
comp n t
e sa es .
- The K yb alion .

The great Fifth Hermetic P rincipl e the

P rinciple of Rhyt hm e mbodies the truth
that in ever yt hing there is manife sted a
measu r ed motion ; a t o and from move - -

ment ; a flow and inflow ; a swing forward

an d backward ; a p endulum like movement ; -

a tide l ike ebb and flow ; a high tide and a

- -

low tide ; between the tw o poles manifes t

- -

onthe physi cal mental o r sp i r itual p lanes


The Principle of Rhyt hm is closely con

ne ct ed with the Principle of Polarity de
scribed in th e preceding chapter Rhythm .

m ani fests between the t w o poles establ i shed

1 59
1 60 The Ky balion

by the Principle of Polarity This does .

not mean however that the pendu

, , lu m of
Rhythm swings t o th e extreme poles for ,

thi s rarely ha ppens ; in fac t it is difficult ,

t o e stablish the ext reme polar opp os i tes in

the majority of ca se s But the swing is


ever toward first one pole and then th e

o ther .

There i s always an action and reacti on;

an advance and a re t reat ; a ri s ing and a
s inking ; manifested in all of the airs and
p henome n a of the Un iverse Suns worlds
, ,

men animals plants minerals forc es

, , , , ,

energy mind and matter yes even Spi rit

, , , ,

manifes t s this Principle The Princ iple


manifests in the crea tion and destr uction

o f worlds ; in the r ise an d fa ll of nat ions ;

in the life hi story of all things ; and fina lly

i n the mental sta tes of Man .

Beginning with th e manifestations of

— —
Spirit of THE ALL it w ill be no ticed
that there is ever th e O utpouring and th e
Indrawing ; t he Outbre athing and I n

brea thing of Brahm a s th e Brahm ans

word it Universes are created ; reach t he i r

1 62 The Kyb alion

a toms molec ules and all masses of ma t ter

, , ,

swing arou nd the circle of their nature .

There i s no such thh g a s absolute rest or ,

cessat ion from movement and all move ,

ment partakes of Rhythm The p rinciple .

i s of u niversal appl ication It may be ap


pli ed to any question or phenomena of any


o f th e many planes of l i fe It may be ap


pl ied to all ph ases of human activi t y .

Th ere i s always th e Rhythmic swing from

on e p ole to th e oth er The Universal Pen

dulum i s ever in moti on The Tides of.

Life flow in and out according to Law

, .

The Principle o f Rh ythm i s well u nder

s t ood by modern sci ence and i s cons idered

a un iversal law as appl ied to material

things But th e Herm etists carry th e pr in

c ip le much furth er and know th at its man


ife st a t ions and in fluence extend to the

m ental act iviti es of Man and th at i t a o

c ounts for th e bew i lder in g succession of

moods feel ings and other annoying and


perplexing changes that we notice in our

selves B u
. t th e Herm eti sts by studying
the Operations of thi s Principle have
Rhy thm 1 63

learned to escape some of its activities b y

Tran smutation .

The Hermetic Masters long sinc e d i s

covered that while the Principle of Rhyt hm
was invariable and ever in evidence in

m ental phenomena still there were t w o


planes of i ts manifestati on s o far as menta l

phenomena are concerned Th ey discov .

ered that there were tw o general planes

of Consc i ousness th e Lower and the

Higher th e understanding of which fac t


enabled th em to ri se to the higher plane

and thus escap e the swing of th e Rhythmi c
pendulum which mani fested on the lower
plane In other words the swing of th e

pendulu m occurred on th e Unconscious

Plane and th e Consciousness was not a f

fec t ed This th ey c all th e Law of N eutrali


z a t ion Its operat i ons cons i st i n th e ra i s


ing of the Ego above th e vibrati ons of th e

Unconscious Plane of mental activity so ,

that the negative swing of the pendulum i s


not mani fested in consciousness and th ere


fore th ey are not a ffec ted It i s akin to


ri s ing above a thing and letting i t pass b e

The Kyb ah on

1 64

nea th you The Hermetic Maste r or a d


van c ed stu dent polarizes himself a t the


des ired pole and by a process akin to


refusing to participa te inthe backw ard

sw ing or if youp r efe r, a denia l of it s
, ,
“ ”

influence over him he sta nds firm in hi s ,

pola r ized position, and allow s the menta l

pendu lum to swing back along the u ncon
sci ous plane All individu . a ls w ho h ave at
t a in ed any degree of self mast e ry aec o m -

p lish this mo r
, e or le s s u
n k n o w ingly , an d
by refusing to allow th eir moo ds and nega
t ive mental sta tes to a fi ect t hem they ,

a pply th e Law of Neutraliz a t ion The .

Master howeve r ca rries this to a mu

, , ch
higher degree of proficiency and by the ,

use of hi s Will he atta ins a degree of Poise

and Ment al Fi rmness almo st impos sible of
b el i ef on th e p art of tho se w ho all o w them
selves t o be swung back ward a nd fo rward
b y th e menta l p endu lum of moo ds and
fe el ings .

The importance of t his will b e appro

c ia t e d by any thinking pers on w ho rea lize s

what creatures of moods feelings and emo ,

1 66 The Kyb alion

swings although we may escape be ing car


ri ed along with it .

There are other features of th e o p erati on

of thi s Principle o f Rhythm of which we
wish to speak at thi s point There c ome s .

into it s operations that which is knowna s

th e Law of Compensation One of the defi .

nit ions or meanings of the word Com pen

sate i s to cou


nterbal ance which is th e


sense in which th e Hermeti sts use the term .

It i s this Law of Compensati on to which

th e K yb a lion refers wh en i t says “
measure of th e swing t o the right is th e
measure of the swing to the left ; rhythm
compensa t es .

The Law of Comp ensati on i s th at th e

swing in one di rec tion determines the swing
in the oppos ite di recti on o r to th e oppos it e

pole th e one balances or c ount er b a l ,

an c e s th e oth er
, On th e Phys i cal Plane

we see many examples o f thi s Law Th e .

pendulum of the clock swings a certa in d is

tance to the right and th en an equal dis

tance to the left The seasons balance each


othe r in th e same way The t ide s follow.

