English As A Second Language Stage 6 Scheme of Work 2018 - tcm142-353936

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Cambridge Primary

Scheme of Work – English as a Second Language Stage 6

This scheme of work is based on a 12 week term, with each module being covered in 4 weeks. Each unit should, therefore, be covered in 2 weeks based on the
provision of 5–6 hours of classroom English per week.


Module 1A: My World Module 2A: Great Discoveries Module 3A: Making Decisions
 Unit 1 All About Me  Unit 7 Inventions  Unit 13 Going Shopping
 Unit 2 At School  Unit 8 Famous Explorers  Unit 14 Calculating
Module 1B: Entertainment Module 2B: Different People Module 3B: Adventures
 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness  Unit 9 Work and Jobs  Unit 15 Holidays and Travels
 Unit 4 Films  Unit 10 Communicating  Unit 16 Survivors’ Tales
Module 1C: Past and Present Module 2C: Living Things Module 3C: Our Class
 Unit 5 Clothes and Accessories  Unit 11 Character and Behaviour  Unit 17 Making Plans
 Unit 6 Time and Special Days  Unit 12 Animal Habits  Unit 18 A Year of English

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 1

Module 1A: My World
Unit 1: All About Me

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time


6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about Worksheet: completing 50–70

about themselves and others at yourself/preferences/habits. statements about yourself minutes
discourse level on a wide range Learners mingle and ask/answer. e.g. first thing you do in
of general topics Ask each learner to report one the morning/something
interesting thing they found out. you find annoying/how
you like to relax/my
6Ld4 Understand longer sequences of Listening to a sequence of class favourite place is etc. Prepare a
classroom instructions with little ‘bonding’ instructions. sequence of
or no support Then ask learners to report instructions e.g.
anything they found out, Take your
6Ut3 Use a growing range of focusing on questions you can partner’s hand and
questions including how far, how ask someone about themselves. look into their
many times, what + noun on a eyes.
range of general and curricular Compare the
topics Worksheet: questions to length of your
complete, question fingers.
6S1 Provide detailed information Learners then ask and answer beginnings to match to
about themselves and others at questions endings. e.g.
discourse level on a wide range How tall _________ ?
of general topics What colour ________ ?
What shoe _____ ?
6Ld3 Understand more complex
unsupported questions which ask
for personal information
6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about relatives and Worksheet: names of 100–120
about themselves and others at completing the names of relatives relatives, years of birth minutes
discourse level on a wide range in a family tree to complete
of general topics
Worksheet: questions to
6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning ask about family
on a range of general and members:

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 2

curricular topics oldest/youngest etc.

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading about names in different

wide range of short, simple texts cultures Multiple-matching
on general and curricular topics yes/no/doesn’t say tasks
by using contextual clues

6Lm1 Understand the main points in Listening to different people Multiple-matching and
both short and extended talk with explaining how they got their summary completion
little or no support on a range of name tasks
general and curricular topics

6Wo1 Link sentences into coherent text Writing a paragraph about Guided writing template
using a variety of basic different names in your country
connectors on a range of general
and curricular topics when writing
6Ug2 Use a growing range of Focusing on adjectives for Worksheet: sorting 100–120
adjectives in the correct order in describing people and their adjectives into opposite minutes
front of nouns on a range general appearance pairs e.g. long/short
and curricular topics wavy/straight

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening to different descriptions Worksheet: ordering

and detail in both short and of people adjectives in descriptions
extended talk on a range of
general and curricular topics with Multiple-matching tasks
little or no support
6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about and describing Worksheet: table opportunity
about themselves and others at yourself and your partner completion of different
discourse level on a wide range features
of general topics

6Wo1 Link sentences into coherent text Writing a description of your Guided writing template
using a variety of basic hero/idol for a young person’s Meet _______ .
connectors on a range of general magazine If you don’t know her/him,
and curricular topics when writing check her/him out.
6Uf3 Use simple perfect forms to Focusing on things you have Worksheet: sorting 100–120
express [recent, indefinite and done before now jumbled questions, e.g. minutes

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 3

unfinished past] on a range of highest been building in
general and curricular topics Learners ask and answer what
questions you walk longest ever.
6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in
both short and extended talk on a Listening to conversations where Worksheet: matching
range of general and curricular people experience things for the question beginnings
topics with little or no support first-time and endings? e.g.
Have you ever been
6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about things you’ve _____ ?
about themselves and others at done/haven’t done
discourse level on a wide range
of general topics Completion task:
It’s the first time she’s
6S6 Link comments to what others Learners then relate statements received ___ .
say at sentence and discourse their partner makes to themselves
level in pair, group and whole
class exchanges Worksheet: sentence
completion e.g.
I’ve never _________
______________ a lot.
I’ve only ever ______.

6Rd2 Understand independently Reading a short text about the life 60–80
specific information and detail in of young Mozart minutes
short, simple texts on a range of
general and curricular topics
Worksheet: fact or opinion
6Rd1 Recognise the difference Reading about the things Mozart task
between fact and opinion in could do/did at different ages
short, simple texts on a wide
range of general and curricular Display
topics Poem template: opportunity
I can’t play like Mozart but
6Wa1 Plan, write, edit and proofread All about me ‘dictation’ poem. ______ .
work at text level with some Dictate to learners 10 to 12 pieces
support on a range of general of information about themselves Learners arrange different
and curricular topics to include in a poem. e.g. your information about
shoe size, themselves into a poem
6Rg1 Recognise, identify and sound something about your name etc.
independently a wide range of
language at text level Learners read out poems

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 4

Module 1A: My World
Unit 2: At School
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time

6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning Talking about the names of A diagram/visual of a Pre-teach key 90–110
on a range of general and different places around a school typical school in the US. school vocabulary minutes
curricular topics Learners label the e.g. attend, take
diagram. tests etc.
6S1 Provide detailed information
about themselves and others at Learners tick/cross the
discourse level on a wide range things in the diagram they
of general topics have in their school

6Rd2 Understand independently Reading about a day in the life of Multiple-choice/table

specific information and detail in a US school completion tasks
short, simple texts on a range of
general and curricular topics

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening about a day in the life of Multiple-choice/table
and detail in both short and a rural school in a developing completion tasks
extended talk on a range of country
general and curricular topics with
little or no support
Worksheet: sentence
6Uf2 Use a range of adverbs [simple Focusing on comparative completion/matching
and comparative forms] including adjectives and adverbs tasks comparing their
adverbs of manner school to too above

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading school signs and notices Completion task with 50–70
wide range of short, simple texts jumbled adjectives minutes
on general and curricular topics
by using contextual clues Matching signs to where
you’d see them – use
6Ug6 Begin to use some common Focusing on common above visual
prepositional verbs on a range of prepositional verbs Prepare
general and curricular topics Worksheet: matching and instruction
completion tasks with sequences. e.g.

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 5

6Ld4 Understand longer sequences of Listening and following different common verbs e.g. sit up, face towards the
classroom instructions with little sequences of classroom face towards etc. board
or no support instructions
6S6 Link comments to what others Completing from memory with Template of weekly class Pre-teach 70–90
say at sentence and discourse another learner weekly class timetable for learners to subjects/names of minutes
level in pair, group and whole timetable. Learners fill in fill in school activities
class exchanges timetabled lessons and activities.

6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about other lessons, Worksheet: tick activities
about themselves and others at activities, clubs they would like in you’d like e.g. drama,
discourse level on a wide range or after school cooking classes, judo etc.
of general topics Put on your timetable
above and tell another
6Uf8 Use a growing range of modal Focusing on modals in the context learner.
forms including would [polite of what you might write in
requests] could [polite requests] emails/letters Worksheet: matching and
needn’t [lack of necessity] completion tasks
should, ought to [obligation]

6Wo3 Use independently appropriate Writing an e-mail to the

layout at text level for a growing headteacher about a class/extra Guided writing template Possible display
range of written genres on lesson you’d like opportunity
familiar general and curricular
6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening about schools in the Labelling task: images of 100–120
both short and extended talk on a past and what teachers/children ink well, cane, dunce’s minutes
range of general and curricular used to do cap, slate, lines book etc.
topics with little or no support

6S5 Summarise what others have Learners tell each other what they Worksheet: sentence
said on a range of general and heard about the objects completion relating to
curricular topics images above.
e.g. Before pens ______ .
6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on language for talking
passive past forms and used about habits/states in the past Worksheet: text summary
to/didn’t use to for past completion task
habits/states on a range of
general and curricular topics
6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading about Victorian children yes/ no/ doesn’t say tasks

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 6

wide range of short, simple texts at work and the jobs the used to
on general and curricular topics do
by using contextual clues
Guided writing template
6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing a diary entry as a
factual and imaginary past Victorian working child
events, activities and
experiences on a growing range
of general and curricular topics

6Lm1 Understand the main points in Listening to learners talking about Multiple-matching tasks 80–100
both short and extended talk with different problems at school minutes
little or no support on a range of
general and curricular topics
Worksheet: matching
6S6 Link comments to what others Talking about what kind of problems to causes
say at sentence and discourse behaviour causes problems
level in pair, group and whole at school
class exchanges
Worksheet: completion
6Uf10 Use if/unless in zero and first Focusing on conditional forms in task
conditional clauses talking about behaviour and rules if/unless
6Ug7 Spell most high-frequency Making a poster: A Happy School Worksheet: matching learners to recycle Display
vocabulary accurately for a range sentence halves language from opportunity
of familiar general and curricular Do’s/Don’ts previous tasks e.g.
topics when writing Don’t touch
independently someone’s things
unless you ask.

