Ancient Hebrew Dictionary Jeff Brenner

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The document provides an overview of an ancient Hebrew dictionary containing 1000 verbs and nouns from the Hebrew Bible. It covers the dictionary format and includes the table of contents.

The purpose of the book is to provide definitions and meanings for 1000 common verbs and nouns found in the Hebrew Bible to aid readers in understanding the ancient Hebrew language.

The book covers definitions for 1000 common verbs and nouns from the Hebrew Bible in alphabetical order from aleph to tav.

Ancient Hebrew
Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Cover design by Jeff A. Benner.

“Ancient Hebrew Dictionary,” by Jeff A. Benner.

Published 2009 by Publishing Inc.,

P.O. Box 9949, College Station, TX 77845, US. ©2007,
Jeff A. Benner. All rights reserved. Any part of this book
may be copied for educational purposes only, without
prior permission.

Manufactured in the United States of America.
Ancient Hebrew Dictionary
1000 Verbs and Nouns of the Hebrew Bible


By Jeff A. Benner
To Jack and Jamie Waid, our good friends
who are an inspiration to my wife and I and too
many others.
Table of Contents

ABOUT THE BOOK ................................................................................1

DICTIONARY FORMAT ...........................................................................2

DICTIONARY ~ VERBS ....................................................................5

ALEPH ...............................................................................................5
BEYT .................................................................................................8
GIMEL .............................................................................................11
HEY .................................................................................................14
ZAYIN ..............................................................................................15
HHET ...............................................................................................17
TET .................................................................................................21
YUD ................................................................................................22
KAPH ...............................................................................................27
MEM ...............................................................................................30
NUN ................................................................................................33
SAMEHH ..........................................................................................39
PEY .................................................................................................42
QUPH ..............................................................................................47
RESH ...............................................................................................50
SHIN ................................................................................................53
TAV .................................................................................................59

DICTIONARY ~ NOUNS................................................................. 61

ALEPH .............................................................................................61
BEYT ...............................................................................................74
GIMEL .............................................................................................80
HEY .................................................................................................85
ZAYIN ..............................................................................................86
HHET ...............................................................................................87
TET .................................................................................................95
YUD ................................................................................................97
KAPH .............................................................................................100
MEM .............................................................................................107
NUN ..............................................................................................120
SAMEHH ........................................................................................124
PEY ...............................................................................................133
QUPH ............................................................................................139
RESH .............................................................................................143
SHIN ..............................................................................................147
TAV ...............................................................................................157
APPENDIX A ~ THE ALPHABET.................................................... 162

THE VOWELS ...................................................................................163

APPENDIX B ~ PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES ...................................... 164
THE PREFIXES ..................................................................................164
THE SUFFIXES (POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS)...............................................166
THE SUFFIXES (PLURALS) ...................................................................166
COMBINATIONS ...............................................................................167

APPENDIX C ~ PRONOUNS, PREPOSITIONS, ETC. ........................ 170

PRONOUNS .....................................................................................170
INDEFINITE PRONOUNS .....................................................................171
PREPOSITIONS .................................................................................171
ADVERBS ........................................................................................172
CONJUNCTIONS ...............................................................................172
OTHER ...........................................................................................173

APPENDIX D ~ NUMBERS........................................................... 174

CARDINAL NUMBERS ........................................................................174

ORDINAL NUMBERS .........................................................................176

APPENDIX E ~ VERB CONJUGATIONS.......................................... 178

TENSE AND SUBJECT .........................................................................178
THE REVERSING VAV ........................................................................179
INDEX ~ BY TRANSLATION ......................................................... 180

INDEX ~ BY STRONG'S................................................................ 190



About the Book

This book has been designed to be a quick reference guide for

looking up the meaning of common Hebrew words found in
the Hebrew Bible, as well as a resource for learning the
Hebrew vocabulary.

Within this book is a list of the 1000 most frequently used

Hebrew verbs (379) and nouns (621) from the Hebrew Bible.
Each word entry includes:

1. The Hebrew word (in modern and ancient script).

2. A transliteration of the Hebrew word.

3. A one or two word translation of the Hebrew word.

4. A more detailed definition of the Hebrew word.

5. Cross references to other resources.

In the appendices are additional words and details about the

Hebrew language including:

1. The Hebrew alphabet and vowels.

2. Hebrew prefixes and suffixes.

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

3. Pronouns, prepositions, etc.

4. Hebrew numbers.

5. Hebrew verb conjugations.

Dictionary Format

Below is an example entry, followed by an explanation of its


944. ‫ָשׁלוֹם‬ / mfls / sha-lom Translation:+Completeness

Definition:+Something that has been finished or made whole.
A state of being complete. AHLB:+2845 (c) Strong's:+7965

Modern Hebrew Word

Following the entry number is the Hebrew word written in the
Modern Hebrew script (‫שׁלוֹם‬ ָ ).

Ancient Hebrew Word

Each word is also written in the ancient pictographic script
(mfls). In some cases, this spelling may be different than the
modern script. As an example, the word ‫ֹהל‬ ֶ ‫( א‬#390) includes
the hholam vowel pointing (the dot above the aleph
representing the "o" sound), but in most ancient documents
this word is written as ‫( אוהל‬where the letter vav represents
the “o” sound) or lefa in the ancient script. In addition, the
spelling of words evolve over time. For instance, the word ‫בּוֹר‬


(#452, bor, a cistern) comes from the root ‫( כור‬kor) meaning

"to dig a hole." Therefore, the ancient spelling of this word
would have been rfk (kor).

A transliteration from Hebrew into Roman letters (sha-lom) is
given to assist with the pronunciation of Hebrew nouns. Verb
transliterations will be represented by the consonants only.
For instance, the transliteration for the Hebrew verb ‫בדל‬
(#20) is B.D.L.

This is one or two English words that best translate the
Hebrew word. In many cases, this translation will be
significantly different from what is found in other dictionaries.
For instance, the word ‫שׁלוֹם‬ ָ is usually translated as "peace,"
but this abstract idea does not completely convey the original
Hebraic meaning of this word. In this dictionary, the
translation of this word is “Completeness.” An index at the
end of this book allows for a cross referencing from the
English translation to its corresponding entry within this

This is a more specific meaning of the word which reflects its
textual and original Hebraic cultural perspective. As an
example, in our culture, the word "peace" means "a state of
mutual harmony between people or groups." However, in
Biblical Hebrew, this word means "a state of being complete."

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Cross References
Each entry includes a cross reference to the Ancient Hebrew
Lexicon of the Bible and Strong's Dictionary. An index at the
end of this book allows for a cross referencing from Strong's
number to its corresponding entry within this dictionary.

Dictionary ~ Verbs

Dictionary ~ Verbs


1. ‫ אבד‬/ dba / A.B.D Translation:+Perish Definition:+To be

separated from the whole, life or functionality. AHLB:+1027-C
(V) Strong's:+6

2. ‫ אבה‬/ eba / A.B.H Translation:+Consent Definition:+To

give approval; to be in concord in opinion or sentiment;
agreement as to action or opinion; to be willing to go
somewhere or do something. AHLB:+1028-C (V) Strong's:+14

3. ‫אבל‬/ lba / A.B.L Translation:+Mourn Definition:+To feel

or express grief or sorrow. AHLB:+1035-C (V) Strong's:+56

4. ‫ אהב‬/ bea / A.H.B Translation:+Love Definition:+To

provide and protect that which is given as a privilege. An
intimacy of action and emotion. Strong affection for another
arising from personal ties. AHLB:+1094-C (V) Strong's:+157

More about the word ‫אהב‬

We do not choose our parents or siblings, but are
instead given to us as a gift from above, a
privileged gift. Even in the ancient Hebrew culture
ones wife was chosen. It is our responsibility to
provide and protect that privileged gift. In our
modern Western culture love is an abstract
thought of emotion, how one feels toward another
but the Hebrew meaning goes much deeper. As a

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

verb this word means "to provide and protect

what is given as a privilege" as well as " to have an
intimacy of action and emotion". We are told to
love Elohiym and our neighbors, not in an
emotional sense, but in the sense of our actions.

5. ‫ אוה‬/ Efa / A.W.H Translation:+Yearn Definition:+To have

an earnest or strong desire; long. AHLB:+1005-J (V)

6. ‫אור‬
/ rfa / A.W.R Translation:+Light Definition:+To shine
with an intense light; be or give off light; to be bright.
AHLB:+1020-J (V) Strong's:+215

7. ‫ אזן‬/ nza / A.Z.N Translation:+Give an ear Definition:+To

pay attention to a voice or sound; to hear with thoughtful
attention and obedience. AHLB:+1152-C (V) Strong's:+238

8. ‫אחז‬ / zha / A.Hh.Z Translation:+Take hold

Definition:+To have possession or ownership of; to keep in
restraint; to have or maintain in one's grasp; to grab
something and keep hold of it. AHLB:+1168-C (V) Strong's:+270

9.‫ איב‬/ bia / A.Y.B Translation:+Attack Definition:+To be

antagonistic or unfriendly to another. An action taken by an
enemy. AHLB:+1002-M (V) Strong's:+341

10. ‫אכל‬ / lka / A.K.L Translation:+Eat Definition:+To

consume food; to destroy. A devouring of a fire. AHLB:+1242-C
(V) Strong's:+398

Dictionary ~ Verbs

11. ‫ אמן‬/ nma / A.M.N Translation:+Be firm

Definition:+Securely or solidly fixed in place; to stand firm in
the sense of a support. Not subject to change or revision. The
hiphil (causative) form means "support." AHLB:+1290-C (V)

12. ‫ אמץ‬/ yma / A.M.Ts Translation:+Be strong

Definition:+To be mentally astute, firm, obstinate or
courageous. Having or marked by great physical, moral or
intellectual power. AHLB:+1294-C (V) Strong's:+553

13. ‫אמר‬ / lma / A.M.R Translation:+Say Definition:+To

speak chains of words that form sentences. AHLB:+1288-C (V)

14. ‫אסף‬/ pxa / A.S.P Translation:+Gather Definition:+To

bring together; to accumulate and place in readiness.
AHLB:+1339-C (V) Strong's:+622

15. ‫אסר‬ / rxa / A.S.R Translation:+Tie up Definition:+To

wrap or fasten with a cord. AHLB:+1342-C (V) Strong's:+631

16. ‫ אפה‬/ Epa / A.P.H Translation:+Bake Definition:+To

cook using dry heat, especially in an oven. AHLB:+1017-H (V)

17. ‫ארב‬/ bra / A.R.B Translation:+Ambush Definition:+To

lay in wait of another to capture or do harm or injury.
AHLB:+1439-C (V) Strong's:+693

18. ‫ארך‬/ kra / A.R.K Translation:+Prolong Definition:+To

lengthen or delay. AHLB:+1448-C (V) Strong's:+748

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

19. ‫ ארר‬/ rra / A.R.R Translation:+Spit upon Definition:+To

eject saliva, usually on another in spite or disrespect.
AHLB:+1457-C (V) Strong's:+779

20. ‫ אשׁם‬/ msa / A.Sh.M Translation:+Be guilty

Definition:+To commit an offense, especially consciously.
AHLB:+1473-C (V) Strong's:+816


21. ‫בגד‬ / dcb / B.G.D Translation:+Act treacherously

Definition:+To perform an action covertly or with the intent to
deceive. AHLB:+2004 (V) Strong's:+898

22. ‫ בדל‬/ ldb / B.D.L Translation:+Separate Definition:+To

set or keep apart. AHLB:+2005 (V) Strong's:+914

23. ‫בהל‬/ leb / B.H.L Translation:+Stir Definition:+To disturb

the quiet of; agitate. AHLB:+1035-G (V) Strong's:+926

24. ‫בוא‬/ afb / B.W.A Translation:+Come Definition:+To

move toward something; approach; enter. This can be
understood as to come or to go. The hiphil (causative) form
means "bring." AHLB:+1024-J (V) Strong's:+935

25. ‫בוש‬ / sfb / B.W.Sh Translation:+Be ashamed

Definition:+Feeling shame, guilt or disgrace; to be dried up
with shame. AHLB:+1044-J (V) Strong's:+954

26. ‫ בזה‬/ ezb / B.Z.H Translation:+Disdain Definition:+A

feeling of contempt for what is beneath one; to look with

Dictionary ~ Verbs

scorn on; to treat something as spoiled or no longer of value.

AHLB:+1030-H (V) Strong's:+959

27. ‫בזז‬
/ zzb / B.Z.Z Translation:+Plunder Definition:+To
commit robbery or looting. AHLB:+1030-B (V) Strong's:+962

28. ‫בחן‬/ nhb / B.Hh.N Translation:+Examine Definition:+To

inspect closely; to test, try or scrutinize. AHLB:+2011 (V)

29. ‫בחר‬ / rhb / B.Hh.R Translation:+Choose Definition:+To

select freely and after consideration. AHLB:+2012 (V)

30. ‫בטח‬ / hub / B.Th.Hh Translation:+Cling Definition:+To

grab a hold of someone or something that is secure and safe.
AHLB:+2013 (V) Strong's:+982

31. ‫בין‬
/ nib / B.Y.N Translation:+Understand Definition:+To
grasp the meaning of; to have comprehension. AHLB:+1037-M
(V) Strong's:+995

32. ‫ בכה‬/ ekb / B.K.H Translation:+Weep Definition:+To

express deep sorrow, especially by shedding tears.
AHLB:+1034-H (V) Strong's:+1058

33. ‫ בלל‬/ llb / B.L.L Translation:+Mix Definition:+To

combine in one mass; to mingle together. AHLB:+1035-B (V)

34.‫ בלע‬/ olb / B.L.Ah Translation:+Swallow Definition:+To

pass through the mouth and move into the esophagus to the
stomach. AHLB:+2020 (V) Strong's:+1104

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

35. ‫ בנה‬/ enb / B.N.H Translation:+Build Definition:+To

construct a building, home or family. AHLB:+1037-H (V)

36. ‫ בער‬/ rob / B.Ah.R Translation:+Burn Definition:+To

undergo rapid combustion or consume fuel in such a way as to
give off heat, gases, and, usually, light; be on fire. AHLB:+2028
(V) Strong's:+1197

37. ‫בצר‬ / ryb / B.Ts.R Translation:+Fence in Definition:+A

barrier intended to protect, prevent escape or intrusion, or to
mark a boundary; to gather together and confine for
protection. AHLB:+2033 (V) Strong's:+1219

38. ‫ בקע‬/ oqb / B.Q.Ah Translation:+Cleave Definition:+To

divide by or as if by a cutting blow; to separate into distinct
parts; to break, cut or divide something in half. AHLB:+2034
(V) Strong's:+1234

39. ‫בקש‬ / sqb / B.Q.Sh Translation:+Search out

Definition:+To intently look for someone or something until
the object of the search is found. AHLB:+2036 (V)

40. ‫ ברא‬/ arb / B.R.A Translation:+Fatten Definition:+To

make more substantial, fleshy or plump; to fill up. The filling of
the earth in Genesis 1 with the sun, moon, plants and animals.
The filling of man with breath and the image of Elohiym.
AHLB:+1043-E (V) Strong's:+1254

41. ‫ ברח‬/ hrb / B.R.Hh Translation:+Flee away

Definition:+To run away from. AHLB:+2038 (V) Strong's:+1272

Dictionary ~ Verbs

42. ‫ ברך‬/ krb / B.R.K Translation:+Kneel Definition:+To bend

the knee, to kneel in homage or to drink water. The piel
(intensive) form means "respect," in the sense of kneeling
before another. AHLB:+2039 (V) Strong's:+1288

More about the word ‫ברך‬

The Hebrew verb barak means to kneel as seen in
Genesis 24:11. However, when written in the piel
form it means to show respect (usually translated
as bless) as seen in Genesis 12:2. A related Hebrew
word is berakhah meaning a gift or present. From
this we can see the concrete meaning behind the
piel form of the verb barak. It is to bring a gift to
another while kneeling out of respect. The
extended meaning of this word is to do or give
something of value to another. Elohiym "respects"
us by providing for our needs and we in turn
"respect" Elohiym by giving him of ourselves as his

43. ‫ בשׁל‬/ lsb / B.Sh.L Translation:+Boil Definition:+To

generate bubbles of vapor when heated; to cook a meat in
water. The hiphil (causative) form means "ripen." AHLB:+2043
(V) Strong's:+1310


44. ‫ גאל‬/ lac / G.A.L Translation:+Redeem Definition:+To

buy back. Restore one to his original position or avenge his

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

death. In the participle form this verb means "avenger," as it is

the role of the nearest relative to buy back one in slavery or
avenge his murder. AHLB:+1058-D (V) Strong's:+1350

45. ‫ גבה‬/ ebc / G.B.H Translation:+Lift high Definition:+To lift

up to a greater elevation or stature. AHLB:+1048-H (V)

46. ‫ גבר‬/ Rbc / G.B.R Translation:+Overcome Definition:+To

get the better of. Be successful in strength or authority.
AHLB:+2052 (V) Strong's:+1396

47. ‫ גדל‬/ ldc / G.D.L Translation:+Magnify Definition:+To

increase in size or one's position of honor. AHLB:+2054 (V)

48. ‫ גור‬/ rfc / G.W.R Translation:+Sojourn Definition:+To stay

as a temporary resident. Travel in a strange land. Also, the
extended meaning of "to be afraid" of a stranger. AHLB:+1066-
J (V) Strong's:+1481

49. ‫ גזל‬/ lzc / G.Z.L Translation:+Pluck away Definition:+To

take off something or someone by force through picking off,
robbing or plundering. AHLB:+2059 (V) Strong's:+1497

50. ‫ גיל‬/ lic / G.Y.L Translation:+Dance around

Definition:+To celebrate or rejoice by spinning or moving
around in a circle. AHLB:+1058-M (V) Strong's:+1523

51. ‫ גלה‬/ elc / G.L.H Translation:+Remove the cover

Definition:+To reveal something by exposing it. Usually to be
exposed from the removal of clothing. AHLB:+1357-H (V)

Dictionary ~ Verbs

52. ‫ גמל‬/ lmc / G.M.L Translation:+Yield Definition:+To

produce or be productive. AHLB:+2070 (V) Strong's:+1580

53. ‫ גנב‬/ bnc / G.N.B Translation:+Steal Definition:+To

wrongfully take the property of another; rob. AHLB:+2073 (V)

54. ‫ גרשׁ‬/ src / G.R.Sh Translation:+Cast out Definition:+To

drive out, expel, thrust away. AHLB:+2089 (V) Strong's:+1644


55. ‫ דבק‬/ qbd / D.B.Q Translation:+Adhere Definition:+To

join or stick to someone or something. AHLB:+2092 (V)

56. ‫ דבר‬/ rbd / D.B.R Translation:+Speak Definition:+A

careful arrangement of words or commands said orally.
AHLB:+2093 (V) Strong's:+1696

57. ‫דמה‬ / emd / D.M.H Translation:+Resemble

Definition:+To be like, similar or compared to something else.
AHLB:+1082-H (V) Strong's:+1819

58. ‫דרך‬/ krd / D.R.K Translation:+Step upon Definition:+To

take a step; to take a journey as a treading. The stringing of a
bow through the idea of stepping the foot over the bow and
using the leg to bend it. AHLB:+2112 (V) Strong's:+1869

59. ‫ דרשׁ‬/ srd / D.R.Sh Translation:+Seek Definition:+To

look for or search for something or for answers. The niphal

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

(passive) form means "require." AHLB:+2114 (V)



60. ‫ הגה‬/ Ece / H.G.H Translation:+Mutter Definition:+To

moan or growl in deep meditation or mourning. AHLB:+1095-H
(V) Strong's:+1897

61. ‫ היה‬/ eie / H.Y.H Translation:+Exist Definition:+To have

real being whether material or spiritual; to have breath.
AHLB:+1097-M (V) Strong's:+1961

62. ‫ הלך‬/ kle / H.L.K Translation:+Walk Definition:+To move

along on foot; walk a journey; to go. Also, customs as a
lifestyle that is walked or lived. AHLB:+1264-F (V)

63. ‫ הלל‬/ lle / H.L.L Translation:+Shine Definition:+To emit

rays of light. Shine brightly. To shine or cause another to shine
through one's actions or words. The piel (intensive) form
means "commend." AHLB:+1104-B (V) Strong's:+1984

More about the word ‫הלל‬

The Hebrew verb halal means "to shine" as can be
seen Job 29:3. But when it is written in its piel
form it means "commend" (usually translated as
"praise"). However, commend is an abstract word
that must be understood through the ancient
Hebrew's concrete way of thinking. The North
Star, unlike all of the other stars, remains

Dictionary ~ Verbs

motionless and constantly shines in the northern

sky and is used as a guide when traveling. In the
Ancient Hebrew mind we praise Elohiym by
looking at him as the guiding star that shines to
show us our direction.

64. ‫המה‬ / eme / H.M.H Translation:+Roar Definition:+A

loud noise as from the sea or a crowd. AHLB:+1105-H (V)

65. ‫הפך‬/ kpe / H.P.K Translation:+Overturn Definition:+To

turn something over or upside down, as if pouring out its
contents. AHLB:+1379-F (V) Strong's:+2015

66. ‫הרג‬ / cre / H.R.G Translation:+Kill Definition:+To deprive

of life; to slaughter. AHLB:+1440-F (V) Strong's:+2026

67. ‫הרה‬ / ere / H.R.H Translation:+Conceive Definition:+To

become pregnant with young. AHLB:+1112-H (V)

68. ‫הרס‬
/ xre / H.R.S Translation:+Cast down Definition:+To
ruin or break into pieces by throwing or pulling down.
AHLB:+1452-F (V) Strong's:+2040


69. ‫ זבח‬/ hbz / Z.B.Hh Translation:+Sacrifice Definition:+An

act of offering to deity something precious; to kill an animal
for an offering. AHLB:+2117 (V) Strong's:+2076

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

70. ‫ זוב‬/ bfz / Z.W.B Translation:+Issue Definition:+To flow

out; to go, pass, or flow out; emerge. AHLB:+1140-J (V)

71.‫ זור‬/ rfz / Z.W.R Translation:+Be strange Definition:+To

be separated out from others; to be scattered abroad.
AHLB:+1158-J (V) Strong's:+2114

72. ‫ זכר‬/ rkz / Z.K.R Translation:+Remember Definition:+To

bring to mind or think of again; to act or speak on behalf of
another. Remember in thought as a memorial or mention
through speech. The hiphil (causative) form means "mention."
AHLB:+2121 (V) Strong's:+2142

73.‫ זמר‬/ rmz / Z.M.R Translation:+Pluck Definition:+To

make music by plucking an instrument. To pick fruit.
AHLB:+2124 (V) Strong's:+2167

74. ‫ זנה‬/ enz / Z.N.H Translation:+Be a whore Definition:+A

woman who practices promiscuous sexual behavior, especially
for hire. AHLB:+1152-H (V) Strong's:+2181

75. ‫ זעק‬/ qoz / Z.Ah.Q Translation:+Yell out

Definition:+To call out in a louder than normal voice; to
declare; to cry out for help. AHLB:+2131 (V) Strong's:+2199

76. ‫ זקן‬/ nqz / Z.Q.N Translation:+Be old Definition:+To be

of an advanced age. AHLB:+2132 (V) Strong's:+2204

77. ‫ זרה‬/ erz / Z.R.H Translation:+Disperse Definition:+To

separate or remove to a distance apart from each other; to
diffuse or cause to break into different parts. AHLB:+1158-H
(V) Strong's:+2219

Dictionary ~ Verbs

78. ‫ זרע‬/ orz / Z.R.Ah Translation:+Sow Definition:+To

spread seeds on the ground; to plant a crop. AHLB:+2137 (V)

79. ‫ זרק‬/ qrz / Z.R.Q Translation:+Sprinkle Definition:+To

drip a liquid, usually water or blood. AHLB:+2138 (V)


80. ‫חבא‬ / abh / Hh.B.A Translation:+Withdraw

Definition:+To take back or withhold what is cherished; to turn
away or move back. AHLB:+1163-E (V) Strong's:+2244

81. ‫חבר‬ / rbh / Hh.B.R Translation:+Couple Definition:+To

bind by joining or coupling together. AHLB:+2143 (V)

82. ‫ חבשׁ‬/ sbh / Hh.B.Sh Translation:+Saddle Definition:+A

shaped mounted support on which an object can travel; to
bind up with a saddle. AHLB:+2144 (V) Strong's:+2280

83. ‫ חגר‬/ rch / Hh.G.R Translation:+Gird up Definition:+To

bind the loose portions of clothing into a belt or sash to
prepare to go to war; to be bound with arms for war.
AHLB:+2147 (V) Strong's:+2296

84. ‫חדל‬ / ldh / Hh.D.L Translation:+Terminate

Definition:+To stop or refrain from continuing an action.
AHLB:+2148 (V) Strong's:+2308

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

85. ‫ חול‬/ lfh / Hh.W.L Translation:+Twist Definition:+A

winding or wrapping together; entwined in pain or joy.
AHLB:+1173-J (V) Strong's:+2342

86. ‫ חזה‬/ ezh / Hh.Z.H Translation:+Perceive

Definition:+To be able to understand on a higher level; to see
something that is not physically present. AHLB:+1168-H (V)

87. ‫חזק‬/ qzh / Hh.Z.Q Translation:+Seize Definition:+To

possess or take by force; grab hold tightly; to refrain or
support by grabbing hold. AHLB:+2152 (V) Strong's:+2388

88. ‫חטא‬ / auh / Hh.Th.A Translation:+Err Definition:+To

miss the target, whether a literal target or a goal that is aimed
for. The piel (intensive) form means "reconcile." AHLB:+1170-E
(V) Strong's:+2398

89. ‫ חיה‬/ eih / Hh.Y.H Translation:+Live Definition:+To be

alive and continue alive. Have life within. The revival of life
gained from food or other necessity. The piel (intensive) form
means "keep alive." AHLB:+1171-H (V) Strong's:+2421

90. ‫חכם‬ / mkh / Hh.K.M Translation:+Be skilled

Definition:+To be able to decide or discern between good and
bad, right and wrong; to act correctly in thought and action.
AHLB:+2159 (V) Strong's:+2449

91. ‫ חלה‬/ elh / Hh.L.H Translation:+Be sick Definition:+To

be twisted through pain. AHLB:+1173-H (V) Strong's:+2470

92. ‫ חלל‬/ llh / Hh.L.L Translation:+Pierce Definition:+To

run into or through as with a pointed weapon or tool; pierce a

Dictionary ~ Verbs

hole through; to begin in the sense of pressing in. AHLB:+1173-

B (V) Strong's:+2490

93. ‫חלם‬ / mlh / Hh.L.M Translation:+Visualize

Definition:+To see or form a mental image of; to dream
dreams. AHLB:+2164 (V) Strong's:+2492

94. ‫ חלף‬/ plh / Hh.L.P Translation:+Pass over

Definition:+To pass through, by or over something. Also, to
change in the sense of going to another one, side or thought.
The piel (intensive) form means "change." AHLB:+2165 (V)

95. ‫חלץ‬ / ylh / Hh.L.Ts Translation:+Draw Definition:+To

pull out or toward. AHLB:+2166 (V) Strong's:+2502

96. ‫חלק‬ / qlh / Hh.L.Q Translation:+Apportion

Definition:+To divide and mete out according to a plan among
the appropriate recipients. AHLB:+2167 (V) Strong's:+2505

97. ‫חמל‬ / lmh / Hh.M.L Translation:+Show pity

Definition:+To have compassion; to sympathize. AHLB:+2171
(V) Strong's:+2550

98. ‫חנה‬ / enh / Hh.N.H Translation:+Camp Definition:+To

erect temporary shelters (as tents) together; to stop for the
night and pitch the tents. AHLB:+1175-H (V) Strong's:+2583

99. ‫חנן‬ / nnh / Hh.N.N Translation:+Show beauty

Definition:+To give or show beauty, grace or mercy to
another. The hitpael (reflexive) form means "beseech."
AHLB:+1175-B (V) Strong's:+2603

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

100. ‫ חסה‬/ exh / Hh.S.H Translation:+Refuge Definition:+To

take shelter or place ones trust in someone or something of
support. AHLB:+1176-H (V) Strong's:+2620

101. ‫ חפץ‬/ yph / Hh.P.Ts Translation:+Delight

Definition:+To desire something out of pleasure or necessity;
to have a high degree of gratification. AHLB:+2191 (V)

102. ‫חקר‬ / rqh / Hh.Q.R Translation:+Examine

Definition:+To intently search or seek for details. AHLB:+2198
(V) Strong's:+2713

103. ‫חרב‬
/ brh / Hh.R.B Translation:+Dry up Definition:+To
be a dry wasteland; to be laid waste and made desolate.
AHLB:+2199 (V) Strong's:+2717

104. ‫ חרד‬/ drh / Hh.R.D Translation:+Tremble

Definition:+To shake involuntarily; shiver. AHLB:+2201 (V)

105. ‫ חרה‬/ erh / Hh.R.H Translation:+Flare up

Definition:+To become suddenly excited or angry; to break out
suddenly. Burn with a fierce anger. AHLB:+1181-H (V)

106. ‫חרף‬
/ prh / Hh.R.P Translation:+Taunt Definition:+To
pierce another with sharp words of reproach or scorn.
AHLB:+2208 (V) Strong's:+2778

107. ‫חרשׁ‬ / srh / Hh.R.Sh Translation:+Scratch

Definition:+To plow in the sense of scratching a line in the soil;
to engrave on wood or stone by scratching. This word can also

Dictionary ~ Verbs

mean "to hold in peace" or be silent. AHLB:+2211 (V)


108. ‫ חשׁב‬/ bsh / Hh.Sh.B Translation:+Think Definition:+To

plan or design a course of action, item or invention.
AHLB:+2213 (V) Strong's:+2803

109. ‫ חשׂך‬/ kxh / Hh.S.K Translation:+Keep back

Definition:+To hold something back or restrain. AHLB:+2182
(V) Strong's:+2820

110. ‫ חתם‬/ mth / Hh.T.M Translation:+Seal Definition:+To

close tightly, often marked with the emblem of the owner that
must be broken before opening. AHLB:+2223 (V)

111. ‫חתן‬ / nth / Hh.T.N Translation:+Be an in-law

Definition:+To have a relationship with another through
marriage. AHLB:+2224 (V) Strong's:+2859

112. ‫חתת‬ / tth / Hh.T.T Translation:+Break Definition:+To

beat or shatter into pieces; to fear or be in terror in the sense
of being shattered. AHLB:+1183-B (V) Strong's:+2865


113. ‫ טהר‬/ reu / Th.H.R Translation:+Be clean

Definition:+Free from dirt, pollution or immorality;
unadulterated, pure. AHLB:+1204-G (V) Strong's:+2891

114. ‫ טוב‬/ bfu / Th.W.B Translation:+Do good Definition:+To

act functionally. AHLB:+1186-J (V) Strong's:+2895

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

115. ‫ טמא‬/ amu / Th.M.A Translation:+Be unclean

Definition:+Physically or morally impure; dirty, filthy.
AHLB:+1197-E (V) Strong's:+2930

116. ‫ טמן‬/ nmu / Th.M.N Translation:+Submerge

Definition:+To hide by burying or to cover. AHLB:+2234 (V)

117. ‫ טרף‬/ Pru / Th.R.P Translation:+Tear into pieces

Definition:+To tear into pieces as a predator does to its prey;
to rip a cloth into pieces. AHLB:+2245 (V) Strong's:+2963


118. ‫יבשׁ‬
/ sbi / Y.B.Sh Translation:+Dry out Definition:+To
be dried up as well as withered, ashamed or confused.
AHLB:+1044-L (V) Strong's:+3001

119. ‫ יגע‬/ Oci / Y.G.Ah Translation:+Weary Definition:+To

be tired from vigorous work. AHLB:+1062-L (V) Strong's:+3021

120. ‫ידה‬ / edi / Y.D.H Translation:+Throw the hand

Definition:+To stretch out the hand to grab; to show praise or
confession. AHLB:+1211-H (V) Strong's:+3034

121. ‫ידע‬/ odi / Y.D.Ah Translation:+Know Definition:+To

have an intimate and personal understanding; to have an
intimate relationship with another person. AHLB:+1085-L (V)

Dictionary ~ Verbs

More about the word ‫ידע‬

The idea of "knowing" in Ancient Hebrew thought
is similar to our understanding of knowing but is
more personal and intimate. We may say that we
"know" someone but simply mean we "know" of
his or her existence, but in Hebrew thought, one
can only "know" someone if they have a personal
and intimate relationship with them. In Genesis
18:19 Elohiym says about Abraham, "I know him"
meaning he has a very close relationship with
Abraham. In Genesis 4:1 it says that Adam "knew
Eve his wife" implying a very intimate relationship.

