Diet Vegan Meal Plan

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A Guide to Helping You Go Vegan and Stay Vegana Hot Vegan


The information in this book is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the personal research and experience of Donna Wild. Please make your own health care decisions based upon your research. Always work directly with a qualified medical professional before attempting to treat any illness or medical condition with diet and lifestyle or when changing or discontinuing any prescription medications. Always check with your doctor before starting any new diet or fitness program when you have an existing medical condition.

Table of Contents
Testimonials .............................................................................................. 3
From Dave ..............................................................................................................3 From Genevieve .....................................................................................................3

Welcome Letter ......................................................................................... 3

The Six Steps .........................................................................................................3

Step 1: Congratulations! .......................................................................... 3 Step 2: Guidelines .................................................................................... 3 Step 3: Out with the Old ........................................................................... 3 Step 4: Meal Plan ...................................................................................... 3
When You Wake Up ...............................................................................................3 Breakfast ................................................................................................................3 Lunch ......................................................................................................................3 Dinner .....................................................................................................................3 Salad Dressing Recipes ........................................................................................3 Snack Options ........................................................................................................3 Food Pyramid .........................................................................................................3 Food Combining ..................................................................................................15

Step 5: Meal Planning and Shopping Lists ............................................. 3

Sugar/Fat/Protein Balance ....................................................................................3 Supplements ........................................................................................................18 Salt ........................................................................................................................19 Sleep .....................................................................................................................19 Sunshine ...............................................................................................................20 Ripe Fruit ..............................................................................................................20

5 Crucial Tips for Being a Vegan ........................................................... 21

Tip 1: Fresh Produce ...........................................................................................21 Tip 2: Carbohydrates ...........................................................................................21 Tip 3: Education ...................................................................................................22 Tip 4: Encourage a friend to be a vegan with you.............................................23 Tip 5: Receive and give support .........................................................................23

Reminders ............................................................................................... 24 FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions ...................................................... 25 About Me ................................................................................................. 27 Endorsements ......................................................................................... 29 Step 6: Community and Support ........................................................... 30
Community ...........................................................................................................31

Final Words ............................................................................................. 32 Appendix of Printables ........................................................................... 33

From Dave
Since starting your program, I have developed a fitter, stronger body, and my health is fantastic. I feel switched on all the time, and everyone that I know complements me on how I look younger, how I seem to always have so much energy, and how I am always glowing. I have lost a total of 10kg, and I have gained muscle, so I probably have lost more than 10kg of fat... I feel 150% better than I ever have. I have been mostly raw and fully Vegan the whole time... [I] found it quite easy as I have developed the discipline to eat well even going out to restaurants. I am learning more about nutrition and exercise than I ever have, and I am learning more and more about my own body and what I feel I need. Just having you there if I had a question and reading the information on the Wild Bodies Facebook page has been excellent. I am planning on doing a body building camp in March next year 100% vegan, so I will keep you updated with my results. You are always a great inspiration to me, and thank you for your amazing positivity and support. I would love to keep in touch with you to let you know how my journey is going.

From Genevieve
Before approaching Donna at Wild Donna, I had been focusing on my fitness and health for about six months. I had gone from zero exercise to a 3km run plus a one-hour cross-fit style workout session three times per week, and a shorter training session every other day. I had made great improvements in my fitness and overall health. I had, however, reached a plateau that I could not shake. I was sitting on 54 kilos and my body was not budging! I was on a high protein ovo-vegetarian diet and thought that I should become leaner the more protein I I could not understand why my body was not metamorphosing the way I wanted it to! Being part of Donnas Vegan Diet and Training Programs meant that I had valuable, expert advice and meal planning at my disposal. Donnas vast knowledge on health and food, and her incredible respect for her own body and the planet made me feel safe to trust my body in her hands. Donna was always loving, encouraging, and full of positive energy. She motivated me, checked up on me, and kept me on track for my goals even when I was caving. Everyone around me would look at me wide-eyed and say, You look amazing! Have you lost more weight? How?? At work one of my colleagues nicknamed me the incredible shrinking woman (and not just for my diminutive 410 stature). An active high-carb lifestyle, I have grown to believe, is the best way to maintain optimum health for our bodies and our planet! I learned so much about my relationship with food and my own body.



Welcome Letter
Welcome to the Wild Bodies Vegan Diet Plan, your easy to follow six-step guide to helping you be a vegan and stay a vegan! This is the guide you have been looking for a whole-food, vegan diet and lifestyle plan, that is easy to follow, is easy to stick to, gets proven results (Its what I use!), and nourishes you without harming the earth or animals.

This is a plan that can be maintained for the rest of your long and prosperous life.

The Six Steps

Step 1: Congratulations! You have already taken the first step toward a healthier and happier you by purchasing this plan. Step 2: Guidelines. Step 3: Out with the Old Clean out your fridge and pantry. Step 4: Meal Plan Step 5: Meal Planning and Shopping Lists Let's go shopping! The market is a great place to talk about food and health while you select your fresh produce. Step 6: Community and Support Join the community and find some support. Join the Vegan family The Facebook group Wild Donna is out there to support and inspire you so you can see inspirational before and after photos, hear success stories, and keep up-to-date with all the latest Wild Donna and Vegan Diet news and offers

Subscribe today by clicking here. Wildly Yours,

Donna Wild

Step 2: Guidelines
Ok some guidelines! These are the rules of the game the principles If you understand and implement these, they provide a foundation to a long and happy life as a hot vegan. I would suggest printing these out and putting them on your fridge.