Module Review
Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes/no/doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to describing people and personal sentence and text completion and
characteristics, education, school life and events guided speaking and writing tasks
and a range of module learning objectives

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 7

Module 1B: Entertainment
Unit 3: Sports and Fitness

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time


6Ug1 Use a limited range of abstract Focusing on compound nouns Worksheet: matching Pre-teach some 50–60
nouns and compound nouns sports equipment/places you play compounds e.g. tennis vocabulary minutes
racquet, running track
6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about the sports you
about themselves and others at play/things you own Worksheet: images of
discourse level on a wide range different sports, arranged
of general topics in squares

Worksheet: matching
sports/activities to
6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening to a sportsperson talking Multiple-choice/multiple- Prepare/cut out 40–50
and detail in both short and about their daily regime/things matching tasks sports equipment minutes
extended talk they use do cards for different
Worksheet: [from above] groups of learners
6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or opinion Talking about using sports images of different sports:
of the speaker(s) in both short equipment: learners ask each learner places Ensure copies of
and extended talk questions to find out what their different equipment cards sports image
partner uses pieces of equipment on different sports, out of worksheet are
6S1 Provide detailed information for e.g. view of other learners available
about themselves and others at Are these running shoes?
discourse level on a wide range Do you use the gloves for
of general topics windsurfing?

6Ld3 Understand more complex

unsupported questions which ask
for personal information

6Rd2 Understand independently Reading about the life and great Multiple choice, yes/no/ 70–90
specific information and detail in moments of an athlete/sports star doesn’t say tasks minutes
short, simple texts on a range of

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 8

general and curricular topics

6Rg3 Recognise the attitude or opinion Writing: learners plan and write a Worksheet: question
of the writer in short texts on a series of questions to ask this or prompts
wide range of general and another famous sports star for a
curricular topics radio interview, which learners
then act out for class
6Wa1 Plan, write, edit and proofread
work at text level with some
support on a range of general
and curricular topics
6Uf7 Begin to use simple forms of Focusing on reporting simple Worksheet: learners 70–90
reported speech to report statements and commands change direct to reported minutes
statements and commands on a
range of general and curricular Learners write down
topics simple
6S5 Summarise what others have Reporting what others say to about sports
said on a range of general and you/tell you to do in a memory
curricular topics game.
Provide context: opening
6Wo1 Link sentences into coherent text Writing: learners summarise line
using a variety of basic previous sports star interview into
connectors on a range of general a paragraph, to be read out as if
and curricular topics when writing live post-interview on camera

6Rg1 Recognise, identify and sound

independently a wide range of
language at text level

6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about the different types Worksheet: learners tick 90–120
about themselves and others at of exercise learners get and talk about the minutes
discourse level on a wide range activities they do
of general topics
Worksheet: labelling
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about what’s good for image the body/organs
level on a range of general and what
curricular topics Matching activities to what
they help with

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 9

6Rd1 Recognise the difference Reading about the benefits of
between fact and opinion in doing exercise Yes/no/doesn’t say and
short, simple texts on a wide sentence completion Display
range of general and curricular tasks opportunity

6Rd2 Understand independently

specific information and detail in Provide a template/visuals
short, simple texts on a range of
general and curricular topics

6Wa2 Use joined-up handwriting in all Writing a personal ten-point

written work across the fitness action plan
curriculum with appropriate [resolutions]
speed and fluency

6Uf4 Use a growing range of future

forms including be going to
[predictions based on present

6Ld4 Understand longer sequences of Listening and following sets of Worksheet: on key Pre-teach key 70–100
classroom instructions with little instructions for warm- exercise verbs verbs: stretch, minutes
or no support up/stretching exercises place etc.

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening to what pulse rate is and Multi-matching picture
and detail in both short and how to check it tasks
extended talk on a range of
general and curricular topics with
little or no support
Picture sequencing tasks
6Rf1 Read and follow independently Reading instructions on how to
familiar instructions for classroom conduct a pulse rate experiment
Test completion grid
6S4 Respond with increasing
flexibility at both sentence and Completing a pulse rate Worksheet: sentence
discourse level to unexpected experiment and reporting results completion of what test
comments on a range of general to whole class proves
and curricular topics

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 10

Scheme of W

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 11

Module 1B: Entertainment
Unit 4: Films

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time


6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about different types of Worksheet: matching Pre-teach words 70–90
about themselves and others at film names of film to type types of film minutes
discourse level on a wide range
of general topics Worksheet: Learners
complete Have you …
6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning Talking about films you have seen e.g.
on a range of general and Have you seen any Toy
curricular topics Story movies?
Set of follow up questions
6Uf3 Use simple perfect forms to Watching short clips of films/film to ask e.g. Which ones?
express [recent, indefinite and openings and deciding what type Who was your favourite
unfinished past] on a range of of film it is and what’s going to character?
general and curricular topics happen next Line-up short film
6Uf4 Use a growing range of future
forms including be going to
[predictions based on present

6Lg1 Understand both short and Listening: The history of the Timeline completion 50–60
extended narratives with little or movies minutes
no support on a range of general Multiple-matching tasks
and curricular topics
Worksheet: Oscar
6Ut4 Use a range of pronouns Focusing on relative clauses definitions completion e.g.
including relative pronouns who, in definitions of people/things in Best Actress
which, that, whom, whose on a movies the person who acts the
range of general and curricular best in a female role
topics Prepare/cut up
Definition/movie word sets of cards
6Ut7 Use a range of defining and non- Memorising where things are in cards e.g. costume
defining relative clauses with turning over cards matching game designer - person who
which, who, that, whose, whom makes the clothes

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 12

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading: What’s on at the Multiple-match tasks 70–90
wide range of short, simple texts movies? matching descriptions to minutes
on general and curricular topics type of film
by using contextual clues

6Rg3 Recognise the attitude or opinion Worksheet: completing

of the writer in short texts on a short descriptions of film
wide range of general and with adjectives
curricular topics

6Ug2 Use a growing range of participle Focusing on descriptive Worksheet: ordering

adjectives and a growing range adjectives [participles] in short jumbled adjectives
of adjectives in the correct order movie review texts
in front of nouns on a range Worksheet to prompt
general and curricular topics recollection
a film on DVD/on TV
6S8 Relate extended stories and Ranking films you’ve seen at the cinema/on my
events on a growing range of on recently and telling another computer etc.
general and curricular topics learner about them
6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening: watching movie trailers Worksheet: viewing Cue trailers 70–90
and detail in both short and partly as input for writing a short completion minutes
extended talk on a range of movie review Which movie stars …?
general and curricular topics with Which movie is a
little or no support comedy?

6Wc2 Write with some support about Writing a short film review Display
personal feelings and opinions recommending a film learner has Provide a review template opportunity
on a limited range of general and seen recently
curricular topics

6Rg1 Recognise, identify and sound Reading out their reviews. Other
independently a wide range of learners guess which movie it is
language at text level and also ask further questions to
help them.
6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning Choose movies
on a range of general and Surveying learners quickly as to that you would be
curricular topics their favourite movie. List 8 well- able to show
known movies. Vote out movies, subsequently
until you have a final round

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 13

6Lg1 Understand both short and Watching previously chosen Worksheet: viewing guide 90–120
extended narratives with little or movie in sections e.g. minutes
no support on a range of general Name three locations in
and curricular topics the movie.
What was your favourite
What was your favourite

6Ug7 Spell most high-frequency Writing questions in preparation Templates/models for Prepare some 50–70
vocabulary accurately for a range for a movie quiz writing different types of quiz minutes
of familiar general and curricular quiz question for different questions/rounds
topics when writing rounds e.g.
independently Who starred in___? Think of a way of
Who played ____? keeping scores
6Ld3 Understand more complex Asking and answering questions Complete the film title: A
questions on a range of general about movies in a class quiz. Bug’s _____
and curricular topics with little or Learners confer in groups when
no support producing and answering
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse
level on a range of general and
curricular topics

Module Review

Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes no doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to athletes, modern sports, fitness, sentence and text completion and
the entertainment industry, TV and film and a guided speaking and writing tasks
range of module learning objectives

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 14

Module 1C: Past and Present
Unit 5: Clothes and Accessories
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about what different Worksheet: matching 120–140
level on a range of general and clothes and accessories can be tasks clothes/accessories minutes
curricular topics made of to material

6Ug2 Use a growing range of participle Focusing on the order of Worksheet: sorting
adjectives and a growing range adjectives before nouns jumbled adjectives e.g.
of adjectives in the correct order black nice leather Italian
in front of nouns on a range belt
general and curricular topics

6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on simple passive forms Worksheet: matching and
passive simple present forms is made of, can be made from completion tasks e.g.
necklaces can be made
from __________ .
6S3 Read independently a range of Reading about this year’s must
short simple fiction and non- have fashion accessories for boys Multiple-matching
fiction texts with confidence and and girls

