SPLM #7 - Non-Sinusoidal Waveform

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Engr. Joey Telin
1. Understand the composition of a non sinusoidal wave.
2. Determine the response of a network to any input defined by a Fourier series
3. Learn how to add two or more waveforms defined by Fourier series expansions.
4. Solve rms values of current, voltage, and active power of a non sinusoidal
Pure sine waves are basic wave shapes from which other wave shapes can be constructed.
Any waveform that is not a pure sine wave consists of two or more sine waves. Adding the
correct frequencies at the proper phase and amplitude will form square waves,
saw tooth waves, and other non sinusoidal waveforms.
A waveform other than a sine wave is called a COMPLEX WAVE. You will see that a
complex wave consists of a fundamental frequency plus one or more HARMONIC
frequencies. The shape of a non sinusoidal waveform is dependent upon the type of
harmonics present as part of the waveform, their relative amplitudes, and their
relative phase relationships. In general, the steeper the sides of a waveform, that is, the
more rapid its rise and fall, the more harmonics it contains.
The sine wave which has the lowest frequency in the complex periodic wave is referred to as the
FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY. The type and number of harmonics included in the waveform are
dependent upon the shape of the waveform. Harmonics have two classifications — EVEN numbered
and ODD numbered. Harmonics are always a whole number of times higher than the fundamental
frequency and are designated by an integer (whole number). For example, the frequency twice as
high as the fundamental frequency is the SECOND HARMONIC (or the first even harmonic).
Although the sine wave is the ideal wave-form and is closely approached in modern
alternators operating at no-load, the load conditions in generators and commercial circuits
frequently cause considerable deviations from the sine wave. The recent widespread use of
power electronic devices (such as different kinds of rectifiers and converters) for electric
drives and other industrial load control usually results in heavy distortion of the sine waves
of currents and also voltages. The phasor method cannot be applied directly to non-
sinusoidal circuits. It is therefore necessary to consider some of the methods which are
helpful for non-sinusoidal analysis.
By the application of Fourier's theorem*, any periodic function (there are, however,
certain limitations: the function has to be single-valued and continuous except for a finite
number of finite discontinuities, and must not have an infinite number of maxima and
minima in the neighborhood of any point) can be completely expressed by a series of simple
sine and/ or cosine functions of different frequencies that are integral multiples of fo = l/To
where To is the period of the given periodic function. This decomposition of a periodic
function into a number of appropriately chosen sinusoids is a very powerful analytical
method. This method enables us, by using the superposition principle, to find the partial
responses produced in the given circuit by each sinusoidal component, and thereby to
obtain the desired complete response by means of superimposing the partial responses. In
this chapter we shall consider the Fourier method, i.e. we will show how we may represent
the given periodic function in terms of the familiar functions, and thus use phasors as
Most non-sinusoidal waves found in electrical engineering can be expressed in terms
of sine-wave components of different frequencies, i.e. they always satisfy the conditions
we mentioned in the introduction to this chapter. Then each sine component may be
handled according to the laws governing sinusoidal steady-state analysis.
The dc term of the Fourier series is the average value of the waveform over one
full cycle. If the net area above the horizontal axis equals that below in one full period, A0 = 0,
and the dc term does not appear in the expansion. If the area above the axis is greater than that
below over one full cycle, a0 is positive and will appear in the Fourier series representation. If
the area below the axis is greater, a0 is negative and will appear with the negative sign in the
w0 = 2π/T
- is called the fundamental frequency in rad/sec
Sin nw0t and Cos nw0t
- is called the nth harmonic of f(t)
An and Bn
- constants of the fourier series
- the amplitudes of the sinusoids in the ac component
Trigonometric form
Figure 5.1(a) shows, as an example, a non-sinusoidal current wave i, which is distorted
due to applying sine-wave voltage to a particular coil with an iron core. Some other
examples of non-sinusoidal functions are shown in Fig. 5.1(b). As can be seen, each of
these curves is a periodic function f(t) of period T, that is

