Design and Manufacturing of Cobble Stone

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Kassa Beffikadu…….TER/029/01

Yimer seid…………… TER/425/02

Yoftahe Tewodros…… TER/427/02


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By 1-Kassa Befikadu---------DMU/TER/029/01
2-Yimer Seid--------------DMU/TER/ 425/02
3- Yoftahe Tewodros ----DMU/TER/427/02

A proposal Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for The BSc

Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Department of mechanical engineering


Advisor:-Ms.Yared seifu

April o6 2014

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No. of table page

Table 1.1 Report outline gaunt chart . 10

Table 1.2 estimated cost of material 11

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DOF……………………degree of freedom

PFC3D…………………particle flow code in 3 dimension software

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CHAPTER 1 ........................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1
1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ........................................................... 1
1.2-PROBLEM STATMENT ............................................................... 2
1.3-Objective ...................................................................................... 3
1.4- Scope of the project ..................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2 ....................................................................................... 4
Literature review ................................................................................ 4
Methodology ....................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 4 ....................................................................................... 7
RESULT AND DISCUSSION .............................................................. 7
CHAPTER 5 ....................................................................................... 8
Benefit and beneficiaries .................................................................... 8
5.1BENEFIT ....................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 6 ........................................................................................... 9
PROJECT PLANNING .......................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 7 ..................................................................................... 11
COST ESTIMATION ........................................................................ 11
Reference .............................................................................................. 12

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Since the beginning of civilization, man has f elt the need to travel. Whether long
distance or local, civilizations around the world constructed roads, pave d with varied
materials. Cobblestones have been a popular choice for streets and sidewalks for
centuries. Cobblestones are small to medium -sized rounded stones used as paving
material for streets and walkways. Walls and buildings have also been built of
cobblestone, and are often found in areas that had access to large smoothed stones
from river beds or coastal areas. Our word "cobblestone" is derived from "cobble," a
word that appeared in the 15th century to describe rounded rocks or stones.
Cobblestone construction developed in the late medieval era and remained popular into
the 19th century. Chances are, if a cit y or town is more than 150 years old, there are
cobblestones buried below layers of concrete and asphalt. If the citizens are
particularl y preservationist -minded, then some streets and sidewalks may be protected
by the local historical societ y.

Cobblestones are made from highl y durable stones, usuall y granite or basalt. The y
were usuall y dug from nearby areas and then cobbled, or roughl y shap ed into the size
needed. The cobblestones were then set in sand or mortar. Sand allows the road to
gentl y give to traffic, preventing the cracking associated with pavement or asphalt.
Streets paved with cobblestones have proven their durabilit y and longevi t y by showing
up through worn out sections of pa ved roads throughout the world.

The term cobble is a geological term used to describe a stone of a particular size,
which is approximatel y two and a half to ten inches (.64 to 256 millimeters). Colors
range from grey to black to purple, depending on the origin of the stone. Patterns in

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cobblestone streets depend on the creativit y of the workers who designed the streets
and installed the cobblestones.

Towards the end of the 19th century, cobblestones lost their popularit y to newer
techniques in street paving. The smooth surfaces of asphalt and concrete quickl y
became preferred, as they were easier and cheaper to install. Some people estimate
that a cobblestone road costs four times as much to replace as an aspha lt one. Many
people don’t like the bumpiness of a cobblestone road and complain about biking or
pushing a stroller on a cobblestone sidewalk.

Although naysayers abound, there are many who believe that the qualit y and aesthetics
of a cobblestone road far su rpass blacktop. Many European cities, towns and villages
never quite got on board with the asphalt revolution, and to this day maintain beautiful
and unique cobblestone streets and sidewalks, much to the delight of tourists and
locals. In fact, a tourist w ould be hard pressed to find a cit y or town in Europe that
doesn’t have surviving cobblestone roads or sidewalks. [1]

Walking on cobblestone is the fastest way of traveling on foot (up to 17.3Km/h on a

flat tile). Cobblestone can onl y be removed or terra formed by a player with 20 Body
Strength and 10 Digging. If aesthetics and durabilit y weren’t enough, there has been a
recent study supporting cobblestone streets for another reason. The study found that
walking on cobblestone -simulated mats improved partici pants’ physical performances
and balance due to the uneven surface. This led to an improvement in blood pressure,
as well as other health benefits. Cobblestone is easier to create than stone slabs, which
has an identical travel speed. For these reasons, co bblestone is widel y used when
making permanent roads, paths, or court yards. [2]

Today in Ethiopia and most 3 r d world country cobblestone is the most preferable
construction material for road construction, and house building. But the cob ble
manufacturing method in general is traditional way, using the hand hammer and
cutting tool peoples shape and cut the coble stone. This way of coble stone
manufacturing system causes.