122. ‫יהב‬ / bei / Y.H.B Translation:+Provide Definition:+To

give what is due; to grant or allow permission. AHLB:+1094-L
(V) Strong's:+3051

123. ‫יחל‬ / rhi / Y.Hh.L Translation:+Stay Definition:+To

remain behind; to wait in anticipation. AHLB:+1181-L (V)

124. ‫ יטב‬/ bui / Y.Th.B Translation:+Do well Definition:+To

do something necessary; to be good, in the sense of being
"functional.". AHLB:+1186-L (V) Strong's:+3190

125. ‫ יכח‬/ hki / Y.K.Hh Translation:+Convict Definition:+To

find or prove to be guilty. AHLB:+1238-L (V) Strong's:+3198

126. ‫יכל‬ / lki / Y.K.L Translation:+Be able Definition:+To

successfully prevail, overcome or endure. AHLB:+1242-L (V)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

127. ‫ ילד‬/ dli / Y.L.D Translation:+Bring forth

Definition:+To issue out; to bring forth children, either by the
woman who bears them or the man who fathers them. The
piel (intensive) form means "act-as-midwife." AHLB:+1257-L
(V) Strong's:+3205

128. ‫ ילל‬/ lli / Y.L.L Translation:+Howl Definition:+To make

a loud wail in grief or pain. AHLB:+1265-L (V) Strong's:+3213

129. ‫ינח‬/ hni / Y.N.Hh Translation:+Deposit Definition:+To

place, especially for safekeeping or as a pledge; to be laid
down; to sit down to rest or remain in place. AHLB:+1307-L (V)

130. ‫ ינק‬/ qni / Y.N.Q Translation:+Suckle Definition:+To

give milk to from the breast or udder. The hiphil (causative)
form means "nurse (verb)." AHLB:+1318-L (V) Strong's:+3243

131. ‫ יסד‬/ dxi / Y.S.D Translation:+Found Definition:+To lay

a foundation of a house, place or plan. AHLB:+1326-L (V)

132. ‫ יסף‬/ pxi / Y.S.P Translation:+Add Definition:+To

augment something by increasing it in amount or supply. The
hiphil (causative) form means "again." AHLB:+1339-L (V)

133. ‫יסר‬/ rxi / Y.S.R Translation:+Correct Definition:+To

make a preferred change in direction through instruction or
chastisement. AHLB:+1342-L (V) Strong's:+3256

134. ‫ יעד‬/ doi / Y.Ah.D Translation:+Appoint

Definition:+To arrange, fix or set in place, to determine a set
place or time to meet. AHLB:+1349-L (V) Strong's:+3259

Dictionary ~ Verbs

135. ‫ יצא‬/ ayi / Y.Ts.A Translation:+Go out Definition:+To

go, come or issue forth. AHLB:+1392-L (V) Strong's:+3318

136. ‫יצב‬/ byi / Y.Ts.B Translation:+Station Definition:+To

stand firm and in place. AHLB:+1393-L (V) Strong's:+3320

137. ‫יצק‬ / qyi / Y.Ts.Q Translation:+Pour down

Definition:+To send a liquid from a container into another
container or onto a person or object; to pour molten metal
into a cast. AHLB:+1410-L (V) Strong's:+3332

138. ‫ יצר‬/ ryi / Y.Ts.R Translation:+Mold Definition:+To

give shape to; to press or squeeze, as when pressing clay into
a shape to form a vessel. AHLB:+1411-L (V) Strong's:+3335

139. ‫ יצת‬/ tyi / Y.Ts.T Translation:+Light on fire

Definition:+To kindle a blaze. AHLB:+1413-L (V) Strong's:+3341

140. ‫ירא‬ / ari / Y.R.A Translation:+Fear Definition:+To be

afraid of; to have a strong emotion caused by anticipation or
awareness of danger; to dread what is terrible or revere what
is respected. AHLB:+1227-E (V) Strong's:+3372

More about the word ‫ירא‬

The root meaning of the word yara is "to flow"
and is related to words meaning rain or stream as
a flowing of water. In Hebrew thought fear can be
what is felt when in danger or what is felt when in
the presence of an awesome sight or person of
great authority. These feelings flow out of the
person through their actions, such as shaking
when in fear or bowing down in awe of one in

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

141. ‫ירד‬
/ dri / Y.R.D Translation:+Go down Definition:+To
go or come lower from a higher place. The hiphil (causative)
form means "bring down." AHLB:+1441-L (V) Strong's:+3381

142. ‫ ירה‬/ eri / Y.R.H Translation:+Throw Definition:+To

propel through the air by a forward motion; to drizzle as a
throwing down of water; to teach in the sense of throwing or
pointing a finger in a straight line as the direction one is to
walk. The hiphil (causative) form means "teach." AHLB:+1227-
H (V) Strong's:+3384

143. ‫ ירש‬/ sri / Y.R.Sh Translation:+Possess Definition:+To

come into possession of or receive especially as a right or
divine portion; o receive from an ancestor at his death; to take
possession, either by seizing or through inheritance.
AHLB:+1458-L (V) Strong's:+3423

144. ‫ישׁב‬ / bsi / Y.Sh.B Translation:+Settle Definition:+To

stay in a dwelling place for the night or for long periods of
time; to sit down. AHLB:+1462-L (V) Strong's:+3427

145. ‫ ישׁע‬/ osi / Y.Sh.Ah Translation:+Rescue

Definition:+To free or deliver from a trouble, burden or
danger. AHLB:+1476-L (V) Strong's:+3467

146. ‫ ישׁר‬/ rsi / Y.Sh.R Translation:+Be straight

Definition:+To be in a direct or correct line, path or thought.
AHLB:+1480-L (V) Strong's:+3474

147. ‫ יתר‬/ rti / Y.T.R Translation:+Leave behind

Definition:+To set aside; to retain or hold over to a future time

Dictionary ~ Verbs

or place; to leave a remainder. AHLB:+1480-L (V)



148. ‫ כבד‬/ dbk / K.B.D Translation:+Be heavy Definition:+To

be great in weight, wealth or importance. The piel (intensive)
form means "honor." AHLB:+2246 (V) Strong's:+3513

149. ‫ כבס‬/ xbk / K.B.S Translation:+Wash Definition:+To

immerse articles of clothing into a cleaning solution and
agitate them, usually by treading upon them, to clean them;
to clean the body. AHLB:+2249 (V) Strong's:+3526

150. ‫כול‬/ lfk / K.W.L Translation:+Sustain Definition:+To

provide what is needed to make someone or something whole
or complete. AHLB:+1242-J (V) Strong's:+3557

151. ‫ כון‬/ nfk / K.W.N Translation:+Prepare Definition:+To

put in proper condition or readiness. The piel (intensive) form
means "establish." AHLB:+1244-J (V) Strong's:+3559

152. ‫ כחד‬/ dhk / K.Hh.D Translation:+Keep secret

Definition:+To refrain from disclosing information.
AHLB:+2255 (V) Strong's:+3582

153. ‫ כלה‬/ elk / K.L.H Translation:+Finish Definition:+To

bring to an end; terminate; to complete an action, event.
AHLB:+1242-H (V) Strong's:+3615

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

154. ‫ כלם‬/ mlk / K.L.M Translation:+Shame Definition:+To

feel pain through something dishonorable, improper or
ridiculous. AHLB:+2261 (V) Strong's:+3637

155. ‫ כנע‬/ onk / K.N.Ah Translation:+Lower Definition:+To

be brought down low in humility or submission. AHLB:+2268
(V) Strong's:+3665

156. ‫כסה‬ / exk / K.S.H Translation:+Cover over

Definition:+To prevent disclosure or recognition of; to place
out of sight; to completely cover over or hide. AHLB:+1245-H
(V) Strong's:+3680

157. ‫כעס‬ / xok / K.Ah.S Translation:+Anger Definition:+A

strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a
wrong. AHLB:+2279 (V) Strong's:+3707

158. ‫ כפר‬/ rpk / K.P.R Translation:+Cover Definition:+To

afford protection or security; to hide from sight or knowledge;
to cover over as with a lid. AHLB:+2283 (V) Strong's:+3722

More about the word ‫כפר‬

The Hebrew word kaphar means "to cover over,"
but is often translated as atonement. The word
atonement is an abstract word and in order to
understand the true Hebrew meaning of a word
we must look to the concrete meaning. If an
offense has been made, the one that has been
offended can act as though the offense is covered
over and unseen. We express this idea through the
word of forgiveness. Atonement is an outward
action that covers over the error.

Dictionary ~ Verbs

159. ‫כרע‬ / ork / K.R.Ah Translation:+Stoop Definition:+To

bend the body forward and downward while bending the
knees; to stoop or crouch down by bending or getting on the
knees. AHLB:+2290 (V) Strong's:+3766

160. ‫ כרת‬/ trk / K.R.T Translation:+Cut Definition:+To

penetrate with a sharp edged instrument. AHLB:+2291 (V)

161. ‫ כשׁל‬/ lsk / K.Sh.L Translation:+Topple Definition:+To

fall over in death or from being pushed. AHLB:+2292 (V)

162. ‫ כתב‬/ btk / K.T.B Translation:+Write Definition:+To

describe one's thoughts or instruction in a form that is
readable. AHLB:+2295 (V) Strong's:+3789


163. ‫לבשׁ‬ / sbl / L.B.Sh Translation:+Wear Definition:+To

cover with cloth or clothing; to provide with clothing; put on
clothing. The hiphil (causative) form means "clothe."
AHLB:+2304 (V) Strong's:+3847

164. ‫ לוה‬/ Efl / L.W.H Translation:+Join Definition:+To bind

together. AHLB:+1259-J (V) Strong's:+3867

165. ‫לון‬ / nfl / L.W.N Translation:+Stay the night

Definition:+To remain or stay through the night. AHLB:+1267-J
(V) Strong's:+3885

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

166. ‫ לוץ‬/ yfl / L.W.Ts Translation:+Mimic Definition:+To

imitate another person-s speech as an interpretation or in
scorn. AHLB:+1271-J (V) Strong's:+3887

167. ‫ לחם‬/ mhl / L.Hh.M Translation:+Fight Definition:+To

make war; to battle as to destruction; to attempt to defeat,
subdue, or destroy an enemy by blows or weapons. A struggle
for victory. AHLB:+2305 (V) Strong's:+3898

168. ‫לכד‬ / dkl / L.K.D Translation:+Capture Definition:+To

forcefully take or seize. AHLB:+2310 (V) Strong's:+3920

169. ‫ למד‬/ dml / L.M.D Translation:+Learn Definition:+To

acquire knowledge or skill through instruction from one who is
experienced. AHLB:+2311 (V) Strong's:+3925

170. ‫לקח‬/ hql / L.Q.Hh Translation:+Take Definition:+To

receive what is given; to gain possession by seizing.
AHLB:+2319 (V) Strong's:+3947

171. ‫ לקט‬/ uql / L.Q.Th Translation:+Pick up Definition:+To

take hold of and lift up; to gather together. AHLB:+2320 (V)


172. ‫ מאן‬/ nam / M.A.N Translation:+Refuse Definition:+To

express one's self as being unwilling to accept. AHLB:+1290-D
(V) Strong's:+3985

Dictionary ~ Verbs

173. ‫ מאס‬/ xam / M.A.S Translation:+Reject Definition:+To

refuse an action or thought that is not wanted or is despised.
AHLB:+1291-D (V) Strong's:+3988

174. ‫ מדד‬/ ddm / M.D.D Translation:+Measure

Definition:+To determine the length of something by
comparing it to a standard of measure. AHLB:+1280-B (V)

175. ‫מהר‬ / rem / M.H.R Translation:+Hurry Definition:+To

carry or cause to go with haste. AHLB:+1296-G (V)

176. ‫מוט‬/ ufm / M.W.Th Translation:+Shake Definition:+To

waver as a green branch. AHLB:+1285-J (V) Strong's:+4131

177. ‫מול‬ / lfm / M.W.L Translation:+Circumcise

Definition:+To cut off the foreskin of a male. AHLB:+1288-J (V)

178. ‫מות‬/ tfm / M.W.T Translation:+Die Definition:+To pass

from physical life; to pass out of existence; to come to an end
through death. The hiphil (causative) form means "kill."
AHLB:+1298-J (V) Strong's:+4191

179. ‫ מחה‬/ ehm / M.Hh.H Translation:+Wipe away

Definition:+To remove by drying or sweeping away through
rubbing; to polish in the sense of a vigorous rubbing; erase.
AHLB:+1284-H (V) Strong's:+4229

180. ‫ מכר‬/ rkm / M.K.R Translation:+Sell Definition:+To give

up property to another for money or another valuable
compensation. AHLB:+2337 (V) Strong's:+4376

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

181. ‫ מלא‬/ alm / M.L.A Translation:+Fill Definition:+To

occupy to the full capacity. The piel (intensive) form means
"fulfill." AHLB:+1288-E (V) Strong's:+4390

182. ‫ מלט‬/ ulm / M.L.Th Translation:+Slip away

Definition:+To get away through deliverance or escape.
AHLB:+2339 (V) Strong's:+4422

183. ‫מלך‬ / klm / M.L.K Translation:+Reign Definition:+To

rule over a kingdom as king or queen. AHLB:+2340 (V)

184. ‫מנה‬/ enm / M.N.H Translation:+Reckon Definition:+To

appoint, assign, count or number a set of things or people.
AHLB:+1290-H (V) Strong's:+4487

185. ‫מנע‬ / onm / M.N.Ah Translation:+Withhold

Definition:+To hold back from action. AHLB:+2343 (V)

186. ‫מעל‬ / lom / M.Ah.L Translation:+Transgress

Definition:+To commit an unintentional or treacherous act
that results in error. AHLB:+2349 (V) Strong's:+4603

187. ‫מצא‬ / aym / M.Ts.A Translation:+Find Definition:+To

come upon, often accidentally; to meet with; to discover and
secure through searching. AHLB:+1294-E (V) Strong's:+4672

188. ‫מרד‬ / Drm / M.R.D Translation:+Rebel Definition:+To

oppose or disobey one in authority or control. AHLB:+2352 (V)

Dictionary ~ Verbs

189. ‫ מרה‬/ erm / M.R.H Translation:+Bitter

Definition:+Having a harsh, disagreeably acrid taste; to be
rebellious or disobedient. AHLB:+1296-H (V) Strong's:+4784

190. ‫ משׁח‬/ hsm / M.Sh.Hh Translation:+Smear

Definition:+To overspread with oil for medical treatment or as
a sign of authority. AHLB:+2357 (V) Strong's:+4886

191. ‫משׁך‬ / ksm / M.Sh.K Translation:+Draw Definition:+To

pull up or out of a receptacle or place; to draw or pull
something out; to prolong in the sense of drawing out time; to
draw out a sound from a horn. AHLB:+2358 (V) Strong's:+4900

192. ‫משׁל‬ / lsm / M.Sh.L Translation:+Regulate

Definition:+To govern or correct according to rule; to bring
order, method, or uniformity to; to compare one thing to
another in the sense of a rule of measurement, often as a
proverb or parable. AHLB:+2359 (V) Strong's:+4910


193. ‫ נאף‬/ pan / N.A.P Translation:+Commit adultery

Definition:+To perform voluntary violation of the marriage
bed. AHLB:+2365 (V) Strong's:+5003

194. ‫ נבא‬/ abn / N.B.A Translation:+Prophecy

Definition:+To utter the words or instructions of Elohiym
received through a vision or dream. AHLB:+1301-E (V)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

195. ‫ נבט‬/ ubn / N.B.Th Translation:+Stare Definition:+To

carefully look; to make a close inspection. AHLB:+2367 (V)

196. ‫ נגד‬/ dcn / N.G.D Translation:+Be face to face

Definition:+To face another. The hiphil (causative) form means
"tell" in the sense of speaking face to face. AHLB:+2372 (V)

197. ‫נגע‬/ ocn / N.G.Ah Translation:+Touch Definition:+To

lay hands upon; to touch or strike; to be touched by a plague.
AHLB:+2376 (V) Strong's:+5060

198. ‫נגף‬ / pcn / N.G.P Translation:+Smite Definition:+To

deliver a hit with the intent to harm; to bring a plague in the
sense of a striking. AHLB:+2377 (V) Strong's:+5062

199. ‫ נגשׁ‬/ scn / N.G.Sh Translation:+Draw near

Definition:+To bring close to another. AHLB:+2379 (V)

200. ‫ נדד‬/ ddn / N.D.D Translation:+Toss Definition:+To

heave or fling about; to throw with a quick, light, or careless
motion; to be thrown about or wander around as nodding the
head. AHLB:+1303-B (V) Strong's:+5074

201. ‫נדח‬ / hdn / N.D.Hh Translation:+Drive Definition:+To

forcefully send someone or something out or away; to drive
an axe through wood. AHLB:+2381 (V) Strong's:+5080

202. ‫נדר‬ / rdn / N.D.R Translation:+Make a vow

Definition:+To promise solemnly; to make an agreement
where one promises an action if the other reciprocates with
another action. AHLB:+2385 (V) Strong's:+5087

Dictionary ~ Verbs

203. ‫ נהג‬/ cen / N.H.G Translation:+Drive Definition:+To set

or keep in motion; to press or force into an activity, course, or
direction. AHLB:+1302-G (V) Strong's:+5090

204. ‫ נוח‬/ hfn / N.W.Hh Translation:+Rest

Definition:+Freedom from activity or labor. To rest from
trouble or labor. AHLB:+1307-J (V) Strong's:+5117

205. ‫ נוס‬/ xfn / N.W.S Translation:+Flee Definition:+To run

away, often from danger or evil; to hurry toward a place of
safety; to flee to any safe place such as a city or mountain.
AHLB:+1314-J (V) Strong's:+5127

206. ‫נוע‬/ gfn / N.W.Ah Translation:+Stagger Definition:+To

reel from side to side; to wag or shake back and forth or up
and down; to wander as staggering about. AHLB:+1322-J (V)

207.‫ נוף‬/ pfn / N.W.P Translation:+Wave Definition:+To

move an object, such as hammer or a sacrifice, back and forth.
AHLB:+1316-J (V) Strong's:+5130

208. ‫ נחה‬/ ehn / N.Hh.H Translation:+Guide Definition:+One

who leads or directs another in his way. AHLB:+1307-H (V)

209. ‫ נחל‬/ lhn / N.Hh.L Translation:+Inherit Definition:+A

passing down of properties, wealth or blessings to the
offspring. AHLB:+2391 (V) Strong's:+5157

210. ‫נחם‬ / mhn / N.Hh.M Translation:+Comfort

Definition:+Consolation in time of trouble or worry; to give

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

solace in time of difficulty or sorrow. The niphal (passive) form

means "repent." AHLB:+2392 (V) Strong's:+5162

211. ‫נטה‬ / eun / N.Th.H Translation:+Extend Definition:+To

set up camp by stretching out the cover of the tent; to extend
or stretch in length. AHLB:+1308-H (V) Strong's:+5186

212. ‫ נטע‬/ oun / N.Th.Ah Translation:+Plant Definition:+To

put or set into the ground for growth; to establish plants in
the sense of setting into place in the soil. AHLB:+2398 (V)

213. ‫ נטשׁ‬/ sun / N.Th.Sh Translation:+Let alone

Definition:+To be left behind by those who leave. AHLB:+2401
(V) Strong's:+5203

214. ‫נכה‬ / ekn / N.K.H Translation:+Hit Definition:+To

deliver a blow by action; to strike with the hand; to clap, kill or
harm. AHLB:+1310-H (V) Strong's:+5221

215. ‫נכר‬
/ rkn / N.K.R Translation:+Recognize Definition:+To
acknowledge or take notice of in some definite way.
AHLB:+2406 (V) Strong's:+5234

216. ‫נסא‬ / axn / N.S.A Translation:+Lift up Definition:+To

lift up a burden or load and carry it; to lift up camp and begin a
journey; to forgive in the sense of removing the offense.
AHLB:+1314-E (V) Strong's:+5375

217. ‫ נסג‬/ cxn / N.S.G Translation:+Overtake Definition:+To

catch up with; to remove in the sense of taking over.
AHLB:+2410 (V) Strong's:+5381

Dictionary ~ Verbs

218. ‫ נסה‬/ exn / N.S.H Translation:+Test Definition:+A critical

examination, observation, or evaluation; trial. AHLB:+1314-H
(V) Strong's:+5254

219. ‫ נסך‬/ Kxn / N.S.K Translation:+Pour Definition:+To

cause to flow in a stream; to give full expression to.
AHLB:+2412 (V) Strong's:+5258

220. ‫ נסע‬/ oxn / N.S.Ah Translation:+Journey Definition:+To

travel or pass from one place to another; to break camp and
begin a journey. AHLB:+2413 (V) Strong's:+5265

221. ‫נפל‬/ lpn / N.P.L Translation:+Fall Definition:+To leave

an erect position suddenly and involuntarily; to descend freely
by the force of gravity. AHLB:+2421 (V) Strong's:+5307

222. ‫ נצב‬/ byn / N.Ts.B Translation:+Stand up Definition:+To

be vertical in position; to stand tall and erect; to set in place.
AHLB:+2426 (V) Strong's:+5324

223. ‫נצח‬ / hyn / N.Ts.Hh Translation:+Continue

Definition:+To go on or keep on, as in some course or action;
to extend. AHLB:+2427 (V) Strong's:+5329

224. ‫נצל‬/ lyn / N.Ts.L Translation:+Deliver Definition:+To

set free; to take and hand over to or leave for another.
AHLB:+2428 (V) Strong's:+5337

225. ‫ נצר‬/ ryn / N.Ts.R Translation:+Preserve Definition:+To

watch over or guard for protection. AHLB:+2429 (V)

226. ‫ נקב‬/ Bqn / N.Q.B Translation:+Pierce through

Definition:+To make a hole by puncturing or penetrating; to

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

curse in the sense of piercing through. AHLB:+2430 (V)


227. ‫נקה‬ / eqn / N.Q.H Translation:+Acquit Definition:+To

declare one innocent of a crime or oath. AHLB:+1318-H (V)

228. ‫ נקם‬/ mqn / N.Q.M Translation:+Avenge

Definition:+To take vengeance for or on behalf of another; to
gain satisfaction for a wrong by punishing the wrongdoer; to
pursue and kill one who has murdered. AHLB:+2433 (V)

229. ‫נשׁק‬ / qsn / N.Sh.Q Translation:+Kiss Definition:+To

touch together as when kissing with the lips or in battle with
weapons. AHLB:+2445 (V) Strong's:+5401

230. ‫נתן‬/ ntn / N.T.N Translation:+Give Definition:+To make

a present; to present a gift; to grant, allow or bestow by
formal action. AHLB:+2451 (V) Strong's:+5414

231. ‫ נתץ‬/ ytn / N.T.Ts Translation:+Break down

Definition:+To demolish an elevated object; to tear down.
AHLB:+2454 (V) Strong's:+5422

232. ‫ נתק‬/ qtn / N.T.Q Translation:+Draw Definition:+To

draw out or away as a bowstring or to draw a cord to its
breaking point. AHLB:+2455 (V) Strong's:+5423

Dictionary ~ Verbs


233. ‫סבב‬ / bbx / S.B.B Translation:+Go around

Definition:+To circle completely around something.
AHLB:+1324-B (V) Strong's:+5437

234. ‫סגר‬ / rcx / S.G.R Translation:+Shut Definition:+To close

or block an opening. AHLB:+2467 (V) Strong's:+5462

235. ‫ סור‬/ rfx / S.W.R Translation:+Turn aside Definition:+To

change the location, position, station, or residence; to
remove. The hiphil (causative) form means "remove."
AHLB:+1342-J (V) Strong's:+5493

236. ‫ סים‬/ mix / S.Y.M Translation:+Place Definition:+To

put or set in a particular place, position, situation, or relation.
AHLB:+1335-J (V) Strong's:+7760

237. ‫ סלח‬/ hlx / S.L.Hh Translation:+Forgive Definition:+To

pardon; to overlook an offense and treat the offender as not
guilty. AHLB:+2482 (V) Strong's:+5545

238. ‫ סמך‬/ kmx / S.M.K Translation:+Support Definition:+To

uphold or defend; to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop
for. AHLB:+2488 (V) Strong's:+5564

239.‫ ספד‬/ dpx / S.P.D Translation:+Lament Definition:+To

mourn aloud; wail. AHLB:+2495 (V) Strong's:+5594

240. ‫ ספר‬/ rpx / S.P.R Translation:+Count Definition:+To

find the total number of units involved by naming the
numbers in order up to and including. The piel (intensive) form
means "recount." AHLB:+2500 (V) Strong's:+5608

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

241. ‫ סתר‬/ rtx / S.T.R Translation:+Hide Definition:+To put

out of sight; to conceal from view; to keep secret. AHLB:+2516
(V) Strong's:+5641


242. ‫עבד‬ / dbo / Ah.B.D Translation:+Serve Definition:+To

provide a service to another, as a servant or slave; to work at a
profession. AHLB:+2518 (V) Strong's:+5647

243. ‫עבר‬ / rbo / Ah.B.R Translation:+Cross over

Definition:+To pass from one side to the other; to go across a
river or through a land; to transgress in the sense of crossing
over. AHLB:+2520 (V) Strong's:+5674

244. ‫ עוד‬/ dfo / Ah.W.D Translation:+Wrap around

Definition:+To enclose; to repeat or do again what has been
said or done. The hiphil (causative) form means "warn."
AHLB:+1349-J (V) Strong's:+5749

245. ‫עוף‬/ pfo / Ah.W.P Translation:+Fly Definition:+To

move in or pass through the air with wings; to soar in the air.
AHLB:+1362-J (V) Strong's:+5774

246. ‫עור‬/ rfo / Ah.W.R Translation:+Stir up Definition:+To

shake to awaken. AHLB:+1365-J (V) Strong's:+5782

247. ‫עזב‬/ bzo / Ah.Z.B Translation:+Leave Definition:+To

go away from; to neglect. AHLB:+2532 (V) Strong's:+5800

248. ‫ עזר‬/ rzo / Ah.Z.R Translation:+Help Definition:+To

give assistance or support to. AHLB:+2535 (V) Strong's:+5826

Dictionary ~ Verbs

249. ‫ עלה‬/ elo / Ah.L.H Translation:+Go up Definition:+To

go, come or bring higher. The hiphil (causative) form means
"bring up." AHLB:+1357-H (V) Strong's:+5927

250. ‫ עלם‬/ mlo / Ah.L.M Translation:+Be out of sight

Definition:+To be hidden or obscured from vision; to be
covered or unknown. AHLB:+2544 (V) Strong's:+5956

251. ‫ עמד‬/ dmo / Ah.M.D Translation:+Stand

Definition:+To rise, raise or set in a place. AHLB:+2550 (V)

252. ‫ ענה‬/ eng / Ah.N.H Translation:+Afflict Definition:+To

oppress severely so as to cause persistent suffering or anguish
in the sense of making dark. AHLB:+1359-H (V) Strong's:+6031

253. ‫ענה‬ / eno / Ah.N.H Translation:+Answer

Definition:+Something written or spoken in reply to a
question. AHLB:+1520-H (V) Strong's:+6030

254. ‫עצר‬ / ryo / Ah.Ts.R Translation:+Stop Definition:+To

cause to cease; to stop from occurring in the sense of halting,
shutting or restraining. AHLB:+2570 (V) Strong's:+6113

255. ‫ערך‬ / kro / Ah.R.K Translation:+Arrange

Definition:+To set something in order or into a correct or
suitable configuration, sequence or adjustment . AHLB:+2576
(V) Strong's:+6186

256. ‫ עשׁק‬/ qso / Ah.Sh.Q Translation:+Oppress

Definition:+To press into or on another through for force or
deceit. AHLB:+2584 (V) Strong's:+6231

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

257. ‫ עשׂה‬/ exo / Ah.S.H Translation:+Do Definition:+To

bring to pass; to bring about; to act or make. AHLB:+1360-H
(V) Strong's:+6213


258. ‫פגע‬/ ocp / P.G.Ah Translation:+Reach Definition:+To

touch or grasp; to get up to or as far as; to come together in
meeting by chance; to give or place in the sense of a meeting.
AHLB:+2592 (V) Strong's:+6293

259. ‫ פדה‬/ edp / P.D.H Translation:+Ransom Definition:+To

pay the price stipulated, to retrieve what has been stolen or
wrongfully taken. AHLB:+1372-H (V) Strong's:+6299

260. ‫ פוץ‬/ yfp / P.W.Ts Translation:+Scatter abroad

Definition:+To sow, cast or fling widely. AHLB:+1386-J (V)

261. ‫פחד‬ / Dhp / P.Hh.D Translation:+Shake in awe

Definition:+To physically or mentally tremble in amazement or
fear. AHLB:+2598 (V) Strong's:+6342

262. ‫ פלא‬/ alp / P.L.A Translation:+Perform Definition:+To

do a wondrous action that shows ones might. AHLB:+1380-E
(V) Strong's:+6381

263. ‫פלט‬ / Ulp / P.L.Th Translation:+Deliver Definition:+To

bring out or rescue from trouble. AHLB:+2609 (V)

Dictionary ~ Verbs

264. ‫ פלל‬/ llp / P.L.L Translation:+Plead Definition:+To

entreat or appeal earnestly; to fall to the ground to plead a
cause to one in authority; prevent a judgment. AHLB:+1380-B
(V) Strong's:+6419

More about the word ‫פלל‬

In our modern religious culture prayer is a
communication between man and Elohiym. While
this definition could be applied to some passages
of the Bible (such as Genesis 20:17) it is not a
Hebraic definition of the Hebrew word palal. By
looking at the etymology of this word we can
better see the Hebraic meaning. The word palal
comes from the parent root pal meaning "fall"
(The root pal is most likely the root of our word fall
which can etymologically be written as phal). Pal
is also the root of the Hebrew word naphal also
meaning "fall". The word palal literally means to
"fall down to the ground in the presence of one in
authority pleading a cause". This can be seen in
Isaiah 45:14 where the Sabeans fall down and
make supplication (this is the Hebrew word palal)
to Cyrus.

265. ‫פנה‬ / enp / P.N.H Translation:+Turn Definition:+To

rotate or revolve; to face another direction; to turn the face;
to turn directions; to turn something back or away.
AHLB:+1382-H (V) Strong's:+6437

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

266. ‫ פעל‬/ lop / P.Ah.L Translation:+Make Definition:+To

perform a task of physical labor. AHLB:+2622 (V)

267. ‫ פקד‬/ dqp / P.Q.D Translation:+Register

Definition:+To indicate or show acknowledgement of
someone or something; to document or count another.
AHLB:+2630 (V) Strong's:+6485

268. ‫פרד‬ / Drp / P.R.D Translation:+Divide apart

Definition:+To separate. AHLB:+2634 (V) Strong's:+6504

269. ‫פרה‬ / erp / P.R.H Translation:+Reproduce

Definition:+To produce new individuals of the same kind; to
be abundant in fruit. AHLB:+1388-H (V) Strong's:+6509

270. ‫פרח‬ / hrp / P.R.Hh Translation:+Burst out

Definition:+To be larger, fuller, or more crowded; to break out
or break forth as a blooming flower or the wings of a bird.
AHLB:+2636 (V) Strong's:+6524

271. ‫ פרץ‬/ yrp / P.R.Ts Translation:+Break out

Definition:+To be spread out wide or widespread. AHLB:+2642
(V) Strong's:+6555

272. ‫ פרר‬/ rrp / P.R.R Translation:+Break Definition:+To

throw something on the ground and break it by trampling.
AHLB:+1388-B (V) Strong's:+6565

More about the word ‫פרר‬

The verb parar is often translated as "break," as in
"Do not break the commands of Elohiym." This
word does not mean "disobey," as we often
perceive it, but something much more concrete.

Dictionary ~ Verbs

Each Hebrew word is a picture of action. In this

case, the picture is an ox treading on the grain on
the threshing floor to open up the hulls to remove
the seeds. To the Ancient Hebrews, breaking the
commands of Elohiym was equated with throwing
it on the ground and trampling on it. A child who
disobeys his parents, but is genuinely apologetic,
shows honor and respect to his parents. But a
child who willfully disobeys with no sign of
remorse has trampled on his parents teachings
and deserves punishment.

273. ‫פרשׁ‬ / srp / P.R.Sh Translation:+Spread out

Definition:+To expand beyond a starting point; to be easily
and plainly understood in the sense of being spread out to
see. AHLB:+2644 (V) Strong's:+6566

274. ‫ פשׁט‬/ usp / P.Sh.Th Translation:+Peel off

Definition:+To strip off an outer layer; to spread apart; to
invade in the sense of spreading out for an attack; to strip off
clothing in the sense of spreading the garment for removal.
AHLB:+2646 (V) Strong's:+6584

275. ‫ פשׁע‬/ osp / P.Sh.Ah Translation:+Transgress

Definition:+To pass over or go beyond a limit or boundary; to
rebel. AHLB:+2647 (V) Strong's:+6586

276. ‫ פתה‬/ etp / P.T.H Translation:+Spread wide

Definition:+To lay out in a large area. The piel (intensive) form
means "persuade." AHLB:+1390-H (V) Strong's:+6601

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

277. ‫ פתח‬/ htp / P.T.Hh Translation:+Open Definition:+To

open up as opening a gate or door; to have no confining
barrier. The piel (intensive) form means "engrave."
AHLB:+2649 (V) Strong's:+6605


278. ‫ צדק‬/ qdy / Ts.D.Q Translation:+Be correct

Definition:+To walk on the right path without losing the way.
AHLB:+2658 (V) Strong's:+6663

279. ‫ צוה‬/ efy / Ts.W.H Translation:+Direct Definition:+To

cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a
straight course; give instructions or orders for a path to be
taken. AHLB:+1397-H (V) Strong's:+6680

280. ‫צור‬ / rfy / Ts.W.R Translation:+Smack Definition:+To

strike or push as an attack. AHLB:+1411-J (V) Strong's:+6696

281. ‫צלח‬ / hly / Ts.L.Hh Translation:+Prosper

Definition:+To succeed; to move forward in distance, position
or in thriving. AHLB:+2662 (V) Strong's:+6743

282. ‫צמח‬ / hmy / Ts.M.Hh Translation:+Spring up

Definition:+To grow up as a plant. AHLB:+2666 (V)

283. ‫צעק‬ / qoy / Ts.Ah.Q Translation:+Cry out

Definition:+To cry or call out loudly. AHLB:+2679 (V)

Dictionary ~ Verbs

284. ‫ צפה‬/ epy / Ts.P.H Translation:+Keep watch

Definition:+To be on the look-out for danger or opportunity.
AHLB:+1408-H (V) Strong's:+6822

285. ‫ צפה‬/ epz / Ts.P.H Translation:+Overlay

Definition:+To cover with a different material, usually with
gold. AHLB:+1408-H (V) Strong's:+6823

286. ‫ צפן‬/ npy / Ts.P.N Translation:+Conceal Definition:+To

hide to prevent discovery. AHLB:+2683 (V) Strong's:+6845

287. ‫ צרף‬/ pry / Ts.R.P Translation:+Refine Definition:+To

bring to a fine or a pure state free from impurities through
smelting or testing. AHLB:+2692 (V) Strong's:+6884

288. ‫ צרר‬/ rry / Ts.R.R Translation:+Press in Definition:+To

confine or restrict in a tight place. AHLB:+1411-B (V)


289. ‫קבץ‬ / ybq / Q.B.Ts Translation:+Gather together

Definition:+To come or bring into a group, mass or unit.
AHLB:+2695 (V) Strong's:+6908

290. ‫קבר‬ / rbq / Q.B.R Translation:+Bury Definition:+To

dispose of by depositing in the ground. AHLB:+2696 (V)

291. ‫ קדם‬/ Mdq / Q.D.M Translation:+Face toward

Definition:+To face another or meet face to face; to go before

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

someone or something in space or time. AHLB:+2698 (V)


292. ‫קדשׁ‬ / sdq / Q.D.Sh Translation:+Set apart

Definition:+To move or place someone or something separate
from the whole for a special purpose. AHLB:+2700 (V)

293. ‫ קהל‬/ leq / Q.H.L Translation:+Round up

Definition:+To gather together a flock, herd or group of
people. AHLB:+1426-G (V) Strong's:+6950

294. ‫ קוה‬/ efq / Q.W.H Translation:+Bound up

Definition:+To be confined or hedged in together; to wait or to
be held back in the sense of being bound up. AHLB:+1419-J (V)

295. ‫קום‬ / mfq / Q.W.M Translation:+Rise Definition:+To

assume an upright position; to raise or rise up; to continue or
establish. AHLB:+1427-J (V) Strong's:+6965

296. ‫ קטר‬/ ruq / Q.Th.R Translation:+Burn incense

Definition:+To light a sacrifice or aromatic plant on fire
creating smoke, often aromatic. AHLB:+2705 (V)

297. ‫ קלל‬/ llq / Q.L.L Translation:+Belittle Definition:+To

regard or portray as less impressive or important; to be light in
weight; to curse or despise in the sense of making light.
AHLB:+1426-B (V) Strong's:+7043

298. ‫קנא‬ / anq / Q.N.A Translation:+Be zealous

Definition:+To be filled with eagerness and ardent interest in
pursuit of something. AHLB:+1428-E (V) Strong's:+7065

Dictionary ~ Verbs

299. ‫ קנה‬/ enq / Q.N.H Translation:+Purchase

Definition:+To acquire ownership or occupation through an
exchange. AHLB:+1428-H (V) Strong's:+7069

300. ‫ קצף‬/ pyq / Q.Ts.P Translation:+Snap Definition:+To

make a sudden closing; to break suddenly with a sharp sound;
to splinter a piece of wood; to lash out in anger as a
splintering. AHLB:+2726 (V) Strong's:+7107

301. ‫קצר‬ / ryq / Q.Ts.R Translation:+Sever Definition:+To

cut short or small; to harvest in the sense of severing the crop
from its stalk; to be impatient in the sense of patience being
severed. AHLB:+2727 (V) Strong's:+7114

302. ‫ קרא‬/ arq / Q.R.A Translation:+Call out Definition:+To

raise one's voice or speak to someone loudly and with
urgency; to give, a name; to meet in the sense of being called
to a meeting; to have an encounter by chance; to read in the
sense of calling out words. AHLB:+1434-E (V) Strong's:+7121

303. ‫ קרב‬/ brq / Q.R.B Translation:+Come near

Definition:+To come close by or near to. The hiphil (causative)
form means "bring near." AHLB:+2729 (V) Strong's:+7126

304. ‫ קרה‬/ erq / Q.R.H Translation:+Meet Definition:+To

come into the presence of; to go to meet another; to have a
chance encounter. AHLB:+1434-H (V) Strong's:+7125

305. ‫ קרע‬/ orq / Q.R.Ah Translation:+Tear Definition:+To

rip into pieces. AHLB:+2734 (V) Strong's:+7167

306. ‫קשׁב‬ / bsq / Q.Sh.B Translation:+Heed Definition:+To

hear and pay attention. AHLB:+2737 (V) Strong's:+7181

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

307. ‫ קשׁה‬/ esq / Q.Sh.H Translation:+Be hard

Definition:+To be difficult; not easily penetrated; not easily
yielding to pressure. AHLB:+1435-H (V) Strong's:+7185

308. ‫ קשׁר‬/ rsq / Q.Sh.R Translation:+Tie Definition:+To

fasten, attach, or close by means of a string or cord; to tie
around; to conspire in the sense of tying up. AHLB:+2740 (V)


309. ‫ ראה‬/ ear / R.A.H Translation:+See Definition:+To take

notice; to perceive something or someone; to see visions. The
niphal (passive) form means "appear" and the hiphil
(causative) form means "show." AHLB:+1438-H (V)

310. ‫ רבה‬/ ebr / R.B.H Translation:+Increase Definition:+To

become progressively greater; to multiply by the production
of young; to be abundant of number, strength or authority.
AHLB:+1439-H (V) Strong's:+7235

311. ‫ רבץ‬/ ybr / R.B.Ts Translation:+Stretch out

Definition:+To lie or stretch out as to rest; to crouch down to
hide for an ambush. AHLB:+2745 (V) Strong's:+7257

312. ‫רגז‬ / zcr / R.G.Z Translation:+Shake Definition:+To

tremble in fear or anger. AHLB:+2748 (V) Strong's:+7264

313. ‫ רגל‬/ Lcr / R.G.L Translation:+Tread about

Definition:+To be on foot walking through a foreign land,

Dictionary ~ Verbs

usually in the sense of spying; to trample another with the

tongue. AHLB:+2749 (V) Strong's:+7270

314. ‫רדה‬ / edr / R.D.H Translation:+Rule Definition:+To

exert control, direction, or influence over, especially by
curbing or restraining; to spread out through a land through
authority or by walking among the subjects. AHLB:+1441-H (V)