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Telling another learner [ranking]

level your preferences for the
accessories. Your partner then
6S5 Summarise what others have relates your fashion tastes to rest
said on a range of general and of class.
curricular topics
6Wo3 Use independently appropriate Writing a lost property notice Guided writing template Possible display
layout at text level for a growing opportunity
range of written genres on
familiar general and curricular

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 15

6S7 Keep interaction going in longer Talking about fashion through the Worksheet: images – 120–140
exchanges on a wide range of ages matching styles to dates minutes
general and curricular topics

6Rd2 Understand independently Reading about clothing and Diagram labelling and fact
specific information and detail in fashion in different historical times or opinion tasks
short, simple texts on a range of
general and curricular topics

6Rd1 Recognise the difference

between fact and opinion in
short, simple texts on a wide
range of general and curricular

6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on simple past passive

passive simple past forms and and used to be worn etc. Worksheet: gapped text
used to/didn’t use to for past and sentence matching
habits/states on a range of tasks
general and curricular topics

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening to historical descriptions

and detail in both short and of clothing and fashionable looks
extended talk on a range of Multiple matching tasks
general and curricular topics with
little or no support

6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing a paragraph on a Guided writing template Possible display
factual and imaginary past particular historical clothes look opportunity
events, activities and
experiences on a growing range
of general and curricular topics
6Ug6 Begin to use some common Focusing on prepositional and Worksheet: 90–120
prepositional verbs on a range of phrasal verbs used for talking images/cartoons different minutes
general and curricular topics about clothes do up hang up try clothes situations
on, put on, take off dress up
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse
level on a range of general and Talking about when and why you
curricular topics need to do these things
Worksheet: with questions
6Ld4 Understand longer sequences of Listening: ‘Scarecrow Races’ Name two occasions you

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 16

classroom instructions with little need to dress up
or no support Bring in props and
Ask one learner from a accessories for
6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening to people in different group to act as a dressing up
both short and extended talk clothes shopping situations scarecrow
and issue instructions to
6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or opinion other group members to
of the speaker(s) in both short dress them up. Race with
and extended talk on a range of another group.
general and curricular topics with
little or no support Multiple-choice tasks
6S6 Link comments to what others Talking about why different Worksheet: images of 80–100
say at sentence and discourse people wear uniforms police officers, nurses, minutes
level in pair, group and whole school children, soldiers,
class exchanges footballers etc.

6S4 Respond with increasing Talking about features of different Worksheet: Why do …
flexibility at both sentence and uniforms firefighters wear hard
discourse level to unexpected hats?
comments on a range of general soldiers wear brown and
and curricular topics green?
doctors wear white? etc.
6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading short advertisements for
wide range of short, simple texts different clothing and items of
on general and curricular topics uniform Multiple-matching tasks.
by using contextual clues
Worksheet: conversion
6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on language [passive] in into full sentences;
passive simple past forms on a second-hand advertisements never worn, unwanted
range of general and curricular present, hardly used,
topics much loved, by last owner

6Wo3 Use independently appropriate Writing an advertisement for an Guided writing template Possible display
layout at text level for a growing item to sell opportunity
range of written genres on
familiar general and curricular

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 17

Module 1C: Past and Present
Unit 6: Time and Special Days
Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
6Lg1 Understand both short and Listening about the Roman True/false tasks 80–100
extended narratives with little or calendar minutes
no support on a range of general
and curricular topics Worksheet: questions for
learners to work out about
6Rd2 Understand independently Reading and problem-solving this year’s calendar
specific information and detail in tasks around a calendar
short, simple texts on a range of Calendar above to
general and curricular topics complete as listening
guide e.g. Circle the
6Ld4 Understand longer sequences of Listening: noting down events second Monday in April
classroom instructions with little dates on the calendar
or no support Worksheet:
birthdays, national
6Uf1 Use a growing range of Talking about special calendar holidays, anniversaries,
quantifiers and cardinal, ordinal days and focusing on ordinal term dates etc.
numbers on a range of general numbers to 31st. How many can you mark
and curricular topics on the calendar?
6Rd2 Understand independently Reading simple ‘clock/time’ Worksheet: with problems Pre-teach time 70–90
specific information and detail in problems relating to to work out vocabulary e.g. minutes
short, simple texts on a range of digital/analogue am/pm etc. and lasts, spends,
general and curricular topics working out answers Worksheet: text takes, is delayed,
completion/time questions fortnight,
6Ug4 Use a growing range of Focusing on prepositional time learners complete then fast/slow etc.,
prepositions preceding nouns phrases with in/at/on answer e.g.
and adjectives in prepositional and looking at how early/late are __ what time does the
phrases used with such phrases metro start?

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about days, hours, Cards with: numbers 60,
level on a range of general and second, minutes in a... 366, 28, 14, 2, 365, 52
curricular topics Match to facts: days in a
year/weeks in a fortnight

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 18

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening about wedding days in Multiple- Pre-teach: 70–90
and detail in both short and two different countries matching/sentence wedding minutes
extended talk on a range of completion tasks vocabulary e.g.
general and curricular topics with ceremony, bride,
little or no support Worksheet: timeline groom, reception
before ceremony, after
6Ld3 Understand more complex
unsupported questions which ask Words for learners to
for personal information place on the timeline

6S8 Relate extended stories and Talking about weddings. Learners

events on a growing range of on ask each other about weddings
general and curricular topics they have been to/heard of and
what happened.

6Rd2 Understand independently Reading about a summer fair from Yes/no doesn’t/say task 100–120
specific information and detail in history minutes
short, simple texts Worksheet: images
tick the things you could
6Rg3 Recognise the attitude or opinion see at a summer fair
of the writer in short texts on a magician, horses etc.
wide range of general and
curricular topics
Worksheet: sorting
6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on narrating past events jumbled stories
passive simple past forms and
used to/didn’t use to for past Worksheet: completing
habits/states stories putting verbs into
correct form
6Uf6 Use past continuous forms for
background, parallel and
interrupted past actions

6Ut6 Use conjunctions while, until, as

soon as in relating narratives
Write closing line on
6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing a paragraph about a board:
factual and imaginary past special day. Learners write about ‘It was a very special day.’

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 19

events, activities and something they did/that happened
experiences on a growing range to them that was special.
of general and curricular topics

Module Review
Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes/no/doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to clothing and dress, modern sentence and text completion and
accessories, special occasions and times of the guided speaking and writing tasks
year and a range of module learning objectives

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 20

Module 2A: Great Discoveries
Unit 7: Inventions
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about 20th century Worksheet: timeline Possibly bring in 60–80
level on a range of general and inventions activities [ordering] sets of image minutes
curricular topics cards for learners
Worksheet: sentence to sequence
6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on passive forms and completion
passive simple past forms and by +agent in talking about
used to/didn’t use to for past inventions and inventors Worksheet: famous
habits/states on a range of names/brands matching
general and curricular topics Talking about what people used
to do/use before something was Worksheet: sentence
6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or opinion invented completion. Before talking
of the speaker(s) in both short films/Before frozen food
and extended talk on a range of Listening: ‘Great Inventions in the etc.
general and curricular topics with 20th century’
little or no support Worksheet: Which one
came first? e.g. MP3

true/false/multiple choice

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about and internet Worksheet: images of 90–120
level on a range of general and researching what communications early telecommunication minutes
curricular topics devices existed before the phone machines

6Rd3 Use independently familiar paper Reading about the invention of

and digital reference resources to the telephone
check meaning and extend
Yes/no/doesn’t say
6Rd2 Understand independently Writing an imaginary dialogue of multiple-choice task
specific information and detail in Bell’s first phone conversation

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 21

short, simple texts on a range of and acting this out in front of
general and curricular topics class

6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing an imaginary telegram

factual and imaginary past from Bell to a friend about
events, activities and successful first phone Guided telegram template Possible display
experiences on a growing range conversation opportunity
of general and curricular topics

S6 Link comments to what others Talking about gadgets/technology 90–120

say at sentence and discourse that learners use everyday. minutes
level in pair, group and whole Learners make a list of 8 things
class exchanges they use and rank as most
important. Learners compare lists.
6Ut3 Use a growing range of
questions on a range of general Focusing on questions you might
and curricular topics want to answer in researching the Worksheet: questions to
history of a product complete e.g.
6Rg2 Read independently a range of Who ____ ?
short simple fiction and non- Researching in groups a Which company _____ ?
fiction texts with confidence and gadget/invention on the internet When _________? Guide to primary
enjoyment and in order to answer these What ______ look like ? friendly sites
6Rd3 Use independently familiar paper Learners use questions ICT link
and digital reference resources to as research guide help learners save
check meaning and extend images for
understanding subsequent
6S8 Relate extended stories and Learners prepare a short
events on a growing range of on presentation around 3 images Display
general and curricular topics they find relating to their search opportunity

6Uf2 Use a range of adverbs [simple Focusing on comparative adverbs Worksheet: completing 80–100
and comparative forms] including and order of adjectives in short ads with adjectives minutes
adverbs of manner describing products and their and adverbs
6Ug2 Use a growing range of participle
adjectives and a growing range
of adjectives in the correct order
in front of nouns on a range

