Memory - of Water and Origin of Living Matter (Ignat Ignatov) - Scientific R

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"Memory" of Water and Origin of Living Matter (Ignat Ignatov) - Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)

Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)

Swiss Prize 2003, Vernadski's Prize 2003, Chizhevski's Prize 2005, Hahnemann's Prize 2007

Conferences “Memory” of Water and Origin of Living Matter
❍ Energy Biomedicine Bioresonance Effect
❍ Water Memory »
❍ Homeopathy Ignat Ignatov – Biophysicist
Biotherapeutists Water is the foundation of life. It is still a mystery for science hownon-living matter transformed into a living one.
New properties ofwater have to be studied, though it seems like we know all about italready.

In March 2004 an American space probe found“traces’ of water on Mars and salt in a dried uplake. Scientists can
already presume that perhaps there has been andstill is life on this planet.

Search On two of Saturn’s satellites American space probesfound traces of water.

In July 2005 the American space apparatus “DeepImpact” shot a projectile in the Temple 1 comet. The
basicmodule was at a significant distance and effected monitoring about theconsequences of the collision by
analyzing the chemical composition andstructure of the comet’s nucleus. The results will allow theevaluation of
the internal composition of the comet. This will helphumanity solve the puzzle about the origin of the Solar
Valid system and theorigination of living matter. American scientists have monitored threesections covered with ice in a
XHTML 1.0 small zone on the surface of thecomet’s nucleus. According to scientific opinion, water thathas transformed into
Strict ice contains many admixtures. It is presumed thata much larger quantity of ice is contained in the nucleus.
Scientistshave long reached the conclusion that comets are fragments from theformation of the Solar system 4,6
billion years ago.

Scientists are more and more convinced that the availabilityof water on space objects is more a rule, than an
exception. Theparadigm of public thinking with regard to the properties of water isalso changing.

In 2001 scientists from the scientific and research center IMSat NASA and the University of Santa Cruz,
California, conducted anexperiment close to the conditions of the young Solar system.

A mixture of different substances (water, methanol, carbonicacid and carbon dioxide) was cooled down to 10° К
( –263,16° С ).

The mixture was irradiated with an ultraviolet light of thesame wavelength that has existed in the dense
molecular cloud fromwhich the Solar system was structured. Organic molecules were formed.In this mixture self-
organizing structures with dimensions of 10 µm were found. By their form they are bubbles resemblingcells.

Living organisms and man are complex self-organizing systems.

They areopen, because they continually exchange substances
and energy with theenvironment. The changes in the open
systems are relatively stable intime. The stable correlation (1 of 7) [5-11-2007 21:44:57]
"Memory" of Water and Origin of Living Matter (Ignat Ignatov) - Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)

between the components in an open systemis called a

dissipative structure (Nikolis, Prigozhin, 1973)

It has been proven experimentally that water is also aself-

organizing system (Antonov, Galabova, 1992). The expectations
arethat changes in water as a result of an external influence will
berelatively stable in time.

This signifies that water “remembers”physical or chemical

influences. The question about water“memory” is of exceptional
interest. Yet one canhardly explain the origination of living
matter without this property.The first research studies, related
to the memory of water, wereeffected by Deryagin and Churaev (1971). The durability of the resultsin time after
an “activation” with an alternatingmagnetic field and upon electrolysis through a nuclear filter wereperformed by
Minenko (1981) and Evseev (1982). Analyses have beencarried out on the changes in the spectrum of natural
waters (Antonovand co-authors, 1995).

According to the originator of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger,living organisms decrease their own entropy at
the expense of theincrease of environmental entropy. According to Prigozhin, theformation of dissipative
structures and their complication is relatedto changes in entropy.

The origination of a living cell is possible under extremeconditions and, with time, the stabilization of said
conditions, whichpreserves the originating structures. The formed self-organizingstructure aims to safeguard its
state from the conditions of theexternal environment. This calls for the universal solvent –water – with its unique
properties and specific substances.The vitality of living matter is proved even in the existence ofarchi-bacteria.
They live in conditions of strong radioactivity, lowtemperatures, in volcano craters.

It looks like the water drop evaporates gradually.

Antonov andYuskeselieva prove a new physical
effect. The water drop evaporatesdiscreetly
(unevenly). This effect depends on the energy
states of thehydrogen bonds between the oxygen
atoms of the water molecules and thehydrogen
atoms of neighboring molecules.

Antonov and Galabova prove through spectral

analysis thatwater is an open and self-organizing
system. Water and the livingorganisms react
sensitively to energy flows and store information
fromthe environment. They apply the method of
the DifferentialNon-equilibrium Energy Spectrum

The water molecule clusters are the smallest and

most unstableself-organizing structures in Nature
(Ignatov, 2005). Changes in thewater clusters as a
result of internal influences could be
relativelystable in time. The larger the cluster formation, the longer timeinformation is stored regarding the
physical or chemical factor. Stableself-organizing structures are obtained, which could carry futureinformation
concerning living matter.