Rhy t hm 1 67

the same Law And the same Law i s m a n


ife st ed in all the phenomena of Rhythm .

The pendulu m with a short swing in one


direction has but a short swing in th e


oth er ; while the long swing to th e righ t

invariably means the long swing to th e left .

An objec t hurled upward to a certa i n

height has an equal di stance to traverse on
i ts return Th e force with which a p r o

j ec t ile is sent up ward a m i le is reproduced

when the p rojectile returns t o the earth on
i ts return journey This Law i s constant

o nth e Physic al Plane as reference to t h e


standard authorities will sh ow you .

But t he Hermetists carry it still further .

Th ey teach that a man s mental states are

subject to the same Law The man w ho .

enjoys keenly i s subject to keen su ff ering ;


while h e w ho feels but li ttle pain i s capable

o f feel ing but l i ttle joy Th e pig su ffers

but little menta lly and enjoys but little


he i s co mpens a ted And on the oth er h and


there a re other animals w ho enjoy keenly ,

but whose nervous organism and tempera

m en t cau se th em t o suff er exqui site de gre e s
1 68 The Kybalion

of pa in And so it i s with Man There a r e

. .

t emperaments which pe rmit of but low de

g r e es of enjoyment and eq uall

, y lo w de
grees of suffering ; while there ar e others
w hich permi t th e most inte nse enjoyment ,

but also th e most intense sufl er ing The .

rule i s th at th e capacity for painand pleas

ure in each individual are bal anced The
, ,

Law of Compensation is in full ope ra tion

here .

But the Hermetists go still further in

thi s m atter They teach that before one is

able t o enjoy a ce rtaindegree of pleasure ,

he must have swung a s fa r p ropo rtion ,

ately toward the other p ole of feeling

, .

Th ey hold however that the Negative is

, ,

prec edent t o the Positive in this matter ,

th at is t o say th at in exp eriencing a cer

tain degree of pleasure it does not follow
“ ”
that he will have to pay up for it with
a corresponding degree of pain ; on the c on
t r a r y th e pleasure i s the Rhythmic swin
, g ,

according to the Law of Compensation fo r ,

a de gree of pain p reviously exp erienced

e ither in the present life or in a previous ,
1 70 The Kybalion

it s pleasant and u npleasant sides : The

things tha t one ga ins are al ways paid for
by the things t hat one loses Th e rich pos .

se ss much t hat the poor lack while the ,

poor often posses s things that are beyond

t he rea ch of the rich The milli onai re may

have th e inc linati on toward feasting and ,

the wea lth whe r ewith t o secure all the dain

ties an d luxuries of the ta ble while he lacks,

the appetite t o enjoy the s ame ; he envies

the appe tite and digest i on of th e labo rer ,

w ho lacks the wea l t h and inclinati ons of

th e millionaire an
, d who gets more p leas
ure from his plain food thanthe mill ionaire
co u ld obtain even if hi s appeti te were not
jaded nor his digestion ruined for the
, ,

want s habits and inclinations diff er And

, .

s o it i s through l ife Th e Law of Com p en


sation i s ever in operati on s t riving t o bal


ance and counter balance and always suc


ce edin g in time even

, th ough several l i ves
may be required for the return swing of
the Pendu lum of Rhythm .

Ever y Cau
se has it s ever y
Efl sct has it s
to Law ; Chance is
t a t ar e ma ny
planes of u ca sati on , but p
esca es t he Law .

The K yb alion .

The great Six th Hermetic Principle— the

Principle of Cause and E ff ect e mbodies
th e t r uth tha t Law pervade s t he Universe ;
that nothing happens by Ch ance ; that
Ch ance is merely a te rm in dicating cau se

exi sting b u t not recogn ized or p erceived ;

th at phenomena is continu ous withou t ,

break or exception .

Th e Prin ciple of C ause and Efi ect n u

d er lie s all scientific though t an cient and ,

m odern and w as enu

, nciate d by t he Her
metic Tea che rs inthe earliest days While .

m a ny and var ied disputes b e tw een the

1 71
The K y b ah on

1 72

many school s of thought have since arisen ,

these di sputes ha ve be en p rincip ally upon

the details of the operations of the P rin
c ip le and still more often u
, pon the mean
in g o f certa inw ord s The
. unde rl ying Prin
c ip le o f Cause and E ff ect has beenaccep t ed

as correc t by p ractically all the thinkers of

the world worthy of the na me To think .

otherwise wou ld be t o take the ph eno men

of the u niverse from the domain of Law
and O rder and to relega te it to the control

of the imaginary something which men

have ca lled Chance .

A l i ttle consideration will show anyone

that there is in reality no su ch thing a s
pure Chance Webs t er define s the word

Chance a s follows : A supp o sed agent
” “

or mode of activity o t h er than a force l aw ,

or pu rpo se ; the o pe ration o r activity of

such agent ; the supposed efi ect of such

an agent ; a happening ; fo rtuity ; ca sual t y ,

etc. But a little considerationwill show

you that there can be no such agent as
Ch an ce inthe sense of something out


s ide of Law something outside of Cause

1 74 The Kyb alion

r ela ted to any cau se An d this is the sense


in which the ter m is generally employed .

But when the matter is clo sely examined ,

it is seen that there is no chance what

soever about the fall of the dice E ach .

t ime a die falls and displays a certai n


number it obeys a law as infallible as that


which governs the revolution of the planets

around the su n Back of the fall of th e

die are causes or chains of causes running

, ,

back fu rther than th e mind can follow The .

pos it ion of the di e in th e b ox ; th e amount

of mus cular energy expended in the th row ;
th e condition of the table etc etc all are
, .
, .

causes th e e ff ect of which may be seen


But back of these seen causes there are

cha ins of u nseen preceding causes all of ,

which h ad a bearing upon the number of

th e die which fell uppermost .

If a die be cast a great number of times ,

it will be found that th e numbers shown

will be about equal that i s there will b e
, ,

an equal number of one spot two spot etc

, .

coming uppermost Toss a penny in th e


“ ”
a i r and it may come down ei th er heads
C ausa t ion 1 75

“ ”
or tails ; but make a suffic ient numbe r
o f tosses and the heads and ta ils will about

even up This i s the operation of the law


o f average But both the average and th e


single toss come u nder the Law of Cause

and E ffect and if we were able t o examine

into the p receding causes it would be ,

clearly seen that it was sim ply imposs ible

for the die to fall other than it did under ,

the same circumstances and at the same

t ime Given the same causes the same r e

su lt s wil l follow There i s always a .

