Workplace Safety & Health Guidelines: Cleaning and Custodial Services

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Workplace Safety & Health

Published in July 2009 by the Workplace Safety

and Health Council in collaboration with the
Ministry of Manpower and the National Trades
Union Congress.

This guideline is co-developed by the tripartite

Workgroup for Cleaning and Custodial Services.
All rights reserved. This publication may not be Cleaning and Custodial Services

Workplace Safety & Health Guidelines Cleaning and Custodial Services

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, in whole or in part, without prior written
permission. The information provided in this
publication is accurate as at time of printing. All
cases shared in this publication are meant for
learning purposes only. The learning points for
each case are not exhaustive and should not be
taken to encapsulate all the responsibilities and
obligations of the user of this publication under
the law. The Workplace Safety and Health Council
does not accept any liability or responsibility to any
party for losses or damage arising from following
this publication.

In collaboration with
Contents 1. Preface

1. Preface 1 Scope
This guideline serves as a workplace safety and health resource for workers, supervisors and
key stakeholders who provide or manage cleaning and custodial services in housing estates.
2. Duties under the Workplace Safety and Health Act 2 It provides safety and health information, guidance on the identification of work hazards and
the preventive measures that can be taken. For the handling of hazards specific to other work
environment / industries, readers should refer to other relevant technical advisories, guidelines
3. Risk Assessment 4 or materials where available.

4. Hazards in Cleaning and Custodial Services 7 Introduction

The cleaning and custodial services industry plays a very important role in creating clean,
comfortable and hygienic living spaces for the community. Everyday, workers carry out work
5. Workplace Safety and Health Management Programme 32 activities such as sweeping, mopping, washing, rubbish collection and disposal, cleaning of
general areas, waste collection, disposal of old furniture, etc.

6. Useful References 44 In the course of their work, they are exposed to many occupational hazards such as
chemicals, loud noise, high temperatures, sharp objects, slippery floors and awkward work
postures. Potential accidents include falls from height; slips, trips and falls; crush injuries; cuts;
electrocution; burns, etc. Such accidents may affect both the cleaners as well as members of
7. Acknowledgments 46 public, with the potential of resulting in the loss of life and property.

8. Annexes 48

2. Duties under the Workplace Safety Duties of the Manufacturer or Supplier

and Health Act

It is the duty of the manufacturer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that any
machinery, equipment or substances provided are safe for use:
• Provide proper information on the safe use of the machinery, equipment or hazardous
• Ensure that the machinery, equipment or hazardous substance is safe for use;
• Ensure that the machinery, equipment or hazardous substance has been tested and
examined so that it is safe for use.
The Workplace Safety and Health Act
The Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSH Act) is targeted at cultivating good safety habits Duties of an Installer or Erector of Machinery
and practices in all individuals at the workplace – from top management to the last worker. It shall be the duty of the installer or erector of machinery to ensure, so far as is reasonably
It requires every person at the workplace to take reasonably practicable steps to ensure the practicable, the machinery or equipment erected, installed or modified is safe and without
safety and health of every worker at the workplace. health risks when properly used.

A workplace includes any premises where people carry out work. In general, persons who have Duties of an Employee
duties and responsibilities under the WSH Act are listed below: It is the duty of every person at work:
• To adhere to safe working procedures and principles introduced at the workplace.
Duties of Employers or Principals
• To cooperate with the employer or principal to comply with the WSH Act and not endanger
It is the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety and
oneself or others through unsafe behaviour such as tampering with safety devices or
health of his employees or workers working under his direct control and all who may be
undertake any wilful or reckless acts and use of required personal protective equipments.
affected by their work. This includes:
• Conducting risk assessments to remove or control risks to workers at the workplace; Duties of the Self-employed Person
• Maintaining safe work facilities and arrangements for the workers at work; It is the duty of the self-employed person to take measures, so far as is reasonably practicable,
• Ensuring safety in machinery, equipment, plant, articles, substances and work processes at to ensure the safety and health of others such as members of the public or his own employees.
the workplace;
• Developing and putting into practice control measures for dealing with emergencies; Penalties
• Providing workers with adequate instruction, information, training and supervision. The WSH Act states a general maximum penalty for offences. An individual first-time offender
can face a maximum fine of up to $200,000 or a jail term of two years or both. A corporate body
Duties of the Occupier that is a first-time offender can face a maximum fine of up to $500,000. For more information
of the penalties of offences, refer to Annex A.
It is the duty of every occupier of any workplace to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable,
the following are safe and without risks to the health of every person within those premises,
Everyone has an obligation to ensure workplace safety. Getting every worker home safely at
whether or not the person is at work or is an employee of the occupier:
the end of the day does not only depend on the effort of one individual, but is the result of all
• The workplace; stakeholders working together.
• All entrances to or exits from the workplace; and
• Any machinery, equipment, plant, article or substance kept on the workplace.
For more information on the Workplace Safety and Health Act, refer to the Ministry of
The occupier is responsible for the common areas used by employees and contractors. In Manpower, website at
particular, the following items:
• Hoists and lifts, lifting gear, lifting appliances and lifting machines located in the common
• Means of entry to or exit from the common area; and
• Any machinery or plant located in the common area.

2 3
3. Risk Assessment It is essential for risks to be eliminated or reduced “at source”. If a risk cannot be controlled
completely by engineering measures, it is necessary to protect the employees by administrative
control or personal protection.

The control of hazards and reduction of risks can be accomplished by following the Hierarchy
of Control Measures below. These control measures are not usually mutually exclusive e.g.
engineering controls can be implemented together with administrative controls like training
and safe work procedures.
Risk assessments should be conducted by a team of persons who have a thorough knowledge
of the work that is planned to be carried out. Team members should include management staff,
process or facility engineers, technical personnel, supervisors, workers and safety personnel if
available. ELIMINATION

The team leader should have undergone training in risk assessment. Alternatively, a safety
consultant trained in job safety analysis and risk management and who has experience in risk SUBSTITUTION
assessment can be engaged to assist in the conduct of the risk assessment. The risk assessment Design
team should also include contractor/supplier personnel who are involved with the work, ENGINEERING CONTROLS
whenever necessary.
1. Carry out risk assessment before starting work, to identify hazards associated with the ADMINISTRATIVE
2. Assess risks based on: PROTECTION Safe
• The likelihood of accidents occurring as a result of hazards; and (PPE) Worker
• The severity of the consequences, should the accident occur.
3. Take appropriate risk control measures to eliminate the hazards or reduce the risk, following
the hierarchy of control.
4. Review risk assessments periodically.
5. Communicating these risks to all persons involved.
Elimination of hazards refers to the total removal of the hazards and hence effectively making
all the identified possible accidents and ill health impossible.
Risk Control
This is a permanent solution and should be attempted in the first instance. If the hazard is
Identification Evaluation Keeping and Review removed, all the other management controls, such as workplace monitoring and surveillance,
> Form RA Team > Identify hazards > Estimate risk > Formulate control > Keep risk > Review risk
levels based measures according assessment assessments:
training, safety auditing, and record keeping will no longer be required.
> Gather relevant > Identify
on identified to the Hierarchy of reports for at • Once every 3
information potential
hazards Controls: least 3 years years;
Example : Eliminate the use of highly toxic cleaning chemicals.
incidents > Prioritise the • Elimination • Whenever new
hazards to be information
• Substitution
controlled on WSH risks
• Engineering
• When there are
• Administrative changes to work
controls processes and / This involves replacing the hazard by one that presents a lower risk.
• Personal protective or; Examples: A water-based paint can be used instead of a solvent-based paint. Cooking oil can
equipment • After any
accident /
be used to remove paint stains on skin instead of thinner.
Risk Assessment (RA) > Analyse and evaluate
residual risk incident

4 5
Engineering Controls 4. Hazards in Cleaning and Custodial
Engineering controls are physical means that limit the hazard. These include structural changes
to the work environment or work processes. Services
Example: Use powered spray gun for cleaning of floor.

Administrative Controls
These reduce or eliminate exposure to a hazard by adherence to procedures or instructions.
Documentation should emphasise all the steps to be taken and the controls to be used in Workers involved in cleaning and custodial services are exposed to a variety of hazards
carrying out the activity safely. everyday. These hazards can cause immediate injuries or lead to chronic and painful conditions,
Example: Implementation of permit-to-work systems; scheduling of incompatible works; WSH requiring long-term treatment, incurring huge medical expenses. In some unfortunate cases,
training; reduced work hours. death may result.

