Gamma World GM Screen
Gamma World GM Screen
Gamma World GM Screen
A GAMMA WORLD™ Mini-Module This GAMMA WORLD mini-module is suitable for beginning
and intermediate characters. The Albuquerque Starport has
been designed to provide characters with a short exploratory
By Paul Reiche III adventure, and a permanent base of operations for later adven-
tures. This mini-module is suitable for three to eight charac-
ters, with six being best. If more or fewer characters will be
On a crisp, clear New Mexico morning in the spring of the year playing, the GM will have to alter the encounters to suit the
2261, the great city of Albuquerque died. The sequence of strength of the party.
events which caused the death of five million people began
with the malfunction and failure of a reaction control force- Although the adventure is set in New Mexico, GMs may
field in the world's largest megafission reactor. A chain of change the location to fit their own campaigns.
coincidental failures, which according to all probabilities nev-
er should have happened, did. One by one the safety system's HOW TO USE THIS MODULE: It is very important that the GM
back-up failsafe devices were engaged, and one by one they be familiar with all the information presented in this module
fused, short-circuited, and failed. In one searing moment the before attempting to run it for players. A thorough knowledge
homes, businesses, theaters, parks, and inhabitants of Albu- of the GAMMA WORLD rules is required also. Careful prepara-
querque, New Mexico, vanished in a wave of blinding light and tion will add much to the enjoyment of both the players and the
furious energy. All that remained was a seething pit of flaming, GM.
molten earth 25 kilometers across.
BACKGROUND: This adventure begins in the burning sands
Many miles away at the city's small starport, a few lucky travel- of New Mexico nearly 500 years in our future. The characters
ers saw the thermal flash and watched as the city rose into a are searching the lands northeast of their home, Tempesa, for
boiling cloud of glowing radioactive dust. When Albuquerque's the fabled land of Aksarben. They are tired, hungry, and very
powerful broadcast power stations disintegrated, the starport thirsty. Worse yet, the sun will set shortly, bringing out the
was plunged into darkness. The few remaining broadcast po- desert's many hungry, nocturnal predators on their nightly
wered cars, bereft of energy, ground to a halt. Swiftly the hunt. Suddenly, one of the characters notices glints of light
back-up power plant was engaged but, to the survivors' horror, —the setting sun reflecting from something in the distance. Ea-
the starport's ultra-radar revealed that the radioactive cloud ger to find shelter, food and drink, the characters make their
was moving quickly toward them. With desperate speed they way toward the source of the reflections. After traveling a few
evacuated the starport and shut down the emergency power kilometers, the party crests a tall dune and stands facing a
plant, leaving the station's robots and other devices in power- strange tower protruding nearly 30 meters out of the sand. It
less immobility. Days later, survivors returned to the starport obviously is metallic and is covered with clusters of unknown
for the stores of preserved food and water left there during devices. Its shining surface is totally seamless, except for a
their panicked evacuation. They found that the radioactivity wide band of dark, smoke-colored glass or plastic near the top.
remaining in the area was too great, and the starport was On the far side of the tower is what looks like a way in — a
abandoned permanently. Eventually Albuquerque was rebuilt jagged two-meter wide hole in the glassy material. The side of
dozens of miles away from its old, poisoned location, but as the the tower looks easy to climb, and with night closing in offers
decades passed people forgot about the abandoned starport. much-needed shelter. The adventure begins here, with the
Now, more than 200 years later, the radioactivity is gone and party scaling the side of the tower toward the dark opening.
only a barren desert remains. The ever-shifting sands cover
the starport in a thick shroud many meters deep. Only the top POWER AND LIGHT WITHIN THE STARPORT: Although
of the starport's tall radar tower remains above the surface of there is no power in the starport when the characters first enter
the burning desert in the year 2471. it, the descriptions of most of the encounter areas are given
with the assumption that the power plant (see 11) has been characters may eat here as often as they wish, but each meal
activated. As a result, the GM will have to describe each area as will cost 5-10 domars per person. The restaurant's cash regis-
it would look without power until the characters turn on the ter (located within the maitre d's chest) currently contains 237
power plant. For example, before the power plant is activated, domars. If the characters will not pay for their meals, or other-
the restaurant (2A) is filled with immobile robot waiters, frozen wise cause trouble (including robbing the register), the maitre
at some stage of their normal motions. All viewing screens in d' will summon the security robot from 16.
the starport remain dark until the power comes on.
2B. THE KITCHEN. This room is filled with all manner of
The starport's main lights will not come on until the power cooking apparatus, including a quark-powered cooker, a sele-
plant is activated, but characters will be able to see fairly well in nium stove, and a maxi-boron boiler. Large quantities of
the dark due to illumination from the many everglow lightstrips canned and freeze-dried foods are stored in a small adjoining
located throughout the starport. room. The restaurant's two cooks (also general robotoids) will
not bother anyone in the kitchen unless they are prevented
from performing their duties.
