Konelab 60 PRIME

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Thermo Scientific

Konelab PRIME 60

Prime system for an advanced

clinical laboratory environment

Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Operational efficiency and accurate results
The Thermo Scientific Konelab PRIME 60 clinical chemistry analyzer has a new design which
offers efficiency and accuracy in analysis as well as convenience in use. The Konelab PRIME
60 helps meet the evolving laboratory needs as a stand-alone instrument or as a part of a

State-of-the-art technology and versatile, automated dilution Enhanced sample management

features make sample processing with clot detection
The Konelab PRIME 60 has all easier.
the proven features of the fully The Konelab PRIME 60’s clot
automated Konelab analyzers, The Konelab PRIME 60 is an detection uses pressure differential
plus more. All Konelab analyzers ideal system for medium-sized technology to improve the quality
are easy to use, flexible and laboratories as a stand-alone and process efficiency. With
cost-effective. They save time instrument or as part of a high- automatic clot detection it is
and money in busy healthcare capacity workcell for routine possible to check sample integrity
laboratories. and specialty testing. The and reduce the risk of errors while
broad range of system tests saving operator time.
The Konelab PRIME 60 analyzer can be complemented with
has new features that improve user-definable applications to The Konelab PRIME 60 is designed
operational efficiency and create a test menu fulfilling the for the current 12-position cuvette
result integrity, such as sample laboratory needs. A steadily platform. High-quality disposable
clot detection and enhanced expanding selection of CE cuvettes together with optimized
measurement reliability. The marked applications is offered for cuvette movements guarantee
system performs up to 600 tests convenient and precise analysis trouble-free and user-safe operation.
per hour. Continuous loading of of patient samples. The proven Thermo Scientific
samples, cuvettes and reagents cuvette design ensures small
facilitates laboratory workflow reagent volumes making the
system cost-effective.

The Konelab PRIME 60 – a prime

choice for modern laboratories
• Capacity of up to 600 tests per hour

• Continuous access to samples,

reagents and cuvettes

• On-board capacity of 84 routine

samples, 6 STAT samples

• 39 fixed, cooled calibrator and

control positions

• 45 refrigerated reagent positions

• 2,100 cuvette storage positions

• Interface to laboratory automation

New advanced design to laboratories. The KUSTI dispenser
facilitate routine work automatically takes an aliquot
from the primary tube releasing
The Konelab PRIME 60 analyzer the sample tube on the tracking
with its integrated workstation, system. At the same time the
screen and keyboard is an ideal Konelab PRIME 60 is able to
choice for laboratories with limited process the requested tests
space. Its advanced compact autonomously.
design enables a working posture
with less physical strain. The Konelab PRIME 60 is
designed to serve as part of
An integrated touch screen a workcell or fully automated, The Konelab PRIME 60
and mouse, in addition to an high-capacity laboratory pre- menu covers over 80
intuitive graphical user interface, analytical automation system. The carefully validated methods
make routine work and data highly flexible Thermo Scientific
management more convenient and • Enzymes
automation solutions meet the
faster. needs of today’s laboratories • Substrates
by automating the most time-
consuming and labor-intensive • Electrolytes
Key for automation needs in
modern laboratories tasks in sample management.
• Specific Proteins
Quality, consistency and safety
The Konelab PRIME 60 can be of sample handling are improved • Drugs of Abuse Tests
interfaced to a sample transport by automated Thermo Scientific
system using the KUSTI module, systems. • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
an excellent choice for larger
Proven technology and experience Other highly developed Konelab
clinical chemistry analyzers available
With over 35 years of experience in research,
development and manufacture of analyzer • Konelab 20 for routine testing in smaller
systems, the Konelab analyzer family meets laboratories
customers´ expanding needs in clinical chemistry, • Konelab 20XT for routine and special testing
specific proteins, electrolyte and drugs of abuse in smaller laboratories
testing, as well as therapeutic drug monitoring. • Konelab 30 for a wide range of system and
The Konelab Analyzer systems comply with the In user-definable tests
Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive 98/79/

The highly qualified clinical chemistry and

diagnostics professionals at Thermo Fisher
Scientific are happy to provide advice, training
and after sales support.

N06852 Thermo Fisher Scientific/Suomen Painotuote 12/07

Clinical Diagnostics Finland

© 2007 Thermo Fisher Scientific.

All rights reserved.

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