Some of the common hazards that workers are exposed to include:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Hazardous chemicals: detergents, cement removing solutions, bleach;

This should be used only as a last resort, after all other control measures have been considered, - Slippery surfaces: wet floor during cleaning of toilets and general areas;
or as a short term contingency during maintenance/repair or as an additional protective - Obstructions: boxes, flower pots;
measure. - Working at height: while accessing high areas on ladders;
- Awkward postures: during cleaning of hard to reach areas, during mopping, lifting, clearing
The success of this control is dependent on the type of protective equipment chosen, correct
usage by employees, correct fit and usage at all times when required.
- Heavy loads: during disposal of old furniture, pushing heavy push carts, emptying rubbish
The employer must also ensure that the employees are properly trained on the handling and into bulk bins;
usage of PPE. He must also ensure that all PPE are properly maintained and fitted for use at - Biological hazards: communicable diseases - Influenza A (H1N1) or Severe Acute Respiratory
all times. Syndrome (SARS);
- Electrical hazards: working with electrical equipment;
Work with the PPE suppliers, to select the correct type of PPE and to train employees on correct
- Heat: when working outdoors or poorly ventilated areas;
usage and maintenance of the PPE.
- Loud noise: when using water jet cleaners, blower.

For more information on risk assessment, please refer to the Guidelines on Risk
Assessment available on the MOM website at Recognising Unsafe Acts
Workers should be encouraged to report unsafe acts so as to prevent accidents, injuries and ill-
health. A system should be established to encourage workers to report unsafe acts or provide

Recognising Work-related Injuries and Diseases

Work-related injuries and diseases can be prevented; early recognition and intervention is vital.
Workers should be informed and encouraged to report any work related injuries. Supervisors
and management staff should be trained to identify symptoms of work related injuries and
investigate to determine the underlying causes so that correct and effective preventive
measures can be taken.
For a sample of risk assessment for some common activities like sweeping, mopping, etc., please refer to Annex B.

6 7
Common Injuries in Cleaning and Custodial Services Slips, Trips and Falls
Many workplace injuries also result from workers slipping on slippery floors, tripping over
Work-related Musculoskeletal Injuries
physical obstructions or falling from height. Factors which increase this risk include insufficient
A musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) affects the muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Many lighting, poor housekeeping, wet and slippery floors, lack of guardrails or handrails on platforms
of these injuries are the result of work involving exposure to awkward postures, repetitive or staircases, unsafe use of ladders and carelessness. Proper personal protection equipment
movements, prolonged hours of work and handling of heavy loads. Carrying out the good such as safety shoes/boots can protect the worker from slips as well as other hazards, such
work practices recommended in this technical advisory can help to prevent work-related MSD as foot injury, skin damage and skin injury due to prolonged contact with water and soap.
in workers. Footwear such as boots should be cleaned regularly and changed if they are damaged so as to
minimise the risk of fungal infection.

Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD)

Which parts of the body are commonly affected? Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
- Neck • Encourage workers to report poor lighting.
- Back • Keep floors and stairs dry and clean.
- Shoulders • Ensure carpets and rugs are free of holes and loose edges.
- Arms • Hang power cords over aisles or work areas to prevent tripping accidents.
- Elbows • Use anti-slip flooring or non-slip working shoes.
- Wrists/hands/fingers • Place signs to warn of slippery surfaces.
- Knees • Hold onto handrails when climbing stairs or slopes.
• Keep work area neat - do not leave materials and boxes lying haphazardly around.
What are the signs and symptoms?
• Install guardrails on elevated platforms to prevent falls. Where physical guards
- Pain are not feasible, provide alternatives like safety harnesses anchored to a lifeline or
- Numbness anchorage point.
- Tingling sensation
- Weakness
- Stiffness of joints 4.1 Mopping
What are the factors that increase the risk of MSD? Equipment Selection
- Repetitive and heavy lifting Buckets should have:
- Bending and twisting • Low, wide stable base;
- Repeating an action too frequently • Large castors (wheels); at least four;
- Uncomfortable working position • Moulded hand grips;
- Exerting too much force • Large openings;
- Exerting a force in a static position for extended periods of time • Separate compartments for clean and dirty water; and
- Working too long without breaks • Lightweight wringers which are attached to the mop bucket and which makes use of the
user’s body weight to function.
- Adverse working environment (e.g. hot, cold)
- Psychosocial factors

What should workers do?

Workers should be encouraged to report such injuries to their supervisors as soon as

8 9
Mops should have: Wringing a mop (Figure 4.1.3 & Figure 4.1.4)
• Mop heads that do not readily shed loose threads; • Bend knees and keep back straight when pressing
smaller mop heads preferred as they are lighter the mop wringer down.
when wet, and easier to squeeze; • Use body weight to press down on the lever.
• Telescopic handles for easy adjustment; to adjust • Wring mop at waist level.
length of the handle to the height of the user’s
• Use a mop bucket which is raised off the floor to
forehead to reduce bending; and
reduce the bending force required to wring out the
• Handles which are padded to cushion and improve Figure 4.1.1: Bending the back when water. Figure 4.1.4: Use a mop bucket.
the user’s grip. mopping can result in unnecessary Wring mop at waist level and do not
strain to the lower back. Mopping (Figure 4.2.1 & Figure 4.2.2) bend the back when squeezing out
Gloves should be: the water.
• Alternate right and left hands at the top of the mop
• Of an impervious material e.g. plastic or rubber. handle.
Cotton gloves may be worn inside for added
• Maintain a straight back.
comfort; and
• Avoid extreme wrist motions e.g. excessive bending
• Of correct size and fit.
of wrists.
Footwear should be: • Use neutral body/shoulder position.
• Non-slip, to prevent slipping on the wet surfaces. • Avoid extreme reaches to the right and left and avoid
Sign boards should be placed at appropriate locations Figure 4.1.2: Maintain a straight • Take the mop for a ‘walk’;
to warn passers-by of slippery floor conditions during back. Wear impervious gloves - Walking the mop uses far less upper body
Figure 4.2.1: Avoid awkward
mopping. and non-slip safety boots. Put postures such as lifting the arm
up adequate warning signs to
motion. above shoulder height. Mop handles
warn passers-by of slippery floor - Use legs to generate force by stepping or shifting should be of the appropriate length.
Recommended Work Practices conditions. body weight.
When mopping, only half of the passageway should be - Keep arms close to the body so as to stabilise
mopped, so as to provide a dry passage for passers-by to the shoulders. Electrical cleaning machines can
walk through the area safely. Allow the first half of the be used to help clean the floor ergonomically.
passageway to dry before starting to mop on the second Refer to the chapter on “Handling Electrical
half. Mopping should be done such that the worker Equipment” for more information on hazards
moves away from the wetted area and does not need to associated with the use of such machines.
step onto it (Figure 4.1.1 & Figure 4.1.2).

A mop can weigh up to 11 kilograms when soaking wet.

Wet mopping can cause significant contact stress over 4.2 Sweeping Figure 4.2.2: Avoid overextending to
Figure 4.1.3: Wringing mop above the right and left.
the hand and wrist. It also results in unnecessary strain Sweeping of floors may involve awkward wrist positions
shoulder level should be avoided.
to the lower back. and prolonged contact pressure on hands. Also, the back
and neck are often kept in an awkward forward bent

Figure 4.2.3: Do not bend the back.

