External SCCAF Reference Guide 11x17
External SCCAF Reference Guide 11x17
External SCCAF Reference Guide 11x17
External SCCAF
members participate in the completion of the SCCAF and in the identification of Special
Characteristics. Critical Characteristics are 100% measured prior to use and non‐conforming parts are Special Controls for SC and HI Characteristics
Special Control requirements for significant characteristics (SC) and high impact (HI)
The SCCAF is completed by the end of GPDS Engineering Gateway V2 based on the clearly identified and scrapped or returned (e.g. incoming inspection). Any reworked
products must repeat and meet all CC checks. Visual inspection (operator dependent) is characteristics and are exactly the same.
most current engineering concept design. This is in support of initial program cost and
not an acceptable control method. An appropriate process control method is determined based upon the type of
manufacturing assumptions and supplier quotation.
SCCAF (Special Characteristics Communication and Agreement characteristic:
The confirmed special characteristics are agreed by the PD and manufacturing source Other Considerations for CC Controls
Form) is the form used in the Process for Selection, Discrete characteristics:
using the SCCAF Form (FAF03‐111‐1/2) Destructive Testing
Identification, and Control of Special Characteristics as defined Examples of characteristics that are of the discrete type are: Presence; Absence;
o FAF03‐111‐2 is the form to be used for External Suppliers; and is the scope of this Where CC Special Controls are required for destructive testing, batch certification is used,
in Ford Automotive Procedure FAP‐03‐111. Orientation; Material Type, etc.
reference guide. including all three steps below:
In order to achieve the highest quality and lowest total cost, Product Design and Release Where feasible, these characteristics must be controlled via the use of error‐proofing
o FAF03‐111‐1 is the form to be used for Internal Ford Manufactured and Assembled CC controls on Key Process Input Variables for all parts manufactured/assembled
activities, along with manufacturing and assembly activities must work concurrently to devices that prevent non‐conformance.
Content and is covered by a separate reference guide. Appropriate batch sampling for the destructive testing, to be agreed with STA and
design, develop, and optimize both product design and associated manufacturing Where error proofing is not feasible, other possible methods that detect non‐
processes. The key outputs of this collaborative process are an optimized process design, Potential/Critical Characteristics (YC/CC) supplier or identified in Engineering Specs. conformance may be used, such as:
an optimized product design, and a cross‐functionally agreed list of Special Characteristics POTENTIAL CRITICAL CHARACTERISTIC (YC): Characteristics that have a causal Batch (all components manufactured between the first and last piece inspections) is o In‐station control.
that require ongoing measurement and control during mass production. relationship to Potential Failure Modes having Severity of Effects rated 9‐10. Designated held at supplier until positive test results are received. o 100% automatic inspection.
The focus of this Guide is on the Special Characteristics Communication and Agreement in the DFMEA with the YC symbol in the Classification column. Black Box / Grey Box o Automated visual inspection and control (vision system).
Form (SCCAF) and process, roles and responsibilities, guidance regarding appropriate CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP TO POTENTIAL FAILURE MODES: When a product characteristic Where the CC is a black box / grey box performance requirement, two possible o Key Process Input Parameter controls with rational sample attribute measurements.
special controls, and timing for its completion as it applies to external suppliers. or process parameter is either out of specification or has too much variation and acceptable controls are: Gauging method will typically be of the attribute type.
The scope of this reference guide is the process for External Suppliers. A separate results in a failure mode, it is said to have a causal relationship to the failure mode. Where containable at the rate of usage of the black box components, validate the CC o Inclusion of guard banding with the attribute measurements. Refer to PPAP
reference guide is available covering Internal Ford Manufactured and Assembled CRITICAL CHARACTERISTIC (CC): Characteristics that are product or process performance requirement for 100% of the black box components prior to the point of customer specifics for more details on attribute gauge qualification.
Content. characteristics that can affect compliance with government regulations and/or safe usage, or Note: Guard banding is a reduction in gauge acceptance tolerance, tighter
This reference guide provides guidance on the interpretation of the relevant procedures vehicle and/or product function. CC characteristics are designated with the inverted delta The tier 1 supplier ensures close management and monitoring of the special controls than the engineering specification, based on the measurement system error.
