Vegetarian Keto - Start A Plant Based Low C - Siim Land

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The document discusses the legal disclaimers and copyright information for the book, as well as provides an overview of the book's table of contents which outlines the chapters and what will be discussed in each one. It also mentions some of the potential health benefits of following a ketogenic diet according to various research studies cited.

The disclaimer and copyright text on page 2 serves to inform readers that the information provided is for educational purposes only and should not replace medical advice. It also outlines the legal terms for use and distribution of the content.

Based on reviewing the table of contents on pages 4-5, it appears the book will cover topics like what a ketogenic diet is, why one might follow such a diet, how to get into ketosis with a vegetarian approach, intermittent fasting, a guide to a vegetarian keto diet, recipes, supplements, and tips for getting into ketosis quickly.


& Copyright

Text Copyright © Siim Land 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be

reproduced in any form without permission in writing
from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Legal & Disclaimer

The information contained in this book is not designed to

replace or take the place of any form of medicine or
professional medical advice. The information in this book
has been provided for educational and entertainment
purposes only.

The information contained in this book has been compiled

from sources deemed reliable, and it is accurate to the best
of the Author's knowledge; however, the Author cannot
guarantee its accuracy and validity and cannot be held
liable for any errors or omissions. Changes are
periodically made to this book. You must consult your
doctor or get professional medical advice before using
any of the suggested remedies, techniques, or information
in this book.

Upon using the information contained in this book, you

agree to hold harmless the Author from and against any
damages, costs, and expenses, including any legal fees
potentially resulting from the application of any of the
information provided by this guide. This disclaimer
applies to any damages or injury caused by the use and
application, whether directly or indirectly, of any advice
or information presented, whether for breach of contract,
tort, negligence, personal injury, criminal intent, or under
any other cause of action.

You agree to accept all risks of using the information

presented inside this book. You need to consult a
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are both able and healthy enough to participate in this
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain
other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
For permission requests, contact the publisher, at the
address below.
Cover design by Siim Land.
Table of Contents

Introduction – Everything the Body Needs

Chapter I – All Things Ketogenic

Chapter II – Why Do Any Ketogenic Diet

Chapter III – How to Get into Ketosis Vegetarian Style

Chapter IV – What You Don’t Want to Do

Chapter V – Intermittent Fasting

Chapter VI – A Comprehensive Guide to a Vegetarian

Ketogenic Diet

Chapter VII – Vegetarian Keto Recipes

Chapter VIII – Vegetarian Keto Supplements

Bonus Chapter – How to Get into Ketosis Super Quick

Conclusion – Eat Sustainably for the Rest of Your Life


More Books from the Author

About the Author


Everything the Body Needs

Food is incredibly important for our existence. In order

for any living organism to survive, it needs to consume
calories that gets converted to energy. As biological
creatures, we get that fuel from what we eat.

However, nutrition is more than that. We’re not like

mechanical machines or cars that can simply be filled up
with gasoline. Our physiology and metabolism is a lot
more complex than that.

There are several ways of solving the issue of calories.

Different diet programs and movements have their own
opinions and guidelines that they stick to.

So it is with this book.

Chances are that by now you’ve heard of the ketogenic

diet. Or at least Paleo and other similar low carb
approaches. If not, then don’t worry, you can still learn
about it here.

The keto diet has become widely popular as a tool against

obesity and diabetes. It’s extremely effective and healthy,
as is shown by its practitioners. Hence the title of this
introduction. A lot of people are showing more and more
interest towards ketosis and want to try it out. You’re in
the right place.

But this isn’t an ordinary ketogenic diet book. It’s about

the vegetarian version of it. Is it possible to get into
ketosis without eating meat? Certainly, even vegans can
do it.

One thing that needs to be covered right away is the

difference between veganism and vegetarianism. They’re
based on a similar philosophy of not consuming sentient
beings as food but have some additional variations in food
choices. A vegan excludes everything that would come
from an animal – meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs and even
honey. There are many types of vegetarians, but the main
exception they have is that they accept the consumption
of either eggs, dairy, milk, cheese and so on, as long as
animals aren’t violently killed in the process.

My name is Siim Land and after having followed a

ketogenic diet for a long time, I must say that I’ve never
felt better. For me, the greatest benefits go far beyond
that. I don’t suffer from any medical condition nor carry
any excess weight. To be honest, getting any leaner than I
currently am wouldn’t be healthy. I eat keto, not because
of the effortless year-round single-digit body fat
percentage, but because of the utter sense of enjoyment I
That’s why I decided to write this program as well. I want
to help people improve their health and feel as good as I
do. The vegetarian version of the ketogenic diet is
dedicated to a specific audience and can work for anyone.

Here’s what you’ll get from Vegetarian Keto.

Burn body fat, not muscle. Weight loss doesn’t equal

fat loss.
Improve your mental focus and make your mind as
sharp as a knife.
Battle diabetes and potentially reverse it.
Improve your health markers, such as blood pressure,
blood sugar levels, cholesterol etc.
Protect yourself against cancer, tumors and coronary
heart disease.
Increase your longevity and insulin sensitivity.
Become fat adapted and start using fat for fuel.
Experience mental clarity and feel amazing.
Have access to abundant energy all the time.
Reduce your hunger and lose sugar cravings for
Eat mouthwatering and delicious meals that leave
you satiated for long periods of time.

I’m not a vegan nor a vegetarian exactly, but still a keto-

expert and can give you all of the information you need to
get into ketosis on any nutritional approach. In fact, a
vegetarian ketogenic diet is probably one of the healthiest
ways of eating in the entire world.

Have you seen the Matrix? In one of the scenes Neo and
the crew are eating their supper. In a post-apocalyptic
world, they’re short on supplies and have to consume
some sort of a nasty blend or a mixture of soup that looks
like glue.

It tastes awful and everyone hates it, but one of the more
bulky and muscular members of the crew says that it
comprises of all the essential amino acids, vitamins and
minerals – everything the body needs. Given how good he
looks, it’s safe to say he knew what he was talking about.
He used food as something to augment his growth and
performance not as mere indulgence.
So it is with Vegetarian Keto. It’s perfectly healthy and
sustainable. The only exception is that the food tastes
Chapter I

All Things Ketogenic

The vegetarian approach doesn’t differ a lot from the

standard ketogenic diet. No meat and you’re good, right?
Kinda, but some additional things have to be taken into

If we want to successfully follow a vegetarian keto diet,

then we have to understand the principles of ketosis.
Otherwise we would not be able to maintain it long term.

The human body is a complex system that can adapt to

almost anything. It has found a solution to solving the
bioenergetics component of being self-sufficient and
resourceful. Ketosis is just that – an irreplaceable part of
our biology that creates endogenous (from within) energy.

There are different fuel sources the body uses. When

we’re born, we get all of the energy we need from our
mother’s breast milk, at least that’s what we did in the
past, which puts us into ketosis. As we grow up, we begin
to eat different foods, comprising of the 3 macronutrients:
protein, carbs and fat. This primes our body to be using
glucose, which is a carbohydrate molecule, and sets it as
our primary default fuel source. There’s nothing wrong
with that, the thing is that in today’s society most people
have drifted too far away from their aboriginal ketogenic
pathways, which causes obesity, diabetes and other
ailments. Luckily, there is a way to circumvent that.

In a nutshell, ketosis is a metabolic state in which the

body has shifted from using glucose as the primary fuel
source into supplying its energy demands with ketone
bodies. This happens when the liver glycogen stores are
depleted and a substitute is necessary for the brain to
maintain its functioning.

Both carbohydrates and fats can be used for the

production of energy, but they’re different in quality.
However, in the presence of both, the body will always
prefer the former because sugar can be easily accessed
and quickly absorbed. To get the most out of the latter,
there needs to be a period of keto-adaptation. The length
of it depends on how reliant you are of glucose and how
well your body accepts this new fuel source.

Ketosis is an altered, but still natural, metabolic state

that occurs either over a prolonged period of fasting
or by restricting carbohydrate intake significantly,
usually up to less than 50 grams per day [i]. After an
overnight fast already, our liver glycogen stores will be
depleted and Captain Liver starts to produce more ketone
bodies. This, in return, will increase the availability of
fatty acids in the blood stream which the body then begins
to utilize for the production of energy. It can be derived
from both food and the adipose tissue.

This process is called beta-oxidation. When fat is broken

down by the liver, glycerol and fatty acid molecules are
released. The fatty acid gets broken down even more
through ketogenesis that produces a ketone body called
acetoacetate. This is then converted further into two other
type of ketone bodies. (1) Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB),
which is the preferred fuel source for the brain and (2)
acetone, that can be metabolized into glucose, but is
mainly excreted as waste.

When you’re running on glucose you go down the

pathway of glycolysis and create pyruvate. All of these
actions get burned inside the mitochondria and you can
get 25% more energy from using beta-hydroxybutyrate as
fuel. In this scenario of fat utilization, we’re taking the
more efficient route that increases the density of our
cellular power plants.

Nutritional ketosis is not the same as ketoacidosis, which

causes the pH levels in the blood to drop and become
acidic. This can result with a coma and eventually death.
Usually, the body manages to maintain the acidity of the
blood within a normal range despite the presence of
ketones. Ketoacidosis occurs mostly with type-1 diabetes
and excessive alcohol consumption.

After the initial period of adaptation, the body’s

biochemistry will be completely altered. Approximately
75% of the energy used by the brain will be provided by
ketones and the liver will change its enzymes from
dominantly digesting carbohydrates to actually preferring
fat [ii]. Protein catabolism decreases significantly, as fat
stores are mobilized and the use of ketones increases.
Muscle glycogen gets used even less and the majority of
our caloric demands will be derived from the adipose

Nutritional ketosis is perfectly safe and a great metabolic

state to be in. This process is an adaptive response and
completely normal. During periods of famine it will
enable us to survive and maintain our vitality. If we the
body doesn’t know how to use its stored fat for fuel, it
would perish, once it runs out of sugar.

Indigenous Ketogenic Societies

Over the course of history, most aboriginal tribes have

subsisted solely on high fat diets. In environments where
there aren’t many plants to be found, people rely
primarily on meat.

The Innuit and Eskimos have lived off whale blubber, seal
meat, salmon, cheese and caribou meat for centuries. Fat
is their most precious commodity, as it gives them the
extra calories they need to survive in such harsh climate.
In fact, rent on land in some places is paid with butter.
Despite that high amount of saturated fat and cholesterol
in their diet, heart disease, diabetes and cancer were
largely unknown. Only after they came in contact with
white man’s white refined carbohydrates did other
diseases of the civilization catch up with them and they
got obese.

The Masai tribe in Africa also follows a ketogenic diet.

They’re pastoralists and subsist mainly on their cattle, by
eating their meat, drinking their unpasteurized milk and
raw milk. Masai warriors are definitely a lot healthier and
fitter than the majority of the people in our society.

Even in the Western world there are nations who eat a ton
of fat. The Mediterranean Diet is thought to be the
healthiest of them all. It consists of mainly fish, olive oil,
cheese and vegetables. People from this region have less
heart disease and better blood markers. Researchers from
the States figured that it had to do with the low amount of
saturated fat and cholesterol in their food. However, the
Greek Orthodox Church also preaches a lot of fasting,
which has even more profound health benefits. In fact, the
more religious folk fast more than 200 days a year. This is
the real cause for their vitality. As this ancient healing
practice gets less popular amongst young people, disease
begins to rise again because there are still a lot of refined
grains and carbohydrates in the diet.

There aren’t no examples of a society practicing the

vegetarian ketogenic diet I can think of. However, I
would imagine that pastoralist or fishing groups would
establish a state of nutritional ketosis at least during some
periods of the year, when vegetables are out of season or
when it’s important to keep your cattle alive.

Vegetarian Keto would have to resemble a lot the

Mediterranean Diet, because of its use of olives, nuts,
seeds and oils. Depending on your philosophy and
doctrine, you could also consume butter, eggs and cheese,
wherever your allegiance may lie. They’re equally as
healthy on the ketogenic diet.

Before the invention of agriculture and domestication of

crops no hunter-gatherer community would voluntarily
convert over to a solely plant based vegan diet. If they
were to disregard the vast amount of calories found in
animal products, then they would’ve starved to death or at
least experienced serious malnutrition.

Is Ketosis Safe

One fear that ordinary physicians have about the

ketogenic diet is that it can’t sustain healthy functioning
of an organism. How will your body and brain survive if
there are no carbohydrates?
An essential nutrient is something that’s required for
normal physiological functioning and the survival of the
organism[iii]. It cannot be synthesized by the body and
thus has to be obtained from a dietary source.
Carbohydrates are non-essential, unlike amino acids and
fatty acids, which we don’t actually need to live and can
function very well without.

Amino acids and fat are essential building blocks of all

the cells in our body. Protein is used to create new muscle
tissue, whereas the lipids balance our hormones that
instigate these processes in the first place and protect cell

The biggest reason why we have to consume so many

calories every single day is to feed our hungry brain. It
comprises less than 5% of our body weight but demands
about 20% of our total energy expenditure. To maintain
stable blood sugar levels and a caloric balance, it needs to
have access to fuel all of the time.

The brain can use only about 120 grams of glucose a day
[iv], which means you still need about 30 grams of
glucose while running on max ketones. That doesn’t mean
it ought to come from dietary carbohydrates.