Use tools that allow the user to
remain upright.
10 11
Equipment Selection Sweeping canopy and link way roof
• Lightweight brooms and stand up dustpans. Proper and safe access should be provided for accessing the top of a canopy or link way roof.
If a ladder is used and there is no way of securing it, it should be supported by another person
• Long-handled tongs for picking up debris.
to provide additional stability.
• Plastic or rubber gloves with thin cotton glove inside.
• Non-slip covered shoes.
Important Tips
Recommended Work Practices • Ensure that the ladder is of sound construction.
Figure 4.2.4: Bend at the knees and
Sweeping (Figure 4.2.3 & Figure 4.2.4) not the back when removing weeds • A ladder should be supported by another person when climbing is done.
• Stand upright when sweeping. while sweeping. Use a tong when
• Access the ladder with both hands free of any tools.
picking up debris or wear gloves
• Alternate right and left hands at the top of the broom • Maintain 3-point (e.g. 2 feet and one hand or 2 hands and one foot) contact with the
(cotton and plastic).
handle. ladder when climbing.
• Do not bend the back. • Hoist up the hand tools after the worker had climbed up.
• Use gloved hands or tongs when picking up debris. • Workers should be instructed to avoid going near an open side.
Sweeping staircases • Workers should wear a safety belt when necessary – this is to prevent them from
accidentally reaching open sides.
Proper posture should be adopted to prevent
musculoskeletal injuries. Care should be taken to prevent • Workers should be instructed to avoid working at such locations during poor
falling backwards (Figure 4.2.5 & Figure 4.2.6): weather.

4.3 Wiping and Dusting

Equipment Selection
Figure 4.2.5: Wrong standing
position can result in a fall. • Cloth used should be large enough to be efficient but not too big such that squeezing out
excess water takes no more than two squeezing motions.
• Lightweight long-handled mops or squeegees should be used for cleaning smooth vertical
surfaces and hard to reach areas.
• Step ladder which is stable and sturdy in construction to gain access to height.
• Impervious gloves e.g. rubber or plastic; of the correct size and length. Wear a layer of
cotton glove inside for added comfort.

Figure 4.2.6: Adopt a stable position.

Important Tips
• Adopt a stable position before commencing work.
• Descend down the steps slowly.
• Always look behind before descending.
12 13
Recommended Work Practices Cleaning notice boards (Figure 4.3.4 & Figure 4.3.5):
Wringing a cloth Cleaning letter bins
The twisting force of the wringing action gets out more • Reaching up while cleaning for long periods of
water than a simple squeeze, but this can cause wrist time requires awkward and fixed positions of the
injury when done repetitively. To avoid injury, hold one arms, shoulders and neck. This task can lead to pain,
hand above the other to produce a squeezing action – stiffness in the neck, shoulders, arms and upper neck.
this allows both wrist joints to be in a straight neutral • The reach of workers can be extended by using
position. cleaning/dusting tools with telescoping handles or
Figure 4.3.1: Avoid overextending, standing on step ladders.
Wiping horizontal/vertical surfaces and working above shoulder height.

• Use effective cleaning products and let the cleaning Cleaning/dusting high places
products do the work. • Keep elbows close to the body to minimise over- Figure 4.3.4: Avoid bending the body
• Divide the work into sections to allow task rotation. reaching. awkwardly.
• Alternate arms to reduce muscle fatigue. • Use lightweight tools with telescoping handles and
bendable necks.
Cleaning lift walls (Figure 4.3.1 & Figure 4.3.2) • Bend the neck of the handle to align it with the
• Stand upright and use a lightweight long-handled surface to be cleaned.
mop or squeegee. • Extend the telescopic handle and step back from the
• Adjust the length of a telescopic handle to minimise Figure 4.3.2: Attach a long handled wall to improve neck posture.
awkward bending and overreaching. pole to a piece of cloth to clean hard • Use step ladders.
• Alternate hands to avoid fatigue. to reach places.

• Use the legs, not just the arms to generate force.

• For over-the-shoulder activities:
- Limit time spent in this position.
- Allow for more frequent work breaks.
Figure 4.3.5: Bend knees to squat
- Rotate tasks regularly to change the physical and clean.

Important Tips Important Tips

Workers must be instructed to work within their reach. When using telescopic cleaning tools:
• Keep hands in front and between shoulders;
• Try to keep elbows below shoulder level;
• Hold the tool across the body while walking forward to minimise arm movements;
• Workers can use the tool to clean higher locations by walking forward and clean
lower locations by walking backwards.

14 15
4.4 Disposal of Refuse Pushing bin cart to bin centre
Overloading the bin cart means greater force is needed
Equipment Selection to push it, particularly if going upslope. Also, ensure that
• Impervious gloves which provide good grip and materials are evenly distributed around the bin cart to
preferably prevent sharps injury. Wear thin cotton increase stability. Unstable bin carts can easily topple
gloves inside for added comfort. when pushed over uneven surfaces, such as over road
• Activated charcoal face masks to reduce the user’s humps or uneven roads (Figure 4.4.4 & Figure 4.4.5).
discomfort from foul smells. • The bin cart should be stocked only with tools and
• Non-slip safety shoes or boots. materials that will be needed. Figure 4.4.4: Avoid clutter and
• The bin cart should be slowed down when it is rolled unnecessary load on the cleaner by
• Long-handled tongs for picking up debris.
throwing away rubbish.
over road humps or uneven road surfaces.
Recommended Work Practices Figure 4.4.1: Keep the back straight. • Routes where there is the need to push the bin cart
Emptying litter bins (Figure 4.4.1, Figure 4.4.2 & Figure Use two hands to lift the bin cover. upslope should be avoided.
• Check the weight of the bin by pushing or tilting it.
• Look over the contents of the bin for sharp points or
protrusions and avoid touching the contents of the
• Use proper lifting technique. Bend knees and keep
the back straight when picking up or lowering Figure 4.4.5: A multiple-use hand
litterbins. cart reduces the need for lifting and
requires less force in pushing.
• Change hands to pick up and lower litterbins.
• Keep fingers away from falling objects while
emptying litter from litterbins.
Important Tips
• Empty litter bins frequently to avoid accumulation,
Workers should be instructed not to stop bin carts that tip over – this is to prevent
which can result in heavy loads. Figure 4.4.2: Keep the spine straight
and use long-handled tongs to straining.
remove litter from within litterbin.

Figure 4.4.3: Keep the back straight.

Position the litterbin onto the bin
cart before emptying the contents.

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Emptying refuse chutes (Figure 4.4.6 & Figure 4.4.7) Hard Hats/Helmets for Head Protection
• Workers should always seek assistance from a co- Head injuries may arise while maneuvering inside a pump room, water tank, where there may
worker. be low lying pipes. Hard hats/helmets are needed to protect the head while accessing such
• A visual check of the contents of the bin should be areas and when there is a danger of being struck by falling objects. Care, proper maintenance
conducted, for sharp points or protrusions. and usage of the hard hats/helmets are crucial to ensure adequate protection.
• The contents of the bins should not be touched.
In addition, workers are at risk of being struck by falling objects when working near the sides
• Grasp the lip around the rim of the refuse chute; use of buildings. Workers can also be injured by being struck by rubbish falling down the rubbish
2 hands if the chute is heavy and avoid bending of chute. Thus, it is strongly encouraged that all workers, when disposing rubbish at the rubbish
the wrists. Figure 4.4.6: Bend knees and with
the back straight, lift the load with a chute, wear the hard hats/helmets to prevent head injuries.
• The refuse chute must be positioned on the bulk bin good grip and keep the load close to
before the contents are emptied. the body. Do not lift and twist.
• The bulk bin should not be overloaded. 4.5 Handling Electrical Equipment
Using the correct equipment can make work less physically demanding and reduce aches and
pain. However, it can result in injuries to the workers and people around the work area, if
workers are not trained on how to use and operate the equipment correctly and safely.

Electricity is a source of energy widely used to power and run many types of equipment and
appliances. When work is carried out with an electric powered tool or electrical equipment,
the worker is exposed to potential electrical hazard. An accident involving electricity can
cause a range of injuries including electric shock, electrical burns and death.
Figure 4.4.7: Keep the back straight
during emptying and avoid lifts Electrical appliances and equipment are generally safe for use if they are designed and
above the shoulder level. manufactured to acceptable electrical standards and codes, and if they have been maintained
and kept in good condition. Most electrical appliances are built with safeguards to prevent
any over current or earth leakage from reaching a level dangerous enough to injure a person.
Important Tips It is important that such safeguards are checked regularly to provide the necessary protection.
Workers must check the weight of refuse bins. They must not lift them if they are too
heavy! Another common source of electrical hazard is electrical installations. Electrical installations
must be installed in accordance with Singapore Standard CP5: Code of Practice for Electrical
Installations. Such installations as well as repairs, maintenance and inspections should always
be carried out by the electrical workers licensed by the Energy Market Authority.
Transport of Refuse/Lifting of Dumpsters
Use a mechanised bulk bin dumpster, if available, to
save time, increase efficiency and to avoid the need for
manual lifting (Figure 4.4.8).

