CAD Exam 1B

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1st Semester, A.Y. 2020-2021




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Date: _____________________

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DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully. Select the correct letter that best suits your
answer by shading the circle corresponding to it on your answer sheet provided. If you think
there is no correct answer, shade E. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.

1. Dr. Advincula, the school physician conducted a physical examination in Ms.

Manuel’s class. What concept best describes the quantitative increase observed by Dr.
Advincula among learners in terms of height and weight?
A. Development C. Learning
B. Growth D. Maturation

2. He is a noted linguist, claims that humans have an innate language acquisition device
A. Lev Vygotsky C. Jean Piaget
B. Noam Chomsky D. B.F Skinner

3. Which developmental processes most involve adolescents’ changing relationships

with peers?
A. Biological processes
B. Cognitive processes
C. Socio-emotional processes
D. Psychological processes

4. Edzel Marie will learn to sit, crawl, then walk before she can run. The muscular
control of the trunk and the arms comes earlier as compared to the hands and fingers.
This pattern is called ________.
A. cephalo-caudal C. both a and b
B. proximodistal D. neither a nor b

5. Andrew and Kim learn that Kim is pregnant. Their physician is most likely to tell
them that their "due date":
A. cannot be calculated because they are not sure when the baby was conceived
B. is calculated according to the first time they had sexual intercourse after Kim’s
last menstrual period
C. is calculated according to the first date of Kim’s last menstrual period
D. has a one-month range, depending on when the baby was conceived

6. Jane and Erika won’t develop into pimply teenagers overnight. It takes years before
they become one.
A. Development is relatively orderly
B. Development takes place gradually
C. Development is complex
D. Development processes are likely to vary among individuals

7. Which of the following children, who are all developmentally on track, would we
expect to be easiest to toilet train?
A. Henziel Joy, who is fifteen months old and gets lots of reinforcement for
proper toileting, but is scolded when she soils her pants.
B. Princess, who is ten months old and is scolded when she soils her diapers.
C. Mary Rose, who is twenty-four months old.
D. Mariebel who is two months old and gets lots of reinforcement for proper

8. In Vygotsky's interactive approach, a guide or teacher gets the child's attention,

demonstrates the skill and structures the interaction to help the child learn. What is
this process called?
A. Scaffolding C. Cognitive structuring
B. Self esteem building D. Intelligence cueing

9. This begins with the production of sex hormones by the ovaries in females and the
testes in males.
A. Adolescence C. Puberty
B. The adolescent growth spurt D. Menarche

10. Jarisca is 50 years old and is no longer able to reproduce sexually. Her husband, Phil,
is 52 and is experiencing a decline in his reproductive capacity. Ma. Concepcion and
Phil are experiencing
A. old age C. the climacteric
B. senescence D. menopause

11. Which one of the following is an example of dramatic play?

A. A child working next to another student
B. A child steadily watching other students play
C. A child creating imaginary roles pretending to be someone
D. A child playing his/her sexual organs

12. Which is an example of symbolic representation?

A. When a toddler uses his utensils
B. When a toddler calls items by its name
C. When a toddler uses his experiences to form relations
D. When a toddler visually follows moving object up and down

13. Gross motor skill involves:

A. Large muscles of the body
B. Major bone in the body
C. Minor muscle in the body
D. Both A and B

14. Infants and toddlers see things from their perspective only. This way of thinking is
also known as:
A. Egocentric C. Child view thinking
B. Intentional D. Object permanence

15. It is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when the objects are not
immediately perceptible through the senses. This theory, according to Jean Piaget is
called ____.
A. Sensory-motor
B. Object permanence
C. Reflexive thinking
D. Critical thinking

16. Erica Jean is weak and dependent on adults. She cannot raise her head or roll over by
herself, but she does have several useful reflexive behaviors, such as the rooting
reflex, which helps her to take her mother's nipple in her mouth and nurse. Erica Jane
is in which stage of development?
A. Prenatal C. infancy
B. Toddlerhood D. Early Childhood

17. Flor Jan hasn’t missed a day of work since she started her job three years ago. Every
morning she comes in with a smile on her face that remains there until she leaves. She
works for a charity and it gives her great satisfaction to know that she’s helping
others. She loves her job. Flor Jan is most likely _______.
A. a workaholic
B. driven by Protestant work ethic
C. burned out
D. work enthusiast

18. Many psychologists believed that people remember experiences beginning age 3.
Some, however, remember significant events at age 2. This is called ______.
A. Infantile amnesia C. LAD
B. Object permanence D. STM