During a process called gluconeogenesis (creation of new

sugar), the liver converts amino acids found in food and
glycerol, which is the backbone of triglycerides, into
glucose. While in a deep fasted state, glycerol can
contribute up to 21.6% of glucose production [v]. It’s
estimated that about 200 grams of glucose can be
manufactured daily by the liver and kidneys from dietary
protein and fat intake [vi].

Once you keto-adapt, your body and brain won’t even

need that much glucose, as they will happily use ketones
instead. Carbohydrates are the default fuel source but not
because they’re better than fatty acids by any means. The
body simply prefers it because it’s easy to store and quick
to absorb.

However, the brain is made up of 60% fat and runs a lot

better on ketones. In fact, the high amounts of fat found in
animal products and meat were probably one of the
driving forces of our increased brain size. According to
the Expansive Tissue Hypothesis posed by the
anthropologists Leslie Aiello and Peter Wheeler suggests
that the metabolic requirements of large brains were offset
by a corresponding reduction of the gut[vii]. As our
stomachs got smaller, our neocortices got larger. By
eating solely plant foods, we wouldn’t have managed to
get enough excess energy for our neural network to
improve itself. This doesn’t necessarily mean that eating
meat made us smarter. To a certain extent it did, but it
wasn’t the flesh but the increased amount of calories
derived from fat that did. In today’s world, there is an
abundance of calories and therefore the vegetarian option
is perfectly sustainable.

In ketosis, the brain begins to use less glucose and the

small amount it needs can be derived from ketogenic
foods. Muscles begin to release less glycogen as well and
the entire body starts using ketones for fuel. It makes the
entire organism more efficient and powerful.
Chapter II

Why Do Any Ketogenic Diet

But why should we want to enter ketosis when food is

abundant. There are numerous benefits to this state. Most
important ones are concerned with our overall health.

Hopefully, you’re beginning to see the slowly emerging

advantages of ketosis. In comparison to the contemporary
approach, the ketogenic diet looks very appealing. There
are a lot of health benefits to this, covering both physical
and mental aspects.

The most obvious advantage is increased fat

oxidation[viii]. Consuming carbohydrates will make our
body secrete more insulin. When this hormone is elevated
we’re more prone to storing rather than burning. If it’s
constantly high, we’ll never be able to actually tap into
using our own resources.
The by-products of glucose metabolism are advanced
glycation end-products (AGEs), which promote
inflammation and oxidative stress[ix][x], by binding a
protein or lipid molecule with sugar. They speed up
aging[xi], and can cause diabetes. This doesn’t happen
when burning clean fuel - quality fat. Also, the constantly
elevated levels of circulating blood sugar are associated
with nerve malfunctioning, high morbidity, bacterial
infection, cancer progression and Alzheimer’s.

The #1 food for tumors is sugar. Eating keto foods,

prevents the accumulation of excess glucose in the blood,
which leads to the cellular suicide of cancer. With no
carbohydrates for it to feed upon, it will potentially
disappear completely, at least it will diminish in size. At
the same time, your healthy cells will still be nourished
because they’ll be using fat.

Ketosis reduces natural hunger to a bare minimum and

regulates appetite[xii]. This is the result of the body being
able to generate energy from both the adipose tissue and
dietary fat intake. The ability to go without meals for 24
hours while not suffering any stomach pains or carb
driven cravings of insanity is incredibly empowering, not
to mention useful for both fitness and reducing fat

Our body is made to burn fat. The adipose tissue is like a

black hole with infinite storage capacity. Any surplus
calorie we don’t need right away gets deposited for future
use. When in ketosis, we’ll be withdrawing energy from
our own body fat to maintain a caloric balance.

Ketones are the “superfuel” above both glucose and free

fatty acids. As you can remember, they can produce 25%
more energy and will cover 75% of the brains energy
demands. When in ketosis you begin to need less and less
glucose, which makes you more and more self-reliant.
Ketosis for Health

Because of the fact that a fat molecule has twice the

amount of calories than a carbohydrate it gets digested a
lot slower. Unlike sugar, that gets burned up easily,
ketones move steadily and provide long lasting energy.

This also prevents any rise in blood sugar from taking

place, which happens after consuming something with a
high glycemic index. Instant bursts of energy will
inevitably fall as quickly. What goes up must come down.
This results in hypoglycemia (a crash of blood sugar) and
sleepiness. With fat that doesn’t happen, as we will have
an abundant fuel source, thus always feeling great. Instead
of secreting insulin and taking our bodies for a
rollercoaster ride, we maintain a steady stream.

Following a low carbohydrate high fat diet has been

proven very effective against a lot of the chronic
illnesses people struggle with.

Reduction in triglycerides[xiii]
Increase in HDL cholesterol (the good one)[xiv]

Drop in blood pressure[xv] and insulin levels[xvi]

All of which prevent heart disease, diabetes and metabolic

syndrome[xvii]. For optimal health it looks very

Mark my words when I say that ketosis will cure cancer

in the near future, as it’s already being used as effective
treatment. At the moment science is just beginning to
fully understand and utilize this metabolic state.
Athletes Going Against the Grain (Pun

If you’re physically active and fit, then you probably

don’t have to worry about obesity and other ailments.
However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t pick up any
disease or develop a severe medical condition.

Insulin resistance happens in the case of consuming too

many simple carbohydrates and being constantly on a
blood sugar rollercoaster ride. Even the most athletic of
individuals can become diabetic and a lot of professional
athletes already have.

Following a low carb diet, while still training, ought to

optimize our health first and foremost. However, there are
also a lot of performance enhancing benefits to using fat
for fuel.

The maximum amount of glucose our bodies can store is

about 2000 calories (approximately 400-500 grams of
carbohydrates in the muscles, 100-150 grams in the liver
and about 15 grams in the blood). Once that runs out,
more fatty acids are produced to supply the demand.
Although this is the point in which adipose tissue is being
used it only happens to a certain degree. To still get some
form of glucose, the body will also begin to break down a
bit of the protein in muscles and organs to create sugar.
The reason is that it’s not that adapted to primarily using
ketones. To prevent this from happening, a person would
need to be constantly adding in more carbohydrates to
fuel their activities.
In ketosis, however, the main source of energy is
significantly bigger. Even the leanest of people with 7
% body fat carry around more than 20 000 worth of
calories with them at all times. Refeeding isn’t
necessary as there is always some fuel available. This also
preserves muscles and other vital organs from being
catabolized. Instead of being a quick sugar burner, we can
become efficient fat burners instead.

Ketogenic dieting is becoming very popular amongst

endurance athletes, especially ultra-runners and ironman
triathletes who have to perform at a high level for extreme
durations. By carrying around their own fuel on their
bodies they can tap into an abundance of energy. They
literally go against the grain of everything in optimal
sport’s nutrition.

For instance, Sami Inkinen and his wife Meredith Loring

rowed across the Pacific Ocean from California to Hawaii
in 45 days, while following a low-carb, sugar-free, high-
fat ketogenic diet. Despite being physically active for 21
hours a day, they did not suffer any decrease in
performance, health or cravings for carbs. Such adaptation
shows that we are capable of a lot more than we actually
think. How else did our ancestors complete their epic
journeys of exploration and migration across the globe?

In a study on advanced triathletes, the group who

followed a ketogenic approach instead of the traditional
high-carb diet showed 2-3 times higher peak fat oxidation
during submaximal exercise[xviii].

Contrary to popular belief physical performance does not

suffer by ditching the carbs. It is also used in strength
sports such as powerlifting and gymnastics[xix] where the
intensities are lot higher. Bodybuilders use periods of
low-carb eating to prepare for shows and improve body

In my own experience, I haven’t noticed any negative

side-effects of ketosis after proper adaptation. I have
managed to improve every aspect of my training and
health. It definitely feels great and is well worth the effort.
Keto Smart

In addition to performance oriented benefits, ketosis also

has cognitive and mental ones. There’s a big difference
between being high on keto versus sugar.

Because of how evolutionarily valuable glucose is, the

brain’s reward endorphin system lights up every time we
consume it, making us want more. We release a lot of the
“feel-good” chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin.
Cravings and hunger pains come from some people’s
mind kicking into overdrive and losing their reason over
something sweet.

As you can see, the brain's reward system lights up the

same way on sugar as it does on hard drugs. In
neurological terms, binge eating and drug addiction are
the same thing[xx].

This happens so that we would be motivated to repeat our

actions in the future. Our taste buds are designed to
recognize sweetness and fire up every single time. Feeling
good after eating something sugary puts us on a short high
and makes us want more.

Sugar cravings are caused by an energy crisis in the

body. If the brain doesn’t get access to fuel, it will try to
motivate you to find something to eat. Because, by
default, it only knows how to use glucose, it will also
expect to have it.

However, if you’ve plugged into your largest fuel tank -

your own body fat - then you won’t experience these
cravings. That’s why people lose their sweet tooth
completely when on a low carb diet. Their body detoxifies
itself from sugar and the mind will get clearer.

Sugar doesn’t actually provide us with that much energy

and is mainly an illusion. It’s a way of trapping our own
ATP production. We might have a lot of stored calories
but we won’t be able to access them. This leads to mental
bonking and physical exhaustion in everything you do,
whether that be training, reading or anything else. That’s
why it’s important to go through keto adaptation to teach
the body how to use fat for fuel.

By avoiding carbohydrates, we also avoid the ups and

downs of blood sugar, thus allowing our brain to function
properly. By having a steady stream of energy, it doesn’t
have to be on the lookout for glucose. Some is indeed
needed, which gets created by the liver, but the majority
can be derived from ketones.

With the brain satisfied, our cognition has the opportunity

to flourish. This allows us to maintain mental clarity and
avoid mind fog, which accompanies the consumption of
whole grains.
Why Fructose is Bad

Fructose can only be metabolized by the liver and can’t be

used as muscle glycogen. It therefore is completely
useless to the body. In high amounts it actually becomes
toxic because of the liver having to work extra hard to get
rid of it.

Excess fructose can damage the liver and cause insulin

resistance, which means pancreas can’t pump out enough
insulin to lower your blood sugar. This is a precursor to
diabetes, as sugar will flood your blood stream for longer
and cause more damage to the blood vessels.

Fructose can also cause rapid leptin resistance. Leptin

controls your appetite and metabolism. If you’re resistant,
then you’ll gain weight easily and can’t stop gorging

The reaction of fructose with proteins is 7 times higher

than with glucose. AGEs get produced at an even greater
rate. While your body can’t use fructose as energy, the
bad bacteria in your gut can and that can cause
imbalances in your healthy gut flora.

What’s more, it also causes oxidative stress and

inflammation. Cancer cells feed upon sugar, especially
fructose and thrive in an oxidized environment.

Excess fructose also affects brain functioning, in terms of

appetite regulation and blood sugar. In rats, it impairs

On a fat burning metabolism, we can think more clearly

and with less disruption. Our ability to concentrate
increases and I dare say that so does our intelligence.
Who knows, maybe our IQ does so as well. Not directly,
but as a result of being able to allocate our psychic energy
into appropriate channels and activities that make us
smarter. Personally, I’ve definitely noticed a lot of
improvement in this area.
Sleep Like the Sleeping Beauty

Additionally, the quality of our sleep improves because of

the stability in blood sugar. If we run out of glucose in the
middle of the night, then we will become hypoglycemic.
Our starving brain will wake us up to get some fuel for
survival. Midnight snacking is another example of people
feeding all of the time and a bad habit to have.

Constant stream of energy means that there’s no need to

recharge as much, resulting in quality slumber. This way
we can go through full sleep cycles and actually enter the
deepest stages of recovery where all dreaming occurs and
the magic happens. During my own periods of ketosis,
I’ve gone through the entire night like a log without
waking up.

Sleep is one of the most important things for building

muscle, getting stronger and burning fat. During the day
we’re exposing our body to all types of exhausting
activities that push our limits to the extreme. Stress,
exercise, thinking, traffic, mental algorithms, situational
awareness, cognitive sharpness etc. are all draining us and
not something we’re supposed to be facing with on a daily
basis. To actually cause enhanced physiological
adaptations we have to allow the recovery processes to

What you will also see is that you get less tired overall
when on keto. Physical activities become less demanding
and your endurance will increase by default. If you’re
obese, then you’ll reclaim your enthusiasm and vitality
for life. Being overweight means that you should be
immediately put on a low carb diet. Physiologically, it
doesn’t make sense to keep playing with insulin and

But isn’t fat bad for our health? Definitely not. This fat-
phobia is the result of false and biased science which
based their results on studies with the wrong context.
The Big Fat Lies and Myths Debunked

Of course, fat is dangerous with elevated levels of insulin.

During glycation sugar and fat molecules attach to each
other, that create AGEs, and begin to circulate the blood
stream for a longer period of time. This will cause
oxidation and impairs the functioning of biomolecules.
Doing this kills our mitochondria and causes cellular
death. It also speeds up aging and will most definitely
lead to disease.

Nutritional ketosis alters our metabolism completely and

makes us use various fuel sources completely differently.
Keto adaptation increases the rate at which the body
burns saturated fat for fuel and maintains better
overall glucose levels.

Fat in of itself is actually a lot better for us as it’s vital for

a lot of hormonal production and is more satiating.
Saturated fat is needed for our neurotransmitters to work,
making it essential for cognitive health and performance.
We just must not mix it together with carbohydrates, ever.

