Male Multiple Orgasms Are Possible PDF
Male Multiple Orgasms Are Possible PDF
Male Multiple Orgasms Are Possible PDF
The vast majority of men do not reach sexual maturity with an ability to enjoy
multiple climaxes. This unusual ability is a talent that must be developed.
Dr. William E. Hartman, one of the nation's most respected sex researchers said
"The control of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle is probably the most simple and
the most direct answer to a man becoming multi-orgasmic."
The PC is the largest of the muscles in the pelvis. It gets its weird name from the
fact that it stretches from the pubic bone in front to the coccyx or tailbone in back.
In most men it is a very weak muscle because they use it only when they come,
and they come only infrequently and not powerfully. The process of strengthening
your PC muscle consists of a series of flexing or tightening the muscle, then trying
to hold, so at the moment of orgasm the male is able to hold back the fluid and
refrain from ejaculating while still having orgasm.
You need to experiment with it as you approach orgasm by tightening. The worst
that can happen is that you'll ejaculate, and with continued training you'll no longer
slip until you want to. Why is this beneficial? Well, aside from the obvious reasons
of increased male pleasure, it seems to me that the male's inability to function over
long periods has been one of the major contributing factors to the poor state of sex
in America. Add the fact that he's been taught that he's all through when he
comes, rather than that he could go on indefinitely. If you simply spend a few
minutes a day exercising the right muscle, then you would doubtlessly have many
grateful partners through the years, rather than having trouble erecting, coming too
fast and so on.
The two exercises that you will need to be doing to enhance your sexual power are
named "cut-offs" and "Kegels". All males and females more or less unconsciously
perform a few cut-offs when they are through passing urine and forcefully expel
the last few drops. When you perform a forceful cut-off you are literally turning off
a a faucet; so when the machinery within your faucet (PC muscle) becomes
powerful you will easily be able to turn it off at the point of orgasm.
Discharged semen causes a loss of tension, but when the semen flow is cut off
and retained, you can keep your "member in good standing" and come again and
again (without ejaculation).
Cut-offs will help you identify your PC muscle and become familiar with its
strength. Every time you urinate, stop the flow forcefully at least six times. The first
time you try this, don't worry if all you can manage is a momentary interruption in
the flow.
Kegels can be performed anywhere at any time. They consist of tightening the anal
sphincter (rectum) and the muscles at the base of the penis. When you do a
correct Kegel your penis will move slightly. You are doing Kegels when you have
an erection and you tighten to make your penis move up and down.
Once you get use to tightening and flexing your PC muscle there are other ways
this can be performed using your erection and a bath towel; you simple hang the
towel over your erection and forcefully raise and lower your penis from 50 to 100
times. The idea is to give the penis some extra work to do. As the muscles get
stronger, the erection will get harder, partly from the increased blood supply the
exercise is causing your body to provide. Go slowly at first, but within a week or 10
days you should be able to perform 300 forceful Kegels a day and within two
months your muscle will be several times as strong as when you started.
Within approximately six weeks after you've begun doing cut-offs and Kegels daily,
you'll be having longer, stronger,and better orgasms than ever before and closer to
both climax control and the sustained pleasure of multiple orgasms. Cut-offs will
give you the feel of turning off your faucet and they will enormously benefit your
control. The Kegels will further develop control and your PC; without a powerful
pubococcygeus muscle you cannot hope to become multi- orgasmic.
The male who possesses a really powerful PC can maintain a firm erection for
hours and enjoy more ecstatic orgasms during one sex episode then most men
enjoy in a month. So get started on this simple sex-strengthening program and
turn your female's fantasies into fact.
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