Sexual Qigong

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Surprise Your Wife by Ending 4.

Remember, the same power to build can be the same

Premature Ejaculation & Impotence power to tear down. Be easy on yourself; use lesser
In 2 weeks! strength for each exercise at the beginning. Listen to
Ancient Chinese Qigong Exercise For Penis what your body is telling you. Build gradually, and do
Enlargement, Vitality And Longevity not rush things. A concrete building still needed time
DEDICATION to dry and become solid. If you experience any pain in
To all the Chinese ancestors who dedicated themselves any of the exercises, stop immediately.
to the discovery and development of human body 5. Drink a cup of warm water before and after practice.
potential. With their dedication, millions around the Warming up your body inside out is a good practice
world are reaping the rewards of health and longevity. for any exercise. Rest for at least 3 minutes after each
CONTENTS practice. Use that time to meditate and calm yourself.
• Purpose and benefits from each exercise 6. Do not drink anything ice cold one hour before and
• Key points to remember about this after each practices.
reproductive qigong practice 7. There are nine exercises. Exercises 1 and 2 must be
• Exercise 1 For Better Blood Circulation done first before moving on to any others. Exercises 1
• Exercise 2 Laying A Good Foundation and 2 must also be done in the right order; do not do
• Exercise 3 For a Stronger Kidney exercise 2 before exercise 1. After exercises 1 and 2
• Exercise 4 Lasting Longer are complete, you can pick and choose which exercises
you want to focus on for the morning or night.
• Exercise 5 Revive-Healthy Sperm
8. The best time for practice is between 6 a.m. and 10
• Exercise 6 Up and Down Enlargement
p.m. Other times are fine, but just make sure you avoid
• Exercise 7 Left and Right Enlargement one hour before and after any meal.
• Exercise 8 Kidney Strength 9. During most exercises, use abdominal breathing
• Exercise 9 Dantian Power only.
• Q & A This part is updated as new questions Exercise 1: For Better Blood Circulation
arise. 1. Feet apart, shoulder width. Let your tongue stick to
the ceiling of your upper mouth and relax your chin
What is the purpose of and benefit from each with a smile. Relax your shoulders, and place your
exercise? hands by your side.
1. To warm up your body and improve blood 2. Lift both of your arms up to your shoulder height,
circulation. straight ahead; palms facing down. Hold for half a
2. Its good for your lymphatic system and it builds up second and let them naturally drop. Let your arms drop
the muscles necessary to last longer during intercourse. naturally, and do not use force to swing back. Imagine
3. It improves the blood circulation of your lower body that both of your arms have, lost their strength, and
and makes your erection harder. that they just drop as a result. Breathe in through your
4. It increases the oxygen level in your blood, which is nose into your abdomen as your arms lift, and breathe
good for a harder, longer erection, and longevity. out through your nose as they drop.
5. It produces healthier sperm and increases your 3. Speed wise, your hands’ movement should follow
sexual desire. your breath, not the other way around.
6. It creates a harder and stronger erection and 4. Drop 3 times while in standing erect and then drop 7
increases girth. times while in standing-bending knees. This completes
7. Same as number 6. one round. Similarly do this exercise for at least 5
8. It increases the blood circulation of your lower body minutes.
so you can last longer during intercourse. 5. Remember to relax your shoulders during the
9. It increases the strength of your dantian (a pressure exercise.
point), detox and makes you last longer during 6. Keep your eyes open at the beginning and look
intercourse. straight in front. As you are more familiar with the
movement and can be relaxed, close your eyes and
Key points to remember about this reproductive focus on your abdominal breathing, paying attention to
qigong practice: keeping shoulders are relaxed.
1. Practice 30 minutes once in the morning and once at Exercise 2: Laying A Good Foundation
night, at least 30 minutes a day. You must practice 1. Stand erect, interlock your fingers and lift your arms
every day, non-stop for three weeks to see good up, palms facing down.
results. 2. Walk for at least 5 minutes. You must be barefoot
2. For the first 15 days of practice, your desire for sex during this exercise. Gradually increase the amount of
might increase, but make sure there is no ejaculation time you spend on this exercise.
for the first 15 days; otherwise, everything will be in 3. Remember to warm up before doing this exercise to
vain. avoid injury.
3. After the first 15 days, avoid having sex between 4. Keep your stomach in during the walk, and breathe
11am and 1pm, and one hour before and after all naturally.
5. The higher you lift your heels, the better, but start beginning, be easy on yourself. As you practice, you
low at the beginning to avoid injury. will improve. Remember, abdominal breathing only.
6. If your shoulders are tired, you can drop them down Exercise 5: Revive-Healthy Sperm
for a few seconds, but continue the walk. When you 1. The best time to practice is before a shower or bath.
are ready, lift your arms again. 2. Squat down with your thighs parallel to the floor but
Exercise 3: For a Stronger Kidney heels off the floor, and on tiptoe.
1. Lay down on a flat surface; lift up your knees but 3. Use warm water to warm up your penis and
with both feet flat on the floor and shoulder-width scrotum, and then apply soap or lotion to your
apart. Keep your hands by your side with palms facing scrotum.
down. 4. If you need to, use one hand to hold on to the
2. Use abdominal breathing, as you inhale, and lift bathtub and the other hand to lightly massage your
your buttocks up, but only one fist high. When you scrotum for three minutes.
have breathed in fully, hold for 10 seconds, then put Exercise 6: Left and Right Enlargement (make
your bottom down and exhale. Repeat for 5 minutes. penis 70% erect before starting)
Remember: when you are fully inhaled, your stomach 1. Stand upright, with your left foot a little further
is full. forward than the right, and feet apart at shoulder width.
3. After a week of practice, when you lift your Use the index and middle fingers of your left hand to