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 Increasing wastage of raw material/stone .
 Less production qualit y
 Less esthetics value
 The block efficiency varies due to the cutting method and cutting
 Occupational accidents may occur.
 Improper utilization of human labor/human recourse wastage.
 low production rate and time wastage.

1.3-O B J E C T I V E
The objective is to understand the strength of stone, under the action of manufacturing
cobblestone and apply this characteristic in cobblestone cutting and shaping machine

1.3.1 General objective

 To design cobble stone cutting and shaping machine which increase the
production rate as compared to traditional method by replacing the labor force
by means of motor power and develop protot ype to demonstrate the working
principle of the cobblestone cutting machine.

1.3.2 Specific objective

 Determining and measuring t he propert y of stone which used to cobblestone

 Design and manufacturing of stone cutting and shaping blade

 Determining of the DOF and number of motors required to be used

 Design and adaptation of a stone cutting machine using local material

1.4- S C O PE O F T HE P R OJ E C T
The goal of this project is to help small and medium enterprise in the manufacturing
and distributing way, in addition to the road and transportation agency to increase the
qualit y and life time of cobblestone road by keeping standards. But the re is limitation

On this project, some of them are: -

 Even if it is a technological invention, it will increase the number of

 Due to using electrical system it is applicable on limited area

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Slab/strip production from blocks in natural stone processing plants is mostl y carried
out by using circular saw blade cutting machines. An efficient sawing operation can
onl y be maintained by selecting proper cutting parameters. Experimental studies and
numerical modeling methods are significant in terms of identifying the effective forces
occurring during natural stone cutting with circular saw blades. In this study,
experimental investigation was performed on real marble, known as Afyon White
Marble, using a fully automatic circular saw blade stone cutting machine. Then,
numerical modeling of circular sawing was performed with commerciall y available
software called PFC3D. A discrete -element mo del of the sawing process was
developed, and various numerical models were performed for different peripheral
speeds and advance rates in compliance with the actual cutting operation being carried
out in the laboratory. Finall y, data obtained from the expe rimental studies were
compared with the modeling data. A comparison indicates that the reactional cutting
forces obtained by means of the numerical modeling are in good agreement with the
results of the laboratory measurements. Consequentl y, the cutting op eration can be
determined quickl y and economicall y. A literature review showed that, through this
study, numerical modeling of the circular saw blade stone cutting process was
successfull y performed for the first time. It was envisaged that this would dyna micall y
help in the examination of distinct factors in the area of natural stone processing by
numerical modeling and in the illustration of the sawing mechanism [3]
An armed-chained cutting machine is used to obtain blocks with a smooth geometrical
structure in marble and travertine quarries. The machine is composed of three main
parts: arm group, car group, and rail group . The part which wears most and encounters
most problems during operation is the arm group. Therefore, important engineering
calculations are made to extend the operational life of arm parts. After arm group
parts are assembled, the car group is assembled. All parts are assembled in the
appropriate sequence and in situ checks are made. In the last phase of production, the
rail group is assembled. Armed -chain cutting machine are manufactured to varing
specifications, and are individuall y designed to meet the opretional requirements of
specific rock t ypes or quarry locations. On ce assembled, they are subjected to post -
production efficiency tests. After establishing that all parts meet the required
efficiencycriteria, the machine is permitted to be used in the natural stone quarries.[4]

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Surveying different literature (journal and book) about the cobblestone cutting
machine design consideration
Study the propert y of stone that used for cobble in Ethiopia
Surveying information about the current situation on the coverage cobblestone
road in our country Ethiopia and forecast for the future
Data collection on the current cobblestone manufacturing method
Data collection method
1- Interview for Debre Marko’s road construction agency
2- Questioners (customer, stone supplier and current cobble manufacturing
sectors )
3- By using internet and others secondary data collection methods
Detail design of our cobblestone cutting and shaping machine
This detail design also include the following main category
1- Geometric anal ysis /with free hand sketching its 2D drawing of our machine
2- Motor selection and determine the blade path
3- Determining for power transmit ion mechanism
4- Material selection for each component based on the geometric anal ysis and
the propert y of th e stone
5- Stress anal ysis that are occurred on each components
- Shearing and crushing stress on the table
- Tensile and bending stress on the shaft
- Crushing stress on the blade
6- Part drawing for each component
7- Manufacturing method and lubrication system
8- Cost anal ysis
9- Method of Assembl y and assemble drawing
Material and software to be used for our work
1- A-4 paper, pencils and pens
2- AutoCAD software
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3- Catia
4- Microsoft word and Excel
5- Metal, wood and plastic material