Figure 4.4.8: Always transport refuse

to the dump site using a battery-
operated car.

Important Tips
Always mechanise where possible to avoid the need for manual handling of heavy loads.

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Mechanical scrubber (Figure 4.4.10)
Important Tips The use of a scrubber eliminates the need for cleaners
All electrical equipment can cause electrocution. Electrical equipment must be inspected to manually scrub tiles. Cleaners should wear impervious
daily before use. boots and gloves while carrying out the work and, wear
ear plugs, if it is noisy.
Conduct visual inspection to detect the following:
- Improper wiring;
- Exposed electrical parts or wiring;
Figure 4.4.10: Mechanical scrubber.
- Damaged or charred insulation;
- Overloading of circuit from plugging too many appliances on the same source (main
socket); and Important Tips
- Connections in contact with water. • Containment trays are to be used when pouring chemicals.
Ensure that electrical installations are in accordance with Singapore Standard CP 5: Code • Workers must wear non-slip rubber boots.
of Practice for Electrical Installations. • Put up warning signs.
• Cordon the area that needs to be cleaned to prevent slips and trips.
Ensure that all installations, repairs, maintenance and inspections are carried out by
• Control the scrubbing machine close to your body. Arrange the wire properly and
electrical workers licensed by Energy Market Authority.
place it at the side.
• Maintain and service the equipment regularly.

Common Types of Electrical Equipment

Mechanical sweeper (Figure 4.4.9)
Pressurised washing using spray jet (Figure 4.4.11 &
This equipment picks up waste through the exhaust Figure 4.4.12)
hood at the side and deposits it into a bag. No human
The use of pressurised washing helps to shorten
intervention is required except to empty the bag when
cleaning work. Pressurised water jets, used to provide
it is full. However, the operator must be trained in
high pressure water to clean the floor, can become
operating the sweeper. As this is also driven on public
dangerous should the operator lose control of the jet.
roads, the operator has to observe traffic rules and be
This may result in injury to the operator or others within
consistently aware of the surroundings.
the cleaning area. Precautious must be taken against
Figure 4.4.9: Mechanical sweeper. sudden surge of water when the motor powering the
Below are good practices to observe when operating the Figure 4.4.11: Put on personal
spray gun is switched on. It is a good practice to turn off protective equipment.
the motor when it is not in use.
• Ensure that the operator is properly trained;
• Check equipment everyday before operating it; When washing, the spray jet operator should wear the
• Do not speed; following protective gear:
• Observe traffic rules when travelling on public roads; • Non-slip rubber boots and impervious gloves;
• Check behind for any persons when reversing; • A suitable face shield or safety glasses to protect the
eyes; and
• Operate according to manufacturer’s specifications;
• Ear plugs if it is noisy.
• Maintain the equipment regularly;
• Do not improvise or modify equipment; Figure 4.4.12: Wear non-slip rubber
• Wear safety belt when driving the equipment; boots and impervious gloves, safety
goggles and ear plugs.
• If noisy, wear ear plugs.

20 21
4.6 Handling Chemicals
Important Tips Workers are exposed to many hazardous chemicals. Many common cleaning products (glass
The following practices can ensure safe operations during the use of pressurised cleaner, floor finish, metal polish, detergents, and disinfectants) contain solvents and corrosive/
washing. caustic agents. Direct skin contact with some of these chemicals can cause burns or allergy.
• Cordon area during washing to prevent slips and falls. Prolonged contact can cause skin rashes due to irritation. Chemical spills or splashes can cause
• Ensure electrical cables are not lying on a wet floor. damage to the eyes and may lead to blindness. Volatile chemicals such as solvents, if inhaled,
can cause drowsiness and even poisoning. Irritating vapours can cause coughing, breathing
• Handle the pressure jet carefully. problems and occupational asthma. High concentrations of harmful vapours or gases can
• Beware of back pressure when the motor is turned on. accumulate particularly in poorly ventilated or confined areas. It is therefore important
• Point the pressure jet gun away from the feet during washing. for workers to be aware of the hazards and to adopt safe work practices to avoid chemical
• Plan the route of travel of the water jet.
• Turn off the spray gun when not in use. Common Chemical Hazards
• Do not entangle the water hose. Take the necessary precautionary measures to protect
• Look out for members of public while cleaning. against chemical hazards (Figure 4.6.1) :
• Switch off the machine and turn off the water supply immediately after washing. • Know about the chemicals used by reading the
Safety Data Sheets (SDS);
• Workers should not use the spray gun to clean themselves.
• Read the labels on chemical containers;
• To prevent breathing in the chemicals, wear
Battery Operated Cart (BOC) appropriate masks, check the relevant SDS for
selecting the correct type of masks;
Battery Operated Cart (BOC) is a common vehicle used to ferry the rubbish bins to and from
the rubbish chutes and the rubbish collection centre. The BOC increases efficiency and • To prevent skin absorption or contact:
productivity. It is useful for the removal of big and bulky items such as discarded furniture. - Wear gloves, safety glasses/goggles and
However, cleaners must be adequately trained to operate the equipment. appropriate personal protective equipment at all Figure 4.6.1: Ensure that workers
know their chemicals and are
times when handling chemicals;
provided with the correct personal
- Check the SDS for correct type of material for protective equipment when doing
gloves, shoes, sleeves; and their work.
Important Tips
- Wash immediately after contact with any
• Ensure that cleaners are trained before operating the BOC.
• Check that head lights, signals, hazard lights and brakes are working properly before
• To prevent accidental ingestion, good personal
hygiene must be practiced. Workers must be
• All items placed on the BOC must be secured to prevent them falling off. instructed not to eat, drink or smoke when hands are
• Rubbish bins must be covered with a canvas sheet. dirty; and
• Cleaners must be trained and instructed to drive safely. • Ensure that all persons handling chemicals follow
• No speeding should be allowed. safe work procedures to protect themselves.
• Always give way to members of public.
• The BOC must only be operated within the estate apron area and pavement only.
• Ensure that BOC is maintained regularly to remain serviceable.
• Ensure that the external structure of BOC is made of sound material and is of good

22 23
Workers should be protected by blocking entry of chemicals into the body or preventing direct Understanding Labels
contact with chemicals. To interpret the labels, refer to the table below for more information.

Examples of Precautions for Safe
Pictograms/ Hazard
Chemicals Handling and Storage

Corrosives • Acids • Avoid skin contact

• Can burn skin (hydrochloric • Protect eyes and face
acid, sulfuric
• Can damage or • Practise good personal
eat away metal, hygiene
wood and other • Bases
• Store in proper containers
materials (ammonium
hydroxide, • Keep containers in trays to
sodium avoid leaks
hydroxide) • Keep corrosives away
Inhalation Skin contact Ingestion from incompatible or
flammable materials (e.g.
separate organic acids from
inorganic acids)

Flammables • Gases • Avoid ignition sources (e.g.

• Catch fire (hydrogen, flames, hot surfaces)
at room acetylene) • Avoid storage in bulk
temperature • Liquids • Ventilate storage areas