Water molecules are restructured as a result of externalinfluences. When they have received energy, they
transfer informationabout their status to neighboring molecules through hydrogen bonds.This is done on the
resonance principle (Zenin, 2002 ), (Ignatov, 2005). (2 of 7) [5-11-2007 21:44:57]
"Memory" of Water and Origin of Living Matter (Ignat Ignatov) - Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)

In order to explain the structuring of clusters, one

shouldapproach it from a quantum-mechanic way. In the
contrary case, onewould find it hard to explain how the water
molecules are structured ingeometric clusters (“polymers”).

The classic polymer – this is a molecule in whichthe atoms are

connected through covalent bonds, not through hydrogenones.
It is experimentally proven, that 10% of the hydrogen bonds
inice are covalent (Isaac, 2002).

The Japanese scientist Emoto managed to visualize

thearrangement of the water molecules in clusters by freezing
the waterafter different types of influences. The crystals of
frozen water arearranged in a certain way. The ice “remembers”
thepre-history of the liquid water phase after an influence has beeneffected. He conducted an experiment by
influencing water withdifferent frequencies. The interesting thing is that the higher thefrequency, the clearer the
pictures. This is a visible proof that waterreacts differently to different influences (Emoto, 2002).

With the origination and

evolution of living matter, the
watermolecules, the cells and
the tissues exchange
biophysical fields amongthem.
Depending on the energy
status, the energy from the
environmentis either received in
the living organisms
(“give”mode) or is lost (“take”
mode) (Ignatov, Antonov,
Galabova, 1998). The same
authors prove that in“give” and “take” mode anenergy redistribution is effected between water molecules. The
durationof the information stored is three months.

cells and
of the
theory is
The (3 of 7) [5-11-2007 21:44:57]

"Memory" of Water and Origin of Living Matter (Ignat Ignatov) - Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)

bioresonancemanifestations in tissues are proven upon influence of biophysicalfields on the visual analyzer in
“give” and“take” mode (Ignatov, Tzaneva, 1995). The‘bearer’ of biophysical information is also provenwith
bioresonance. Comparatively weak electromagnetic and biophysicalfields provoke significant biophysical and
biological effects on livingorganisms. The fundamental thing is that the basic frequencies afterinfluence of
biophysical fields on water and tissues coincide. Thebasic bioresonance frequencies are found in the
electromagneticdiapason, in which the Earth receives energy from the Sun. And thisenergy restructures the bio-
computer called water.

There exist interesting proof already that several moleculesfrom a certain substance can significantly change the
structure ofwater clusters. Homeopathy is a classical example for this. Experimentswere conducted under the
leadership of the eminent French immunologistBenveniste. The homeopathic principle was reproduced on
biologicalmodels. When to one of the immune cells types in man specificantibodies interacting with them were
added, a cell reaction wasobserved. Upon decrease of the concentration of the antibodies in somedilutions, an
effect was observed, and in other cases – itdisappeared. Such an alteration of biological activity of“solutions” was
also observed in concentrationswhen the probability of the presence of even one protein molecule wasonly slight.
The authors presumed that the transfer of biologicalinformation was due to the “memory” of water.

Experiments have been conducted with inorganic substances,which were diluted according to the homeopathic
principle. Ray decidedto disprove the homeopathic views. He diluted sodium chloride ( NaCl )and lithium chloride
( LiCl ) to a minus tenth degree. He alsoresearched water with thermo-luminescence. The strange thing was
thatthe researched solutions had a different spectrum.

Research has been effected concerning the changes in thespectrum of homeopathic solutions from 1 to 30
potencies(“solutions”) (Delinick, Ignatov, 2005). Theresearch was conducted through the DNES method of
natrium muraticum (NaCl) . At 1 CH the solution has 0,01 %, and at 2 CH it contains0,0001% of NaCl, etc. In
this process the solution passes the Avogadronumber. After this value it is accepted that no molecules of
thediluted substance are present.

Analyses show that up to 6 CH, the changes in the homeopathicsolutions are close to the result at 1 CH. At 5 CH
the concentration ofthe solution is 10-10 for NaCl, as in Ray’sexperiments. After 11 CH, the result is close to or is
in the frameworkof the statistical error.

The larger
number of
molecules of
NaCl in the
initial potencies
for stability of
the clusters
formed from
the (4 of 7) [5-11-2007 21:44:57]
"Memory" of Water and Origin of Living Matter (Ignat Ignatov) - Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)

and the water
molecules. The
information to
the larger
aswell. This
information is
subsequently, it
is transferred
by water
molecules only.

