App-16.2 - RISK ASSESSMENT For Construction of in Situ Foundation & Installation of Package Substation.

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RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Template

Risk Assessment No.

Revision No.

Method Statement No. QS049-P01-SMC-CON-MST-A17260

Work Details
Construction of In situ Foundation & Installation of Package Substation.
Origination Contractor ( IOSH Managing Safely Certified):
Name Position Signature Date

Loveson Glariyans Deputy HS&S Manager 28-09-2020

Review & Accepted by Contractor Senior Team Member (IOSH Managing Safely Certified)
Name Position Signature Date

Anish S Pillai HS&S Manager 28-09-2020

Review & Accepted by GEC Senior Team Member (IOSH Managing Safely Certified):
RA Validity Start
Name Position Signature

Distribution List
1. Xxx 4.xxxx 5.xxxx

Note: This activity Risk Assessment is valid for ONE month from GEC approval or less if the original activity location/surrounding/environment/hazards
changes (new Risk Assessment is required)

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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-040
RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019
Next Review
Date (one
Risk Assessment No.: month from Revision No. 00 Person Conducting Original Assessment (IOSH Managing Safely Certified):
RIR-00011 approved
Activity: Name Signature Date

Location: Specific Chainages reference & attach sketch/drawing highlighting area of the specific activity area 1. Engineer (Owner)

Persons exposed: 8 Employees: 6 other workers: None Public/Visitors: None Young Persons: None 2. H&S rep (Reviewer)
Total at risk: Persons Supervising Work: Name & Position Title
Hazards which create potential for harm Notes
General working ✘ Refuelling ✘ Temporary works 1. Likelihood of harm: Likely = 3, Possible = 2, Unlikely = 1
Heavy Plant Movement ✘ Manual handling ✘ Safety barrier ✘ Severity of harm: Major Injury = 3
Notifiable Occurrence = 2
Site access/egress ✘ Plant/vehicles ✘ Contaminated ground ✘ Minor Injury = 1
Working with Crash 2. If following controls there remains a result greater than or equal to 4 in column
Work on/adjacent to water COSHH 7, refer the assessment to your Project Manager for a review of the controls.
Further controls should be implemented to reduce the degree of risk.
Excavation ✘ Vandalism/Theft
3. If our operations are likely to affect pedestrians or the safe operation of a
Adverse weather ✘ Buried services ✘
public transport system, the control measures must reduce the likelihood of
Excavating using Quick Hitch ✘ Delivery wagons significant harm to the level that existed before our work commenced.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
 All persons on site has to attend MEDGULF-SACYR
1. Activity: Site JV HSE Induction prior to work on site
planning and Setting  All activities have to be supervised by a competent
Out. supervisor
 Pre task briefing (STARRT talk) to all operatives by
Hazards: Protruding the Supervisors at the beginning of each shift/activity
 Temporary traffic control arrangement to be Site
Rebars, High Speed,
errant vehicles, implemented for survey work on traffic roads.
Unattended Survey  Rebars used for survey marking must be protected
2 3 6 1 3 3 Supervisors, Daily
tools, Prolonged with rebar caps.
exposure to heat and  Do not leave survey tools/total stations on
Inspectors &
humidity, working pedestrian/traffic routes unattended. Contractor
without permits-  Close supervision should be ensured during the
penalties and work activity.
stoppage from legal  Personnel must wear high visibility clothing.
authorities, site induction  Provide shaded area and drinking water.
 Emergency First Aid arrangement provided.

2. Activity: 2 3 6  All operators and riggers involved in mechanical lifting 1 3 3 Site Daily
Transportation of must be trained (3rd party trained as required) and Managers,
Personnel and Materials competent. Engineers.

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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-040
RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
 Close supervision should be ensured during the
 Proper manual handling methods should be followed.
 All mechanical lifting gears must regularly be
inspected and should be in good condition.
 All Lifting Equipment and tackles must be 3rd party
certificated with valid license.
 All documents must be available at workplace
(MS/RA, Equipment certifications, etc.).
 Mobile crane must be located in a suitable area for its
safe operation.
 Do not exceed load capacity while lifting as per the
load chart and SWL of Equipment.
 Access must be clear from the obstruction.
 Lifting radius must be properly barricaded and sign
Hazards: Over boards placed to restrict entry while lifting.
Speeding, Fatigue,
 Proper lifting points must be used for safe lifting and
extreme weather
counterweight considered.
conditions e.g. Fog,
 Proper storage of lifting tackles and lifting gears must
Rain, Sandstorms, High Supervisors,
be ensured (before and after job).
wind etc. Irregular H&S
Shaped Loads, heavy  Adjacent structure must be considered while swinging
load, use taglines to guide load. Inspectors &
loads, improper rigging Contractor
of materials, Loads not  Do not work/stand under suspended load.
secured properly on  Do not overload Transport vehicles and secure loads
vehicles, pinch points properly before travelling.
and Equipment erected  Overhead power lines to be avoided prior to lifting,
properly, overhead shifting or setup of equipment.
power lines.  Task related PPE to be used.