Acute toxicity • Cyanide • Use mechanical or enclosed

(Severe) processes to avoid contact
• Provide local exhaust
ventilation or dilution
• Practise good personal
hygiene (wash hands before
eating and keep food and
drinks away from work
• Wear suitable personal
protective equipment (PPE)
• Label containers
• Avoid bulk storage
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are information sheets about chemical substances provided by chemical manufacturers or
suppliers. They contain information on the identity and properties of the chemical ingredients, their toxic or health
effects, fire and explosion hazards, safety precautions and emergency procedures.
24 25
Examples of Precautions for Safe Important Tips
Pictograms/ Hazard
Chemicals Handling and Storage Storage
• Every stored chemical should have a Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Irritant • Solvents • Use mechanical or enclosed
• Store flammables in steel cabinets away from naked flames and heat source.
• Cleaning processes to avoid contact
• Restrict access to hazardous chemical storage areas.
agents • Provide local exhaust
ventilation or dilution • Ensure that all chemical containers are properly labelled.
• Lubricants
• Coolants Training
• Practise good personal
hygiene (wash hands before Workers should be trained in:
eating and keep food and • Recognising safety and health hazards;
drinks away from work • Preventive measures;
• Safe handling of chemicals
• Wear suitable PPEs
• Usage of suitable personal protective equipment (PPE); and
Carcinogens • Benzene • Substitute with less • Emergency procedures.
• Cancer causing • Asbestos hazardous chemicals
• Use mechanical or enclosed Handling
• Arsenic
processes to avoid contact Workers should:
• Provide local exhaust • Wear appropriate PPE at all times when handling chemicals.
ventilation or dilution • Not mix cleaning chemicals containing bleach (sodium hypochlorite) with an acid as
ventilation toxic gases (chlorine) may be liberated.
• Wear suitable PPEs • Clean up any spillage on floors or surfaces immediately.
Oxidizers • Peroxide • Avoid incompatible • Go for medical examinations, if they are exposed to chemicals listed under the
(organic and materials (e.g. flammable Factories (Medical Examinations) Regulations.
• Substances that
give off oxygen inorganic) materials)
Emergency measures
and react to • Nitric acid • Avoid heat and ignition
cause fire or sources (e.g. flames, hot • Provide emergency showers and eyewash where corrosives are handled.
explosion surfaces)
• Provide adequate
• Avoid bulk storage
4.7 Protection against Biological Hazards
When conducting risk assessment, biological hazards and the risks they pose to workers must
• Store at correct temperature
be considered.
• Provide trays for storage
areas to contain spills In the course of their work, workers can come into contact with biological hazards such as
saliva and sputum. Workers may also be tasked to disinfect workplaces after communicable
diseases e.g. chickenpox, hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD), Influenza A (H1N1-2009) have
been detected. Some surfaces which are likely to be contaminated include floor, door knobs,
benches, tables and buttons in lifts.

26 27
If the risk assessment indicates that workers may come into contact with biological hazards 4.8 Working at Height
e.g. where suspected / known cases of communicable diseases have occured, additional
protective measures must be put in place to safeguard their health. Workers may need to work at height when carrying out cleaning work such as working on
rooftops of covered link ways, clearing debris on gutters, checking gutters for mosquito
a) Use of personal protective equipment breeding and cleaning hard to reach surfaces.
• Disposable impervious gloves.
• Safety boots or shoes. As far as reasonably practicable, work at height should be avoided.
• Disposable gowns.
In Singapore, falls from height is one of the most common causes of workplace death. Workers
• Goggles: to prevent accidental hand contact to eyes and sphlases. can potentially slip and fall from ladders, lose balance and fall if there is no barrier protection,
• N95 mask. trip and fall, fall through glass roof panes, etc. Employers should take all precautions to prevent

Questions to Ask Before Working at Height

Correct Use of N95 Masks
• Can work at height be avoided?
• Check for correct size.
• Has a plan been developed for the work?
• Ensure proper fit (show diagram on fit-testing).
• Have hazards been identified and the risks managed?
• Do not touch N95 masks with contaminated hands as droplets from gloves can be a
source of infection. • Have appropriate fall protection measures been selected and implemented e.g. installing
barricades, selecting the most suitable equipment, etc.?
• Discard and change when physically damaged.
• Have the workers involved been properly trained?
• Workers must inform their supervisor if they feel dizzy, experience difficulty in
breathing and skin irritation. • Has a buddy-system been put in place?
• Has sufficient supervision been provided?
• Have all precautionary measures been taken?
• Gloves must be removed, discarded and replaced with a new pair if they get damaged • Have equipment been checked for defects?
or soiled. • If there is still a residual risk of fall, what are the measures in place to minimise the potential
• All other disposable PPE must be removed and discarded after cleaning activities have injury?
been completed. Discarded items are to be securely sealed in a bag and labelled as
biohazard waste. Such bags are to be disposed as with other types of biohazard waste.
• If used, goggles, boots, and shoes should be disinfected according to the manufacturer’s
Important Tips
• Workers must be instructed and trained to recognise and not to step onto surfaces
b) Observance of good personal hygiene which cannot take a person’s weight. Accidents have occurred when workers
stepped on glass panels, ceiling tiles and panels.
• After completion of cleaning or disinfection work in such areas and the PPE has been
removed, workers must wash their hands immediately and throughly to minimise the • Barricade the surrounding area where the work is being carried out.
risk of transmission • If eliminating or avoiding working at height is not possible, ensure provision of
adequate protection for workers such as guard railing, safety harness, and safety
c) Informing supervisor if unwell mesh erected around the work area.
• Workers that are assigned to such duties must also be informed of the symptoms of
infection and they must be strongly encouraged to report to their supervisors if they
develop symptoms. Symptoms may only develop after a few years, depending on the
type of disease.

28 29
Common Work at Height Equipment Lifeline
Ladder Securing a lifeline is critical for work at height so that workers can have a proper anchorage for
their safety harness/safety belt. When a worker is required to carry out cleaning or maintenance
A ladder is a commonly used piece of equipment for working at height. The ladder should be
work to the external façade of a building, a lifeline can be secured to a firm point of anchorage.
maintained to ensure that it is in good working condition. Conduct a visual inspection before
This practice is encouraged to ensure the worker’s safety while working at height.
every use. Only use ladders if there are no better means of access.
Scaffolds (fixed or mobile) can be used in areas where ladders are not suitable. Refer to the
Important Tips WSH (Scaffold) Regulations for more information on the erection and use of scaffolds.
• Inspect the ladder before and after each use. Do not use defective ladders e.g. a
ladder with broken or missing rungs: loose hinges, or missing screws or bolts. Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) - Boomlift
• Make sure that: A Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) offers greater protection to workers. The operator
must be trained to operate the machine competently. The provision of a supervisor is also
- Only one hand needs to be used for work;
important. This equipment can be manoeuvred to reach difficult areas.
- Work can be reached easily;
- The ladder is stable; and Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) - Scissor lift
- It has a good hand hold. A scissor lift offers direct straight elevation of height but care must be taken to prevent
• Set ladders on a flat firm surface, using: overstretching of the body to the contact surface. Workers need to be competent and trained
to operate this equipment.
- Slip-resistant feet;
- Secure blocking; or
- Use ties.
• If the ladder cannot be secured, have a second person standing at the foot of the
ladder and holding it while in use.
• Angle the ladder to minimise risk of outward slipping.
• Extend ladders about 1m above the working platform to provide a handhold for
• Position the ladder to reach the work area safely and do not climb or work off a
ladder unless it is possible to maintain holds onto the ladder during work.
• Face the ladder when standing on it and when climbing up or down.
• Keep the centre of the body within the side rails.
• Ensure that another co-worker holds onto the ladder to stabilse the ladder.
• Do not use the top platform of a stepladder unless it has special handholds.
• Ensure stepladders are positioned on level ground and follow manufacturer’s
instructions for use.
• Examine ladder regularly for defects.
• Workers must be instructed not to attempt to repair defective ladders.

30 31
5. Workplace Safety and Health • Provide proper equipment including personal protective equipment.
Management Programme • Provide welfare facilities like rest areas.
• Provide first aid boxes.
• Document the WSH programme and keep records of all reported accidents, incidents
and diseases.

Employers are encouraged to develop and implement a comprehensive workplace safety and • Follow instructions and safe work procedures.
health (WSH) management programme to establish a safe and healthy working environment, • Attend WSH training.
so as to prevent workplace accidents and work-related illnesses. For wider acceptance, • Use the safety devices and personal protective equipment provided in the correct
management and workers should work together to develop the programme. manner.
• Report accidents, incidents, diseases and any workplace hazards to the supervisor or
5.1 WSH Policy and Organisation • Suggest ways to improve the safety and health of the work.
The management’s commitment is important to ensure the success of a WSH management
programme. There should be a written policy which clearly states the management’s
commitment and approach towards establishing a safe and healthy work environment. The
policy should state the organisation’s safety and health philosophy and structure, including
objectives and goals to be achieved. It should spell out the duties and responsibilities of both 5.2 Risk Management
management and staff. The written policy should be endorsed by the top management and Risk management is a key component to reduce risks at source. Under the WSH Act, risk
communicated to all levels of staff, including sub-contractors. management duties are imposed on every employer, self-employed person and principal
(including contractor and sub-contractor). These parties must take all reasonably practicable
Management commitment can be demonstrated by: measures to ensure that the workplace is safe and without risks to every person within its
• Implementing WSH policies, programmes and training with top management support. premise.
• Establishing appropriate WSH performance goals throughout the organisation.
The responsible parties must identify workplace hazards by reviewing both routine and
• Organising and participating in WSH activities.
non-routine activities carried out by workers and the equipment used, assess the risks posed
• Giving recognition to WSH in work performance reviews. by the hazards and develop measures to control the hazards. Before implementation, it is
• Giving praise to employees who work safely and counselling those who do not. advisable to test the feasibility of the recommended measures. It is important to document
the risk management process. The steps in a risk management exercise are summarised in the
Responsibilities of Employer and Employee flowchart below:
The employer has a duty to ensure the safety and health of their staff and should take the
lead in promoting WSH. WSH personnel should be appointed to advise management on all
WSH matters and to assist in the implementation of WSH programmes. Employees should Select activities and Implement
Identify the Assess the hazards
equipment for measures to control
understand that safety and health is not just the responsibility of the employer, but that they hazards involved and risks involved
the hazards
too have a role to play.

