Innovative, Indirect Mock-Up Technique: Predictable Diastema Closure Using An
Innovative, Indirect Mock-Up Technique: Predictable Diastema Closure Using An
Innovative, Indirect Mock-Up Technique: Predictable Diastema Closure Using An
Predictable diastema
closure using an innovative,
indirect mock-up technique
Authors_ Prof So Ran Kwon & Prof Gerald E. Denehy, USA
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
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Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Direct composite resin bonding may lack outcome and present it to the patient (Fig. 3). Fig. 4_Fast setting VPS material is
the permanency of indirect veneers and full- The technique is easy to use and helpful in eval- poured into the alginate impression.
coverage restorations. However, conservation of uating the anticipated shape and anatomy of Fig. 5_Gingival contour is trimmed
sound tooth structure, less treatment time, ease the tooth. Disadvantages of diagnostic wax-ups with a #12 blade to prevent formation
of repair and the low cost of the treatment com- are lack of relevance of waxing technique to of a black triangle in the gingival
pared with other treatment modalities are very the composite application technique, inability to embrasure area.
distinct advantages of direct bonding. match colours and difficulty on the patient’s side
to relate it to the clinical outcome on his/her
Visualisation of the final result is an important teeth.
factor in the patient’s acceptance of the treat-
ment of diastema closures. Prior to direct resin An innovative indirect mock-up technique
bonding, several diagnostic steps and commu- with composite resin on a vinyl-polysiloxane
nication tools are available to present the anti- (VPS) model allows the clinician to practice the
cipated treatment outcome to the patient. The diastema closure case, and assess the final shape
simplest method of assessing the final outcome and colour of the restoration. The indirect mock-
of a diastema closure is by means of using photo- up can then easily be placed on the patient’s
imaging techniques of before and after images teeth to present the anticipated outcome with-
of the space closure (Fig. 2). Patients can then ap- out taking too much clinical time. This indirect
preciate the outcome by looking at the modified mock-up also allows the patient to truly appre-
image. However, photo imaging may pose a chal- ciate the final outcome on his/her actual teeth.
lenge to the clinician to reproduce exactly the The procedure involves an alginate impression of
modified after-image clinically or the final resto- the patient’s teeth poured with a VPS material, Fig. 6_Application of composite
ration will result in patient disappointment. upon which composite mock-ups of the anti- material with an IPC instrument.
cipated restorations are done. These mock-up Fig. 7_Pull-through technique
A diagnostic wax-up on a study model is a shells are then transferred to the patient’s with a celluloid strip from facial
commonly used method to assess the treatment mouth for evaluation. towards lingual.
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
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I clinical technique _ diastema closure
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Fig. 8_Smoothening of the surface _Step-by-step procedure for gual marginal ridge. Light-cure the restora-
with a #3 synthetic sable brush. the indirect mock-up technique tion (Fig. 6).
Fig. 9_Careful removal of the 6. Continue the composite build-up on the oppo-
butterfly-shaped indirect mock-up 1. Take an alginate impression of the patient’s site central incisor. Attach the resin material to
from the VPS model. diastema during the initial visit. The impres- the tooth and while maintaining a hold on the
sion needs only to be of the anterior quadrant celluloid strip with a fingertip on the facial side,
containing the diastema and a quadrant tray pull the strip from the facial towards the lingual
may be used if desired. to push the resin material through the proximal
2. Immediately pour the alginate impression to form a smooth contour adapted properly in
using fast set VPS material (Aquasil Ultra XLV, the gingival area of the tooth (Fig. 7). Use a #3
DENTSPLY), taking care to avoid bubbles (Fig. 4). brush to shape the material to the desired con-
3. Measure width and length of central incisors tour proximally and to form contact with the
and the diastema space on the VPS model. Typ- adjacent tooth. Use a brush to refine the facial
ically, central incisors should be mirror images and gingival embrasures, and light-cure (Fig. 8).
of each other, with similar width. 7. Remove the polymerised resin restorations
4. Trim the gingival tissue contour with a #12 and transfer the butterfly-shaped indirect
scalpel blade to prevent formation of a black mock-up to the patient’s mouth (Fig. 9).
triangle in the gingival embrasure area (Fig. 5). 8. The mock-up allows the patient to evaluate
5. Place and contour a sculptable composite the aesthetic outcome of the proposed treat-
resin on one central incisor with a Gold Micro- ment (Figs. 10 & 11).
Fig. 10_Pre-op view of fil instrument or IPC instrument, and smooth
patient’s smile. the surface with a #3 synthetic sable brush. _Step-by-step procedure for the direct
Fig. 11_Placement of indirect The contour of the placed resin should pro- build-up of composite resin
mock-up into the patient’s mouth duce the desired facial and proximal con-
to evaluate the outcome of tours and extend lingually to just beyond the 1. Isolate the operative field with a retractor
the proposed treatment. contact. It should not extend over the lin- (OptraGate, Ivoclar Vivadent) and place re-
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
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Fig. 12 Fig. 13
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