S8 Q2 Module 2 Understanding Facts About Earthquake Final

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Faults and Earthquakes

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This hybrid module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the
Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do
the tasks included in the hybrid module.
For the learner:
This hybrid module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be helped to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
The following are some reminders in using this hybrid module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the hybrid
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included in
the hybrid module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and in checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this hybrid module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn

This hybrid module was designed and written with you in mind. The scope
of this hybrid module permits it to be used in different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you
read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The hybrid module is composed of the lesson about:
-Understanding Facts about an Earthquake

After going through this hybrid module, you are expected to:

1. differentiate epicenter of an earthquake from its focus

2. differentiate magnitude from intensity
3. describe active and inactive faults.

Let’s Try

DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
1. Which of the following measures the strength of shaking produced by the
earthquake at a certain location?
A. Focus C. Intensity
B. Epicenter D. Magnitude
2. It measures the energy released at the source of the earthquake.
A. Focus C. Intensity
B. Epicenter D. Magnitude
3. Which of these statements is/are true?
A. Intensity and magnitude are the same
B. Magnitude is expressed in Roman Numerals
C. Magnitude can be measured by the seismograph
D. Intensity is measured with the use of phonograph
4. In the illustration given below, the arrow is pointed to the _______.

A. Epicenter B. Focus C. Intensity D. Magnitude

5. It is the location on the Earth where Earthquake starts.
A. Epicenter C. Intensity
B. Focus D. Magnitude
6. It refers to the location on the surface of the Earth directly above where the
Earthquake starts.
A. Epicenter C. Intensity
B. B. Focus D. Magnitude
7. The place where the fault begins to slip is called ______.
A. Active faults C. Epicenter
B. Inactive faults D. rocks

8. Which is not a method of spotting an active fault?
A. Checking historical backgrounds
B. Observing the surroundings
C. Studying the vibrations
D. Interviewing survivors
9. It is an instrument used to measure and record details of earthquake.
A. seismogram C. seismograph
B. microscope D. stenograph
10. As you go away from the focus, the intensity ________.
A. Increases C. does not change
B. Deceases D. Increases and decreases
11. Intensity is expressed in terms of ______.
A. Roman Numerals C. Both A and B
B. Hindu-Arabic Numerals D. In any way you like it
12. Juan Miguel was sitting in front of the television when he suddenly felt an
earthquake in which vibration is like passing a heavy truck, what intensity did he
A. I B. VI C. IV D. V
13. What intensity is capable of destroying all man-made structure?
14. It caused an Earthquake in the past and is capable of generating more in
the future.
A. Active Epicenter C. Active Fault
B. Active Focus D. Active Vibration
15.The acronym PHIVOLCS stands for ______________________________.
A. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
B. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seisnology
C. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Sismology
D. Philippine Institution of Volcanology and Seismology

Understanding Facts About
2 an Earthquake

Let’s Recall

A. Guess to MATCH ME
Directions: Complete the word to match the definition.

1. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R An instrument that responds to the ground motions

such as caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and explosion.
2. F _ _ U _ The place inside Earth’s crust where an earthquake originates.
3. A _ T _ _ _ A fault that is likely become the source of other earthquakes.
4. I _ _ C _ _ _ _ A fault that do not display any seismic activity for than 10,000
5. M _ G _ _ _ _ _ _ The rapid release of energy during an earthquake.

Let’s Explore

Label Me Please!
Directions: Label the following correctly. Choose your answer from the box below.
Define each term briefly after labeling the parts.

1 2


Focus Seismic wave Plate movement

Epicenter Fault

Let’s Elaborate


Epicenter is the location on the surface of the Earth directly above where the
earthquake starts.
Focus (Hypocenter) is the location in the Earth where the earthquake starts.
Seismograph is the instrument used to record earthquakes.

How Strong is an Earthquake?

An earthquake can be described in two ways: intensity and magnitude. The

intensity of an earthquake gives us an idea of how strong or weak the shaking is.
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) uses the
following scale to describe the intensity of earthquakes in the Philippines.