Responsibilities of Employers and Employees

Employer effectiveness of
• Develop and implement an effective WSH programme. control measures
and record findings
• Inform all staff of the workplace hazards and ensure that WSH rules, training
schedules and safe work procedures are followed.
Refer to Chapter 3 for more information on Risk Assessment.
• Provide adequate training.
32 33
Useful Guides for Risk Management Target Audience
• Guide to Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations.
Operations Supervisory Managerial
• Quick Guide to Risk Assessment.
• Risk Assessment Guidelines. Follow safe work Interpret workplace Identify
practices and risk control safety and health policies, responsibilities under the
• Activity Based Risk Assessment Form.
procedures procedures and Workplace Safety and
• Trade Based Risk Assessment Form. programmes Health Act (WSH Act)

For more information on risk management, refer to the MOM website at Participate in Educate workers on Establish and
workplace safety and workplace safety and maintain workplace safety
health management health policies, and health framework
activities procedures and
5.3 Safe Work Procedures Follow workplace Implement and Establish and
Employers are encouraged to establish safe work procedures for the various types of work emergency response control workplace safety evaluate workplace safety
carried out. Safe work procedures should be effectively communicated to all staff, during procedures and health management and health system,
orientation of new staff and at regular intervals for existing staff. Employers should establish a programmes policies, procedures and
system to ensure that existing safe work procedures are reviewed whenever new equipment programmes
or processes are introduced or when there are changes to the operating procedures.
Implement Establish workplace
workplace risk risk management
management programmes procedures
5.4 Safety Training
Maintain workplace Risk control measures
Safety training is important in providing staff with the knowledge and skills to work in a safe
risk control measures
manner. A system to identify the safety training needs for each level of staff is useful for
making training plans. Safety training for supervisors is particularly important as they have
to ensure that their workers work in a safe manner. Safety training can be incorporated into
the operational training of the staff. Such training can be carried out on-the-job, by trained
supervisors, or by external trainers. Training records should be kept and training materials For more information on workplace safety and health training, visit the Singapore
reviewed whenever new equipment or processes are introduced or when there are changes to Workforce Development Agency (WDA) website at
the operating procedures.

What should the safety training cover?

- Risks associated with the work.
5.5 Communication
- Workplace safety and health policies, safety measures and safe work procedures.
Group meetings should be conducted regularly to discuss safety and health issues and to
- Proper usage of equipment and personal protective equipment. disseminate safety and health information to staff, including contractors. Employers should
provide adequate facilities for such meetings.
When should the safety training be conducted?
• During orientation of new employees. All staff should be encouraged to participate. Daily briefs and de-briefs (toolbox meeting) can
serve as effective channels for conveying WSH messages and information.
• When new equipment or processes are introduced.
• When staff are transferred to another department.
• Periodically for existing staff.

34 35
5.6 Employee Participation
Workplaces with 50 or more workers should form WSH committees with representation
Useful References for Setting Up Safety Rules and Regulations
from management and employees. Details on the establishment of WSH committees and • National OSH legislation and guidelines on the MOM website at
its function can be found in the Workplace Safety and Health (Workplace Safety and Health • Relevant Singapore Standards and Codes of Practice.
Committees) Regulations. • Overseas guidelines (see Reference Section).
Employers should encourage their employees to form WSH Innovation Teams. This will provide
them with a channel to contribute ideas and solutions to make their workplace a safer and
more productive one.
5.9 Safety Promotion
Employers should establish promotional programmes to create WSH awareness, and to build a
strong safety culture at the workplace.
5.7 Accident, Incident and Disease Investigation and
Analysis The following are some promotional activities that can be organised:
Every accident, incident or occupational disease occurring at the workplace should be • Participation in WSH talks, seminars and exhibitions;
investigated in order to identify the root cause so as to prevent similar occurrences in the • Participation in the National WSH Campaign;
future. • Participation in national WSH competitions e.g. Safety Starts with Me competition, WSH
Innovation Awards;
A system should be established for reporting and investigating any work-related accident,
incident or disease. Lessons learnt from the investigations should be communicated to relevant • Subscription to WSH Bulletin on the WSH Council Website at;
staff. Accident statistics should be collected and analysed to identify problem areas and trends. • Inclusion of WSH section in town council newsletters;
• In-house poster competitions, quiz competitions, best WSH-conscious work team
competitions and WSH exhibitions.

Legal Requirement for Incident Reporting

There are legal requirements for the notification of work-related accidents and
occupational diseases to the Ministry of Manpower. For more information on incident
5.10 Evaluation, Selection and Control of Contractors
reporting refer to the MOM website at It is common for respective managing agents (MA) and town councils to appoint contractors
for certain jobs in their premises. The MA should establish a system to evaluate, select and
Examples of Occupational Diseases Requiring Notification control contractors. Such a system allows the MA to assess contractors based on their safety
policy and procedures, WSH performance records, WSH training and evidence of competency
• Occupational skin disease.
records, before any work is awarded. The bizSAFE programme implemented by the Workplace
• Noise-induced deafness. Safety and Health Council (WSHC) provides a yardstick for the MAs and town councils to select
• Repetitive strain disorders of the upper limb. contractors.
• Occupational asthma.

For more information on bizSAFE, refer to the WSH Council website at

5.8 In-house WSH Rules and Regulations

A set of written WSH rules and regulations should be established for compliance by staff
and contractors. These also serve as a reminder of their safety and health obligations and
responsibilities. Key legal requirements can be incorporated into these rules and regulations.

More specific or detailed safety rules and regulations can be developed by each department.

36 37
5.11 Safety Inspection Ear Plugs – Hearing Protection
MAs and town councils should establish an effective programme to carry out periodic To prevent hearing loss, a person should not be exposed
inspections to identify potential hazards, unsafe acts and conditions in the workplace, as to noise levels exceeding 85dBA for 8 hours a day or
well as to monitor any changes in the work processes. Please refer to the sample inspection its equivalent. Where the permissible exposure level is
checklist provided. Such inspections should involve both the management and employees. exceeded, measures should be taken to reduce noise
Findings from such inspections should be recorded and analysed. Recommendations and exposure. Hearing protectors should be worn at all
follow-up actions should be properly documented. Employers are to ensure that the follow-up times when exposed to loud noise and they should be
actions are adhered to. worn properly to ensure good fit. The hearing protectors
should be washed with soap and water everyday to keep Figure 5.13.1: Disposable ear plugs.
them clean.

5.12 Maintenance Programme The noise level in most cleaning and custodial work
An effective maintenance programme should be established for all equipment (e.g. cleaning can be controlled using ear plugs. Ear plugs are more
and lifting equipment) and tools used. This will help prevent accidents resulting from the comfortable than ear muffs. Ear muffs are not needed
failure of such equipment and tools. unless the noise level exceeds 100 dB(A), where both ear
muffs and ear plugs are to be worn (Figure 5.13.1 - Figure
The programme should include the establishment of a complete list of machinery and 5.13.3).
equipment used within the premises, inspection and maintenance schedules and records.
There should also be a system for staff to report any defective or damaged tool or equipment
Figure 5.13.2: Reusable ear plugs.
in the course of their work.

5.13 Occupational Health Programmes

Occupational health programmes targeted at specific hazards should be established. Each
programme should specify the objectives, person-in-charge, component activities and

Examples of Occupational Health Programmes Figure 5.13.3: Ear muffs.