When the power plant is activated, all equipment in the room 3. BAGGAGE CLAIM AREA. This large room was used as a
will light up and begin to function. If the characters try to combination waiting room and baggage claim area. Aside
operate the various devices, they will discover that all the from the many chairs and benches, the only other structures in
display screens show the same message regardless of what the chamber are six half-meter high circular platforms. These
they do. The message reads "NO TARGETS IN RANGE... NO disks were used as receivers for the starport's mass transmit-
TARGETS IN RANGE... NO TARGETS IN RANGE." ters. The luggage and other inanimate objects in each shuttle's
hold were transmitted here. The disks will not function even if
2. MAIN CONCOURSE. This huge chamber is the central the power is on. On the westernmost platform are 10 suitcases.
building for the starport. The concourse's walls and high All are locked, but characters will have little trouble breaking
domed ceiling are decorated with colorful Amerindian mosa- them open. Eight of the suitcases are filled with such use less
ics and painted designs. Located evenly around the outside things as ancient ragged clothing and toiletries. In one suit-
wall of the concourse are large windows, but beyond them is case, underneath the deteriorating rags, is an energy cloak
nothing but packed sand. To the east and west of the central modified to operate on hydrogen energy cells with 10 hours of
group of rooms are two wide passages leading to the east and use remaining. Nothing of value has survived in the last suit-
west terminals. To the south are escalators leading down to the case, but if it is forced open it will release a 3-meter-diameter
baggage claim area. In the center is a circular area divided into cloud of Nervium-12 anti-theft gas. Anyone within the cloud
many rooms. Each of these rooms is detailed below. will be stunned for 20 minutes minus their constitution score.
6. JANITOR'S ROOM. The door to this room is locked, but the 10. MANAGEMENT OFFICES. This room was used by the
lock is weak and will snap if given a hard shove. The room is starport's management staff. The room contains four desks,
filled with all kinds of cleaning devices and fluids (none are eight chairs, several filing cabinets, three neurotypers, and a
poisonous). In a corner of the room is a sani-rob(HD:3; hp: 15; computer access console connected to the starport's brain
AC: 4; MV: 8; AT: none). This robot has a humanoid appear- room. All of the paper material in the desks has long since
ance from the waist up, but its lower body is a box-like hover- disintegrated, but the mechanical equipment is in perfect con-
ing machine. When the power plant is activated, the sani-rob dition. Attempts to use the computer console will get little
will repair the broken window at 9 and clean up the sand which result since the brain's memory has been removed (see 17).
has spilled into the room. The robot is preprogramed to do its The adjoining back room is empty.
job, and will not obey verbal commands.
11. THE POWER PLANT. This chamber contains the starport's
7. THE FLINGING FERN. This chamber is the same as 5, broadcast power receiving station and the emergency fission
except that in the room is a mutated houseplant (HD: 20; hp: micropile power plant. The emergency power plant is in per-
70; AC: 6; MV: 6; AT: eight vines can constrict opponents for fect condition. The small (one meter square) micropile is fea-
3d6 points of damage each up to nine meters away; MU: explo- tureless except for a single large red button. If the button is
sive seeds, squeeze vines, mobility, and size increase). Origi- pressed, the micropile will surge to life, supplying power to the
nally this creature was a small potted houseplant which was entire starport. Lights will come on, the escalators will begin to
left here by a frightened tourist during the evacuation of the move, all of the robotic units will energize, and soothing music
starport. When the cloud of radioactive dust swept over the will begin to filter out of hidden speakers. The miniature reac-
area, it caused the plant to mutate. Over the years the plant has tor will operate the starport for two years. The most important
kept the starport pest-free by devouring all intruders. When device activated when the power plant is turned on is the
characters open the door to this room they will be attacked powerful automatic forcebeam projector located on the top of
immediately by the monster's eight constricting vines. Each the ultra-radar tower. Immediately the device will begin clear-
limb will take 10 points of damage before being severed. When ing sand away from the starport and shuttlecraft. Light will
four or more vines have been severed, the mutant plant will pour into the main concourse and terminals, and the six cor-
start flinging explosive seed pods at the party. Each pod may roded shuttlecraft will become visible several hundred meters
be thrown up to 20 meters, exploding on contact for 5d6 points to the north.
of damage in a two-meter radius. The plant has only 10 pods.