buttocks, make them tight (not too tight) for a better hold the bottom of your penis. Swing to the left and hit
result. the thigh 101 times. Turn your waist a little to the lef t
4. When you breathe in, do it slowly. Imagine you are as you hit. A flapping sound should be produced as
breathing air into your lower abdominal area and the your penis hits the thigh.
area surrounding your penis. Hold your breath when 2. Switch to the right side, with your right foot a little
full of air. Don’t lift too high; keep it only one fist further forward than the left, and do the same thing
high. with your right hand.
5. Hold your breath for 10 seconds only. A month 3. You must make your penis erect before doing this.
later, hold for only 3 seconds. You should increase the If you experience pain doing this, stop immediately,
number of lifts over the same time frame. If you hold because you are doing it too hard.
for more than 10 seconds, it will defeat the purpose. Exercise 7: Up and Down Enlargement (make penis
Exercise 4: Lasting Longer 80% erect before starting)
1. Find a comfortable place to sit on the floor, as in the 1. Stand upright, but slightly bend your knees.
video. The upper body should be straight. Relax your 2. Hold the middle of your penis with your right hand
shoulders and let your tongue touch the roof of your using your thumb, and index and middle fingers. Put
mouth. your left hand under your penis about one inch below
2. Cross your fingers and place your hands right in your palm facing up.
front of your lower abdomen, palms facing your 3. Hit your left palm with your testicles 101 times.
abdomen, and use your right little finger to lightly 4. Put your left hand one inch above your penis, palm
press your Qū Gǔ [REN-2 (CV-2)] pressure point. facing down. Hit your left palm with your testicles 101
The point is located one centimeter above the base of times.
your penis. 5. Hit the softer part of your palm. If you experience
3. Take two to three deep breaths with abdominal pain, stop immediately.
breathing. On your second or third breath, exhale all You don’t have to do this 101 times when you first
the way, bend your toes backward, apply just a little start. Start with 30, and gradually increase the number
more pressure to Qū Gǔ [REN-2 (CV-2)] pressure if needed.
point, and inhale slowly (be slow, taking a good long
time to breath in). When breathing in, allow your Exercise 8: Kidney Strength
abdomen to expand. When you can no longer take in 1. Stand upright and slightly bend your knees, with
any more air, hold your breath for at least 20 seconds. your feet apart at shoulder width. Place your hands on
When you can’t hold any longer, exhale slowly. At the your waist. Let your tongue touch your palate.
end of your exhale, relax your small f inger and your 2. Breath in as you move your buttocks backward, and
toes. breath out as your buttocks move forward. As your
4. Take another 2–3 deep breaths, and repeat. This buttocks move forward, tighten your gluteal muscles.
cycle needs to be done 20 times. This is the only 3. Practice this movement for 5 minutes. The
exercise that will take more than 5 minutes right f rom backward movement is slow, the forward movement a
start to finish. little faster, as is your breathing.
5. When you are taking in the big long inhale and 4. Breath in and out only through your nose, not
holding for 20 seconds or more, do not relax your right through your mouth.
small finger and toes. 5. Warm up your back with hip rotation..
6. Hold at least 20 seconds each time, but no more than
30 seconds. If you can hold for 20 seconds at the
Exercise 9: Dantian Power A-8: For the first 15 days, do exercise 5 during the day
1. Position yourself as in exercise 8, and hold your instead of at night.
2. Use abdominal breathing to take in one breath. After
your lungs are full of air, hold your breath and harden
your abdomen. Use your right fist to hit your xia
(lower) dantian five times. Release your breath,
breathe in again, and then hold your breath. Switch
hands and do the same thing. Repeat this process 20
times, 10 times for each hand. Gradually practice
hitting 5 times, then 8, then 10, and eventually 12
times with your hands.
3. When you can no longer hold your breath and make
your abdomen hard, stop hitting!
4. Your xia dantian is 1.5 inches below your navel.
5. Take it easy hitting your xia dantian at the
beginning, but gradually increase the strength as you
feel it is okay to do so. Remember, the power to build
can be the same power to tear down.
Q & A This part is updated as new questions arise.
Q-1: Is it okay to take any herb or supplement to help
with premature ejaculation?
A-1: We strongly oppose doing so. Many end up
harming their liver or kidneys. Stop wasting money
and practice diligently to achieve results.
Q-2: Which exercises should I focus on more if I want
to increase the girth?
A-2: Numbers 6 and 7. Spend more time doing them.
Once in the morning and once at night.
Q-3: During practice, if I am interrupted by a phone
call, should I restart from the beginning?
A-3: Just continue where you left off.
Q-4: Besides enabling me to last longer, having a
harder erection and increasing girth, what other
benefits do these exercises bring?
A-4: It is good for your overall wellness. An increase
in energy level is normal, and you will no longer have
cold hands or feet due to good blood circulation. Your
hair will not easily become gray but maintain its
original color longer and hair loss may also be stopped
or reversed.
Q-5: Is there an age limit for practicing these
A-5: We have students from 18 to 88 years of age, and
they all have great success. There is no age limit.
Q-6: I am a beginner. Is it necessary to practice all
nine exercises every day?
A-6: Always begin with exercises 1 and 2, then you
can pick and choose the rest. The key is to allocate 30
minutes for each session and let each session cover up
to 5 exercises. For example, exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5;
or exercises 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7. In the morning, it is best
to practice exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. In the evening,
exercises, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9 are good.
Q-7: How do I know I am on the right track as a
A-7: In about 7–10 days, you will experience more
and stronger erections in the morning.
Q-8: Since exercise 5 increases your sexual desire, is it
a good idea to do this exercise at night?

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