315. ‫רדף‬ / pdr / R.D.P Translation:+Pursue Definition:+To

follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat; to pursue
in chase or persecution. AHLB:+2755 (V) Strong's:+7291

316. ‫ רום‬/ mfr / R.W.M Translation:+Raise Definition:+To lift

something up. AHLB:+1450-J (V) Strong's:+7311

317. ‫רוע‬ / gfr / R.W.Ah Translation:+Shout Definition:+To

shout an alarm of war or for great rejoicing. AHLB:+1460-J (V)

318. ‫רוץ‬/ yfr / R.W.Ts Translation:+Run Definition:+To go

faster than a walk. AHLB:+1455-J (V) Strong's:+7323

319. ‫ רחב‬/ Bhr / R.Hh.B Translation:+Widen Definition:+To

increase the size of an area wide; large; roomy. AHLB:+2759
(V) Strong's:+7337

320. ‫ רחם‬/ mhr / R.Hh.M Translation:+Have compassion

Definition:+To have a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for
another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a
strong desire to alleviate the suffering. AHLB:+2762 (V)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

321. ‫ רחץ‬/ yhr / R.Hh.Ts Translation:+Bathe Definition:+To

cleanse by being immersed in, or washing with, water.
AHLB:+2764 (V) Strong's:+7364

322. ‫ רחק‬/ qhr / R.Hh.Q Translation:+Be far Definition:+To

be distant, a long way off. AHLB:+2765 (V) Strong's:+7368

323. ‫ ריב‬/ bir / R.Y.B Translation:+Dispute Definition:+To

engage in argument; to dispute or chide another in
harassment or trial. AHLB:+1439-M (V) Strong's:+7378

324. ‫ רכב‬/ bkr / R.K.B Translation:+Vehicle Definition:+ A

wheeled transport such as a wagon or chariot used for
transportation. Also, the top millstone as a wheel that rides on
top of the lower millstone. AHLB:+2769 (V) Strong's:+7392

325. ‫רנן‬ / nnr / R.N.N Translation:+Shout aloud

Definition:+To cry out loudly in triumph or joy. AHLB:+1451-B
(V) Strong's:+7442

326. ‫רעה‬/ eor / R.Ah.H Translation:+Feed Definition:+To

give food to; to provide feed or pasture to the flock.
Commonly used in the participle form meaning a feeder or
shepherd. AHLB:+1453-H (V) Strong's:+7462

327. ‫ רעע‬/ ggr / R.Ah.Ah Translation:+Be dysfunctional

Definition:+Impaired or abnormal filling of purpose; to act
wrongly by injuring or doing an evil action. AHLB:+1460-B (V)

328. ‫רעשׁ‬ / sor / R.Ah.Sh Translation:+Quake

Definition:+To violently shake. AHLB:+2784 (V) Strong's:+7493

Dictionary ~ Verbs

329. ‫ רפא‬/ apr / R.P.A Translation:+Heal Definition:+To

restore to health or wholeness. AHLB:+1454-E (V)

330. ‫ רפה‬/ epr / R.P.H Translation:+Sink down

Definition:+To drop down; to be slack or idle due to weakness,
illness or laziness. The niphal (passive) form means "lazy."
AHLB:+1454-H (V) Strong's:+7503

331. ‫רצה‬ / eyr / R.Ts.H Translation:+Accept Definition:+To

receive from the messenger what is given as a message.
AHLB:+1455-H (V) Strong's:+7521

332. ‫רצח‬ / hyr / R.Ts.Hh Translation:+Murder

Definition:+A killing committed with malice aforethought,
characterized by deliberation or premeditation. AHLB:+2790
(V) Strong's:+7523

333. ‫ רשׁע‬/ osr / R.Sh.Ah Translation:+Depart

Definition:+To go astray from the correct path and become
lost; to act against a law or teaching as one who has gone
astray. The hiphil (causative) form means "convict."
AHLB:+2799 (V) Strong's:+7561


334. ‫שׁאל‬ / las / Sh.A.L Translation:+Enquire

Definition:+To ask about; to search into; to seek to understand
what is not known. The hiphil (causative) form means "grant."
AHLB:+1472-D (V) Strong's:+7592

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

335. ‫ שׁאר‬/ ras / Sh.A.R Translation:+Remain

Definition:+To continue unchanged; to stay behind.
AHLB:+1480-D (V) Strong's:+7604

336. ‫ שׁבה‬/ ebs / Sh.B.H Translation:+Capture

Definition:+The act of catching, winning, or gaining control by
force, stratagem, or guile; to take one away from his
homeland as an involuntary prisoner. AHLB:+1462-H (V)

337. ‫ שׁבע‬/ obs / Sh.B.Ah Translation:+Swear

Definition:+To completely submit to a promise or oath with
words and spoken seven times. AHLB:+2808 (V) Strong's:+7650

338. ‫ שׁבר‬/ rbs / Sh.B.R Translation:+Crack Definition:+To

break open, apart or into pieces. The piel (intensive) form
means "shatter." AHLB:+2811 (V) Strong's:+7665

339. ‫ שׁבת‬/ tbs / Sh.B.T Translation:+Cease Definition:+To

come to an end; to die out; to stop an activity for the purpose
of rest or celebration. AHLB:+2812 (V) Strong's:+7673

340. ‫ שׁדד‬/ dds / Sh.D.D Translation:+Spoil Definition:+To

dry up and shrivel and be of no use. AHLB:+1464-B (V)

341. ‫שׁוב‬ / bfs / Sh.W.B Translation:+Turn back

Definition:+To return to a previous place or state.
AHLB:+1462-J (V) Strong's:+7725

342. ‫שׁחה‬ / ehs / Sh.Hh.H Translation:+Bend down

Definition:+To pay homage to another one by bowing low or
getting on the knees with the face to the ground. AHLB:+1468-
H (V) Strong's:+7812

Dictionary ~ Verbs

More about the word ‫שׁחה‬

In our modern western culture worship is an
action directed toward Elohiym and Elohiym
alone. But this is not the case in the Hebrew Bible.
The word shahhah is a common Hebrew verb
meaning to prostrate oneself before another in
respect, or simply, obeisance. We see Moses doing
this to his father-in-law in Exodus 18:7. From a
Hebraic perspective obeisance is the act of getting
down on ones knees and placing the face down on
the ground before another worthy of respect.

343. ‫ שׁחט‬/ uhs / Sh.Hh.Th Translation:+Slay Definition:+To

strike, beat or kill. AHLB:+2823 (V) Strong's:+7819

344. ‫שׁחת‬ / ths / Sh.Hh.T Translation:+Damage

Definition:+To bring to ruin by destruction; to destroy through
disfigurement or corruption. AHLB:+2830 (V) Strong's:+7843

345. ‫ שׁטף‬/ pus / Sh.Th.P Translation:+Flush Definition:+To

flow over with copious amounts of water. AHLB:+2832 (V)

346. ‫שׁיר‬ / ris / Sh.Y.R Translation:+Sing Definition:+To

express one's voice in a melody or to music. AHLB:+1480-M (V)

347. ‫שׁית‬ / tis / Sh.Y.T Translation:+Set down

Definition:+To cause to sit down; to lay down. AHLB:+1482-M
(V) Strong's:+7896

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

348. ‫ שׁכב‬/ bks / Sh.K.B Translation:+Lay down

Definition:+To give up; to lie down for copulation, rest or
sleep. AHLB:+2834 (V) Strong's:+7901

349. ‫ שׁכח‬/ hks / Sh.K.Hh Translation:+Forget

Definition:+To lose remembrance of; to cease remembering or
noticing. AHLB:+2835 (V) Strong's:+7911

350. ‫שׁכם‬ / mks / Sh.K.M Translation:+Depart early

Definition:+Literally, to put a load on the shoulder to go away
or leave early. AHLB:+2837 (V) Strong's:+7925

351. ‫שׁכן‬ / nks / Sh.K.N Translation:+Dwell Definition:+To

remain for a time; to live as a resident; to stay or sit in one
location for an indeterminate duration. AHLB:+2838 (V)

352. ‫ שׁלח‬/ hls / Sh.L.Hh Translation:+Send Definition:+To

cause to go; to direct, order, or request to go. AHLB:+2842 (V)

353. ‫ שׁלך‬/ kls / Sh.L.K Translation:+Throw out

Definition:+To remove from a place, usually in a sudden or
unexpected manner; to cast out, down or away. AHLB:+2844
(V) Strong's:+7993

354. ‫שׁלם‬ / mls / Sh.L.M Translation:+Make restitution

Definition:+To restore or make right through action, payment
or restoration to a rightful owner. AHLB:+2845 (V)

355. ‫ שׁמד‬/ dms / Sh.M.D Translation:+Destroy

Definition:+To bring to ruin a structure, existence, or
condition. AHLB:+2848 (V) Strong's:+8045

Dictionary ~ Verbs

356. ‫ שׁמם‬/ mms / Sh.M.M Translation:+Desolate

Definition:+To be devoid of inhabitants or visitors.
AHLB:+1473-B (V) Strong's:+8074

357. ‫ שׁמע‬/ oms / Sh.M.Ah Translation:+Hear

Definition:+To perceive or apprehend by the ear; to listen to
with attention. AHLB:+2851 (V) Strong's:+8085

358. ‫ שׁמר‬/ rms / Sh.M.R Translation:+Safeguard

Definition:+The act or the duty of protecting or defending; to
watch over or guard in the sense of preserving or protecting.
AHLB:+2853 (V) Strong's:+8104

More about the word ‫שׁמר‬

The image painted by the Hebrew word shamar is
a sheepfold. When a shepherd was out in the
wilderness with his flock, he would gather thorn
bushes to erect a corral to place his flock in at
night. The thorns would deter predators and
thereby protect and guard the sheep from harm.
The word shamiyr, derived from this root means a
thorn. The word shamar means to guard and
protect and can be seen in the Aaronic blessing,
May Yahweh respect you and guard you. One
keeps the commands of Elohiym by guarding and
protecting them.

359. ‫ שׁפט‬/ ups / Sh.P.Th Translation:+Decide

Definition:+To make a determination in a dispute or wrong
doing. AHLB:+2864 (V) Strong's:+8199

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

360. ‫ שׁפך‬/ kps / Sh.P.K Translation:+Pour out

Definition:+To let flow a liquid, often the blood of an animal in
sacrifice or a man. AHLB:+2865 (V) Strong's:+8210

361. ‫ שׁפל‬/ lps / Sh.P.L Translation:+Low Definition:+To be

small in position or stature. AHLB:+2866 (V) Strong's:+8213

362. ‫ שׁקה‬/ eqs / Sh.Q.H Translation:+Drink Definition:+To

swallow liquid, whether of man or of the land. AHLB:+1479-H
(V) Strong's:+8248

363. ‫ שׁקט‬/ uqs / Sh.Q.Th Translation:+Tranquil

Definition:+To be quiet and at rest. AHLB:+2873 (V)

364. ‫ שׁרת‬/ trs / Sh.R.T Translation:+Minister Definition:+To

give aid or service; to be in service to another. AHLB:+2884 (V)

365. ‫ שׁתה‬/ ets / Sh.T.H Translation:+Gulp Definition:+To

drink plentifully; to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one
swallow. AHLB:+1482-H (V) Strong's:+8354

366. ‫שׂבע‬ / obx / S.B.Ah Translation:+Be satisfied

Definition:+To be filled full or to overflowing; to have a
complete amount. AHLB:+2461 (V) Strong's:+7646

367. ‫שׂחק‬ / qhx / S.Hh.Q Translation:+Laugh Definition:+To

laugh in play, sport or scorn. AHLB:+2472 (V) Strong's:+7832

368. ‫ שׂכל‬/ lkx / S.K.L Translation:+Calculate Definition:+To

determine by mathematical deduction or practical judgment;
to comprehend and carefully consider a path or course of
action. AHLB:+2477 (V) Strong's:+7919

Dictionary ~ Verbs

369. ‫ שׂמח‬/ hmx / S.M.Hh Translation:+Rejoice

Definition:+To be happy, glad. AHLB:+2487 (V) Strong's:+8055

370. ‫שׂנא‬ / anx / S.N.A Translation:+Hate

Definition:+Intense hostility and aversion, usually deriving
from fear, anger, or sense of injury; extreme dislike or
antipathy. AHLB:+1336-E (V) Strong's:+8130

371.‫ שׂרף‬/ prx / S.R.P Translation:+Cremate Definition:+To

reduce a dead body, or other object, to ashes by burning.
AHLB:+2512 (V) Strong's:+8313

372. ‫ שׂוּשׂ‬/ Xfx / S.W.S Translation:+Skip Definition:+To move

with quick steps in joy. AHLB:+1337-J (V) Strong's:+7797

373. ‫ שׁטר‬/ Rus / Sh.Th.R Translation:+Dominate

Definition:+To govern or prevail over as a magistrate; to be in
ultimate control; to establish order. AHLB:+2833 (V)

374. ‫שׁכל‬ / Lks / Sh.K.L Translation:+Be childless

Definition:+To be without children through miscarriage,
barrenness or loss of children. AHLB:+2836 (V) Strong's:+7921


375. ‫ תלה‬/ elt / T.L.H Translation:+Hang Definition:+To

suspend with no support from below. AHLB:+1495-H (V)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

376. ‫ תמם‬/ mmt / T.M.M Translation:+Be whole

Definition:+To be free of wound or injury, defect or
impairment, disease or deformity; physically and mentally
sound. AHLB:+1496-B (V) Strong's:+8552

377. ‫תעה‬ / eot / T.Ah.H Translation:+Wander

Definition:+To go astray due to deception or influence.
AHLB:+1499-H (V) Strong's:+8582

378. ‫תפשׂ‬ / xpt / T.P.S Translation:+Seize hold

Definition:+To take hold of something by force. AHLB:+2899
(V) Strong's:+8610

379. ‫ תקע‬/ oqt / T.Q.Ah Translation:+Thrust Definition:+To

push or drive with force a pole into the ground, such as when
setting up the tent; to blow the trumpet in the sense of
throwing out the sound. AHLB:+2902 (V) Strong's:+8628

Dictionary ~ Nouns

Dictionary ~ Nouns


380. ‫אָב‬ / ba / av Translation:+Father Definition:+A man

who has begotten a child. The provider and support to the
household. The ancestor of a family line. The patron of a
profession or art. AHLB:+1002-A (N) Strong's:+1

More about the word ‫אָב‬

In the original pictographic script, the first letter is
a picture of an ox. As the ox is strong, the letter
also has the meaning of strong. The second letter
is the picture of the tent or house where the family
resides. When combined, these letters form the
meaning "the strength of the house."

381. ‫א ְביוֹן‬ֶ / nfiba / ev-yon Translation:+Needy

Definition:+In a condition of need or want. AHLB:+1033-C (j)

382. ‫א ֶבן‬
ֶ / nba / e-ven Translation:+Stone Definition:+A
piece of rock, often in the context of building material.
AHLB:+1037-C (N) Strong's:+68

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

383. ‫ אָדוֹן‬/ nfda / a-don Translation:+Lord Definition:+The

ruler as the foundation to the community. AHLB:+1083-C (c)

384. ‫ ֲאדוֹנָי‬/ infda / a-do-nai Translation:+My lord

Definition:+A name often used for YHWH. AHLB:+1083-C (N)

385. ‫אַדּיר‬
ִ / rida / a-dir Translation:+Eminent
Definition:+What exerts power and status. Someone or
something that is wide in authority or majesty. AHLB:+1089-C
(b) Strong's:+117

386. ‫אָדם‬
ָ / mda / a-dam Translation:+Human
Definition:+Of, relating to, or characteristic of man. The first
man. All of mankind as the descendants of the first man.
AHLB:+1082-C (N) Strong's:+120

387. ‫מה‬ ָ ‫ ֳא ָד‬/ emda / a-da-mah Translation:+Ground

Definition:+The surface of the earth. From its reddish color.
AHLB:+1082-C (N1) Strong's:+127

388. ‫ ֶא ֶדן‬/ nda / e-den Translation:+Footing

Definition:+Ground or basis for a firm foundation. That which
sustains a stable position. AHLB:+1083-C (N) Strong's:+134

389. ‫אַה ָבח‬

ֳ / ebea / a-ha-vah Translation:+Affection
Definition:+A moderate feeling or emotion. A tender
attachment or fondness. AHLB:+1094-C (N) Strong's:+160

390. ‫א ֶֹהל‬
/ lefa / o-hel Translation:+Tent Definition:+The
black, goat hair dwelling of the nomad. AHLB:+1104-C (g)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

391. ‫אוִ יל‬ ֱ / Aifl / e-vil Translation:+Foolish

Definition:+One who acts without consideration or regard for
a desirable outcome. AHLB:+1254-J (b) Strong's:+191

392. ‫אוּלם‬
ָ / mlfa / u-lam Translation:+Porch
Definition:+An exterior appendage to a building, forming a
covered approach or vestibule to a doorway. AHLB:+1266-C (o)

393. ‫ אָוֶן‬/ nfa / a-ven Translation:+Vanity Definition:+Action

or thought that is vain or for an improper purpose.
AHLB:+1014-J (N) Strong's:+205

394. ‫אוֹפן‬
ָ / npfa / o-phen Translation:+Wheel
Definition:+A circular frame or disk arranged to revolve on an
axis, as on a wagon or chariot. AHLB:+1382-C (g) Strong's:+212

395. ‫אוֹצר‬ָ / ryfa / o-tsar Translation:+Storehouse

Definition:+A place where grain or other items of subsistence
are held and protected. AHLB:+1411-C (g) Strong's:+214

396. ‫ אוֹר‬/ rfa / or Translation:+Light Definition:+The

illumination from the sun, moon, stars, fire, candle or other
source. AHLB:+1020-J (N) Strong's:+216

397. ‫ אוֹת‬/ tfa / ot Translation:+Sign Definition:+The

motion, gesture, or mark representing an agreement between
two parties. A wondrous or miraculous sign. AHLB:+1022-J (N)

398. ‫אֹזֶן‬
/ nzfa / o-zen Translation:+Ear Definition:+The
organ of hearing; so named from its broad shape. AHLB:+1152-
C (g) Strong's:+241

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

399. ‫ אָח‬/ ha / ahh Translation:+Brother Definition:+A male

who has the same parents as another or shares one parent
with another. One who stands between the enemy and the
family, a protector. AHLB:+1008-A (N) Strong's:+251

More about the word ‫אָח‬

The first letter is the picture of an ox. As the ox is
strong, the letter also has the meaning of strong.
The second letter is the picture of a tent wall. The
wall is a wall of protection which protects what is
inside from what is outside. When combined these
letters form the word meaning "the strong wall"
and represents the "brother" as the protector of
the family.

400. ‫ֶא ָחד‬

/ dha / e-hhad Translation:+Unit Definition:+A
unit within the whole, a unified group. A single quantity.
AHLB:+1165-C (N) Strong's:+259

More about the word ‫חד‬

ָ ‫ֶא‬
The word ehhad (noun) comes from the verbal
root ahhad meaning "to unite." Ehhad is best
translated with the word "unit," something that is
part of the whole, a unit within a community. In
the Hebrew mind everything is, or should be, a
part of a unity. There is not one tree but a tree
composed of units within the unity-roots, trunk,
branches and leaves. A tree is also in unity with
the other trees-the forest. A son is a unit within
the brotherhood and the family.

Dictionary ~ Nouns

401. ‫אָחוֹר‬ / rfha / a-hhor Translation:+Back

Definition:+The part of the body that is behind. To be in the
rear of or behind something. AHLB:+1181-C (c) Strong's:+268

402. ‫ אָחוֹת‬/ tfha / a-hhot Translation:+Sister Definition:+A

female person having the same parents or parent as another
person. AHLB:+1008-A (N3) Strong's:+269

403. ‫ֳא ֻחזָּה‬

/ ezfha / a-hhu-zah Translation:+Holdings
Definition:+Property that is held or owned. AHLB:+1168-C (N1)

404. ‫אַחר‬
ֵ / rha / a-hheyr Translation:+Other
Definition:+One that remains of two or more. A time, person
or thing that follows after. AHLB:+1181-C (N) Strong's:+312

405. ‫אַחר‬
ַ / irha / a-hhar Translation:+After Definition:+A
time to come beyond another event. AHLB:+1181-C (N)

406. ‫אַחרוֹן‬ֲ / nfrha / a-hha-ron Translation:+Last

Definition:+In, to or toward the back . To be in back of, at the
rear or following after something. AHLB:+1181-C (j)

407. ‫אַח ִרית‬ֳ / tirha / a-hha-rit Translation:+End

Definition:+A final point that marks the extent of something.
The latter time as coming after everything else. AHLB:+1181-C
(N4) Strong's:+319

408. ‫ִאי‬
/ ina / i Translation:+Island Definition:+A tract of
land surrounded by water. AHLB:+1014-A (f) Strong's:+339

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

409. ‫ אַיִ ל‬/ lia / a-yil Translation:+Buck Definition:+The

large males of a flock of sheep or heard of deer. By extension,
anything of strength including a chief, pillar (as the strong
support of a building), or oak tree (one of the strongest of the
woods). AHLB:+1012-M (N) Strong's:+352

410. ‫יפה‬
ָ ‫ ֵא‬/ epia / ey-phah Translation:+Eyphah
Definition:+A dry standard of measure equal to 3 se'ahs or 10
omers. The same as the liquid measure bath which is about 9
imperial gallons or 40 liters. AHLB:+1017-M (N1) Strong's:+374

411. ‫ ִאישׁ‬/ sina / ish Translation:+Man Definition:+An

adult male human. As mortal. Also, used to mean "each" in
the sense of an individual. AHLB:+2003 (b) Strong's:+376

412. ‫א ֶֹכל‬ / lkfa / o-khel Translation:+Foodstuff

Definition:+A substance that may be eaten for giving
sustenance and making one whole. AHLB:+1242-C (g)

413. ‫ ֵאל‬/ la / eyl Translation:+Mighty one Definition:+One

who holds authority over others, such as a judge, chief or god.
In the sense of being yoked to one another. AHLB:+1012-A (N)

More about the word ‫אל‬

When reading the Bible it is better to have an
Ancient Hebrew perception of Elohiym rather than
our modern western view. The word el was
originally written with two pictographic letters,
one being an ox head and the other a shepherd
staff. The ox represented strength and the staff of

Dictionary ~ Nouns

the shepherd represented authority. First, the

Ancient Hebrews saw Elohiym as the strong one of
authority. The shepherd staff was also understood
as a staff on the shoulders, a yoke. Secondly, the
Ancient Hebrews saw Elohiym as the ox in the
yoke. When plowing a field two oxen were placed
in a yoke, one was the older more experienced
one, and the other was the younger and less
experienced. The younger would then learn from
the older. The Hebrews saw Elohiym as the older
experienced ox and they as the younger that
learns from him.

414. ‫אָלה‬
ָ / ela / a-lah Translation:+Oath
Definition:+Something corroborated by a vow. A binding
agreement, including the curse for violating the oath.
AHLB:+1012-A (N1) Strong's:+423

415. ‫ֱאל ִֹהים‬

/ miefla / e-lo-him Translation:+Powers
Definition:+May be a plural noun meaning great strength, or
the name - elohiym. AHLB:+1012-H (c) Strong's:+430

More about the word ‫ֹהים‬

ִ ‫ֱאל‬
The plural form of elo'ah, meaning power, is
elohiym and is often translated as Elohiym. While
English plurals only identify quantity, as in more
than one, the Hebrew plural can identify quantity
as well as quality. Something that is of great size
or stature can be written in the plural form.
Elohiym is the one of great strength and authority.

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

416. ‫לוֹהּ‬
ַ ‫ֱא‬ / efla / e-lo-ah Translation:+Power
Definition:+Possession of control, authority, or influence over
others; physical might. The power or might of one who rules
or teaches. One who yokes with another. Often applies to
rulers or a god. AHLB:+1012-H (c) Strong's:+433

417. ‫ אַלּוּף‬/ pfla / a-luph Translation:+Chief

Definition:+Accorded highest rank or office; of greatest
importance, significance, or influence. One who is yoked to
another to lead and teach. AHLB:+2001 (d) Strong's:+441

418. ‫אַל ָמ ָנה‬

ְ / enmla / al-ma-nah Translation:+Widow
Definition:+A woman who has lost her husband by death. As
bound in grief. AHLB:+1266-C (m1) Strong's:+490

419. ‫ֵאם‬ / ma / eym Translation:+Mother Definition:+A

female parent. Maternal tenderness or affection. One who
fulfills the role of a mother. AHLB:+1013-A (N) Strong's:+517

More about the word ‫אם‬

In the original pictographic script, the first letter is
a picture of an ox. As the ox is strong, the letter
also has the meaning of strong. The second letter
represents water. The two letters give us the
meaning of "strong water." The Hebrews made
glue by boiling animal skins in water. As the skin
broke down, a sticky thick liquid formed at the
surface of the water. This thick liquid was removed
and used as a binding agent-"strong water". This
is the Hebrew word meaning "mother", the one
who "binds" the family together.

Dictionary ~ Nouns

420. ‫אַמּה‬
ָ / emma / am-mah Translation:+Forearm
Definition:+A linear standard of measure equal to the length
of the forearm. AHLB:+1013-A (N1) Strong's:+520

421. ‫אָמה‬ָ / ema / a-mah Translation:+Bondwoman

Definition:+A female slave. One who is bound to another.
AHLB:+1013-A (N1) Strong's:+519

422. ‫ ֱאמוּנָה‬/ enfma / e-mu-nah Translation:+Firmness

Definition:+Securely fixed in place. AHLB:+1290-C (d1)

More about the word ‫אמוּנָה‬

The Hebrew root aman means firm, something
that is supported or secure. This word is used in
Isaiah 22:23 for a nail that is fastened to a
"secure" place. Derived from this root is the word
emun, meaning craftsman. A craftsman is one
who is firm and secure in his talent. The feminine
form of emun is the word emunah meaning
firmness, something or someone that is firm in
their actions. When the Hebrew word emunah is
translated as "faith," as it often is, misconceptions
of its meaning occur. Faith is usually perceived as
a knowing while the Hebrew emunah is a firm
action. To have faith in Elohiym is not knowing
that Elohiym exists or knowing that he will act,
rather it is that the one with emunah will act with
firmness toward Elohiym's will.

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

423. ‫אָמן‬
ֵ / nma / a-meyn Translation:+So be it
Definition:+An affirmation of firmness and support.
AHLB:+1290-C (N) Strong's:+543

424. ‫ֵא ֶמר‬ / lma / ey-mer Translation:+Statement

Definition:+A single declaration or remark. AHLB:+1288-C (N)

425. ‫ִא ְמ ָרה‬/ elma / im-rah Translation:+Speech

Definition:+The chain of words when speaking. AHLB:+1288-C
(N1) Strong's:+565

426. ‫ֱא ֶמת‬ / tnma / e-met Translation:+Truth

Definition:+The state of being the case. Fact. What is firm.
Accurately so. AHLB:+1290-C (N2) Strong's:+571

More about the word ‫מת‬

ֶ ‫ֱא‬
The root of this word is aman, a word often
translated as "believe," but more literally means
"support," as we see in Isaiah 22:23 where it says
"I will drive him like a peg in a place of support..."
A belief in Elohiym is not a mental exercise of
knowing that Elohiym exists but rather our
responsibility to show him our support. The word
"emet" has the similar meaning of firmness,
something that is firmly set in place. Psalms
119:142 says, "the "Torah" (the teachings of
Elohiym) is "emet" (set firmly in place).

Dictionary ~ Nouns

427. ‫אנוֹשׁ‬ ֱ / sfna / e-nosh Translation:+Person

Definition:+An individual, a man. AHLB:+2003 (c) Strong's:+582

428. ‫ אַף‬/ pa / aph Translation:+Nose Definition:+The

organ bearing the nostrils on the anterior of the face. The
nostrils when used in the plural form. Also meaning anger
from the flaring of the nostrils when angry. AHLB:+1017-A (N)

More about the word ‫אַף‬

This word is a good example that demonstrates
the concrete nature of the Hebrew Language. This
is the Hebrew word for a “nose,” or “nostrils”
when written in the plural form (‫ נפים‬- naphiym),
but can also mean “anger.” When one becomes
very angry, the nostrils start flaring. A literal
interpretation of 1 Samuel 20:34 is, “And Jonathon
rose from the table with a burning nose,” where
the phrase “burning nose” means a “fierce anger.”

429. ‫אפוֹד‬ ֵ / dfpa / ey-phod Translation:+Ephod

Definition:+An apron-like vestment having two shoulder straps
and ornamental attachments for securing the breastplate,
worn with a waistband by the high priest. AHLB:+1372-C (c)

430. ‫ ֶא ֶפס‬/ xpa / e-phes Translation:+End Definition:+The

concluding part of an area or extremity. Also used for the
conclusion of a thought; finally, however, but. AHLB:+1383-C
(N) Strong's:+657

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

431. ‫א ְצ ַבּע‬
ֶ / obya / ets-ba Translation:+Finger
Definition:+The extension of the hand. Can be used to point.
AHLB:+2655 (n) Strong's:+676

432. ‫ ֵא ֶצל‬/ lya / ey-tsel Translation:+Beside

Definition:+Being next to something. AHLB:+1403-C (N)

433. ‫ָמן‬
ָ ‫אַרגּ‬
ְ / nmcra / ar-ga-man Translation:+Purple
Definition:+A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in
weaving. AHLB:+1440-C (pm) Strong's:+713

434. ‫ארוֹן‬
ֲ / nfra / a-ron Translation:+Box Definition:+A rigid
rectangular receptacle often with a cover. Any box-shaped
object. AHLB:+1020-H (j) Strong's:+727

435. ‫ֶא ֶרז‬

/ zra / e-rez Translation:+Cedar Definition:+A
coniferous tree from the Cyprus family having wide, spreading
branches. The wood or tree or something made it.
AHLB:+1444-C (N) Strong's:+730

436. ‫ א ַֹרח‬/ hrfa / o-rahh Translation:+Path

Definition:+The road or route one travels. AHLB:+1445-C (g)

437. ‫אַרי‬
ִ / ira / a-ri Translation:+Lion Definition:+A large
carnivorous chiefly nocturnal cat. A feared animal.
AHLB:+1442-H (b) Strong's:+738

438. ‫ א ֶֹר ְך‬/ krfa / o-rek Translation:+Length Definition:+A

measured distance or dimension. AHLB:+1448-C (g)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

439. ‫אַרמוֹן‬
ְ / nfmra / ar-mon Translation:+Citadel
Definition:+A large palace or fortress usually constructed in a
high place. AHLB:+1450-C (j) Strong's:+759

440. ‫ ֶא ֶרץ‬/ yra / e-rets Translation:+Land Definition:+The

solid part of the earth's surface. The whole of the earth or a
region. AHLB:+1455-C (N) Strong's:+776

441. ‫ֵאשׁ‬
/ sa / eysh Translation:+Fire Definition:+The
phenomenon of combustion manifested by heat, light and
flame. AHLB:+1021-A (N) Strong's:+784

442. ‫ִא ֶשּׁה‬

/ esia / i-sheh Translation:+Fire offering
Definition:+A sacrifice that is placed in a fire as an offering.
AHLB:+1021-H (e) Strong's:+801

443. ‫ִא ָשּׁה‬ / esina / i-shah Translation:+Woman

Definition:+An adult female person. As mortal. AHLB:+2003
(b1) Strong's:+802

444. ‫אָשׁם‬
ָ / msa / a-sham Translation:+Guilt
Definition:+The fact of having committed a breach of conduct
especially violating law and involving a penalty; the state of
one who has committed an offense, especially consciously.
AHLB:+1473-C (N) Strong's:+817

445. ‫ֶא ֶשׁר‬/ rsa / a-sheyr Translation:+Happy Definition:+A

feeling of joy or satisfaction. AHLB:+1480-C (N) Strong's:+835

446. ‫שׁ ָרה‬ ֵ ‫ ֲא‬/ ersa / a-shey-rah Translation:+Grove

Definition:+An area of planted trees. Trees planted in a
straight line. AHLB:+1480-C (N) Strong's:+842

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

447. ‫ אָתוֹן‬/ nfta / a-ton Translation:+She-donkey

Definition:+A female ass. AHLB:+1497-C (c) Strong's:+860


448. ‫אר‬
ֵ ‫ ְבּ‬/ rak / b-eyr Translation:+Well Definition:+A dug-
out hole, usually a well or cistern. AHLB:+1250-D (N)

449. ‫ֶבּגֶד‬/ dcb / be-ged Translation:+Garment

Definition:+An article of clothing for covering. AHLB:+2004 (N)

450. ‫ַבּד‬/ db / bad Translation:+Stick Definition:+A branch or

staff as separated from the tree. Linen cloth, from its stiff and
divided fibers. Often used in the idiom "to his/her own stick"
meaning alone or self. AHLB:+1027-A (N) Strong's:+905

451. ‫ ְבּ ֵה ָמה‬/ emeb / b-hey-mah Translation:+Beast

Definition:+An animal as distinguished from man or a plant. A
tall or large creature. AHLB:+1036-G (N1) Strong's:+929

452. ‫ בּוֹר‬/ rfk / bor Translation:+Cistern Definition:+An

artificial reservoir for storing water. A hole or well as dug out.
AHLB:+1250-J (N) Strong's:+953

453. ‫ ַבּז‬/ Zb / baz Translation:+Spoils Definition:+Something

that is seized by violence and robbery; prey; booty.
AHLB:+1030-A (N) Strong's:+957

Dictionary ~ Nouns

454. ‫ ָבּחוּר‬/ rfhb / ba-hhur Translation:+Youth Definition:+A

young person as one chosen for an activity. AHLB:+2012 (d)

455. ‫טח‬ ַ ‫ ֶבּ‬/ hub / be-tahh Translation:+Safely Definition:+A

state or place of safety. AHLB:+2013 (N) Strong's:+983

456. ‫טן‬
ֶ ‫ ֶבּ‬/ nub / be-ten Translation:+Womb Definition:+An
organ where something is generated or grows before birth.
AHLB:+2015 (N) Strong's:+990

457. ‫ ֵבּין‬/ nib / beyn Translation:+Between Definition:+In

the time, space or interval that separates. AHLB:+1037-M (N)

458. ‫ ִבּינָה‬/ enib / bi-nah Translation:+Understanding

Definition:+A comprehension of the construction of a
structure or thought. AHLB:+1037-M (N1) Strong's:+998

459. ‫ ַבּיִ ת‬/ tib / ba-yit Translation:+House Definition:+The

structure or the family, as a household that resides within the
house. A housing. Within. AHLB:+1045-M (N) Strong's:+1004

460. ‫ְבּכוֹר‬ / rfkb / b-khor Translation:+Firstborn

Definition:+The firstborn offspring, usually a son, of a man or
animal. The prominent one. AHLB:+2016 (c) Strong's:+1060

More about the word ‫ְבּכוֹר‬

The firstborn of the father receives a double
portion of the inheritance as well as being the
leader of his brothers. However, if a son other
than the firstborn receives this inheritance, he is
called the "firstborn." Interestingly, this is a very

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

common occurrence within the Biblical text such

as we see with Jacob and Ephraim.

461. ‫ ְבּ ִכי‬/ ikb / b-khi Translation:+Weeping Definition:+The

act of expressing sorrow by shedding tears. AHLB:+1034-A (f)

462. ‫ִבּ ְל ִתּי‬

/ itlib / bil-ti Translation:+Except
Definition:+With the exclusion of from the whole. The whole
with the exception of one or more. AHLB:+2021 (ef)

463. ‫ ָבּ ָמה‬/ emb / ba-mah Translation:+Platform

Definition:+A place higher than the surrounding area.
AHLB:+1036-H (N) Strong's:+1116

464. ‫ ֵבּן‬/ nb / beyn Translation:+Son Definition:+A male

offspring. This can be the son of the father or a later male
descendant. One who continues the family line. AHLB:+1037-A
(N) Strong's:+1121

More about the word ‫ֵבּן‬

In the original pictographic script, the first letter a
picture of a tent or house. The second letter is the
picture of a seed. The seed is a new generation of
life that will grow and produce a new generation
therefore, this letter can mean "to continue."
When combined these two letters form the word
meaning "to continue the house" and is the
Hebrew word for a "son."

