Activity # 2: Principles and Methods of Teaching Name: Maria Ellaine G. Diomampo

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Activity # 2

Principles and Methods of Teaching

Name: Maria Ellaine G. Diomampo

I. What are your thoughts about this statement?

“A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by teachers

to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly on subject
matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner. For a particular
teaching method to be appropriate and efficient it has to be in relation with the
characteristic of the learner and the type of learning”.

 I agree with the above-mentioned statement. For you to be able an

effective teacher and to promote student learning, you really need to
consider some factors in choosing your methods of teaching. One
factor to consider is what particular subject or learning outcome did
you want your students to learn. For example, Is it a Science subject?
Did it require hands-on experiments?

Another factor is what kind of learners do you have and how they are
learning? Are they learning through Visual? through Audio? through
Physical? through Verbal? Or through Social? Lessons must be age-
appropriate and must consider the diversities of your learners. It is
difficult but in planning ahead your lessons, you will be able to deliver it
to your students effectively.

II. Teacher-Centered-Method. Which method do you think will best work

for you?

 Direct Instruction-Direct instruction is the general term that refers to the

traditional teaching strategy that relies on explicit teaching through
lectures and teacher-led demonstrations. In this method of instruction,
the teacher might play one or all of the following roles: As the primary
teaching strategy under the teacher-centered method.

 Flipped Classrooms The idea of the flipped classroom began in 2007

when two teachers began using software that would let them record
their live lectures External link. By the next school year, they were
implementing pre-recorded lectures and sharing the idea of what
became known as the flipped classroom.

 Kinesthetic Learning Sometimes known as tactile learning" or "hands-

on learning", kinesthetic learning is based on the idea of multiple
intelligences External link, requiring students to do, make, or create. In
a kinesthetic learning environment, students perform physical activities
rather than listen to lectures or watch demonstrations.

 As I mentioned in my answer on Question No. 1, there’s a lot of things

to consider in choosing your methods of teaching depending on the
subject matter and characteristics of your learners. For me, among the
methods presented above, the Direct Instruction, Flipped Classrooms
and Kinesthetic Learning all works on me. I learned through lectures
and discussions, pre-recorded lessons also helped me a lot when I
need to review my lessons for an exam and do Hands-on activities for
me to apply my learnings from lectures and discussions.

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