Misty Mountain Hoop
Misty Mountain Hoop
Misty Mountain Hoop
by Mike Selinker
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This is a standard RPGA Network tournament. A heroic documentaries and hope for a better tomorrow.
four-hour time block has been set aside for this event. Like I said, bo-ring.
Begin by passing out the player characters; pass them out
based on class only, not revealing gender or race. Instruct But you don’t plan to be bored long, because ahead
the players to leave the character sheets face down until lies Big Rainy, the colossal mountain that still
you have read the introduction. Then, tell them to study smolders from its reign of destruction generations
their character sheets, select spells, and notify you when ago. Maybe it’ll erupt while you’re there, maybe not.
they are ready to begin the adventure. That’s what adventure’s all about.
It is a good idea to ask each player to put a name tag You’ve passed the way station of Elbow and have
in front of him or her. The tag should have the player's just forded through the thoroughly pillaged ghost
name at the bottom, and the character's name, race, and town of Ash. Ahead you see the base of the glacier on
gender at the top. This makes it easier for the players to the south side of the mountain, where you’ve been
keep track of who is playing which character. told to scout for signs of civilization. As far as you
The actual playing time will be about three hours. know, no one has tried to survive the glacier before.
Make sure you use the last 20 to 30 minutes of the event Even though the summer winds blow across the land,
time block to have the players capsulize their characters you have secured winter clothes and provisions to
for each other and vote. The standard RPGA Network brave the glacier. Hey, you may be thrill-seekers, but
voting procedures will be used. Make sure you have you don’t intend to be cold thrill-seekers.
finished voting before you collect the players' voting Anyhow, you hope to find a settlement or a ranger
sheets. This way you will not be influenced by their votes station or maybe even an evil faction of anti-mutant
and comments. supremacists. Anything to get out of Mineral for a
The players are free to use the game rules to learn while.
about equipment and weapons their characters are
A note about the text: Some of the text in this Gamemaster’s Information
scenario is written so that you may present it as written to
the players, while other text is for your eyes only. Text The young heroes walk toward the mountain. If they
for the players will be in bold italics. It is strongly want more ordinary equipment, give it to them within
reason (snowshoes yes, laser rifle no).
recommended that you paraphrase the player text, instead
The heroes each have red Gore-Tex snow parkas
of reading it aloud, as some of the text is general and
with letters on the back. A successful Knowledge—
must be adapted to the specific situation or to actions of ancient language skill check reveals the letters as
the player characters. “REI.” An Amazing success indicates that “REI” means
“king” in a forgotten language (Portuguese), suggesting
This ALTERNITY® adventure takes place in the post- the heroes are kings. Regardless, the parkas give a –2
apocalyptic GAMMA WORLD Campaign Setting. It step bonus to Stamina skill checks involving cold.
requires a copy of GAMMA WORLD to play. Encounters 1, 2, and 3 occur as the heroes
The adventure is set near Mount Rainier, the major approach the frozen town of Longmire. Each encounter
volcanic mountain near Seattle. The mountain is occurs when the heroes reach any point in the
reputed to have erupted during the Cataclysm, and still appropriately numbered arc. Encounter 4 is the frozen
rumbles from time to time. town of Longmire, and encounter 5 is a jumping-off
point for future adventures.
Players’ Introduction Nothing happens till the heroes reach the base of
the glacier. The glacier is a flat sheet of ice that reflects
Gamma Terra! the sun with a painful glare. The heroes face a danger of
You feel your heart pound as you steel yourself snowblindness, though this may not be apparent till
for adventure among the radiation-soaked landscape. later. Every three hours on the glacier, anyone without
Mutants and androids and giant hairy creatures— sunglasses or other eye protection (or anyone with
heck, that’s you guys. And you’re flat-out normal Photosensitivity) makes an Awareness—perception
compared to what’s out there. skill check. Failure means the hero gets a cumulative
+1 penalty to all skill checks affected by vision (up to
For your first mission since being told you were +3). This penalty does not go away till the hero takes an
adventurers, you’ve set out from Mineral, the free town hour to rest or leaves the glacier.
at the base of the Rainy Mountains. Mineral’s just what In addition, every three hours on the glacier, the
it sounds like: rough, hard, and downright boring. Folks heroes should each make a Stamina—endurance skill
there do little but watch blurry videotapes of Ancient check (or, if the player desires, a Survival—arctic skill
check) modified by the parka bonuses. Failure means
Athletics [2]—jump [18]; Unarmed Attack [2]—brawl [4];
Acrobatics [17]—dodge [18], fall [18]; Stealth [17]—hide
[18], sneak [18]; Movement [6]—race [18]; Awareness*
[8]—intuition [10]*, perception [10]*.