As Fourier showed, such a function may be represented by the infinite series

The Fourier series representation of a non sinusoidal input can be applied to a linear
network using the principle of superposition. Recall that this theorem allowed us to
consider the effects of each source of a circuit independently. If we replace the
nonsinusoidal input with the terms of the Fourier series deemed necessary for practical
considerations, we can use superposition to find the response of the network to each
The total response of the system is then the algebraic sum of the values obtained for
each term. The major change between using this theorem for nonsinusoidal circuits and
using it for the circuits previously described is that the frequency will be different for
each term in the nonsinusoidal application. Therefore, the reactances

𝐸𝑚1 𝐼𝑚1 𝐸𝑚2 𝐼𝑚2

P = EdcIdc + cos (𝛼1 − 𝛽1 )+ cos (𝛼2 − 𝛽2 )+..
2 2
P = EdcIdc + 𝐸𝑟𝑚𝑠1 𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠1 cos (𝛼1 − 𝛽1 )+𝐸𝑟𝑚𝑠2 𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠2 cos (𝛼2 − 𝛽2 )+..

Where: Edc , Idc = DC voltage and current

𝐸𝑚1 , 𝐼𝑚1 , 𝐸𝑚2 , 𝐼𝑚2 = max values (peak values)
𝐸𝑟𝑚𝑠1 𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠1 , 𝐸𝑟𝑚𝑠2 𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠2 = rms values
The Fourier series expression for the waveform resulting from the addition or
subtraction of two non sinusoidal waveforms can be found using phasor algebra if the
terms having the same frequency are considered separately.
For example, the sum of the following two non sinusoidal waveforms is found using this
1. A capacitor of 3.18 microfarads is connected in parallel with a resistance of 2000
ohms. The combination is further connected in series with an inductance of 795mH and
a resistance of 100 ohms across a supply given by e = 400 sin wt + 80 sin(3wt+600).
Assume w = 314 rad/sec. Determine effective value of the current.
2. A capacitor of 3.18 microfarads is connected in parallel with a resistance of 2000
ohms. The combination is further connected in series with an inductance of 795mH and
a resistance of 100 ohms across a supply given by e = 400 sin wt + 80 sin(3wt+600).
Assume w = 314 rad/sec. Determine the power dissipated.

Cont.’ Problem 1
3. A capacitor of 3.18 microfarads is connected in parallel with a resistance of 2000
ohms. The combination is further connected to a series with an inductance of 795 mH
and a resistance if 100 ohms across a supply given by e = 400sin wt + 80sin (3wt + 600).
Assume w = 314 rad/s. determine the circuit power factor.

Cont.’ Problem 2
4. A series RL circuit in which R = 5 ohm and L = 20mH has an applied voltage e = 100 +
50 sin wt + 25 sin 3wt, with w = 500 rad/sec. Determine the power dissipated in the
resistor of the circuit.
5. A series circuit containing a 295µF capacitor and a coil whose resistance and
inductance are 3 ohm and 1.12 mH, respectively are supplied by the following series
connected generators: 35V at 60Hz, 10V at 180 Hz, and 8V at 240 Hz. Determine the
power factor of the circuit.
1. Determine the rms value of the current drawn by a 2µF condenser, which is
connected across a source of potential. The potential has third and fifth harmonic
components, which are 30% and 20% respectively of the fundamental. The
fundamental sinusoidal component has a peak value of 1000 volts and 60Hz
2. If e = 100 sin (wt + 300) – 50cos 3wt + 25 sin (5wt + 1500) and i = 20 sin (wt + 400) +
10 sin (3wt + 300) – 5 sin (5wt – 500). Calculate the power in watts.
3. Three sinusoidal generators and a battery are connected in series with a coil
whose resistance and inductance are 8 ohms and 26.53mH, respectively. The
frequency and rms voltages of the respective generators are 15 V, 20 Hz; 30 V, 60 Hz
and 40 V, 100Hz. The open circuit of the battery is 6V. Neglect internal resistance of
the battery. Find the apparent power delivered by the circuit.

1. Irms = 0.89 A
2. P = 918.5 watts
3. S = 194.4 VA

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