Chartered Fact Sheet - Dec2020
Chartered Fact Sheet - Dec2020
Chartered Fact Sheet - Dec2020
The Measure
of Excellence.
“Chartered recognises my
professional and ethical
practice, as well as my
experience and qualifications.”
See the standard
you’ve reached
recognised by
your peers.
Chartered Engineers have proven themselves in
16 elements
of competency
Personal Obligation to
commitment community
1 — Deal with ethical issues 4 — Develop safe and
sustainable solutions
2 — Practise competently
5 — Engage with the relevant
3 — Responsibility for
community and stakeholders
engineering activities
6 — Identify, assess and manage risks
7 — Meet legal and
regulatory requirements
10 — Taking Action 13 — L
ocal engineering knowledge
See the standard you’ve reached
5-15 years’ experience: Start your journey now with the self-
assessment and industry review. It’s
See how you time to prepare your application and
measure up move towards becoming Chartered.
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Self Assessment
Rate your experience against the Chartered competencies
An aspect of Practice where you can
lead teams, train others and can act
decisively from experience and a
very high knowledge base.
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Industry Review
See if your peers agree that you are ready for Chartered.
Do you meet the level for Chartered?
This tool allows you to track You send the Industry Review to
your development against Self- your chosen reviewer along with
Assessment ratings in order to grow a statement of what evidence you
your experience and seek continual can provide and how that evidence
feedback from those in the Industry. supports your rating for each
You can continue to use this tool Competency Element.
until you are at the required level If both you and your reviewer/s rate
for Chartered and can proceed with you as Functional or above in all
your application. required competency elements, and
Industry reviewers are preferably you are a full Member of Engineers
Chartered Members of Engineers Australia, then you are ready for the
Australia or Engineers with more next step.
than 7 years of post-graduate
engineering experience.
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Chartered Evidence
We will contact you about the evidence required to support your ratings.
Gather and submit your evidence.
An Engineers Australia Assessor will contact you to discuss the evidence you
referenced in your Industry Review to determine its suitability.
You will upload the agreed evidence, including details of the competency
element/s the evidence refers to, and include an explanatory comment to ensure
your assessor knows how the evidence demonstrates your competency.
Our Assessors will review and assess the evidence. Further evidence may be
requested before proceeding to the next stage, the Professional Interview.
An individual piece of evidence can be used for more than one competency
element if appropriate. More than one piece of evidence can be used for a
single competency element but you should not need more than three pieces of
evidence for any competency element.
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Chartered Interview
Support your Chartered competency by undertaking
a Chartered interview with an Engineers Australia Assessor.
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You have earned your status as a Chartered Engineer.
“Looking at
Chartered earlier
would have given
me a clear path.”
“Chartered allowed me
to benchmark my skills
and competencies
to the marketplace.”
Get Chartered.
Get Started.
Start your self-assessment today.