3) Activity: Working in 2 3 6  Task related PPE to be used. 1 3 3 Site Daily

exposed worksite.  Provide adequate welfare facilities not limited to Managers,
clean cold drinking water, Rest shelters, sanitary Engineers.
Hazards: High facilities and Fans/ACs. Supervisors,

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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-040
RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
 Schedule activity during low temperature/humidity
 Limit workers exposure to heat and humidity.
temperature and  Rest shelters to be equipped with chairs and fan for
humidity, prolonged workers to take breaks.
exposure to heat.  Emergency contacts conspicuously posted.
Inspectors &
Lack of drinking and  Provide adequate Emergency first-aid equipment Contractor
sanitary facilities, No and competent first aiders.
Cool rest shelters.  Oral Rehydration solution to be provided.
 Heat Stress awareness training to be delivered to

4) Heavy Plant Moving-  Flashing beacons, reversing sirens, plant to adhere

Hazards: Collision of to speed limit and keep to site haul route. No
vehicles with site reversing without a banksman.
personnel and/or other  .
vehicles  All personnel to wear hi-vis vests and ensure Engineers.
Collision of vehicles with operator stopped working and aware of workers if
3 3 9 2 3 6 Supervisors, Daily
site personnel and other entering machine work area. If plant need to cross H&S
vehicles. This could public roads, then traffic management needs to be in Inspectors &
occur during place. Contractor
mobilisation of  Where possible pedestrian should be segregated
construction plant and from plant working areas. 15 KM site speed limit
equipment to site and shall be implemented and enforced.
during loading
 Provide safe access and platform for working and
maintain safe access to use in case of emergency.
Which is detailed in Emergency response plan.
Emergency rescue arrangements should be in place.
5) Activity: - Accesses Site
Conduct training on emergency response, conduct
and egress to work Managers,
emergency mock drill at least once in 6 months.
platform /area Engineers.
3 3 9 1 3 3 Daily
Hazards: No access to Supervisors,
 First aiders to be in place, 1 first aider for every 25
come out in case of an H&S
labour. Name and contact details of first aider shall be
emergency. Inspectors
posted on site.
 First aid kit /facility to be at the working place.
 Incident escalation matrix to be posted on site and
6) Activity: - Night work 3 3 9  Permission to start night work from relevant authority 1 3 3 Site Daily
Hazards: In adequate should be available, including client and consultant. Managers,
lighting, Injuries or Tool box talk shall be carried out prior start of night Engineers.
incidents or any other work & ensure that everyone aware of emergency Supervisors,
emergency situations procedure. H&S
 proper lighting arrangement should be arranged & Inspectors
regularly inspected

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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-040
RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
 Plant operating equipment should be operated with
care and speed limitations should be followed
 No operation of equipment without proper lighting
 All personnel should wear reflective High way jackets
and clear glasses.
 To ensure that all workers are properly using their
PPE for corresponding work activity
 Electrical work to be performed by qualified electrical
personnel and standby electrician should be
available. Generators shall be fuelled prior to
commencement of extended work and shall be
provided with fire extinguishers.
 Torches must be available in site for emergency
Proper and dedicated supervision should be carried
 Safety personnel & First aider should be available in
site with emergency stand by vehicle

7) Activity: Excavation 3 3 9  Toolbox Talks (TBT)/training should be conducted 1 3 3 Site Daily