“ ” “ ”
cause and a because to every event .

Nothing ever happens without a cause ‘


or rather a chain of causes .

Some confusion has ar i sen in the minds

of persons cons idering this Pr inciple from ,

the fact that they were unable to exp lain

how one thing cou ld cause another thing
“ ”
that is be the creato r of the second

th ing As a matter o f fact no thing

“ ”

ever causes o r creates another thing ‘

Cause and E ff ect deals merely wi th

events ”
An event

” “
is that which
c omes arri ves or happens as a result or
, ,
1 76 The Kybalion

consequent of some preceding event N0 .

even t creat es another event b u t is


merely a preceding link inthe grea t o rde rly

chain of event s flow ing fr om t he creat ive
energy of TH E ALL There is a cont in

uity between all events precedent conse ,

quent and subsequ ent The re is a relation


existin g between everything that has go ne

before and eve rything that follows A
, .

s tone is dislo dged from a mountain side

an d c rashes through a roof of a cottage in
the valley belo w At first s ight we rega r d

this as a chance eff ect but whenw e exam


ine the matte r we find a grea t chain of

causes behind it I nthe first place t here

was the rain which softened the ea rth su p

p orting the stone and which allowed it t o
fall ; then back of that w as the influence of
th e sun other rains etc which gradually
, , .

disintegrated the piece of rock from a

larger p iece ; then there were the cau s es

which led t o the forma tion of the mo u ntain ,

and its upheaval by convu ls ions of nature ,

and so onad infinitu m .Th en we might fol

low up th e causes behind the ra in etc , .
1 78 The Ky balion

events hu ndreds of years from no w One .

o f t he se rie s of ev ent s a rising from t he tiny

bit of soot w as the writing of these lines ,

which caused the typ esetter to p erform

certainwo rk ; the proofreader to do like
wise ; and which will a rouse ce rtain
thou ghts inyou r mind and tha t of others
, ,

which in turn will afi ect others and so on , ,

and on and on beyond the abili ty of m an

, ,

to think fu rth er and all from the pass age
of a tiny bit of s oot all of wh ich shows

the relativit y and associati on of things ,

and the further fact that there is no

great ; there is no small ; in the mind that

causeth all .

Stop to think a moment If a ce rtain


manha d n ot met a certain maid away back


in the dim p erio d of the Stone Age you —

w ho are n ow rea ding the se l ines wo u ld not
now be here And if perhaps the s ame
, ,

cou ple had fa iled to meet we who now


write these lines wou ld not now be here .

And the very act of writin g onour part

, ,

and the act of reading on yours will a ff ect

, ,

not only the respective l ives of yourself and

C au
s a t io n 1 79

ourselves b u t will also have a di rec t or

, ,

indi rect afi ect u

, pon m any other pe ople
now living and who will live in the ages to
come Ev ery tho u
. gh t we think every act ,

we perfor m has its direct and indir ect t e


su lts which fit into t he gr ea t chainof Cau se

and Efi ec t .

We do not wish to enter into a cons ider

ation o f Free Will or Deter min ism in this
, ,

work for variou

, s reas ons Among the .

many reas ons is the principal one that ,

neither s ide of the cont rove rsy is entirely

right in fact both sides ar e partia lly ,

right ac cording to the Hermetic Teach


ings The Pr inciple of Polari ty s hows


tha t both a r e b ut H alf T ru s the oppos

th -

ing poles of Tru th The Teachings are .

that a manmay be bo th Free and yet bo und

by Necessity depending upon the meanin
, g
of the te rms and t he height of Truth from

which the matter is examined The an .

cient wr iters express the ma tter thus

The fu rther the creation is from the
Centre t he more i t is bound ; the nearer

the Centre it reaches the nearer Free i s ,

1 80 The K yba lion

The ma jority of peop le ar e mo re or less

the slaves of he redity envi ronment et c
, , .

and mani fe st ve ry litt le Freedom They .

are swayed by t he opinions cu sto ms an

, d
thoughts of t he ou tside world and al so by ,

their emotion s fee lin

, gs moo ds etc They , , .

ma ni fest no Mas tery wor thy of the nam e

, .

They indignan tly repu dia te this asse rtion ,

saying Why I certain

ly am fre e t o ac t

, ,

an d do as I plea se I do j u st wha t I wa nt

t o do , but they fail t o explain whence

“ ” “ ”
a r ise the want to and as I please .

What makes them want to do one thing

“ ”

in p reference t o ano ther ; what makes them

“ ”
pl ease to do this and not do that ! I s

the re no becau


to their plea sing
“ ”

and wanting i The Maste r can change


these pl eases and wants into othe rs

“ “ ”

at the oppo site end of the mental pole He .

is able t o Will t o will ”
ins te ad of t o w ill

becau se some feelin g m ood , emotion or , ,

environ mental suggestionarouses a tend

en cy or desire withinhim so to do .

The majori ty of p eople a re carried alon g

like the fall ing st one obedient to environ
1 82 The Ky b alion

But, n higher and on lower the La w

o ,

is alw ays inope ra tion . Th ere is no su ch

things as Chanc e The blind goddess has


beenabolished by Reason We are able to.

see n ow ,wit h eyes made clea r by knowl

edge tha t eve r ythin g i s gove r ned by Un

ver sal Law that t he infinite numbe r of
l aws a re b u t ma n if esta ti ons of the One

Grea t Law the LAW which is THE AL L .

It is true indeed that not a sparrow dr op s

unnoticed by the M ind of TH E ALL that —
even the hairs on our head are numbered
a s the scrip t ures have said There is noth

ing outside o f Law ; no thing that happe ns

contra ry to it And yet do not make the

mistake of supp osing that Man is but a

blind automaton far from that The H er .

metic Teachings are that Man may use

Law to overcome laws and that the higher

will always prevail against the lower until ,

at last he has reached the stage in which

he seeks refuge in th e LAW it self and ,

lau ghs the phenomenal laws to scorn Ar e .

y ou able to grasp the inner meaning of

this !