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 22

general and curricular topics Worksheet: images of
gadgets learners
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about new speculate about what it
level on a range of general and gadgets/products and what they is/does
curricular topics are used for
Worksheet: new gadget
6Wa1 Plan, write, edit and proofread Writing an advertisement for an names e.g. the suitcase
work at text level with some imaginary product e.g. fold-away seat
support on a range of general bike Guided writing template
and curricular topics

6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening to descriptions of Matching descriptions to 60–80
both short and extended talk on a inventions that didn’t work/didn’t images/sketches of minutes
range of general and curricular catch on inventions
topics with little or no support
Talking about how useful/silly
Respond with increasing
6S4 gadgets are. Learners discuss Worksheet: Which one’s
flexibility at both sentence and different pairs of gadgets. best?
discourse level to unexpected
comments on a range of general
and curricular topics

Second Language Stage 6

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 23

Module 2A: Great Discoveries
Unit 8: Famous Explorers
Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
6S7 Keep interaction going in longer Talking about what explorers Worksheet: list of things Pre-teach key 100–120
exchanges on a wide range of discovered in China discovered, invented, vocabulary minutes
general and curricular topics grown in China mixed
with some discovered in
6Rd2 Understand independently Reading: History of expeditions South America
specific information and detail in and famous explorers who went
short, simple texts on a range of to China Timeline and multiple
general and curricular topics matching tasks

6Uf1 Use a growing range of Focusing on saying years:

quantifiers and cardinal, ordinal 1509, 1482, 1600 etc. Worksheet: learners look Possible display
numbers and fractions on a for patterns in how years opportunity
range of general and curricular are said

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening: ‘Things from China’ Worksheet: text
and detail in both short and completion task with key
extended talk on a range of dates/true false task
general and curricular topics with
little or no support

6Rm1 6Wa2Understand the main points Reading: ‘Getting Tea out of Worksheet: sorting into a 120–140
of a wide range of short, simple China’ [e.g. story of Robert sequence jumbled minutes
texts on general and curricular Fortune] chronological events
topics by using contextual clues
Worksheet: relating to
6Ut6 Use conjunctions while, until, as Focusing on narrative verb forms events in Reading
soon as in relating narratives and conjunctions sentence
6Uf6 Use past continuous forms for tasks
background, parallel and
interrupted past actions on a Worksheet: text summary
range of general and curricular completion task

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 24


6Lg1 Understand both short and Listening to a dramatic narration

extended narratives with little or of an episode In above story Three-option multiple
no support on a range of general choice task on actions,
and curricular topics thoughts and feelings

6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing [e.g. diary entry] an
factual and imaginary past imaginary account based on an Guided writing template
events, activities and incident/detail in above
experiences on a growing range Listening/Reading
of general and curricular topics

6Rd1 Recognise the difference Reading about the Aztecs and True/false and 80–100
between fact and opinion in their civilisation yes/no/doesn’t say tasks minutes
short, simple texts on a wide
range of general and curricular
topics Worksheet: learners
match parts of sentences
6Ut5 Use the pattern verb + object + Focusing on verb patterns in according to information possible display
infinitive describing customs and practices in above Reading opportunity
give/take/send/bring/show +
direct/indirect object Talking about Aztec customs by Worksheet: images of
saying what they different Aztec objects
6Wc1 Write with some support about give/take/send/bring/show with
factual and imaginary past direct objects
events, activities and Guided writing template
experiences on a growing range Writing an imaginary eye-witness
of general and curricular topics account of meeting the Aztecs for
the first time

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening about Spanish explorers Multiple-matching of You could play a 90–110
and detail in both short and in the ‘New World’ names to images clip from film minutes
extended talk on a range of relating to these
general and curricular topics with Worksheet: matching events to add
little or no support agents [by] to actions context
was taken, were sent
6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on simple past passive back
passive simple present and past forms in the context of discovery
forms on a range of general and and exploration Worksheet: rewriting

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 25

curricular topic sentences using passive
6Rd2 Reading about Aztec and Spanish
Understand independently confrontations [e.g. the siege of Text summary completion
specific information and detail in Tenochtitlan] task Image
short, simple texts on a range of matching/labelling tasks
general and curricular topics

6S8 Relate extended stories and Collective class telling of the story Images from previous Cut out images 50–70
events on a growing range of on of the Aztecs/Spanish listening/reading tasks from pervious minutes
general and curricular topics in groups of 4 or 5 with at least plus others on individual tasks and present
one image card per learner. cards as cards
6S6 Link comments to what others Learners plan their telling of the
say at sentence and discourse history. Then whole class, each
level in pair, group and whole learner in turn, tell the story
class exchanges collectively.

6Ld5 Understand more complex Listening to quiz questions about Quiz: questions to read
questions on a range of general China and New World discoveries out. e.g. In which century
and curricular topics with little or above ______ ?
no support

Module Review
Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes/no/doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to science and discovery, useful sentence and text completion and
inventions, exploration and history and a range of guided speaking and writing tasks
module learning objectives


V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 26

Module 2B: Different People
Unit 9: Work and Jobs
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about whose job it is to Worksheet: matching Pre-teach some 70–90
level on a range of general and ______ . tasks e.g. help you in a words focusing on minutes
curricular topics shop to a compound noun –er, –ess, –or
learners make from endings
6Ug1 Use a limited range of compound jumbled words e.g.
nouns on a range of general and shop assistant
curricular topics
Multiple matching tasks

6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening: ‘What’s my line?’ Worksheet:

both short and extended talk on a Listening to people describing match words to give
range of general and curricular their job/what they do each day activity e.g. control
topics with little or no support and working out their job crowds
and explain where
Talking about different things that
police officers do/don’t do Worksheet: a list of
activities tick if police do
say who does if police
don’t e.g. put out fires
6Ut1 Use double genitive structures: Reading about people who love Multiple-matching tasks 60–80
e.g. a friend of theirs on a range what they do minutes
of general and curricular topics

6Uf7 Begin to use simple forms of Focusing on use of double Worksheet: rewriting
reported speech to report genitive structures sentences using double
statements and commands on a genitive: Sally’s friend is a
range of general and curricular Talking about what you hairdresser/A friend.
topics heard/what was said.
Ask 5/6 learners to read out one Worksheet:
line: a cousin of mine is a nurse. A cousin of mine is ___
Nominate learner to report as A relative of ours is
many as they can remember e.g. A neighbour ______ etc. Keep team scores
Tania said a cousin of hers is... Learners complete with

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 27

people they know.
6Lm1 Understand the main points in Listening to people describing the Multiple-matching tasks 90–110
both short and extended talk with qualities they need to do their jobs minutes
little or no support on a range of
general and curricular topics

6Ug5 Begin to use dependent Focusing on prepositions used

prepositions following adjectives after adjectives: good at, keen Worksheet: completion
on a range of general and on, good with, kind/polite to and matching tasks
curricular topics

6Wa2 Use joined-up handwriting in all Writing down a list of qualities for Template: Possible
written work across the a job. Learners read out their I’m keen on ______. ICT/display
curriculum with appropriate descriptions and other learners I’m good at ________. opportunity writing
speed and fluency write down what job it is. I’m not bad with/at ____ with photo shop
6Wc2 Write with some support about Writing a paragraph about So I should be a...?
personal feelings and opinions yourself and what you’d like
on a limited range of general and to be
curricular topics

6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about household Worksheet: putting chores 90–120
about themselves and others at jobs/chores learners do/can do on a Venn diagram: jobs minutes
discourse level on a wide range you can do inside/outside
of general topics house [both]

6Ut2 Use a range of determiners

including neither, both

6Ld3 Understand more complex Set of instructions about:

unsupported questions which ask -writing questions
for personal information -doing the survey
- putting the results into a
6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning graph
on a range of general and - presenting the results to
curricular topics the class

6Rf1 Read and follow independently Reading instructions about

familiar instructions for classroom conducting a class survey on who

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 28

activities does what household chores

6Wa2 Use joined-up handwriting in all Writing questions [in groups] for Tally chart template for
written work across the and conducting a class survey learners to write questions
curriculum with appropriate using tally charts on
speed and fluency

6S5 Summarise what others have Presenting result of survey to Different graph templates
said on a range of general and class by explaining graph for showing results
curricular topics

6Ut7 Use a range of defining and non- Focusing on relative clauses to Worksheet: complete with 90–120
defining relative clauses with talk about jobs and people who do correct relative pronoun minutes
which, who, that, whose, whom them

Use a range of pronouns Worksheet: learners

complete sentences about
including relative pronouns who,
people they know
which, that, whom, whose on a My uncle, who _____,
range of general and curricular works _________ .

6Wo2 Punctuate written work at text Punctuating a piece of writing Worksheet: put commas
level for a range of general and [with no punctuation] in which in relative clause
curricular topics with some someone describes their job sentences where needed
accuracy when writing
Learners prepare defining relative Worksheet: unpunctuated
clause quiz questions for class piece of writing
Think of someone who works up
a ladder.
Think of someone with whom a
doctor works.
Think of someone whose job is on
the beach.
Keep team scores
Listening to and answering
questions in a class ‘jobs’
quiz. First learner to shout out
answer questioner has written on

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 29

card wins a point.