Dictionary ~ Nouns

465. ‫ַבּ ַעל‬

/ lob / ba-al Translation:+Master
Definition:+Having chief authority; a workman qualified to
teach apprentices. AHLB:+2027 (N) Strong's:+1167

466. ‫ָבּ ָקר‬ / rqb / ba-qar Translation:+Cattle

Definition:+Domesticated bovine animals. Strong beasts used
to break the soil with plows. AHLB:+2035 (N) Strong's:+1241

467. ‫בּ ֶֹקר‬/ rqfb / bo-qer Translation:+Morning

Definition:+The time from sunrise to noon. Breaking of
daylight. AHLB:+2035 (g) Strong's:+1242

468. ‫ָבּ ָרד‬ / drb / ba-rad Translation:+Hailstones

Definition:+A precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or
balls of ice. AHLB:+2037 (N) Strong's:+1259

469. ‫ַבּ ְרזֶל‬

/ lzrb / bar-zel Translation:+Iron Definition:+A
heavy element frequently used in the making of weapons and
tools. The most used of metals. AHLB:+3005 Strong's:+1270

470. ‫יח‬
ַ ‫ ְבּ ִר‬/ hirb / b-ri-ahh Translation:+Wood bar
Definition:+Round wooden dowels. AHLB:+2038 (b)

471. ‫ ְבּ ִרית‬/ tirb / b-rit Translation:+Covenant Definition:+A

solemn and binding agreement between two or more parties
especially for the performance of some action. Often
instituted through a sacrifice. AHLB:+1043-H (N4)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

More about the word ‫ְבּ ִרית‬

While the Hebrew word beriyt means "covenant"
the cultural background of the word is helpful in
understanding its full meaning. Beriyt comes from
the parent root word bar meaning grain. Grains
were fed to livestock to fatten them up to prepare
them for the slaughter. Two other Hebrew words
related to beriyt and also derived from the parent
root bar can help understand the meaning of
beriyt. The word beriy means fat and barut means
meat. Notice the common theme with bar, beriy
and barut, they all have to do with the
slaughtering of livestock. The word beriyt is
literally the animal that is slaughtered for the
covenant ceremony. The phrase "make a
covenant" is found thirteen times in the Hebrew
Bible. In the Hebrew text this phrase is "karat
beriyt". The word karat literally means "to cut".
When a covenant is made a fattened animal is cut
into pieces and laid out on the ground. Each party
of the covenant then passes through the pieces
signifying that if one of the parties fails to meet
the agreement then the other has the right to do
to the other what they did to the animal (see
Genesis 15:10 and Jeremiah 34:18-20).

472. ‫ ֶבּ ֶר ְך‬/ Krb / b-rek Translation:+Knee Definition:+The

joint between the femur and tibia of the leg. AHLB:+2039 (N)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

473. ‫ ְבּ ָר ָכה‬/ ekrb / b-ra-khah Translation:+Present

Definition:+A gift given to another in respect as if on bended
knee. Also, a pool of water as a place where one kneels down
to drink from. AHLB:+2039 (N1) Strong's:+1293

474. ‫בּ ֶֹשׂם‬/ mxfb / bo-sem Translation:+Sweet spice

Definition:+An aromatic spice that is pleasing to the nose.
AHLB:+2024 (g) Strong's:+1314

475. ‫ָבּ ָשׂר‬

/ rxb / ba-sar Translation:+Flesh Definition:+The
soft parts of a human or animal, composed primarily of
skeletal muscle. Skin and muscle or the whole of the person.
Meat as food. AHLB:+2025 (N) Strong's:+1320

More about the word ‫שׂר‬

ָ ‫ָבּ‬
The verbal root of this word means "to bring good
news." What does good news and flesh have in
common? Flesh, or meat, was normally only eaten
on very special occasions, a feast, the arrival of
guests or whenever an event occurs that requires
a celebration.

476. ‫ֹשת‬
ֶ ‫ בּ‬/ tsfb / bo-shet Translation:+Shame Definition:+A
state of confusion in the sense of being dried up. AHLB:+1044-
J (N2) Strong's:+1322

477. ‫ַבּת‬ / tnb / bat Translation:+Daughter Definition:+A

female having the relation of a child to parent. A village that
resides outside of the city walls; as "the daughter of the city.".
AHLB:+1037-A (N2) Strong's:+1323

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

478. ‫תוּלה‬ָ ‫ ְבּ‬/ elftb / b-tu-lah Translation:+Virgin

Definition:+An unmarried young woman who is absolutely
chaste. AHLB:+2045 (d1) Strong's:+1330


479. ‫גָּאוֹן‬ / nfac / ga-on Translation:+Majesty

Definition:+Elevated to a higher position. Supreme greatness
or authority. AHLB:+1047-A (j) Strong's:+1347

480. ‫ָבוֹה‬
ַ ‫גּ‬ / efbc / ga-vo-ah Translation:+High
Definition:+Advanced in height such as a wall or hill.
AHLB:+1048-H (c) Strong's:+1364

481. ‫ ְגּבוּל‬/ lfbc / g-vul Translation:+Border Definition:+The

outer edge of a region. Also the area within the borders.
AHLB:+2049 (d) Strong's:+1366

482. ‫ ִגּבּוֹר‬/ rfbic / gi-bor Translation:+Courageous

Definition:+Having or characterized by mental or moral
strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear or
difficulty. AHLB:+2052 (ec) Strong's:+1368

483. ‫בוּרה‬
ָ ‫ְגּ‬ / erfbc / g-vo-rah Translation:+Bravery
Definition:+An act of defending one's property, convictions or
beliefs. Control through physical strength. AHLB:+2052 (d1)

484. ‫ִגּ ְב ָעה‬ / eobic / giv-ah Translation:+Knoll

Definition:+A small round hill. AHLB:+2051 (N1) Strong's:+1389

Dictionary ~ Nouns

485. ‫ֶבר‬
ֶ ‫ גּ‬/ rbc / ge-ver Translation:+Warrior Definition:+One
of great strength in battle, such as a warrior. One who is
strong in authority, such as a master. AHLB:+2052 (N)

486. ‫גָּג‬
/ cc / gag Translation:+Roof Definition:+The covering
of a dwelling place. AHLB:+1049-A (N) Strong's:+1406

487. ‫ְגּדוּד‬/ dfdc / g-dud Translation:+Band Definition:+A

gathering of men for attacking or raiding. AHLB:+1050-B (d)

488. ‫גָּדוֹל‬
/ lfdc / ga-dol Translation:+Great
Definition:+Something with increased size, power or authority.
AHLB:+2054 (c) Strong's:+1419

489. ‫גּוֹי‬/ ifc / goy Translation:+Nation Definition:+A

community of people of one or more nationalities and having
a more or less defined territory and government. The people
as the back, or body of the nation. AHLB:+1052-A (f)

490. ‫גּוֹלה‬
ָ / elfc / go-lah Translation:+Rising Definition:+A
rising of smoke from a burnt offering. Captivity in the sense of
placing a yoke on the captives. AHLB:+1357-J (N1)

491. ‫גּוֹרל‬
ָ / lrfc / go-ral Translation:+Lot Definition:+Colored
stones that are thrown and read to determine a course of
action or to make a decision. AHLB:+2083 (g) Strong's:+1486

492. ‫ גַּיְ א‬/ aic / gai Translation:+Valley Definition:+An

elongated depression between uplands, hills, or mountains.
AHLB:+1047-M (N) Strong's:+1516

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

493. ‫ גַּל‬/ lc / gal Translation:+Mound Definition:+An artificial

hill or bank of earth or stones. A pile of rocks or soil. A spring
gushing out of the ground. AHLB:+1058-A (N) Strong's:+1530

494. ‫ ִגּלּוּלּ‬/ lflc / gi-lul Translation:+Idol Definition:+The

image of a god made from wood or stone that is revered.
AHLB:+1058-B (d) Strong's:+1544

495. ‫ָמל‬
ָ ‫ גּ‬/ lmc / ga-mal Translation:+Camel
Definition:+Either of two ruminant mammals used as draft
animals in the desert. The produce of the fields were tied in
large bundles and transported on camels. AHLB:+2070 (N)

496. ‫ גָּן‬/ nc / gan Translation:+Garden Definition:+A plot of

ground where crops are grown. A place for growing crops, and
often surrounded by a rock wall or hedge to protect it from
grazing animals. AHLB:+1060-A (N) Strong's:+1588

497. ‫ֶפן‬
ֶ‫גּ‬ / npc / ge-phen Translation:+Grapevine
Definition:+A woody vine that usually climbs by tendrils and
produces fruits that are grapes. AHLB:+2078 (N)

498. ‫ גֵּר‬/ rc / ger Translation:+Stranger Definition:+A

foreigner; a person or thing unknown or with whom one is
unacquainted. AHLB:+1066-A (N) Strong's:+1616

499. ‫ גּ ֶֹרן‬/ nrfc / go-ren Translation:+Floor Definition:+The

level base of a room, barn or threshing floor. AHLB:+2085 (g)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

500. ‫ֶשׁם‬ ֶ ‫ גּ‬/ msc / ge-shem Translation:+Rain shower

Definition:+The rain of the skies. AHLB:+2090 (N)


501. ‫ֶדּ ֶבר‬

/ rbd / de-ver Translation:+Epidemic Definition:+A
wide spread disease effecting man or animal. A pestilence.
AHLB:+2093 (N) Strong's:+1698

502. ‫ָדּ ָבר‬

/ rbd / da-var Translation:+Word Definition:+An
arrangement of words, ideas or concepts to form sentences.
An action in the sense of acting out an arrangement. A plague
as an act. AHLB:+2093 (N) Strong's:+1697

More about the word ‫ָדּ ָבר‬

The meaning of "words" are an ordered
arrangement of words. Closely related to this
word is the feminine word devorah, which is a bee.
A bee hive is a colony of insects that live in a
perfectly ordered society. Another closely related
word is midbar, which is a wilderness. A
wilderness is a place in perfect balance or order.

503. ‫ ְדּ ַבשׁ‬/ sbd / d-vash Translation:+Honey Definition:+A

sweet material elaborated out of the nectar of flowers in the
honey sac of various bees. Also, dates as a thick, sticky and
sweet food. AHLB:+2094 (N) Strong's:+1706

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

504. ‫ ָדּגָן‬/ ncd / da-gan Translation:+Cereal

Definition:+Relating to grain or plants that produce it. A
plentiful crop. AHLB:+1072-A (m) Strong's:+1715

505. ‫ דּוֹד‬/ dfd / dod Translation:+Beloved Definition:+One

who is cherished by another. AHLB:+1073-J (N) Strong's:+1730

506. ‫ דּוֹר‬/ rfd / dor Translation:+Generation Definition:+A

body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of
descent from an ancestor. AHLB:+1089-J (N) Strong's:+1755

507. ‫ ַדּי‬/ id / dai Translation:+Sufficient Definition:+An

amount that is not lacking. What is enough. AHLB:+1079-A (N)

508. ‫ ַדּל‬/ ld / dal Translation:+Weak Definition:+One who

dangles the head in poverty or hunger. AHLB:+1081-A (N)

509. ‫ ֶדּ ֶלת‬/ tld / de-let Translation:+Door Definition:+A

means of access; usually a swinging or sliding barrier by which
an entry is closed and opened. AHLB:+1081-A (N2)

510. ‫ָדּם‬/ md / dam Translation:+Blood Definition:+The red

fluid that circulates through body. AHLB:+1082-A (N)

511. ‫ְדּמוּת‬ / Tfmd / d-mut Translation:+Likeness

Definition:+Copy; resemblance. The quality or state of being
like something or someone else. AHLB:+1082-H (N3)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

512. ‫ ָדּ ַמם‬/ mmd / da-mam Translation:+Be silent

Definition:+To come to a standstill in speech or deed. To be
quiet; refrain from speech or action. AHLB:+1082-B (N)

513. ‫ַדּ ַעת‬

/ tod / da-at Translation:+Discernment
Definition:+The quality of being able to grasp and comprehend
what is obscure. An intimacy with a person, idea or concept.
AHLB:+1085-A (N2) Strong's:+1847

514. ‫ ֶדּ ֶר ְך‬/ krd / de-rek Translation:+Road Definition:+A

route or path for traveled or walked. The path or manner of
life. AHLB:+2112 (N) Strong's:+1870


515. ‫ֶה ֶבל‬

/ lbe / he-vel Translation:+Vanity Definition:+The
state of being empty of contents or usefulness. AHLB:+1035-F
(N) Strong's:+1892

516. ‫ָה ָדר‬ / rde / ha-dar Translation:+Swell

Definition:+Someone or something that has been enlarged in
size, pride or majesty. AHLB:+1089-F (N) Strong's:+1926

517. ‫הוֹי‬ / ife / hoi Translation:+Ah Definition:+An

exclamation of surprise or pain. AHLB:+1102-J (N)

518. ‫ הוֹן‬/ Nfe / hon Translation:+Substance

Definition:+Foods or items of value. AHLB:+1106-J (N)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

519. ‫יכל‬
ָ ‫ ֵה‬/ lkie / hey-khal Translation:+House
Definition:+The residence of a god (temple) or king (palace).
AHLB:+1242-F (e) Strong's:+1964

520. ‫ ָהמוֹן‬/ nfme / ha-mon Translation:+Multitude

Definition:+A great number of people. A loud group.
AHLB:+1105-A (j) Strong's:+1995

521. ‫ַהר‬/ re / har Translation:+Hill Definition:+A rounded

natural elevation of land lower than a mountain. AHLB:+1112-
A (N) Strong's:+2022


522. ‫ֶבח‬ ַ ‫ ז‬/ hbz / z-vahh Translation:+Sacrifice

Definition:+An animal killed for an offering. AHLB:+2117 (N)

523. ‫ָהב‬ ָ ‫ ז‬/ bez / za-hav Translation:+Gold Definition:+A

malleable yellow metallic element that is used especially in
coins, jewelry, and dentures. A precious metal. AHLB:+1140-G
(N) Strong's:+2091

524. ‫זַיִ ת‬
/ tiz / za-yit Translation:+Olive Definition:+The
fruit or the tree. The fruit of the olive is used for food and as a
source of oil. AHLB:+1160-M (N) Strong's:+2132

525. ‫ָכר‬
ָ‫ז‬ / rkz / za-khar Translation:+Male
Definition:+Being the gender who begets offspring. One who
acts and speaks for the family. AHLB:+2121 (N) Strong's:+2145

Dictionary ~ Nouns

526. ‫מּה‬ ָ ‫ ִז‬/ emz / zi-mah Translation:+Mischief

Definition:+An annoying action resulting in grief, harm or evil.
AHLB:+1151-A (N1) Strong's:+2154

527. ‫ָקן‬
ֵ ‫ ז‬/ nqz / za-qeyn Translation:+Beard
Definition:+The hair that grows on a man's face. A long beard
as a sign of old age and wisdom. An elder as a bearded one.
AHLB:+2132 (N) Strong's:+2205

528. ‫רוֹע‬
ַ ‫ְז‬/ gfrz / z-ro-a Translation:+Arm Definition:+The
human upper limb as representing power. AHLB:+2139 (c)

529. ‫ֶרע‬
ַ‫ז‬ / orz / ze-ra Translation:+Seed Definition:+The
grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing. Scattered
in the field to produce a crop. The singular word can be used
for one or more. Also, the descendants of an individual, either
male or female. AHLB:+2137 (N) Strong's:+2233


530. ‫ח ֶבל‬
ֶ / lbh / hhe-vel Translation:+Region Definition:+An
area surrounded by a specific border. AHLB:+2141 (N)

531. ‫ח ַבל‬
ָ / lbh / hha-val Translation:+Take as a pledge
Definition:+To receive an object in exchange for a promise.
AHLB:+2141 (V) Strong's:+2254

532. ‫ ַחג‬/ ch / hhag Translation:+Feast Definition:+A

commemoration of a special event with dancing, rejoicing, and
sharing of food. A ceremony of joy and thanksgiving. A festival

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

with a magnificent meal which is shared with a number of

guests. AHLB:+1164-A (N) Strong's:+2282

533. ‫ֶח ֶדר‬ / rdh / hhe-der Translation:+Chamber

Definition:+A bedroom; a natural or artificial enclosed space
or cavity. Place surrounded by walls. An inner place as hidden
or secret. AHLB:+2150 (N) Strong's:+2315

534. ‫ח ָדשׁ‬ ָ / sdh / hha-dash Translation:+New

Definition:+Something that is new, renewed, restored or
repaired. AHLB:+2151 (N) Strong's:+2319

535. ‫ ח ֶֹדשׁ‬/ sdfh / hho-desh Translation:+New moon

Definition:+The moon phase when the thin crescent first
appears and is perceived as the renewal of the moon. The first
day of the month. Also, a month as the interval between
crescents. AHLB:+2151 (g) Strong's:+2320

536. ‫חוֹמה‬ָ / emfh / hho-mah Translation:+Rampart

Definition:+A fortified enclosure. AHLB:+1174-J (N1)

537. ‫ חוּץ‬/ yfh / hhuts Translation:+Outside Definition:+A

place or region beyond an enclosure or barrier. AHLB:+1179-J
(N) Strong's:+2351

538. ‫חזוֹן‬ ָ / nfzh / hha-zon Translation:+Vision

Definition:+To see or perceive what is normally not visible.
AHLB:+1168-A (j) Strong's:+2377

539. ‫ָחזָק‬ / qzh / hha-zaq Translation:+Forceful

Definition:+A strong grip on something to refrain or support.
Driven with force. Acting with power. AHLB:+2152 (N)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

540. ‫ח ְטא‬
ֵ / auh / hha-ta Translation:+Fault Definition:+A
lack, weakness or failing; a mistake; the responsibility for
wrongdoing. Missing of the target. A faulty one is one who has
missed the target. AHLB:+1170-E (N) Strong's:+2399

541. ‫ַח ָטּאָה‬ / eauh / hha-ta-a Translation:+Error

Definition:+An act or condition of ignorant or imprudent
deviation from a code of behavior. A missing of the target in
the sense of making a mistake. The sacrifice, which by
transference, becomes the sin. AHLB:+1170-E (N1)

542. ‫ִח ָטּה‬ / eunih / hhi-tah Translation:+Wheat

Definition:+A cereal grain that yields a fine white flour, the
chief ingredient of bread. AHLB:+2177 (e1) Strong's:+2406

543. ‫ַחי‬
/ ih / hhai Translation:+Life Definition:+The quality
that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead
body. Literally the stomach. Also, used idiomatically of living
creatures, especially in conjunction with land, ground or field.
AHLB:+1171-A (N) Strong's:+2416

More about the word ‫חי‬

The Hebrew word hhai is usually translated as life.
In the Hebrew language all words are related to
something concrete or physical, something that
can be observed by one of the five senses. Some
examples of concrete words would be tree, water,
hot, sweet or loud. The western Greek mind
frequently uses abstracts or mental words to
convey ideas. An abstract word is something that
cannot be sensed by the five senses. Some

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

examples would be bless, believe, and the word

life. Whenever working with an abstract word in
the Biblical text it will help to uncover the concrete
background to the word for proper interpretation.
How did the ancient Hebrew perceive "life?" A clue
can be found in Job 38:39, "Will you hunt prey for
the lion and will you fill the stomach of the young
lion?" In this verse the word "stomach" is the
Hebrew word hhai. What does the stomach have
to do with life? In our culture it is very uncommon
for anyone to experience true hunger but this was
an all too often experience for the Ancient
Hebrews. To the Ancient Hebrews life is seen as a
full stomach while an empty stomach is seen as

544. ‫ ַחיִ ל‬/ lih / hha-yil Translation:+Force Definition:+The

pressure exerted to make a piercing. AHLB:+1173-M (N)

545. ‫ ִחיצוֹן‬/ Nfyih / hhi-tson Translation:+Outside

Definition:+What is outward or external. Also the idea of
secular as being outside. AHLB:+1179-M (j) Strong's:+2435

546. ‫חיק‬
ֵ / bih / hheyq Translation:+Bosom Definition:+The
human chest, especially the front side. AHLB:+1163-M (N)

547. ‫ָח ָכם‬/ mkh / hha-kham Translation:+Skilled one

Definition:+A person characterized by a deep understanding of
a craft. AHLB:+2159 (N) Strong's:+2450

Dictionary ~ Nouns

548. ‫ ָח ְכ ָמה‬/ emkh / hhakh-mah Translation:+Skill

Definition:+The ability to decide or discern between good and
bad, right and wrong. AHLB:+2159 (N1) Strong's:+2451

549. ‫ ֶח ֶלב‬/ blh / hhe-lev Translation:+Fat

Definition:+Animal tissue consisting of cells distended with
greasy or oily matter; adipose tissue. The fat of an animal as
the choicest part. AHLB:+2160 (N) Strong's:+2459

550. ‫ָח ָלב‬

/ blh / hha-lav Translation:+Milk Definition:+A
white fatty liquid secreted by cows, sheep and goats, and used
for food or as a source of butter, cheeses, yogurt, etc.
AHLB:+2160 (N) Strong's:+2461

551. ‫חלוֹם‬ ֲ / mflh / hha-lom Translation:+Dream

Definition:+A series of thoughts, images or emotions occurring
during sleep. AHLB:+2164 (c) Strong's:+2472

552. ‫ ַחלּוֹן‬/ nflh / hha-lon Translation:+Window

Definition:+A hole in the wall that admits light and a view of
the other side. AHLB:+1173-A (j) Strong's:+2474

553. ‫ח ָלל‬ ָ / llh / hha-lal Translation:+Pierced

Definition:+Having holes. AHLB:+1173-B (N) Strong's:+2491

554. ‫ ָח ָלק‬/ qlh / hhey-leq Translation:+Portion

Definition:+An individual-s part or share of something. The
portions dispersed out. AHLB:+2167 (N) Strong's:+2506

555. ‫ ֶח ְל ָקה‬/ eqlh / hhel-qah Translation:+Smooth

Definition:+Having an even, continuous surface. This word can
also mean "flattery" in the sense of being slippery.
AHLB:+2167 (N1) Strong's:+2513

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

556. ‫ ֶח ְמ ָדּה‬/ Edmh / hhem-dah Translation:+Pleasant

Definition:+Having qualities that tend to give pleasure. An
object of desire. AHLB:+2169 (N1) Strong's:+2532

557. ‫ ֵח ָמה‬/ emh / hhey-mah Translation:+Fury

Definition:+Intense, disordered, and often destructive rage. An
intense heat from anger. AHLB:+1174-A (N1) Strong's:+2534

558. ‫ֲחמוֹר‬ / rfmh / hha-mor Translation:+Donkey

Definition:+A male ass. AHLB:+2175 (c) Strong's:+2543

559. ‫מס‬ ָ ‫ ָח‬/ xmh / hha-mas Translation:+Violence

Definition:+Exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse.
A violent shaking. AHLB:+2172 (N) Strong's:+2555

560. ‫ֹמר‬ ֶ ‫ ח‬/ rmfh / hha-mor Translation:+Mortar

Definition:+A thick and slimy soil used to join bricks together
or for making bricks. AHLB:+2175 (g) Strong's:+2563

561. ‫חן‬ ֵ / nh / hheyn Translation:+Beauty Definition:+The

qualities in a person or thing that give pleasure to the senses.
Someone or something that is desired, approved, favored or in
agreement by another. AHLB:+1175-A (N) Strong's:+2580

562. ‫ֲחנִ ית‬

/ tinh / hha-nit Translation:+Spear Definition:+A
long shaft with a pointed tip and used as a weapon. A tent
pole which may also be used as a spear. AHLB:+1175-A (N4)

563. ‫ ִחנָּם‬/ mnih / hhi-nam Translation:+Freely

Definition:+Having no restrictions. A work or action that is
performed without wages or without cause. AHLB:+1175-A (p)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

564. ‫סד‬ ֶ ‫ ֶח‬/ dxh / hhe-sed Translation:+Kindness

Definition:+Of a sympathetic nature; quality or state of being
sympathetic. In the sense of bowing the neck to another as a
sign of kindness. AHLB:+2181 (N) Strong's:+2617

565. ‫ָח ִסיד‬/ dixh / hha-sid Translation:+Kind one

Definition:+One who shows favor, mercy or compassion to
another. AHLB:+2181 (b) Strong's:+2623

566. ‫ֵח ֶפץ‬ / yph / hhey-phets Translation:+Delight

Definition:+An object or action that one desires. AHLB:+2191
(N) Strong's:+2656

567. ‫ֵחץ‬/ yh / hheyts Translation:+Arrow Definition:+A

missile weapon shot from a bow having a pointed head,
slender shaft and feathers as a butt. AHLB:+1179-A (N)

568. ‫צוֹצ ָרה‬

ְ ‫ֲח‬ / eryfyh / hha-tsots-rah
Translation:+Trumpet Definition:+A loud wind instrument.
AHLB:+3018 Strong's:+2689

569. ‫ ֲח ִצי‬/ iyh / hha-tsi Translation:+Half Definition:+An

equal part of something divided into two pieces. AHLB:+1179-
A (f) Strong's:+2677

570. ‫ָח ֵצר‬ / ryh / hha-tser Translation:+Yard

Definition:+The grounds of a building or group of buildings.
Villages outside of the larger cities, as "the yard of the city." A
courtyard as outside the house. AHLB:+2197 (N)

571. ‫ חֹק‬/ qfh / hhuq Translation:+Custom Definition:+A

usage or practice common to many or to a particular place or

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

class or habitual with an individual. AHLB:+1180-J (N)


572. ‫ֻח ָקּה‬ / eqfh / hhuq-qah Translation:+Ritual

Definition:+A repeating of the same actions. A custom.
AHLB:+1180-J (N1) Strong's:+2708

573. ‫ ֶח ֶרב‬/ brk / hhe-rev Translation:+Sword Definition:+A

weapon with a long blade for cutting or thrusting. AHLB:+2199
(N) Strong's:+2719

574. ‫ח ְר ָבּה‬
ָ / ebrh / hhar-bah Translation:+Wasteland
Definition:+Barren or uncultivated land. Also a dry land.
AHLB:+2199 (N1) Strong's:+2723

575. ‫ ָחרוֹן‬/ nfrh / hha-ron Translation:+Burning wrath

Definition:+A fierce anger. AHLB:+1181-A (j) Strong's:+2740

576. ‫ֵח ֶרם‬ / mrh / hhey-rem Translation:+Net

Definition:+Something filled with holes or is perforated. Also
something accursed in the sense of being filled with holes.
AHLB:+2206 (N) Strong's:+2764

577. ‫ חרם‬/ mrh / hha-ram Translation:+Perforate

Definition:+To be filled with holes. AHLB:+2206 (V)

578. ‫ ֶח ְר ָפּה‬/ eprh / hher-pah Translation:+Disgrace

Definition:+A scorn, taunting or reproach as a piercing.
AHLB:+2208 (N1) Strong's:+2781

579. ‫ָח ָרשׁ‬ / srh / hha-rash Translation:+Engraver

Definition:+A sculptor or carver who engraves wood, stone or
metal. AHLB:+2211 (N) Strong's:+2796

Dictionary ~ Nouns

580. ‫ֹש ְך‬

ֶ ‫ ח‬/ ksfh / hho-shekh Translation:+Darkness
Definition:+The state of being dark. As the darkness of a
moonless night. AHLB:+2215 (g) Strong's:+2822

581. ‫ ח ֶֹשׁן‬/ Nsfh / hho-shen Translation:+Breastplate

Definition:+An ornamental plate worn by the High Priest that
held stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel and the
Urim and Thummim. AHLB:+1182-J (m) Strong's:+2833


582. ‫ ַט ָבּח‬/ hbu / ta-bahh Translation:+Slaughtering

Definition:+The act of slaughtering, the meat of the slaughter
or one who slaughters. Also an executioner as one who
slaughters. AHLB:+2227 (N) Strong's:+2876

583. ‫ַט ַבּ ַעת‬ / tobu / ta-ba-at Translation:+Ring

Definition:+A circular band of metal or other durable material.
Also the signet ring containing the mark of the owner that is
sunk into a lump of clay as a seal. AHLB:+2229 (N2)

584. ‫ ָטהוֹר‬/ rfeu / ta-hor Translation:+Pure

Definition:+Unmixed with any other matter. A man, animal or
object that is free of impurities or is not mixed. AHLB:+1204-G
(c) Strong's:+2889

585. ‫טוֹב‬ / bfu / tov Translation:+Functional

Definition:+Fulfilling the action for which a person or thing is
specially fitted or used, or for which a thing exists. Something

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

that functions within its intended purpose. AHLB:+1186-J (N)


More about the word ‫טוֹב‬

The first use of this word is in Genesis chapter one
where Elohiym calls his handiwork "good" (as it is
usually translated). It should always be
remembered that the Hebrews often relate
descriptions to functionality. When Elohiym looked
at his handiwork, he did not see that it was
"good," he saw that it was functional-"like a well
oiled and tuned machine."

586. ‫טוּב‬ / bfu / tuv Translation:+Goods Definition:+Items,

produce or other essentials needed for survival. AHLB:+1186-J
(N) Strong's:+2898

587. ‫ַטל‬ / lu / tal Translation:+Dew Definition:+Moisture

condensed on the surfaces of cool bodies or objects, especially
at night. AHLB:+1196-A (N) Strong's:+2919

588. ‫ ָט ֵמא‬/ amu / ta-mey Translation:+Unclean

Definition:+What is morally or physically impure; dirty, filthy.
AHLB:+1197-E (N) Strong's:+2931

589. ‫ ֻט ְמאָה‬/ eamfu / tum-ah Translation:+Unclean

Definition:+What is morally or physically impure; dirty, filthy.
AHLB:+1197-E (o1) Strong's:+2932

Dictionary ~ Nouns

590. ‫טף‬ ַ / pu / taph Translation:+Children Definition:+The

offspring of the parent or descendents of a patron. More than
one child. AHLB:+1201-A (N) Strong's:+2945


591. ‫יְ אוֹר‬

/ rfai / y-or Translation:+Stream Definition:+A
body of running water; any body of flowing water.
AHLB:+1227-D (N) Strong's:+2975

592. ‫יָד‬ / di / yad Translation:+Hand Definition:+The

terminal, functional part of the forelimb. Hand with the ability
to work, throw and give thanks. AHLB:+1211-A (N)

593. ‫יוֹבל‬
ֵ / lbfi / yo-veyl Translation:+Trumpet
Definition:+An instrument of flowing air to make a sound.
Also, the horn of a ram as used as a trumpet. AHLB:+1035-L (g)

594. ‫יוֹם‬/ mfi / yom Translation:+Day Definition:+The time

of light between one night and the next one. Usually in the
context of daylight hours but may also refer to the entire day
or even a season. AHLB:+1220-J (N) Strong's:+3117

595. ‫יוֹמם‬ָ / mmfi / yo-mam Translation:+Daytime

Definition:+The time of the day when the sun is shining.
AHLB:+1220-J (p) Strong's:+3119

596.‫ יוֹנָה‬/ enfi / yo-nah Translation:+Dove Definition:+Any

of numerous species of birds, especially a small wild one.
AHLB:+1221-J (N1) Strong's:+3123

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

597. ‫ַחד‬
ַ ‫ י‬/ dhi / ya-hhad Translation:+Together
Definition:+In or into one place, mass, collection, or group.
AHLB:+1165-L (N) Strong's:+3162

598. ‫ יַיִ ן‬/ nii / ya-yin Translation:+Wine

Definition:+Fermented juice of fresh grapes. From the mire in
the wine. AHLB:+1221-M (N) Strong's:+3196

599. ‫ֶלד‬
ֶ ‫ י‬/ dli / ye-led Translation:+Boy Definition:+A male
child from birth to puberty. AHLB:+1257-L (N) Strong's:+3206

600. ‫ יָם‬/ mi / yam Translation:+Sea Definition:+A large

body of water. Also, the direction of the great sea (the
Mediterranean), the west. AHLB:+1220-A (N) Strong's:+3220

601. ‫ָמין‬ִ ‫ י‬/ nimi / ya-min Translation:+Right hand

Definition:+The hand on the right side of a person. Also, a
direction as in to the right. AHLB:+1290-L (b) Strong's:+3225

602. ‫מנִ י‬
ָ ְ‫ י‬/ inmi / y-ma-ni Translation:+Right Definition:+A
direction as in to the right. AHLB:+1290-L (f) Strong's:+3233

603. ‫ יעץ‬/ yoi / ya-ats Translation:+Give advice

Definition:+To assist another by providing wise counsel.
AHLB:+1363-L (V) Strong's:+3289

604. ‫ָער‬
ַ ‫ י‬/ rgi / ya-ar Translation:+Forest Definition:+A dark
place dense with trees. AHLB:+1526-L (N) Strong's:+3293

605. ‫ָפה‬
ֶ‫י‬ / epi / ya-pheh Translation:+Beautiful
Definition:+Generally pleasing. Possessing the qualities of
loveliness or functionality. AHLB:+1224-H (N) Strong's:+3303

Dictionary ~ Nouns

606. ‫ָקר‬
ָ ‫ י‬/ rqi / ya-qar Translation:+Valuable
Definition:+Having qualities worthy of respect, admiration, or
esteem AHLB:+1434-L (N) Strong's:+3368

607. ‫ָרא‬
ֵ ‫ י‬/ ari / ya-rey Translation:+Fearful Definition:+Full
of fear or dread. AHLB:+1227-E (N) Strong's:+3373

608. ‫ יִ ְראָה‬/ eari / yir-ah Translation:+Fearfulness

Definition:+Inclined to be afraid. AHLB:+1227-E (N1)

609. ‫ָר ַח‬

ֵ ‫ י‬/ hri / ya-rey-ahh Translation:+Moon
Definition:+The second brightest object in the sky which
reflects the sun's light. Also, a month by counting its cycles.
AHLB:+1445-L (N) Strong's:+3394

610. ‫יעה‬
ָ ‫יְ ִר‬
/ eoiri / y-ri-ah Translation:+Tent wall
Definition:+The goat hair curtain that forms the walls of the
tent. AHLB:+1440-L (N) Strong's:+3407

611. ‫ָר ְך‬

ֵ‫י‬ / kri / ya-rey-akh Translation:+Midsection
Definition:+The lower abdomen and back. AHLB:+1448-L (N)

612. ‫ַר ָכה‬

ְ‫י‬ / ekri / yar-khah Translation:+Flank
Definition:+The hollow of the loins between the legs.
AHLB:+1448-L (N1) Strong's:+3411

613. ‫יֵשׁ‬ / si / yeysh Translation:+There is

Definition:+Something that exists. AHLB:+1228-A (N)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

614. ‫שׁוּעה‬ָ ְ‫ י‬/ eofsi / y-shu-ah Translation:+Relief

Definition:+A deliverance or freedom from a trouble, burden
or danger. AHLB:+1476-L (d1) Strong's:+3444

615. ‫ֶשׁע‬
ַ ‫ י‬/ osi / ye-sha Translation:+Rescue Definition:+A
deliverance or freedom from a burden, enemy or trouble.
AHLB:+1476-L (N) Strong's:+3468

616. ‫ָשׁר‬
ָ‫י‬ / rsi / ya-shar Translation:+Straight
Definition:+Without a bend, angle, or curve. A straight line,
path or thought. The cord of the bow as stretched taught.
AHLB:+1480-L (N) Strong's:+3477

617. ‫יָתוֹם‬ / mfti / ya-tom Translation:+Orphan

Definition:+Having no mother or father. AHLB:+1496-L (c)

618. ‫ֶתר‬
ֶ ‫ י‬/ rti / ye-ter Translation:+Remainder Definition:+A
remaining group, part or trace. AHLB:+1480-L (N)


619. ‫ָכּ ֵבד‬ / dbk / ka-veyd Translation:+Heavy

Definition:+Having great weight. Something that is weighty.
May also be grief or sadness in the sense of heaviness. Also,
the liver as the heaviest of the organs. AHLB:+2246 (N)

620. ‫ ָכּבוֹד‬/ dfbk / ka-vod Translation:+Armament

Definition:+The arms and equipment of a soldier or military
unit. AHLB:+2246 (c) Strong's:+3519

Dictionary ~ Nouns

More about the word ‫ָכּבוֹד‬

In Exodus 16:7 we read "and in the morning you
shall see the glory of the LORD" (RSV). What is the
"glory" of YHWH? First we must recognize that the
"glory" is something that will be seen. Secondly,
the word "glory" is an abstract word. If we look at
how this word is paralleled with other words in
poetical passages of the Bible, we can discover the
original concrete meaning of this word. In Psalm
3:3 the kavod of Elohiym is paralleled with his
shield and in Job 29:20, Job's kavod is paralleled
with his bow. In Psalm 24:8 we read "who is this
king of the kavod, YHWH is strong and mighty,
YHWH is mighty in battle." The original concrete
meaning of kavod is battle armaments. This
meaning of "armament" fits with the literal
meaning of the root of kavod, which is "heavy," as
armaments are the heavy weapons and defenses
of battle. In the Exodus 16:7, Israel will "see" the
"armament" of YHWH, the one who has done
battle for them with the Egyptians.