Wild Vegan Guidelines

Only plant foods are allowed on this program (no meat or diary). Calculate your daily calorie goal. Take your ideal weight in pounds and multiply by 20. Then add on the calories you burn through your awesome workouts. For example, if you weigh 130 lbs., your daily caloric goal would be 130 x 20, or 2600 plus any calories that you plan on burning in your workouts. Add greens to your smoothies try to get three heads of greens a day. One day a week eat 100% raw to give your body a cleanse. Carb up! The idea is to get a large portion of your caloric intake during breakfast and lunch so the majority of your calories for the day should still come from fruit. Don't under eat on fruit during the day or save up your calories for dinnertime. Food combining rules apply No fruits with fats. Things like chickpeas, beans, and lentils are not high-carb choices, so they should be kept to a minimum. They provide excess protein if consumed too frequently. They can be added if your protein intake falls below 9% of your calories for the day. Be aware that combining them with high-carb foods may hamper digestion. If they are in cans make sure they have no additives, that is, no added nonfoods. Drink up. Consume a minimum of two liters of water a day. Three to four is even more FANTASTIC. Exercise daily. 4-17% of your calories (depending on your goals) should come from fat each day, so please calculate that at Eat healthy sources of cooked carbs such as organic potatoes, root veggies, black rice, brown rice, gluten-free pasta (Be sure to read the ingredients, and make sure it's not jampacked with crap.), high-carb ancient grains, and quinoa. These sources are approved because they are low sodium and minimally processed. Fragmented sodium should be kept to an absolute minimum. You should stay under 1,000 milligrams a day and under 500 milligrams for maximum leanness and health, and you can check this on Use herbs wherever possible in place of salt. If using any salt at all, use Himalayan rock salt.

Food should be eaten whole and minimally processed whenever possible. If it has an additive then it's probably not a food. Numbers are not food. Have a big, green salad every day to aid digestion. It will also minimise white blood cell proliferation from the cooked food. Ideally, start eating salad before any cooked meals rather than after. Buy organic whenever possible. It tastes much better, and it is better for you, the animals, and the environment. No sweets or fruit after or with cooked food; else, fermentation and poor digestion will result! If you want sweets after your dinner, you didn't eat enough fruit during the day. Carb up tomorrow!

Step 3: Out with the Old

In purchasing this plan you have taken the first step toward achieving the health and body that you dream of, and for that, you deserve a huge congratulations. Now let's make it happen! Youve already completed steps 1 & 2. Easy, right? Now for step 3 I challenge you to clean out your fridge and pantry. If it's not in the plan, then it's not to be seen in your home.

Step 4: Meal Plan

Ok now it gets real! This meal plan is your guide to ultimate health and perfect digestion. This meal plan has raw and cooked options for all meals. The aim is to consume the correct calories for your desired body weight. Exercise will do the shaping up for you. I suggest you use to count your calories. Your aim is to consume your ideal body weight in pounds x10, double it, and then add enough extra calories to cover what you're working off during your exercise each day.

Ideal weight: 50kg 50kg = 110lbs Therefore, the ideal caloric intake is 110 x 10 (x2) = 2,200 calories. If I am already my ideal weight of 50kg, then I do not want to drop any more weight, so if I burn 500 calories at the gym, then I need to add another 500 calories to my diet. My new caloric intake for the day would be 2,700. Mono meals are welcome any meal of the day! A mono meal is an abundance of one fruit, for example, 6 bananas, 1/2 large watermelon, 3 rockmelon. Eat until content according to your desired weight/calorie needs.

When You Wake Up

1 L water

Banana Spinach Smoothie 5 bananas, 2 handfuls of baby spinach, 1 cup water.

Mango Passion Smoothie 4 mangoes, 1 passion fruit, 1 cup water. I suggest you put the passion fruit in once finished blending. My favourite!


Banana Porridge Stew bananas until soft, blend, and add coconut sugar to taste.

Mono meal of fruit Watermelon or mangoes or bananas or anything you wish... Eat until full but not stuffed.

Many of these amazing recipes require a blender. To see what Donna's blender of choice is click here

Citrus Salad Chopped oranges, pineapples and kiwi fruits.

Berry Salad Blueberries, finely chopped apples, chopped pineapple.

Hearty Salad Chopped bananas, mangoes, and dates.

Fruit snack & Red Pepper Soup Bananas, mangoes, or dates to your hearts content before enjoying... 1 red pepper 3 med tomatoes ! celery stalk 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 tbs. nutritional yeast 1 tbs. fresh lemon juice.

Blend this all in your blender or food processor. Can warm slightly on the stove when ready to eat! Or your Blendtec will sufficiently warm it for you if you set it on 'Soup' setting. :)

Breakfast Smoothie Any smoothie of choice from the breakfast meal plan.


Vegan Sandwich 2 slices Ezekiel Bread (or another flourless bread of choice like millet bread, etc.). Top with sliced tomato, 1 cup sprouts, 1 cup spinach, and organic mustard to taste.

Mono meal of fruit My usual favourite for lunch.

Fruit Galore NB: This will be explained in more detail in the next section.

Nori Wraps Take two to three nori wraps, stuff full of sprouts, shredded kale or spinach, shredded carrots, sliced cucumber, sliced red pepper and ! avocado. Now, in a small container, mix 1 tbs. Dijon mustard, 2 tbs. nutritional yeast, and juice from 1 lemon. Take that mixture and spread it on the edge of the wrapper and roll up.

Kale Salad " head of kale. Mix in a big handful of sprouts, 1 diced tomato, ! cup nutritional yeast, ! avocado, a pinch of cayenne, juice from " lemon, and a pinch of sea salt. Massage all together and enjoy.