works before commencement of activity (MS/RA, Lifting Managers,
Plan, Combined Utility Drawing etc. to be briefed.) Engineers.
Hazards: unidentified  Excavation permit to be obtained from concerned Supervisors,
underground utilities, department as required. H&S
Cave-in Improper  Trial Pits to be conducted prior to mechanical digging. Inspectors &
Access/egress,  Use equipment with less Noise and Emission e.g. Contractor
Unprotected deep Drum cutters near residential areas.
excavation Inadequate  All materials, plant and equipment will be checked to
barricading, poor ensure that they are in good condition.
visibility, Spoils dumped  Ensure good housekeeping & safe material storage
at the edge of
 All mechanical excavators and Operators must have
excavation, Loose Soils
the relevant License and Third-Party Certificates from
and cracked side walls.
approved agency.
Heavy equipment Blind
 Temporary safety barriers should be used to protect
Spots. Excessive Noise
workers and the travelling public from excavations
& Dust, emission
that are more than 300mm deep
 Supervisor needs to visually check the temporary
Excavation support system before sending workers
into deep excavations.
 Stable safe access and egress means must be
provided for every excavation.
 Maintain safe distance from equipment.
 Materials should be kept away from the edge of the
excavations and prevent rolling towards by
chocks/toe boards and mesh as necessary.
 Temporary supports shall always be installed for all

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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-040
RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
exposed existing utilities.
 Temporary supports shall remain in place until the
area is backfilled.
 Proper Dust mitigation to be followed.
 Ensure the use of proper and suitable PPE’s for the
 Underground utilities to be marked and cleared prior
to work commence.
 Banksman to be assigned for all reversing and
rotating equipment.

8) Activity: Manual  As per JV HSE plan No Material should be lifted by a
Handling. single person if the weight exceeds 25 KG.
 All labours should have manual handling TBT /
Hazards: Training. Site
Sustained or high force.  Equipment should be lifted or lowered by mechanical Managers,
sustained awkward means where possible. Engineers.
posture. 3 2 6  Operative should not lift beyond their capabilities and 1 2 2 Supervisors,
repetitive movements. share loads with fellow operatives or separate the H&S
exposure to sustained load when possible. Inspectors &
vibration.  PPE (gloves) are to be worn, fingers should not be Contractor
loads that are unstable, beneath the load when placing the load down.
unbalanced or hard to  Vibrating breaker tools must not be used beyond the
hold. daily limit and rotated through the team.
9) Activity: - Working 3 3 9  Only Certified Scaffolder’s shall be engaged for 1 3 3 Site Daily
at Height erecting & dismantling and inspect the scaffolding. Managers,
Hazards: Falling from  Safety harness shall be used all the time while Engineers.
height working at height above 2 meters. Supervisors,
Falling objects  Fall protection (guard rails, fitted to scaffolds, safety H&S
Slip/Trip harness) to be considered over the use of PPE i.e. Inspectors
Collapse of scaffold Advanced rail method, scaffold built to design,
EN12811 or user manual.
 PTW shall be implemented before start of activity.
 The surrounding area shall be cordoned off where
possible with barrier tape with adequate warning
signs such as “Caution -Scaffolding In Progress”.
 Weather conditions shall be monitored and
considered when erecting, dismantling or moving
scaffold boards and tubes (rain/high wind). The
maximum safe working wind speeds for all
construction activity and in particular lifting operations
and Working at height activity is 25 Knots.
 Users of scaffolding are to be prohibited from altering
or dismantling any part of scaffolding.
 All scaffolding that does not display green scaff tag