* –2 step bonus due to mutations
Hunting knife 12/6/3 d4+1w/d4+2w/d4+3 LI/O
Assault rifle 13/6/3 d4+2w/d6+3w/d4+1m HI/O
Gas grenade 12/6/3 CON feat check for +3/+2/+1/+0 step penalty on all actions
Catcher’s vest and helmets: d6 (LI), d6–4 (HI), d6–4 (En)
+1 resistance modifier vs. ranged and mental attacks
Armor Operations [10]—combat [11]; Athletics [10]—jump [14], throw [12]; Melee Weapons [10]—blade [12];
Unarmed Attack [10]—brawl [11]; Ranged Weapons [11]—rifle [13]; Knowledge [9]; Tactics [9]—infantry [10];
Awareness [11]—perception [12]; Interaction [9]—intimidate [10], Resolve [11]—mental resolve [12], physical
resolve [12].
Catcher’s vest, catcher’s face mask, football helmet, assault rifle, three clips of 50 shots each, bandolier of eight tear
gas grenades, hunting knife.
Unarmed 14/7/3 d4+2s/d4+3s/d4+4s LI/O
Parking meter 14/7/3*d4+3s/d4+3w/d4+1m LI/O
Crossbow 12/6/3 d4+2w/d6+4w/d4+1m
* –1 step bonus (Combat Spec bonus to all melee weapon attacks)
Winter parka: d6–3 (LI)/d4–2 (HI)/d4–2 (En)
+2 resistance modifier vs. melee attacks
+1 resistance modifier vs. ranged attacks
–2 step bonus to resist radiation and immune to mutation
Athletics [13]—jump [14]; Melee Weapons [13]*—bludgeon [14]*; Unarmed Attack [13]—brawl [14]; Acrobatics
[11]—daredevil [12]; Ranged Weapons [11]—crossbow [12]; Stamina [13]; Knowledge [7]; Animal Handling [8];
Awareness [8]; Interaction [8].
Red winter parka with large white letters, jeans, muscle shirt, heavy boots, parking meter, crossbow, 20 arrows in
shoulder case, sportsac with beef jerky and water bottle, comb, bullhorn.
Description: age 22, 1.9 meters tall, 85 kg, muscular frame, dark brown hair, brown eyes
Motivation: Fun First Moral Attitude: Honorable Traits: Energetic, Humorous
Biography: You’re a pure strain human, one of the few unmutated by the radiation of Gamma Terra. You live in the
town of Mineral near Big Rainy Mountain with your younger brother Bo. You and Bo are impetuous and fun-loving,
but Bo can get himself into trouble without thinking. You always look to your Uncle Jesse, a mutated raccoon, for
advice and leadership. You would stop at nothing to protect your teenage cousin Daisy, a lizard woman. Your best
friend is a mechanic named Cooter, who is at least part machine himself. Not long ago, you and Bo followed the
haunting sound of a banjo in the woods near Mineral, and brought back to town a shy but wise sasquatch who calls
himself the Balladeer. You six have formed a new adventuring party to explore the mountain, and you can’t wait to
get out there in the wide, wild world.
Acid Touch (one round/day CON feat check for extra unarmed damage**)
Chameleon Flesh (roll ≤CON to give a +1 to +4 step penalty to see Bo while he’s stationary)
Environmental Adaptation: Cold (reduce penalties due to cold conditions by 2 steps)
Increased Speed (roll ≤CON to double Move for 5 rounds, costing 1 point of Fatigue)
Unarmed 8/4/2 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s** LI/O
** one round/day add acid: d4s/d4w/d4+2w/d6+2w (En/O), Critical Failure does d4w to Bo
Crossbow 16/8/4 d4+2w/d6+4w/d4+1m LI/O
Winter parka: d6–3 (LI)/d4–2 (HI)/d4–2 (En)
+3 resistance modifier vs. ranged attacks (* includes bonus for being a Free Agent)
Athletics [7]; Unarmed Attack [7]—brawl [8]; Ranged Weapons [14]—crossbow [16]; Stealth [14]—
hide [15], sneak [15]; Knowledge [8]; Stamina [13]; Survival [13]; Awareness [8]; Interaction [11].
Red winter parka with large white letters, jeans, T-shirt, heavy boots, crossbow, 20 arrows in shoulder case, sportsac
with turkey jerky and water bottle, comb, squeeze tube of mousse.
Description: age 19, 2.1 meters tall, 95 kg, slender, blond hair, blue eyes
Motivation: Fun First Moral Attitude: Honorable Traits: Rash, Trusting
Biography: You’re a mutant, one of many humans altered by Gamma Terra’s environment. You and your older
brother, Luke, live in a town called Mineral near Big Rainy Mountain. You like to have a good time with Luke,
though he is always there to rein you in if you make an all-too-frequent rash decision. Luke and your Uncle Jesse, a
mutated raccoon, provide you with direction to do good deeds. Your teenage cousin Daisy is a lizard woman, and
seems to attract the wrong kind of attention at times. Your buddy Cooter fixes items of the Ancients, and might even
be one himself. You and Luke recently found a mysterious sasquatch playing a banjo in the forest, and brought him
back to Mineral. Calling himself the Balladeer, he often sings your praises. The six of you now plan to head toward
the mountain, and you can’t wait to see what awaits you out there.