and process, FAP03‐111, PPAP process and other procedural documents are the master. symbol () on the print/CAD (Design Record). Critical characteristics require specific for the black box at the point of manufacture of the characteristics, regardless of the Note: effective control method selection must consider process variability
manufacturing, assembly, shipping and/or monitoring action to prevent shipment of non‐ tier level of manufacture, thereby ensuring compliance of the CC performance Continuous characteristics:
Product and Process Characteristics conforming product and the inclusion in the Control Plan. requirement. These special controls typically include poka‐yoke at the point of Examples of characteristics that are of the continuous type are: Geometric dimensions;
A product characteristic is: “…a feature, such as dimension, size, shape, location, The presence of one or more CC characteristics on the component makes it an Inverted manufacture of the CC, regardless of the tier level of manufacture, but may also use a Product Functional Parameters; Process Parameters, etc.
orientation, texture, hardness, tensile strength, coating, output voltage, colour, grain or Delta () Component. Ford Customer Specifics to ISO/TS16949 requires approval and Manufacturing Process Control Approach through control of Key Process Input Most continuous characteristics vary over time and should be monitored and
reflectivity that must be maintained to ensure intended product function.” Record keeping/lot traceability requirements for Inverted Delta Components. Variables of all the parts manufactured / assembled. controlled using Statistical Process Control (SPC) to achieve a state of statistical
Product Characteristic Specification Tolerances are: “… the range for each Product Process FMEA(s) and Control plan(s) for inverted delta component(s) require Ford stability and control and allow for effective and timely identification of out of control
Materials Designated as Critical Characteristics
Characteristic that must be maintained to ensure intended product function” Engineering and STA approval in writing. conditions.
Where a material has been designated as a CC, the following apply:
Process characteristics are: “… the measurable characteristics of process inputs and their Sampling frequency shall be based upon process capability and a rational sampling
Approvals required for all NTEI parts where the Supplier is Design Responsible: The effective control for material as a CC is the control of the usage of the correct
interactions that affect the process output. Examples of process parameters include strategy. See the AIAG SPC manual for more information.
o Design FMEA(s) prepared by design responsible suppliers require Ford Engineering material, typically including:
speeds, feeds, temperatures, chemical concentrations, pressures, and voltages.” Gauging method will typically be of the variable type.
approval in writing. o Material certification by the bulk material supplier to the designated Ford material
“Process characteristics include methods and procedures that permit the process
o Approval of revisions to DFMEA, PFMEA, Control Plan and SCCAF documents after specification. If attribute gauging is used guard banding should be considered.
operations to proceed smoothly to meet not only part quality requirements, but also other
initial acceptance is also required. o Poka‐Yoke identification of the material to ensure the correct material is used For continuous characteristics related to process parameters, automated control is
objectives including throughput.” “These include operating conditions and process
(examples of poka‐yokes for this purpose may include: bar coding with vision acceptable, coupled with rational sample product measurements, where proven to be
parameters like job rates and production maintenance requirements.” Controls for CC Characteristics system, colour of material, hole pattern on blanks, etc.). effective.
Special Characteristics Overarching principle: CCs require special controls to prevent shipment of non‐ o Material handling processes to ensure use of only the correct material throughout
General Approach to Controls
There are four types of Special Characteristics that are documented and agreed using the conforming product at all times. manufacturing and assembly.
These Special Controls are managed by the responsible tier, and are documented on the Where direct measurement of product characteristics is infeasible or impractical, product
SCCAF form: Critical Characteristics (CC); Significant Characteristics (SC); Operator Safety o Robust manufacturing / assembly process design to prevent usage of the incorrect
SCCAF, identifying the tier level of the control regardless of the supply chain tier where characteristics may be indirectly controlled through the control of relevant Key Process
Characteristics (OS); and High Impact Characteristics (HI). material (e.g. stamping tooling designed such that blanks of a specific size are
the CC is manufactured. Input Variables (process characteristics or parameters).
required to stamp a part and are only stocked in the correct material, so checking
Process Key Elements The following list (1‐5) are the recommended control methods in order of preference, the incoming blanks would provide sufficient control). Product characteristics must still be validated using rational samples and must be
PT Unit Timing Unit <PA> top method being the most acceptable. Note: this assumes that as a part of the design and verification process that the included in the Control Plan
Vehicle timing Control emphasis is on prevention through control of process parameters. The process
Controls for CC Characteristics at Point of Manufacture/Assembly system/component performance has been verified to meet performance requirements
for the full range of the material specification. parameters must be included in the process control column of the SCCAF as well as the
UP Timing UPV0 UPV1 UPV2 FDJ The controls are incorporated close to the point of manufacture of the CC, regardless of Control Plan.