Raw Pasta Must have a spiralizer for this recipe. If you don't know what that is... check it out! :) Sauce: 4 small dates, 1 avocado, 2T fresh basil, 2T fresh dill, 2T fresh thyme, 2 tsp. fresh oregano, 2 tsp. rosemary. Combine all ingredients in food processor or Blendtec. Spiralize Zucchini to make pasta.


BBB Combo 2 cups black rice, 2 cups black beans, 2 cups steamed broccoli. If desired, top with nutritional yeast for a cheesy sauce.

Pumpkin Soup Pumpkin galore, tossed in fresh ginger and splashed in enough water to cover the ingredient. Top with nutritional yeast for added flavour.

Mono meal of fruit.

Salad Dressing Recipes

Nutritional Dressing 1/4 cup nutritional yeast 1/4 cup water Stir and add water for desired consistency. Basil-Lime Dressing 2 tbs. fresh lime juice 1 cup basil leaves 1 tbs. water Italian Vinaigrette 2.5 tbs. apple cider vinegar 1 tsp. organic mustard 1.5 tsp. Italian seasoning " cup water


Snack Options
I don't recommend that you add snacking to your daily routine as it is so good for your body to have time digesting in between meals. However, if you are hungry, eat high carbohydrate/low fat such as sweet fruit. If your calories are high but you are really keen to nibble on something, I suggest a handful or two of berries, kiwi fruits, or apples. If your calories are low, I suggest Medjuul dates, bananas, and mangoes.


Food Pyramid
This food pyramid can be used to comparatively demonstrate the amount of each food that should be eaten each day to achieve ultimate health. Grains give carbohydrates and some vitamins and minerals. Vegetables and fruits give a lot of vitamins, some minerals, and few fats. Fruits often have more calories and sugar, which, as we now know, is where the money is at! Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt have protein that we can't digest, way too much fat that we don't want, and a lot of calcium that should have stayed with the mamma cow for her baby to drink instead of us as we can't digest it anyway, and so it is not in this chart. Meats have protein and way too much fat that we cannot use as well! Therefore, it is not here either. Fats, oils, and sweets give dead calories, excess fats, useless sugars, and very little nutrition, so they're not on this chart either. Based on this, Wild Bodies recommends high fruit, high greens, limited starch vegetables, and minimal fats.


Food Combining
This is so important to remember while preparing your meals. Different foods digest at different rates depending on their water content and nutritional profile. This means that certain foods combine beautifully with some foods and terribly with others. In order to feel awesome, this is the formula to follow! The appropriate arrows connecting to other food groups show you what goes well with what. If it is not connected to a certain food group... it is not to be combined. This chart changed my life! Respect it.

Sweet Fruits: bananas, dates, figs, lychees, paw paw, persimmon and jack fruit Sub-Acid Fruits: berries, mangoes, apples, grape, cherries, (Bonus: All berries can be combined with fats) Acid Fruits: tomato, orange, lime, lemon, mandarin, pineapple, grapefruit, pomegranate Fats: avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut flesh, (NB: Durian is high in fat and must be eaten alone) Starches: potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, zucchini, corn, beetroot, carrots, cabbage and cauliflower Learn more about food combining in the Wild Bodies 3Week Vegan Coaching Programs


Step 5: Meal Planning and Shopping Lists

I highly suggest planning your week of meals! Below is a guide for a weekly plan & shopping list. This is an example of an eating plan designed for the weight loss stage. Remember: the desire for desert will be gone thanks to all the wholesome calories. Also, if you can't finish a meal, put it aside for later as you will need the calories, breaking your meal up into two meals, one meal and one snack. Draw yourself a template to use each week such as the following or you can print them here.

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Decide what your meals for the week are going to be and then populate your template. For example, you could choose two breakfast options, two lunch options, two dinner options, and six snack options for the week and then alternate them. Then, look at developing your shopping list, remembering to include all the necessary ingredients to prepare your meals. For example: celery almonds lemon coconut oil apples greens of choice berries fresh herbs bananas fresh ginger sweet potato black rice spinach nutritional yeast cinnamon


Once you have developed your shopping list, divide it into sections and quantities for your convenience: Fruit and vegetables Fresh herbs x2 Spinach x2 Fresh ginger Sweet potato x 4 Garnishes/cooking necessities Bananas x 30 Cinnamon Berries x 2 Almonds Green apples x 15 Coconut oil Lemon x6 Nutritional yeast Celery x2 Black rice x2 Greens of choice

Sugar/Fat/Protein Balance
80/10/10 refers to the amounts of calories from carbohydrates, protein, and fat. This system was created by Dr. Doug Graham. Basically, the higher the carbohydrate intake, the healthier the person and the lower the dysfunctions and obesity! Reversing Heart Disease is another great book by Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr. and is based around having a high carbohydrate percentage, low fat, and very low protein. Raw foods allow greater results than cooked foods, and that is why I recommend a high raw diet. Expect clearer thinking, healthy weight, clear skin, clear eyes and greater well-being, just to name a few benefits. Oxygen to the brain improves with a lower fat percentage in your food. Biggest meal of the day: BREAKFAST! The end of the day is when our bodies are slowing down. In the evening, food sits in our body rather than being transformed into the energy it needs. NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST OR LUNCH! When our bodies are most active, like before we go to work, is when we should be feeding them with the highest amounts of nutrients. I start my day with exercise followed with a big breakfast, then I have a big lunch, and by dinner if I'm still needing more carbs, then I get them in there as well. If I don't need them, I opt for a light dinner.