The type of fat eaten is also important. In ketosis you’re

under different metabolic conditions than with a high
carbohydrate diet. When fat is used for fuel, the body
prefers more quality mono-unsaturates and saturates. As a
sugar burner those things may not be as appealable.

The fatty parts of the animal are more nutritious and were
valued most by hunter-gatherers. Indigenous people with
unprocessed high meat diets were perfectly healthy, until
they came in contact with the food industries of the West.
The combination of their traditional way of eating and the
introduction of refined carbohydrates resulted in disease,
tooth decay and obesity[xxi]. Of course, on the vegetarian
approach you won’t be eating meat, but it doesn’t mean
that you can’t consume butter or cream.

Another depicted villain is cholesterol which is

produced by the body and needed for cell walls, bile
production, vitamin D, brain and nerve functioning and
hormonal production. It’s an essential structural
component of all animal cell membranes. Consumption of
cholesterol does not increase it because of the feedback
mechanism. There is no good or bad cholesterol, simply
in a specific context it rises too high and becomes lethal.
If you accept the consumption of eggs, then you’re in

Plant based foods don’t have high amounts of cholesterol.

Studies have shown that vegan diets tend to have lower
levels of it in general. It’s not a bad thing nor is it
particularly good either. On a low carb high fat eating
plan you may actually increase your HDL (the good one)
by consuming more saturated fats.

One more fear is salt. Sodium intake necessary for

human life especially on the ketogenic diet. Again, it’s the
wrong context that creates all of the problems and
dangers. High carbohydrate intake makes the kidneys
retain salt, whereas a low carb diet increases sodium
exertion by the kidney (called the natriuresis of fasting).

Once you go through the shift and eat appropriately, your

body will heal itself. Inflammation disappears and you’ll
have less aches and pains. You may think that it’s normal
to be feeling the way you do now, but that’s because you
don’t know that there’s another way.

All of these benefits are the reason why you should try a
ketogenic diet… at least once. It will give you high end
physical as well as cognitive performance and is
incredibly healthy.

Being in this metabolic state is very advantageous, as we

become more resourceful with our own supplies and can
thus always be excelling at whatever we’re doing. You’re
going to have to keep it a secret, but the military is also
very interested of ketosis and is actively testing it on
topnotch soldiers. When on keto, we literally can become
Chapter III

How to Get into Ketosis Vegetarian Style

Nutritional ketosis goes against the grain (pun intended)

and contradicts almost everything that is considered to be
healthy nowadays. While the standard guidelines
recommend about 50-60% of carbohydrates, ketogenic
diets remain under 5%. Instead, what gets used the most is
fat, making up to 70-80% of the macronutrient ratios. The
blood pressure of some people probably went through the
roof as they heard that. Because of decades of
conditioning and brainwashing we have received it’s
natural to think this way.

Typical vegans use the 80/10/10 approach and eat 80%

carbs. On a whole foods diet with plant based foods it
might be healthy, but if you were to consume refined
grains, sugars, pastry etc., then you would severely
damage your health. You can greatly benefit from
following a ketogenic diet while still remaining within the
parameters of vegetarianism.

The food on a standard ketogenic diet is mostly animal

based. However, for vegetarians this needs to be replaced
in some shape or form. Despite the low allowance for
carbohydrates it doesn’t mean that no plants are
consumed. Quite the contrary. When you compare the
amount of food in volume then vegetables make up the
majority of the plate. They simply have that much less
calories than fat but are bigger in size.

To induce ketosis insulin needs to be suppressed for an

extended period of time. As a result, glucagon goes up
and starts to empty the liver’s glycogen stores. This is
achieved by using our current storage and not eating high
glycemic carbohydrates that raise our blood sugar even
before we can put them into our mouth. Protein does so as
well but to a much lesser degree and more steadily. Add
fat into the mix and it will happen even more slowly.
Leafy green vegetables are also safe as the actual amount
of sugar in them is small in comparison to their fiber
content, which decreases the rate of absorption.


Total caloric proportion is less than 5 %. In total, the

carbohydrate intake would be around 30 grams, fiber not
included. The less of them, the faster will ketosis be
Safe sources are fibrous leafy green and cruciferous
vegetables, including other foods.

Food Amount Fat Carbs
Lettuce, 2oz/56
0 0.5 1
Butterhead grams
Beet Greens 0 0.5 1
Bok Choy 0 0.5 1
Spinach 0 1 1.5
Alfalfa 2oz/56
0 1 2
Sprouts grams
Swiss Chard 0 1 1
Arugula grams 0 1 1.5

Celery 0 1 0.5
Lettuce 0 1 0.5
Asparagus 0 1 1
Eggplant 0 1 0.5
Mushrooms, 2oz/56
0 1.5 2
White grams
Tomatoes 0 1 0.5
Cauliflower 0 1.5 1
Green Bell 2oz/56
0 1.5 0.5
Pepper grams
Cabbage grams 0 2 1

Broccoli grams 0 2 1.5

Green Beans 0 2 1
Brussels 2oz/56
0 2.5 1.5
Sprouts grams
Kale 0 2 2
Artichoke 0 2.5 2
Kelp 0 3 1
Zucchini 0 2 1

There are also a small variety of fruits and berries you can
Food Amount Fat (g) Carbs
Rhubarb 100 grams 0 2 1

Raspberries 100 grams 0 5 1.5

Blueberries 100 grams 0 10 2

Strawberries 100 grams 0 5 1

Blackberries 100 grams 0 5 1.5

Top 5 recommendations are:


Total caloric proportion at about 15 %. Herein lies the
biggest issue for people who are doing a strict vegan keto
diet. It’s thought to be impossible to get enough protein
by eating only plant based foods.

We don’t actually need as much protein as we think – it’s

the protein myth. In fact, when in ketosis our overall
demands for it get reduced even lower. We don’t need
more than 0.7-1 grams per pound of lean body weight.
Even less, if you’re sedentary. An active person should
get a bit more. Still, it’s important to get in all of the
essential amino acids, which is quite difficult to do as a
vegan. That’s why you should consume a variety of

All plant based foods have protein in them. Also, there are
plenty of meat substitutes out there. However, packaged
products tend to also have a higher carb content, so read
your labels carefully.

On the vegetarian keto diet, the protein problem becomes

even lesser of an issue, as you can potentially eat eggs,
which are an excellent option and incredibly healthy.

Protein sources on a vegetarian keto diet. Whatever your

preferences may be.

Fat Protein
Food Amount carbs
(g) (g)
Calcium 100 grams 9 2 16
Sulfate, Firm

Tofu, Nigari,
100 grams 10 3 13

Pumpkin 28
6 3 10
Seeds grams/1oz

Tofu, Silken
100 grams 2 2 7
Extra Firm
Almonds 15 2 6

Almond 28
14 3 6
Flour grams/1oz

Tofu, Silken,
Soft 100g 3 3 5

Flax Seeds 12 1 5
Chia Seeds 9 1 4
Brazil Nuts 19 2 4
Hazelnuts 17 2 4
Walnuts 18 2 4
Pecans 20 1 3

Coconut, 28
18 2 2
unsweetened grams/1oz

Macadamia 28
21 2 2
Nuts grams/1oz
Green Peas 100 grams 0 6 5

Soybeans 100 grams 20 20 36

1 medium
Eggs, whole egg 50-80 4 0.5-1 7

Cheese, 28
9 1 7
Cheddar grams/1oz

Cheese, Blue 8 1 6

The best source of protein are probably eggs. They

have the entire amino acid profile and are full of omega-
3s, DHA, EPA and cholesterol, which is great for the cells
and brain. Nutrition of 1 large egg: 5 grams of fat, 1 gram
of carbs, 6 grams of protein.

However, some caution needs to be taken. All of those

things can’t be taken equally. Some pre-packaged
products have added sugar in them and under many
names (dextrose, glucose, fructose, maltodextrin, xylitol
etc.) all of which ought to be avoided for best results.

There are also great plant based protein supplements with

a low carb content. If you need some more protein to meet
your daily requirements, then you can use some great
organic green powders, plant based rice protein or hemp
protein. Just fit it into your macros.

Top 5 recommendations are:

Chia Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds

To be honest, there isn’t actually a limit to how much fat
we should be consuming. The more of it, the more
ketones will be produced. With no carbohydrates in the
menu, we need to have another fuel source for the body.

In order to get into ketosis, we need to eat fat and a lot of

it. What I’m talking about is adding it on our vegetables,
protein, coffee - everywhere. Most commonly, it’s found
in butter, lard and heavy cream. Tallow and lard are out of
the question, but luckily, there are a lot of plant based
sources as well.

Food Amount Carbs Protein
Butter 28 0 0
Ghee 28 0 0

Avocado 28
28 0 0
Oil grams/1oz

Cocoa 28
28 0 0
Butter grams/1oz

Coconut Oil 28 0 0
Flaxseed Oil 28 28 0 0

Macadamia 28
28 0 0
Oil grams/1oz

MCT Oil 28 0 0
Olive Oil 28 0 0

Red Palm 28
28 0 0
Oil grams/1oz

Coconut 28
10 1 1
Cream grams/1oz

Olives 4 0.5 1
Avocados 4 2 1

Coconut 28
7 1 1
Milk grams/1oz
Almond 28 18 2 7
Butter grams/1oz
Brazil Nuts 19 1 4

Cream, Full 10 1 1

Cheese, 28
9 1 7
Cheddar grams/1oz

Cheese, 28
8 1 6
Blue grams/1oz

Top 5 recommendations are:

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Macadamia Nut Oil
Premium Avocado Oil
Grass-Fed Butter

What ought to be avoided are refined vegetable oils and

trans fats, such as rapeseed oil, canola oil, margarine etc.
They are more inflammatory and actually dangerous for
our health. Also, the biggest reason why saturated fat is
considered bad in the first place.

Getting into nutritional ketosis isn’t easy. Initially, the

body will reject this new fuel source and keeps on
wanting to satisfy its glucose addiction. Sugar feeds
parasites and promotes yeast infection in our gut. Having
a big sweet tooth is the result of just that. The more we eat
it the more we actually begin to crave because of certain
dopamine receptors in our brain.

Simple carbohydrates make us want more of this stimulus

by causing a rewarding feeling. Abstaining from sugar
cleanses the body and liberates the mind from craving it.
While in nutritional ketosis we’re completely free from
anything like that. The food we eat is already incredibly
satisfying and we don’t need anything sweetened.
Symptoms of Withdrawal

The biggest reason why the majority either fail or don’t

even start a ketogenic diet is that they are afraid of it.

After years of being fed a whole-grain diet and

villainizing fat, they think that they’re going to have a
heart attack. Of course, if you were to eat randomly and
not ditch the carbs, then you’re going to have a bad time.

If they have decided to try it out, then they will also come
across a lot of negative side effects. The process of
adaptation takes at least 2-3 weeks. At first, you won’t
be able to experience almost any of the benefits, but will
suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

This “keto flu” happens because the body doesn’t know

how to use fat for fuel. The brain will be screaming for
energy and demands glucose. Eating carbs will put a cold
halt to inducing ketosis and prevents any metabolic
This is where patience and perseverance come into play.
The severity of it will depend on how addicted to sugar
your body has been before. If you come from the
background of the SAD diet, then it will take you longer
than someone who is used to eating Paleo and already
used to less sugar.

Chances are that you’re currently a high carb vegan. This

might cause you some additional headaches but nothing
too severe. Jumping over to almost zero carbohydrates
will definitely be a shock to the body, but it’s going to be
that of a good kind. Your adaptation may be slightly
longer but follow all of the tips I’m going to share with
you and it will be a breeze.

During that period there will be some uncomfortable signs

of withdrawal, such as dizziness, fatigue, slight headaches
and the feeling of being hit with a club, which all pass
away after a while.
Am I in Ketosis?

To know whether or not you’re in ketosis you can

measure your blood ketones using Ketostix. Optimal
measurements are between 0,5 and 3,0 mMol. The same
can be done with a glucometer. If you’re fasting blood
glucose is under 80 mg/dl and you’re not feeling
hypoglycemic then you’re probably in ketosis.
Ketoacidocis occurs over 10mMol, which is quite hard to
But there are a few problems with measuring ketones.

Having elevated levels of ketones doesn’t mean

you’re in ketosis.
These urine strips are expensive and taking several
measurements a day is very costly.

That’s why we there’s another way how to know you’re

in ketosis without strips. Elevated ketone levels don’t
necessarily mean ketosis. It might even be the opposite.

If we’re not putting that fuel into use, then we’re probably
urinating it out. That’s why urine strips are not ideal.

What we want to know as well is our blood sugar levels.

Glucose and ketones are contradicting fuel sources. If one
is elevated, then the other has to be decreased.

If we have high blood sugar levels, then we won’t be able

to use fat for fuel. We definitely won’t be in ketosis.

There are a lot of additional symptoms of ketosis that

occur during adaptation.
Water Weight Loss
The biggest of which is probably fluid retention, or in this
case, lack thereof. Carbohydrate molecules are very prone
to binding together with liquids. Our body is made up of a
lot of water and therefore can store a lot of it in our

Once you start restricting your carb intake, you’ll lose a

lot of water weight. It’s not fat necessarily but just your
excess sugar being flushed out.

You’re Thirsty
What will follow is also increased thirst. This is caused by
a loss in water weight to a certain extent. In addition to
that, you’ll want to drink more water because your body
needs it.