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RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
for use will be fitted with red scaff tag states that the
scaffolding is not fit for use and the access points will
be removed or made unusable.
 Scaffolding should comply with SAMG JV HSE Plan.
 Ladders should be inspected at least once a week. All
ladders should be color coded.
10) Activity: - Steel 3 3 9  As per JV HSE plan No Material should be lifted by a Site
work single person if the weight exceeds 25 KG. Managers,
Hazards: Manual  All labours should have manual handling TBT / Engineers.
handling Training. Supervisors,
Musculo-skeletal injury,  Steel bars should be lifted or lowered by mechanical H&S
cuts, abrasions, impact. means where possible Inspectors &
Fire hazards. Burn and  Operative should not lift beyond their capabilities and Contractor
injuries share loads with fellow operatives or separate the
Electricity hazard : load when possible.
Electric shock from  PPE (gloves) are to be worn, fingers should not be
damaged cables, burns , beneath the load when placing the load down
fire.  Vibrating breaker tools must not be used beyond the
Noise and vibration daily limit and rotated through the team
 manually moving steel bars could hit and injure other
people. The steel work area to be kept isolated by
installing orange mesh around steel work area.
Prevent unauthorised entry into the steel work area.
Install sign boards.
 Operators for grinders to be competent or given in
house training, records of such to be maintained.
 All grinders must have their fixed guards in place at
all times when in use. Ensure grinding disc and guard
are not damaged. Ensure power cord and motor are
not damaged. Safety goggles, face visor safety
footwear and hearing protection to be worn while
grinder is in operation. No loose clothing and wear Hi-
Vis shirt. Keep other people clear of work area and
erect barricade or screen if necessary. Make sure
work place is secure. Grinding machine to be
switched off before setting aside and immediately if
blade jams. Make sure fingers, hands and power cord
are well clear of revolving disc.
 Before using portable grinders ensure that the
surrounding area is free from combustible materials
otherwise fires may occur. Housekeeping is an
important requirement for all work teams, hot work
permit required when using abrasive wheels /
grinders / discs. Fire watch required with dry powder
 Always use safety gloves to prevent burns and hand
injuries. Switch off unit before attempting to touch
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RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
grinding wheel. Do not touch work surfaces that have
just been worked on. Unit to be switched off when
there is a grinding wheel jam. Keep other people
clear of work area. Stop other persons from operating
the unit. Firm footwear to be worn and care taken to
prevent slips and trips. Unit to be allowed to cool
down and unplugged before carrying out any
 Operators to check machine for cable for cracks or
cuts in PVC cover, motor or grinding wheel damage.
Check where cable enters grinder casing that the
wires are not lose or bare wires showing. Any
deficiencies found, grinder to be returned to Stores
for repair. Firm footwear to be worn and care taken to
prevent slips and trips. Safety gloves to be worn
 Ensure there is a safety overload device in the power
circuit. Makes sure power cord does not tangle with
grinding wheel. Routine inspection and maintenance
have to be carried out by authorized personal from
JV. Monthly color coding system should be
implemented. The use of 110 VOLTS grinders is
mandatory. JV have to appoint competent persons to
mounting the abrasive wheel. Dead man switch,
emergency stopper switch & ELCB should available.
 Operator and other persons in the vicinity to wear
hearing protection. Conduct operative importance of
wearing PPE for grinding operations. Adequate signs
in place to aware workers to use Adequate PPE.
1.BS EN 166 39 B full-face visor shall be worn when
using pedestal and angle grinder, plus safety
3.Safety boots with a heel, good grip and steel toe
cap (200 joule)
4. Ear defenders or disposable ear plugs.
5. Respiratory protection (to BS EN 149 FFP2S) may
be required if prolonged grinding is necessary.
6. Wear Grip gloves when using pedestal and angle
 Control all hot work with hot work permit.
 Always have an extinguisher present.
 Remove flammable materials and waste from the
area prior to start of work.
 Use fire blankets to protect other materials and
 Provide competent fire watch man in every hot works
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RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
 All lifting equipment shall be inspected and certified
by SAMG JV, Third party & JV Equipment inspector
 Shuttering personnel shall be equipped with and use
full body harness while working at height.
 Tools and equipment shall be handled carefully to
11) Activity: Form prevent fall from height.
works  PTW precautions must be strictly observed and
Hazards: Site
implemented at site.
Falling of shuttering Managers,
 Tag lines shall be used.
materials. Engineers.
 Personnel shall be provided with a safe work platform
Personnel falling from 3 3 9 1 3 3 Supervisors,
at height.
height. H&S
Improper handling.  Entry of unauthorized personnel shall not be Inspectors &
Exposed nails in permitted. Contractor
shuttering  Proper access shall be provided.
 Work area must be kept tidy and all surplus materials
shall be removed from site.
 All shuttering materials shall be always de-nailed so
as to avoid injuries. Proper storage of shuttering
materials and to be cordoned off.

12) Activity: - Concrete 2 3 6  Vibrating pokers are to be used for short period only, 1 3 3 Site Daily
works  Vibrator should be checked by competent person Managers,
Hazards: before use. Engineers.
Vibration/noise  Vibrator should be well maintained and colour coded. Supervisors,
Concrete spillage  Reduce the time of exposure by ensuring job rotation H&S
Risk of concrete burns/ so as to reduce the risk of hand arm vibration Inspectors &
splash in eyes. syndrome. Contractor
 Operatives are to rotate when using vibrating
equipment (Rock drills, cleaning brushes and cut off
 PPE is to be worn, eye, skin emersion protection,
Hand gloves.
 Appropriate ear protection such as Ear Plugs/Muffs
will be used to protect ear drums from the exposure
of noise level 85 DBA.
 Safe lifting techniques for using of shutters and
 Chatters to be checked prior to the pour by
competent person.
 Concrete to be directly from concrete delivery vehicle
 Eating and drinking prohibited whilst working with
 Safety Data sheets for all hazardous material/
chemicals/concrete must be held at the work place,
individual must know the risks.
 Correct application of products used as per the
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RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
manufactures guide.
 Limit number of persons exposed to concrete
 Provided correct PPE for concrete works/ rubber
gloves boots.
 Clean water available to wash off splashed concrete
 All MSDS for Concrete / chemicals to be
communicated to workforce. (hazards, handling,
precautions, storage and Disposal)Chemical
management awareness should be conducted to the
people dealing with Chemicals.
 Ensure spill prevention plan is in place as per SAMG
JV CEMP. Spill kits to be available on site.
 Only an approved concrete wash out area to be used
for washing the concrete.