Empathic Scan (roll ≤INT to read emotions of opponent and –1 step bonus to encounter skills)
Photokinesis (roll ≤WIL to make an object glow in a 5-meter radius for 5 rounds)
Telekinetic Hand (roll ≤WIL to manipulate small objects at a distance)
Unarmed 5/2/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O (+1 step penalty to attack)
Slingshot 16/8/4 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O (can also fire cocktail)
Molotov cocktail 8/4/2 d4+1s/d4+2w/d4+4w En/O (half to those within 5m)
Winter parka: d6–3 (LI)/d4–2 (HI)/d4–2 (En)
–1 resistance modifier vs. melee attacks
+3 resistance modifier vs. ranged attacks and encounter skills
Athletics [5]—throw [8]; Ranged Weapons [13]—slingshot [14]; Stealth [15]—hide [16], shadow [16], sneak
[16]; Stamina [8]; Demolitions [13]—scratch-built [14]; Knowledge [13]—ancient language [14], ancient lore
[14], deduce [14], first aid [14], moonshining [14]; Law [13]—local justice: Mineral [14], moral code [14];
Awareness [9]—intuition [10], perception [10]; Deception [9]—bluff [10]; Interaction [10]; Leadership [9].
Red winter parka with large white letters, overalls, flannel shirt, heavy boots, slingshot, 20 metal bullets in pouch,
first aid kit, canteen, 6 flasks of moonshine, rags, matchbook, box of toothpicks.
Description: age 41, 1 meter tall, 40 kg, stocky, brown and black striped fur, masked green eyes
Motivation: Yearn to Learn Moral Attitude: Ethical Traits: Leader, Calm
Biography: You’re a dabber, a mutated raccoon-man. You live in a town called Mineral, where you mentor a pair
of brothers named Luke and Bo. Luke, an unmutated human, is more level-headed than the younger Bo, a mutant.
You also supervise their teenage cousin Daisy, a lizard woman, who seems innocent but still manages to get herself
in precarious situations. You have recently found a new friend named the Balladeer, a sasquatch who is as deft with
his banjo as his massive claws. And the boys have taken up with a kind android named Cooter, whose technical
knowledge is impressive. Since the younger folks keep running afoul of the corrupt government here in Mineral,
you’ve organized an expedition to the mountain to keep the lot out of trouble.
Battle Sense (* always gives –1 step bonus to Action Checks)
Contact (roll ≤PER to communicate telepathically with any willing subjects within 10 meters)
Fatigue Generation (roll ≤WIL to cause 1 fatigue to foe and 1 stun to Daisy)
Immunity to Illusions (unaffected by any illusions)
Psychic Perception (automatically detects any use of mental mutations within 100 meters)
Rejuvenation (roll Resolve—physical resolve skill check to gain 2/4/6 “rejuvenation points”; use 2 rejuvenation
points to heal 1 stun, 1 rejuvenation point to heal 1 fatigue)
Unarmed 7/3/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O (+1 step penalty to attack)
Steel bottle 9/4/2 d4+1s/d4w/d4+1w LI/O
Glass bottle 9/4/2 d4s/d4+2w/d4+4w LI/O (breaks on Good/Amazing)
Winter parka: d6–3 (LI)/d4–2 (HI)/d4–2 (En)
+3 resistance modifier vs. mental attacks
Melee Weapons [7]—bludgeon [9]; Stamina [9]; Knowledge [7]; Awareness [15]—intuition [16], perception [16];
Resolve [15]—mental resolve [16], physical resolve [16]; Culture [15] —diplomacy [16], first contact [16];
Interaction [15]—bargain [16], charm [16], seduce [16].
Red winter parka with large white letters, tank top tied at chest, hot pants, leg warmers, heavy boots, steel
bottle containing water, 4 empty glass bottles, belt pouch containing hushpuppies.
Description: age 17, 1.7 meters tall, 70 kg, slender and shapely, green reptilian skin, green eyes
Attributes: Helping Others Moral Attitude: Virtuous Traits: Frivolous, Kind
Biography: You’re a sleeth, a mutated lizard person. You live with your wise uncle Jesse, a raccoon man, in the
town of Mineral. There, some local corrupt government officials have taken a shine to you—not a pretty thought.
You just know you didn’t do anything to encourage them. Thankfully, you’re backed up by your cousins Luke, a
pure strain human, and Bo, a mutated human. Your cousins introduced you to a polite android named Cooter, and a
friendly sasquatch who calls himself the Balladeer. Because of your run-ins with the government here in Mineral,
Uncle Jesse has planned a trip to the mountains till things cool down. Sounds like fun!