Intensity Shaking Description

I Scarcely Perceptible to people under favorable circumstances.
Perceptible Delicately balanced objects are disturbed slightly. Still
Water in containers oscillates slowly.
II Slightly Felt Felt by few individuals at rest indoors. Hanging objects
swing slightly. Still Water in containers oscillates
III Weak Felt by many people indoors especially in upper floors of
buildings. Vibration is felt like one passing of a light
truck. Dizziness and nausea are experienced by some
people. Hanging objects swing moderately. Still water in
containers oscillates moderately.
IV Moderately Felt generally by people indoors and by some people
Strong outdoors. Light sleepers are awakened. Vibration is felt
like a passing of heavy truck. Hanging objects swing
considerably. Dinner, plates, glasses, windows and doors
rattle. Floors and walls of wood framed buildings creak.
Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Liquids in

containers are slightly disturbed. Water in containers
oscillate strongly. Rumbling sound may sometimes be
V Strong Felt generally by people indoors and by some people
outdoors. Light sleepers are awakened. Vibration is felt
like a passing of heavy truck. Hanging objects swing
considerably. Dinner, plates, glasses, windows and doors
rattle. Floors and walls of wood framed buildings creak.
Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Liquids in
containers are slightly disturbed. Water in containers
oscillate strongly. Rumbling sound may sometimes be
VI Very Strong Many people are frightened, many run outdoors. Some
people lose their balance. Motorists feel like driving in flat
tires. Heavy objects or furniture move or may be shifted.
Small church bells may ring. Wall plaster may crack.
Very old or poorly built houses and man-made structures
are slightly damaged though well-built structures are not
affected. Limited rock falls and rolling boulders occur in
hilly to mountainous areas and escarpments. Trees are
noticeably shaken.
VII Destructive Most people are frightened and run outdoors. People find
it difficult to stand in upper floors. Heavy objects and
furniture overturn or topple. Big church bells may ring.
Old or poorly built structures suffer considerably
damage. Some well-built structures are slightly damaged.
Some cracks may appear on dikes, fishponds, road
surface, or concrete hollow block walls. Limited
liquefaction, lateral spreading and landslides are
observed. Trees are shaken strongly. (Liquefaction is a
process by which loose saturated sand lose strength
during an earthquake and behave like liquid).
VIII Very People are panicky. People find it difficult to stand even
Destructive outdoors. Many well-built buildings are considerably
damaged. Concrete dikes and foundation of bridges are
destroyed by ground settling or toppling. Railway tracks
are bent or broken. Tombstones may be displaced,
twisted or overturned. Utility posts, towers and
monuments mat tilt or topple. Water and sewer pipes
may be bent, twisted or broken. Liquefaction and lateral
spreading cause man- made structure to sink, tilt or
topple. Numerous landslides and rock falls occur in
mountainous and hilly areas. Boulders are thrown out
from their positions particularly near the epicenter.
Fissures and faults rapture may be observed. Trees are
violently shaken. Water splash or stop over dikes or
banks of rivers.
IX Devastating People are forcibly thrown to ground. Many cries and
shake with fear. Most buildings are totally damaged.
Bridges and elevated concrete structures are toppled or
destroyed. Numerous utility posts, towers and monument
are tilted, toppled or broken. Water sewer pipes are bent,
twisted or broken. Landslides and liquefaction with
lateral spreading’s and sand boils are widespread. The
ground is distorted into undulations. Trees are shaken
very violently with some toppled or broken. Boulders are
commonly thrown out. River water splashes violently on
slops over dikes and banks.
X Completely Practically all man-made structures are destroyed.
Devastating Massive landslides and liquefaction, large scale
subsidence and uplifting of landforms and many ground

fissures are observed. Changes in river courses and
destructive seiches in large lakes occur. Many trees are
toppled, broken and uprooted.

Seismometer- An instrument that responds to the ground motions such

caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and explosions.