 All Waste to be segregated, labelled and disposed as

 Dust control to be in place, water suppression and
speed limit. To be followed. Stock piles with fine sand
to be covered.
 Trucks carrying sand /spoil to be covered.
 Usage of covered generators and machinery in good
condition to reduce noise.

13)Environmental 3 2 6  Check fuel level. Use automatic fuel dispenser. 1 2 2 Site Daily
Protection) Refueling of  Install drip tray before refuelling. Managers,
pump and equipment in  Use of Spill kit. Store all oily rags in appropriate fire- Engineers.
site and Waste storage approved steel containers. Supervisors,
and Segregation  Use required PPE. H&S
 Use rubber gloves, rubber boots, eye protection and Inspectors
mask. Ensure selection of vehicles/ equipment in
optimum state. Routine maintenance to keep
equipment in best state.
 Discourage equipment being left with engine running
idle when not in use.
 Noise survey and classification/ signing of high
noise zones with recommendation of controls
ranging from putting of noise screen in place around
noisy equipment to required use of hearing
protection PPE.
 Conduct regular Preventive Maintenance of
 Conduct inspection at least once a year by 3rd party
competent inspectors or gas emission of the Qatar
 Air preventions regulations recognized by client.

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RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
Minimize the number of equipment maintenance
areas by consolidating maintenance activities into
designated central areas except for large stationary
 If practical, stationary equipment will be placed in
secondary containment or will have a drip pan
placed under vehicle/equipment prior to
commencing any maintenance.
 All areas will have spill kits readily available as
previously discussed. When possible, maintenance
activities should be performed over impermeable
surfaces (e.g. concrete, pavement) and all
maintenance personnel should follow spill
prevention measures, For example, when
hydraulic/fuel hoses are disconnected, they should
be drained into an appropriate container and the
end capped or bagged to contain any residual fluid.
 Filters or materials saturated with petroleum
products will be drained into an appropriate
container to remove any free product prior to
 Hazardous materials, petroleum products, and used
drained filters will be properly stored in the
appropriate containers that are clearly marked with
the lids securely attached.
 Containers will be stored only in designated storage
areas. Appropriate waste storage areas will be
provided for waste containers at each facility.
 Hazardous and non-hazardous wastes will be
segregated in designated storage areas.
 These areas are to be indicated on the facility site
plan. Wastes must be stored in a manner to prevent.
Accidental spillage or leakage, Contamination of
soils and groundwater, Corrosion or wear of
containers, Loss of integrity from accidental
collisions or weathering, Theft by people and
Scavenging by animals.

14)(Environmental 3 2 6  It is possible that contaminated groundwater, if 1 3 3 Site Daily

Protection) present, could impact the built environment although Managers,
Contaminated during operation site and building design controls Engineers.
Groundwater can be put in place to prevent this, if required. Supervisors,
 Recycling, provided the water quality is suitable for H&S
its intended use. Recycling options include dust Inspectors
control, or wash down water.
 Physical parameters (after treatment), including pH,
electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total

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Issue Date : 23 April 2019

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Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
titrated acidity/ alkalinity and turbidity at the settling
tank/ pond overflow.
 Dewatering tank can remove sediment (sand, silt,
and visible oil). Analyse a water quality assessment
 Proper waste management and spill
prevention/control measures, these impacts could
be controlled/minimized during the construction
phase of the dewatering.
 Relevant hydrogeological information should be
used to decide upfront the expected duration of the
dewatering project (short or long term) and, for a
long-term project, whether dewatering can be
completed in a specified time or will be on going.
 Purpose of dewatering (an explanation of why
dewatering is necessary). Description of dewatering
technique to be employed.
 Anticipated dewatering flow rate, duration and total
SAMGJV Summer Management Plan to be
Heat stress to be monitored
15) Working in
Ensure welfare facilities are available, rest shelters, Site
cooled rest/ break areas, easy access to cool water, Managers,
Hot climatic 3 3 9 toilets. 1 3 3 Daily
conditions, injuries /
Implementation of Flag system, and regular breaks H&S
Dehydration/ Heat
as required. Inspectors
Implementation of summer timing.
Regular training and awareness