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The design and manufacturing of this these projects will be accomplished on the
schedule which is placed on the gaunt chart and the fabrication of these design
will be accomplished using the d ebremarkos universit y workshop and materials
supported from this universit y. The number of machine will be manufactured for
the proto t yping is 1(one).this machine will be manufactured by considering the
design issues the t ype of load and stress caused by the load, the motion of the
parts or kinematics of the machine selected for the accomplishment of the
purpose, from the appropriate material selected within its form and size the
components anal yzed during the design and convenient economical features
estimated. Finall y the machine will be tested by one of the small scale cobble
stone manufacturing agency. And by Informing for manufacturing company to
manufacture with a given specification and contribute to the real world
application. After the manufacturi ng of this machine we expected that it will
totall y replace the traditional way of cobble manufacturing way and created a
better cobble manufacturing system .

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The benefit of this cobblestone cutting and shaping machines are mainl y in the
manufacturing and transportation sector

 For manufacturing sector

It helps to create a new entrepreneur on the manufacturing company

It add some value in the manufacturing of products with a domestic material and labor

It increase the profitabilit y of the manufacturing company

 For the road construction sector

This machine decrease the extravagance on the maintenance of cobblestone road

It help to minimized the ideal time and money in the construction area by producing
enough amount of cobbles needed for a specific time

It also helps to use the resource wisel y and minimized the risk that occurs in
traditional cobblestone manufacturing mechan isms

1- Manufacturing industry
2- Small enterprises
3- Road construction
4- Labor
5- Government
6- Our group member

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The project begins with meeting the supervisor every week to define or discuss about
the project. Then, do literatures review via internet, books, supervisor, and other
relevant academic material that related to the title. The literature review is carried out
through the project to keep up with the new knowledge about the current motorized
cutter in the market.
At the same week schedule management is done using Microsoft Office. This takes a
week to accomplish. Gantt chart is shown in figure 1.1.Then, start with the sketching
idea after that choose the best idea to finalize it.
The speech for the presentation of the proposal to the department assembl y is prepared
and after it has get the acceptance of the project it will g oes through the flow of
schedule. The next task is preparation of progress p resentation and report writing;
both of these tasks will take two weeks to be done. Before the midterm presentation
and submit the report, Using the finalized drawing and sketching as references for the
measurement and the materials needed. The fabrication proces s is schedule to takes on
may and take about four weeks that include integrate the system, spraying and
Next task is the final report writing and final presentation preparation. This take about
two weeks to accomplis hed. The report is guided by DMU Thesis writing guided and
also the guidance from our supervisor. All the task is schedule to take about nine
weeks overall.

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April May June
ACTIVITIES week Week Wee
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1
Meet the supervisor Planning
Define the product
literature review and Planning
gathering data
Cost estimating and Planning
sketching idea
Material Planning
analysis Actual
Progress report and Planning
midterm presentation
Stress anal ysis
Part and assembl y Planning
Fabricating the Planning
protot ype
Documentation and Planning
Final presentation

Table 1.1report outline gaunt chart .

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Material Quantity Dimension price

Cobblestone 2 Ф400mm $50/piece
cutting diamond
Motor/ 7.5kw 2 $30/piece
Sheet metal 2m,1m,3mm $5
Bolt and nut 16 of each $16
Shaft 2 Based on motor $10/piece
Bearing 6 $10/piece
Gantry frame 4 1.5m*10mm*4mm $30
caster 8 $31.5
Hoist beam 1 2m length $10
Upright frame 1 6m rectangular $20-25
hollow solid
Total material $357.5

table 1.2 estimated cost of material

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[1] [,Whatare Cobblestones? (With

[2] [wurmpedia]

[3] [ by using experimental studies and numerical modelling, journal of mechanical

engineering, 1989 -1996] .

[4] [The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy]

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Submitted by 1,Kassa Befikadu ____________

2,Yimer Seid ____________

3,Yoftahe Tewodros ____________ ______

signature date

Approved by

1,____________ __________ ______

Department assembl y signature date

2, ____________ __________ ______

School association signature date

3,____________ __________ _______

RTI director signature date

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