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Name: Edel Guyuran Villanueva
Date: 11/23/2022

TEST 1. Fill in the blacks with the corresponding correct answer.

Cultural Sensitivity 1. It is being aware of cultural differences and similarities between
people that exist without assigning them a value-positive or negative, better or worse, right
or wrong.
Teaching Approach 2. It is a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning
which is translated into the classrooms.
Teaching strategies 3. It is the method and technique that a teacher will use to support
their learners through the learning process.
Schema 4. It is an approach that students learn by building upon their prior knowledge or
upon their schema.
Constructivist 5. These are tricks that work in the classroom.
6. In which students are required to act specific roles through saying or doing.
Lecture method 7. It is the oldest method of teaching. It is also known as traditional
teaching method.
Self-paced method 8. Allows students to design their own learning experience, not only at
their own pace, but according to their own interests.
Learners-Centered 9. Enables life-long learning & independent problem solving.
Reciprocal teaching 10. It is a teaching and learning strategy in which students take
turns acting as the teacher in small group.
Test II: Research and enumerates.
Choose at least 2 approaches that used in K-12 Curriculum and explain it. (5pts each)
1. Constructivist Approach
This approach is based on the central notion that learners construct their own
understanding of the
world around them based on experience as they live and grow. They select and transform
information from past and current knowledge and experience into new personal knowledge
The constructivist approach allows learners to be active in the process of
constructing meaning and knowledge rather than passively receiving information. It fosters
critical thinking and provides learners with a learning environment that helps them make
connections with their learnings.
Since the construction is the process of learning, teachers have a big role like

1. to influence, or create motivating conditions for students

2. take responsibility for creating problem situations
3. foster acquisition and retrieval of prior knowledge
4. create the process of learning not the product of learning

2. Collaborative Approach
Collaborative learning is a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to
learn something together. Unlike individual learning, people engaged in collaborative
learning capitalize on one another's resources and skills (asking one another for
information, evaluating one another's ideas, monitoring one another's work, etc.). More
specifically, collaborative learning is based on the model that knowledge can be created
within a population where members actively interact by sharing experiences and taking on
asymmetry roles.
Collaborative Learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves
groups o learners working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product.
In order to achieve a classroom where a collaborative learning approach works,
teachers must learners working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a
In order to achieve a classroom where a collaborative learning approach works,
teachers must fully understand learners' preferred learning styles and views of learning.
Classroom teachers may conduct group activities such as the following:
1. Online-Collaborative Learning
2. Jigsaw Method
3. Think-Pair-Share
Choose at least 2 methods that used in k-12 Curriculum and explain it. (5pts each)
3. Lecture Method- The lecture method is valuable and practical in any teaching approach.
It works best if supported or accompanied by more interactive techniques. To develop good
lectures, one must know the philosophy, mission, and vision of the educational institution
that the educator or teacher belongs to, one’s educational or pedagogical philosophy, and
care for the learners. Lectures could be made progressively dynamic through reflective
teaching or practicing the teach-think-grow habit. In this regard, there is a need to
appreciate the philosophies of education, redefine the lecture method, recreate
methodology, and sustain a reflective practice. A teacher must always have the resolve to
improve his or her pedagogical approach and continuously educate himself or herself and
learn more
4. The Reporting Method
One very popular method of teaching involves nothing but a simple act of reporting.
So popular is this method that certain teachers overuse it. To them, it seems to be the only
existing method of teaching. It is to be stressed time and again that any teaching method
loses its effectiveness the moment the teacher abuses its use. It could be very effective in a
particular classroom situation but not necessarily in another. That is why the unsettled will
never be resolved. The such query should not be raised in the first place for every teaching
method has its own rightful place in the teacher's primordial task of guiding and directing
the learning activities of his students.
Reporting method aims to provide students with information in a direct,
uninterrupted manner. It resembles a popular television format --- newscasting, a program
that many viewers never fail to watch. This is so because it keeps them properly informed
about certain events that take place every now and then. Similarly, the reporting method
serves the same purpose since it could offer students with adequately well-organized bits of
The task of reporting is commonly done by students. Initially, the teacher presents
the scope and coverage of the subject he teaches and later he assigns each student a
particular topic or topics to research and gives him certain pointers on how to deliver them
orally in front of the class. In this setup, the students tend to assume the responsibility of
learning the topics all alone by themselves. Thus, the reporting method has the following
(a) Not all students are good in reporting; and
(b) Not all classroom activities could be effectively done using this method.
It is worth mentioning at this point that the teacher should not entirely leave the
responsibility of reporting and giving the accompanying explanation to his students.
Choose at least 2 strategies that are used in K-12 Curriculum and explain it. (5pts each)
5. Role-play exercises give students the opportunity to assume the role of a person or act
out a given situation. These roles can be performed by individual students, in pairs, or in
groups which can play out a more complex scenario. Role plays engage students in real-life
situations or scenarios that can be “stressful, unfamiliar, complex, or controversial” which
requires them to examine personal feelings toward others and their circumstances
Unlike simulations and games which often are planned, structured activities and can
last over a long period of time, role play exercises “are usually short, spontaneous
presentations” but also can be prearranged research assignments.
Benefits of Role Playing
Role-playing can be effectively used in the classroom to:
Motivate and engage students
Enhance current teaching strategies
Provide real-world scenarios to help students learn
Learn skills used in real-world situations (negotiation, debate, teamwork,
cooperation, persuasion)
Provide opportunities for critical observation of peers
6. Debate
Debate is presented as a valuable learning activity for teaching critical thinking and
improving communication skills. Included in the discussion are a brief history of the use of
debate as a teaching strategy, the responsibilities of the teacher and learner when using
debate in the classroom, and its many advantages for developing competencies in
communication and critical thinking.
Make research and define the following. (5pts each)
1. Teaching Approach
It is a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is
translated into the classroom. An approach is a way of looking at teaching and
learning. Underlying any language teaching approach is a theoretical view of what
language is, and of how it can be learned. An approach gives rise to methods, the way
of teaching something, which use classroom activities or techniques to help learners

2. Teaching Strategies
Is a long-term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal The strategy
applies to many disparate fields such as military strategy, economic strategy,
teaching strategy, and the like.

3. Teaching Methods
The methods and techniques that a teacher will use to support their learners through
learning process. A teacher will choose the teaching strategy most suitable to the
topic being studied, the level of expertise of the learner, and the stage in their
learning journey.

4. Teaching Techniques
Is a well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task.
Thus, the role of the teachers is important to ensure that students are able to master
the subjects well. In general, there are many teaching and learning approaches that
can strengthen the student’s understanding and mastery of the subjects that have
been taught, such as teacher-centered, student-centered, interactive, constructivist,
collaborative and indirect. In this case, if the approach is applied correctly it will help
to attract students to the subjects that are perceived to be very boring.

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