DFMEA supply chain tier of manufacture. Potential/Significant Characteristics (YS/SC) Examples:
Detection Recommended
Controls Actions
Ongoing updates as required
1. Poka Yoke Controls at Point of Manufacture POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTIC (YS): A product characteristic designated in Control of a welding process through control of weld current, wire feed rate and weld
Manufacturing Input A method of ensuring that the manufacture or assembly can only be completed correctly. the DFMEA with the YS symbol in the Classification column, when the following criteria path.
YC/YS CC/SC Poka‐Yoke Controls can be implemented as elements of the manufacturing process as are met: o Confirm through a weld section using rational sampling.
Initial Definition Iterate and update as required Agreement
System Level
FAF03-111-y FAF03-111-y
well as features incorporated into the product design. Characteristic has a causal relationship to Potential Failure Modes having Severity of Control of electroplating through bath chemical composition, temperature, current
Ongoing updates as
2. Manufacturing Process Control Approach Effects rated 5‐8, or where agreed by the cross‐functional team, having Severity of and plating time.
Preliminary PFMEA Effects rated <5.
required Where it has been consistently demonstrated that control of manufacturing process o Confirm through a corrosion test using rational sampling.
DFMEA variables can be 100% effective in controlling Critical Characteristics, CC special controls Characteristic may be influenced by the manufacturing process and may require More information on control and gauging of discrete and continuous characteristics can
may focus on these manufacturing process variables. Some examples are: Material special control to maintain the required process capability. be found:
Specifications; Weld parameter control; Heat Treat Furnace controls; and Plating process SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTIC (SC): A product characteristic designated in the PFMEA
YC/YS Iterate and CC/SC parameters. Manufacturing process parameter control is used, with the product CC with the SC symbol in the Classification column, when the following criteria are met: o Available from RLIS www.rlis.ford.com (Ford Internal link)
Initial Definition update as Agreement
FAF03-111-y required FAF03-111-y requirement validated at a frequency based on rational sampling that prevents shipment Characteristic has a causal relationship to Potential Failure Modes having Severity of o Available from www.aiag.org (external suppliers)
Component Level of non‐conforming product. Examples of such CC requirement validation strategies to be Effects rated 5‐8, or where agreed by the cross‐functional team, having Severity of Effects On Ford Supplier Portal
Preliminary PFMEA Ongoing updates as
required used with manufacturing process parameter control are (but not limited to): rated <5, and. o https://web.qpr.ford.com/sta/FordspecTS.pdf (both Ford and suppliers)
Batch sampling with a batch and hold process. o Characteristic has an occurrence rating > 3 on the PFMEA. o Manufacturing Health Charts
Identification of potential special characteristics First and last sampling with a batch and hold process. Note: SCs may be product, process, or test requirements. SCs require Special Controls and https://web.qpr.ford.com/sta/Supplier_Manufacturing_Health_Charts.html
The DFMEA determines which product characteristics should potentially be controlled Periodic sampling with a sampling frequency such that any not conforming product has are included in a Control Plan. o PPAP Ford customer specifics
based on the product design and consideration of the manufacturing processes used https://web.qpr.ford.com/sta/Ford_Specifics_for_PPAP.pdf
to produce it.
not left the process before a non‐conformance is detected. Operator Safety Characteristics (OS) and High Impact
Additionally, the end item CC must remain as a CC to ensure appropriate reaction plans
Identification of confirmed special characteristics are in place. Characteristics (HI) Further Help on SCCAF
Operator safety characteristics (OS) are related to process parameters or product For further information go to:
The PFMEA analyses all steps of the manufacturing process to determine where special 3. Inspection/Measurement at Point of Manufacture
characteristics that may adversely affect the safety of the operator or compliance with www.fma.ford.com (Ford internal link)
process controls are needed in order to produce products that meet the design intent. Critical Characteristics are 100% measured at the relevant operation/station or
governmental regulations (e.g., Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] External: consult your STA engineer or https://web.qpr.ford.com/sta/
This need for special controls confirms the potential special characteristics from the immediately after manufacture/assembly and defective parts are clearly identified and
DFMEA, as well as the possible identification of additional special characteristics requirements, Ford Health and Safety Specifications, etc.). These characteristics are
scrapped or re‐worked / reprocessed through the approved process to meet When printed, best printed in 11x17 (A3 version available separately on
beyond those identified by the DFMEA. required to be included in a safety sign‐off as designated by local regulation.
