Ingles 1 Eso

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1rI- I
.'; Choose the correct sentence.

Adverbs of frequency (sometimes, never, olwoys ¿ "ecl¿ss' sb¿d.

etc.) come between the subject and the verb. b The classroom is smel ng badl
J I sometimes do my homework an Saturday. 2 a Yuml Th s choco ate tastes greatl
X I de-sem*imes my homework on Saturday. b YumlThls chocolate tastes Jike greatL
BUT these words come after the verb to be. 3 a Look at that dog¡. le ooks like happy
J I om often late t'or school. b Look at that dog. He looks happy.
X I often-am late for school. 4 a The mrsic is sound ng coo .

b The mrsic sounds coo .

Find six mistakes in the text. Correct them.

Saturday- my favourite day! Present continuous
I have a ways fun on Saturdayl In the morn ng, I Remember to use qm / is / ore with the present
3 usral y meet my friends in the park or they come continuous.
somet rnes to my house. In the afternoon, we go
often swimming, I never do homework on Saturday.
./ I am looking atthe sky.

In the even ng, we have always p zza. \,4y mum usually X I Mnftq at the sky.

cooks the przza al home, but we go occasiona ]y to a In present continuous questions, we put om/is/ore
restaurant. 1 a ways ar-n very tired on Sundayl before the person doing the action, NOT after.
J Why are you looking at the sky?
X Why you-are looking at the sk)i?
We use the -ing form of the verb after verbs
expressing likes and dislikes. ¿. Work in pairs. Put the correct form of be in the
correct place in the sentences. Do it quickly!
'/ He likes wotch¡ng TV. X. He likes wa# TV
1 What you looking at? 4 She wearing a
' Work in pairs. Find five mistakes in the conversation 2 They going shopp ng beautiful dress
Correct them. today, 5 Why he augh ng? It's
LUCY: What do you ke do ng,l m? 3 I ooking for a new not lunnYl

JIll: I love p ay w th my dog, Spud lacket. 6 What you doing?


Does he enjoy swim?
llf"4: No, he hates swirn. But he llkes go to the beach.

I like play on the beach, tool

Practise the conversation with your partner. Then
/z/, /s/, /tZ/
w sounds

do it again- don't look at the book this timel I Work in pairs. Read the text. How many
syllables are in the underlined words?
Sense verbs Clara r
ives in Brighton now. She: misses her
famiy 1n Madrid but she 3 ikes liv ng bythe sea,
We use the present simple with sense verbs (/ook, Everv dav she finishes schoo at four o'clock. In
tsste, sound, smell, feel) to talk about something the evening, she : watches lelevisron in Engllsh
that is true now. We don't use the present and she 6 loves programrnes about nature.
His new jacket looks terrible/ 2 (») Listen and check your answers. Then
'/ practise with your partner.
X His new jacket is leokinq terrible!
We use look, toste, sound, smell, feel + adjective,
NOT /ook, taste, sound, smell, feel + like + adjective. With verbs that end in the sounds /s/,

'/ This pizza tastes owful! fi or /tl/we add -es and add an extra
syllable /lz/.
X This pizza tastes like awful!
lsl misses lf finishes l{l watches

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