The intensity of an earthquake is determined by observing the effects of the

earthquake in different places. Houses, buildings and other structures are inspected.
People are interviewed about what they saw (the cabinet fell over), how they felt (I
was frightened), or what they did (Iran out of the house).

Another way of describing the strength of an earthquake is by magnitude.

Recall that rocks bend along a fault, energy is stored little by little. When the rocks
suddenly snap, the stored energy is released.

The released energy can be calculated by scientist and is called the Magnitude
of an Earthquake. Obviously, the greater the magnitude, the stronger the
earthquake. To distinguish the two, intensity is expressed using Roman numerals (I,
II, III) while magnitude uses Hindu-Arabic numerals (2, 3, 4).

Earthquake with a magnitude of 2 may or may not be felt. Those that are felt
by most people have a magnitude of 4. Magnitude 6 quakes can lead to a lot of
damage in highly populated areas.

Earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 can cause severe damage. A magnitude 8

or 9 quakes results I widespread destruction, especially near epicenter. Luckily only
one or two occur every year.

Active and Inactive Fault

Types of Faults According to Activity:

1. Active Fault
- areas along which all shallow earthquakes occur
- displayed seismic activity during the last10, 000 years

2. Inactive Fault
- areas which had not displayed any seismic activity for more than 10,000

1. Normal faults create space. Two blocks of crust pull apart, stretching the
crust into a valley. The Basin and Range Province in North America and the East
African Rift Zone are two well-known regions where normal faults are spreading apart
Earth's crust.

2. Reverse faults, also called thrust faults, slide one block of crust on top of
another. These faults are commonly found in collisions zones, where tectonic plates
push up mountain ranges such as the Himalayas and the Rocky Mountains.

3. Strike-slip faults indicate rocks are sliding past each other horizontally,
with little to no vertical movement. Both the San Andreas and Anatolian Faults are

Note: Strike-slip faults are usually vertical, while normal and reverse faults
are often at an angle to the surface of the Earth. The different styles of faulting can
also combine in a single event, with one fault moving in both a vertical and strike-
slip motion during an earthquake.

Let’s Dig In

Activity 1. Learning from the Videos

Direction: Watch the video in the link given below and answer the following questions
carefully. Remember to take down notes before answering the questions. You may
pause and play the video to clarify some items in the questions.

Process Questions:
1. In the first frame of the video, what do you notice about the things in the shelf?

2. How about the shelf itself and the appliances?
3. Do you think the house was not damage after the earthquake? Why or why not?
4. In the second frame of the video, you can see people running out of their homes
or offices, is it safe to do this? Why or not?

After viewing the video, please visit the link below:


Let’s Remember

Putting It Together!!!

After knowing the terms associated with earthquakes, you are now ready to
complete the graphic organizer below. Remember to put the word Earthquake at
the center of the organizer.

Process Questions:

1. What is an earthquake?
2. How is an earthquake different from faults?
3. What is the difference between an earthquake’s focus and its epicenter?
Magnitude of an earthquakes from intensity?
4. What scales are used in determining the magnitude and the intensity of an

Let’s Apply

Activity 2: Part I: Build me a Condominium

A real estate development company is planning to build a 508-meter condominium in one

of the places listed below. Your friend, an agent of the company, is asking for your
opinion on which of the places should the company build the high-rise building. Choose
the place from the list below and complete the box that follows. You may look at a political
map for you to locate the place. You can also do online research about the place.

Place Code Location

A Sagbayan, Bohol
B Bayawan City, Negros Oriental
C Sogod, Southern Leyte
D Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig

My chosen place is ____________________________________________.

I chose this place because _______________________________________.

Answer the following questions:

1. What considerations did you make in choosing the place where the
condominium should be built?
2. Which of the considerations you made weighted more than the others?
3. Would you build a condominium near a body of water? Or would you rather
build it near a highway? Why or why not?
2. How do you determine the right place for building a high-rise condominium?
3. Should the movement of the Earth be considered when planning to build a high-
rise condominium?
Part 2. Read the situation below and come-up with a generalization on
earthquakes’ safety.