19. In this stage, infant constructs an understanding of the word by coordinating sensory
experiences with physical, motoric actions.
A. Sensori-motor stage
B. Pre-operational stage
C. Formal operational stage
D. Old age

20. From dropping the spoon many times in many different ways, the baby discovers a
pattern “objects fall down, not up”. This means that babies are born ____.
A. Pattern seekers
B. The scientists
C. Left-brain person
D. Right-brain person

21. A newborn infant move his whole body at one time, instead of moving a part of it.
Which of the following principles is illustrated by his behaviour?
A. Development proceeds from specific to general.
B. Development proceeds from general to specific.
C. Development follows an orderly pattern.
D. Development follows a general pattern.

22. Which state of the psycho-sexual theory does young boys experience rivalry with
their father for their mother’s attention and affection?
A. Oral C. Phallic
B. Anal D. Latency

23. Which of the following is likely to be developed if infants are shown genuine
A. Trust C. Initiative
B. Autonomy D. Industry

24. Train up a child in a way he should be; when he grows up, he will not depart from it.
Which principle supports this?
A. Development is determined by his heredity
B. Development is determined by the environment
C. Early development is more critical than the late development
D. Early development is less critical than late development

25. Mark develops an integral and coherent sense of self. He seeks answers to the
questions. “Who am I?” Which of the following is Mark likely to develop?
A. Initiative C. Intimacy
B. Identity and role confusion D. Autonomy

26. Normelyn uses images and language to represent and understand her various lessons
to preschool learners. What stage in the cognitive theory of development explains
A. Sensori-motor C. Concrete operation
B. Preoperational D. Formal operation

27. Margie focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play that consume most
of her physical energy. Which stage of psychosexual theory illustrates her behaviour?
A. Oral C. Phallic
B. Anal D. Latency

28. Some children are more active than others, as everyone knows-extremely high levels
of activity or hyperactivity are considered problematic. How may a teacher help a
child who is hyperactive?
A. Make him the leader of the class
B. Transfer him to another class
C. Give him challenging activities that are appropriate to his ability level and interest
D. Allow him to spend longer at the playground until he gets tired

29. Princess Dulce gets jealous whenever she sees her father showing love and affection
to her mother. Which of the following is she showing according to Freud?
A. Complex C. Electra complex
B. Phallic D. Oedipus complex

30. Mark Angelo, a student in secondary level tends to spend more time with his friends
and his family, thus, his behaviour is greatly affected by them. In which stage of
psychosocial stages of development does Mark Angelo belong?

A. Autonomous vs. shame and doubt C. Intimacy vs. isolation
B. Identity vs. role confusion D. Initiative vs. guilt

31. Gerlyn believes that authority is respected. She is now in what particular level in
moral development theory of Lawrence Kholberg?
A. Social contract C. Interpersonal concordance
B. Law and order orientation D. Universal ethics orientation

32. What levels has a four year old learner like Precy Jane reached when she acquired
new skills such as putting the same shapes and the same colors together?
A. Development C. ZPD
B. Maturation D. Learning

33. Ellaine develops concepts necessary for everyday living, builds healthy attitudes
towards oneself, and achieve personal independence. These are among the attributes
of an individual in what particular stage?
A. Infancy and early childhood C. Adolescence
B. Middle childhood D. Early adulthood

34. Professor Janna showed 4-year-old Clarence two balls of clay that were the same size.
As she watched, she rolled one of the balls into a snake shape, neither adding nor
taking away any clay. When asked if both the ball and the "snake" had the same
amount of clay, Clarence responded that the snake had more. This demonstrates
A. Imagination
B. Inability to reverse action mentally
C. Shape preferences
D. Developing conservation abilities

35. In Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, which of the following statements

would illustrate Rexon who is 11 years old?
A. Able to see relationships and to reason in the abstract
B. Unable to breakdown a whole into separate parts
C. Differentiates goals and goal-directed activities
D. Experiments with methods to reach goals

36. Which of the following questions is typical of the preoperational child?

A. "How many different piles of toys can I make from my toys?"
B. "How much is two plus two?"
C. “Where does the moon go when it's light out?"
D. “Do you see the same thing I do, Daddy?"