Ge n deris in everyt hin , ever ything h as it s Mas cu

line an nn P n p
d F emi i e r i ci es Ge nder manifest s on a ll
planes .
- The K yb a lio n

The great Seventh Hermetic Principle

the P rinciple of Gender embo dies the
truth that there is Gender mani fested in

everyt hing that the Mascu l ine and Femi
nine p rinciples are ever p resent and active
in all ph a ses of phenomena on eac h and ,

every plane of life At this point we t hink


it well to ca ll your attention to the fact

that Gender in it s Hermetic sense and Sex
, ,

i n the ordinarily acc epted use of the term ,

are not the sam e


The word Gender is derived fr om the
Latin root mean ing “
to beget ; to pro
c reate ; to
gen erate ; t o cr e a t e ; to p r o d uce .

1 88
1 84 The K y b a lion

A moment s c on sidera t ion w i ll show yo u

tha t the wor d has a mu ch broa de r and m o re

genera l mean ing t hanthe te rm Sex , the
“ ”

la tt er r e ferr ing t o the physica l distinctions

is merely a manifesta t ionof Gende r ona

cer t ain plane of the Grea t Physica l Plane
t he plan e of organ ic life We wish t o im

p ress this distinctionu ponyou r minds for ,

the reason that ce r t ain w riters who have ,

acq uired a smatte ring of the Herme tic Phi

losophy have sought to iden
, t ify this Sev
en th Herme ti c Principl e with w ild and fan
c ifu l and often reprehensible theo ries an
, , d
tea chings regarding Sex .

The oflice of Gende r is so lely that of or e

a ting producing generating etc and its
, , , .

manifes tations are visible on every plane

of phenomena It is somewha t difi cu
. lt t o
produce proofs of this along sc ientific lines ,

fo r the reason that science ha s not a s yet

recognized this Principl e a s of u nive rsa l
application But still some proofs a re

forthcoming from scientific sources I nthe .

fir st place w e fin ,d a d istinct manifestation

1 86 The Kyb alion

Negative Poles of Elect ricity ( ao

ca l led )

N ow a word at this point regarding this

identification The public mind has formed

an entirely erroneous imp ression regard

ing the qualities of the so called N ega

tive pole of electrified or magnetized

Matter The terms Pos itive and Nega tive

are very wrongly appli ed to th is phenom

en nonby science The word Pos itive means

something real and strong as compared ,

with a N egative unreali ty o r weakness .

N othing i s further from the real facts of

elec trica l phenomena The so c alled N ega

tive pole of the ba ttery i s really the pole in

and by which the generation or p roduction
of new forms and energies is manife sted .

There is no th ing negative about it The


best scientific authori ties now use the word

“ ” “ ”
Cathode in place of Negative the,

word Cathode coming from th e Greek root

meaning descent ; the p ath of generat ion ,

et c
. From the Cathode pole emerge the
swa rm of electrons or corpuscles ; from the

same pole emerge those wonderful rays
Gender 1 87

which have revolutionize d sc ientific concep

ti ons during the past decade The Cathode.

pole i s t he Mo ther of all of the strange

phenomena whic h h ave rendere d u seless the
old t ext bo oks and whi ch have c au
, sed many

long accepted theories to be relegated to

th e scrap p ile of scientific spec ulation The

Cathode or Negative Pole is the Mo th er

, ,

Principle of Electrica l Phenomena anJ of ,

the finest forms of matte r as yet known to

science So you see we are justified in

refusing to use the te rm N egative

“ ”

our considerati on of the subject and in ,

insist ing upon substituting the word

“ ”
Feminine for the old te rm The facts .

of the cas e bea r us ou t in this without tak


ing the Hermetic Teachings into c onsid

e r a t ion
. An d so w e shall u se t he word

F em m ine inthe place of Negat ive in
” “ ”

speaking of that pole of activity .

The latest sc ientific teachin gs a r e that

the creative corpuscles o r electrons are
Feminine ( sc ience says they a r e com
po sed of negative e lectricity ”
w e say -

they are co m po sed o f Feminine energy ) .

1 88 The Kyb alson

A Feminine c o rpu sc le becomes det ac he d

from or ra the r leaves a Masc u

, , lin e c or p u s

c le an
, d sta r ts ona n ew c ar ee r
. I t a ct iv ely
seeks a u nionw i th a Masc u lin e c o rpu sc le,

being urged the re t o by the na t u r al im pu lse

t o c rea t e n ew for ms of Ma tt e r or En e rgy .

On e w rit e r goes so far as t o u se the t e r m

i t a t onc e seeks of its ow n volition a
, ,

union etc This detac hm ent and u

, . niting
fo r m the bas is of the grea t e r pa r t of the
activit ies of the chemical world Whenthe .

Femin ine corp usc le unites w ith a M asen

line co r puscle a ce rtain p rocess is begu
, n.

The Feminine pa r ticle s vibra te ra pi dly

unde r th e influence of th e Masc u line en
orgy and circl e ra pi dly a ro u
, nd the lat te r .

The result is t he birth of a n ew at o m .

This new atom is really composed of a

u nionof the Ma sc uline and Feminine ele c
t rons o r corpuscles b u
, , t whenthe u m on1 8
fo rmed the atom is a sepa rate thing hav ,

in g ce r t ain p ro p e r t i e s
, but n o lon g e r ma n i
festing the p rope rty of free electricity .

The p rocess of detachm ent or separa tion

of the Feminine electrons i s called ion ‘
1 90 The Ky b alion

garding the ope rationof t he tw o p rinciples

of Gende r in the producti on and manifesta
tion of various fo rms of energy etc b ut
, .

we do not deem it exp edient to go into

detail regarding the same at this po int ,

becaus e we are u nable to back u p the same

with sc ientific proof fo r the reason that

scien c e ha s not a s yet progressed thu s far .

But the example w e have given you of the

phenomena of the electrons or corpuscles
will show youthat science is on the right
path a nd will also give you a genera l idea

of the u nderlying p rinciples.