621. ‫ ֶכּ ֶבשׂ‬/ bxk / ke-ves Translation:+Sheep Definition:+A

mammal related to the goat domesticated for its flesh and
wool. AHLB:+2273 (N) Strong's:+3532

622. ‫כּ ֵֹהן‬/ nefk / ko-heyn Translation:+Administrator

Definition:+ One who manages the affairs and activities of an
organization. The administrators (often translated as "priest")
of Israel are Levites who manage the Tent of Meeting, and

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

later the Temple, as well as teach the people the teachings

and directions of YHWH, and perform other duties, such as the
inspection of people and structures for disease. AHLB:+1244-G
(g) Strong's:+3548

More about the word ‫ֹהן‬

While the priests of Israel were the religious
leaders of the community this is not the meaning
of the word kohen. The Hebrew word for the
priests of other nations is komer from a root
meaning burn and may be in reference to the
priests who burn children in the fires of Molech (2
Kings 23:10). The word kohen comes from a root
meaning a base such as the base of a column. The
koheniym (plural of kohen) are the structural
support of the community. It is their responsibility
to keep the community standing tall and straight,
a sign of righteousness.

623. ‫כּוֹכב‬
ָ / bkfk / ko-khav Translation:+Star Definition:+A
natural luminous body visible in the night sky. AHLB:+1232-B
(g) Strong's:+3556

624. ‫ כּוֹל‬/ lfk / kol Translation:+All Definition:+The whole of

a group. AHLB:+1242-J (N) Strong's:+3605

625. ‫ כּוֹס‬/ xfk / kos Translation:+Cup Definition:+A vessel for

holding liquids, usually for drinking. AHLB:+1245-J (N)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

626. ‫ ָכּזָב‬/ bzk / ka-zav Translation:+Lie Definition:+A false

or vain report. AHLB:+2253 (N) Strong's:+3577

627. ‫ֹח‬ ַ ‫ כּ‬/ hfk / ko-ahh Translation:+Strength

Definition:+The quality or state of being strong. AHLB:+1238-J
(N) Strong's:+3581

628. ‫ ִכּי‬/ ik / ki Translation:+Given that Definition:+Prone or

disposed to according to what preceded. A reference to the
previous or following context. AHLB:+1240-A (N)

629. ‫ִכּי ָכּר‬/ rkik / ki-kar Translation:+Roundness

Definition:+Cylindrical; something as a circle, globe or ring that
is round. A round thing or place. A coin as a round piece of
gold or silver. A round loaf of bread. The plain, as a round
piece of land. AHLB:+2258 (e) Strong's:+3603

630. ‫ ֶכּ ֶלב‬/ blk / ke-lev Translation:+Dog Definition:+An

unclean four-footed animal. Also meaning contempt or
reproach. AHLB:+2259 (N) Strong's:+3611

631. ‫ ַכּ ָלּה‬/ ellk / ka-lah Translation:+Daughter-in-law

Definition:+The wife of one's son. Bride of the son, as brought
into the camp, in the sense of making the man complete.
AHLB:+1242-B (N1) Strong's:+3618

632. ‫ְכּ ִלי‬

/ ilk / k-li Translation:+Item Definition:+A utensil
or implement usually for carrying or storing various materials.
AHLB:+1242-A (f) Strong's:+3627

633. ‫ִכּ ְליָה‬ / eilk / kil-yah Translation:+Kidney

Definition:+An organ of the body. The seat of emotion in
Hebraic thought. AHLB:+1242-A (f1) Strong's:+3629

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

634. ‫מּה‬ ָ ‫ ְכּ ִל‬/ emilk / k-li-mah Translation:+Shame

Definition:+The painful feeling of something dishonorable,
improper, ridiculous, done by oneself or another. AHLB:+2261
(b1) Strong's:+3639

635. ‫ִכּנּוֹר‬
/ rfnik / ki-nor Translation:+Harp Definition:+A
plucked stringed musical instrument; AHLB:+2270 (ec)

636. ‫ָכּנָף‬
/ pnk / ka-naph Translation:+Wing Definition:+An
appendage that allows an animal, bird or insect to fly. Also,
the wings of a garment. AHLB:+2269 (N) Strong's:+3671

637. ‫ִכּ ֵסּא‬

/ axik / ki-sey Translation:+Seat Definition:+A
special chair of one in eminence. Usually a throne or seat of
authority. AHLB:+1245-E (e) Strong's:+3678

638. ‫ְכּ ִסיל‬

/ lixk / k-sil Translation:+Fool Definition:+One
who has confidence in something vain or empty. AHLB:+2275
(b) Strong's:+3684

639. ‫סף‬ֶ ‫ ֶכּ‬/ pxk / ke-seph Translation:+Silver Definition:+A

soft metal capable of a high degree of polish used for coinage,
implements and ornaments. A desired and precious metal.
AHLB:+2277 (N) Strong's:+3701

640. ‫ ַכּף‬/ pk / kaph Translation:+Palm Definition:+A tropical

tree with fan-shaped leaves. Part of the hand or foot between
the base of the digits and the wrist or ankle. A palm-shaped
object. AHLB:+1247-A (N) Strong's:+3709

641. ‫ְכּ ִפיר‬

/ ripk / k-phir Translation:+Cub Definition:+A
young lion. Also, a "village". AHLB:+2283 (b) Strong's:+3715

Dictionary ~ Nouns

642. ‫ֹרת‬ ֶ ‫ ַכּפּ‬/ trfpk / ka-po-ret Translation:+Lid

Definition:+The cover of a box or other container. AHLB:+2283
(c2) Strong's:+3727

643. ‫ ְכּרוּב‬/ bfrk / k-ruv Translation:+Keruv Definition:+A

supernatural creature, identified in other Semitic cultures as a
winged lion, a Griffin. AHLB:+n/a Strong's:+3742

644. ‫ ֶכּ ֶרם‬/ mrk / k-rem Translation:+Vineyard Definition:+A

planting of grapevines. AHLB:+2288 (N) Strong's:+3754

645. ‫ ְכּתֹּנֶת‬/ tnftk / k-to-net Translation:+Tunic

Definition:+A simple slip-on garment with or without sleeves.
AHLB:+2298 (c2) Strong's:+3801

646. ‫תף‬ ֵ ‫ ָכּ‬/ ptk / ka-teyph Translation:+Shoulder piece

Definition:+The part of an object that acts like a shoulder.
AHLB:+2299 (N) Strong's:+3802


647. ‫ְלאוֹם‬ / mfal / l-om Translation:+Community

Definition:+A unified body of individuals; a group of people
bound together. AHLB:+1266-D (c) Strong's:+3816

648. ‫ֵלב‬/ bl / leyv Translation:+Heart Definition:+Literally,

the vital organ which pumps blood, but, also seen as the seat
of thought; the mind. AHLB:+1255-A (N) Strong's:+3820

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

More about the word ‫ֵלב‬

To the ancient Hebrews the heart was the mind,
the thoughts. When we are told to love Elohiym
with all our heart (Deut 6:5) it is not speaking of
an emotional love, but to keep our minds and our
thoughts working for him. The first picture in this
Hebrew word is a shepherd staff and represents
authority, as the shepherd has authority over his
flock. The second letter is the picture of the floor
plan of the nomadic tent and represents the idea
of being inside, as the family resides within the
tent. When combined they mean "the authority

649. ‫ ֵל ָבב‬/ bbl / ley-vav Translation:+Heart

Definition:+Literally, the vital organ which pumps blood, but,
also seen as the seat of thought; the mind. AHLB:+1255-B (N)

650. ‫ְלבוּשׁ‬ / sfbl / l-vush Translation:+Clothing

Definition:+Garments in general. AHLB:+2304 (d)

651. ‫ָל ָבן‬

/ nbl / la-van Translation:+White Definition:+Free
from color. AHLB:+2303 (N) Strong's:+3836

652. ‫לוּח‬
ַ / hfl / lu-ahh Translation:+Slab Definition:+A wood
or stone tablet or plank. Often used for writing. AHLB:+1261-J
(N) Strong's:+3871

Dictionary ~ Nouns

653. ‫חם‬ ֶ ‫ ֶל‬/ mhl / le-hhem Translation:+Bread

Definition:+Baked and leavened food primarily made of flour
or meal. AHLB:+2305 (N) Strong's:+3899

654. ‫ ַליִ ל‬/ lil / la-yil Translation:+Night Definition:+The

time from dusk to dawn. The hours associated with darkness
and sleep. AHLB:+1265-M (N) Strong's:+3915

655. ‫ֻמּת‬
ַ ‫ְלע‬ / tmfol / l-u-mat Translation:+Alongside
Definition:+To stand with, or next to, someone or something.
AHLB:+1358-J (N2) Strong's:+5980

656. ‫ָלשׁוֹן‬ / nfsl / la-shon Translation:+Tongue

Definition:+A fleshy moveable process on the floor of the
mouth used in speaking and eating. Also, language as a
tongue. AHLB:+2325 (c) Strong's:+3956

657. ‫ ִל ְשׁ ָכּה‬/ eksil / lish-kah Translation:+Chamber

Definition:+A room or open area within a structure.
AHLB:+2323 (e1) Strong's:+3957


658. ‫ְמאֹד‬/ dfam / m-od Translation:+Many Definition:+A

large but indefinite number. An abundance of things (many,
much, great), actions (complete, wholly, strong, quick) or
character (very). AHLB:+1004-J (k) Strong's:+3966

659. ‫אוּמה‬
ָ ‫ ְמ‬/ emfam / m-u-mah Translation:+Anything
Definition:+An indeterminate amount or thing. AHLB:+1289-D
(d1) Strong's:+3972

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

660. ‫ ַמ ֲא ָכל‬/ lkam / ma-a-kal Translation:+Nourishment

Definition:+Food; nutriment. For giving sustenance and
making one whole. AHLB:+1242-C (a) Strong's:+3978

661. ‫ִמ ְב ָצר‬ / rybm / miv-tsar Translation:+Fence

Definition:+A walled place of protection and confinement.
AHLB:+2033 (h) Strong's:+4013

662. ‫ִמ ְג ָדּל‬/ ldcm / mig-dal Translation:+Tower

Definition:+A structure higher than its diameter and high
relative to its surroundings. Place of great size. AHLB:+2054 (h)

663. ‫ָמגֵן‬
/ ncm / ma-geyn Translation:+Shield Definition:+A
broad piece of defensive armor carried on the arm. A
protective structure. Wall of protection. AHLB:+1060-A (a)

664. ‫ֵפה‬
ָ ‫ ַמגּ‬/ Epcnm / ma-gey-phah Translation:+Pestilence
Definition:+A plague or other disaster that smites people or
beasts. AHLB:+2377 (k1) Strong's:+4046

665. ‫ ִמ ְג ָרשׁ‬/ srcm / mig-rash Translation:+Pasture

Definition:+A place for grazing livestock, usually on the
outskirts of a village or city. AHLB:+2089 (h1) Strong's:+4054

666. ‫ִמ ְד ָבּר‬

/ rbdm / mid-bar Translation:+Wilderness
Definition:+A tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by
human beings. Place of order, a sanctuary. AHLB:+2093 (h)

More about the word ‫ִמ ְד ָבּר‬

For forty years Elohiym had Israel wander in the
"wilderness." Insights into why Elohiym had

Dictionary ~ Nouns

chosen the wilderness for their wanderings can be

found in the roots of this word. The root word is
"davar" and is most frequently translated as
"speak," but more literally means to "order" or
"arrange" words. The word "midbar" is a place
existing in a perfectly arranged order, an
ecosystem in harmony and balance. By placing
Israel in this environment he is teaching them
balance, order and harmony.

667. ‫ ִמ ָדּה‬/ edm / mi-dah Translation:+Measurement

Definition:+A size or distance that is determined by comparing
to a standard of measure. AHLB:+1280-A (N1) Strong's:+4060

668. ‫ ְמ ִדינָה‬/ enidm / m-di-nah Translation:+Province

Definition:+The jurisdiction of responsibility of a judge or lord.
AHLB:+1083-M (k1) Strong's:+4082

669. ‫ מוּל‬/ lfm / mul Translation:+Forefront Definition:+In

front of or at the head of, in space or time. AHLB:+1288-J (N)

670. ‫מוּסר‬
ָ / rxfm / mu-sar Translation:+Instruction
Definition:+Knowledge, information or example imparted to
provide guidance, correction and discipline. AHLB:+1342-L (a)

671. ‫מוֹעד‬
ֵ / dofm / mo-eyd Translation:+Appointed
Definition:+Persons, places or things that are fixed or officially
set. AHLB:+1349-L (a) Strong's:+4150

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

672. ‫מוֹפת‬
ֶ / tpfm / mo-phet Translation:+Wonder
Definition:+An amazing sight or event that causes one to be
dismayed. Something out of the ordinary. AHLB:+1390-L (a)

673. ‫מוֹצא‬
ָ / ayfm / mo-tsa Translation:+Going out
Definition:+Coming or issuing out, such as a spring or words
from the mouth. AHLB:+1392-L (a) Strong's:+4161

674. ‫מוֹקשׁ‬
ֵ / sqfm / mo-qeysh Translation:+Snare
Definition:+A trap laid with bait to capture an animal or
person. An entrapment. AHLB:+2132 (V) Strong's:+4170

675. ‫מוֹשׁב‬
ָ / bsfm / mo-shav Translation:+Settling
Definition:+The place of sitting, resting or dwelling, usually
temporarily. AHLB:+1462-L (a) Strong's:+4186

676.‫ ָמוֶת‬/ tfm / ma-wet Translation:+Death Definition:+A

permanent cessation of all vital functions; the end of life.
AHLB:+1298-J (N) Strong's:+4194

677. ‫ ִמ ְז ֵבּ ַח‬/ hbzm / miz-bey-ahh Translation:+Altar

Definition:+The place of sacrifice. AHLB:+2117 (h)

678. ‫ ִמ ְזמוֹר‬/ rfmzm / miz-mor Translation:+Melody

Definition:+A musical composition plucked on a musical
instrument. A song set to music. AHLB:+2124 (hc)

679. ‫ִמ ְז ָרח‬

/ hrzm / miz-rah Translation:+Sunrise
Definition:+When the first light of the sun comes over the
horizon. An eastward direction as the place of the rising sun.
AHLB:+2135 (h) Strong's:+4217

Dictionary ~ Nouns

680. ‫ ִמ ְז ָרק‬/ qrzm / miz-raq Translation:+Sprinkling basin

Definition:+A container of liquid that is used to drip the liquid.
AHLB:+2138 (h) Strong's:+4219

681. ‫ ַמ ֲח ְל ָקה‬/ eqlhm / ma-hhal-qah Translation:+Portion

Definition:+The part received from what was divided.
AHLB:+2167 (a2) Strong's:+4256

682. ‫ ַמ ֲחנֶה‬/ enhm / ma-hha-neh Translation:+Campsite

Definition:+A place suitable for or used as the location of a
camp. The inhabitants of a camp. AHLB:+1175-H (a)

683. ‫ָמ ָחר‬ / rham / ma-hhar Translation:+Tomorrow

Definition:+The next day. At a time following. AHLB:+1181-A
(a) Strong's:+4279

684. ‫ָמ ֳח ָרת‬

/ trham / ma-hha-rat Translation:+Morrow
Definition:+The next day. At a time following. AHLB:+1181-A
(a2) Strong's:+4283

685. ‫ַמ ֲח ָשׁ ָבה‬ / ebshm / ma-hha-sha-vah

Translation:+Invention Definition:+A product of the
imagination. Designing or planning of inventions or plans.
AHLB:+2213 (a1) Strong's:+4284

686. ‫ ִמ ָטּה‬/ eunm / mi-tah Translation:+Bed Definition:+A

place for sleeping. Spread out sheet for sleeping. AHLB:+1308-
A (h1) Strong's:+4296

687. ‫ַמ ֶטּה‬ / eum / mat-teh Translation:+Branch

Definition:+A branch used as a staff. Also, a tribe as a branch
of the family. AHLB:+1285-H (N) Strong's:+4294

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

688. ‫ ָמ ָטר‬/ rum / ma-tar Translation:+Precipitation

Definition:+A rain, snow or exceptionally heavy dew.
AHLB:+2336 (N) Strong's:+4306

689. ‫מיִ ם‬ ַ / mim / ma-yim Translation:+Water

Definition:+The Liquid of streams, ponds and seas or stored in
cisterns or jars. The necessary liquid that is drank.
AHLB:+1281-A (N) Strong's:+4325

690. ‫ִמין‬ / nim / min Translation:+Kind Definition:+A

category of creature that comes from its own kind as a firm
rule. AHLB:+1290-M (N) Strong's:+4327

691. ‫ַמ ָכּה‬ / eknm / ma-kah Translation:+Crushed

Definition:+Pressed or squeezed with a force that destroys or
deforms. Also a plague. AHLB:+1310-A (a1) Strong's:+4347

692. ‫ְמלֹא‬/ aflm / m-lo Translation:+Filling Definition:+An

act or instance of filling; something used to fill a cavity,
container, or depression. AHLB:+1288-E (c) Strong's:+4393

693. ‫ ָמ ֵלא‬/ alm / ma-ley Translation:+Full

Definition:+Containing as much or as many as is possible or
normal. AHLB:+1288-E (N) Strong's:+4392

694. ‫אָך‬
ְ ‫ ַמ ְל‬/ kalm / mal-akh Translation:+Messenger
Definition:+One who bears a message or runs an errand.
Walks for another. AHLB:+1264-D (a) Strong's:+4397

695. ‫אכה‬ָ ‫ ְמ ָל‬/ ekalm / m-la-khah Translation:+Business

Definition:+The principal occupation of one's life. A service.
AHLB:+1264-D (k1) Strong's:+4399

Dictionary ~ Nouns

696. ‫ִמ ָלּה‬ / elm / mi-lah Translation:+Comment

Definition:+A word or speech as a remark, observation, or
criticism. AHLB:+1288-A (N1) Strong's:+4405

697. ‫מּ ַלח‬
ֶ / hlm / me-lahh Translation:+Salt Definition:+An
ingredient that adds flavor to food and used in preserving
foods. AHLB:+2338 (N) Strong's:+4417

698. ‫ִמ ְל ָח ָמה‬

/ emhlm / mil-hha-mah Translation:+Battle
Definition:+A struggle between two armies. AHLB:+2305 (h1)

699. ‫מּ ֶל ְך‬
ֶ / klm / me-lekh Translation:+King Definition:+The
male ruler of a nation or city state. AHLB:+2340 (N)

700. ‫ַמ ְל ָכּה‬

/ eklm / mal-kah Translation:+Queen
Definition:+A female ruler of a region. AHLB:+2340 (N1)

701. ‫ַמ ְלכוּת‬/ tfklm / mal-kut Translation:+Empire

Definition:+The area under the control of a king. AHLB:+2340
(N3) Strong's:+4438

702. ‫ַמ ְמ ָל ָכה‬

/ eklmm / mam-la-khah
Translation:+Kingdom Definition:+The area under the control
of a king. AHLB:+2340 (a1) Strong's:+4467

703. ‫נוֹרה‬
ָ ‫ְמ‬ / erfnm / m-no-rah Translation:+Lampstand
Definition:+A platform, sometimes elevated, for holding a
lamp. AHLB:+1319-J (k1) Strong's:+4501

704. ‫חה‬ ָ ְ‫ ִמנ‬/ ehnm / min-hhah Translation:+Donation

Definition:+The act of making a gift or a free contribution.

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

What is brought to another as a gift. AHLB:+1307-A (h1)


705. ‫ָמ ָס ְך‬/ Kxm / ma-sak Translation:+Canopy

Definition:+The covering of a temporary shelter. AHLB:+1333-
A (a) Strong's:+4539

706. ‫סּ ָכה‬
ֵ ‫ ַמ‬/ ekxnm / ma-sey-khah Translation:+Cast image
Definition:+A molten metal that is poured in a cast to form
images. AHLB:+2412 (a1) Strong's:+4541

707. ‫ ְמ ִס ָלּה‬/ elixm / m-si-lah Translation:+Highway

Definition:+A road constructed above the surrounding area.
AHLB:+1334-M (k1) Strong's:+4546

708. ‫ ִמ ְס ָפּר‬/ rpxm / mis-phar Translation:+Number

Definition:+A sum of units. Counting as a recording.
AHLB:+2500 (h) Strong's:+4557

709. ‫ ֵמ ָעה‬/ eom / mey-ah Translation:+Abdomen

Definition:+The gut, the internal organs of the lower torso, the
seat of the unconscious mind. AHLB:+1292-H (N)

710. ‫ָמעוֹז‬ / zfgm / ma-oz Translation:+Stronghold

Definition:+A place of strength and refuge such as a mountain,
fortress or rock. AHLB:+1352-J (a) Strong's:+4581

711. ‫ְמ ָעט‬/ uom / m-at Translation:+Small amount

Definition:+Something that is few or small in size or amount.
AHLB:+2347 (N) Strong's:+4592

Dictionary ~ Nouns

712. ‫ ְמ ִעיל‬/ liom / m-il Translation:+Cloak Definition:+A

loose outer garment worn over other clothes both by men and
women. AHLB:+1357-M (k) Strong's:+4598

713. ‫ ַמ ַעל‬/ lom / ma-al Translation:+Transgression

Definition:+An unintentional or treacherous act that results in
error. AHLB:+2349 (N) Strong's:+4604

714. ‫מ ַעל‬
ַ / lom / ma-al Translation:+Upward Definition:+In
a direction from lower to higher. AHLB:+1357-A (a)

715. ‫ֲלה‬
ָ ‫ַמע‬ / elom / ma-a-lah Translation:+Step
Definition:+A straight or stepped incline for ascending and
descending. AHLB:+1357-A (a1) Strong's:+4609

716. ‫ֲלל‬
ָ ‫ַמע‬ / llom / ma-a-lal Translation:+Works
Definition:+What is done or performed. AHLB:+1357-B (a)

717. ‫ְמ ָע ָרה‬

/ erkm / m-a-rah Translation:+Cave
Definition:+A natural underground chamber or series of
chambers that open to the surface. A hole in the rock.
AHLB:+1250-A (k1) Strong's:+4631

718. ‫ֲשׂה‬ ֶ ‫ ַמע‬/ exom / ma-a-seh Translation:+Work

Definition:+Activity where one exerts strength or faculties to
do or perform something. An action. AHLB:+1360-H (a)

719. ‫ֲשׂר‬
ֵ ‫ַמע‬/ rxom / ma-a-seyr Translation:+Tenth part
Definition:+One portion of a whole divided into ten equal
portions. AHLB:+2563 (a) Strong's:+4643

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

720. ‫ַמ ֵצּ ָבה‬ / ebynm / ma-tsey-vah

Translation:+Monument Definition:+A lasting evidence,
reminder, or example of someone or something. As standing
tall and firm. AHLB:+2426 (a1) Strong's:+4676

721. ‫ַמ ָצּה‬

/ eyym / mats-tsah Translation:+Unleavened
bread Definition:+A hard and flat bread or cake made without
yeast. AHLB:+1294-B (N1) Strong's:+4682

722. ‫ִמ ְצוָה‬/ efym / mits-wah Translation:+Directive

Definition:+Serving or intended to guide, govern, or influence;
serving to point direction. AHLB:+1397-H (h1) Strong's:+4687

More about the word ‫ִמ ְצוָה‬

The word command, as well as commandment,
are used to translate the Hebrew word mits'vah
but does not properly convey the meaning of
mits'vah. The word command implies words of
force or power as a General commands his troops.
The word mits'vah is better understood as a
directive. To see the picture painted by this word,
it is helpful to look at a related word, tsiyon (which
is also the name Zion) meaning a desert or a
landmark. The Ancient Hebrews were a nomadic
people who traveled the deserts in search of green
pastures for their flocks. A nomad uses the various
rivers, mountains, rock outcroppings, etc as
landmarks to give them their direction. The verbal
root of mits'vah and tsiyon is tsavah meaning to
direct one on a journey. The mits'vah of the Bible
are not commands, or rules and regulations, they
are directives or landmarks that we look for to
guide us.

Dictionary ~ Nouns

723. ‫ִמ ְק ָדּשׁ‬

/ sdqm / miq-dash Translation:+Sanctuary
Definition:+A place set apart for a special purpose.
AHLB:+2700 (h) Strong's:+4720

724. ‫ ָמקוֹם‬/ mfqm / ma-qom Translation:+Area

Definition:+An indefinite region or expanse; a particular part
of a surface or body. AHLB:+1427-J (a) Strong's:+4725

725. ‫ ִמ ְקנֶה‬/ enqm / miq-neh Translation:+Livestock

Definition:+Animals kept or raised for use or pleasure. What is
purchased or possessed. AHLB:+1428-H (h) Strong's:+4735

726. ‫מר‬ַ / rm / mar Translation:+Bitter Definition:+A difficult

taste or experience. AHLB:+1296-A (N) Strong's:+4751

727. ‫ַמ ְר ֶאה‬

/ earm / mar-eh Translation:+Appearance
Definition:+What is seen or is in sight. AHLB:+1438-H (a)

728. ‫ ָמרוֹם‬/ mfrm / ma-rom Translation:+Heights

Definition:+A place of considerable or great elevation.
AHLB:+1450-J (a) Strong's:+4791

729. ‫מ ְר ָכּ ָבה‬
ֶ / ebkrm / mer-ka-vah Translation:+Chariot
Definition:+A two-wheeled horse-drawn battle car of ancient
times used also in processions and races. AHLB:+2769 (k1)

730. ‫ִמ ְר ָמה‬

/ emrm / mir-mah Translation:+Deceit
Definition:+The act or practice of not being honest.
AHLB:+1450-A (h1) Strong's:+4820

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

731. ‫ ָמ ְשׁ ָחה‬/ Ehsm / mash-hhah Translation:+Ointment

Definition:+An oil or other liquid that is smeared on an animal
or person for healing or dedication. AHLB:+2357 (N1)

732. ‫יח‬
ַ ‫ָמ ִשׁ‬/ hism / ma-shi-ahh Translation:+Smeared
Definition:+Someone or something that has been smeared
with an oil as a medication or a sign of taking an office.
AHLB:+2357 (b) Strong's:+4899

More about the word ‫יח‬

ַ ‫ָמ ִשׁ‬
The word Messiah is a transliteration of the
Hebrew word meshiahh. This word comes from
the root mashahh meaning "to smear" as in
Jeremiah 22:14 where it is usually translated as
"painted". In the ancient world olive oil was a very
versatile commodity. It was used in cooking and
because of its disinfectant quality, it was used as a
medicine. No shepherd was without a flask of olive
oil, which he smeared on himself, or his sheep's
injuries. The verb mashahh is also translated as
"anointed", as in Exodus 29:7, in the sense of
smearing olive oil on the head. This ceremony was
performed on anyone becoming a king, priest or
prophet in the service of YHWH. The noun
meshiahh literally means, "One who is smeared
with oil for an office of authority." This word is
also used for any "one who holds an office of
authority" even if that person was not literally
smeared with oil. A good example of this is Cyrus,
the King of Persia. While he was not ceremonially
smeared with oil, he was one of authority who

Dictionary ~ Nouns

served Yahweh through his decree allowing Israel

to return to Jerusalem.

733. ‫ִמ ְשׁ ָכּב‬

/ bksm / mish-kav Translation:+Laying place
Definition:+The location one lays for rest or sleep. AHLB:+2834
(h) Strong's:+4904

734. ‫ִמ ְשׁ ָכּן‬

/ nksm / mish-kan Translation:+Dwelling
Definition:+A place of habitation or residence. AHLB:+2838 (h)

735. ‫ָמ ָשׁל‬

/ lsm / ma-shal Translation:+Comparison
Definition:+An illustration of similitude. Often a parable or
proverb as a story of comparisons. AHLB:+2359 (N)

736. ‫ ִמ ְשׁ ֶמ ֶרת‬/ trmsm / mish-me-ret Translation:+Charge

Definition:+A person or thing committed to the care of
another. What is given to be watched over and protected.
AHLB:+2853 (h2) Strong's:+4931

737. ‫ִמ ְשׁנֶה‬/ ensm / mish-neh Translation:+Double

Definition:+To make twice as great or as many. As a second or
a multiple of two. AHLB:+1474-H (h) Strong's:+4932

738. ‫ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ָחה‬

/ ehpsm / mish-pa-hhah
Translation:+Family Definition:+A group of persons of
common ancestry. A group of people joined together by
certain convictions or common affiliation. AHLB:+2863 (h1)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

739. ‫ ִמ ְשׁ ָפּט‬/ upsm / mish-pat Translation:+Decision

Definition:+A pronounced opinion. AHLB:+2864 (h)

740. ‫ ִמ ְשׁ ָקל‬/ lqsm / mish-qal Translation:+Weight

Definition:+The amount a thing weighs. Relative heaviness.
AHLB:+2874 (h) Strong's:+4948

741. ‫ִמ ְשׁ ֶתּה‬

/ etsm / mish-teh Translation:+Banquet
Definition:+An elaborate meal often accompanied by a
ceremony. AHLB:+1482-H (h) Strong's:+4960

742. ‫ָמ ֶתן‬

/ ntm / ma-ten Translation:+Waist Definition:+The
slender part of the body above the hips. AHLB:+2363 (N)


743. ‫אם‬ ֻ ְ‫ נ‬/ mfan / n-um Translation:+Utterance

Definition:+An oral or written statement. AHLB:+1312-D (N)

744. ‫ָביא‬ ִ ‫ נ‬/ aibn / na-vi Translation:+Prophet

Definition:+One who utters the words or instructions of
Elohiym that are received through a vision or dream.
AHLB:+1301-E (b) Strong's:+5030

745. ‫ֶבל‬
ֶ‫נ‬ / lbn / ne-vel Translation:+Pitcher Definition:+A
vessel for holding liquids such as a bottle or skin bag. Also a
musical instrument of similar shape. AHLB:+2369 (N)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

746. ‫ נְ ֵב ָלה‬/ elbn / n-vey-lah Translation:+Carcass

Definition:+The remains of a dead creature or person.
AHLB:+2369 (N1) Strong's:+5038

747. ‫ ֶנגֶב‬/ bcn / ne-gev Translation:+South side

Definition:+An area of land or a section that is to the south.
AHLB:+2371 (N) Strong's:+5045

748. ‫נ ִָגיד‬
/ dicn / na-gid Translation:+Noble
Definition:+One who rules or is in charge of others through
instructions. AHLB:+2372 (b) Strong's:+5057

749. ‫ֶנגַע‬
/ ocn / ne-ga Translation:+Plague Definition:+An
epidemic disease causing high mortality. An epidemic or other
sore or illness as a touch from Elohiym. AHLB:+2376 (N)

750. ‫ נְ ָד ָבה‬/ Ebdn / n-da-vah Translation:+Freewill offering

Definition:+A voluntary or spontaneous gift as an offering out
of respect or devotion. AHLB:+2380 (N1) Strong's:+5071

751. ‫ נִ ָדּה‬/ edin / ni-dah Translation:+Removal

Definition:+Something that is taken away or thrown out. A
menstruating woman that is removed from the camp.
AHLB:+1303-M (N1) Strong's:+5079

752. ‫ָדיב‬
ִ‫נ‬ / bidn / na-div Translation:+Willing
Definition:+To give honor or offering out of one's own free
will. AHLB:+2380 (b) Strong's:+5081

753. ‫ֶדר‬
ֶ‫נ‬/ rdn / ne-der Translation:+Vow Definition:+To
promise solemnly. AHLB:+2385 (N) Strong's:+5088

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

754. ‫ָהר‬ָ ‫ נ‬/ ren / na-har Translation:+River Definition:+A

natural stream of water of considerable volume. The life-
giving water that washes over the soil. AHLB:+1319-G (N)

755. ‫ָנוֶה‬
/ efn / na-weh Translation:+Abode Definition:+The
dwelling place of man (home), Elohiym (mountain) or animal
(pasture or stable). AHLB:+1305-J (N) Strong's:+5116

756. ‫ֶנזֶר‬
/ Rzn / ne-zer Translation:+Crown Definition:+An
object showing Kingship or authority. Also, a sign upon the
head as a sign of dedication. AHLB:+2390 (N) Strong's:+5145

757. ‫חוֹח‬
ַ ִ‫נ‬ / kfkin / ni-hho-ahh Translation:+Sweet
Definition:+Pleasing to the taste. Not sour, bitter or salty.
Something that smells pleasing. AHLB:+1310-B (bc)

758. ‫ַחל‬
ַ ‫ נ‬/ lhn / na-hhal Translation:+Wadi Definition:+The
bed or valley of a stream. A choice piece of land desired in an
inheritance because of its fertility. AHLB:+2391 (N)

759. ‫ַח ָלה‬

ֲ‫נ‬/ elhn / na-hha-lah Translation:+Inheritance
Definition:+The acquisition of a possession from past
generations. AHLB:+2391 (N1) Strong's:+5159

760. ‫ָחשׁ‬
ָ‫נ‬ / shn / na-hhash Translation:+Serpent
Definition:+A poisonous snake that hisses, creeps and bites.
AHLB:+2395 (N) Strong's:+5175

761. ‫חשׁת‬ֶ ְ‫ נ‬/ tsfhn / n-hho-shet Translation:+Copper

Definition:+A malleable, ductile, metallic element having a

Dictionary ~ Nouns

characteristic reddish-brown color. A precious metal.