Module 2B: Different People

Unit 10: Communicating
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time

6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about when and how you Worksheet: 80–100
about themselves and others at can leave messages. Learners text message/written minutes
discourse level on a wide range ask each other questions about note/voice
of general topics leaving messages. message/answer
machine/instant message
6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning Writing text messages [least What’s the difference?
on a range of general and number of letters] When do you use them?
curricular topics
Worksheet: sentences
6Wa1 Plan, write, edit and proofread Writing messages to leave at that learners have to
work at text level with some particular locations around a reduce to text messages
support on a range of general house. [Learners read messages
and curricular topics out for others to guess where it Image of different rooms
was left]. with typical
6Wo3 Use independently appropriate furniture/fittings around a
layout at text level for a growing house
range of written genres on
familiar general and curricular
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about gestures/making Worksheet: Find a 80–100
level on a range of general and sounds and when they have to be gesture e.g. minutes
curricular topics used say yes/no/.thank
you/stop/don’t etc.
6Rd1 Recognise the difference Reading about the use of
between fact and opinion in gestures in different countries and Worksheet: When do
short, simple texts on a wide cultures people whistle/clap/hug?
range of general and curricular etc.

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening to someone describing Fact or opinion tasks
and detail in both short and different gestures

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 30

extended talk on a range of Matching task
general and curricular topics with images of aircraft taxiing
little or no support signals
6Uf7 Begin to use simple forms of Focusing on reported speech Worksheet: rewriting 70–90
reported speech to report direct speech as reported minutes
statements and commands on a speech/matching tasks
range of general and curricular

6S5 Summarise what others have Talking in groups about different Worksheet: gestures to Model a few
said on a range of general and gestures you can make and what show you like/dislike/don’t gestures and
curricular topics they mean care/don’t believe etc. suggest
6Ug7 Spell most high-frequency Making gestures and others in Learners write down in
vocabulary accurately for a range class report/write down what you notebooks what they think
of familiar general and curricular said was said/they were told
topics when writing
6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or Listening to voice/recorded Multiple-matching tasks 60–80
opinion of the speaker(s) in both messages minutes
short and extended talk on a
range of general and curricular
topics with little or no support

Use present continuous forms Worksheet:

6Uf6 with present and future meaning Focusing on phone language and completion/matching tasks
on a range of general and talking about arrangements You might like to
curricular topics record learners
leaving messages
Respond with increasing Tapescripts of messages and ask other
6S4 flexibility at both sentence and Replying to voice messages and in previous listening task learners to listen
discourse level to unexpected leaving a message in reply and say which
comments on a range of general message they are
and curricular topics responding to
6Uf8 Use a growing range of modal Focusing on modal forms Worksheet: sentence 60–80
forms including would [polite rewriting/completion tasks minutes
requests] could [polite requests]
needn’t [lack of necessity] Focusing on functional [modal Worksheet: matching
should, ought to [obligation] forms] language in phone calls phone questions
/statements to short

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 31

Use joined-up handwriting in all modal responses
6Wa2 written work across the Writing [completing] short phone
curriculum with appropriate dialogues and acting these out in
speed and fluency front of class
6Ld4 Understand longer sequences of Talking about and explaining an Show screen on board Set up learners 60–80
classroom instructions with little instant message forum and explain/answer through skype or minutes
or no support questions about they have some other forum
to do
6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning ICT link
on a range of general and
curricular topics Worksheets A/B: giving
learners different things to
6Rf1 Read and follow independently Reading instructions for instant communicate to each
familiar instructions for messaging task other
classroom activities

6Wc2 Write with some support about Writing to each other in an instant
personal feelings and opinions messaging forum
on a limited range of general
and curricular topics

Module Review

Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes/no/doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to jobs and working situations, sentence and text completion and
means of communication and modern technology guided speaking and writing tasks
and a range of module learning objectives


V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 32

Module 2C: Living Things
Unit 11: Character and Behaviour
Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
6Lm1 Understand the main points in Listening to descriptions of Multiple-matching task: Pre-teach less 90–110
both short and extended talk people’s typical behaviour match adjectives to common minutes
with little or no support on a descriptions they hear: adjectives
range of general and curricular tidy, sporty, shy, chatty,
topics messy, fussy etc.

6Ug5 Begin to use dependent Focusing on the use of dependent Worksheet: matching and
prepositions following adjectives prepositions following adjectives completion tasks e.g.
on a range of general and relating to character and afraid of, polite to, shy
curricular topics personality with, excited about, kind
Talking about character traits of to
6Ug7 Spell most high-frequency other class members:
vocabulary accurately for a Guess who? He’s very fussy about his
range of familiar general and hair. Guess who…
curricular topics when writing Writing an e-mail to a friend
independently introducing another friend he/she
is going to meet Guided writing template
6Wc2 Write with some support about
personal feelings and opinions
on a limited range of general
and curricular topics

6Lg1 Understand both short and Listening to the first half of a short Worksheet: tick the 60–80
extended narratives with little or story and predicting what the key adjectives which best minutes
no support on a range of general characters will do describe each character
and curricular topics

6Uf4 Use a growing range of future Focusing on making predictions Worksheet: What do you
forms including be going to think will happen? [tick]
[predictions based on present Is there anything else you
evidence] and will for predictions think the characters will
on a range of general and do?

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 33

curricular topics

6Rg2 Read independently a range of Reading the second half of the Tick your predictions
short simple fiction and non- short story and check which which were right
fiction texts with confidence and predictions were correct

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading signs instructing people Common signs e.g. no 90–110
wide range of short, simple texts to do/not do things running by the pool minutes
on general and curricular topics
by using contextual clues

6Uf10 Use if/unless in zero and first Talking about what will happen if Worksheet: If someone
conditional clauses people disobey the signs

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading jokes about people’s Multiple-matching task
wide range of short, simple texts behaviour and matching the punch
on general and curricular topics lines to the jokes
by using contextual clues
Prepare joke
6S8 Relate extended stories and Memorising, practising [to Short jokes and ask them cards for each
events on a growing range of on yourself] and then telling short to memorise/practice learner
general and curricular topics jokes to the whole class

6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on language for Worksheet: Choose the 80–100
passive simple present forms on describing people e.g. correct verb minutes
a range of general and curricular looks/talks/sounds like etc.
topics Worksheet: Who do like to
6Rf1 dress like?/Would you like
Read and follow independently Reading about a character and to sing like?
familiar instructions for acting out character roles in a
classroom activities class mingling activity Role cards: Prepare character
looks…a bit shy role cards
6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing - after mingling in has a … [nervous laugh]
factual and imaginary past character for about ten minutes – walks like … an old man You could bring in
events, activities and a description of two of the says ‘Oh dear’ all the dressing up props
experiences on a growing range characters that they met time. too
of general and curricular topics
Guided writing template

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 34

6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or opinion Listening to different reactions Multiple-matching tasks: 80–100
of the speaker(s) in both short and How does the person minutes
extended talk on a range of feel?
general and curricular topics with
little or no support

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse level Talking about what you say in Worksheet: when do you
on a range of general and different situations say ____ ?
curricular topics
Worksheet: prompted
6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or opinion Listening and matching reactions dialogue completion
of the speaker(s) in both short and to what is said to you
extended talk on a range of Multiple-matching of
general and curricular topics with answers to what you hear
little or no support e.g. Is it alright if I don’t
come?/It doesn’t matter.
6Wc2 Write with some support about Writing a response e-mail to a
personal feelings and opinions on friend reacting to his/her news e-mail to reply to/guided
a limited range of general and writing prompts
curricular topics

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 35

Module 2C: Living Things
Unit 12: Animal Habits
Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse level Talking about which adjectives Worksheet: multiple- 80–100
on a range of general and you associate with animals matching animals to minutes
curricular topics adjectives

6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning Worksheet:

on a range of general and as b___ as a bee Pre-teach: bite,
curricular topics as q___ as a mouse sting, make me
itch, are scary etc.
6Rd2 Understand independently Reading about ants: life, jobs, Yes/no/doesn’t say task
specific information and detail in food, young etc. diagram
short, simple texts on a range of
general and curricular topics Completion/labelling task

6S1 Provide detailed information about Talking about which animals Worksheet: matching
themselves and others at you’re afraid of animals to comments
discourse level on a wide range of
general topics

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening about where animals Worksheet: map on which Pre-teach 90–120
and detail in both short and migrate to learners mark migration migrate, Minutes
extended talk on a range of paths of animals hibernate, grow
general and curricular topics with fur
little or no support True/false task

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse level Talking about which animals do

on a range of general and what in winter Worksheet: classification
curricular topics migrate, hibernate, grow fur of different animals

6Rd2 Understand independently Researching and reading about

specific information and detail in the winter habits of a particular Worksheet: questions to
short, simple texts on a range of animal on the Internet answer Guide to primary
general and curricular topics friendly sites

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 36

6Wo1 Link sentences into coherent text Writing a short description of
using a variety of basic what your chosen animal does in
connectors on a range of general winter Guided writing prompts Possible display
and curricular topics when writing opportunity

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse level Talking about Emperor Penguins Worksheet: true/false task 60–80
on a range of general and e.g. Emperor Penguins minutes
curricular topics lay eggs.