There is
proof that
water lies in
living matter in
the favorable
conditions of
our planet.
theproperty of
“memory”, one
the origination
of living matter.
The clusters,
evolution. The
element that
has playeda
decisive role is
carbon (C). It is
the most widespread of all heavychemical elements in the Universe. The small size of the atom allowsfor the
carbon chains to bend. An indicator for the organic origin ofcarbon on Earth is the change of the ratio between
its isotopesС12 and С13 for 3,8 billion years. (5 of 7) [5-11-2007 21:44:57]

"Memory" of Water and Origin of Living Matter (Ignat Ignatov) - Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)

Yet what is the probability for a formation of water clusters, microelements and additional conditions to create
organic molecules, and,subsequently, living cells. Lets look at the smallest living cells. Thesmallest bacterium
Micrococcus progrediens is 0,1 µm indiameter. The myco plasma is also 0,1 µm. This means thatthese cells are
1000 larger in diameter than the hydrogen atom. Themyco plasma has the requisite macro molecules for the
existence of aliving cell. The interesting thing for it is that it has a flexiblemembrane, not a solid one, like the
other cells. The myco plasmareproduces through the formation of coccus-like structures or division.The electric
properties of the membrane, which is 0,1 µmwide, do not differ from those of the remaining cells.

The structure of clusters of water molecules with dimensions 1,1 µm / 1,1 µm / 203 Å is stableregarding the
effectuation of biological processes. (Zenin, 2002).

The mathematical probabilities for the formation of stable

waterclusters cannot be computer calculated. The computer can
calculate theprobable positions of 8 water molecules. This is a proof
for the hugepotential of the “memorization” of water.

The presence of the micro elements carbon (C), calcium (Ca),

magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), etc., could lead to the formation
ofcluster structures that are more stable in time. The stability of
theseclusters depends on the resonance between the separate
molecules. Theavailability of carbon compounds and ions of
chemical elements couldlead to an uncompensated electric charge
and potential in a structurethat is stable for the effectuation of
biological processes. In thecluster structures, the information
between the organic and watermolecules can be stored on the
grounds of bioresonance.

Research has been conducted, proving the increase of theamplitude

of the signal at certain frequencies, which is characteristicfor
resonance. Most detailed are the calcium carbonate studies
(Antonovand co-authors, 1992), sodium chloride (Delinick, Ignatov, 2005), etc.Certain amplitudes have been
proven in bioresonance interaction ofbiophysical fields with water molecules (Ignatov, 2005). The proof forthe
part played by calcium carbonate upon origination of living matter(Ignatov, Antonov, Galabova, Stoyanov, 2001)
is that the most ancientphotosynthesizing organisms have a compex layer-like structure fromthis compound. The
first evidences for the presence of water date fromthis stage.

The conduct of an electric bio-current and the structuring ofthe cellular membrane has made possible the
transition from non-livingto living matter. Additional experiments are required for theclarification of this process.
Erythrocytes consist of a cellularmembrane only, and blood contains 92% water. Life on Earth has aunified origin,
because each living cell has 20 amino acids, 2carbohydrates and 1 phosphate. The American scientists Wenter
and theNobel laureate Smith plan to create a single-cell organism inlaboratory conditions. If they succeed, this
organism will contain aminimal number of genes and will be able to eat and divide. (6 of 7) [5-11-2007 21:44:57]

"Memory" of Water and Origin of Living Matter (Ignat Ignatov) - Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)

Under certain conditions one could also speak of“activated” water. Yet this statement bringssuspicions in some
scientists. It is proven that cancer cells“lacerate” the energy hydrogen bonds between watermolecules the most
(Antonov, Galabova, 1992). The bloodplasma of person who has died from a malignant tumor does not react
tobiophysical fields (Tushmalova, 2001). Yes, water can be‘activated’ and bear information regarding theliving.
One of Emoto’s experiments shows crystallized waterafter a strong earthquake (A) and 3 months later (B). A
conclusion canbe drawn from this experiment too that, under favorable conditions,water can concentrate
information in a small volume of water clusters.

Defrosted water is exceptionally “active”. Inspring, an increase of the

amplitudes in the spectrum of water,measured through the DNES
method is observed. In this season birds andanimals drink water from
defrosted ice. Plants also grow quickly fromthis water. Defrosted water
has a stimulating effect and is usedsuccessfully for the convalescence
of diseased people after anoperation. Scientists from the Royal Medical
Institute in Stockholmreport of a successful treatment of diabetes with
defrosted water. Thehealing properties of defrosted water are due not
only to the more“active” spectrum, but also to the elementdeuterium.
The water molecules in which the hydrogen atoms are from
thedeuterium isotope have difficulty passing through the
cellularmembrane. Marinov reported of a quick growth of flowers in
Siberia.Together with Russian scientists in the 70ies, he proved that A B
the waterin the region contained less deuterium. Experiments were
conductedproving “activation” of the spectrum of water,which is frosted after bioinfluence in “give” modeand
defrosted before the spectral analysis.

© Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics. All rights reserved. Design: Vsevolod Yatsevich (7 of 7) [5-11-2007 21:44:57]

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