AHLB:+2395 (c2) Strong's:+5178

762. ‫ֵכר‬
ָ‫נ‬ / rkn / ney-khar Translation:+Foreigner
Definition:+A person belonging to or owing allegiance to a
foreign country. AHLB:+2406 (N) Strong's:+5236

763. ‫ָכ ִרי‬

ְ ‫ נ‬/ irkn / nakh-ri Translation:+Foreign
Definition:+Situated outside one's own country. Alien in
character. A strange person, place or thing as being
unrecognized. AHLB:+2406 (f) Strong's:+5237

764. ‫ֶס ְך‬

ֶ ‫ נ‬/ kxn / ne-sek Translation:+Pouring Definition:+A
liquid poured out as an offering or the pouring of a molten
metal to form images. AHLB:+2412 (N) Strong's:+5262

765. ‫נָעוּר‬/ rfon / na-ur Translation:+Young age

Definition:+A person of short life. AHLB:+2418 (d)

766. ‫ַער‬
ַ‫נ‬ / ron /na-ar Translation:+Young man
Definition:+A male that has moved from youth to young
adulthood. AHLB:+2418 (N) Strong's:+5288

767. ‫ֲרה‬
ָ ‫ַנע‬/ eron / na-a-rah Translation:+Young woman
Definition:+A female that has moved from youth to young
adulthood. AHLB:+2418 (N1) Strong's:+5291

768. ‫ֶפשׁ‬
ֶ‫נ‬ / spn / ne-phesh Translation:+Being
Definition:+The whole of a person, god or creature including
the body, mind, emotion, character and inner parts.
AHLB:+2424 (N) Strong's:+5315

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

769. ‫ֶצח‬ ַ ‫ נ‬/ hyn / ne-tsahh Translation:+Continually

Definition:+Happening without interruption or cessation;
continuous in time. AHLB:+2427 (N) Strong's:+5331

770. ‫ָקי‬ ִ ‫ נ‬/ iqn / na-qi Translation:+Innocent

Definition:+Free from guilt or sin. A state of innocence as an
infant. AHLB:+1318-A (f) Strong's:+5355

771. ‫נְ ָק ָמה‬

/ Emqn / n-qa-mah Translation:+Vengeance
Definition:+The desire for revenge. AHLB:+2433 (N1)

772. ‫נֵר‬
/ rn / neyr Translation:+Lamp Definition:+A container
for an inflammable liquid, as oil, which is burned at a wick as a
means of illumination. AHLB:+1319-A (N) Strong's:+5216

773. ‫ָשׂיא‬
ִ ‫ נ‬/ aixn / na-si Translation:+Captain Definition:+A
military leader; the commander of a unit or a body of troops.
The leader of a family, tribe or people as one who carries the
burdens of the people. AHLB:+1314-E (b) Strong's:+5387

774. ‫ָתיב‬ ִ ‫ נ‬/ bitn / na-tiv Translation:+Path Definition:+A

trail or road used by travelers. AHLB:+2448 (b1) Strong's:+5410


775. ‫ ָס ִביב‬/ bibx / sa-viv Translation:+All around

Definition:+On all sides; enclose so as to surround; in rotation
or succession. A circling or bordering about the edge.
AHLB:+1324-B (b1) Strong's:+5439

Dictionary ~ Nouns

776. ‫ סוּס‬/ xfx / sus Translation:+Horse Definition:+A

domesticated animal used as a beast of burden, a draft animal
or for riding. AHLB:+1337-J (N) Strong's:+5483

777. ‫ סוּף‬/ pfx / suph Translation:+Reeds Definition:+The

plants that grow at the edge, or lip, of a river or pond. This
word can also mean the edge or conclusion of something.
AHLB:+1339-J (N) Strong's:+5488

778. ‫ִסיר‬/ rix / sir Translation:+Pot Definition:+A vessel

used for cooking or storing. AHLB:+1342-M (N) Strong's:+5518

779. ‫ֻס ָכּה‬

/ ekfx / su-kah Translation:+Booth Definition:+A
temporary shelter; a small enclosure; dwelling place.
AHLB:+1333-J (N1) Strong's:+5521

780. ‫ֶס ָלה‬

/ elx / se-lah Translation:+Selah Definition:+A
musical term, possibly a lifting of the sound. AHLB:+1334-H (N)

781. ‫ֶס ַלע‬/ olx / se-la Translation:+Cliff Definition:+A high

rock, cliff or towering rock, as a place of defense. AHLB:+2484
(N) Strong's:+5553

782. ‫ֹלת‬
ֶ ‫ ס‬/ tlfx / so-let Translation:+Flour Definition:+Finely
ground meal of grain used for making bread. AHLB:+1334-J
(N2) Strong's:+5560

783. ‫ַסף‬ / px / saph Translation:+Tub Definition:+A

container with a lip. The lip of the door. AHLB:+1339-A (N)

784. ‫ס ֶפר‬
ֵ / rpx / sey-pher Translation:+Scroll Definition:+A
document or record written on a sheet of papyrus, leather or

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

parchment and rolled up for storage. AHLB:+2500 (e1)


785. ‫ָסּ ִריס‬

/ xirx / sa-ris Translation:+Eunuch Definition:+A
castrated man. As eunuchs were used as officers, may also
mean an officer. AHLB:+2510 (b) Strong's:+5631

786. ‫תר‬ ֶ ‫ ֵס‬/ rtx / sey-ter Translation:+Protection

Definition:+A shelter or other place of hiding. AHLB:+2516 (N)


787. ‫ָעב‬ / bg / av Translation:+Thick Definition:+Heavily

compacted material, such as a cloud, forest or thicket, and is
filled with darkness. AHLB:+1508-A (N) Strong's:+5645

788. ‫ֶע ֶבד‬/ dbo / e-ved Translation:+Servant

Definition:+One who provides a service to another, as a slave,
bondservant or hired hand. AHLB:+2518 (N) Strong's:+5650

789. ‫ֲעב ָֹדה‬/ edfbo / a-vo-dah Translation:+Service

Definition:+Labor provided by a servant or slave. AHLB:+2518
(c1) Strong's:+5656

790. ‫ֵע ֶבר‬/ rbo / ey-ver Translation:+Other side

Definition:+As being across from this side. AHLB:+2520 (N)

791. ‫ֶע ְב ָרה‬ / erbo / ev-rah Translation:+Wrath

Definition:+Strong vengeful anger. As crossing over from
peace. AHLB:+2520 (N1) Strong's:+5678

Dictionary ~ Nouns

792. ‫ ֵעגֶל‬/ lcg / ey-gel Translation:+Bullock Definition:+A

young bull. Also, insinuating strength. AHLB:+2524 (N)

793. ‫ָלה‬
ָ ‫ ֲעג‬/ Elco / a-ga-lah Translation:+Cart Definition:+A
heavy, two-wheeled vehicle, animal-drawn, used for
transporting freight or for farming. AHLB:+2524 (N1)

794. ‫ֵעד‬ / do / eyd Translation:+Witness

Definition:+Attestation of a fact or event. An object, person or
group that affords evidence. AHLB:+1349-A (N) Strong's:+5707

795. ‫ַעד‬/ do / ad Translation:+Until Definition:+The

conclusion of a determinate period of time. AHLB:+1349-A (N)

796. ‫ ֵע ָדה‬/ edo / ey-dah Translation:+Company

Definition:+A group of persons or things for carrying on a
project or undertaking; a group with a common testimony.
May also mean a witness or testimony. AHLB:+1349-A (N1)

797. ‫ֵעדוּת‬ / tfdo / ey-dut Translation:+Testimony

Definition:+Speaking what you have experienced or
witnessed. AHLB:+1349-A (N3) Strong's:+5715

798. ‫ֵע ֶדר‬

/ rdo / ey-der Translation:+Drove Definition:+A
group of animals driven or moving in a body. AHLB:+2530 (N)

799. ‫ עוֹד‬/ dfo / od Translation:+Yet again Definition:+A

repeating of something. AHLB:+1349-J (N) Strong's:+5750

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

800. ‫עוֹלם‬
ָ / mlfo / o-lam Translation:+Distant time
Definition:+A time in the far past or future, as a time hidden
from the present. AHLB:+2544 (g) Strong's:+5769

More about the word ‫עוֹלם‬

Hebrew words used for space are also used for
time. The Hebrew word qedem means "east" but
is also the same word for the "past." The Hebrew
word olam literally means "beyond the horizon."
When looking off in the far distance it is difficult to
make out any details and what is beyond that
horizon cannot be seen. This concept is the olam.
The word olam is also used for time for the distant
past or the distant future as a time that is difficult
to know or perceive. This word is frequently
translated as "eternity" meaning a continual span
of time that never ends. In the Hebrew mind it is
simply what is at or beyond the horizon, a very
distant time. A common phrase in the Hebrew is
"l'olam va'ed" and is usually translated as "forever
and ever," but in the Hebrew it means "to the
distant horizon and again" meaning "a very
distant time and even further."

801. ‫ ָעוֹן‬/ nffg / a-won Translation:+Iniquity Definition:+Gross

injustice; wickedness. The result of twisted actions.
AHLB:+1512-A (m) Strong's:+5771

802. ‫ עוֹף‬/ pfo / oph Translation:+Flyer Definition:+A flying

creature such as a bird or insect. AHLB:+1362-J (N)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

803. ‫ ִעוֵּר‬/ Rfg / i-weyr Translation:+Blind Definition:+A

darkness of the eye. AHLB:+1526-J (N) Strong's:+5787

804. ‫עוֹר‬ / rfo / or Translation:+Skin Definition:+The

integument covering men or animals, as well as leather made
from animal skins. The husk of a seed. AHLB:+1365-J (N)

805. ‫ ֵעז‬/ zg / eyz Translation:+She-goat Definition:+A female

goat. AHLB:+1513-A (N) Strong's:+5795

806. ‫ עֹז‬/ zfg / oz Translation:+Boldness Definition:+Knowing

one's position or authority and standing in it. Strengthened
and protected from danger. AHLB:+1352-J (N) Strong's:+5797

807. ‫ֶע ְז ָרה‬ / erzo / ez-rah Translation:+Help

Definition:+Providing assistance or relief to another.
AHLB:+2535 (N2) Strong's:+5833

808. ‫ ַעיִ ן‬/ nio / a-yin Translation:+Eye Definition:+The

organ of sight or vision that tears when a person weeps. A
spring that weeps water out of the ground. AHLB:+1359-M (N)

809. ‫ִעיר‬
/ rig / ir Translation:+City Definition:+An inhabited
place of greater size, population, or importance than a town
or village. Usually protected by a wall. AHLB:+1526-M (N)

810. ‫ ַעל‬/ lo / al Translation:+Upon Definition:+To be on or

over in the sense of the yoke that is placed on the neck of the
ox. AHLB:+1357-A (N) Strong's:+5921

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

811. ‫ עֹל‬/ lfo / ol Translation:+Yoke Definition:+A wooden

bar or frame by which two draft animals are joined at the
heads or necks for working together. AHLB:+1357-J (N)

812. ‫ע ָֹלה‬
/ elfo / o-lah Translation:+Rising Definition:+A
rising of smoke from a burnt offering. Captivity in the sense of
placing a yoke on the captives. AHLB:+1357-J (N1)

813. ‫ ֶע ְליוֹן‬/ nfilo / el-yon Translation:+Upper

Definition:+Higher than the others. AHLB:+1357-A (fj)

814. ‫ ַעם‬/ mo / am Translation:+People Definition:+A large

group of men or women. AHLB:+1358-A (N) Strong's:+5971

815. ‫ ַעמּוּד‬/ dfmo / a-mud Translation:+Pillar Definition:+A

standing upright post or column. AHLB:+2550 (d)

816. ‫ ָע ָמל‬/ lmo / a-mal Translation:+Labor Definition:+To

exert one's power of body or mind, especially with painful or
strenuous effort. A labor that causes grief, pain or weariness.
A laborer as one who toils. AHLB:+2551 (N) Strong's:+5999

817. ‫ֵע ֶמק‬/ qmo / ey-meq Translation:+Valley

Definition:+An elongated depression between ranges of hills
or mountains. Also, obscure, in the sense of dark. AHLB:+2553
(N) Strong's:+6010

818. ‫ ָענָו‬/ Fno / a-naw Translation:+Gentle Definition:+A

trait of being meek or humble. AHLB:+1359-K (N)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

819. ‫ עֳנִ י‬/ ing / a-ni Translation:+Affliction Definition:+The

cause of persistent suffering, pain or distress. AHLB:+1359-A
(f) Strong's:+6040

820. ‫ ָענִ י‬/ ing / a-ni Translation:+Afflicted Definition:+One

who suffers or is in pain or distress. AHLB:+1359-A (f)

821.‫ ֲענָן‬/ nng / a-nan Translation:+Cloud Definition:+A visible

mass of particles of water or ice in the form of fog, mist, or
haze suspended usually at a considerable height in the air.
AHLB:+1359-B (N) Strong's:+6051

822. ‫ָע ָפר‬ / rpo / a-phar Translation:+Powder

Definition:+Matter in a fine particulate state. An abundant
amount of powdery substance as dust or ash. AHLB:+2565 (N)

823. ‫ ֵעץ‬/ yo / eyts Translation:+Tree Definition:+A woody

perennial plant with a supporting stem or trunk and multiple
branches. Meaning "wood" when written in the plural form.
AHLB:+1363-A (N) Strong's:+6086

824. ‫ֵע ָצה‬ / eyo / ey-tsah Translation:+Counsel

Definition:+Advice given in the sense of being the firm support
of the community. AHLB:+1363-A (N1) Strong's:+6098

825. ‫ָעצוּם‬ / mfyo / a-tsum Translation:+Numerous

Definition:+Involving more than one. AHLB:+2569 (d)

826. ‫ֶע ֶצם‬ / myo / e-tsem Translation:+Bone

Definition:+The hard tissue of which the skeleton is chiefly

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

composed. As a numerous amount. AHLB:+2569 (N)


827. ‫ֶע ֶרב‬

/ brg / e-rev Translation:+Evening Definition:+The
latter part and close of the day and the early part of the night.
Dark of the evening or dark-skinned people. Also the willow
from its dark color. AHLB:+2907 (N) Strong's:+6153

828. ‫ֲר ָבה‬

ָ ‫ ע‬/ ebrg / a-ra-vah Translation:+Desert
Definition:+An expanse of land often barren of vegetation and
people. AHLB:+2907 (N1) Strong's:+6160

829. ‫ ֶע ְרוָה‬/ efro / er-wah Translation:+Nakedness

Definition:+The state of being without clothing. Idiomatic for
sexual relations. AHLB:+1365-K (N1) Strong's:+6172

830. ‫ֵע ֶר ְך‬

/ kro / ey-rek Translation:+Arrangement
Definition:+Set in a row or in order according to rank or age. In
parallel. Arranged items in juxtaposition. AHLB:+2576 (N)

831. ‫ ָע ֵרל‬/ lro / a-reyl Translation:+Uncircumcised

Definition:+A male with a foreskin. AHLB:+2577 (N)

832. ‫ ע ֶֹרף‬/ prfo / o-reph Translation:+Neck

Definition:+The part of a person that connects the head with
the body. AHLB:+2580 (N) Strong's:+6203

833. ‫שׂב‬ֶ ‫ ֵע‬/ bxo / ey-sev Translation:+Herb Definition:+The

grasses and plants of the field used for their medicinal, savory,
or aromatic qualities. AHLB:+2561 (N) Strong's:+6212

Dictionary ~ Nouns

834. ‫ ָע ָשׁן‬/ Nso / a-shan Translation:+Smoke

Definition:+The gaseous products of combustion. AHLB:+2583
(N) Strong's:+6227

835. ‫ֹשר‬ ֶ ‫ ע‬/ rsfo / o-ser Translation:+Riches

Definition:+Wealth. The possessions that make one wealthy.
AHLB:+2585 (N) Strong's:+6239

836. ‫ִע ָשׂרוֹן‬

/ nfrxo / i-sa-ron Translation:+One-tenth
Definition:+An equal part of something divided into ten parts.
AHLB:+2563 (j) Strong's:+6241

837. ‫ֵעת‬ / to / eyt Translation:+Appointed time

Definition:+A fixed or officially set event, occasion or date.
AHLB:+1367-A (N) Strong's:+6256

838. ‫ַעתּוּד‬ / dfto / a-tud Translation:+He-goat

Definition:+A male member of a flock of goats. AHLB:+2587 (d)


839. ‫ ֵפּאָה‬/ eap / pey-ah Translation:+Edge Definition:+The

border or boundary of an object or a region. The thin cutting
edge of a blade. AHLB:+1369-A (N1) Strong's:+6285

840. ‫ ֶפּה‬/ ep / peh Translation:+Mouth Definition:+The

opening through which food enters the body. Any opening.
AHLB:+1373-A (N) Strong's:+6310

841. ‫ ַפּח‬/ Hp / pahh Translation:+Wire Definition:+A

slender, string-like piece or filament of relatively rigid or

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

flexible metal often used for snares. AHLB:+1376-A (N)


842. ‫ַפּ ַחד‬

/ dhp / pa-hhad Translation:+Awe Definition:+As
shaking when in the presence of an awesome sight.
AHLB:+2598 (N) Strong's:+6343

843. ‫חה‬ ָ ‫ ֶפּ‬/ ehp / pe-hhah Translation:+Governor

Definition:+A ruler or overseer of a people or region.
AHLB:+1376-H (N) Strong's:+6346

844. ‫ילגֶשׁ‬
ֶ ‫ ִפּ‬/ sclip / pi-le-gesh Translation:+Concubine
Definition:+Cohabitation of persons not legally married; a
woman living in a socially recognized state of being a mistress.
AHLB:+3048 Strong's:+6370

845. ‫יטה‬
ָ ‫ְפּ ֵל‬
/ euilp / p-ley-tah Translation:+Escape
Definition:+To get away, especially from confinement.
AHLB:+2609 (b1) Strong's:+6413

846. ‫ִפּנָּה‬ / enip / pin-nah Translation:+Corner

Definition:+The point where two lines meet. AHLB:+1382-M
(N1) Strong's:+6438

847. ‫ָפּנִ ים‬

/ enp / pa-nim Translation:+Face Definition:+The
front part of the human head; outward appearance. One
present, in the sense of being in the face of another. Always
written in the plural form. AHLB:+1382-H (N) Strong's:+6440

848. ‫ימי‬
ִ ִ‫ ְפּנ‬/ iminp / p-ni-mi Translation:+Inner
Definition:+What is inside or inward. AHLB:+2615 (bf)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

849. ‫סח‬ ַ ‫ ֶפּ‬/ hxp / pe-sahh Translation:+Passover

Definition:+The day of deliverance from Egypt. Also the feast
remembering this day and the lamb that is sacrificed for this
feast. AHLB:+n/a Strong's:+6453

850. ‫סל‬
ֶ ‫ ֶפּ‬/ lxp / pe-sel Translation:+Sculpture Definition:+A
figurine that is formed and shaped from stone, wood or clay.
AHLB:+2619 (N) Strong's:+6459

851. ‫פּ ַֹעל‬
/ lofp / po-al Translation:+Deed Definition:+A
work or action that is made. AHLB:+2622 (g) Strong's:+6467

852. ‫ַפּ ַעם‬/ mop / pa-am Translation:+Footstep

Definition:+A stroke of time as a rhythmic beating of time, one
moment after the other. A moment in time. A foot or leg in
the sense of stepping. AHLB:+2623 (N) Strong's:+6471

853. ‫ ְפּ ֻק ָדּה‬/ edfqp / p-qu-dah Translation:+Oversight

Definition:+A careful watching over. AHLB:+2630 (d1)

854. ‫ ַפּר‬/ rp / par Translation:+Bull Definition:+A large male

un-castrated bovine. AHLB:+1388-A (N) Strong's:+6499

855. ‫ָפּ ָרה‬

/ Erp / pa-rah Translation:+Cow Definition:+The
mature female of cattle. AHLB:+1388-A (N1) Strong's:+6510

856. ‫ְפּ ִרי‬/ irp / p-ri Translation:+Produce

Definition:+Agricultural products, especially fresh fruits and
vegetables. The harvested product of a crop. AHLB:+1388-H (f)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

857. ‫ ָפּר ֶֹכת‬/ Tkfrp / pa-ro-khet Translation:+Tent curtain

Definition:+A wall of fabric or hung from the roof to make a
dividing of a room. AHLB:+2638 (c2) Strong's:+6532

858. ‫ ָפּ ָרשׁ‬/ xrp / pa-rash Translation:+Horseman

Definition:+One that rides a horse. AHLB:+2644 (N)

859. ‫ֶפּ ַשׁע‬/ osp / pe-sha Translation:+Transgression

Definition:+The exceeding of due bounds or limits.
AHLB:+2647 (N) Strong's:+6588

860. ‫ֶפּ ַתח‬ / htp / pe-tahh Translation:+Opening

Definition:+Something that is open, as an entrance or opening
of a tent, house or city. AHLB:+2649 (N) Strong's:+6607


861. ‫ צֹאן‬/ nfy / tson Translation:+Flocks Definition:+Groups

of birds or animals assembled or herded together.
AHLB:+1405-J (N) Strong's:+6629

862. ‫ ָצ ָבא‬/ aby / tsa-va Translation:+Army Definition:+A

large organized group mustered together and armed for war
or service. AHLB:+1393-E (N) Strong's:+6635

863. ‫ ְצ ִבי‬/ iby / ts-vi Translation:+Gazelle buck

Definition:+Any small antelope species noted for graceful
movements. AHLB:+1393-A (f) Strong's:+6643

864. ‫ ַצד‬/ dy / tsad Translation:+Side Definition:+An area

next to something. AHLB:+1395-A (N) Strong's:+6654

Dictionary ~ Nouns

865. ‫ ַצ ִדּיק‬/ qidy / tsa-diq Translation:+Correct

Definition:+To make or set right. Conforming to fact, standard
or truth. AHLB:+2658 (b) Strong's:+6662

More about the word ‫ַצ ִדּיק‬

This word is often translated as "righteous," an
abstract word. In order to understand this word
from an Hebraic mindset, we must uncover its
original concrete meaning. One of the best ways
to determine the original concrete meaning of a
word is to find it being used in a sentence where
its concrete meaning can be seen. The problem
with the word tsadiyq, and its verb form tsadaq, is
that there are no uses of this word in its concrete
meaning. The next method is to compare how the
word in question is paralleled with other Hebrew
words as commonly found in the poetical passages
of the Bible. Sometimes these parallels will be
synonyms and other times antonyms. When we
look at the word tsadiyq we find that it is
commonly paralleled with the word "rasha".
Rasha is usually translated as "wicked" but has a
concrete meaning of "to depart from the path and
become lost". From this we can conclude that a
tsadiyq is one who remains on the path. The path
is the course through life which Elohiym has
outlined for us in his word.

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

866. ‫ ֶצ ֶדק‬/ qdy / tse-deq Translation:+Corrected

Definition:+The following of the established path or course of
action. AHLB:+2658 (N) Strong's:+6664

867. ‫קה‬ ָ ‫ ְצ ָד‬/ eqdy / ts-da-qah Translation:+Correctness

Definition:+Conformity to fact, standard or truth. AHLB:+2658
(N1) Strong's:+6666

868. ‫ַצוָּאר‬
/ rafy / tsa-war Translation:+Back of the neck
Definition:+The nape between the shoulders and the head.
AHLB:+1411-D (g) Strong's:+6677

869. ‫צוֹם‬ / Mfy / tsom Translation:+Fast Definition:+A

purposeful abstinence from food. AHLB:+1404-J (N)

870. ‫ֵצל‬/ ly / tseyl Translation:+Shadow Definition:+The

dark figure cast on a surface by a body intercepting the rays
from a light source. AHLB:+1403-A (N) Strong's:+6738

871. ‫ֵצ ָלע‬

/ ely / tsey-la Translation:+Rib Definition:+Any of
the paired bony or cartilaginous bones that stiffen the walls of
the thorax and protect the organs beneath. A ridge of a hill
from its similar shape to a rib. Also, the side. AHLB:+2664 (N)

872. ‫ָצפוֹן‬ / nfpy / tsa-phon Translation:+North

Definition:+From the North Star which is watched for
direction. AHLB:+1408-A (j) Strong's:+6828

873. ‫ ִצפּוֹר‬/ rfpiy / tsi-por Translation:+Bird Definition:+A

creature distinguished by a body covering of feathers and
wings as forelimbs. AHLB:+2685 (c) Strong's:+6833

Dictionary ~ Nouns

874. ‫ ַצר‬/ ry / tsar Translation:+Narrow Definition:+Of

slender width. A narrow, tight place or situation. An enemy or
adversary as one who closes in with pressure. AHLB:+1411-A
(N) Strong's:+6862

875. ‫ָצ ָרה‬/ ery / tsa-rah Translation:+Trouble

Definition:+To agitate mentally or spiritually; worry; disturb.
AHLB:+1411-A (N1) Strong's:+6869

876. ‫ָצ ַר ַעת‬

/ tory / tsa-ra-at Translation:+Infection
Definition:+A contaminated substance, such as a disease, mold
or mildew, on the skin, cloth or a building. AHLB:+2691 (N2)


877. ‫ֶק ֶבר‬

/ rbq / qe-ver Translation:+Grave Definition:+An
excavation for the burial of a body. AHLB:+2696 (N)

878. ‫ָקדוֹשׁ‬ / sfdq / qa-dosh Translation:+Unique

Definition:+ Someone or something that has, or has been
given the quality of specialness, and has been separated from
the rest for a special purpose. AHLB:+2700 (c) Strong's:+6918

More about the word ‫קדוֹשׁ‬

This word is frequently translated as "holy,"
another abstract word. When we use the word
holy, as in a holy person, we usually associate this
with a righteous or pious person. If we use this
concept when interpreting the word holy in the

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Hebrew Bible, then we are misreading the text, as

this is not the meaning of the Hebrew word
qadosh. Qadosh literally means "to be set apart
for a special purpose". A related word, qedesh, is
one who is also set apart for a special purpose but
not in the same way we think of "holy," but is a
prostitute (Deut 23:17). Israel was qadosh because
they were separated from the other nations as
servants of Elohiym. The furnishings in the
tabernacle were also qadosh, as they were not to
be used for anything except for the work in the
tabernacle. While we may not think of ourselves
as "holy," we are in fact set apart from the world
to be Elohiym's servants and his representatives.

879. ‫ָק ִדים‬/ midq / qa-dim Translation:+East wind

Definition:+The wind that comes from the east. Toward the
east as the origin of the east wind. AHLB:+2698 (b)

880. ‫ק ֶדם‬ ֶ / mdq / qe-dem Translation:+East

Definition:+The general direction of sunrise. As in front when
facing the rising sun. Also, the ancient past. AHLB:+2698 (N)

881. ‫ק ֶֹדשׁ‬ / sdfq / qo-desh Translation:+Special

Definition:+Someone or something that has the quality of
being special; Separated from the rest for a special purpose.
AHLB:+2700 (g) Strong's:+6944

Dictionary ~ Nouns

882. ‫הל‬ ָ ‫ ָק‬/ leq / qa-hal Translation:+Assembly

Definition:+A large group, as a gathering of the flock of sheep
to the shepherd. AHLB:+1426-G (N) Strong's:+6951

883. ‫ קוֹל‬/ lfq / qol Translation:+Voice Definition:+The

faculty of utterance. Sound of a person, musical instrument,
the wind, thunder, etc. AHLB:+1426-J (N) Strong's:+6963

884. ‫קוֹמה‬
ָ / emfq / qo-mah Translation:+Height
Definition:+The highest part or most advanced point; the
condition of being tall or high. In the sense of being raised up.
AHLB:+1427-J (N1) Strong's:+6967

885. ‫ָק ָטן‬/ nuq / qa-tan Translation:+Small

Definition:+Someone or something that is not very large in
size, importance, age or significance. AHLB:+2703 (N)

886. ‫ֹרת‬ ֶ ‫ ְקט‬/ trfuq / q-to-ret Translation:+Incense

Definition:+Usually made of several spices and or fruits, etc. to
emit a fragrance. Used at the altar as a sweet savor.
AHLB:+2705 (c2) Strong's:+7004

887. ‫ְק ָל ָלה‬

/ ellq / q-la-lah Translation:+Annoyance
Definition:+The act of disturbing or irritating. Something that
is light in stature; considered worthless as compared with
something of much greater value or importance. AHLB:+1426-
B (N1) Strong's:+7045

888. ‫ִקנְ אָה‬ / eanq / qin-ah Translation:+Zealousy

Definition:+A protective or suspicious nature. AHLB:+1428-E
(N1) Strong's:+7068

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

889. ‫ ָקנֶה‬/ enk / qa-neh Translation:+Stalk Definition:+The

main stem and support of a plant. AHLB:+1428-H (N)

890.‫ ֵקץ‬/ yq / qeyts Translation:+Conclusion Definition:+To

come to an end. The end of a time period or place or the end
of something. The border of a country as its edges.
AHLB:+1432-A (N) Strong's:+7093

891. ‫ָק ֶצה‬/ eyq / qa-tseh Translation:+Far end

Definition:+The most distant extremity of something; the end
or edge. AHLB:+1432-H (N) Strong's:+7097

892. ‫ָק ָצה‬/ eyq / qa-tsah Translation:+Extremity

Definition:+The far end or border of something. The end,
corner or edge. AHLB:+1432-A (N1) Strong's:+7098

893. ‫ ָק ִציר‬/ riyq / qa-tsir Translation:+Harvest

Definition:+The season for gathering agricultural crops. Time
when the plants are severed from their roots to be used for
seed or food. AHLB:+2727 (b) Strong's:+7105

894. ‫ ֶק ֶצף‬/ pyq / qe-tseph Translation:+Splinter

Definition:+The sharp flying objects from a snapped piece of
wood. Also wrath as flying splinters. AHLB:+2726 (N)

895. ‫ֶק ֶרב‬

/ brq / qe-rev Translation:+Within Definition:+In
the sense of being close or in the interior of. An approaching.
AHLB:+2729 (N) Strong's:+7130

896. ‫ ק ְֹר ָבּן‬/ nbrfq / kor-ban Translation:+Offering

Definition:+Something given to another in devotion.
AHLB:+2729 (gm) Strong's:+7133

Dictionary ~ Nouns

897. ‫קרוֹב‬ ָ / bfrq / qa-rov Translation:+Near

Definition:+Close to; at or within a short distance from. Also, a
kin, as a near relative. AHLB:+2729 (c) Strong's:+7138

898. ‫ ִק ְריָה‬/ eirq / qir-yah Translation:+City Definition:+A

large populace of people; a town or village. AHLB:+1434-H (f1)

899. ‫ ֶק ֶרן‬/ nrq / qe-ren Translation:+Horn Definition:+One

of a pair of bony processes that arise from the head of many
animals, sometimes used as a wind instrument. The horn-
shaped protrusions of the altar or a musical instrument.
AHLB:+2732 (N) Strong's:+7161

900. ‫ ֶק ֶרשׁ‬/ srq / qe-resh Translation:+Board Definition:+A

plank of wood often used to wall off an area or restrict access.
AHLB:+2736 (N) Strong's:+7175

901. ‫ ָק ֶשׁה‬/ esq / qa-sheh Translation:+Hard

Definition:+Not easily penetrated; resistant to stress; firm;
lacking in responsiveness. AHLB:+1435-H (N) Strong's:+7186

902. ‫שׁת‬ ֶ ‫ ֶק‬/ tsq / qe-shet Translation:+Bow Definition:+A

weapon made from a stiff branch to shoots arrows. A bow-
shaped object such as a rainbow. AHLB:+1435-A (N2)


903. ‫ רֹאשׁ‬/ sar / rosh Translation:+Head Definition:+The

top of the body. A person in authority or role of leader. The

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

top, beginning or first of something. AHLB:+1458-D (N)


904. ‫אשׁית‬
ִ ‫ֵר‬ / tisar / rey-shit Translation:+Summit
Definition:+The head, top or beginning of a place, such as a
river or mountain, or a time, such as an event. The point at
which something starts; origin, source. AHLB:+1458-D (N4)

905. ‫ַרב‬
/ br / rav Translation:+Abundant Definition:+Great
plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). One
who is abundant in authority such as a master or teacher.
Also, an archer as one abundant with arrows. AHLB:+1439-A
(N) Strong's:+7227

906. ‫רֹב‬/ bfr / rov Translation:+Abundance Definition:+An

ample quantity of number (many) or plentiful supply of
strength (great). AHLB:+1439-J (N) Strong's:+7230

907. ‫ֶרגֶל‬
/ lcr / re-gel Translation:+Foot Definition:+The
terminal part of the leg upon which the human, animal or
object stands. AHLB:+2749 (N) Strong's:+7272

908. ‫רוּח‬
ַ / hfr / ru-ahh Translation:+Wind Definition:+A
natural movement of air; breath. The wind of man, animal or
Elohiym. The breath. A space in between. AHLB:+1445-J (N)

More about the word ‫רוּח‬

The Hebrew word ru'ach literally means the wind
and is derived from the parent root rach meaning
a prescribed path. The word rach is not found in
the Biblical text but defined by the various child

Dictionary ~ Nouns

roots derived from it. The child roots derived from

this parent root are arach, rachah and yarach.
Arach is a traveler, one who follows a prescribed
path from one place to another. Rachah is a
millstone, which goes round and round in the
sense of following a prescribed path to crush grain
into flour. Yarach is the root of yere'ach meaning
the moon, which follows a prescribed path in the
night sky. The child root ru'ach is literally the wind
that follows a prescribed path each season. By
extension ru'ach means the wind of a man or what
is usually translated as spirit. A man's wind is not
just a spiritual entity within a man but is
understood by the Ancient Hebrews as his

909. ‫ ר ַֹחב‬/ bhfr / ro-hhav Translation:+Width

Definition:+Largeness of extent or scope. From the width of a
road. AHLB:+2759 (g) Strong's:+7341

910. ‫ ְרחוֹב‬/ bfhr / r-hhov Translation:+Street Definition:+A

thoroughfare, especially in a city, town or village. AHLB:+2759
(c) Strong's:+7339

911. ‫ ָרחוֹק‬/ qfhr / ra-hhoq Translation:+Distance

Definition:+Separation in space or time. A distant place or
time. AHLB:+2765 (c) Strong's:+7350

912. ‫ַר ַחם‬ / mhr / ra-hham Translation:+Bowels

Definition:+The large intestines as encompassed about by the
torso. Compassion as coming from the bowels. AHLB:+2762
(N) Strong's:+7356

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

913. ‫ ִריב‬/ bir / riv Translation:+Dispute Definition:+Bitter,

sometimes violent conflict or dissension. AHLB:+1439-M (N)

914. ‫יח‬
ַ ‫ ֵר‬/ hir / rey-ahh Translation:+Aroma Definition:+A
distinctive pervasive and usually pleasant or savory smell or
odor. AHLB:+1445-M (N) Strong's:+7381

915. ‫ ֶר ֶכב‬/ bkr / re-khev Translation:+Chariot Definition:+A

light, two-wheeled battle vehicle for one or two persons,
usually drawn by two horses and driven from a standing
position. Also, the top millstone as supported on top of the
bottom millstone. AHLB:+2769 (N) Strong's:+7393

916. ‫ְרכוּשׁ‬ / sfkr / r-khush Translation:+Goods

Definition:+Something that has economic utility or satisfies an
economic want; personal property having intrinsic value but
usually excluding money, securities and negotiable
instruments. AHLB:+2772 (d) Strong's:+7399

917. ‫ ִרמוֹן‬/ nfmr / ri-mon Translation:+Pomegranate

Definition:+A sweet deep red fruit prolific with seeds. A
symbol of compassion and love. AHLB:+1450-A (j)

918. ‫ ִרנָּה‬/ enir / ri-nah Translation:+Shouting Definition:+A

loud exclamation of triumph or joy. AHLB:+1451-M (N1)

919. ‫ֵר ַע‬ / or / rey-a Translation:+Companion

Definition:+One that accompanies another. As a close
companion. AHLB:+1453-A (N) Strong's:+7453

Dictionary ~ Nouns

920. ‫ ָרע‬/ gr / ra Translation:+Dysfunctional

Definition:+Impaired or abnormal action other than that for
which a person or thing is intended. Something that does not
function within its intended purpose. AHLB:+1460-A (N)

921. ‫ ָר ָעב‬/ bor / ra-av Translation:+Hunger Definition:+A

craving or urgent need for food. AHLB:+2777 (N)

922. ‫ ָרצוֹן‬/ nfyr / ra-tson Translation:+Will

Definition:+Used to express determination, insistence,
persistence, or willfulness. One's desire. AHLB:+1455-H (j)

923. ‫ֶר ַשׁע‬ / osr / re-sha Translation:+Lost

Definition:+Departed from the correct path or way.
AHLB:+2799 (N) Strong's:+7562

924. ‫ָר ָשׁע‬ / osr / ra-sha Translation:+Lost one

Definition:+One who has departed from the correct path or
way. AHLB:+2799 (N) Strong's:+7563


925. ‫ ְשׁאוֹל‬/ lfas / sh-ol Translation:+Underworld

Definition:+The place of the dead. AHLB:+1472-D (c)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

More about the word ‫ְשׁאוֹל‬

The word she'ol was understood as the place
where one goes when they die. Was this simply
the grave one is buried in, or a place one goes too
after they die? This is a difficult question to
answer as the Hebrew Bible never really defines
she'ol. There is evidence however that they
understood it to be more than just the grave. First,
the word qever is the normal Hebrew word for a
grave and therefore, it is possible that she'ol was
understood as something other than the grave.
Second, most scriptures using the word she'ol
imply a place other than the grave. An example
can be found in Genesis 37:35 where Jacob says "I
will go down to my son in she'ol." In this account
Jacob believed his son Joseph had been eaten by a
wild beast and could therefore not be in a grave,
yet Jacob knew that he would be with him
somewhere-she'ol. The Ancient Hebrews did not
know where, or even what, she'ol was. To them it
was an unknown place hence. The word she'ol
literally means "unknown." It should also be noted
that the Ancient Hebrews never speculated on
something unknown, it was simply not known and
left at that. It is only the Greek mind that desires
to know the unknown. It is our Greco-Roman
western mindset that needs to know where and
what she'ol is.