specifications. Any reworked products must repeat and meet all CC checks. website) and folded as a pamphlet:
High impact characteristics (HI) are related to manufacturing process Potential Failure
Agreed special characteristics are included in the Control Plan Controls for CC Characteristics After the Point of Manufacture/Assembly Modes of subsequent operations within the facility of the manufacture of the HI
Two way communication between PD and Manufacturing activities 4. Inspection/Measurement at End of Manufacturing/Assembly Process characteristic, but that do not adversely impact customer satisfaction. HI characteristics
DFMEA and PFMEA should be executed and updated as part of a simultaneous Critical Characteristics are 100% measured at end of line or equivalent and non‐ are indicated by process failure modes with failure mode severity from 5 to 8 and
engineering activity. conforming parts are clearly identified and scrapped or re‐worked / reprocessed through occurrence greater than 3. High impact characteristics require emphasis in Quality
Where possible improvements to the product design and/or the manufacturing the approved process to meet specification. Any reworked products must repeat and Planning actions that must be listed in a Control Plan.
process should be considered to remove the need for special controls. All team meet all CC checks. OS and HI characteristics relate to the process only, they exist only in the PFMEA – there
is no potential OS or potential HI in the DFMEA.
Version 1.0 Copyright © Ford Motor Company August 2015
Stage 1 – Design Details (DFMEA) – Yellow Section due end of V1 Identify all Ford/JV Assembly Plants supplied from this Supplier
Specification and Tolerance Process Control Method Comments
manufacturing location only.
Special Characteristics Communication and Agreement Material ACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE YS SC ACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE Confirms that the correct incoming material has been supplied.
Header completed with
When a Supplier uses one manufacturing location for a part and ships Properties 1.8 mm to WSS‐M1A365‐A21 Material Certification per batch with material usage controls at each station Need to also ensure that the Process Control Plans include controls that the correct
1. DFMEA and 1A. PFMEA & Special
Type ONLY in
Program Code and all part
potential special Type ONLY in Yellow Boxes
Green Boxes
or UNACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE material is loaded to production line also.
name / number details. Lead / Support roles and
Ford PD engineer / Supplier Supplier/ Ford PD
to multiple Ford / JV Plants only one form is required but it must list all 0.8 mm (Aluminised Steel DX54 AS120) PPAP / Annual Certification [Reason: Yearly is not continuous control method]
timing for each stage
plants (or previous plants Special Characteristics Communication and Agreement for all UN content required to support UN design and development is required by UNV2. The remaining UN content
YS: Severity 5‐8 OR <5 where agreed by the cross‐functional team, AND FINISH: ALUMINIZED PER COATING WSD‐M1A295‐A2
Hole Diameter ACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE YS SC ACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE Best to have CMM measurement if possible as this is 'Continuous Data' and will allow
listed). Even if the supplier is
not required to support UN design and development is required by <PA>.
Special Characteristics Communication and Agreement for all UP content is required by UPV2.
Characteristic may be influenced by the manufacturing process (in (Stamping 15.0 mm +0.2mm/‐0mm 3D CMM measurement for SPC. Whereas 'Discrete' (GO/NO_GO Gauge) does not give this data.
the same company but using Stage 1. DFMEA
the specific supplier plant). example) UNACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE 100% Go‐No Go Gauge (not preferred due to difficult and expensive Gauge R&R) There are other forms of continuous measures ‐ e.g. dedicated gauge with variable
All characteristics taken from DFMEA must have a DFMEA Class (DFMEA Per print specification [Reason: Missing view or section info] UNACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE measurement points.
multiple manufacturing sites a DFMEA
Not applicable
Note 1: Automatic calculation of totals (for guidance only).
Note 2: Count of SCs may be less than count of YSs 2 2 0 1 0 statistical process control (SPC) are Control Methods. Per Print Callout [Reason: Missing the actual dimensions] Shown on PFMEA and/or Control Plan [Reason: Need to copy actual Process Control Method]
Special Characteristics Communication and Agreement for all UN content required to support UN design and development is required by UNV2. The remaining UN content not required to support UN design and development is required by <PA>. Frequencies are not mandatory in the Process Control Wire Diameter ACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE YS SC ACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE Material diameter is set by the process it is only necessary to confirm the process set
Special Characteristics Communication and Agreement for all UP content is required by UPV2. Ø 12.7 ± 0.05mm Vernier Calliper / Every lot up was correct. Use rational samples
Method but the sampling strategy should be added. UNACCEPTABLE EXAMPLE
Stage 1. DFMEA Stage 1A. PFMEA
Sampling method is required if using a ‘Batch and Hold’ for Tier 2 check [Reason: Missing description of the Tier 2 Control Method]