Unarmed 11/7/3 d4w/d4+1w/d4m LI/O (+1 step penalty to attack)
Wrench 12/6/3 d4+2s/d4+1w/d4+2w LI/O
Musket 14/7/3 d6+1w/d6+3s/d4+1m HI/O (+2 step penalty to attack)
Winter parka: d6–3 (LI)/d4–2 (HI)/d4–2 (En)
+1 resistance modifier vs. melee attacks
+2 resistance modifier vs. ranged attacks and encounter skills
Immune to mutation
Melee Weapons [11]—bludgeon [12]; Manipulation [13]—lockpick [14]; Ranged Weapons [13]—musket [14];
Vehicle Operations [13]—land vehicle [14]; Stamina [10]; Demolitions [13]—disarm [14}, set explosives [14];
Knowledge [13]—ancient language [14], deduce [14]*, first aid [14]; Physical Science [13]—chemistry [14];
Technical Science [13]—artifact knowledge [14], juryrig [14], invention [14], repair [14]; Awareness [11].
* –1 step bonus to analyze artifacts (Android bonus)
Nanocomputer implant, cyberoptic eye (50x magnification) with holorecorder, red winter parka with large white
letters, musket, 20 musket balls and powder in pouch, backpack, turkey jerky and water bottle, chewing tobacco,
toolkit, heavy-duty metal wrench, box of matches, first aid kit, firecrackers (noise and flash, no damage except d4–
2w to holder), 10 meters of rope, dog whistle, joy buzzer, flashlight, road flare, handheld videogame, holorecorder
playback device.
Description: age 26, 1.6 meters tall, 80 kg, stocky, brown-grey hair, squinty brown eyes
Attributes: Helping Others Moral Attitude: Worldly Traits: Helpful, Humble
Biography: You’re an android who lives in a town called Mineral. You like it here, because the locals bring you all
sorts of strange devices with which you can tinker. This put you in contact with a wise old dabber named Uncle
Jesse, who raised three very different children: Daisy, an attractive lizard woman; her cousin Luke, a well-adjusted
normal human; and Luke’s brother Bo, an impetuous but guileless mutated human. You can be all fun and games
with the boys, though you’re always polite to Daisy. Through them, you’ve met a friendly sasquatch who calls
himself the Balladeer, and have even fixed his banjo. Uncle Jesse asked you to leave your trinket shop to come to
the Big Rainy Mountains, to give his kids a fighting chance out there in the wilderness.
Improved Natural Attack (claws do damage as under Attacks)
Technophobia (+2 step penalty to skill checks involving use of advanced technology (1900+))
Claws 16/8/4 d4+3w/d4+5w/d4+3m LI/O
Rocks (thrown) 16/8/4 d4+3s/d4+4s/d4+5s LI/O (+1 step penalty to attack)
Winter parka: d6–3 (LI)/d4–2 (HI)/d4–2 (En)
+3 resistance modifier vs. melee attacks
–1 resistance modifier vs. ranged attacks
Athletics [15]—climb [16], jump [16], throw [16]; Unarmed Attack [15]—brawl [16]; Movement [16]—race [17],
swim [17], trailblazing [17]; Stamina [16]—endurance [17]; Survival [16]—survival training: mountains [17];
Awareness [7]—intuition [8], perception [8]; Entertainment [10]—musical instrument: banjos [12], musical
instrument: harmonicas [12], sing [12]; Interaction [10]—charm [12].
Red winter parka with large white letters, 8 rocks in belt pouch, sportsac with vegetables and berries, water bottle,
comb, banjo and strap, crystal pick, harmonica, bandanna.
Description: age 27, 2.2 meters tall, 180 kg, salt-and-pepper fur, callused hands, brown eyes
Attributes: Deeper Meaning Moral Attitude: Honorable Traits: Cheerful, Talkative
Biography: You’re a sasquatch from a forest near a town named Mineral. For years you stayed from urban
dwellers, who knew you by soulful melodies you played on your banjo, but never saw you—some even said you
were a myth. But two young brothers, a human named Luke and a mutant named Bo, found you and convinced you
to try civilization. Oddly, it was delightful, as the locals thrilled to your songs. You have begun to chronicle the
exploits of Bo and Luke, as well as their delightful cousin Daisy, a lizard woman. You have struck a friendship with
their guardian, an older raccoon named Uncle Jesse. You even have learned to trust a likeable piece of technology, a
mechanized tinkerer named Cooter. And now that Jesse has asked you to attend an expedition into the wilds, you
feel certain that even more inspiration will soon grace your songs.
2 2 3 4
17 5 B
18 7
13 11
2 2 10
19 20 9