I don't take them. I used to virtually rattle as a child with the numerous supplements that I took on a daily basis. Being vegetarian meant that the world thought I needed to supplement my diet, and so I did. No research required. I just listened to what the meat eaters thought I should do. Colin T Campbell says in his book The China Study, which is based on a study by many hundreds of thousands of scientists over many decades, that there has never been any evidence whatsoever that supplementing is a viable way of meeting our dietary needs. Now... ponder that for a moment... All those hundreds of dollars that you spend, all those articles that you read, all those doctors' opinions, all those supplements available in supermarkets, pharmacies, naturapathics, and health food stores... ponder the potential that they are useless... I'll let the man himself explain: Colin T Campbell ~ The traditional definition of a vitamin goes like this according to my medical dictionary: a general term for a number of unrelated organic substances that occur in many foods in small amounts and that are necessary for the normal metabolic functioning of the body. First, the word small needs some emphasis. The daily amounts of vitamins recommended for consumption may be as low as 3 micrograms for vitamin B12 one tiny little ounce of this stuff is almost enough for 10 million people! to 1.5 milligrams per day of riboflavinone ounce would last one person about 50 years. The only relative exception is vitamin C. You need 'tons. Except for those megadose people who take an ounce about every 3 days, the daily amount recommended (60 milligrams [which] incidentally I think this is too low) would require about an ounce in a little over one year. Note: a word of caution Just because these are tiny amounts (That's why they are micronutrients.), we must not minimize their physiological importance. Don't consume them for a while, and your health is no more. Consuming either animal based foods or vitamin supplements is not necessary to achieve 'vitamin' health. At best, they can only fill some gaps when we choose not to do the right thing." So, now that you're doing the right thing, it's time to get rid of ALL supplements. (Besides, most capsules are made from pig skin and aside from the consumption of pig skin not being vegan, it's also very gross!) I recommend that you either give your supplements to someone who has no interest in ever giving up on consuming supplements (and in doing so decreasing their demand on the meat and pharmaceutical industry) or simply throw them out today. Your health will thank you for it.


Salt is used to dehydrate foods so that they preserve well. Why is it that salt will dehydrate raw fish or raw meat or raw vegetables, but somehow it hydrates human beings as some 'health specialists' advise? It simply does not work that way. Avoid all salt its a toxic, irritating, corrosive, stimulating, enervating, and potentially deadly poison. And yes, even Celtic and Himalayan salts are destructive to your body and health. In addition to sodium chloride, they contain numerous toxic elements including heavy metals, such as aluminum, cadmium, lead, and mercury. These wreak havoc in the body and are very difficult to eliminate. Dr. Doug Graham of The 80/10/10 Diet says this beautifully, If youve ever had an open flesh wound and exposed it to salt, your senses will have told you how destructive it is. Salt paralyzes the intestinal villi and kills cells would you knowingly bathe your delicate villi, your arteries, veins, and capillaries with such a corrosive solution? Salt brine kills insects and pickles vegetables. Do you want to run a solution of that through your brain 24 hours a day? And if you have any illness that you want to heal on this diet, get rid of salt! Most illnesses cannot be overcome when salt is part of the diet. Hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, Alzheimers disease, lupus, premenstrual syndrome, asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, edema, gout, cancer and many more conditions are linked to salt. The liquids from fruits and vegetables contain all of the mineral salts we need in safe, organic, usable form. How blessed we are! While eating a plant-based, high-carb diet, your salt cravings will be non-existent and your taste buds, which grow anew within just a few weeks, will be sent into natural ecstasy by the perfect taste of ripe fruits and fresh vegetables.

Before electricity, we were getting 10-12 hours of sleep by default. Just because we have electricity does not mean that we need less sleep. Lack of sleep adversely affects digestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion. How do you know if you're getting enough sleep? If you can roll over and go back to sleep, then you've not slept enough. Embrace sleep, make it a priority, and watch your well-being, digestion, and effectiveness boom! Fact What about naps? Naps are great if you've not had enough sleep. Heck, if Einstein believed in napping, then there has to be something to it, right? Feel free to nap any time you've not had enough sleep. Einstein was Vegan and a strong advocate for the vegan lifestyle.


What about Vitamin D on a vegan diet? What does a plant need to survive? Sunlight, water, and correct nutrients... you too, my dear. Without sufficient sunlight, our bodies don't produce vitamin D whether you eat meat, dairy, eggs, or plants! Without adequate amounts of vitamin D, the body cannot utilise calcium. The only way to really find out your Vitamin D levels is to do a blood test. I highly recommend you do this to determine optimum levels, and in the mean time... find yourself some sunshine.

Ripe Fruit
Eat what you love and eat it at its prime. Fruit is to be eaten ripe. This is so important in order to aid digestion and to get the maximum nourishment from the fruit. A banana is ripe when it is speckled, not before. If your fruit looks sweet and juicy and your mouth waters looking at it... perfect!


5 Crucial Tips for Being a Vegan

Tip 1: Fresh Produce
Fresh foods help in the creation of neurotransmitters that carry antioxidants, prevent alterations in mood, control the presence of some neurotoxic substances in the brain, and increase the production of energy neurons. Sounds pretty important already, doesn't it? As an example, The China Study (which is the most comprehensive nutritional study to date) states that one cup of fiber from fresh blueberries or kidney beans each day is enough to reduce cancer dramatically and potentially permanently. So ... simply put, fresh foods are the key to preventing many cancers and having perfect digestion. In relation to that, the question of organic products comes into play. Is organic important? Yes! Here's why ... When you eat organic foods, you're eating as nature intended since science has proven that our body and mind need it. Perfect! When you eat non-organic, you are eating all sorts of poisons, which are sprayed on the produce to keep pests off, as well as to prolong the life of the produce. In opposition to that, the peach that you buy at an organic market was likely picked that morning. It is juicy, fresh, full of life force and is nourishing. The peach that you buy from your local supermarket is, according to recent studies, approximately two months old. GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) When you eat GMO you are eating science, not food! Avoid it.