The more water you drink, the less of it your body will
store. While eating carbs, you’re prone to depositing
fluids because of increased liquid retention. Once you get
flushed, you will be slightly dehydrated and have to
compensate for it with increased water intake. You were
dehydrated previously as well. It’s just that carbs
prevented you from getting that thirsty.

Drink a lot of water. At least 8 cups a day. On a ketogenic

diet or eating low carb, even more.

Keto Breath
The most infamous symptom of ketosis is a smelly mouth.
Once you’re stored carbohydrates have been depleted you
begin to use more fat for fuel.

During lipolysis (burning fatty acids in the Krebs cycle)

we create a ketone body called acetone. Instead of using it
for energy, we’ll be excreting most of it in our urine and
breath. That’s how Ketostix work as well.

The smell is often described as “fruity”, acidic or slightly

rotten. If you’ve got an upcoming date, then be wary.

Metallic Taste in Your Mouth

Because of the same reason we’ll be having a slightly
metallic or sweet taste in our mouth. It’s acetone leaving
its mark in our saliva and breath.

Stinky Urine
Acetone again being excreted by the body. The odor is
quite strong. To be honest, it smells like acidic death.
Your sweat can also have the same effects.

Because you’ll be flushing out water, you’ll experience

urinating more often as well. Stay hydrated.

Slight Headaches and Fatigue

During keto adaptation your body is going through a
slight energy crisis. It still wants to use glucose but
there’s none around. It doesn’t know how to burn fat for
fuel yet and is therefore making you feel exhausted.

The initial period may cause headaches, sugar cravings,

lethargy and muscle fatigue. Don’t worry, these side
effects will all pass away once you get fat adapted. This is
also what makes people shy away from ketosis the most.
They just don’t have the patience.

Lack of Appetite
Next to all of these slightly uncomfortable symptoms,
there are also amazing ones. The best of which is reduced
appetite. You’ll be eating a lot of fat, protein and fibrous
vegetables, which are the most satiating nutrients.

Because of that you’ll almost never feel hungry and are

constantly satisfied with your meals. You won’t have to
eat as often as well, because of your body burning fat for

After Adaptation
If you’ve eaten low carb for about 2-3 weeks, then you’re
probably in ketosis. At some point, you’ll start to feel a
lot better. In fact, better than ever before.

You’ll experience.
No hunger whatsoever.
Mental clarity.
High levels of energy at all times.
Increased endurance.
Reduced inflammation
Reduced bloating.
No sugar cravings.
Improved sleep.
Stable blood sugar levels.
No muscle catabolism.
Less fatigue during exercise, any other time as well,

This is what to expect once you’ve become fat adapted.

You can use Ketostix to measure your progress. But it
doesn’t necessarily mean you’re in ketosis per se. Follow
your intuition first and foremost.
Do I Have to be in Ketosis?

Quantifying and measuring can turn into an obsession.

Trust me, it’s very frustrating to not see your blood
glucose levels not being where you want them to be
despite trying very hard. It can cause a lot of stress. At
least that’s how I felt during my initial adaptation period.
That’s why I wanted to show you how to get into ketosis
without losing your mind.

To be honest, it doesn’t matter whether or not you’re in

ketosis. It’s not a magic pill that immediately turns you
into a superhuman. Nor is it a badge of honor that you
could wear. “Oh, look at me, my blood ketone levels are
in the optimal zone. Therefore, I’m better than you!”

In my opinion we don’t need nor should want to be in

ketosis all of the time. It’s a great tool to have in our
metabolic arsenal but not the only one. I love eating keto
because of how it makes me feel.

Unless you’re diabetic or have any other medical

condition, then you shouldn’t worry about getting
kicked out of ketosis.

Nutritional ketosis per se isn’t the purpose of health and

well-being. Being fat adapted and burning fat for fuel is a
lot more important. This can be achieved by eating low
carb as well. However, the initial period of keto
adaptation is necessary for these pathways to be created.
Chapter IV

What You Don’t Want to Do

Nutritional ketosis isn’t easy. The adaptation process

takes time and at first you have to be very meticulous.
Even seemingly innocent mistakes can do a lot of damage
and will prevent you from making progress. Afterwards
you don’t have to be as strict and it will be all worth it.
The more your body knows how to use fat for fuel the
better it gets.

In my own experience, there are an array of things that

could go wrong. Thanks to many self-experiments, I’ve
managed to find every potential problem and also solve
them. On the vegetarian keto diet there are even more
things to remember. Obviously, you can’t be eating meat,
but there are several other important factors that have to
be kept in mind.
Too Many Carbs to Adapt

The biggest mistake we could make is to consume too

many carbohydrates. They need to be restricted to less
than 30 grams per day, without the fiber, for our body to
enter ketosis.

The problem with most low carb diets is that they do not
restrict their sugar intake enough for the body to
completely convert over to fat burning. Consuming even
slightly too much will keep us on the peripheral areas of
keto adaptation. This is the worst place to be in because
we will not be able to shift our metabolism into efficiently
using ketones or get enough energy from glucose.

To get the most out of that amount we ought to be

consuming only green leafy vegetables and not waste our
allowance on things that don’t satiate us as much.

Sugar hides itself in all shapes and form. Processed meat

substitutes usually have added wheat or are cured in
dextrose. Even though some foods might be keto friendly,
such as nuts and tofu, they still have a significant amount
of sugar in them. Protein powders are the same. That is
why it’s important to read the labels of everything that has
one, as they can potentially spike our insulin. It almost
resembles deciphering the complex linguistics of some
ancient tablets.
How to Read Nutrition Labels

There are some national variations in terms of

terminology, quantities and legislations but the core
principles remain the same as long as we interpret the data
according to our individual context. Put on your Indiana
Jones’ hat because this requires a lot of deciphering and
linguistic work.

This is just a random example about what’s most relevant

and will guide you to making better decisions.

1. The serving information. We’ll start from the very
top. This will tell you the size of a single serving
and the total amount of them per package. These
are random measurements not recommendations
and the food companies can use them to trick
uneducated readers.

2. Calories per serving. A bag of chips may have

only 100 calories per serving, but the entire bag
has 5 of them, totaling in 500 calories. I wouldn’t
bother making real interpretations based solely on
this. The best way to understand this data is to
adjust it to 100 grams instead.

3. Macronutrient ratios. Next check out all of the

macros. It’s important to also see what
proportions each of them contain. Be aware of the
amount of trans fats and sugars. In the case of
carbohydrates note how much of it is fiber as it
may differ from the actual soluble content. I
would completely ignore the % of daily values
because the public recommendations are not
individualized and taken out of context. It’s based
on an average 2000 calorie diet and might be
completely the opposite to what we need. We only
want to know the amounts we will be consuming
and adjust that according to our own demands.

4. Micronutrients. The same applies to the vitamins.

There is not much use to knowing how many
micronutrients we’re getting. If anything, then
they’re more likely put there to distract the reader
away from all of the other potential hazards and
bring in more confusion. Our individual
deficiencies play a role here as well and we don’t
necessarily need everything.

5. Ingredients. They have to be listed in order of

quantity with the major ones coming first. Some
of them should also have exact percentages and
amounts. All of the allergens or hazards are
bolded for faster recognition but it varies between
countries. Make sure you read and understand all
of them and steer away from the dangers.

In the United States if a food has less than 0,5 grams of

trans fat in a serving, the label can have 0 grams of it.
This hidden sources will add up if you eat too much and
can be the hidden source of your problems. That’s why
it’s important to also check the ingredient list for the
actual contents for hydrogenated fats and vegetable oils.

Additionally, what needs to be counted towards the daily

carbohydrate allowance is seasoning. Industrialized mixes
like lemon pepper or table salt are already contaminated
with dextrose and, therefore, ought to be avoided like

Natural spices, like cinnamon, turmeric and ginger also

have a minute carbohydrate content. We should be using
them for their other medicinal benefits but be careful not
to go overboard. This was one of the missing pieces of the
puzzle that slowed down my adaptation the first time. I
used to sprinkle seasoning on everything but didn’t count
them towards my daily carb allowance.

List of foods to avoid:

All types of tubers, such as carrots, turnips, beetroot,

All grain products, such as rice, flour, wheat, barley,
rye, quinoa.
All legumes and lentils.
All fruit, such as bananas, apples, oranges, grapes,
watermelon etc.
No yogurt with added sugar, no sodas, no milk, no
chocolate, no cookies, no chips etc.
Too Much Protein – Highly Unlikely

After eating too many carbohydrates, the next possible

thing that hinders adaptation would be glyconeogenesis.
Eating too much protein can convert even the juiciest of
stakes into cake in our blood stream. What you don’t need
right away gets turned into sugar because during
withdrawal every ounce of glucose is valuable. The body
will sniff out whatever it can find.

However, for that to happen we would have to be

consuming quite a lot. On a vegetarian diet you don’t
have to worry about this as much. Plants don’t have that
much protein in them. Nevertheless, you can still
potentially eat too many eggs, tofu or protein powder.

You want to get as much protein with as little amount of

carbohydrates as possible. Leafy green vegetables have
some protein in them, but to meet your daily
requirements, without exceeding your carb allowance is
difficult. You don’t want to waste anything.
The recommended daily allowance for protein is already
very low in comparison to what we would benefit from.
How much we need depends on our weight and activity

A sedentary person doesn’t need nearly as much as

someone who trains hard. If you’re a small woman, then
your requirements would be less than 100 grams per day.
However, an athlete ought to be minimally consuming 0.8
grams per pound of lean body mass or 2 grams per
kilogram, which is quite low and not nearly as much as
the bodybuilding gurus tell us to eat.

The maximum we could get away with would be 1

g/pound. Anything higher than that will potentially turn
into sugar.

Ketosis is actually protein sparing because of the constant

anabolic state we’re in. Muscles will always have enough
calories around and don’t need to break down the body’s
own tissue and organs for energy.

After you’ve become fat adapted you don’t have to worry

about this as much. If you eat too much protein you’ll get
kicked out of ketosis, but only for a short period of time.
Once a few hours have passed you’ll re-enter the fat
burning zone.
Not Enough Fat…What?

Another mistake would be not eating enough fat. As

weird as it might sound that could happen. By eliminating
carbohydrates from the menu we need to have another
fuel source to feed our hungry brain. This means putting
oil over everything. The lethargy and fatigue can be
minimized by not adding caloric restriction on top of the
adaptation process.

If we give our body more fat, it will inevitably have to

accept it. Moreover, this will also promote the liver’s
production of additional ketone bodies. To be honest,
there isn’t a limit to how much fat we should consume.
The more we do, the better for the induction of ketosis.
What needs to be avoided, however, are the wrong types
of fats, such as vegetable oils and trans fats, because of
their inflammatory properties. As a vegetarian, you can
use olive oil, butter, ghee and MCT oil quite liberally.
However, do pay some closer attention to cheese, nuts,
avocados and cream as they have a slight sugar content.
After all of the other macronutrients have been dialed in
and potential infiltrations of sugar removed it’s only a
matter of time. It takes a lot of patience to get into ketosis.
Quantifying with Ketostix or a glucometer would tell us
about our progress but we shouldn’t get caught up with
the numbers. We can easily become consumed by it
which would make things only worse.
Additional Factors

During the initial adaptation phase, we want to keep our

stress levels as low as possible because it will stop us
from adjusting to this massive change our body is going
through. Quality nutrition, sleep, hydration, fresh air,
exercise, being calm and centered are especially important
at that time.

Drinking more than adequate amounts of water is

very important. Carbs make the body hold onto liquids
more easily because of their molecular structure. Once we
deprive ourselves from glucose we will flush out a lot of
water weight. This is perfectly normal but to prevent any
negative consequences of that, we need to increase our

The recommendation is about 8 cups of water a day but

it’s not enough on keto. Drink at least 10 cups a day. At
the same time, listen to your intuition and also look at the
color of your urine. If you’re not thirsty, then don’t feel
obligated to drink more water.

Additionally, mineral intake with sodium is also vital.

Electrolyte deficiencies will lead to muscle cramping,
headaches and too much stress.

What’s more, drinking too much water and peeing may

make us excrete out our electrolytes more than we
consume. That’s why you should pay close attention to
your urine color and how often you tend to go to the
bathroom. If you do it every hour, then dial back on your
water intake.

To make sure we keep things in check, we can drink

water with a bit of good quality salt in it to improve our
hydration and reduce cortisol levels, especially if we do it
first thing in the morning.

One of the biggest things that gets neglected in our

modern wired up lives is sleep. It’s the time during
which our body conducts all of its repair processes.
Growth hormone is also released the most during the first
few hours of shut-eye at about 11 PM.

Make sure you get about 7-8 hours of sleep a night

because anything less will cause too much stress to the
body. Inadequate amounts will lead to insulin resistance,
too high blood glucose levels, fatigue, fat accumulation
and muscle waste.

The best advice I can give you is to adjust your sleeping

schedule to the circadian rhythm. This might not be
possible but it’s the ideal worth striving towards. The
most optimal time to go to bed is at about 10PM. Waking
up depends, but cortisol starts raising at about 5-7AM to
wake us up naturally.

To make sure you get a good night’s sleep, you have to

block out blue light exposure from your gadgets and
technology. It will keep our subconscious mind up and
suppresses melatonin, which is the sleep hormone. Start
wearing blue light blocking glasses after 8PM and install
a software called Flux on your computer.
First thing in the morning after waking up, you should
drink at least 1 cup of water with about ½ teaspoons of
either sea salt or rock salt in it. Make sure you mix it
nicely with a spoon before because it will make the
sodium crystals blend in with the liquid.