Dictionary ~ Nouns

926. ‫א ִרית‬ֵ ‫ ְשׁ‬/ tiras / sh-ey-rit Translation:+Remnant

Definition:+A usually small part, member, or trace remaining.
AHLB:+1480-D (N4) Strong's:+7611

927. ‫בוּעה‬
ָ ‫ ְשׁ‬/ eofbs / sh-vu-ah Translation:+Swearing
Definition:+The act of taking an oath. AHLB:+2808 (d1)

928. ‫ְשׁבוּת‬ / tfbs / sh-vut Translation:+Captivity

Definition:+The state or period of being held, imprisoned,
enslaved, or confined. AHLB:+1462-H (N3) Strong's:+7622

929. ‫ֵשׁ ֶבט‬

/ ubs / shey-vet Translation:+Staff Definition:+A
walking stick made from the branch of a tree. Also, a tribe as a
branch of the family. AHLB:+2805 (N) Strong's:+7626

930. ‫ְשׁ ִבי‬

/ ibs / sh-vi Translation:+Captive Definition:+A
person who is enslaved or dominated. AHLB:+1462-H (f)

931. ‫ֶשׁ ֶבר‬/ rbs / she-ver Translation:+Shattering

Definition:+Suddenly broken or burst into pieces, as with a
violent blow. AHLB:+2811 (N) Strong's:+7667

932. ‫שׁ ָבּת‬
ַ / tbs / sha-bat Translation:+Ceasing Definition:+ A
stopping of work or activity; An activity curtailed before
completion. The seventh day of the week (often translated as
Sabbath) when all business ceases for rest and celebration.
AHLB:+2812 (N) Strong's:+7676

933. ‫ָשׂ ֶדה‬

/ edx / sa-deh Translation:+Field Definition:+An
open land area free of trees and buildings. A level plot of
ground. AHLB:+1326-H (N) Strong's:+7704

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

934. ‫שׁ ַדּי‬ַ / ids / shad-dai Translation:+Shaddai

Definition:+A name of YHWH literally meaning "my breasts."
AHLB:+1464-A (N) Strong's:+7706

935. ‫שׂה‬ ֶ / ex / seh Translation:+Ram Definition:+A member

of a flock of sheep or goats. AHLB:+1327-A (N) Strong's:+7716

936. ‫שׁוְ א‬ָ / afs / sha-weh Translation:+Falseness

Definition:+Words or actions that are not true or are empty. A
Deception. Lacking value and content. AHLB:+1461-J (N)

937. ‫שׁוֹער‬
ֵ / rofs / sho-eyr Translation:+Gatekeeper
Definition:+One who guards the gate of a city or the door of a
structure. AHLB:+2862 (g) Strong's:+7778

938. ‫שׁוֹפר‬
ָ / rpfs / sho-phar Translation:+Ram horn
Definition:+The horn of ram made into a trumpet that emits a
bright and beautiful sound. AHLB:+2869 (g) Strong's:+7782

939. ‫ שׁוֹר‬/ rfs / shor Translation:+Ox Definition:+A domestic

bovine animal used for pulling heavy loads. AHLB:+1480-J (N)

940. ‫ִשׁ ָטּה‬

/ eus / shit-tah Translation:+Acacia Definition:+A
thorny tree commonly found in the Near East. In its plural
form can mean wood or boards from the tree. AHLB:+1469-A
(N1) Strong's:+7848

941. ‫טן‬ ָ ‫ ָשׂ‬/ nux / sa-tan Translation:+Opponent

Definition:+One who is on the opposing side of an action or
thought; an adversary. AHLB:+2475 (N) Strong's:+7854

Dictionary ~ Nouns

942. ‫ ִשׁיר‬/ ris / shir Translation:+Song Definition:+The act

or art of singing. AHLB:+1480-M (N) Strong's:+7892

943. ‫ ָשׂ ָכר‬/ rkx / sa-khar Translation:+Wage Definition:+The

reward or price paid for one's labor. AHLB:+2479 (N)

944. ‫ ָשׁלוֹם‬/ mfls / sha-lom Translation:+Completeness

Definition:+Something that has been finished or made whole.
A state of being complete. AHLB:+2845 (c) Strong's:+7965

More about the word ‫שׁלוֹם‬

When we hear the word peace, which this word is
usually translated as, we usually associate this to
mean an absence of war or strife. However, the
Hebrew word shalom has a very different
meaning. The verb form of the root word is
shalam and is usually used in the context of
making restitution. When a person has caused
another to become deficient in some way, such as
a loss of livestock, it is the responsibility of the
person who created the deficiency to restore what
has been taken, lost or stolen. The verb shalam
literally means to make whole or complete. The
noun shalom has the more literal meaning of
being in a state of wholeness, or being without
deficiency. The Biblical phrase "shalu shalom
yerushalayim" (pray for the peace of Jerusalem) is
not speaking about an absence of war (though
that is part of it), but that Jerusalem, and by
extension all of Israel, be complete and whole and
goes far beyond the idea of "peace".

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

945. ‫ֻשׁ ְל ָחן‬/ nhlfs / shul-hhan Translation:+Table

Definition:+A flat surface, usually made of wood and with four
legs, for laying out the meal to be eaten. AHLB:+2842 (om)

946. ‫ ָשׁ ָלל‬/ lls / sha-lal Translation:+Spoil

Definition:+Plunder taken from an enemy in war or robbery.
To impair the quality or effect of. AHLB:+1472-B (N)

947. ‫ ֶשׁ ֶלם‬/ mls / she-lem Translation:+Peace offering

Definition:+A sacrifice or offering given to bring about peace.
AHLB:+2845 (N) Strong's:+8002

948. ‫ָשׁ ֵלם‬ / mls / sha-leym Translation:+Complete

Definition:+Having all necessary parts, elements or steps. A
state of being whole or full. Left unaltered and whole in its
original functional state without removing or adding to it. To
finish. AHLB:+2845 (N) Strong's:+8003

949. ‫ ִשׁ ְלשׁוֹם‬/ Mfslis / shil-shom Translation:+Three

days ago Definition:+Literally the day before yesterday, but
used as an idiom for the past. AHLB:+2847 (eqp)

950. ‫שׁם‬
ֵ / ms / sheym Translation:+Title Definition:+A word
given to an individual or place denoting its character. The
character of an individual or place. AHLB:+1473-A (N)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

More about the word ‫שׁם‬

When we see a name, such as "King David" we see
the word "King" as a title and "David" as a name.
In our western mind a title describes a character
trait while a name is simply an identifier. In the
Hebrew language there is no such distinction
between names and titles. Both words, King and
David, are descriptions of character traits. The
Hebrew word melekh (king) is "one who reigns,"
while daviyd (David) is "one who is loved". Both of
these words are titles, describing the character of
David. It is also common to identify the word
"Elohiym" (Elohiym) as a title and YHWH (Yahweh)
as a name. What we do not realize is that both of
these are character traits. YHWH is both a word
and title meaning "one who exists" and Elohiym is
a word and a title meaning "one who has power
and authority". The Hebrew word "shem" more
literally means "character". When the Bible speaks
of taking Elohiym's name to the nations, he is not
speaking about the name itself but his character.
When we are commanded to not take Elohiym's
name in vain, this literally means not to represent
his character in a false manner. This is similar to
our expression, "have a good name," which is not
about the name itself but the character of the one
with that name.

951. ‫מּה‬ ָ ‫ ַשׁ‬/ ems / sha-mah Translation:+Desolate

Definition:+A wind blowing over the land pulls the moisture

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

out of the ground drying it up, making a place of ruin or

desert. AHLB:+1473-A (N1) Strong's:+8047

952. ‫ְשׂמוֹאל‬ / lafmx / s-mol Translation:+Left hand

Definition:+The left hand, side or direction. AHLB:+3036

953. ‫מוּעה‬
ָ ‫ ְשׁ‬/ eofms / sh-mu-ah Translation:+Report
Definition:+News or tidings given to another. AHLB:+2851 (d1)

954. ‫ ִשׂ ְמ ָחה‬/ ehmx / sim-hhah Translation:+Joy

Definition:+A state of felicity or happiness. AHLB:+2487 (N1)

955. ‫מיִ ם‬ַ ‫ ָשׁ‬/ mims / sha-ma-yim Translation:+Sky

Definition:+The upper atmosphere that constitutes an
apparent great vault or arch over the earth. Place of the
winds. AHLB:+1473-A (N) Strong's:+8064

956. ‫ִשׂ ְמ ָלה‬

/ elmix / sim-lah Translation:+Apparel
Definition:+Something that clothes or adorns. As forming to
the image of the body. AHLB:+2489 (e1) Strong's:+8071

957. ‫ְשׁ ָמ ָמה‬

/ emms / sh-ma-mah Translation:+Desolate
Definition:+Vacant or void of required sources for life.
AHLB:+1473-B (N1) Strong's:+8077

958. ‫ֶשׁ ֶמן‬

/ nms / she-men Translation:+Oil Definition:+A
semi-liquid, often oily and thick. Usually olive oil and used as a
medicinal ointment. Also, meaning fat or rich. AHLB:+2850 (N)

Dictionary ~ Nouns

959. ‫ ֶשׁ ֶמשׁ‬/ sms / she-mesh Translation:+Sun

Definition:+The luminous body around which the earth
revolves and from which it receives heat and light.
AHLB:+2854 (N) Strong's:+8121

960. ‫ֵשׁן‬/ ns / sheyn Translation:+Tooth Definition:+Hard

bony appendages on the jaws used for chewing food and
forming of sounds when talking. AHLB:+1474-A (N)

961. ‫שׁנֵה‬
ָ / ens / sha-neyh Translation:+Year Definition:+The
period of around 365 solar days. AHLB:+1474-A (N1)

962. ‫ ָשׁנִ י‬/ ins / sha-ni Translation:+Scarlet Definition:+Any

of various bright reds. AHLB:+1474-A (f) Strong's:+8144

963. ‫ ָשׂ ִעיר‬/ riox / sa-ir Translation:+Goat

Definition:+Related to the sheep but of lighter build and with
backwardly arching horns, a short tail, and usually straight
hair. AHLB:+2494 (b) Strong's:+8163

964. ‫ ַשׁ ַער‬/ ros / sha-ar Translation:+Gate Definition:+The

opening in a wall or fence through which livestock or people
pass. May also mean a gatekeeper. Also sha'ar, a unit of
measurement. AHLB:+2862 (N) Strong's:+8179

965. ‫ֵשׂ ָער‬

/ rox / sey-ar Translation:+Hair Definition:+The
covering of filaments on a human head or the body of an
animal. AHLB:+2494 (N) Strong's:+8181

966. ‫ ְשׂע ָֹרה‬/ erfox / s-o-rah Translation:+Barley

Definition:+A crop used as food, and for determining the
month of Aviv. AHLB:+2494 (c1) Strong's:+8184

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

967. ‫ ָשׂ ָפה‬/ epx / sa-phah Translation:+Lip Definition:+The

rim or edge of the mouth or other opening. Language, as
spoken from the lips. AHLB:+1339-A (N1) Strong's:+8193

968. ‫ ִשׁ ְפ ָחה‬/ ehpis / shiph-hhah Translation:+Maid

Definition:+An unmarried young woman. AHLB:+2863 (e1)

969. ‫ ַשׂק‬/ qx / saq Translation:+Sack Definition:+A bag of

cloth or skins for carrying foods or objects. AHLB:+1341-A (N)

970. ‫ ִשׁקּוּץ‬/ yfqis / shi-quts Translation:+Filthiness

Definition:+A dirty, shameful, or detestable action, object or
condition. Often used in the context of idols. AHLB:+2878 (ed)

971. ‫ֶשׁ ֶקל‬

/ lqs / she-qel Translation:+Sheqel Definition:+A
chief Hebrew weight standard of measurement. AHLB:+2874
(N) Strong's:+8255

972. ‫קר‬ֶ ‫ ֶשׁ‬/ rqs / she-qer Translation:+False Definition:+A

deliberate lie. An expression of a non-truth. AHLB:+2879 (N)

973. ‫שׂר‬ַ / rx / sar Translation:+Noble Definition:+Possessing

outstanding qualities or properties. Of high birth or exalted
rank. One who has authority. May also mean "heavy" from the
weight of responsibility on one in authority. AHLB:+1342-A (N)

974. ‫ָשׂ ִריד‬

/ dirx / sa-rid Translation:+Remnant
Definition:+What is left behind. AHLB:+2506 (b) Strong's:+8300

Dictionary ~ Nouns

975. ‫ שׁ ֶֹרשׁ‬/ srfs / sho-resh Translation:+Root

Definition:+The underground part of a plant. The source or
origin of a thing. AHLB:+2883 (g) Strong's:+8328

976. ‫שׁשׁ‬ ֵ / ss / sheysh Translation:+Linen Definition:+Fabric

made of flax and noted for its strength, coolness and luster. A
white cloth. Also, marble from its whiteness. AHLB:+1481-A
(N) Strong's:+8336


977. ‫אן‬ֵ ‫ ְתּ‬/ nat / t-eyn Translation:+Fig Definition:+An

oblong or pear-shaped fruit from a tree of the fichus genus.
AHLB:+1014-A (i) Strong's:+8384

978. ‫תּ ָבה‬ֵ / ebt / tey-vah Translation:+Vessel Definition:+A

floating container for holding items. Used for the basket that
carried Mosheh down the Nile river and the boat made by
Noah. AHLB:+1028-A (i) Strong's:+8392

979. ‫ְתּבוּאָה‬ / eafbt / t-vu-ah Translation:+Production

Definition:+Total output of a commodity or an industry. An
increase of produce, usually of fruit. AHLB:+1024-J (i1)

980.‫ ֵתּ ֵבל‬/ lbit / tey-vel Translation:+Earth Definition:+The

whole of the land or region. AHLB:+1035-A (i) Strong's:+8398

981. ‫ְתּהוֹם‬ / mfet / t-hom Translation:+Deep sea

Definition:+Extending far from some surface or area; in

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

difficulty or distress. Deep and tumultuous water. A

subterranean body of water. AHLB:+1105-J (i) Strong's:+8415

982. ‫ְתּ ִה ָלּה‬

/ eliet / t-hi-lah Translation:+Adoration
Definition:+To praise or to be boastful. AHLB:+1104-A (ie1)

983. ‫תּוֹדה‬ָ / edft / to-dah Translation:+Thanks

Definition:+An expression of gratitude or acknowledgement
toward another. AHLB:+1211-A (i1) Strong's:+8426

984. ‫ֶך‬
ְ ‫ ָתּו‬/ kft / ta-wek Translation:+Midst Definition:+The
center or middle of the whole. AHLB:+1494-J (N)

985. ‫חה‬ ָ ‫תּוֹכ‬

ֵ / ehkft / to-khey-hhah Translation:+Conviction
Definition:+A fixed or firm confidence in truth. AHLB:+1238-L
(i1) Strong's:+8433

986. ‫תּוֹל ָדה‬

ְ / edlft / tol-dah Translation:+Birthing
Definition:+The act or process of bringing forth offspring from
the womb. Total of the children born within an era.
AHLB:+1257-L (i3) Strong's:+8435

987. ‫תּוֹלע‬
ָ / olft / to-la Translation:+Kermes
Definition:+The 'coccus ilicis,' a worm used for medicinal
purposes as well as for making a crimson dye. AHLB:+1269-L (i)

988. ‫תּוֹע ָבה‬

ֵ / eboft / to-ey-vah Translation:+Disgusting
Definition:+Something highly distasteful that arouses marked
aversion in one. AHLB:+2897 (g1) Strong's:+8441

Dictionary ~ Nouns

989. ‫תּוֹרה‬ ָ / erft / to-rah Translation:+Teaching

Definition:+Acquired knowledge or skills that mark the
direction one is to take in life. A straight direction. Knowledge
passed from one person to another. AHLB:+1227-H (i1)

More about the word ‫תּוֹרה‬

To interpret the Hebrew word torah as law is about the
same as interpreting the word father as disciplinarian.
While the father is a disciplinarian he is much more and
in the same way torah is much more than law. The word
torah is derived from the root yarah meaning to throw.
This can be the throwing of a rock, the shooting of an
arrow, or the pointing of the finger to show direction.
Another word derived from this root is the word moreh,
which can mean and archer, one who throws the arrow,
or a teacher, as one who points the way. The word torah
is literally the teachings of the teacher or parent. When
a parent is teaching a child a new task and he
demonstrates a willingness to learn, but fails to grasp
the teaching completely, the parent does not punish the
child, but rather encourages him. In contrast to this, a
law is a set of rules that if not observed correctly, will
result in punishment, and there is no room for teaching.
The torah of Elohiym are his teachings to his children
which are given in love to encourage and strengthen.

990. ‫ ִתּירוֹשׁ‬/ sfrit / ti-rosh Translation:+Fresh wine

Definition:+Newly pressed wine as a desired possession.
AHLB:+1458-L (ic) Strong's:+8492

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

991. ‫ ְתּ ֵכ ֶלת‬/ tlkt / t-khey-let Translation:+Blue

Definition:+A color that is created with the use of a dye.
AHLB:+1242-A (i2) Strong's:+8504

992. ‫ ָתּ ִמיד‬/ dimt / ta-mid Translation:+Continually

Definition:+Happening without interruption or cessation;
continuous in time. AHLB:+1280-M (b) Strong's:+8548

993. ‫ָתּ ִמים‬ / mimt / ta-mim Translation:+Whole

Definition:+Free of wound or injury; free of defect or
impairment; having all its proper parts or components.
AHLB:+1496-B (b) Strong's:+8549

994. ‫נוּפה‬
ָ ‫ְתּ‬ / epfnt / t-nu-phah Translation:+Waving
Definition:+The action of moving an object, such as hammer
or a sacrifice, back and forth. AHLB:+1316-J (i1) Strong's:+8573

995. ‫אָרה‬ָ ‫ ִתּ ְפ‬/ erapt / tiph-a-rah Translation:+Decoration

Definition:+Ornamentation that shows position or distinction.
AHLB:+1388-D (i1) Strong's:+8597

996. ‫ ְתּ ִפ ָלּה‬/ elipt / t-phi-lah Translation:+Pleading

Definition:+To earnestly appeal to another for or against an
action. AHLB:+1380-M (i1) Strong's:+8605

997. ‫ ִתּ ְקוָה‬/ efqt / tiq-wah Translation:+Waiting

Definition:+A standing still in anticipation or expectation.
AHLB:+1420-A (i1) Strong's:+8615

998. ‫רוּמה‬
ָ ‫ ְתּ‬/ emfrt / t-ru-mah Translation:+Offering
Definition:+A donation presented to another. AHLB:+1450-J
(i1) Strong's:+8641

Dictionary ~ Nouns

999. ‫רוּעה‬ָ ‫ ְתּ‬/ egfrt / t-ru-ah Translation:+Shout

Definition:+A great shout of alarm of war or for rejoicing.
AHLB:+1460-J (i1) Strong's:+8643

1000. ‫שׁוּעה‬
ָ ‫ ְתּ‬/ eosft / t-shu-ah Translation:+Rescue
Definition:+A deliverance or freedom from a burden, enemy
or trouble. AHLB:+1476-L (i1) Strong's:+8668

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Appendix A ~ The Alphabet

Name Modern Ancient

Aleph ‫א‬ silent a ah, eh
Beyt/Veyt ‫בּב‬ b, v b b, v
Gimel ‫ג‬ g c g
Dalet ‫ד‬ d d d
Hey ‫ה‬ h e h, ey
Vav ‫ווּוֹ‬ v, o, u f w, ow, uw
Zayin ‫ז‬ z z z
Hhet ‫ח‬ hh h hh*
Thet ‫ט‬ t u t
Yud ‫י‬ y i y, iy
Kaph/Khaph ‫כּכךךּ‬ k, kh k k, kh
Lamed ‫ל‬ l l l
Mem ‫מם‬ m m m
Nun ‫נן‬ n n n
Samehh ‫ס‬ s x s
Ayin ‫ע‬ silent o/g ah / gh
Pey/Phey ‫פּפף‬ p, ph p p, ph
Tsade ‫צץ‬ ts y ts
Quph ‫ק‬ q q q

Resh ‫ר‬ r r r
Shin/Sin ‫שׁשׂ‬ sh, s s sh
Tav ‫ת‬ t t t

Pronounced hard, like the "ch" in the name Bach.

Appendix A ~ The Alphabet

The Vowels

‫אָ‬2 Qamats a, as in father

‫אַ‬ Patahh a, as in father

‫ֶא‬ Segol e, as in egg

‫ֵא‬ Tsere ey, as in grey

‫ְא‬ Sh'va silent

‫ִא‬ Hhireq i, as in machine

ֹ‫א‬ Hholam o, as in row

‫ֻא‬ Qubbuts u, as in tune

‫ֳא‬ Hhataph Qamats a, as in father

‫ֲא‬ Hhataph Patahh a, as in father

‫ֱא‬ Hhataph Segol e, as in egg

‫וֹ‬ Hholam Maley o, as in row

‫וּ‬ Shurruq u, as in tune

The letter “aleph” is used to show the placement of the vowel
pointing and is not part of the vowel.

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Appendix B ~ Prefixes and Suffixes

The Prefixes

Six letters are frequently prefixed to nouns and verbs. Below

are these six letters and examples of their uses.

The prefix ‫ב‬ (b) is the preposition meaning "within" and is

usually translated as "in" or with."

#666 ‫במדבר‬ bamidbar in the wilderness

#573 ‫בחרב‬ behharev with the sword

#352 ‫בשלח‬ b'shalahh in the sending

The prefix ‫( ל‬l) is the preposition meaning "toward" and is

usually translated as "to" or "for."

#440 ‫לארץ‬ la'arets to the land

#464 ‫לבן‬ l'veyn to/for a son

#121 ‫לדעה‬ l'deyah to know

Appendix B ~ Prefixes and Suffixes

The prefix ‫( מ‬m) is the preposition meaning "from."

#459 ‫מבית‬ mibeyt from the house

#592 ‫מיד‬ miyad from the hand

The prefix ‫( כ‬k) is the preposition meaning "like."

#415 ‫כאלהים‬ keylohim like the powers

#624 ‫ככל‬ k'khol like all

The prefix ‫( ו‬v/u) is the conjunction meaning "and."

#498 ‫וגר‬ v'geyr and a stranger

#503 ‫ודבש‬ ud'vash and honey

#197 ‫ונגע‬ un'go'a and touch

The prefix ‫( ה‬h) is the article meaning "the."

#506 ‫הדור‬ hador the generation

#585 ‫הטוב‬ hatov the functional one

#24 ‫הבא‬ haba the coming

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

The Suffixes (Possessive Pronouns)

Nouns are frequently suffixed by a letter (or letters)

representing a pronoun. This noun/pronoun combination is in
the construct state (identified in English with the word "of").
An example of a Hebrew construct state is ‫( ביתי‬beytiy) which
would literally be translated as "house of me," but would
normally be translated as "my house."

‫ביתי‬ bey'tiy my house

‫ביתך‬ bey'te'kha your (mas) house
‫ביתך‬ bey'teykh your (fem) house
‫ביתו‬ bey'to his house
‫ביתה‬ bey'tah her house
‫ביתנו‬ bey'tey'nu our house
‫ביתכם‬ bey'te'khem your (mas, pl) house
‫ביתכן‬ bey'te'khen your (fem, pl) house
‫ביתם‬ bey'tam their(mas) house
‫ביתן‬ bey'tan their (fem) house

The Suffixes (Plurals)

Nouns are made plural by adding a suffix, either ‫( ים‬im) for

masculine nouns or ‫( ות‬ot) for feminine nouns. There are a
few exceptions to this though. For instance, the Hebrew word

Appendix B ~ Prefixes and Suffixes

‫( אב‬father) is a masculine noun but in the plural is written as

‫( אבות‬avot). Below are a few examples of Hebrew plurals.

#464 ‫בנים‬ beniym sons

#477 ‫בנות‬ banot daughters
#594 ‫ימים‬ yamim days
#397 ‫אתות‬ otot signs


‫והארץ‬ The prefix ‫ ו‬meaning "and"

v'ha'arets The prefix ‫ ה‬meaning "the"
The word ‫ ארץ‬meaning "land"
and the land
‫מידו‬ The prefix ‫ מ‬meaning "from"
mi'ya'do The word ‫ יד‬meaning "hand"
The suffix ‫ ו‬meaning "his"
from his hand
‫לנו‬ The prefix ‫ ל‬meaning "to"
lanu The suffix ‫ נו‬meaning "us"

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

To us
‫בניכם‬ The word ‫ בן‬meaning "son"
b'ney'khem The masc. plural suffix ‫ים‬
The suffix ‫ כם‬meaning "you" (mas, pl)
your sons

When a masculine plural word is written in the construct state, the
letter ‫( ם‬m) is dropped.

Appendix B ~ Prefixes and Suffixes

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Appendix C ~ Pronouns,
Prepositions, Etc.


‫ֲאנִ י‬ a'ni I
‫אָנ ִֹכי‬ a'no'khi I
‫ֲאנוּ‬ a'nu We
‫ָחנוּ‬ ְ ‫ֲאנ‬ a'nahh'nu We
‫אַתּה‬ ָ a'tah You (mas, sing)
ְ at You (fem, sing)
‫אַתּם‬ ֶ a'tem You (mas, plural)
‫אַתּן‬ ֶ a'ten You (fem, plural)
‫הוּא‬ hu He
‫ִהיא‬ hi She
‫ֵהם‬ heym They (mas)
‫ֵהן‬ heyn They (fem)

Appendix C ~ Pronouns, Particip;es, Etc.

Indefinite Pronouns

‫זֹאת‬ zot This (fem)

‫זֶה‬ zeh This (mas)
‫ֵא ֶלּה‬ ey'leh These


‫ֵאל‬ eyl To, For

‫ִאם‬ im If
‫ֵבּין‬ beyn Between
‫ִכּי‬ ki Because, For
‫ִמין‬ min From
‫ַעד‬ ad Until
‫עוֹד‬ od Again
‫ַעל‬ al Upon, Over
‫ָשׁם‬ sham There
‫ִעם‬ im With

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary


‫ֵכּן‬ keyn So
‫ָע ַתה‬ a'tah Now
ְ ak Indeed, Surely
‫ַרק‬ raq Only
ַ u'lai Perhaps
‫אוּלם‬ָ u'lam But
‫אַיִ ן‬ ain Without


‫ֲא ֵשׁר‬ a'sheyr Which

‫אוֹ‬ o Or
‫גַּם‬ gam Also
‫ֶפּן‬ pen Otherwise

Appendix C ~ Pronouns, Particip;es, Etc.


‫ ֵאת‬4 eyt At
‫ לוֹא‬5 lo Not

The Hebrew word ‫ ֵאת‬precedes the definite object of the verb. For
instance, in the sentence, "John drove the car," The words "the car"
are the definite object and in Hebrew these words would be
proceeded by the word ‫את‬. ֵ Here is a Biblical example from Genesis
1:4, ‫ַרא ֱאל ִֹהים ֶאת ָהאוֹר‬
ְ ‫ ַויּ‬, which is translated as "and Elohiym saw ‫ֵאת‬
the light."
The word ‫( לוֹא‬usually written as ‫ )לֹא‬precedes a verb to negate the
action of that verb. An example can be found in Genesis 2:17, which
includes the phrase ‫ֹאכל‬
ַ ‫לֹא ת‬. The word ‫ֹאכל‬
ַ ‫( ת‬tokhal) means, "you
will eat," but because it is preceded by the word ‫לֹא‬, it means "you
will not eat."

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Appendix D ~ Numbers

Cardinal Numbers

‫ֶא ָחד‬ e'hhad One (mas)

‫אַחת‬ ַ a'hhat One (fem)
‫ְשׁנַיִ ם‬ sh'na'yim Two (mas)
‫ְשׁ ַתּיִ ם‬ sh'ta'yim Two (fem)
‫ְשׁל ָֹשׁה‬ sh'lo'shah Three (mas)
‫ָשׁלוֹשׁ‬ sha'losh Three (fem)
‫אַר ָבּ ָעה‬ְ ar'ba'ah Four (mas)
‫אַר ַבּע‬ְ ar'ba Four (fem)
‫ֲח ִמ ָשּׁה‬ hha'mi'shah Five (mas)
‫ָח ֵמשׁ‬ hha'meysh Five (fem)
‫ִשׁ ָשּׁה‬ shi'shah Six (mas)
‫ֵשׁשׁ‬ sheysh Six (fem)
‫ִשׁ ְב ָעה‬ shiv'ah Seven (mas)
‫ֶשׁ ַבע‬ sh'va Seven (fem)
‫ְשׁמֹנָה‬ sh'mo'nah Eight (mas)
‫ְשׁמֹנֶה‬ sh'mo'neh Eight (fem)
‫ִתּ ְשׁ ָעה‬ tish'ah Nine (mas)
‫ֵתּ ַשׁע‬ t'sha Nine (fem)

Appendix D ~ Numbers

‫ֲשׂ ָרה‬ָ‫ע‬ a'sa'rah Ten (mas)

‫ֶע ֶשׂר‬ e'ser Ten (fem)
‫ֶע ְשׂ ִרים‬ es'rim Twenty
ִ ‫ְשׁ‬ sh'lo'shim Thirty
‫אַר ָבּ ִעים‬
ְ ar'ba'im Forty
‫ֲח ִמ ִשּׁים‬ hha'mi'shim Fifty
‫ִשׁ ִשׁים‬ shi'shim Sixty
‫ִשׁ ְב ִעים‬ shiv'im Seventy
‫ְשׁמֹנִ ים‬ sh'mo'nim Eighty
‫ִתּ ְשׁ ִעים‬ tish'im Ninety
‫ֵמאָה‬ mey'ah Hundred
‫ֶא ֶלף‬ e'leph Thousand

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Ordinal Numbers

‫ִראשׁוֹן‬ ri'shon First (mas)

‫ִראשֹׁנָה‬ ri'sho'nah First (fem)
‫ֵשׁנִ י‬ shey'ni Second (mas)
‫ֵשׁנִ ית‬ shey'nit Second (fem)
‫ישׁי‬ ִ ‫ְשׁ ִל‬ sh'li'shi Third (mas)
‫ישׁית‬ ִ ‫ְשׁ ִל‬ sh'li'shit Third (fem)
‫יעי‬ ִ ‫ְר ִב‬ r'vi'i Fourth (mas)
‫יעית‬ ִ ‫ְר ִב‬ r'vi'it Fourth (fem)
‫ישׁי‬ ִ ‫ֲח ִמ‬ hha'mi'shi Fifth (mas)
‫ישׁית‬ ִ ‫ֲח ִמ‬ hha'mi'shit Fifth (fem)
‫ישׁי‬ ִ ‫ִשׁ‬ shi'shi Sixth (mas)
‫ישׁית‬ ִ ‫ִשׁ‬ shi'shit Sixth (fem)
‫יעי‬ ִ ‫ְשׁ ִב‬ sh'vi'i Seventh (mas)
‫יעית‬ ִ ‫ְשׁ ִב‬ sh'vi'it Seventh (fem)
‫ְשׁ ִמינִ י‬ sh'mi'ni Eighth (mas)
‫ְשׁ ִמינִ ית‬ sh'mi'nit Eighth (fem)
‫יעי‬ִ ‫ְתּ ִשׁ‬ t'shi'i Ninth (mas)
‫יעית‬ ִ ‫ְתּ ִשׁ‬ t'shi'it Ninth (fem)
‫ירי‬ ִ ‫ֲשׂ‬ ִ‫ע‬ a'si'ri Tenth (mas)
‫ירת‬ ִ ‫ֲשׂ‬ ִ‫ע‬ a'si'rit Tenth (fem)

Appendix D ~ Numbers

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Appendix E ~ Verb Conjugations

Tense and Subject

Most conjugated Hebrew verbs identify the tense of the verb

and the gender and number of the subject of the verb.

Hebrew verb tenses are not related to time (past, present or

future), as in English, but to action. There are two Hebrew
tenses; perfect and imperfect. The perfect tense is used for a
complete action and is usually translated with the English past
tense. The imperfect tense is used for an incomplete action
(an action that has started but not finished or an action that
has not started) and is usually translated with the English
present or future tense.

The tense and the subject of the verb are identified by a prefix
and/or suffix attached to the verb. While there are many
different combinations of verb conjugations, a few common
examples using the verb ‫( קצר‬#301) are provided below.

‫קצרתי‬ qa'tsar'ti I cut

‫קצרנו‬ qa'tsar'nu We cut
‫קצרת‬ qa'tsar'ta You cut
‫קצר‬ qa'tsar He cut
‫קצרו‬ qats'ru They cut

Appendix E ~ Verb Conjugations

‫קצרה‬ qats'rah She cut

‫אקצר‬ eq'tsor I will cut
‫נקצר‬ niq'tsor We will cut
‫תקצר‬ tiq'tsor You will cut
‫יקצר‬ yi'qe'tsor He will cut
‫יקצרו‬ yi'qe'tse'ru They will cut
‫תקצר‬ ti'qe'tsor She will cut

The Reversing Vav

When the letter vav (‫)ו‬, meaning "and," is prefixed to a verb, it

usually reverses the tense of the verb. For instance, the verb
‫ יקצר‬means "he will cut," but when written as ‫ויקצר‬, it
means "and he cut."