Tip 2: Carbohydrates
Every cell in your body feeds on sugar. Carbohydrates turn into sugars in the body for energy, so we need carbs or we need sugars! The brain in particular relies on sugar. Ever wonder why you crave sugary foods while you're doing your studies or working hard at the computer? Your brain is using up the sugar that it has and would love some more. The principal benefit of carbs is easily obtained energy in the form of glucose. When we eat foods containing carbohydrates, digestive enzymes in the mouth (saliva), stomach, and intestine rapidly break them down into simple sugars and, ultimately, glucose. The glucose is then absorbed through the walls of the intestine into the bloodstream and then is either distributed to cells and muscles with the help of insulin for immediate use or retained as an energy reserve in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen. Or its stored as body fat. Although protein gives us glucose, too, it takes much longer. Furthermore, some cell tissues such as that of the brain depend upon glucose from carbohydrates, which is why one of the side effects of low-carb diets is a reduction in brain function. The ease and speed with which the body can convert glucose from simple carbs into energy is illustrated by the fact that diabetics suffering an episode of hypoglycemia, or very low blood glucose levels, can make an almost instant recovery after eating a couple of cubes of sugar or their equivalent. I love carbohydrates and carbohydrates from fruit in particular! The best sources of carbs in nature

are bananas, mangoes, and dates. How lucky are we, and it is no coincidence by the way, that the most delicious foods on the planet to eat as they are, fresh from the plant, are actually what our body requires! We're so lucky indeed! For this reason, I highly recommend that you eat fresh, organic, high-carb produce in abundance each and every day with a sense of gratitude in your heart.

Tip 3: Education
Being a vegan is a lifelong journey, which needs to be sustained for the body to totally benefit from it. Get yourself educated! This is important. This is crucial because you will question your choice to be a vegan over time even though your heart, body, and education thus far have all likely told you that becoming a vegan is the way forward. "I won't question this decision!" you say ... Um, yeah, you probably will. Believe me, its just a matter of time. You will probably first question it when detox kicks in. Yep, that's right, you have to undergo detox. You've been eating meat, dairy, and eggs your entire life? You've been poisoning your body with meat, dairy, and eggs, and now it has work to clean that out. Remember that detox is temporary. It will pass, and there is support right here! The next time you'll question your passionate choice to become a vegan is when your lover, mother, neighbour, work colleagues (yep, plural), friends (yep, plural), even shop assistants, and your trusted doctor all tell you that going vegan is a mistake. Be educated, and you can inform them as to why you know that it is the best choice for your health, the animals, and our Mother Earth! Be armed with education, and you'll show people the light instead of going back to the dark. Education is the best cure for ignorance and the best defense against false claims. In our Wild Bodies 3-Week Vegan Coaching Programs, you will discover amazing facts about vegan life, and, trust me, you will be amazed and proud of your choice to dance through this life as an educated vegan. Recommended Reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell is the most comprehensive study ever made! Over 260,000 scientists concluded that animal protein and fats are dangerous in any proportion in our diet. This book is the ultimate education in going vegan. It is filled with documented facts and figures and yet is an absolute thrill to read! I also recommend the audio book The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham. Ever wondered how we fit in biologically? Are we designed to eat like a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore? And what on Earth is a frugivore? All these questions will be answered well in this book. The World Peace Diet by Will Tuttle is filled with gruesome yet manageable details of the meat, dairy, egg, and fishing industries and their effects on our health, the animals, and the Earth. Recommended Viewing

Earthlings by Joaquin Phoenix. This movie is free online. It will change your life! Nicknamed The Vegan Maker, this documentary takes you through the meat, dairy, egg, leather, and animal testing industries in detail like we've never before seen. This movie has turned the most unsuspecting people in my life vegan, and because they're now educated, they never look back. Forks Over Knives by Lee Fulkerson. This movie turned my parents vegan 18 years after I had stopped eating meat! No gruesome animal slaughters; just all scientific facts. This is an easyto-follow documentary suggesting a whole foods, plant-based (vegan) diet as a means of combating a number of diseases.

Tip 4: Encourage a friend to be a vegan with you

Being a vegan is so much easier with the support of another friend, lover, or family member who is a vegan, too! The support, the sharing of thoughts, values, feelings, and knowledge is such a gift through the transition period, and if you are fortunate enough to have someone on this journey with you, that is wonderful! After all, everyone wants to be healthy. You are way more likely to succeed in this life choice if you travel the road together with someone you are comfortable with. You can share tips, enjoy success together, and face the challenges as a team. I recommend that you combine this strategy with our Wild Bodies 3-Week Vegan Coaching Programs, too have you checked it out yet? This program will give you all the support you need and will pave the way to get you to where you want in terms of ultimate health, fitness and lifestyle. You are moving closer to a truly lifechanging event that I promise you will never regret. Check out the Wild Bodies 3-Week Vegan Coaching Programs now, if you haven't already, and call a friend or loved one today and see if they'll join you on this beautiful, healthful journey to hotness and well-being.