Therefore, we should maintain this zen-like attitude

towards the whole experience and simply let things
everything run their course. Rather than being frustrated
or lethargic we have to accept it as it is. We can’t control
what happens to us but only our response to it.

Don’t turn into an angry vegan who’s aggressively and

neurotically obsessing over their nutritional philosophy.
Do support your cause but don’t get too crazy either.

It ought to be something we enjoy and can later reflect

back upon as an opportunity to learn more about our own
body. Don’t stress out on your ketone levels either. There
isn’t a specific point where we will become fat adapted
but eventually we’ll simply get accustomed to this new
alteration of our own biology.
Chapter V

Intermittent Fasting

A healthy lifestyle should also include some abstention

from food. Fasting induces ketosis very rapidly within 2-3
days and is the most natural and quickest ways of doing it.

Ketone bodies may rise up to 70-fold during prolonged

fasting[xxii]. Fasting also skyrockets human growth
hormone exponentially within the first few days to
maintain lean body mass and muscle tissue. Afterwards it
does so less significantly because protein catabolism gets
reduced to almost non-existent levels. In this state, the
majority of the body’s energy demands will be met by the
use of free fatty acids and ketones.

Physiologically, fasting and ketosis are the 2 sides of the

same coin. However, there are even more benefits that are
characteristic specifically to fasting.
The benefits of intermittent fasting:

Cellular repair and detoxification through a pathway

called autophagy, which removes waste material
from cells[xxiii]
Increased metabolism by 3.6-14% after 48
More insulin sensitivity[xxv]
Human growth hormone gets skyrocketed by 1300-
Increased longevity and lifespan
Cancer and tumor protection
Bolstered brain power and protection against
neurodegenerative disease

As you can see, most of the benefits, sans autophagy, can be

achieved on a well-formulated ketogenic diet as well.

There are several ways we can structure our intermittent


Actually, it doesn’t even matter when, as long as you

simply do it. The length of the fast isn’t as important
either. After a certain amount of time we’ll have reaped
all of the benefits and can stop fasting, without going
through several days.

Here are a few ways of doing it.

24-hour fast. This is the most basic way. It doesn’t

even have to mean that you actually go through a day
without eating. Simply have dinner in the evening,
fast throughout the next day and eat dinner again.
This one is also prescribed by the author of Eat Stop
Eat Brad Pilon. The frequency depends on the person
but once or twice a week should be the golden
standard. An active person who trains hard should do
it less often than a sedentary person.

16/8 time frame every day. This is my favorite

strategy, popularized by Martin Berkhan, which I’m
doing daily. You fast for 16 hours and have a feeding
window of 8. Simply skip breakfast and have it
during lunch instead. By that time all of the HGH
and other hormonal benefits will have reached their
peak. It’s also the time where our body has managed
to digest and remove all of the food and waste from
the previous day. In my opinion, we should all be
following this. It’s an optimal way of eating by
consuming food only when it’s necessary. We don’t
even have to be as strict with it. Instead of following
16/8 we can do 14/10, 18/6, 20/4 or whatever fits the
situation. The point is to simply reduce the amount of
time we spend in a fed state and to be fasting for the
majority of the day.
The Warrior Diet is a fasting protocol created by
Ori Hofmekler. The entire concept is based around
ancient warrior nations, such as the Spartans and
Romans, who would be physically active throughout
the day and only eat at night. At daylight they would
only get a few bites here and there and would
consume a lot of calories in the evening. This diet
follows the 20/4 timeframe with one massive meal
eaten at dinner.

Fasting for several days. Although very effective

for weight loss, I don’t see immense benefits in
doing this for healthy individuals. Autophagy and
detoxification will certainly increase but I would like
to think that similar results will be achieved with
daily intermittent fasting, such as the 16/8 window.
The frequency might actually be a lot better than the
intensity. However, doing a fast for several days at
least once a year sounds like a wise idea, as it will
completely detoxify the body and will also clear
metal toxicity.

Breakfast and dinner. As a final resort you can

follow the pattern of 50-50, meaning you have
breakfast early in the morning, go through the day
without eating and have dinner. This way you’ll fast
for about 8-10 hours and actually do it twice in one
24-hour period. It’s not ideal but still better than 6
meals a day. At least you’ll be able to not become
too dependent of the food and can get the most of the

There are also approaches like The 5:2 Diet and Alternate
Day Fasting, which include fasting but allow the
consumption of about 500 calories on days of abstention.
I wouldn’t recommend this, because caloric restriction
won’t allow all of the physiological benefits of fasting to
kick in. You want to shock the body and go straight to
zero for the greatest effects.

Based on my research and experimentation, the most

effective way to do this is through Intermittent Fasting
and Feasting, which is also the title of one the books I’ve
written about the topic. In its core, it resembles a lot the
Warrior Diet, but is slightly different. It’s actually better,
because it incorporates periods of undereating and
overfeeding with nutritional ketosis.

Basically, you skip breakfast, fast for about 15-17 hours

until noon and have a very small ketogenic meal of about
300-500 calories. As a result, the insignificant impact on
blood sugar levels will prolong your fasting period even
further and makes you more ketogenic. After that, you
wait about 5-6 hours and have a big dinner. You’ll still be
eating keto foods but in larger quantities.

The advantage to this is 3-fold.

By skipping breakfast, you allow your body to

conduct detoxifying and autophagy.

At noon, your HGH production will have increased

and having a small meal will give you more energy

Keeping yourself slightly underfed throughout the

day sends a signal to the body to speed up nutrient
partitioning and protein synthesis. By overfeeding at
dinner you’ll utilize your food more efficiently and
supercompensate for the abstinence.

Another thing to consider is protein fasting. In a

nutshell, you occasionally reduce your daily protein
intake dramatically, almost to a zero. It’s a great tool to
reduce inflammation, kick-start weight loss and to protect
yourself against tumors, cancer and aging.

By doing protein fasting once a week, you’re allowing

your body to induce autophagy. You’ll be self-digesting
your own tissue. It might seem like you’re cannibalizing
yourself and starving, but in reality autophagy is required
to maintain lean body mass and it actually inhibits the
breakdown of muscle in adults[xxvii].

It also improves mitochondrial functioning, resulting in

better sleep. Autophagy is required for healthy brain cell
mitochondria[xxviii]. Regular fasting does the trick as
well, but regularly limiting your protein intake is another
great way to do this. This makes your cells find every
possible way to recycle proteins endogenously. At the
same time, they bind and excrete toxins that are hidden in
your cell’s cytoplasm[xxix].

Being chronically protein deficient is horrible for the

brain and body. The trick is to do it intermittently, like
with fasting. After skipping protein intake completely
(24-hour fast) or reducing your intake close to zero (about
15 grams), you’ll supercompensate for that scarcity and
increase its utilization.

Doing some form of intermittent fasting daily in concert

with keto is one of the greatest health hacks there is. It
doesn’t even feel like an abstention if we structure it
strategically. That’s why the minimum fasting window I
would recommend for everyone is 14-16 hours.

Here’s how to maximize your daily intermittent

fasting and ketogenic eating.

Instead of having breakfast first thing in the morning,

continue to fast for a few hours.

Drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated. Either

add some salt or drink mineral water.

Wait until you get hungry and then drink either black
coffee or tea.

Fast for about 14-18 hours until noon. HGH and

other hormones will have peaked by that time.
Before you eat, have a glass of warm lemon water.
The citric acid will promote the creation of good
digestive enzymes and prepares your gut for

Break your fast with something small. Eating a big

meal will put too much stress on your intestines.
Have a few eggs and vegetables with some fat. You
shouldn’t feel the need to eat more than 300-500

Wait a few hours and continue eating the rest of your


To be honest, the majority of the benefits will be covered

with that short time period. However, having a 24-hour
fast once a week and a 48-hour one every few months will
do your health an extraordinary service.
Chapter VI

A Comprehensive Guide to the Vegetarian

Keto Diet

We’ve covered all of the basics we need to know about

nutrition and ketosis. With the information you’ve
received, you’re already more knowledgeable than the
majority of people. It’s an essential and vital skill to know
what effect food has on us and how to optimize it.

What we eat has a lot more profound impact on us than

we think. High end performance and a good quality life
require us to take care of our body.

The standard ketogenic diet alone is very difficult and

requires a lot of attention. This version is even more so.
However, once you get used to it, it will probably get
easy. You simply have to go through the adaptation
process and be mindful of how much carbs and protein
you’re consuming.

It starts with the gut. Our stomach is the closest point of

contact we have with the world and is the most sensitive
to external stimulus. What we put into our mouth will
travel down our throat into the intestines where it will be
used appropriately. If what you swallowed was food,
hopefully, your body will release hydrochloric acid
(HCA), which begins the digestion process.

Gut integrity and health is associated the most with bodily

inflammation levels, which is the greatest predictor of
overall health and longevity. Inhabited by millions of
bacteria, our microbiome operates like a second brain that
is constantly communicating with the rest of the body and
sending out signals about what processes to conduct at
any given moment.
By being inflamed we will begin to suffer joint pain, brain
fog and overall slothfulness. The 90% of our body’s
population is non-human and they control our appetite,
hormones, metabolism and mood. It is essential to keep
our gut clean and happy so that we too could feel great.

The reason why this is so important is that it will

determine how well you’re going to do on this ketogenic
diet. If you neglect your gut, your brain and overall life
will suffer.
It Starts with a Healthy Gut

Dark leafy greens are excellent sources of fiber, vitamins,

enzymes and minerals that feed the good gut microbiome.
Adding in excellent sources of fat and protein we are
allowing our food to be digested properly and do it with
ease without causing inflammation.

On the other hand, if we were to consume refined

carbohydrates or whole grains then we will eventually get
leaky gut, which is a syndrome where the phytates and
gluten compounds destroy the intestinal walls, allowing
the waste to flood our blood stream. As a result, we will
suffer all of the diseases we are trying to avoid. Gluten-
free might be considered a fad by some, but it’s based on
real science and physiology.

One thing to avoid entirely is the use of antibiotics. If

you’re taking some, then I advise you to find a better
solution because these drugs kill all bacteria, the good and
the bad. Also, you will cause gut irritation and excessive
stress. Your body will heal itself from almost anything
over time. Mostly our own behavior puts a halt to it. What
we can do is assist the process.

Start eating an anti-inflammatory ketogenic diet. By

removing processed food from your menu and eating
plenty of healthy vegetables, fat and nuts, you’re already
solving the issue to a great degree.

In addition to that, eating fermented foods is a must. You

should eat at least some form of it every day. As weird as
it might sound, your plate has to be full of nutrition as
well as crawling with bacteria. The best sources are
sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi, tempeh, Kombucha, raw
milk, raw yogurt and kefir. You can make all of them at
home yourself. Commercial products aren’t nearly as
effective and can have added sugar in them.

Here's how to make your own sauerkraut.


An empty jar

Salt, pepper, or any other spices you like.

A food processor.


Use the food processor to shred the cabbage.

Pack it tightly together with the spices into the jar.

The released liquid creates its own brining solution.

Leave the jar open and put a rock or something heavy

on top of the cabbage for extra pressure.

Keep it at room temperature at somewhere with

access to air.

After a few days, the cabbage will have fermented

and is ready to be eaten.
What Changes You Should Make

Start taking care of your gut, eat fermented foods and pay
more attention to your overall inflammation levels. If you
feel worse after eating something, then you probably
shouldn’t eat it again.

The ketogenic diet works so great because you’ll be

cleaning your body and resetting it back to its primal
functioning. You’ll learn more about how you react to
different nutrients and how to optimize your intake
accordingly. It’s not worth it to feel anything less than

Here are some additional changes we need to make to

start a ketogenic lifestyle.