Index ~ By Translation

Index ~ By Translation

Abdomen - 709 Appoint - 134 Be correct - 278

Abode - 755 Appointed - 671 Be dysfunctional -
Abundance - 906 Appointed time - 327
Abundant - 905 837 Be face to face -
Acacia - 940 Apportion - 96 196
Accept - 331 Area - 724 Be far - 322
Acquit - 227 Arm - 528 Be firm - 11
Act treacherously - Armament - 620 Be guilty - 20
21 Army - 862 Be hard - 307
Add - 132 Aroma - 914 Be heavy - 148
Adhere - 55 Arrange - 255 Be old - 76
Administrator - Arrangement - 830 Be out of sight -
622 Arrow - 567 250
Adoration - 982 Assembly - 882 Be satisfied - 366
Affection - 389 Attack - 9 Be sick - 91
Afflict - 252 Avenge - 228 Be silent - 512
Afflicted - 820 Awe - 842 Be skilled - 90
Affliction - 819 Back - 401 Be straight - 146
After - 405 Back of the neck - Be strange - 71
Ah - 517 868 Be strong - 12
All - 624 Bake - 16 Be unclean - 115
All around - 775 Band - 487 Be whole - 376
Alongside - 655 Banquet - 741 Be zealous - 298
Altar - 677 Barley - 966 Be childless - 374
Ambush - 17 Bathe - 321 Beard - 527
Anger - 157 Battle - 698 Beast - 451
Annoyance - 887 Be a whore - 74 Beautiful - 605
Answer - 253 Be able - 126 Beauty - 561
Anything - 659 Be an in-law - 111 Bed - 686
Apparel - 956 Be ashamed - 25 Being - 768
Appearance - 727 Be clean - 113 Belittle - 297

Index ~ By Translation

Beloved - 505 Burn - 36 Cistern - 452

Bend down - 342 Burn incense - 296 Citadel - 439
Beside - 432 Burning wrath - City - 809, 898
Between - 457 575 Cleave - 38
Bird - 873 Burst out - 270 Cliff - 781
Birthing - 986 Bury - 290 Cling - 30
Bitter - 189, 726 Business - 695 Cloak - 712
Blind - 803 Calculate - 368 Clothing - 650
Blood - 510 Call out - 302 Cloud - 821
Blue - 991 Camel - 495 Come - 24
Board - 900 Camp - 98 Come near - 303
Boil - 43 Campsite - 682 Comfort - 210
Boldness - 806 Canopy - 705 Comment - 696
Bondwoman - 421 Captain - 773 Commit adultery -
Bone - 826 Captive - 930 193
Booth - 779 Captivity - 928 Community - 647
Border - 481 Capture - 168, 336 Companion - 919
Bosom - 546 Carcass - 746 Company - 796
Bound up - 294 Cart - 793 Comparison - 735
Bow - 902 Cast down - 68 Complete - 948
Bowels - 912 Cast image - 706 Completeness -
Box - 434 Cast out - 54 944
Boy - 599 Cattle - 466 Conceal - 286
Branch - 687 Cave - 717 Conceive - 67
Bravery - 483 Cease - 339 Conclusion - 890
Bread - 653 Ceasing - 932 Concubine - 844
Break - 112, 272 Cedar - 435 Consent - 2
Break down - 231 Cereal - 504 Continually - 769,
Break out - 271 Chamber - 533, 992
Breastplate - 581 657 Continue - 223
Bring forth - 127 Charge - 736 Convict - 125
Brother - 399 Chariot - 729, 915 Conviction - 985
Buck - 409 Chief - 417 Copper - 761
Build - 35 Children - 590 Corner - 846
Bull - 854 Choose - 29 Correct - 133, 865
Bullock - 792 Circumcise - 177 Corrected - 866

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Correctness - 867 Depart - 333 Drove - 798

Counsel - 824 Depart early - 350 Dry out - 118
Count - 240 Deposit - 129 Dry up - 103
Couple - 81 Desert - 828 Dwell - 351
Courageous - 482 Desolate - 356, Dwelling - 734
Covenant - 471 951, 957 Dysfunctional -
Cover - 158 Destroy - 355 920
Cover over - 156 Dew - 587 Ear - 398
Cow - 855 Die - 178 Earth - 980
Crack - 338 Direct - 279 East - 880
Cremate - 371 Directive - 722 East wind - 879
Cross over - 243 Discernment - 513 Eat - 10
Crown - 756 Disdain - 26 Edge - 839
Crushed - 691 Disgrace - 578 Eminent - 385
Cry out - 283 Disgusting - 988 Empire - 701
Cub - 641 Disperse - 77 End - 407, 430
Cup - 625 Dispute - 323, 913 Engraver - 579
Custom - 571 Distance - 911 Enquire - 334
Cut - 160 Distant time - 800 Ephod - 429
Damage - 344 Divide apart - 268 Epidemic - 501
Dance around - 50 Do - 257 Err - 88
Darkness - 580 Do good - 114 Error - 541
Daughter - 477 Do well - 124 Escape - 845
Daughter-in-law - Dog - 630 Eunuch - 785
631 Dominate - 373 Evening - 827
Day - 594 Donation - 704 Examine - 28, 102
Daytime - 595 Donkey - 558 Except - 462
Death - 676 Door - 509 Exist - 61
Deceit - 730 Double - 737 Extend - 211
Decide - 359 Dove - 596 Extremity - 892
Decision - 739 Draw - 95, 191, Eye - 808
Decoration - 995 232 Eyphah - 410
Deed - 851 Draw near - 199 Face - 847
Deep sea - 981 Dream - 551 Face toward - 291
Delight - 101, 566 Drink - 362 Fall - 221
Deliver - 224, 263 Drive - 201, 203 False - 972

Index ~ By Translation

Falseness - 936 Flush - 345 Gird up - 83

Family - 738 Fly - 245 Give - 230
Far end - 891 Flyer - 802 Give advice - 603
Fast - 869 Foodstuff - 412 Give an ear - 7
Fat - 549 Fool - 638 Given that - 628
Father - 380 Foolish - 391 Go around - 233
Fatten - 40 Foot - 907 Go down - 141
Fault - 540 Footing - 388 Go out - 135
Fear - 140 Footstep - 852 Go up - 249
Fearful - 607 Force - 544 Goat - 963
Fearfulness - 608 Forceful - 539 Going out - 673
Feast - 532 Forearm - 420 Gold - 523
Feed - 326 Forefront - 669 Goods - 586
Fence - 661 Foreign - 763 Goods - 916, 843
Fence in - 37 Foreigner - 762 Grapevine - 497
Field - 933 Forest - 604 Grave - 877
Fig - 977 Forget - 349 Great - 488
Fight - 167 Forgive - 237 Ground - 387
Fill - 181 Found - 131 Grove - 446
Filling - 692 Freely - 563 Guide - 208
Filthiness - 970 Freewill offering - Guilt - 444
Find - 187 750 Gulp - 365
Finger - 431 Fresh wine - 990 Hailstones - 468
Finish - 153 Full - 693 Hair - 965
Fire - 441 Functional - 585 Half - 569
Fire offering - 442 Fury - 557 Hand - 592
Firmness - 422 Garden - 496 Hang - 375
Firstborn - 460 Garment - 449 Happy - 445
Flank - 612 Gate - 964 Hard - 901
Flare up - 105 Gatekeeper - 937 Harp - 635
Flee - 205 Gather - 14 Harvest - 893
Flee away - 41 Gather together - Hate - 370
Flesh - 475 289 Have compassion -
Flocks - 861 Gazelle buck - 863 320
Floor - 499 Generation - 506 Head - 903
Flour - 782 Gentle - 818 Heal - 329

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Hear - 357 Island - 408 Length - 438

Heart - 648, 649 Issue - 70 Let alone - 213
Heavy - 619 Item - 632 Lid - 642
Heed - 306 Join - 164 Lie - 626
He-goat - 838 Journey - 220 Life - 543
Height - 884 Joy - 954 Lift high - 45
Heights - 728 Keep back - 109 Lift up - 216
Help - 248, 807 Keep secret - 152 Light - 6, 396
Herb - 833 Keep watch - 284 Light on fire - 139
Hide - 241 Kermes - 987 Likeness - 511
High - 480 Keruv - 643 Linen - 976
Highway - 707 Kidney - 633 Lion - 437
Hill - 521 Kill - 66 Lip - 967
Hit - 214 Kind - 690 Live - 89
Holdings - 403 Kind one - 565 Livestock - 725
Honey - 503 Kindness - 564 Lord - 383
Horn - 899 King - 699 Lost - 923
Horse - 776 Kingdom - 702 Lost one - 924
Horseman - 858 Kiss - 229 Lot - 491
House - 459, 519 Knee - 472 Love - 4
Howl - 128 Kneel - 42 Low - 361
Human - 386 Knoll - 484 Lower - 155
Hunger - 921 Know - 121 Magnify - 47
Hurry - 175 Labor - 816 Maid - 968
Idol - 494 Lament - 239 Majesty - 479
Incense - 886 Lamp - 772 Make - 266
Increase - 310 Lampstand - 703 Make a vow - 202
Infection - 876 Land - 440 Make restitution -
Inherit - 209 Last - 406 354
Inheritance - 759 Laugh - 367 Male - 525
Iniquity - 801 Lay down - 348 Man - 411
Inner - 848 Laying place - 733 Many - 658
Innocent - 770 Learn - 169 Master - 465
Instruction - 670 Leave - 247 Measure - 174
Invention - 685 Leave behind - 147 Measurement -
Iron - 469 Left hand - 952 667

Index ~ By Translation

Meet - 304 North - 872 Perform - 262

Melody - 678 Nose - 428 Perish - 1
Messenger - 694 Nourishment - 660 Person - 427
Midsection - 611 Number - 708 Pestilence - 664
Midst - 984 Numerous - 825 Pick up - 171
Mighty one - 413 Oath - 414 Pierce - 92
Milk - 550 Offering - 896, 998 Pierce through -
Mimic - 166 Oil - 958 226
Minister - 364 Ointment - 731 Pierced - 553
Mischief - 526 Olive - 524 Pillar - 815
Mix - 33 One-tenth - 836 Pitcher - 745
Mold - 138 Open - 277 Place - 236
Monument - 720 Opening - 860 Plague - 749
Moon - 609 Opponent - 941 Plant - 212
Morning - 467 Oppress - 256 Platform - 463
Morrow - 684 Orphan - 617 Plead - 264
Mortar - 560 Other - 404 Pleading - 996
Mother - 419 Other side - 790 Pleasant - 556
Mound - 493 Outside - 537, 545 Pluck - 73
Mourn - 3 Overcome - 46 Pluck away - 49
Mouth - 840 Overlay - 285 Plunder - 27
Multitude - 520 Oversight - 853 Pomegranate -
Murder - 332 Overtake - 217 917
Mutter - 60 Overturn - 65 Porch - 392
My lord - 384 Ox - 939 Portion - 554
Nakedness - 829 Palm - 640 Portion - 681
Narrow - 874 Pass over - 94 Possess - 143
Nation - 489 Passover - 849 Pot - 778
Near - 897 Pasture - 665 Pour - 219
Neck - 832 Path - 436, 774 Pour down - 137
Needy - 381 Peace offering - Pour out - 360
Net - 576 947 Pouring - 764
New - 534 Peel off - 274 Powder - 822
New moon - 535 People - 814 Power - 416
Night - 654 Perceive - 86 Powers - 415
Noble - 748, 973 Perforate - 577 Precipitation - 688

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Prepare - 151 Regulate - 192 Sack - 969

Present - 473 Reign - 183 Sacrifice - 69, 522
Preserve - 225 Reject - 173 Saddle - 82
Press in - 288 Rejoice - 369 Safeguard - 358
Produce - 856 Relief - 614 Safely - 455
Production - 979 Remain - 335 Salt - 697
Prolong - 18 Remainder - 618 Sanctuary - 723
Prophecy - 194 Remember - 72 Say - 13
Prophet - 744 Remnant - 926, Scarlet - 962
Prosper - 281 974 Scatter abroad -
Protection - 786 Removal - 751 260
Provide - 122 Remove the cover Scratch - 107
Province - 668 - 51 Scroll - 784
Purchase - 299 Report - 953 Sculpture - 850
Pure - 584 Reproduce - 269 Sea - 600
Purple - 433 Rescue - 145, 615, Seal - 110
Pursue - 315 1000 Search out - 39
Quake - 328 Resemble - 57 Seat - 637
Queen - 700 Rest - 204 See - 309
Rain shower - 500 Rib - 871 Seed - 529
Raise - 316 Riches - 835 Seek - 59
Ram - 935 Right - 602 Seize - 87
Ram horn - 938 Right hand - 601 Seize hold - 378
Rampart - 536 Ring - 583 Selah - 780
Ransom - 259 Rise - 295 Sell - 180
Reach - 258 Rising - 490, 812 Send - 352
Rebel - 188 Ritual - 572 Separate - 22
Reckon - 184 River - 754 Serpent - 760
Recognize - 215 Road - 514 Servant - 788
Redeem - 44 Roar - 64 Serve - 242
Reeds - 777 Roof - 486 Service - 789
Refine - 287 Root - 975 Set apart - 292
Refuge - 100 Round up - 293 Set down - 347
Refuse - 172 Roundness - 629 Settle - 144
Region - 530 Rule - 314 Settling - 675
Register - 267 Run - 318 Sever - 301

Index ~ By Translation

Shaddai - 934 Smack - 280 Star - 623

Shadow - 870 Small - 885 Stare - 195
Shake - 176, 312 Small amount - Statement - 424
Shake in awe - 261 711 Station - 136
Shame - 154, 476, Smear - 190 Stay - 123
634 Smeared - 732 Stay the night -
Shattering - 931 Smite - 198 165
She-donkey - 447 Smoke - 834 Steal - 53
Sheep - 621 Smooth - 555 Step - 715
She-goat - 805 Snap - 300 Step upon - 58
Sheqel - 971 Snare - 674 Stick - 450
Shield - 663 So be it - 423 Stir - 23
Shine - 63 Sojourn - 48 Stir up - 246
Shoulder piece - Son - 464 Stone - 382
646 Song - 942 Stoop - 159
Shout - 317, 999 South side - 747 Stop - 254
Shout aloud - 325 Sow - 78 Storehouse - 395
Shouting - 918 Speak - 56 Straight - 616
Show beauty - 99 Spear - 562 Stranger - 498
Show pity - 97 Special - 881 Stream - 591
Shut - 234 Speech - 425 Street - 910
Side - 864 Spit upon - 19 Strength - 627
Sign - 397 Splinter - 894 Stretch out - 311
Silver - 639 Spoil - 340, 946 Stronghold - 710
Sing - 346 Spoils - 453 Submerge - 116
Sink down - 330 Spread out - 273 Substance - 518
Sister - 402 Spread wide - 276 Suckle - 130
Skill - 548 Spring up - 282 Sufficient - 507
Skilled one - 547 Sprinkle - 79 Summit - 904
Skin - 804 Sprinkling basin - Sun - 959
Skip - 372 680 Sunrise - 679
Sky - 955 Staff - 929 Support - 238
Slab - 652 Stagger - 206 Sustain - 150
Slaughtering - 582 Stalk - 889 Swallow - 34
Slay - 343 Stand - 251 Swear - 337
Slip away - 182 Stand up - 222 Swearing - 927

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Sweet - 757 Tomorrow - 683 Until - 795

Sweet spice - 474 Tongue - 656 Upon - 810
Swell - 516 Tooth - 960 Upper - 813
Sword - 573 Topple - 161 Upward - 714
Table - 945 Toss - 200 Utterance - 743
Take - 170 Touch - 197 Valley - 492, 817
Take as a pledge - Tower - 662 Valuable - 606
531 Tranquil - 363 Vanity - 393, 515
Take hold - 8 Transgress - 186, Vehicle - 324
Taunt - 106 275 Vengeance - 771
Teaching - 989 Transgression - Vessel - 978
Tear - 305 713, 859 Vineyard - 644
Tear into pieces - Tread about - 313 Violence - 559
117 Tree - 823 Virgin - 478
Tent - 390 Tremble - 104 Vision - 538
Tent wall - 610 Trouble - 875 Visualize - 93
Tent curtain - 857 Trumpet - 568, Voice - 883
Tenth part - 719 593 Vow - 753
Terminate - 84 Truth - 426 Wadi - 758
Test - 218 Tub - 783 Wage - 943
Testimony - 797 Tunic - 645 Waist - 742
Thanks - 983 Turn - 265 Waiting - 997
There is - 613 Turn aside - 235 Walk - 62
Thick - 787 Turn back - 341 Wander - 377
Think - 108 Twist - 85 Warrior - 485
Three days ago - Uncircumcised - Wash - 149
949 831 Wasteland - 574
Throw - 142 Unclean - 588, 589 Water - 689
Throw out - 353 Understand - 31 Wave - 207
Throw the hand - Understanding - Waving - 994
120 458 Weak - 508
Thrust - 379 Underworld - 925 Wear - 163
Tie - 308 Unique - 878 Weary - 119
Tie up - 15 Unit - 400 Weep - 32
Title - 950 Unleavened bread Weeping - 461
Together - 597 - 721 Weight - 740

Index ~ By Translation

Well - 448 Wipe away - 179 Write - 162

Wheat - 542 Wire - 841 Yard - 570
Wheel - 394 Withdraw - 80 Year - 961
White - 651 Withhold - 185 Yearn - 5
Whole - 993 Within - 895 Yell out - 75
Widen - 319 Witness - 794 Yet again - 799
Widow - 418 Woman - 443 Yield - 52
Width - 909 Womb - 456 Yoke - 811
Wilderness - 666 Wonder - 672 Young age - 765
Will - 922 Wood bar - 470 Young man - 766
Willing - 752 Word - 502 Young woman -
Wind - 908 Work - 718 767
Window - 552 Works - 716 Youth - 454
Wine - 598 Wrap around - 244 Zealousy - 888
Wing - 636 Wrath - 791

Index ~ By Strong's

Index ~ By Strong's

Str:1 - 380 Str:272 - 403 Str:631 - 15

Str:6 - 1 Str:310 - 405 Str:639 - 428
Str:14 - 2 Str:312 - 404 Str:644 - 16
Str:34 - 381 Str:314 - 406 Str:646 - 429
Str:56 - 3 Str:319 - 407 Str:657 - 430
Str:68 - 382 Str:339 - 408 Str:676 - 431
Str:113 - 383 Str:341 - 9 Str:681 - 432
Str:117 - 385 Str:352 - 409 Str:693 - 17
Str:120 - 386 Str:374 - 410 Str:713 - 433
Str:127 - 387 Str:376 - 411 Str:727 - 434
Str:134 - 388 Str:398 - 10 Str:730 - 435
Str:136 - 384 Str:400 - 412 Str:734 - 436
Str:157 - 4 Str:410 - 413 Str:738 - 437
Str:160 - 389 Str:423 - 414 Str:748 - 18
Str:168 - 390 Str:430 - 415 Str:753 - 438
Str:183 - 5 Str:433 - 416 Str:759 - 439
Str:191 - 391 Str:441 - 417 Str:776 - 440
Str:197 - 392 Str:490 - 418 Str:779 - 19
Str:205 - 393 Str:517 - 419 Str:784 - 441
Str:212 - 394 Str:519 - 421 Str:801 - 442
Str:214 - 395 Str:520 - 420 Str:802 - 443
Str:215 - 6 Str:530 - 422 Str:816 - 20
Str:216 - 396 Str:539 - 11 Str:817 - 444
Str:226 - 397 Str:543 - 423 Str:835 - 445
Str:238 - 7 Str:553 - 12 Str:842 - 446
Str:241 - 398 Str:559 - 13 Str:860 - 447
Str:251 - 399 Str:561 - 424 Str:875 - 448
Str:259 - 400 Str:565 - 425 Str:898 - 21
Str:268 - 401 Str:571 - 426 Str:899 - 449
Str:269 - 402 Str:582 - 427 Str:905 - 450
Str:270 - 8 Str:622 - 14 Str:914 - 22

Index ~ By Strong's

Str:926 - 23 Str:1270 - 469 Str:1544 - 494

Str:929 - 451 Str:1272 - 41 Str:1580 - 52
Str:935 - 24 Str:1280 - 470 Str:1581 - 495
Str:953 - 452 Str:1285 - 471 Str:1588 - 496
Str:954 - 25 Str:1288 - 42 Str:1589 - 53
Str:957 - 453 Str:1290 - 472 Str:1612 - 497
Str:959 - 26 Str:1293 - 473 Str:1616 - 498
Str:962 - 27 Str:1310 - 43 Str:1637 - 499
Str:970 - 454 Str:1314 - 474 Str:1644 - 54
Str:974 - 28 Str:1320 - 475 Str:1653 - 500
Str:977 - 29 Str:1322 - 476 Str:1692 - 55
Str:982 - 30 Str:1323 - 477 Str:1696 - 56
Str:983 - 455 Str:1330 - 478 Str:1697 - 502
Str:990 - 456 Str:1347 - 479 Str:1698 - 501
Str:995 - 31 Str:1350 - 44 Str:1706 - 503
Str:996 - 457 Str:1361 - 45 Str:1715 - 504
Str:998 - 458 Str:1364 - 480 Str:1730 - 505
Str:1004 - 459 Str:1366 - 481 Str:1755 - 506
Str:1058 - 32 Str:1368 - 482 Str:1767 - 507
Str:1060 - 460 Str:1369 - 483 Str:1800 - 508
Str:1065 - 461 Str:1389 - 484 Str:1817 - 509
Str:1101 - 33 Str:1396 - 46 Str:1818 - 510
Str:1104 - 34 Str:1397 - 485 Str:1819 - 57
Str:1115 - 462 Str:1406 - 486 Str:1823 - 511
Str:1116 - 463 Str:1416 - 487 Str:1826 - 512
Str:1121 - 464 Str:1419 - 488 Str:1847 - 513
Str:1129 - 35 Str:1431 - 47 Str:1869 - 58
Str:1167 - 465 Str:1471 - 489 Str:1870 - 514
Str:1197 - 36 Str:1473 - 490 Str:1875 - 59
Str:1219 - 37 Str:1481 - 48 Str:1892 - 515
Str:1234 - 38 Str:1486 - 491 Str:1897 - 60
Str:1241 - 466 Str:1497 - 49 Str:1926 - 516
Str:1242 - 467 Str:1516 - 492 Str:1945 - 517
Str:1245 - 39 Str:1523 - 50 Str:1952 - 518
Str:1254 - 40 Str:1530 - 493 Str:1961 - 61
Str:1259 - 468 Str:1540 - 51 Str:1964 - 519

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Str:1980 - 62 Str:2315 - 533 Str:2534 - 557

Str:1984 - 63 Str:2319 - 534 Str:2543 - 558
Str:1993 - 64 Str:2320 - 535 Str:2550 - 97
Str:1995 - 520 Str:2342 - 85 Str:2555 - 559
Str:2015 - 65 Str:2346 - 536 Str:2563 - 560
Str:2022 - 521 Str:2351 - 537 Str:2580 - 561
Str:2026 - 66 Str:2372 - 86 Str:2583 - 98
Str:2029 - 67 Str:2377 - 538 Str:2595 - 562
Str:2040 - 68 Str:2388 - 87 Str:2600 - 563
Str:2076 - 69 Str:2389 - 539 Str:2603 - 99
Str:2077 - 522 Str:2398 - 88 Str:2617 - 564
Str:2091 - 523 Str:2399 - 540 Str:2620 - 100
Str:2100 - 70 Str:2403 - 541 Str:2623 - 565
Str:2114 - 71 Str:2406 - 542 Str:2654 - 101
Str:2132 - 524 Str:2416 - 543 Str:2656 - 566
Str:2142 - 72 Str:2421 - 89 Str:2671 - 567
Str:2145 - 525 Str:2428 - 544 Str:2677 - 569
Str:2154 - 526 Str:2435 - 545 Str:2689 - 568
Str:2167 - 73 Str:2436 - 546 Str:2691 - 570
Str:2181 - 74 Str:2449 - 90 Str:2706 - 571
Str:2199 - 75 Str:2450 - 547 Str:2708 - 572
Str:2204 - 76 Str:2451 - 548 Str:2713 - 102
Str:2205 - 527 Str:2459 - 549 Str:2717 - 103
Str:2219 - 77 Str:2461 - 550 Str:2719 - 573
Str:2220 - 528 Str:2470 - 91 Str:2723 - 574
Str:2232 - 78 Str:2472 - 551 Str:2729 - 104
Str:2233 - 529 Str:2474 - 552 Str:2734 - 105
Str:2236 - 79 Str:2490 - 92 Str:2740 - 575
Str:2244 - 80 Str:2491 - 553 Str:2763 - 577
Str:2254 - 531 Str:2492 - 93 Str:2764 - 576
Str:2256 - 530 Str:2498 - 94 Str:2778 - 106
Str:2266 - 81 Str:2502 - 95 Str:2781 - 578
Str:2280 - 82 Str:2505 - 96 Str:2790 - 107
Str:2282 - 532 Str:2506 - 554 Str:2796 - 579
Str:2296 - 83 Str:2513 - 555 Str:2803 - 108
Str:2308 - 84 Str:2532 - 556 Str:2820 - 109

Index ~ By Strong's

Str:2822 - 580 Str:3205 - 127 Str:3474 - 146

Str:2833 - 581 Str:3206 - 599 Str:3477 - 616
Str:2856 - 110 Str:3213 - 128 Str:3490 - 617
Str:2859 - 111 Str:3220 - 600 Str:3498 - 147
Str:2865 - 112 Str:3225 - 601 Str:3499 - 618
Str:2876 - 582 Str:3233 - 602 Str:3513 - 148
Str:2885 - 583 Str:3240 - 129 Str:3515 - 619
Str:2889 - 584 Str:3243 - 130 Str:3519 - 620
Str:2891 - 113 Str:3245 - 131 Str:3526 - 149
Str:2895 - 114 Str:3254 - 132 Str:3532 - 621
Str:2896 - 585 Str:3256 - 133 Str:3548 - 622
Str:2898 - 586 Str:3259 - 134 Str:3556 - 623
Str:2919 - 587 Str:3289 - 603 Str:3557 - 150
Str:2930 - 115 Str:3293 - 604 Str:3559 - 151
Str:2931 - 588 Str:3303 - 605 Str:3563 - 625
Str:2932 - 589 Str:3318 - 135 Str:3577 - 626
Str:2934 - 116 Str:3320 - 136 Str:3581 - 627
Str:2945 - 590 Str:3332 - 137 Str:3582 - 152
Str:2963 - 117 Str:3335 - 138 Str:3588 - 628
Str:2975 - 591 Str:3341 - 139 Str:3603 - 629
Str:3001 - 118 Str:3368 - 606 Str:3605 - 624
Str:3021 - 119 Str:3372 - 140 Str:3611 - 630
Str:3027 - 592 Str:3373 - 607 Str:3615 - 153
Str:3034 - 120 Str:3374 - 608 Str:3618 - 631
Str:3045 - 121 Str:3381 - 141 Str:3627 - 632
Str:3051 - 122 Str:3384 - 142 Str:3629 - 633
Str:3104 - 593 Str:3394 - 609 Str:3637 - 154
Str:3117 - 594 Str:3407 - 610 Str:3639 - 634
Str:3119 - 595 Str:3409 - 611 Str:3658 - 635
Str:3123 - 596 Str:3411 - 612 Str:3665 - 155
Str:3162 - 597 Str:3423 - 143 Str:3671 - 636
Str:3176 - 123 Str:3426 - 613 Str:3678 - 637
Str:3190 - 124 Str:3427 - 144 Str:3680 - 156
Str:3196 - 598 Str:3444 - 614 Str:3684 - 638
Str:3198 - 125 Str:3467 - 145 Str:3701 - 639
Str:3201 - 126 Str:3468 - 615 Str:3707 - 157

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Str:3709 - 640 Str:4013 - 661 Str:4347 - 691

Str:3715 - 641 Str:4026 - 662 Str:4376 - 180
Str:3722 - 158 Str:4043 - 663 Str:4390 - 181
Str:3727 - 642 Str:4046 - 664 Str:4392 - 693
Str:3742 - 643 Str:4054 - 665 Str:4393 - 692
Str:3754 - 644 Str:4057 - 666 Str:4397 - 694
Str:3766 - 159 Str:4058 - 174 Str:4399 - 695
Str:3772 - 160 Str:4060 - 667 Str:4405 - 696
Str:3782 - 161 Str:4082 - 668 Str:4417 - 697
Str:3789 - 162 Str:4116 - 175 Str:4421 - 698
Str:3801 - 645 Str:4131 - 176 Str:4422 - 182
Str:3802 - 646 Str:4135 - 177 Str:4427 - 183
Str:3816 - 647 Str:4136 - 669 Str:4428 - 699
Str:3820 - 648 Str:4148 - 670 Str:4436 - 700
Str:3824 - 649 Str:4150 - 671 Str:4438 - 701
Str:3830 - 650 Str:4159 - 672 Str:4467 - 702
Str:3836 - 651 Str:4161 - 673 Str:4487 - 184
Str:3847 - 163 Str:4170 - 674 Str:4501 - 703
Str:3867 - 164 Str:4186 - 675 Str:4503 - 704
Str:3871 - 652 Str:4191 - 178 Str:4513 - 185
Str:3885 - 165 Str:4194 - 676 Str:4539 - 705
Str:3887 - 166 Str:4196 - 677 Str:4541 - 706
Str:3898 - 167 Str:4210 - 678 Str:4546 - 707
Str:3899 - 653 Str:4217 - 679 Str:4557 - 708
Str:3915 - 654 Str:4219 - 680 Str:4578 - 709
Str:3920 - 168 Str:4229 - 179 Str:4581 - 710
Str:3925 - 169 Str:4256 - 681 Str:4592 - 711
Str:3947 - 170 Str:4264 - 682 Str:4598 - 712
Str:3950 - 171 Str:4279 - 683 Str:4603 - 186
Str:3956 - 656 Str:4283 - 684 Str:4604 - 713
Str:3957 - 657 Str:4284 - 685 Str:4605 - 714
Str:3966 - 658 Str:4294 - 687 Str:4609 - 715
Str:3972 - 659 Str:4296 - 686 Str:4611 - 716
Str:3978 - 660 Str:4306 - 688 Str:4631 - 717
Str:3985 - 172 Str:4325 - 689 Str:4639 - 718
Str:3988 - 173 Str:4327 - 690 Str:4643 - 719

Index ~ By Strong's

Str:4672 - 187 Str:5045 - 747 Str:5236 - 762

Str:4676 - 720 Str:5046 - 196 Str:5237 - 763
Str:4682 - 721 Str:5057 - 748 Str:5254 - 218
Str:4687 - 722 Str:5060 - 197 Str:5258 - 219
Str:4720 - 723 Str:5061 - 749 Str:5262 - 764
Str:4725 - 724 Str:5062 - 198 Str:5265 - 220
Str:4735 - 725 Str:5066 - 199 Str:5271 - 765
Str:4751 - 726 Str:5071 - 750 Str:5288 - 766
Str:4758 - 727 Str:5074 - 200 Str:5291 - 767
Str:4775 - 188 Str:5079 - 751 Str:5307 - 221
Str:4784 - 189 Str:5080 - 201 Str:5315 - 768
Str:4791 - 728 Str:5081 - 752 Str:5324 - 222
Str:4818 - 729 Str:5087 - 202 Str:5329 - 223
Str:4820 - 730 Str:5088 - 753 Str:5331 - 769
Str:4886 - 190 Str:5090 - 203 Str:5337 - 224
Str:4888 - 731 Str:5104 - 754 Str:5341 - 225
Str:4899 - 732 Str:5116 - 755 Str:5344 - 226
Str:4900 - 191 Str:5117 - 204 Str:5352 - 227
Str:4904 - 733 Str:5127 - 205 Str:5355 - 770
Str:4908 - 734 Str:5128 - 206 Str:5358 - 228
Str:4910 - 192 Str:5130 - 207 Str:5360 - 771
Str:4912 - 735 Str:5145 - 756 Str:5375 - 216
Str:4931 - 736 Str:5148 - 208 Str:5381 - 217
Str:4932 - 737 Str:5157 - 209 Str:5387 - 773
Str:4940 - 738 Str:5158 - 758 Str:5401 - 229
Str:4941 - 739 Str:5159 - 759 Str:5410 - 774
Str:4948 - 740 Str:5162 - 210 Str:5414 - 230
Str:4960 - 741 Str:5175 - 760 Str:5422 - 231
Str:4975 - 742 Str:5178 - 761 Str:5423 - 232
Str:5002 - 743 Str:5186 - 211 Str:5437 - 233
Str:5003 - 193 Str:5193 - 212 Str:5439 - 775
Str:5012 - 194 Str:5203 - 213 Str:5462 - 234
Str:5027 - 195 Str:5207 - 757 Str:5483 - 776
Str:5030 - 744 Str:5216 - 772 Str:5488 - 777
Str:5035 - 745 Str:5221 - 214 Str:5493 - 235
Str:5038 - 746 Str:5234 - 215 Str:5518 - 778

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Str:5521 - 779 Str:5795 - 805 Str:6189 - 831

Str:5542 - 780 Str:5797 - 806 Str:6203 - 832
Str:5545 - 237 Str:5800 - 247 Str:6212 - 833
Str:5553 - 781 Str:5826 - 248 Str:6213 - 257
Str:5560 - 782 Str:5833 - 807 Str:6227 - 834
Str:5564 - 238 Str:5869 - 808 Str:6231 - 256
Str:5592 - 783 Str:5892 - 809 Str:6239 - 835
Str:5594 - 239 Str:5921 - 810 Str:6241 - 836
Str:5608 - 240 Str:5923 - 811 Str:6256 - 837
Str:5612 - 784 Str:5927 - 249 Str:6260 - 838
Str:5631 - 785 Str:5930 - 812 Str:6285 - 839
Str:5641 - 241 Str:5945 - 813 Str:6293 - 258
Str:5643 - 786 Str:5956 - 250 Str:6299 - 259
Str:5645 - 787 Str:5971 - 814 Str:6310 - 840
Str:5647 - 242 Str:5975 - 251 Str:6327 - 260
Str:5650 - 788 Str:5980 - 655 Str:6341 - 841
Str:5656 - 789 Str:5982 - 815 Str:6342 - 261
Str:5674 - 243 Str:5999 - 816 Str:6343 - 842
Str:5676 - 790 Str:6010 - 817 Str:6346 - 843
Str:5678 - 791 Str:6030 - 253 Str:6370 - 844
Str:5695 - 792 Str:6031 - 252 Str:6381 - 262
Str:5699 - 793 Str:6035 - 818 Str:6403 - 263
Str:5704 - 795 Str:6040 - 819 Str:6413 - 845
Str:5707 - 794 Str:6041 - 820 Str:6419 - 264
Str:5712 - 796 Str:6051 - 821 Str:6437 - 265
Str:5715 - 797 Str:6083 - 822 Str:6438 - 846
Str:5739 - 798 Str:6086 - 823 Str:6440 - 847
Str:5749 - 244 Str:6098 - 824 Str:6442 - 848
Str:5750 - 799 Str:6099 - 825 Str:6453 - 849
Str:5769 - 800 Str:6106 - 826 Str:6459 - 850
Str:5771 - 801 Str:6113 - 254 Str:6466 - 266
Str:5774 - 245 Str:6153 - 827 Str:6467 - 851
Str:5775 - 802 Str:6160 - 828 Str:6471 - 852
Str:5782 - 246 Str:6172 - 829 Str:6485 - 267
Str:5785 - 804 Str:6186 - 255 Str:6486 - 853
Str:5787 - 803 Str:6187 - 830 Str:6499 - 854

Index ~ By Strong's

Str:6504 - 268 Str:6833 - 873 Str:7110 - 894

Str:6509 - 269 Str:6845 - 286 Str:7114 - 301
Str:6510 - 855 Str:6862 - 874 Str:7121 - 302
Str:6524 - 270 Str:6869 - 875 Str:7125 - 304
Str:6529 - 856 Str:6883 - 876 Str:7126 - 303
Str:6532 - 857 Str:6884 - 287 Str:7130 - 895
Str:6555 - 271 Str:6887 - 288 Str:7133 - 896
Str:6565 - 272 Str:6908 - 289 Str:7138 - 897
Str:6566 - 273 Str:6912 - 290 Str:7151 - 898
Str:6571 - 858 Str:6913 - 877 Str:7161 - 899
Str:6584 - 274 Str:6918 - 878 Str:7167 - 305
Str:6586 - 275 Str:6921 - 879 Str:7175 - 900
Str:6588 - 859 Str:6923 - 291 Str:7181 - 306
Str:6601 - 276 Str:6924 - 880 Str:7185 - 307
Str:6605 - 277 Str:6942 - 292 Str:7186 - 901
Str:6607 - 860 Str:6944 - 881 Str:7194 - 308
Str:6629 - 861 Str:6950 - 293 Str:7198 - 902
Str:6635 - 862 Str:6951 - 882 Str:7200 - 309
Str:6643 - 863 Str:6960 - 294 Str:7218 - 903
Str:6654 - 864 Str:6963 - 883 Str:7225 - 904
Str:6662 - 865 Str:6965 - 295 Str:7227 - 905
Str:6663 - 278 Str:6967 - 884 Str:7230 - 906
Str:6664 - 866 Str:6996 - 885 Str:7235 - 310
Str:6666 - 867 Str:6999 - 296 Str:7257 - 311
Str:6677 - 868 Str:7004 - 886 Str:7264 - 312
Str:6680 - 279 Str:7043 - 297 Str:7270 - 313
Str:6685 - 869 Str:7045 - 887 Str:7272 - 907
Str:6696 - 280 Str:7065 - 298 Str:7287 - 314
Str:6738 - 870 Str:7068 - 888 Str:7291 - 315
Str:6743 - 281 Str:7069 - 299 Str:7307 - 908
Str:6763 - 871 Str:7070 - 889 Str:7311 - 316
Str:6779 - 282 Str:7093 - 890 Str:7321 - 317
Str:6817 - 283 Str:7097 - 891 Str:7323 - 318
Str:6822 - 284 Str:7098 - 892 Str:7337 - 319
Str:6823 - 285 Str:7105 - 893 Str:7339 - 910
Str:6828 - 872 Str:7107 - 300 Str:7341 - 909

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary

Str:7350 - 911 Str:7628 - 930 Str:7965 - 944

Str:7355 - 320 Str:7646 - 366 Str:7971 - 352
Str:7356 - 912 Str:7650 - 337 Str:7979 - 945
Str:7364 - 321 Str:7665 - 338 Str:7993 - 353
Str:7368 - 322 Str:7667 - 931 Str:7998 - 946
Str:7378 - 323 Str:7673 - 339 Str:7999 - 354
Str:7379 - 913 Str:7676 - 932 Str:8002 - 947
Str:7381 - 914 Str:7703 - 340 Str:8003 - 948
Str:7392 - 324 Str:7704 - 933 Str:8032 - 949
Str:7393 - 915 Str:7706 - 934 Str:8034 - 950
Str:7399 - 916 Str:7716 - 935 Str:8040 - 952
Str:7416 - 917 Str:7723 - 936 Str:8045 - 355
Str:7440 - 918 Str:7725 - 341 Str:8047 - 951
Str:7442 - 325 Str:7760 - 236 Str:8052 - 953
Str:7451 - 920 Str:7778 - 937 Str:8055 - 369
Str:7453 - 919 Str:7782 - 938 Str:8057 - 954
Str:7458 - 921 Str:7794 - 939 Str:8064 - 955
Str:7462 - 326 Str:7797 - 372 Str:8071 - 956
Str:7489 - 327 Str:7812 - 342 Str:8074 - 356
Str:7493 - 328 Str:7819 - 343 Str:8077 - 957
Str:7495 - 329 Str:7832 - 367 Str:8081 - 958
Str:7503 - 330 Str:7843 - 344 Str:8085 - 357
Str:7521 - 331 Str:7848 - 940 Str:8104 - 358
Str:7522 - 922 Str:7854 - 941 Str:8121 - 959
Str:7523 - 332 Str:7857 - 345 Str:8127 - 960
Str:7561 - 333 Str:7860 - 373 Str:8130 - 370
Str:7562 - 923 Str:7891 - 346 Str:8141 - 961
Str:7563 - 924 Str:7892 - 942 Str:8144 - 962
Str:7585 - 925 Str:7896 - 347 Str:8163 - 963
Str:7592 - 334 Str:7901 - 348 Str:8179 - 964
Str:7604 - 335 Str:7911 - 349 Str:8181 - 965
Str:7611 - 926 Str:7919 - 368 Str:8184 - 966
Str:7617 - 336 Str:7921 - 374 Str:8193 - 967
Str:7621 - 927 Str:7925 - 350 Str:8198 - 968
Str:7622 - 928 Str:7931 - 351 Str:8199 - 359
Str:7626 - 929 Str:7939 - 943 Str:8210 - 360

Index ~ By Strong's

Str:8213 - 361 Str:8605 - 996

Str:8242 - 969 Str:8610 - 378
Str:8248 - 362 Str:8615 - 997
Str:8251 - 970 Str:8628 - 379
Str:8252 - 363 Str:8641 - 998
Str:8255 - 971 Str:8643 - 999
Str:8267 - 972 Str:8668 - 1000
Str:8269 - 973
Str:8300 - 974
Str:8313 - 371
Str:8328 - 975
Str:8334 - 364
Str:8336 - 976
Str:8354 - 365
Str:8384 - 977
Str:8392 - 978
Str:8393 - 979
Str:8398 - 980
Str:8415 - 981
Str:8416 - 982
Str:8426 - 983
Str:8432 - 984
Str:8433 - 985
Str:8435 - 986
Str:8438 - 987
Str:8441 - 988
Str:8451 - 989
Str:8492 - 990
Str:8504 - 991
Str:8518 - 375
Str:8548 - 992
Str:8549 - 993
Str:8552 - 376
Str:8573 - 994
Str:8582 - 377
Str:8597 - 995


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