Tip 5: Receive and give support

Because we vegans are so passionate about being vegan, it is so important that we have the support that we need to be able to stay strong in our beliefs and actions toward living a compassionate and healthy life. Since we're currently only 3% of the worlds population, we've ventured online, and now there is so much great support out there! Here are a few places to meet vegan friends, find support, support others, share knowledge, and just be vegan without being falsely judged:

I am Vegan Going Vegan We also have a private Wild Bodies group where I work one-on-one with clients within the community. Request to join here!



As soon as you wake up, have your first liter of water for the day. Aim to drink two liters of water per day. Add one more liter on top of that for every hour you exercise. Breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day. Always read the nutrition label. No numbers on ingredients! That's not food; it's science. If youre wanting to nibble, ask yourself this: Did I have enough carbohydrates in my last meal? Sometimes we confuse hunger with dehydration, and water is actually what our body is craving. Sometimes we just want food out of habit... but if we are sufficiently carbed up, then we most likely wont crave anything at all in between meals. Never skip breakfast or lunch. Educate yourself as much as you can on veganism. The ideal way to cook your vegetables is by steaming them. Just make sure its not for too long, or else you will steam all the nutrients out of them. Choose organic food. Be sure to subscribe to our Facebook page Wild Donna. You will be supported by not only myself in there, but thousands of other friends who have found success and achieved the bodies they desire by following the Wild Bodies Vegan Diet Plan. The "I'll pass on that, thanks" list: Sauce: Bottled sauces are usually filled with science, not food. If the bottle has any numbers, flavours, or colours in the ingredient then it isnt food. I've written you a list of tasty dressings for your enjoyment immediately following your meal plan. Alcohol: Alcohol contains chemicals, additives, artificial ingredients, and preservatives to improve the taste that have no place in a whole food lifestyle. Meat, dairy and eggs: It should go without saying!!!


FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

What is this all about? My purpose in here is to help bring together like-hearted beings from all over the world! Why? To help you become healthy, sexy, and sparkly! To embrace the wildest you! I have put together a program that has worked for me and many other Wild Bodies who now live a vibrant life full of passion and fun! Personally, I have lost 10 kilograms and have overcome anxiety, as well as a debilitating candida imbalance and terrible digestive issues! The principles of the Wild Bodies are based on The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Doug Graham, which is what has worked personally for me over the years and what has worked for my clients, family, and friends. Before embarking on this journey, I HIGHLY recommend that you purchase The 80/10/10 Diet from Dr. Doug Graham, and you can do that by clicking here. I have named this program Wild Bodies because I am providing you with a complete one-stop shop, an allinclusive HUB at where you will have the support of other spunky, fruity, and WILD bodies! As well as coaching programs, forums, and recipes. Is Wild Bodies the same as 80/10/10? The Wild Bodies meal plan is essentially the same as 80/10/10, but there are differences between my recommendations and Dr. Doug Grahams. For example, I recommend fresh juice as a backup when no ripe fruit is available. I highly recommend you read his amazing book! How do I know if I am eating enough fruit? Your energy and strength are high. You have a sense that you're on the right path with the high carb vegan shenanigans. You don't crave anything but wholesome foods. You don't feel like this diet plan takes much discipline at all, just preparation and persistence. You are extremely motivated to exercise and just move. You know veganism is the way. You never again feel you need supplements, superfoods, or another diet because this is it.

Carb UP! Eat more fruit!

I feel spaceynot grounded. Why is that? Calories! Keep up the calories... Have a meal of bananas and notice if you feel more grounded. It is simply a lack of calories that is causing this. Why? Because your brain feeds on carbohydrates. Let's look at a Standard American Diet (SAD). Without the meat, dairy, and eggs, you're left with a piece of fruit and a salad... Sound like you? You need to be consuming more calories than you ever did on SAD. Carb up. Get grounded. Live the dream.


Will I go through a detox period? Very likely. But only for about three weeks. If symptoms persist any longer than this, please consult your GP. You are flooding your body with nutrients! Embrace these three weeks by nurturing yourself more than ever. You may experience acne or bloating, but you will definitely experience high energy levels, happiness, and well being. All is well. My family is being judgmental Any advice? I suggest that for the first three weeks of going high carb vegan that you don't tell anyone but your buddy who is doing it with you or your friend who supports you through everything. This lifestyle contradicts everything that we learned in school about where we get our protein, and that it's okay to eat and capture animals for our nourishment. So we can't expect that no one will judge us when we once weren't sure ourselves. If you're already out of the closet and being judged, you're not alone, and by the way, well done! We are the voice for those without a voice, and we must speak, but to speak we must first educate ourselves. I have given you all the tools you need to be educated and ready with a logical explanation as to why a vegan lifestyle trumps the SAD in every way: personal health, world sustainability, spiritual growth... You name it. You know that this is the right choice for you. Own it. Stand proud, and let them see how healthy, vibrant, and spunky you become in complete humbleness and knowing. What about honey? Is it okay to have honey? Is it okay to use one sentient being for its services or byproduct and not another? Why are we here choosing not to harm cows if we would be okay harming bees? I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill. ~ Mahatma Gandhi. This is how I chose to live my life, and I completely recommend it to you also. Billions of bees die for us to have honey, a substance that we do not need for any reason. The day that you decide not to use any animal will be the day that your quality of life is enhanced like youve never imagined. What should I say when people ask me where I get my protein? If you speak openly about being vegan, you may get asked this every week for years to come and that's just fine. How wonderful that we get to educate people by walking our talk and thriving on a cruelty free lifestyle! Here are some facts that you can use to help educate those around you.
We get protein by recycling the cells that come away from our own intestinal walls and from used up digestive enzymes. We get protein from plants. I make sure I don't get too much protein. Too much protein in the blood causes your body to take alkaline minerals such as phosphorus and calcium from your bones. The World Health Organisation has stated that only 5% of calories needs to come from protein. Think about it. Have you ever met anyone with a protein deficiency? It's impossible to have too little protein on a high calorie plant based diet.