Swap out your pantry. Get rid of all of your whole

grain breads, pastas, cereal, oatmeal, potatoes, fruit,
sugar, rice etc. You don’t need to have them in your
house if you’re not going to eat them. At least lose
them for the time being. They can only hinder your
process. If there are only keto foods around, then you
won’t even get the thought of wanting to eat
carbohydrates. You begin to crave carbs only after
you take a bite of them. Pre-empt that in advance like
a strategic genius.
Buy a lot of healthy ketogenic food. To replace the
carbs, go to a supermarket and stack up on some
staple nutrients that you’ll be consuming from now
on. It might seem like keto is overly restrictive but in
reality there is quite a lot of variation in the diet.
Some of the essential ingredients you should stock up
on are.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil– Make sure you get it in a
dark bottle. You don’t want to expose it to
sunlight or heat, as it will go rancid and cause
oxidative damage. Don’t use it on a frying pan
either. Use it only as cold dressing.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – The best fat for
cooking is coconut oil because its smoking point
is 350°F/175°C. It’s also full of medium-chain
triglycerides, which are fatty acid chains with
medium length bonds and can be quickly
converted to energy.
Frozen vegetables. To get the most nutrients
from your food, you should always try to eat it as
fresh as possible. Moments after picking up a
vegetable, the micronutrient content begins to
diminish. However, refrigerating food will
maintain its freshness, as it gets flash frozen
right on the field. Buy a lot of frozen broccoli,
cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, green beans
Stack up on healthy seasoning.
Pink Himalayan Rock Salt – Hydration and
electrolyte balance are incredibly important on a
ketogenic diet. By ditching carbs, your body will
flush out a lot of liquids, which needs to be
compensated by drinking more water and
increasing your sodium intake. Ordinary table
salt is contaminated with unhealthy nitrates. A
good quality sea or pink salt also has a higher
magnesium content, which is an essential
nutrient to have.
Turmeric. One of the best spices we can use is
curcumin or turmeric. It has a lot of medicinal
properties, such as anti-inflammatory
compounds, increase of antioxidants and brain
health. Also, it fights and prevents many
diseases, such as Arthritis, Alzheimer’s and even
cancer. In addition to that, it tastes amazing and
can be added to everything. I sprinkle it on all
foods and run out quite quickly which is why I
also buy it in bulk so that it’s cheaper. You can
also take a capsule.
Ginger. Continuing on with turmeric’s brother.
It has almost as much health benefits. In addition
to that, it lowers blood sugar levels, fights heart
disease, treats chronic indigestion, may reduce
menstrual pain for women, lowers cholesterol
and heals muscle pain. Once again, bulk or
Cinnamon. These three create the most
important natural spices we should be eating on
a daily basis. They’re incredibly cheap and easy
to come by yet have amazing health as well as
performance enhancing benefits. Moreover, they
all make food taste amazing. Cinnamon falls into
the same category as ginger and turmeric -
superfoods, because it truly empowers us. In
addition to the same medicinal properties it also
increases insulin sensitivity, fights
neurodegenerative disease and bacterial
infections. What’s best about it is that it can be
added to not only salty foods but on desserts as
well. I even add it to my coffee. The best to use
is Ceylon or „true“ cinnamon.
Calculate your macros. You don’t need to take this
to neurotic levels. However, during the initial few
weeks of adaptation, you should pay some attention
to this. Weigh your food for a few days and follow
the ketogenic macronutrient ratios.
Carbs. The total caloric proportion should be
about 5-10% NET, which doesn’t include the
fiber. This will fall somewhere between 30-50
grams per day. Carb tolerances vary between
individuals and you should know where yours
lies. The lower your carb intake the faster will
ketosis be induced. After the adaptation period
you can get away with eating slightly more and
don’t have to worry about it that much.
Protein. The ketogenic diet is moderate in
protein with 15-25% of total calories. If you’re a
sedentary person, then your demands will be
even less. As a general guideline stick to
somewhere between 0.7 to 1.3 grams per pound
of lean body mass. If you’re a hard-charging
athlete, your needs will be higher.
Fat. The rest of your calories will come from fat,
more than 70-80%. Eating more will not hurt
your keto-adaptation. However, it’s still a source
of dense calories. If you’re trying to lose weight,
then you can’t do so by eating at a surplus. You
still have to be at a negative energy balance. The
reason why keto works so great for this is that
the satiety factor will by default make you eat

You can also use this free online macro calculator

On the other hand, there are also some additional

“superfoods” we can consume. They are slightly less
conventional and harder to find. Nevertheless, they are
incredibly empowering and take it to the next level.
Occasionally using them will yield great results.

First off, it’s important to understand what we mean by

“superfoods.” Broccoli and turmeric fight cancer and
reduce inflammation, eggs and salmon have omega-3s
and DHA and can be considered as such. Because of the
benefits we get from them, they are already a part of the
list. However, they lack that one last push that would
twist the entire thing over the top.

A superfood for a superhuman would have to be

something that transcends their health and performance
past our normal capacities and reach levels of post-
optimal wellbeing.

Here’s a list of some TRUE superfoods.

Blueberries. Why? They’re full of phytonutrients,
that neutralize free radicals (agents that cause aging
and cell damage). High antioxidant content also
protects against cancer and reduces the effects of
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. They’re brain
food that improves cognitive functioning and
memory. At the same time, it reduces the risk of heart
disease and muscle damage from exercise.

Cacao. Not hot chocolate, but raw cacao nibs. They

can improve your memory, reduce heart disease,
increase fat oxidation, boost immunity and grant a lot
of energy. The Incas considered it the drink of the
gods. Raw cacao contains 20 times more antioxidants
than blueberries and 119 times more than bananas.
Processed chocolate is made with roasted cocoa,
milk, sugar and trans fats that block the absorption of
antioxidants. Organic more than 80% dark chocolate
can have the same benefits as raw cacao.

Chia seeds. A very popular superfood because of its

nutrient density and easy digestion. Aztec warriors
ate chia seeds before battle for high energy and
endurance. A spoonful was said to sustain them for
24 hours. In the Mayan language, “Chia” means
“strength.” These seeds are rich in fiber, omega-3s,
protein, vitamins and minerals, such as copper, zinc
and potassium. They will boost our metabolism,
protect against heart disease, build muscle and
increase fat burning. To get the most nutrition out of
them you have to soak them in water for a few hours
before consumption.

Algae. It’s a complex superfood that can be found in

green, blue-green or brown seaweed. The health
benefits are quite amazing: stronger immune system,
increased white blood cell count and better gut flora.
Blue-green algae like Chlorella or Spirulina is a
source of vitamin B12 and 22 other amino acids.
Brown algae contains Fuxoaxanthin that promotes fat

Bee pollen. Made by honeybees, it is one of the most

nourishing foods Mother Nature can provide us with,
as it contains almost all of the essential nutrients
needed by humans. It’s rich in amino acids, vitamins,
including B-complex, and folic acid. Bee pollen is
richer in protein than any animal source and half of it
is directly used by the body. One teaspoon consists of
over 2,5 billion (that’s 9 zeros) flower pollen grains.
Talk about micronutrient density. The benefits
include: enhanced energy, smoother skin, high
amounts of antioxidants, allergy reduction, improved
digestion, stronger immune and cardiovascular

Start implementing these strategies here and you’ll be

living the ketogenic lifestyle. Buy good quality food, take
care of your gut, change some of your eating habits and
do intermittent fasting. You’ll be off to achieving optimal
health and wellbeing.
Chapter VII

Vegetarian Keto Recipes

I’m not going to lie… the list of foods is quite limited.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t make delicious
meals. We simply have to use some imagination and
follow a few recipes.

Here are some amazing low carb high fat vegetarian keto
recipes you can eat on a daily basis.

The Ultimate Breakfast

The most classical and satiating meal we could have are

eggs and bacon. They have a lot of fat and protein with
the right nutritional profile for high end performance.
However, given this is a no meat approach we can still
have an amazing dish, sans bacon.

3 Eggs

1oz/28g of spinach/collard

1 tbsp butter/ghee/coconut oil

Optional additives would be cheese or avocado.

The spices would be pink Himalayan salt or

regular sea salt, black pepper, turmeric, ginger,
Cayenne pepper, cinnamon.


Either fry your eggs in a lot of butter, poach or

boil them. Don’t use too much heat as it will
damage the nutrients. Throw in the mix with
spinach in the same grease to coat it with fat.

To wash it all down with we would also want something

to drink. I’m going to share with you my secret recipe that
will change your life forever.
Fatty Egg Yolk Coffee

The name of this recipe might be somewhat shocking.

Don’t worry, you’ll change your opinion once you’ve
tasted it. It’s not entirely my own idea and I must say
kudos to Dave Asprey the Bulletproof executive.
However, my own version of it is even better. If you don’t
drink coffee, you can also use tea as a substitute.



1 tbsp of butter/coconut oil/heavy cream/MCT


1 whole egg

1 tsp of raw cacao nibs, coconut flakes, Chaga

mushroom, kelp powder and Chia seeds

1/4 of an avocado seed, chopped. Yes, the

avocado seed is very nutritious. You won’t even
notice the taste and will love the crunch it brings
to your drink.

1 tsp of cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, sea

salt and ginger


Brew your beverage and let it simmer for a


Put the egg in your cup and break it down. If it

stays in tact it will poach once you add the hot

Throw in some cacao nibs, coconut flakes, chia

seeds, about 5-10 grams each.

Chaga mushroom and sea kelp powder, 1/2

teaspoon each because they’re quite intense in

Add 1 teaspoon of butter, coconut oil, heavy

cream or MCT oil – which one you like most.
Chop down the avocado seed into tiny parts with
a knife and put them in the cup.

Sprinkle in cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, black

pepper and sea salt. You can also try out
Cayenne pepper for an extra kick.

Then mix it vigorously with a spoon or use a

blender to create a nice froth on the surface.
Using a blender will break the avocado seeds
and other ingredients into an amazing mixture.
Shaken not stirred, please.

Take a sip and be amazed.

It looks very appealing and has some pools of grease on

the surface. Taste it and be amazed as all of your taste
buds will fire up. This beverage gives instant and long
lasting energy for hours. You won’t experience any crash
that accompanies drinking coffee either because the fat
slows down the release of caffeine. There won’t be any
quick spike or drop and the brain will function at its best.
All of the neurons will light up with joy and be satisfied.
Low Carb Vegan Bowls


¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

¼ cup lemon juice

1 tbsp poppy seeds

1 tsp powdered or grated ginger

¼ tsp sea salt

1 avocado

1 cup of grated cauliflower

2 tbsp of tahini


Mix together the olive oil, lemon juice, poppy seeds,

ginger and salt.
Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit.

Cover the cauliflower with the dressing.

Add the dressing and tahini on the avocado.

Enjoy as a small snack.

Vegan Keto Protein Salad


½ cup of Chia seeds

½ cup of Pumpkin seeds

¼ cup of olive oil

1 cup of mixed nuts of your choosing

As much collard greens, lettuce you like

¼ cup of spinach

¼ tsp of salt and pepper


Get a big bowl and put the vegetables inside.

Add the seeds and oil, season according to


Get you protein in.

Chocolate Almond Butter Cookies


½ cup of almond or any other nut butter

¼ cup of coconut oil

¼ cup of cocoa powder

1/3 aquafaba or 1 vegan egg replacer

5 tbsp of Stevia

1 tsp of baking powder

1 tsp of vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 350 and put a baking sheet on

your tray.

Melt the coconut oil and mix it together with your

nut butter and aquafaba/egg substitute.

Add the vanilla, Stevia, baking powder and mix them


Slowly stir in the cocoa and mix until nice and


Put about tablespoon size portions on the tray and

flatten them slightly. Leave about a few inches
between each cookie, because they will spread once

Put the tray in the oven for about 15 minutes until the
edges get crispy. You’ll know it once you see it.
Let them cool for at least 15-20 minutes before trying
to take them from the tray or they will crumble!

Enjoy with some coconut milk. Just like in your


Chocolate Nut Butter Ice Cream


2-4 avocados

¼ cup cocoa powder

¼ cup of any nut butter

1 tbsp of Stevia

2 tbsp of coconut flakes

1 tbsp of cinnamon

For additional crunch add some almonds, walnuts or


Peel the avocados and put them into a blender or a

food processor.

Add cocoa and the butter and blend until smooth and

Mix together with the coconut flakes and cinnamon.

Add some nuts, if you want more crunch.

Put the mixture into a tightly-sealed freezer-safe


Freeze for about 3-4 hours.

Bon Appetite!

Kale Chips


Some sort of leafy fibrous greens. Kale, savoy

cabbage, bok choy, collard greens etc.
Seasoning according to preference.


Wash the vegetables and cut the leaves into smaller


Distribute them evenly on a pan and add seasoning.

Don’t add too much water into the bottom as it will

make the greens too soft.

Put the pan in the oven and bake for about 30-45
minutes on high heat.

It’s finished when the leaves will turn brown and


Cauliflower Pizza

The most amazing and versatile food at our disposal on

keto is cauliflower. It can be used to substitute almost
anything we’re used to having: mashed potatoes, rice and
pizza. This recipe will teach you how to have your gluten-
free-low-carb crust that fits ketosis perfectly.



Egg substitute


Seasoning and herbs of your choosing.


Take the entire head of a cauliflower and cut off the


In a food processor shred them all into bits and


Add in the egg substitute.

Spread the mixture on a pan and put it in the oven for

30 minutes.
This will turn into a crust and creates texture.

Add the tomatoes on top and let it cook for a while

until ready.

The same can be done with zucchini as well. Instead of it

being pizza they look like boats instead. Simply cut the
vegetable in half and add the other ingredients.

Avocado Mayonnaise


Olive oil

Lemon juice


Mustard seeds

Tabasco sauce

Garlic cloves
Salt and pepper


Cut open the avocado and smash it down vigorously

or use a blender.

Add the seasoning and squeeze in the lemon juice.

Crush the garlic cloves and mustard seeds and throw

them in as well.

A few drops of Tabasco for the extra burn.

Slowly pour in the olive oil and keep mixing. Do it

steadily and maintain a constant stream.

Once it starts to thicken you know it’s done.

For more texture add more avocados or peanut butter.

For more liquid add more oil.

The best way to make it is in bulk. Grab a jar and make a

lot of it in advance. Store it in the freezer and use it as a
sauce on your dishes. It tastes even better than the
conventional mayonnaise and is completely keto-proof.

Vegan Keto Pancakes


Coconut milk

Coconut oil

Almond or coconut flour

Egg substitute


Blueberries and coconut flakes

Optionally some vegan protein powder


Put the egg substitute into a mixing bowl.

Pour in the coconut milk, protein powder and
flour according to preference and texture.

Mix them together with cinnamon.

Heat the pan with coconut oil.

Pour in the pancake mixture and cook on both


While in the pan throw some coconut flakes on


Serve on a plate with blueberries.

