Teks Legenda Telaga Biru
Teks Legenda Telaga Biru
Teks Legenda Telaga Biru
ONCE upon a time, there lived a husband and wife in the jungle
of Lawu Mountain, East Java. They were Kyai Pasir and his wife
Nyai Pasir. They lived peacefully. Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field. Nyai Pasir just stayed at
home. Everyday she cleaned up the house and cooked for them.
It was a beautiful morning, Kyai Pasir left the house and went to his field. While he was walking, he
stumbled upon something. He looked at the thing carefully, "What is this? Is this an egg? But what kind
of egg is this? It's very big."
Kyai Pasir put the egg back to the ground. He continued walking. At home, Kyai Pasir told his wife about
the egg. "Why didn't you bring the egg home?" asked Nyai Pasir.
"It's really big. I feel really strange about the egg," explained Kyai Pasir.
"If the egg is really big, then we both can eat. Please bring the egg home, Kyai," asked Nyai Pasir.
On the following days, Kyai Pasir went to the field as usual. He planned to bring the egg home as his
wife's request.
Kyai Pasir was walking carefully . he did not want to stumble upon the egg for the second time. He
looked around. And aha! He found the egg. He carefully brought the egg home.
Nyai Pasit did not wait for long to boil the egg. And when it was done, they both ate the egg.
They both felt very full. And it made them very sleepy. Not long after that they fell asleep. In the
morning Kyai and Nyai Pasir woke up as usual. Kyai Pasir took a bath then he went to the field.
On the way to the field, he felt his body so uncomfortable. He felt his body itchy. He stretched his body.
Suddenly he felt his throat so hot. He badly needed water. He was screaming in pain. He was so
shocked! he saw his skin changed into scales. Just like scales of reptile. He touched his head. He felt
something was growing on his head. He was completely shocked. A horn was growing. And he also had a
tail. His body slowly getting bigger. He changed into a dragon!
Meanwhile, at home Nyai Pasir also felt the same. She was so panicked. She was screaming. She was
running to the field. She wanted to look for her husband. When she arrived at the field, she saw a
dragon was moving his body on the ground.
Slowly Nyai Pasir also changed into a dragon. The two dragons were trying to walk but they were too
weak to do that. They just could move their bodies on the ground. They moved their bodies so heavily
and it made a very big hole. The hole was getting deeper and deeper. Soon water came out of the hole.
The water came out very much. And it made a lake. Since then, people named the lake as Telaga Pasir.
Di dalam hutan Gunung Lawu, tinggallah Kyai dan Nyai Pasir. Mereka hidup dengan tenang dan bahagia.
Kyai Pasir bekerja sebagai petani dan Nyai Pasir mengurus rumah dan memasak makanan setiap harinya.
Suatu hari saat Kyai Pasir berjalan ke sawahnya, dia tersandung. Saat ditengok, benda yang membuatnya
tersandung ialah sebuah telur besar. Kyai Pasir merasa ada yang aneh pada telur tersebut namun dia
tidak pikir panjang dan meninggalkan telur tersebut. Sesampainya Kyai Pasir dirumah, dia menceritakan
tentang telur tersebut pada Nyai Pasir. Nyai pasir kemudian meminta Kyai Pasir untuk membawanya ke
rumah. Kyai Pasir semual tidak sependapat namun dia akhirnya memenuhi keinginan Nyai Pasir.
Kyai Pasir keesokan harinya pun pulang dengan membawa telur yang besar tersebut. Nyai Pasir pun
memasak telur tersebut, lalu Kyai dan Nyai Pasir memakannya. Keesokan harinya, Kyai Pasir berangkat
ke ladang seperti biasa. Di tengah perjalanan, dia merasa seluruh tubuhnya gatal-gatal. Perlahan-lahan
kulitnya menjadi sisik seperti reptil, tumbuh ekor, dan kepalanya tumbuh tanduk. Kyai Pasir berubah
menjadi naga yang besar. Nyai pasir pun mengalami hal yang sama. Nyai keluar mengejar Kyai Pasir,
namun Nyai pun berubah menjadi naga dan sulit bergerak. Mereka hanya bisa menggerakkan badannya
saja di atas tanah. Gerakan tubuh mereka menyebabkan tergalinya tanah menjadi sebuah lubang yang
besar. Lama-kelamaan lubang tersebut menjadi dalam, lalu keluarlah air dari dalam lubang. Air keluar
banyak sekali sampai menciptakan danau. Warga sekitar menamakan danau tersebut Telaga Pasir.