Why are your vegan transition programs three weeks? It takes three weeks to break or make a habit and three weeks to detox, so I believe three weeks to be the perfect amount of time to set you up, hold your hand, and then let you fly.


About Me
I was brought up with meat and three vegetables for dinner and meat-filled sandwiches for lunches. However, I never liked the taste of seafood as a kid, and when I was eleven, I decided that because I didnt like seafood that it would feel better for me not to eat it and instead let that creature live. At thirteen years of age, when I was handed what was thought to be a chicken pie but was actually a prawn pie, I had an epiphany. Do I value a prawns life greater than that of a chicken just because I like the taste of chicken better? Of course not! And that was it. I became vegetarian. As a toddler, I had the biggest belly you can imagine on a skinny little kid. Big and round like Santa At twelve years of age, I had aches and pains in my joints and tummy. After visiting every nutritionist, chiropractor, and doctor in town, I was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis. I was medicated until my stomach lining split just twelve months later from the use of the medication. I vomited blood and spent three days in the hospital. That was the end of medications for me, however, not the pains. At 5.3 ft. and sixteen years old, I moved to Sydney to go to the McDonald College of Performing Arts. There, I was introduced to the world of boarding house eating habits mixed with the dance industry mentality, and I found myself 10 kg heavier within the first six months. The aches and pains were worse than ever. They were so bad that I was sitting out of the dance classes that were the very reason that I moved a twelve-hour drive away from my hometown. I spent day after day out of school to visit specialists across Sydney. Eventually, they diagnosed me as arthritic (not juvenile this time) throughout my entire body and requested that I stop dancing immediately in order to slow down the process of arthritis development. They said that I would be crippled regardless of my activity levels and by the time I was twentytwo One very helpful doctor showed me an image like this and said that this is likely what my hands would look like 4 years from that moment.


Fortunately for me, my hands now, at thirty two, look like this:

I do not have and never did have any form of arthritis When I was eighteen, I left Sydney and moved to the Gold Coast, Australia. There, I ate fresh fruit and vegetables daily and enjoyed the sunshine. I went from 63 kg and unhappy to 51kg and very happy without trying. But it was only temporary because I still did nt have the answers to my long-term health. At twenty-two years of age, I moved back to Sydney, and although I knew nothing of the meat and dairy industry at the time, I felt in my heart that, for example, a dairy cow shouldnt have to give milk to a farmer all year round Her nipples must be sore! And so it was that I became vegan. The transition was instant and easy At twenty-three, I was back into dance. (I had left disheartened at eighteen right out of school due to the diagnosed arthritis, body pains, and missed dance classes.) And thanks to dance, this time Latin Dance, I have now traveled and danced my way through Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Japan, Puerto Rico, America, Canada, New Zealand, London, France, Greece, Italy and Australia, and it has been superb! The travel brought about weight fluctuations only because I didnt know that wheat made me feel unmotivated, lethargic, fat, and unhappy. The vegan lifestyle that I had adapted replaced meat products with glutenous/wheat-based products, and I was back up to 58 kg and uncomfortable. Three years ago I decided that it was time to focus more on my health and well being. I am passionate about lots of things. Wild Donna provides a neat umbrella for so many of these things health, food, fitness, beauty, travel, and people, to name

a few. I now live on a plant-based diet, the exact one that I recommend to you. I live a vegan lifestyle that supports me in living my truth. Food is my medicine, and I am now living at my ideal weight and health. I work out six days a week because I love it! Across my online networks, I have over ten thousand followers currently transitioning or already transitioned into veganism, and that warms my heart in ways that words cannot explain. I wish for Wild Donna to share with you all that it has shared and still shares with me and so much more! Thank you for joining me on this journey. Veganism is the future!


Going Vegan on Facebook I am Vegan on Facebook


Step 6: Community and Support

Try out the Wild Bodies 3-Week Vegan Coaching Programs, which is one-on-one online training with me for three weeks! As your Vegan Coach, I have been Vegetarian for 20 years and Vegan for 10 years, so I have faced and overcome most of the challenges that you will come up against from being undercarbed and practising improper food combining to the early days of managing the judgment of your family and peers. I believe the whole world will go Vegan it is inevitable and a required shift if we are to survive as a race. At Wild Bodies, my role is to support you to achieve and maintain your Wildest Vegan Body. Now Wild Bodies 3-Week Vegan Coaching Programs Your Commitment to the Program To ensure that you keep up with the work required and to ensure this program and its fundamental philosophies are instilled correctly, you will be required to put in 100%. This is designed to achieve the desired results for your Wild Body within the quickest possible time. Inclusions You will receive personalized meal plans tailored to you. You will receive the necessary support through the detox period. You will receive support and techniques to deal with peer judgment. You will receive detailed food combining information to aid in greater digestion and health. You will be connected to members for recipe swaps in Wild bodies. You will be connected to members for knowledge swaps in Wild Bodies. You have use of the Wild Bodies group for your personal use. Program Investment For information, click here I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you in creating your ultimate life and your Wildest Body!

And One More Thing...