Some leading scientific investiga to rs

have announced their belief that in t he
forma ti on of crystals there w as to be found
something that corresponded t o sex

activity which is another straw showing


the d irection the scientific winds a re blow

ing And each yea r will bring othe r facts

to corroborate the correctness of the Her

metic Principle of Gender It w ill be found

that Gende r is in constant operation and

manifestation inthe field of inorganic mat
ter and int he field of Energy o r Force
, .

E lec tricity is now gene rally regarded as

Gender 1 91

th e “
Something into which all o the r
forms of energy seem t o melt o r dissolve .

The El ect rical Theo ry of the Universe ’

is the latest scientific doctrine and is grow


ing rapidly inp opu la rity and general ao

c ep t ance
. An d it thus follows that if w e
are able to discover in the phenomena of

electricity even a t the very root and

source of it s manifestations a c lea r and
unmistakable evidence of the p res ence of
Gender and its activit ies we are jus tified

in asking youto bel ieve that science at l ast

has o ffered p roofs of the existence in all
universal phenomena of that great Her
r —
metic P inciple the Principle of Gender .

It is not necessary t o take up your time

with the well known phenomena of the
attraction an d repulsion of the a toms ;

chemical affinity ; the loves and hates

of the atomic particles ; the attraction or

cohesion between the molecules of matter .

These facts are too well known to n eed

extended comment from us But have you

ever considered that all of these things are

ma nifestations of the Gender Principle !
1 92 Th e Kyb alion

C a n you not see that the phenomena is

onall fo u

rs with that of the corpuscles
or elect rons ! And more th an this can you

not see the reasonableness of the Hermet ic

Teachings which asse r t th at the very Law

of Grav ita tion tha t st range attraction by
reason of which all par ticles and bodies of
matte r in the u niverse tend towa rd each

other is but another manifestation of the
Principle of Gende r which op erates in the

direc tion of attracting the Mascu line to the

Feminine energies and vice versa l We

cannot ofi er yousc ientific p roof of this at

this time bu t examine the phenomena i n
the light of the He rmetic Teachings onthe
subject and see if youhave not a better

working hyp othesis than any ofi er ed by

physical science Submit all physica l phe

nomens t o the test and you w ill discern


the Principle of Gender ever in evidence .

Let us now pas s on to a consideration o f

the operation of the Principle onthe Men
tal Plane Many interesting features are

there awaiting examination .

1 94 The Ky b a lion

minds the active and pass ive minds ,

e tc etc The theori es of the various

, .

w r it ers di ffer from each o ther but there ,

remains the underlying principle of th e

duality of mind .

The student of th e Hermet ic Philosophy

is temp t ed t o smile when he reads and hears

o f th ese many new theor ies regarding

the dual ity of m ind each school adh ering


tenaciously t o it s ow n pet theori es and ,

each cla iming t o h ave di scovered the

truth . The s tudent turns back th e pages
o f occult h i s t o r y and away back in the dim

beginnings of occult t eachings he finds ref

e r en ce s t o th e a nc i ent Hermet i c doctrine

o f th e Pr inc iple of Gender on the Mental

Plane the manifes t ation of Mental Gen
der And examining furth er h e finds t hat

the ancient p hilosophy took cognizance of

“ ”
th e phenomenon of th e dual m ind and ,

accounted fo r it by th e theory of Mental

Gender Thi s i dea of Mental Gender may

be expla ined in a few words t o student s

w ho are fami li ar with th e modern th eor i e s
just alluded t o The Mascul ine Principle
M ent a l G ender 1 95

of Mind corresponds to the so c alled Oh -

j e c t iv e M i nd ; C onsc i ous Mind ; V oluntary

Mind ; Active Mind etc And the Femi , .

nine Principle of Mind corresponds t o the

so called Subjective Min
d ; Sub conscious -

Mind ; Invol u ntary Mind ; Pass ive Mind ,

etc O f course the Hermetic Teachings do


not agree with the many modern theories

regarding the nature of the two phases of
mind no r does it admit many of the facts

claimed for the two respective a spec ts

some of the said theories and claims being
ve ry far fetched and incapable of standing

the test of ex p eriment and demonstration .

We point to the phases of agreement

merely fo r the purp ose of helping the stu
dent to assimilate hi s previously acqu ired
knowledge with the teachings of the Her
metic Philosophy Stu dents of Hudson will

notice the statement at the beginning of h i s

second chapter of The Law of Psychic
Phenomena ,that The mystic ja rgon
of the He rmetic philo so phe r s di sclose s th e

same genera l idea — i e the duality of

. .

m ind If Dr Hud son had t aken the time

. .
1 96 The Kyb alion

and trouble to decipher a little of the

mystic jargon of the Her metic Philoso
phy he might have received much lig ht

upon th e subject of the dua l mind —b ut

then pe rhap s his m ost interesting work
, ,

might not have been written Let u . s n ow

cons ider the Hermetic Teac hings regard

ing Mental G ender .

The Hermetic Teache rs impa rt their in

struction regarding this subjec t by bidding
thei r students exam ine the repo r t of their
consciousness regar ding thei r Self The .

students a r e hiddento tu rn their attention

inward upon the S elf dwel ling within eac h .

Each student i s led to see that his con

sc iousn e ss gives h im first a repo r t of the

existence of his Self the repo r t is I
Am ”
. This at first seems to b e the final
words from the consciousness but a li ttle

further examination di scloses the fact tha t

“ ”
this I Am m ay be separated o r split
into two distinct p a rts or aspects, which

while working in unison and in conj u nct ion


yet nevertheless may b e separated incon

, ,

sc iou sne ss .
1 98 The Kybalion

as being certa in knowledge gathered to

gether inhis mind and t hus forming a pa rt

of him self Thi s is the Me of a man

“ ”

But we have proceeded too hast ily The .

Me of many men may be said to consi st

largely of thei r consciousness of the body

an d th eir physical appetites etc Their
, .

conscio u sness being la rgely bound u p with

thei r bodily nature th ey practically live

there .

Some m en even go so fa r a s to
regard their personal apparel as a p art of
their Me and actually seem to consider

it a pa r t of themselves A writer has hu.

m orou sly said that men consi st of three

p arts sou l body and cloth es
, Th ese .

clothe s co nscious people would lose
thei r personali ty if divested of thei r cloth
ing by savages upon the occas ion of a ship
wreck But even many who are not so

closely bound up with the idea of personal

raiment stick clo sely to the consciousnes s
“ ”
of their bodies being t hei r Me They .

can not conceive of a Self independent of

the body Thei r mind seems t o them to be

practically a something belonging to

M ent a l G ende r 1 99

their body which in many cases it i s in
deed .