Yes/no/doesn’t say task

6Rd2 Understand independently Short reading about Emperor
specific information and detail in Penguins
short, simple texts on a range of Worksheet: questions as
general and curricular topics viewing guide

6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Watching and listening to a short

both short and extended talk on a extract from the film ‘The March
range of general and curricular of the Penguins’
topics with little or no support
6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening to animal to sounds. Worksheet: matching the 50–70
both short and extended talk on a sound heard to an animal minutes
range of general and curricular
topics with little or no support Worksheet: matching
verbs to animal sounds
6Lg2 Identify rhymes, onomatopoeia moo, meow, tweet, cry, Give an example
and rhythm hiss, buzz of strange
onomatopoeia e.g.
6Ug7 Spell most high-frequency Writing an onomatopoeia poem The mice are
vocabulary accurately for a range entitled: ‘Save our world ‘ mooing.
of familiar general and curricular Save our world.
topics when writing independently and encourage
learners to write a
Recognise, identify and sound twelve line poem.
6Rg1 independently a wide range of Reading poems out to the rest of
language at text level the class Display

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse level Talking about the names of Worksheet: matching Elicit and pre- 110–140

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 37

on a range of general and animals and their young names of young to teach some Minutes
curricular topics animals vocabulary
6Ut3 Use a growing range of questions Focusing on questions: words]
including how far, how many How many times a year _____ ?
times, what? + noun on a range of How long is it before ______ ? Worksheet: question
general and curricular topics How long does it take for ___ ? matching and completion
What sort of food ____ ? tasks
Give an opinion at discourse level Learners speculate about
6S3 on a range of general and answers.
curricular topics How long is it before a chick can
fly/foal can walk? etc.
Understand specific information
6Ld1 and detail in both short and Listening about animals and their
extended talk on a range of young [for half the class]
general and curricular topics with
little or no support Reading about animals and their Worksheet: [table
young [for half the class] completion] Ensure that the
6Rd2 Understand independently two groups do not
specific information and detail in Asking and answering questions distract each other
short, simple texts on a range of to complete the missing Worksheet: [table
general and curricular topics information from their table completion

6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning

on a range of general and
curricular topics

6S7 Keep interaction going in longer

exchanges on a wide range of
general and curricular topics
Possible display
6Wo1 Link sentences into coherent text Writing a short paragraph about opportunity
using a variety of basic an animal and its young of their Guided writing template
connectors on a range of general choice
and curricular topics when writing

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 38

Module Review
Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes/no/ doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to people’s behaviour and attitudes, sentence and text completion and
wildlife and animal habitats and a range of module guided speaking and writing tasks
learning objectives

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 39

Module 3A: Making Decisions
Unit 13: Going Shopping
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time

6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about types of shops and Worksheet: matching Pre-teach names 70–80
about themselves and others at the things you get there type of shop/products of different shops minutes
discourse level on a wide range
of general topics Worksheet: ranking shops
learners go into most
6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening to short shop/service
both short and extended talk on a encounters Multiple-matching tasks:
range of general and curricular matching conversations to
topics with little or no support a shop/service

6S6 Link comments to what others Building and acting out short
say at sentence and discourse service encounter dialogues
level in pair, group and whole Worksheet: dialogue
class exchanges completion and dialogue
6Uf8 Use a growing range of modal
forms would [polite requests]
could [polite requests]

6Rd2 Understand independently Reading short Multiple-matching and 50–60

specific information and detail in advertisements/notices for multiple choice tasks minutes
short, simple texts on a range of products/offers
general and curricular topics Worksheet: images of
contrasting pairs of
6S7 Keep interaction going in longer Talking about which type of products
exchanges on a wide range of product you’d choose [this one’s
general and curricular topics too/not …enough] Worksheet: learners
complete with both/either/
6Ut2 Use a range of determiners neither in relation to
including neither, both on a above task e.g. John
range of general and curricular didn’t like either bike.

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 40

6Ut5 Use the pattern verb + object + Focusing on verbs and object Worksheet: learners Pre-teach names 60–80
infinitive with patterns in talking about service complete sentences about of different minutes
give/take/send/bring/show + situations what happens in different shop/service
service situations assistants
direct/indirect object on a range
Naming things different people do
of general and curricular topics to you/for you Blank cards: on back
learners write two things a
6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening to people describing person e.g. shoe shop
both short and extended talk on a what they do in shop/service assistant does for you.
range of general and curricular situations [guessing/scoring points]
topics with little or no support

Multiple-matching task

6Lm1 Understand the main points in Listening about what’s important Worksheet: true/false and 80–100
both short and extended talk to people when they shop multiple-matching tasks minutes

6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or opinion Listening and completing a quiz

of the speaker(s) in both short about international chains/brands
and extended talk on a range of
general and curricular topics with
little or no support List of questions
[recorded or read out] e.g.
6Ld5 Understand more complex What do Starbucks sell?
questions on a range of general
and curricular topics with little or Elicit names of local
no support retailers/retail chains and
discuss what they sell
6Wo1 Link sentences into coherent text Writing [class compilation activity]
using a variety of basic an entry for a local shopping Template for writing a Display
connectors on a range of general directory short shopping directory opportunity
and curricular topics when writing entry possibly with local
independently photographs

6Ug7 Spell most high-frequency Writing captions for cartoons of Worksheet: cartoons with Give learners 40–50
vocabulary accurately for a range people in shop/service situations blank speech bubbles ideas of what minutes
of familiar general and curricular to write
topics when writing Worksheet: presents you
independently buy for different people

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 41

6S7 Keep interaction going in longer Talking about shopping for and Worksheet: discussion of
exchanges on a wide range of choosing gifts class leaving present
general and curricular topics

6Rd2 Understand independently Reading about where things in 100–120

specific information and detail in shops come from/are made/grown Yes/no/doesn’t say and minutes
short, simple texts on a range of text summary completion
general and curricular topics tasks

6Rg3 Recognise the attitude or opinion

of the writer in short texts on a
wide range of general and
curricular topics Worksheet: focus on
passive forms
6Uf5 Use a range of active and Focusing on what people used to
passive simple present and past make/grow locally Worksheet: focus on used
forms and used to/didn’t use to to/didn’t used to
for past habits/states on a range
of general and curricular topics
Guide to sites with
6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing one or two short Internet research or photo relevant local
factual and imaginary past paragraphs about what used to be prompts information
events, activities and made/grown in the local area display opportunity
experiences on a growing range
of general and curricular topics

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 42

Module 3A: Making Decisions
Unit 14: Calculating
Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about numbers and the Cards: operations symbol Cut out cards 60–80
level on a range of general and things [operations] you do with and vocabulary matching minutes
curricular topics them [= x - +] etc.

6Rf1 Read and follow independently Reading to calculate the answers

familiar instructions for classroom to ‘money’ word problems Worksheet: with ‘money’
activities calculation word problems

6Ld5 Understand more complex Listening: ‘I think of a number’ List of 15–20 questions to 50–70
questions on a range of general doing mental maths calculations read out minutes
and curricular topics with little or
no support Guided templates of
problems to write
6Uf10 Use if in zero and first Writing problems for other
conditional clauses learners which will then be read Images of items and
out for them to solve [Totals/How prices
much change etc.

6Uf1 Use a growing range of Focusing on fractions and Worksheet: calculating Prepare questions 50–70
quantifiers and cardinal and percentages fractions in word problems on statistics minutes
ordinal numbers and fractions on learners might be
a range of general and curricular Worksheet: calculating able to guess
topics percentage discounts in
6Ut3 Use a growing range of Listening to How many/What
questions including how far, how percentage? questions and giving
many times, what + noun on a best estimate as a
range of general and curricular fraction/percentage

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 43

6Rg2 Read independently a range of Reading simple logic problems Worksheet: logic 50–70
short simple fiction and non- and discussing with other learners problems for learners to minutes
fiction texts with confidence and how to solve them e.g. chicken, read and solve
enjoyment grain and fox

6Lm1 Understand the main points in Listening: ‘ Line up accordingly’ Listen to line up
both short and extended talk with learners listen to instructions instructions: line up
little or no support on a range of about how to line up and race with according to shoe
general and curricular topics other groups to organise size/height/month of birth
themselves accordingly etc.
6Rg2 Read independently a range of Reading about palindromes Worksheet: palindrome Prepare questions 50–60
short simple fiction and non- [words numbers that are the same problems e.g. what was e.g. minutes
fiction texts with confidence and read backwards] and various the last year in the 20th Both parents;
enjoyment word and number palindromes for century that was a what’s the
learners to work out and solve palindrome? palindrome?
6Ld5 Understand more complex
questions on a range of general Listening to a quick thinking
and curricular topics with little or palindrome quiz
no support

6Uf2 Use a range of adverbs [simple Focusing on comparative adverbs Worksheet: completion 60–80
and comparative forms] including [regular and irregular] and matching tasks on minutes
adverbs of manner comparative adverbs