Coconut Keto Cereal

If you’ve ever been a child (…), then you probably

downed a lot of breakfast cereal. Tony the Tiger said its
“Grrreat!” and our parents believed them. It has a lot of
essential vitamins and minerals – everything a growing
organism needs. But they’re also filled with sugar, syrup,
grains which make them not so great after all.
Yet again, we don’t have to give up our crunchy cereal in
the morning and can still eat keto. This recipe cooks the
cereal in bulk. The actual serving size depends on how
much you’re going to eat.

1 whole package of coconut flakes
Stevia (optional)
Unsweetened almond milk
A few strawberries or blueberries
A handful of mixed nuts
1 teaspoon of coconut oil
Preheat the oven to 350 F/180 C.
Grease a baking pan with coconut oil or use
baking parchment instead.
Pour the coconut flakes on the pan and cook
them for about 5 minutes. Keep watch the whole
Shuffle the flakes and stir them around. Keep
cooking until they’re slightly tan and toasted.
Take the flakes out and sprinkle with cinnamon.
To eat, take about ½ cups of the chips and put
them into a bowl. Pour in the almond milk, slice
in the berries and add a few more nuts.
Bon appetite!

Keto Spaghetti Squash

Another Italian classic that doesn’t require wheat or

whole grains.

1 spaghetti squash
2 tablespoons of butter
1/4 cup of heavy cream or coconut milk
Salt and pepper
½ cups of grated cheese
A pinch of basil
Preheat the oven to 375 F/180 C
Slice the squash in half, lengthwise, and remove
the seeds and pulp.
Wrap both halves in aluminum foil, place them
face-up on a baking sheet and bake for about 30-
40 minutes.
Once done, scoop out the flesh with a fork,
which will create these spaghetti like figures.
Melt the butter over medium heat and add the
heavy cream, salt, cheese and basil. Cook for
about 10-15 minutes at a light simmer, while
stirring every once in a while.
Add the spaghetti squash, mix and enjoy!

Cheesy Grated Cauliflower

You rarely get sick of cauliflower. It’s the most versatile

food at our disposal that can be used for numerous dishes,
including by itself.

1 large head of cauliflower
1 1/2 cups of shredded cheese
1/2 cup of heavy cream
¼ teaspoon of black pepper
½ teaspoon of sea salt
Preheat the oven to 400F/200C.
Chop the cauliflower into bite-sized pieces and
put them in a steamer pot. Bring the water to boil
and let it simmer on low to medium heat.
Steam the cauliflower for 10-15 minutes or until
it’s tender enough to be pierced with a fork.
Mix the cheese and heavy cream in a baking
dish. Stir in seasoning and let it simmer.
Add the cauliflower to the cheese mixture and
stir around until it’s well coated.
Bake for about 30 minutes or until the top is
nicely brown.
Remove from the oven and let it sit for 5-10
minutes to allow the sauce to thicken just a bit.

Keto Chocolate

You can eat dark chocolate on keto and it’s incredibly

healthy for your health. What’s more, it tastes a lot better
than the regular milk chocolate equivalent.

You can put only 1 small piece of 80%+ chocolate that’s

darker than night and be incredibly satiated. Your taste
buds will light up but won’t cause any additional

Good quality dark chocolate can be hard to come by. No

worries, you can make your own with.

2 tablespoons of coconut oil
2 tablespoons of raw cacao butter
3 tablespoons of cacao powder
1 cup of coconut milk or almond milk (optional,
if you want a milkier texture)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
A pinch of sea salt
1 teaspoon of Stevia
Melt the coconut oil and cacao butter in a skillet
over very low heat. Let the texture get softer
slowly. Don’t make it boil.
Once the mixture is melted, turn off the heat and
mix in the cacao powder. It should look dark and
If you want more of a milky taste, mix in the
coconut milk.
Stir in the cinnamon, salt, stevia and the vanilla
Allow the chocolate mixture to cool until it
reaches room temperature.
Put the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes
until it becomes solid.
After the chocolate has solidified, break it apart
and put it in a glass container.
Savor the taste by eating small pieces at a time.

No Bake Coconut Bars

Some great snacks you can make in advance that taste

1 cup of almond flour or coconut flour
¼ cups of butter
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
1/4 cups of cashews
¼ cup of shredded coconut flakes
Melt the butter on medium heat and combine it
with the almond flour in a large bowl.
Add cinnamon, salt, coconut flakes and mix
Chop the cashews into smaller pieces and add
into the mixture. Stir very well to combine
everything evenly.
Line a baking dish with parchment paper and
spread the dough in an even layer.
Place the dish in the refrigerator for at least 2
hours. Preferably over night.
After they’ve chilled, slice into bars.
Have a nice snack!
Keto Peanut Butter Cake

Lastly, some cake for birthdays or other special occasions. You can
have your cake and eat it too.

¼ cups of flaxseeds or flaxseed meal
2 tablespoons of almond flour or coconut flour
1 large egg
Top Layer
1 medium avocado
4 tablespoons of cacao powder
½ teaspoons of vanilla extract
1 teaspoons of cinnamon
2 tablespoons of heavy cream
Middle Layer
4 tablespoons of peanut butter
2 tablespoons of butter
Preheat the oven to 350F/175C.
For the crust, grind up the flaxseeds until they’re finely
ground. You can also flaxseed meal.
Add the rest of the crust ingredients to the ground
flaxseeds and blend well.
Press the crust mixture into your tart pans and up the
sides. Bake them in the oven for about 8 minutes.
In the mean while, blend together all of the top layer
ingredients until smooth and creamy.
Take out the crusts and let them cool while you prepare
the peanut butter layer.
Melt your peanut butter and butter over the stove until
soft and combined.
Pour the melted peanut butter layer onto the crusts and
place them in the fridge for about 30 minutes until the top
is set.
After that, add the chocolate avocado layer on top.
Smooth it out and refrigerate for about an hour.
Take out the cake, slice it and eat it. Enjoy!

Coconut Cream Porridge

It’s thought that oatmeal is incredibly healthy. Well, it might be, but
it’s definitely not optimal because of gluten and the phytates found
in whole grains.

Nevertheless, there’s still a way to have a bowl of keto porridge that

tastes equally as good and doesn’t come with any negative effects.

1 cup of coconut cream
1 oz of almonds (about 20), ground or whole
1 teaspoon of cinnamon and Stevia (optional)
1 teaspoon of coconut flakes
A pinch of nutmeg
Heat the coconut cream on a saucepan on medium until it
forms a liquid.
Add the almonds, coconut flakes and stevia
Mix well and keep stirring for a few minutes until it
begins to thicken.
Add the cinnamon, nutmeg and taste.
Serve hot.
Cucumber Spinach Smoothie

An effortless way to get in more greens into your diet is to juice

them. You can use many variations of this same recipe, using
different ingredients.

2 handfuls of spinach
1 large cucumber
7 ice cubes
1/2 cups of coconut milk
1 teaspoon of Stevia
Cut the cucumber into slices or cubes.
Throw in all of the ingredients into a blender and blend.
Absorb all of the vitamins and minerals of greens.

Cauli Hash

2 tablespoons of butter or ghee
½ onion, chopped
2-4 garlic cloves, minced
About 1 pound of cauliflower steamed and chopped into
small chunks.
Turmeric, ginger, salt and pepper
½ green bell peppers
Sautee the onions in butter for a few minutes over
medium heat.
After 5 minutes, add the garlic and bell pepper
Squeeze all excess water from your steamed cauliflower.
Add it to the pan and sautee for 5-10 minutes until brown
and crispy.
Add the seasoning and toss all of the ingredients around
for another 2 minutes.
Throw the mix into a bowl and have a nice meal!

Pan Fried Avocado

If you don’t have a lot of time or aren’t that hungry, you can easily
have a simple yet tasty small little meal.
l avocado
2 tablespoons of butter, coconut oil or lard
Sea salt
Cut avocado in half and remove the pit.
Peel and cut into small cubes.
Melt the butter over medium heat.
Add the avocado and cook for a few minutes until only
slightly brown. Stir occasionally. Don’t overdo with the
heat, as fats will go rancid.
Season with salt and voila!

As you can see there are many ways to eat a variety of

delicious foods even with few ingredients. You can even
enjoy meals from a normal diet plan. They taste as good
and are a lot healthier. You simply have to use your
Chapter VIII

Vegetarian Keto Supplementation

Despite our access to abundant contemporary food we’re

still missing some key ingredients - the micronutrients. To
overcome this flaw there are some supplements we should
be taking.

Health is not something to be taken for granted and being

superhuman requires doing what’s necessary for
achieving that status. What matters more about any type
of food is not its caloric proportions but the minerals,
enzymes, vitamins etc. and what hormonal effect it has on
the organism.

With the industrialization of food all of that has suffered.

Our soils are being depleted from their vital life force
with the use of fertilizers, spraying of toxic fumes, usage
of GMOs, radiation, travel pollution and many other
things. All for the purpose of creating more empty
calories and food without any actually beneficial content.

As a vegetarian, supplementation is even more important

because it’s difficult to get all of the essential amino acids
and fatty acids from solely plant based food.

A word of caution. There are a lot of supplements we

could be taking. However, that doesn’t mean we should
start gorging on piles of tablets and numerous pills. It’s
not about becoming a substance junkie, but a self-
empowered being who simply covers all of the necessary
micronutrients through the usage of natural yet still
manufactured additives.

We don’t need to take a whole lot, simply some which

everyone needs and especially those that we’re
individually most deficient of. That’s something we
have to find out ourselves.

Additionally, we should always try to stick to real

whole foods as much as possible. Supplements are just
that - supplementation for some of the deficiencies we fail
to get from what we actually eat. They’re not magical but
simply give us the extra edge.

The effects these products have can be derived from

natural foods as well. In the form of a pill or a powder
they're simply microscopic and packaged nutrition.
Taking them will grant us access to optimal health - the
utmost level of wellbeing and performance both physical
and mental.

Before taking anything we ought to educate ourselves

about the topic and consult a professional physician.
The responsibility is solely on the individual and I will
take none.
Supplements you HAVE to Take

Moving on with actual supplements. These things we’re

all deficient of and they also take our performance to the
next level, they empower us.

Omega-3s are great for the brain and heart. The

counterpart to that is omega-6, which are pro-
inflammatory and bad for us. Omega-6 can be found
in a lot of processed foods and vegetable oils, which
we would want to avoid anyway. For our body to be
healthy the omega-3’s need to be in balance with the
omega-6’s. Unfortunately, that balance can be easily
tipped off as every amount of omega-6 requires triple
the amount of omega-3 to reduce the negative
effects. Additionally, DHA and EPA, promote brain
functioning, fight inflammation, support bone health,
increase physical performance etc. Naturally, they
can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, herring,
mackerel and sardines. Chia seeds have some as
well, but as a vegetarian you HAVE to supplement
this. There are some softgels you can easily take.

Vitamin D-3. This is the sunshine vitamin and is one

of the most important nutrients. Life exists on Earth
because of the Sun. D-3 governs almost every
function within us starting from DNA repair and
metabolic processes making it a foundation to
everything that goes on. It’s embedded in nutritious
food, given it has received enough exposure to solar
light. Vitamin D-3 fights cardiovascular,
autoimmune and infective diseases. Of course, the
best source would be to get it from the Sun but that is
not always possible because of seasonality and
location. It can be consumed as oil or a capsule.

Magnesium. Another foundational mineral. It

comprises 99% of the body’s mineral content and
governs almost all of the processes. Magnesium
helps to build bones, enables nerves to function and
is essential for the production of energy from food.
This is especially beneficial for the physically active.
Some people who are depressed get headaches
because of this deficiency. Because our soils are
quite depleted magnesium needs to be supplemented.
It can also be used as an oil on your skin for greater
absorption in specific areas.

Vitamin B-12. It’s a water soluble vitamin with key

properties for normal brain and nervous system
functioning. You need it for the formulation of red
blood cells as well. Starting with DNA synthesis and
ending with amino acid metabolism, it’s involved
with every cell in the body. We aren’t capable of
producing it and therefore need to derive it from diet.
The best sources of B-12 are animal products and
that’s why vegans tend to suffer a deficiency from
this vital vitamin. Eating unwashed organic
vegetables is a popular way to circumvent that, but
it’s not enough. You also have to supplement it.
Supplements Empowered

We have covered all of the supplements you should be

taking as a low carb vegan no matter what, the most
important and essential ones. Now I’ll get down to the
empowering ones.

They are not foundational but beneficial nonetheless.

With the help of these we can transcend the boundary
between healthy and superhuman performance as they
will take us to the next level.

Creatine Monohydrate. Creatine is an organic acid

produced in the liver that helps to supply energy to
cells all over the body, especially muscles. It
enhances ATP production and allows for muscle
fibers to contract faster, quicker, and makes them
overall stronger. That means increased physical
performance with explosive and strength based
movements and sprinting. However, it doesn’t end
there. Creatine has been found to improve cognitive
functioning, as it’s a nootropic as well, improving
mental acuity and memory. Naturally, it can be found
most in red meat. It’s dirty cheap and easy to
consume, as only 5 grams per day will do wonders
and doing so won’t make a person big nor bulky.