I use this blender every day often many times. And you will too! Whole food living is made so much richer with an awesome blender! You know you deserve the best and here it is:

Blendtec HP3A Homeblender Motor Warranty is 7 years / 10,000 cycles on parts & labour. And choose your favourite colour: black, white or red motor base. Hot!


The culture of the community we have created at Wild Bodies is VERY important to us! Consequently, all members who are accepted, that is, everyone who I take on as a client, must agree to adopt the following values. As a member of Wild Bodies you agree to uphold the following values: #1. I embrace change I embrace change and willingly accept it is an invitation to experience something new and to evolve. I ask questions and actively seek opportunity in all situations. #2. I am strength If I fall down, I get up. #3. I am peace I acknowledge that I am a unique and beautiful part of something larger. I act as if I am connected to each and every thing. I support others and in doing so I support myself, as I am constantly giving, I am also receiving from others. #4. I am love I understand that I was born with nothing and will leave this world with nothing. I live life to be a full expression of my greatest potential. I am love. #5. I am creative I express myself. I acknowledge that each and every person is uniquely brilliant including me. I seek excellence through passion, focus, commitment, and determination. #6. I am unique I celebrate the differences in myself and others. #7. I am appreciated I appreciate that what we create encompasses various levels of sustainability. Sustainable bodies contribute to a sustainable planet and support the positive evolution of the human race. #8. I am integrity I accept these values as a member of Wild Bodies. If ever my actions are in conflict with these values, I will communicate the variance and aim to resolve it (whatever it looks like), so that my integrity remains strong. To get more information or to register for the Wild Bodies program drop me an email at [email protected]


Final Words
Here we are, at the very beginning of your own personal journey as a Vegan. I am thrilled that you have chosen this path Veganism and the vegan lifestyle really is a sustainable and more evolved way of living. Veganism is the future, so know that you are ahead of game, my friend! My wish for you is that you take your new vegan health wisdom, implement these principles, and live to your maximum potential. I promise you that you will experience new levels of awareness, a greater sense of compassion, increased energy, improved health, and guiltfreeeeee living on the road to creating phenomenal results. I strongly encourage you to join our Facebook pages, I am Vegan & Going Vegan, and I look forward to seeing your subscription on both the Wild Donna Facebook page and on my Wild Donna website. The website is packed full of support, inspiration, and even more delicious whole food recipes available 24/7 for you to enjoy. A heads up... The changes that you are going to make are not only challenging physically, but also mentally and emotionally. I truly believe that we all need support when embarking on any new challenge... like becoming a vegan! If the time comes (and chances are it will), I will be here to help you get back on track when the going gets tough! As I mentioned previously, if you would like one-on-one support through the process of going vegan (You will be ahead of the game (again) and dramatically increase your chances of success.) and creating a hot body, please do consider joining me in my Wild Bodies 3-Week Vegan Coaching Programs. Your dreams of achieving your ultimate body and health are in your hands, and it will bring me great pleasure to be here for you... What we have gone through in the Vegan Diet Meal Plan is a great grounding to get you started... It is important that you understand that you are changing your lifestyle, not just your diet, and part of this has a lot to do with your mindset. So keep strong and do the things that make you happy. Changes may not happen overnight, but they will happen with consistent, healthy changes and the right choices. Know that you are never alone. I am so excited to see your results! You're awesome!

Love wildly,



Print out the attached pages and stick it on your fridge. Youll be glad you did!

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Wild Vegan Guidelines

Only plant foods are allowed on this program (no meat or diary). Calculate your daily caloric goal. Take your ideal weight in pounds and multiply by 20. Then add on the calories you burn through your awesome workouts. For example, if you weigh 130 lbs., your daily caloric goal would be 130 x 20, or 2600 plus any calories that you plan on burning in your workouts. Add greens to your smoothies try to get three heads of greens a day. One day a week eat 100% raw to give your body a cleanse. Carb up! The idea is to get a large portion of your caloric intake during breakfast and lunch so the majority of your calories for the day should still come from fruit. Don't under eat on fruit during the day or save up your calories for dinnertime. Food combining rules apply No fruits with fats. Things like chickpeas, beans, and lentils are not high-carb choices, so they should be kept to a minimum. They provide excess protein if consumed too frequently. They can be added if your protein intake falls below 9% of your calories for the day. Be aware that combining them with highcarb foods may hamper digestion. If they are in cans make sure they have no additives, that is, no added nonfoods. Drink up. Consume a minimum of two liters of water a day. Three to four is even more FANTASTIC. Exercise daily. 4-17% of your calories (depending on your goals) should come from fat each day, so please calculate that at Eat healthy sources of cooked carbs such as organic potatoes, root veggies, black rice, brown rice, gluten-free pasta (Be sure to read the ingredients, and make sure it's not jam-packed with crap.), high-carb ancient grains, and quinoa. These sources are approved because they are low sodium and minimally processed. Fragmented sodium should be kept to an absolute minimum. You should stay under 1,000 milligrams a day and under 500 milligrams for maximum leanness and health, and you can check this on Use herbs wherever possible in place of salt. If using any salt at all, use Himalayan rock salt. Food should be eaten whole and minimally processed whenever possible. If it has an additive then it's probably not a food. Numbers are not food. Have a big, green salad every day to aid digestion. It will also minimise white blood cell proliferation from the cooked food. Ideally, start eating salad before any cooked meals rather than after. Buy organic whenever possible. It tastes much better, and it is better for you, the animals, and the environment. No sweets or fruit after or with cooked food; else, fermentation and poor digestion will result! If you want sweets after your dinner, you didn't eat enough fruit during the day. Carb up tomorrow!


Meal Plan Chart

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