But as man ri ses in the scale of con

sc iou sne ss h e is able to disentangle h i s
“ ”
Me from his idea of body and is able ,
“ ”
t o think of his body as belonging to th e
mental part of him But even then h e i s

very apt t o ident ify the Me entirely

w ith the men t al sta t es feelings etc which
, , .

he feels to exist within him He is ver y ap t


t o consi der th ese internal states as iden

tical wit h himself instead of thei r bei ng

simply things produced by some part of

hi s mental ity and exi s ting withi n him


o f him and in him but still not
, ,
himself .

He sees that h e may change these internal

s ta t es of feelings by an e fi or t of will and ,

tha t he may produce a feel ing or s tate of

an exactly oppos ite nature in the same ,

way and yet th e same Me exists And

“ ”

so aft er a while he is able t o set a side

these various mental states emoti ons , ,

feelings habits qualiti es characteristic s

, , , ,

and other persona l mental belongings he —

“ ”
is able t o set them aside in the not me -
2 00 The K yb alion

co llectionof cur iosities and encu mbrances ,

as well as va lu able possessions This r e .

qu i res mu ch mental conc entration and

powe r of ment al analysis on the part of
the stu dent B u. t still the t a sk is p o ssibl e
for the advanced student and eventhose ,

not so far advanced a r e able t o see inthe ,

imagination how the p rocess may b e per


formed .

After this laying a side proc ess has bee n


performed the student w ill find him self in

“ ”
conscious possess ion of a Self which
may be considered in its I and Me“ ” “ ”

dual aspects Th e Me will be felt t o be

“ ”

a Something mental in which thoughts ,

ideas emotions feel ings and othe r mental

, , ,

states may be produced It may b e consid .

as the an

ered a s the mental wom
cien —
t s s tyled it capable of generatin g men
tal ofi sp ring It reports t o the conscious

ness as a Me with latent powers of crea

‘ ’

tion and generation of mental p ro geny of

all sorts and kin ds I t s powers of crea tive

energy are felt to be enormous B u t still .

it seems to be conscious that it mu st r e

202 The K y b alion

t ion and ge ne ra t ion . Th e r e is t his dual

asp ect in t he m ind y person The
of e v e r .

I re p r esents the Mascu

line P r incip le of

Menta l Gende r t he Me re pres ents the ’

Fema le Pr inc iple The I represents the


“ ”
Asp ec t of Be in g ; t he Me the Aspec t of
Bec oming Y ouw ill no tice that the Pr in

c iple o f Co r r e spo nd ence oper ate s on thi s

plane just as it does upon the grea t plane
upo n which the crea ti on of Universes i s
per for med The tw o a re similar in kind

a l t ho u
g h vas tly difi e r ent in deg ree A s .

a bo ve so below ; as below s o above

, , .

These a spec ts o f mind—the Mascu l ine

and Feminine Principles the I and th e
Me — considered in connec tion with th e
well known mental and psychic phenomena

give the master key t o these dimly known


regions of menta l oper ati on and man ifes ta

tion The principle of Mental Gender gives

the truth underlying the whole field of th e

phenomena of menta l influenc e etc , .

The tendency of the F eminine Principle

i s always in the di rec ti on of receiving im
press i ons while th e tendency of the Mas
Ment al G ender 2 03

culine P rinciple is always in the direction

of giving out or expressing Th e Femi
, .

nine Principle has a much more varied field

of operati on than has the Masculine Prin
c ip le . The Feminine Principle conduct s
the work of generating new though ts con ,

capts ideas including the work of the im

, ,

agin a t ion
. The Masculine Principle con
tents itself with the work of the Will ‘

inits vari ed phases And yet wi th out the


active a i d of the Will of the Masculine

Principle the F eminine Principle i s apt t o

rest content with generating mental im ages

whi ch are the result of impress i ons re
c eiv ed from outs i de instead of producing

original mental creations .

Persons who can give continued att ention

and thought to a subject actively employ

both of the Mental Pr inciples the Femi
nine in the work of active mental genera
tion and the Ma scul ine Will ins timulating

an d energizing the crea tive portion of the

mind The majority of persons really em

ploy the Mascul ine Principle b ut li ttle and,

a re content to live according t o th e

204 The K yb alion

thought s and ideas instilled into the Me

from the I of other minds B u
“ ”
t it is

not our purpo se to dwell u pon this phase

of the subject which may b e stu
, died from
any good text book u
pon psychology with ,

the key that we have givenyourega rding

Mental Gender .

The stu dent of Psychic Phenomena is

aware of the wonderfu l phenomena classi
fied under the hea d of Telepa thy ; Thou ght
Transference ; Mental In fluence ; Su gg es

ti on ; Hypnoti sm etc M any have sought

, .

for an explanation of t hese varied pha ses

of phenomena under the theories of the
various dual mind teacher s And in a
“ ”

measure they are r ight for there is clea rly


a manifestation of tw o distinct phases of

mental activi ty But if such stu
. dents will
consider these dual minds in the light
“ ”

of the Hermetic Teachings r ega rding Vi

b r a tions and Mental Gender they will see

that the long sought for key is at hand .

In the phenomena of Telepathy it is seen

how th e Vibra t ory Energy of the Mascul ine
Principle is projec ted toward the Feminine
206 The K yb alion

minds a n d wills of o t her pe rson s, w hom

they allow to do their thinking and willing

for them . H ow few o r igin a l t h oughts or
o ri ginal actions a re per for med by the a ver
age pe rson ! Ar e not t he majori ty of pe r
sons mere shadows and echoes of others
hav ing stronge r w ill s or m in ds thanthem
selves ! The tr ouble is tha t the a vera ge
per son dwells a lmo st altogether in his
Me consciou s ness, an d does n ot re a lize

th at he ha s su ch a thing a s an He i s
pola rized in his Feminine Principle of
Mind, and the Masculine Principle , in
which is lodged the Will , is allowed t o r e
maininactive and not employed .

