QUiz 1

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1. When does learning of a complex subject matter most effective?

a. When a learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful
b. When it is an intentional process of constructing meaning from information and
c. When a learner can create meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge.
d. When learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning
strategies to achieve complex learning goals.

2. Which of the following is not part of Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors?

a. Intrinsic Motivation to Learn
b. Context of Learning
c. Thinking about thinking
d. Nature of the Learning Process

3. In the context of learning, which of the following factors does not influence
a. Social Status
b. Technology
c. Culture
d. Instructional Practices

4. This type of assessment is implemented at the end of the course of study. It’s
primary purpose is to produce a measure that “sums up” student learning.
a. assessment
b. Test
c. Formative assessment
d. Summative assessment

5. It is facilitated on tasks that are comparable to real-world situations and meet

needs for choice and control.
a. Positive Emotions
b. Intrinsic Motivation
c. Negative Emotions
d. Extrinsic Motivation
6. Learners have different strategies, approaches, and capabilities for learning
that are a function of prior experience and heredity.
a. Development Influences on Learning
b. Social Influences on Learning
c. Individual Differences in Learning
d. Learning and Diversity

7. Setting appropriately high and challenging standards and assessing the learner
as well as learning progress --- including diagnostic process and outcome
assessment are integral parts of the learning process.
a. Development Influences on Learning
b. Social Influences on Learning
c. Individual Differences in Learning
d. Standards and Assessment

8. Which of the following learner-centered principles would a teacher consider if

one of his or her students had a learning disability?

a. construction of knowledge

b. strategic thinking

c. individual differences in learning

d. learning and diversity

9. John Locke argued that a child is born as what?

a. Driven solely be innate drives

b. Genetically predisposed towards language

c. Genetically predisposed towards attachment

d. Tabula rasa (blank slate)

10.Which of the following is part of the term "development"?

a. a pattern of movement or change

b. continues throughout the life cycle

c. begins at conception

d. all of the above

11.To her parents, it seems that Alyssa is able to think abstractly "all of a sudden."
Which developmental approach are they demonstrating?
a. continuity of development
b. discontinuity of development
c. the authoritative approach
d. the interaction approach

12.How are the proximodistal principle and the cephalocaudal principles different?
a. The proximodistal principle states that development occurs from the center of
the body outward, while the cephalocaudal principle states that development
occurs from top to bottom.
b. The cephalocaudal principle states that development occurs from the center of
the body outward, while the proximodistal principle states that development
occurs from top to bottom.
c. The proximodistal principle states that the body grows from the bottom to the
top, while the cephalocaudal principle states that the body grows from the top
to the bottom.
d. The cephalocaudal principle states that the body grows from the bottom to the
top, while the proximodistal principle states that the body grows from the top to
the bottom.

13.If a child develops a liking for sports because she practices playing soccer
every day with her dad, it would be evidence of 
a. Nature
b. Nurture

14.The “nature” argument suggests that people socialize and behave in certain
ways because of 
a. the way they are born
b. the way they are raised
c. the alignment of the stars
d. the cultural expectations of the society

15.Which of the following points reflect discontinuous change?

a. Knowledge is gradually acquired and built upon
b. Changes are quantitative in nature
c. Development is gradual and cumulative
d. Each new skill builds on earlier ones

16.Which of the following is NOT an example of extrinsic motivation?

a. Reading 20 books over summer vacation so that you can get a reading award.
b. Completing your homework so that you can get a good grade.
c. Playing video games with your best friend because you enjoy spending time
d. Riding to work in a carpool so that you can save money.

17.A student who completes learning tasks in order to earn stars on her paper is
motivated by:
a. intrinsic factors.
b. extrinsic factors.
c. knowing needs.
d. mastery goals.

18.Brianna is completely motivated by extrinsic factors when it comes to

completing her summer school assignments. What factor would not be a type
that motivates Brianna?
a. Feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction
b. Avoiding the loss in privileges her parents have promised if she doesn't
complete the work
c. Earning a prize her teacher is offering for those who complete the work
d. Getting the new computer her parents have promised her if she completes the

19.This involves brain development, gaining height and weight to experiencing

hormonal changes when the period of puberty has been reached.
A. Cognitive development
B. Biological development
C. Emotional development
D. Physical development

20.This states that development proceeds from the center of the body outward.
a. Cephalo-caudal pattern
b. Proximodistal pattern
c. Development is orderly
d. Development takes gradually

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