If the micropile is damaged in any way, there is a 75% chance
8. PAGING/LOST AND FOUND. This room was used for star- that the device's delicate internal mechanisms will be ruined
port paging, information, and lost and found. The room is forever. The remainder of the time the micropile will melt down
divided in half by a clear plastic wall. The near side of the room into a white-hot puddle of slag and radiate intensity 12 radia-
is filled with the remnants of what were once chairs, tables, and tion in a 20-meter radius. Under no circumstances can the
couches. Through a door in the plastic wall are two desks, a power plant be used to recharge any device.
control console for intercom paging, and several shelves. The
desks are filled with scraps of ancient paper, pencils, and other 12. WEST TERMINAL. This chamber looks exactly like the
East Terminal, but the west wall is intact. There are two sets of THE SHUTTLE
double doors in the west wall that open to the outside of the
starport, but until the power plant is activated they are blocked Note: As with the previous descriptions, the following sections
by a wall of sand. Three long corridors lead out of the terminal. assume that the starport's power plant has been activated. If it
They are labeled "TO SHUTTLE ONE," "TO SHUTTLE TWO" has not, the shuttle will still be deep in sand, as well as dark and
and "TO SHUTTLE THREE." All of the corridors have col- powerless.
lapsed a few meters from their entrances. If the characters
move down corridor three, they will be attacked by two mutant
The length of the corridor between the east terminal and the
scorpions (HD: 15; hp: 48, 43; AC: 2; MC: 24; AT: two pincers
shuttle is 100 meters. Through windows in the side of the
for 2d6 each plus one sting for 1d6 plus intensity 14 poison;
tunnel the characters can see they are approaching a strange
MU: size increase and increased speed).
spaceship. The outside of the ship is badly corroded, but it
appears more or less intact. In the distance the characters can
13. SECURITY. The walls and ceiling of this room are covered see five other shuttle craft in far worse condition. The corridor
with video screens, each displaying a different section of the ends at an open hatchway leading onto DECK 1.
starport. In the center of the room is a security robot (HD: 12;
hp: 72; AC: 2; MV: 120; AT: two paralysis rods, one slug thrower DECK 1. This brightly lit chamber is empty except for a ring of
with 10 clips of large caliber ammunition, 10 sleep grenades thickly padded chairs (acceleration couches) and a hollow
(treat as intensity 15 poison), and 10 tear gas grenades). The plastic jump shaft running from the middle of the floor to the
robot is in the "off" mode, but will be re-energized if its services ceiling. In front of each acceleration couch is a small porthole.
are needed anywhere in the starport (provided the power is The jump shaft is a null-grav tube made to allow passengers to
on). If characters openly carry any kind of weapon, the robot move with ease between the shuttle's decks. The padded walls
will attempt to disarm them, stunning or slaying anyone who are studded with soft handles so passengers may pull them-
tries to interfere. If characters try to remove the robot's weap- selves along.
onry after they have defeated it, they have a 40% chance of
success per weapon.
DECK 2. This round chamber is the same as DECK 1, except
the jump shaft does not continue down. There is instead a
14. STORAGE ROOM. This room is filled floor to ceiling with locked door opening onto a set of stairs leading down to the
boxes and cartons of office supplies, standard tools, emergen- cargo hold. The door will take 20 points of damage before
cy food rations (enough to feed 100 people for a month), and breaking open.
the starport's emergency water supply, a full 20,000 gallon
THE CARGO HOLD. This large room is filled with ruined
boxes, crates, and other containers. Many of the objects look
15. BRAIN ROOM. This room is the nerve center for all of the
slightly burned. Hiding among the containers are 20 mutant
starport's electronic and robotic mechanisms. The outer door
rats (HD: 1; hp: 4; AC: 7; MV: 6; AT: bite for 1 point of damage;
is locked and will take 30 points of damage before breaking in.
MU: light wave manipulation and electric generation). These
The walls are covered with control panels, switches, knobs,
creatures have remained in this cargo hold for centuries, sur-
and buttons. From here the lights, power, and robots of each
viving on the contents of the containers. They will attack the
area of the starport can be controlled. The main computer also
characters as soon as the party reaches the hold floor. They
is located here, but its memory tapes have been removed. Any
are cowardly creatures, however, and if more than half their
character with computer skills (and replacement tapes) will be
number are slain, they will use light wave manipulation to
able to reprogram this central brain to run all of the robots and
become invisible and flee. About three-fourths of the contain-
other mechanisms however desired.
ers are completely empty. The rest are filled with useless bits of
what once was clothing, building materials, electronic devices,
and food concentrate. The GM may list the contents of several
boxes, cartons and containers which hold valuable, intriguing
or dangerous objects.
Command Module
Cocktail Lounge
Deck One
Deck Two
Cargo Hold
1 square = 1 meter
1 square = 6 meters