Pro- and prebiotics. Having a well working

digestive system is incredibly vital for getting the
most nutrients out of our food. Industrialization has
done another disservice to us by destroying all of the
bacteria in the food we consume, the good and the
bad, and replacing them with preservatives. We
might be eating but we’re not actually deriving a lot
of nutrients. In order to have a healthy gut we need to
have a well-functioning microbiome. Naturally, food
is full of living organisms. Sauerkraut, raw milk,
yoghurt, unprocessed meat all have good bacteria in
them. With there being no life in our food, we need
to create it within us ourselves. Probiotics are alive
microorganisms in a pill that transport these good
bacteria into our gut for improved digestion and
immune system. Prebiotics are different, they’re not
alive, but plant fiber that feeds the bacteria. They’re
indigestible parts of the vegetable that go through our
digestive track into our gut where the bacteria then
eat them. If you don’t like eating a lot of broccoli and
spinach, then you should still get a lot of fiber into
your diet.

Thyroid supplementation. The thyroid gland is

incredibly important for our health because it
regulates the functioning of our metabolism.
Moreover, because of its location in our throat it also
is a connective point between the brain and the rest
of the body. This organ is a part of an incredibly
complex system which creates this intertwined
relationship between the two. With a low functioning
thyroid one will have an impeded metabolism, suffer
hypothyroidism and many other diseases because of
the necessary hormones will not be produced.
Promoting thyroid functioning can be done by taking
iodine supplementation or eating a lot of sea
vegetables. The daily requirements for selenium can
be met with eating only 2-3 Brazil nuts.

Multivitamin. There are definitely a lot of vitamins

to be covered for our body to not only be healthy but
function at its peak. It would be unreasonable to take
too many tablets or pills while neglecting the
importance of real food. However, taking a
multivitamin that has a lot of beneficial minerals all
combined into one bottle is very effective and will
most definitely be useful.

Maca. Another superfood comes from the Peruvian

mountains and is the root of ginseng. It has numerous
amounts of vitamins and minerals in it, such as
magnesium zinc, copper etc. Also, it promotes
hormone functioning for both men and women, as
well as increases our energy production just like
creatine does. It can either be powdered or made into
a tablet.

GABA. Called gamma-aminobutyric acid, it’s the

main inhibitory neurotransmitter, and regulates the
nerve impulses in the human body. Therefore, it is
important for both physical and mental performance,
as both of them are connected to the nervous system.
Also, GABA is to an extent responsible for causing
relaxation and calmness, helping to produce BDNF.

Chaga mushroom. Chaga is a mushroom that grows

on birch trees. It’s extremely beneficial for
supporting the immune system, has anti-oxidative
and soothing properties, lowers blood pressure and
cholesterol. Also, consuming it will promote the
health and integrity of the adrenal glands. This
powder can be added to teas or other warm
beverages. Or you can grind it yourself.

MCT oil. For nutritional ketosis having an additional

source of ketone bodies will be beneficial. MCT
stands for medium chain triglycerides which are fat
molecules that can be digested more rapidly than
normal fat ones, which are usually long chain
triglycerides. Doing so will enable the brain to have
immediate access to abundant energy and a deeper
state of ketosis. Basically, it’s glucose riding the
vessel of ketones. Naturally, it’s extracted from
coconut oil and is an enhanced liquidized version of
it. Additionally, I also eat raw coconut flakes, which
have MCTs in them.

Collagen protein. Collagen provides the fastest

possible healthy tissue repair, bone renewal and
recovery after exercise. It can also boost mental
clarity, reduce inflammation, clear your skin,
promote joint integrity, reduces aging and builds
muscle. Naturally, it’s found in tendons and
ligaments, that can be consumed by eating meat. As a
supplement it can be used as gelatin capsules.

Branched Chain Amino Acids. L-Leucine, L-

Isoleucine, and L-Valine are grouped together and
called BCAAs because of their unique chemical
structure. They’re essential and have to be derived
from diet. Supplementing them will increase
performance, muscle recovery and protein synthesis.
There is no solid evidence to show any significant
benefit to BCAAs. However, they can be very useful
to take before fasted workouts to reduce muscle
catabolism. As a vegan you can also take them to
cover all of your essential amino acids.

This is the list of supplements we should be taking. It

includes the most important ones, the essential, which we
should be taking no matter what, as well as the not so
vital that simply make us more empowered and give us
the extra edge. Nothing replaces good food, but proper
and educated supplementation will fix some of the
Bonus Chapter

How to Get into Ketosis Super Quick

Before you start living the ketogenic lifestyle, you may

want to speed up your adaptation process. This chapter
teaches you how to get into nutritional ketosis super fast.

To get into ketosis we have to either:

Fast for a prolonged amount of time.

Restrict our carbohydrate intake to a bare minimum.

Both options are very effective ways of inducing ketosis.

However, those two things aren’t always enough.

Someone who is burning sugar may not ever be able to
get into ketosis, despite following the guidelines. The
body is just too addicted to sugar and enters an energy
To provide energy for the brain and body, it is necessary
to have a substitute for glucose. If you want to become fat
adapted, then you have to promote the production of
ketone bodies as well. To do that, we would have to
consume fat that is easily absorbed and gives quick

The #1 source of quality fat is probably MCT oil.

There are also exogenous ketones but at the moment they
are not that commercially available. For habitual use,
MCTs get the job done and are great.

To promote ketone production, we can eat any other type

of fat as well. Coconut oil, avocado oil and olive oil are
only slightly less effective.
How to Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fasting is the most natural and effective ways of inducing

ketosis. After a few days the body will be utilizing
primarily fat for fuel because there is no glucose left to be
found. In addition to that, it will derive energy solely from
the adipose tissue.

To not become excessively gluconeogenic and begin to

cannibalize your precious muscles and organs, then you
need to provide yourself with at least some form of

Consuming only fat, with no other macronutrient will

not even put you into a fed state. The calories will not
cross the blood-brain barrier and it actually mimicks
fasting. Because your blood sugar levels will not be
affected, you will continue to fast. The exception is that
now you will have higher ketone levels and increased

This is called fat fasting. It takes the 2 best ways of

getting into ketosis and makes the adaptation process even

Doing this will not be very taxing to the body. For a sugar
burner it will definitely be quite difficult. Lowering their
carbohydrate intake even just a little bit will cause
withdrawal symptoms. What would you expect from a
full on ban then?

For someone who already knows how to use fat for fuel,
this will be actually quite enjoyable. It will feel like
fasting but you’ll have a lot of energy. After a few days,
you should be in quite deep ketosis.

But how much fat should you consume? There isn’t any
upper or lower limit, really. However, there will definitely
be a point of diminishing returns. Once that threshold has
been crossed, you won’t get any extra benefit from
consuming more MCTs. You’ll simply be eating calories.

It’s better to keep your fat intake as low as possible and

use it only when necessary. To not exit your fasted state,
you would only want to take one teaspoon a few times a
day. This would total under 500 calories that are all
derived from fat.
Mistakes to Avoid

Fat fasting is a great way to get into ketosis faster, but it

shouldn't be taken too far. During the adaptation phase,
you'll be still quite catabolic and dependent of glucose.

You're still going to have to go through several days of

adaptation before you make a complete shift. But you
don't want to be fasting for that long.

If you're obese or sedentary, then you can get away with it

easily. If you're physically active and a fit individual, then
you shouldn't fast for that long. In that case, you would
want to do it for a day or two on days when you're not
training. This should only be a strategy to kick-start the

Also, you wouldn't want to neglect the principles of

ketogenic dieting. This is not a quick fix, but simply a
very time-efficient strategy. Don't think that this will put
you into deep ketosis for the rest of your life. After
breaking the fast you would still want to continue eating
low carb, to stay adapted.

Eat Sustainably for the Rest of Your Life

And there you have it, you’re now well equipped and
knowledgeable enough to start a well-formulated
vegetarian ketogenic diet. The information in this book
can be used to adjust according to your personal
nutritional philosophy and doctrine. Don’t accept eggs or
dairy? Then simply exclude them from your diet and stick
to solely plant based foods.

Whatever the case might be, I still like to use that scene
from the Matrix as reference point for describing the
vegetarian ketogenic diet. If you include the consumption
of eggs and butter then I think it’s an incredibly
sustainable and healthy way of eating you can stick to for
the rest of your life. Unlike the strict vegan diet, you will
definitely not be deficient of the essential amino and fatty
acids for optimal living. If you were to eat eggs or even
fish, then you can eat a whole foods diet and be very well
off. Everything the body needs…

Ketosis is a powerful tool and a great metabolic state to be

in. Nevertheless, it’s not the end-all be-all nor a magical
cure for obesity and diabetes. It’s great but we shouldn’t
think of it as something omnipotent.

That’s why I’m going to share with you a concept of mine

called optimal nutrition. It can be grasped under a single
sentence, which goes as follows:

Optimal nutrition is eating the right things, in the

right amounts at the right time.

I do not know about you but I think there cannot be made

a better definition than that. It covers all of what we need
to know OBJECTIVELY, meaning that it is not taken out
of context and can be applied to any situation. We simply
need to decipher it and make it fit our demands.

Keto is a part of that, but it may not fit into the paradigm
of optimal nutrition all of the time. For the most part it
does. Even I, who trains quite hard and often, feel this
way. My body is very insulin sensitive but I still prefer to
use fat for fuel.

On this note I’m going to end the book. Simple keto,


Before that, I also wanted to give you another FREE gift.

It’s a short little e-book about the definition of optimal

nutrition, in which I also decipher the whole concept into
its smaller parts. You’ll love it. It would be the next
natural step to take on your nutritional journey.

Click the image above or the link below to get the FREE
called Optimal Nutrition Report..

Or if you’re on the paperback version, head over to
Ultimate Keto Meal Plan

I’ve also created a 21 day ketogenic meal plan called

Ultimate Keto, which will put ultimately into ketosis. It
will help you to start a well-formulated ketogenic diet as a
long term thing. Check it out.

Click here to get Ultimate Keto!

Leave a Review on Amazon!

If you liked this book, then I would appreciate it, if you

could leave a 5-star review on Amazon. It helps me out a
ton and is the least you can do to help other people start a
ketogenic diet as well.
>>Click here to leave a 5-star review for my book.<<
More Books from the Author

Find out how to workout on keto and build muscle from

the book Keto Bodybuilding

Keto Bodybuilding: Build Lean Muscle and Burn Fat at

the Same Time by Eating a Low Carb Ketogenic
Bodybuilding Diet and Get the Physique of a Greek
Keto Cycle the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet Book

Simple Keto the Easiest Ketogenic Diet Book

Target Keto the Targeted Ketogenic Diet Book

Vegan Keto: the Vegan Ketogenic Diet

Optimal Nutrition Program: Eat to Become Superhuman
Intermittent Fasting and Feasting: Use Strategic Periods
of Undereating and Overfeeding
to Unleash the Most Powerful Anabolic Hormones of
Your Body

Becoming a Self Empowered Being

The Self Empowered Superhuman Diet

About the Author

Hello, my name is Siim Land and I’m a holistic health

practitioner, a fitness expert, an author and a self-
empowered being. Ever since my childhood I’ve been
engaged with personal development and self-
actualization. As a kid, I made the decision of improving
the state of mankind and transcending humanity towards
the better. My journey has lead me on an Odyssey of
body-mind-spirit, during which I’ve managed to develop
and enhance every aspect of my being. My philosophy is
based around achieving self-mastery and excellence first
and foremost. What comes after that is the mission of
empowering others to do the same. That’s what I’ve
dedicated my life to and am doing daily. To do that, I’m
always trying to improve upon my own physiology,
psychology and biology. I dream of a better world, in
which mankind isn’t separated from one another and is
working towards reaching their truest potential.
Contact me at my blog:

[i] Body composition and hormonal responses to a carbohydrate-restricted diet.

[ii] A high-fat, ketogenic diet induces a unique metabolic state in mice.
[iii] What is an Essential Nutrient?
[iv] Endocrine Notes on Glucose Metabolism (PDF)
[v] Glycerol gluconeogenesis in fasting humans.
[vi] Low-carbohydrate nutrition and metabolism
[vii] The Expensive-Tissue Hypothesis: The Brain and the Digestive System in Human
and Primate Evolution
[viii] The Effects of a Ketogenic Diet on Exercise Metabolism and Physical Performance
in Off-Road Cyclists
[xii] The effects of a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet and a low-fat diet on mood, hunger,
and other self-reported symptoms.
[xiii] The National Cholesterol Education Program Diet vs a Diet Lower in
Carbohydrates and Higher in Protein and Monounsaturated Fat
[xiv] HDL-subpopulation patterns in response to reductions in dietary total and saturated
fat intakes in healthy subjects
[xv] Short-term effects of severe dietary carbohydrate-restriction advice in Type 2
diabetes--a randomized controlled trial.
[xvi] A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet to treat type 2 diabetes
[xvii] Metabolic syndrome and low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets in the medical school
biochemistry curriculum
[xviii]Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners
[xix] Ketogenic diet does not affect strength performance in elite artistic gymnasts
[xx] Grimm O. Addicted to food. Scientific American Mind 2007; 18(2):36-39
[xxii] Liver and kidney metabolism during prolonged starvation
[xxiii] Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy
[xxiv] Enhanced thermogenic response to epinephrine after 48-h starvation in humans.
[xxv] Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body
composition, and energy metabolism.
[xxvi] Fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex rhythms of
growth hormone secretion in man.
[xxvii] Autophagy is required to maintain muscle mass.
[xxviii] Inflammation-Induced Alteration of Astrocyte Mitochondrial Dynamics Requires
Autophagy for Mitochondrial Network Maintenance
[xxix] Autophagy in the Pathogenesis of Disease

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