The strong men and women of th e world

invariably manifest the Mascul ine Princi
ple of Will and their stre ngth depends

materially upon this fact Ins t ead of l iv


ing upon t he impressi ons made upon thei r

minds by others they dominat e the ir ow n

minds by their Will obtaining the kind of


mental images desired and moreover dom


ins t e the minds of others likewi se in th e


same manner Look at the st rong people

M ent a l Ge nde r 207

how they manage t o implant thei r seed

th oughts in the minds of the masses of th e
people thus caus ing th e latter to think

thought s in accordance with the desires

and wi lls of the st rong individuals This i s .

why th e masses of people are such sh eep

l ike creatures never originat ing an idea of

th ei r ow n nor using their ow np owers of


mental activity .

Th e manifestati on of Mental Gender may

be noticed all around us in everyday life .

Th e magneti c persons are those who are

able to use the Mascul ine Principle in th e
way of impress ing th eir ideas upon o thers .

The actor who makes people weep or cry

as h e will s is employing this principle

And so i s the successful orator statesman , .

preach er writer or other people who are


before th e public attention The peculiar .

influence exerted by some people over oth

ers i s due to the manifestation of Mental
Gender along th e Vib r a t or ial l ines above

indic ated In this princip le l i es the secret


of personal ma gnetism personal influence , ,

fascination etc a s well as the ph enomena

, .
m The K yb alion

gene ra lly groupe d unde r t h e name of H yp

o f as p y
s c hic w ill have discove red the

Sugg e stion ,
by w hi ch t e r m is mea nt t h e

pr oc ess or method w hereb y an idea is

t ransfe rred t o or impres sed upon the


mind of another cau sin g the second mind


to act inacco rdan ce ther ewith A corr ect .

in order t o int elligently compr ehend the

varied psychical phenomena which Sugges
t ion underl ies But still more is a knowl

edge of Vibration and Mental Gender nec

essar y for the student of Suggesti on F or .

th e whole p rinciple of Suggestion depends

upon th e principle of Menta l Gender and
Vibra t ion .

It is customar y for the writers and

teachers of Suggest ion to explain tha t it i s
the objective or voluntary mind which
‘ ’

make the mental impress ion or suggestion, ,

21 0 The Kybalion

c apable of intelligent classification and

s tudy instead of being very mu
, ch in the
dark The principle works out in p r ac
“ ”

tice because it is based u

, p on the im m ut a
ble universal laws of life .

We shall not enter into an extended di s

cu s sion of o r des c ription of
, the varied ,

phenomena of mental influence o r p sychic

activi ty There are many books many of

them quite good which have been written


and published onthis subjec t of lat e years .

The main facts stated in the se var i ous

books are correct although the several ,

wri ters have attempted t o expl ain the phe

nom ena by various pet theories of their
ow n . The student may acqua int himself
with these matters and by using the theory

of Mental Gender he will be able t o bring

order out of the ch aos of conflict ing theory
and teachings and may moreover readily
, , ,

make himself a master of the subject if he

b e so incl ined The purpo se of thi s work

i s not to give an extended account of p sy

chic phenomena but rather t o give t o th e

student a master key whereby he may nu

Ment a l Gende r 21 1

lock the many doors leading into the part s

Of the Temple Of K nowledge whi ch he may
wish t o explore We feel that in thi s c on

s ideration Of the teachings Of The K yb al

ion one may find anexplanati on which w ill

serve to clear away m any perplexing difli

cu —
lties a key th at will unlock many doors .

Wh at is the use Of going into detail r e

garding all of the many features of psychic
ph enomena and mental science provi ded ,

we place in the h ands of the student the

means whereby he m ay acquaint himself
fully regarding any pha se Of the subject
which may interest him With the aid Of

The K yb alion one may go through any

occult library anew the old Light from

Egyp t illuminating many dark pages and ,

obscure subjects Tha t is the purpose Of


thi s book We do not come expou

. nding a
new philosophy but rather furnishing the

outlines Of a gr eat world Old teach ing


which will make clea r the teachings Of

others which will serve as a Great Recon
c iler O f difi erin theorie s and O pposing
g ,

doctrine s
21 4 The K yb a lion

from The K yb alion which sta tes it forc i


bly K nowledge wi thout Use and Expres


s ion is a va in thing br inging no goo d t o


it s possessor or to the rac e Be ware Of

, .

Menta l Miserl iness and expres s int o Ao


ti on th at which youh ave lea rned Study .

the Axi oms and Aph orisms but p ractic e ,

them also .

We give below some Of the more impo r

t ant Hermetic Axioms from The K yb alion , ,

with a few comments added t o ea ch Make .

these your ow n and pra cti ce and use them

, ,

for they are not really your ow nu ntil you

h ave U sed them .

TO change your mood or menta l sta te

change your vibra tion — The K yb alion . .

One may change hi s mental vibrations

by an e fi ort Of Will in the direction Of ,

deliberately fixing the Attention upon a

more desirable state Will directs the At .

tention and Attention changes the Vibra


tion Cultivate the Art Of Attention by


means Of the Will and you have solved


the secret Of the Maste ry Of Moods and

Mental States .
H er me tic Ax ioms 21 5

To destr oy an u ndesir able rat e of

m en ta l vib rat ion put in t o ope rat ion t he

Pr inciple of Polarity and con cen tr at e upon

the opposit e pole t o t hat which youdesire
to suppress . K ill out the u ndesirable by
c h ang ing its polarit y — The K yb alion
. .

Th is is one Of the most importa nt Of t he

H ermetic Formulas It is based u . pontr u e

scientific principles We h ave s how n you

that a mental state and its oppos it e were

merely the t w o poles Of one thing and ,

that by Menta l Transmuta tion the polarity

might be reversed Thi s principle is known

t o modern psychologists w ho apply it t o ,

the breaking up Of u ndes i rable habits by

bidding their students concentrat e upon the
opposite qualit y If youare possessed Of

Fear do not waste tim e tr ying to kill


ou t Fear but instead cu

, ltivate the qu al
ity Of Courage and the Fear w ill disap

pear Some wri ters have exp ressed thi s


i dea most forcibly by using the illustration

Of the dark room Y ou do not h ave t o

sh ovel ou t or swee p ou t the Darkn ess but ,

b y merely opening the shutters and l

21 6 The K yb a lion

ting in th e Light the Darkness has disap

pe e red TO kill out a Negative qual i ty

c oncentrate upon the Posi tive Pole Of tha t

same qual ity and the vibra ti ons will grad


ua lly change from Negative t o Pos itive ,

u nt il fina lly youwill become p ola rized on

the Pos itive pole ins t ead of the Negative .