37. Which of the following is the correct order of psychosexual stages proposed by
Sigmund Freud?
A. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
B. Anal, oral, phallic, latency, genital
C. Oral, anal, genital, latency, phallic
D. Anal, oral, genital, latency, phallic

38. Love Grace eight years old, and although she understands some logical principles, she
still has troubles in understanding hypothetical concepts. According to Piaget Love
Grace belongs to what particular stage of cognitive development?
A. Sensorimotor C. Preoperational
B. Concrete operational D. Formal operational

39. Which of the following provides the best broad description of the relationship
between heredity and environment in determining height?
A. Heredity is the primary influence, with environment affecting development only
in severe situations.
B. Heredity and environment contribute equally to development.
C. Environment is the major influence on physical characteristics.
D. Heredity directs the individual’s potential and environment determines whether
and to what degree the individual reaches the potential.

40. When a baby realized that a rubber duck which has fallen out of the tub must be
somewhere on the floor, he is likely to achieve what aspect of cognitive development?
A. Deferred imitation C. Mental combinations
B. Goal-directed behaviour D. Object permanence

41. Which of the following will be Freud’s description of the child’s behaviour if he has
biting sarcastic manner?
A. Anally expulsive C. Experiencing the crisis of trust
B. Anally retentive D. Fixated in the oral stage

42. According to Kohlberg, a dutiful citizen who obeys the laws set down by society is at
which level of moral reasoning?
A. Pre-conventional stage 1 C. Conventional
B. Pre-conventional stage 2 D. Post-conventional

43. “Learning is a necessary and universal aspect of the process of developing culturally
organised, specifically human psychological function." This is a tenet from:?
A. Lev Petrovich Vygotsky
B. Ivan Pavlov
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Jean Piaget

44. In Erikson’s theory, what is the unresolved crisis of an adult who has difficulty
establishing a secure, mutual relationship with a life partner?
A. Initiative vs. guilt
B. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
C. Intimacy vs. isolation
D. Trust vs. mistrust

45. What is Freud’s idea about a young boy’s guilt feelings brought about by jealousy of
his father’s relationship with his mother?
A. Electra complex C. Oedipus complex
B. Phallic stage D. Penis envy complex

46. When a little girl who says she wants her mother to go on vacation so that she can
marry her father, Freud believes that he is voicing a fantasy consistent with?
A. Electra complex C. Oedipus complex
B. Phallic stage D. Penis envy complex

47. Yosev noted that when the preschoolers eagerly begin many new activities but are
vulnerable to criticism and feelings of failure, they are experiencing what particular
A. Identity vs. role confusion C. Trust vs. mistrust
B. Initiative vs. guilt D. Efficacy vs. helpless

48. What stage of Piaget’s Cognitive Development does a person belong to when he can
understand specific logical ideas and apply them to concrete problems
A. Preoperational thought C. Concrete-operational thought
B. Operational thought D. Formal operational thought

49. Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. Vygotsky emphasises the role of language in cognitive development.
B. Piaget is criticised for his lack of emphasis on language in cognitive development
C. Vygotsky emphasized that effective learning happens through social participation
in social activities
D. Piaget looks at the individual as more social

50. If a child sees a dog for the first time, he creates his own schema of what a dog is. It
has four legs and a tail. It barks. It’s furry. The child demonstrates ___________.
A. Schema C. Accommodation
B. Assimilation D. Equilibration

51. What is the most accurate definition of puberty stage?

A. Rapid physical growth that occurs during adolescence
B. Stage when sexual maturation is attained
C. Rapid physical growth and sexual maturation that ends childhood
D. Stage when adolescents establish identifies separate from their parent

52. Piaget believed that children in concrete operational stage have difficulty with ____.
A. Perspective thinking C. Inductive logic
B. Deductive logic D. Conversation

53. All counties near the North Pole have cold temperatures. Greenland is near the North
Pole. Therefore, Greenland has cold temperature.
A. Analogical reasoning C. Hypothetical reasoning
B. Deductive reasoning D. Inductive reasoning

54. Rochelle, who is in between 9 and 11 years of age are most likely to demonstrate
moral reasoning at which Kohlberg’s stage?
A. Pre-conventional C. Post conventional
B. Conventional D. None of them

55. This attitude is very common in early childhood and can be defined by putting
yourself and your perceptions first, making you unable to see others viewpoints of the
A. Centration C. Transductive Reasoning
B. Egocentrism D. Operations

56. Approximately what ages did Piaget find that the preoperational stage of cognitive
development occurs?
A. 2-7 years old C. 3-4 years old
B. 1-6 years old D. 3-9 years old

57. When at night, J-nez is asked, where the sun is, she will reply, “Mr. Sun is asleep.” J-
nez demonstrates __________.
A. Animism C. Egocentrism
B. Centration D. Symbolic function

58. In Piaget’s theory of development, mental processing is considered to be constrained

by two influences:
A. Mental maturity and life opportunities
B. Physical maturation and schooling
C. Cognitive schemes and disequilibrium.
D. Assimilation and accommodation.