Hazards Programme
Excessive noise Hearing Conservation Programme
Noise Control Solutions
Chemicals, radioactive material, blood, Management of Hazardous Substances • Replace noisy machinery.
urine, faeces Programme
• Locate noise sources away from hard walls or corners.
Awkward work postures, repetitive work, • Isolate or enclose noise sources.
Ergonomics Programme
manual handling
• Construct suitable noise enclosures or barriers.
• Line interior surfaces with sound absorbing materials.
• Maintain machinery and equipment at regular intervals.
• Wear ear plugs or ear muffs.
• Turn down the volume of amplifiers.

Permissible exposure levels showing the corresponding length of time allowed for the various noise levels.

38 39
Examples of an emergency situation:
Sound Pressure Level dB(A) Maximum Duration per Day
• Fire;
85 8 hours • Failure/ collapse of structure;
88 4 hours • Harmful gas leakage.
91 2 hours
94 1 hour
5.15 Documentation and Review of Programme
97 30 minutes
There should be a system for the documentation and regular review of the programme. This
100 15 minutes is to facilitate retrieval of relevant documents and to ensure that the programmes remain
103 7.5 minutes relevant and effective. All revisions to the safety and health manual should be dated and
endorsed by authorised personnel. Recommendations that result from such reviews should
106 4 minutes be considered and implemented wherever possible.
109 2 minutes
111 1 minute Sample Inspection Checklist
The sample inspection checklist can be used when conducting regular safety inspections. Go
over every aspect of the workplace to identify possible hazards, unsafe acts and conditions in
the workplace, as well as to monitor any changes in the work process.
Useful Guidelines for Controlling Noise Hazard
• Guidelines on Industrial Noise and Vibration Control.
• Hearing Conservation Programme Guidelines. Yes No
to Take
• A Guide for Noise Control in the Music Entertainment Industry.
Floors and Walkways
The above guidelines are available on the MOM website at Are aisles clear of materials or equipment?
Are main aisles at least 1.12 m wide?
Are doorways clear of materials or equipment?
5.14 Emergency Preparedness Are carpets or tiles in good condition, free of tripping hazard?
The establishment and effective implementation of an emergency response plan is crucial in Are floors clean and free of oil or grease?
saving lives and mitigating losses should an emergency situation arise.
Are floors kept dry?
An Emergency Response Team should also be established, with the duties and responsibilities Stairs and Ladders
of each member clearly defined. Management should ensure that all staff are familiar with Are ladders safe and in good condition?
the plan and procedures in the event of an emergency. Regular drills and exercises should
Are stairwells clear of materials and equipment?
therefore be conducted. An evaluation of the drill performance should be carried out and
lessons learnt used for improving the plan. Are stairs and handrails in good condition?
Are ladders and stairs provided with anti-slip strips?
What should be included in an Emergency Response Plan?
Electrical Safety
• Procedures for the raising of alarm.
Are electrical wires in good condition?
• Procedures for the evacuation and rescue of victims.
Is there clear access to electrical panels?
• Provision of the means of rescue and first aid.
• Provision of a means of communication with the relevant government authorities and Are proper plugs used?
response agencies.

40 41
Actions Actions
Yes No Yes No
to Take to Take
Are plugs, sockets, and switches in good condition? Are hazardous materials disposed of properly?
Are portable power tools and electrical equipment in good Are there procedures for chemical spills?
condition? First Aid
Fire Safety Is the first aid box accessible and clearly labelled?
Are fire extinguishers clearly marked? Is the first aid box adequate and complete?
Are fire extinguishers properly installed on walls? Are emergency numbers displayed?
Have fire extinguishers been inspected within the last year? Are there trained first aiders?
Are workers trained to use fire extinguishers? Personal Protective Equipment
Are flammable liquids properly stored? Do workers know where to find personal protective
Are smoke and fire alarms in place and properly maintained? equipment?
Are emergency lights in working condition? • Eye/face protection • Aprons
Have sprinkler systems been inspected? • Boots • Helmets
Are emergency exits clear of materials or equipment? • Gloves • Ear plug
Are emergency exit signs working? • Aprons

Are emergency lighting units provided?

Equipment and Machinery
Are equipment and machinery maintained in good condition?
Is machinery securely guarded?
Are operators properly trained?
Are switches clearly marked and easy to reach?
Is a lockout procedure in place?
Is there enough work space?
Are noise levels controlled?
Are Safety Data Sheets(SDSs) provided for all chemicals?
Are workers trained in identification of the hazards and the
preventive measures to observe?
Are relevant personal protective equipment provided?
Are containers clearly labelled?
Are chemicals properly stored?

42 43
6. Useful References D. Singapore Standards, Productivity and Innovation
Board (SPRING)
• Singapore Standards CP92: 2002 Code of Practice for Manual Handling
• Singapore Standards CP76: 1999 Code of Practice for Selection, Use, Care and Maintenance
of Hearing Protection
• Singapore Standards. SS506
A. Ministry of Manpower - Occupational Safety
and Health Division
Legislation: Contact
The following legislation is available on the MOM website at For further enquiries, please email us at Work Safety Health Council, [email protected].
To report accidents, dangerous occurrences and occupational diseases, visit:
• The Workplace Safety and Health Act
• The Workplace Safety and Health Subsidiary Legislation
• Factories Subsidiary Legislations

Guides to managing workplace hazard:

The following guides are available on the MOM website at
• Safety Circular on Lock-out Procedures (2000)
• Safety Circular on Safe Work Procedures (2000)
• Safety Circular on Electrical Safety
• Hearing Conservation Programme Guidelines (2002)
• Factsheets on Successful Noise Control Case Studies
• Guidelines for Industrial Noise and Vibration Control (1999)
• Guidelines on Prevention and Control of Chemical Hazard (2002)
• Guidelines on Solvent Management in Dry Cleaning (2000)
• Guidelines on Risk Assessment for Occupational Exposure to Harmful Chemicals (2002)

B. Workplace Safety and Health Council

The following guides are available on the WSH Council website at
• Technical Advisory for Work in Noisy Environment
• Technical Advisory for Falling from Height

C. Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications

For more information visit the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) or www.

44 45
7. Acknowledgements EM Services Pte Ltd
• Mr Yeo Jin Kiat, Property Manager

Jurong Town Council / United PREMAS Limited

• Mr Kam Teck Kwong, Deputy General Manager

Ministry of Manpower Sembcorp Environment Pte Ltd
Occupational Safety and Health Division • Mr Milton Ng, Senior Vice President (GM Office)
• Dr Gan Siok Lin, Senior Specialist, Occupational Medicine • Mr Daman Yeo, Assistant Training Manager
• Dr Sylvia Teo, Senior Specialist, Occupational Medicine
• Mr Ivan Goh, Specialist (Safety Engineering)

All pictures used for illustrative purposes in the Guideline are reproduced with the courtesy of:
Workplace Safety and Health Council • Ban Chuan Trading & Engineering Pte Ltd
• Er. Tan Kee Chong, Senior Assistant Director (Practices and Information) • Aljunied Town Council
• Moon Loh, Manager (WSH Practices) • CPG Facilities Management Pte Ltd
• Morris Hiang, Assistant Manager (WSH Practices)

NTUC Quality Worklife

• Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, Alignment Director
• Ms Celia Yip, Principal Executive

Building Construction and Timber Industries Employees’ Union

• Ms Jennie Yeo, Deputy Executive Secretary
• Mr Edmund Ng, Principal Industrial Relations Officer

Bishan – Toa Payoh Town Council

• Mr Dennis Foo Hee Seng, Deputy General Manager

CPG Facilities Management Pte Ltd

• Mr Jeffrey Chua, Managing Director
• Mr Lee Kok Tai, Senior Property Manager

46 47
Annex B
Sample Risk Assessment for Common Activities Risk Assessment Form
Company: ABC Cleaning Company Conducted by:

8. Annexes
Hiang Ah Guang, Supervisor
Process/Location: Cleaning Department (Names, designations)

Conducted on: Approved on:

Approved by: Low Bek Hong
16 Jan 2009 20 Jan 2009
(Names. Designation) Manager
Last Review Date: 20 Jan 2009 Next Review Date: 20 Jan 2011