Situation 1:
Maria lives in the province of Ilocos Sur. Their house is made up of wood and is
slightly elevated from the ground by means of bamboo poles. It is a 50-year old house
own by their family. When a magnitude 4 earthquake hit the province of Ilocos Norte, their
house was completely destroyed.

Process Questions:
1. According to the correlating intensity of a magnitude 4 earthquake what should
have been a very observable effect? Support your answer.

2. Why do you think their house crumble with a magnitude 4 quake?

3. What precautionary measures should they undertake?

Situation 2:
Your friend’s house is near West Valley Fault. His house is made up of concrete
with wider columns and beams. These columns and beams are reinforced by steel beams
that are of greater diameter than what is required. Moreover, the house is not full of
lighting fixtures and glass panels.

Process Questions:

1. If ever the fault line near your friend’s house move, would his house be damaged?

2. What advantage does have wide columns and beams have when an earthquake

3. What best practice can be learned from your friend’s house design?

Let’s Evaluate

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The natural shaking of the earth due to the release as rocks move along a fault
is _________.
A. fault C. earthquake
B. frequency D. coverage
2. Which of the following measures an earthquake’s intensity based on the
observed effects on people and structures?
A. Richter scale C. Centigrade scale
B. Modified Mercalli scale D. The moment magnitude scale

Study the illustration below, and answer questions 3-5.


3. Point A, where slip initiated during earthquake is called the ________.

A. dip C. focus
B. epicenter D. scarp
4. Point B is called the earthquake ____________.
A. dip C. focus
B. epicenter D. scarp
5. Point C is called the ________.
A. epicenter C. seismic wave
B. fault D. dip of the earthquake
6. Who developed the procedure used to measure the size of an earthquake?
A. Art Smith C. James Hutton
B. Edward Sheridan D. Charles Richter
7. Which of the following can be triggered by an earthquake?
A. tsunami C. intense ground shaking
B. a landslide D. all of these
8. Which of the following can trigger a tsunami?
A. undersea earthquakes C. undersea landslides
B. the eruption of an oceanic volcano D. all of these
9. Which of the following statements best describes the state of earthquake
A. Scientists can accurately predict the time and location of almost all
B. Scientists can accurately predict the time and location of about 50% of all
C. Scientists can characterize the seismic risk of an area, but cannot yet
predict most earthquakes.
D. Scientists can accurately predict when an earthquake will occur.
10. The type of fault where the faulted blocks have been moved against each other
in horizontal direction is called ___________.
A. Reverse fault C. Vertical fault
B. Strike-slip fault D. Hinge fault
11. San Andreas fault is the best example of which type of fault?
A. strike-slip fault C. normal fault
B. vertical fault D. reverse fault
12. What type of fault is depicted on the illustration in number 14?
A. reverse fault C. normal fault
B. a right-lateral fault D. a left-lateral fault

13. A type of fault where rocks on either side move past each other sideways is
A. reverse fault C. normal fault
B. a right-lateral fault D. a left-lateral fault

14. Identify this type of fault.

A. strike-slip fault C. normal fault
B. vertical fault D. reverse fault

15. Earthquakes are common in the Philippines because it is located in an area
called ____.
A. Southeast Asia C. Earthquake Prone Area
B. Pacific Ocean D. Pacific Ring of Fire

Tarbuck, E.J., & Lutgens, F.K. (1999). Earth, An Introduction to Physical Geology (6 th
Ed.). Upper Saddler River, NJ: Prentice Hall












Development Team of the Module

Content Evaluators: Lynette Pearl A. De Leon, Teacher I. BNHS

Language Editor:



DR. REA MILANA-CRUZ – (School Principal IV-WBNHS)

Management Team:
DR. MARGARITO B. MATERUM - Schools Division Superintendent
DR. MARIVIC T. ALMO - Education Program Supervisor- Science

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

Email Address: [email protected]


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