The rever se is also true as many have ,

found out t o their sorrow when they have


allowed themselves t o vibrate t oo con

st an t ly on th e Nega tive pole Of th ings By

changing your p olarity you may mas t er

your moods change your mental sta t es r e
, ,

make your disposition and buil d up char


acter Much Of the Mental Mas tery Of the


advanced Hermetics i s due t o this appl ica

ti on Of Polarity which is one Of the impor

tant aspects of Mental Transmutation .

Remember the Hermetic Axiom ( quoted

previ ously ) which says

Mind ( as well a s metals and element s )

may be transmuted from s tate t o state ;
degree t o degree ; condition t o condition ;

pole to pole ; vibration t o vibration .

The K yb a lion .
21 8 The K yb a lion

The Hermetis t s also teach that the Law Of

N eutralization enables one t o a great ex

t ent t o overcome the operation Of Rhyt hm


in consciousness As we have ex plained


th ere is a Higher Plane O f Consciousness ,

as well as the ordina ry Lower Plane and ,

the Master by rising mentally t o the Higher

Plane causes the sw ing Of the ment al pend
ulum t o manifest on the Lower Plane and ,

he dwelling onhis Higher Plane escapes

, ,

the consciousne ss o f the swing backw ard .

This is e fi ec t ed by polarizing onth e Higher

Self and thus ra i sing th e mental vibra

tions Of the Ego above tho se Of th e ordi

na ry plane Of con sci ousness It is akin t o

rising above a thing and allowing it t o


pas s beneath you The advanced Herme t


ist pol arizes himself at the Positive Pole

Of his Bein — “
g the I Am ”
pole rather
than the p ole Of personal it y and by r e
” “ ”
fusing and denying th e operation Of
Rhythm raises himself above its plane Of

consci ousness and standing fir m in hi s


Statement Of Being he allows the pendulum

t o swing back onth e Lower Plane without
H e r m e tic Ax iom s 21 9

cha nging his Pola rity This is a ccom


p li sh ed by all in dividuals w h o h ave a t

tain ed an y de gree Of self mas t e
ry whether

they understand the law or not Such .

persons simply refuse t o allow them

s elves t o be swung back by the pendulum

Of mood and emoti on and by steadfastly


afi rm in g the superiority they ,remain p o l

a r ized onth e Posit ive p ole Th e Master

Of course attains a far greater degree Of


proficiency because he u
, nderstands the
law whi ch he is overcoming by a higher
law and by the use Of his Will he atta ins

a degree Of Poise and Mental Steadfa st

ness almost impossible Of belief on the
part Of those who allow themselves t o b e
swu ng backw ard and fo rward by the men
tal pendulum Of moods and fee lings .

Remember always however that you

, , ,

do not really destroy the Principle Of

Rhyt hm for that is indestru
, ctible Y ou .

simply overcome one law by c ou nte r bal -

an cin g it with an other a nd,th u s ma in t a in

an equilibriu m The laws O f balance and

counter bal ance ar e in ope rati on on the

2 20 The K yb a lion

menta l as well a s on the physical planes ,

and an u ndersta nding O f these l aws on

ables one t o seem t o overth row laws ,

whereas he is merely exerting a cou nter

balance .

Nothing es capes the Principle of Cau se

and Efi ec t but there a re many Planes Of


Causati on and one may use the laws Of


the higher t o overcome the laws of the

lower .
— The K yb alion .

By an u nderstanding O f the practice Of

Polarizati on the Hermetists rise t o a

hi gh er plane Of Caus ation and thu s coun

ter balance th e laws Of the lower pl anes Of


C ausation By ri sing above the plane Of


ordinary Causes they become themselves ,

in a degree Causes instead Of being merely


Caused .By being able t o master thei r

ow nmoods and feelings and by being able ,

t o neutralize Rhyt hm as we h ave already


ex plained they are able t o es cape a gre at


pa rt Of the operations Of Cause and E ff ect

on the ordinary plane The ma sses Of p eo

ple are ca rried along obedient t o their en


v ir onm ent ; t he wills and de si res Of others

222 The K yb a lio n

rul e on the lowe r They Obey the l aws


co m in g from above them but ontheir ow n ,

plane an d tho se below them they rule and

, ,

give o rders And yet in so doing they

, , ,

form a part of the P rinciple instead of ,

Opposing it The wise man falls in with


the Law and by understanding its move


ments he Operates it instea d Of being its

blind slave J ust as does the skilled swim

mer turn this way and that way going ,

and coming a s he will instead Of being as,

the log which is carr ied here and there

so is the wi se man as comp a red t o the or

din a r y ma n— and yet both swimm er and

log ; wise m an and fool are subject t o ,

La w . He who understands this is well on

” —
the road to Ma stery The K yb alion
. .

In conclusion let us againcall your at

tention t o th e Hermetic Axiom
Tru e Hermetic Transmutation is a
Mental Ar t — The K yb alion
. .

In the above axiom the Hermetists teach


that the great work Of influencing one s en ’

v ir on m en t is accomplish ed by Mental
Power The Universe being wholly mental
H er m e tic Ax iom s 223

it follows th a t it may be ruled only by

Mentality And in this truth is to be

found an explanation of all the phenomena

and manifestations of the various mental
powers which a re attracting so much at
tenti on and study in these earlier years
o f the Twentiet h Century Back of and .

under the teachings of the various cults

and schools remains ever constant the

principle of the Mental Substance Of the

Universe If the Universe be Mental in

it s substanti al nature then it follows that


Ment al Transmutation must change the

conditions and phenomena Of the Universe .

If the Universe is Mental then Mind mus t ,

be the highest power a ff ecting its ph enom

ena If this be understood then all th e

so called miracles and wonder work

- -

ings are see n plainly for what they are .

THE ALL is MI ND ; The Universe is
Menta —The K yba lion .

F I N! !

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