Activities/ Likelihood Severity
Existing EHS Impact / Risk Control Measures Risk Execution
No. Products/ EHS Aspect / Hazard EHS Impact / Consequence (High/Med/ (High/ Med/ Additional Impact / Risk Control Measures
(if any) Level Date (where
Services Low) Low)
Annex A 1. Sweeping Slip and fall Bodily injury – slip and fall •

Stand 2 steps down during cleaning
Clear obstructions
Occasional Moderate Medium

Table 1 •

Avoid running
Wear non-slip safety shoes
General Penalties for Offences for Which No Penalty is Prescribed Under the Act. Hit by falling objects Head injury • Sweeping to commence at 6.30 am Occasional Major High Wear hard hat if risk of falling objects is high
• Look for signs of high risk before starting work e.g. thrown objects
on floor and objects placed precariously on balconies
Step on sharp objects Foot injury Wear non-slip safety shoes Occasional Moderate Medium
Maximum Inhalation of dust Allergy / irritation from inhalation • Frequent Minor Medium Vacuum area instead of sweeping if very dusty
Category of Offender Maximum Fine Conditions Wear dust mask
Imprisonment of dust • Daily sweeping to minimise dust
• Don’t leave untied trash bags open for too long
• Gently discard debris and litter by sweeping into dustpan and
Individual persons $ 200, 000 2 years Either or both emptying into trash bags or bins

Workers $ 500,000 Contact with animal excrement Worm infestation Wear impervious glove and non-slip impervious shoes Remote Moderate Low
2. Mopping of Slips and falls due Head and other bodily injuries • Wear impervious gloves, non-slip safety shoes or boots Occasional Moderate Medium The waste water should be disposed into the gully at
For failure to use floors to slippery surface / wet floors • Signs to warn public of wet floor the wash area
personal protective a) 1st conviction - $1,000 • No running or horse play on wet surfaces
equipment or b) 2nd or subsequent Improper technique or excessive work Muscular injury • Mop away from wet surface Occasional Minor Low Job rotation
duration • Allow adequate rest breaks and set maximum work hours
misuse of any safety conviction – $ 2,000 High pressure Slip and fall due to slippery floor, hose Injury to body Wear non-slip rubber boots Occasional Moderate Medium • Never horse play with the pressure jet
appliance washing of and wires • Never clean anyone with the high pressure jet
Corporate body $ 1 million 2 years Either or both Loose or improper connections or broken Electrocution • Use waterproof industrial plug • Ensure that the plug is in good working condition
wire • Before commencement of work, check and ensure no naked wire to • Switch off machine and turn off water supply
avoid electrocution immediately after washing
Hit by machine Never horse play with the pressure jet
Injured by high pressure jet water Always point the pressure jet gun away from the feet
Table 2 during washing

Failure to Comply With Remedial Order or Stop Work Order. 4. Scrubbing of • Spillage of chemical / acids • Surface water pollution • Use small quantity of mild acids dipped on rags during cleaning Low Medium Moderate • Check SDS to ensure correct type of PPE. If mild acid
floor tiles • Foot injury hit by machine • Injury to body • Containment tray used when pouring chemical is used hand gloves must be worn
• Loose wiring- trip, fall and slip • Skin dermatitis – contact with • Wear impervious gloves and non-slip rubber/plastic boots • Mix the chemicals in the pail according to
chemicals • Barricade and place signs manufacturer‘s instruction
• Only mild general purpose biodegradable
Maximum detergent are to be used
Category of Offender Maximum Fine Conditions • Assemble the equipment, check that cables, plugs
Imprisonment are in good working condition
• Control the scrubbing machine close to your body
Person who fails Arrange the wire properly and place it at the side
• No horse play and running on wet surfaces
to comply with a $ 50,000
5. Refuse • Hit by flying objects – glass thrown down • Eye injury – hit by flying objects • Clearing done before 12 pm Medium Medium Moderate • Avoid working under the chute
Remedial Order collection from chute • Finger injury – cut by sharp objects • At least 2 workers in a team • Check Battery Operated Cart (BOC) daily and ensure
12 months Either or both • Hit by falling objects – killer litter • Body injury – slip and fall • PPE provided include non-slip rubber boots, face mask and impervious that battery water is topped up and safe for use
Additional fine of $5,000 • Finger cut – by sharp objects • Infection / illness – contact with hand gloves • Workers should observe personal hygiene, disinfect
If offence is continued • • Sweep and clean waste spilled during collection at chute
for each day the offence Spillage of refuse pathogenic microbes and wash hands and bathe upon completion of task
after conviction • Contact with waste • Back injury – wrong posture during • Wash area with clean water • Use tongs or broom if there is a need to pick up
continues • Ergonomic – lifting heavy objects lifting • Cover rubbish bins with canvas sheets during transportation from any refuse
• Air pollution – nuisance odour. chute to bin centre
Person who fails to 6. Clear cobweb • Dust emission • Air pollution Wear goggles and dust mask when cleaning cobwebs Low Medium Not Wear hat when clearing cobwebs
comply with a Stop $ 500,000 at ceiling and • Dust / dirt falls into the eyes • Eye infection significant
public lightings
Work Order
12 months Either or both Severity
Major Moderate Minor
If the offence is Assessment Conducted by:
$ 20,000 for each day the Assessment Approved by:
continued after Date of Assessment: Frequent High High Medium
offence continues.
conviction Date of Next Review:
Occasional High Medium Low
Note: Review of Register is to be conducted once every three years or whenever there are changes in processes or work activities, whichever is earlier.
Remote Medium Low Low
48 49
Annex C
Methodology of Impact / Risk Assessment Determination of Severity
Determination of Likelihood

Ranking Criteria
Ranking Criteria
Environmental Assessment
High (H) Has happened (> 5 times / year) in the company
In terms of pollution, will cause moderate damage to the
Has happened (between 1 to 5 times / year) in the company or environment that requires general expertise and resources for
Medium (M)
Has happened in other companies in the same industry / business corrective actions or impact affects or is likely to affect the entire
site or
Low (L) Has never happened (or less than 1 time / year) before Medium (M)
In terms of resource use, moderate use of resource and resource
type is non-renewable or scarce or

Determination of Severity Legal Considerations

Non-compliance with legal requirements that result in penalties

Ranking Criteria Occupational Health and Safety Assessment

• No injury, injury or ill-health requiring first aid treatment only
Occupational Health and Safety Assessment (includes minor cuts and bruises, irritation, ill-health with
• Fatal, serious injury or life-threatening occupational disease temporary discomfort) or will cause limited or insignificant
(includes amputations. major fractures, multiple injuries, damage to properties < S$ 5,000 or
occupational cancer, acute poisoning and fatal diseases) or will
cause very serious damage to properties > S$ 10,000 or Environmental Assessment
Low (L) In terms of pollution, will cause limited or insignificant
Environmental Assessment environmental damage that can be undone without major cost
High (H) In terms of pollution, will cause very serious environmental damage implications or impact is likely localised or
directly attributable to company or impact is likely to affect off-site, In terms of resource use, negligible use of resources or resource
for e.g. the neighbourhood or community or type is renewable or not scarce or
In terms of resource use, considerable use of resources and resource
type is non-renewable or scarce or Legal Considerations
Compliance with legal requirements
Legal Considerations
Major non-compliance with legal requirements.

Occupational Health and Safety Assessment

• Injury requiring medical treatment or ill-health leading to
Medium (M) disability (includes lacerations, burns, sprains, minor fractures,
dermatitis, deafness, work-related upper limb disorders) or will
cause moderate damage to properties > S$ 5,000 but less than
S$ 10,000 or

50 51
Determination of Severity

Severity High Medium Low


High (H) Significant Significant Moderate

Medium (M) Significant Moderate Not Significant

Low (L) Moderate Not Significant Not Significant

of Impact / Improvement Actions
Acceptable No further action required.
• Careful evaluation of the hazards / aspects should
be carried out to ensure that the risk / impact level is
reduced to as low as is practicable within a defined
Moderately time period.
Moderate • To consider introducing engineering controls,
administrative actions, operational control procedures
or take the aspects / hazards into account in the
setting of objectives and targets.

Significant Not Introduce engineering controls, administrative actions,

acceptable operational control procedures or take the significant
aspects / hazards into account in the setting of objectives
and targets.


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