6Rd2 Understand independently Reading maths problems with Worksheet: problems and
specific information and detail in adverb questions: Who travels questions
short, simple texts on a range of more quickly? Which one swims
general and curricular topics faster? gets home earlier? etc. Worksheet:
Who walks further?/eats
6S6 Link comments to what others Discussing personal comparisons faster?/laughs louder etc.
say at sentence and discourse with other learners
level in pair, group and whole
class exchanges

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading and researching in small Worksheet: Guide to primary 90–120
wide range of short, simple texts groups ideas for a school fair instructions/websites friendly sites minutes
on general and curricular topics [money-raising stall ideas] where to find ideas for
by using contextual clues primary school fair

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 44

6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Discussing in groups and Discussion prompts
level on a range of general and calculating how much money they
curricular topics could make from their stall Worksheet Possible display
price per person, costs, opportunity
6Wc2 Write with some support about Writing an e-mail to teacher profit, equipment
personal feelings and opinions explaining their stall and
on a limited range of general and calculations Guided writing template
curricular topics

Module Review

Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes/no/doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to shopping, service situations, sentence and text completion and
paying and solving problems and a range of module guided speaking and writing tasks
learning objectives

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 45

Module 3B: Adventures
Unit 15: Holiday and Travels
Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about holiday destinations Worksheet: matching 60–80
level on a range of general and and things you can do there destination images: minutes
curricular topics mountains, cities, rivers,
sea etc. to items linked to
6S6 Link comments to what others Talking about ‘perfect’ ‘OK’ and activities e.g. life-vest,
say at sentence and discourse ‘problem’ weather for different walking boots, sun cream,
level in pair, group and whole activities open-top bus, skis
class exchanges Display
Worksheet: matching opportunity
6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing a guided poem entitled weather words to
factual and imaginary past ‘Dream Holiday’ activities: ‘perfect’ ‘OK’
events, activities and ‘problem’
experiences on a growing range
of general and curricular topics Poem template:
line 1: [season/time of
line 2: [weather]
line 3: [what’s on your
feet?] etc.
6Rg3 Recognise the attitude or opinion Reading people’s views about a Multiple-matching/fact or
of the writer in short texts place in the form of an internet opinion tasks
travel forum.
6Rd1 Recognise the difference
between fact and opinion in
short, simple texts on a wide Worksheet: completion of
range of general and curricular questions for given
topics answers

6Ut3 Use a growing range of Focusing on the form of questions

questions including how far, how
many times, what + noun on a
range of general and curricular

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 46

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading travel signs and notices Multiple-choice and 90–120
wide range of short, simple texts multiple matching tasks minutes
on general and curricular topics
by using contextual clues
Worksheet: interpreting
6Uf8 Use a growing range of modal Focusing on modal meanings the meaning of signs
forms including would [polite can, could, would, should, ought using modals
requests] could [polite requests], to
should, ought to [obligation] on a Worksheet: listing
range of general and curricular different types of Pre-teach
topics tourist things to do vocabulary
[tick/cross] e.g. walks,
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about what tourists might sightseeing, local
level on a range of general and do in your area/town markets, activity centres,
curricular topics shopping etc.
6Wo3 Use independently appropriate Writing a tourist Welcome to our Guided template opportunity
layout at text level for a growing City’ poster
range of written genres on
familiar general and curricular
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about types of bags and Worksheet: matching 50–70
level on a range of general and why they are useful types of bags to travel minutes
curricular topics situations e.g.
rucksack – hiking
6Ug2 Use a growing range of participle Focusing on order of adjectives sleeping bag – camping
adjectives and a growing range before nouns etc.
of adjectives in the correct order
in front of nouns on a range Worksheet: sorting
general and curricular topics jumbled
adjectives/matching to
6S8 Relate extended stories and Talking about the last time you bags e.g. light, red,
events on a growing range of on used different bags plastic beach bag
general and curricular topics
Images of different types
of trip/travel bags

6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening about safety on a school Sentence 90–110
and detail in both short and trip completion/multiple minutes

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 47

extended talk on a range of choice picture tasks
general and curricular topics with
little or no support
Multiple-matching task
6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening to different working out where trip is
both short and extended talk on a guides/teachers giving taking place
range of general and curricular instructions Pre teach trip
topics with little or no support [compounds]
Worksheet: trip options: words
6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about where to go on a seaside, wildlife park,
about themselves and others at class trip. Learners respond to forest walk, water park,
discourse level on a wide range suggestions [whole class] saying: museum visit etc.
of general topics I’ve done/seen that/been there
and explaining if they think it Learners list two things
6Uf3 Use simple perfect forms to would be a good idea to go. you could do there
express [recent, indefinite and Possible display
unfinished] past on a range of opportunity
general and curricular topics
Guided template of points
6Wo1 Link sentences into coherent text Writing an e-mail to an absent to cover
using a variety of basic classmate telling him/her about
connectors on a range of general planned class trip on Monday
and curricular topics when writing

Scheme o

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 48

Module 3B: Adventures
Unit 16: Survivors’ Tales
Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
6S6 Link comments to what others Talking about different things you Worksheet: matching Pre-teach some 100–120
say at sentence and discourse have for safety in different safety items to activities survival item Minutes
level in pair, group and whole situations torch vocabulary
class exchanges life vest sailing
compass climbing
6Ld1 Understand specific information Listening to the instructions of an rope
and detail in both short and airplane safety announcer
extended talk on a range of Worksheet: learners tick
general and curricular topics with one of two images that
little or no support corresponds to each
6Uf9 Use conjunctions if/unless in Focusing on the use of zero and
conditional sentences on a range first conditional forms Worksheet: following on
of general and curricular topics from listening true/false
if/unless/in case
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about when something statements about airplane
level on a range of general and would be of no use to you in an safety
curricular topics emergency/survival situation
Worksheet: clause
6S4 Respond with increasing matching and completion
flexibility at both sentence and tasks
discourse level to unexpected
comments on a range of general Worksheet: with images
and curricular topics of compass, mobile
phone, matches, dingy,
radio, etc.
e.g. If matches are wet,
they don’t work.

6Rg3 Recognise the attitude or opinion Reading about a mountain Yes/no/doesn’t say task 60–80
of the writer in short texts survival situation and rescue fact or opinion task minutes

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 49

6Rd1 Recognise the difference
between fact and opinion in
short, simple texts on a wide Worksheet: correcting a
range of general and curricular summary of the story

6Ut5 Use the pattern verb + object + Focusing on verb and object
infinitive patterns in talking about the Worksheet: stream of text
give/take/send/bring/show + events in story to punctuate
direct/indirect object

6Wo2 Punctuate written work at text Punctuating an unpunctuated

level for a range of general and extract from the story
curricular topics with some
accuracy when writing

6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning Talking about natural disasters Worksheet: learners Pre-teach natural 70–90
on a range of general and and asking another learner what match natural disasters to disaster minutes
curricular topics they think happens with each one parts of the world [on vocabulary
map] where they are
6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading about natural disasters in common
wide range of short, simple texts headed sections:
on general and curricular topics flood, avalanche etc. Multiple- matching
by using contextual clues /completion task:
learners match missing
6S6 Link comments to what others Talking about what people should lines to each section
say at sentence and discourse do in different disaster situations
level in pair, group and whole Worksheet: matching
class exchanges go underground
climb on a roof
6Uf8 Use a growing range of modal get under a table
forms including should, ought to wear a life vest
[obligation] on a range of general
and curricular topics

6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or opinion Listening to an interview in which Worksheet: 80–100
of the speaker(s) in both short a survivor recounts her tale of fact or opinion/multiple minutes
and extended talk survival choice tasks

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 50

6Lm1 Understand the main points in
both short and extended talk with
little or no support on a range of
general and curricular topics Worksheet: sentence
matching to make true
6S4 Summarise what others have statements about the
said on a range of general and story
curricular topics
Worksheet: rewriting
6Uf7 Begin to use simple forms of Focusing on reported speech and direct speech from the
reported speech to report remembering what was said story as indirect speech
statements and commands on a
range of general and curricular
topics Guided writing template

6Wo2 Punctuate written work at text Writing a passage of dramatic

level for a range of general and dialogue from the story
curricular topics with some
accuracy when writing

6S7 Keep interaction going in longer Talking about [ranking] what you Worksheet: ranking tasks 60–80
exchanges on a wide range of should do first in a survival hunt animals, build fire, minutes
general and curricular topics situation on a desert island find shelter, look for food,
find somewhere to swim
6Uf3 Use simple perfect forms to Focusing on perfect forms, in the etc.
express [recent, indefinite and context of survivor diary entries
unfinished] past on a range of Worksheet: completion
general and curricular topics worksheet [for or since]

6Wc1 Write with some support about Writing a short desert island diary Worksheet: completion Learners take a
factual and imaginary past entry [yet already just never sentence from one
events, activities and before] of previous tasks
experiences on a growing range as their opening
of general and curricular topics line


V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 51

Module Review

Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes/no/doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to holidays, travel, adventures and sentence and text completion and
survival and a range of module learning objectives guided speaking and writing tasks

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 52

Module 3C: Our Class
Unit 17: Making Plans
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time

6S1 Provide detailed information Talking about the kinds of things Worksheet: images of 120–140
about themselves and others at you use for planning things that we use for minutes
discourse level on a wide range planning: lists, diary,
of general topics calendar, post-it notes,
note-book, I-phone, I-pod
6Ld2 Deduce meaning from context in Listening to different people
both short and extended talk on a talking about how they plan things Multiple-matching:
range of general and curricular images in previous
topics with little or no support worksheet

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a

wide range of short, simple texts Reading about different ideas for Multiple-matching tasks
on general and curricular topics school charity fund-raising Yes/no/doesn’t say tasks
by using contextual clues projects
Guided writing template Possible display or
6Wc2 Write with some support about Learners choose an idea they lead-in to actual
personal feelings and opinions think will work for the school in fund-raising
on a limited range of general and groups and make a plan. Give
curricular topics learners a budget.