59. Which of the following advancements would be new to a child reaching the
preoperational stage?
A. The ability to consider multiple aspects of a problem.
B. The ability to consider past and present activities.
C. The ability to experiment with circular reactions.
D. The ability to calculate probabilities.

60. According to Piaget, the middle childhood years bring a new set of skills, concrete
operations, that:
A. build on and expand development in fine and gross motor capabilities.
B. facilitate emotional development as the child resolves common cultural demands
and tasks.
C. reduce anxiety in children at this stage by distorting reality to assist them in
D. provide general, abstract rules and strategies for examining and interacting with
the world.

61. _____________occurs when we incorporate new information into our existing

knowledge, whereas ____________ occurs when we adjust our schemas to fit new
information and experiences.
A. Quantitative change/qualitative change
B. Qualitative change/quantitative change
C. Accommodation/assimilation
D. Assimilation/accommodation

62. This is the process of fitting a new experience into an existing or previously created
cognitive structure or schema.
A. Schema C. Accommodation
B. Assimilation D. Equilibration

63. When a child is presented with two identical glasses with the same amount of water,
the child will say they have the same amount of water. However, once water from one
of the glasses is transferred to an obviously taller but narrower glass, the child might
say that there is more water in the taller glass. This pre-operational stage is
highlighted by ___________.
A. Symbolic Function C. Egocentrism
B. Centration D. Irreversibility

64. Cecille heard her mother tell a friend she was "cornered" by her next-door neighbor a
few days ago. This confused Cecille causing her to experience a cognitive conflict, or
_________, because she couldn't imagine her mother changing into a spot where two
walls meet.
A. Equilibrium C. Disorganization
B. Disequilibrium D. Assimilation

65. According to Piaget, during the first sensorimotor substage, infants' behaviors are:
A. Reflexive C. Unchanging
B. Maladaptive D. Reinforced

66. When Francis was 5 months old, he looked at a toy train, but when his view of the
train was blocked, he did not search for it. Now that he is 9 months old he does look
for it, reflecting the presence of:
A. object permanence C. assimilation
B. self-differentiation D. schemata

67. In the ___________ substage the young child gains the ability mentally to represent
an object that is not present.
A. symbolic function C. tertiary circular reactions
B. intuitive thought D. preoperational

68. Harvey was listening as his mother told a friend how to get to their house. Mrs. Jones
said, "Come south on Main, then turn left on Ash, then right on Cedar, and we are the
second house on the right." Harvey said, "No, you turn right on Ash." He said this
because from where he sat, Ash was to his right. Assuming Mrs. Jones is correct,
Harvey would be demonstrating:
A. Animism C. Centration
B. Egocentrism D. Conservation

69. ______ is described by Freud as the component of personality that is concerned with
the idea of right and wrong.
A. Superego C. Id
B. Superego and ego D. Ego

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70. Sigmund Freud is widely considered to be the father of _________.
A. Psychology C. Psychoanalysis
B. Behaviorism D. None of them

71. Term used to describe his theory of child development during the first 21 months of
life, in which an infant's pleasure centers are in the mouth.
A. Oral stage C. Anal stage
B. Phallic stage D. Latent stage

72. Which statement below best describes development?

A. A high school student’s height increased by 5’2” and 5’4”.
B. A high school student’s change in weight from 110 lbs. to 125 lbs.
C. A student had learned to operate the computer.
D. A student’s enlargement of hips.

73. Mr. Chavez was very much worried about the thumb sucking of his son. A friend of
him says that certain behaviour among infants. Who presented that notion that certain
behaviour like thumb-sucking is normal behaviour?
A. Sigmund Freud C. John Bowly
B. Erik Erikson D. Jean Piaget

74. Leslie understands that her father can also be a son and a brother all at the same time.
This suggests that Leslie is in the:
A. sensorimotor stage C. concrete operational stage
B. preoperational stage D. formal operational stage

75. Which situation best illustrates the concept of growth?

A. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months.
B. A high school student gets a score of 85 in mental ability test.
C. An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in
teaching different subjects.
D. An elementary grader has learned to play piano.

Prepared by:


Course Instructor
[email protected]


Head, CTE

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