 Appropriate means of lighting must be used in order to
light all working areas.
 Means of access/egress.
16) Night Works  Certified first Aiders with first Aid kits must be available. Managers,
- Poor visibilities and  Medical check-up for the labours to be conducted before Engineers.
Fatigue entering the site. Supervisors, Daily
3 3 9 1 3 3
Poor access/egress &  Emergency transportation vehicle to be standby on site. H&S
work area obstructed.  Work shift must be properly arranged to ensure site Inspectors &
workers are not exposed to work cycles of more than
12hours max.
All pinch point to be clearly identified and indicated
17) Emergency 3 3 9  Assembly point must be located to a safe area. 1 3 3 Site As required
- Fire, Explosion &  Emergency contact detail must be display on site. Managers,

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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-040
RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Control Control
Hazard Factors of Harm Risk Control Measures Factors of Harm
Measures Frequency
Monitored by Check Rate
Likelihood Severity Likelihood Severity
 Report to emergency response team.
 Trained and certified First aider shall be provided at all
work locations. EMERGENCY RESPONSE
 There shall be standby rescue team.
Contact with toxic gas. PLAN
 There shall be adequate FLOWCHART
access and egress.
Unpredictable tragedies.  Work area shall be (SERIOUS ACCIDENTS)
stopped in case of alarm. H&S
 Adequate means of communication shall be provided. Inspectors &
(Serious injury, Death).
 Emergency response and escape procedure will be Contractor

Supervisor at working location should call SAMG JV

 Emergency response procedure shall be communicated
Emergency Contact Number (# 31130699) to report the any accident
to all operatives.
and report to the restoration team if necessary.

Site Nurse calls for an AMBULANCE (# 999) informing the location

where to pick up the victim and report to Project Director and Deputy
Project Director

FIRST AID to be immediately applied to the victim by a medically

knowledgeable person (First Aider) who is nearest the ACCIDENT

All incidents must be reported to Supervision Consultant through

SAMG JV Project Director Major/fatal incidents must be reported by
phone to Duty Phone (SRE)

The VICTIM should be transported immediately to


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Document No. : PWA-RPD-HSS-FM-040
RPD Health & Safety Risk Assessment Revision No. : 0
Issue Date : 23 April 2019

Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

 During the activity all staff must be aware of the ERP for that activity. In the event of an injury during this task the HSE Officer shall ensure that first aid treatment is available for the
activity. The casualty shall be treated at the scene in the first instance. Should further treatment be required the closest vehicle to the scene of the incident shall be deemed the ERP vehicle
to take the casualty to the JV clinic for further treatment.
 In the unlikely event that somebody is struck by debris or the trencher itself the casualty shall not be moved at all unless there is an immediate threat to life by the location they are in or by
the nature of the injuries sustained. SAMG JV Emergency No: 31130699 ambulance shall immediately be called to the scene; in the meantime, the Primary First
Aider (REJOY HENRY 31388779) shall ensure the stability of the casualty.
 In the event of a fire during the activity then the fire extinguishers at the scene should be used to tackle the blaze if possible, all un required staff should be evacuated from the location to a
pre agreed location at the start of the activity.
 Civil Defence fire service should be called immediately to assist. All engines and electrical sources should be switched off and isolated.
 During in any ERP all other activities in the area shall immediately be stopped until advised otherwise by the Senior Staff at the scene.
 Once the ERP has been activated and the immediate threat is controlled the Project Management must be informed of the incident or accident.
 The scene should be sealed, either by staff or barriers if possible to ensure that his area remains the same for photographs and other investigation steps that may be required. Depending on
the nature and severity of the incident the Police may be required to attend the scene and to carry out their own investigation.
 For investigation purposes all people who were involved in the activity are to identify themselves to the HSE Officer to assist in the investigation.
 All staff involved in the activity must be aware of this ERP prior to the start of work.

ZONE -1 Nwosu Chiritiano 33621024
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ZONE -2 Rejoy Henry 31388779

RPD Health & Safety Assessment Briefing Register

Risk Assessment on Activity
Risk Assessment No.: Revision No.
Risk Assessment Validation Period:

No. Name (Print) Organisation Position Date Time Signature







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