6S8 Relate extended stories and Each group presents their idea to
events on a growing range of on the class for learners to vote on
general and curricular topics best

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading extracts, reviews, plot Multiple-matching task: Bring range of 120–140
wide range of short, simple texts synopses of different story class titles to genre/type readers to class minutes
on general and curricular topics readers and deciding which ones
by using contextual clues you are going to read over the Worksheet: criteria to tick Possibly show film
summer. Learners given a and tally clips related to
6Rg2 Read independently a range of number of books to select. stories
short simple fiction and non-
fiction texts with confidence and

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 53

6S4 Respond with increasing Talking about your choices Worksheet: list of titles
flexibility at both sentence and mingling with other learners.
discourse level to unexpected Learners find other learners that
comments on a range of general they can arrange to swap/send
and curricular topics readers to.
Worksheet: completing
6Uf4 Use a growing range of future Focusing on be going to to talk dialogues with correct
forms including be going to about decisions [already verb form
[predictions based on present decided]/resolutions. Will
evidence] and will for predictions deciding as you speak
on a range of general and Worksheet: activities
curricular topics tick if already
decided/determined to
6S8 Relate extended stories and Talking about resolutions, plans do/possibility
events on a growing range of on and predictions for the summer
general and curricular topics
Guided template:
6Wa1 Plan, write, edit and proofread Writing an e-mail to your teacher - readers plan
work at text level with some about holiday plans/resolutions - English plan
support on a range of general - holiday plans
and curricular topics

6Wo2 Punctuate written work at text

level for a range of general and
curricular topics with some
accuracy when writing

6S7 Keep interaction going in longer Planning in a small group an Worksheet: huge collage 80–100
exchanges on a wide range of internet research challenge of similar and different minutes
general and curricular topics information to find:
Learners decide who will find today’s temperature in
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse what and how. Decide which Rome/names of …’s
level on a range of general and search words [maximum 3] to children etc.
curricular topics type in.

6Rd3 Use independently familiar paper Reading different internet sources

and digital reference resources to to locate information in class Keep scores
check meaning and extend research challenge
understanding Worksheet above

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 54

6Rd2 Understand independently
specific information and detail in Learners use plan and worksheet
short, simple texts on a range of above to find as much information
general and curricular topics as they can in given time limit

6Ug7 Spell most high-frequency

vocabulary accurately for a range
of familiar general and curricular
topics when writing

6S5 Summarise what others have

said on a range of general and Reporting back results. Learners
curricular topics write out each piece of
information found on a piece of

Where there are discrepancies in

what was found, ask learners to
summarise their search/sources

6Lo1 Recognise the attitude or opinion Listening to radio slot about Worksheet: true/false 100–120
of the speaker(s) in both short events that are on in the area this minutes
and extended talk weekend Worksheet: table
6Ld1 Understand specific information
and detail in both short and
extended talk on a range of
general and curricular topics with
little or no support
Worksheet: text
Focusing on use of simple
6Uf5 Use a range of active and completion tasks
present and present continuous in
passive simple present forms
talking about arrangements,
timetables and schedules
6Uf6 Use present continuous forms
with present and future meaning
on a range of general and
curricular topics

6Rm1 Understand the main points of a Reading weekend TV evening Multiple-matching/multiple

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 55

wide range of short, simple texts schedules -choice tasks
on general and curricular topics
by using contextual clues

6Rd2 Understand independently Guided writing template Possible display

specific information and detail in integrating content from opportunity
short, simple texts on a range of listening and reading
general and curricular topics above

6Wc2 Write with some support about Writing an e-mail exchange to a

personal feelings and opinions friend suggesting plans for a
on a limited range of general and weekend stay with him/her
curricular topics


V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 56

Module 3C: Our Class
Unit 18: A Year of English
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time

6Lg2 Identify rhymes, onomatopoeia Reviewing words and phrases Worksheet: tasks Do in different 60–80
and rhythm from across the year through correcting homophones rounds. Set time minutes
word games and puzzles e.g. bread is made from limits. Keep team
6Ug7 Spell most high-frequency flower scores.
vocabulary accurately for a range rhyming heroes and
of familiar general and curricular villains e.g.
topics when writing the cat and the r ___
independently the bee and the fl ___
onomatopoeic words etc.
6Rd3 Use independently familiar paper
and digital reference resources to
check meaning and extend
6Rg2 Read independently a range of Reading about English and how Number scanning, 60–80
short simple fiction and non- widely it is used around the world multiple matching, fact or minutes
fiction texts with confidence and opinion tasks

6Rd1 Recognise the difference

between fact and opinion in
short, simple texts on a wide Council of Europe
range of general and curricular portfolio tasks Possible display
topics opportunity

6S4 Respond with increasing Guided poem template:

flexibility at both sentence and Talking about and completing a learners create poem with
discourse level to unexpected ‘can-do’ learner portfolio task prompts like write, hear
comments on a range of general
and curricular topics Silent letters, find words
which rhyme, speak, spell
6Wa1 Plan, write, edit and proofread Writing ‘I can English’ poems etc.
work at text level with some
support on a range of general
and curricular topics

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 57

6S4 Respond with increasing Talking about who to award class Worksheet: different Encourage 80–100
flexibility at both sentence and ‘Oscars’ to categories for learners to learners to think minutes
discourse level to unexpected discuss e.g. back over their
comments on a range of general funniest moment favourite moments
and curricular topics best performance [male] of the year and
in a role play consider display
6Ug2 Use a growing range of most dramatic role play work
adjectives and participle Focusing on superlative form of performance [female]
adjectives on a range general adjectives neatest handwriting
and curricular topics silliest excuse for being
late etc.
6Uf3 Use simple perfect forms to Focusing on perfect forms
express [recent, indefinite and While learners
unfinished] past on a range of Worksheet: complete with write, work out
general and curricular topics correct verb. from first
I’ve loved learning …this worksheet who to
6Wc2 Write with some support about year. etc. award Oscars to
personal feelings and opinions Writing a short acceptance
on a limited range of general and speech in anticipation of an Oscar Guided writing template
curricular topics award

6S8 Relate extended stories and Giving Oscar speeches

events on a growing range of
general and curricular topics
6S3 Give an opinion at discourse Talking about preparing for the Worksheet: learners tick Guide learners to 50–70
level on a range of general and last class party the party activities they primary friendly minutes
curricular topics would like to prepare e.g. sites
make an English cake
6Rg2 Read independently a range of [recipe], sing an English
short simple fiction and non- Researching their song, recipe, song, tell an English joke,
fiction texts with confidence and joke, magic trick etc. on the perform a short sketch
enjoyment Internet and print out etc.

6Rd3 Use independently familiar paper

and digital reference resources to Worksheet: headings of
check meaning and extend what they need to do:
understanding equipment, bring from
home, write out etc.
6S7 Keep interaction going in longer Discussing in small groups what
exchanges on a wide range of they need to do
general and curricular topics

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 58

6S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning Participating in an end of year Class team quiz in rounds Prepare different 60–80
on a range of general and class team quiz involving spelling, quiz rounds minutes
curricular topics vocabulary, grammar and
expressions from throughout the
6S4 Respond with increasing year
flexibility at both sentence and
discourse level to unexpected
comments on a range of general
and curricular topics

6S7 Keep interaction going in longer Attending last day party and 60–90
exchanges on a range of general performing or telling learners minutes
and curricular topics about what they have made

Module Review

Learning Objective Activities Assessment Time

Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Use a range of multiple-matching, Use tasks to assess core module learning 90–120
Writing tasks on a range and blend of topics and multiple-choice, yes/no/doesn’t say, objectives and monitor progress hours
themes relating to planning, organising, languages sentence and text completion and
and learning and a range of module learning guided speaking and writing tasks

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 59

 The current model of nine units per stage is recommended – three per term. Fewer would give too large a group of objectives to address in one unit.
More would be too fragmented to give coherence to the overall scheme.
 Terminology can vary although consistency is recommended within a school.
 An audit of the learning objectives for the whole stage is recommended to ensure coverage. 1
 Each objective may be revisited in different ways in different units to continue to develop new skills in different contexts.
 Some learning objectives will be ongoing throughout the stage – a grid to show this is recommended. 2
 Detail of the ongoing objectives may be given in an outline plan. 3

See audit tool.
See table of ongoing objectives.
See table of ongoing work.

V2 8Y02 English as a Second Language Stage 6 60

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